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11-8-1966 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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InBy JACK BELLCrucialsenators and 35 governors. time, President Areas Johnson turned vote right away, even though WASHINGTON (AP)-Ballot- The trend of the early-bird up 39 minutes too soon to regis- there had been brave talk about ing was reported heavy in a balloting indicated the total vote ter his choices in the kitchen of treating the chief executive as number of crucial areas around might be around 59 million, a the Pedernales Electric Cooper "just one of the boys," the nation today as the sover- record for a nonresidential atiye at Johnson City, Tex. Con- eign American voted turned out year. " sidering his position, poll offi- To the surprise of no one. to elect 435 House members, 35 Mistaking the poll opening cials let him and the First Lady Johnson announced: ¦ ' : "I voted the Democratic tick- :;>- -:- ' ' - ' ¦' ¦¦ ¦< >¦ ¦ . • : ' * et." In New York, where the weather was mild, a tight gu- bernatorial struggle between Election Facts at a Glance Republican Nelson A. Rockefell- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS favor of Democrats, governors Ohio Valley, New England, er and Democrat Frank D. Facts on today's elections: 13-2, Senate 47-18. Southwest; Fair elsewhere. O'Connor drew a heavy vote, at least in some places. At stake: 35 governorships, 35 Consensus of forecasts: Mild Hours of voting: Early morn- GOVERNOR CANDIDATES VOTE . . . The two prin- At the right Republican candidate Harold LeVahder reaches ing start in virtually all areas. The early-morning turnout Senate seats, 435 House seats, Republican governorship out for a registration slip at South St. Paul where he and Poll closings range from 7 p.m. was massive In New York City, cipal candidates tor governor in Minnesota voted early thousands of lesser state and House gains, little Senate shift. today. At the left Gov. and Mrs. Kari F. Rolvaag sign the stands in line with the rest of Ms family as they waited local offices. EST in many states east of the where an issue with racial over- Probable turnout: Between 56 until 2 a;m. voter registration slips just before casting their votes in, to cast their ballots. Left to right, next to LfeVander are EST tones was on the ballot. This is Present lineup of offices at million and 59 million voters, an Wednesday in Alaska. a referendum challenging a ci- St. Paul this morning. He is the Democratic candidate. daughter Jean, son Hap and wife tantha. (AP Photofax) stake: all in favor of Demo- ¦' off-year record. ; Unofficial tabulations: Ex- vilian-dominated police review I -— —: —;—; : - : —.. crats, governors 20-15, Senate Weather : Snow in northern pected faster than ever, with board. On the other hand the 20-15, House 294-139 and 2 va- and central Rockies, northern cooperative cancies; National Election Voting was extremely light in Plains, upper Midwest/ Scat- Service manning precincts and Buffalo. 7 Ljneup of holdover offices : In tered showers in lower Midwest, courthouses across the country. Cong ' ; Vief Hit " Early returns fa Michigan, ¦ - : ¦ : Hot Carnp rngf r ¦ , - ¦ * A ' ; - .; - ' * . :. *- . . i. - A ' . r^y A :- : • - - where Gov. George Romney's * .* political future is being weighed, also indicated a heavy Hard in New HOW'S ELECTION GOING? turnout. Big Vote in M/nnesoto In the suburbs of voteless Washington, balloting was re- (AP) - A hot spread over the state late in the day night, with both political ported extremely heavy in near- ¦day: ' Tav Ninh Battle campaign marked by frequent - -.. parties purchasing 30 minutes of by Maryland counties and mod- charges and countercharges was Biggest previous turnout for a prime television time on Twin SAIGON, South Viet y Nam erate to heavy in northern Vir- expected to help bring out a re- nonresidential election was in (AP) _. American infantrymen ginia. cord number of. Minnesota vo- Cities stations to put their final 1962. when 1,267,502 persons vo- battled an estimated 1,000 Soon after the polls opened in ters in today's off year general ted. The alltime l appeals into the homes of thou- election: ,'¦ " > : r sands of Minnesotans. charging Viet Cong for four these suburbs, officials . noted 586,173, set in the 1964 presi- heaviest voting; in predominately Although officials have fore- dential; election year. Most interest in the long cam- hours in tay Ninh Province to- 1.3 million vo- '¦ ' Negro areas. cast a turnout of centered on the two top day and . reported 302 enemy ters, cold weather today could The state't 3,80« precincts paign The Justice Department an- opened at 7 a.m., with most races on the ballotr-those for bodies counted after the righting nounced it had hold down the total. ; ' ' ¦¦; sent federal elec- Freezing temperatures were closing at 8 p.niv However, mmv governor and senators ended. ,: WASHINGTON (AP) — Politi- porters of the Johnson adminis- might give a big boost to sever- tion observers to 27 counties in forecast for most of Minnesota, icipalities of less than 1,000 pop- The battle resumed at 6 a.m. cal analysts studying election tration. al Republicans prominently four Southern states, Alabama, stay- A close race was expected Congressional control with high temperatures ranging ulation have the option of for troops of the U.S. . 1st Divi- returns tonight will be looking — Dem- mentioned as presidential possi- Georgia, Louisiana and Missis- ing open one hour later. ; for governor between DFL h> ocrats are assured of retaining sippi. from lz to 20 in the north and for trends, the rise and fall of from 22 to 34 in the south. In The long and fiercely-contest- cutohent Karl F. Rolvaag and sion who lost . contact almost Senate control and are expected bilities for 1968, including Govs. Ramsey Clark, acting attor- potential presidential nominees addition, snow was predicted to ed quest for votes ended Mon- Harold LeVander, South St Paul completely Monday with the to keep House-control, but with George Romney, of Michigan ney general, said this was done; tough Viet Cong force that had and .the effect of such widely a smaller majority than their lawyer making his debut in pol- and James A; Rhodes of Ohio, under the, 1865 Voting Rights battled American troops for discussed subjects as the "white current ratio of 295 to 140. A Act /'to help ensure that local itics. . .. ' - yy; gubernatorial nominee Ronald four days, - ' . 'A .; -A ^ . -;^ : switch of just 25 House seats Reagan in California and sena- election officials are able to Rolvaag, 53, seeking a second ¦} Q0^' ^^A' $&' 3 ^ irtm prWohnson.Democrats to i^^candidaf l"Chaiilaaft.f Per- .conform ; their practices fully four ' year term, survived a re- U.S. officers at operational jni&.)AA:'S'_ r:y A- '"A . ;.;/A ^A:-t. antisJohnson"Republicans would Johnsonf irst headquarters told Associated cy m Dlihois. Big GOP congres- with state and federal laws;" bellion in his own party when Here are some areas to ' have meant the defeat of such sional gains might help Richard 'HKM . he was denied endorsement at Press photographer John Nance watch: * key Johnson domestic measures 302 enemy bodies M. Nixon, the party's chief The honpresidential-year elec its convention. But he overturn- tonight that treads — Six bellwether as medicare, open housing, rent ¦ had been counted after the campaigner. > tions are almost as variable as In Precmtf ed the convention endorsement House districts have reflected supplements and demonstration the weather. Frustrations of the , JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)- about 600, voting here normally by winning handily over Lt. Gov. fighting ended that large num- changes in congressional party cities. Thus, even fewer GOP Vice President Hubert H. Viet Nam war, white reaction to President Johnson turned out to begins at 8 a.m.. The election A. M. Keith in the September bers of weapons, grenades and lines over the past decade. The gains than the off-year average Humphrey's national prestige racial disturbances, high cost of vote 39 minutes before the polls judges and clerks were already primary. ammunition had been taken and six are the Connecticut 4th, of 40 could mean Johnson might may be affected by whether living irritation and the impact opened—and local election offi- on hand when Johnson entered, LeVander, 55, has been cam- that an 80-bed Viet Cong hospi- Pennsylvania 19th, Iowa 4th, have to settle for a less ambi- Democrat Karl S. Rolvaag is of President Johnson's "Great cials let him cast his ballot any- however, and they made no paigning since announcing his tal had been found. Indiana 9th, Wisconsin 1st and tious domestic program over re-elected governor of Min- Society' programs provide an way. move to stop him from casting candidacy last Dec, 13. He was Associated Press correspond- Ohio 10th. They are among 44 the next two years and might nesota. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy uncertain background for the Johnson thought his polling his premature ballot, once a law partner of former ent John Lengel reported from House districts, currently repre- threaten funding could receive a boost if fellow balloting. GOP Gov. . for such ap- place, 15 miles east of the LBJ the battlefield that some Ameri- sented by first-term Democrats, proved programs as rent sup- Democrat Frank D. O'Connor Nowhere in advance of to- The President and First Lady defeats Republican Gov. Nelson Ranch/ opened at 7 a.m. so In the Senate race, pre-elect- can officers estimated 500 of the which were held by Republicans plements and demonstration night's countdown of votes was Johnson lie drove up both voted at the stone head- enemy were killed today. A; Rockefeller in New York. with Mrs. , quarters building of the Feder- ion polls showed incumbent Wal- before 1964. Practically all of cities. there any evidence of a national at 7:21. A big victory for Mrs. George trend on these or any other is- hales Electric Cooperative — in ter F. Mondale holding a sub- He reported one battalion of the 44 Democrats are solid sup- Effect on parties — Results ' ' ' Most Texas precincts did open stantial lead over Republican C, Wallace as Alabama gover- sues. ; V ;. ; . but because John- the building's demonstration the 1st Division's 28th Regiment at that hour, kitchen Robert A. Forsythe, 44, former nor would increase the prospect son City is a community of only . bore the brunt of the new Although a record off • year "I voted the Democratic tick- State GOP chairman. fighting. American casualties that her husband will make a turnout seemed to be in tha third- party presidential bid in et," Johnson reported on emerg- Mondale, 38, was appointed to were officially reported light. making, this was more a mat- ing. the Senate in December 1964, to In other scattered actions: McNamara Raps 1968, as would victories by such ter of the mathematics of popu- succeed Vice President - elect anti- Johnson Democratic gu- Th« chief executive then ex- An American spokesman said lation growth than of interest in Hubert Humphrey. He piled up a Viet Cong force of unknown bernatorial candidates as Jim a campaign that generally found Cut in Draft changed banter with newsmen big margins in 1060 and 1962 Johnson in Arkansas and Lester and finally remarked: size moved into a village 75 voters apathetic to candidates' when elected attorney general. miles southwest of Saigon at C. Maddox in Georgia. appeals. *'You know, everybody's in The Forysthe, for- Harvard Boys fine humor this morning and I 2;30 a.m. Monday and kidnaped White backlash — the white There was tacit agreement mer assistant secretary of CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - day when they jeered him at backlash, a term used to denote among political strategists that Calls to Solve guess that indicates a Democrat- Health, Education and Welfare, the entire population of 90 to 110 ic sweep.'' persons. There was no immedi- Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc- Harvard University, adverse white reaction to racial Republicans will make some is executive vice president of violence, could influence several gains, as the party lacking a ate explanation for the raid. Namara criticized the behavior McNamara, leaving a Har- This year's election in Texas Consumers Financial Corp., races. In Maryland, Democrat temporary lease on the White Army Problems centers around the race for the Minneapolis. Units of the U.S. 101st Air- of antiwar demonstrators Mon- vard residence hall after speak- George P. Mahoney's guberna- House customarily does in such U.S. Senate seat vacated by State offices to be filled were borne and 4th Infantry divisions ing to 50 students of the John torial primary victory was attri- elections. WASHINGTON (AP) - The those of lieutenant governor Johnson when he became John , moved in on a major Commu- Fitzgerald Kennedy Institute of buted to his anti-open housing Perhaps the GOP's greatest administration's decision to re- F. Kennedy's Vice President. secretary of state, auditor, nist stronghold in Phu Yen advances would come in gover- treasurer, attorney general and Politics, was greeted by a stand. His views have been at- duce draft calls over the next Conservative Democrat Wag- Province, about 230 miles north- tacked as racist and extremist nor contests, and in state leg- months eventually may goner Carr is trying to unseat railroad and warehouse commis- east of Saigon. The American Comptroller crowd of 400 assembled on the islative races where they were four sioner. by his Republican opponent, solve two pressing Army prob- Republican John Tower, anoth- troops reported uncovering steps of the Quincy House. Most Spiro T. Agnew. Gov. Edmund clobbered In the Barry Gold- water disaster of 1964. lems: the huge backlog of un- er conservative. Also up for election were 8 three enemy base camps, some of them carried placards and G. Brown of California has ac- There was no doubt where the of them equipped with fortified trained reservists and the fail- congressmen, 202 state legisla- Of Currency shouted slogans in support of cused his Republican opponent, The guessing was that Repub- Johnsons stood on the Carr- tors, two Supreme Court judges, bunkers, and a first aid station Reagan, of appealing to back- ure to reach full combat readi- Tower race. The President the Johnson administration's licans might wind up with a net sent 20 district judges and many with facilities for about 100 lash sentiment. In Massachu- gain of five or six state execu- U.S.-based divi- a telegram to a Carr rally in policies in Viet Nam. ness among county officials. men. The Viet Cong had fled. setts, the effort by Republican tives, thus broadening their sions. San Antonio Monday night and Minnesota's congressional del- Edward R. Brooke to become said the Democratic Replaced Others in the crowd were base for a 1968 attack on John- sources said Mon- candidate Jation is currently split 4-4. the first Negro senator since son. Pentagon could count on at least two JOHNSTON CITY, Tex. (AP) from a local student organiza- should be able to 11 incumbents are seeking re- Reconstruction may be deter- Surveys indicated Republi- day the Army votes. Only one—Democratic — President Johnson disclosed tion opposed to the war They slash the reservist backlog — election. mined by whether a significant cans might pick up in the neigh- last June 30 — to John Blatnik of the Sth Dis- Lunar Rocket today that he will replace James booed and jeered. backlash exists. borhood of 30 House seats to 133, 100 as of trict—had no opposition in his ,000 by next summer. The J. Saxon, the controversial com- McNamara told the crowd he amend the massive 295-140 60 bid for an 11th term. Army training bases, officials ptroller of the currency, with a had spent some of the "happiest margin the Democrats held in should be training as Closest race was expected in Sign of Christmas the 89th Congress. Any turnover said, the 6th District, where State Loses Lock on Treasury Department career of- years" of his life at Harvard 20,000 reservists a of this nature might fall most many as Sen. John M. Zwach, a Repub- when he attended the Harvard A local fellow reports the month by early next year. Right ficial. heavily on the 44 freshmen is scheduled to lican, was paired against DFL Johnson, emerging from his Business School during World first sure sign that Christ- Democrats elected In 1964. At now the Army mas is coming—his eleva- 7,000 reservists Rep. Alec Olson — a hairline War II as an Army officer. He least 28 of them are reported ln train only winner in his previous two Guiding Star polling place here, said Saxon's torman said a cheery good monthly. was drowned out by screams trouble. terms. PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - A term will expire Nov. 15. He said and boos. morning to him ... The Secretary of Defense Robert lanned midcourse maneuver William B. Camp, the first dep- real misfit, we hear, Is the Democrats and Republicans announced the In the 1st District. Rep. Al- p Visibly angry, he said, "I guy who marries the boss' may trade some sea' i in senato- S. McNamara for Lunar Orbiter 2, on Its way uty comptroller, will be nominat- might add that was a lot a news conference bert H. Quie, a Republican, was I daughter and still can't get rial contests. But the politicians' cutback at opposed in his try for a fifth full to photograph the moon, was ed to take over Saxon's job. tougher and lot more courte- Saturday. He said draft calls — a ahead . . . Auto safety sign : thinking was that there will be term by George Daley. postponed early today when the Saxon, a Chicago bank attor- ous than you. " little change in the 67-33 bluge barring unforeseen contingen- craft lost Its lock on the guiding "Keep both hands on the should average less than The 2nd District also had a ney before becoming comptrol- more Johnson's party now holds. eies — GOP incumbent, Ancher Nelson, star Canopus, a spokesman at wheel. The only thing 2fi ,000 through March, about ler of the currency early in the dangerous than a road hog A shift of 25 or more- votes in seeking a fifth term against Jet Propulsion Laboratory said. the House might strand some of half the current levels. Tho spokesman said the wind- Kennedy administration, an- WEATHER is a road hug" ... A small months the Army has Charles M Christensen. Johnson's legislative proposals In past mill-shaped, 850-pound space- FEDERAL FORECAST midwest town had to close training more than 55,000 Rep, Clark MacGregor — who nounced some time ago that he in the new Congress. He would been earlier In the year was boomed craft lost contact with Canopus WINONA AND VICINITY - its aquarium. Someone recruits a month but has been was not a candidate for a new caught the fish . . . May- not be likely, for example, to reduce substantially for governor or the Senate on about 7:20 a.m. He said scien- Light snow continuing tonight get through bills to outlaw state unable to term. but ending by Wednesday morn- be the moon is made of the number of untrained reserv- the GOP ticket — had opposi- tists were attempting to re-es- union shop bans or to fix federal ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ • ¦¦».; ¦« ** ¦ -. ' ¦•!• :« cheese—there s quite a rat ' ' tion from Mrs. Elva D. Walker tablish Lunar Orbltcr's contact At the regulator of national ing, Cloudiness decreasing by standards for unemployment ists and National Guardsmen. race to see who gets there CASTS VOTE . . . Presi- in his attempt to win a fourth with Canopus but didn't know banks, Saxon has pursued an In- late Wednesday. Colder tonight compensation. The large pools of nntralned term in the 3rd District. and Wednesday. Low tonight 18- first. dent Lyndon B. Johnson what caused the difficulty . dependent course that has Southern Democrats might men have been a sharp target of marks his ballot at polling The DFL had Rep Joseph E. 22, high Wednesday 28-36. join with the Republicans to who con- However, the midcourse ma- brought him into frequent con- congressional critics place in Johnson City Karth trying for a fifth term in LOCAL WEATHER knock out the Teachers' Corps reserve program am- today. the 4th District against Steph- neuver can be made at any time flict with the Federal Reserve Official observations for the tend the Mr. Johnson and to end rent subsidies, The ounts to a haven for those men was the first en Maxwell, the first Negro to during the craft's next 123,000 Board and, on bank antitrust 24 hours ending at 12 m. today: otherise would be drafted voter to vote at the polls. seek a major political office in miles to an orbit around the matters, the Justice Depart- Maximum, 50; minimum, 30; (For more laughs see ELECTION who ) to fight in Viet Nam. (AP Photofax Minnesota. moon, tho spokesman said. ment. noon, 34; precipitation, .02. Earl Wilson on Page 4,) (Continued on Page 14, Col. 4) You Still Have Time to Vote — Polls Open Until 8 p.m. |MMslMaMaas aH Ma«i BBsa i^^ Cooking for f vTI Honor Kennedys , s^.i^M!,rtU, .A ¦ D MAIER DRUGS Medal of Great J MH ¦ ¦ ¦ *>»ESS*•»*«•» ¦ ¦ ¦;; " ^ " ' C% Wa£ate^(laJi*a/fm b MIRACLE *•*> ' % Student Says DOWNTOWN ^y W M^a *^» ^* MALL Urged for Hero DETROIT CAP.) - She was ^^ ^ only a cook, recalls pretty ^ Sharon Connors, but that didn't matter -. She was cooking for the Kennedys at Hyannis Port. WAR ZONE C. South Viet interim award of the Silver Star "It was the most wonderful, Nam CAP) — A U.S. company today/ ' most exciting summer ever," commander who was "all over His company, Alpha, from the she tells her classmates and the battlefield,'' who picked up 2nd Battalion, 27th Regiment instructors at Marygroye Col- a jammed machine gun. cleared Wolfhounds — intends to recom- lege. ; it and knocked out two bunkers, mend him for the highest Amer- The home economics major and who was wounded in the ican gallantry award "as soon from Buffalo, N Y., was hired 't as Ihe paperwork Is com- as assistant cook at the Cape Stamps, Money Orders & Courtesy Mailing At Either Store back and didn notice it until in*n«*in ¦¦ after the battle, will be recom- pleted?' Cod home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- js m^m ^ni^^^^memmn r—ai»^____a i_ iMifiMii ! ¦ anfiniMMaiasfii^ ¦¦ ———~*m ^^~^—m~^^mmm a^mM ^mmmmmMMK ^am ^*m^lmmra^^^^• , \^^ mended for the Medal of Honor The paperwork includes the seph P. Kennedy, parents and by his 25th Infantry Division interviewing of many soldiers grandparents¦ of the Kennedy company. wounded with Foley as the com- clan. : . He is Capt . Robert F. Foley, pany attempted to link up Sat- "When I met Jackie, my Prince Matchabelli 31, from Belmont, Mass., a tall, urday with a company trapped hands were in dishwater,'' Miss &M LJ | [3X)[§[§ angular officer who received an by murderous Viet Cong ma- Connors, 21, said in an inter- WHEN SIZE chine-gun fire , in Tay Ninh view. "Everything you ever J l Ink BALLEXTRA LARGE Province, northwest of Saigon. read about her is true." ^ S i 3 Colored POINT PENS Foley 's company didn't make The widow of President John YOU BUY the linkup, but did manage to F. Kennedy spends much time ! ^SSjfc \_Wm_f I AK^^W^ • 1 f Boy, 11, Falls gather up all their wounded and with the: children, Miss Connors pull back without being overrun, said; - . Death When a major feat. "Caroline and John are un- To The bravery of Foley, who spoiled and unaffected," she coolly analyzed his company's said. "The children's days are predicament under fire, di- planned for them, every minute Parachute Fails rected assaults to get the is filled. They have lessons in MANASSAS, Va. (AP) - wounded back, and moved with swimming, riding, tennis, surf- $250 iB Dana Rutledge, 11, spent half his forward units oblivious to ing, boating and water skiing. COLOGNE I'l -| concentrated fire from « rein- jf mss slmma ~ [ his young life aroundskydivers. "Promptly at six every eve- Mem i ^ I __Z] _ \ ___m_f \ He knew what it was all about. forced enemy regiment, was ^^ f ' outstanding in three days of bit- ning they go to see their grand- MBL I Reg. S3.50 Reg. $1.77 I * So skilled and trustworthy he , father This is a regular ritual. | ^_ Wtf *£ T mA^f MlllKM 000 ter fighting that saw many acts . " ^ was that for the last 300 of 1, of bravery. The auburn-haired gray-eyed Flowersweet . MWW«,«,«, jumps his father has made, he Miss Connors said she helped £Sk 1 1 | ^SH Jlg \ pack the chute. In addition to Foley, four oth- CURL ^^ was allowed to er men from the 27th Wolf- prepare two dinner parties, one BONNIE-BELL I rncc S Rl IRRI P 1 I The father, Carl A. Rutledge, hounds were awarded medals to celebrate the 78th birthday of FREE I B R^ Cres, is a classifier at the U.S. Patent Monday. They were Pfc. Wil- Joseph Kennedy — "1 call him 1006 SALE I ^£°Lt Y0U Office in nearby Washington papa and one to celebrate a,r j liam H. Wallace, Williston Park, " '- Purchos. $1.75 Lotion r^ Relttfir I BATH PAY and lives in Vienna, Va. He has the Silver Star ; Pfc. the 76th birthday of his wife, j | _A AA C I been jumping for five years and L.I., ' ' ¦ '' • I Charles D. Deane, Redwood Rose. • . Get $1.25 Shampoo for 0NLY is president of "The Targe- "They're a meat, potatoes, $*)88 I QQc 1 ¦ T ¦ teers," a skydiving dub. City, Calif., the Bronze Medal I with V for Valor ; and two other vegetable and dessert family," - c ^® "l" None of the 160 or >o mem- Bronze Star winners, Staff Sgt ! she said. "Favorites are roast 20y I ^ 1 S bers of the club loves skydiving James Powe,. Pearl City , Ha- beef , chicken, custards, snow mmmmm mmammm | jgg Mggs^ j more than Dana did. He was, waii; and Platoon Sgt. Fiord Re- puddings , fresh fruit and berries ^ and, on Fridays, lobster.'! ,C e J ERGEN 'S said Rutledge, "very athletic vera, Wahlawa, Hawait I . fX . i Reg. i I Sea our complete selection of \ and smart as a whip and quick Foley's Company was the AQUA.^. * VELVAw- mi. ^SIa $1.59 1 , \ I tSr^miMaSS> Sw^MA I OTIOM I tfffifc- fresh delicious i in his response to things.'' worst hit of the 11 American 5§ ^SPSB______j_pBlfl n awJ wil ^f_\l» || L§\/ I Ivli JH ___— I Attar Qhav* I /ttlnrt I " mVifl't and \ Yet, when Dana begged to be companies involved in hard § I CONTAINS "HUMECTIN "- KEEPS 1 5r\ffl\^-u| U__ l|Jf ~2m\ n allowed to jump, Rutledge fighting Thursday, Friday and SKIN FROM |l-s=5S ^^r^r "TA '§ 1 Vv^U* . A I thought a long time. Finally , Flood Control I ^ezyhste.. DRYING OUTI 11|1 rss " 2~:£r^Sr5«-\®J TAI M/VICMF % Wal I lt 00 I Saturday. I ^&£ *2_ ^1 <%£??.•»• _ ____\g_amm___ f || j\ I iar -3^; D V!+ ^i, I because of Dana's "over-ail Just 50 yards out of the for- general knowledge" of skydiv- ward base perimeter, the com- ing, Rutledge gave in, pany came under a murderous x V^KtlVi Bill Signed _w*_f ^j n*r*s\ M ______W^^_____ \ t ///fjh *¦ Dana made his first jump last rain of fire from bunkers. I %^ / M^_ t\ I \ I ^ JOHNSON CITY, Tex. WV — on RINSE summer. The Viet Cong bad cot lanes ¦ 'I' -XV&IVA.^ 1 obouf ' » I \_ President Johnson has signed a I 1 ______|___ Bfi ^SiSsKVs^9a^^!H11yal ^ai ...... § /' \f ¥^ )] jj Sunday, he made his ninth in the deep jungle, and these : —r~,AA0UA VRVA $ 10 0 ^^^ryi^ms^my ^^smmt ^i } bill authorizing construction of ^^"A, \>f.4 \ Uan -// i ^i^WMmmmmmi^BBia%WMSS^0s9M IVII^JU I v^»!*^"// Ii f and last His chute failed to were visible to the Americans 38 flood control _W'^ | J * open properly and he fell to his only when they moved into one. , navigation and death in a field on the family's beach erosion projects in 25 By then, it was always too late. states at an estimated $670,235,- AM I Anefrin Brand | 1 \ ^J PROMESSE I farm near here. "Every man among us was 000 federal cost. *"¦ J , ess 44 SUSTAINin, ACTION ,.g. s,„o : On the ground, Rutledge saw fired on at least 10 times " said The measure, signed Sunday $^09 FRAGRANCE it happen. He was in charge of 2nd Lt Harold K. Grave , Mill night, abb authorizes the Army mmmmmtmmmmmtmI *M I'M A. Pill II i I I _-_ . \ jump. Valley, Calif., who remembered engineers to survey water re- the seeing snipers tied In trees. ; // MAX The chances of fatality in source development problems ABOUT fMI0« V "It was bad in there," Foley on streams throughout the § skydiving "ara one in a million recalled. "When we moved CAPSULES I 8 I — just astronomical," Rutledge . United States and its possessions Wl^LWX1W said. But it can happen and Ru- quickly, we would stumble into with a view to designing recom- the janes of machine-gun fire. If mendations for additional proj- tledge knew it. He plansto keep ' V:^:t:«!:iy^ on jumping. we moved slowly, the snipers ¦ects. ever long 3 ASK OUR LAY-AWAY PUN ; would go after us, picking us off ¦^^^I^BfiC/w/ 7\ ^9^H. ^ | I tinuou tly a period i Exactly what happened to one by one." The measure provides , no Dana's chute, he does not know. Foley decided that the money for the authorized work. s wounded up front to be Actual start of planning and The boy — * Sth grader in had construction activity on the var- ¦ H pSr HOLDS ANY ITEM brought back, He directed a ser- 2°° school — jumped from a light ious projects must await appro- •^^^^ ™» ss- Razors — Hair Dryers ~ A,! Appliances — Wall Clocks — plane at 3,200 feet. He was to ies of fire and maneuver ac- priations by Congress. l^'^f , M „ZZri I Radios pull the ripcord as soon as he tions, sending a few of the men The bill authorizes surveys by l Transistor and Table — Games —Stuffed Toys cleared the plane. The main on an assault, then moving up the Army engineers (no cost TEK CHILDREN'S ^^^JJ^^ j | chute did not open. men behind them. estimate given ) . including: and Household Items. The emergency chute opened The company kept taking Great Lakes — Particularly TOOTH BRUSH!MOUTH WASH I but it did not blossom. It might casualties, but more and more Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, have opened too late. wounded were being dragged in. navigation , flood control, water Foley "was a tower of ¦ Dana packed the chute, his supply, pollution abatement, hy- JL\7 Re»- "* / / 1 SK Pit father said, but it was the chute strength, a superman," said one dropower. I P^IS C CUAAA DOkO I that was at fault. of his platoon leaders. Foley said the battle got Great Lakes—Watersheds and heavier, with increasing num- streams draining into the Great bers of enemy weapons opening Lakes and into the St. Lawrence Expert Wa rns of River in the United States wa- ¦ fire, He had to cancel the origi- , ¦ $ 22 : nal mission of going to the res- ter resource development. . %, for; ; Chinese Missile Minnesota—Souris River and VlCKS | H r| — cue of C Company, 10 yards i Red River of the North and I § '^-'^^^ | WASHINGTON (AP) — Dr. away, and concentrate on get- , I CouQn Drops I ^ ^w^EEB1 Chu-yuan Cheng, an authority ting his own wounded back. tributaries including streams V Every wounded draining into Canada, water on China, says the Chinese man made it. resource development. Communists will have a long- The bill also authorizes up to range missile able to reach the , United States within five years, 1965 Miss America $700 000 reimbursement of local Lists Engagement interests for permanent recon- "China is not really a first- struction and repair of Stone ¦¦ rate power now, but she is ap- COLUMBUS , Ohio fAP) - Arch Bridge at Minneapolis , Q 1 "' " proaching this level , " he said , The engagement of Miss Sue damaged by floods in spring KOTEX * Qc H| 9 | ( p^' i%^^^^^« noting Communist China's Oct. Ann Downey, the 1965 Miss 1965. I ^ 1 27 test of a nucleartipped mis- V.S.A , was announced Sunday /|C sile. in Columbus, Ohio , by her par- Gina Says Her DEODORANT | "With these missiles, " Cheng ents , Mr. and Mrs." John E. i'- I^ ify.nH I P^I1 I said in a copyright interview in Downey. Conscience U.S. News & World Report , They said their daughter will ¦ "Communist China can really be married in April to Richard Is Clear •¦ ~ . ^ c nirr^~***** * threaten neighboring countries A. Olsen , former Miami , Fla, , r\* ' 'i ^^^sl OO i and may someday threaten the municipal judge who now prac- ROME , Italy (AP ) — Glna a*.11 lo Lldlll.JL^lOIl ' ^^Wpl "" . § I ffjjj I United States. "' tices law in Miami. Lollobrigida. the first actress in | Italy ever to be convicted of Bi»S8»mK»m^Sas^^ li1 Cl sflO T1 i movie obscenity, said Sunday in f u JI1 c R«fl- 1" Rome she had a clear con- a i 1 100 I 11 • I EXCLUSIVE science about her part in the 33 film that landed her In court — Ma lc I wont to meet with a responsible person who It The Dolls. I RBTOH3 " . ^ !A HAIR SPRAY9 •••king a profitable and exclusive business, offer- Miss Lollobrigida, French ac- i IWj W-M Wi\ ^s j BI ^,ze liM I ing an important and valuable service to tor Jean Sorel, director Mauro >4|IPv''fl >\\ Individ- Bolognln , uals, Businsss transacted first 30 days will return and producer Gianni initial investment Hccht Lucari were convicted of of $1 1 ,OO0, Write: S^Ba^kl^B^s^Bli^^Hs^B^s^l^s^B^B^^i^sB^l^B^a^Bl1^s^B^a^s^B_a^I^^^^^___^^^^^^^^_^^^^^_^^_____ B_ jg K l ^H % ^A ' obscenity charges Saturday B ^^^^^ ^^^ f ^______B^______P^ _____A Jl ^^ ^"^ *a^ * ei v^B^B^ll ^A ^*_f anS% ^^^^xi*oSM American Exchange Service night for their parts in the mov- P.O. Box 7SSJ ie. , Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 Each was given a suspended sentence of two months in jail and $64 fine . Fine IICCi3 k3 J_I -»Jl# JLsVJOfA IU It I i M^fe¦^ -4/\x^ ^W ^MW 8 AA liH (Hhl IHill I M- | \^\^ OKI See Our Collection R«9. $1.09 H^U^S^sjh|U Of i and now WlllffrH |5 Z *>» ™ S¦ ^^ S Wm TUMS ¦ WALGREEN LANOLIN S ^ T^ 1 m Bo,,U of ,5 ¦ pL"us ¦ 1V/1X1 11 «I; ° ¦ A.P.C S¦ HairHl Spray for ¦ I -*—JJiorli' ng Ira II ll BIS m w «¦*,C s F r P in R,,, f f ¦ O Hi 2 ° ° ' ¦ Hard to Hold N"av .nJ \o rrry Dior '! All tie tsrillunce I I I ¦ 63 " ' . 1 ll It I 5 40° " AQQ ¦ :S of vour favorite frajranca in » snaaaured II 111 U ^"^ HI | | |H| 11|||| J_\ V/ith Coupon & S * ™^f jf \% " Pcrfuma Spray Tor tlie purie,..aDior Original ^M Tad Maiar With Coupon 4 ¦ Glassware "; [jj|( ||||j |(|||||| {| M *m Wllh Coupon A M EE T% ¦ lit alU.r anJ goU tones. It*a l*«a.proof, aP;ll- |H ||| l H I ¦ Wooden Nlckol __ _. *"•'•»• Tod Mnltr ¦ ¦ - ¦ ^ N ci< 1 ¦ Woodan Nlck.l proof .nd rcKll.U.. A »oii ..galficnt , 1ft. M [lfl | | or » Purchase 5 , „ p" ' ' p ¦ ¦ 0 " KEN'S HARDWARE W_%&&& AU in Dior,.,..™ .nd Dlor.m-. Expires Nov. M, INI | Hxplr., H? .n m ! ¦ WESTGATE SHOPPING CENTER . • nl^tWmflFWi «- | | | UnSnSS^V^m Open Weekdays 9 lo 9 Sot. ¦ 1 wmm § ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ „„ „ 9 to 5 1*1:9^"I'J?]J :f 3Pf 5^ *° a„„,„,„, B" MMMtWWMaliTitlllB 11, ...Yt.ll.,. ff ,.rw„T>rftH)>1ri Majqr Jury Hearing m Evidence on Voting by N ^ Utica Accident On Stirnfa and Gilmore Victims Still . The City Council voted Mon- intersections , preasent junction with Wilsie Trailer Damage , such ai Main ¦ Tham day night to direct the engineer- Huff , Baker and Junction ¦' Street. : The trial of a dispute over Voting was heavy this morn- instructions. People just don't chines — the reaction seems tag department to submit com- streets, for left-turn lanes. damages to a mobile home mov- ^ ing at city precinct polling know how to vote with them. pletion schedules for next year's KRAEMER DRIVE is "an ob- ed into its second day in Dis- quite favorable. In Hospital upgrading of Gilmore Avenue, PRESENT WIDTH of Sarnia vious extension of Broadway" places, according to election Voting is a little slower with a No, no trouble — not in com- Street, from Main to Wilsie trict Court here this morning. judges appraisals at noon. City- few of the older people. But we Mr. and Mrs. John A. Resz- Sarnia and Junction streets. that would accommodate about ' Aldermen Street, is 40 feet. The action is brought by Rob- wide about 22 percent of the don't seem to be having too parison with the primary. ka. 1165 W. 4th St., and their also voted to re- ert Althoff. Minnesota City, strict parking at the Huff-Sarnia While Vila Street should be 1,200 vehicles a day and take registered voters had voted. much trouble. We were just commenting oh son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Street intersection as extended to create a school en- traffic away from congested against H. C. Kleyla; West Serv- Have had a long line most of how nicely the voting is going. and Mrs. Wayne Fatchett, a traffic ice Dr., and Jule Whetstone, 257 However, this is a smaller safety measure. Parking will be trance - said Heglund, traffic residential areas, said Heglund. percentage than had voted by the morning. Some voters had to In comparison with the pri- Davenport, Iowa, still are pa- prohibited Jefferson St., over condition of wait three quarters of an hour. tients at Community Memorial Within 50 feet of the does not justify its extension About 2,000 vehicles a day use noon in the 1964 general elec- mary there is much less trouble. crossing in across Gilmore Creek to High- a mobile home Althoff purchas- Just a few complaints on the* Hospital for treatment of injur- all directions. . Orrin Street to move from Gil- ed in Dodge Center, Minn., last tion. That day 3,983 of the IS,- I think they are catching on way 61-14. This extension had 325 registered voters had voted machine. They were having a We haven't ies they received in an acci- COUNCtt ACTION followed a more Avenue to Broadway and May and which was damaged little difficulty with the write- to the machines. been requested by merchants at by noon, a fraction less than ¦ done quite as much explaining dent on Highway 14 near Utica report on the 1967 project by the shopping center, along with kraemer Drive, the report while it was being transported to ins. • ' . '-' - - late Friday afternoon. Carl T. Minnesota'-City. - 30 percent. It's also less than this time. Heglund, representing a 1,200-foot eastward extension shows. This flow involves cross- I have had a few complaints in sharp- Agneberg, Sankstone in 1962 when the comparable Have had a few complaints. When Reszka pulled & Associ- of the service road north of the ing 4-lahe Highway 61 and a ALTHOFF bad contracted figure was but after I explain the machine car went ates Inc., Rochester, consulting 28 percent You know how it is when you ly after passing a , it highway. The service road now narrow bridge at Orrin and with Kleyla to move the home to to the voters they are all right. into the north ditch, flipping engineers; The firm was retain- During the primary we had have to wait in line. '' ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' extends from Clark's Lane to Kraemer Drive. There have Minnesota City and Whetstone COMMENTS from the judgts: It has been going very well. end over end, officers said, ed earlier this .. " . y The machine slows down the trouble, but the voters have be- the shopping center highway been 11 accidents at Orrin and was driving the tractor which Following is a breakdown of apparently year by the | >¦., entrance. Highway 61 in less than three voting. Quite a few voters need come accustomed to the ma- Mr. Reszka, 58, e o u n c i 1 was transporting the trailer vote totals up to noon. An ad- went through the windshield; ClTY years, the report notes. when an accident occurred near registra- to make stu- * TRAFFIC FLOW pro (ections Other streets that should be joining column shows he has more than 200 stitches dies of «| are based on assumptions that The Arches en route to Minne- tion for each ward and precinct in the top of his head, his son. the /• closed at Highway 61 are King sota City; pro ject LOUnCM Highway 43 will be routed on Macemon, Heglund. arid still another for the number said this morning. He still is u_ ' ¦ ' and said The jury trial, at which Judge who had voted at this time in the ex ten ding . , . '. ' .. Huff Street; that Kraemer Drive in intensive care. Clark's Arnold Hatfield is presiding, be- Urban Renewal 1964 general election. from the Main - Sarnia Street will open directly into Highway STUDIES OF the His wife, Alfrieda, received junction to the Broadway-Junc-—— 61 and that Orrin Street will Lane highway crossing are how gan Monday morning with the 1ST WARD a cut requiring seven stitches amount of damages to be award- tion Street intersection. be closed off from direct access being made by the state high- Voted 1984 in the' knee area of the right Major proposals outlined in to Highway 61. way department, said Heglund. ed Althoff the only matter at at Regis- General bruises to the issue. Althoff is represented by Vote Asked Aga in Precinct noon tered Election leg and received the report are: Widen Junction, A flow. ..of from 550 to 600 au- Closing the . entrance would other leg. Mrs. Fatchett, 24, Gilmore and Sarnia to four tomobile trips per day is ex- merely move the accident prob- William A. Lindquist and the de- Thiewes who added that he 1st ...... 