
Pas• • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • 4 • I " • 6 • • 6 • • • • 12' •• 12 •• 16 • • 17 • • • 17 •••• 18 26 r



Carriers • • • • • • • • • • • • . .. 27

Chancery and Equity • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 27

Contracts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29

Corporations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 30

Criminal Law • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 31

Domestic Relations - ~~riage Divorce • • • • • • • • 34

Evidence • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 35

Insurance • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39

Pleading and Practice • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39

Real Property •• • • • • • • • • • • .• • • 41

Wills • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 42 ~ . Rare and Antique Books • • • • • • • • • • • 43

Miscellaneous Books • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 49

Duplicate Copies of Law Books • • • • • • • • • • • 59


.· tATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN LAW LIBRARY - o£ -- ---CHAS • E. BURKS ACTS OF ASSEMBLY OF Session Beginning: l February 1 1734 ~~ 34. 50--. February 7 - Thursday 1752 < 34. 50 October 19 - Monday 178~ I 29 . 50 October 17 - Monday 1]91~ 34. 50 October 21 - Mondq 1793 _ 34 . 56 -- I November 11 - Tuesday 1794 34 . 50 November 10 - Tuesday 1795-::::__ 34. 50 November 8 - Tuesday 179~ 34. 50 ~cember 4 - Monday 1797 34. 50 December 2 - Menday 1799 34 . 50 December 5 - M•nday 1803 34. 50 December 1 - Monday 1806 t 15. 00 Qecember 1 - Mondq 1807 10. 00 December 5 - Monday 1808 . -.-~ 34 . ~.0...... ,._--1 December 7 -Monday 1807) December 5 - Monday 180~ December 4 - Monday 1809) December 3 - Monday !_f1~0) I December 2 - Monday 1811)vo1. November 30 - Monday 1BJ2) }lq l1 _ - MondaJ ___---= 1::..;::rn)~ December 6 - Monday 1813) I 50.00 ~vember 30 - Moaday 1812 17 . 50 ~ay 17 - Monday 1813 I 22 . 50 ~I: 17 -Monday ) 1 ~cember 6 -Monday )vo1. 1813 17 . 50 ~tober 10 - Monday 1814 17 . 50 December 4 - Monday 1815 14. 50 ijgyember 11 - Monday 1816 10.00. D.ecember 1 - Monday 1817 12. 50 December 1 - Monday 1818 12. 50 ,Dec8!11l:>er .. Q. ~- )(_on_ciay 1819 1 '' 12.50 D~cember 4 - Monday 1820 12. #)0 :Q_ecember 3 - Monday 1821· 7 .no D~cember 2 - Monday 1822 7. 50 ~ember 1- Monday 1823 · 7. 50 :tfovember 29 - Monday 1824 , 7.50 ~ber -, - Monday 1825 7. 50 December 4 - ~onday 1826 7. 50 December 1 - Monday 1823) Novembe~_?9 -Monday 1824) 1 ~c~ber ~ - Monday 1825)vo1. December 4 - Monday 1826) 2~t50 .. December 3 - Monday 1827 7. 50 December 1 - Monday 1828 7 .oo ~~ember 1 - Monday 1829 7 . 50 December 6 - Monday 1830 .....J. 7. 50 December 5 - Monday 1831 7 . 50 December 3 - Monday 18)2 .1 o5 0

