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Improving donor evaluation: a new approach to increase Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.53.10.818 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from supply for lung transplantation

Andrew J Fisher, John H Dark, Paul A Corris

Major technical and pharmacological advances mean that In the UK the from only 60% of multi-organ donors lung transplantation now oVers a realistic opportunity for will be oVered for consideration and only 25% of these long term survival in selected patients with end stage pul- lungs are deemed suitable for use in transplantation.4 monary disease.12 Unfortunately up to 50% of patients Most potential donor lungs are not accepted because identified as suitable candidates to undergo lung transplan- they fail to meet the predetermined clinical selection tation will die from their underlying lung disease before an criteria.4 Briefly, criteria used to assess a potential donor organ becomes available.34 The severe shortage of donor lung are based on (a) the arterial gas tensions as lungs is now the major limitation to the use of the measured on standard ventilator settings as a measure of procedure as a widely available therapeutic option. The organ ; (b) the appearance of the chest radiograph current method of donor lung evaluation excludes the vast to identify disease and infection; (c) the physical examina- majority of potential lung donors. New objective indices of tion of the organ by the surgeon at the time of retrieval to donor lung may help to rationalise the selection assess organ injury and viability; and (d) the reported process. This would enable many of the previously appearance of any airway secretions via endotracheal excluded organs to be accepted, addressing the current suctioning, including gram staining.12 These criteria problem of organ shortage. attempt to determine the function and viability of the lung Donor lungs originate from ventilated dead while still in the donor but there is no evidence that they patients whose relatives have given consent for organ provide a useful guide to how the organ will function after donation. Multiple strategies have been adopted by the implantation. There has been concern that the use of lungs transplant to increase the number of donor which do not satisfy current selection criteria might be organs for all types of solid . Attempts associated with greater early morbidity and mortality in at raising awareness in medical staV to identify potential recipients. However, there is increasing evidence that the brain dead donors and in the general public to encourage use of such “marginal or non-ideal” lungs has no consent when approached have failed to dramatically detrimental eVect on early outcome.13 14 As a result, signifi- increase the number of organs available for transplantation. cant numbers of donor lungs deemed unsuitable for trans- Despite 25% of the public carrying a donor card, both plantation by current criteria may have been viable postop- emotional and cultural reasons within families have eratively and could potentially have been used.15 prevented this leading to a significant increase in donors. In Re-evaluation and relaxation of the current selection cri- other countries legislation requiring medical staV to teria, in conjunction with better ways of assessing a donor http://thorax.bmj.com/ approach all potential donor families and the introduction lung after brain death, would appear to be the most eVec- of opt-out rather than opt-in systems of donation have not tive way of addressing the shortage.16 Even if the total resulted in a major increase in the donor pool.5 To date the number of donors remains unchanged, an increase in the attempts at increasing numbers of potential donors have use of oVered lungs by 20% would double the number of been disappointing and transplant teams have turned to lung transplantations performed in the UK each year. other possible ways of addressing the shortage of donor Currently the decision to use a non-ideal organ is lungs. subjective and those undertaking the responsibility have