155 1,166 300 head, fendants by Roger Brosnahan. The perennial question of Aid. , 2nd ... 275 1,225 339 received a bump on her lanes (48 feet) and prohibit pected at the new school, con- lem east to the Miracle Mall whether and how to hold an ur- doubts voters have enough facts She and her parents complain parking on both sides at all centrated in two peak periods, entrance, he added. Highway Althoff was the first witness judgments at 3rd ...... 206 921 245 ban renewal referendum Was on which to base 4th ...... 208 827 250 of back injuries. Mr. Fatchett, times, determine permanent states the report. department officials are believ- called by Lindquist Monday turned over by the City Council this time. 26, also bumped on the head, routing for Highway 43 (on Huff Only one entrance to the school ed to be considering reduced morning and remained on the to its legislative committee Under its charter the city has 844 4,139 1,134 received a temporary disloca- Street) and join ftraemer Drive is now planned, Heglund noted; speed limits as one approach witness stand through a greater Monday night no power to conduct such an ad- It is pos- . 2ND WARD tion of the shoulder. directly to Highway 61, install Since this is at the tri-cornered to the problem. part of the afternoon session. visory, said George M. Robert- sible the Fatchetts will be re- Gilmore Avenue He told May Introduced by Aid. Jerry conduit (for traffic signals) at intersection of . Heglund conceded : that pro- how last 4 he Borzyskowski the topic bounced son Jr., city attorney. Legisla^ 1st ...... 168 711 200 leased Wednesday. major intersections during con- Sarnia and Baker streets, a had purchased the used mobile , hibiting parking for the entire about several tlve action would be required, 2nd ...... 225 910 250 struction (including new school high hazard potential appears length of the project would be home at Dodge Center and had ¦ ¦ as was the case in the 1965 3rd ...... 134 681 250 and Miracle Mall entrances ), with the possible addition of in- contracted with Kleyla to have times before • ' >»• v. ' • • "a ticklish - problem.'^ But such, corning to rest. school bond matter. At that time 1th ...... 105 459 190 and provide three entrances to creased traffic and an extra the home moved to Minnesota City, ¦ special regulations have reduced acci- He -brushed " ' the legislature passed a 632 2,761 890 trie high school. street. Heglund's report advo- dent rates drastically in other City. law authorizing bonding by the Vocational The suggested design contem- cates extending Vila Street south aside objec- Council 3RD WARD cities; he added, and seem to ALTHOPT said that he was tions that at. I >VUI . il school district and requiring ma- plates four lanes for moving ward to the school property and be worthwhile for this reason. jority consent in a referendum. 1st ...... 211 875 264 traffic but does provide extra another entrance off Sarnia following the tractor driven by torney gener- : He said parking on the streets Whetstone on Highway 14 when, al's opinions ruled out city ex- 2nd ...... 184 830 270 width up to 64 feet at major Street, somewhat east of the does not appear to he heavy at COUNCIL PresMent Harold 3rd ...... 160 764 300 near the Arches, the mobile penditures for such a vote. The Briesath likened the council's School Ready present so that few incdnven. home began to fishtail. It's be- vote should be conducted at city matter to 4th ...... 154 623 225 its power to act in this iences would result from lieved that the unit apparently general elections next April, he that of Congress, where elected 709 3,092 1,059 elimination. slipped over the lip of the high- urged. . . , representatives vote daily on ex- 4TH WARD September '67 rrv • BECAUSE IT is important to way and went out of control. penditures of millions of dollars. 1st ...... 125 646 200 5th Crash Vrcfi Althoff said that after the mo- ALD. Harold Thiewes observ- Construction of both the new proper design of intersections ed that, in his short time on the Aid. Borzyskowski maintained 2nd ...... 175 767 250 Main, bile home fishtailed it and the that a public vote would keep 3rd ...... 152 663 275 Senior High School and Wino- with Sarnia Street at tractor jackknifed and both council, he had been involved Huff and Harriet streets, deter- the council from being sued; 4th ...... v 135 565 175 na Area Vocational - Technical came to rest on the edge of the in three lawsuits, In view of the School buildings is "progress- mination should be made now opinions Robertson replied that the Oppo- Dead of Injuries highway, the tractor against the , he said, the City Coun- ing well," members of the on routing Highway 43, Heglund cil might well be the target of site would be true since some- 587 2,641 900 The Lewiston collision claim- who was killed, and Mrs. Fuchs side of the mobile home. . one would almost certainly go Board of Education were told cautioned. After a wrecker had been used still another if it followed Aid. Grand totals 2,772 12.633 3,983 ed its fifth ; victim today: Wil- was a passenger in a car driy- Referring to highway depart- Borzyskowski' to court to stop the city from Monday night and it now ap- to straighten out the two units s suggestion. the vocational-tech- 42, ment recommendations, he sug- such action. pears that liam Hi Roessler, 65, 377 W. en by Mrs. Ethel V. Reen, Whetstone continued on to Min- Public hearings are required In general, the referendum nical school will be completed King St., died at 7:40 a.m to- Orange, Conn,, who died at the gested that Huff Street be des- nesota City with the mobile before projects are started, said . ignated. For this reason Huff idea is favored by opponents in plenty of time to allow fon day at Community Memorial hospital Monday. home. of federally assisted renewal County OKs occupancy at the beginning of Street should be upgraded to Much of Althoff's testimony ( Hospital. Winona County has now re- carry the entire load or it should while it is opposed by many but the 1967-68 school year. Was concerned with damages he not all) advocates of renewal. Superintendent of Schools A. Mrs. Roessler, 63, had been corded 17 traffic fatalities in be made a one-way northbound said he found had resulted to the Bluffside killed in the collision at an in- street from Lake to 5th Street. Aid. Borzyskowski then moved L. Nelson told board members 1966. Eight have been killed in exterior and interior of the mo- that the council request legisla- that arrangements for secur- tersection with Highway 14 The corresponding southbound bile home. He identified photo- Meter Change Sunday afternoon; the city of Winona and nine in Harriet, which Rezoned tive authorization for such a ref- ing equipment for the voca- street would be graphs taken inside and outside erendum. Aid. James Stoltman remaining parts of the county. could be joined to Huff south tional-technical school are be- THE TWO survivors remain the home to show damaged Rezoning of bluffside property seconded and Aid. Donald ' r ' ¦ ¦ ' • ' • ¦ Only two fatalities had been of Lake Street. areas. ing made and . , in critical condition and in in- ..^ near Westgate Shopping Center Klagge moved that it be refer- progress here 1 recorded through July 24, while The ; northwest corner of Wi- He said that, In his opinion, At Courthouse e L. I \ tensive care: Miss Maria L . from RS to R-i classification red to the legislative committee. has been good I SCriOOl I 15 have come in slightly more nona and Sth streets and the the market Value of the mobile This motion took precedence The Winona City Council re- Duke, 84, 550 W. King St., was voted Monday night by the ceived authorization from the so far. Much j I , than three months since then. southeast corner of Harriet and home before the accident was City Council" and only Aid. Borzyskowski t end Mrs. Alice L. Fuchs 36, Sth could be redesigned to of- about , County Board this morning to of the equip- I Johnson Creek, Wis. $2 500 and after the acci- The land is a shelf about voted against it Board 1 THE STATE traffic toll now ford better turning movements, dent between $500 and $700. 600 change parking time limits and ment ^^ I ' Miss LeDuke was a passen- has risen to 801, 91 above a feet long, owned by Mr. and have to be or- according to the report. Mrs; ALD. David Johnston, noting fees in the metered parking ger in the car driven by Wil- year ago. IN CROSS-examlnation by A. M. Kramer arid option- that the committee has stalls in the courthouse parking dered soon, he said, because While the report does not rec- ed by Hilke not met liam H. Haack, 83, 357 Dacota, Dirk Persson, 9-month-old am ommend traffic signals at Huff Brosnahan, Althoff was asked if Homes, Inc. Ac- for two years, asked for a list lot because they aren't bring- of delivery problems. of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pers- he aiid his wife had been able cording to C. Stanley McMahon, * and Sarnia streets now, it pro-r of committee members. He was ing in enough revenue. THE HIGH SCHOOL build- son of Angora, died Monday to live in the home. He said who represented petitioning par- named chairman when the com- The council plans to make 8- poses that conduit for future ties, an application ing also is progressing on In a Duluth hospital of injuries wiring be installed they were able to sleep in it to plat the mittee was set up. Robertson hour parking limits on 75 per- . and watch television but were property into 26 homesites will schedule, he said, and the ad- received when the car driven pointed out that several other cent of the meters. Cost will beginning to by his mother crashed near CITY E N G I NE 'E R James unable to cook meals because be submitted¦ shortly to the matters also must be considered ministration is city. ¦ : be 20 cents for 8 hours and io plans for equipment Angora. Mrs. Persson escaped Baird, commenting on the re- the gas range and the sink were by the committee for possible cents for 4 hours of parking. make port, asked the council to direct damaged. Brosnahan asked Changing the zone from RS enactment by the legislature. purchase. serious injury. About 33 meters will be chang- appears now Mr. Roessler had lived ih his department to furnish a proj- whether the reason there wasn't (suburban residential) to R>1 Among these is a request for ed. ' . '¦ ' . He said that it water service was because a (1-family residential) that little, if any, classroom Winona about seven years. He ect schedule. Aid. James Stolt- means re- extra on-sale liquor licenses, he The present limits are one coupling to the sink was dam- duction of minimum lot ¦ ¦ furniture will have to be pur- had operated a general store man objected ; that he had hot areas said, something the city sought hour for five .- .' had time to study the report. aged and that this could be re- from 20,000 to 8,000 square feet. ¦ chased. in Cochrane, Wis., prior to that, ' unsuccessfully in the 1965 ses- cents or 12 l y» . ¦ V I Baird suggested that scheduling paired. The witness agreed. City Attorney George M. sion. Major expenditures will be and had been employed by Brosnahan asked whether minutes for a VOUnty l Library, cafe- Mrs. George Little since mov- be ordered and that necessary , aft- Robertson Jr. asked whether penny. . . I in areas such as: ing here. or desirable changes could be er the accident Kleyla had of- rezoning would extend up the teria, foreign language labora- fered to send someone bluff f ace Harold Brie- aiid indus- He was born worked in later. Aid. Donald out to and over the ridge. , ¦ Board. tories, gymnasium in the Town of make repairs and Althoff re- sath council ' Furniture also Belvidere in Buffalo County, Klagge's motion to this effect McMahon said it would not. president, and trial arts areas. plied, "He ' said he'd fix the purchased for Wis., to John and Kathryn won unanimous passage. A street connecting Terry Construction Donald Stone, will have to be cheaper ones." Lane on the west with manager of the the administration area. Brenner Roessler. He was a Baird also urged the council Clark's Chamber of Commerce, appear- to act immediately on parking The witness was asked wheth- Lane on the east will be laid A formal agreement now is member of St. Matthew's Lu- er it was true that ed before the board. theran Church. restrictions at the Huff-Sarnia when he pur- out next to the hill. McMahon being drafted, the superintend- chased the mobile home he had Stone said the meters produce s attor- Survivors are: A son, Mar- intersection. Such action has said no service road to the PaymenfsMade ent said, by the board' been told that it had been taken shopping center only $1,500 a year now, and are occu- tin, Minneapolis; two grand- been urged by at least two pro- is contemplat- used onl neys to cover specified previously to Canada, was about ed because it y about one-fifth as for the high daughters; two brothers, fessional consultants, he recall- cannot be provid. much as they could be used. pancy dates John , seven years old and had been ed with practicality. Alma, Wis., and Albert, Los ed, and further delay could not He said there is a potential for school. William H. Roessler be justified blown over in a tornado. Althoff For City Work Angeles, Calif., and a sister said that was correct. $4,500 income under the suggest- DIRECTORS previously had Mrs. Elmer (Bertha) Steiner, Aid. Barry Nelson proposed a Winona bank employe; David Marking the approaching close ed parking meter system. with the the council agreed to participate Alma, Wis. A brother has died. go even farther, THE NEXT witness called by Pye, Goodview, operator of a of the construction season, the The city will pay costs of general contractor in financing moving that all parking on Huff Lindquist was Leonard Munson, wheel alignment business at City Council Monday night ap- changing outside FUNERAL services plates on the costs of additional materials 158 Give Blood will be Street be prohibited. Aid. David Rochester, who is in the mobile 253 W. 2nd St., and Mrs. Alt- proved a handful of final pay- meters and resetting pins in held jointly with those for and labor required to permit Mrs. Johnston and Harold Thiewes home business. hoff were the next three wit- ments on city contracts. each meter head, Briesath said. winter season Roessler. They will be at 1:30 and Mayor work during the R. K. Ellings pro- He said that he had inspected nesses to be heard. The fourth and final estimate This cost is not known. that the school ' p.m. Wednesday at St. Mat- tested that more study is need- of G it Q Construction on the condition At St. Mary s; the Althoff home and felt that Pye testified about the con- Co., Wi- Commissioner Adolph Spitzer completed in time for occu- thew's, the Rev. A. L. Men- ed on the matter. Aid. Nelson's nona for West 5th Street be the value prior to the accident dition of the home and on mat- , up- warned against making parking pancy next fall. nicke officiating. Burial will be motion lost, supported by his was between $2,000 and $2,500 ters of mobile home construc- grading was paid. The final pay- in Buffalo City, fees too cheap, "or else you The formal agreement will Wis., Public and Aid. Jerry Borzyskowski's and after, about $750. tion and Mrs, Althoff briefly ment was $43,579.80. Full con- won St. Teresa Today Cemetery. . 't be able to find parking spell out what "substantial vote Five witnesses were heard described damage to the home tract cost of the project was space there after The Winona County Red Cross Friends may call at Fawcett $142 8 a.m." Brie- completion" means and dates its second day during this morning's session. she had observed when it was ,428.05. State turnback funds sath said he didn comple- bToodmobile is in Funeral Home today from 7 ALD. JOHNSTON'S move for will pay 50 percent of non-as- 't think this by which substantial here at the College of Saint immediate restriction of park- THE FIRST brought to Minnesota City after would pose a problem. tion of designated areas must to 9 p.m. and Wednesday at was Mrs. Lena the accident. sessable items and city and Teresa. the church from 11:30 ing within so feet of the inter- Sanson, Dodge Center, from county The city receives 60 percent be accomplished to satisfy pro- There were no pre-registra- to 1:30 state aids will take up p.m. section was passed without dis- whom Althoff purchased the AFTER recalling Althoff. who the balance of street work. Side- of the income from the meters visions of the agreement on tions at the college "but there sent. home last May. and maintains the lot. The coun- cost-sharing. enthusiasm among the A memorial is being ar- Under direct testified that he purchased the walks, curb and gutter are as- is much ranged. Upgrading of Gilmore Avenue, examinations by Lindquist she ty gets 40 percent. , according to Mrs. Earl trailer from Mrs. Sanson for sessable against frontage. girls " ¦ Junction and Sarnia streets will testified that she had purchased ,500, Stone added that the city is Laufenberger, assistant to Sis- $2 Lindquist rested his WINONA Plumbing Co., sec-¦ be a joint city-county project, the mobile home in 1960 and case. ond and final . - considering adding 130 more Houston Co. ARC ter Ernnn at the health center financed meters on the perimeter in part by state turn- that the cash price at that time Judge Hatfield then called a estimate on i _. • of the , Minn. (Spe- there. Hay Fire Ends back funds downtown area, some to be plac- LA CRESCENT . Estimated costs are was $6,300, noon recess and the trial was two storm i cial)—The annual Friendship "I am sure we will have a about $450,000. C ty ed on Johnson Street between good response by having a good Vacation for Richard Gillen, 262 Grand St., to be resumed at 1 p.m. sewer gate- Campaign of the Minnesota wells was al- 4th and Sth streets, and others proportoin of those eligible lo *Council-0"ncil on Sth Street. Association for Retarded Chil- give. Many of the girfs are Eleva Firemen lowed. The es- l dren began in Houston County eager to donate for special peo- tlmate was $8,- Sunday. Mrs. Keith Jones is ple," Mrs. Laufenberger added. ELEVA , Wis. (Special) - A 728.58 and the total contract fig- INDEPENDENCE YOUTH chairman at La Crescent. The There seems to be a little period of six months without ure was $23,305.98. The struc- INDEPENDENCE, Wis. (Spe- state ARC services 498 retard- competition between Saint Ter- fire calls to the Eleva volun- City Using Surp tures were at Chatfield Street, cial) — The Young Christian ed persons in Houston County. lus Students of Ss. Peter esa and St. Mary 's in this blood teer fire department ended near Shell Oil Co., and at Jeffer- fc Paul's program , "I am sure thnt we Sunday aboat 10 p.m. when it son Street, near the Armour Church will meet at the home will have as many or even sur- was called to the Minor Goss fertilizer plant. Their purpose Is of Mike Brlce Wednesday at 8 pass tho number of donors who farm three miles southwest of to prevent backflooding of sewer p.m. The boys are asked to contributed at St. Mary 's on Eleva on County Trunk Y to systems during high river stag- study Chapter 10 from the re- Monday," said Mrs. Laufen- extinguish a blaze in a pile of To Pay for F lood es. sponse book. berger. baled hay ln a field. Also allowed was the fourth NOTICE TO DISCUSS SNAKES accomplish this The City Council picked up a eligible for reimbursement erally appropriated, and In order to Firemen worked about an Investiga- final estimate by Winona LAKE CITY Minn. (Special) Tumiti ri Mtet- they will need more than 158 windfall of $59,768 Monday night from federal disaster funds be, tion and approval Plumbing , Rtflular hour to extinguish the blaze. of their allo- Co. for sanitary and — Lew Johnson, herpetologist, donors since that is the total , The hay was destroyed. Origin and turned it over to the 1065 cause the dikes are deemed to cation Is accomplished through storm sewer construction. The li>0 Thursday, Novimber number of pints R'ven at St. have contributed to the city 's state agencies payment was will present a lyceuna program of the fire was unknown, but flood debt retirement account. , including the $30,979.26. Total for next Tuesday for high school 10, »1 • p.m. — nomination Mary's. This Includes 77 walk- general flood defense effort. departments of public examin- all construction was $127 , it was reported there were a The surplus occurred in the ,393.43 students at 9 a.m. and elemen- et offictra. ins, or first time donors. There er, military affairs, health and Of this, $95,755,13 is non-assess- number of hunters in the field city's bond fund as the result Mayor R, K. Ellings also was tary students at 10:30. The pro- were four rejects. that afternoon. Instructed to make immediate others. able and $31,638.20 Is assessable. start , of accumulations over tho gram is designed to show the USM "We're off to a good " application to the Office of TWO projects by Dunn Black R I Bundy, S*c. said Mrs . Car! Breitlow , chair- years. With the retirement this value of reptiles. It will feature Rev, Roy Literskl, Bro. John Emergency Planning for a 00 AMOUNTS to be paid are: Top Co., wore billed as single man of the Winona County fied year of all bonded indebted- estimates an exhibit of living specimens. *'Wc hope Weyers and Clarence Currier. ness tho .surplus became avail- percent advance on the reim- Winona Industries, $4,308.48; and paid by the coun- Cross hloofl program. Winona Boiler & Steel Co., ,- cil. Paid were bills of $5,503.38 our good fortune will continue Locations and hours of the able for general fund use. bursement. According to the $1 " shn added , bloodmobile are: Today — Col- state public examiner's office, 769,04; Whittaker Marine & for seolcoatlng 3rd Street, Lib- through the week, , erty to Huff Street, and ,836 Donors Monday at St. Mary a lego of Saint Teresa , until 5 AS A companion resolution proof of payment by the city Manufacturing Inc., $23 389.20; $2 the council transferred $84,500 to tho builders Is required. A Hiawatha Printing Inc., $4,- for sealing Broadway from jjgzEagles Regular Meeting include : , I p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday a^sr VBflsr^t^sH Jacob Two-gallon - Bio. Patrick — Red Cross Chapter House, to i . special s flood debt fund federal audit will follow , with 133.60; Lake Center Switch Sioux to Vila Street. Both pro- so lhiil ;i series of bills Co,, $7,076.99; Armour Agricul- jects wore eligible for payment K^R^l Wed.—5 p.m . in the Aerie Room . Brian , and one-gallon — Bro, Sth and Huff streets, noon to 6 from the 10 percent being held buck Tunoestilfc Damian Stcger, Bro, Louis Mat- p.m. and Friday, Red Cross private dike builders can bo to cover possible adjustments, tural Co., $9,263.10, and Miller from stale maintenance aid ^^^S^T , WJ*. thias, WlWan Breitenstein, tho j Chapter House, 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. paid. These bills in turn are While the OEP funds are fed- Waste Mils Inc., $39,742.13. funds. GREEN BERET By Jee Kuturt §i oHaty wiidcta&L TUtj hL Legend of Frank I BASS CAMP 1 I : RESTAURANT | \\ .. "Where Food Is King!" ; H Adds New Wale s W_ On Highway 41 -10 Milts North of Winona I By EARL WILSON - Many new tales are being added to the engagement at I SPECIALS! I legend of Frank Sinatra, who opened another , with Mia Farrow in his audience for the first time ¦ the Sands ¦ W«»., Nov. »-5 p.m. toll :M p.m. H auaceshe became Mrs. Sinatra. . . . . • . Looking slim, trim and long-haired. Mia attended the snOw CHICKEN & FISH ¦ Don Drysdale Leo Duro- in the companv of such celebrities as HI ^All you can Mt... JJ1.J0 H cner, Willie Mays. Richard Conte, Andy Williams, AT Hirt, y Rydell and Frank s daughter Tina (with real estate man M Includes: Cole Slaw, Mashed ¦Potatoes, Rolls and H Bobb ' . . Sammy Hess). B- • Coffee- \ JB Frank's orchestra was con- cy, made a surprise appearance H Thura., Nov. 10—J p.m. to ll:3» p.m. , ¦ ducted by Gordon Jenkins. He at the Riviera to hear Eddie Voice of the ¦ RIBS & 11.50 ¦ " tang "Strangers in the Night ," Fisher's premiere. En route to SHORT Drwsln*, for a * one of -his big hits, explaining New York to rehearse Waterfowl Gone *Am Frl., Nov. 11—5 p.m. »o 11:30 p.m. B he was following the lyri cs B'way show , she took an ear- Although there are still two Pan-Fried CATFISH .., tiMff l from a paper in front of hinri ly morning plane out after kiss- weekends of duck hunting left, Wis: goodnight. ¦¦ ' ¦ '; A- ' "Believe it or not, I ing Eddie the cold weather and early W_M ¦ ' ^ ¦ _ ^A because. atm ' ' . — ' — _ ¦ '_' ^^^^A *A*Sr^^^. _mM^ •never learned the lyrics." TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: freezeup of the sloughs have \ He then sang "That's Life ," Page Morton likes to hear Hol- pushed a lot of the ducks south which he prophesied would be lywood actors make election out of the upper end of the an enormous hit adding that speeches — they always have river refuge. The refuge biolo- he didn't know the names of happy endings. gists check of hunters showed the authors. (They 're D. Kay WISH I'D SAID THAT : Some that the average take was and K. Gordon). "The song is wives want a good provider. about one duck for the week- taking off , " Frank said: it'll be Others jiist want a good listen- end per hunter, much below the « part of his next TV special , er. " . average, recently, for good ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ . . ¦Dec . ' 7/ . • . . , ' ;; REMEMBERED Q U 0 T E : hunters. The duck season runs . Sinatra kidded with the audir "An acquaintance is a person through Nov, 21. as usual, mentioning Pat we- know well enough to borrow ence. but : rot well enough to 1 Boone. He said, "If I had a son, from, However , Jimmy Robin- lend to." Portage la I'd like him to be like Pat son's note from till he was three EARL'S PEARLS: "The coin Prairie dated last Friday Boone — shortage has been so acute this hours old " tells how real winter has year." reports Jill Sinclair, arrived there. Here it is in FRANK HAD built up this en- "that some people couldn't even ¦¦ ¦ part:' • ¦; gagement to tremendous antic- put in their two cents' worth." ipation around the Las Vegas "I wear support stockings, a "Another duck season has Strip. With Leo Durocher and girdle and a padded bra ," come and gone in western other buddies trailing; be went writes Phyllis Diller , "—so no Canada. Everything is frozen (Mmm up except the big waters where SERVING 5:30 to 8:30 P.M. to the Aladdin at midnight to matter Which way I fall , I leave J catch a Joe E. Lewis show. skid marks." That's earl, there are concentrations of ADULTS $1 75 CHILDREN $1.00 . mallards aiid the hardy blue- jM First he stopped at a black- brother. Remember our Seafood BuHet ,, , of )100 bills. ; All cans and redheads MEJalB jack table got a fistful served overy Friday 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. ' chips, and won about W.0O0, have pushed southward. '' -^KH stuffing several big chips in the Big Furniture "This fall has produced pocket of a chum who had pre- better hunting and more viously lost. Stores Sold ducks, but mallards are still (y Then Frank and his friends ¦a question mark and we Zf aktL ' KANSAS CITY (AP) - Sale Jiwnd.^ gat down in the big room and, won't find out whether they MISSISSIPPI ROOM 4 COFFEE SHOP morning, le of the Duff & Repp Furniure I at two in the peop have made a good recovery Carry-Out Orders Available 1 flocked in to watch him watch- Co., of Kansas City and Bou- RARE PHEASANT LIMIT . . . A trip St. <}eft), and Bruce Krings, 1109 Marion tell's Home FHuiiishing of Min- until they show up in this ^ ing Joe E. winter. They are scatter- to an area just north of Albert Lea Thurs- St., with the daily limit of fully grown adult "I think you've come in to neapolis to the Biederman Na- day rewarded Larry Alston 200 E. Sanborn pheasant roosters. tional Stores Inc. for $4.5 mil- ed here. Reports indicate , ^ louse me up but you're too they were on the increase late." Joe E. grinned. lion was announced here Non- day,, " .; .' . in Alberta and Saskatche- this year than during the EVENTUALLY Frank ascend- The two stores are subsidiar- wan, but the recovery was 3965 opening, With more ed to the stage and -helped Joe ies of Davidson-Bputell Co. The not so good in Manitoba. hunters afield a*d increas- E. remember some of his ma- Biederman firm, a subsidiary of They are still a long ways ed hunting success, the 1966 Angola Rebel terial including a joke about from the high reached in the rooster kill should great- , the American investment Co. of ' ' . l Everylto^ Mia wearing braces on her , . '50s. ly exceed the number of ' Illinois hat. about 75 furniture ^ . .teeth. • •: and appliance stores in nine "There are some build-ups of birds taken in 1965. Frank tossed in some hec- states; mallards and bluebills (lesser Activity Gains kles: "I really came in to see Duff & Hep has three stores Nebraska Replies scaup) in the southern parts (AP) Jackie Mason '? in Kansas City, Boutell's three of the three western Canadian LINCOLN, Neb. UPl — Nebras- LISBON , Portugal — runs from the port of Lobito to "Aw sheddap," Joe E. flung in Minneapolis. ka game director Mel Steen's Rebel activity has sharply In- the heatr of the Congo-Katanga ¦ provinces, but 80 percent of the back. "Why don't you go to a ¦ .. .' " . ducks have left. A big flight reply to a Minnesotan's com- creased in Ahgqla, Portugal's district through Zambia. It is brewery and let them put a Sanders Recalls of both ducks and geese went plaint of long Nebraska hunt- richest African territory, with a the shortest outlet for copper, head on you!" through without stopping during ing seasons was an invitation to aluminum; manganese, cobalt, Frank said from the - stage go hunting. ¦ three-pronged attack on its bor- Close Frying Calls the week. : ders. The calm, which set in zinc and iron ores of the region. : that if Jackie Mason, who had Portuguese officials say the re- been making some uncompli- ATLANTAI Ga. (AP) - Gov. "There was, : some crop Charles Horn of Minne- after Portugal quashed . the re- bellion of 1961, has been broken bels will~fall short of cutting the mentary remarks about bun, Carl E. Sanders, a World War li damage by mallards and apolis, chairman of the Min- railway since such action would "came out here on the stage flier who often pilots his own blackbirds this fall. Bill nesota Emergency Conser- by the sound of mortars on the ' Zambian frontier, the chatter of handicap their base country, now, I'd bite him on the neck." plane on official trips, says he Flynn, a farmer at High vation Council, had written Zambia. machine guns in the northern ¦ At 3:30 am, Frank, Duroch- narrowly avoided airplane Bluff , Manitoba, told me ¦ • ¦ Steen, complaining that - . . er and company all went out to crashes twice during his four that blackbirds destroyed 50 Nebraska's pheasant sea- enclave of Cabirida and by more eat pizza. years in office , once when his percent of his oat crop. son is the longest in the frequent ambushes in the unruly Student Stabbed Connie Stevens, fresh from a plane just missed a head-on col- 'They are worse than nation. Horn wrote, "We north. divorce from actor James Sta- lision with an airliner. ducks,' he said. In Aberdeen cannot ever recall a more Portugal, which exeifts control sordid example of mis- "Prospects for next year: over chunks of Africa 23 times ABERDEEN, Scotland (AP ) treatment of wildlife." Western Canada has had a the size of the mother country, —Police hunted today for a long, dry fall, but with average has named a tough 46-year-old man who sprang from behind a snowfall , prospects are good Steen replied, "Someone has lieutenant colonel to take tree and stabbed Jennifer Hunt, been pulling your leg, for next year. We go home to Charlie. charge. Camilo R Vaz , who, in IS , daughter of the man who led 1 wTVTwTWfWwJ I Minneapolis today. " There is plenty of game in Ne- 1961, commanded an infantry the conquest of Mt. Everest. ? ENDS TONITE > braska," and invited Horn to go regiment of Portugal's 40,000 Miss Hunt, an arts student al TOMORROW and every Wednesday 1 Minnesota Pheasants hunting to prove it. Angola troops , takes office as Aberdeen University, had 21 Jff SERVED 5:00 to 9:10 P.M. % Local hunters who ventur- aj -^MONG THE GREAT MOVIES \>± \ governor this month. He served stitches taken in her gashed ed into Southwestern Minne- State Serviceman five years in Vige , the kernel- neck after the attack Monday OF AllTIME!" -^^-. tMl I sota over the weekend re- province of rebel resistance. night on the university campus. •MTsi ma *smt»« lammMAmfm SBBBIJLJ ported they averaged about Dead in Viet Nam Vaz will be directly responsi- Col. Sir John Hunt led the one bird per hunter for the ble to Premier Antonio Salazar 195.J British expedition which i GOLFVIEW | two days , or better than on WASHINGTON (AP) - The for the fortunes of Angola scaled Mt. Everest for the first RESTAU RANT RUSHFORD Defense Department said Mon- , an | • | tost Matthew *HgflHM the opening weekend. Here area that yields oil, diamonds, time. \., WiVUHWl ^ry ^alUHLEraSul day Electrician' ¦ We cater to private groups for get-togethers, banquets, m is the state game depart- s Mate Alan A. coffee sugar ¦ * Schwarzkopf , son of Mrs. Lillian , , tobacco and cot- parties, ttc. M ment's report for the open- ton. Bowler of Atwater , Minn., had M Open dally .4 p.m. -11 p.m. lervlng Lunches and Dinners m ing weekend: m * as low at J2, fl "ASSAULT ON A QUEEN" died in Viet Nam. The death was Vai'i toughest military prob- "Minnesota pheasant hunters Wednesday's r m -A- Dancing Saturday Nights — Special Dinner Treats Sun- m not the result of hostile action, lem lies in the eastern part of .JJ _ days for $1,50. ¦ enjoyed about a 20 percent im- the announcement said. STARTS fftUi 15*-««-W* Angola, a wedge of rolling hills provement in hunting success and small brush jutting into Luncheon jjSr on the opening day of the sea- Zambia. Defense Minister son as compared with last year, LBJ Asks Every Gomes de Araujo announced Special - . SniamIn. ing weekend . The survey show- election eve appeal to Ameri- Rebels have made incursions -i' ^_\\^W_ ed that hunters bagged an aver- ^_mAM __WA^f \rk^MM cans Monday night: deep into Angola. A recent Hot Beef Sandwich m ^^^^^^ M age of 1.5 birds per man in "Tomorrow '^sHHWPsia^R^l WW m.y_ \^_ ^_ ^_ ^A_ma^A\ ^AM we vote. The Is- army communique said that two Only 85c _ ' ,;..,, H ttaEs^ \i^i^i^i^i^i^i^L^?^aaWthe main pheasant range for sues are important and com- persons were murdered along ______* m ''^*--t*' ' . ^_ W^_ *ISMmSl p *>*_Z^M the opening weekend. plex. The choice of Choice steaming hot , tender Isfls^a^a^aH ** -A*> ^Ba^aV%^l>IHsVika£^^V good men is the Benguela railway in Vila STY ¦HEEH A> ^.vHs^y^'ilHJB AT'-<!) 1 - *^~r %^. Bev- . Minn. 55M7 * , I ^ ' craRP. All You Can Eat , , tjr S9hH ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Slngl* Copy — 10c Dally. 10c Sunday Delivered by Carrlar-Pir Ween . een'i : iLJ THURSDAY %£& ]: 76 wtaks IU.13 3] walks mm "Veiwlian Night WLCJ~4~JJMTUX J'UJJJ " *- A By mall slrlclly In advance, paper stop, i Genuine Italian Meat Balls and Spaghetti — *,*% V ft J ' pad on explretlon dale ^I a tremendous recipe furnished us by an *t* ¦ ^er SISF ( i \ I \) I Italian Chef includes authentic Italian (5nr- H In Fillmore. Houston, Olmsted, Winona. i J f ¦ > \ ¦ j Il UTH'S Wabasha, Buffalo, Jackson, Pepin and > L m_\ _ "c Bread, Italian Salad and all the trim- ] i Wk Trempealeau, counties and armed forces •a* T\A*> mings All You Can Eat ( personnel In the continental United Stalls, * [ or oversell with APO or FPO addresisi I year ., II? 00 .1 month! M.JO II ESTAURAMT ^ ? months ,. It, . \ month .. t|,33 \WMM126 fail Third Street ^ All other subscriptions! Cofii>«ni'«fi//|/ located in Downtown Winona. I month ll.<0 3 monlns .... Wli I months SIM t yiar ... III.0O