- 1 -

.,· December 2 - Monday 1833 1 December 1 1834 ~p l2 .50 December 1 183 December 7 1835 12 . 50 December 2 - Monday 183' December 1 1834 1 December 7 1835, vol. 17 . 50 December 5 183 June 12 Extra Session 1837 January 1 1838 1 January 7 1839 vo1 . 22 . 50 January 7 183 7 . 50 December 2 1839 7 . 50 December 1 1840· 6 . 00 December 6 1841 6 . 00 December 2 183v December 1 1840· December 6 1841 1 December 5 1842 vol. 24. 00 December 4 184 6. 00 December 2 1844 6 . 00 December 1 1845 6. 00 December 7 1846 6 . 00 December 6 1847. 6. 00 December 4 184e 6 . 00 May 28 Extra Session 184 ~ 1 December 2 184~J vol. 6 . 00 December 2 1850 • 5 . 00 January 12 1852 5 . 00 November 22 1852 5 . 00 December 5 1853 5 . 00 December 3 1855 5 . 00 December 7 185 ~ 1 If~ch 8 1858 vol. 5 . 00 December 5 185 5 . 00 January 7 1861 ~ -Ordinances Adopted by the Convention of Virginia in Secret Session in April and May , 1861 , Ord.inanc·es Adopted by the Convention Virginia 'by the Adjourned Session in 31 June and July, 1861 - Richmond vol. 5 . 00 Acts and Joint Resolutions of General 1 Assembly of Virginia, 1861 vol. 5 . 00 December 2 , 1861- 1,.(1'2 l.! (106 p . ) Richmond, Virginia)Yo2. 3 . 50 December 2, . 1861 April 1 Extra Session 1862 Canst. C. S. A., March 11 1861 1861. - Richmond. .,. 5 . 00 September 15 Called Session January 7 Adjourned Session 1 Richmond ol. 5 . 00 September 7 Called Session December 7 Richmond, Virginia 5 . 00 - 2 - July 1, 1861 - Extra Session at Wheeling June 11, 1861 - Ordinances of the Con- 1 ~·, vention at Wheeling val. ~.) 5 . 00 Regular Session,' December 2 , 1861 at v' t.. ) . Wheeling 0 5 . 00 Extra Session, Hay 6 , 1862, at Wheeling) 5. 00 Extra Session, December 4, 1862 at Wheeling) 5 . 00 December 7, 1863, Regular Session at Alexandri ~ 22. 50 December 5, 1864, Regular Session at Alexandria) 5 . 00 June 19, 1865, Extra Session at Richmond) 5. 00 December 4 1865 5. 00 December 3 186 1 1~rch 4 Extra Session 1867 vol. 5 . 00 October 5 186 February 8 1870 1 October 1 1870 val. 3. 50 December 7 187 3 . 50 December 6 187ll 1 1~rch 27 Extra Session 1872J vol. 3. 50 December 4 1872 3 . 50 January 1 1874 3 . 50 December 2 1874 3. 50 December 1 1875 3 . 50 December 6 1876 3 . 50 December 5 1877 . 3 . 50 December 4 187 1 March 4 Special Session 1879 val. 3. 50 December 3 187 December 7 1881 1 1furch 7 Extra Session 1882 val. 3 . 50 December 7 18 1 March 7 Extra Session 1882 val. 3 . 50 December 5 188 3 . 50 August 13 Extra Session 1884 3 . 50 December 2 1885 3 . 50 March 16 Extra Session 1887 3 . 50 December 7 1887 3 . 50 December 4 1889 3 . 50 December 2 1891 ·3 . 50 December 6 1893 3. 50 December 4 1985 3 . 50 December 1 1897 3. 50 December 6 1899 3. 50 January 23 Extra Session 1901 3. 50 December 4 1901 3 . 50 July 15 190~ November 12 1902 1 November 10 Extra Session 1903 vol. 3. 50 January 13 190 3 . 50 January 10 1906 3. 50 January 8 1908 3 . 50 January 12 - Wednesday 1910 3 . 50 January 10 - Wednesday 1912 3 . 50 January 14 - Wednesday 1914 3 . 50 January 13 - Wed . Extra Session 1915 3 . 50 January 12 - Wednesday 1916 3.DO - 3 - January 9 - Wednesday 1918 ~~ 3. 50 August 13 - Wed. Extra Session 1919• 3.50 January 14 - Wednesday 1920 3.50 January 11 - Wednesday 1922 3.50 February 28 - Vved. Extra Session 192·3 3.50 January 9 - Wednesday 1924 3.50 January 13 - Wednesday 1926 3.50 March 16 - Wed. Extra Session 1927 3.50 January 11 - Wednesday 1928 3.50 January 8 - Wednesday 1930 3.50 January 13 - Wednesday 1932 3.50 August 17 - Wed. Extra Session 193~ 1 January 10 - Wed. Reg. Session 1934 vol. 5.00 January 8 - Wednesday 193 2.50 December 14 - Mon. Extra Session 1936 2.50 January 12 - Wednesday 1938 2.50 , January 10 - Wednesday 1940 2.5q Index to Enrolled Bills - Williams, 1776-1910 1.o6 Index to Enrolled Bills of the General I Assembly of Va., 1776-1862 3 .oo \ \ 5"(.,.~


Hening's Statutes at Large, Vols. 1-13, incl. - Original Calf $100.00 Shepherd's Statutes at Large {New Series) Vols. 1-3, incl. 75.00 Casey's Index to Hening's Statutes 10.00 Code of Virginia, 1733, William Parks 79.50 Mercer's Abridgement - 1737 127.50 Code of Va., 1752, William Hunter 79.50 Mercer's Abridgement, 1759 17.50 Code of Virginia 1769 54.50 Code of Virginia 1785 34.50 Code of Virginia 1794 • 54.50 Code of Virginia - Rando1p.h' s Abridgement 1796 50.00 Revisors' Report - Jefferson 1784 29.50 Code of Virginia 1803 10.00 Code of Virginia 1808 7.00 Code of Virginia 1812 12.50 Code of Virginia 1814 10.00 Code of Virginia, Vols. 1&2 1819 10.00 Code of Virginia Supplement 1833 p.OO

- 4 - Code of Virginia, Part I and Part II 1849 $ 10.00 Code of Virginia - 1 Vol. 1849 5.00 Code of Virginia 1860 5.00 Code of Virginia 1873 5.00 Code of Virginia . 1887 5.00 Comparison Virginia Codes 1873-1887 5.00 Supplement - Pollard 1898 3.00 Hurst's Pocket Code of Va. 1898 1.00 Supplement - Pollard 1899 3.00 Code of Virginia - P~llard - Vols. land 21· 1904 10.00 Code of Virginia - Pollard - Vols. 1-2-3-4 ' 1904 5.00 Supplement Code of Virginia," 1908-1910-1912-1916-1918-1920-1922 7.00 Code of Virginia, Vols. 1 and 2 1919 10.0 0 Revisors' Report, 1919 Code .05 Hurst's Pocket Code 1920 1.00 Code of Virginia 192~ 10.00 Code of Virginia 1924 1.00 Code of Virginia 1930 1.00 Virginia Revenue Laws - Allen - 1882 1.00 Citations to the Code of Virginia, 1895 - Eby 2.00 Garnett, C. B. - The Business Man's Code of Virginia Laws, 1907 1.00 Jones, Anna L. -- An Abridgement of the Virginia Laws concerning Education Lynchburg, 1915 1.00 Virginia Revenue Laws - Massie - 1880-81 1.00 General Laws of Virginia - Pollard, 1887-1894 1.00 General Laws of Virginia, 1887-94 1.00

Virginia School Laws, 1869-84 ~t,~~ r- ~. 1.00

CITY OF LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA 1857 Ordina.nc es of City of Lynchburg by Charles w. Christian 1867 General Ordinances of City of Lynchburg, by Charles 1'11. Blackford 1880 General '"Ordinances of City of Lynchburg, by Charles M. Blackford 1887 Code of City of Lynchburg, by Thomas D. Davis.