Lung transplantation using lobes from living family limited time and resources available to help. The decision on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. members has proved a useful procedure in selected cases, would be considerably easier if objective indices were especially in teenagers,6 and results are equivalent to that available to help to establish viability and potential function achieved with cadaveric organs. There are, however, both of the lung. Furthermore, if reversible causes of dysfunc- medical and ethical reservations to its widespread use7 and tion could be identified, early intervention with supportive it is therefore unlikely to be a viable option for the majority therapy may render such organs acceptable. A study of of patients on the lung transplant waiting list. potential donors has shown increased acceptance of Patients who die suddenly and are not maintained on marginal following the adoption of supportive donor support have not previously been considered potential lung management techniques.17 Management aimed at optimis- donors; however, their kidneys have been used successfully8 ing donor lung function prior to retrieval must become as and models suggest that “non-heart beating important as care after transplantation if adequate donors” may provide an opportunity to increase the donor numbers of useable organs are to be achieved. lung pool.9 This approach requires much more extensive To identify indices which will provide valuable objective evaluation before it could be used in clinical transplanta- information about non-ideal lungs and their function in the tion. recipient it is necessary to consider potential abnormalities The concept of might appear to be that can develop in brain dead donors. Donors originate the solution to organ shortage but, in reality, many major from two main groups: fatal traumatic head and obstacles remain before animal lungs could be used spontaneous intracranial events. Early outcome after routinely.10 As well as the ethical considerations, there are transplantation has been shown to be the same using serious medical concerns including the spread of zoonoses donors from either group.18 Both these groups have multi- such as endogenous porcine retroviruses.11 ple risk factors for the development of lung injury. The These new approaches oVer some hope for the future, majority will have been unconscious prior to intubation yet the need for any new approach to be extensively evalu- and are thus at increased risk of aspiration. Donors may ated and the severity of the current problem has led to undergo emergency surgery and blood transfusion before growing interest in re-examining the existing donor pool. brain death and are all ventilated for a varying period of Improving donor lung evaluation 819 time in the intensive care environment. All these features tion with the subsequent development of lung injury.29 contribute to an increased risk of sepsis19 which, in turn, Measurement of soluble selectin molecules, mol- Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.53.10.818 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from leads to increased risk of lung injury. Finally, the changes in ecules necessary for leucocyte interaction with the brain death itself may mimic the of the systemic endothelium, may provide an indication of developing lung inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and could injury.30 Progression of lung injury results from uncon- contribute to the development of significant lung injury in trolled activation of the inflammatory cascade and the the donor. identification of an imbalance between pro-inflammatory Brain stem death causes pathophysiological changes cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the lung may which are poorly understood. Studies using animal models be a predictor of more severe progressive injury.31 The have demonstrated changes in homeostatic regulation in powerful neutrophil chemokine IL-8 is believed to play an donors after brain death. There is disturbance in the integral part in neutrophil recruitment in lung injury and neuroendocrine axis producing acute autonomic has shown promise in being able to predict the subsequent dysfunction.20 This produces peripheral vasodilatation and development of significant lung injury.32 a sudden fall in levels causing a change in Epithelial integrity at an alveolar level is essential for the organ’s ability to replenish its energy stores.21 Further the good function of the potential donor lung. Epithelial evidence of the importance of these changes in brain death injury has been investigated by measuring surfactant is demonstrated by the use of T3 hormone replacement to protein concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and treat borderline heart donors with a dramatic improvement low levels have been associated with more severe injury.33 in cardiac function.22 There is evidence of systemic Extending the boundaries of donor lung acceptability cytokine activation with serum IL-6 levels significantly would appear to oVer the best chance of dealing with the increased compared with non-brain dead controls.23 The immediate donor shortage. The challenge for the future pulmonary blood flow characteristics, together with the will be to identify the best markers of lung injury in the cardiopulmonary haemodynamics, change considerably to donor which help to predict function subsequently in the produce oedema and possible pulmonary endothelial entirely diVerent environment of the recipient. The ability damage as a result of increased hydrostatic pressure in the to quantify injury at a cellular level in the donor and then 24 lung. These features suggest that the pathophysiological to determine its eVect on function and early mortality in changes in brain death could produce significant lung the recipient requires urgent evaluation before marginal injury and significantly increase the risk of subsequent lungs become routinely accepted as suitable organs for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). lung transplantation. It is important that any new indices used in the selection process can quantify the degree of lung injury in the donor A J FISHER Department of Respiratory Medicine, and the likelihood of it progressing in the recipient. Assess- Freeman Hospital, ment of lung injury and the prognostic significance of the Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7DN, degree of injury has been extensively studied in both UK patients with and those at risk of ARDS.25 Potential lung J H DARK donors are at risk of developing progressive lung injury and Department of Cardiopulmonary Transplantation, Freeman Hospital, the identification of those non-ideal donors, who appear to Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7DN, http://thorax.bmj.com/ have a high risk of subsequent ARDS, would certainly help UK to rationalise the selection process. Obtaining material P A CORRIS directly from the donor lung via bronchoscopy and Departments of Respiratory Medicine and bronchoalveolar lavage provides a means of examining the Cardiopulmonary Transplantation, pulmonary microenvironment . Bronchoscopy itself Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7DN, adds important information about within the UK donor lung which may have been missed using current selection criteria.26 Sampling performed by this method

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