Send chang.* ot address, notices, undeliv- ered ccp'ti, luoicriptlon orders and olrier mall Itemt it Winona Daily N«*l, p.o fe ltat Jtaj SHOP THE EASY WAY Box 10. Winona, Minn . 1M|7 . l — gmga SUPPER CLU B FOUNTAIN CITY, WIS. WEHie^iwttWrJMi WM Second data postage paid at Winona. • READ THE ADS FIRST Minn. Board to Sell County Adds St. Charles $200;000 in Dog Alerts Street to Road System Child fo Fire School Bonds winona County Board of Comr sified as commercial go it could a long time after this is com- WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) A recommendation that the missioners agreed Monday to be added to the state aid sys- pleted." - The family dog on the Rudy $2t)O O00 in bonds . remaining un- add a four-block section of St. tem. His application was denied Commissioner Adolph Spitzer, Rombalski farm near Pigeon issued from the $5.98 million Charles Street in the city of because the section passes night said he Falls barked so loud one school bond issue authorized in St. Charles to the county road through a residential area be- rural St. Charfes. recently that Barbara, 14, who 1965 be sold this fall was heard system and pay for part of its fore reaching the commercial thought the county ought to help was home alone, went outside Monday night by the Winona construction.. area of St. Charles Street which finance the project. The city to investigate. Board of Education. The section is between the is already on the state aid sys- doesn't get any gas tax money started railroad tracks and Highway 14. tem. St. Charles Street goes She found that fire had ..-After the $5.98 issue had been directly from the state, while in the basement of the house. approved at a referendum elec- The board said It would south from Highway 14, crosses tion in the spring grant approval if sidewalks the railroad tracks and turns townships do, he said. It's the She called the Pigeon Falls of 1965 the When firemen board decided to sell only $5.78 would be constructed by the east , past much of the city's second largest community in fire department. of the authorized amount city and engineering costs industry, ending on Highway 74. the county and has only five arrived, flames had burned out to fi- the interior of the basement. nance construction of a new dropped. W. E. Agneberg, St. The four-block section the blocks of state aid mileage, county agred to help The two . upper stories were Senior High School and a build- Charles oity engineer, agreed with is Agneberg noted. i'ng- to house about 10 percent , of the total damaged from smoke and heat. the Winona Area to these terms. window Vocational-Technical School. '"-. street improvement costs under- Spitzer said that although the It became so hot that COST TO the county will be taken by the city this year. section is residential, commer- panes cracked all over the IT WAS FELT at that time about $32,000, or 40 percent of cial activities are near each house. AGNEBERG said about that if additional funds were RECEIVING NAPE AWARD . . , George Minn., state president of the NAPE; Arvid the $80,000 cost. County money "95 end and it is directly accessible Mr. and Mrs. Rombalsld needed to will be for base and surfacing percent of the city was re-done usually take all six of their fost> complete the two Heckman, 569 Dacota St., second from left, Peterson, Rochester, state secretary; James 7 to , Highway 14 which is a main projects the remaining $200,000 work and storm sewer construc- this year. ' He added that, al- commercial transportation ar- er children with them when they could be sold. With work now views a 25-year pin presented to him Sat- Arnoldy, Wabasha, president of local Chap- tion. The city will absorb all though the city bit off a big tery. :. go to La Crosse for Mr. Rom- in progress on both projects, urday evening at the annual fall dinner ter 4, and Cy Hedlubd, Gilmore Ave. , state costs for curb and gutter work. chunk of work and money, and balski's appointment with a doc- the b o a r ¦ ' . ' ' ¦ " '¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ • '. meeting of the National Association of Pow- trustee and past state president. (Daily Sidewalks will be paid for by may appear to be asking for THIS explanation negated the tor. This time Barbara decided d ¦ finds that the w /•• ' . er Engineers at Williams Annex. Others News photb) property assessment arid the a special favor from the board, question of having a commer- to remain at home to study for "we won't be in your hair cial street running parallel to $200,000 will . .S'Ch'OOr from left are George Eastwood, Bayport, city of ¦ St. Charles, Agneberg for the next day's history test. The be needed said.." " '¦¦ Highway 74 only one block dog saw the flames about 7:30 and ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ a meeting n. . The board -, - . ¦ away. The section will connect p.m..' „J \ with state aid highway on the was called DOarCI: Husband Receives decided to set LOUnty U.S. Attorney's The Rombalskis are living tem- Monday with ——¦—" . ;. Juveniles Charged Power Engineers up a 20-year- south end and county road sys- porarily on the Lawrence Tom- a representative of the schools' Suspended Sentence 6r-less pay- tem on the other end. ter farm. They are sleeping in Office Open The city of St. Charles will bonding consultant Springsted, With Shoplifting m e n t sched- L Board-—— beds borrowed from St, Joseph's La Verne Pruka, 500% W. 5th • - WASHINGTON (AP) —. Act- do all maintenance work, Agne- Hospital, Arcadia, but still are Inc., St. Paul, to discuss possi- Honor Members ule. berg said. ble arrangements for the sale. Two juveniles were taken in- St., pleaded guilty to a charge The engineer appealed to the ing Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark in need of quilts and. pillows. Six members of Winona Chap- The $5:78 issue had been sold to custody and charged with of assault before Judge John county board because "we've has announced that all U.S. at- Fire isn't new to them, Three ter 4, National Association of torneys offices will at an interest rate of 3.2652 shoplifting at the Tempi) store McGill in municipal court this just plain run out of . money." ' stay open DODGE SPORTSMEN years ago the barn; on their Power Engineers, were honored until after polls close tonight to DODGE, (Special) percent and is being retired in Miracle Mall at 7 p.m. Mon- He had applied earlier to the Wis. - place two miles southeast of over a period of 25 years. Saturday evening at Williams morning and was given a'sus- county highway screening com- ''insure rapid action" on any Dodge Sportsman's Club will Pigeon Falls was struck by day. They were referred to Annex for being active iri. the Osmon R. Springsted told pended 40-day jail sentence. mittee to have this section clas- reports of federal election law meet tonight at the clubhouse. lightning : and burned to the the juvenile authorities, accord- local chapter for periods . of 25 violations; Officers will be elected. ground. ¦'. school directors Monday night years and longer. The complaint had been sign- ing to Winona police. A 13-year- ed by Mrs. Pruka who said she that the bond market index George Eastwood, Bayport has retreated from a high of old was seen taking a pair of , had been beaten on Nov. 5. The shoes and a 16-year-old was ap- NAPE state president, present- judge, in suspending the sen- 4.24 percent and last Thursday ed awards fo George Heckman, Four Catholic at 3.73 percent. prehended with a knit sweater tence, warned Pruka that there was ' ¦' ¦ St;; . 569 Dacota Herman Dock- could be no more complaints of EXPRESSING* THE thought weiler, Gilmore Valley Road; LAKE CITY OPEN HOUSE Randall Ehmke, 1269 Randall that nature and that if he were that this is a temporary situa- brought in again it would mean Churches Join LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) St. ; Cy A. Hedlund, Gilmore tion and noting that there are —Open house in observance of an automatic 60-day sentence. Valley; Glenn Aifeman, Minne- ' ¦ those who feel that the index ¦¦ American Education Week will sota City; and George Richman, - . ' •: • may rise again, Springsted sug- be held St. John's Lutheran 111 Adult Classes gested that now might be; an at 370 Winona St. Richman has School Wednesday. Parents arid been a member more than 40 Don't Elect Me, Four Catholic parishes in Wi- opportune time to dispose of the ' nona are cooperating to remaining $200,000 in bonds. friends arid members of the years. . :, Candidate Says de- congregation are invited to visit Sister Ruth Marie, adminis- velop a program of adult re- He recommended that an adr BERLIN, N.H. (AP) - Rob- school, which will open with trator of St Elizabeth's Hospi- ligious education, according to ¦veitisement for bids be made morning devotions at 8:30. The . ert Dumont, unlike thousands of to allow, for an opening Nov. 22. tal and Nursing Home, Waba- the Revs. Robert H. Brom and PTA will serve coffee: sha, spoke on the topic "What political, candidates awaiting the Until the bids actually come results of today's voting,, hopes James W. Lennon, participants in it won't be known what the to Expect of an Engineer." She however,. that the consultant's is a graduate of Marian Collgee, nobody will vote for rim. from the Cathedral of the Sac- interest rate will be but Spring- Dumont is Republican candi- red Heart. sted said that he felt " a con- recommendation be followed Fond du Lac, Wis., and did post- and Springsted was asked to graduate work at Rosary Col- date for supervisor of check- Representatives of the Cathe- servative estimate" might be lists, a minor city office respon- around 4 percent. prepare the necessary docu- lege, River . Forest, III. dral and St.\Mary's, St. Casi- ments that will allow the board Mrs. Henry E. Hurl entertain- sible for keeping records, fie mir's arid St. John's parishes It was the recommendation recently accepted a teaching Job of the consultant that the $200,- to take formal action in set- ed on the piano during the din- are involved in the effort. Fath- ting the Nov. 22 sale date at ner program, which was pre- with New Hampshire Vocational er Lennon explained that the 000 be retired over a 20-year Institute. As a state employe he period. next Monday night's regular ceded by a cocktail hour. East- primary task of more than 50 meeting. wood talked briefly on the 1967 can't run for public office, but persons, lay, religious and Since Monday s was a board he couldn't get his name off the committee meeting directors There was tentative agree- state convention to be held here priests, who meet each Thurs- ment that the bonds be re- in June. ballot. day from 7 to 8 p.m. at Cotter were not authorized to take for- So on election eve, Dumont mal action on the matter. tired at the rate of $10,000 a Orville Keller and Joseph High School, is to provide re- year over the term of the is- Votruba were chairmen for tie issued the plea "don't elect ligious education for Catholic THERE WAS agreement, sue. annual event. me." high school students enrolled in public schools. THEY ALSO are concerned in providing adults in the com- munity with the opportunity to mature in their faith and in Christian living, added Father Lennon. The family enrichment pro- " > ¦¦ JSKAX' i j ]• ¦> |* •¦ -og ^HHBr J BBHS Sw SS ^ ' "* ' -^ "* *fHvvI5 .....v l gram will be offered again. Father Lennon explained that this program was developed to help married people of all faiths achieve the satisfying and posi- tive aspects of their marriages. Its concern with problems is to consider them as snags which stand in the way of personal If it's a big cat you're looking for this year, don't fall for a small line, fulfillment within m a r riage, added Father Lennon. The program, which consists of six sessions of taped lec- tures by Urban Steinmetz, will be offered on six consecutive Tuesdays starting today from 8:30 to 10 p.m. at the Cathe- dral's Holy Family Hall. Topics will Include "Communications Talk to a in the Home", "The Role of Sex in Marriage" and "The Education of Children. " A series of six talks on the sacraments will be the second phase of the adult religious ed- ucation program, Topics to be explained at Cotter High School Take Charge Thursday evenings from 8:30 to 10 starting this week will be "The Notion of What a Sac- rament Is," "The Eucharist," "The Sacrament of Penance" CALORIC rOTSYRXTM and "The Sacrament of Matri- mony." Each of Ihe two phases In the program of adult religious Dealer education has a small regis- If you're cooking tration fee. TOPICS OF cnn-wit Interest will be discussed at various times. "The Contemporary Ex- perience of God" will be the on the best-looking subject Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Cotter High School with Brother K. Basil , St. Mary 's College, as moderator. Panel- ists will include the range Rt. Rev. in town, Msgr. William Magee, the Rev. Gerald Conway and Brother Frederick , nil of St. Mary's College, and IJlric Scott, Col- lege of St. Catherine , St. you Paul. 're cooking Ever/ Chrysler we sell Is lull-size. 18 feet long. Two a few dollars a month more than the most popular Father Lennon explained thnt tons. No such thins at a junior edition. Full power, smaller cars, comparably equipped. the speakers will attempt to From 383 cu. In. V-8 on up to a 440 TNT. Let this ha the year you start thinking big. You'll dispel contemporary doubts as Yet tight now, we're pricing 4 Newport models Just find you can do things you never thought possible. to the existence of God by first with gas. explaining modern atheism and Take Charge...Move up to then pointing out its deficien- Have you seen the new gas ranges lately? They're beaiAfes, Trim and modern. They cies. Thoro is no charge for cook beautifully, too. With the instant and precise heat control that only gas this phase of the program. can give you, with smokeless broiling, and with every automatic feature you could ACCIDENT CORRECTION ask for. See all the new gas ranges, both the free standing models like this ono CHRYSLER 67 Ownership of two cars involv- and the builtins. Pick the one that fits into your idea of a beautiful ed in a Saturday accident nt AUTHORIZED DEALERS tf fe CHRYSLER ! kitchen. Gas makes the big difference. (Costs less, too.) WjSt MOTORS 00RP0RM10N Clark's l.nno and Highway 61 on** wns transposed by mistake in ^ Monday 's story. The car driv- en by Vernon A. Mnhnffey , 360 I L t Northern Vine St., was moving across Ihe | I highway, headed north , nnd ¦XI Natural Gas thai of Joseph I» Brown, Ro- I X Company , chester, was moving west on THi »lpallni sanlnf natural INC., f« tout local (at ciai NYSTROM MOTORS 165 W. 2nd St. t* faay tho highway at the time of lm, pact, Education Adds Up WORLD TODAY 'I Didn't Really Mean All Those Nasty Things I Said About You!' WASHINGTON CALLING To Self-Reliance Hassle Between (Editor's Note: This l» the fourth 0/ a LBJ Breaks aerie* of guest editorials by Wmona civic leaders in connection tcith American Educa- Nikon and LBJ tion Wccfc, No». S-lt.> By JAMES MARLOW With Campaign WASHINGTON i . — There are some nice By MARQUIS CWILDS By DR. M. L. DeBOLT hassle between President John- ironies in the Johnson has how former Vice President Richard M. WASHINGTON — President divorced Valley ion and campaign that will end Board Chairman, Hiawatha Npcon now it's a question of who got himself from th* Congressional with . And gloomier prophets are saying, under whose skin. the elections today. If, as the ; Mental Health Center Democrats is in view, Mr. Johnson will But so did Nixon. a debacle for the Johnson looked irritated. himself in the wreckage. , A PERSON RISES to foil statore only Although Johnson isn't saying so, two actions not have involved Had he gone to Illinois and California where Democratic as the demands upon him challenge him he took can be interpreted as undercutting a uncertain and Democratic candidates Nixon suggestion and refuting a Nixon pre- fortunes seem most to rise. Without responsibility, growth can his intervention, it would have been a demon- diction. . "- , ' had lost despite ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ never be complete. stration of his lack of in- _ . - > . . • • . • . • Last Aug. 7 Nixon said he saw no possibil- Paul Douglas , most im- negotiated settlement of the Vietnamese fluence. Sen. Unquestioriingly, the single ity of a and Gov. Edmund To Your Good Health self-re- war and called for a "substantial increase" in Illinois portant prerequisite to achieving G. (Pat) Brown had been liance in modern times is education; in American ground forces in Viet Nam and hoping that the stepped up bombing in the North. prayerfully Through education, one acquires 1 lense President would come to After a of values that encourages him to under- ON SEPT. 11 he was saying there was a their rescue and offset polls take the essential responsibilities. Through grave danger the administration would go over- showing them lagging be- education, one develops the power of ra- board in increasing American forces in Viet hindr Crack on although he had said he saw no tional thinking that enables him to under- Nam. And, THE President's and the possibility of a negotiated settlement, he DESPITE stand the world as it is today disclaimer that he had made The Head changes technology will bring tomorrow. switched. campaign on his no plans to By J. G. MOLNER, M.D. Education can provide a basis for free On Aug; 23 Nixon joined other Republicans return from Asia, as early as choice and free action by instilling aware- in urging an all-Asia peace conference, al- Manila, a week before the Dear Dr. Molner: For ness of both one's capabilities and one's though Peking, Hanoi and the Viet Cong had end of the tour, Presidential as long as I can remem- limitations. rejected the idea. Press Secretary Bill D. Mey- ber I've always been told Then Johnson announced he was going to a ers was telling accompanying not to let a young child Self-reliance means that each person Manila conference with the leaders of six Asian a campaign reporters that or baby go to sleep after must carve out a meaningful, self-fulfill: and Pacific nations: Australia, New Zealand, offensive covering perhaps as ing and consciously directed life. South Viet Nam, Thailand, South Korea and many as 18 states was being it has been bumped on its the Philippines. lined up. This prospect was head. Why? Is this med- with jrbu what I . I would like to share encouraged until the last 24 ical fact or an old wives' think is one of the most important chaU THIS WAS NOT exactly the Asian confer- s hours before the President' tale?-MRS. J.M. lenges that society must meet.; This chal- ence Nixon might have had in mind, but it return when doubt was Cast lenge is the necessity for accepting change was a conference between the United States on the likelihood of a cam- It is not exactly an O W.T. and its Pacific allies in Viet Nam. and devising ways to meet it. Changes can paign trip. since it has' some foundation not be effectively met by conservatism, House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford A President's physicians go to Ma- in fact—in a few cases, and nor by professionalism, nor by adopting frankly said Johnson's decision to have the last word and that nila with Asian nations had undercut the Re- when properly understood. revolutionary tactics and methods. The word cannot be questioned. publicans' proposals for an all-Asian confer- Yet, the fact remains that the It isn't easy to give any wisdom that helps us to adapt to change ence. comes slowly through a balanced develop- conditions requiring the sur- nutshell rule to follow; but ment of the individual. This balanced de- gery they ordered prevailed here is the basic danger: THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND before Johnson set out on his With a severe head injury, velopment can come to us only through a ¦¦ iinin naa iawaw —¦ ¦- ¦> »——¦«—»»_—' ) i i i _,¦ — 111 » —— ——— ¦ i im— ¦— m Asian tour and they have said liberal education, IN YEARS GON E BY and let's emphasize "severe," that this is not ah emergen- there can be bleeding under WE, IN WINONA and its surrounding Ten Years Ago ... 1956 cy; Furthermore, the Pres- the brain membrane—a sub- area, are particularly blessed with educa- Some three hundred members of the Minne- ident showed resentment at dural hematoma, to use its tional facilities that offer a liberal educa- sota Dietetic Association, of which Sister M. j , Edgor his press conference over re- technical term. /foover C/i/ef fa- Bernadette; O.S.F., of the College of Saint ports that he had been so This may not have an in- tion. Our very progressive parochial and tigued by his trip he needed public schools, with their excellent facul- Teresa is president-elect, met at Rochester for stantaneous effect. It usu- their annual fall meeting. to rest. In the end John- ties, provide the latest in educational meth- ' ally will not, because the son s health was the only val- bleeding is gradual. Rath- ods. The local administrators are obvious- Experiences while Mrs, John Fuller and her Issue in Election id reason why, after widely family were in the Philippines last year were er , ly aware of the changes and have been By DREW PEARSON vada had the courage to cite tion regarding Hoover's gen- printed news reports that he it can produce a delayed related by Mrs. Fuller at the meeting of the somnolence. Or better, let's instrumental in seeking their ; introduction of WASHINGTON — The man Hoover personally for his eral operation: "Padded sta- meant to campaign on his local branch of the American Association running for governor of Neva- police state methods. return,.;he could gracefully riot call it somnolence or into our local schools. This is also consid- Childhood Education. The Fullers spent 14 tistics on recovered automo- sleepiness, but call a spade a ered a compliment to the local School da today, in effect, is J. Ed- In this connection, both Gov; biles and fugitives were withdraw; months in Manila. gar Hoover. He has become spade. It can cause coma, a Board, who will judiciously review the Sawyer and his opponent, Lt. winked at because they helped THE PRESIDENT'S whole state of unconsciousness the No. 1 issue in the race Gov. Laxalt, might well read proposals and give its loyal support if it be Twenty-Five Years Ago . . 1941 between Gov. Grant Sawyer, Hoover get ever larger appro- posture in recent weeks has which is quite different from of community value and if in their good this month's issue of Ram- sleep Rooms and facilities for the public school Democrat, who has criminal- parts magazine and its article priations from Congress." been that of a candidate run- . consideration. judgment it warrants orthopedic department will be included in the ly prosecuted the FBI for oa wire tapping by William Regarding eavesdropping, ning for re-election with 1968 If a child goes into such a proposed new Lincoln School. illegally using electronic list- W. Turner, a former FBI roan. rather than 1966 as the goal coma , he cannot be readily The parents should assume some re- and Paul Lax- Turner gave this description What is more, as a shrewd awakened. He requires im- Mrs. Harold H. Baldwin, Minneapolis state ening devices, It's an amazing revelation. sponsibility in developing self-reliance , alt , Republican, who is run- of how the sound school to politician he seems to be mediate medical treatment. among our children and grandchildren. I president of the P.E.O. will be special guest Turner tells how Hoover ning against him. operates a "sound school" to train wire tappers operated: positioning himself to run So, you see, the notion of would admonish you not to leave all of at the meeting of Chapter AP, P.E.O. at the agamst Richard M. Nixon home of Mrs. H. R. Wiecking, : ; Laxalt defends Hoover as teach agents how to place* "We were sequestered to a not letting the child go to the education to the schools, but there is untouchable, contends that he bugs; also to pick Jocks and room high in the bureau's as the Republican candidate, sleep is not a treatment. It a definite area of responsibility that only can do no wrong, and has de- make illegal entry for the pur- away At; no time during his Presi- will not prevent damage from Fifty Years Ago ... 1916 identification building; dency has he directed an at- you arid I , as a parent, can properly and manded that Gov. Sawyer pose of placing bugs. He even from random eyes . . . there the injury. What it really adequately discharge. Through special arrangements with an east- publicly apologize for his criti- reproduces a letter of com- was a jerry-built room where tack as strongly personal as amounts to is a test. ern publishing house the Winona Free Public cism of Hoover. mendation for "sneaking in- we practiced hooking up con^ the shafts he aimed at the Let' Library has obtained a long list of books pub Instead of apologizing, Gov. "perennial" campaigner who s say that a vigorously IN SPITE OF .11 of the education thsr side a man¦ 's home to plant a cealed bugs, a feat that re- playing child lished in England. . Sawyer has intensiifed his ¦' ¦ turns up each October with gets a hard a person might secure, he is not a master bug."/ . • quired some skill* in carpen- bump on the head. He cries. of the whole culture. Each man lives a John A. Hewitt, Northwestern agent of the criticism and written Hoover ' Your work in an operation try and plastering . . . false prophecies. a letter asking for detailed As the pain and fear sub- fragment of it, Education is more than PM Railway; T. C. Burgees, commercial of considerable value to the "One of the foremost re- In his performance both side and he calms down, it agent of the Belt Line Railway and E. T Duf - proof that the FBI Chief had bureau was of the highest abroad and at home Johnson the sura of its parts. Education compounds . caught any members of the sponsibilities of a sound man, is not unnatural for him to itself into ever more rich implications field, traveling freight agent of the C CA 0 caliber and I do not want we learned, was to develop suggested the shape of things go to sleep. If it is a natural Railway, were in the city. underworld "skimming" — the occasion to pass without to come, when education adds up to self-reliance. illegally pocketing part of the close ties with telephone com- with the climax two sleep, it is good for him. thanking you," Hoover wrote years from now. He is deter- The development of self-reliance through Las Vegas gambling take — pany special agents and oper- But if he has suffered a Seventy-Five Years Ago...1891 FBI Agent Turner, March 7, ating personal, The cozier the mined to win the war in Viet education will contribute depth, richness, for the purpose of financing 1 960. "The competent subdural hematoma, instead S. A. Samuelson took third pri2e with his underworld crime. , re- arrangement, the easier it Nam. Particularly when he and direction to your life. A liberal educa- sourceful and effective fash- was to get confidential data was addressing young Amer- of go|ng to sleep naturally, tion, in a rapidly changing world is to help Scotch fife wheat in a contest inaugurated for Sawyer's criticism of Hoov- he may go into a coma. You growers bv C. A. Pillsbury of Minneapolis. ion in which you handled your on subscribers' lines and to icans in uniform he sounded " er puts him in a unique posi- responsibilties was indeed can awaken him for sleep. us neither to conform nor 16 destroy, but N. B. Gile of the town of Richmond brought tion. So far, ho other public lease fines without question. like a war President. The to want to, and to know how to, trans- commendable and contributed theme of patriotism You cannot awaken him from a mammoth rutabaga weighing w_ pounds official except Solicitor Gen- "THE MOST tight-lipped and the form and fulfill." materially to the successful fighting ; spirit of America a coma. into town. eral Thurgood Marshall has handling of this delicate as- subject on the sound school had the guts to take on the came out unadulterated. So, you see, there's no point signment." agenda was lock-picking. At in preventing a child with a One Hundred Years Ago... 1866 72-year-old FBI chief who the end of the three-week ses- His improvised talk to keeps the secret files of all The delicate assignment, troops at Camp Stanley, crack on the noggin from The extension of the Winona and St. Peter sion, we were herded into a government officials and has according to the ex-FBI agent, north of Seoul, had a jingo- going to sleep—but if it's the Scenic Areas Need Railroad westward has effected a great change was a high-class job Of burg- small room in the attic of the kind of sleep from which the power to investigate them. Justice building, given non- istic sound that startled those in the ideas of our western producers as to lary. who had heard him talk df you cannot wak e him, that's the best inventory sets of lock-picking Modern Hi hways and cheapest way to and from the THE SOLICITOR general unity in Asia and how no an immediate danger signal. g eastern markets. stood up in the Supreme EX-AGENT Turner ajso tools and several days' in- made this interesting observa- struction in how to use them," country could stand alone as After a hard bump on the Court on June 13 to report the an island of prosperity head—a hard one—I recom- (St. Paul Pioneer Press) fact that Hoover had been us- in a way to Taylors Falls there is no highway world of poverty. This seem- mend having a doctor take a ing Bstening devices indis- ed to ISS&ANCE OF A special 5-cent stamp providing a consistent opportunity to view criminately and without au- ' be another Johnson look at the child. You must publicizing the

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rflW**' |, (_i «i l,, < A ^MmWH—mmml.^K ^^M/Mf &BF # _ ^^ MKMMBm ^^Mm^ BUDGET PAY PLAN tt America's Largest $0$ NEW LOCATION ; Hour,: * ' m-S ' 30 P m ^ 1 - "- 24-HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE 74 W. THIRD ST. n0p,n '"? '• *"Nloh,, J" m Selling 6 Year Old fc^Kgg ¦mm ei nfin Fr,dav *" ' f,m - * MAIN FLOOR PHON E 8-3711 Kentucky Bourbon , 1 year warranty available U slnole .„ . . .. ,, „ _ ^mwAW-'W^AWMM$£**r M ' , , ... , AH voassss ara sold only on prucrlB- vlslon; or bifocals. ,.on 0, „cenled doc(or,, 1656 Service Dr. Phone 9993 faffiBDalSOBi^^ FHA District VI La Crescent Youths Elects President Madison PTA Hears To Present Play MABEL, Minn. (Special) - 'Life With Father' Sue Ruehmann, • member of Librarian Speak on Books LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- Mabel - Canton Future Horn** cial) ' —' High School junior class makers of America (FHA) was Madison School PTA mem- Members voted to support the will present "Life With Father elected FHA District VI presi- bers who met Monday at the program. ," Gilbertson thank- a 19th Centnry comedy, at 8 dent at the recent district meet- school heard Sister Eone, Col- Mrs. Walter ing in Plainview, Minn. ed room mothers for their help p.m. Friday and Saturday lo lege of Saint Teresa librarian, As president, the will attend in the current PTA member;- the high school gym. speak on books as part of the ship drive. meetings of all 40 district chap- The play by Howard Lindsay She will school Book Fair observance. Boy Scout, Troop 5 led the ters during the year. and Russe? Crouse is directed by serve as representative at the She was introduced by John Pledge of Allegiance. Scout state executive council, at the O'Conner, program chairman. Master Bernard Benson thank- Miss Linda Neve of the high state meeting and the Leader- She spoke of values gained ed PTA members for their school English Department; ship Camp. Her responsibility through teaching children to troop sponsorship. He announc- Tickets are available from will also include making ar- love books and reading. She ed that his Scouts will do snow members of the Junior Class or stressed the values . of reading shoveling for their winter proj- at the door, rangements and presiding at as the key to success in school. the annual district meeting. ect. Home owners may secure In her talk, she mentioned this service by calling Mr. Ben- Mabel-Canton School not only illustrated Bible stories and ' ¦¦¦¦ ROSARY SOCIETY president son. has the FHA district fairy tales as means of inter- Dr. Leo Octaynrawyci St. DODGE, Wis. (Special) — but also the district FTA pres- , esting children in books. The Maiy's College,yreo^ested vol- Rosary Society of tlie Sacred ident, Brian Larson from its en- family of former President unteer help for leadership in Heart Catholic Church win hold rollment. This is the first time John F. Kennedy was noted Cub Pack and committee work their monthly meeting at 8 p.m. in the history of FHA and FFA Wednesday in the church hall. its book lovers and givers of with Scouts. He reminded ' that presidents of both organi- books, she said. She suggested members that PTA needs to feel Mrs. Catherine Sacia will bo zations are from the same that such traits become part of a duty to support the program. the guest speaker. Group l with school. PTA members' lives. The door prize was awarded Mrs. Paul Wagner will enter- ' tain. BUSY YEAR AHEAD .- .. . Susan Ruehnianii has been Favorite poems were read by to Mrs. Howard Keller. Mothr Sister Eone who closed her ers of fourth grade students elected president of District VI of the Mabel-Canton Future talk with praise for the Book ST. MARTIN'S CIRCLE Sorority Hears new capacity, she will were hostesses. Homemakers of America. In her. Fair which brings books to chil- Circle F, St. Martin's Luther- Mrs. Halverson attend district and state meetings of the organization. dren. 25TH ANNIVERSARY an Church members will bt Mrs. Frank Kinzie, Book Fair GALESVILLE, : Wis. - The guests of Mrs. William Koeller, chairman, thanked those who Meyer s engagement Talk on Hobbies 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. 218 Mankato Ave., Wednesday MISS MARLENE Mary helped with the project and at p.m. at her home and Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Floyd Teska will be 2 . to Thomas L. Motley, son of Mr. Beta Delta Chapter of Beta Scout Gouncil to Study mentioned that help will be celebrated Sunday with an open , Motley, Alma, Wis., is announced by her par- Sigma Phi sorority held a guest needed during delivery of books house from 2 to 5 p.m. in Gales- WHALAN ICR ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meyer, Wabasha, night Thursday evening at the ordered at the fair. ville St. Mary's Catholic Church home of Mrs. Kenneth Seebold. Lower, ng Aq e Li mi t Thomas Mason, president, WHALAN, Minn. (Special) - Minn. Miss Meyer is employed at the Winona of hall. Whalan ICR will hold a ba- fiance is serving in the U.S. Navy, Guest speaker Mrs. Clarence ¦ asked for support of members Clinic. Her illustrat- Lowering the age break ' be- in the next ; three-year period, in the pre-school vision and CANADIAN GUESTS zaar and short program at the Carolina. No date has been C. Halverson gave an. ; stationed in South ed talk on hobbies and display- tween cadet and senior Scouting she said. hearing testing project. ' A|an MONEY CREEK, Minn. (Spe- Whalan Parish House at 8 p.m. chosen for the marriage. ; Friday. Donations to the chil- ed handicrafts such as seashell was one of the discussions held Movie star Debbie Reynolds, W. Tinley, executive director, cial) — Mr. and Mrs. Welling- Minnesota Pre-School Medical ton Smith Fort Frances, Ont., dren's bazaar will, be appreci- earrings, Christmas napkin at the National Girl Scout Coun- attending the conference, went , rings and a tree skirt she has as a Girl Scout leader and will Team, trains mothers and pro- Canada, en route to visit friends ated. Lunch will be served. Kopper Kettle Lunch cil meeting in Detroit, Mich., vides equipment for screening. in Winona were Thursday made. make up ¦ film strips on the attended by Mrs. Ruth Rey- meeting. Problems in these areas are re- guests of Mrs. Albin Carlson Set for Tornorrovv Co-hostesses for the coffee . 1 ; hour following the meeting were nolds Lucas/ Winona. ferred to the family doctor. here/ . At St, Paul's A NEW SC0UT song, "Fol- RUMMACE SALE Mrs. Winifred Tanberg and Mrs, Girl Scouting loses many low the Piper," was introduced St. Paul's Episcopal Church- Erwin Bachler. Sponsor«d By Kopper girls at the cadet level, Mrs. and officers for the next tri- Hannah Circle women will serve their Beta Sigma Phi International Kasserole Luncheon Lucas said, because by the time eruiium were elected. Ket tie Night will be observed Nov. 17 the girls are ready to advance Faith Lutheran Wednesday in the parish hall. Over 8,000 volunteer members DR. C. R. KOLLOFSKI 9 t.m. throngh 5 p.m. at Hotel Winona. to senior Scouting at the age of attended the meeting from Oct. Servir£ will begin at II a.m. ' Church 14 years, they are already in- 23-27. ' - ¦ " l_. -DEBOLT Saturday 9 to 12:30 and will continue until 1:30 ' DR. MAX Corner Lincoln ft Howard ROAST BEEF SUPPER volved in other activities. As a .:¦ ¦ ¦ . ' p.m. Episcopal women will add MONEY CREEK, Minn. (Spe- result, they give up Scouting. ; » Optometrlaia ' WED,, their favorite casserole dishes cial)—Money Creek Methodist STUDY CLUB HOY. 9 include Btginnlng at 1 P.M. to a menu which will Church Woman's Society of SENIOR SCOUTING at an Saturday Study Club will meet THIID AND MAIN STS. PHONE 6850 - 3631 gtroganoff, rice and turkey, Christian Service members will "earlier age might bridge the at 2:15 p.m. Saturday in the Many new and Intsrestlnf hot German potato salad, and gap;" she said. Huntsmans' Room at the Steak things. sponsor a roast beef supper Shop. cranberry relish. from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday in the The issue of changing the Tickets are available from age level is to be taken under at church social rooms. The event Episcopal Churchwomen or is open to the public. advisement and will be studied tho door. ST. JOHN'S BAZAAR FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. (Spe- Kings Richard Waldera, , Queens CIub cial )^-St. John's United Church To Hold Meeting Beverly Ringstad MISS ELLENVLoiiise Ben- of Christ will have its annual Exchange Vows son's engagement to Wil- Bazaar in the church Fellow- The Kings and Queens will liam F. Murphy, Dwight, ship hall beginning at 3 p.m. meet at 2 p.m. Friday at Lake VW // AND COMPANY I//yyVT I f -fV WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) 111;, is announced by her Saturday, Gifts, baked goods, Park Lodge. Serving will be the produce, Christmas and every- — Miss Beverly Ringstad be- Mr. and Mrs, Aid- Mmes. Louis Doelbert, Ida Tar- parents, day greeting cards, and wrap- ras and Otto Schillnecht. Vol- came the bride of Richard J. en Bensony Spring Grove, Minneapolis Oct. 29, pings will be sold. Lunch will unteer hostesses are the Mmes. Waldera, , Minn. A Dec. 17 wedding is with the Rev. Clifford Ritland be served, The event is open Sherman Mitchell, Gordon Fay performing the ceremony at • planned. to the public. and Elmo Andersen.

