INDEX TO VOLUME35 Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts, and reviews are in ordi- nary type. Only minerals for which definite data are siven are indexed. Acmitic pyroxenes,optical proper- din) . .. 126 ties and composition of. Anthophyllite, diffraction pat- (Sabine) 321 tern... 587 Adams,C. E. .. ..... 289 Antimony oxides,naturally occur- Adularia, triclinic, geometry of. ring.(Mason, Vitaliano)..... 286 (Laves) Z8S Aragonite and calcite; thermal Adularia, triclinic, optics of. analysis studies on carbolates (Chaisson) 279 (I). (Faust) 207 Aegirine-granulites of Glen Lui, Arcanite, ammonium aphthitalite Braemar, Aberdeenshire. and oxammite. (Frondel) 596 (Mcl-achlan) 322 Arduinite, discredited. 601 Agrell,S.O...... ...1080 "Arizonite," nature of. (Overholt, Aguilarite. 343 Vaux. Rodda) ll7 Ahrens, L. If. and Liebenberg, W. Arnott, R. J. X-ray diffraction data R. Tin and indium in mica, as otr some radioactive oxide determined spectrochemi- minerals. 386 cally... 571 Arrojadite, hiihnerkobelite and Alaskaite, probable non-existence graftonite.@indberg)....... 59 of.(Thompson)...... 456 Asbestos, r-ray diffraction patterns Albite, high-temperature.(Tuttle, of. (Beatty). 579 Bowen). 290 Asbophite.(Syromyatnikov)...... 333 Alkali-feldspars,unusual, in central Ashcroft, Frederick N., memorial Australian charnockitic rocks. of.(Bannister)....... 259 (Wilson) 609 Assimilation(?) of micaceousschist Allanite from Greenwich, Mass., by diabase.(Tomlinson)..... 290 lead-uranium ratio and proba- Axelrod, J. M. X-ray notes on bleageof.(Marble) ..... .. 845 searlesite. l0l4 Allanite occurrence in Franklin F'urnacequadrangle, New Jer- Bahiaite from southern Norway, in- sey.(Milton, Davidson) .... 500 trusive relationsof. (Barth). 622 Allen,V.T...... 277 Bailly,R.J..... 277 Allophane-phosphate in epidosite Bandy,M.C... .. ... 135 from North Carolina. (Jaffe, Bannister, F. A. Memorial of Fred- Sherwood)...... l0Z erick N. Ashcroft. 259 Ammonium aphthitalite. (Fron- 135, 320 del).. 596 Barbosa,A. L., Myers, A. T., with Ammonium dihydrogenphosphate, Pecora, W. T., and Switzer, structureof.(Frazer).... ... 125 G., Golconda pegmatite, Amplifer for diferential thermal Minas Geraes,BraziL .. 889 analysis.@eck) . 508, 1090 Barnes, W, H. Electron microscopic Andradite occurrence in Franklin examination of synthetic tour- tr'urnace Quadrangle, N. J. malinecrystals............ 4O7 (Milton, Davidson). S00 Barshad, I. Effect of interlayer cat- Andreatta,C...... 334 ions on expansion of the mica Annealing twins, origin of. (Mad- type of crystal lattice. 225 1095 1096 INDEX Barth, T, F. W. Intrusive relations Presentation of the Roeb- of bahiaite from southern Nor- ling Medal of the Mineralogi- way... .. .... 622 cal Society of America to Basaluminite and hydrobasalumi- flerbertE.Merwin......... 255 nite, two new minerals from .278,290 Northamptonshire. (Holling- Bowen, O. E. with Hutton, C, O, worth, Bannister)...- 320 Occurrence of jarosite in Bates, T. F., Hildebrand, F. A. and altered volcanic rocks of Stod- Swineford, A. Morphology and dard Mts., San Bernardino structure of endellite and hal- County, Calif... 556 loysite. 463 Bowleyite (Rowledge,Hayton) .. 