Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts, and reviews are in ordi- nary type. Only minerals for which definite data are siven are indexed.

Acmitic pyroxenes,optical proper- din) . .. 126 ties and composition of. Anthophyllite, diffraction pat- (Sabine) 321 tern... 587 Adams,C. E...... 289 Antimony oxides,naturally occur- Adularia, triclinic, geometry of. ring.(Mason, Vitaliano)..... 286 (Laves) Z8S Aragonite and ; thermal Adularia, triclinic, optics of. analysis studies on carbolates (Chaisson) 279 (I). (Faust) 207 Aegirine-granulites of Glen Lui, Arcanite, ammonium aphthitalite Braemar, Aberdeenshire. and oxammite. (Frondel) 596 (Mcl-achlan) 322 Arduinite, discredited. 601 Agrell,S.O...... 1080 "Arizonite," nature of. (Overholt, Aguilarite. 343 Vaux. Rodda) ll7 Ahrens, L. If. and Liebenberg, W. Arnott, R. J. X-ray diffraction data R. Tin and indium in mica, as otr some radioactive oxide determined spectrochemi- minerals. 386 cally... 571 Arrojadite, hiihnerkobelite and Alaskaite, probable non-existence graftonite.@indberg)...... 59 of.(Thompson)...... 456 Asbestos, r-ray diffraction patterns Albite, high-temperature.(Tuttle, of. (Beatty). 579 Bowen). 290 Asbophite.(Syromyatnikov)...... 333 Alkali-feldspars,unusual, in central Ashcroft, Frederick N., memorial Australian charnockitic rocks. of.(Bannister)...... 259 (Wilson) 609 Assimilation(?) of micaceousschist Allanite from Greenwich, Mass., by diabase.(Tomlinson)..... 290 lead- ratio and proba- Axelrod, J. M. X-ray notes on bleageof.(Marble) ...... 845 searlesite. l0l4 Allanite occurrence in Franklin F'urnacequadrangle, New Jer- Bahiaite from southern Norway, in- sey.(Milton, Davidson) .... 500 trusive relationsof. (Barth). . . 622 Allen,V.T...... 277 Bailly,R.J..... 277 Allophane-phosphate in epidosite Bandy,M.C...... 135 from North Carolina. (Jaffe, Bannister, F. A. Memorial of Fred- Sherwood)...... l0Z erick N. Ashcroft. 259 Ammonium aphthitalite. (Fron- 135, 320 del).. . 596 Barbosa,A. L., Myers, A. T., with Ammonium dihydrogenphosphate, Pecora, W. T., and Switzer, structureof.(Frazer)...... 125 G., Golconda pegmatite, Amplifer for diferential thermal Minas Geraes,BraziL .. . . 889 analysis.@eck) . 508, 1090 Barnes, W, H. Electron microscopic Andradite occurrence in Franklin examination of synthetic tour- tr'urnace Quadrangle, N. J. malinecrystals...... 4O7 (Milton, Davidson). S00 Barshad, I. Effect of interlayer cat- Andreatta,C...... 334 ions on expansion of the mica Annealing twins, origin of. (Mad- type of lattice...... 225 1095 1096 INDEX

Barth, T, F. W. Intrusive relations Presentation of the Roeb- of bahiaite from southern Nor- ling Medal of the Mineralogi- way...... 622 cal Society of America to Basaluminite and hydrobasalumi- flerbertE.Merwin...... 255 nite, two new minerals from .278,290 Northamptonshire. (Holling- Bowen, O. E. with Hutton, C, O, worth, Bannister)...- 320 Occurrence of jarosite in Bates, T. F., Hildebrand, F. A. and altered volcanic rocks of Stod- Swineford, A. Morphology and dard Mts., San Bernardino structure of endellite and hal- County, Calif... 556 loysite. 463 Bowleyite (Rowledge,Hayton) .. 1091 'W. Bauer,W.H..... 128 Bradley, F. Alternating layer Beatty, S. van D. X-ray diffraction sequenceof rectorite. . . .278, 590 patterns of asbestos. 579 Brannock, W. W. with Switzer, G. Beck, C. W. Amplifier for differen- Compositionof veatchite..... 90 tial thermal analysis. , . . .508, 1090 Bravais, M. A. On the systems Differential thermal analy- formed by points regularly dis- sis curves of carbonate miner- tributed on a planeor in space. als.... 985 Bookreview...... 1087 Wiring diagram of an Brook, A. G. Crystal properties of amplifier for differential ther- copper (II) and nickel (II) mal analysis. 1090 chloride coordination com- Berry, L. G. Pseud.omalachiteand plexes with diethylenetri- cornetite. 365 amine. 447 Beryl at Mt. Mica, Maine. (Hurl- Bruce, Everend L,, memorial of. but)... 283 (Hawley). 262 . 351 Buddington, A. F. Composition and Big Bend National Park, petrology genesis of pyroxene and garnet (Lonsdale, Maxwell) 286 related to Adirondack anortho- Billings, M. P. and Wh.ite, W. S. site-marblecontact zones.... 659 Metamorphosed mafic dikes of Buerger,M. J.. . .122,278,290 'W'oodsville quadrangle, Ver- Burri, C. and Niggli, P. Die junger mont and New Ilampshire. . . 