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. yZ4yvSBAm^ The bride is the daughter of nA_WAm **m ^^BUmBWBSi35m8 Mrs. Stella Ringstad ; and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceWaldera. Two bouquets of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums were altar decorations. Mrs. Roger Fuchs, Blair, organist, accom- V» Js \mrf £ II AND COWAN* panied Mrs. Larry Stuempges, ^ Coon Valley, soloist. ; Given in marriage by her brother, Ben Ringstad, White- hall, the bride was attired in « floor-length gown of Peau de soie featuring an empire waist, an A-line skirt and long sleeves. ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ The detachable train of floral "\W-< : for a peau de sol fell from the shoul- - ders. Her shoulder length veil - [ ^ ^ ^ : harvest of was held by a crown of pearls, ^ r^ and she carried a bouquet of : ^ ^ ^ white roses. Mrs. Ren Ringstad was ma- tron of honor, and Mrs, Jerry Jacobson, Whitehall, and Miss Jane Solsrud, Whitehall, brides- maids. They wore identical floor-length gowns of light olive green peau de sol featuring A-line skirts and empire waists. Their headpieces were a bow and veil matching their gowns. They carried bouquets of yellow and bronze pompons. Jerry Jacobsonwas best man and David Foss and David Lee, both of Minneapolis, grooms- men. John Howard, Minneapo- lis and Roger Peterson, White- hall, were ushers. A reception was held In the church parlors. Mrs. Arnold Thorpe served the wedding cake which she made. Others assisting in the reception were Mrs. Bert Miler, the Misses Irene Rounsville, Wanda Thore- son, Barbara Bautch, Mrs. Clar- ence Waldera and Mrs. Hil- man Lee Waitresses were the Mmes. Darryl Sorenson, John Howard, Leslie Jordahl and Ina Lynn Knudtson and Linda Kaas. ¦ TURKEY DINNER BLAIR. Wis. (Special) - A turkey dinner will be served be- ginning at 11:30 a.m. Sunday at St. Ansgar's Parish. » POST-NUPTIAL SHOWER THE YOUNG THING TAYLOR, Wis. (Special) - WARNER'S* FIT-MAKER™ Mr. and Mrs. John Curran were Value priced pantle girdlt of Lycra power knit honored Sunday at a post-nup- for perfect comfort and control. Prttty lace |J WON'T BUNCH tial shower held in the Taylor We challenge yon to Ihe easy life of poly- I Dacron* :'^rHimlttl ImffB' tummy panel cont rols with feminine accent. j Legion Hall. Hostesses were the ' ester and coilon ln t his side-swept shift with step-in '^ ! Double derricre panel and four adjustable hose Mmes. Alvin ' i^^^^ llBl Iflf-MW'- I ID I IMPiCD 1/MlTC I Rclyea, Robert closing, clever cuff collar and easy-stride skirt. We supporters. White Bare Beige, Pink or Blue. Ur UNL/fcK KlNllb Kling, Don Beaman lj I'l|\s^^itIS afOaHiaY. . | , David t dare you to find styling more flatterinji Noteworthy Lunde, Walter Kllng, Francis ; jjralEajEi M DfkssuaW S-M-L ! colors in a woven two-tone check. Sizes : 12 to 18. i Gonia, Gaylord Strand and Or- ' ItflmBBtlilt TMsBCTst^M Half slips that rin Koxlien. bunch up under knits ruin I GIRDLE e. nt ! everything. But not Warner's FIt-Mnker. I WHO'S NEW SHORT LEG PANTIE 7.00 Hip Inserts of nylon and Lycra® spandex | to your LONG LEG PANTIE 8.00 "l^'ch contours and keep this slip | CARD PARTY I Even Pat Perkins' classics take on new drama. I I Just as smooth aa your girdle. It's sialic i Here, woven two-tone checks shape you up beautifully • ¦ LI Iee Tafrcdda* that enn' ^ | Matching«> lightit u. , pretty.>. brat. hasu lace• cups, power ' t dineh to Jvou ' orl TUES., NOV. 8 t in a zip-front step-in with casual roll-up sleeve . . . S^** 8 ^ net back nnd adjustable stretch straps. While , >01"' Knlt- Wl,ilp . Bare ««'isc , Pink or Blue. I P.M. Hollywood shirt collar nnd A-line skirt , Dncion» /~j fs£r yy \ Bare Beige, Pink or Blue. Sires: A S2 lo 36, Short and Average Length. WIN PRIZES FROM polyester and colton in soft color combinations. Sizes: ~>^\ s?p \. ^&A " r and C 32 to 38. WINONA MERCHANTS -i t— " ^ 5.00 4.00 YWCA 7.00 j Qk3$h Rtfrtftinenti Following • ~TnT i« __ MlMMMtlMlMaWlllMl I I I II ^ t'l " " " H rT»T^MMiwiiimM IIIIII M IIIIIIIII »¦¦¦«¦»¦ ^^ ^ _^ 70 Cents Hourly on Some that pre-cuts these houses will be calling on him. STRANGE AS it may seem, Miserable owning that house can be a real- Council to Buy ity for this young dreamer if he reaLy believes he can Weather in Have you ever thought that achieve this feat. He wouldn't you may not mexpect enough, have gotten so excited, nor would he have shared it with 130 More AAeters and as a result you're falling two other fellows if he didn't Many Areas The City Council voted Mon- cent, added Wayne Himricb- ed taking meters off Lafayette short on your fair share of the believe he would somehow find By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS day night to implement a few chamber president, but general better things in life? a way to fulfill his ambition, A variety of miserable weath- Street near City Hall. Since of- I'm not suggesting he be fool- of the downtown parking recom- feeling is that the plan is good ficial city usually park A fellow by the name of er covered more man half the mendations submitted over the and should pay off debts creat- cars hardy, I'm equally sure that nation this Election Day —sub- there, and since they are not Bruce Barton once said, "The past three years by Chamber ed by improvements. days are rich. Life is rich, and before he gets that home, he'll zero cold, snow, rain, thunder- of Commerce committees, con- Aid. George Garber and Bar- subject to parking fines, the most of us fail not so much earn the right to have it. Yet, storms , and fog. sulting engineers and the City ry Nelson concurred that the meters produce little revenue, from lack of ability, as from it is possible. Snow was falling today In at Planning Commission. "whole idea is to create park- he noted. The spaces should be lack of imagination and faith. I like seeing people who are least 10 states from eastern Ne- The council's action was pre- ing. A higher rate on choice We are afraid to think in large not afraid to go after their vada to the north shore of like ceded by more than an hour spots means that people will pay reserved for city vehicles and dreams with real purpose and the meters moved to other loca- enough terms, afraid to ask Superior, and North Dakota got of oratorical bloodletting and more for extra conveniences." for enough." intent, Perhaps the power of the bitter cold along with it Tn« invective - spangled debate. "Some people won't like a 10- tions, he said. The proposal was idea that "what the mind can temperature was below cent rate in the new lot but Here now is a key to suc- 5 at Dev- ALDERMEN voted to seek later accepted. cess, but only a proportion- conceive , the mind can ils Lake this morning. Bis- these same people pay 20 cents Previously it had been sug- achieve,'' is more quickly com- marck' bids for 130 new self-winding hour and $5 fines in other ate few will even now take hold s one below was a record meters. Rates win .go to 10 an gested that the city lease space of it for themselves. Like the prehended by seeing it from the for the date. communities," Stone said. Bet- in the Red Owl parking lot for negative point of view, simply cents an hour on 3rd Street me- ter parking is needed for down- man said, it isn't that our times ¦ ters, between Main and Center, exclusive use of city vehicles. are bad, life poor, and we per- this. " :¦ Heavy-mow warnings were . town economic health, he added, posted for southeastern Mon- and on those in the new Center way to get Removing street meters would sonally lack the proper make- ¦ and this is the only be more economical, said Aid. SEEING THE ad about the tana. • Street lot. ' the money. Stone told aldermen up to succeed. It's that a per- house the young man could Only one 12-minute meter, in- show Winona well Nelson, since the food store son tends to limit himself by Accumulations by dawn meas- stead of two, will be left at the that studies management's rental price concept have conceived the idea he ured as much as three inches in below many other cities in the holding in his mind a could never be fortunate enough JILL KAY BRAINARD'S engagement to David end of each block and the new state in revenue from fines, would be $5 per month per of not only being a common western South Dakota and four rate will be two cents for 12 space. - .- ¦' . person; but he seems to feel to own a place like that. Now inches in parts of Nevada. M. Chouinard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcel T. Choii- even though most of them if he feels he could never own inard, Winona, is announced by her parents, Mr. minutes, or six minutes for one charge 50 cents compared with Vigorous protests against the he is most common of the com- The rain area lay to the east penny. Duncan meters now on plan to equip the new lot fully mon. it, what's to motivate him to and south oi the snow, and ran and Mrs. Jack Braihard, : Mondovi, Wis. A Dec. 31 - free trial at the 2nd Street lot the $1 fee here. with trial meters came from try, and without making an ef- wedding is planned; NOW THINK about Ms. You from Southern California and will be moved to the new lot. RAISING the fine if unpaid Aid. Stoltman. There are 55 fort, it's certain he never the southern plateau region to Another 15 will be obtained and within 48 hours should be con- usable meters in the mainte- may have a great deal going would achieve such ownership. good mind a New England. The Ohio Valley the whole group will be tried sidered, suggested Council Pres- nance shop now, he said. Aid. for you. With a , If you believe you have the had thiindershowers. Harold Lunds out through the winter. Accord- ident Harold Briesath. Further- Briesath said the new lot will functionable body, some imagi- capabilities to do a thing, the , the city is nation, and faith, you eau soon The cold front that brought in Honored at ing to agreements more, he added, small pay have 44 spaces and that some of chances are very good you do the snows and rains dropped in- Parade Begins not obligated to buy the meters boxes should be attached to the existing meters will go back be on the road to something have. So don't be afraid to when trial periods end. great, It's getting old by now, to Kansas during the early Reception meters at several locations so a to the 2nd Street lot. Aid. Stolt- think in large enough terms, or morning, when temperatures County commissioners will be driver couM pay his fine with- man argued that in any ' free for so many have said it in one ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) - asked to approve changeover of way or another, but it is so to ask for enough. And have were in the 60s in the southern out going to police headquar- trial plan the city eventually faith you will realize your goals part of the state but in the A reception and post-nuptial Veterans Day three-fourths of the courthouse ters;' ¦: finds itself stuck with the mer- true. "What the mind can be- 20s shower for over 200 persons was lot meters to 10-hour limits at lieve, the mind can also as long as you're willing to pay in the northwest. The boxes would not work in chandise, like it or not. Trial the price of working to those given Sunday afternoon at Tam- 2% cents per hours rates, Park- Winona, predicted Aid. Stolt- street light installations On 3rd achieve." Except for some arack Lutheran Church for Mr. ing meters will be taken off ends, The question is, are you morning fog man, because it has a large Street are an example, he A young married man saw a yourself and along the Gulf Coast, the south- and Mrs. Harold Lund whose Events Friday the east side of Lafayette Street, population of young people. In picture of a house he would asking enough of marriage took place m La cried: life? eastern quarter of the nation "Peace With Honor" is the between 4th and Sth, with spaces these boisterous ranks are many like to own. Now be lacked the had continued Crosse, Oct: 27. Mrs. Lund is reserved for city vehicles. Ordi- PRESSING for passage In the warm and mostly theme of this year' who might be tempted to break money to buy it, and in the sunny weather. Temperatures the former Mrs. Mary Curran. s Veterans nances covering installation of open the boxes for the money, regular session later, President realm of rality, as most of us The couple will be engaged in day celebration Friday. new meters at several points Monday reached the 80s on tie he said. Briesath reminded the council it know it at the best, the idea of Little Girl Has plains farming in the Tamarack area. Mayor will be prepared for action at had spent ,800 on a study southern and a record for Rudy K. Ellings has Stone replied that these fears $1 owning that house should have the date of 70 at St Joseph, Mrs. Glenn Jorgenson, French called on all the next meeting. seem groundless in view of which includes these recommen- only caused him despair be- Real Idea of -V- . Creek, was mistress of cere- Winona citizens, OPPOSITION to most of the Mo.; ' . - business enterprises, veterans statements by the chief of police dations. His admonitions were cause he didn't have the where- monies, and participating; in a recommendations was raised by that Winona has a relatively low punctuated by still another ex- withal!. But not so. He read the Being Governor Srograni presented were Todd, organizations; city officials and Aid. James Stoltman, chairman crime rate. change between Aid. Stoltman ads, imagined he and his wife burg's Jesse Boyd Elementary [elly Joe and Laurie Halver- schools to observe Veterans of the parking and safety com- ALD BARRY Nelson propos- and Garber on the merits SPARTANBURG, SS.SC. (AP School wrote short themes «n ' ¦ . of owning it, and at a late hour of son, Winona, and Connie Han- Day. ; mittee. Although his committee free trial agreements. night was so motivated, he call- — Deborah League says that if "If I Were Governor" on the son. Kathy Butman and Mrs. held a long conference Oct. 20 Voting in favor were Aid. ed two other men just to tell she were elected governor of eve of today's elections. Milton Butman, Ettrick. ARRANGEMENTS for Wi- with backers of the new plan, Briesath, Nelson, David John- them about the ad and how he South Carolina, she would Many of the children said they Hostesses included the Mmes. nona's participation were com- and voted to approve its points, ston, Garber, Henry Parks, thought he would like to own "have no litterbugs or rioting would work to help Negroes. " Strand, Arthur Kube and he had declined to enter a com- prices so none K. K. pleted at a meeting at the Am- Lease Renewed Harold Thiewes, and Donald that place somewhere, tome- and ho high food Almost all said teen-agers Archie Hackelberg and Miss mittee report on Monday night's Klagge. Opposed were Aid. how. He clipped the coupon of us would complain'' should not drive. One positively Otilda Strand, all of Arcadia ; erican Legion Memorial Club. council agenda. Stoltman and Jerry other fourth and would pass a law to The annual parade will form Presiding at a committee ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Borzyskow- and mailed it in. Any day now Deborah and "higher the Mmes. Gilbert Halverson ski;. _ . a representative of the firm fifth grade pupils at Spartan- children's allowances;" and Oscar C. Olson, Galesville, at the Legion Club at 10:30 meeting prior to the regular For Used Car Mmes. Glenn Jorgenson and a.m. inarch up 3rd to Lafay- council session Monday, Aid. Milton Butman, Town of Et- ette, south on Lafayette to".'4th, Stoltman reopened the topic and trick, and Miss Ida Gilbertson, west on 4th to Main, north on uncorked a series of objections Black River Falls. Main to 3rd and east on 3rd to he had raised unsuccessfully at Lot at Jail Guests of honor were the Center where the traditional other sessions. He began by saying downtown Winona County Board of Com- bridegroom's brother and sis- observance¦ will¦ ¦ be held at 11 ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gre'g- a.m. : ' "' . • ". businessmen do not want higher missioners settled several prop, meter rates. Many of them Election Special! or Lund, who flew here from erty matters at its opening ses- I Units participating in the pa- think this would be injurious Oakville, Ont., Canada, for the rade will include Leon J. Wet- sion Monday afternoon. I 4 Winner n and that employers themselves 's Celebration Days—Tomorrow Thru Saturday! ffr i I occasion. zel Post 9, American Legion; can solve the problem of meter-, The board accepted a letter |H|^R/W.H 1 Neville-Lien Post 1287; Veter- feeding at choice downtown giving notice of renewal of a ans of Foreign Wars; Winona parking lots, according to Aid. five-year lease on part of the Chautauqua Club Barracks, World War I Vet- Stoltman. Western Motor Sales used car Hears Discussion erans ; 419th Civil Affairs Com- parking lot on West 3rd Street pany, USAR; Company B, 135th THIS conception was disputed to the west of the jail. Of Federal Program Infantry Reg. ; Company B, by Donald Stone, chamber man- ager, THE LEASE on the 25-foot j who said he thought all MEN'S National Guard; Marine Corps TOPCOATS Chautauqua Club welcomed strip will be renewed effective ¦R. League, Naval Reserve person- study groups agreed on these Your choice of over 100 TOPCOATS and OVERCOATS taken direct from two new members, Mrs. - .C. March 6, 1967, upon terms I WM_%_WAyWWM••WW ¦ I nel and the Winona Gold Star points, as had the committee at Houtt and Mrs. P. A. Mattison, its previous meeting. Accept- agreed to In the original con- when the group met at the home Mothers who will be present at ance may never reach 100 per- tract. Rent is $300 a year. The of Mrs. T. W. Sraeed Monday the downtown observance. original contract granted option ¦ ¦ ¦ afternoon. Mrs. S. J. Pettersen, Mass colors from the parti- to renew for three five-year I ' - ' it M #Lfe A C mX Wmft JyMBBSMM who presided at the meeting, in- cipating units and a combined terms at the same rate if the ^~ troduced the new members. firing squad and color guards Musical Unifs county board I - Reg. 49.95 values SPECIAL ^^QL M Mr. Keith Larson, coordinator from the VFW, American Le- would be noti- 1 -» , RKtffiH ' of the federally-financed Reed- gion, Marine Corps and Naval tied f 0 u r County ing Improvement Program, ex- Reserve will lead the parade. months in ad- plained the program to the On Veterans Day vance of the ¦ FOLLOWING the ceremony Board i &A 4L75 m^5stmmSm i group. The key to the program the units will march back to renewal date. ' & understanding while reading, Th e county I Reg. 55.00 values ^ffl L ha aald, Students with good po- the Legion Club and will pro- Q W ^ B ^ ^ k ceed from there to the Winona Program Friday can cancel at the end of each tential but handicapped by Daily News for a flag dedica- Veterans Day observance will five-year period. reading difficulties are selected begin at 1:30 p.m. at Winona An application for homestead to participate in the special tion ceremony. The Gold Star Mothers will Senior High School Auditorium classification and reduction of ¦¦ training. this Friday with Rear Admiral taxable value was granted to I ; Reg. 65.00 values . . J J )6^BmSjA SBM; This, of course requires soci- then be transported to the Wi- , nona Senior High School for Howard A. Yeager, the featur- Woodrow T. and Amelia Nagle, ological adjustment, psychologi- ed speaker. 1164 W. 8th St., from $1,840 to cal considerations, visual and the program there featuring Adm, H. A. Yeager, Comman- Admiral Yeager is command- $1,240. hearing examinations, he said. ant of the Ninth Naval District An application for reduction ¦ Mr. Larson indicated that all dant of the Ninth Naval Dis- trict , Great Lakes, HI. with headquarters at the Great of taxable value from $5,735 to the schools of Winona are part- Lakes Naval Base, 111. He will $4,665 was granted John Flani- ticlpatlng with about 15 teach- An invitation has been ex- tended to servicemen home on fly to Winona and land at Max gan, Houston, Minn. His prop- ers involved. There are many Conrad Field at 1 p.m. Friday. erty Is in New Hartford Town, objectives besides improvement leave to take part in the march. Families of servicemen in Viet The program will include ship. In reading, he said. These in- march . music by the Senior A letter from the Winona clude the creation of interest Nam will be entertained at the thank- Legion Club at noon. High School band, an American County Historical Society __ levels and hopefully the preven- 000 an- Present at the arrangements Legion color guard, a pledge ing the board for the $3 , W*m 7-PANTS SUITS I tion of school dropouts. to tlie flag led by Miss Cindl nual grant was filed. Mrs, Richard Smith poured meeting were Commander Roy Buswell and singing of the na- tea as dessert was served. Peterson, American Legion; tional anthem by the audience. A LETTER from Roger Commander Walter Kirch, Following the Invocation by Poole, Lewiston village attor- RUMMAGE SALE VFW; Commander Henry Wa- Rev. Glen Quam of the McKJn. ney, confirmed assessment for DODGE, Wis. (Special)-Lad- llnski, World War I barracks; Icy Methodist Church, the band curb and gutter work in tho les of the Sacred Heart Cath- Capt. William King, represent- will play "Nearer My God to village. The county share of pay- olic Church will hold a rum- ing the 410th; Lt. Richard Klu- Thee" and the choir, directed ments will be (000 for 180 feet mage and white elephant sale zlk, representing the National by Meryl Nichols, will sing of work. from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Sunday in Guard, and Gerald Van Pelt, "Battle Hymn of Republic." • A petition for annexation of the church hall. There will also representing the VFW Mad The introduction of the guests th« 38 acres on which the new be a bake sale and lunch will Bombers. will be made by R. H. Smith, Lewiston High School stands be served. principal of the Winona Public has been prepared. The proper- High School, ty now is in Utica Township and LUTEFI8K DINNER and Ihe introduc- will be annexed to the village. ALMA, Wis. (Speclal)-Lute- tion of the speaker will be made by A. L. Nelson, superintend- The board approved the peti- flsk dinner will be served at the tion, so a hearing may not be Modena Lutheran Church Fri- London Hears ent. After Admiral Yeager needed. day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 's ad- Advertisement for a new Wi- from 8 p.m. until all are serv- dress, the program will be con- cluded with the singing of nona County agricultural in- ed. The ladies will also spon- spector was authorized. A new sor a bake sale. Beatles May "America" by the entire audi- ence. salary schedule also was ap- ROBERT BRIGGS NAMED proved: He will receive $200 (Special) monthly plus $50 monthly for ETTRICK, Wis. - Germany for which his hair was mileage. Robert E. Briggs, R.N., Ettrick, Be Breaking Up cropped, 95 who has been director of a LONDON (AP) - Amid re- George Hass, the present In- vi^ l79 Va,UeS ELECT,0M FECIAL George Harrison , 23 , has spector, resigned in October. | ' Refr Ofli I school of practical nursing at ports that the Beatles may ba grown a mustache and is learn- He was paid 11.50 an hour plus ^SEDK! ' ''' Stevens Point the last two breaking up, a spokesman for ing to play the sltar, an Indian mileage and meals. yean, has resigned to accept the mop-topped singing group stringed instrument. a position as director ot nurs- said today they have no plans to THE BOARD discussed mak- ing at a hospital in Roswell, appear together ln the near fu- Rlngo Starr, 26, has just re- ing the job full-time, hourly N.M. ture. turned from a holiday abroad. versus monthly wages, desired Brian Epstein, the quartet's He has been trying his hand at age of an inspector and qualifi- & ^^B.^AiTTTT*n^^^Ai ^BAB **Aa ..s *^^^^^^ i^—A* R *^nB **a^^^^^^mamaai_MM *B ^^^A **^m manager, last week turned solo compositions. cations, Commissioners first Muskrat Stretchers down *n invitation for them to Paul McCartney, 24 has also considered making the job full appear in a special television grown a mustache ana has been time nnd paying at least $300 Say dm program for tho benefit of resi- working on the score for a Brit- a month base pay. After decid- V_H.fl l^^K^^^mA young " ^m ^ssKHHl dents of the Welsh village ,o( ish film. ing that no able-bodied iftU WW that wage , H^^^^^ k^H sV*^H SSS H^H ^r ^M AmTm. M i^sss^s^K^iVB WWf t ^M sAs^s^s^H^B Abcrfan, where more than 140 man would work for ¦^L^L^tvM ^ V+JZ Wi MM M^ A ^U li ST. SWVT $410 persons were killed last month 2 MILLION INVITED BACK they left it at n part-time Job 30 60-90 SMM^X^^MMS EM MA ¦vfi A M^ifllM ST. JOHN'S , Newfoundland W^_ ^^^^^_ ^_ _ ^_ ^_ ^W__^^__^_^_W^^_ L__f9_mm W______m___\ by an avalanche of coal mine in hopes that a semi-retired or Day Accounts — _^_^ __^^^^^^______B_^^^^B — Although there are only retired man would accept. sV\^_ ^^HPsls^^ws_^^w_WsKK^^s_MM_^^s^^*Vr si^i^i^i^i^_Mfes s^^2.H^Pt' Per Doz. waste. Quickly ¦ f_^_m^*^^^_ ~m J_ ^_ ^_ ^WI__^W W— ^^^^^KM ^_ ^_A_ ^_ ^^' 500,000 Newfoundlanders, the They did not set a maximum ^0g0 i ^^ ~ '^^^^*wAW/my^^^^^^^^^^^gA0^A^^ In the past year they have province has invited back for age limit, doubting that anyone Home Oil Co. struck out more and more on homecoming year this year would apply 11 such a restriction Expensive" 2nd . Washington their own. the more than 2 million ex- were added. The job was not I "Where Quality Clothing h Not ¦ Open Evtry Day Until 10 p.m. John Lennon, 28, has been rcsldcnts and children of ex- made full time because the ¦ • ¦ ¦ . . ' . making a movie in Spain and residents. work is extremely seasonal, il . . I Mount Holyoke India Police Honors Four Court Upholds Disaster Teams Hoffa Settles Area Projects included SOUTH HADLEX Mass. (AP) — During its Founder's Conviction in Forces Due Day ceremonies, Mount Holyoke Kt^ Watch 5 Tax Claims College awarded honorary de- In Wisconsin Road Plan grees toi actresses Lilliam Gish DETROIT (AP) — James R. MADISON, Wis.—The 'Wis- 000 on "Off System" federal 500,000 in federal aid interstate For Changes and Peggy Wood, actor Morris Draff Card Case Hoffa, president of the Teams- secondary projects. funds; 000 interstate (AP) consin Highway Commission aid a $26,500, NEW DELHI, India (AP) — Carnovsky and playwrights Lil- ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Tha ter Union, settled five civil In- has announced proposed expen- By comparison the 1966 pro- bonding program, and approxi- Along the Po Prime Minister Indira Gandhi liam Hellman and Martha Hill conviction of Stephen Lynn come tax claims totaling more ditures of $143,882,900 for high- gram will add $114,000,000 in mately $15 million per year for was today reported,preparing to Smith, 21, in U.S. District Court ROME (AP) — Disaster Davies. than $100,000 for $24,371.62 in ways during 1967. improvements to the highways the accelerated improvement name Defense Minister Y. B. at Des Moines, Iowa,;for burn- teams manned the dikes around by the end of this year. of the arterial system and des- U.S. Tax Court here today. The total includes proposed Cnavan, who reorganized the ing bis draft card was upheld the clock today in the Po River ignated freeways. Indian army after its defeat by Monday in St Louis by the U.S. A sixth claim was continued. expenditures of $79,056,100 on THE SHARP Increase for 1967 Lamberton Boy delta, fighting to keep Italy's the state trunk system and fed- Among .1967 projects on the Red China in 1962, to do a Court of Appeals. Hoffa's wife, Josephine, was a over this year represents addi- interstate system are the mightiest river from unleashing eral aid urban "off system'' tional improvements made pos- let- similar job on India's belea- Shot While Huiiting Smith was convicted by Judge ting of the final contracts to guered police forces. new floods. party to all six. projects; $54,826,000 on the In- sible by an anticipated in- Roy Stephenson and was placed ooen 1-94 between Black River A source close to Mrs. Gandhi MANKATO, Minn. (AP) —A Earth - moving machinery, The government alleged defi- terstate system, and $10,000,- crease of approximately $3,- on probation for three years un- Falls and Toman in 1968, and said Home Minister Gulzari Lai 12-year-old Lamberton, Minn., the Youth Cor- bucket cranes, sandbags, picks, ciencies in the years 1952-56-57- der provisions of additional work in 1-90 between Nanda, whose ministry controls boy is in serious condition at rections Act. shovels and floodlights were 58-59 and in 1960. , A spokesman for the Internal La Crosse and Tomab will be- the police and investigative a Mankato hospital with a rifle thrown into the feverish opera- DEAR ABBY: gin. agencies, had offered his resig- The appeals court rejected his tion south of Venice. The Po Revenue Service in Detroit said wound suffered Sunday in a the settlement for 1952 was The section of 1-94 between naion in the wake of New Del- argument, that his right of free rose about an inch an hour dur- $4,- hi' hunting accident speech as set forth in the First 036.70 on a claim of $6,000; $7,- Eau Claire and Black River s rioting Monday, worst in , ing the night. nearly two decades. Amendment, had been violated. 733.16 for a 1956 claim of $9,000; Falls will be completed late He is Leon Benedict, son of Only about 4,000 of the delta's next year. " Smith argued that the card $3,529.91 on $14,000 for 1957; $2,- FrienGl's Hobb Nanda, India's acting prime Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Ben- 10,000 inhabitants had left their 879.99 on $20,000 for , y Projects planned for the La burning was "symbolic speech" 1958; $3 - minister after the deaths of both edict, who was apparently hunt- trying to en- homes Monday night, but in- 197.29 on $20,000 for 1959, and Crosse District 5 area and their because he was creased concern over the resist- Jawaharlal Nehru and Lai ing squirrels near Lamberton courage in a dialogue facts on $2,994.57 on $32,000 for 1960. estimated costs are as follows Bahadur Shasta, was blamed ance of the dikes caused the by counties: wim his brother. the Viet Nam war. number of evacuees to mount for failing to prevent the bloody Going Top Far rampage in the capital The 22 - caliber weapon The liberal arts student at the Monday. University of Iowa was accused Rescue and relief work con- Volunteers Carry Buffalo County Seven persons were killed and jammed and when one of the By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN of burning his draft card at a tinued fuH scale throughout five 40,000 Books DEAR ABBV: I have a best friend I'll call "Agatha," 500 were injured as thousands of youths tried to clear the weapon regions of northern and central Highway 37, Alma Road, City Hindus demanding public gathering in the fowa who has come in for a lot of criticism behind her back a national it discharged, striking the in Iowa City on Italy stricken in last weekend's HINGHAM. Mass. (AP) — of Mondovi, .46 miles of struc-; ban on the slaughtering of cows Memorial Union When tie town library moved because she takes her knitting everywhere she goes. People tures, grading, base and bitum- youngster. Oct, 30, 1965. unprecedented floods. The econr say Agatha is very rude because she sits in company, knitting , roamed the streets in an orgy of omy of one-third of the nation into a new building one-fourth inous plant mix, $95,100. arson, destruction and looting. of a mile from the old one, away without even picking her head up or saying a word. Highway 37, Alma Road and was wrecked, and a Cabinet What they don't know is that Agatha knits all the time City officials estimated the meeting was called today to some 150 volunteers turned out Riverside D r i y e, Mondovi, damage at more than $1 million, to carry the 40,000 books. so she won't have to look people fa the eye or say anything. grading, base and bituminous form an emergency.aid plan. ' ¦ including the burning of 250 • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . . You see, she is terribly shy, Abby, and ^^^Ar ^' Military heUcopters flew 800 on .64 mile, $125,500. cars, loo motor scooters and six self-conscious. , municipal missions Monday with food and Please print this so Agatha's friends Highway 37, Alma-Mondovi buses. Drummer Plays bituminous plant mix, 13.94 ¦ medicine to persons stranded in will understand why she knits all the time, - ' At Special Mass miles, $118,000. ; With mob violence growing precarious locations. and maybe they will be more understand- increasingly more frequent Highway 25, Nelson, railroad over Columns of trucks carried HARTFORD, Conn (AP) ing and quit criticizing her. the country, the executive com- . — crossing signals, $20,000. F. Basement huge plastic bags of fresh water An overflow crowd attended an AGATHA'S FRIEND mittee of the ruling Congress to communities whose pipelines Episcopal "Mass with rock 'n' Engineering and/Or right of party's parliamentary body took were broken or contaminated. roll beat" at Trinity College DEAR FRIEND: If you really want way, $18,500. the government to task and cen- chapel. A drummer, three elec- to help Agatha, tell her to leave her sured Nanda. One of the party' Interior Minister Paolo Emilio s tric guitarists, a pianist and a knitting home and to make an effort Jackson County most influential politicians, Atu- Finishing Tayiani told Parliament there saxophone player substituted to contribute something to the conver- lya Ghosh, urged were 72 identified dead and 35 Highway 54, Black River a major Cabi- for the organ in all music of the sation. She needs desperately to build : 4.10 miles, net reshuffle. missing but casualty reports service; Aony Falls-City Point, STAWDAMZ2 her self-cOnfidence. If Agatha continues grading, b as e, bituminous, were far from complete. Esti- to use her knitting needles for "crutches," she'll become mates of the dead ran as high $342,800; ¦ ; pairs could take even more socially handicapped. Jtu • as 300. ' ;". . years. Highway 54, Black River Falls-City Point, 1.70 miles, Nixon Predicts The service center for building In Florence, storehouse of Damage was DEAR ABBY: Someone gave me what is supposed to most severe In grading, base, bituminous, sig- many of Italy's Renaissance art the Uffizi Gallery, the Santa be a thoroughbred German police dog. I have the papers ' - ' •,. • treasures, the Arno River took a Croce Basilica nal, $176,200. , , the Cathedral on him, but the older this dog gets the more he looks like a State Highway 121, North- Phone 3373 Winona heavy tol of paintings, antique Baptistry, the National Strongest GOP Library mutt. How about this? WONDERING field-Alma Center two seg- manuscripts, rare books and and the State Archives , ' . ments, 1.10 miles at $139,000 You don t need cask at Standard Lumber. records. Scholars and curators Records of centuries, paint- DEAR WONDERING: Don't be deceived by ' his ,000. Use our time-pay plan. Pay a fraction each ings and 6.53 miles at $93 Tide in 20 Years dug through the slime and mud , sketches, rare manuscripts looks. Maybe he's in the secret service. Engineering and right of month. Terms as long as 60 months. Free the city's museums and and other art works left in were still way, $81,300. ; ANDERSON, Ind. (AP) - estimates. art galleries to compile a list of under water in the Uffizi base- DEAR ABBY: I am a recent divorcee with an unusual Former Vice President Richard the damaged art treasures and ment and at the National Li- problem. My husband's parents are the most wonderful M. Nixon, winding up a 35-state to salvage what they could. Re- brary and State Archives. people I have even known. I couldn't love my own parents Trempealeau County campaign swing for Republican No one v/orks harder to please more than I love "moms" and : "pops," which is what I've Highway 35, Galesville-south candidates in today's elections, always called my in-laws. county line, bituminous sur- said the "strongest tide in 20 Pops paid for my lawyers when I divorced their no-good facing, 3.30 miles, $63,800. years" will bring GOP victories son, who must have been a throw-back to the apes, but I Highway 35, County Trunk K for governor in California, won't go into that I am welcome to visit their ranch any to U. S. Highway 53, grading Georgia and Arkansas and for time I wish. As ah ex-daughter-in-law, what should I call and tvise, 1,65 miles $77,220. U. S. senator in Illinois and Ten- them? And how do I introduce these grand, generous people Highways 35-53, Main Street, nessee. who were once my in-laws? STUMPED bituminous, .17.. ¦mile, Nixon, ending a two-month Galesville, ¦ ¦ $8,000. campaign that reached into 65

