Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

th Class Name: Week# 3 October 5 ,2014

General Assembly

We started the GA with three Omkars followed by the Shanti Mantra.

Aparna Aunty talked about the significance of Ramleela. During the old days, people had no form of entertainment. During this time before Diwali when Lord killed Ravana, they started enacting the life of Lord Rama in the form of Ramleela, to show their devotion to the Lord.

Ravana was actually a very good person originally. People were very happy under his rule. He was a great devotee of Lord . But he had one big negative quality - he had a big ego. This built up over time, and "invited" other negative qualities like anger, jealousy etc. and they got the better of him till he was killed by Lord Rama.

In , we never call anyone evil. Even the are mentioned as having some good qualities. It is just that their negative qualities build up over time and take control of their lives. So the lesson for us is that. we should not let any negative thoughts take root in us. For example, as soon as we start getting angry, we need to recognize that and throw the negative thoughts out. If we don't do that, over time, anger will invite jealousy, ego and a host of other negative qualities, and pretty soon they will develop deep roots and will be hard to get out. Anytime, you feel a negative emotion, say any prayer that you know and it will calm you down.

Then Aparna Aunty and the children did a lead and follow on a prayer

Ramaya Ramabhadraya Ramachandraya vedase Raghu Nathaya Nathaya Sitayah pataye namaha

Class . We flashed back with what we studied last year in Bal Bhagvatam. Kids were very happy to tell about the Avatars of Lord and what does an Aavatar mean.We then started with Bal Bhagvatam –II. Sage Sukhadev continues to tell the glories of Lord Vishnu.( Shri ). At that time many asuras had become arrongant kings and had increased the burden of mother earth.With tears in her eyes she goes to Brahmaji for help. Brahmaji was

Sanskar Academy 1 Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

concerned about her and along with Lord Shiva they go to Lord Narayan for help.Lord Narayan promises mother earth that soon He would be born to Vasudev and Devki and mother earth would be cleaned of sins and sinners. Ugrasena was the king of kingdom.His son was wicked and powerful. Devki was the princess of Mathura and daughter of Devak (Ugrasena’s younger brother).Kamsa really loves her as his real sister. gets married to We flashed back with what we studied last year in Bal Bhagvatam. Kids were very happy to tell about the Avatars of Lord Vishnu and what does an Aavatar mean.We then started with Bal Bhagvatam –II. Sage Sukhadev continues to tell the glories of Lord Vishnu.( Shri Krishna). At that time many asuras had become arrongant kings and had increased the burden of mother earth.With tears in her eyes she goes to Brahmaji for help. Brahmaji was concerned about her and along with Lord Shiva they go to Lord Narayan for help.Lord Narayan promises mother earth that soon He would be born to Vasudev and Devki and mother earth would be cleaned of sins and sinners. Ugrasena was the king of Mathura kingdom.His son Kamsa was wicked and powerful. Devki was the princess of Mathura and daughter of Devak (Ugrasena’s younger brother).Kamsa really loves her as his real sister.Devaki gets married to We flashed back with what we studied last year in Bal Bhagvatam. Kids were very happy to tell about the Avatars of Lord Vishnu and what does an Aavatar mean.We then started with Bal Bhagvatam –II. Sage Sukhadev continues to tell the glories of Lord Vishnu.( Shri Krishna). At that time many asuras had become arrongant kings and had increased the burden of mother earth.With tears in her eyes she goes to Brahmaji for help. Brahmaji was concerned about her and along with Lord Shiva they go to Lord Narayan for help.Lord Narayan promises mother earth that soon He would be born to Vasudev and Devki and mother earth would be cleaned of sins and sinners. Ugrasena was the king of Mathura kingdom.His son Kamsa was wicked and powerful. Devki was the princess of Mathura and daughter of Devak (Ugrasena’s younger brother).Kamsa really loves her as his real sister.Devaki gets married to We flashed back with what we studied last year in Bal Bhagvatam. Kids were very happy to tell about the Avatars of Lord Vishnu and what does an Aavatar mean.We then started with Bal Bhagvatam –II. Sage Sukhadev continues to tell the glories of Lord Vishnu.( Shri Krishna).

At that time many asuras had become arrongant kings and had increased the burden of mother earth.With tears in her eyes she goes to Brahmaji for help. Brahmaji was concerned about her and along with Lord Shiva they go to Lord Narayan for help.Lord Narayan promises mother earth that soon He would be born to Vasudev and Devki and mother earth would be cleaned of sins and

Sanskar Academy 2 Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

sinners. Ugrasena was the king of Mathura kingdom.His son Kamsa was wicked and powerful. Devki was the princess of Mathura and daughter of Devak (Ugrasena’s younger brother).Kamsa really loves her as his real sister.Devaki gets married to Vasudev.After marriage Kamsa drove their chariot to their new home.He had the horses reins in his hands and was about to strike when they hear a heavenly voice which told Kamsa that the eight child of Devki and Vasudev would kill him.Now furious Kamsa wanted to kill Devaki but Vasudev promises him to give all their born children .Kamsa keeps both Vasudev and Devaki in a dark prison.He even imprisoned his father Ugrasena and became the king of Mathura. He became more wicked .Each child born to Vasudev and Devaki was killed by Kamsa. Now it was the time for the birth of the eight child .Devaki and Vasudev see the dark prison filled with lights.There stood Lord Narayan dressed in yellow silk and in four hands he held Shanka, Chakra, Gada and Padma.Vasudev and Devaki bowed before him. Their pain vanished and the Lord said that He had come down to earth to get rid of the wicked people and protect the right people.The Lord asks Vasudev to take him to ,(Vasudev’s friend) in .He asks Vasudev to exchange Him with the girl born to Yashodha and Nand.It was midnight when the light had gone and by Devakis side lay a beautiful dark baby boy.Mother Devaki lifted him into his arms but soon Vasudev had to take the little boy to Gokul .Devaki was sad but she remembered what the Lord had said .The chains tied on Vasudev’s feet broke off.The guards fell into deep sleep and the gates one after another swung open for Vasudev. Kids were very attentive in class. Good Job!!!. We ended our class with the ending prayers.

Homework None. Announcements None.

Sanskar Academy 3