State Judges Take Issue with Bupger
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Spread of Russian flu in state predicted NEWARK (AP) - New Jersey health officials have 25 years cent of the student population living in dormitories "prob- cials also said that as of last weekend they had not noticed confirmed toe first case of Russian influenza, making the Adults over 25 who have had the chance to build up ably will get it" by the end of the outbreak. "This is just a a larger than normal number of students at health care fa- Garden State the eighth in the nation to isolate the virus natural protection against the flu strain probably will be little more than an epidemic and there is no cause for pan- cilities with flu symptoms. Epidemiologists from the state Department of Health spared, she said. ic," he said. * Capt. David Fredrikson, the assistant public affairs isolated on Saturday the Russian flu virus, called A-USSR- Although Finley said she expected the flu to strike a An employee at the college infirmary said, "All 1 can officer at Fort Dix. said IS] soldiers were in the Walson 77, from a throat culture of a Fort Dix Army recruit, said large portion of the population, she said younger people tell you is that there are a lot of sick kids wanting to be Army Hospital, which covers the Army base and HcGuire state Health Commissioner Dr. Joanne E. Finley. generally were the hardiest and healthiest of all age seen by a doctor." Airforce Base. The influenza, which mainly attacks young adults, is groups Nine other New Jersey colleges reported increased He estimated that another 750 persons were in the bar- Just beginning to spread and "we can expect a lot more in the "So although we expect it to be serious in terms of sickness among the student body. racks feelings the effects of the flu bug. next few weeks," she said Saturday. numbers, we don't expect many deaths or very serious ill- Officials at Monmouth College and Brookdale Commu- About 40 inmates at the Yardville Youth Correctional She said young adults between 18 and 25 are the main nesses," she said. nity College reported that there has been no noticeable facility were admitted to the infirmary late last week dis- targets of the virus, which has been dormant for the last Dr. Robert Bierman of Rutgers University said M per- drop in attendance because of the flu. College health offi- playing flu symptoms. The Daily Register VOL.100 NO. 194 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1978 ^"""^ 15 CENTS State judges take issue with Bupger NEW ORLEANS - A Colts knowledge of evidence and standards for the right to ap- Neck, N.J., woman released cross-examination com- pear in the courts, Indepen- the results of a competency petency were considered in dent of admissions to the bar study of New Jersey lawyers the study, Mrs. Peskoe said. generally, we will not solve yesterday that contradicts our problem. I am persuaded U.S. Supreme Court Chief "We talked to well-known that one of the major reasons Justice Warren E. Burger's lawyers whose practices in- for congestion and delay in assertion that half of the na- volve regular court appear- the courts ... is the in- tion's trial lawyers are in- ances in the courts, and we adequate performance of competent. talked Just as Informally with many lawyers who come into judges at all levels, with the the courts," he said. Florence Peskoe, deputy exception of the municipal administrative director of the courts," she said. Nearly 230,000 of the na- tion's 400,000 lawyers are courts in New Jersey, said a Following informal Inter- preliminary report by a sur- members of the ABA, an In- views with attorneys, a ('urn , fluential trade group. vey of 50 trial Judges ques- mlttee on Trial Advocacy Mr. Burger several times tioned on the competency of sent a questionnaire to the 50 compared the legal and me- attorneys appearing In court judges. dical professions, once stat- found most New Jersey law- The questions dealt mainly BELL AND BURGER — Chief Justice Warren Bur- Burger drew angry response from the ABA presi- yers "adequate or better." ing, "The needs of a modern ger of the Supreme Court Is Introduced to the dent, when he repeated his contention that too with attorneys who appeared courtroom can be analogicial American Bar Association convention yesterday many trial lawyers are Incompetent. The study, prompted by before the judges in the pre- roughly to the needs of the , as Attorney General Griffin Bell stands by. Mr. Chief Justice Burger's at- vious eight weeks, Mrs. Pes- modern operating room of the tacks on trial lawyer com- koe siad. surgeon. In each situation petency, was conducted dur- Mrs. Flncace Peskee "The results of the survey special training and skills are ing a recent eight-week peri- are now being collated, but not simply