yjK^m^rm.n .., . » .. 1.m i .m .i„, i, i ,. v , , ,„. „,,, „, ¦ , W i. i.i ,, . , , ,,, . I DEAR STUMPED: Continue to call them "moms" Engineering and right of congressional districts, told a r'r^r^ p 1 , TO;; TVT..<- T* . ., .. !. and "pops" If you wish. And introduce them by their way, $127 000. rally of 2,500 persons Monday <, ; BUtfflfD liW , 86- MOflf, 6&% 5R*« KUTML SPJSITS. © SfcH«¥ DIStCO.;1i ,tV , " ' ' names. And if, and when, further identification seems PEP- that Republican Charles H. Per- E " - \ ' ¦ " ' "' -\ - \ , « Nothing is planned for > ¦ • ' - \ necessary, tliey are your "fonner in-laws." IN COUNTY in the Eau Claire cy would win over Democratic / .< *» _ , . , District. Sen. Paul H Douglas in the Illi- CONFIDENTIAL TO ALL WHO HAVE SOMEONE IN nois, senatorial race by a SMI VIET NAM: Place a five-cent stamp on a plain envelope margin of 750,000 votes. and your letter will get there fast as AIR MAIL. DO NOT He said there would be the write AIR MAIL on the envelope, and DO NOT use a red, Alma Park Gets "biggest-Brown-out in history" white and blue edged air mail envelope, or your letter will in California, a reference to tie be returned to you for additional postage. P.S. And be sure to race for governor between always tke use the APO zip number. fv iti % Democratic incumbent - 69i^K9e ^e^eBe> ' MmW^K^^^^M KvJ^^ia^s^s^s^H Edmund S9 »K^i^e^e^H' ' t^HIB^i^e^e^H* l^ ^W^^^^^^fc G. Brown and Republican Ron- Los Angeles Federal Grant Troubled? Write to Abby, Box 69700, ^ ald Reagan. ; Calif., 60069. For a personal reply, enclose a stamped, ALMA, Wis. — Secretary of y^3j'^^Ms^s» "' B|^^H1. ^H V - W^JMMKAM ^A ^AVJ ¦ Republicans will elect gover- ^ self-addressed envelope. the Interior Stewart L. Udall nors for the 716 federal first time in 100 has announced a $1, years in Georgia and Arkansas Park at them quickly to the ground. grant for Rieck's Lake and the first GOP U. S. senator Walter CronkRe Dave Moore George Rice The game warden has offered Alma, made available from the in history will be elected In 300,000 Crows a reward of 30 cents per dead Land and Water Conservation Tennessee, Nixon predicted. crow. So far this year only $6 Fund which is administered by The Georgia gubernatorial has been paid. the Bureau of Outdoor Recrea- race pits ; ¦ Republican Howard H. %L%% to see your At Luala Lumpur tion. (Bo) Callaway against segrega- M^MF * [ The project which under J KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia , is tionist Democrat Lester G. Man Will Fly to the direction of Mayor Alan Maddox. In Arkansas (AP)—Residents of the pictur- , Republi- ' JHHBbii*- m Boston to Vote Kirchner of Alma, will consist can Winthrop Rockefeller faces esque town of Klang have a of several developments to segregationist Democrat problem crows some 300 Jim — — ,- BOSTON (AP) - John W. Mc- meet the needs of the public. Johnson. Rockefeller is the 000 of them, by estimate. Garry will have a long trip to New camping, picnicking and brother of Gov. Nelson A. Rock- ¦ " E ^^<:>,£M_amm\\llM&ii ,Wmm,.^¦raR , ' v^***" immmM • -,i A visitor can see them vote today. playground facilities will be add- efeller, who is seeking a third S:^^*mei. i* m_j 8&ii£r. ' ^ ^HtusW J8».5SKI1!!WP*I*I^^^^' S. A^_ ^M_ mMW__mm IN FULL trees, walls and even on the Congressional Election Commis- fers camping and access to In the Tennessee senatorial gold-domed palace of the sultan. Rieck's Lake and the Mississip- ^^KH ^^Kl^^^JKKti^^mMK. sion in Washington, expected to race, Republican Howard H. AM Hardest hit are the open air be in California this week , and pi River. It is popular because Baker Jr., son-in-law of Senate MBMMI ^^MP' ' ^^^B^ if ^^ffii of its location on the Great Riv- markets. "They dart down in so applied for an absentee bal- Minority Leader Everett M. ^e^e^iHllil^efle^e^e^el^^ <*^W'(^eW!SR^^*^ ^Er^KEHl '• ' ' I swarms and steal anything be- lot. er Road. It is about 80 miles Dirksen, is up against Demo- 6:30 PM fore you can say shoo, one He never received the absen- from the Twin Cities and 60 COLOR " cratic Gov. Frank G. Clement. stallkeeper complained. tee ballot and because the law miles north of La Crosse. It Nixon continued his sharp allows only one to a voter, he has been overcrowded with Housewives have had Items criticism of the Johnson admin- ______W_jAAWAmmmmmmmm ^^^^^^^_M__M\ KKM couldn't get another. campers on some occasions. istration, saying the President snatched out of their hands. a NOV. 8th Secretary of State Kevin H. Better roads to the park , erred in referring to the 89th A municipal law says shoot- White said Monday he had word new softball diamond, addition- Congress as "my Congress," ing below eye level is unlawful that McGarry would fly to Bos- al playground equipment and 15 because "Congress does not be- and It seems somebody told the ton, his legal residence, to vote new campsites will help meet long to any president, Democrat crows. The sight of a gun brings — then fly back to California. the growing demand. or Republican — it belongs to |HH HJ - _ The Land and Water Conser- the people." _ ^_WA^ vation Fund is supported • by He said Americans should revenues from the sale of $7 turn from Johnson to Congress K»KJ Golden Passport and other fed- for leadership, filling it with nRH eral recreation entrance and us- :.y ATTENTION! "men who will stand up for the ^_ ^_ ^W_; - ^^'-^ii^s^s^s^s^Bi^'Ai t*rf**^ I ^^^^^^ H er fees, sale of surplus federal people when the President Is . Vm ^^_\^MKm ^' real property, and federal mo- wrong," mmW: ^Ai ^Hs^s^s^s^H All Coal Users torboat fuels taxes. After the rally, Nixon flew B' H^P is^s^lsss^is^H _^^^m_ ^_KMM^_J_W__^^M______Ty ^^^'S ^Wk______M^k^k^k^M K^r home to New York. He said he : WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF HIGH GRADE B^;^.: ;: ' \ '^^^^BB°~ ^RrrHM*V^L^e^H 2-YEAR WAIT FOR CAR already had voted by absentee ^¦¦VLKk:i 1 - A. ;' ¦: ' >Am^Mf *IMM 9P* **""l"W jeeH^L^fl MUNICH — A report by ballot , a straight Republican ^Mm^Mmimm^^'^F^ ' ^LV JL ^sIs^B Radio Free Europe says 130,- ticket, and would not be availa- MMMMMMmiim<<&^''lm. J^^^^^<^»\MMM 000 persons in Czechoslovak- ble to newsmen until Wednes- s^s^s^sNs^s^s^e^e^me^ ws "S»>SSSSm /wH*¦ s ^ . I^ H ______K__*_____\\ Br^w? . '^iss^sH ia are waiting to buy an au- day afternoon when he would B^B^S^BV'^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^HsVKfA^ml^B^B^BrLS. XX * ^^^ %'^B^B^sS tomobile. Tho average wait is comment on the election nt his ______MJ___ ' ¦ ^^______office. W____ \'•& §] * H The clean, uncluttered report of vote totals, two years. first used exclusively by Channel Four to *Z___W mKy report the September 13th Primary... I am opening a newly redecorated __^_^_^_^_^_^____ _ ^_ ^_ ^s^s^s^s^e^k^e^k^H

A SIZE AND GRADE FOR EVERY PURPOSE Walter Cronkite and CBS News will keep 6000 you abreast of the results nationally. • Commander Rang* • Pocahontas Furnace She GROCERY STORE Dave Moore and George Rice will bring you e Commandtr 6x3 • Patsy Stoker IN ALTURA all Ramsey and Hennepin County e Commander Large Lump • Commander Stoker races, with a full lino of fresh groceries, fruits and vegetables. plus all major races in Minnesota and west- e Illinois ixl • Ruby Glow Stoker ern Wisconsin, H ^gH Naturally! along with live reports from e Winter King Small turn* • Orient Stoker THURSDAY, NOV. 10 DFL and GOP headquarters. e Birwlnd Briquettes • Pstroleum Cokt F\2^^^^ I mixes beautifully, 8 A.M. ^ e Petroleum Briquettes ^chcnM i with soda, Watch for grand opening at lator data. ..*iS£ /I »ce, peop e, Joswick Fuel & Oil NEUMANN'S Grocery ^3 v^SSy y 8O0d times! 901 E. Sth St. Phone 3389 Altura, Minn. Where You Get More Heat At Lower Cost Albert Neumann, St. Chariot, Owner Good things happen when you serve Schcnley Anna M. Moen. Be aerved par- TUESDAY ishes in Evinston, 111.; Sum- mit, S.D., and the joint Norden- ' 10 Building NOVEMBER 8, 1966 Bennett Valley parish near The Dally Record Eleva. When he retired from the ministry he moved to White- ert, Stockton, Calif.; one daugh- Directors Find New School At Community Two-State hall. Deaths ter, Beverly Mossing, Roches- - Survivors are: One brother , Permits OKed Memorial Hospital Reinhold J. Koepnll ter, and two listers, Mrs. Olga Place and Mrs. Olga Ness, Wa- Olaf, Turtle Lake, and one sis- Visiting hours: Medlcsl end iilrglcil RIDGEWAY, Minn. — Rein- ter, Mrs. Amanda Frohe, Seat- patients: 2 to 4 and 7 to 1:30 p.m. (No hold J. Koepsell, 83, died Mon- tertown, Wis. His wife, two Color Scheme Conservative children under 12.) brothers and one sister have tle, Wash. His wife died last The Winona Board of Educa- end of Lake Winona and the son, architects for the new high Maternity patients: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to day morning at University Hos- summer. A daughter, Ruth, In Goodview 1:30 p.m. (Adulti only.) pital died.; . tion Monday night had its first first reaction of several mem- school, presented the color plan , Madison, Wis., after a died at 3 and a son, John, at Goodview village council ap- prolonged illness. Funeral services will be ' "¦ look at the general color bers was that perhaps it was MONDAY birth. . ; . .: proved 10 building permits and that had been worked out by A retired Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the scheme recommended for the a little more conservative than ADMISSIONS butterraaker, he Funeral services will be approved one gas installer li- interior of the new Senior High they had anticipated. an interior decorator with the was bora to Ferdinand tn . new Our Savior Lutheran Joey Galbreath, Rochester, Church, rural Ellsworth, Wis^; Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at John- cense and ordered highway safe- School building now under con- Edwin O. Eckert of the Wi- Houston architectural firm of Katherine Koepsell Jan. ' 12, Funeral" Chapel Minn. 1883, the Rev. Luther Berven offici- son , Whitehall, ty signs be placed at three in- struction on a site at the west nona firm of Eckert & Carl- Caudiil, Rowlett Ic Scott, as- at Hochbeim, Dodge Coun- and Friday at 2 p.m. at Norden John Glowzcewski, 704 E. ty, Wis. He married Ella Zim- ating. Burial will be in the tersections in action taken at sociated with Eckert 4 Carlson church cemetery. Lutheran Church. The Rev. Clif- King St. merman April 3, 1907, at Oak ' its regular / meeting Monday on the project. Friends may call Boetzer- ford Ritland of Our Saviour s Gregory Paskiewiez, 87« E. Grove, Wis. He was the first at Lutheran Church, Whitehall, night. Wabasha St. buttermaker at Nodine when Akeson Funeral Home, Chat- ECKERT said that the pre- the field, after 1 p.m. Wednesday. will officiate at both services. Yield signs will be placed at Street Trucks County Bridge sentation was being made to Mrs. Augusta Krenzke, Utica, creamery there was organ- Burial will be in the Norden the intersection of 44th Avenue ized. He lived at Coleman, Wis., get the board's overall impres- Minn.; Mrs. Inger Peterson Church cemetery. with 7th, 8th and 9th streets in sion of the general plan and 53 years and was a member of Friends may call at the fu- the village. The council felt in- Mrs. Theron Glenna, Rush- Trinity Lutheran Church there TAYLOR, Wis. (Special) - determine whether it would be Minn. neral home here Thursday from creased traffic on 44th Avenue ford, since 1012. Mrs. Inger Peterson, 86, died To Get 2-Way Contract OKed acceptable to ______Rose early Monday morning at the 2 to 5 p.m. made such signs necessary, said -¦¦ Mrs. Korupp* 516 W. Survivors are: His wife ; three Griffith Construction Co., the board. s King St. Ebenezer Home, Minneapolis, Clarence Russell, village clerk. Caledonia, Minn,, sons, the Bev. Walter Koepsell; Winona Funerals Cost will be about $63.60 for was awarded For the School Mrs. L. E. Adams, Trempea- Ridgeway, where she had been a resident a contract by the County Hoard most part, with whom he had since 1960. six signs and posts. Signs are Radio System leau, Wis. been living since April; Paulus, this morning for bridge con- Eckert s a i d, D^a-J She was born Dec. 8, 1879, Mrs. Leonard Volkman $6.10 each and the posts cost The City Council voted Mon- POoiy! Mrs. Norman Toulou, 921 E. North Fond du Lac, Wis., and Funeral services for Mrs. $4.50 each They will be erected struction on County State Aid "large area in the Taylor area to Mr. and . day night to accept the lower Highway ' ' ' ¦' ' ¦ ' Sanborn St. the Rev. Marcus Pardeeville Leonard Volkman, 507 W. How- as soon as they are bought, Rus- 5 over Pine Creek at colors are . . > Mrs. Elizabeth Valentine ^ Mrs. Lars K. Rockney. She of two bids on a two-way citi- New Hartford. , MS Wis.; 16 grandchildren; 11 ard St., were held today at St. sell said. : more or less neutral and this E. Wabasha St. great-grandchildren was married to Nels Peterson zens band radio installation in The project is to be compltv will permit the use of accent , and three May 25, 1910. He. died in 1956. Martin's Lutheran Church, the Edmund¦ Laabs, 406 E. King brothers. One daughter and one WINONA Plumbing Co.. 1176 street department vehicles. ted by June 1, ; 1967, according colors." ' ' -¦ ' " ¦ ¦¦ - ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦¦ Survivors are: One daughter, Rev. Merlen Wegener officiat- St. : . ; . • son have died. E. Broadway, received a gas Both bids were submitted by to Gordon Fay, county engineer. Carpeting in the classroom Mrs. Delo Bundy, 1379 W. 5th Mrs. Edward (Inez) Rasmus- ing. Burial was in Wilson Cem- installer license Funeral services will be ' for the village Winona Marine Mart. One base Griffith bid $12,780.44. The areas will be of what could St. - ' sen, Balsam Lake, and three etery. effective until June 30, 1967. Fee only other bid . was from H. S. Wednesday at Trinity Lutheran grandchildren. Pallbearers were Cha rles ; station and three mobile units be described as a walnut col- Cbristene Moham, 4045 Sth Church, Coleman. Burial will is $5. are included. ______Dresser & Sons, Winona, for or with woodwork of oak with be Funeral services will be Koeth, Harold Brommerich, Al- ' St., Goodview. in" the Lutheran Cemetery Elmer Obitz, village mainten- The bid ac-..{ -,. " $17,788.22. C 0 u n t y estimate a driftwood stain. The wall DISCHARGES Thursday at 1 p.m. at Jensen vin Brandt, Donald O'Dea, Don- ance man, received authoriza- there. Funeral Volkman and Roy Miller. cepted was for , ¦ Glfv was $17,500. , color recommended by the dec- Joel Luehmann, Lewiston Rt. Home, Hixton, the Rev. ald tion to attend a meeting Wed- :¦ ¦'¦ .y: ——, There Larson, Jackson, Minn., $923.20. A bid ' A petition I orator ia a neutral beige. Fur- 2, Minn. Dr. S. W. Simonson Bernard Refer ing nesday at Albert Lea to study Ot $1,131.20 f m »\ from 55 resi- nishings Cyril Schmit Rollingstone officiating, Burial will be in operation and maintenance of CoUtltV , Eckert noted, will al- , , WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) Funeral services for Bernard was submit- V-PURGl dents of Pleas- " f low for the introduction of ac- Minn. Woodlawn Cemetery, Taylor. sewage disposal plants. ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ —~ "' " —Funeral services were held at Friends may call at the fu- "Barney Rotering, 373 Huff ted on . the . • . . . . . cent colors which would be Mrs. Robert Wise and baby, the Chetek Lutheran Church for will be Wednesday at Building permits were issued basis of somewhat more elab- ship asked BodfCI 868 Lafayette St. neral home Wednesday after- St., 9:30 to: Lewis Albert, alter and re- ¦ ¦ coordinated with the basic col- Dr. S. W. Simonson, GO, who died noon and evening. a.m. at Burke Funeral Home orate equipment. the County ' Dawn Linaman, Minnei , pair of frame and block man- or scheme. ¦ ska Friday at his home at Prairie the Cathedral of OT7;ER business: help obtain repairs Minn.' aiid 10 a.m. at ufacturing building at 4020 6th Board to ' Lake near Cameron. Burial was Leo Fruechte the Sacred Heart, the Rt. Rev. # A request by E. J. Klein- on Township Road 2 west and IN THE student concourse Mrs. Gertrude Gora, 529V4 St., estimated $400 cost; June in Pine Grove Cemetery at Cam- EITZEN, Minn, (Special) - Msgr. Harold J. Dittman offici- schmidt, 168 High Forest St., southwest of New Hartford. Pe- area in the central portion of Chatfield St. eron. - Leo .Fruechte, 64, rural Eitzen, Rothering, permit to move a for second-hand dealer's li- the School concrete floors ating, Burial will be in St. Bon- 12- by 55-foot mobile home onto tioners said the township board ' Mrs. La Verne Konkei, 501 He was associated with the died Monday morning at Wau- cense was referred to the city will have beige quarry tile Mankato Ave. iface Catholic Cemetery, Wau- Pam's Root Beer Stand loca- had refused to repair the road MacCornack Clinic at Whitehall kon Veterans Memorial Hospi- mandee, Wis. attorney. Aldermen were un- after repeated pleas for action. Savers and consideration is; be- Mrs. Minnie Norton, Mer- tion, 5220 6th St.; Richard Deer- ig given to use of one or more from 1946 to July 1958: Then was tal following a one-week illness. Friends may call at the funer- 860 41st Ave., attach metal certain whether such licensing The letter was placed on file. chants Hotel. associated with en, large artificial trees for color. the Gunderson A farmer, he was born May al home after 7 p.m. today. carport 14- by 24-feet to garage, is permitted under the zoning One bid was received for a Lowell Rasmussen, Rushford, Clinic, La Crosse until June 23, 1902, to August and Dora Exterior brick Is brought into Minn. 1962, Msgr, Dittman will lead the no cost given; code in a residential district. station wagon to be used by when he retired. He was a World Harms Fruechte and lived his Bosary at 8. Brom Machine & Foundry The petitioner's home is in an the county highway depart' the concourse proper at the en- BIRTHS War II veteran. lifetime in this try, ways, ' v ' . /v ' Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Ruesink , area. He mar- Co., 3565 6th St., build pole cool- R-2 district. ment. Quality Chevrolet Co. ried Lora Bischoff Sept. 1, 1951, Mr. and Mrs. Red Top Trailer Court, a Survivors are: His wife, Viol- ing shed, 12- by 112-feet, $1,500; • Remodeling of the City submitted a bid of $2,620 for a The auditorium-music wing daughter; la, and two sisters in Rice Lake. in the Evangelical United Bre- William Haack Brora Machine & Foundry Co., Hall community room to ac- 1967 model car. No action was will have gold carpeting, the Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson, thren Church,; Lansing, Iowa, Funeral services for Mr. and build 42-foot by 56-foot 4-inch commodate offices of city plan- taken. gymnasium area will have neu- Arcadia Rt. 3, Wis., a daugh- Mrs. Nets Stalheim and was a member of St. Mrs. William Haack, 357 Daco- block and steel addition to exist- ning coordinator and housing Monthly reports from the tral walls and the swimming ter... : PIGEON FALLS, Wis. (Spe- John's United Church of Christ, ta St., who died Sunday of in- ing building, $8,000; Floyd Kuhl- administrator was approved. county home economics exten- poo] area will be predominant- . cial)—Mrs. Nels Stalheim Mr. and Mrs. George John- , 41, Wheatland, Iowa. juries received in an accident man, 4310 5th St., build cement Estimated cost is $917, with sion agent and county nurse ly off-white and blue. son, 65 Lenox St., a son. died unexpectedly Sunday eve- Survivors are: His wife; earlier in the afternoon at Lew- block warehouse 60- by 100 feet, painting and electrical work were accepted^ All bills were Senior High Principal Rob- ning at her Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Annis, home in Pigeon three brothers; John and Louis, iston, will be at 2 p.m. Thurs- $25,600; extra. City band storage space paid. ert H. Smith questioned wheth- 613 E. 2nd St., a son. Falls. rural Caledonia, and Carl, Cale- day at St. Matthew's Lutheran Arne Odegaard, frame house is being converted for this use. er the use of the neutral col' donia, and one sister, Mrs. Church, the Rev. A. L, Men- The former Ruth Ann Smieja, with attached garage, 28- by 60 • A permit for a Veterans ore would give an impression BIRTHS ELSEWHERE she was born Feb. 18, 1925, at Anna Burmester, Caledonia. nicke officiating. Burial will be feet at 815 39th Ave., $10,000; Day parade Friday at 10:45 of coldness and asked, "Does DODGE, Wis. (Special) - Independence to Andrew and One brother and two sisters in Woodlawn Cemetery. Earl Boiler Jr.; frame house a.m. was issued. Route will be it have to be Bo institution- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liibinski, Rose Rosier Smieja. She attend- have died. Friends may call at Breitlow with attached one-car garage, from the American Legion club Peasant Move al?" : ' Fountain City, a daughter Wed- ed the Independence schools Funeral services will be Funeral Home Wednesday from 26- by 48 feet at 4450 7th St., west on 3rd Street to Lafay- nesday at St. Francis Hospital, Thursday at 2 p.m. at St. at the church Eckert said that he felt that and was marriel June 23, 1945, 7 to 9 p.m. and $12,000, and Earl Boiler Jr., ette, south to> 4th, west to Main, had been La Crosse. Mr. and Mrs. Rom- John's Church, the Rev. Ed- Thursday after 1 p.m. frame house with attached two- once the decorating at Black River Falls. She and north to 3rd; east to Center, done there would not be this an Dorava, Dodge, are mater- her husband had lived at Pi- mund DeBuhr officiating. Bur- car garage, 28- by 40 feet at where ceremonial volleys will To Cities Called nal grandparents. 650 45th Ave., $12 impression given. He said that geon Falls the last; several ial will be in Oak Hill Ceme- ,000. be fired, and thence: to the will ANN ARBPR, Mich. - Mr. tery, Lansing. Weather he felt that the scheme years. THE COUNCIL approved an Legion quarters. Police escort permit a liberal use of accent and Mrs. James E. Bierden, a Survivors are : Her husband; Friends may call at Potter- TEMPERATURES and special parking for Gold daughter Monday. She is the OTHER application from Gordon Mat- colors in furnishings. _ two sons, Nels Raymond, Et- Haugen Funeral Home, Cale- High Low Pr. Star mothers also were auth- Great Change former Peggy Williams daugh- donia, thees, 930 37th Aye., separately; , trick, and Ronald; U. S. Ma- Wednesday afternoon Albany, cloudy . ¦ ... 46 orized. Stratification of age groups SEVERAL members acknow- ter of Mr and Mrs. R. J. Wil- and evening. 41 .03 because the proposed house, 26- rines; one grandson; one broth- Albuquerque, cloudy 57 41 . by 48 feet with an attached 22- • Bidding for a 1967 station and withdrawal of the peasant ledged that it was impossible liams, 461 Main St., Winona. er, Adrian, Independence, and ¦ - wagon was authorized. The for them to visualize from the ~ Jacob M. Tjorstad Atlanta, cloudy .... . 70 51 .. . foot garage, must be built closer ' from the rural areas and aban- five sisters, Mrs. toren (Doro- vehicle will replace a :': . 1958 color samples what the finish- TODAY'S BIRTHDAY TAYLOR, Wis. (Special) - Bismarck, cloudy... 23 -1 .. .01¦ to the street than the zoning donment of his traditional past. Tad Michael Ferguson, Foun- thy Gunderson, Blair ; Mrs. Boise, cloudy ...... 48 31 '. ordinance allows if it is to cor- model being used by the elec- ed product would look like but (Bernice Jacob M. Tjorstad, 85, formerly be Those are the two major they would tain City, Wis., 1. Clements Symicek, of Taylor, died Sunday at 7:30 Boston, cloudy 47 43 . respond with existing houses in trical inspector; Bids will felt, initially,. that Onalaska; Mrs. Norman (Mar- Chicago, rain ...... 70 60 .06 the block, Russell said. opened Nov. 2L changes of our times, accord- like the introduction of m°re p.m. at Black River Rails Me- ing to Dr. William H. McNeill FIRE XJALLS tina) Boberg, Arcadia; Mrs. morial Hospital. Cincinnati, cloudy .. 69 59 Zoning specifies that houses • Most aldermen said they color. A- Monday Adolph (Katherine) Severenski, must be 25 feet from the street. will attend the City Charter who spoke to about 200 at St. said that if the recom- He had been a resident of the Cleveland, cloudy .. 60 55 .18 ' Eckert 2:20 p.m.- — . 1808 W, 4th St., Independence, and Mrs. Harry , ",. .. Matthees' house will be 20 feet. Commission next Monday. The Mary s College fieldhouse Mon- mended scheme was followed Jackson County Nursing Home Denver clear 68 26 . ., day night. Leon Inman home, fire in (Delphine) Wobbe, Wabasha. the last three years. Des Moiues, cloudy 74 30 He owns the entire block in commission has invited their in general, special treatment clothes dryer, carbon dioxide Her parents and two sisters ¦' ' which the house will be con- appearances to express opin- The author of the award win- could be given in specific He was born May 23, 1881, in Fort Worth, cloudy . 83 67 . . ning ' 'Rise of the West" dis- and hand pump used. have died. Trempealeau County to Jens Helena, cloudy .... . 26 15 .02 structed, as well as the other ions on city governmental areas if it was felt that a more Funeral services will'be Wed- house on the block. possible changes. cussed "The Peasant Revolt in appearance would and Elisa Tjorstad and married Honolulu, clear .. . ., 85 75 .25 -¦forms and Our Times." attractive nesday at 2 p.m. at the Evan- Anna Stone at Blair in 1906. He Indianapolis, rain .68 59 .30 ¦• ' Council President Harold result; He emphasized that the Municipal Court gelical Lutheran Church, Pigeon farmed in Beaver Creek many Kansas City, cloudy 77 48 .. Briesath's suggestion that a AS FOR the peasant with- decorator's presentation was a Falls, the Rev, Gordon Tryg- years before moving to Taylor BOYLE'S COLUMN sign be installed at the general plan and that WINONA , Los Angeles, cloudy 62 49 .358 stop drawal McNeill pointed out that overall stad officiating. Burial will be where he lived prior to entering Louisville, cloudy .. 72 61 post office driveway exit was only 50 years ago, only two individual attention could be Forfeits : in the church cemetery. Friends the nursing home ' dropped. Mayor R. 22 352 . Memphis, cloudy ... 74 63 .. heard and countries in the world, Holland given to certain areas. David ML Petterson, , may call at the Johnson Funer- Survivors are: One daughter, ' alternate proposal E. 5th St., disobeyed stop sign Miami, cloudy ... .. 79 70 .30 Life Begins, K. Ellings and Great Britain bad urban Allen al Home, Pigeon Falls, this aft- Mrs. John (June) Thompson, Milwaukee for a yield sign also failed to populations comprising more DIRECTOR Frank J. at Highway 61 and Clark's Lane, , cloudy .66 47 .02 thought Eckert ernoon and from 7 to 9 tonight, Mankato, Minn.; one foster son, Mpls.-St.P, cloudy . 46 25 .. arouse action. . than 50 percent of the country's said that he Monday at 1:15 a.m., $10. Lloyd Peterson, Evanston might advise the decorator of and at the church after noon , HI.; New Orleans, fog .. 81 54 .. • Gas storage tank installa- total population. Today this ur- Gustave J. Witt, 70, 651 E. four grandchildren; one half- Ends With J the board's reaction and com- driving on Wednesday. New York, cloudy .49 39 .. tions were authorized for R & banization has occurred in all King St., careless sister, Mrs, Anna Ystenes, Blair, Lane; Rob- ments and she might consider Highway 61 and Huff Street, Okla City, clear ... 82 67 .. Oil Co,, 602 Clark's of the great nations. William E. Olson and several nieces and nephews. Omaha, clear ...... 60 24 .. ert L. Stevens, 50 Chatfield St., He cited a two-fold causality some changes if she realizes Monday at 5:59 p.m., $30. STRUM, Wis.-WiHiam E. Ol- His parents, wife and three A Question Tere- "The that the board might be in- Walter C. Maeser Jr.. 21, Har- Phoenix, cloudy .. .. 76 59 and the College of Saint in this development: son, 77, died Sunday evening at brothers have died. By HAL BOYLE approvals are subject world wars and the pressure of terested in a slightly less con- rington, N. J., parked at fire Funeral services will be Pittsburgh, rain .... 61 49 .18 sa. All Tri-CouDty Memorial Hospital, Wed- Ptlnd, Me., cloudy .. 45 36 NEW YORK (AP)-Llfe is a to ordinance amendments. population on the land." He con- servative treatment. hydrant at West King at John- Whitehall, where he had been nesday at 1 p.m. at North Beav- 9:23 Rapid City, snow ... 35 22 .35 sentence that begins and ends tended that the World War I Superintendent of Schools A. son streets, Monday at a patient 17 days. er Creek Lutheran Church, the per- a.m., $10. St. Louis, rain 76 64 T with a question mark. effected the breakup of tradi- L. Nelson suggested that He was born in the Town of Rev. K. M. Urberg, Blair, of- tional rural societies through- haps members of the public Aloysius J. Misch, 20, Trem- ficiating. Burial will be In the Salt Lk. City, snow • 57 32 .32 True education is impossible Rerouting Set Chimney Rock Dec. 10, 1888, San Fran., clear ... 66 52 to anyone who lacks a question- out Europe; World War II schools art faculty might look pealeau, Wis., disobeyed traffic Ol- church cemetery. . and to Jorgen and Bergit Lund Seattle, cloudy 46 35 ing Spirit. gave rise to similar conditions at the plan to obtain its reac- light at East Broadway married Esther Olson Friends may call this after- For Highway 43 Franklin Street, Monday at son. He noon and evening at Jensen Washington, clear .. 55 45 ., But the smart fellow learns in Asia, Africa and Central tion and Eckert said that he Nov. 17, 1910, at Evanger Lu- Fu- America. 10:45 a.m., $10. neral Home, Hixton, Winnipeg, clear 15 -1 .01 early that sometimes it isn't In Business Area thought their reaction would be , Rushford, theran Church. (T—Trace) merely wisdom that you acquire The peasant also has been favorable. John A. Kopperud member of the lo- detoured stimulated to move to the ur- Rt. 1, Minn., disobeyed stop He was a Gynther M. Halvorson DAILY RIVER BULLETIN by asking questions — you can Highway 43 will be cal school board several years, HOUSTON, Minn. (Special)- Flood Stage 24-hr. also get a punch in the nose. four blocks to allow in- ban area because of improved sign at Milwaukee railroad over communication. In nearly every Mon- director of the Elk Creek Coop- Gynther Melvin Halvorson, hi , Stage Today Chg. When in doubt, let the other sewer flood crossing on Grand Street, erative Creamery many years stallation ol storm Greek village, many of which day at 1:07 p.m., $10. died suddenly Sunday afternoon Red Wing ..... 14 2.4 .... fellow ask the question; then City and a lifetime member of the of a heart attack at his farm protection devices, the he has visited, "at least one Bruce E. Erickson, 25, Ro- Lake City ...... 6.1 learn by the answer he gets. night. Chimney Rock Lutheran Church. home in Yucatan Township. Wabasha 12 6.9 .1 Council learned Monday radio is going for 18-20 hours a chester, parked at fire hydrant farmer in the Chim- + But there are some questions will day, bringing to the peasant near John- He was a A farmer, he was born to Mr. Alma Dam ...... 4. 1 .. .. The antl-flooding gatewell on Howard Street , ney area until retiring and that are bound to lead to noth- the word of the urban way." $10. Rock and Mrs. John Halvorson Feb. Whitman Dam ... 