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Curricula Materials for the First South Carolinians: the Life and Times of Native Peoples in the Palmetto State

Curricula Materials for the First South Carolinians: the Life and Times of Native Peoples in the Palmetto State

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Chicora Foundation, Inc. PO Box 8664 Columbia, SC 29202 803/787-6910 and

South Carolina State Museum PO Box 100107 "-- Columbia, SC 29202--:-- 803/898-4921

This EJl!libiI is funded In pan by trl' South Carofina Humanities CoUf\C:1 a state program of the Nallor.a: Endowment for tlic Humanities Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publications Data

@2000 by Chicora Foundation, Inc. and the State Museum. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transcribed in any form without permission, except for brief quotations used in reviews. Full credit must be given to Chicora Foundation and the South Carolina State Museum.

Exception: South Carolina school administrators and teachers are permitted to reproduce in whole or in part this document for school use only.

ISBN 1-58317-052-9 Table of Contents

Introduction 1 Pre-Visit 5 Lesson Plan 1. Foodways of Native Americans 13 Lesson Plan 2. Native American Stone Tools 25 Lesson Plan 3. The Nature of Indian-White Trade 35 Lesson Plan 4. Indian-White Relations During the 17th & 18th Centuries 43 Post-Visit 61 Appendix 1. The Exhibit 63 Appendix 2. Sources for Additional Information 91 Introduction

What This Exhibit and Curricula think. Sure, it provides some facts, Package is All About some dates, some famous names. But This exhibit helps you and your these are not what history is made of students understand Native American - or what we believe needs to be life in South Carolina between at least stressed. 10,000 years ago and the early 1800s. It explores how Native Americans Instead, we hope that the arrived in North America by crossing a exhibit will open doors and land bridge that connected Siberia and discussions - about the past. About Alaska. It explains how these early how ordinary people lived. We hope South Carolinians hunted and collected that your students come to understand food ... and how they lived ... and the that Native Americans were ordinary tools they made. It examines the people just like them - with families, changes that took place in Native loves, prejudices, chores, cultures over time. It also explores responsibilities, different languages, what happened to these people with the different beliefs. coming of Europeans during the 16th and 17th centuries. Some Key Ideas These are some of the key ideas . It also talks a little about or concepts that we hope your students archaeology and how archaeologists will explore: explore the past... the techniques they use ... and how they take the evidence • Every group of people has a culture, a they uncover in the ground and bring set of customs and ways of doing that past to life. things.

The exhibit, however, is • Cultural groups develop different primarily about helping your students ways of meeting their basic, needs.

1 • How a cultural group meets those element can be transformed by the . basic needs will depend on the culture, giving it new meanings and environment and the resources functions. available to them. People - and their cultures - adapt to and also change • Devolution is the loss of a previously their environment. existing cultural trait. Sometimes these lost traits are replaced by others, • No society is any more rational or sometimes they are not. "civilized" than another. A particular culture must, instead, be judged • Acculturation is the acquisition of new according to its own standards and culture traits as a result of one group values, rather than those of the coming into long-term physical contact observer. with another group. Often there are changes in both groups. Interaction between culturally different groups can produce conflict • History and archaeology are the and change. This conflict isn't because story of change over time. one group is more righteous than the other, but is usually the result of a lack • Many events (although not all) have of understanding and mutual respect, or causes which stem from the past and sometimes greed and belligerence. effects which have implications in the future. • Cultural change can be slow, occurring over long periods of time, or it may be • Historians and archaeologists use a rapid. The processes of cultural change wide variety of sources to learn about include: invention, diffusion, devolution, the past, including artifacts and and acculturation. accounts of everyday lives.

• Invention is the formation, by a single How Not to Teach About individual, of a new habit, tool, or Native Americans principle that eventually gains the Remember that the original acceptance of others. inhabitants of South Carolina are not extinct! There are 8,246 Native people • Diffusion is the borrowing of cultural representing at least eight different traits from another group as a result tribal groups in South Carolina today, of contact. Sometimes the borrowed and many of them are descendants of

2 those tribes the Spanish, French, and • Don't let your students think that a . English first met when they explored few "brave" Europeans defeated South Carolina. It is critical that you thousands of "savage" Indians in battle. convey the fact that these people have The diseases brought over by the survived and live in the modern world, Europeans killed many more than were keeping many of their traditions alive. killed in battle. Native Americans were a healthy people that had no immunity It is important that we help for the plague-like diseases brought students avoid stereotypes and, here. In fact, perhaps the first instead, develop an understanding of instance of biological warfare occurred the Natives' struggle to gain when the English distributed small pox acceptance in our society. For example, infested blankets to Native Americans in order to reduce their population. • Don't talk about Native Americans in the past tense. There are over • Don't allow stereotypes in many text 1,500,000 Indians in the US today. books to go unchallenged. Why is it that Indians, protecting their homes • Don't talk about "us" and "them." and families were "savage" and Native Americans aren't the outsiders, "barbaric," yet European settlers, they are the original Americans. stealing land, raping Indian women, and spreading disease, were "fighting to • Don't expect Native Americans to look establish this brave new land?" The like Hollywood creations. There is no taking of scalps, for example, was a one Native look. Each tribe varies practice encouraged by whites to greatly in skin colors, body size, and eliminate hostile Native American other features. groups.

Don't allow stereotypes to go Here are some other practices unchallenged. TV programs and movies to avoid in teaching about Native usually show the savage warrior or Americans: noble warrior stereotypes who may know only one word, "ugh." The truth is • Don't dress like Indians. We don't that Native Americans had a highly encourage students to dress like blacks developed language and oral tradition for Martin Luther King's holiday or as when the Europeans first came to the Jewish people at Hanukkah. To dress . "like an Indian" encourages the

3 stereotypes we want to avoid - like war whooping, brandishing of tomahawks, and caricatures of native, dances.

• Don't use incorrect words like warlike, primitive, savage. Is the US "warlike?" Before answering, think of the military budget and recent invasions into other lands? Are modern tools primitive? Will they seem that way in 2050?

• Don't use words like "squaw," or "brave." Again these are stereotypes, and often the words have been associated with derogatory meanings, not unlike "broad," or "dude," in some cultures today.

• Don't homogenize Indians. Don't combine rain dances, tipis, totem poles, and long houses. Do we homogenize European cultures by talking about gondolas, windmills, and bullfights as though they were all representative of the same peoples?

• Don't trivialize sacred rites. Do we allow classes to act out high masses, pretend a Jewish circumcision, make communion a snack break, or playact an immersion baptism? Indian dances and rites are all part of their religion and include sacred symbolism - help your students understand and respect these rituals, not make fun of them.

4 Pre-Visit

Check Out the Exhibit Only you are in a position to know One of the most valuable pre­ what is best for your students. By visit activities on your part will be to providing you with the complete label actually examine the exhibit before copy for all of the panels you can your students visit it. You don't have to arrange your visit to maximize the find the time to go to your local learning experience of your students. museum - we've include the 25 different panels in Appendix 1. How Archaeologists Do Archaeology The exhibit really isn't about We have tried hard to ensure archaeology - it's about Native that the exhibit is interesting, and Americans. But prior to about 1700, understandable to a broad range of most of our knowledge about Native people, but you are in the best position Americans comes from archaeology, so to know your students. this is a good opportunity to help your students understand a little more about You need to consider their age the science of archaeology. and abilities. Will they be able to understand all of the different Simply put, archaeology is the concepts and ideas? Do they have the scientific study of past human cultures. attention span to spend as long as it will It looks at the technology (stone tools take to go through the entire exhibit? and clay pots) and behavior (how houses were built and what foods were eaten) You might want to consider of Native American peoples. reducing your visit to only a section of the exhibit, perhaps incorporating Archaeology is also a subdivision other areas back in the classroom. Or of anthropology, a discipline which you may be able to make several visits studies human development, behavior, to the museum, viewing different and culture. Other subdivisions include components on different days. linguistics (the study of language),

5 physical anthropology (the study of · the location of artifacts within the physical development and evolution), different soil strata; and cultural anthropology (the study of present cultures). • the chemical composition of the different soils; Archaeology isn't the study of dinosaurs (dinosaurs lived millions of • very small remains, such as carbonized years before the first human). It isn't seeds and small fish bones; plundering tombs of their riches (see below, for a discussion about looting · stains in the soil which may represent and pothunting). decayed posts or filled-in pits.

Many people think that The Benefits of Archaeology archaeology means digging sites and in the Classroom finding artifacts. But that is only a very small part of the story. Archaeology is Evidence and interpretations really about the scientific study of the from archaeology provide a different people who lived in the past and used view of history than if only the written those artifacts. Archaeologists spend record is used. far more time analyzing the evidence they find in the ground, and comparing History is written by the it to the information found at other educated, the wealthy, and often by sites, then they do digging anyone site. the elite. It may ignore or misrepresent the views of the Archaeologists also realize that underclass. People may have different when they dig a site they destroy it reasons for distorting history, or they (you can never put all of the pieces may remember only what is favorable . back in the ground just as they were or represents their perspective. originally found). Realizing this, Archaeology, on the other hand, may professional archaeologists are very provide a more unbiased view of past careful to record all the different events. kinds of information they find. These different information sources include: This provides you with the opportunity to explore different • the site's stratigraphy or laying of situations, looking at how history might different soil types; record an event compared to how that

6 event might be seen by an appreciation of all their different archaeologist. One modern example of subject areas if they see that each has . this was a study conducted on the practical applications in their world. alcohol drinking habits of a small community. Unbeknownst to the A Simple Archaeology Exercise respondents of the study, their It's possible to explore the way garbage was being collected and all of archaeologists analyze artifacts - and the alcoholic beverage containers were make inferences - with very little being inventoried. The study found that advance planning. most individuals underreported the amount of alcohol being consumed in Sites and artifacts hold clues to their household. Why might there be the past - but only if we know how to this disagreement between what people read their messages. said they did and what they actually did? Pick an object (artifact) from· the classroom (maybe from your trash Archaeological techniques can). In a class discussion, ask the provide unusual exercises to teach following questions: such skills as measurement, comparing and contrasting, detailed observation, • what meaning does the artifact have? description, and making inferences. • how might the object have been used? In particular, archaeology offers the potential to focus on critical • what sort of difference did the thinking skills. Students have the object make in the lives of the people opportunity to not only describe some using it? What would life have been like aspect of past life, but also interpret without the object? How might life how it was used based on the available change if there was an improvement in evidence. the object?

Since archaeology draws on For example, let's say you picked concepts and research in biology, up a discarded pencil. What does this geology, and physics it can be used in object tell us? That people wrote, the classroom to teach these subjects which means they must have had a and show how each is interconnected. language or some way of communicating Students can gain a greater by writing. Since the item appears to

7 be mass produced (rather than their lives and their past? individually made), it must have been important enough to warrant an • What can we learn from the past? industry dedicated just to its (Encourage brainstorming - How did production. people live in the past? How has life changed? Has this change always been You might want to discuss the for the better? If we had it do over, evolution of the pencil, talking about what might we change?) how its precursor was the writing slate and piece of graphite. How did the • If your past or your family's past is change to a pencil improve life? Was it important to you, what statement can easier to use and less expensive, making you make about the importance of the it more commonly available? How did past in general? this change other aspects of society, such as record keeping and education? • What should we do to make sure this past is remembered and passed on? You might also want to discuss technological evolution - comparing the The Difference Between pencil to the laptop computer. Archaeology and Pothunting A pothunter is a person who digs This is an exercise you can also for treasure. A pothunter often sells expand on, asking students to then the objects he has dug up or keeps bring some object (an artifact) from them to build a personal collection. home that tells about their family's Pothunters place little or no importance past. Working in small groups, have on the site from which they are taking students tell each other what the the objects - they aren't interested in object conveys about their past. In a learning about the past, but only in· class discussion, ask additional possessing something that no one else questions, such as: has. While they dig for treasure, they destroy the information the site • Is it important to know about your contains about the past - and the past? Your family's past? people who lived at the site.

• Native Americans lived in South The following list compares what Carolina for at least the past 10,000 an archaeologist can learn to what a years; is it important to know about pothunter would learn by "digging" the

8 What the trained archaeologist What the pothunter learns: learns:

· The Indians who lived at the site made • The Indians who lived at the site made pottery, hunted with bows and arrows, and pottery, hunted with bows and arrows, and buried objects with their dead. buried objects with their dead.

· The site was inhabited off and on from • There are lots of different kinds of arrow 8,000 B.C. until A.D. 1200 when the Indians heads and tools. built a palisaded village 300 feet in diameter.

· They lived in circular houses about 18 feet in diameter, probably made from pine saplings interwoven with branches and coated with mud.

• Personal items and foods were stored in •AII kinds of "neat" things are found. pits in and around their houses.

· Fireplaces in the center of their homes • Sometimes masses of charcoal are found provided warmth and a place to cook food. that might be fireplaces.

· There was a much larger structure which may have served as a communal building for secular and sacred assemblies.

• The center part of the vi lIage was left open, probably as a common area for games and dancing.

• Corn, beans, squash, chenopodium, and • Sometimes a piece of corn - or something other plants were grown or collected for that looks like corn - is found. eating.

•A variety of nuts and fleshy fruits were seasonally gathered.

· The Indians hunted raccoon, opossum, and •AII kinds of bones are found. turtles; although deer was probably the most important mammal species.

9 same site. Talk to your students about four different time periods for Native this difference. American cultures in South Carolina: . Paleoindian, Archaic, Woodland, and During this discussion some Mississippian. These are terms that students may mention that a parent or have been developed to describe the relative "collects" Indian artifacts ­ different periods. perhaps this will be brought up in the context of whether their behavior is Although the exhibit goes into appropriate. much more detail, this chart may help provide a quick overview. A good response is that a collector appreciates not only the Many of the terms applied by object, but also its history. A archaeologists to the different time responsible collector collects only from periods may be confusing to your the surface of the ground and ensures students. For example, during the that all sites he or she finds are Archaic Period, there are Savannah reported to the state agency River and Guilford projectile points. responsible for recording During the Woodland Period you may archaeological sites (S.C. Institute of hear about Thom's Creek or Deptford Archaeology and Anthropology at pottery. Sometimes archaeologists will 803/777-8170). And a responsible even use these terms to describe the collector also ensures that artifacts people who made the points or pottery, retain their provenience information for example, "the Guilford people." (are kept separate from one another Where do these terms come from and and aren't all just tossed in a shoe box). what do they mean? Finally, a responsible collector also ensures that his or her collection has a Prior to about 1670 (and the. future - that it will be passed on to a arrival of the English) we don't really museum and not just tossed in the know what tribes were in South trash when no one is any longer Carolina. Consequently archaeologists interested in it. have assigned names to the different types of pottery and stone tools they A Simple Chart of Native American find. points were first Lifeways found in the vicinity of the Savannah River, Guilford points were named for Archaeologists define essentially Guilford County, , Thom's

10 A Cultural Sequence for South Carolina

Stage Time Period (yrs. ago) General Traits Mississippian 1,500 - 450 Development of chiefdoms, platform mounds, cultivation of corn and other crops Woodland 4,000 - 1,500 Introduction of pottery, bow and arrow, villages, horticulture Archaic 10,000 - 4,000 Mobile, many stone tools, atlatl, introduction of stone vessels, modern environmental conditions Paleoindian 14,000 - 10,000 Nomadic people, tools characterized by "fluted" points, climate much colder than present

Creek is a small creek where the pottery was first found in Lexington County, South Carolina, and Deptford is the name of a site in . These are just names used by archaeologists for convenience.

But, these names are associated with very specific types of materials having very' specific dates. Archaeologists have been able to assign those dates based on radiocarbon dating, stratigraphic dating, and comparison with other materials and sites.