629 Eruptivgesteinedes Mediter- Birch, F. gimFle technique for ranen Orogens, Part 2. Der study of elasticity of . . 644 Chemismus der postophio- Birks, L. S. and Schulman, J. H. litischen Eruptivgesteine. Effect of impurities on crys- Bookreview.,...... 606 talization of amorphous silicic acid. ... 1035 Cacoxenitefrom Hellertown, Penn- 'W. Bond, L, Nomographs for tri- sylvania. (Gordon) 132 cliniccell computations.,,.. . 239 Calcite-aragonite,thermal analysis 131 studies on, (Faust) 207 Bor,L...... 321 Calc-silicateskarn veins in lime- Bornite, CusFeSa, disorder in. stone of Lough Anure, Co. (Frueh)...... 128,185 Dougal. (Pitcher) 320 Bornite from Illogan, Cornwall, Cameron, E. N., Jahns, R. H., of. (Tunell, McNair, A. H., and Page, L. Adams). 289 R. Internal structure of granite Bowen, N. L. The making of a pegmatites.Book review..... 330 magmatist. 651 Campbell,C. D.. . 280 INDEX r@7

Canpbell, I. and Schenk, E. T. Cornetite. (Berry). 365 Camptonite dikes D.ear Crestmore sky blue rnarble, its BoulderDam, Arizona .... 671 linear thermal expansion and Camptonite dikes near Boulder color. (Rosenholtz, Smith). 1049 Dam, Ariz. (Campbell, Crocidolite,diffraction pattern .. 586 Schenk). 671 Crookesite. 347 Carbonate minerals, differential Cryptomelane, crystal structure of. thermal analysis curves of. (Mathieson,Wadsley).-..... 99 (Beck). 985 modificationof amino Carnotite and radioactive shale in acids and NaCl. (Fenimore, Missouri. (Muilenburg, Kel- Thrailkill)...... t28 ler).. . JZJ Crystaloptics on microscopicviews, Carr,D.R...... 284 a monoclinic case. (O'Brien, Cassiterite, spectrochemicalanal- Donnay). 129 ,.^:^ vrrr.. . . . 898 Crystal properties of copper (II) Chaisson,U..... 279 and nickel (II) cbloride coordi- Chapman, C. A. veins nation complexes with di- formed by metamorphic difier- ethylenetriamine(Brook).... 447 ertiation of aluminous schists. 693 Crystallographic nomenclatute, re- Chayes, F. Supplementary chap- marks on. (Peacock). 882 ters on "statistical analyses" Crystallographic Society of in Structural petrology of de- America,proceedings of....., 122 formed rocks by Fairbairn. Crystallographic symmetry in re- Book review. 1082 ciprocal spaceand vector space Childrenite-eosphorite series. (Buerger) 122 Gfurlbut). 793 Csiklovaite(Koch, Grasselly)....- 333 Clabaugh,S. E.. . . 279 Cuurmingtonite and hornblende Claisse, F. Roentgenographic from Muuruvesi, Finland, method for determining plagio- paragenesisof, @skola)..... 728 clases.... 412 Cupriferous Lewisian Para-gneiss. Claringbull,G. F.. 609 (Harry). ... 1081 Clausthalite. JJO Custers, J. F, H. Nature of the Clinopyroxenes of Skaergaard in- opal-like outer layer of coated trusion, East Greenland. diamonds...... 51 (Muir).. 609 Cymrite. (Smith, Bannister,Hey). f 35 Cloos,E. Book review. 1085 Collophane in Thames gravel. Dacites from Laughlin Peak, Col- (Claringbull,Ellis).. .. 609 fax Co., N. Mex. (Stobbe).. . . 288 Cone-axis diffraction parrerns. Daggett, E. B. anrl Gordon, S. G. (Fisher) 281 with Fahey, J. J. WherrYite' a Conybeare, C. E. B. and Ferguson, new mineral from Marnmotla R. B. Metamict pitchblende Mine,Arizona..... 93 from Goldfields, Saskatche- Dark-field stereoscopicmicroscope wan, and observations on for min614[egis studies some ignited pitchblendes.... 401 (Ross). 906 280 Davidson, N..with Milton' C. Oc- Cookeite, optical data.. 897 cuffelce of natrolite, andra- Cordierite in pegmatite near dite, and allanite in tr'ranklin Micanite, Colorado. (I{ein- Furnace Quadrangle'N. J.... 500 rich)... 173.1089 Denning, R. M. Demonstrationof INDEX

double refraction of aragonite nique for study of. (Birch). . . . 644 for rays travelling in the neigh- Ellis,S. E.. . . . 609 borhoodof an optic axis. . . . . 598 Endellite and halloysite, morphol- Determination of principle indices ogy and structure of. @ates, of refraction on di-fficultly ori- Ilildebrand, Swineford) 463 ented minerals by direct meas- Eosphorite. (Hurlbut). 79+ urement. (Rosenfeld). 902 Epidote,crystallography of . (Horn- Diamonds, coated, opal-like outer stra,Terpstra) 32r layer of. (Custers) 51 Eskdal No. 2 boring, East York- Diamond impregnated tools for shire,petrology o[ evapor.ites. rock-slicing.(Dunham)...... 609 (Stewart) r080 Diamond, maximum hardnessvec- Eskola, P. Paragenesis of cum- tors in. (Slawson,Kohn). 