Seminar Report on Technologies For 1 Credit Seminar

Bhargava Venkatesh 1PI10EE026 November 20, 2013

1 Contents

1 Introduction 3 1.1 The Rise of 3D Printing ...... 4 1.2 General Principles ...... 5 1.2.1 Modeling ...... 5 1.2.2 Printing ...... 6 1.2.3 Finishing ...... 7

2 3D Printing Techniques and Materials 8 2.1 3D Printing Techniques ...... 8 2.2 3D Printing Materials ...... 10

3 The Future of 3D Printing 13 3.1 3Doodler ...... 14 3.2 3D Printed Organs ...... 15 3.3 3D Printed Food ...... 16

2 Chapter 1


The purpose of this document is to provide one with an idea about 3D Print- ing trends and technologies. Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using an additive process, where successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes. 3D printing is also considered distinct from traditional machining techniques, which mostly rely on the removal of material by methods such as cutting or drilling (subtractive processes). 3D printers are used for rapid prototyping which involves sending a Computer Aided Design (CAD) to the printer that is then sliced by a program and printed using a material layer by layer until the full shape is formed.

Rapid prototyping does not reproduce models with the same quality and consistency as conventional prototyping methods. This might not be the case in the future as more and more industries and sectors are adopting this technology and more R& D is being performed on various technologies in 3D printing. Also for industries that are design conscious and have time con- straints 3D printing is a better choice.

3D printing uses additive printing technology to print objects in 3D. The printer prints 3D models by adding materials like metals, plastics or poly- mers layer by layer over each other until the required 3 dimensional shape is formed. The printers can print with a precision of 0.1 mm or more, giving the technology to print precise designs with accuracy.

3D printing has already been adopted by industries like aerospace, health- care, automobile, defense and Hollywood. There is also a growing consumer market for home based 3D printers.

3 Figure 1.1: InMoov, a full-size humanoid robot made from 3D-printed parts, designed and built by Gael Langevin of Factices Ateliers in France

1.1 The Rise of 3D Printing

The concept of 3D printing re- ally began to be taken seriously in the 1980s. The man most of- ten credited with inventing the lan- guage of ’modern’ 3D printer is Charles W. Hull, who used the term stereolithography—defined as a ”system for generating three- dimensional objects by creating a cross-sectional pattern of the object to be formed”in a 1984 patent.

Manufacturing can be differenti- ated into two types:

Additive manufacturing refers to

4 Figure 1.2: Charles W. Hull technologies that create ob- jects through sequential layer- ing.

Subtractive manufacturing refers to the technologies that create objects through the removal of material by methods such as cutting and drilling.

The 3D printing technology is used for both prototyping and dis- tributed manufacturing with appli- cations in architecture, engineering, construction (AEC), industrial de- sign, automotive, aerospace, mil- itary, engineering, civil engineer- ing, dental and medical industries, biotech (human tissue replacement), fashion, footwear, jewelry, eyewear, Figure 1.3: 3D printed Shoes education, geographic information systems, food, and many other fields. It has been speculated that 3D printing may become a mass mar- ket item because open source 3D printing can easily offset their capital costs by enabling consumers to avoid costs associated with purchasing com- mon household objects.

1.2 General Principles

1.2.1 Modeling Additive manufacturing takes vir- tual blueprints from computer aided design (CAD) or animation model- ing software and ”slices” them into digital cross-sections for the machine to successively use as a guideline for printing. Depending on the machine used, material or a binding material is deposited on the build bed or plat- form until material/binder layering is complete and the final 3D model Figure 1.4: 3D Render of the popular internet meme: Grumpy Cat 5 has been ”printed.” A standard data interface between CAD software and the machines is the STL file format. An STL file approximates the shape of a part or assembly using triangular facets. Smaller facets produce a higher quality surface. PLY is a scanner generated input file format, and VRML (or WRL) files are often used as input for 3D printing technologies that are able to print in full color.

There are many Softwares you can use for modelling your 3D models that are 100% free;

- Google SketchUp - 3DCrafter - 3Dtin - Anim8or - Art of Illusion - Blender - BRL-CAD - Creo Elements/Direct - DrawPlus Starter Edition - FreeCAD - GLC Player - LeoCAD - K-3D - Tinkercad - Wings 3D

1.2.2 Printing To perform a print, the machine reads the design from an .stl file and lays down successive layers of liquid, powder, paper or sheet material to build the model from a series of cross sections. These layers, which correspond to the virtual cross sections from the CAD model, are joined or automatically fused to create the final shape. The primary advantage of this technique is its ability to create almost any shape or geometric feature.

6 Figure 1.5: An example of a home 3D Printer, the Makerbot Replicator 2

1.2.3 Finishing Though the printer-produced res- olution is sufficient for many ap- plications, printing a slightly over- sized version of the desired ob- ject in standard resolution and then removing material with a higher-resolution subtractive pro- cess can achieve greater preci- sion.