11 12 Lesson Plan 1. Foodways of Native Americans

Introduction help students become more aware of Foodways - what people ate. how Native Americans lived in harmony Foodways are a part of culture. They with the environment around them (as are affected by where you live (if you well as how this changed with pressures live inland, seafood may not be an from Europeans). A second goal is to important part of your diet), your help your students understand the· religion (some religions prohibit eating interaction between technology and certain foods), your technology (it foodways (and how changes in doesn't matter how available a food technology are associated with changes source is, if you can't acquire it, in diet). A third goal is to help your prepare it, or cook it), and even by students understand the complexity of what else you eat (many cultures Native American foodways (examining develop a means of prioritizing foods seasonal rounds and schedules). and their acquisition). A Quick Overview of Native Foodways change. Although many Americans and Foodways students may not realize it, some foods The early Paleoindians are that are very common today were once frequently referred to as "hunting thought to be poisonous - like the large game," or as "hunters and· tomato among the English - or were gatherers." This is a stereotype that is reserved for only the most important still hard to correct. people in society - like corn among the Mayans. In actuality, these Paleoindians were probably "gatherers and hunters" This lesson plan explores Native - with the "gathering" of wild plants American foodways, looking at issues of accounting for upwards of 20'Yo of their ecology and technology. One goal is to diet. Large game, like mastodons, were

13 hard to kill and probably represented a local wild plant resources. As berries or very rare - albeit exciting - aspect of young sprouts were collected, they' the diet. needed to move on to another location. And keep in mind that they were also in Keep in mind that the only means competition with many animals for of killing these large animals were these plant resources. spears - you had to get close enough to a mastodon to stab it! And then, with In fact, its likely that much more no refrigeration (except for the cooler of the diet came from smaller animals climate), you had to butcher the entire that they happened onto in the course animal and eat it quickly. of collecting plant foods than came from those opportunistic encounters The tool kits of these early with sick or infirm large game. hunters was very small - a few points that probably also doubled as knives, During the following Archaic' scrapers which were used to remove Period the large animals became extinct the hair from hides, and some tools for and were replaced by smaller animals, piercing hides probably used to help such as deer. The climate also changed make clothing. Many of these tools were Experimental Archaeology - The Atlatl quickly made and discarded after The atlatl might have been an advance over the use. thrusting spear, but just how good was it at hitting its target? One series of tests found that it wasn't very good. The Although increased effective length of the arm in using the atlatl the Paleoindians caused an irregular and uncontrolled thrust and in tests only may have moved 6 out of 36 spears hit their target at 30 meters (100 feet). frequently to The use of weights (often found by archaeologists) helped find better with balance, but not velocity. Penetration could be achieved hunting grounds, at up to 100 meters, but was best at 30 meters or so. The they probably conclusion was that users of the atlatl still had to operate also moved from ambush at close range and probably preferred to shoot frequently into herds of animals, where the chance of hitting a target because they was greater. exhausted the

14 period that grinding items are found, possibly documenting the use of plant foods which needed to be ground, such as nuts and seeds.

During the late Archaic, archaeologists see the development of "shell rings" along the South Carolina and Georgia coasts. The doughnut­ shaped rings measure 150 to 300 feet in diameter and were anywhere from 3 The atlatl (shown on panel 4, "Adoptions to 30 feet in height. The rings, once and Change"). thought to be mysterious, are actually nothing more than giant trash piles. and the more modern and warmer Composed of shell, animal bones, broken· climate promoted more woodlands and artifacts, and soil, these shell rings are fewer open savannahs. So hunting composed of trash discarded by Native strategies had to change. Americans who lived on them. Archaeologists have found evidence of One of the clearest indications the houses, hearths or fire pits, and that these strategies did change is the introduction of Can A Stone Axe Really Chop Down a Tree? the atlatl, or throwing stick. This tool increased the This is another area where experimental leverage of the human arm, archaeology provides important information. One allowing greater killing study found that flint axes hafted with wood handles capacity. could cut down an oak, 14 inches in diameter, in about 30 minutes. Another found that soft woods, like pine, were even easier - trees around 6 inches in diameter We see a proliferation could be felled within 7 minutes! Some researchers of tool types more also suggest that axes were used more to splinter the different spear points, wood then to actually cut it. different types of scrapers, and the introduction of Either way, stone axes allowed woods to be chipped axes that may cleared and provided access to trees for other suggest efforts at wood purposes, such as building houses. working. It is also during this

15 even where the oysters were steamed probably by women and children. We open on and around these rings. The believe that small snails, known as. clear interiors were communal areas periwinkles, were gathered out of the and were, therefore, kept clean. marsh; hickory nuts were one of the most favored plant foods gathered The foodways during this period during the fall; also collected were were primarily deer hunting and fishing, persimmons and other fleshy fruits with supplemental inclusions of small that grew wild in the marsh areas. mammals, birds, reptiles, and shellfish. Various calculations of the probable During the Woodland Period we yield of deer, fish, and other food see the introduction of the bow and sources identified from shell rings arrow - it is only at this time that it is indicate that sedentary life was not correct to say there are "arrow heads." only possible, but probable. The Native Prior to this all of the stone points that Americans learned very early that the are found are actually "spear heads." South Carolina coast was so rich in food that they could easily live in one area The bow and arrow dramatically year round, simply by scheduling when improved the accuracy of hunting. they would use different types of Instead of hitting the mark 6 out of 36 foods. tries (as was the case with the atlatl), the arrow allowed a good hunter to This is important since it make his kill 30 out of 36 times - a represents the first time that Native pretty good improvement. Americans were able to settle in one place for more than a few days or In South Carolina the Woodland weeks. It allowed the formation of Period isn't recognized as exhibiting a small villages and probably the strong reliance on horticulture. Plant development of a more refined culture. foods were being gathered - based on . But it was doomed to end as the sea the continued recovery of grinding levels began to rise and the coastal stones, as well as carbonized plant environment changed about 2,000 years foods from archaeological sites - but ago. we don't see corn or other cultigens until the following Mississippian Period. Although uncertain, we still believe that a sizeable proportion of By about AD 1200, corn had been the diet came from "gathering" introduced into South Carolina,

16 probably from the southwest. Beans combined with green corn to tan and squash followed, but probably not leather. The skin, hooves, and antlers· before AD 1400. At this point we begin were rendered into glue. Head, skins, to see much greater reliance on and antlers were used as decoys in cultivated plants, with animal resources hunting and as status/clan indicators. probably most important in the winter Hides were sewn into clothing. Each and spring (before the next crop was deer might contribute up to about45 harvested). A number of different wild pounds of dressed meat. plant foods were being used, including acorns, hickories, walnuts, persimmons, The deer is a browser with well­ chenopodium, and grapes. defined forage preference, largely oriented toward hardwoods and And some plant foods - like the evergreen vines. Acorn masts form an peach - were quickly adopted by especially important food source from Native Americans and became September through May. Deer typically . important additions to native foodways. feed in early morning or evening and The peach, introduced by the Spanish, are considered nocturnal animals. was relished by the Indians in spite of the length of time it took a tree to Hunting of deer was largely a bear fruit, because of its sweetness. solitary pursuit which took place throughout the year. Only after the A Little About Some Different Foods Europeans arrived and there was a White- Tailed Deer tremendous pressure to obtain large Of all the animals found numbers of deer hides did the Native archaeologically, the white-tailed deer Americans participate in the is ubiquitous. A variety of uses exist environmentally damaging fire drives. for the different parts of the deer, so In this practice large areas were set on that almost all of the animal was used fire to drive the animals into a waiting . by Native Americans in some manner. trap. Of course, this form of killing Different bones were split to make reduced or eliminated the population; it needles or awls, rattles, flutes, frequently took years for the deer bracelets, and beads. Antlers were population to return to normal. used to make spear points, flakers, and even fish hooks. Sinew and entrails Turkey were made into bow strings, rawhide, During the prehistoric period the thongs, and "thread." Deer brains were turkey was almost as useful as the

17 deer. It was used as a food A Historic Account of a Fire Drive source; its bones were fashioned into tools such as As we went up the River, we heard a great Noise, as if two awls and spoons; and feathers Parties were engag'd [warring] against each other, seeming were prized for making cloaks exactly like small Shot [small arms; a popping noise]. When and in the manufacture of we approach'd nearer the Place, we found it to be some arrows. Indians firing the Cane Swamps, which drives out the Game, then taking their particular Stands, kill great Quantities of both Bear, Deer, Turkies, and what wild The turkey is able to Creatures the Parts afford. adapt to a wide range of -- John Larson, in the River habitat conditions, although area of South Carolina, 1701 they tend to prefer areas of mature, mast-producing hardwoods with a mixture of fish are found at Native American sites understory plants such as dogwood. The along the South Carolina coast (or even· forest is used for roosting, while old inland along major rivers). On the coast fields or edge areas generally provide the most common in coastal settings the best cover for nesting. are drums, sea catfish, gar, flounder, Atlantic menhaden, and mullet. Most of Wild turkeys are flocking animals the fish identified from these coastal and spend the late fall through early archaeological sites are marine and can spring in flocks of 30 or more in a be found in intertidal creeks, estuaries, wintering home range of about 50 and rivers. A few fish, such as the acres. These flocks break up in late bowfin and channel catfish, while March for the breeding season; the usually inhabiting freshwater areas, young are born in May, and reach a may enter brackish water, or may be weight of 5 to 10 pounds by October caught during periods of high when the birds begin to congregate freshwater runoffs. The bulk of the· again. This seasonal cycle would make it fish are available from May through much easier for the turkey to be November, with fewer species available hunted in the winter, although hens in the winter and early spring. with juveniles could be taken in late spring and summer. Many of the fish taken (such as the flounder, drum, catfish, and gar) Fish represent larger predators which are A very large number of different not found in the intertidal creeks, but

18 at their mouths, feeding on the smaller beneficial plants (such as persimmon) fish, such as the mummichog, spot, were allowed to remain, while the other· Atlantic silversides, and silver perch, trees and brush were removed. which follow the tide. Some of these smaller fish also travel in schools, Corn was introduced into the migrating in and out of the intertidal Eastern us perhaps as early as 100 BC, creeks with the tide. although it does not seem to have made its way into South Carolina much earlier The presence of two different than perhaps AD 1200. The Native categories of fish suggest that two Americans cultivated corn with other different collection techniques were crops such as beans and squash. used. For the small fish found in Accounts of early Spanish explorers shallow waters, Native Americans may suggest that Native American corn have used gill nets or seines, collecting production was limited with the harvest the fish as they were flushed out of being exhausted by the late summer or . the small channels with the ebbing tide. early fall. The larger, predatory fish found at the mouths of the channels could have been The Native Americans relied on caught using spears, nets, or hooks. It green corn, basing much of their is unlikely that weirs were used on the religion on corn agriculture. The food South Carolina coast because the tidal was a staple of their diet and at the range is too great. Traps could have end of each harvest, a ceremony, called been used (and are even still seen at the Busk, was held to celebrate the some sites) in the rivers at inland sites. harvest and give thanks. It was a time for renewal - men repaired communal Corn buildings, women made new pottery and Corn is a common farm crop, renewed their hearth fires. Old feuds known to virtually everyone. Corn could were forgotten. be planted in April, or even in late March, with the result that it was Yaupon Holly ready for harvest before the worst of The yaupon (also known locally as the summer droughts. The Native "cassena") is usually a low shrub, Americans planted corn in a number of although it can occur as a "tree" small, cleared fields which they upwards of 25 feet in height. It is an periodically allowed to become fallow. evergreen, and the leaves are about 2i As the fields were cleared later, the inches long, oval, leathery, dark-green,

19 Is Corn Always Better? Is it Really an Advancement?

When discussing Native American foodways, someone will almost always insist that prior to the Mississippian the Indians were "primitive" because they weren't farmers.

People often assume that settled life and a reliance on cultivation are hallmarks of "progress." But is this so? The answer is almost certainly no! This short-sighted view ignores the fact that specialization can itself be destabilizing. Farmers must work much harder than hunters, gatherers, and fishing people. Typical preindustrial farmers spent four to six days a week working in the fields. Many foragers needed to work only two days to feed themselves and their families. Farming people usually require that children help out in the fields. In foraging economies children are often not part of the labor force. In fact, more generalized economies have demonstrated a degree of long-term cultural stability and survival that is unknown in "more advanced" societies. Perhaps we should revise our notion that so-called civilization will always represent progress in human well-being?

New evidence is also revealing that an increased reliance on domesticated plants did little to promote the health or well-being of Mississippian people. There were higher rates of malnutrition and infectious pathology (probably the result of overcrowding), singularly high rates of trauma (suggesting increased interpersonal violence), high rates of porotic hyperostosis (suggestive of anemia), greater incidence of dental disease (because of the reliance on carbohydrates), and a generally elevated level of biological stress.

Contemporary hunters and gatherers in the same general area were taller, more robust, and had lower rates of infection and arthritis than the nearby farmers.

and glossy on the upper surface. The "," this tea was a powerful plant blooms in the spring and produces emetic and was used during the Green abundant small clusters of red fruits in Corn Ceremony at harvest time. During the late fall which stay on the plant this period old ways were purged,· through the winter. Yaupon is found in ensuring purity and rejuvenation for the maritime forest, just inland from the new crop. The Black Drink was a the coast. very important part of the ceremony. Since the plant is found only in the Native Americans gathered the coastal plain, the leaves were traded leaves, drying them, and then making a inland for hundreds of miles. The very strong tea (the leaves contain a used the plant as a cure for large amount of caffeine). Called the dropsy and also to evoke ecstasies.

20 Goosefoot or Chenopodium Because hunter-gatherers were Goosefoot is an annual herb with dispersed in small groups, they probably. lanceolate leaves about 6 inches long traced their kinship through and 1t inches wide. The plants are "kindreds." Although not necessarily usually about 30 inches high with blood relatives, all were definitely kin. whitish or greenish-yellow flowers These kindreds were organized simply occurring from June until the first and practically. Social distinctions were frost. The seeds are very small and limited to factors such as age, gender, dark brown or shiny black. Today the and skill. plant is common in disturbed areas, waste places, and in cultivated fields. The vast networks of relationships allowed everyone to travel This plant is one of the early and visit widely - there would always North American cultigens with its use be "kin" that knew you, would "vouch" going back to at least the Archaic for you, and would help you if need be.. Period. Some archaeologists have This network also promoted survival ­ suggested that by the Eariy Woodland there were always others you could call the plant was already a staple in the on for help (food, shelter, protection). region from southern Illinois to and south to Alabama. Unlike other In other words, the hunter­ weedy plants used by Native Americans, gatherers enjoyed extensive freedom there is some evidence that goosefoot of a loosely knit society, while relying was actively encouraged and on the support of close family ties. propagated. Both the seeds and greens of goosefoot were probably collected With the advent of cultivation and it is known that the young leaves of society changed. Egalitarian ways began the plant make a pot herb, much like to die and a chiefdom rose up, giving spinach. The leaves are high in calcium, itself ascribed powers and controlling· iron, carotene, riboflavin, and ascorbic access to critical resources. We see acid. the development of classes, most clearly the priests and the common Foodways and Kinship people. Is there a relationship between the food you eat and your society's Another change was the kinship system? Actually yes, there is. development of female kinship. A single kinship bond, to the exclusion of all

21 others, became more common. And - sky and earth, land and water - as most frequently, these farmers traced parts of the whole, they formed a set . the family through the female - since of connections which represented the women were themselves the bearers of two sides of the universe. So, among life, obviously they had a special bond the Mississippian peoples we see the with the land and its life-giving Red and White - taking on the symbols properties seen in the cultivation of and meanings of war and peace. plants. Discussion Topics So, the Mississippian people 1. Help your students understand traced their kinship through their how each of these plants and animals women, creating patterns of descent affected the lives of Native Americans; that were matrilineal. Generations of help students understand their place in mothers and daughters formed larger history by discovering how they might social units called lineages. The use plants and animals. matrilineages were composed of mothers and their children, with Encourage students to discuss positions of authority and power often the availability of different plants or passing from brothers of women to the animals in their neighborhood or part of senior matron's sons - in other words the state and why some may, or may from maternal uncles to nephews. not, be found in their area. How might this have affected the lives of Native Matrilineages were linked Americans in that part of the state? together as clans, united by mystical bonds traced through the females to Encourage interaction with some ancestor with supernatural students in discussing how these plants powers. These non-blood kin ties or animals may be used in their own provided a means for cooperation daily lives? What may be used today· between people who otherwise instead of some of these plants and recognized no relationship between one animals? Which of these plants or another. animals might now be considered "domesticated"? How do we obtain These clans were then tied food, both plant and animal, today together in two dualities or opposites. compared to prehistoric Native Because the Native Americans Americans? What sorts of tools do frequently recognized these opposites they use to specifically use these foods

22 (be sure to think about growing, plant that is still used today to harvesting, preparing, and eating the research. Have them learn about the food)? How would their family's life be plant's habitat; skills needed to affected if any of these plants or identify, gather, and use; and particular animals that they use became extinct? uses here in South Carolina. In addition to research on food and medicine, don't 2. Integrate botany into the forget to include other uses, such as a lesson plan. Have students research and source of cordage, fibers, dyes, draw the different parts of a plant smoking, seasonings, pesticide, or to used by Native Americans for food or make other items. medicinal purposes. How many of these parts were used for food or other 4. Integrate natural science into uses? Why were some parts used and the lesson plan. Study the fish in your others weren't? Was it lack of nutrition area. Get a list of fish from the S.C. or are some parts not good to eat? Department of Natural Resources. Find . out about the fish laws and protection Give assignments to see how for endangered species. What has many uses there might be for each part happened to the fish populations in your of the plant - leaves for vegetables, part of the state? Have dams reduced salad, mats; berries as fruit, for tea, the number of different species, or dyes, etc. limited those that can still spawn? Is there a loss of habitat? What about Some suggest that virtually pollution? What efforts are being made every plant - from fungi on up to trees to help species return? - had some sort of use to Native Americans. What does this tell us about Study maps for locations of fish their understanding of the world habitats in your area. Locate lakes, around them? Why was it important to ponds, streams, rivers, and marshes. them to know the properties of that are reported by the S.C. different plants? Department of Natural Resources as supporting fish. 3. Explore ethnobotany. To help your students better understand the Plan an imaginary two week long contributions made by Native fishing trip. Select waterways and a Americans to present diet and good fishing spot based on your medicine, give each student a native research. Make a list of supplies and

23 possessions you'd need to carry for the two weeks - but remember it must all fit in a 16-foot canoe, along with you and your family. Then think about what a Native American family might have needed. What supplies would Native Americans have gotten directly from the environment without needing to carry them? Water, food, sleeping materials, for example? After the fish were caught, how would each prepare them for eating? How could they be stored?