131 ingtonite and hornblende from Diamond, twinning in. (Slawson). . 193 Muuruvesi, Finland. 728 Dichroscopesfor microscopestage Kristalle und Gesteine. and ocular. (Dollar) 321 Book review. 328 Differential thermal analysis, am- Eucairite 345 plifierfor.(Beck)...... 508,1090 Eucolite from southern New Mex- Differential thermal analysis ico.(Clabaugh)...... 279 curves of carbonate minerals Eudialyte and eucolitefrom south- @eck). 985 ern New Mexico.(Clabaugh). 279 Differential thermal analysis of Euxenite, x-ray daIa. 396 certain phosphates. (Manly) 108 Evans, H. T. Jr. Uranium minerals Discreditedminerals 136 (VI)) Walpurgite.... t02l Disorder in minerals, general as- and Frondel, C. Uranium pectsof. (Buerger) .. 278 minerals (II)) Liebigite and Disorderin sulfides.(Frueh) 282 uranothallite. zJ I Dollar,A. T. J.... 321 Donnay, G. H. and Donnay, J. Fahey, J. J. Searlesite from Green D.H. Bookreview...... 129 River formation of Wyoming. 1014 Donnay,J. D. H...... 123, 129 -r Daggett,E. B, and Gordon, Double refraction of aragonite for S. G. Wherryite, a new min- rays traveling in neighbor- eral from Mammoth Mine, hood of an optic axis, demon- Arizona. 93 stration of. (Denning) 598 -r with Pecora, W. T. Lazt't- Dunham, K. C. Petrography of lite-scorzalite isomorphous nickeliferous norite of St. series...... 1,327 Stephen, New Brunswick. . . . 7rr Fairbairn, H. W. Structural petrol- 609 ogy of deformed rocks. Book oupt"*ii".in".r"a*", H;";."). . . 1092 review...... 1082 Syntheticquartzite 280,735 Earley, J.'W. Descriptionand syn- Faleev,P.V...... 333 thesis of selenide minerals. 337 tr'aust,G. T. Thermal analysis stud- Ehrmann, M. L. and Whitlock, H. ies on carbonates(I)) Arago- P. The story of jade. Book nite and calcite. 207 review. 133 Book review. 332 Einfiihrung im die Gefiigekunde Fayalite at Rockport, Mass. (Pa- der geologischen Kd'rper. lache). 877 (Sander) Book review...... 1085 Fenimore,C. P.. . . 128 Elasticity of crystals, sirnple tech- Ferguson, R. B. Red gold from San INDEX 1099

Antonio gold mine, Bissett, significanceof. (Goldsmith).. . 282 Manitoba. Galloni, E. E. Crystal structure of with Conybeare,C. E, B. f erroan zincian rhodochrosite . 562 Metamict pitchblende from Garnet and p5noxene,composition Goldfields, Saskatchewan,and and genesisof. (Buddington).. 6s9 observations on some ignited Garnet crystalsfrom Cairnie,Aber- pitchblendes 401 deenshire.(Stewart) 1080 Fisher,D. J...... 281 Garnet, polycomponent, physical Fluoaluminates. structural classifi- analysisof. (Levin) .. 285 cation of. (Pabst). 149 Geology and economics of New FluorescenLfeldspar and zirconas Mexico iron-oredeposits. (Kel- petrologicalaids. (Wilson) 609 ley) Book review . 606 Fornaseri,M...... t.t.) Gerasimovsky,V. I...... 1092 Foshag, W. F. Aqueous emanation Girault, J. P. New method for from Paricutin volcano .... 749 measuring refractive indices in Fourier transformer, two-dimen- micaceousminerals...... 421 sional.(Pepinskv)...... 124 Golcondapegmatite, Minas Gerais, Franquenite-slavikite. (Van Tas- Brazil, structu5e and mineral- sel).. . . 136 ogy of. (Pecora, Switzer, Bar- Frazer,B. C...... 125 889 Frequency distribution of optical 282 properties of crystals. (Kirk- 282 patrick). 129 Gordon,I...... 128 Friedman,L..... 281 Gordon, S. G. with Fahey, J. J. Frondel, C. Arcanite, ammonium and Daggett, E. B. Wherryite, aphthitalite and oxammite. . . 596 a new mineral from Mammoth Uranium minerals (I)) Mine, Arizona 93 Parsonite and randite. . . . . 245 t32 Uranium minerals (V)) Graftonite. (Lindberg). 59 Phosphuranylite..... 756 Graphite structure, problem of. with Evans. I{. T. Uranium (Lukesh,Pauling) 125 minerals (II)) Liebigite and Grasselly,J. 333 uranothallite. 251 Gruner, J. W. Attempt to arrange --r with Lindberg, M. L. Zrn- silicates in the order of reac- cianrockbridgeite...... 1028 tion energies at relatively low -r and Palache, C. Three new temperatures. 137 polymorphs of zinc sulfde. . . . 29 Guanajuatite. 362 with Prewitt-Hopkins, J. Thermal decompositionof zinc Halloysite and endellite, morphol- srrlfidepolymorphs... 116 ogy and structure of. (Bates, .....281.320 Ilildebrand,Swineford)...... 463 Frueh, A. J, Jr. Disorder in the Hamburger,G. E... 123 mineral bornite, CurFeSa. 128,185 Hamilton, If. with Seaman, D. M. aQa Occurrence of wurtzite poly- morphs in western Pennsyl- Gabbro-limestone contact near vaniaand easternOhio...... +3 Camphouse, Ardnamurchan Harker-Kasperinequalities, deriva- (Agrell)...... 1080 tion of. (MacGillavry) 123 Gallium and germanium replace- Harry,W. T...... 321,lO81 ments in synthetic feldspars, flauchecornite. (Peacock)...... 287, 440 1100 INDEX

