EARLY JESUIT TRAVELLERS IN CENTRAL ASIA 1603-1721 Statue of Bento de Goes at Villa Franca do Campo-Azores. EARLY JESUIT TRAVELLERS IN CENTRAL ASIA 1603-1721




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SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. 1924 ISBN 978-94-017-6736-1 ISBN 978-94-017-6836-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-6836-8 PREFACE

"If, as is undoubtedly the case, there are still vast regions unknown and unsurveyed for future travellers to explore, there is quite as large an undiscovered region, in the buried archives of the past, for the historical explorer to unearth and make known to us." SIR CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM 1).

To many generations of geographers Central Asia, especially Tihet, was the land of mystery and darkness, isolated by nature and by man, in whose midst lay the sacred city of , even more mysterious and unapproachable than Mecca or Kerbela; and it is only for some decades past that it has counted among the great fields of operation of modern geography. High as Mont Blanc are the desert-like plateaux of this "Roof of the World", and as if this elevation was not enough to render them difficult of access, they are set about by almost impassable mountain ranges; an arctic climate reigns in those bleak and forlorn regions. And if a traveller be so undaunted and hardy as to brave all the obstacles of nature, and to climb his way towards those icy wastes, he will find his road barred and himself ruthlessly turned back by the sparse inhabitants, inhospitable as their mountain sides. Hardly any explorer from Prejevalsky to Sven Hedin but testifies to the jealousy with which those desolate regions are guarded, and even as late as 1923 Dr. Montgomery McGovern experienced this inveterate distrust of the foreigner. It has not always been thus. This aversion did not exist in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, before Chinese domination had influenced and grafted its own love of seclusion on its inhabitants. It was this milder feeling towards strangers from the West that allowed some Jesuit missionaries to explore the coun• try. They entered it from the south and from the north, they traversed it along the valleys of the Indus and the Tsangpo, they

1) Losl Geographical Documents.- Geographical Journal (1913) vol. XLII, p. 34. VI PREFACE saw men and things unseen by any European before, they encoun• tered hardships and dangers not less formidable than those for which we rightly admire explorers of a later date- and yet while the labours of other Jesuits contributed so largely to the opening up of China, the Philippines, Abyssinia and wide tracts of North and South America, Tibet practically remained an unknown coun• try. They did, indeed, like their fellow-workers in other climates, record their experiences, but, strange to say, most of their writ• ings remained hidden away in dusty archives, and the few things given to the world were vague and hazy and, to some minds, more suggestive of fiction than of fact, and thus cast a shadow of un• certainty even over the few facts that had actually become known, justifying Hedin's remark that "over the interior of the vast Asiat• ic Continent there hovered a pale reflection, faint and shadowy, of the journeys of Marco Polo and the old Jesuits" 1). This aspect of things has changed of late years. The merits of those "old Jesuits" have come more to the front, and more than once have met with due recognition at the hands of competent judges. At the same time criticism has not been idle: it has be~n caustic, it has even been unfair -the more unfair as being hased on ignorance or superficial knowledge. What the late Dr. Sieg• mund Gunther, of Munich, wrote to me some years ago, is emi• nently applicable to Tibet: "That the Jesuits have done much for our geographical knowledge is recognized on all hands; what they have done we hardly know at all." It is here we have one of Mark• ham's undiscovered regions "for the historical explorer to unearth''. All the journeys that have been u!'ldertaken in Tibet by Jesuit missionaries will be treated of in the present work. The writer has had access to old books and other publications of which but few copies are known to exist, but the bulk of the information here presented was never published at all, and is derived from a large number of manuscripts which it has been his good fortune to "un• earth" in the archives of the . Each of the follow• ing chapters will have its own list of MSS. appended. The object which the writer has tried to keep constantly in view, is to deter• mine the scientific value of those letters, journals &c., to place the merits of their writers in their proper light, and thus to assign to them their rightful place among those who have contributed to-

1 ) Sven Hedin, Scientific ResuUs of a Journey in CentYal Asia z8gg-zgoz {Stock· holm 1907) IV, 531. PREFACE VII