24 Lesson Plan 2. Native American Stone Tools

Introduction engage in different tool making Archaeologists study Native experiments, learning much about American tools to understand how they problems and methods of early were made and how they were used. toolmakers. Sometimes what seems obvious isn't always correct. For example, just Stone Working Technology because a piece of stone is sharp and Stone tools are worked in certain pointed, doesn't make it an "arrow ways which make it possible to head." distinguish stone worked by human hands from stone that has simply been By understanding how a tool was beaten about underfoot, or in streams. made, archaeologists can sometimes learn whether the stone was hard to There are four major stone procure (rare stone would be worked working techniques: differently than stone that was easy to come by). By understanding how the • percussion flaking, tool was eventually used, archaeologists can better understand the culture. By • indirect percussion flaking, looking at wear patterns on the stone, archaeologists can determine if it was • pressure flaking, and used to cut something soft, like animal flesh, or if it was used to cut • grinding. something hard and unyielding, like wood. Each of these techniques produces a tool with recognizable differences. In order to better understand how tools were made, archaeologists In percussion flaking a blank or

25 blank and the hammerstone. The punch transfers the energy of the hammerstone blow to the blank, but . also allows it to be more carefully controlled and directed.

In pressure flaking a pointed tool, usually a bone or antler, is pressed against the edge of the blank to remove flakes.

Example of direct percussion using a hammerstone

or preform (rough form of the tool) is shaped by hitting it with a harder stone called a hammerstone to carefully remove flakes.

Sometimes the hammerstone can be held in one hand, while the blank is Example of indirect percussion using a held in the other hand. Or the hammerstone and punch hammerstone can be attached to a handle, such as an antler, creating a small hammer-like tool. The flakes removed are usually very small and this technique allows. The flakes removed by direct very careful control. It is often used in percussion are usually large and it is conjunction with percussion flaking to usually difficult to create a finely finish a tool - completing its shaping crafted tool using this technique alone. and sharpening. It is also used to resharpen a dull tool when you want to Using indirect percussion, an remove only a small bit, maximizing the intermediate tool, such as punch of life span of the tool. bone or wood, is used between the

26 Stone can also be polished, which . is really just a refinement of grinding, using successively smaller grit sizes after the appropriate shape has been achieved. The smaller grit sizes help to develop the polish or sheen of the stone.

Example of pressure flaking to remove small flakes Although stone working appears very complex, with practice it becomes very easy. For example, a simple hand The last major technique, axe can be flaked out in about 10 to 15 grinding, produces a tool lacking in minutes. More complex projectile points sharp edges. The process was typically might take 20 to 30 minutes. Simple. used for heavy tools, like axes, or for flake tools can be produced in 2 or 3 tools which were not intended to be minutes. Even complex stone grinding sharp, like atlatl weights. would rarely take longer than a few days. Grinding was accomplished using sand (sometimes a sandstone) and As a result, many stone tools water to slowly grind, or wear away, the were probably considered expendable. stone, creating the tool. It was easier to pick up a flake, quickly fashion a disposable knife, use it, then toss it away, then to worry about creating a permanent tool. Many of the tools at archaeological sites· would probably go unnoticed by an untrained observer, looking for recognizable points.

More carefully crafted Example of a stone tool frequently resharpened, getting tools were frequently smaller through time. resharpened and reused, changing size (and sometimes

27 even shape) during their life - until preferred rocks of crystalline silica. they were either lost or, too small for that chipped easily (had conchoidal further use, discarded. fracture) and gave a hard edge. The best known, in South Carolina, of these Selecting the Right Material hard, fine grained, sharp rocks are the Not all stone is appropriate for cherts in the coastal plain and the making tools. For example, soapstone is rhyolites and Carolina slates in the very soft and easy to shape - but you . Other piedmont rocks, can't cut a tree down with it, it's far frequently used were the better quartz too soft. Likewise, granite is really and quartzites. hard, but if you try to flake it you discover that it breaks into all kinds of For larger tools that were blocky shapes - you can't create a ground, not flaked, a different type of sharp edge. stone was required. A heavy, fine- .

I n o the r Stones Often Used by South Carolina's Native Americans words, stones have Stone Type of Stone Where Found distinct For Flaked Tools: Chert Sedimentary* A lIendale and vicinity properties Rhyolite Igneous Piedmont that make Quartz Igneous Piedmont the m e i the r For Pots: suitable, or Soapstone Metamorphic* Piedmont (esp. Soapstone Ridge) unsuitable, For Ground Tools: for Basalt Igneous Piedmont different purposes. * Many geologists classify these as non-metallic minerals. not rocks. We are listing the types of roc with which they are most commonly found associated. The Native Ameri can had to be something of a geologist to grained igneous stone like granite or understand - and utilize - these basalt was chosen. These stones are natural features of different stones. also found almost exclusively in the piedmont. In general, Native Americans

28 Steatite, or soapstone, was by spear.. throwers or atlatls). another piedmont rock extensively used Sometimes a point might also have been by Native Americans because it was used as a knife - serving several soft and could be easily worked to form functions. bowls. These were extensively used during the late Archaic, but were Knives, like points, can be bifacial quickly abandoned in favor of clay or unifacial. In fact, it is often difficult vessels, introduced between 4,000 and to assign the function of a knife 2,000 years ago. without evidence such as use-wear or residues (both of which require Types of Stone Tools extensive study). Archaeologists identify different "classes" of stone tools Awls were having different functions. For drills which were example, there are projectile points, probably used to knives, awls, scrapers, atlatl weights, make holes in grinding stones, and bowls (to name just skins (so they a few). It's important to recognize the could be sewn different "classes" since they tog e the r ) , Awl represent different functions - and pottery (so a tell us something about how the Native thong could lace Americans lived. cracks together), and wood or bone. They are typically long and narrow, Projectile points are carefully taking on a drill-like shape. On close flaked, generally inspection the edges also evidence on both sides extensive damage related to their (bifacially), function. although some may be flaked on Scrapers can be further divided only one side into endscrapers and sidescrapers, (unifacially). It is depending on where the working edge is

Projectile point usually hard to located. Regardless, both have steep distinguish angled working edges that are designed between points to scrape, rather than cut (the steep which tipped angle is effective for scraping, but not arrows and those used on darts (used acute enough to accidentally cut

29 through the skin). Endscrapers, for is usually hand sized, while the example, would probably have been stationary stone is usually larger and· hafted, held nearly parallel to the skin dished out. The material to be ground, surface, with the blade drawn both such as acorn meats or corn, would be toward and away from the user to placed between the two parts and scrape flesh from the hide as part of ground using a circular motion. the tanning process. Ground stone axes, frequently Atlatl weights were used on grooved for ease in hafting, are spear throwers frequently found at late Archaic and to help balance Woodland Period sites. They were the long shaft. probably used for chopping wood ­ Weights were maybe for typically made clearing land to of some stone, be planted, like basalt, that ~ maybe for would be ground forming the smooth, or a Atlatl weight shape of wooden stone like implements. steatite that After the axes could be carved into an intricate shape. were roughly Ground stone axe These tools are often shaped shaped by something like a butterfly, with two chipping, their wi ngs. In the center there is a surfaces were pecked (smoothed longitudinal hole where the weight through the punching of many small would slip over the shaft. holes) or ground, sometimes even being polished on the edges. Grinding stones, also known as milling stones, are usually hard rocks, Bowls in South Carolina were like basalts or granites. They come in made of soapstone or steatite before two parts (although frequently the two the introduction of fired clay vessels. become separated at archaeological These stone bowls were carved out of sites): a moveable stone (sometimes boulders of soapstone exposed on called a mano or pestle) and a piedmont ridges. Stone tools were used stationary stone (sometimes called a to carve the interior of the bowl, then metate or mortar). The moveable stone the exterior was gradually shaped to

30 release the bowl from its boulder. name - but,require them to explain why they chose that name. Are there . Student Activities any marks that would indicate wear in a 1. This exercise will help your particular area? How do they think the students recognize Native American tool was made? What skills (and other tools and better understand how tools) would be necessary to make this archaeologists analyze tools to artifact? How would the artifact have interpret lifeways. It can also help your been used? What other evidence of students better understand why all this tool's manufacture might you find parts of an archaeological site are at a site? critically important and why pothunters prevent us from understanding our After discussing the tools they past. have and hearing their different ideas, read the background information. The exercise uses artifacts that After each tool is described, see if any are contained in the traveling kit. If students think they have an example of you are using this lesson plan without that particular type. After being given the traveling kit, contact a local this second opportunity to identify archaeologist and ask for educational their tools, discuss the tools with the materials that you can different activities. With use. If you don't have what types of material remains enough tools for every might the tool be associated student to study one, (bones, food, hearth, house, divide the class into etc.)? What might the tool, in groups to share tools. ML that context, suggest about the lifeways of the Native Give students a Americans? And, what. few minutes to observe information would be lost if the tool, record it J the site were disturbed and (measure different the tool was the only thing dimensions that they ~--MW---1 collected - with all of the think might be Typical attributes of a projectile carbonized plant foods, animal point measured by archaeologists. bones, house patterns, and so important), and then ML = maximum length; MW = draw the tool. maximum width; BW =basal width; forth being discarded? T =thickness. Encourage them to give the object a functional As you discuss the

31 Native American Iifeways some what they may mean about the culture. students may want to describe the For example, the processed shape· Indians as "primitive." Be sure to point means that the society had the ability out to them that Europeans, 5,000 to manufacture metal; the picture of a years ago, were also using stone tools large building means they probably had and living in huts. the ability to construction large buildings; they had multiple languages; 2. This exercise will help your etc. students understand what an artifact can tell us and will help them recognize Also discuss what the artifact how complex artifact analysis really is. doesn't tell you. If you didn't know English, but only Latin, would knowing Give each student a penny. the meaning of the Latin phrase help Explain that they have to use their you better understand the artifact or imaginations - that this object is an its function? Ask about the date. Is . unknown artifact from an unknown this is the date of when the item was culture. They, like archaeologists, have made? How do you know? Could it have to identify as many features about the been a "pull date"? If it was the date of object as possible and see if they can manufacture, what does this really derive the object's function. mean? Being metal, wouldn't it have lasted a long time after when it was Have them list as many made? observations about their penny as possible. For example, it is made of Explore what the artifact might metal (maybe they will recognize that it be. Welcome ideas, but ask if the ideas is some alloy of copper); it has been are based on objective possibilities or processed into a round, thin shape; it do they reflect a cultural bias? One. has a picture of an individual on one example of bias might be that the item side, and on the other a large building looks just like. something we use in with columns; the language on one side American culture as money, called a is English, while on the other there is penny. both English and another language (maybe they will recognize it as Latin); Have each student make a list of it has a date on one side; etc. three artifacts that are important in their lives. Remember that artifacts Discuss these observations and must be material items. An example

32 might be: leather and rubber basketball particular types of rocks or minerals . shoes, electronic game boy, Garth are better for particular tool types. Brooks CD. Discuss why particular types of rocks or minerals are found in particular Then have students trade their parts of South Carolina and not others. lists with a partner who is going to analyze the list as an archaeologist Given the need for particular from another culture who has types of stones and that they occur in unearthed the three artifacts, but some places and not others, how doesn't know them from his or her own difficult would it be for some groups to experience. The student archaeologist get particular types of stone? How will try to determine what can be said might Native Americans have gotten about the person and the time in which access to some materials? What types he or she lived from the artifacts on of materials might be used instead of . the list. hard to access stone?

This can be done in class, or as homework. They should make notes and then share their analysis with the class.

Does each student (as archaeologist) analyze the artifacts objectively - or in terms of his/her cultural perspective? Let other students raise questions about the interpretations and critically evaluate how unbiased the observations are. In what ways can an archaeologist avoid similar biases? What are some of the things that artifacts can't tell us?

3. Involve geology. Discuss the different types of stone used by Native Americans and characterize each as sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous or as a mineral. Discuss why

33 34 Lesson Plan 3. The Nature of Indian-White Trade

Introduction the state after 1691. Under the Charter of Charles II the extended from The earliest contact was with southward to about St. the small and unwarlike coastal tribes, Augustine, and swept grandly westward such as the Cussoes, Wandos, Wineaus, to the Pacific Ocean! When these Etiwans, and Sewees. These groups boundaries for Carolina are realized, it were so small (and so quickly destroyed helps students understand why the by disease, slave trading, and alcohol) Indian trade was so important to that Carolina traders quickly sought Carolina. At the close of the 17th other partners. First there were the century, all of this trade (and even , living on the Savannah River. some from Canada) was being funneled Then the , who replaced the through Charleston. Westo on the Savannah River. Then the Creeks were of interest. And it wasn't So great were the profits that long before traders pushed to the there were organized attempts twice in Mississippi, making contact with the Carolina's history to make it a monopoly and Chickesaws. - first by the Lords Proprietors in 1677 and then again by the Province of More northwardly, traders Carolina in 1716. Lesser efforts were sought out the (probably a also made by one of the Proprietors, amalgam of a number of smaller groups, Lord Cardrosse, as well as by two of binding together for their mutual colony's governors, James Colleton and defense and survival), on the border of James Moore, to shut out rivals. In North and South Carolina. Trade spite of these efforts, Indian trading extended northward to the Tuscarora was in general a private competitive in North Carolina, kinsmen of the enterprise, regulated (albeit poorly) by in New York. To the

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[/)I Indian Trail

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o ::!() 40 60 I MILES

Indian Trails across South Carolina northwest, trade focused on the Southeast. Historic accounts are filled Cherokee, a large Iroquoian group in with requests by Indian groups for· the mountain region. more goods, or specific goods, or for a trading post to be located more To reach these different places convenient to their settlements. We traders relied on overland routes, discover that Native Americans sought called paths. The Virginia Path led to European goods, even though there the north and there was another were insufficient quantities, they were following the coast from by over-priced, and the traders were Charleston and Wilmington northward. frequently dishonest. Local paths connected Charleston to the Congarees (in the vicinity of Initially European objects were present-day Cayce) and Fort Moore (in novel and distribution was limited to the vicinity of present-day Augusta). the leaders and their kin. As such they The Chickesaw Path to the Mississippi were high-status items. Often the· and the Creek Path to the southwest trade goods were not so much used as were the major arteries to the west. displayed as signs of authority and status. Water routes - which assumed so much importance to South Carolina's As goods became more available, commerce in the 18th century - were and could be acquired by a larger little used by the Indian traders. Not percentage of the population, the only was the dampness of river traffic novelty wore off, although to some damaging to the animal skins being degree the status of ownership was transported, but the water routes were retained. considered far more dangerous. Moreover, relatively few rivers For example, whites always. provided direct routes to the places sought to provide Native American that traders needed to be. Often, leaders with "special" items during land however, trading posts grew up where cessions or conferences. Specific gifts the paths crossed over fords at major are listed in historic records for rivers. leaders and their spouses, such as silver ornaments, saddles, trunks, and Why did the Indians Trade? "good" guns, while bulk goods are listed The desire for European goods for "the rest of the nation." These bulk spread rapidly throughout the goods would include glass beads,

37 kettles, hatchets, even Ownership of Trade Goods and Status ceramic plates, bowls, and mugs. Both sexes esteem the above things [jewelry] as very great ornaments of dress, and commonly load the parts with each sort, Guns, though, in proportion to their ability of purchasing them: it is a common were much sought trading rule with us, to judge the value of an Indian's effects, by the weight of his fingers, wrists, ears, crown of his head, boots, after. Not only were and maccaseenes - by the quantity of red paint daubed on his face, they a status item, and by the shirt above the colar, shoulders, and back, should he costing upwards of 35 have one. skins apiece, but they -- James Adair, an 18th century trader allowed a hunter to be far more deadly, doubling seasonal kill averages (from 20 trade practices with the whites lead to 40 deer kills per season). Gun the Native Americans to eventual ownership, therefore, opened the door dependency. For example, after only 20 . to yet additional trade goods! In years of trade, a Cherokee "King," was addition, the gun allowed better self­ recorded as observing that they: defense, as well as providing a strategic advantage as tribes began preying on must now mind and one another for slaves (to be sold to Consider that all their Old the English for export to plantations in men were gone, and that the Caribbean). they had been brought up after another AAanner In some cases trade with the than their forefathers English was a requirement of survival. and that they must With the depopulation of many Indian Consider that they could groups and subsequent increase in not live without the political control by the whites, pre­ English. contact trade patterns were either disrupted or destroyed. The treaty of The Nature of Trading 1721, for example, prohibited the Cherokee from entering coastal South AAost of the trading was financed Carolina - eliminating their access to by wealthy backers in England who raw materials in that region. sought to become more wealthy from the Indian trade. The traders But often the involvement In themselves have been described as