1.9 — .2 be installed at 4th and Main son, 9:20 a.m. Monday, moving to Strum last April. 28 1909 in Yucatan. He lived ing but trouble and it is wiser The result is that few people , 23, '522 , , Winona Dam 3.2 — .2 — Richard L. Drussell Survivors are: His wife; two on the home farm since the age never to bother asking them. streets. in the 20-40 age group remain E. 3rd St., speeding 44 in 30 WINONA ...... 13 5.4 .. .. construction the high- daughters, Mrs. Harold (Mary of three. He married G laden a Trem'au Pool . .. 10.0 Such as: During in the villages. zone Sunday at 1:25 a.m., at Jane) Huck, Milwaukee, and Hoff of Spring Grove Dec. 25, way will be routed south from Broadway Vino Street, $25. Trem'au Dam ... 4.3 — .1 "What makes you think that BUT WHATEVER the fac- and Mrs. Weston (Wilma) Cooke, 1938. He formerly operated a Dakota 7.8 this gun isn't loaded?" Street on Winona Street to Douglas F. Reps, 4864 6th St., 4th tors, v the fact is, he asserted, Albany, Ore. ; eight grandchil- grader for the Yucutan Town- Dresbach Pool . .. 9.8 + .1 "So what if r didn't declare Sth and east to Main Street. that no country is free of the Goodview, speeding 40 in 30 brother Joachim, dren, and one , ship. Dresbach Dam . .. 1.8 .. .. that two hundred bucks In my the detour is ln use the move away from the land. zone at West Broadway aiid Whitehall. Survivors are: His wife ; one La Crosse 12 4.7 While Ewlng Street Friday at 5:42 tax report. Are you going to highway department will "This is the first change since , Funeral services will be son, Gaylord, Spring Grove; Tributary Streams it?" state p.m., $25. make a federal case out of the Neolithic age which has Thursday at 2 p.m. at Chimney two daughters, Mrs. John (Har- Chippewa at Durand 2.7 -I- .6 "Who yuh shoving, Mac?" be responsible for maintenance Jean) affected the majority of man- Rock Lutheran Church, the Rev. la Benson, Houston, and Zumbro at Theilman 28,1 -f .2 "Are you just going to stand of the route. kind and it will take two or Donald Myhres officiating, Bur- Miss Rcnce, at home; one Trem'au at Dodge . 1.7 -)- .1 there and let him talk like that three centuries before the final ial will be in the church ceme- grandchild; his mother, Mrs. Black at Galesville . 1.5 to your very own wife?" JIM GARRY Mary Halvorson Houston; one La Crosse AVERAGE TAX *379 forms of this change complete tery. , at W. Sal. 3.3 "Why don't you Just put up — their form," he explained. Gemini 12 call after 5 p.m. brother Ernest Houston, jnd Root at Houston 5.3 LOS ANGELES - Callfor- A GOOD NEIGHBOR Friends may , , or ahut up?" The lecture was sponsored by Wednesday at Kjentvet-Strand two sisters, Mrs. Deloinc Sennes RIVER FORECAST nlans pay the highest state- OF YOURS (Froth Phi Alpha Theta, history socie- Funeral Home at Eleva. A fam- and Mrs- Gynther Lee, Houston. Hastings to Guttenberg) "If something ever happened local taxes in the nation — ' He's (he Mutual of Omaha His father, one brother and one ty at St. Mary s, as part of ily devotional service will be A stage of 5.3 is predicted for to mc, would you consider an average of $379 per per- the college convocation series. man near you. Aa experi- Test Delayed hold there Wednesday at 8 p.m. grandson have died. Winona Wednesday and Thurs- marrying again?" enced insurance counselor. Ho (AP) son last year. California's tax you provide the finest CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. Funeral services will be Wed- day and 5.2 Friday. "Who's chicken?" can help — The launching of the Gemini Granville M. Mossing nesday at 2 p.m. at Stone average Increased from $349 possible medical care for "Just how do you figure, Mil- yourself and your family. 12 astronauts, which had been ROCHESTER, Minn. - Gran- Church, rural Houston, the Bev. ln 1964, and in 1965 totaled (Bam) Mossing, 71 WINONA DAM LOCKAGE llcent, that two can live as Help you safeguard your pay* scheduled Wednesday today was ville M. , Dennis Brake, Looney Valley Flow — 15 cubic per $7 billion, your savings. And, Monday morning in Wor- ,600 feet cheap as one?" check and delayed 24 hours because of a died Lutheran Church, officiating. second at a a.m. today. ' 't your S3 because ho represents Ma- rall Methodist Hospital, Burial will be in the church "For Pete s sake, didn problem in the autopilot system Monday mother teach you how to cook?" faucet one more time with the hal's life affiliate,United of of the Titan booster rocket. He was born to Martin and cemetery. Omaha, too, he can help you a (Place) Mossing Oct. 25, 9:35 p.m. — W. S. Rhea, 10 "Shall we start off by playing wrench, it would atop the drip- MOBIL pun health and life in- The National Aeronautics and Mary Friends may call at Potter- barges, up. both 1895, in Ellsworth Wis. He Haugen Funeral Home this for a buck a hole?" ping?" •onuoa programs. Call him Space Administration resched- , aft- 10:30 Houston, 8 married Clarice Nelson of Sher- ernoon and evening and at the p.m. — "Do you mean that if I just "Shall I just sign the check, today at this number: uled the double launching for barges, down. throw out the dice, and one and let you fill in the exact am- tar- wood, N.D., June 10, 1920, aft- church Wednesday after 1 p.m. HEATING OIL Thursday. The Atias-Agena in the 129th Infantry, Today comes up four and the other ount later?" off at 2:16 er serving Burnt Cleanev get vehicle is Ut lift 33rd Division, during World Rev. John A. Weather? 2:15 a.m , — Hawkeye, 13 comes up three, that I get all JAMES P. GARRY p.m. (EST), with the astronauts "Do yen want one for (he and Hotter War I. WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) barges, down. the money on the table?" Ull W. King St. Phone 3261 to head skyward at 3;51 p.m. In 1948 he moved to Chat- - The Rev. John A. Westberg, J:.45 a.m. — Harriet M., 3 road—or two?" "Well, just what it it about "Why did you ever marry me Tho problem -cropped up dur- field , Minn., where he owned 90, died Sunday at Tri-County barges, down. JOSWICK'S FUEL. WMUatsfTiNa ing a so-called mid-count check operated the Silver Grill Memorial Hospital, Whitehall 5:35 a.m. — Sioux, io barges, the new mathematics that has in the first place?" and , of of the Titan 2. until moving to Rochester in after a long illness. down. you putzled, son?" "Can't anyone on your side & OIL M/y>/#. (£$h , you think money grows the family ever do anything Ml Best Ssnbem W. m 19119. He was bora June 1, 1876, in 7:25 a.m. — Yetta Alter, 7 "Do OfOMAHA^^ MOST INVESTED He was a member of the Stavanger, Norway, and came barges, down. on trees?" right?" Phone %HA tmm. w mm mwmumrim Dan C, bnrges , "Haven't we met before?" "Haven't I already taken you W^mW ^^^^BBj^^^M1 SJP^Sfl.Slj^P4 yW^^^ i VV a_FI^^SSeSJ| BONN - nJ.S, private di- American Legion In Chatfield to America as a young man, 11 a.m. — 6 heat "Are you looking for volun- out one night this month?" Where you get more Messet tlyK Ojinha, Netwka rect investments In Germany and the Gloria Dei Lutheran He was graduated from Luther down. at lower cost. exceed $2.3 billion, highest ln Church, Rochester. Seminary St. Paul , in 1907, On 11:50 a.m. — Jack Estes, 2 teers, captain?" "Is there anything eke I can any nation on the Continent. Survivors are: One son. Rob- Aug. 21 that year he married barges, down, "Do you think if I turned the do for you boss?" VIKINGS HAVEARRIVE D AND SWEET SMELL OF ROSES Camaraderie Key Minnesota Mixes Fight, to Vike Victbry MINNEAPOLIS UV- Camara- "It's a good thing we have a; Van Brocklin added, "They put the wide-lens camera or we could rallied as a group, and that's Purdue derie Character Against guy and his the important thing. The strong- on the victory trail" and stopped never follow that MINNEAPOLIS (AP) _ studded Gopher team has good give Peterson bit of seasoning for 461 yards and four touch- floundering in the receivers. est feeling you can have as a The a them from Minnesota Gophers mix fight reason to know that Purdue is because he had been out for downs.' ' , says team is when spirit comes from "He must be the greatest."': the players — from within. A and "character," the sad mem- the big obstacle to a Rose Bowl sorhe time with assorted injur- Ken Last has caught 24 passes their "uncanny" quarterback, ; Repair Job sophomore, lamented tackle Ron Kostelnik, coach can only motivate a team ories of humilitation, and the trip. ies. Wintermute, a four scores, Fran Tarkenton. has emerged as a first-rate ball for 271 yards and "We're as strong as we've a member of the Packers' front so far. If the players don't sweet aroma Of roses as they Anderson has shared four that met almost total frus- ; prepare battle here Satur- The Boilermakers are 5-2 for carrier and in all probability while Chet ever been,'' Tarkenton said have the desire, the self-moti- to do the season 13 aerials for 130 yards and oiw tration .at Tarkentou 's hands, j day with highly respected Pur- and 4-1 in the Big will be in the tailback slot Monday. "No Viking team has vation, a coach can't do much Ten. Their defeats were to the touchdown^ Tarkenton completed 16 of 26 \ Coming Up in due. against Purdue here Saturday. had so much camaraderie. And, about it. " country's top-rated teams, 26-14 Wilson and Last are tied for as a result, we're plaving our passes for 172 yards while rush- j "Purdue has to be one of the He rammed for 86 yards on 28 yards. He i Tarkenton said the Vikings' to Notre Dame and 41720 to the Gopher scoring lead with 24 best football." ing for another 22 first four games this season outstanding football teams in the carries against Northwestern. was at his best on third down | Michigan State. Purdue's vic- The Gophers started their points each. ' ' - ' ¦' ¦'¦ helped the club mature. St. Louis nation ," Gopher Coach Murray tims include that same Michi- Players and coaches were ju- plays. . . . ] Warmath said Monday. "The workout Monday outside but As a team, the Gophers have ' 20-17 the i "Sometimes , '' he observed , ST. LOUIS (AP ) _ St. Louis gane team which blitzed the Go- bilant over the Vikings For Vikings! partisans, Boilermakers have strength at darkness sent them indoors for gained 1,272 yards on 359 rush- upset of the Green Bay Pack- sad part of the situation was "it takes a near catastrophe to Coach Charley dinner is doing phers. The Boilermakers edged (3.3 average) while every department ." the second hour. The session ing plays , kers Sunday. A". that the team's emergence as ai force Vou lo look in the mirror." a quick repair job on his Nation- Michigan 22-21.A -. concentrated: on defensive align- completing 65 of 141 passes for But the -Gophers, Warmath let Coach Norm van Brocklin power came too late in the sea- ; As they prepare for Sunday 's al Football League Eastern Di- Injuries sustained by the Go- ments against Purdue 's attack 693 yards—a total offense of 1,- said he felt the most important son. A championship this year game at Metropolitan Stadium vision leaders because, he says, it be known, have something phers at Evanston last Saturday Minnesota s of- too. ; ," ¦ ' and in polishing ' 865 yards. byrproduct of the triumph at would be nothing less than a against Detroit, now the posses- injuries have knocked out ''the • - were few and , apparently, not fense against expected Boiler- Green Bay was that "our team long shot. sor of seventh place in the West- hub of our offense.!' "It's character," the coach serious. maker defensive formations. , Ind. (AP) said. "The Minnesota team has IJ\FAYETTE - arrived." Minnesota started poorly. Af- ern Division, the Vikings had Quarterback Charley Johnson . John Williams, -. 'first' team de- Gopher quarterback Curt Wil- Three Purdue Boilermakers The game, he said, taught the ter four weeks the Vikings had several injured players follow- learned what it means to fight fensive right end line- Who holds four career team back. , hurt a foot son has now rushed and passed worked out Monday at the Vikings that they can beat any a 0-3-1 record and were seventh ing the action at Green Bay. passing records, is lost for the " but recovery appeared rapid. for 712 yards ti, pace the Minne- backer, spot in the search for a team, any time, any place. in the seven-team Western Con- :. Tommy Mason had a badly- It was character and fight , he He sat out Monday sota offense; He has carried the replacement for senior pat Con- season with a torn right knee said, that helped carry Minne- 's practice Tarkenton, master of the ference. Then came a weekend swollen left knee; Paul Flatfey, but expected to be back in ac- ball 119 times for 500 yards, a ley who suffered a separated , was never greater ligament. He undergoe knee sota from a 49-0 humiliation at scramble with a bye. The rest was op- a bruised knee; , surgery today. tion soon, possibly today. 4.2 average, and completed 21 of left shoulder in the football than he was Sunday. His prow- portune. bruised chest; Milt Sunde, the hands of Michigan three 52 passes for 212 yards. He's game against Wisconsin last ess lingered like a bad dream Instead of falling apart during bruised shoulder; Larry Bowie, Center Bob DeMarco, who weeks ago to a 17-7 triumph Hubie Bryant, second team -¦ " in Green Bay. the team rallied and sprained ankle; over the scored four touchdowns and Saturday. . . ;, the break, played in the NFL's 1965 Pro Ohio State and then, right halfback, was bothered by passed for three more. "He's simply uncanny," said decided to try harder, hairline fracture of a wrist; Bill last Saturday, to a 28-13 victory a charley horse. Bob Stein de- Conley will miss this Satur- Bowl, will be sidelined for at , s game against Minnesota Phil Berigtson, architect of the "As a team we grew closer Brown, bruised hip; John Kir- least four weeks with a partially at Northwestern. fensive end out of action for sev- Wintermute is the Gophers day' Green Bay defense— the most together," explained Gary Lar- by, injured arch , and Karl Kas^ at Minneapolis. torn right knee ligament. Will the Gophers be motivated eral weeks with a knee injury, No. 2 ground gainer with 264 * effective in the NFL this season. sen, "instead of driiting apart," sulke, bruised wrist. at! Memorial Stadium Saturday worked put with the fourth team yards on 77 carries for a 3.4 av- Coach Jack M 011 e n k 0 p f "It can't help but hurt when worked ; sophomores Dick Mar- you lose the two men who put by the recollection of last year's and it appeared he might be in erage, while flanker Bryant is 35-0 drubbing administered by vel, Mshawaka, and Clanton the ball in play for you," said shape by Saturday. third with 160 yards on 27 car- Purdue? Warmath made a couple of ries, a 5:9 average. Injured half- King, Chicago, and junior Gary Winner. "But we will be work- ¦ 'We ail recall that Kennedy, Indianapolis, at the ing this week to remedy the sit- game very lineup changes. back Peterson has 103 yards on Nicklaus well," Warmath said, "I haven't Bob Bedney replaced Ron 20 carries, a 52 average. linebaciting spot. uation before the game next forgotten it for minute. Sunday witlr the Steelers at a " Klick at first team offensive Larry Carlson, although he The Boilermakers will prac- Minnesota plays Wisconsin a right tackle^ Dick Peterson hasn't played for three weeks, tice through Friday at Lafay- Pittsburgh," week from Saturday in the sea- Johnson and DeMarco were worked at left halfback ahead of still tops Wilsoiv in passing with ette before flying to Minnesota Fires 3 — son finale, but the sophomore- John Wintermute, but .only to 42 completions in 80 ; attempts in the afternoon. hurt in the 20-17 St. Louis victo- . .. ry Sunday over the Giants in Under 68 New York. TOKYO (AP.);-Jack Nicklaus Irv Goode, a regular offensive of Columbus, OhToTfired a three- guard who usually centers on Injuries undefcpar 68-JngJ§ding a sensa- extra points and field goal at- Bea^ 30 on tempts, came in for DeMarco. H^^ tional fivfc^uwer-par the ^ par-35 fronPnuie—at the Sagami Second string quarterback Country Club today playing in Terry Nofsinger entered the an exhibition warnuip for the game after. Johnson's injury and Plague Canada Cup International Gol f quickly threw a scoring strike to Prentice Gautt. Forget W tourhanient. : "I think Terry will be able to GREEN BAY, Wis W — first time since the Viking ' His performance against do the; job for us and Goode al- . said Kostelnik. "He s a mas- South African Gary Player and Badgers The Chicago Bears are doing game. ter of the unexpected." ways plays well no matter the Green Bay Packers a rare CHALLENGER AT WORK V. . Cleveland i ljii Erdmann's Trucklno II 1» par three holer, on which you got a knee injury in practice WEDNESDAY'S GAMES the large ," Nicklaus explained. begin Wednesday when the wasn't. He's real cunning." New York al Chicago. 1st National Bank »> i 17< i have to play precision iron shots last week. Dyer injured an an- Super Saver . . . . ., * 11 Packers don cleats for the "He must be the greatest," Baltimore el San Frtncltee. GO GETTERS KNOWS TOP RECEIVERS Tournament officials say the to get the ball on the green and kle and Hoffman a Knee against Athletic Club W L Tok HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) - A yo Yomiuri course is the close to the in," he said. "Many Michigan two weeks ago, l.B.'s Corner ...... li 11 hilliest on. which the Canada Also injured but with recov- Circle G. Ranch 15 11 chap who should know, corner- of today's architects have gone Kramer ft Toys 15 U Cup has been played, with the to the long, drab par threes that ery anticipated were corner- ¦ Steves Loungs. jj ij back W. K. Hicks of the Hous- v e Winona Plumbing liVd 15'J advantage in favor of straight force the average player to use back Dave Berg, halfback Tom K- . Graham A McGuire ... l|.j iS'.-t ton Oilers, lists the American power hitters. Domres, halfback Lynn Buss. ALLEY GATER'S his woods every time." Westgate Bowl Points Football League's top pass Sagami is a flat , wooded The all-time leading money linebacker Bob Richter and Fenske Body shop 15 course. guard John Brockett. Jaanette's Beauty salon .. 11 catchers as: winner in golf said another pri- Curlty's Floor Shop J»V4 Lance Alwood (San Diego); vate peeve was water hazard s John Tietz, working In Dyer's Mohan's Window Co .... iVi Lional Taylor (Denver) Art National Hockey League that are so tough that they lack Montgomery vvsrds .! Jl , By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS position against Purdue, was ex- Regan's Insurance ...... ll'i Powell (Oakland) Don May- MONDAY'S RESULTS character. pected to stay at the defensive > William's Hotel u rard (New York Jets) and No gamei scheduled. "In certain instances, you are Llnahan's .. . f "1 TODAY'S GAMES spot for the Illinois encounter. PIN TOPPLERS Chris Burford ( Kassas City \ New York al Chicago. not rewarded for a good shot Gary Pinnow and Bob Fenske westgalt w L Hicks led the AFL in inter- WEDNESDAY'S GAMES there because the ball does not were being considered Lakeside Cilgj^--^ * j Toronto il Montreal. for Polachek^^Electrlc I 4 ceptions last season. Boston ll Niw York. stay on the green , " he said. Grossman's station, and sopho- Watkiyff Mary King ...;... I 4 Hamernlks Btr 4 4 more John Sandner was being Wall/s 4 4 measured for Hoffman's tackle Coci Cols s 7 M«/n Tavern 3 ? position. Wifona Paint 1 Glass 1 » Another sophomore, Ken Cri- WESTGATE LADIES ter Westgate Bowl II e , was considered for the Bliss Grulkowski Bciuty Shop . II 11 post with Dan Schaffner taking Winona Typewriter . , 17'j !!>»• over Criter ' Silranek's n 17 s tasks as lineback- Midland Co-op ...... 10 30 er. Ken's Hardwire »i , JO',4 Coaches gave Gary Reineck CITY Hsl Pod w L the week's Savage Award for Hotel ' Wlnons It' s l«'fc defensive play against Purdue. Wally 'i F. Clly II 15 A a D Bootery II 15 The cornerback is Wisconsin's Llnshan's Inn 11 15 third-ranking tackier. He pulled KWNO Radio lji , wt Food Supply 17 u down Purdue ball carriers sev- Faklers Road Con 11 17 en times and assisted on eight Pepsi Cola is IT Speed Wash lt 17 other tackles. Country Kitchen 15 11 Oasis Bar C1I1 14 lt ., Graham ft McGuire 14 If If you have a tattle f or NEW AUTO yT^ INSURANCE PLAN the outdoors, ire' re made the F^j Grants lower rates if you own two or more cars. If there ar* two bourbon for you* |&} operators or less, If you art mar- ried and under 25, il you drive You'll find a distinctly pleasing quality in the mellow 15,000 miles or less for buslnass, llif ll If you own your car and rtave characlet of Cabin Still. This is Cabin' s winning MIM another furnished. deference, which we're sure you, as a sportsman, will _^^S^_^ , for the man Federated prefer. Rare Sour Mash Bourbon m^SSMm INIUMNCI :!EBzzfi,u nSnu - eg 7i^S»bodii«4vuri3oW>o*v ; (5IEl;i AP LINEMAN OF THE WEEK . . . of Smith Is quarterback Steve Spurrier who This picture, made last Saturday as the Uni- was kept off-bnlnnce most of the gnmo hy We Quat4n:4n saiistaci ion Should Still' s winning - ' 1 | r vou Cf p^' •*• -{l' -"' o ",'i "ll"' ft 'inents nr: pmvd jjiifipf |o ynui Mi ™ versity of Georgia was upsetting previously HIP rushing of Pntton. The Georgia tackle 's 'iv fill wnts iii in *fi*__w£i&'\ «2^ 'iZ'f. • ,_ Ion wills .Ne AM ; g Mly 1 .e "'' KING undefeated Florida , shows ' Georgia l.ifkle defensive play earned him Lineman ol the Anderson fail/n't v" " rno' , V '^¦ nj isi ^ *^i ' " afT^ ) Box 444 ^^tWi , V ¦ George Patton (76 diving over Florida block- Week honors from The Associated Ticss , ;*AX M i ^—: rafr^«BBWL_r EDWARDLargest Selling Cigar _ ing back Graham McKecl (43) to grab (he (AP Photofax ) Winona, Minn. ^ «»W M STITZD.-WEUER • AMERICA 'S OLDEST FAMILY DUTILURlf • E5TAB. LOUISVILLE. n„ 1819 • 86 PBOOF UNTUCKf STRAIGHT BOURBOH Vm$K! America's Phon* 2552 arm of tailback Larry Smith (51 ), In bock ~ - ' SPARTANS ¦ STILL TO' PS' Brazilian IRISH, • - - . . ' Pauline Cummings . . Ends Davis Tops High Single Cup Hopes AlabamaMo ves PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil For Lady Keglers (AP)—America's hopes for re- gaining the Davis Cup this year bowling Scharmach rapped 166 for Wi- Pauline Cummings, are ended, shattered by a for Haddad's in Westgate's Lad- nona Plumbing and Stella Cada stocky 25-year-old Brazilian ten- Spot ies League fired the top wom- hit 411 for Graham & McGuire No. 3 , To en's single for the season, 245, as Graham & McGuire downed nis star who beat top-ranked By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Notre Dame and Michigan 31-20 and USC downed Califor- one pin higher than Jane 838 and the Circle G Ranch tot- Dennis Ralston of Bakersfield, The latest election day in the State face each other on the nia 35-9. Georgia Tech just man- MaSchka's tally a month , ago. ed a 2,371 total. Associated Press' major-college Spartans' field on Nov. 19. ' ' Calif., in a showdown match aged to get past Virginia, 14-1S, Monday 's top tally for the men WESTGATE:. Walter Serwa Monday. football poll still finds Notre The Irish collected 32 first- ' UCLA, upset by WasbJngtoa came at the Athletic Club with found himself , leader of the Fans carried Jose Adison Dame holding a relatively small place votes to the Spartans 10 16-3, slipped five notches. Ten- Larry Koskovich doing the hon- Community as he bombed 235 Mandarino around the court on lead over Michigan State while in the most recent balloting by a . ors. Koskovich racked 263—626 —594 for Oasis Bar and his their shoulders after his five-set Alabama is an onrushing third. national panel of 43 sports writ- nessee whipped Chattanooga, However 28.10. The Volunteers trail ninth" for Home Beverage . squad tallied a 1,041 single. The victory over Ralston had cli- Alabama, the national title- ers and broadcasters. , on a basis of 10 points for a place Georgia by only threa RED MENS: Robert Nelson Happy Chef finished high with maxed a great comeback and holder in 1964 aiid 1965, was first-place vote, 9 for second points in the voting. Sr., of Paffrath's Paint topped 2,850 and Lyle Jacobson roll- given Brazil a 3-2 victory over among five teams to gain ed an errorless 533 series. latest poll based etc., Notre Dame leads by a The Top Ten, with first-placa Monday Niters with a fine 210 the United States in the Inter- ground in the Alley through last Satur- mere 25 points, 418 to 393. votes in parentheses, and total single as his squad finished Marge McGuire topped Zone Davis Cup semifinal: on games high with 2,722. Kenneth Jandt Gater activity with a 201 sin- day, The Tide replaced UCLA in Notre Dame trounced Pitts- points: ' the No. 3 spot while Nebraska burgh 40-O and Michigan State of first place Paint Depot tal- gle for Mohan s as Norma It was Mandarino who.defeat- 1. Notre Dame (32) 418 ' Arkansas to overwhelmed Iowa 56-7 last Sat- lied a 513 series and Sunbeam Erickson ripped 542 for Regan s. ed 19-year-old Cliff Richey of advanced to fourth. 2. Michigan St (10) 393 ' Southern California to urday. . Bread hit high team single with Mohan s crumpled a 933 team Dallas in the opening singles sixth, , 3. Alabama ; 333 ¦ Georgia to ninth 970. single and Jeanette's Beauty match, giving Brazil a glimmer seventh and . Alabama accumulated 333 4. Nebraska. 271 action , Salon finished high with 2.557. HAL-HOD: In City of hope against the highly-fa- The Bulldogs, ' 27-10 victors points after blanking Louisiana 5. Georgia Tech 230 George Kratz pounded an error- Irene Pozanc and Helen Nel- vored Anierican team. over Florida, replaced the Ga- State 21-0. Nebraska , Arkansas «. Arkansas (1) 188 son rapped top individual tallies less 246—623 for Oasis Bar But: Ralston brought the tors in the first 10. UCLA tum- arid Southern California each 7. Southern Cal 144 Cafe . Vince Suchomel came for Watkins Mary King in the Americans even when he bled to eighth while Georgia advanced two places. 8. UCLA 142 VARSITY CAGER . . . Big (6-6, 195 pounds) Mike Jere- close with 618. Hotel Winona col- Pin Toppler with respective whipped Thomas Koch and then Tech held fifth place and ten- The Cornhuskers beat Kansas 9. Georgia 71 sek of Minnesota City has been named to the Winona State lected top team tallies with 1,- 204—541 and 201-577. Coca Cola teamed with Arthur Ashe of nessee 10th . 24-13. Arkansas whipped Rice 10. Tennessee 68 College varsity basketball team. Mike, a junior majoring in 026-2,970. popped the top team totals with Richmond, Va., in Sunday's Chuck Hagedorn of Robb Mo- 943—2,667. Other 500's included ¦ ¦" --¦ — -- physical education, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward doubles victory. T -" . tors hit 214 and Del Prod- Doris Bay 531, Mary stalka 529, Jeresek, Minnesota City. That gave the Americans a 2- Schmidt Bowlers zinski of Bunkes tallied 559 for Alfrieda Fuglie 527, Irlene 1 lead and put Brazil in a deep f it's Been A the honors in the VFW. Abrams Trimmer 516, Leslie Krage 200 hole , A victory by either Richey Perform at To - whipped the top team totals —516, Irene Bronk 201—509 and j ¦ • Sports or Ralston in Monday's final > with 1,026—2,78u. : Jane Maschka 506. two singles matches would have Westgate Bowl WAC: Larry Koskovich paced In the Ladies League Pauline clinched the semifinal series for Rough Week lor Home Beverage past the Mon- Cummings took Haddads all the the United States. A special bowling attraction Announce Winter day League with a fantastic way with 245—557 as Haddad's Shorts is set for Saturday at Westgate | 263—626 as his team downed tallied 914—2,691; Mary Em- Bat Koch, who had been de- iHulL Mikita , according to an announce- 1,019-2 ,798. mons whipped 204—553 and Ele- stroyed by Ralston in the open- Bowl MIAMI, Fla. M*~The Orange NEW YORK W - It' e Bowl ,' Committee will have s b en In Go Getter action , Beverl y ahore Loshek hit 202—535. ing singles, suddenly bounced ment by Paul Gardner. a rough week for Bobby Hull back against Richey and Coming to Winona will be the scouts watching five schools this weekend, undefeated Ala- and Stan Mikita , Chicago's 1-3 Whipped the tense teen-ager in Schmidt Bowling Team. Sports Schedule straight sets, 6-1, 7-5, 6-1. bama, Nebraska and Georgia punch In the National Hockey Bowling instruction will be Tech and once-beaten Florida - ' " League.; . . ' . . ' . iven by these famous bowlers and Georgia. g ¦Hull ,- the NHL scoring king starting at 2: .30 p.m. At 7:30, Orange Bowl President John Purdue s Conley Ring indicated-that the Orange last season, was blanked in two a match bowling presentation Bowl would offer its bids on games last week while Mikita, Cage Clinic will pit the Schmidt bowlers For nona High Nov. 21, the first date authoriz- ' Wi the 1964-85 champion, lost his against a. team of top Westgate ed by the NCAA. ; Winhawk cagers will open the December — bowlers. individual point lead to Norm ' Ullman of Detroit. winter sports season at home 2 Albert Lea ...... Away SAN DIEGO. Caiif. «¦> — . Set at GFC Tillman picked up a goal and on Nov. 19 . by hosting Minneap- 9 Mankato , .....;..., Home Will Miss Game Lance Al worth, pr e m i e r two assists in three starts, olis Roosevelt. Wrestling opens 16 Austin ...... Away Winona State College Varsity Charger flanker and lead- Nov. 23 when Winhawk grap- 17 Rochester Basketball Coach Ron; Ekker y ing receiver in the Ameri- boosting his early-season point plers travel to Eau Claire to Invitational ...... Away and Assistant Bob Leitzau will Debuts a U can Football League, is ex- total io 14. Mikita scored one conduct a basketball clinic at goal and dropped into second meet their counterparts from January — pected to miss at least Memorial \xi a 6:30 P-m. event. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the three weeks of play, place with 12 poihts. 6 Northfield ...... Home With Minnesota Cochrane-Fountain City Hi Hull , with seven points in Swimming competition opens gh coaches said. 13 Roch. Mayo ...... Away CHICAGO l*l — Midwest Foot- ankle. Regis Cavender has done School Hockey slipped behind his younger Nov 25 when the tank team Coach Alworth, who has 48 re- all , . 20 Owatonna ...... Home plays host to Austjn. ball Briefs: an excellent job fillling in for The clinic will cover man to MINNEAPOLIS (AP ) - Glen ceptions for 842 yards and brother, Dennis, and into a six- Winhawk winter sports sched- 27 Red Wing ...... Away Purdue — Senior linebacker Apisa. man pressure defense aiid the Sonmor makes his debut as eight touchdowns, palled a way tie for 10th place. Dennis ules , read: February —• Pat Conley has a shoulder sep- "TMichigan — End Clayton Wil- fast break. All area coaches Minnesota hockey coach tonight thigh muscle in Sunday's Hull is tied with Detroit's Floyd 3 Faribault ...... Home aration and will miss the Min- hite and tackle Ken Wright , a and athletes are invited to at- when the Gophers hold their an- game against the Kansas Smith for the No. 6 spot at aina BASKETBALL 10 Roch John nesota game. Battling for the couple of regulars injured ear- tend. November' . • nual intrasquad game. City Chiefs. points apiece. — Marshall ...... Away spot are sophomores Dick Mar- lier in the season, Will return to J '9 Mps. Roosevelt .... Home . 17 Stewartville ...... Home vel and Clantbn King and jun- action against Northwestern. 22 Hayfield ...... ,..;. Home 18. Lake City ...... Away ior Gary Kennedy : Fullback Dave Fisher, who saw 25 Roch. John limited action against Illinois , Marshall .;...... •• Away SWIMMING Illinois -— Defensive guard Al November —. Waters is expected to play appears to be; fully recovered December — from a shoulder injury. 2 Albert Lea . ..,..... Home 25 Austin ...... Home against Wisconsin after missing 9 Mankato ...... Away December — two games. Split end John Wisconsin — Four defensive regulars will miss the Illinois 16 Austin ...... Home 2 Roch. John Wright and fullback Carson ' game because of injuries ' 17 Robbinsdale .....; , Home Marshall .:... ..;. . .. Away Brooks , both believed to have . Safe- tyman Bob Grossman and January — 9 Mankato ...... Home suffered serious injuries, should ; guard Don Bliss are out for the 3 Rushford ' .-; ..... ;. . . Home 10. Eau Claire be ready to go full speed Sat- .. urday. . ' ¦¦ season while tackle Ed Hoffman LOCAL ELECTION RETURNS ' .- .' y.:A. Away North ...... Away . 6 Northfield . .. . and end Warren Dyer will be 13 Roch. Mayo ...... Home 16 Roch. Mayo ...... Away Indian — Nagging minor in- ' absent for at least a week. 14 Anoka (Coon January — juries forced the Hoosiers to curtail contact work . Coach Rapids) ...... Away 7 Robbinsdale Iowa — The Hawkeyes suf- Johnny Pont however , said ev- On the Hour and Ha If Hour Beginning at 20 Owatonna ...... Away Cooper ...... Home , fered more than humiliation in eryone should be ready for 27 Red Wing .' ...... Home 13 Mankato ... .; . .