wards the development of geographical science. Hence the subject has been treated with such fulness as the limits of the book would pennit, and, while drawing on every accessible source of informa• tion, the data furnished by the old documents have been tested by the light of the facts supplied by modem travellers. A few points should not be forgotten, if we would arrive at an equitable judgment. Those men had not been, as a rule, prepared for their arduous undertakings by thorough geographical and ethnical studies; they did not set out richly equipped with physic• al instruments of various kinds; they were pioneers in the fullest sense of the word; without any precursors, without maps, without the experience of others to guide them. Nor, while they were out in regions untrodden by European foot, did they consider them• selves in the first place discoverers who were making a name for themselves; geographers adding fresh data to the stock of human ki1owledge; explorers widening the horizon of the human mind; -before everything else they were, and remained, missionaries going out to cast abroad the seeds of the Gospel wherever human heart would give it soil; whose one ultimate purpose was to gain so\•.ls rather than to discover territories; who never lost sight of their raison d' etre, and therefore carried into their enterprises the same indomitable energy and daring that had called them away from friends and home to brave the perils of the deep without any wish or hope of gain or glory. Thus they must not be looked upon as geographical specialists, but as honest, level-headed men, writ• ing of their experiences in a land of bewildering strangeness; their writings should not be perused by the light of the exacting canons of the specialist who reports for a geographical magazine or to a learned society. They should be read, with a critical eye indeed, but not in a spirit of fault-finding, and as to the facts reported, with a bias in their favour unless they can be shown to have erred. Certainly they did make mistakes, as who does not? Their written accounts are often insignificant, abounding in generalities and hopelessly lacking in those points which a scientific training would have made them pick up as of first rate importance. But even so they have theh merits as every pioneer has.

Each chapter of this book is complete in itself and can be read independently. Bento de Goes' journey has been placed at the head by way of introduction, because his journey carried him VIII PREFACE from Lahore via Kabul, Yarkand and Turfan to Su-cheu, and thus covers almost the whole of Central Asia. This chapter and the following on Andrade were published in Dutch some years ago 1) ; as they appear here, they have been corrected and in large part re-written. The writer does not feel called upon to premise a detailed geo• graphical and physical description of Tibet. The books of travel and exploration that have appeared of late years are so numerous, and the character both of the country and its inhabitants have become so generally known that the map appended to the book may be deemed a sufficient guide for the general reader.

Finally there remains the pleasant task of recording the kind help and the valuable suggestions which I have received from so many quarters, and I wish to express here my deep sense of grati• tude to the numerous friends and correspondents who have thus contributed towards the making of this book. Though it is impos• sible for me to mention them all individually I cannot forbear to name two whose claims transcend all others: Father Henry Hosten, S. J., of St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling, the learned writer on the mission-history of India, who more than once directed my researches in my hunt for documents; and my friend Father Thomas Neervens, S. J., but for whose generous assistance this work could not have appeared in its present garb.

St. Willebrord College, C. WESSELS, S. J. Katwijk a. d. Rijn, Holland. Lady Day, 1924.

1) C. Wessels, Bento de Goes, S. ]., Een ot1tdekkingsreiaigel'in CentratdAzu (z6o3- z6o7)- Studien, (1911) vol. LXXV, p. 72-96; 229-248. C. Wessels, Antonio de Andrade, S. ]. Een ontdekkingsreiziger in de Himalaya en in Tibel (I6Z4-I63o) - Studien, (1912) vol. LXXVII, P• 408-440. C. Wessels, Antonio de Andrade, S. ]., viafante no Himalaia e-no Tibete (z6z4-I63o) - Traducido de original holandes por A. R. Gonzalves Viana. (Sociedade de Geogra• phia de Lisboa) Lisboa, 1914. CONTENTS page PREFACE •••.••• v LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO . • X

CHAPTER I. BENTO DE GOES (1602-1607) I II. ANTONIO DE ANDRADE (1624) 43 " Ill. THE MISSION (1625-1640). 69 " IV. FRANCISCO DE AZEVEDO (1631--1632} . 94 " V. STEPHEN CACELLA AND JOHN CABRAL " ( 1626--1632} ...... • 120 VI. JOHN GRUEBER AND ALBERT o'ORVILLE " (1661-1664}...... 164 VII. HIPPOLYTE DESIDERI (1714-1722) ... 205 " APPENDIX I. AZEVEDO'S ACCOUNT OF HIS JOURNEY TO TIBET (Portuguese text) . • . • • • • 282 II. LETTER OF STEPHEN CACELLA FROM " CAMBIRASI, OCTOBER 4, 1627 (Portuguese text) . . • • • • • • . • • • • • 314 , III. LETTER OF JOHN CABRAL FROM HUGLI, JUNE 17, 1628 (Portuguese text). • • • 333 IV. LETTER OF JOHN GRUEBER FROM TYRNAU, JANUARY 13, 1670 (Latin text). • • • • 337 " V. EULOGY ON JOHN GRUEBER (Latin text). 338 INDEX 339 LIST OF WORKS REPEATEDLY REFERRED TO IN THE COURSE OF THIS BOOK