- 5 - 1905 Code· of the City of Roanoke, by Henry A.. Minor, Jr., and Fred Harper 1915 Lynchburg City Code, By Mayo c. Brown 1923 Lynchburg City Code, By Mayo C. Brown 1931 Lynchburg City Code, By City Council and J. Bowling Jones, Jr. 1943 Lynchburg City Code By Michie Company


1906 West Virginia Code Annotated ~ 2.50 1923 Barnes West Virginia Code Annotated 2.50 1939 Supplement to Code of West Virginia Code of 1937 _ 1.00 '&lo'\


Bacon, :Matthew -- Bacon's Abridgement In five volumes and also a supplement "John B. 11iinor, 1836", set Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Dublin, 1793 Vol. 6, Dublin, 1801 Vol. 7, Dublin, 1801 ~v 2o.oo Blackstone, Sir William--Commentaries ·on the Laws of England In four books Sixth Edition Dub 1 in, 17 '1 5 Vols. I, II, III, IV 30.00 Tucker, St. George--Tucker's Blackstone , 1803 Vol. I, Part 1 Vol. I, Part 2 Vol. II Vol. III Vol. IV 40.00

- 6 - Bouvier, John-- Bouvier's Institutes Philadelphia, 1851 Vols. I, II, III, IV ~~ 10.00 Broom, Herbert -- Broom's Commentaries on the Common Law Philadelphia, 1856 l.OO Coke' Lord -- Coke Is First Inst itu·te with Notes, by Hargrave and Thomas In three volumes London, l8l8 Vols. l, 2 and 3 l5.00 Kent, James --Kent's Commentaries Fourth Edition New York, l850 Vola. I, II, III, IV 8.00 Minor, John B.--Minor's Institutes: Vol. I - lst Edition 7.50 Vol. I - 2nd Edition 7.50 Vol. I - 3rd Edition 7.50 Vol. I -4th Edition 7.50 Vol. II - lst Edition 7.50 Vol. I I - 2nd Edition 7.50 Vol. II - 3rd Edition 7.50 Vol. II,- 4th Edition 7.50 Vol. III- lst Edition 2.50 Vol. III, Part I, 2nd Edition 7.50 Vol. III, Part II,2nd Edition 7.50 Vol. IV, Part I, lst Edition 7.50 Vol. IV, Part II, 1st Edition 7.50 Vol. IV, Part I, 2nd Edition 7.50 Vol. IV, Part I, 3rd Edition 7ro Vol. IV, Part II, 3rd Edition 7.50 Tucker, Henry St. George -- Tucker's Commentaries First Edition Winchester, 1831 Vols. I and II 10.00 Tucker, Henry St. George--Tucker's Commentaries Second Edition Winchester, 1836 Vols. I and II 10 • 00 '\IS'~o


Journals of Congress: Vol. I -From Sept. 5, 1774 to Jan. 1, 1776 5.00 - 7 - Vol. II - From Jan. 1, 1776 to Dec. 31, 1776 $ 5.00 Vol. III - From Jan. 1, 1777 to Jan. 1, 1778 5.00 Vol. IV - From Jan. 1, 1778 to Jan. 1, 1779 5.00 Vol. V -From Jan. l, i7?9 to Jan. 1, 1780 5.00 Vol. VI - From Jan. 1, 1780 to Jan. 1, 1781 5.00 Vol. VII -From Jan. 1, 1781 to Nov. 2, 1782 5.00 Vol. VIII - From Nov. 2, 1782 to Nov. 1, 1783 5.00 Vol. IX -From Nov. 3, 1783 to June 3, 1784 5.00 Vol. X -From Nov. 1, 1884 to Nov . 4, 1885 5.00 Vol • . XII- From Noy. 6, 1786 to Nov. 5, 1887 5.00 Vol. XIII - From Nov. 5, 1787 to Nov. 3, 1788 5.00 Elliott, Jonothan--The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Con­ stitution as Recommended by the General Conven­ tion at Philadelphia in 1787 In four volumes Washington, 1836 Vola. I, II, III, IV 20.00 Madison, Ja.me a--Debates on the .Adoption of the Federal Constitution in the Convention held at Philadelphia in 1787 Revised by Jonathan Elliott Complete in one volume Vvashington, 1845 Vol. V 5.00 Grigsby, Hugh Blair--The Virginia Convention of 1776 Richmond, 1855 3.00 Martin, Luther--Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assembled at Philadelphia in the year 1787, for the Purpose of Forming the Con­ stitution of the United States of America Richmond, 1839 5.00 Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky Penned by Madison & Jefferson in Relation to the .Alien and Sedition Laws .And the Debates and Proceedings in the House of Delegates of Virginia on the same in Dec. 1798 Richmond, 1835 5.00 Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State Con­ vention of 1829-30 Richmond, 1930 10.00 Journal, Acts and Proceedings of a General Conven­ tion of the State of Virginia .Assembled at Richmond on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1850 Richmond, 1850 1.:6.00