38 being "recruited from Cost of Some Trade Goods in Skins - 1716 the dregs of humanity," often including every A Gun 35 Twelve Flints 1 conceivable type of A Yard Strouds 8 A Broadcloth Coat I criminal. That, of A white Duffield laced 30 course, is one reason Blanket 16 A Half Thicks Coat 20 the accounts are so full A Yard of Half An Ax 5 Thicks 3 A Pistol 20 of complaints by Native A Hatchet 3 A Sword 10 Americans against A narrow Hoe 3 A Shirt 5 Carolina traders A broad Hoe 5 A Steel 1 complaints that, more Thirty Bullets 1 A calico Petticoat 14 A Knife 1 A red Girdle 2 often then not, were A pair Scissors 1 never satisfactorily Two Strings Beads 1 dealt with. Moreover, the number of traders was large - in 1710 traders constituted even some buffalo. Deer, however, were 1I8th of Carolina's population! so common that some hunters were able to bring 100 to 200 hides a year in for In exchange for trade goods, the trade. Indians bartered their furs, primarily deerskins, both dressed and raw, as The pressure for success caused well as slaves, generally young captives many Native Americans to abandoned taken during raids promoted by the their old ways and begin using fire English. drives and other forms of mass hunting. Large numbers of animals were Besides deer, Carolina provided slaughtered, with only the skins being beavers, otters, foxes, raccoons, wi Id salvaged and the carcasses left rotting cats, opossums, and "musquasses" or in the woods. muskrats. There were also bears, and

Skins and Furs Exported from Carolina in 1699 and 1700

Year bear beaver deer cat fox leopard mink muskrat otter raccoon woodchuck wolf 1699 17 1451 64488 192 1069 1 3 26 411 1362 1 1 1700 19 1486 22133 199 1456 556 129 12 1

39 The number of . skins was so large that Cost of Some Trade Goods in Skins - 1718 typically the Indians could give them only A Gun 16 A Yard Plains or A Pound Powder 1 Half Thicks 2 minimal preparation ­ Four Pounds Bullets A laced Hat 3 stretching on sticks in or Shot 1 A plain Hat 2 front of the fire to dry A Pound Red Lead 2 A white Duffield them out. It was only Fifty Flints 1 Blanket 8 back in their villages Two Knives 1 A blew or red Ditto, One Pound Beads 3 Two Yards 7 that the skins would be Twenty-four Pipes 1 A course Linnen tanned, usi ng water and A broad Hoe 3 Shirt 3 deer brains. A Hatchet 2 A Gallon Rum 4 Occasionally the skins A Pound Vermilion 16 A Pound Vermilion, were smoked, which A Yard double two Pounds striped cloth 3 red Lead 20 apparently gave them a A double striped Brass Kettles, per particularly bad odor Cloth Coat, pound which hung on the hides Tinsey laced 16 A Yard course even after they were A Half Thicks or flowered dressed. Plains Coat, Calicoe 4 Laced 14 Three Yards broad A Ditto, not laced 12 scarlet In the spring, the A Yard Strouds 4 Caddice 1 hides were bundled into packs weighing 40 to 60 pounds each and carried into Charleston by Indian packmen these Indian trading paths and the (eventually horses replaced the locations of some of the colonial packmen). Once in Charleston the skins settlements which developed in South were either used locally (there were a Carolina. This exercise will help your· number of tanneries in the Charleston students realize how difficult access to area) or were shipped to London. different parts of the state was and will help develop map skills. Student Activities 1. Many Indian trails across Pass out copies of the map and South Carolina later became colonial ask your students to locate their roads, and are now used as highways. community on the map. You might also The map on page 36 shows several of consider obtaining copies of the modern

40 road map of South Carolina (which you compare how prices changed through can obtain by contacting the Map Room time. For example, between 1716 and. of the South Carolina Department of 1718 (just two years) a gun decreased Transportation). This might help them in value from 35 to 16 skins and a knife better locate their community - and decreased from 1 skin to only a t skin. can be used to compare the paths to Encourage your students to consider modern roads. why this might be. One answer they may not think of is that Carolina faced Ask your students how far their increasing competition for the Indian community is from an Indian trail. Is trade from Virginia - Carolina traders that path or trail still in existence were having to reduce their prices not today, perhaps as part of the state only to keep customers, but also to highway system? keep the Indians from being hostile at the treatment they were receiving. Ask students to identify the Discuss how this competition may have . major rivers on the map. Which rivers unsettled Indian-White relations. seem to have Indian names? Can they tell if the course of any of these rivers Also caution your students that has changed? . these charts are an example of the problem with historical documents. Using a modern map, have your Perhaps the prices decreased because students identify which Indian trails the quality of the goods themselves are now highways. Why do they think decreased. This we can't know without that the different trails were archaeological studies. developed? Where do the different trails seem to lead? What about Have your students calculate the modern roads - do they seem to be percent of decline for individual items going to about the same places? Why? that appear to be the same. Do any· increase in cost? Also have them 2. Another exercise involves calculate the mean increase or exploring the cost of trade good items. decrease. This exercise can integrate a variety of math skills, ranging from simple 3. There are likely items in the comparisons to calculation of price lists that aren't familiar to percentages, depending on the grade students today. For example, what are level of the students. One goal is to "strouds"? Since they'were sold by the

41 yard, they must have been some sort of recognize the items. Ask them how the cloth - but what kind. And what about items might have been used by the. the difference between a "narrow" hoe Native Americans. For example, the and a "broad" hoe? beads were sometimes worn as jewelry, but were even more often sewn onto The items that aren't well clothing. understood by your students make an excellent class research project. Consider which of the trade Where do you go to learn the meaning goods would be found archaeologically of obsolete words? What books can you - and which would leave no trace. Also find that might help? Explain that this consider that some items are what is exactly the kind of research that archaeologists call "composite historians and archaeologists have to artifacts," that is they contain several do all the time - in fact, there is much different types of materials. For more of this kind of research in example, a gun includes metal (which. archaeology than there is excavation! would corrode or rust, but which would be recoverable) and wood (which would If possible, do a class visit to the decay and not be found). Lots of the school library - perhaps this would be trade items were fabric, clothes, or a good opportunity for the librarian to blankets - none of these items would help explain research approaches and be found in an archaeological site. How using reference materials. The would the recovery of different types librarian, for example, might point out of materials affect our archaeological that a great place to begin such a interpretation? search is with the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Get students involved by comparing the information from a conventional dictionary to that from the OED. See how many of the words show up in the OED, as compared to a smaller dictionary of modern words.

4. Examples of several of these trade items are included in the traveling kit. Pass these examples out to your students and ask them if they

42 Lesson Plan 4. Indian-White Relations During the 18th and 19th Centuries

Introduction unknown group, visited by few The story of Indian-White Englishmen during the first several relations is actually far richer, more decades of the eighteenth century. interesting, and more tragic than is Many, however, feared the Cherokee . suggested by the few short paragraphs not because they were unknown, but most school history texts devote to the because they were in the way. First­ subject. generation expansionists such as Thomas Naire feared that the "English Europeans were at first greeted American Empire" would be with astonishing kindness and warmth. "unreasonably" constrained. It was not The European leaders were quick to French or Spanish activities which recognize the value of Indian trade and worried these early expansionists. sought, often unsuccessfully, to ensure Instead, they feared that Carolina's fairness, as well as profitability. But westward growth would be stalled by this mutual trust was quickly shattered the undefined disposition of the by disease, abuse, and . - a group being courted by the French from their northern bases.. This lesson plan focuses on the history of Carolina and their neighbors Given the often unscrupulous to the northwest - the Cherokee. trading practices of many whites, coupled with the constant The Early Cherokee and the encroachment by planters cutting down Yemassee War the forests and creating plantations, The Cherokee for most the Yemassee War (1715-1718) should Carolinians remained a rather dark and have come as no surprise. Whi Ie it is

43 almost certain that the "conspiracy" Cowpen near the Santee River. for the uprising was fostered by the powerful Creek Confederacy found in A delegation of Cherokees, from Georgia and Alabama, and virtually all the Middle , came to Charleston of the Carolina tribes participated, it is and promised to join with the English the Yemassee who are best associated against the Creeks. Heartened by this with this uprising. The first blow was show of solidarity, Maurice Mathews struck on Good Friday, April 15, 1715, led troops out of Charleston, intending when the Yemassee attacked a to meet with a large Cherokee force delegation sent to Pocotaligo to lIinquire and wage war on the Creeks. The into their grievance." While troops sent Cherokee, however, failed to appear from Charleston caused much damage and Mathews, instead of waging war on to the Yemassee, briefly quieting their the Creeks, marched to the Lower actions, the and other more Towns, arriving at Tugaloo. There he northeastern groups continued the found a considerable diversity of. hostilities. By mid-July a second opinion regarding the wisdom of going expedition was sent out to attack these to war against the Creeks. While the groups, in conjunction with North more western Middle Towns were Carolina actions. These actions were somewhat isolated from the Creeks, not nearly as successful and, hearing many in the Lower Towns feared the that Charleston was once again cost of such an undertaking. The threatened from the south, troops Cherokee also quickly discovered that returned home. the English were more interested in whipping the Lower Towns into a war During the first half of the frenzy than in going to war themselves. Yemassee War there were scattered Mathews repeatedly avoided promising reports of Cherokee hostility, any "joint undertaking" and was hard counterbalanced by frequent pressed to even make promises of. assurances from the western traders weapons or powder. that the Cherokee were, at worst, neutral. The fear that the Cherokee Eventually a Creek party, under a would align with Creek and wipe out the banner of truce, came to Tugaloo to English settlements, however, was discuss peace. The entire Creek strong. It was also strengthened by the delegation wa~ killed by the most appearance that the Cherokee were hostile of the Cherokee. Realizing that involved in the raid on Schenkingh's they had managed to provoke a war

44 Spanish in order to Location of the Cherokee towns in the 1720s dampen the crippling slave raids by the Creeks. The overture to the Spanish was largely rejected and the Cherokee continued to suffer for their "alliance" with Charleston. x __~ ~~ __~_ c_._- This event

I ! I I I,, affected the future Scol. in Inil•• +-c.:,~ assumptions of both the English and Cherokee for years to come. For example, the English between the Cherokee and Creek, the seized on the massacre of the Creeks English quickly left the town. The as proof of a Cherokee-English alliance. Lower Cherokee Towns would pay a high The Cherokee, however, came away price for their "alliance" with the with a very different understanding English. The act of violence was which largely focused on the failure on returned almost immediately and was the English to fulfill the basic the beginning of an intertribal war that obligation of allies to fight together. would continue for 30 years - brought This lack of trust would still be about by the English to further their strongly felt among the Cherokee forty own political fortunes. years later.1

Muskhogean people as far south as , Florida joined forces and 1 Curiously, many modern historians still began raiding the Cherokee. The fai I to understand the hesitancy of the Cherokee to open old war scars and the effects were so damaging to the duplicity of the English. One school history Cherokee that in 1724 they attempted textbook, for example, comments that, to make peace directly with the "Governor Craven persuaded the Cherokees to go to war with the Creeks ... " without ever

45 Trade, Indians, and Political Conflict American slaves might join forces with After the Yemassee War trade the Indians. was re-established, but the English found that the virtual elimination of In 1716, a public monopoly was Native American groups in the established to take the management of lowcountry, as well as in much of the trading into government hands, ending Carolina Piedmont, significantly reduced the practice of establishing private the profit of the trade. What trade "trading stores" among the different there was had to shared not only with villages and requiring the Cherokee and the Virginians, but also with the French other groups to come to various who moved more or less freely from garrisons for trade. An early Cherokee the Tennessee River Valley. The private agent, Theophilus Hastings, reported traders realized that the future of that the Cherokee "utterly dislike[d]" their business lay to the west, among this change and trading profits declined the larger tribes such as the Cherokee. dramatically. Over the next two Tapping this market, however, was decades the act regulating Indian hampered by the political power in trading would be revised, de­ Charleston of the planter interests. emphasizing public control, once again This early dispute between the re-establishing free trading. interests of the backcountry and those of the lowcountry would set the stage In 1720, ex-Governor Johnson for antagonisms and disputes which wrote to the Council of Trade and would continue into the twentieth Plantations about the number of century. Indians on the border of South Carolina. Using data gathered by The planter interests, still traders just before the Yemassee War fearful of Cherokee power, wanted to in 1715, Johnson reported that the cut off free contact with the tribes, Cherokee, divided into "Upper,". believing that more regulated trade "Middle," and "Lower" towns, accounted (being fairer trade) would buffer the for 10,200 individuals and were located settlements from any future Indian between 320 and 450 miles northwest uprising. Further, the planters, of Charleston. The Creeks, 250 miles constantly fearful of a slave uprising, distant, accounted for about 2406 were equally fearful that the African individuals. Produced at about the same time is the 1715 "Map of North and ll mentioning the English duplicity. South Carolina and Florida • While the

46 projection of the map is skewed, it population growth, this served only to reveals a void between the "Cuttanbas" push the proprietors' last few friends or Catawbas to the east and the Lower into the opposition camp. Cherokee or "Charakeys" to the west. The dearth of towns provides some A peaceful, and bloodless, support to the idea that by this time revolution in November 1719 tentatively much of the northwestern portion of placed South Carolina under the crown, South Carolina was largely deserted although it would take nearly a decade and used as hunting territory. for the state to become a royal colony. By 1725 South Carolina was in the By 1725, the Cherokee were midst of a serious depression. Not only complaining bitterly about the influx of were other colonies largely unaffected, white settlers, suggesting that this but a solution was not within the reach buffer between the Cherokee and of South Carolina and the state could Catawba was primarily considered to be only wait for London to react. Cherokee land. The colonial response was limited, at best. The effects of the The Growing Dislike for the Cherokee Yemassee War had crippled South It was during James Glen's 13 Carolina, nearly destroyed her economy, year term - the longest of any colonial and drove a wedge between the governor that he advocated colonists and the Proprietors. To fund Carolina's manifest destiny. Harkening the war and, hopefully, the colony's back to such expansionists as Naire, recovery, the assembly produced an Glen realized that the Cherokee unchecked flood of paper money. This blocked South Carolina's perceived alone would have been sufficient to right to more land. While Cherokee turn the merchants agai nst the trade increased (at a time when Indian proprietors, but there was also a trade was beginning to decline in growing pirate problem. As opposition economic value), there was a growing mounted, the proprietors responded by fear of the Cherokee among South closing the land office, prohibiting the Carolinians. This fear was compounded granting of any new land to either by the Stono Rebellion in 1739, when established settlers or new immigrants, between 60 and 100 Charleston area and reserved all of the "abandoned" slaves took up arms. While the Yemassee lands for their own use, rebellious slaves were quickly killed or creating 15 baronies. While justified as captured, this event was the planter's a means of promoting additional white worst fear come true. In a colony

47 ~ (X) '... -. 'i, .';;""'" ,',' ;·~.iI;~~;.;~·~~~'~iP~:;;''''1 . 'i}~ ""'~"'i.' :t·~l"iW~~1.1~t(~'il't';. , ;',\,:, II "Re ·:;,,;m:'I:'I;t:tNt ~:,6&<"t:'-:;::~ lrt:'!·· "''''"., ' ", ',' '., .' .'. '~~IJ~7 ..", {J·'!>;'w()1I.'rH .B.Ol"O,"· 0'1:,' ~. ,"t l." '; .. ," "j,'-o,. --.~ '-"''''''''''''''~-rP$l'<~ ••_ ... fi.. :.:. , c ..t1a .. b~, .' :':::-'":-:;:;' '''',,- ""'\ , ~i <~:~:,~:>,._-,,~,~"W' 1,:;"\111"', , ;':: ,:,{ '. ,,\ \. 1:.""J, ~ _'~~~,.J""' "~ rf.'<',' .1:...... •'./tr.I((.. .A.'~'\.:;. to' 0' J',o. " ',:,".< ( , ",·t,'.:!~,i'\ "" .~ )~• ~'" , '\ R to L, r :A .J.... _, ~"' ; Y',~~:3.';·),~flB[~:,·'~', J '.,~ , " .. .W'"...., •. ,\. " (M-.t' to, .' t e, .:y.. ~o J 0 ~ ChHilK!y.·'\. ,..;f(" ;If 10 l'f1/-,u.