Hauptman, I{.. ... 123 Hydrocarbon with cinnabar in Ilawley, J. E. Memorial of Everend British Columbia. (Watson) . . 457 L. Bruce. 262 Hydroxyl in minerals. (Keller, Hayton,J.D...... 1091 Pickett).... 284 Heald, M. T. Thermal study of potash-soda feldspars. 77 Illidromica (Andreatta) 334 Heinrich" E. W. Cordierite in peg- Indium in mica, as determined matite near Micanite, Colo- spectrochemically. (Ahrens, rado...... 173,1089 Liebenberg). 571 Paragenesis of rhodolite Infra-red light, microscope and deposit, Masons Mountain, N. refractometer for. (Bailly, Car... . 764 Holke). 277 Book reviews. Infrared microscopy. (Perrine, . .133,329,330, 605, 606, 607, 1082 McCrone). 130 Herzenberg, R...... 334 Ingerson, E. Water content of Hey,M. H...... 135 primitivegraniticmagma... 806 Iligazy, R. A. Orthoclase-albite- Book review. .... 1082 anorthite, antl the NaAlSiO4- Interlayer catioos, effect or expan- KAlSiOr-SiOz equilibrium dia- sion of mica type crystal lat- grams...... 1039 tice.@arshad)...... 225 Hildebrand, F. A. and Swineford, Internal structure of granitic peg- A. with Bates, T. F. Morphol- matites. (Cameron, Jahns, ogy and structure of endellite McNair, Page) Book review.. 330 and halloysite 463 Introduction to crystallography. 283 (Phillips)Bookreview...... 332 Holke, K. A...... 277 lrwin district of Colorado,geology Hollingworth,S.E... 320 of.(Socolow) ...... 288 Holmes, A, Petrogenesis of ka- Isakov, E. N... 334 tungiteandits associates.... 772 Iskyul,E. V...... 333 - Age of from peg- Isotopic analysis of lead. (Leland, matite near Singar, Gaya Dis- Nier). . 19 trict, India. 19 Holser, W. T. Book review. . . 328 Jadeite problem. (Yoder). 291 Ifornfelses from Saxony and the Jaffe, If. W. and Sherwood, A. M. problem of metamorphic facies Phosphate-allophanein epido- (Nrccli). 867 site from North Carolina.. . . . 102 Hornstra,J...... 321 284 I{iihnerkobelite. (Lindberg)... 59 Jahns, R. H., McNair, A. H. and Hummel, F. A. Synthesisof uvaro- Page,L. R. with Cameron,E. vite... 324 N. Internal structure of Ilurlbut, C. S., Jr. Chiltlrenite- granitic pegmatites. Review. . 330 eosphorite series . 793 James, R. W. Optical principles of Johannite 531 the diffraction of r-rays. Book 283 review. ...1086 Hutton, C, O. and Bowen, O. E. Jarosite occurrerce in altered vol- Occurrence of jarosite in al- canic rocks of Stoddard Mt., tered volcanic rocks of Stod- San Bernardino Co,, Calil. dard Mt., San Bernardino Co. (Ifutton, Bowen). 556 Cal'.. ' 556 Johannite. (Hurlbut). 531 Hydrobasaluminite...:...... 320 JungenEruptivgesteine des Medi- TNDEX 1101

terranen Orogens. Part 2. Der revlew. . . 1087 Chemismus der postophioliti- Levin, S. B.. . 285 schen Eruptivgesteine. (Burri, Liebenberg, W. R with Ahrens, L, Niggli) Book review. . . 606 If. Tin and indium in mica. as determined spectrochemi- cally. . . . Karle, J. L Z.t Liebigite and uranothallite. Ura- Katungite and its associates, pet- nium minerals (II). (Evans, rogenesisof.(I{olmes) ... 772 Frondel).... 25r Keevil, N. B. Radioactivity and Lindberg, M. L. Arrojadite, hiih- mineral deposits. 816 nerkobelite and graftonite. . . . 59 Keller, W. D. with Muilenburg, G. -t and Frondel, C. Zincian A. Carnotite and radioactive rockbridgeite . . . 1028 shalein Missouri. 323 Llallagualite.(Bandy). . . IJ.) 284 Lomonosovite.(Cerasimovsky). . . 1092 Kelley, V. C. Geology and eco- Long,H. M.. . . . t32 nomics of New Nlexico iron- Lonsdale, T.. . . 286 ore deposits.Book review. . . . 606 J. Lossenite, louderbackite, zepharo- Kinsolving,M. R...... 127 vichite, peganite and sphae- Kirkpatrick,A.F...... 129 rite, new data on. (Pearl). . 1055 Klockmannite. . . 360 data on...... 1055 Knopf, A. Marysville grauodiorite Lovering, T. S. Rock alteration as stock,Montana... .. 834 a guide to ore-East Tintic Koch, S.. 333 District, Utah, Book review. . 329 Kohn,J.A...... 125,r31 Lukesh,J.S... . 125 Kraus, E. H. Book review. 133 Luminescenceof solids.