>.... Away their 56-7 loss to Michigan State. Michigan State this week 28 Eau Claire 14 Eau Claire . Iowa is battered and bruised Northwestern — For the first Memorial ...... Away Memorial ...... Home with minor injuries and all time in four games the Wildcats February 20 Roch. John three linebackers are hobbled. — did not lose a starter because of 3 Faribault ...... Away Marshall ...... Home injuries. Northwestern will be Minnesota — The Gophers, 10 Roch. John 21 Hopkins ...... Away suffering no serious injuries 27 Eau Claire in its best physical condition in 8:30 TONIGHT ...... Home Marshall . a month for the Michigan game. against Northwestern, opened 17 Albert Len ...... Away North Home workouts for Purdue outdoors 15 Mankato ...... Home 28 Eau Claire Michigan State — There's lit- and then were forced inside vVRESTLING Memorial ...... Away tle chance that fullback Bob because of darkness. The Goph- November — Feburary — Apisa will see action against In- ers have been improving rap- 23 Eau Claire 3 Roch. Mayo ...... Home diana because of a sprained idly. EXCLUSIVELY Memorial ...... Away 4 St. Louis Park .. .. Away 28 La Crosse 10 Austin Away Nine ...... Rochester Logan ...... Home 17 Big Hawks Gophers IN WINONA AT 12-3-OH Favored in Big 10 Cross Country MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Un- but remains a darkhorse, The beaten Iowa and Minnesota , Wildcats are led by John Duf- matching blends of balance, field, the individual runnerup FULL-TIME RADIO stamina and speed, rank as co- last year to departed teammate favorites Saturday in the 52nd Lee Assenheimer. annual Big Ten crass • country Michigan State Is sparked by Chuck Williams and Bud BaoehUr will report the IOCAI races live and direct from the County Auditor's Office. championships. Dick Sharkey, who finished Eleven of the lop 15 finishers Dave Maimer, Larry Rider, and Rod Hurd will keep you posted on the very latest STATEWIDE returns from last fall and has a 10:32.2 clock- In the individual .standings for Minnesota and Wisconsin from KWNO ELECTION CENTER at the KWNO Studios — via Associated Press and the 19ii5 meet will return this ing this year. Cretzmeyer tabbed Shnrkey year. But the frontrunner may telephone tapes. KWNO Election Correspondents will be relaying pertinent election Information from strategic be an Iowa ace who limped and Wieczorek as individual fa- home 31st last time, vorites along with Tom Heino- points all over the area to give you the fastest and most comprehensive election returns ever. KWNO will nen of Minncsoln. The Gophers Lurry Wleczorek , s Maywood , are bolstered by sophomore stay on the air until oil important races are decided, 111., junior wns hobbled by a Steve Hoag, who led them to cracked bone in his leg a year their victory over Michigan ago. He has the best time In State two weeks ago,. Coverage on the NATIONAL returns will begin at 6:30 P.M. and continue throughout the evening and early the conference this fail with a Iowa captured its only Big 19:11.11 clocking for the four- Ten cross-country crow n in 1961 morning on the ABC Radio Network and KWNO. mile distance , and Minnesot a won in 1964 for Iowa has won four meets this the Gophers ' first victory in (all , hut is untested against eith- half a century, Michigan State , er unbeaten Minnesota or pere. the runnerup last year , has mi tit I Michigan taken the title 11 times in the BE SURE TO VOTE! Stut« > . last 15 years, "Minnesot a hits the best bal- ance of anybody, " says Iowa t/Pi THEN HEAR THE RETURNS coach Francis X, Cretzmeyer ATLANTA - A study of . ' "They have six or seven men attendance at Atlanta Braves baseball bunched closely together. " games last summer in ON their first season in the South CretTTmeycr added, "Michigan State has always come up for showed (hat 41 percent of the- RUBE BRESSLEIl DIES . . . Raymond < Ruhe) Bre.ssler, the conference meet. But they fans enme from out of town , the GMirgia Tech School of In- who wns a major league pitchcr-outfieldcr-inficlder from may be weak In fifth. Even dustrial Management said today after a three-year cancer-ill- your sixth or .seventh man can 1914 through 1932, difd Tuesday. ness. He played for the old Philadelphia Athletics , Cincinnati help hy heating out somebody else 's fifth man, " A total of fi:i4 „1fM) out-of-town R M I S and the (hen Brooklyn DodRer?, This picture wns tjikrn fans attended Braves' games several years ngo before he was stricken with his (alal Defending champion North- with 905,40,1 Atlanta residents illness. (AP Photofax) western lacks balance this year turning out, the school aaid. KWNO Jobs of InterM*—2*J WINONA MARKETS Female— ELECTION Most Markets BABYSITTER—light housework and chlld- Light Vole (Continued from Page 1) Swift A Company Want Ads cere. - .T*l. t-Ha after 5. Closed Today Wast Hlfllnray el w»*ki financing of the demonstration DAV WAITRESS, 4 or 5 dflrt * Buying hours art from S a.m. to S:M night waitress, 3 nights a w*4k. Apply cities program would be tougher The New York Stock Ex- pjn. Monday through Friday. . In person, Hippy Chef Restaurant. $2-Milljon will bo no calf Twins Will Thar* mark*!* on frV Start Here to obtain. change, the American Stock stays.. TWO FULL-TIME waifrtsjei, year Expected in Trias* Quotations apply to hogs dally BLIND ADS UNCALLID . 0R- around wotk. Apply In person. Highway Exchange and most other se- ertd M Winona station by noon to Country Kitchen. Johnson, who talked Monday ; th* C>43, 47, 69, 70, 73, 74, H, WI-. " curities and commodities mar- «•/• - about billions for education at WAITRESSES WANTED - tmmedtafa Loses HOOS NOTICI Apply Downtown Country Horse openings. kets in the U.S. are closed to- Hog SO cents lowar. ,n mark**: Thl* newspaper will M responsible I l < - ' ' ' ' : :/ ' :¦ ' - : INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) - Cotulla, Tex., where he once Butchers grading M 3t ltJ5-l», - ^ t * ' - . - . Wisconsin day, election day. Most of the * » for only one. Incorrect Insertion of Butcflers 190 to 230 lbs...... It .00 adyertlKment publish- . Bret Hanover , taught school, expected to cast - ' any classified BABYSITTER. — In my home, rallabl* It's all over for By. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sowa 270-300 . .v...... 17.50 section. Check larger livestock markets, How- - ed In th* Want Ad woman for care of 2 well-behaved chil- whose retirement as a winning his vote in Johnson City, Tex., CATTLE V- .. your ad and call 3321 II a correction dren, May week. Tel, 3454. Apr. 14 A mixture of light rain, some ever, remained open. Cattla market : Steen halters 31 Season * must mid*. along with Mrs. Johnson. b* harness racing horse was lower, cows 25 higher. MOTHERS AIDE wanted, live-In, star) - ST. PAUL snow and falling temperatures choice and ' MINNEAPOLIS Former Vice President Rich- Witt prim* ...:... 21.25 $20 per week. References, Mrs. W. . spoiled when a young upstart Choice ...... 22.00-23 ,25 Card of Think* More, IfM; Glesmann, St. Paul, Minn. (AP) — The Minnesota Twins confronted Wisconsin v o t e r s ard M. Nixon, winding up cam- GRAIN Good...... 27.09-22.00 named True Duane set a world Standard .;...;...... 22.00-21.50 ZIMMERMAN - . - FULL-TIME WAITRESS, 7 a.m. . open their 1967 home baseball trekking to the polls today. did paigning in Indiana, expressed Utility cows .:...... 15.00-16.00 I wish to thank tveryom tor ell tiity 3:30 p.m. shift. Also part-time dish- record and won . the $50,000 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -Wheat family at the time crt season against Detroit — the The campaign, during which Canner . a, Cutter ¦ , 13.0O-15.O0 for me and my washer, 3:30 to 1:30 p.m. Apply Snack the opinion that his recent ver- ' accident and since my return home. American Pacing Classic at receipts Monday 467; year ago VsTAL • my Shop sfter 2 p.m. team that hired Twins coaches many candidates said voters bal fracas with Johnson might Veal market: Steady. Patrice Zlmmarman Hollywood Park. was expected 450; trading basis down 1; pric; Top cholc* - .- ...... ,.;... 35.00 John Sain and Hal Naragon fol- seemed apathetic, help bring out a protest vote Good and choice ...... 25.00-32.00 JENSEN — , Male — Jobs of Interest—27 who raced for to draw only about half the es unchanged; cash spring Commercial .— ...... 20.00-24.00 We wish to extend our sincere apprecia- Minnesota's coaching Bret Hanover , against Democratic candidates. relatives lowing state's 2.4 million eligible Boners ...: :...... U.OO-down tion to our. many friends and . LIGHT JANITORIAL work, retired man his last time Saturday, had Early poll closings in Connec- wheat basis, No. 1 dark norther No veal market Thursday. for their messages ot comfort and their preferred, 5 or • -hours-•-day. Write teud this falL ' our recent voters. . . ticut, Illinois, Maryland, Missis- assistance and gifts during C-76 Daily News. The Twins host the Tigers never finished less than second 11-17 protein l.90%-2.03%; Winona Egg Market bereavement. We particularly wish to Warren P. Knowles and Pa- sippi, New Hampshire, Vermont (Winona Produce, Zlebell Produce) express our thanks to jh* Rev. Roger GENERAL FARMWORK - single man sUrts. But he came in No. 1 hard Montana winter, the April 14-15, then Cleveland April in 67 trick J. Lucey, competing for and Virginia seemed likely to These quotations apply is ot Herfindahl, the pallbtsrers and wanted, to work on dairy farm. Writ* Cardigan 1.87%-1.96%. 10:30 a.m. today. many others who offirea their, assist- C-77 Daily News. 16-17 and World Champion Bal- third in his last race. governor, ended their cam- provide early evening trends on (trade A (umbo .42 ance. Bay was second by a nose. paigns late Monday in vote- local answers to vexing issues Minn. - S.D No l hard win- Grade A large .37 Mrs. Julius Jensen J. Family MAN WITH Mi-ten pickup. With eovtr t» timore April 19-20 before going Grade A medium 21 haul Minneapolis Sunday Tribune from The fayored Bret was sold re- rich Milwaukee touching on that have cropped up in some ter 1.82%-1.89%. Grade A small .15 , Lost and Found ; 4 Wlnbni to Wabasha. :T*I. Winona 51J0. on the road. ¦areas. Grade B .; ..,...... ;...... 31 horseman some of the issues that had No. 1 hard amber durum, Grade C ...... 11 WANTED — full time, for In all, Minnesota will play 81 cently to Kentucky MAN'S SILVER cuff link, lost Sat. eve- BARTENDER marked the campaign : Connecticut is being watched local Suppar Club, top wooes. Writ* Lennep for $2 million. choice 2.10-2.15; discounts, am- I' rnedtert Malt Corporation ning. Reward. Tel. . 5110. home games, 38 of them at Fred Van for a sign of possible GOP re- Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed Satur C-61 Daily Nawt. Water pollution, the degree of ber 2-3; durum 4-7/ days. Submit sample before loading. one doublehead- surgence in House contests Re- 7 Real Estate & Construction Industry - night, and only . (New crop barley) Personals special-interest influence in gov- company establishing territory against the publicans were blanked out of Corn No. 2 yellow 1^32'A- No. 1 barley ..»1.11 • NATIONAL er—Sunday, July lt> In Southeastern-Minnesota, has Imme- ernment, crime, federal aid in- No. 2 barley ...,....;...... 1.1« California Angels , the six- member state delega- 1.33V4J Personals 7 diate opening for qualified man. This ' t' . No. 3 . barley ,.... 1.02 d u s . r i a 1 development and tion in 1964. No. 4 barley ...... 95 challenging work requires good charaty The first night game will be Oats No. 2 white 68-73%;: No. NOON SPECIAL WED.: . Swiss steak, ter and business referents*. High eonv Signs whether the state should contin- whipped potatoes, Kaat vegetable gravy, May 1 against the New York Bay State Milling Company pensatlon In Una with your ability ue to bar sales of colored oleo- In Illinois, Republican Charles 3 white 65-71%; No. 2 heavy Elevator A Grain Prices salad, roll, butter, bevirao*. 85c. SIDE- and unlimited opportunity, chance to Miracle Wall. Yankees. margarine. H. Percy, rated as a GOP presi- white 71Vi-75 . One hundred bushels of grain will bi WALK CAFE, move Into management In short time. ; No. 3 heavy white the minimum loads accepted at the ell. Must he\e tat* model car and be tr«* The 1967 Twins home schedule dential possibility if he. wins Blut The contest between Republi- , is valor s'.' ONE of th* finer things of lift . . . for limited travel. Will train you to exr against California, 69%-73. Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. ends Sept. 27 For Reported can Gov. Knowles arid Demo- contesting veteran Democratic - No. 1 northern spring wheat .... I.M plain our work. For confidential Inter- Barley, cars 341 No. 2 northern spring wheat .... 1.84 Rent electric sharnpooer, $1. R. O. view call Mr . Opstein, Holiday Inn, Sen. Paul H. Douglas: If Percy : , year ago ¦; cratic Lt, Gov. Lucey topped No. 3 northern spring wheat .... 1.82 Cone Co. La Crosse, Wis;, Thurs., Nov. ' 10th. does well in the Chicago 132; good to choice i. 18-1.46; low No. 4 northern spring wheat .... 1.71 the voters' area , CITIZEN need to select 10 No. I hard wlnter wheat .: 1.74 BE A GOOD GENERAL FARMWORK - married man part of his vote' strength will be . Get Out arid Vote congressmen, to intermediate 1.14-1.38; feed No. 2 hard winter wheat ...... 1.74 wanted. Modern house, oas heat, elec- 17 state senators, Ray Meyer, Innkeeper, $50 000 credited to resentment against No. 3 hard winter wheat ...... 1,70 tricity, milk, 1 beef a year furnished. 100 assemblymen, a lieutenant i;00-1 12 WILLIAMS HOTEL. Open No. 4 hard winter wheat ...... 1.66 Top wages. Pattlson Farms, Durand, Bobcats the Democrats for Negro ¦ MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUL governor, state treasurer, an No. 1 rye :...... - .., .. 1.19 Wis. Tel, 472-86TO colject. a Rye NO 2 i.15%-1.22^.. IT'S EASIER than you think! Solve fi- (AP ) — Jim Kaat became the housing demands. No. 2 ry* ...... l.W attorney general , a secretary ' nancial problems Willi a LOW COST, SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS Maryland offers a relatively Flax No. 1 3.18 nonv .v , from highest-paid pitcher in Minneso- CONFIDENTIAL personal loan HOME OIL CO. v of state and courthouse officers Wi- clear-cut test of the open Soybeans No, yellow 2.86%. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of 2nd J. Washington ta Twins history today when he in 72 counties. i prudent men and wom- SeasoniWith housing issue with the Demo- E T nona. Everyday agreed to a 1967 baseball con- UV S OGK en are taking advantage of our LOW cratic candidate for governor ¦ ¦ RATES to borrow money to pay taxes, tract for a figure reported to Lacey, «, who led reconstruc- , • '¦- • ' George P. Mahoney, opposing it CHICAGO .; Insurance policies; medical expenses, EXCELLENT be about $50,000. tion of the state 's Democratic CHICAGO W — USDA - Hogs «,0M; consolidate their debls and for other COMPENSATION Party in the 1940s and Republican Spiro T. Agnew butctiers 25 to $0 lower, Instances 75 sound purposes. Don't let "tight money " Kaat, who also celebrated his , is an as- rumors worry you, set us today! Two Viefpries compiled a sociate of the Kennedy urging moderation. Hyman A. Voting lower late; mostly 1-2 200-225 lb butch- for Lubricant Salesman to present 28th birthday today, organ- State ers 21.00-21.50; mixed 1-3 200-230 Ibs Pressman is on the ballot as an top quality line of specialized products GREEN BAY tfM-The Green 25-13 1966 record for the most ization. He has campaigned on 20.00-21.25; 230-250 lbs .19.50-20.50; 2-3 MEN'S SUIT REPAIR-Blo or little holes to contractors, truckers, farmers, and Bay Bobcats opened their U.S. victories in the American auto insurance rate independent. 210-240 Ibs. 19.50-20.50; 240-260 lbs 19,00- or tears, should be liken to Betslnger ranchers In local protected territory. issues and 19.75; 260-280 Ibs 18.50-19.00; mixed 1-3 for repairs. 227 E. 4th, . Th is connection will furnish five-figure Hockey League season during In New Hampshire, Republi- 17.00-17.50; 400-500 lbs League and in Twins history. He has urged repeal of the colored 350-400 lbs sows Income to . energetic producer. Knowl- the weekend with a pair of vic- also had the most innings and oleo barrier. can Harrison R. Thyng, a re- Gets Off to 16.25-17.00. LADY, YOU ARE too young to be spend- edge of equipment and/or previous In kitchen. To- 000; slaughter steers fully ing all of your time th* sales experience desirable. Sincere de- tired Air Force brigadier gener^ Cattle 1, husband take you tories over the U.S. Nationals, most games completed in the Knowles, 10 years older, Steady; high choice and prime 950-1,250 night Insist that your sire for high Income and ability to up- children to RUTH'S RESTAU- Paul Steers. al, is plugging for acceleration Ib steers 24.50-24.75; choice 900-1,200 lbs end the manage your own time essential. Com- the former St. league. set the incumbent in 1964 , 126 E. 3rd St., downtown Wino- to be- 24.00-24.50; mixed good and choice 23.50- RANT pany training, national advertising The Bobcats won 9-7 Friday, of the Viet Nam war in his con- na. Special children's portions! The highest-paid Minnesota come governor. The New Rich- 24.00; choice .850-1,000 lb slaughter half, and technical assistance. Commission •and sealed the two-game series pitcher previously was Camilo test with Democratic Sen, Heavy Start ers 23.00-23.75; mixed good and choice and bonus. Life and hospitalization mond attorney was elected LADIES: If you want to drink that's to 22.50-23.00; . utility and commercial cows insurance programs. For personal In- with a 3-1 victory Saturday in a , who received about Thomas J. Mclntyre. Mclntyre YOUR-business; If ' yjii DON'T want to Pascual the Legislature in 1940 and was By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 15.75-17,00. terview, writ* In complete confidence game ending with 10 penalties $46, 000 two years ago. Only slug- lieutenant generally has supported John- drink,; that's- our business. Contact governor for three son's policies. Gov. John W: Voters lined up in heavy num- Sheep 400; slaughter lambs . weak to Women's AA for; priva te, confidential in the final period. ger Harmon Killebrew , at about terms. bers at several mostly 50 lower; few lots choice and help with your drinking problem. Call VERN STEWART King also has faced ai stiff con- precincts today prime 90-100 Ib wooled lambs 23.00-23:50; 8-4410 evenings 7-10. Strvd for a copy of The National, preparing for $60,000, has been paid more by Republic ctioice 80-105 Ibs 22.00-23.00; good and Lubrication Engineers, Inc. . ¦ ans were counting on test for re-election from Repub- for the climax of a spirited our newspaper, "The Eye Opener", it's world competition next year in the club, - . -' Knowles to lead choice 21.50-22.50; cull to good wooled . free.'-/Box- 642, .Wlnonii. Minn: 3851 Riverside Freeway a. GOP sweep. lican Hugh Gregg. election campaign in Minnesota. slaughter ewes S.OO-8.00. Vienna, Austria, will not appear Kaat said that lie was ex- His running Fort Worth, Texas 76111 mate was Jack Ol- As befitting balloting in which Snow fell in northern state ARE YOU A PROBLEM DRINKER? - In league standings because of tremely pleased at the terms son of Man or woman,. you; drinking creates Wisconsin Dells, a for- there are so many uncertain- areas where temperatures were SOUTH IT. PAUL their interlocking league sched- and that he thought President mer SOUTH ST . PAUL, Minn. Ul — USDA numerous problems. II you need and lieutenant governor op- as low as 8 below at Roseau. want help. Contact Alcoholics Anony- ule. Calvin Griffith was very fair. ties, several other top contests — Cattle 4,500; calves 1,500; opening posed for the job by State Sen in the country were chalked up International Falls had 7 above. trade choice slaughter steers and heif- mous, Pioneer Group eyo General De- Train for PRINTING Martin J, Schreiber ers slow; later moderately active; livery, Winona, Minn., or Tel. 8-4410 , 27, a Mil- as hair- line affairs that could Other northern temperatures steady: to weak, some sales 25 lower; evenings 7-10. Send: tor a copy of our DENNIS THE MENACE waukee Democrat. go either way. were generally in the teens with lower grades fairly active, fully steady; newspaper, "The Eye Opener," It's •& Hand Composition readings in the 20s elsewhere. cows and bulls active, fully steady; free; Box 642, Winoni, Minn. Democrat Eugene Lamb chal- all other classes steady; high choice Linecasting and Presswork Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Voting got off ot a heavy start 1050-1130 lb steers-- . 24.25; . choice 950, TRUSSES-ABDOMINAL BELTS lenged State Treasurer ' - SACROILIAC SUPPORTS Dena Brown was slightly trailing Re- at St. Cloud, Brainerd and 1150 Ibs 23.5M4.60; choice 850-100 lb ' - Smith, 67, for the fifth time. publican heifers 22.50-23.50; mixed high good arid Write;.:- -/: Ronald Reagan in the Worthington with several other choice 22.25-22.75; utility and commer- GOLTZ PHARMACY Mrs. Smith lost 274 E. 3rd Tel. 1547 to Lamb once, California polls. But indications communities reporting good cial slaughter cows 16.00-17.00; canner GRAPHIC ARTS ; eight years ago. were that 10 per cent of the vot- and cutter 13.50-16.00; utility and com- Technical early morning turnouts. mercial bulls 20.00-23.00; cutter 17.00- Auto Service, Repairing 10 School Robert C. Zimmerman, 56, ers were still undecided. Each 20,00; choice vealers 29.00-34.00; high In Minneapolis' 13th Ward, choice and prime 35.00; choice calves for Catalog. Republican secretary side said MOTO R TUNE-UP, generator and start- of state, predicted rain would 21.00-24.00; good 18.00-21.00; good 550- voting machines at a half er, brake repair. Alio motor storage. was considered likely to retain help its cause. 700 lb feeder steers 22,00-24.00; 750-900 dozen precincts failed to .work. Centra l Motor Co., Ut Market St. Approved for Veteran^ Training his post against lbs 21.00-22.50. ^ Democrat Winthrop Rockefeller, trying Many voters turned in their Cletus Johnson of Green Bay to establish, a brother act among Hogs 8,500; only moderately active; Business Services . registration slips and left, some barrows and gilts 50 lower than Mon- 14 1104 Currie Ave., Minneapolis While some observers the governors with Nelson A. day's best time; sows 25-50 lower ; feed- had in anger. OOZING WORK and timber dozing want- said the contests for Rockefeller, Was reported er , pigs wek to 50 lower; boars 50 low- sheriff and run- er; 1-2 :190-230 lb barrows and gilts ed. Tel. 1-1372. ROUTE SALESMEN other county-level jobs might in- ning strongly against segrega- Election judges in the 9th and 19.75-20.00; mixed 1-3 190-240 lbs 19,25- spire more voter interest tionist Democrat Jim Johnson 19.75; 240-260 Ibs 18.75-19.25; 1-3 270-400) Plumbing, Roofing 21 Du* to en expansion In the Ideal area, than 10th precincts said levers for Ib sows 17.00-18.25; 2-3 400-500 lbs 16.00- w* have Immediate openinos for reli- the slateJevel campaigning did, in Arkansas- Republican candidates could not 17.00; 1-2 120-160 Ib feeder pigs 19.00- able men looking for the security of 19.50. Jerry's Plumbing Service steady employment with a guarantee there were congressional races Republican Govs. James A. be moved. Long lines of voters ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Rhodes Sheep 4,000; moderately active, alt 827 E. 4th , Tal. 9394 Of 52 paychecks • year. high on the interest ratings. of Ohio and George had formed at several of the classes steady; choice and prime 85- Romney of Michigan were ex- precincts and many 105 Ib wooled slaughter lambs 21.50— ELECTRIC ROTO ROOTER QUALIFICATIONS A MUST left without ¦sV Rep. Lynn E. Stalbaum, a Ra- pected to romp home 22.25; 105-VO lbs 21.00-22.00; utility and For clogged sewiri and drains. Be a Self-starter with victo- voting, but some remained to good wooled slaughter ewes . 5.50-6.50; •jk- cine Democrat, was in show- ries. In Rhodes' Have a Good Employment Record. a case this might wait for repairmen Most of the weights over ISO lbs 5.00-6.00; choice CALL SYL KUKOWSKI • Sales Experience Helpful down with and fancy 70-75 lb feeder lambs 22:50; T«l. 9509 or 6436 I year guarantee But Mot Necessary. the Republican he mean additional GOP House machines were reported back in ousted from Congress two years seats including most choice and fancy 60-80 Ibs 21.50- , one for Robert service shortly after 8 a.m. 22.00. WE OFFER ago, Henry C. Schadeberg. Taft Jr., grandson of a presi- Septic Tank & Cesspool • Businesses running up lo t.9 St: Paul voting was consider- (1st Pub. Date, Tuesday, Nov. t, I960 per week .salary. . The StalbaUm-Scliadeberg du- dent and son of a senator. Cleaning Service 5-Day week. ed heavy on the basis of a NOTICB OF PUBLIC HEARING • el in the Special Truck; Sanllsry & Odorless. Established routes, First Congressional PLEASE TAKE NOTICE That a pre- • check of 18 test precincts in G. S. WOXL4ND CO. a All fringe benefits Including . District In Romney's case, It was a liminary subdivision application has and the Sixth District Rushford, Minn. Tel. 164-9245 aarly retirement. matter of whether he could help which 2,241 had voted by 9 a.m. been tiled by Hilke Homes, Inc. and race were considered • We furnish vehicle and all keys to compared A. M. and Gena Kramer with the Wi- the pull in GOP Sen. Robert P. Grif- to 1,314 in 1962. Don- WANT TO SAVE thousands of gallons of expenses. question of whether the GOP nona City Planning Commission for th* hot water? Install Itoen Olalcet One- For confidential interview call fin over Democratic former six- ald Nystrom, city elections su- following described land : could regain its domination of Control faucets In kitchen and bath. By Mr . K., Tel. 8-367* term Gov. G. Mennen Williams pervisor, expected a record 120,- Commencing al the Northwest cor- pre-seiectlng wate r lennperature, there the state's congressional ner of Section 28, Township 107 dele- and thus establish the governor 000 ballots would be cast before is no wasting of wsltr, and when turn- gation . North, Range 7 West of the Fifth ed off temporarily wiler remains at the as the kind of winner the Re- polls close at 8 p.m. The pre- Principal Meridian; thence Soulh some temperature reidy for further use. In the Sixth incumbent along th* Wesl line of said Sec- , Dem- publicans might want at the vious record was set two years Save, save, save with Moen Dlalcet WANTED ' ocrat John A. Race of Fond du tion 28 a distance of 553 feet to tha One-Control faucets, Very attractive, ' ' 'CAUSE PEOPLE 8E£N SAYttl ftj FF head of their 1968 ticket. ago when 114,015 voters cast point of beginning for the land too. Lac faced Assemblyman herein described; thence North 16 Wil- There was last-minute uncer- ballots. IMMEDIATELY liam A. Steiger , R-Oshkosh, degrees, 55 minutes West a dis- Frank O'Laughlin tainty about the Massachusetts tance of 65.47 leet, mor* or less, PLUMBINO t H EATING St. Cloud reported a steady to a Southerly extension of the East 207 E. 3rd Tel. 3703 Television service man, senatorial contest pitting GOP line of Terry Lane In Kramer ADULT MENS VOLLEYBALL 's must know color and black Atty. Gen. stream of voters up to 9 a.m., Second Addition In tha Clly ot Wi- MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Edward R. Brooke, a of 1 GRIN AND BEAR IT . reflecting nona; thence North 2 degrees 43 Femele-^Jobs Interest—26 and white. Company bene- Stindlngs W Negro the city's record reg- t , against former Demo- minutes East along said Southerly Net Hang art .5 I istration of 18,806, about 3,000 fits as follows: Asco A cratic Gov. Endicott Peabody. extension of said Terry Lane a dis- 4 1 more than four years ago and tance of 20 feet; thence North 86 Slnktrs J 1 Mrs. George C. Wallace, hus- • 10% Discount on Pur- Floilars up degrees 55 minutes West a distance 1 « band of the segregationist gov- 500 from the September pri- of 60 feet to the West line of said Dulfsrs e ) OPERATOR - chases Terry Lane; thence South 2 degrees Asco ¦ I ernor of Alabama, was favored mary. Many precincts reported • as many 43 minutes West along a Southerly • Retirement Plan MONDAY RESULTS to succeed him and become the voting the first two extension of said West Una of said Nat Hangars ovtr SlnKsrs 11-15, 15-12, RECEPTIONIST Savings Plan nation's only woman governor. hours as up to noon in previous Terry Lane a distance of 10 feet; • in»; thence North 86 degrees, 55 minutes, ¦• Asco A ever Alee B 15-1, 15-7 elections - Profit Sharing , ll- ». But in Georgia, a write-in . West a distance ot 81.71 feet, mor* Floattrs ovtr Duffers 15-» ¦ , 1-15, 15-11, campaign on behalf of Demo- Election judges in predomi- or less, to the Southerly extension To handle switchboard • Investment Plan ' of the West line of said Kramer's IN1RAMURAL FLAG FOOTTBALL nantly GOP and cratic moderate former Gov. DFL precincts Second Addition; thence South on* and act as receptionist • Employee Insurance AT WINONA STATE Ellis G. Arnall threatened to in Brainerd said voting was degree, 33 minutes West along said in a large TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUC Southerly extension of said wast , pleasant Many Other (Camas Played Monday) running heavier Benefits throw ah apparently close race than in most off line of said Kramer's Second Addi- Moray Maulers down-town office. Ex- 15, Ola Miss 1), Maul- year elections tion a distance ot 290 feet; thence trs 41 on downs between segregationist Demo- . Salary open starting at $100 . South 55 degress, 26 minutes East perieh ee desirable Phi Delta Roe . . 7, Oretnles I, crat Lester G. Maddox and Re- Eight spirited contests for a distance of 1,813 feet; thence a week. Sigma phi Nothings 13, Lechirt t. publican county offices North 2 degrees, 48 minutes East Liberal employe bene- Harleys Sldcrs J Howard (Bo) Calla- were seen as a R/ , Sigma Tau Oam- a distance of 106 leett thence Soulh ma t way into the factor in very fits including hospital- Apply Mr, Plath . state legislature . heavy voting dur- 60 degrees 28 minutes East a dis- Final standings W L To win , ing early hours tance of 20O feel to a point ol ization — medical, sur- Moray Maulers i one man must receive a at Worthington. 1 tangency; thence Left along the arc Harleyi Raiders S majority of all Montgomery Ward 1 votes cast. Contests included a last-minute ol a circular curve having a ra- gical insurance, retire- Sigma Phi Nothings ¦ ., S 1 write-in campaign for , dius of 120 feet a distance of 168.6 Miracle Mall Ola Miss 4 ] sheriff ment, and paid vaca- feet, mor* or less, to the Southerly Phi Delta Ro» , 4 I WHAI.AY MAN HUKT extension of Ihe center line of tions. Sigma Tau Gamma At Albert l>a 1 ,190 cast bal- 2 5 WHALAN Minn. (Special) Clark's Lane In the Clly of Wi- Lechers 1 4 . - lots up to 9 a.m., compared nona; thenc* North 2 degrees 46 Grcenlei 1 1 Herman Gullickson received a minutes East a distance ot )32 leet, Applicants should be SCORING LEADERS with 420 during the first two fracture of the leg directly be- mor* or less, fo said center line Gary Connolly, Moray Maglirs. 55, hours in the primary . of said Clark's Lane at the Soulh between 21 and 30 WE NEED... Darren Metcall 33, , Ola Miss, low the knee Thursday when lint of Lax* Boulevard In the Clly Al Bernard Lines formed at most Roches- years of age. . Sigma Phi Nothings, 31, he slipped from the of Wlnonai thenc* North 74 de- • TV REPAIR MAN - John Hannessy, phi Delta Rot, 17. roof of a ter precincts with one election grees 78 minutes East a distance Lorert Henry, Ole It FULL TIME Miss, . shed while at work near Al- ol 25.63 feet lo th* West line of Contact: S. E. Knudsen Rick Lottlg, Phi Delta Rot, If. judge calling the vote one of the aald Clark's Lane; thence North 2 To assist with TV and Boo Melnbrtsst, Sigma Tau Simnta, tura. He is a patient at Com- heaviest he had seen. Registra- degrees 48 minutes East along said United Building Centers, It radio repair. Must have . munity Memorial Hospital , Wi- West lin* of said Clark' s Lan* a Jay Benson, Sigma Tau Gamma, If, tion is about five per cent under distance ol a leet, more or less, lo Inc. some electronic knowledge, Bob Jickson, nona, but hopes to ' return Phi¦ Delta Roe, TV 1964. a point which Is 50.01 f«et Southerly 125 West Fifth Street home this week . He will be laid from the Southeast corner of Lot DRAPERY Monday' s Fights 10, Block I ot Kramer ' s Third Ad- Winona, Minnesota 55987 • INSTALLA- »y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS up six months. Mrs. Isabel! Od- dition In the Clly ot Winona; thenc* TION - FULL TIME WALPOLE, Mass . — Frank Depaula, neson . 89, is recovering fairly North 74 degrees 38 minutes East An equal opportunity employer. To assist with hardware "Your shorthand and typing are very good, Min Finch! 171, Jersey City, N . .. stopped Billy along the South Una of said Lot 10, Crowder , 170, Petersburg, Va., 1. well from major surgery which Block 1 ot said Kramer 's Third Installation for draperies, , Housing Project But any office you'll work in will expect much LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Paul Armslead she underwent at St. Mary 's Addition a distance of 123.0] fral; curtains and shndes. IM, Los Angsles, outpointed Johnny thence Norlh 42 degrees, 37 min- better coffee-making!" Brooks. 145, Henderson, Nev., 10. Hospital , Jlocliester , Friday. utes West a distance ot 457.66 feet; thenc* Norlh 35 degrees, 26 minute* • APPLIANCE SERVICE TIGER By Bud Blffk* Given Owatonna VVesf a distance of 3.M.02 f«ef fo DEPARTMENT the Southeast corner ot Block 4 of - FULL WASHINGTON (AP) - Th« Westgate Subdivision In th* City TIME ot Wlnonat Ihince continuing Norths To assist with delivery of Department of Housing and Ur- 35 degrees 26 minutes Wait along ban Development announced the Soulh lines ol Block 4 and Telephone Your Want Ads major appliances and do Block 3 ol slid Westgate Subdivi- minor appliance repair, funds for these projects Morv sion a distance ot 733 34 feel; day : thenc* Soulh I degree 14 minute* Some mechanical ability. Owatonna , Minn ., reservation East a distance of 61,53 feet; thence Norlh 44 degrees 30 minutes West 40 HOUR WEEK , feel; thence North of $158 000 grant to help finance a dlsfanc* of 192 PAID INSURANCE extension of storm and sanitary 1 degr** 14 minutes Wast a dis- AND tance ot 74 feel; thenc* North 86 VACATIONS. EMPLOYEE sewer systems, degrees, 55 minutes West a distance to The Winona Daily News of 16.5 feel to the point ot begin- FRINGE BENEFITS Cambridge , Minn., reservation ning and there terminating of $90,000 grant to aid expansion A Public Hearing will he held on Ihls Contact Mr. A. of water , sewer and storm application In the Court Room of the H. Kieifier City Building at 7:30 P.M. on Thuridny, Main Office drainage facilities, November 17, H66. ~ Osseo, Minn., reservation of Interested persons may appear In per- H. CHOATE & CO. son, in writing or by agent and pre- Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker $134,000 grant to aid construction sent any reason they may have In the granting or denying n( this application of storm sewer system. for preliminary subdivision approval. La Crosse , Wis ,, $1 , 855,691 Respectfully, Telephone Your Want Ada grant for .tl-ncra civic center JAMtiS T. SCHAIN to Tlie Winona Chairman — Daily News renewal project Wlnone Planning Commission Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker Mtla — Job* of Infortut—27 ' Articles for Sal* 57 Guns, Sporting Goodi 66 Houses for Sale 99 Housis for Sale 99 Used Cart 109 Tuesday, November g, 19« WINONA DAILY NEWS 1|, JUN6ERS OIL heater, 5-room site. Wll- UNUSUAL SALES OPPORTUNITY E. LINCOLN SCHOOL area. 4 rooms and DL. CURB AND GUTTER In and paid CHEVROLET-1965 Impala Super Sport, EXPLAIN guaranteed osmptnsitlon plan llim Oranckhahn. Minneiska, Minn. Tal. Rolllngitone I6W-254?. GUNS . bath. Cupboards In nice large kitchen. for. 2-bedroom home, neat and clean. 