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Portion of the 1715 "Map of North and South Carolina and Florida," from the Colonial Office Library, London. '. "";r-:",,.;.,:.~7' 1!i I J' '''t':! ~"l}" .r, :" . 'j J "'" Vj ; .. ...~ ~ I '~. 4" , ~ i "(' ,'.,-- '?'- , .. /' ._ ,. t , j ,. . "


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A Portion of the George Haight "Map Showing the Indian Country West of Carolina" drawn in 1751. Like the earlier 1715 map, it reveals a broad, unoccupied plain between the "Catawbaw Nation" and the numerous Cherokee towns to the west. ~ '" where, in 1729, 20,000 of the 30,000 Cherokee, Chester, Richland, Fairfield, occupants were African American and a portion of York was "given up" by . slaves, fear of an uprising was on the the Cherokee. The lands in Pendleton­ mind of every white. the modern counties of Anderson, Pickens, and Oconee - and Greenville In what seems almost to be a County, were reserved for the repeat of history, Glen attempted to Cherokee, along with their holdings in organi ze a conference with the North Carolina and Georgia. The Cherokee in 1755 to determine their present line dividing Greenville and support. The importance of the timing Spartanburg was established as the cannot be overstated, since this marks Indian Boundary by this treaty. Two the beginning of what elsewhere was forts also resulted from the treaty ­ known as the Seven Years War, but is Fort Prince George at Keowee and Fort known as the in . Loudon on the Tennessee River. the colonies. Of course the Cherokee had no The Cherokee, perhaps tired of such intention. As previously mentioned, colonial gamesmanship, refused to come while this territory was largely devoid to Charleston, suggesting a more of settlement, it served as a buffer neutral location midway between the between the English and Cherokee, two seats of government. Saluda was between the Cherokee and the selected and Glen put on a grand show. Catawba, and likely between the Rounding up local pioneer settlers for Cherokee and the Creek. show, there was a great deal of talk, with the Cherokee eventually proposing After the 1755 Treaty of an alliance. Glen, either through Saluda, settlers from Maryland, ignorance or greed, misinterpreted the Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Cherokee intention of good will, Carolina began to flood into the newly· believing that the Cherokee had opened territory. The range of ethnic provided him with a fee-simple deed to groups distinguished this migration all of their lands in the region. Known as from many others and Scotch Irish, the Treaty of Saluda, the land Germans, Swiss, Welsh Baptists, embracing the present counties of ~uakers, and even French Huguenots Edgefield, Abbeville, Laurens, made up the assemblage. Largely, Newberry, Greenville, Saluda, however, the Ninety Six District McCormick, Union, Spartanburg, became associated with the Scotch-

50 Irish who settled the Spartanburg area wanted it. In actuality, it consists of to the east of Greenvilie around the three separate campaigns launched into . Tyger River in the 1760s. the Cherokee territory, but they are usually blurred together, likely because The Ineptitude of Lyttelton no one campaign was decisive. Following Glen as governor was William Henry Lyttelton, who seemed The first campaign was to yearn for some kind of engagement described as "a wild and ridiculous in the backcountry. South Carolina was parade" by no less than James Adair, once again fearful of both a slave who pointed out that Lyttelton had no revolt and the French overtures understanding of Indian politics. He (coming from Fort Toulouse) to the marched to Keowee and camped across Cherokee. As tensions mounted, the river from the town. Over the Lyttelton ignored the advice of the course of many weeks he threatened General assembly and began mounting a and bullied, but failed to either win· war of words against the Cherokee. concessions or show any meaningful force. finally drove him out of In August of 1759 Lyttelton Indian country and back to Charleston, halted arms and ammunition sales to where his gift to the was to the Cherokees. Not satisfied that this introduce a smallpox epidemic. He, had the desired effect, in October he however, had left his Cherokee announced that he would "take hostages at Fort Prince George and command of the forces myself and these Indians were eventually carry the war into the Enemy's "butchered ... in a Manner too country. II Sensing that tensions were shocking to Relate" by the troops in high, the Cherokee sent a delegation to reprisal for the killing of one of their Charleston to make peace with the number. In response, the Cherokee and English. This effort was rebuffed by Creek began negotiations, an event· Lyttelton who went beyond the realm which sent shock waves through of the acceptable and took the Charleston. delegation hostage. In the early Spring of 1760 the This began what historians killing of the Indian hostages was usually call the Cherokee War, lasting revenged by Cherokees as they swept from 1759 through 1761, although through the backcountry. The area there is no evidence that the Cherokee dissolved into chaos and South Carolina

51 convinced London that British troops The campaigns were traumatic, were needed. Regulars under the revealing the embarrassing military and. command of Archibald Montgomery financial weakness of the colony, the began the second campaign. The Lower inability of its leaders to devise Towns of Keowee, Estatoe, Toxaway, military operations, and the lack of Qualatchee, and Conasatche were all enthusiasm on the part of North burned along with their food supplies. Carolina to be brought into troubles to On the way to the Middle Towns, the south. The war also challenged the however, Montgomery I s troops were myth of a special relationship between attacked by the Cherokee and routed. the Cherokee and English. Both sides behaved in reprehenSible fashion, After regrouping they marched slaughtering innocents and those under to the abandoned town of Echoe, only a flag of truce. to retreat back to Charleston. Immediately upon his arrival But perhaps most of all, it· Montgomery announced that he would continued to gnaw at the psyche of the board ships in the harbor and set sail Colony, emphasizing the discord out of South Carolina's Indian between planter and merchant, problems. This, as might be imagined, upcountry pioneer and lowcountry caused a new round of panic and planter, and white owners and black paranoia in Charleston, which was only slave. Further, peace did not come deepened by the discovery that the quickly or convincingly. The relations troops of the Overhill Fort Loudon between red and wh~te were so garrison were slaughtered by the strained that the Cherokee did not Cherokee under a flag of truce. welcome back traders has they had in the past. The third campaign was organized and initially lead by Lt. In particular, the younger· Governor William Bull. This campaign members of the Cherokee towns resulted in 33 days of raising havoc in expressed an intensive denial of white the Cherokee settlements. Enough culture, wanting nothing to do with the damage was done this time to cause white man, his way, or his trade goods. Little Carpenter, recognized as an overall leader of the Cherokee, to seek The boundary line was re­ peace that fall. established and, for the Cherokee, it offered an opportunity to re-establish

52 their relationship with South Carolina. working with Cherokee of Virginia and The Cherokee desired what might be it seems that the Cherokees both liked called a semi-permeable boundary. This and respected him. was something which might allow trade when it was advantageous and permit A clue to the underlying intention diplomacy to keep the peace, but which of the Cherokee, however, is best would curtail, perhaps even prevent, the provided by understanding that the swelling farmer settlements. This lands were provided not to Cameron and problem was recognized by Pearis, but rather to their sons of Superintendent of Indian Affa!rs John Indian women. 2 The gifts of land (each Stuart, who cautioned that a more "grant" encompassed somewhere eastern boundary should be established between 92,000 and 200,000 acres) than that desired by Bull, "the were intended to confirm the blood­ inhabitants of those back Countries are ties between the groups, ensuring that in general the lowest and worst Part of the mixed blood chi Idren would be. the People, and as they and the Indians raised in both worlds and to serve as a live in perpetual Jealousy and Dread of bridge, establishing kinship bonds and each other, so their rooted Hatred for alliances, between the white and red each other is reciprocal". worlds. It is also likely that the tracts were cleverly laid out by the Indians to These campaigns made the provide a physical bridge between the frontier of South Carolina relatively two worlds which would be owned by safe from the Cherokees and white trusted individuals, creating open paths settlement pressures increased for trade and diplomacy. For example, dramatically. Pearis I land was near a spur of the Great to the Catawbas. In the 1760s a group of The shape and position of the two Cherokee leaders offered two blocks parcels was carefully established to . of land to the sons of two well-known give the Cherokee access to the Cherokee traders, Alexander Cameron and Richard Pearis. Cameron was 2 Richard Pearis did have a white wife. apparently beloved, and highly trusted, However, like many traders among the Indians, by the Cherokee. Pearis, while perhaps he also had a native "side wife." This practice not as beloved, was recogni zed as a established kinship bonds between the trader skilled negotiator who understood the and the native groups. His off-spring of this relationship, George Pearis, was the intended Cherokees. He had a long history recipient of the land.

53 Charleston road, as well as to the Great The second phase of the Trading path. Revolution was between the summer of . 1776 and January 1780. Most of the The grants, however, resulted in state enjoyed a relative calm, while the immediate controversy. The Cherokee revolution raged on primarily in the had previously agreed to grant no land northern colonies. There were pillaging to any party other than the crown. And raids in the backcountry by loyalists while some accused Cameron and Pearis based in East Florida, but these were of deceit and trickery, it was clear that minor compared to what would occur both deeds were offered with the full later. The greatest raid, in the knowledge and consent of the backcountry, was the final Cherokee Cherokees. Others accused Pearis of solution. It seems that whatever hopes accepting the land in payment of a debt the whigs had of continuing peaceful owed by the Cherokee. relations with the Cherokee were abandoned in the spring of 1776. There· The and the were occasional Indian raids, which "Final Cherokee Solution" might have been participated in by the Historians have frequently Cherokee - but there was no real divided South Carolina's Revolutionary proof. And Richard Pearis was seeking War experiences into several distinct Cherokee participation against the phases. The first, from 1774 to 1776, whigs. As in the past, however, anger focused on the backcountry. Coastal was generated more by what the whigs opened greater opportunities for Cherokee might do, rather than by backcountry participation in the new what they, in fact, had done. state government and in July 1774 the backcountry sent delegates to a general Individuals such as William Henry meeting in Charleston. Efforts at Drayton, who in the past supported the support also included direct appeals to Cherokees, suddenly spoke out urging· the backcountry and in July 1774 a their virtual elimination: committee visited the Carolina backcountry in an effort to win broader It is expected you make support for the new country. Relatively smooth work as you go ­ little new support was found, but the that is you cut up every mission perhaps contributed to bringing Indian corn field, and burn the region to the boiling point. every Indian town - and that every Indian taken

54 shall be the slave and destroyed. property of the taker; that the nation be The Cherokees were to face at extirpated, and the lands least seven major offensives before become the property of the Revolutionary War was over. Each the public. For my part I attack was similar to the previous and shall never give my voice eventually the Cherokee will was for a peace with the broken. Pearis was singled out during upon any these forays. Not only was he a loyalist, other terms than their but his household was described as a

removal beyond the II rendezvous for the Indians and mountains. Scopholites".3 Consequently his settlement was attacked and burned. The old voices of colonial manifest The property was confiscated, to be destiny were thereby united with the regranted after the Revolution. At the· whig philosophy of freedom and Battle of Lindley's Fort (in Laurens independence. County), Pearis' half-wife, branded a "Scopholite Adjutant,1I was captured. To achieve their goals the whigs quickly devised an intercolonial With only a handful of intact campaign with troops from several settlements intact and many of her colonies penetrating the tribal territory for the purpose of destroying 3 South Carolinians used the term the Cherokee. As in the past, the "scoffelite" (with various spellings) to campaign was marred by poor planning, designate, and denigrate, loyalists of a poor coordination, and poor leadership, particular ilk. Some suggest that the term was associated, directly or philosophically, with but it did succeed in seriously damaging Joseph Coffel, a leader of anti-Regulator. the Cherokee landscape, with one forces who, upon the outbreak of the participant noting that the Cherokee Revolution, formed a band of tory (or "were reduced to a state of the most scoffelite) rangers and began a series of deplorable and wretched being often pillaging raids against backcounty settlements. There is also some indication that the term obliged to subsist on insects and "scopholite" may have been applied to the ll reptiles of every kind • Soconee, followers of another tory leader, a Col. Scophol. Keowee, Sugar Town, Estatoe, Tugaloo, Eventually the term also took on racial Tamassee, Cheowee, and Eustaste were undertones, being associated with Indians, burned and fields full of crops were African Americans, and especially mixed-breeds and mulattos.

55 people starving, the Cherokees sued for differences about property rights and peace, signing two separate treaties. ownership. There were many different. The first was signed on May 20, 1777 tribes, each with a variety of leaders. at DeWitt I S Corners. Here the Intertribal warfare, while existing Cherokee surrendered nearly all their prior to European conflict, was remaining territory in South Carolina, exacerbated by English trade and including the present counties of settlement. Moreover, this early Greenville, Anderson, Pickens, and warfare was on a small scale and almost Oconee. The Indians, however, were always settled with very limited loss of permitted to remain in the ceded life - it was not the "total warfare"

Indian territory, IIby political introduced by the English. indulgencell and it is clear that they began to rebuild a number of their Native Americans typically also Lower Towns in Oconee County. had a spirit or cultural incentive for reciprocity - something that the' A second treaty was signed on English rarely understood. In addition, July 20, 1777 at the Long Island of the the diseases introduced by Europeans, Holston. Here the Cherokee ceded such as influenza, smallpox, and everything they possessed east of the measles, were devastating to Native Blue Ridge, fulfilling the colonial South Americans - often having a 60 to 90cro Carolina lust for land and driving the mortality rate. Native groups were Cherokees (at least on paper) "beyond disrupted by disease, war, loss of land, the mountains." and slavery.

Student Activities 1. Taking the Cherokee scenario, divide These activities are intended to the class into two groups. To avoid help your students better understand preconceived ideas inspired by names, the situations, people, and attitudes designate the groups only as "A" and' during the period of cross-cultural "B." conflict in the early settlement of South Carolina. Now relate to the two groups that "A" consists of people not unlike It is important to understand Americans today, while "B" consists of that this conflict was not simply one of vastly technologically superior aliens Native vs. English attitudes toward the from another planet. Group B is land, although there were very basic searching the galaxy for trading

56 partners, as well as additional land for 2. Assign your students to research settlement. original statements by both English and. Native Americans describing the other Group B can provide technology (a few are provided here). When they allowing unlimited creation of a have completed their research, ask nonpolluting fuel, as well as offering a your students what these quotes mean military superiority that would allow -- as well as what they tell us about the Group A to maintain world peace. But two groups. this comes at a cost -- remember that Group B also wants land. And maybe If we had only these quotes on more. which to evaluate the two groups what might we be able to reconstruct about Some members of Group Bare their beliefs, about how they viewed kind and considerate. Others are not. each other, and about how they saw the Some members of Group Bare honest, world around them? while others are corrupt and devious. If we were to try to synthesize Imagine the conflicts that might these different quotes, what might be occur -- and the responses of both a one or two phrase description of sides. Is there a "right" or "wrong" Native and European attitudes? How side? Are there "correct" and are these attitudes reflected in the "incorrect" actions in response to the accounts of· modern history books? interaction? Encourage your students Are these history books unbiased? to look at the circumstances from both sides. With these quotes "setting the stage" for Indian-White relations, how For younger students, for whom else might the two groups have such an exercise may be too stressful, attempted to settle their differences? . ask them, instead, to imagine that Could the two groups have reached any aliens have landed and suddenly took compromise? If so, what? over their house, ate their food, and slept in their bed. How would they feel 3. As a map exercise, prepare copies of about this? Expand the discussion to the historic maps included in this lesson help your students understand the view plan and distribute them to your point of the Native Americans. students. Compare these historic maps to a modern map that includes South

57 Indians Talking About Europeans: Europeans Talking About Indians:

What is the matter, you Christian men, The means by which we may gain the that you esteem a little bit of gold so Indians' confidence and keep them off much more than your own peace of the warpath is to make sure they never mind? lack suitable goods at favorable prices -- Ponciaco (Cuna), 1516 and of a quality to which they are accustomed. -- Manuel Gayoso, 1789 Very high, powerful, and good master. The things that seldom happen bring [It] pleased Almighty God.to send astonishment. Think, then, what must unusual Sickness amongst them, as the be the effect, on me and mine, of the Smallpox, etc., to lessen their Numbers sight of you and your people, whom we ... the Hand of God was eminently seen have at no time seen, astride the fierce in Thinning the Indians, to make room brutes, your horses, entering with such for the English. speed and fury into my country, that we -- John Archdale, 1700 have no tidings of your coming - things altogether new, as to strike awe and Now this Difference of Speech causes terror into our hearts ... Jealousies and Fears amongst them, --Creek Chief of Achese, which bring Wars, wherein they destroy 1540 one another; otherwise the Christians had not (in all Probability) settled America so easily, as they had done, had Your emperor may be a great prince: I these Tribes of Savages united do not doubt it, seeing that he has sent themselves into one People or general his subjects so far across the waters; Interest, or were they so but every and I am willing to treat him as my hundred Miles. brother. As for the pope of whom you --, 1701 speak, he must be mad to speak of giving away countries that do not belong [S]o ends our account of the Cherokee to him. As for my faith, I will not expedition an expedition of great change it. Your own god, as you tell me, importance and in such a very was put to death by the very men he numerous, powerful, treacherous and created. But my god still looks down insolent nation of SAVAGES has been upon his children. compelled to submit -- Atahualpa (Inca), 1533 -- Charleston newspaper, 1760

58 Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Why the white people do Tennessee. not hunt and live as we do? You profess to think Where were the different it no injustice to warn us Indian villages? Were they on not to ki II our deer and mountains, or in the valleys of rivers? other game from the Why might they have been located mere love of waste; but it were they were? Where were the is very criminal in our routes that lead to these villages? Did young men if they chance these routes pass over the mountains, to ki II a cow or a hog for or along drainages? How do these their sustenance when routes compare to the trading paths they happen to be in your (see the previous lesson plan)? lands .... We are a separate people! He has 4. The following is part of a speech given each their lands, made by the Cherokee leader, Corn under distinct Tassel, in 1777. Read it to your considerations and students and ask them what the ci rcumstances; he has Cherokee leader meant. Why were the stocked yours with cows, English (and other Europeans) so ours with buffalo; yours anxious to acquire Indian land (what with hog, ours with bear; was happening in Europe to force yours with sheep, ours migrations to the "New" World and with deer. He has, indeed, what was happening in the colonies to given you an advantage in force movement of people into Indian this, that your cattle are lands? Why did the English believe that tame and domestic while no compensation (or no meaningful ours are wild and demand compensation) was owed to Native not only a larger space for Americans? What can these events a range, but art to hunt teach us about working with other and kill them; they are, groups today? nevertheless, as much our property as other animals You say: Why do not the are yours, and ought not Indians till the ground and to be taken away without live as we do? May we not, our consent, or for with equal propriety ask, something equivalent.