- 8 - Documents, Containing Statistics of Virginia Ordered to be Printed by the State Convention Sitting in the City of Richmond, 1850-51 Richmond, 1851 ~pd' 2 5 .oo The Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America From the Institution of the Government, Feb. 8, 1861, to its termination Feb. 18, 1862, incl. Edited by James M. Matthews Richmond, 1864. 5.00 Document No . 17 - Biennial Report of the Board of Public Works to the General Assembly of' Virginia 1859-60 and 1860-61 10.00 Document No . 1 -- Message of the and Accompanying Documents Richmond, 1863 10.00 Journal of the Constitutional Convention of Vir­ ginia which convened at Alexandria on the 13th day of February, 1864 Alexandria, 1864 5.00 The Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Virginia Assembled at the City of Richmond, Tuesday , December 3, 1867 Richmond, 1868 Vol. I (Samuel F. Kelso , Lynchburg, Va.) 17.50 Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Virginia Richmond, 1867 5.00 Documents of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Virginia Richmond, 1867 (Samuel F. Kelsoe, Lynch burg, Va.) 5.00 Debates -Constitutional Convention, 1901-1902 Richmond, 1906 Vols. I and II 5.00 The Constitution of the State of Virginia, Adopted by the Convention of 1901-02 Richmond, 1902 1.00 Long, Armistead R.--The Annotated Edition Lynchburg, 1901 5.00 Branaman, J. w. --A Conventions Richmond, 1902 2.50

- 9 - Pulliam, David L.--The Conventions of Virginia from the Foundation of the Commonwealth to the :present time Richmond, 1901 5 . 00 Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of Virgi1ria Agreed to by the General Assembly of Virginia at the Regular Session of 1926 and the Extra Session of 1927 Richmond, 1927 1 . 00 House Journal and Documents Virginia 1927 Extra Session, containing Re:p ort of Commission on Amend- ments to the Constitution 3 . 00 Journal of the House of Delegates, 1861-62 1 . 00 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1869-70 1 . 00 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1875;1876 1 . 00

I Journal of the Senate of Virginia,. 1875- 76 1 . 00 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia , 187 6-77 1 . 00 Journal of the Senate of Virginia, 1876-77 1 . 00 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia , 1887- 88 1 . 00 Journal of the Senate of Virginia, 1908 1 . 00

Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1910 1 . 00 Journal of the Senate of Virginia, 1910 1 . 00

Journal & Documents of the Senate of Virginia, 1932 Journal and Documents of the House of Delegates of Virginia Extra Session, 1933 Regular Session, 1934 Journal and Documents of the Senate of Virginia Extra Session, 1933 Regular Sessi~n , 1934

I Journals of the House of Delegates and Senate of Virginia Sessions held in the Restored Capital at Williamsburg, Sat., Feb . 24 , 1934

- lO - Journal and Documents of the House of Delegates of Virginia Regular Session, 1936 Journal & Documents of the Senate of Virginia Regular Session, 1936 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia Extra Session 1936-1937 Journal and Documents of the Senate of Virginia Extra Session, 1936-37 Journal and Document of the Rouse of Delegates of Virginia Regular Session, 1938 Journal & Documents of the Senate of Virginia Regular Session, 1938 Journals of the House of Delegates and Senate of Virginia Session held in the Restored Capital at Williams­ burg, Sat., Feb. 12, 1938 Journal and Documents of the Rouse of Delegates of Virginia Regular Session, 1940

Journal & Documents of the Senate o~ Virginia Regular Session, 1940 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia Regular Session, 1942 Journal of the Senate of Virginia Regular Session, 1942 Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia Extra Session, 1942 Journal of the Senate of Virginia Extra Session, 1942 House Journal - Virginia Extra Session, l942 Regular Session, l944 2.50 Senate Journal - Virginia Extra Session, 1942 Regular Session, 1944 2.50 Senate and Rouse Documents Virginia - 1944

- 11 - American Decisions and Reports Table of Cases and Index to Notes $ 2.00 Digest -- American Reports Vols. l-24; Vol. 25-48; Vol. 49-60 Index 49-60 Table of Cases 1-60 1.00 Digest American State Reports Mack's Digest, 1-24 1.00 Church's Digest, 25-48 1.00 Magee's Digest, 49-72 1.00 With Table of Cases, 1-72

Green's Diges~, American State Reports Vols. I, II, III, IV, V l.O.OO Table of Cases and List of Notes American Decisions, 100 Vols. American Reports, 60 Vols. American State Reports, 100 Vols. 3.00 Index to Notes - American State Reports Vols. 1-91 l..OO Digest American and English Annotated Cases Vols. 21-40 (1916B) 1.00 Digest American and English Annotated Cases Vols. 1-20; 21 Annotated Cases to Annotated Cases 1918E i.oo Di'gest American and. English Annotated Cases and Index to Notes 1916C-1918B 1.00 Complete Index of all Annotated Cases Notes Vols. 1 to l918E 53 Volumes 2.00 Complete Index of all Annotated Cases lfols. 1 to l.9l.8E 53 Vol.s .. 2.00 Index to Notes · American and English Annotated Cases Vols. 1 to 15 Index to Notes Annotated Cases American and English Vols. l to 1916B American Digest Century Edition Vols. 1 to 50 75.00