(Leverenz) Krenner,'J...... 33+ Book review. r087 Krennerite, atomic arrangement Lynd,L. E...... r27 ard chemical composition (Tunell, Murata). 959 MacGillavry,C. H.. . .I23, 127 Kristalle und Gesteine. (Eskola) Maddin,R...... 126 Book review. 328 Mafc dikes, metamorphosed, Kronberg, M. L.. . 126 Woodsville Ver- Kulp,J.L...... 284, 1081 Quadrangle, mont and New Hampshire. @illings, White). 629 Larsen, E. S. Jr., publishedworks Magmatist, making of a. @owen). 651 bv. €itz) 954 Makas,A.S...... 130 Lattice rotations permitted by Malachite, unit cell of. (Ramsdell, short displacementsof lattice Wolfe)..... ll9 points. (Kronberg, Wilson) . . 126 Manganese minerals, hydrated, Laves,F...... 127,285 synthesis of (IlV'adsley).. . . 485 Laniite-scorzalite isomorphous se- Manganeseoxide minerals, Lhermal ries. (Pecora,Fahey)...... 1, 327 study of. (Kulp, Perfetti). . . . 1081 Leland, W. T. and Nier, A. O. Manganotantalite, crystallography, Isotopicanalysis of lead...... 19 tc-ray, and spectrochemical Leucite-SiO4-FeOsystem. (Roed- andlysis. 899 der). . . 288 Manly, R. L., Jr. Differential Leucoxeneproblem.(Allen).... 277 thermal analysis of certain Leverenz, H. W. Introduction to phosphates...... 108 luminescenceof solids, Book Marble, J. P. Lead-uranium ratio 1lo2 INDEX

and possible geologic age of List of Correspondents, fellows allanite from Greenwich, and members 295 Mass.. 845 New award. l2l Marysville graaodiorite stock, Nominations of officers for 1951. 614 Montana. (Knopf). 834 Proceedings of the 30th annual Maslenitzky,I. N.. . . 333 meeting at El Paso, Texas . .. 268 Mason,8...... 286 Roebling Medal-Presentation Mathieson, A. McL. and'Wadsley, and acceptance...... 255,258 A. D. Crystal skucture of Mineralogical Society (London). . . cryptomelane 99 .....320,609,1080 Maxwell,R. A... 286 l\{ineralogische Tabellen. (Strunz) McAndrew, J. with Peacock, M. A. Book review 608 Parkerite and shandite, and Miserite from Arkansas: a renam- crystal structure of NigPbzSz. 425 ing of natroxonotlite. (Schal- McConnell, D, Crystal chemistry of ler).... 911 montmorillonite..... r66 Montgomery, A. Geochemistry of McCrone, W. C. . 130 tantalum in Ilarding pegma- Mclachlan, G. R... 322 tite, Taos Co.,New Mexico . . 853 McNair, A. H., Page, L. R. with Montesite. (Herzenberg) 334 Cameron,E. N. and Jahns,R. Montmorilloaite, crystal chemistry H. Internal structure of gra- of. (McConnell) 166 nitic pegmatites.Review.. . . . 330 Moore,C. H...... 127,128 Measurement of geologic timb, re- Mordenite from Tintic, Utah, and port of Committee on. (Re- the discredited mineral arduin- view).. 607 ite.(Stringham)...... 601 Melonite in Boulder Co., Col. Morganite,optical properties. .... 897 (Wahlstrom) ... .290.948 Mrose, M. E. Uranium minerals Merker,L...... 127 ([I); Sal6eite from Schnee- Merwin, H. E. Acceptanceof Roeb- berg, Saxony. 525 ling Medal of the Mineralogi- Muilenburg, G. A. and Keller, W. calSociety of America...... 258 D. Carnotite and radioactive Mica type of crystal lattice, efrect of shalein Missouri 323 interlayer cations on expansion Muir,I. D...... 609 of. (Barshad). 225 Mullite, flame fusion synthesisof Micaceous minerals, new method (Bauer,Gordon, Moore)..... 128 for measuring refractive in- Murata, K. J. with Tunell, G. dices in. (Girault). 421 Atomic arrangement and Microcline,twinning in. (Laves).. . 127 chemical composition of kren- Microlite, physical properties and nerite. . 959 spectrochemicalanalysis. . . . . 900 Murdoch,J...... 287 Microlite (ignited), r-ray data.. . . . 391 Myers, A. T. with Pecora, W. T., Midgley,H. G.. . 1080 Switzer, G, and Barbosa,A. L. Milton, C. and Davidson, N. Oc- Golconda pegmatite, Minas currence of natrolite, andra- Gerais, Brazil. . 889 dite, and allanite in Franklin 'West Furnacequadrangle, N. J..... 500 Nababeep Near turgste! 287 mine, S. Africa. (Siihnge). . . . 931 Mineral occurrence in western Natrolite, andradite and allanite, Canada.(Thompson) 451 ocfl[rence in Franklin tr'ur- Mineralogical Society of America: nace quadrangle, New Jersey. ConstitutionandBy-Iaws...... 6ll (Milton, Davidson). 500 INDEX 1103