59 60 Post Visit

Exploring the Visit their perceptions of Native After visiting the exhibit, quiz Americans - and correct any your students about what they misperceptions that might still linger. learned - Are all Indians alike? Did Several topics that are appropriate they live in tepees? Is hunting and for more intensive study include: collecting necessarily more arduous that planting crops? How do • Archaeology - how archaeologists archaeologists reconstruct learn about early peoples and how prehistoric Indian lifeways? What archaeologists study the evidence of kinds of foods did Indians eat? What the past. Look at the technology and were Indian-White relations like process of archaeology, but focus on during South Carolina's colonial critical thinking: "what does this period? How did Indians make evidence mean and how do we know pottery? What sorts of envi ronmental this?" This will be far more important changes have taken place over the to your students 10 or 30 years from past 10,000 years and how have these now then learning exactly how an affected the way people lived? What archaeologist digs a square hole. happened to the Native Americans with the coming of the Europeans? • Cultural Lifeways - how Native Americans met basic needs of food, Expanding the Visit shelter, clothing, and travel, using Each of these provides an archaeology, history, and Native avenue for additional discussion and tradition. Look at different learning. We all know that students techniques for acquiring food or often see what they want to see, hear making tools, or building shelter. what they want to hear, and take in Recognize the special skills and only what is immediately interesting. resources needed for survival, but This is an opportunity to explore their focus on the relationship between the understanding of the exhibit - and Native American and the earth and its

61 creator. There was a unique balance here that many Europeans were never able to understand or appreciate.

• Social Interaction - explore how Native Americans interacted with one another. Examine social organization, kinship, family, spirit life, ethics, language, and lore - the things that archaeology can tell us the least about. In recounting lore - or oral history - emphasize that these accounts have been handed down, in some cases, for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years and represent a world view as important to Native Americans as our history is to us. Explore how social interaction helped ensure cultural survival.

62 Appendix 1. The Exhibit

The following sheets represent the different panels of the exhibit and provide the complete text of the exhibit. The only things missing are the individual artifacts (they just don't reproduce at this scale).

Take a few minutes to look over the exhibit and decide if all 25 panels are appropriate for your students, or if you want to just focus on a few. Perhaps you'll want to focus on those having a particular theme, such as technology or Indian­ White relations. Perhaps you'll want to only work with those dealing with prehistoric groups. Or maybe you'll want your students to focus on those panels that relate to your textbooks - perhaps those dealing with the Cherokee. Regardless, these sheets provide you with the opportunity to make that decision before goi ng to your local museum.

In addition, by viewing the exhibit in advance of your students you'll be better prepared to address their questions and develop your lesson plans.

If you have specific questions about the exhibit or need additional assistance, it may be that your local museum can help you. If not, please feel free to contact either of organizations sponsoring this curricula package:

Dr. Fritz Hamer Dr. Michael Trinkley SC State Museum Chicora Foundation, Inc. PO Box 100107 Or PO Box 8664 Columbia, SC 29202 Columbia, SC 29202 803/898-4969 803/787-6910 [email protected] [email protected]

63 The First South .··Carolinians

The Life and Times of Native People in the Palmetto State

This exhibit is available through the South Carolina State Museum Traveling Exhibits Program

This Exhibit is funded in part by the South Carolina Humanities Council, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities

64 Origins ofthe first' Americans

Christopher Columbus called the people he met in America "Indians"· because he thought he had reached

Ctollspolatt:.71.(J(J(J~. India. Soon he realized his mistake. However, analysis of CIc:lD5.I8Sb,v.-. the blood type and physical features of present-day Native Americans shows thattheir ancestors probably - came from Asia;. if not India.

f:lllylriltlllarpalllt:.12.DOO~ Many walked to America over aland bridge between Siberia and Alaska that :m1llSb,~ was periodically covered by the ocean until 10,000 years ago. New evidence ThB __liIcIl-.d __WlI'fIlll suggests some Asians sailed down the. coast of the Americas, reaching -w!tiQMl;IIlllCGII_*_1oaAcl. Mexico and Chile after many generations: Sites.discovered in the last 10 years show parts of the Americas were inhabited at least 30,000 years ago. SIde_scnp.-...... c. 12.1(l(lr-s II(JD ...­ The earliest stone tools found in the Southeast, recovered from sites in TI*.~_~""lhIlMI ~sallIrlOllIbmo,,*,,1Il _-*l_.1bsIllSDlll1lc.olbI...­ IlwllidlCblb.lW*!IOlllhb;sb_lwtld, Virginia, Rorida and South Carolina, are only 15,000 years old. Scientists may find more. However, earlier evidence may have been destroyed, cov­ ered by the ocean, eroded away or mixed with later soil deposits.

65 The First Americans Adapt to a Ne\A'. World Paleo Era: 14,000 to 10,000 years ago

Little, isknowna.bout tliese peor>le:H()wever, their distinctive ,the Cloyis, is still asso­ ciated with the era. The~efillelycrafted tools are ' found in South Carolina; as welLas in other areas of the Southeast and North America:

Growing evidence shows ti}eJndia!1s'oUhis enUived incgroups of probably no morethan 50, mQvlng,Withtbeseasons.They were ,hunters and gatherers who depeiidedonwildi>l!lntsand game for their food. Until a few decades ago manY-scientists called them "big-game hunters~ beCaus~ they,1hougtitiheir major source of food was mammotl1,giant slc:ith·aridbisiltl, However, researcherS nowiealize .thatsuch·iarge mam­ mals were rare in their diet. Tliey ate beriies, nuts and roots, as well as small game, 'suchas 'rabblt'and ' opossum, probably caught in' traps. Women pro- . vided most of the food. Men, most likely brought home deer rather than larger game:

During this era the climate in what is now the Palmetto State 'was much cooler. With glaciers covering most of the northern half of the continent, South '. Carolina's vegetation' and weather" were similar to that of upstate New York.

Ooris poiat Co 10.000 fa)ftCe-y.llli.....

66 Adaptions and Change Archaic Era: 10,000 to 4,000 years ago

During this period Native Americans evolved many adap­ tions to their environments. Although no one knows their religions, languages and customs, the appearance of many new varieties of stone tools suggests a changing relation­ ship to the areas in which they lived.

Until late in the era, peoples of the Southeast remained hunters and gatherers. However, the climate was growing warmer, becoming similar to our weather. This provided many new plants and some new animals. By early in the era, the big game - mammoths, sloths and large bison - had died out.

Many new shapes and varieties of tools were ,------, created. Different shapes of points were introduced. New tools ranged from ~ stone bowls and grinding stones to ...:,) .. atlatls and stone axes. Evidence sug­ - , ~ ." ~ ~ ; gests ceramic pottery first appeared late in the era. The ~<~~:::'-:';' . introduction of pottery laid the foundation for dramatic L...----~A-g":'"nn":'"d'"-9-sto-'ne. changes among Native American societies.

StIlJlIpIlll:DdJII...... ,.IftI4,0Q).3.(D),....sollg~ a.-onCN1ly.s.t.

TIlb:,....._...,c1IIqef...... dalgQ_IfIICIIW!lIII _ltYlollrlll ~oliIIel8dl.'__ .alt:t.1b1llllPtl'~of"**"lIlO$S,. co.tard,,*-,~b:.

An atIati in use.

67 Revolutions in Technology Woodland Era: 4,000 to 1,500 years ago

While Native Americans had evolved a complex social and economic system over at least 10,000 years, we know little about how they lived. By the start of the Woodland era, ceramic pottery had spread. Pottery making joined tradi­ tional stoneworking and woodworking skills as an impor­ tant part of the material culture of many societies.

About 4,000 years ago the first evidence of clay-made pottery appeared in the North American archaeological record. It was recovered near the mouth of the' Savannah River. This innovation was important because it enabled people to make storage and cooking vessels without depending on distant resources, such as soapstone.

Pott~ry was not the only tool devised during this period. About 2,000 years ago the bow and arrow was adopted, providing hunters a better method of killing game from greater distances. It required smaller projectile points.

As Indian societies retined·t!leir10ols. lIley discovered. belrer weapoo than 1lIe alIalI. An arrow fired fnlma bow could kj1 more efficienlIy because ithail greater range and penetration. The weapon also was easier to carty and shoot. .


c.amlc Ndr IMnI Co 2aD~ I1IP ~MII'lon SC

flIs_DM lIlIIlIor ~0I ..adI:ldt1llll_w.IllWIJI. SMl;obIId~••.Slkt.


68 Howdo pOttery designs gettheir names? .

Scientists have no idea what the prehistoric pottery mak­ '. erscailed their craft ortheir designs: Archaeologists usu­ .ally name nevi designs after the location wherettiey were first unearthed. Stallings Island pottery, for example, was named atier a..late Archaic site discovered in the 19205 and '305 on an island in the savannah River,

:"SlatlIios'~plalD1MlDI"1bIrd4,~",-. ~s.c. TlIIs~ __ d'llIarVtr'lllSSllNbIIllllllMJi:ln~dOllI. .1ls-~-~or~1IIlJS$,. . ~rLCfJt;rn:~.fIJI:;

Indians used instruments such as pottery paddles to decorate their pottery. WIlen the i0oi was ~ressed against awet piece of clay, the design would be transferred orilO the vess8L.. ,.

Pottery More Than Just a Vessel The first pottery was fragile. As with all innova­ tions, it took time to perfect the technology. Making durable vessels requires not only a good source of clay but a temper, an agent to bind together and strengthen material while it hardens. ___IruI ccOpNcalIIdecatr.s£. .... ~ 1l:lOIllfOO,-.

TbistrlgrMlll._"'llll~""'UIlI_~ .a__ WOllllIn~. CtJU_tltt:NA/gfllcA:lllbottnt:. The first pots had a fiber temper, such as Spanish moss. However, over time potters found that sand or crushed pebbles were better temper. They eventually replaced plants.

As potters learned to make more durable vessels, more complex designs were added. Fiber-tempered pots were plain or had ,simple designs, such as punctate;', Deplr:nCunt ...... ".n.c.taIO-l.stIO,."., 1M*t~.s.c. minute depressions, applied to the rim Tbisllagmlllt_lIIIIotlllr;iW~rhIl_clfIc:oI'UlIllflcord wrapPId",WcnI_tnd. and surface of the vessel. Among the CClJn&sydCbk:l:d,.,..." Inc. early pottery designs were "Thoms Creek" and "Stallings Island." Later pot­ ters became more imaginative, using paddles and blankets to form intricate designs. Archaeologists have given them names such as "Deptford Linear Check Stamped" and "Mount Pleasant Fabric Impressed."

69 How We Know about Prehistory Archaeology and Interpreting the

Traces in the Ground .. , ' .. -;.. All societies, whether they existed 100 or 10,000 years ago, leave marks of their Iifeways. Depending on the complexity of their tools, struc­ tures and foodways and the acidity of the soil, remnants of human cultures can be found with careful, painstaking excavation. As this is done, the evidence is recorded systematically, with notes, maps and photographs.

Excavating, an archaeologist's most obvious work, is only the first step. To understand the significance of a site, artifacts, notes and other records of the excavation are analyzed in the lab. Through this analysis scientists can fully understand and interpret informa­ tion gathered.

Each artifact is "mapped." Its association with other objects, stains and organic matter is recorded before it is removed from the ground. In the lab this information is used to reconstruct the site as it looked when people lived there. When this is complete, the archaeologist publishes the results.

70 Important Clues to the Past SpeciaIties that Aid Archaeological Studies Archaeologists use many disciplines to determine the age of a site and the foodways and other characteristics of the people who lived there. Chemistry is important for analyzing carbon remains to deter­ mine dates. Through the study of pollen and seeds, botany gives essential information about the plants people ate. Biology and anato­ my are important in analyzing bones to discover what animals were eaten. Geological analysis provides a "history" of the earth forma­ tions associated with a site and can tell researchers how the land­ scape has changed since it was occupied.

How is a site dated? During the last few decades, new ways of dating a s~e have evolved. The most common method, devised in the late 1940s, is carbon-14 dating. Every living organism has aconstant level of radioactive carbon, carbon­ 14. When an organism dies, its radioactive carbon, ~s isotope, begins to break down. The time ~ takes for an organism's radioactiWy to be reduced by han is called ~s "haif-lile." By measuring the radioactiWy that remains in a sample, scientists in specialized labs can determine its age. How do we know what plants prehistoric people ate? Blueberries, hickory nuts, sunflower seeds and corn were important foods for early Americans. While this might be assumed based on the wild foods found today, it has been confirmed through pollen analysis. Soil samples are taken at different levels of an excaVation. In the lab, the soil is separated in water, and a screen is used to remove material that floats to the surface. The sod, charred plants, that remains is broken down with acid that leaves apollen sludge, or residue. By examining the sludge with amicroscope, paleobotanists can identify the plants from which it came.

How do we know what animals prehistoric people ate? Sometimes bone fragments are large enough that a zooarchaeologist, a specialist who identifies species based on bone size and shape, can determine the animal from which a bone came. If the fragments are too small or mixed with plant remains, the bone is separat­ ed by a technique called "1lotation" and studied under the microscope.

What does this tell us? An ardlaeofooiSt fIGa1s: material in astream An archaeologist studies all this information to draw conclusions about to sepaf41e boneS and pImt material from soil samples coflected from asite. the past. Without it, artifacts alone are of Iitlle value. Couo'fayd1llf~~,Ch¥/eIoIt.Sout/l '""""-

71 Why did South Carolina societies begin farming late? Mound --Cultures Humans only farm ~ they must, As long as wild plants and animals thi~fdomSocieties: are plentiful, societies avoid agriculture. That seems to have been the case in South carolina until very late in prehistoric times, 1500 to 450 years Ago

Farming to supplement hunting and gathering, earthen mounds and upper and lower classes were some of the

, " 'S~OKE ,HOLE main characteristics of chiefdom societies. I '\. Although Woodland societies in the Southeast continued to hunt and gather, some began to develop small gardens. This led to fewer Ii l seasonal migrationsand,eventually, to some permanent settlements. ~ OEBRIS In what became South Carolina, farming was adopted later than it was in '\. other areas, such as theTennessee River Valley. About 800 years ago, a if-, - i chiefdom society evolved in the Valley, . The ! main leader and his or her family lived in the capital. Subordinate towns and villages were located north and south of the capital along the river The _r5 house on amound. valley for several miles.

The upper class probably included secular and religious leaders. Commoners were the artisans, farmers and soldiers.

72 Other Characteristics of Mississippian Cultures

Mississippian, or chiefdom, societies existed in different regions of the Southeast. They probably had different languages and customs, but they shared some characteris­ tics. Among them were farming, a division of labor and a MiMine sbeU gorgrt wftIIlndsed spider esoojoWSClll fuIo nCotJl1lll,lllno:s ruling class. These complex societies worshiped the sun as llllI'oductiol1 lhlsomamonl~sImllIr1<)lJlClSlIloundlnSoull1C1n1lN.TllrtOfllbi­ asupreme being. Earthen mounds also distinguished them ~WIlliIlStd"'1rI

Creating refined art was another attribute. Earlier societies made objects for work, play and religious ceremonies. Chiefdoms, however, made more attractive objects, among them gorgets, pipes and beads. Artisans with the time to perfect their skills created pieces that are more valued today than those of earlier periods. We can only guess their artistic and religious impor­ tance to their makers.

Were all Mississippian era societies chiefdoms?

Many cunures remained egalitarian, as they had been in ea~ier periods. No one is sure why. One theory is that people prefer a classless society until an increased population or a need for defense require more complex organizations.

What happened to the chief­ doms?

, in what is now western Illinois, and Moundville, in what is now west-eentral Alabama, were the largest chiefdoms. They peaked about 1200 and then declined. Archaeological evidence suggests that populations became too large for the food supply. Other explanations for their decline include over-used farm • NWissipp;. ~1oIial1ila land, droughts and war. a mileo 200 !'.j FaIJ liIlc: o tilom<:Ien 200 (I~ socicIica in bold)

Mis:sis:sippianarchaeologicalsitesilld 16tt><:trdury societies in the Southeastem United States.


73 Transition Coastal Indians: 500 to 450 years ago

An estimated 19 cultures lived on the coastal plain of present-day South Carolina by the mid-1600s. Although they had similar lifeways and technolo­ gies, each spoke a distinct language.