- 1.3 - I

American Digest Decennial Edition Vols. l to 25 $ 50.00 American Digest Second Decennial Edition Vols. l to 24 50.00 American Digest Third Decennial Edition Vols. l to 29 150.00 American Digest Fourth Decennial Edition Vols. l to :54 225.00 American Digest--Descriptive Word Index Third & Fourth Decennial Digest - 2 Vols. 1.00 Ten Year Digest American Law Reports Covering Vols. 1-125 Vols. 1 to 4 1.00 Digest American Law Reports Covering Vols. 126-150 Vol. 5 1.00 American Law Reports Word Index to Annotation Desk Book Vols. 1 to 4 1.00 American Law Reports - Bluebook of Supplemental Decisions 1.00 Digest American Negligenae Cases 1.00 Digest American Negligence Cases . Amer. Neg. Cases, Vol. l to 11, incl. Amer. :~eg. Heports, Vol. 1 to 9, incl. One Volume 1.00 Index to Notes American Negligence Cases, Vols. 1-17 1.00 Digest American Negligence Reports, 1-20, 1910 1.00 Brightly, Frederick C. ·--Brightly r s Digest of Federal Decisions · Vols. I and II 1.00 ' Chitty, Edward--Chittyrs Equity Digest In four volumes Third Edition , 1853 Vols. 1, 3 and 4 3.00


Ballentine, James A.--Law Dictionary with Pro­ nunciations Rochester, 1930 $ 15.00 Black, Henry Campbell--A Law Dictionary Second Edition St. Paul, Minn., 1910 2.50 Bouvier, John--Bouvier's Law Dictionary Philadelphia, 1887 Vol. I and Vol. II 2.00 Burn, Richard--Burn's Law nictionary Dublin, 1792 1.00 Jacob, Giles--Jacob's Law Dictionary In six velum es New York, 1811 Vols. 1, 4, 5, and 6 4.00 Walker, John--Walker's Dictionary New York, 1828 1.00 Webster's Academic Dictionary 1.00 Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Fifth Edition, 1943 4.00 Webster's New International Dictionary Second Edition Unabridged 22.50 Caldwell, Fred P.--The Virginia and West Virginia Judicial Dictionary Digest Words & Phrases, 1922 Vo ls • 1 to 6 , ina 1. 10.00 Words and Phrases Permanent Edition West Publishing Company, 1940 Vols~ 1 to 45, incl. - 325.00 ~~~~

DIGR:STS Digest-American Criminal Reports With Table of Cases 1.00 Rapalje's Digest, American Decisions and Reports Index to Notes, 1760-1887 Vols. I, II, III 5.00

- 12 - Harrison, R. Tarrant--Harrison's Digest In five volumes Period covered, 1756 to 1843 Vols. II, III, IV, V VI Sup. Vol. II VII Sup. Vol. III 3.00 Hurst, Sam N.--Hurst's Annotated Criminal Digest Virginia and West Virginia 1.00 Digest, L. R. A. (complete) Vols. l to 10, incl. 10.00 Digest Lawyers Report Annotated New Series Vols. l-2 2.00 Lawyers Reports Annotated Extra Annotation Vols. l to 6, incl. 6.00 Lawyers Reports Annotated, Greenbook 1.00 Index to Negligence Compensation Cases Annotated (Vols. l to 10 1.00 (Vols. ll to 18 1.00 Virginia Edition of the Southeastern Reporter Digest Vola. 1 to 11, incl. 22.00 Virginia Edition of the Southeastern Reporter Annuals 141-155; 156-170; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943 13.00 Virginia and Southeastern Bluebook 1.00 Digest United States Supreme Court Reports With Pocket Parts Law Edition 'Vols. 1 to ll, incl. 00 .oo United States Digest--Court Rules 1.00 Michie's Digest of Virginia and West Virginia Reports Charlottesville, 1929 Vol. 1 to 11, incl. 100.00 Michie's Digest of Virginia and West Virginia Reports Permanent Supplement Charlottesville, Va., 1941 Vols. l to 6, incl. 60.00 ~\o~~


American and English Encyclopedia of Law Second Edition Vols. 1 to 32, incl. $ 32.00 American Jurisprudence Vols . 1 to 52, incl. 305.00 Brill, Haschal H.--Cyclopedia of Criminal Law Chicago, 1.923 Vols. 1 to 3, incl. 7.50 Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure - "CYC 11 Vols. 1 to 49, incl. 15.00 Corpus Juris -- CJ Vols. 1 to 71, incl. 75.00

Annotations Carpus Juris -- ncycn 1901-1913; 1914-1918; 1921; 1922-1926; 1927-1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936 10.00 Index and Concordance - CJ 1.00

Qui~k Search Manual - GJ 1.00 Corpus Juris Secondum - CJS Vals. l to 42, incl. 420.00 Encyclopedia of Evidence Vols. 1 to 14, incl. and Supplements lst, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th 24.00 Encyclopedia of Forms Vols. l to 18, incl. 20.00 Encyclopedia of Pleading and Practice Vols . l to 23, incl. 23.00 Ruling Case Law Vols. l to 28, incl. 50.00 Ruling Case Law Supplement Vols. l to 3, incl. 3.00 Ruling Case Law Permanent Supplement Vols. l to 8, incl. 8.00 Ruling Case Law Complete Index Vols. 1 and 2 2.00 Mic.hie's Encyclopedia of United States Supreme Court Reports Charlottesville, Va., 1908 Vols. l to 11, incl. - 16 - FOR:WJ.3