1091 'W. Bauer,W.H..... 128 Bradley, F. Alternating layer Beatty, S. van D. X-ray diffraction sequenceof rectorite. .278, 590 patterns of asbestos. 579 Brannock, W. W. with Switzer, G. Beck, C. W. Amplifier for differen- Compositionof veatchite..... 90 tial thermal analysis. , . .508, 1090 Bravais, M. A. On the systems Differential thermal analy- formed by points regularly dis- sis curves of carbonate miner- tributed on a planeor in space. als.... 985 Bookreview. .. ....1087 Wiring diagram of an Brook, A. G. Crystal properties of amplifier for differential ther- copper (II) and nickel (II) mal analysis. 1090 chloride coordination com- Berry, L. G. Pseud.omalachiteand plexes with diethylenetri- cornetite. 365 amine. 447 Beryl at Mt. Mica, Maine. (Hurl- Bruce, Everend L,, memorial of. but)... 283 (Hawley). 262 Berzelianite. 351 Buddington, A. F. Composition and Big Bend National Park, petrology genesis of pyroxene and garnet (Lonsdale, Maxwell) 286 related to Adirondack anortho- Billings, M. P. and Wh.ite, W. S. site-marblecontact zones.... 659 Metamorphosed mafic dikes of Buerger,M. J.. .122,278,290 'W'oodsville quadrangle, Ver- Burri, C. and Niggli, P. Die junger mont and New Ilampshire. 629 Eruptivgesteinedes Mediter- Birch, F. gimFle technique for ranen Orogens, Part 2. Der study of elasticity of crystals. 644 Chemismus der postophio- Birks, L. S. and Schulman, J. H. litischen Eruptivgesteine. Effect of impurities on crys- Bookreview.,....... 606 talization of amorphous silicic acid. ... 1035 Cacoxenitefrom Hellertown, Penn- 'W. Bond, L, Nomographs for tri- sylvania. (Gordon) 132 cliniccell computations.,,.. 239 Calcite-aragonite,thermal analysis 131 studies on, (Faust) 207 Bor,L....... 321 Calc-silicateskarn veins in lime- Bornite, CusFeSa, disorder in. stone of Lough Anure, Co. (Frueh)... ...128,185 Dougal. (Pitcher) 320 Bornite from Illogan, Cornwall, Cameron, E. N., Jahns, R. H., crystal structure of. (Tunell, McNair, A. H., and Page, L. Adams). 289 R. Internal structure of granite Bowen, N. L. The making of a pegmatites.Book review..... 330 magmatist. 651 Campbell,C. D.. 280 INDEX r@7 Canpbell, I. and Schenk, E. T. Cornetite. (Berry). 365 Camptonite dikes D.ear Crestmore sky blue rnarble, its BoulderDam, Arizona .... 671 linear thermal expansion and Camptonite dikes near Boulder color. (Rosenholtz, Smith). 1049 Dam, Ariz. (Campbell, Crocidolite,diffraction pattern .. 586 Schenk). 671 Crookesite. 347 Carbonate minerals, differential Cryptomelane, crystal structure of. thermal analysis curves of. (Mathieson,Wadsley).-..... 99 (Beck). 985 Crystal habit modificationof amino Carnotite and radioactive shale in acids and NaCl. (Fenimore, Missouri. (Muilenburg, Kel- Thrailkill). ...... .. t28 ler).. JZJ Crystaloptics on microscopicviews, Carr,D.R.... .... 284 a monoclinic case. (O'Brien, Cassiterite, spectrochemicalanal- Donnay). 129 ,.^:^ vrrr.. 898 Crystal properties of copper (II) Chaisson,U..... 279 and nickel (II) cbloride coordi- Chapman, C. A. Quartz veins nation complexes with di- formed by metamorphic difier- ethylenetriamine(Brook).... 447 ertiation of aluminous schists. 693 Crystallographic nomenclatute, re- Chayes, F. Supplementary chap- marks on. (Peacock). 