Fish and Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3S Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with Special Reference to the Sesan River

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Fish and Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3S Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with Special Reference to the Sesan River FISH AND FISHERIES IN THE SEKONG, SESAN AND SREPOK BASINS (3S RIVERS, MEKONG WATERSHED), WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SESAN RIVER MK3 August 2013 Optimising cascades of hydropower Eric Baran, Saray Samadee, FISHERIES & Teoh Shwu Jiau and ENVIRONMENT Tran Thanh Cong Authors Eric BARAN (WFC Cambodia), SARAY Samadee (WFC Malaysia), TEOH Shwu Jiau (WFC Malaysia), TRAN Thanh Cong (ICEM) Produced by Mekong Challenge Program for Water & Food Project 3 – Optimising cascades of hydropower for multiple use Lead by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management Suggested citation Eric Baran, Saray Samadee, Teoh Shwu Jiau and Tran Thanh Cong. 2013. Fish And Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3s Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with Special Reference to the Sesan River. Project report: Challenge Program on Water & Food Mekong project MK3 “Optimizing the management of a cascade of reservoirs at the catchment level”. ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management, Hanoi Vietnam, 2013 More information | Image Cover image: Fish catch from the Sesan River. Inside page: Fisherman on Sesan River (photo credit: E. Baran) Project Team Peter-John Meynell (Team Leader), Jeremy Carew-Reid, Peter Ward, Tarek Ketelsen, Matti Kummu, Timo Räsänen, Marko Keskinen, Eric Baran, Olivier Joffre, Simon Tilleard, Vikas Godara, Luke Taylor, Truong Hong, Tranh Thi Minh Hue, Paradis Someth, Chantha Sochiva, Khamfeuane Sioudom, Mai Ky Vinh, Tran Thanh Cong Copyright 2013 ICEM - International Centre for Environmental Management 6A Lane 49, Tô Ngoc Vân| Tay Ho, HA NOI | Socialist Republic of Viet Nam ii MEKONG CPWF| Optimising cascades of hydropower (MK3) Fish and Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3S Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with special reference to the Sesan River TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 2 2 FISH BIODIVERSITY IN THE 3S RIVERS ........................................................................................... 4 2.1 Fish species richness in the 3S Rivers ........................................................................................... 4 2.2 Fish endemicity in the 3S Rivers ................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Endangered species in the 3S Rivers ............................................................................................ 5 3 FISH MIGRATIONS IN THE 3S RIVERS ............................................................................................ 6 4 FISH CATCHES IN THE 3S RIVERS ................................................................................................. 11 4.1 Total fish catch estimates ........................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Catches of migratory fish species in the 3S Rivers ..................................................................... 12 4.3 Trends in migratory fish catches in the 3S Rivers ....................................................................... 14 5 FISHERIES ALONG THE 3S RIVERS: ECONOMIC VALUE AND FISH DEPENDENCY .......................... 15 5.1 Economic value of fisheries along the 3S Rivers ........................................................................ 15 5.2 Fish consumption along the 3S Rivers ........................................................................................ 16 5.3 Dependency of 3S riverine populations on fish .......................................................................... 17 6 HYDROECOLOGY OF THE SESAN RIVER ....................................................................................... 18 6.1 Hydrology of the Sesan River ..................................................................................................... 18 6.2 Ecological zones in the Sesan River ............................................................................................ 21 7 FISHERIES-BASED LIVELIHOODS ALONG THE SESAN RIVER ......................................................... 29 7.1 Population along the Sesan River ............................................................................................... 29 7.2 Fish catch along the Sesan River ................................................................................................ 31 7.3 Aquaculture production in the Sesan Basin ............................................................................... 33 8 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................ 