Encyclopedia Forms Vols. 1 to 18, incl. (See Encyclopedias) Gregory Forms of Common Law Declarations, 1906 1.00 Gregory, George C.--Gregory's Forms Third Edition Vols. 1, 2, 3 20.00 Hurst, Sam N.--Hurst's Forms, 1905 1.00 Johnston, Frederick--Johnston's Forms Richmond, 1887 5.00 Jones, Leonard A.--Jones' Legal Forms Sixth Edition Indianapolis, 1909 2.00 Lawyer's Guide, New York, 1811 Volume 1 1.00 Matthews, James M.--:Mat thews' Guide Richmond, 1850 1.00

Matthews, James M. --Matthews' Guide Second Edition -Revised & enlarged Richmond, 1871 1.00 Mayo, Joseph --Mayo's Guide Richmond, 1850 2.00 Mayo's Guide, 1892 2.50 Mayo, Joseph--Mayo's Guide Adapted to the Code of Va., 1887 Being a Revision of Mayo's Guide Richmond, 1892 1.00 Robinson, Conway--Robinson's Forms Richmond, 1841 5.00

Tate, Benjamin--Tate's ~~erican Form Book Richmond, 1845 1.50 Virginia Scrivener 3.00 Waddey's Guide By: J. G. Pollard & c. B. Garnett Richmond, 1906


Havard Law Review Vo1s. 1 to 19, incl., and Vols. 40 to 52, incl. 70.00 -17· ...~ --~----~------~ Virginia Law Journal Vols. 1 to 17, incl. $150.00 Virginia Law Register Vols. 1 to 20, incl. 40.00 Virginia Law Register (New Series) Vols. 1 to 13, incl. 25.00

Index to Virginia Law Regi~ter Vols. l-10 1.00 Virginia Law Review Vols. 1 to 30, incl. 138.50 Washington & Lee Law Review Vols. 1 to 3, incl.


Reports American Bar Asso,ciation Vol • 24, and Vola. 26 to 67, incl. - 42.00 American Criminal Reports Vols. 1 to 15, incl. 25.00 American Decisions Vols. 1 to 100, incl. 100.00 American Reports Vols. 1 to 60, incl. 60.00 American State Reports Vols. 1 to 140, incl. 140.00 American and English Annotated Cases Vols. l to 53, incl. 53.00 American Law Reports Annotated Vols. l to lb3, incl. 620.00 American Leading Cases With Notes by Hare and Wallace Fourth Edition Philadelphia, 1857 Vol. I and Vol. II 2.00 American Negligence Cases Vols. 1 to 17, incl. 17·.00 American Negligence Reports Vols. 1 to 21, incl. 21.00 - 18 - Blackstone, Henry--Blackstone's Reports Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber From Easter Term 28th Gao. III, 1788 to Hilary Term 36th Geo. III, 1796, both inclusive Second American corrected from the Last London Edition Philadelphia, 1819 Vol. I $ 2.00 Brown, William--Brown's Chancery Reports (Perkins' Edition) In four volumes, By Belt and by Eden Period covered, 1778 to 1794 First American from Fifth London Edition Boston, 1844 Vol. I, II, III, IV 4.00 Burrow, Sir James--Burrow's Reports Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench during the time of Lord Mansfield's presiding in that Court From Michaelmas Term 30 Geo. II, 1756 to Easter Term 12 Geo. III, 1772 In five volwnes The Fifth Edition corrected Dublin,. 1794 Vols. I, II, III, IV, V 10.00 Campbell, John--Campbell's Reports Reports of Cases Determined at Nisi Prius in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas and on the Home Circuit Period covered, 1807 to 1816 Vol. I, New York, 1810 Vol. II, New York, 1811 Vol. III, New York, 1821 Vol. IV, New York, 1821 $ 5.00 Coke's Reports Dublin, .1793 Vols. 1 to 7, incl. 40.00 Cowper, Henry--Cowper's Reports Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench From Hilary Term, the 14th of Geo. III, 1774 to Trinity Term, the 18th of Geo. III, 1778, both inclusive. Dublin, 1794 One Volume 3.50 Douglas, Sylvester, Esq.--Douglas's Reports Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench in the 19th, 20th and 21st years of Geor~e III Period coverea - 1778 - 1784 - 19 -

... The Third Edition London, 1790 Part I and Part II, or Vol. I and Vol. 1I Douglas, Sylvester--Douglas's Reports Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench in the 19th, 20th and 21st years of George III Period covered, 1778 - 1784 First American from the Third London Edition Philadelphia, 1807 Part I and Part II, or Vol. I and Vol. II 5.00 East, Edward Hyde--East's Reports Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench In sixteen volumes Period covered, 1800 to 1812 Vols. 1 to 16 Lacking 8, 15 and 16 15.00