882 ters on "statistical analyses" Crystallographic Society of in Structural petrology of de- America,proceedings of....., 122 formed rocks by Fairbairn. Crystallographic symmetry in re- Book review. 1082 ciprocal spaceand vector space Childrenite-eosphorite series. (Buerger) 122 Gfurlbut). 793 Csiklovaite(Koch, Grasselly)....- 333 Clabaugh,S. E.. 279 Cuurmingtonite and hornblende Claisse, F. Roentgenographic from Muuruvesi, Finland, method for determining plagio- paragenesisof, @skola)..... 728 clases.... 412 Cupriferous Lewisian Para-gneiss. Claringbull,G. F.. 609 (Harry). ... 1081 Clausthalite. JJO Custers, J. F, H. Nature of the Clinopyroxenes of Skaergaard in- opal-like outer layer of coated trusion, East Greenland. diamonds. ...... 51 (Muir).. 609 Cymrite. (Smith, Bannister,Hey). f 35 Cloos,E. Book review. 1085 Collophane in Thames gravel. Dacites from Laughlin Peak, Col- (Claringbull,Ellis).. .. 609 fax Co., N. Mex. (Stobbe).. 288 Cone-axis diffraction parrerns. Daggett, E. B. anrl Gordon, S. G. (Fisher) 281 with Fahey, J. J. WherrYite' a Conybeare, C. E. B. and Ferguson, new mineral from Marnmotla R. B. Metamict pitchblende Mine,Arizona..... 93 from Goldfields, Saskatche- Dark-field stereoscopicmicroscope wan, and observations on for min614[egis studies some ignited pitchblendes.... 401 (Ross). 906 280 Davidson, N..with Milton' C. Oc- Cookeite, optical data.. 897 cuffelce of natrolite, andra- Cordierite in pegmatite near dite, and allanite in tr'ranklin Micanite, Colorado. (I{ein- Furnace Quadrangle'N. J.... 500 rich)... 173.1089 Denning, R. M. Demonstrationof INDEX double refraction of aragonite nique for study of. (Birch). 644 for rays travelling in the neigh- Ellis,S. E.. 609 borhoodof an optic axis. 598 Endellite and halloysite, morphol- Determination of principle indices ogy and structure of. @ates, of refraction on di-fficultly ori- Ilildebrand, Swineford) 463 ented minerals by direct meas- Eosphorite. (Hurlbut). 79+ urement. (Rosenfeld). 902 Epidote,crystallography of . (Horn- Diamonds, coated, opal-like outer stra,Terpstra) 32r layer of. (Custers) 51 Eskdal No. 2 boring, East York- Diamond impregnated tools for shire,petrology o[ evapor.ites. rock-slicing.(Dunham)...... 609 (Stewart) r080 Diamond, maximum hardnessvec- Eskola, P. Paragenesis of cum- tors in. (Slawson,Kohn). 131 ingtonite and hornblende from Diamond, twinning in. (Slawson). 193 Muuruvesi, Finland. 728 Dichroscopesfor microscopestage Kristalle und Gesteine. and ocular. (Dollar) 321 Book review. 328 Differential thermal analysis, am- Eucairite 345 plifierfor.(Beck)...... .508,1090 Eucolite from southern New Mex- Differential thermal analysis ico.(Clabaugh). .... .... 279 curves of carbonate minerals Eudialyte and eucolitefrom south- @eck). 985 ern New Mexico.(Clabaugh). 279 Differential thermal analysis of Euxenite, x-ray daIa. 396 certain phosphates. (Manly) 108 Evans, H. T. Jr. Uranium minerals Discreditedminerals 136 (VI)) Walpurgite.... t02l Disorder in minerals, general as- and Frondel, C. Uranium pectsof. (Buerger) .. 278 minerals (II)) Liebigite and Disorderin sulfides.(Frueh) 282 uranothallite. zJ I Dollar,A. T. J.... 321
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