34 9 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 36 10 ANNEX 1: FISH SPECIES IN THE 3S RIVERS ................................................................................. 41 11 ANNEX 2: MIGRATORY FISH SPECIES IN THE 3S RIVERS ............................................................ 51 12 ANNEX 3: SESAN FISH CATCH DATA IN BAIRD AND MEACH MEAN 2005 .................................. 69 iii MEKONG CPWF| Optimising cascades of hydropower (MK3) Fish and Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3S Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with special reference to the Sesan River 1 INTRODUCTION The present paper results from a study conducted in 2011 for the Water and Food Challenge Program project “Optimising the management of a cascade of reservoirs at the catchment level” (MK3). One of the objectives of the MK3 project was to contribute knowledge so that cascades of reservoirs created for a single purpose (usually hydropower generation or irrigation) could be managed for multiple uses, in a fair and equitable way for all water users. Recognising the importance of fisheries in the Lower Mekong (Van Zalinge et al., 2003, Hortle 2007, Baran and Myschowoda 2009, Dugan et al., 2010), the MK3 project included a component on fisheries. That project was also, by design, concentrating on two main river systems subject to a cascade of reservoirs: the Sesan River in Cambodia and the Nam Gnouang River in Lao PDR. Given the lack of focussed publications on fish and fish resources in the Sesan River and more generally in the 3S system (Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Rivers), a systematic review of available information was undertaken and is presented here. “Information on fish stocks, biodiversity, capture fisheries and aquaculture is inadequate and needs further research in order to make qualified assessments.” WorldBank 2006 Options for integrated development and management of the Se San–Sre Pok–Se Kong Sub-basins 2 MEKONG CPWF| Optimising cascades of hydropower (MK3) Fish and Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3S Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with special reference to the Sesan River Figure 1: Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins, three watersheds of the Lower Mekong. Table 1: Subareas per country and per basin. Source: 3S ADB RETA project ( Sub-basin Cambodia (km2) Laos (km2) Viet Nam (km2) Total (km2) Sekong 5,565 22,565 690 28,820 Sesan 7,630 - 11,260 18,890 Srepok 12,780 - 18,160 30,940 Total 25,975 22,565 30,110 78,650 Total % 33 % 28.7 % 38.3 % 100% In the present study we detail fish biodiversity in the 3S Rivers (species richness, endemicity, endangered species), but also fish migrations and fisheries aspects (fish catch estimates, catches of migratory fish). The economic value of this resource and the fish dependency of riparian communities are also discussed, as well as trends in fish resources and fisheries. The specific case of the Sesan River is detailed, in particular the hydrology of that river and its main ecological zones. The population density along the Sesan River and fisheries-based livelihoods along that river are also reviewed. 3 MEKONG CPWF| Optimising cascades of hydropower (MK3) Fish and Fisheries in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Basins (3S Rivers, Mekong Watershed), with special reference to the Sesan River 2 FISH BIODIVERSITY IN THE 3S RIVERS 2.1 FISH SPECIES RICHNESS IN THE 3S RIVERS The Sesan River is closely connected to the Sekong and the Srepok Rivers (their respective mouths are less than 30 km apart), and the 3S Rivers constitute one ecological unit, so we also review here fish faunas and migrations in the Sekong and Srepok. The current review of fish species in the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Rivers is derived from six main lists of fishes detailed in Baird, 1995; MFD, 2003; Baird and Meach Mean, 2005; Nguyen Huu Duc et al., 2006; Chan Sokheng et al., 2008 and Kottelat, 2009. We compiled these species lists and updated their taxonomy using FishBase ( as a reference and the result is detailed in Annex 1. Overall, the 3S system is characterised by 329 fish species, i.e., 42% of the 781 fish species found in the Mekong (although the surface area of the 3S, i.e., 78,600 km2, represents only 10% of the 800,000 km2 of the Mekong watershed area). This qualifies this area as being very rich from a fish biodiversity viewpoint. More specifically, the Sekong River is characterised by 213 fish species, the Srepok River by 240 species and the Sesan River by 133 species only. Thus the Sesan River is home to approximately 40 to 50% less species than the Sekong and Srepok Rivers. Table 2: Fish species richness in the 3S. Sekong Sesan Srepok Families 33 26 33 Species 213 133 240 This analysis is in line with the findings
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