-- I

The leaders of these groups were not as powerful and ;.' -...,I'/'""~"--.--.J"~ ~;

influential as those of chiefdoms. The coastal societies, ~-.~ ~ ./ ,...... ,.. _-~ ~ ~"'-;.-':;--/ including the Santee, Edisto, Combahee and others, ...... - . .;;'- ~ ... did not build mounds. Instead they moved their homes _~~ •.._;-__J ---:..:: ./"._ .-'/~ '\ ,~. ,...... _ .;..-.."n "- / ~~.!, with the seasons. During the summer and early fall ~~~~,'~ 7"::L-:::~-£;-: they lived on or near the coast, collecting wild plants ;:J'.."~_ ", '-:''--~-:>I and animals. In late fall they moved perhaps 80 miles inland to hunt and to harvest wild plants and nuts. It was there that they spent the winter...... --:.'-:::. /

\,,,-,,,:,,,,,~. '"'' - ...S

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\t""" c~,j:X;;j ~ ~~...?-,,- ~"'" ttIlians of the South carolina l.owcomtJy 1562 -175t.


74 I I


ce,.,....,...,c. 1-' n.*-"IClkllludllOlramm.a..-tIl~sa._~

etuaqllf.s:ms.at_. ti 0 I l f.. I l':jtt<:~ I "'-..~ I

ladfanEldtrorChifl. B&stdonO/lOO'WJoIlnWl'kItZW'JlOS,

~dTl\rrTnmHllolfl\lt8rt1sh"USMlm, Brltb~~Pnss. Everyday Life of the

Hoat. c. 1(Jfj(J s-. ~lII.l ~ Edisto Society n.CII'M'IgII;/lDldllllr- __ 500 to 450 years ago

The Edisto culture lived on the islands and the mainland south of what is now Charleston. Its population was probably a little more than 1,000 by 1600. People lived in small, scattered vil­ lages of about 30 families and came together for special cere­ monies, such as marriages and corn harvests.

In 1666 an village featured a large central meeting house where the leader and his advisors met to make decisions and hold celebrations. Smaller struc­ tures made of posts, interwoven sticks and plaster housed extended families.

Corn and beans grown near villages were important to the Edisto people's diet. They made bread from acorns and roots and ate oysters and clams, as well as deer, turkey and rabbit.

75 Upland Cultures Early Contact and its Consequences, 1540 to 1700

Although people lived throughout the state at various times over thousands of years, there were periods when some regions were deserted. Archaeologists still seek answers to why the Savannah River Valley and areas bordering it were abandoned around 1400. Perhaps it was caused by war, droughts, disease or a combination of these. When Hernando de Soto's expe­ dition traveled through the area in 1540, no settle­ ments were discovered. Not until the Spanish reached the Wateree River Valley near what is now Camden did they find aculture, the chiefdom of Cofitachequi.

De Soto continued on to what is now North Carolina, where he encoun­ tered more communities. Some. scholars speculate they were satel­ lites of Cofitachequi. Moving west into the Appalachian Mountains, de Soto discovered another culture. In 1568 a second Spanish expedition, led by , visited this society and called it ". "Pardo's expedition, made less than 30 years after de Soto's, found the native population greatly reduced by what the Indians called a "great pestilence. "

Archaeological evidence shows that societies north­ west of the Wateree River were not chiefdoms. Few mounds are found, and the artifacts recovered suggest a more egalitarian society. Speculation is that the Joara were the ancestors of the . 1 Cherokee Nation. ATLANTIC OCEAN

~ r.>·...1No human occupationl..· '., from c.1450-1660·,

76 Why Did the Flourishing Chiefdoms and Other Societies Decline?

Death was nothing new to the Americans. Long before European contact, war, droughts and food shortages periodically reduced the population. However, natives had little resistance to new dis­ eases, such as measles, mumps and influenza, that explorers brought with them. Plagues began to kill off societies throughout the Americas soon after Columbus arrived.

It is likely that diseases killed hundreds of thousands of South Carolina Indians between the 1500s and the early 1800s. One scholar has estimated that between 1520 and 1898 smallpox epidemics throughout the COIIbf ....,...... , ,.

MfQaIIJl _ __* _.IlaI ...... ~_.. Americas killed millions of native people. &lgIsIt al a:m.IS.."OIl:CGbc).·II ... lII II~ ...... ,.,.C1lII5IiIIIrlcIIaIKlllllsIlSadllc:ron.. ..,~•.,.....,.""*~ c..."rl1afT...... e6Il.....9tl:lJt.-Pm:s.


Smallpox 1665-1667 Rorida to Virginia 75% 1696-1699 SfJutheast and Gulf Coast 1738-1739 Southeast to Hudson Bay 1755-1760 canada, New England and Great Lakes to Virginia and the Carolinas

Measles 1759-1760 Southeast

Influenza 1559-1560 Southeast 58% 1696-1698 Possibly part of the smallpox epidemic on the Gulf Coast and in the Southeast 1761 Throughout North America 1918 Throughout North America

Typhus 1586 Tidewater carolina to Ronda

Oller Diseases 1535 St. lawrence River Valley, southern plains, Southeast (ow

Major diseases that struck native groups alter European contact

77 Upland Cultures: 1700 to 1800

By the end of the 1600s nearly all coastal Indian Settlement Indians cultures had died from disease and war or had been forced into slavery, The small groups or fam­ Even though coastal native people were at the mercy of their white neighbors, they clung to their ancestors' traditions and religions. ilies that remained into the 1760s, labeled "settle­ This displeased whites, who tried to integrate them into the alien European culture. In 1725 the Rev. Richard Ludlam illustrated both ment Indians," were dependent on Euro­ altitudes: Americans for their livelihood. Gradually these "TIrey [5ettfement Indians] are wIIoly addicted to /beir 0"" bar­ Indians died or were absorbed into Colonial cul­ barous and sloalblul Customs lind will only give a laugh w[he]n ture. IIleased or grin w[he]n displeas'd for an Answer. It must be /be wott of time and lIower that must hare any hallllY Infloence ullon em." The Cherokees had lived in the Appalachian Mountains since about 1400. . however, evolved from many different cul­ tures that came together during the late 1600s and early 17005. Indians as Slaves They created distinct customs and a language and were fierce war­

The English and Spanish enslaved Indians from the late 14005 into riors. the 1700s. In South carolina, Indians were often taken as slaves after wars, including the Westo War of 1680 and the Yemassee War of Colonial officials in Charleston valued Cherokee and Catawba soci­ 1715-16. According to one estimate, the colony's Indian slave popu­ eties for trade and for protection against their French and Spanish lation in 1708 was 1,400, compared to 4,100 African slaves. However, most Indians were unwilling workers, and many thousands rivals to the west. Indian leaders, who realized their importance, were sold in the West Indies. expected more than just trade goods and promises. When they became dissatisfied, Indian leaders negotiated trading and diplo­ Those who remained on South Carolina plantations often ran away, while many others died of diseases. By about 1750 there were few matic alliances with French officials and traders on the Mississippi Indian slaves left in South Carolina. River. Disputes, violent confrontations and, periodically. wars resulted.

78 The Catawba Lifestyle Evolves

"The Catawbas were a people of Great Extent, and there were many Nations under that name. " Shawnee headman, n.d.

Early Catawba records show that they were called "Esaws" until about 1700 when the term "Catawba" was introduced. The nation attracted many distinct cultures ranging from Ittewans and Winyaws of the Lowcountry to the Saponis from North Carolina. They meld­ ed their traditions into a distinct language and set of customs within a few generations. Necessity, as much as desire, required they do so to protect themselves from enemies that surrounded them.

Even though devastated periodically by conflict and disease, the Catawba maintained a distinct culture. Indians from other cultures who joined the nation were permitted to keep their own leadership and local identity. Although there was a Catawba headman, he ruled only with the consent of village leaders,

As different native customs became integrated within Catawba society, trade and contact with the alien European culture affected their way of life. Firearms, blankets, kettles and alcohol became important in a generation or less. Other traditions changed more slowly. By the end of the 1700s many Catawbas had replaced their bark-and-pole homes with log cabins. As early as 1759, Catawba headman owned a log cabin complete with a chimney.

Foodways also changed. Catawbas farmed for generations without plows and furrows and relied on the meat, hides, nuts and berries nature could supply. But as white settlers intruded further upon their land, they reluctantly adopted European methods of food pro­ duction. They also were forced to rely increasingly on grains and other food supplied by Colonial authorities.

79 The Catawba Nation A SteadyDedine,1700~1930

. . "Alltheresltof the MenJ and most of the. Women and Children, were forced to go to a great distance to Hunt . for Foodl.J the .White People having taken their Lands . fromlhem.. ~. II . K'mg Hagler{Nopl

Catawba Population, ssrhewDods were oftensiveWiththedeadbodiesof the 1850 - 1930 . lndians.;anddogs,:WfJlves. and.vultures weresobiJsy, '/ormonths' in'banqu8tingon .them•. that they. would It is difficult to detennine the Gatawbas' popula­ tion. Although they had a homeland in York scarcel, retreat fl'om thel; prey when approached by" County, many hunted and gathered beyond their other.people... ·. ... boundaries. After the Revolution many sought better opportunities elsewhere. Some remained AnU~untiy s8it1er desCribing Catawba dead attei asmalipox . away for years and then returned. These numbers reflect estimates of those living on Catawba lands. 1715· 1,450 1850 - 100 •: In'ti.iStheCatawbas niJmbered about 1,470. They lived with 1740 - 1,400 1881 -120 'their Eractasswas, their Jeader,]n t2villagesalong 'tne. .' . 1760 - 500 1900 . 100 1826 . 150 1930 . 160 :.Catawba Rivet .inpresent~dayYork:County .. By '1750 there . were only·seven Villages. Warfare with 'Indians, hostile whitetraqers and settlers, and most importantly, dis­ eases,ledto this decline.

.. . By the"17505 whites from the. coast and the North had nearly sur­ .rounded Catawba territory, encroaching on traditional iand upon which cropS: were groWn and wild plants and animals .hunted. This. invasion "led to' growi~g conflicts. The '. Catawbasafso were threatened by rival Indian groups, especiallytheJroquois.Birt disease, particularly small­ pox.and yellow fever, was perhaps the most signifi­ cant threat.

In 1738 a smallpox epidemic that affected many Southeastern cultureS is estimated to I have ·killed one of every two Catawbas. In I 1759. another epidemic led to further dev­ astation. The disease wasoflen intro­ /1 duced by an oirtsider, such as atrad­ i . er, or by goods, such as blankets ! and clothes, brought into the 1 nation.

Thismatl.Ol3\Mlbylhett1d!rJoMEvansinl7S6.sIlOWStnellllmbllrantllclcalionot~warriorsMilallkllOassisttheBrttistllnlhe Sf:Y9llYws·wataoalrlSl:FratIC8.TMI'OJ3IQCl'IfeI'~rolSoutllC3l'lllinaasked~todel8rmlnewtDtaidlheCal3wb3Nzl1OnaltiIdPIWicle.


80 "whatever is said of them (Indians of the Carolinas) and of their native Simplicity and honesty, are a savage, cruel, perfidious, revengeful seft of Men. " South Carolina Royal Gov. James Glen, 1744

[Carolina Indians] "think as meanly of the whites, as we possibly can do of them" and they "despised the English, as a swarm of tame fowls, and termed them so, in their set speeches" to themselves. Indian traders report on Indian opinions of whiles, 1750

"the Catawbas are... known to be an IrregUlar people; they have no Councel; the richest or greatest amongst them Calles him self a King with the Consent of his Brothers, [cousinsJ or wifes, proofes often the greatest full [foo/]... the rest dont mind him, and after all send.s him to the grave with a Broken head. " , Indian agent and interpreter, 1745

"When the Great man above made us he... made our fore­ fathers and [usJ of this Colour and Hue he also fixed our forefathers and us here... and Ever since we lived after our manner and fashion. " --.,,""! catawba Chief Hagler, 1754 i "His [CatawbaJ Land was spoiled... they [white settlersJ have spoiled him 100 Miles every way." Catawba Chief Colonel Ayers, 1763

"Tis true he [Cherokee leader Little CarpenterJ has a great Power & ea.atlN d18U, c 1160. . Influence through the whole Nation for which Reason he is very saucey In Their Own Words: for his brutish Tempter and bad Carolina Indians and Euro-American Disposition. " Settlers Describe Each Other capt. Raymond Demere. July 25, 1756 Because Europeans and Native Americans had different beliefs and customs, they rarely understood each other. Interaction often ended in contempt and fear, which led to conflicts. Such problems remain among cultures. Read these historic comments. Can you see why conflicts occurred? What might have prevented them?

81 Cherokee Society Everyday Life

"In riches they [Cherokees] are much upon an equality." John Stuart, King's Superintendent of Southern Indian Affairs, c. 1760 Cherokees, a loose society of many villages, shared a language, a belief system and adiet. However, each village could, and often did, set its own political course.

By the end of the 1600s traditional Cherokee crops, such as corn and beans, were supplemented with sweet potatoes and watermelons, which originated in the Old World. Women cul­ tivated and harvested crops, but men helped clear land, plant and harvest. Hunting, a Cherokee man's most important duty, also taught him how to be awarrior. As hunters, they became essential to the hide trade with Europeans.

The Cherokee's rich ceremonial tradition was based on a supreme being and many lesser spirits. However, we under­ stand little about their religion. We do know they believed in good and evil spirits that controlled many aspects of their lives, from growing crops to hunting. Homage was paid to these spirits to prevent them from bringing bad luck or ill health. Celebrations marked the changing seasons. The most important was the "green corn dance," similar to Thanksgiving. Held in the early fall, it celebrated the The QIen:lbes liYed in seasonal ~ in warm watherthey needed artj a w0od­ en shelter (left), but whim h cold wuther arriwed they mo'Ald ilID acooical houses harvest and thanked the spirits for providing anoth- (~ttuthadahearttlJl:tbe:center. er good crop. CDlftIIydtIWFodlIL MrObw'--'1lllaBH.ltflJofr~a.~.liDaur.x.-,a

Cherokee Buildings

Each village had a meelillg house where political decisions and community issues were discussed and where important ceremonial events were held. In Echota, one of the larg­ er towns, the main house was "buitt in the Fonn of a Sugar Loaf & will hold 4 or 500 people; they are supported t1f ten pillars: at the foot of them are seats for the great Men...."

Dwelfings were much smaller. In the wimer extended families had "a little conical house covered in dirf' in which a fire was kept People slept on couches made of cane encir­ cling the fire. The larger summer homes were rectangular with wattle and daub walls, walls made Of twigs covered in clay.

82 'Cherokee Lands: Loose Confederations "TbeirCountry is the Key of Carolina and from thericemaybemad~ frequ~nt Incursions. n Soutll carolina Royal Gov. James Glen. June 1754

Cherokees, had lived 'in loosely affiliated villages in, tlie mountlinsfor generationsbetore white traders reached them in the 1600s.But their traditional.landsextended 'beyond.these communities tohutiting 'lands' and' buffer, ' zones betweenottler Indian, scicietie:s,:inchiding the Creeks totlie-south and the Choctaws to the west "

The CherokeesocClJpied much of whatis ,now the western Carolinas,north- ern'Seorgia arid_rn Tennessee. They were divided into three sub­ "griiups,whicbCOlilni~1 officials·caned L:owerTownS, MiddJe Towns arid -bveilim TowAs>ltwas djffleuILfor,£uropeans touiJderstandttie , ~"Cherlikee$"decentraliied politlcali;ystem and iheirvalues;Because' ' JheYQftenliVed inisoillted mouritainvillages,it waseveri harder , ',forei1:her ~ide to create a uiiified policy for dealing with each .'other. ,,"

. ;~vertheless, in 1730 a trade and friendship treaty was , .' :signed between the Cherokees and Britain on behalf of the colonies: In spite, of this treaty, conflicts fueled by ': trade disputes and by wI:1ite settlers encroaching on ,. Cherokee landcoritinued to accelerate.

White Settlers Squatting on Cherokee Lands

A treaty signed in 1730 made it illegal for whiles to settle Cherokee lands that extended into areas that are now Oconee and Pickens counties and as far south as Saluda. However, while squatters had become a growing problem by the end of the . Colonial authorities pledged to slop this encroachment, but settlers contin­ ued to come, spreading disease among the Indians and reducing their hunting and fanning land.

Cherokees sent delegations periodically to Charleston and other capitals asking offi­ cials to stop the invasion of their lands. Unfortunately, the British lacked the power to enforce their obligations. and Colonial authorities usually refused to honor their pledges. As a last resort Cherokees went to war.

83 Cherokee-Engl ish Treaty of Friendship, 1730

In 1730, at the invitation of the King George II's advisors, the Cherokee Nation sent six leaders to London to sign afriendship treaty. The agree­ ment bound each side to the other. In time that accord eroded because of friction between white settlers and Cherokees over land and other issues and the inability or refusal of Colonial officials, the Crown and the Cherokees to honor their obligations.

Here are some key sections of the treaty. The original document is in a London archive, the British Public Records Office.

... the great King [George II)... commanded the Lords Commissioners of trade and plan­ tations to inform the Indians, that the English on all sides of the mountains and lakes were his people, their friends his friends, and their enemies his enemies... that the chain of friendship between him and the Cherokees is now like the sun, which shines both in Britain and also upon the great mountains where they live, and equally warms the hearts ofIndians and Englishmen....

