Kaupthing Bank Annual Report 2005 Key Figures
KAUPTHING BANK ANNUAL REPORT 2005 KEY fiGures EUR millions* 2005 2004 Change Net operating income 1,400 EUR millions Income Statement 1,200 Net interest income 438 219 100% 1,000 Net fee and commission income 300 159 88% 800 Net financial income 499 195 155% 600 Other income 120 25 389% 400 Operating income 1,357 598 127% 200 Operating expenses (465) (283) 64% 0 Impairment (59) (46) 28% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Taxes (150) (51) 196% Minority interest (24) (7) 264% Net earnings Net earnings 659 212 211% 700 EUR millions 600 31.12.2005 01.01.2005 Change 500 Balance Sheet 400 Assets 300 Cash and cash balances with central banks 467 75 520% 200 Loans and advances 23,284 13,824 68% 100 Financial assets measured at fair value 8,198 3,646 125% 0 Financial assets available-for-sale 2 18 -88% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Investments in associates 186 44 325% Other assets 1,877 1,008 86% Total assets Total assets 34,014 18,614 83% 35,000 EUR millions 30,000 Liabilities and equity 25,000 Deposits from credit institutions and central banks 932 389 140% 20,000 Other deposits 6,508 2,421 169% 15,000 Borrowings 20,838 11,598 80% 10,000 Subordinated loans 1,375 690 99% 5,000 Other liabilities and minority interest 1,761 1,728 2% 0 Shareholders' equity 2,600 1,789 45% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total liabilities and equity 34,014 18,614 83% Shareholders’ equity 3,000 Key Ratios EUR millions 2,500 Cost/income ratio 34.1% 50.2% Return on shareholders' equity 34.0% 22.6% 2,000 Impairment on loans and advances for the year 0.2% 0.5% 1,500 Impairment on loans and advances at year-end 0.8% 1.5% 1,000 CAD ratio 12.2% 14.2% Earnings per share ISK 75.2 35.6 500 Earnings per share diluted ISK 73.9 35.1 0 P/E ratio 9.9 12.4 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 *All amounts in the annual report are in ISK except on this page and where otherwise stated.
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