158 K10 158 MELWAY: apply Fees ENTRY: 258 B10 258 MELWAY: apply Fees ENTRY: 11 Beverley Rd, McCrae Rd, Beverley 11 ADDRESS: 420 Cape Schanck Rd, Cape Schanck Cape Rd, Schanck Cape 420 ADDRESS:
[email protected] EMAIL: or 2866 5981 03 TEL: 159 H5 159 MELWAY: Free ENTRY: www.austpacinns.com.au EMAIL: 256 F8 256 MELWAY: Free ENTRY: Saturday & Sunday 12pm - 4pm - 12pm Sunday & Saturday OPEN: Pier Street, Point Nepean Road, Dromana Road, Nepean Point Street, Pier ADDRESS:
[email protected] EMAIL: Byrnes Road, Shoreham Road, Byrnes ADDRESS: Any time Any OPEN: 1300 885 259 or 03 5988 6184 5988 03 or 259 885 1300 TEL:
[email protected] EMAIL: the McCraes. the COVER IMAGE:CAPE SCHANCK LIGHTHOUSE, C1940; ABOVE IMAGE: DROMANA PIER, C1940. PIER, DROMANA IMAGE: ABOVE C1940; LIGHTHOUSE, SCHANCK IMAGE:CAPE COVER Daily 10am - 4pm - 10am Daily OPEN: appointment By OPEN: homestead for the following seventy five years after after years five seventy following the for homestead Dromana landscape. The new pier dates from 1959. from dates pier new The landscape. Dromana peninsula. Burrell Collection from the family who occupied the the occupied who family the from Collection Burrell guest houses that were an important feature of the the of feature important an were that houses guest families. keeper lighthouse Society. Historical heirlooms are housed in adjoining galleries with the the with galleries adjoining in housed are heirlooms bringing holiday makers to the peninsula and the the and peninsula the to makers holiday bringing early the of descendants the from stories and District Flinders the of home the later and hall Shire.