[the King] has ordered... that his children [colonists) in Carolina do trade with the Indians, and furnish them with all manner of goods they want, and to make haste to build houses and plant corn from Charlestown, towards the towns of the Cherokees behind the great mountains: That he desires the English and Indians may live togetheras chil­ dren ofone family; that the Cherokees be always ready to fight against any nation, whether white man or Indians....

and if by any accident it shall happen, that an Englishman shall kill a Cherokee, the King or chief of the nation shall first complain to the English Governor, and the man who did the harm shall be pun­ ished by English laws as if he had killed an Englishman; ... if any Indian happens to kill an John BamweII cnated his dItaiIed ffiiI) and poptlIation estimates Englishman, the Indian shall of the Qwobe YiIlages Wdrawing on information lrom Fnlncn and caroIilla nders ;nt mis:sionaJy censuses. Portion 01 John be delivered up to the Bamw8IIs Map of Soothem Math America. 1721. Governor, to be punished by the same English laws....

84 \

Cherokees: From Trade Broker to Vassal

"Indians are a commodity that are to be bought and sold.... Indians are but Indians and are very finle to be depended on.... " Capt Raymond Demere, 1756, in Overtlill Cherokee

Long before European traders made contact with these !p' mountain people, the Cherokees had traded among them­ selves and with other Indian societies. Items such as hides; pottery and baskets were traded for shell beads and other items.

Not long after the first European contact, Cherokees began to trade for man­ ufactured goods. Items such as muskets, blankets, kettles and whiskey were exchanged for animal hides, a commodity coveted in Europe, To enhance this trade and diplomatic friendship, the English colonies and' the Cherokees ·signed treaties.

In spite of these treaties, many traders cheated Cherokee hunters. At the same time, some hunters stole goods from traders. Disputes eventually .led to a major war with South Carolina and the other Southern colonies.

Trade in Deer Skins: Its History and How it Worked

South Carolina's first profitable commodity was deer skins. In the 1670s Charleston settlers began trading and bartering with native groups, exchanging tools, weapons, whiskey and other supplies for the hides of deer and to a lesser extent, other animals. k; the colony expanded, the trade moved farther inland. By the 1750s deer skins were less significant to Charleston's economy, but they were still important in Indian-Colonial relations. List of Prices of Goods.. Nowmbllr 1, 1751. In 1751 South Carolina officials set prices for everything from blan­ kets worth "3 bucks or 6 Does" to gunpowder worth "1 Doe." Unfortunately, many traders ignored the fixed prices, angering Indians and leading to more disputes and violence.

85 The Cherokee War 1759-1762 .' ,_.:~ ~~ '" :.. /_.--.., --_ ... ~ "We proceeded, by Colonel Grant's .:!", •.-,0' _:~:~'''':'' -. .-: .. ~ .. .'";~;:-:' :: ..;.: ', "The Terms of Peace to be orders, to burn the Indian cabins. .< :~.... ,:.~~j;.,~~.-; .-: ~:.~;:.:~., ::.~~:.~: :::-;';".: ~ .:;~~ ..~~~:~.:~;~: :..z:;::::~~~"':;;,:,,;:: Granted to the Cherokee Indians (23 September 1761): This Some of the men [soldiers] .~_., :1~~~:~.:_· ~:~f.~:~~~-~/:·~::0':':':::~!.~":- ~~;::~.:-~:.:::~ ~~;.~;f/t~. ~; dl3fl trealy, negotiated between Royal tieulenant Govem<>r Bult seemed to enjoy this cruel work... and Atlakull.akul1a. sought to end the ChernkBe War of 1760-61 but to me it appeared a shocking 'fflgfi0¥~f~~~~ and to find a way to ensure sight... when we came... to cut peace. down the fields of corn, I could scarcely refrain from tears. n Lt. Francis Marion with Colonial fortes in the Cherokee Middle Towns, fall 1761 :i?J:jf;?~?if~t~Yt~Z;=~-c~~·"'·~7·


Disputes continued between traders and Cherokee hunters. Whites from South Carolina and Georgia kept settling on Indian land. Finally, in 1759, encouraged in part by Cherokees who wanted to ally with the French, warriors struck illegal white settlements on Indian land '~;~~'f~_~~·/.:·: ~ fr;~ :;:'~~' ~' ~;:. ;:~ .~:: ~'-':'~:~-:. ~-:, "~.'. ," .. •• •• .: . ,'. - - i in the Carolinas and Georgia. ~­ .'. :;~-::.....,..:. 'I' ! .:..- ,;',';/." .".-. '...:' ~. . ; .. '".' ,:, .. ~ .. , ,. A year later Cherokee warriors surrounded and destroyed Fort Loudoun in ! I the Overhills, and war parties attacked other white settlements. I The Colonists soon retaliated. The first troops sent against the Cherokees I ~cC=!t~~~~~~~l I in 1759 failed because of desertation and threats of disease near the ; Cherokee Lower Towns. It took two more years before a determined force i - ' of British regulars and Colonial troops marched into the Lower and Middle .1 :F~..":~~~ towns, destroying villages and food and killing people. ~ ] r ~:.:z.;'. • -"):::::--' 'lI!V i Soon the Colonial forces, with their superior weapons, forced the '. Cherokees to sue for peace. A 1762 treaty compelled the Cherokees to give up more land. Once again the boundaries were ignored by white settlers.

86 Native leadership: Using Guile and Dignity

Every generation has important leaders. Unfortunately, there are no written records to tell about prehistoric leaders. In the historic period, Colonial officials wrote about some native leaders. However, the Indians may not have shared the opinions of white authorities.

Catawba Leaders: Eractasswas

The Colonists adopted a hierarchical European system of gov­ ernment. Catawbas used consensus and persuasion to reach deCisions. King Hagler, arespected Catawba leader from 1749 to 1763, .advised. South· carolina authorities.· However, he was rebuked by his Catawba advisors when he tried to negotiate with Charleston officials without consulting his council. Despite such disagreements, the respect he inspired from the Nation and from Colonial authorities helped maintain a Catawba voice in negotiations.

Cherokee Leadership

Cherokees also used consensus and persuasion to lead their people. However, they were scattered over a larger area than the Catawba. During acritical stage in relations with South Carolina, Old Hop, an influential leader from the Overhill Towns, tried to speak for all the Cherokees. Some Cherokees,however, believed he looked out more for his relatives than he did for the entire society.

For many years Old Hop avoided war between the Colonists and the Cherokees. Then, in 1759, white intrusions, trade disputes and native factions who supported the French ignited the first Cherokee war.

87 Native Societies in the Revolution and After: Independence Lost

As Americans geared up to fight for independence, Indians faced the grim prospect of dependence and extinction as growing tides of white settlers invaded their lands.

The Cherokees were determined to win back their territory. Encouraged by the prospect of British aid, they attacked settlements on the frontiers of the Carolinas in the fall of 1775. The Indians had some early success. However, a Patriot army counter-attacked, invading Cherokee lands and crushing the Indian force. When the Cherokees sued for peace, they were forced to give up more territory.

Death frOm war, starvation and exposure kept the once-strong Cherokees from significantly .influencing the American Revolution. To survive after Britain's defeat in 1783, Cherokees slowlyadopted white values and customs, ranging from farming /",/' methods to housing, clothing and religion. ----L------7 ------/ The Catawbas, avery small society, remained steadfast American / .. .,.-~/' allies during the Revolution. Their warriors fought the Cherokees and supported Patriot forces for the remainder of the war. The Catawba Nation became a center of Patriot forces following the British occupation of Charleston in May 1780. Because they provided shelter and food to the Americans, the British bumed most Catawba vil­ lages late in the year. However, the Catawba received little thanks from their ally after independence.

Before the end of the 1700s the Catawbas rented their lands to white farmers to sup­ plement their meager livelihood. Still, through most of the 1800s they clung to many of their traditions and remained W".i:'J:;% Prob3bIe extent of Cherokee lands after I~-••~i! 17i7 Tre3ty aloof from attempts to convert them to Christianity.

88 The Catawba Nation: 1800 to the Present

"in a state of abject poverty.... " Outside observer of the Catawba, c. 1820

"For years the law among themselves was their own.... " While neighbor of the catawba, 1870

By the early 1800s the Catawbas were a small community of only about 30 families. While some had died, others had left to join the Cherokees in the western Appalachian Mountains. Nonetheless, a nucleus of the community remained. The descendants of these people reestablished the Catawba identity in the late 20th century.

By 1840 the Catawbas were the last recognized remnant of the rich native cultures of South Carolina. After failing to persuade North Carolina to accept the Catawbas, South Carolina purchased 630 acres on the west side of the for the small commu­ nity. Some Catawbas accepted this portion of their ancestor's lands as their homeland. However, many eventually left to seek better opportunities.

Despite the poverty and dislocation, Catawba traditions and language survived through the 1800s. In the' 1880s most Catawbas converted to Mormonism, which significantly changed their religious beliefs. They clung to many traditions even as they became more immersed in American culture during the 1900s. Today, with a new- found livelihood in casino gambling, they are striving to revive lost traditions for future generations.

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89 Cherokee ___ -e-_ Removal route U.S. Territory ceded to Survival: D Cherokee Nation theP~esent Cherokee Republic 1800 to before Removal D Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation Today the Cherokees ate divided into two A few Cherokees remained in the isolated Appalachian' groups, one in , the other in western Mountains of . Since the land was rough and poor, few whites were interested in settling there. Here they North Carolina. After the American Revolution have stayed despite exploitation by timber interests and censure the Cherokees were forced' out of South Carolina by North Carolina politicians from the Civil War to the 1920s. Today the Cherokees are more prosperous than they have been and into northern Georgia and southeastern in the 20th cemUlY. They use tourism and other Western ideas Tennes.see. Until the 1830s most adapted to to bolster their economy as they strive to preserve their distinc­ tive cultural heritage. American culture, many becoming successful farmers and artisans. Afew owned slaves.

Cherokees adopted Western customs, ranging from dress and housing to edu­ The Cherokee alphabet inve/ltfd by S"luoyah. cation and Christianity. One of the most intriguing Cherokee 'Ieaders of the brought written communication period was , who.created a Cherokee alphabet. By 1829 they had 10 the Cherokees. devised their own judicial system and created a republic in northern Georgia. ~. ~-- -_. .-==1 However, the Cherokee Republic still stood in the way of white expansion. The r !~l. :: ; .:~ ~.~ LII pressure mounted when gold was discovered 'in and near their republic. Most --:' . ~:..' .J !. r. d-•. ;· fl " (. ~I. 'I.. '! Cherokees resisted government decrees. Finally, in 1838, U.S. troops began to .~~_ Ii :1') .\~ ~ move the Cherokees west along what became known as the "Trail of Tears." o I. {,., I. Z 'I. ( .• From one quarter to one-half of the refugees died on the tragic march to ':r._. )'.. '\~. ",_l~ ...1 h +.. i": R. Oklahoma. Starvation, exposure and abuse by Federal troops caused the high .',.t I.. II \.; .1 ..1 \' s_ i~. I death rate. ~ >'_1: J. ( 'k .J.... P~ .. ,(;" I Ir> i\~ L G_ If i(; 4.'_.1- l.:••1- f_ . In Oklahoma Cherokees differed among themselves, and the federal govern­ ment broke more promises. But they adapted. Discovery of oil and white set­ ~'~~;:i~~ ~i:;;-:: tlement in the late 1800s reduced their lands significantly, but many fL:.: i Cherokees have maintained their distinctive identity. , Appendix 2. Sources for Additional Information

These sources are divided into About the Past. Second different categories and provide a Edition, Facts on Fi Ie, New York. range of resources that we believe ISBN 0-8160-3951-8 will be helpful in preparing lesson plans and exploring Native Americans Moloney, Norah with your students. Although many of 1995 The Young Oxford Book of the books won't be found in either Archaeology. Oxford University Press, London. school or local public libraries, most ISBN 0-19910067-5 libraries can acquire books for you through the interlibrary loan (ILL) Archaeology, Lab Techniques and program. This can bring a world of Lithics resources to your fingertips. Where Culberson, Linda Crawford we think that a book is probably still 1993 Arrowheads and Spear Points in print we have also included a ISBN in the Prehistoric Southeast: A Guide to Understanding number, to make it easier to order Cultural Artifacts. University from your local book dealer, should Press of Mississippi, Jackson. you want to purchase a copy. ISBN 0-87805-638-6

ArchaeoloQY (General) Sutton, Mark Q. and Brooke S. Arkush 1996 Archaeological Laboratory Cork, Barbara and Struan Reid Methods: An Introduction. 1984 The Young Scientist Book of Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Archaeology: Discovering the Dubuque, Iowa. Past with Science and ISBN 0-7872-1812-X Technology Usborne Publishing, London. Archaeology and American Culture McIntosh, Jane Harris, Marvin 1999 The Practical Archaeologist: 1981 America Now: The How We Known What We Know Anthropology ofa Changing Culture. Simon and Schuster,

91 New York. Experimental Archaeology Coles, John Macaulay, David 1973 Archaeology By Experiment. 1979 Motel of the Mysteries. Charles Scribner's Sons, New Houghton Mifflin Company, York. Boston. Archaeological Resource Protection Spradley, James P. and Michael A. Rynkiewich Hutt, Sherry, Elwood W. Jones and Martin E. 1975 The Nacirema: Readings on McAllister American Culture. Little, 1992 Archaeological Resource Brown and Company, Boston. Protection. The Preservation Press, Washington, D.C. Archaeology and Native Americans ISBN 0-89133-199-9 Canby, Thomas Y. 1976 The Search for the First Native Americans (General) Americans. National Ballantine, Betty and Ian Ballantine, editors Geographic 156(3): 330-363. 1993 The Native Americans: An IllustratedHistory. Turner Bense, Judith A. Publishing Co, Atlanta. 1994 Archaeology of the ISBN 1-878685-42-2 Southeastern : Paleoindian to World War L Hudson, Charles Academic Press, New York. 1976 The Southeastern Indians. ISBN 0-12-089061-5 University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. Ferguson, Leland 1974 The First Carolinians. South Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. Carolina WIldlife September­ 1994 500 Nations: An Illustrated October: 14-24. History ofNorth American Indians. AIfred A. Knopf, New 1978 Traces of Stone. South York. Carolina WIldlife May-June: 40-47. Mateo, Mary Ann 1992 Portraits ofNativeAmerican Wi Ibur, C. Keith Indians. Good Apple, Carthage, 1995 The Woodland Indians: An Illinois. Illustrated Account of the ISBN 0-86653-669-8 Lifes~/esofAmen~sA~t Inhabitants. The Globe Pequot Milanich, Jerald T. And Susan Milbrath, Press, Old Saybrook, editors Connecticut. 1989 First Encounters: Spanish ISBN 1-56440-625-3 Exploratiqns in the Caribbean and the United States, 1492-

92 1570. University of 1983 Their Number Become Florida Press, Thinned: Native American Gainesvi lie. Population Dynamics in Eastern North America. University of Waldman, Carl Tennessee Press, Knoxville. 1985 Atlas ofthe North American Indian. Facts on File, New Ramenofsky, Ann F. York. 1987 Vectors ofDeath: The ISBN 0-8160-2136-8 Archaeology ofEuropean Contact. University of New Wright, J. Leitch Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 1999 The Only Land They Knew: American Indians in the Old Native Americans and Plants South. University of Nebraska Dutton, Joan Perry Press, Lincoln. 1979 Plants ofColonial ISBN 0-8032-9805-6 Williamsburg: How to Identify 200ofCohn~/Amencas Native Americans (South Carolina) Flowers, Herbs, and Trees. Brown, Douglas Summers Colonial Williamsburg 1966 The Catawba Indians: The Foundation, WilliamSburg, People of the River. University Virginia. of South Carolina Press, Columbia. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey 1975 Cherokee Plants and Their Hatley, Tom Uses - A 400 Year History. 1995 The Dividing Paths: Cherokees Herald Publishing, Sylvia, and South Carolinians Through North Carolina. the Revolutionary Era. Oxford University Press, New York. Medsger, Oliver Perry ISBN 0-19-509638-X 1966 Edible Wild Plants. Collier Books, New York. Milling, Chapman J. 1969 RedCarolinians. University of Morton, Julia F. South Carolina Press, 1974 Folk Remedies of the Low Columbia. Country. E.A. Seemann Publishing, Miami. Waddell, Gene 1980 Indians of the South Carolina South Carolina Indians and Trade Lowcountry, 1562-1751. The Gregorie, Anne King Reprint Company, Spartanburg, 1926 Indian TrIbes ofCarolina in South Carolina. the Seventeenth Century. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Native Americans and Disease Department of History, Dobyns, Henry F. University of South Carolina,

93 Columbia.

Harmon, Michael A. 1986 Eighteenth Century Lower Cherokee Adaptation and Use ofEuropean Material Culture. Volumes in Historical Archaeology 2. SC Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia.

South Carolina Indians Today Goins, William Moreau, editor 1998 South Carolina Indians Today: An Educational Resource GUIde. Phoenix Publishers, Columbia.

South Carolina Geology Murphy, Carolyn H. 1995 Carolina Rocks! The Geology of South Carolina. Sandlapper Publishing, Orangeburg, South Carolina. ISBN 0-87844-121-2

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