Some additive manufacturing techniques are capable of using mul- tiple materials in the course of con- Figure 1.6: The completely printed structing parts. Some are able to Grumpy Cat print in multiple colors and color combinations simultaneously. Some also utilize supports when building. Supports are removable or dissolvable upon completion of the print, and are used to support overhanging features during construction.

7 Chapter 2

3D Printing Techniques and Materials

2.1 3D Printing Techniques

Stereolithography(SLA) The first commercially available 3D printer (not called a 3D printer back then) used the stereolithography (SLA) method. This was invented in 1986 by Charles Hull, who also at the time founded the company, 3D Systems. A SLA 3D printer works by concentrating a beam of ultraviolet light focused onto the surface of a vat filled with liquid photocurable resin. The UV laser beam draws out the 3D model one thin layer at a time, hardening that slice of the eventual 3D model as the light hits the resin. Slice after slice is created, with each one bonded to the other, and next thing you know you have a full, extremely high-resolution three dimensional model lifted out of the vat. Unused resin is reusable for the next job.

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Also invented in the late 1980s, by Scott Crump, was Fused Deposition Mod- eling (FDM) technology. With patent in hand, he and his wife founded Stratasys in 1988. With FDM, the object is produced by extruding a stream of melted thermoplastic material to form layers. Each layer stacks on top of and fuses with the previous layer as the material hardens almost immediately after leaving the extrusion nozzle. It is one of the less expensive 3D printing methods. Most FDM printers print with ABS plastic (think Lego), as well as PLA (Polylactic acid), a biodegradable polymer, which is produced from organic material.

8 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) The 1980s were big for inventing 3D printing technologies. Not only were SLA and FDM invented and patented then, but so was Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), by Carl Deckard and colleagues at the University of Texas in Austin. SLS works similarly to SLA, but instead of liquid photopolymer in a vat, youll find powdered materials, such as polystyrene, ceramics, glass, nylon, and metals including steel, titanium, aluminum, and silver. When the laser hits the powder, the powder is fused at that point (sintered). All unsintered powder remains as is, and becomes a support structure for the object. The lack of necessity for any support structure with SLS is an advantage over FDM/FFF and SLA theres none to remove after the model is complete, and no extra waste was created. All unused powder can be used for the next printing.

PolyJet photopolymer Objet (acquired by Stratasys) developed this technology: much like a tradi- tional inkjet printer deposits ink, a photopolymer liquid is precisely jetted out and then hardened with a UV light. The layers are stacked successively. The technology allows for various materials and colors to be incorporated into single prints, and at high resolutions.

Syringe Extrusion Almost any material that has a creamy viscosity can be used in 3D printers equipped with syringe extruders. This includes materials like clay, cement, silicone, and Play-Doh. Certain foods like chocolate, frosting, and cheese can also be printed with these systems. The syringe may or may not need to be heated, depending on the material; chocolate may need to be kept warm while silicone can be kept at room temperature.

Other Methods There are other variants of these technologies. For example there is Selective Laser Melting (SLM), which is like SLS but it fully melts the powder rather than just fusing the powder granules at a lower temperature. This is similar to Electron Beam Melting (EBM) which uses an electron beam instead of a UV laser. And then there is a completely different technology called Lami- nated Object Manufacturing (LOM), where layers of adhesive-coated paper, plastic, or metal laminates are successively glued together and cut to shape with a knife or laser cutter.

9 Figure 2.1: Sapeways company logo 2.2 3D Printing Materials

Many different materials can be used for 3D printing, such as ABS plastic, PLA, polyamide (nylon), glass filled polyamide, stereolithography materials (epoxy resins), silver, titanium, steel, wax, photopolymers and polycarbon- ate. is a Dutch founded, New York based 3D printing marketplace and service, startup company. Users upload design files, and Shapeways prints the objects for them or others. Users can have objects printed from a variety of materials, including food-safe ceramics. They offer to print your model in the following materials:

Strong and Flexible Plastic Great starter material-easy design rules, feels a bit rough, but available in polished finish.

Figure 2.2: Strong & Flexible Plastic

Alumide Brittle Nylon Plastic thats filled with Aluminum dust.

Figure 2.3: Alumide

10 Detail Plastic Acrylic based polymer that can print fine details. Smooth and slightly shiny.

Figure 2.4: Detail Plastic

Frosted Detail Plastic UV-cured acrylic plastic that prints fine details and walls. Smooth and translucent.

Figure 2.5: Frosted Detail Plastic

Steel Great for jewelry and durable pieces. The shiny surface is slightly pitted & rough.

Figure 2.6: Steel

Sterling Steel Real Sterling Silver is available in 3 levels of polish from rough Raw Silver to pristine Premium Silver.

11 Figure 2.7: Sterling Silver

Other Materials Their other materials include Brass, Bronze, Elasto Plastic, Full Colour Sand- stone and ceramics.