Natroxonotlite, renaming of. Page,L. R. with Cameron,E. N., (Schaller). gll Jahns, R. H. and McNair, Naumannite.. . . 340 A. H. Internal structure of Nepheline-carnegieitetransforma- granitic pegmatites.Review. . 330 tion, effect of potassiumon. Palache, C. Fayalite at Rockport, (Washken,Buerger)... 290 Mass.. . 877 Nesquehonite,twinning in. (Kin- with Frondel, C. Three new pe- solving, MacGillavry, polymorphs of zinc sulfde. . . 29 pinsky) 127 Paragearksutite. (Smolyaninov, New mineral names.. 135,333, 1091 Isakov) 334 NisPb:Sz,crystal structure of.. . . . 425 Paraguanajuatite.... 362 Nickel-copper-goldmineralogy at Paratacamite and related copper Mackinaw Mine, Snohomish chlorides.(Frondel) 320 Co., Washington.(Milton). . . 297 Paricutin volcano, aqueous emana- Nickeliferous norite of St. Stephen, tionfrom.(Foshag)...... 749 New Brunswick, petrography Parkerite and shandite, and crystal of. (Drrnham). 711 structure of NLPbzS:. (Pea- Nier, A. O. with Leland, W. T. Iso- cock,McArdrew)... 425 topic analysisof lead. .. . lg Parsonite and randite. Uranium Niggli, P. Some hornfelses from minerals(I). (f'rondel)...... 245 Saxony and the problem of Patifloite. (Bandy) 135 metamorphic facies.. 967 Pauling,L..... 125 Probleme der Naturwis- Peacock,M. A. Hauchecorfite.287, 440 senschaften.Bookreview.... 605 Remarks on crystallo- and Burri, C. Die jungen graphicnomenclature. ... 882 Eruptivgesteine des Mediter- and McAndrew, J. Parker- ranen Orogens.(Part 2) Der ite and shandite, and crystal Chemismus der postophio- structure of NLPb2S2. 425 litischen Eruptivgesteine. Pearl, R, M. New data onlossenite, Book review 606 louderbackite, zepharovichite, Nontronite at Bingham, Utah. peganiteand sphaerite .. . . . 1055 (Stringham, 'W. Taylor) . ...289, 1060 Pecora, T. and Fahey, J. J. Lazulite-scorzalite isomor- O'Brien,W. A.. . 12g phousseries...... 1,327 Opal-like outer layer of coated Switzer, G., Barbosa, A. L. diamond,nature of. (Custers) 51 and Myers, A. T. Structure Optical principlesof the diffraction and mineralogy of Golconda of r-rays. (James). Book re- pegmatite, Minas Gerais, vters. .. 10g6 Brazil.. ...i...... 889 Orthoclase-albite-anorthite, atrd Peganite. 1055 the NaAlSiOrKAlSiOr-SiOz Penroseite .. 360 equilibrium diagrams (Hig_ Pepinsky,R. .... l2+,127,132 azy)... 1039 Perfetti,N...... 1081 Overholt, J. L., Vaux, G. and Perovskite from California. (Mur- ,,ari- Rodda, J. L. Nature of doch) . 287 zonite," lli Perrine,E.L... .. 130 Oxammite.(Frondel) 596 Petrographic microscope,inexpen- sive.(Winchell)...... 130 Pabst, A. Structural classificatiou Phillips, F. C. Introducrion to of fluoaluminates.... I4g crystallography.Book review. 332 Book review. 609 Phosphate-allophane in epidosite 1104 INDEX

from North Carolina. (Jafie, Adirondack anorthosite-mar- Sherwood). 102 ble contact zones. (Budding- Phosphates, differential thermal ton)... 659 analysis of. (Manly) 108 Pyrrhotine pseudomorphsafter py- Phosphuranylite. @rondel).. . . /.)o rite in Ballachulish slates. Photoelasticconstants of crystals (Hermann) . . 1081 of NHTHzPO, and KHzPOn. (West, Makas) 130 veins formed by meta- Pickett,tr. E...... 284 Quartz morphic difrerentiation of Pisanite from Parys mountain, aluminous schists. (Chap- Anglesey.(Bor). . 321 man). . 693 Pitchblende, metamict, from Gold- synthetic. (Fair- fields, Saskatchewan, and ob- Qrafizite, bairn)...... 280,735 servations on some ignited pitchblendes. (Conybeare, (Ferguson)...... 401 Rabbitt, J. C. "The professortt... 619 Pitcher,W. S..... 320 Radioactive oxide minerals, r-ray Plagioclase, olivine and orthopy- diffraction data on, (Arnott). . 386 roxene series, correlation of Radioactivity and mineral deposits. physical properties and chemi- (Keevil). . . 816 cal composition in. (Polder- Ramsdell,L. S. and Wolfe, C. W. vaart)...... 1067 Unit cell of malachite.. . . r19 Plagioclases, roentgenographic tzJ method for determining, Bookreview...... 1087 (Claisse) 412 Randite and parsonite. Uranium Poldervaart, A. Correlation of minerals(I) (Frondel)...... 245 physical properties and chemi- Rectorite, alternating layer se- cal composition in plagioclase, quenceof. (Bradley)...... 278, 590 olivine and orthopyroxene se- Red gold from San Antonio gold ries... . 1067 mine, Bissett, Manitoba. (Fer- Portlandite,natural occurrenceof . 614 guson). 459 Potash-soda feldspars, thermal Red radioactive zones north of studies of. (Ileald). 77 Goldfields. (Conybeare, Camp- Prewitt-Hopkins, J. and Frondel, bell). . . 280 C. Thermal decompositionof Renierite.(Vaes). . 