English Law & E~uity Reports Period covered 1850 - 1853 · Vols. I to XV, inclusive Boston 1851-1853 30.00 Lawyer's Reports Annotated Vols. 1 to 70, incl. 70.00 Lawyer's Reports Annotated (New Series} Vols. 1 to 52, incl. · 52.00 Lawyer's Reports Annotated (Third Series) Vols. 1 to 24, incl. 24.00

Leading Cases in E~uity With Notes by White and Tudor In two volumes First Americru1 from the Fourth London Edition Philadelphia, 1876 Vol. I, Part 1 Vol. I, Part 2 Vol. II, Part 1 Vol. II, Part 2 4.00 Martin, William Bruce--Martin's Index Virginia Reports Jefferson to Vol. 91 Richmond, 1896 1.00 Negligence and Compensation Cases Annotated Vols. 1 to 19, incl. 19.00

- 20 - Raymond, Hon. Robert Lord--Raymond's Reports Reports of cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench and Common Pleas in the reigns of the late King William, Queen Anne, King George I and King George II Period covered, 1694-1732 Fourth Edition corrected Dublin, 1792 Vols. 1, 2 and 3 "Chas. M. Blackford, 1856 rr $ 15.00 Rose, falter llialins--Notes on U. S. Reports San Francisco, 1899 Vols. I to XIII, inclusive 5.00 Russell, William Oldnall--English Crown Cases Crown Cases Renewed and Considered and Decided by the twelve Judges of England in the year 1799 to the year 1824 Philadelphia, 1839 1.00 • Saunders, Sir Edmund--Saunders' Reports The Reports of the Most Learned Sir Edmund Saun­ ders, late Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench of several Pleadings and Cases in the Court of King's Bench in the time of the reign of his Most Excellent Majesty King Charles II Period covered, 1666-1672 In two volumes The First American from the Third London Edition Philadelphia, 1807 Vol. I Vol. II, Part I Vol. II, Part II 6.00 Smith, John William--Smith's Leading Cases With Notes by Hare and Wallace In two volumes Fifth American from the Last English Edition Philadelphia, 1855 Vols. 1 and 2 4.00 Smith, John William--Smith's Leading Cases With Notes by Hare and Wallace In two Volumes Fifth American from the last English Edition Philadelphia, 1855 Vol. I and Vol. II (Kirkpatrick & Blackford copy) 4.00 Southeastern Reports Vols. 1 to 200, incl. 250.00 Southeastern Reports Second Series Vols. 1 to 30, incl. 150.00

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·.'f>·. United States Supreme Court Reports Law Edition Vols . l to 87 , incl. · ~5 322 . 50 Vesey , Francis, Jr .--Veseyrs Chancery Reports Reports o~ Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court o~ · Chancery Period covered, 1789 to 1817 First American ~rom the Third London Edition Philadelphia, 1821 Vols . 1 to 22 Lacking Vol. 1 , IlL 21 and 22 18. 00

Virginia Reports: 1 Washington 1 Virginia 5 . 00 2 Washington 2 Virginia 5 . 00 1 Virginia Cases 3 Virginia 12. 50 2 Virginia Cases 4 Virginia 12. 50 1 Call 5 Virginia 7 . 50 2 Call 6 Virginia 7 . 50 3 Call 7 Virginia 7 . 50 4 Call 8 Virginia 17. 50 5 Call 9 Virginia 17 . 50 6 Call 10 Virginia 17 . 50 1 Hening & Mun~ord 11 Virginia 7.50 2 Hening & Mun~ord 12 Virginia 7 . 50 3 Hening & Mun~ord 13 Virginia 7 . 50 4 Hening & Mun~ord 14 Virginia 7 . 50 1 Mu~ord 15 Virginia 5 . 00 2 Mun~ord 16 Virginia 5 . 00 3 Munford 17 Virginia 5 . 00 4 Mun~ord 18 Virginia 5 . 00 5 Mu~ord 19 Virginia 5 . 00 6 Mun~ord 20 Virginia 5 . 00 Gilmer 21 Virginia 7 . 50 1 Randolph 22 Virginia 5 . 00 2 Randolph 23 Virginia 5 . 00 3 Randolph 24 Virginia 5 . 00 4 Randolph 25 Virginia 5 . 00 5 Randolph 26 Virginia 5 . 00 6 Randolph 27 Virginia 5 . 00 l Leigh 28 Virginia 3 . 00 2 Leigh 29 Virginia 3 . 00 3 Leigh 30 Virginia 3 . 00 4 Leigh 31 Virginia 3 . 00 5 Leigh 32 Virginia 3 . 00 6 Leigh 33 Virginia 3 . 00 7 Leigh 34 Virginia 3 . 00 8 Leigh 35 Virginia 3 . 00 9 Leigh 36 Virginia 3 . 00 10 Leigh 37 Virginia 3 . 00 11 Leigh 38 Virginia 3 . 00 12 Leigh 39 Virginia 3 . 00 1 Robinson 40 Virginia 3 . 00 2 Robinson 41 Virginia 3 . 00

