

Bodybuilders: Permanent Removal Bodybuilders remove body hair prior to competitions, and many prefer to remove hair as a routine practice because this makes the deep 'cuts' and contours of muscles more easily apparent.

Most bodybuilders use non-permanent methods for , and given that hair grows in cycles, hair removal can be a time-consuming commitment. Bodybuilders must remove hair on large body areas such as chest, abdomen, back and legs, as well as arms, underarms, bikini area, neck, face, hands, feet, toes...and for most bodybuilders this is a weekly chore.

Why continue to repeat hair removal with non-permanent methods?

For most bodybuilders it will require 5-10 treatments to permanently free up the hours currently spent on this task, leaving the surface of the skin perfectly and permanently smooth.

You should be aware that multiple treatments are necessary to permanently remove hair in any area because hair grows in continuous cycles; it goes through stages of growth that start at active, progress to a regressive stage of atrophy and then a stage where hair falls out. In order to achieve permanent reduction, the hair follicle should be hit by the laser during the active stage of hair growth because active hair contains the largest amounts of melanin. Since only about 10-25% of are in this active growing stage at the same time, repeated sessions are necessary in time with your active (anagen) growth cycle.

The number of treatments required will vary with each person based on skin type and individual characteristics. People with dark or black skin will generally require more laser treatments than people with fair skin because the wavelength of the laser has to be adjusted to keep the laser from acting on the pigment in the skin. Hair color is also a critical factor, darker hair being easiest to treat.

Champion Laser requires that each client meet with us for a laser hair removal consultation and test patch before beginning treatment. There is no charge for this consultation and no obligation. At this time we will determine what the treatment process will be for you to get the best results, and discuss this with you along with available options.

In addition to designing a program specifically to suit the needs of each client, another key step that Champion Laser employs to ensure that our clients are comfortable is to make sure the skin is cooled effectively. We use a cryogenic spray system as well as a medical Zimmer that blows cold air on the skin being treated for optimal patient comfort. This contributes to quick recovery and reduced redness immediately following treatment.

Risk of The primary risk of shaving, besides the occasional nick, is the problem of ingrown hairs. Razors cut the skin at the skin surface level and the stub of the hair usually sinks below the surface slightly. Most of the time hair will slide straight back up and out and the only problem is that shaving is necessary again all too soon. But a percent of hairs will angle slightly and instead of sliding out the follicle they will stay under the skin which is both unsightly and painful. This is a particularly common occurrence for people with curly hair, which will often turn and twist under the surface, causing (infected hair follicles). If shaving has caused this problem for you, ingrown hair laser treatment will resolve the problem.

Risk of Using Depilatory Creams & In the 1930s, depilatory creams were patented to remove hair from livestock, however, since then the formula has been adapted to be used on . Depilatory creams contain harsh chemicals, such as sodium and calcium thioglycolat. Though the creams are a relatively painless method of hair removal for most people, people with sensitive skin may suffer adverse effects when using depilatory creams, such as redness, skin irritation (ie. rash-like bumps) and sensitivity. Problems can result particularly in sensitive areas such as underarms and genital areas. Repeated application can result in allergic reactions.

Laser treatment for tanned skin It is routine for bodybuilders to tan their skin. Lasers react on the pigment within the hair, and will also create more heat due to their reaction to skin pigment. In order to avoid damage or unnecessary discomfort to tanned skin, the laser energy needs to be reduced. This will extend the number of treatments required. There are, however, other alternatives. Not tanning is of course the best alternative. Tanning creams and spray tan options can be used for actual competions, then discontinued several weeks before the next laser treatment. We will be happy to discuss this with you further to ensure best success for your treatments.

For more details refer: uite 222, 1632 - 14th Avenue N.W. North Hill Shopping Centre Calgary, AB T2N 1 M7

403 210.4801

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