Module 9 Will Cover

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Module 9 Will Cover Having body hair has gone in and out of fashion over the decades. These days it would appear that less is more. Back in the day there was only one way a person could get rid of their body hair and that was by shaving, but nowadays there are many different methods of hair removal that you can do alone or have done professionally. This module explores the different ways of removing body hair for both men and women and the equipment that is needed. Module 9 will cover the following items: 9.1 Shaving 9.2 Waxing Laser 9.3 9.4 Creams 9 MODULE 9.5 Threading Body Hair Removal Methods MODULE 9 Body Hair Removal Methods 102 | P a g e 105 skin and body care 9.1. Shaving In many countries in the West it is culturally encouraged that women from a certain age keep their underarms and legs hairless, which is why shaving has long been a common beauty routine for many. Shaving may look easy, but there are still some things to consider such as what kind of razor you will use, the time of day you will shave, and what you need to do if you accidentally cut yourself with the razor. When using a disposable razor, you will need to replace it each time otherwise you may cut yourself using a dull razor blade. You can shave any part of your body, but it is not recommended for women to shave their faces or their stomachs as this will just encourage darker hair to grow back in its place much quicker. Shaving will last between 1-3 days. There are no real risks involved when shaving, however, if you shave in the wrong direction or use a dull razor blade, you may get ingrown hairs, especially around the bikini line area. TYPES OF RAZORS You need to decide which razor you will use. You have a choice out of the following: Disposable non-electric razor Non-electric razor that has replacement blades Electric razor WITH A DISPOSABLE RAZOR 1. Before shaving rinse/wash your legs in lukewarm to hot water for about 10 minutes in the bath or shower to soften the skin and open up the hair follicles. 2. When shaving it is easier to divide your leg up into three different parts to make the shaving process more manageable – the upper part above your knee, the lower part below your knee, and the knee itself. 3. Sit on the side of the bath with your legs close to the tap. 103 | P a g e 06 skin and body care 4. Apply an Aloe Vera based shaving cream evenly, making sure to cover both the front and back of your leg. 5. Pressing lightly on your skin, working from the bottom up, move the razor slowly upwards towards your knee. It is important to shave in the opposite direction of hair growth to ensure you cut the hairs properly at the root to prevent ingrown hairs. 6. Wash legs, pat dry, and apply moisturiser. NB: A Non-electric razor that has replacement blades requires exactly the same method like when using a disposable razor. The difference is that your disposable razor is likely to be thrown away after one or two uses and with the razor that has replacement blades, all you need to do is to replace the razor blade head. Usually, those with replaceable blades are more comfortable to hold and use, and another benefit of them is that they are usually cheaper in the long run. WITH AN ELECTRIC RAZOR 1. Wet your legs a little with warm water to ensure hair removal is as easy as possible. However, while shaving, your skin needs to be a little bit drier. 2. Just as you do when using a razor, shave in against the hair’s growth. Do not keep going over the same area otherwise you will cause skin irritation. 3. Wash your legs and apply a light moisturiser with Aloe Vera. 4. Clean your razor to maintain its life. SHAVING THE BIKINI AREA When you shave your pubic hair it is different to shaving your legs or armpits. The hair in the pubic region is thicker and it is a highly sensitive zone. You need to take more care as this area is more vulnerable to ingrown hairs. You need to allow yourself 15-30 minutes to shave. 1. Choose your shaving cream. This is a sensitive area, so you need a special shaving cream or gel and do not use soap. The best cream to go for is an unscented shaving cream to get a smooth shave and moisturise the skin at the same time. 2. Use a razor that has a pivoting head with multiple blades so you get a close smooth shave. 3. Trim the area first using a comb and scissors, so you do not have to work your razor too hard. 4. Have a warm shower for 5-10 minutes to soften the skin and hair follicles. 5. Exfoliate the area to get rid of the dead skin cells and achieve a closer shave. 104 | P a g e 107 skin and body care 6. Use a little pre-shaving oil to ensure your razor will glide over the area with ease. This will prevent razor burn, irritation, and also ingrown hairs. 7. Apply your shaving gel or cream onto damp skin. 8. Using a fresh razor blade, first shave in the same direction of the hair’s growth and then change and shave in the opposite direction. 9. Between strokes, rinse your razor. 10. Wash the pubic region and pat it dry with a clean towel. 11. Using an unscented cream or lotion, lightly moisturise the area. 12. To really prevent ingrown hairs, use an ingrown hair serum that will relieve bumps and any redness. Do not shave when you have your period If you are due to the skin shaving the being more majority of sensitive. your pubic hair, use a mirror to avoid cutting your vulva. Shave in the shower instead of the bath so you can prop your legs to make the process easier. 105 | P a g e 108 skin and body care INGROWN HAIRS An ingrown hair is when one hair curls around and grows back into your skin rather than rising up from it. Incorrect shaving techniques, old razors and dead skin cause the hair to grow sideways instead of upwards. Ingrown hairs irritate the skin. They produce raised red bumps that look similar to a pimple or boil. They can be uncomfortable and itchy and in some cases there may be pus inside them, which is a sign that it has become infected. For women, ingrown hairs are more common and usually appear on the legs, armpits, and in the pubic area. People with thick or curly hair such as Hispanic and African-American people develop ingrown hairs easier due to the coarseness of their hair. It is possible ingrown hairs will eventually disappear by themselves over time and they are very rarely threatening. If they do not disappear however, they can become infected or darken the skin permanently leaving a scar. In some cases it is necessary to go to the doctor to get it removed surgically and they will also prescribe some kind of medicine such as: Topical Oral steroid or topical cream to antibiotics reduce to treat swelling infection Retinoids to remove any dead skin cells to lessen skin pigmentation changes 106 | P a g e 109 skin and body care 9.2. Waxing You can either wax your hair yourself or go to a cosmetologist to get it done professionally. They will spread a coating of warm sticky wax onto your skin and after covering it with special cloth strips they will quickly pull them off to remove the hair. Waxing is the preferred option of hair removal in summer as it lasts 3- 6 weeks and it can be done anywhere on the body including the face, armpits, legs, and the pubic region. It is possible that you may suffer side effects such as redness, bumps or an infection around the hair follicles, but the more you wax, the less likely you will suffer from negative side effects. Your body hair must be at least ¼ inch long in order for the wax to be able to grab it. DIY WAXING 1. Make sure you moisturise every day for a few days before you wax to prepare your skin. 2. Take a warm shower and then exfoliate your skin lightly with a body scrub. 3. Moisturise again and dry yourself. 4. Wax yourself in a warm room as cooler environments tighten your pores, which cause more discomfort during the waxing process. 5. Before waxing cover your area with an old towel. 6. Relax, being tenser causes muscles to tighten, which reduces elasticity, thus making the process more painful. 7. Following the packet instructions heat the wax and check its temperature by placing a little bit of the wax on your inner wrist; if it tingles or stings, it means it is too hot. When ready, the wax should have a thicker consistency just like honey. 8. Using a wooden spatula, apply the hot wax in a figure eight. Let it sit for 2-3 seconds and then rip it off using a strip. 9. Pull the strips off the skin in the opposite direction of the hair’s growth. 10. Apply tea tree oil onto waxed areas and massage into the skin.
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