4-speed,. 300 h.p., new tires, perfect Mobile Homes, Trailer* 111 far National company opening new ter- New and Used Classed-ln porch. Fuji lot. All for.$9,000. Located on nice lot In west pert of condition, red with white Interior, 21,000 Auetlen Sales ritory In Southeastern Minnesota. If With terms. ABTS AOENCY, INC., 119 city. Available soon. ABTS AGENCY, miles, best offer takes, will consider you »r» Intarttrtd In weYklna- HANNAH'S husband, Hector, hate* hard T RAVEL TRAILER, 8', sleeps J, »»3 , In «il» TRAPS Walnut »t, Tal. 8-4365. INC., 159 Walnut St. Tel. 8-4W5. trade-in. Tel. 8-1342. 14' Trailer, fl«W call Mr. Opsteln, .Holiday Inn, La work so he cleans the rug* with Blue Comber and Post sleeps 4, «695. Minnesota Cro»»a. Wla„ Thun., Nov, lotti; lustre. Rent electric shampooer, si, H New T pickup camper, t. s, • ' ' ' ¦ TWO-STORY—4-bedroom home, Madison By OWNER—Beautiful modern Colonial ¦ ¦ i« ii 111 . i ¦ I, i Choart* oY Co. . ' Used lfl' pickup cemper, ttst. Land & Auction Sales */ | AMMUNITION District, large kitchen, 2 full baths, dwelling, eulteble for 1 or 2 families, School Bus, a, ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ¦' Deer slugs, rifle ' and shotgun. utility room, living room, dining room. 1 964 PONTIAC sleep* Iverelt J. kt*ner Help—Male or F«m»U NEW KITCHEN , SET-tabla, 4 chain, i blocks west of the Post Office. A real New Is' Travel Trailer. 151 Walnut. Tel. M710, atsat hours 781i 28 only 149.93. Coma and see Itt FRANK Will trad* for used gum. New Furnace, Tel. 7173. bargain. Let the Income buy II for you. Bonneville New self-contained 19' Wlnnsbajo. NEUMANN BARGAIN STORB Tel. 502O for appointment. 4-door tiardtop, solid beige finish with TOMMY'S LILLA I. SONS, 761 E. Ilh. Open eve- A. 3 ROOMS and/bath located short dis- TRAILER 1ALBS NOV. U—Set. 12 neon. 4 miles S.W. from nings, matching vinyl Interior. SOLD NEW I miles S. of Gelesvllle, Hwy. a La Crescent, Minn. Jehn w. Bsshaw, tance eest. $4,300 full price with small LARGE 3-bedroom home In aril of by your Pontiac dealer. LOW mileage. Musical Merchandise 70 down payment, balance ilka rent, ABTS er*ner; Freddie Prlekson, euefleneen HAND EMBROIDERED pillow casts and Trempealeau. Dam on Hwy. 61, with WANTED AGENCY, INC., 159 Walnut St. Tal. finished recreation room In basement, Thorp tales Co,, clerk, tiirvdmake aprons. Very reasonable. ANTIQUB PIANO—Marque AmpKa, made S-4365. . - — VENABLES NEW WP W. 4hl, Tel. 3443. self-playing, .,. fireplace,. attached double garaga, 40 75 W. and Tel. e-2711 12 mm NOV. 12—Sat. 11 a.m. Antloue t House- . by Marshall I, Dendeii, acres of land. -117,500, Aiid good > se- plays okay. Bast offer takes It. In- THREE-BEDROOM ranch, carpeting In Open Mon. & Frl. eve, hold eviction et HlQhwiv Tredlnfl Poet IMMEDIATELY AIR CONDITIONER eoytre. fits all lection ol homes In or near La Cres- $3695 , ¦f ih Prosper, Minn. High- quire lit Mankato Ave, living room and 2 bedrooms, drapes cent. Cornforth Realty, La Crescent, ¦ Jets. U A ffllket and models, *».«. SCHNEIDER Included, large kitchen with dls- - HOLLEY MOBILE w»y .TredlnB Post, owner; Orefe a> Ej^rienciSd Weftrred In lALlg, 3930 Oth St., Odvw. We Service All Record Plsysra ¦ Minn. Tel. e9S.J10o., . Turbewon, evetloneirsi Orafe Auction -• - posil, panelled recreation room and Department Sales. Company Complete Stock of Needle* . • . . bar with built-in refrigerator, work- LOW PRICED HOME SALES INC. •ery., eitrk. . . : MODERN COMBINATION oat and rub- HARDT'S MUSIC STORE NEW 5-bedroom split level horns, carpet- Benefits ' M Follows: bish burner stove, tawing machine, shop, lWcar garage. 815- 401h Ave., ed, ceramic tile, 2 baths, lovely recrea- 10 miles N. of La Crosse . W. Odvw. Tel. 38JJ for appointment. BARGAINS HO. 14-Mon. UiM p.m. « miles) . Ironing board, coffee pot, other , misc. tion room,¦ roomy, many closets and on Hwy. S3 Arcadia, Wle. Blmsr Weltilen estate) i? 10% Discount on Pur- articles. Tel. 7791. extras.. . . ;- ': . ¦ngllsh I, Kohnsr, auctioneers; North. ; D. $100 DOWN, balance like rent. Small - ¦1951 Pontiac Sedan ....$39 ¦ Clerk.¦ ¦ . am Inv. ce.> • ¦ . . chs&es house, east location. Available at one*. f ( . IMPERIAL 21 cu. ft. upright freezer, 1 Rent A NEW S-bedroom ranch style, fireplace In i ¦ year old, $175, still under warranty. ABTS AGENCY, INC., 1S9 Walnut St. living room and basement recreation 1954 Pontiac Sedan .., i $ 69 Aucllon Sale* of •it Retirement Plan Tel. 8-4365. NOV. 1*^-Mon. 12:30 p.m. Vs mile *, Tei. 8-2091, room, carpeted, ceramic tilt. 1956 Pontiac Wagon ...'. $ 99 Elava, Wis. on Hwy. 13, then ifi mils ir Savings Plan Musical Instrument FREDDY FRICKSON W. Athol Jackson, owner; Werleln !• FENCE, roll, M; aluminum OWNER WILL FINANCE with smalt NEW .3-bedroom with attached garage, Auctioneer Credit Inc., SNOW SO' down payment, Newly remodeled, at- ; 1957 Ford Wagon .....? 99 Noel, auctioneers) Gateway & Profit Sharing roofing and siding, i'xW. IJ.SOJ wire carpeted, ceramic tile. Will handls all sizes end kinds ef clerk. fencing, chicken wire, fiberglass, ce- Rental Payments tached garage and breezeway, carpeted. Tel. 7434 1958 Ford 4-door ...... $ 99 auctions. Tel. Dakota 643-2943. •& Investment Plan dar posts. Bargain Center, 253 E. 3rd.. . $11,600. Tel. 6961. •& Apply Toward 1957 Ford 4-door ...... $199 ALVIN KOHNER Employee Insurance . MEN'3 PARKAS, $11.95; iMfartl, 27c and THREE HEW stucco homes In Goodview, AUCTIONEER, city and state licensed CORRECTION '"¦ :; «c; slacks,' snwrtxots; boy s attached . garage, gas heat, 1'A baths, 1957 Ford 2-door ...... $199 and bonded, 353 Liberty St. (Corner _ TIME ; robes, ' Purchase Pricel spacious closets. Excellent locations, ' The Correct directions on . . . FUI^ ;. and men's Insulated boots. Many other . -E. 5th and Liberty). Tel. 49S0. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Bargain Tel. 6059. 1958 Chevrolet Wagon . $199 ' the" ' llemi. Lowest prices in town. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Center, 253 Is, Jrd. . - : :, : ' HARDT'S ' CARL FANN, JR. -. ' APPLY MR .APLATtt D. ONLY $1,500 down, balance less than 1959 Ford 4-door . .:... . $199 AUCTIONEER, Bonded and Licensed MAC McCUNE FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR - 12-tl. rent. 4 rooms and beth, nice location. All; Under Eleven 1959 Ford Wagon ...... $199 RusMord, Minn. Tel. 144-7111 condition, canary yellow. ABTS AGENCY, INC., 159 Walnut Sf. Located On nicely landscaped lot 50' x Montgomery Ward tire* good Music Store Tel. a-4365. ¦ -T»l. . ?353. ' , ' 150'. Living room and dining room 1959 Opel Sedan ...... $199 NOV. 9—Wed. 10:30 e.m. Main St., Peter- son, , Minn. Silas Evans estate; Carl AUCTION MiracleMall ; 116-118 E. 3rd St. newly carpeted, large kitchen, 3 bed- We Our THIS IS R1DICULOUSI Buy now end THREE-BEDROOM house In Lewiston, rooms, T downstairs: Freshly painted, . ¦ ¦^• - Advertise Prices ^ Fann Jr., auctioneer; Rushford State me, 50' fi" plastic garden hose. Reg. Minn. Newly redecorated. 1'A baths; OH new roof. West location. ^^^ . Bank, clerk, SAT., NOV. 12 I5.M, now 12.95. BAMBENEK'S, 9th «, heat. Address Inquiries to: Mrs. Donald ¦ Sommers, Lewiston, Minn, or Trust miles S.W. of Au- Situsfloni Wanted—Fern. 29 -' Mankato...... - , ' Sewing Machines 73 One-story home, 2 blocks from Lin- NOV. 12—Sat. VI a.m. « mllet S.YV. ot are: 6 Dept., Merchants National Bank, Wi- coln School; Living room wltti fire- Augusta. Mac McCune, owner; Zeck & nona, Minn. gusta or 514 miles E. of OFFICE WORK—mornings only. Exper- FRIG IDAIRE with freezing unit at top, ELECTRIC SINGER tewing machine, like place, sun room, dining room, 2-3 bed- , Helke, auctioneers; Northern Inv. Co., ienced. State Civil Service qualified. condition; electric stove, fair rooms, oil heat, garage. Purchase on clerk. Foster on "HE" or 3 miles : very good new. Tel. 8-1767. Til. M4tt. . - - ' '. condition. Tel. 2795 between 6 and 7 BY BUILDER—2 new, 3-bedroom homes, contract. Move , right in. 42 Years ln Winona N. of Osseo on "NN," then ;. p.m, portable attached garages, small down " payment. NOV. 12-Sat. 10:30 a.m. 7 miles W. of GOOD USED SEWING machines, Tel. 9745 or 8-2592. 2 miles W, and N, Correspondence Courses 32 and console, J25-J7S. Excellent condition. Everything redone in this 3-bedroom Ford-Mercury-Lincoln Galesville, Wis.: Merlin Wllber, owner; FUEL TANK, 265-gal.; Perfection oil WINONA SEWING CO., 551 Huff. Tel. home, fresh paint and paper new fix- 'Alvln .'Kbtinar. lurt .onnpr/ Northern Inv. NORTHERN INV . CO Clerk ¦ COMPACT TWO-BEDROOM house, wesl Open Mon., Fri., Eve. Co., ¦clerk-.-' heater, 5-room size with thermostat. In 34s. ; . - " - .- . tures. Three bedrooms, IVi new baths, . jood condition. 168 High Forset. * location, like new, carpeted, ideal for attractive kitchen, new gas furnace. and Saturday afternoons retired couple or newlyweds, Ttl. 4324 Available now. "j *%& ^^m ^m %^y ^my Wmm ^^m ^M>mms '^^^:^^.mi ^^ HOTEL TWO USED 30" electric ranges, Stoves, Furnaces, Parte 75 B & B ELECTRIC LARGE 3-bedroom, . 1 full bath, 2 half Three apt. brick building. Two apts. MANAGEM ENT 1Si E, 3fd PAYS FOR ITSELF with thl fuel saved baths, ;: carpeting and drapes, double on Isf floor. Four rooms and bath oti ' Slegler, Duo-Therm, Quaker, Empire. garage, large lot, owner transferred, 2nd floor. East location. YOU NAME IT FREEZERS : Clean, economical gai or oil heaters, must sell. 616 Clark's Lane. - ' Men-WomenrCouples compute installations, parts arid service. RESIDENCE PHONES.': ;| IT costs no mora to own a Gibson. Come RANGE OIL BURNER CO., 907 E. Sth. LOVELY NEW 3-bedroom home, attach- E. J. Hartert . . . 3973 . Ai Located; Main Street of Peterson, Minn; Sale will be & ^#^' IMsl In and get our prices. WINONA FIRE Tel. 7479. Adolph Mlehaiowskl. •d garage, large lot, 1724 W. Mark Mary Lauer .. . 4523 > We Got Them Q ;, ¦ ¦ Learn Motel Operation with (• POWER CO., 54 E. Jnd. Tel. 5055. Financing available. Tel. 8-1059. Bill Ziehen - - -, - 4es4-;. held on; ' ¦ ¦% our short course at home, ,. , . WHEN. DURABILITY. COUNTS, choose e Typewriters 77 OWNER TRANSFERRED — 3-bedroom ¦ followed" by two weeks Resi- Permaglas water heater. Call or come ranch, carpeted living room and bed- -30- dent Training ki a motel in and learn about their 10-year full TYPEWRITERS and adding machines for rooms, drapes, bullt-lns, disposal, cen- X Wediiiesday:, Noyemfef '9 . -value guarantee! - sale or- rent. Reasonable rates, free tral air-conditioning, 80x150' lot, excel- SELECT USED CARS | operated by us, Age no bar- delivery. See iis for all yoiir office sup- " '¦' ¦:¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ lent location, priced to sell. Tel. 8-112C ¦ ft ' ' • Sale begins at 10:30 A.M. Sharp ! . ;• /' | rier. Free nationwide place- ; SANITARY plies, desks, files or office chairs. Lund for appointment. 601 Main St. Tel. 2849 . PRICED TO SELL PLUMBING & HEATING Typewriter Co. Tel. S222. H LOCKER PLANT FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT : | ; ment assistance upon com- 16*:' B;- - '3rd St. Tet. 2737 SALE OR RENT—2-btdroom home, at- pletion. Easy terms avail- WE NOW have 100 PORTABLE typewrlfr tached garage, aluminum siding, oil —PLUS— - - 2 bumer gas plate; platform scale; hog scalding tank; | able. For personal interview ers for. Christmas glfls. SHOP EARLY heat. Reasonable. 366 St. Charles St. Be In For Copeland 3 ton compressor and blower; York \Vt ton g Neutrox while the selection Is good. Tel. 6707 for appointment. 7 § write: Outdoor Toilet Chemical WINONA TYPEWRITER SERVICE -i compressor and blower; 2 meat blocks, one In very good 161 E, 3rd . Tel. 8-3300 - PRICE REDUCED for quick sale iving ExecutiveTraining 3 lbs ;..,. ....,.. . $2.19 by own- Thanksg -35- li condition ; sausage stuff er; meat slicer with new blades; li. er, 3-bedroom, 2-story, carpeting, A. Ttiree-bedroom contemporary ram- J' Biro electric meat saw wtih extra blades ; stainless steel , gi Division TED MAIER DRUGS Wanted to Buy 81 drapes, near lake and Lincoln School. bler, panelled and carpeted living NEW '66 & '67 ' Downtown & Miracle Mall v Tel. 8-2466 for appointment, room, new gas furnace, garage, k table; table for miscellaneous use; wrapping table with $. . Ambassador Motels , ' WINCHESTER 30.30, with or without big yard, S500 down payment .bat- " A Superflame oil burner ; electric meat grind- FOR BARGAINS, If you want fo buy, sell .'• . ance monthly. .- paper holder; fl Incorporated See Us For Special Prices scope. Write Charles Kulas, Rt. 1, - or trade. DODGES and l er and table with stainless steei top; 204 Locker boxes, |; Steel plates, 4e per lb.; I-Beams; Pipes. Trempealeau, Wis. f C. Shank,¦ Homeniaker's ¦Exchange B. West Wabasha, neat white two- ' 1565 Allison Street Many Other Items. ¦;• ¦ - . - RAMBLERS ? good for use as lockers or storage cabinets; miscellaneous k> WM. MILLER SCRAP 1R0N : & METAL 552 E. 3rd. . bedroom - corner home. Living Denver, Colorado 80215 M & W IRON . METAL CO. room, separate dining room, two p knives, trays, dishes, - meat baskets and sausage tubes; i 207 W. 2nd St. CO. pays highest prices for scrap Iron, to choose from. metals, and raw fur. bedrooms and bath plus expansion Frank West Agency room for third bedroom or den. I sausage mixing tubs; old fashioned store . coffee grinder In || Closed Saturdays ATTENTION VETERANS; No down ice-coated display | Business Opportunities 37 222 W. 2nd Tel. 2067 New gas furnace. Only $1100 down. Stop in and see: working condition ; old fashioned glass DAILY NEWS payment. 125 W. Mill St. Reduced for Very good condition. •&¦ Gordon case; 40 — 5 gallon cans of Asbestos plastic roof cement. |i ; HIGHEST PRICES PAID quick sale. Near Lincoln School and LOOKING FOR a business of your own? MAIL State College. Well-built. 3 bedrooms, C. Remodeled three-bedroofti home, A GROCERY STORE FIXTURES Investigate the many ways lo achieve for scrap Iron, metals, rags, hides, #Cy | raw lurs and wool) fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, tiled new carpeting In living room and ,\ 3 chrome nesting grocery carts; Husmiann 10 ft. li Income from already established down- SUBSCRIPTIONS balh. . two bedrooms, third tiled, new ¦fr Sonny town business. Inquire at 164 E. 3rd. Sam Weisman & Son kitchen, corner lot in good west * | produce or dairy case with compressor ; Husmann 10 ft. 1 May Be Paid At Frank West Agency location. Full price $13,500. Bob INCORPORATED ' ¦:¦ • ¦ ¦ ft . k double duty dairy case • produce case; with compressor; | ATTENTION «0 W. 3rd Tal. !UT 175.Lafayette Sf; two 8 ft. McCray TED MAIER DRUGS Tel: 5240 or 4400 alter hours. D. Income from students plus a first- We Service | Kock 10 ft. meat case - double duty ; | CHRISTMAS TREE lots, Scotch Pine, floor two-bedroom apartirtent for frozen food casSs with compressor; 4 ft. dairy case for Northern-grown (Aitkin County). Shear- Rooms Without Meals 86 owner. Second floor brings over What We Sell \\ g ed, well shaped, full, good color, 5' fo OLD MASTERS LIOUID WOOD. Modern- $100 par month. Good east loca- y self service with two extra shelves and with compressor; i$: ize end reflnlsh old dark stained and THIRD E. 315—large pleasant room, FOUR BEDROOMS . tlon, Total price SI0,900. v p electric Victor - McCaskey cash register; many miscel- i painted furniture and woodwork without 3 bedrooms and bath up. 'QUALE TREE FARM removing old finish, scraping or bleach- ROOMS FOR MEN - wllh or Without E; Deluxe large two-bedroom rambler 4 laneous items too numerous to mention. p Rushford, Minn. Tal. 507-8M-9475 ing. housekeeping eccommodatlons. No day Large carpeted living room- on double lot, fireplace, central UT0 HOUSEHOLD GOODS | air conditioning, panelled den, W'NON A | PAINT DEPOT sleepers. Tel. 4859. dining room, family type POD OB li "A size bed; bedroom siresser; 5 oak dining room Dogs, Pet*, Supplies 42 patio, beautifully landscaped. You R AMBLER | 167 Center St. kitchen, plus 1 bedrtwm and can move right In. U ' chairs ; davenport and chair ; brown metal wardrobe; | | Apartments, Flats 90 bath on first floor. Close to AKC POODLES/ black toys, whiles. From F. Right on Broadway, three-bedroom, i pole lamp; kitchen cabinets; dining room set, G chairs, | | champion lines. S7S and up. Tal. La TWO APTS.—1st and 2nd lloor at Foun- schools, churches and shop-: two-story home with new carpet- SALES . Crosse 784-7921. H i table and buffet ; oil burner and tank; gas heater ; metal \^ MONTGOMERY tain City, Wis, Tel. 868M502. ping center. Owner will ing, fireplace, suhporch, screened © g tubs; library table; white commode; green day bed; old | | assist with financing. summer house, fenced-in backyard, 3rd . Huff Tel. 8-3647 Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 WARD & CO. CENTRAL LOCATION-3 rooms, private a substantial horn* maintained In OPEN 5 NITES A WEEK ii seeder ; baby crib; two hassocks; 2 medicine cabinets; ?| . entrance, available Jan, 1st. For ap- Tel. 8-1629 top condition. Craftsman garden tractor and attachments, ;h PUREBRED CHESTER White boars for pointment Tel. StlrnemsnrSelover Co, II Live Better With - or 4347. - for appointment. O. Only SI000 down payment will put I THREE GUNS | | sale. Karmlt¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Verthelfl, Altura, . Minn. . Tel. 7S45. .- POWER HUMIDIFIER you In a new home. Wa have sev- 410 gauge Winchester pump; 12 gauge Winchester FOUR MODERN roortil, carpeting, eral now ready for occupancy for P % drapes^, stove and refrigerator. Tal. pump; 22 caliber rifle. SOWS—14 bred sows, coming with 2nd . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ qualified buyers. Vote Straight || : : : |f litters. Francis Horlhan, Spring Grove, Humidifies up to 10 rooms, 8-1128. • ' " The Minn. cuts fuel bill with proper AFTER HOURS CALL: 11 MINUTE drive, southeast on Hwy. 61, Gordon Agency, Inc. W. L. <-Wlb" Helzer 8-2U1 I j REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLD AS PART fl ¦ ¦ ROOD SOWS-S. Alvin AIIIX, Alturt. moistened air, all modern 2-bedroom duplex, furnish- Leo Koll 4581 — Laura Flsk 2111 Double Check... Minn. Tel. 6520. ings optional, available Dec. 1st. Tat. REAI/TORS | OF THIS AUCTION AT 1:00 O'CLOCK % Dakola 643-3070. > 1 . The former Si Evans Butcher Shop on Main Street If CHOICE ANGUS Shorthorn cross calves, Reg. $49.99 for long term savings 20. 450 It everags, R. W. Bell & Son, CENTER 50014-4 rooms wilts private BEAUTIFULLY eoB I in Peterson. f Galesville. " il. Ceritervllla 539-3431. NOW ! $39.99 bath. Carpeting, draperies, stove and satisfaction... i .The former Silas Evans residence located across , §| rilrljerelor furnished. Adults. $90, MAINTAINED above butcher shop. : HEREFORD SHORTHORN cross feeder Also smaller apt., same features, SS5. 1 the street from the | calves, 3, averagi 400 lbs. Herman By ippolntment only. Tel. : 4790. 3 bedroom ranch with spa- Sura, Fountain City, Wit. Tel. 86I7-6322. FURNACE FILTERS f 1962 OLDS DELUXE GE all electric 1-bedroom apt. cious yard. Living room and ll REALTOR j| ttERMS : Cash on all items except Real Estate — On 1 REGISTERED HEREFORD heifers for Keep Your House Clean Carpeted, air conditioned. Tel. BOB bedrooms carpeted. Ideal Dynamic 88 2 door hardtop, tij Real Estate 20% down with balance on delivery of title. § tale. Rush Arbor, Rushford, Minn. Tal. SELOVER REALTOR, J149. l20 ciNTER-m.2349 steering, power ' AS EVANS 164-9122. REG. 59c to 79c family room hag unusual power | | ^IX . ESTATE || WEST LOCATION-3 bedrooms, dining floor design, paneling, built- brakes, V-8 engine, auto- |! Auctioneer: Carl Fann Jr., Lie. No. 5 |. PUREBRED DUROC boars and gilts. Clif- room, living room, gas stove and auto- black ford Hoff, Lanesboro, Minn., (Pilot NOW! 46c each matic washer furnished. Tel, 7191. in bar. Central air condi- matic transmission, | | . Rushford State Bank, Clerk | Mound). tioning is another added Wanted—Reel Estate 102 in color, ready to go to the WEST LOCATION—3 rooms v»lth private HOLSTEIN BULLS-reglstered, age ?. . te- bath, heat and hot wster furnished. comfort. You can move LAND NEAR WINONA aria wanted, from coast, le months, dams ill have over 600 Ibs. ¦Adults . - $75. - Tel, 6790. right in. 10-40 acres. Tel. 8-2321. (Oll- NII a I fat. Harry Marks, Mondovi, Wis., WARDSMah*souiii« Only $1395 ¦ ¦ ' • manlon). Apartments, Furnlihsjd 91 NEW HOUSE , . , AND Accessories, Tires, Parti 104 I / I . . -I Neo-Mix Scour MIRACLE MALL THREE-ROOM furnished upstairs apt , ONLY $1J,9C0 REBUILT ENGINE — 2M - § or with matching beige in- I|] 4 miles Southwest from La Crescent, Minn., or 2 miles | For baby pigs Coal, Wood, Other Fuel 63 TWO-ROOM nicely furnished apt., all floor plan of this 3 year old Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 120 dose bottle . ... - $4.65 utilities. Couple only. Available now. rambler West in "top condi- terior, automatic transmis- I Northeast from Hokah , Minn., on U.S. 16 then West .on ;i DRY OAK BLOCK and split wood. Her. Tel. 4036. 452 Main. SADDLEBAGS, helmets, motorcycle oils. sion, 6 cylinder engine, I County Road No. 21 then 2 miles Northeast on Township TED 'MAIER DRUGS man Sura; Fountain Clly, Wis. Tel. tion" with oodles of closets, ROBB BROS. MOTORCYCLES, S73 E. , % 8M7-0322. radio and heater. OWNER'S Animal Health Center FOURTH E 170V'j-deluxi small 2-room nice divided basement, large 4th. I Road. | Downtown & Miracle Mall apt . wllh bath and kitchenette. For sin- NAME ON REQUEST. YOU BET WE carry a wide variety et gle person or married couple. Newly yard. 1% car garage. See USED BICYCLE) high grade coals. Commander, 3 sites, decorated and carpeted. Heated and air KOLTER BICYCLE SHOP Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 furnace, stove and range Petroleum it now ! ' . conditioned. With furniture-, $100. Tel 400 Mankato Ave. Tal. SMS $1095 I Saturday^ . - November 12 | Cokai Pocahontas; Berwlnd Briquets; 3762 or 3705 for appoinloiesit. DEKALB 20-week pullets, grown by pro- Nels* 50-JO Briquets; Stott Petroleum IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR Trucks, Tract's, Trailers 108 fessionals. In new environment control- Briquets; Winter King Egg. 5 varieties WOULD LIKE a male student to share 1961 BUICK |j Starting Time: 12:00 Noon. % led buildings thai aire wlndowloss for Ol stoker coals. JOSWICK'S FUEL 8, .8 BEDROOMS MODESTLY furnished apt., on west 5tn street. In- Winne- ' light control. Available year around, OIL C0„ »01 E. 8th. "Where you get quire 168 Mankato. PRICED . . . HERE IT IS! DODGE—1966 %-ton with deluxe Electra 4 door sedan, black & Lunch By St. Theresa Circle nl Hokah. | SPELTZ CHICK HATCHERY, Rolling- mora at lower cost." bago camper, used 2 months. Sacrifice. In color, power steering, ttone, Minn. Tel. 1689-2311. Tommy' s Trailer Sales, 3 miles S. of HEAD CATTLE-1 Holstein cow , 6 yearo old. milk- | Business Places for Rent 92 Large corner lot. New roof Galesville, Hwy. 53. , I 33 Furn., Rugi, Linoleum 64 power brakes, radio, heater , f> years old, m'icing, due Feb.; 5 Wanted—Livestock 46 and new oil burning furnace tinted glass, white sidewafl % ing, bred; 1 Holsteln cow | NICB DOWNTOWN ottlce, carpeted, Pro- INTERNATIONAL-1959 1-totl stake truck, Holstein cows, 5 years old dry, »• - ' . ,o. and Jan.; 1 i NEW! HOST cleans carpels without wa- fessional Building. Present tenant must are just 2 of the many reasonable. John Konksl, Rt. 1, Arca- tires. A DREAM TO DRIVE | . ' . LEWISTON LIVESTOCK MARKET ter. Use your rooms Instantly. It's so vacate and will split piodest rent for extra features of this 1% dia, Wis. Tel. S0-F-22. for ONLY |> Holsteln cow, 3 years old, milking, uue Jan.; 1 Holsteln . A real good aucllon market for your easy with the HOST eleclrlc Up Brush. balance of lease. Tel. e-448?, esk for cow , a years old, milking, open; 2 Holstein heifers. 2 * livestock. Dairy cattle on hand all week, True colors ond texture are revived Jim, story stucco home. West DODGB—1946 Vi-fon pickup, body very % boos bought every day, Trucks avail- without risk, rust marks or shrink- good, rebuilt motor, $90. Ed Ebert, Rt, $1195 . years old, due Jan, ; 2 Holstein-Jersey cows, milking, due : ; able. Sale Thurs, B-.CO p.m. Tal. 2667. age. SHUMSKI'S, Tel, 8-U6? for details. location. 4 car garage. ' Houses for Rent 95 ONLY $10 900 . 2, Winona, Minn., (2 miles E. of Wil- 4 spring, 3 and 4 years old ; 1 Hofetein-Jcrsey cow , 2 years £ , . . HURRY! son). Come In and look them over Farm Implements 48 A PAIR SMART Swivel chairs, With | old, fresh-open ; 1 Holstein-Jersey cow, 3 veara old , dry, :; channel tutted back, In nold nylon COMPLETELY MODERN 1 - bedroom In ' person. Drive a couple Dec; 1 Holstein-Swlss , 2 years old, fresh-open ; 1 (rleze, 159.95 pr. at DURKE'S FURNI- home, Ideal for couple, 10 miles S. of IDEAL LITTLE HOME FOR Used Cars 109 I due cow § DISC SHARPENING by rolling. Frod TURE MART, 3rd t, Franklin. Open Winona on Hwy. 61. FrsnK Nottloman, THE RETIRED COUPLE you fancy. We think you'll |i Jersey cow , 7 years old , milking, due In Spring; 2 Jersey Krani, St. Chorlos, Minn. Tel, 932-4308, Wod. & Frl. evenings, Tel, 9612. FORD—1959 2-door hardtop, V-8 engine, go Double-Check ! A , due Jan.; l Jersey cow , 4 ^ automatic transmission, real sharp ¦ cows , 4 nnd 5 years old dry, $. A JOHN DEERE wllh J-way. Jerry Helm, Who want to keep expenses > , SPECIAL 8-pc, bedroom grouping Includ- Wanted to Rent 96 Tel. 8-1041 5 years old, fresh; 2 Jersey cows, 4 years old dry, due h Sf, Charles, Minn, Tel, 937-4496. ing d drnwer 55" doubts dresser, 34" at a minimum and maybe fj Dec ; - Jersey cow , open, fi years, twin carves 1 month :| (host, bookcase bed, night stand, Sealy CHEVROLET — 1958, t-cvllnder, stick OLDS & Massay Harris sell-propelled cornplckar, boxsprlng and mailress, 2 boudoir BUILDING or space suitable for cabinet do a little gardening in the First $125 takes It. Laverne Hornberg U old; 1 Jersey cow , 3 years old , dry, due spring; 1 Jersey $ lata model, 6-cyllnder englnsi Case ele- lamps. J185.75 complete, $25.75 down finishing and storage, jet, t-3136 be- large well cared for yard. Minnesota City. Tel. Rolllngstone 689- heifer , 3 years , bred, due Dec ; 1 Holsteln bull calf , R ) vator, Model E, with Wisconsin engine, end SU75 a month. BORZYSKOWSKI tween 6 and 5:30. 2491. BUICK ^ Kenneth Olson, Rushford, Minn. Tel, FURNITURE, 302 Msnksto Ave. Open Newly carpeted living room, (il months old; 1 Holstein-Jersey heifer, fl months old; 1 d 164-7455. evenings. OARAGE WANTED—In vicinity of St. large modern kitchen and OLDSMOBILB-1961 _ K Wagon, Cleon, ;: ' Holsteln-Angus heifer. 6 months old ; 2 Red and White f Mary 's College , from D«tt. to May. good family car. 855 38th Ave,, Gdvw, MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT Contact John Greener, Tel. 2807, Exten- bath, 2 bedrooms, garage. A White Face Cross bull calves, 1 month old; 1 Black & | RATH wash tanks , Inns, air Intakes, host Good Thing* to Eat 65 sion 141. ALL THIS . . . ONLY $7,300. FALCON—1964 Jdoor. Save operating ex- ! White Face Cross heifer calf , 1 month old. Cattle TB and i parts, storage cahlntta. You can move right pensa on this 6-cyllndar, slandard trans- Ed'a Refrigeration A Dairy Supplies SPECIAL! Lazy-A Durban* Russets, Farms, Land for Sale 98 in! mission. Yours for only $I0«. Ideal i Bangs tested for Inter-state shipment. ; 133 E. 4th Tel, 5532 I2,?8 per 100. 10 lhs, onions, 39c, Naw Tel. 2759. W A L Z Auto Sales, 470 Mankalo Ave, ; 2000 bales :! crop grapefruit by box or dozen, Buick . Olds - GMC p GRAIN AND , FEED - 450 hu. ear corn 130-ACRE FARM, Vf, mlless from Wino- 3 BEDROOM RAMBLER HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS WINONA POTATO MARKET. 118 Mkt. FOPD-1963 Galaxie 2-door, V-8, stick, v mixed hay. ; See the famous XI. Models na In a valley, 30 acres tillable. 4- WEST Open Mon. & Frl. Nights bedroom comfortable home with a excellent condition. $995. May be seen if - TRACTORS AND TRACTOR EIQUIPMENT - Massey ; HOMELITE ZIP 1159.50 «. up at Bill' s Texaco, 1650 Service Drive, AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE new balh, may also be bought wllh is Ferguson No. 50 tractor ; 2 Allis Chalmers W.C, tractors ; ,'i peisnnnl property It desired) 120-acro Nearly new . Large living Tel. 9946. 2nd Si Johnson Tel. 5455 Mnssey H. 3 bottom 14 inch mounted tractor plow ; A.C. s: IT'S FUN farm for rent, with 3-bedroom home, room, baseboard hot water Mobil* Homai, Trailers 11] \} : nol modern, In Pickwick Valley, va- CHEVROLET—1939 Impala 4-door hard- §. 2 bottom 14 inch tractor plow on steel; A.C. tractor culti- 5 120-acra farm, easl of Ridge- heat, attached garage. Pric- top, V 8, automatic. S5f5 or best olfer. cant . Tel. 677J. RICHAR050N-1964 moblls home, 10x35' mounted tandem tractor ?;j RENT A way, 50 acres tillable with 4-bedroom ed to sell today ! $ vator lo fit W.C ; Massey H. B ft . 112,800, Cornforth Real- built on porch. Orlle A. Moaer. Lewis- H, ,1 mounted power mower; -7 STALK CHOPPER modern home, ton, Minn. Tel. 3311 or 575S alter a. I disc ; Massey No. McD. $ ty, La Crescent, Minn, Tal. 895-3106. Nice selection ol a ft. tandem disc; McD. 7 ft. disc grain drill ; J. D 290 corn TV Chopped stalks plow CENTRALLY LOCATED . j GOOD USED CARS SEC OUR FINE selection ot new mobile [ '} rubber; A.C. 2 row No. 33 corn picker; J.D. ' easier EAT FARMS - FARMS - FARMS homes, 10' and 12' wldn. Now sclllno planter orf ,; We buy, we ¦•II, we Irade. Ideal family home with and PICKUPS at at lerga discounts. COUi.Ei: MOIsll F. ( ¦;! No . 62 field chopper with corn and hay head ; D.B. 4 ir Stalks for bedding MIDWEST REALTY CO. ^ mSzto newly carpeted living room HOME SALES, Hwy. 14 & 61 East, Wi- f 'j wheel manure spreader on rubber; Coby No, ' 101 PTO Osseo , Wit. and dining nona, Mlpn. Tal. 4374, Vi FEITEN 1/V.PL CO. ASJQp our Tel. Olflco 59H65* room. 2 baths, 3 P. manure spreader; J .D, 4 bar side delivery rake ; Massey f; Res. 695-3117 CARS Downtown Winona spacious , bedrooms, WjZktfL RENT OR SALE-Trallers end enmpars U H . No. 3 hay baler; 3 point hlteh blade. ^j "Ask us about our guaran- (Buy - Sell - Trade) Tour-A-Home pickup camper* Inr ' i |; MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - , Hny, Grain, Feed SO ^V»* at Houses for Sale 99 ton pickups, from »79i to IIIJ0. 4, 4 . ' teed trade-in plan." 210 W. 2nd Tel. 8-3211 •nd e sleepers. LEAHY'S, Bultalo City . Mndsoy 3 section steel drag, 2 years old ; David Bradley 4.' Wis. Tel, Cochrane if EAR CORN-400 bu. Mllo Pelley, Fowv FOR SALE BY OWNER, Duplex, double Ul-im ar ?4e-3«>0. U 32 (I hay conveyor; McD, 10 inch hammermlll; 2 rubber 'J tain City, Wis, Tel. tat-iW. garape, full basement, full lot, 89,500, ; MCDONALD'S I . E. 2nd or Tel. 9431 or 8 4417. AFTER HOURS Double Dare Yaf i\ tired wagons; 1 rubber tired heavy duty wagon with HAY FOR SALE-large bales , Tal. Lew- Thla 1964 CHRYSLER Newport 4-door NEITZEL'S K comb , hale rack and chopper box ; 2 hay racks | iston 5735 , EL. VERY OOOD walMo-wall carpeting sedan li the nicest driving automobile DAIRY EQUIPMENT - 2 Surge Seam buckets; 1 tl In living room and dining area, recent- Pat Helse 8700 In Its price cless. WB DOUBLE I Sunt, Sporting Goods 66 ly Installed and ilka no*. West loca- . . . DARE YOU to drive this car and I] Fnrm Mnster Seamless bucket; Zero 300 gal. bulk tank, Articles for Sal* 57 tion. 3 bedrooms. GireoK Basement, compare I Equipped with a classy TRAILER COURT | WOJSOERO SHOTOUN-la gauge, Poly 81C0 per month alter down payment. Cordon Weishorn , ,. 2551 Arctic white exterior and a turquoise y ?H years old; Zero stainless ateol transfer system ; Zero f\ TWO MATCHING single bads, with choke, boll action, 1 clip. 87] W, 4th. Will arrange for special terms to fit Interior , also power steering, power I Steixsaver; stainless steel double sink, ll aprlngs and mattress, Ml doublt buyer's ability to pay. ABTS AGENCY, brakes and a tinted windshield to add Opening Nov. 10 alio spring and double tire mattress, DEER HUNTBRSI-lthaca Deer Slayers, INC., 159 Walnut St. T

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •• ' ' : DICIC TRACY . - .;. ;. y" ^¦¦V/ ;- , ' A .y-: '/ AA ;}; By Chtst«r Gpuld


BLONDIE By Chick Young

STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Cvorgard


LI'L ABNER yv ' " ^ tfs: . -> By Al Capp STEVE CANYON v By Milton Cannlff

APARTMENT 3-« By Alex Kotiky

' ' . ¦ ' . a ¦ H- * -^ - ^*" **"""* TasailiiBsTI * ^ . ^m

REX MORGAN, M.D. By Dal Curtis

|sMH *W COATx tZl UH ¦ ^ *M0 «.«. v.l«» . ak «#C ^7 ^ 7 Jig$25 ^1 ¦ ¦ Rea-R°* $24-98 VakM $21 NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller | 111\ 1 ^ ^5^ *2"8 V«'~ IN ¦

| | „*»* ^,, "" It A >J «V B* *^U4J !^ ^* ^^ OTHERS Ssf' ¦ " , e , >Jc.V> * *A| ^^ ^ All IN I W'T »««¦ ™ STOCK ALSO REDUCED sNsX^ t©^ _ShSv Ahy ^ I liM^L ife ^ At ZSf dkm I MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ernst ^^ 1^^ DRESSES I I I ONE TREMENDOUS SELECTION | j W^^\£S 1^ ^ ttnsational ^^ vaStei,ues ,o $C SO I I nnrrrrr :: VSAS U*. " „ 3- o| I I DRESSES Kj JSfA^ . - ™ A ¦ ¦ : W ¦ ¦ Mostly cot- _ V IA ll M _^^_WrW _^_ WWM M WM f \\_ : ton8 ... prims, . 0*ivU» M Am Aw Av ~m Aw mmm MM *W ¦ ¦ : shift s. ,.. & IQO^^ )llw Miff ¦ M mm^ M M mm ¦ I fiht 3 OO I ' sK Taliie" •P« JP M ^eJJm ^^'^^ ' , „i% a-___ W I