136 zinc sulfidepolymorphs 116 Residual glass of Kap Daussy Probleme der Naturwissenschaf- tholeiite dyke, East Green- ten. (Niggli) Book review. . 605 land, chemical composition Prospector'smanuals for radioac- and physical properties of. tive mineral deposits. (Spence, (Vincent).... 320 Senftle); (Geol. Survey of Rheomorphic breccias. (Good- Great Britain); (U. S. Atomic speed). 282 EnergyComm. and U.S.G.S.). 133 Rhodochrosite, ferroan zincian, Protein crystals, Patterson-Harker structureof. (Galloni)...... 562 maps of. (Wrinch) 124 F.hodolite deposit, Masons Moun- Pseudomalachite and cornetite. tain, N. Car., paragenesis of. (Berry). 365 (Ileinrich) 76+ Pulszkyite.(Krenner). 334 Rock alteration as a guide to ore- P5norene and garnet, composition East Tintic District, Utah. and genesis of, related to (Lovering) Book review... . . 329 INDEX 1105

Rockbridgeite, zincian. @indberg, Searlesite from Green River for- Frondel)...... 1028 mation of Wyoming. (Fahey); Rock-magma and rock-species. with r-ray notes. (Axelrod).,. 1014 (Shand)..... 922 Selenide minerals, description and Rodda, J. L. with Overholt, J. L. sytrthesis of. @arley). 337 and Vaux, G. The nature of Senftle, F. N. and Spence,H. S. "arizonite."...... tl7 Prospector's guide for ura- Roebling Medal of the Mineralogi- nium and thorium minerals in cal Society of America) Pres- Canada. Review. 133 entation by N. L. Bowen.. . . . 255 Serpentine mineral from Kennack Acceptanceby II. E, Merwin. 258 Cove, Lizard. (Midgley). . . 1080 Roedder,E...... 288 Shand, S. J. Rock-magma and Rosenfeld, J. L. Determination of rock-species. 922 principal indices of refraction Shandite. @eacock,McAndrew).. 425 on difrcultly oriented minerals Sherwood, A. M. with Jaffe, H. VI. by direct measurement. . 902 Phosphate-allophanein epido- Rosenholtz, J. L. and Smith, D. T. site from North Carolina..... 102 Crestmore sky blue marble, Si/Al substitution in some silicate its lineral thermal expansion lattices. (Harry) 321 andcolor...... 10+9 SiC, type 10-H, crystal structure Ross, C. S. Dark-field stereoscopic of. (Ramsdell,Kohn)..... 125 microscope for mineralogic Silicates, order of reaction energies studies. 906 at relatively low temperafures. Rowledge,H.P...... 1091 (Gruner). 137 Rutile, crystals, flame fusion Silicic acid, amorphous, effect of growth and structure of. imFurities on crystallization of (Moore,Merker, Lynd).. ... 127 (Birks,Schulman)...... 1035 Lake talc area, San Bernar- Sabine,P. A.. . 321 dino Co., Calif., geology of. Saleite from Schneeberg, Saxony. (Wright). 291 (Mrose). 525 Slawsonn C. B. Twinning in the Sander, B. Einfiihrung im die Ge- diamond. 193 fiigekunde der geologischen 131 Kdrper.Book review... .. 1085 Smith, D. T. with Rosenholtz, J.L. Schaller, W. T. Miserite from Ar- Crestmore sky blue marble, kansas: a retraming of natrox- its linear thermal expansion onotlite. 911 and color. ... 1049 Schenk, E. T. with Campbell, I. Smith,W.C...... 135 Camptonite dikes near Smolyaninov,N.A...... 334 Boulderpam, Arizona.... 671 Socolow,A. A...... 288 Schulman, J. H. with Birks, L. S. Siihnge, P. G. Nababeep Near Effect of impurities on crystal- Westtungsten mine, S. Africa. 931 ization of amorphous silicic Spear,A. I32 acid...... 1035 Specificgravity balance.(Walton). 609 Scorzalite-lazulite isomorphous se- Spence,H. S. and Senftle, F. N. ries. (Pecora,Fahey)...... 1, 327 Prospector's guide for Seaman, D. M. and Hamilton, H. uranium and thorium miner- Occurrence of polymorphous als in Canada. (Review) .. . . 133 wurtzite in western Pennsyl- Spessartite...... 896 vaniaand easternOhio...... 43 Sphaerite...... 1055 1106 INDEX

Stannopalladinite. (Ntlaslenitzky, nontronite at Bingham, Faleev, Iskyul). JJJ Utah.. ...289.1060 Stewart,F. H...... 1080 Telkes, M. Thermoelectric power Stobbe,H...... 288 and electrical resistivity of Story of Jade. (Whitlock, Ehr- minerals. 536 mann) Book review. 133 Temperature-pressure-concentra- Stringham, B. Mordenite fro,n tion diagram for binary sys- Tintic, Utah, and the dis- tems in which the only crystal- credited mineral arduinite. . 601 line phases are the pure com- and Taylor, A. Nontronite ponents.(Tunell). 321 atBingham, Utah...... 289, 1060 Terpstra,P...... 321 289 "The professor."(Rabbitt).... . 619 Structural;,;;i;*u .i a"r",."a Thermoelectric power and electri- rocks.