A Guide to Fisheries Stock Assessment from Data to Recommendations
A Guide to Fisheries Stock Assessment From Data to Recommendations Andrew B. Cooper Department of Natural Resources University of New Hampshire Fish are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die – whether from natural causes or from fishing. That’s it. Modelers just use complicated (or not so complicated) math to iron out the details. A Guide to Fisheries Stock Assessment From Data to Recommendations Andrew B. Cooper Department of Natural Resources University of New Hampshire Edited and designed by Kirsten Weir This publication was supported by the National Sea Grant NH Sea Grant College Program College Program of the US Department of Commerce’s Kingman Farm, University of New Hampshire National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Durham, NH 03824 NOAA grant #NA16RG1035. The views expressed herein do 603.749.1565 not necessarily reflect the views of any of those organizations. www.seagrant.unh.edu Acknowledgements Funding for this publication was provided by New Hampshire Sea Grant (NHSG) and the Northeast Consortium (NEC). Thanks go to Ann Bucklin, Brian Doyle and Jonathan Pennock of NHSG and to Troy Hartley of NEC for guidance, support and patience and to Kirsten Weir of NHSG for edit- ing, graphics and layout. Thanks for reviews, comments and suggestions go to Kenneth Beal, retired assistant director of state, federal & constituent programs, National Marine Fisheries Service; Steve Cadrin, director of the NOAA/UMass Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program; David Goethel, commercial fisherman, Hampton, NH; Vincenzo Russo, commercial fisherman, Gloucester, MA; Domenic Sanfilippo, commercial fisherman, Gloucester, MA; Andy Rosenberg, UNH professor of natural resources; Lorelei Stevens, associate editor of Commercial Fisheries News; and Steve Adams, Rollie Barnaby, Pingguo He, Ken LaValley and Mark Wiley, all of NHSG.
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