Review of the Fitzroy River Water Quality Issues
Report to Queensland Premier Review of the Fitzroy River Water Quality Issues Professor Barry Hart Water Science Pty Ltd and Water Studies Centre, Monash University In collaboration with Professor Paul Greenfield, University of Queensland Mark Pascoe, International Water Centre November 2008 Acknowledgements I am most grateful for the excellent cooperation and speedy responses to my many questions and requests from all involved in this review. My particular thanks to DNRW Rockhampton (Ed Donohue and his team) and Ensham Resources (Colin Moffett) for their assistance. Also I am most grateful to Graeme Milligan and Ed Donohue (DNRW), Lindsay Delzoppo (EPA) and Alex Beavers (Premiers) for their assistance as my ’Steering Committee’. Headline Findings 1. The decision by the EPA to issue Ensham with a Transitionary Environmental Program (TEP) that permitted the discharge of a very large quantity of mine- affected water into the Nogoa-Mackenzie-Fitzroy River system over 7 months February to September) in 2008 was justifiable. 2. However, this discharge has resulted in: • discomfort to the residents of Tieri, Blackwater, Bluff, Middlemount and Dysart due to the poor drinking water quality, but no serious health effects (short or long term), • potential discomfort to the residents of Rockhampton due to poor drinking water quality if the system is not flushed this wet season, • unquantified effects on the riverine biota, and a high likelihood that there will be serious adverse effects on the spawning success of Fitzroy Golden Perch when the poor quality water (high salinity) is flushed out of the river during the early part of the wet season, exactly the time when this species spawns, • no serious short or long term problems for agriculture (irrigation, stock watering), • Stanwell Power Station needing to make a range of plant modifications and gain an EPA-approved TEP relating to management of its water discharges.
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