Samstaða Þjóðar - Baráttusamtök fyrir fullveldisrétti... - samstada-thjod... Samstaða Þjóðar - Baráttusamtök fyrir fullveldisrétti almennings og sjálfstæði Íslands 15.2.2012 | 16:52 Correspondence with the Commission of the European Union Áskorun til forseta Stjórnarskráin Peningastefnan Icesave-vextir Íslands EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate General Internal Market and Services FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Financial Stability Head ofUnit Brussels, 10.02.2012 MARKT H4/SS/ms Ares (2012)s-163283 Mr. Loftur Altice Þorsteinsson Mr. Pétur Valdimarsson Laugarásvegur 4 104 Reykjavík Iceland E-mail:
[email protected] Subject: Complaint Nr. CHAP(2011) 2011 related to alleged breaches of the EEA Agreement by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 20 December 2011. In this letter you come back with the same issues that have already been dealt with in previous correspondence with this service. As indicated to you in our letters of 27.07.2011 and 24.11.2011, the factual and legal circumstances described by you do not show any infringement of EU law by the British or Dutch authorities that would justify a Commission's action pursuant to Article 258 of the TFEU. I therefore confirm that your complaint Nr. CHAP(2011)2011 has been closed. 1 of 60 5.3.2013 04:19 Samstaða Þjóðar - Baráttusamtök fyrir fullveldisrétti... - samstada-thjod... Yours faithfully, Nathalie de Basaldúa Contact: Silvia Scatizzi, Telephone: +32 229 60 881,
[email protected] ______________________________________________________________________ Samstaða þjóðar NATIONAL UNITY COALITION Baráttusamtök fyrir sjálfstæðu ríki á Íslandi og fullveldisréttindum almennings.