(Fairbairn); with sup- cal resistivity of minerals plementary chapters on sta- (Telkes). 536 tistical analysis. (Chayes) Thompson, R. M. Mineral occur- Book review. 1082 rencesin westernCanada.... 451 Structure factors, phases and Probable non-existenceof magnitudes of. (Karle, Haupt- alaskaite. 456 man). . r23 Thorianite. *-ray data. 388 Strunz, H. Mineralogische Tabel- Thrailkill,A...... 128 len.Bookreview..... 608 Tiemannite. 358 Sulfides, disorder in. (Frueh). . . . 282 Tin and indium in mica, as deter- Surface area of deep sea sediments. minsd spectrochemically. (Kulp,Carr)..... 284 (Ahrens,Liebenberg). 571 Swineford, A. with Bates, T. F. Tinguaite dikes, orbicular, near and Hildebrand, F. A. Mor- Bryant, Saline Co., Ark. phology and structure of (Hildebrand) 283 endellite and halloysite...... 463 Tokody,L.. ... 333 Switzer, G. and Brannock, W. W. Tomlinson,W. H. . 290 Composition of veatchite. . . . . 90 Tourmaline crystals, synthetic, -, Barbosa, A. L., Myers, A. T" electron microscope examina- with Fecora, W. T, Golconda tion of. (Barnes). 407 pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Triclinic cell cornputations, nomo- Brazil. . 889 graphs for. (Bond). . . 239 Syromyatnikov, F. V.. . . 333 Triclinic crystals, electrical evi- System formed by points regularly denceof classof. (Bond).. . . . 131 distributed on a plane or in Triperiodic functions, one-dimen- space. (Bravais) Book review. 1087 sionalrepresentation of. (Don- System NaAlSisOrKAlSiaO8-HrO nay,Hamburger).... 123 (Bowen, Tuttle) 278 Tunell, G. Temperature-pressure- System NazO-SiOrALOs-HzO. concentration diagram for bi- (Friedman) 28r nary systems in wbich only System NazO-SiOrHzO,liquid im- crystalline phases are the pure miscibilityin. (Friedman).... 281 components...... 941 --, and Murata, K. J. Atomic Tantalum in Ifarding pegmatite, arrangement and chemical Taos Co., N. Mex,, geochem- compositionof krennerite. . . . 959 istryof, (Montgornery)...... 853 289 Taylor, A. with Stringham, B. Tuttle,O.F...... 278,290 INDEX tr07

Umangite. 354 Wavellite from Llallagua, Bolivia. Uraninite,x-ray data. 388 (Gordon) ...... 132 Uranium minerals(I) Parsonite West,C.D...... 130 and randite. (Frondel)...... 245 Wherryite, new mineral from (II) Liebigite and uranothallite. Mammoth Mine, Arizora. (Evans,Frondel). 251 (tr'ahey,Daggett, Gordon)... . 93 'W. (III) Sal6eite from Schneeberg, White, S. with Billings, M. P. Saxony. (Mrose)...... 525 Metamorphosed mafic dikes of (fV) Johannite. (Ilurlbut).. . . . 531 the Woodsville quadrangle, (V) Phosphuranylite. (Frondel). 756 Vermont and New Harnpshire 629 (VI) Walpurgite.@vans)...... 1021 Whitlock,H. P. and Ehrmann,M. Uranium, mineralogyof. (Frondel). 281 L. The story of jade. Book re- Uraninite from pegmatite near view .. 133 Singar, Gaya District, India, Wilson,A. F...... 609,610 ageof. (Holmes)...... 19 Wilson,F. H... 126 Uranothallite and liebigite. (Evans, Winchell, A. N. . t32 Frondel). 251 Winchell,H..... 130 Uvarovite,synthesis of. (Hummel). 324 Wiring diagram of an amplifier for differential thermal analysis Vaes,J.F.... 136 (Beck)...... 1090 Van Tassel,R...... 136 Wolfe, C. W. with Ramsdell,L. S. Vaux, G. and Rodda, J. L. with Unit cell of malachite . . 119 Overholt, J. L. The nature of Wright, L. A. 291 "arizonite."...... 117 Wrinch,D...... 124 Veatchite, composition of. (Switzer, Wurtzite, polymorphous, in west- Brannock)...... 90 ern Pennsylvaniaand easterl Vincent, E. A.. . 320 Ohio, occurrence of. (Sea- Vitaliano,C. J.. . . 286 man, I{amilton)...... 43 'Wadsley, A. D. Synthesis of some X-ray diffraction tube, demount- hydrated manganese miner- able, and power source.(Long, als.... 485 Spear,Pepinsky).... 132 with Mathieson, A. McL. Crystal structure of crypto- Yoder, H. S.J.... 291 melane. 99 Yttrium and other minor elements 'ffahlsf1s111, E. E. Melonite in in garnet group, role of. Boulder Co., Colorado.. . .290,948 (Jatre). 284 WalkerMineralogicalClub ...... 461 Walton,J.... 609 Zepharovichite .. 1055 Washken,E...... 290 Zincfauserite.(Tokody). 333 Water content of primitive granitic Zinc sulfide polymorphs, thermal magma, (Ingerson). 806 decomposition of. (Prewitt- Watson, K. DeP. Hydrocarbon Hopkins, Frondel) 116 with cinnabar in British Co- Zil'c sulfide, three new poly- lumbia. 457 mo4,hs of. @rondel,Palache). 29