ALLEN (B. C.), Kamrup, Assam District Gazetteers. Vol. IV. Allahabad, 1905. ANDRADE (ANTONIO DE), S J ., Novo Descobrimento do Gram Cathayo, ou Reinos de Tibet, pello Padre Antonio de Andrade da Companhia de Jesu, Portuguez, no anno de 1624. Lisboa, 1626. ATTI E Memorie del Convegno di Geographi-Orientalisti tenuto in Macera• ta, il25, 26, 27 Settembre 1910 .... Onoranze Nationali alP. Matteo Ricci, Apostoloe Geografo della Cina (1610-1910-11). Macerata, 1911. BARRETTO (FR.). S. J ., Relatione delle Missioni e Christianita che apparten• gono alia Provincia di Malavar della Compagnia di Giesu. Roma, 1645. BERNIER (FRANS:OIS), Travels in the Mogul Empire (1656-1668). A re• vised and improved Edition based upon Irving Brock's Translation ty Archibald Constable. Westminster, 1891. BEssE (L.) and H. RosTEN, S. J ., List of Portuguese Jesuit Missionaries in Bengal and Burma (1576-1742).- Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. VII (1911) pp. 15-35. BLOCHMANN (H.), Koch Bihar, Koch Hajo and A'sam in the 16th and 17th centuries, according to the Akbarnamah, the Padishahnamah and the Fathiyah i Ibriyah.- Journal Asiat. Soc. of Bengal 1872. Vol. XLI, part I, pp. 49-101. BLUE-BOOK. Papers Relating to Bootan, (presented to Parliament by Her Majesty's command), (Blue-Book, 47], ordered by the House of Com• mons to be printed February 15, 1865. London, 1865. BoECK (DR. KuRT), Indische Gletscherfahrten. Reisen und Erlebnisse im Himalaja. Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1900. BoEcK (DR. KuRT), Durch Indien ins verschlossene Land Nepal. Leipzig, 1903. BoNIN (CH. E.), Les Royaumes des Neiges. (Etats Himalayens). Paris, 1911. BosE (KISHEN KANT), Some Account of the Country of Bhutan. Translated by D. Scott, Esq.- Asiatic Researches. Vol. XV. (Serampore 1825), pp 128-156. BosMANS (H.), S. J ., Documents sur Albert Dorville de Bruxelles, mission• naire de la Compagnie de Jesus au X VIle siecle et notamment sur les episodes de son voyage vers Lisbonne et laChine. Louvain, 1911. [Ex• trait des Analectes pour servir a l'histoire ecclesiastique de la Belgique. XXXVII, 1911). BRUCE (C. G.), Kulu and Lahoul. London, 1914. LIST OF WORKS XI

BRUCKER (J.), S. J., Benott de Goes. (1603-1607).- Etudes 1879. (Vol. III}, pp. 589--612; 678--695. BmtltARD (S. G.) and H. H. HAYDEN, A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet. Vol. I. Text. Vol. II. Maps. Calcutta, 1907-1908. CARREZ (LuD.), S. J., Atlas Geographicus Societatis Iesu, in quo delinean• tur quinque eius modernae Assistentiae, Provinciae tres et viginti singu• larumque in toto orbe Missiones, necnon et veteres eiusdem Societatis Provinciae quadraginta tres cum earum Domiciliis, quantum fieri Iicuit. Parisiis, 1900. CATALOGUS Patrum ac Fratrum e Societate Iesu qui a morte S. Francisci Xaverii ad annum MDCCCLXXII Evangelio Christi Propaganda in Sinis adlaboraverunt. Shanghai, 1873. CHAUDHURI (HARENDRA NARAYAN), The Cooch Behar State and its Land Revenue Settlements. Coach Behar, 1903. CO~DARA (Juuus), S. J., Historiae Societatis Iesu. Pars sexta, complectens res gestas sub Mutio Vitellescho. Tomus I, Romae, 1750. II, 1859. DA.S (SARAT CHANDRA), Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, edited by the Hon. W. W. Rockhill. London, 1904. DAVIS (J. F.), Remarks on the Religious and Social Institutions of the Bouteas, or Inhabitants of Boutan, from the unpublished Journal of the late Samuel Davis.-Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. II (London, 1830), pp. 491-517. D.zNIS (FERDINAND), Nouvelle Biographie Universelle par M.M. Firmin Didot Freres. Paris, 1857 etc. I, p. 546; XXI, pp. 19-20. DESIDERI (IPPOLITO), S. J., Difesa della Compagnia di Giesu in ordine alia Missione del Tibet. Roma, 1728. DoNSEN (M.), R.K.Pr. Klein-Tibet. -Tijdschrift Kon. Nederl. Aardrijks• kund. Genootschap. 2e Serie. Dl. XVIII. (1901), pp. 416-463. DREW (FR.), The Jummoo and Kashmir Territories. A Geographical Ac• count. London, 1875. Du HALDE (J. B.), S. J ., Description geographique, historique, chronolo• gique, politique, et physique de l'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoise. 4 tomes. La Haye, 1736. DuHR (BERNARD), S. J., Geschichte der Jesuiten in den Lli.ndern deutscher Zunge. Band III. Regensburg, 1921. DUTREUIL DE RHINS. (J. L.), L'Asie Centrale. Thibet et Regions limitro• phes. Paris, 1889. EDEN (AsHLEY), Report of .... in Papers Relating to Bootan (presented to Parliament by Her Majesty's Command) [Blue-Book] ordered by the House of Commons to be printed February 15, 1865. London, 1865, pp. 173-220. F:tux, 0. C., Jesuit Missions in Lahore. -Journal of the Panjab Historic• al Society. Special Number. Vol. V-. No.2, pp. 55-99. Calcutta, 1916. FITCH, The Voyage of Master Ralph .... Merchant of London to Ormus and so to Goa in the East India, to Cambaia, Ganges, Bengala .... be• gun in the yeere of our Lord 1583 and ended 1591. - Hakluytus Posthu• mus or Purchas His Pilgrims by Samuel Purchas B. D Glascow, 1905, tom. X, pp. 165-205. XII LIST OF WORKS

