Unclassified KnowledgeKnowledge ManagementManagement atat thethe HeartHeart ofof CMMICMMI ML3ML3 i- rgan O al tion za ge wled Kno Dr. Amir Tomer 3 Director of Systems and Software Processes
[email protected] Ltc. (ret.) Yair Dembinski Knowledge Manager NDIA-CMMI Denver, CO, Nov. 06 RAFAEL’s Proprietary KM for CMMI-3 at RAFAEL 1 Unclassified PresentationPresentation OverviewOverview •• AboutAbout RAFAELRAFAEL •• TheThe OrganizationOrganization atat MaturityMaturity LevelLevel 33 •• PrinciplesPrinciples ofof KnowledgeKnowledge ManagementManagement •• KMKM SystemsSystems atat RAFAELRAFAEL •• NymphaNympha –– AnAn ExampleExample ofof aa KMKM SystemSystem •• Q&AQ&A NDIA-CMMI Denver, CO, Nov. 06 RAFAEL’s Proprietary KM for CMMI-3 at RAFAEL 2 Unclassified NDIA-CMMIVersion 5, April Denver, 2005/8201UNC CO, Nov. 06 RAFAEL’s Proprietary KM for CMMI-3www.rafael.co.il at RAFAEL 3 Mini Satellites Britening Communication Systems Helistar Electro-Optical Protection Suite Helicoat Golden Bay Skylite Real Time Imagery Processing System Spike Toplite Family Electro- Optical Payload Reccelite Blue Bay Airborne EW Reconnaissance Ground Imagery Systems Python 5 Pod Exploitation System Full Sphere IR Litening Missile Targeting and Navigation Pod Sky Shield Spice Popeye Have Lite Guidance Air-to-Ground Kit System Black Sparrow Air Borne Ballistic Target Barak Derby Air Defense Air-to-Air REAPS Derby System Air Defense System RITA SLA Aerostat-borne 4 Surveillance Systems On Land Total Area Control System Training and Simulation Systems Helispot Matador-MP