12 Chapter 3

The Future of 3D Printing

Several projects and companies are making efforts to develop afford- able 3D printers for home desk- top use. Much of this work has been driven by and targeted at DIY/enthusiast/early adopter com- munities, with additional ties to the academic and hacker communi- ties.

RepRap is one of the longest running projects in the desktop cat- Figure 3.1: The RepRap 3D Printer egory. The RepRap project aims to produce a free and open source software (FOSS) 3D printer, whose full specifications are released under the GNU General Public License, and which is capable of replicating itself by printing many of its own (plastic) parts to create more machines. Research is under way to enable the device to print circuit boards and metal parts.

Because of the FOSS aims of RepRap, many related projects have used their design for inspiration, creating an ecosystem of related or derivative 3D printers, most of which are also open source designs. The availability of these open source designs means that variants of 3D printers are easy to invent. The quality and complexity of printer designs, however, as well as the quality of kit or finished products, varies greatly from project to project.

This rapid development of open source 3D printers is gaining interest in many spheres as it enables hyper-customization and the use of public do-

13 main designs to fabricate open source appropriate technology through con- duits such as and Cubify. This technology can also assist initiatives in sustainable development since technologies are easily and eco- nomically made from resources available to local communities.

The cost of 3D printers has de- creased dramatically since about 2010, with machines that used to cost $20,000 costing less than $1,000. For instance, as of 2013, several com- panies and individuals are selling parts to build various RepRap de- signs, with prices starting at about 400 / US$500. The open source Fab@Home project has developed printers for general use with any- thing that can be squirted through a nozzle, from chocolate to sili- cone sealant and chemical reactants. Printers following the project’s de- signs have been available from sup- Figure 3.2: The MakerBot Cupcake pliers in kits or in pre-assembled CNC. form since 2012 at prices in the US$2000 range. The Kickstarter funded Peachy Printer is designed to cost $100 and several other new 3D printers are aimed at the small, inexpen- sive market including the mUVe3D and Lumifold.

As the costs of 3D printers have come down they are becoming more appealing financially to use for self-manufacturing of personal products. In addition, 3D printing products at home may reduce the environmental im- pacts of manufacturing by reducing material use and distribution impacts.

3.1 3Doodler

The 3Doodler is a 3D printing pen developed by Peter Dilworth and Maxwell Bogue of WobbleWorks LLC. 3Doodler began funding in Febru- ary 2013 on the crowd funding platform Kickstarter.

14 Figure 3.3: 3Doodler Pen

It utilizes plastic thread made of either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (”ABS”) or polylactic acid (”PLA”) that is melted and then cooled through a patented process while moving through the pen, which can then be used to make 3D objects by hand. The 3Doodler has been described as a glue gun for 3D printing because of how the plastic is extruded from the tip, with one foot of the plastic thread equaling “about 11 feet of moldable material”.

Figure 3.4: A 3Doodler Pen being used

3.2 3D Printed Organs

The dream of one day completely doing away with frustratingly long trans- plant lists in favor of made to order, 3D-printed organs is closer to becoming a reality. Scientists at Organovo in San Diego have, for the very first time,

15 been able to 3D print tiny replicas of human livers.

Figure 3.5: A scientist printing out the liver

At just half a millimeter deep and four millimeters across, the mini livers can perform most of the same functions as the larger version hanging out over your gallbladder. Which means that these presumably adorable bile-makers stand to serve a variety of purposes, the most immediate of which would be using them to observe how our livers react to certain drugs and diseases.

From here, Organovo plans to move on to the normal-sized organs that could be transplanted into real, live human bodies. Of course, they’d first have to solve the problem of how to print larger branches of blood vessel networks capable of nourishing an entire organ. But if these itty bitty livers are any indication, the real deal is well on its way.

3.3 3D Printed Food

In a fantastic development, the application of additive manufacturing tech- nologies that other 3D printing enthusiasts and myself have long been pro- moting, NASA has recently awarded a $125,000 grant to further explore and develop the application of 3D printing food for astronauts. Initially aimed at efficient food storage for long-haul space flights, the creator of this project Anjan Contractor, a Senior Mechanical Engineer at Systems and Materials Research Corporation (SMRC) in Austin, Texas, USA hopes this technology

16 could ultimately help the continually exponentially increasing population on Earth.

Figure 3.6: The schematic for a hypothetical 3D food printer.

In the plan, a NASA-modified RepRap printer will be fitted with sev- eral culinary building blocks, from oil to protein powder, then mixed and deposited. As 3D printing typically utilises a layer on layer based methodol- ogy, layer-based foods like pizza are first on the menu.

Accordingly, Contractor envisions: customized, nutritionally-appropriate meals synthesized one layer at a time, from cartridges of powder and oils. So for the pizza, the 3D printer would mix the appropriate ingredients to deposit a layer of dough, which would be cooked prior to laying down the next of tomato sauce (from a mixture of powder, water and oil. Additional layers of protein can then be added.

17 Bibliography



3D Printing Industry,