FORSYTH, Ost·Turkestan und das Pamir-plateau. Petermanns Mitteilun• gen. ErgA.nzungsheft 52. (1877). FRANCKE (A. H.), Ph. D. Antiquities of Indian Tibet. Part I. Personal Nar• rative. - Archaeological Survey of India, New Imperial Series, vol. XXXVIII. Calcutta, 1914. FRANCO (ANTONio), S. J ., Imagem da Virtude em o Noviciado da Compa• nhia de Jesu na Corte de Lisboa. Coimbra, 1717. FRANCO (ANTONIO), S. J., Synopsis Annalium S. J. in Lusitania ab anlio 1540 ad annum 1725. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1726. FuTTERER (DR. K.), Durch Asien. Erfahrungen, Forschungen und Samm• lungen. Band I. Berlin, 1901. GAZETTEER (The Imperial) of India. 26 vol. Oxford, 1907-1909. GAZETTEER of the Kangra District. Parts II to IV: Kulu, Lahul and Spiti by A. H. Diack, revised byP. D. Agnew. Lahore, 1899. GEORGI (AuG. ANT.), Alphabetum Tibetanum Missionum Apostolicarum commodo editum. Romae, 1762. GRIFFITH (W.), Journal of the Mission which visited Bootan in 1837-38, under Captain R. Boileau Pemberton. - Journal of the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. Vol. VIII (1839). Part. I, pp. 208-241; 251-291. GRUNWEDEL (A), Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet und der Mongolei. Leipzig, 1900. GUERREIRO (FERNAN), S. J., Rela~am annal das cousas que fizeram os Padres da Companhia de Jesus nas Partes da India Oriental. ... no!> annos de 1606-,1607. Lisboa, 1609. -- Rela~am annal .•.. nos annos de 1607-1608. Lisboa, 1611. HAENISCH (E.), Bruchstiicke aus der Geschichte Chinas unter der Gegen• wlrtigen Dynastie.- T'Oung Pao. Vol. XII (1911), pp. 197-235; 375 ---424. HARCOURT (A. F. P.), On the Himalayan Valleys: Kooloo, Lahoul and Spiti.- Journal of the Royal Geogr. Society. Vol. XLI (1871), pp. 245 -257. HAY (JOAN), S. J ., De Rebus J aponicis, Indicis et Peruanis Epistulae recen• tiores. Antverpiae, 1605. HEAWOOD (EDWARD), A History of Geographical Discovery in the seven• teenth and eighteenth centuries. Cambridge, 1912. HEDIN (SvEN}, Die Geografisch-wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse meiner Reise in Zentralasien. 1894--1897. Petermanns Mitteilungen. Erganzungsheft 131. Gotha, 1900. HEDIN (SvEN), Scientific Results of a Journey in Central-Asia. 1899~ 1902. 4 vol. Stockholm, 1907. HEDIN (SvEN), Transhimalaja. Entdeckungen und Abenteuer in Tibet. Band I, II. Leipzig, 1909. Band III. Leipzig, 1912. HEDIN (SVEN), Southern Tibet. Discoveries in former Times compared with my own Researches in 1906-1908. 4vol. Stockholm, 1917. HoLDICH (THOMAs), Tibet, the Mysterious. London, [1906]. RosTEN (H.), S. J ., Jesuit Missionaries in Northern India and Inscriptions on their Tombs, . (1580-1803). Calcutta, 1907. RosTEN (H.), S. J., List of Jesuit Missionaries in "Mogor". (1580-1803). LIST OF WORKS XIII

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