- 22 - 1 Grattan 42 Virginia $ 3 . 00 2 Grattan 43 Virginia 3 . 00 3 Grattan 44 Virginia 3 . 00 4 Grattan 45 Virginia 3 . 00 5 Grattan 46 Virginia 3 . 00 6 Grattan 47 Virginia 3 . 00 7 Grattan 48 Virginia 3 . 00 8 Grattan 49 Virginia 3 . 00 9 Grattan 50 Virginia 3 . 00 10 Grat·~an 51 Virginia 3 . 00 11 Grattan 52 Virginia 3 , 00 12 Grattan 53 Virginia ~ . oo 13 Grattan 54 Virginia 3 . 00 14 Grattan 55 Virginia 3 . 00 15 Grattan 56 Virginia 3 . 00 16 Grattan 57 Virginia 3 , 00 17 Grattan 58 Virginia 3 . 00 18 Grattan 59 Virginia 3 . 00 19 Grattan 60 Virginia 3 . 00 20 Grattan 61 Virginia 3 . 00 21 Grattan 62 Virginia 3 . 00 22 Grattan 63 Virginia 3 . 00 23 Grattan 64 Virginia 3 . 00 24 Grattan 65 Virginia . 3 . 00 25 Grattan 66 Virginia 3 . 00 26 Grattan 67 Virginia 3 . 00 27 Grattan 68 Virginia 3 . 00 28 Grattan 69 Virginia 3 . 00 29 Grattan 70 Virginia 3 . 00 30 Grattan 71 Virginia 3 . 00 31 Grattan 72 Virginia 3 . 00 32 Gratte.n 73 Virginia 3 . 0C 33 Grattan 74 Virginia 3 . 00 75 Virginia 2 . 00 76 Virginia 2 . 00 77 Virginia 2 . 00 78 Virginia 2 . 00 79 Virginia 2 . 00 80 Virginia 2 . 00 81 Virginia 2 . 00 82 Virginia 2 . 00 83 Virginia 2 . 00 84 Virgin ia 2 . 00 85 Virginia 2 . 00 86 Virginia 2 . 00 87 Virginia 2 . 00 88 Virginia 2 . 00 89 Virginia 2 . 00 90 Virginia 2 . 00 91 Virginia 2 . 00 92 Virginia 2 . 00 93 Virginia 2 . 00 94 Virginia 2 . 00 95 Virginia 2 . 00 96 Virginia 2 . 00 97 Virginia 3 . 50 98 Virginia 4 . 50 - 23 -

. ·.~· .. 99 Virginia $ a.oo 100 Virginia 2 . 00 101 Virginia 2. 00 102 Virginia 2.00 103 Virginia 2. 00 104 Virginia 2 . 00 105 Virginia 2 . 00 106 Virginia 4 . 50 107 Virginia 2. 00 108 Virginia 4 . 50 109 Virginia 3 . 50 110 Virginia 2. 00 111 Virginia 2 . 00 112 Virginia 2. 00 113 Virginia 2. 00 114 Virginia 2. 00 115 Virginia 2 . 00 116 Virginia 2. 00 117 Virginia 2. 00 118 Virginia 2 . 00 119 Virginia 2. 00 120 Virginia 2. 00 121. Virginia 2 . 00 122 Virginia 2. 00 123 Virginia 2 . 00 124 Virginia 2. 00 125 Virginia 2. 00 126 Virginia 2 . 00 . 127 Virginia 2. 00 128 Virginia 2. 00 129 Virginia 2 . 00 130 Virginia 2 . 00 131 V'irginia 2. 00 132 Virginia 2 . 00 133 Virginia 2 . 00 134 Virginia 2. 00 135 Virginia 2 . 00 136 Virginia 2 . 00 137 Virginia 2 . 00 138 Virginia 2. 00 139 Virginia 2 . 00 140 Virginia 2 . 00 141 Virginia 2. 00 142 Virginia 2. 00 143 Virginia 2 . 00 144 Virginia 2. 00 145 Virginia 2. 00 146 Virginia 2. 00 147 Virginia 2 . 00 148 Virginia 2. 00 149 Virginia 2 . 00 150 Virginia 2. 00 151 Virginia 2 . 00 152 Virginia 2. 00 153 Virginia 2. 00 154 Virginia 2 . 00, 15n Virginia 2 . 00 - 24 - 156 Virginia yrl' 2. 00 157 Virginia 2. 00 158 Virginia 3. 00 159 Virginia 3 . 00 160 Virginia 3. 00 161 Virginia 3 . 00 162 Virginia 3 . 00 163 Virginia 3. 00 164 Virginia 3. 00 165 Virginia 10. 00 166 Virginia 10. 00 167 Virginia 10. 00 168 Virginia 3. 00 169 Virginia 3 . 00 170 Virginia 3 . 00 171 Virginia 3 . 00 172 Virginia 3 . 00 173 Virginia 3 . 00 174 Virginia 3. 00 175 Virginia 3. 00 176 Virginia 3. 00 177 Virginia 3 . 50 178 Virginia 3. 50 179 Virginia 3. 50 180 Virginia 3 . 50 181 Virginia 3. 50 182 Virginia 3 . 50 Virginia Decisions Vols . l and 2 5. 00 Virginia Colonial Decisions Vols . 1 and 2 10. 00 Howison , Robert R.--Reports of Criminal Trials in the Circuit , State and United States Courts held in Richmond, Virginia Richmond., 1851 25 . 00 Jefi·erson' s Reports 27 . 50 Haning and Munford's Reports - Condensed By Lucian. Minor One Volume 5. 00 Patton and Heath -- With Index to Grattan Vols . l and 2 25 . 00 Wythe's Hep orts 22. 50 Annual Reports Virginia--1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937 and 1938 Reports Virginia State Bar Association Vols . l to 55 , inclusive 55 . 00

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