desirable, they are od, Mrs. Peskoe said during highest ranking Judge, dedi- an initial impression has imperative in the public inter- an American Bar Association cated the major portion of his shown that the vast majority est." (ABA) meeting here. annual State of the Judiciary of lawyers were viewed as The ABA'S governing body Gagliano asks Carter Mr. Burger addressed the speech to the controversial is- adequate or better — but will consider a resolution this ABA convention here yes- sue of trial lawyer com- that's only a preliminary re- week from the Illinois Bar As- terday, and seized the occa- petence. sult," she said. •odaUon demanding Uiat Bur- sion to escalate his attack on Final results of the New Mr Burger called trial law- ger either "publicly repu- trial lawyers' competency by Jersey study of lawyer com- yer incompetence "one of the diate" comments he made declaring that all lawyers petence may be referred to most serious problems facing last July about trial lawyer for probe of rail lines should have to earn the right the New Jersey Supreme our profession" in his address incompetence or provoide to appear in court. Court later this month. By NARK MAGYAR we'll get responsible manage- uled Middletown stop, planted to the ABA convention. Courtroom techniques, TRENTON -SUte Sen. S. ment down here," he said. themselves in front of the lo- Mr. Burger, the nation's "Until we establish special See Jadges, page 2 Thomas Gagliano, R-Mon- Sen. Gagliano's telegrams comotive at Red Bank station mouth, yesterday called upon to President Carter and Gov. for 25 minutes and refused to President Jimmy Carter to Byrne are the latest in a leave until transportation personally order a federal in- series of government and back to Middletown had been vestigation of Conrail oper- commuter actions being un- arranged. 6 Bamberger stores face ations on the North Jersey dertaken in response to a per- — And last Thursday, As- Coast Line. ceived worsening in Conrail semblyman Walter Kozloski, He also asked Gov. Bren- service on the North Jersey D-Monmouth, who condoned dan T. Byrne to personally in- Coast Line over the last sev- the illegal "stand-in" by Mid- tervene to restore "decent eral months: dletown commuters as justi- fines for sales on Sunday — The Senate Committee fied, presented Russell H. service to the 10,000 commu- said company spokeswoman Sunday closing laws "uncon- that overall the Sunday open- on Transportation and Com- Mullen, acting state commis- NEWARK (AP) - Six of ters using this rail service stitutionally arbitrary" in ing was well worth It. We had munication, of which Sen. sioner of transportation, with the IS Bamberger's depart- Patricia Boylan. daily." March 1177, but a stay was very good customer re- Gagliano is a member, will a list of grievances drawn ment stores in New Jersey All are in counties where "Only quick and decisive obtained by a men's clothing sponse." grill Conrail and state De- from a stormy commuters' face possible municipal sum- Sunday closing laws are en- action from the White House retailers' associations and the "My understanding is that partment of Transportation meeting in Fair Haven on monses as a result of selling forced, although no arrests or and our State Capitol can end ruling was appealed. (DOT) officials at a public Jan. 31. merchandise to customers citations were reported yes- they're open on Sunday In the frustration and hardship New York, and thai many of hearing in Trenton tomorrow. "Our commuters have had yesterday in defiance of the terday. Gary Katz, operations The state Supreme Court caused by the operation of the Northern Jersey stores — A contingent of Mon- it," Sen. Gagliano asserted. state's Blue Laws. manager at the Newark store, has agreed to resolve the is- this railroad," Sen. Gagliano have been losing business be- mouth County commuters' Sen. Gagliano told Presi- said police were photograph- sue. said. The chain's store in the cause of it," said Bob Rlelly, wives, led by Mrs. Ernest dent Carter that problems on ing sales Involving goods cov- Sen. Gagliano said neither S. Tawmas GagUaM Monmouth Mall, Eatontown, a Glen Ridge shopper at the Kahn and Mrs. Richard Ma- the North Jersey Coast Line ered by the Sunday closing Four of Bamberger's stores President Carter nor Gov. was closed. laws. He said he expected to In counties where the laws Newark store. Coast Line to come In here lone, both of Rumson, are included "unexplained delays Byrne really understand how receive a summons today are not enforced were open His wife, Charlene, and he and check on the allegations driving to Trenton Wednesday of up to (our hours on many Executives of the chain poor the service is on Con- Up to 100 persons stood out- longer than usual yesterday were "browsing" for furni- made, interview commuters to protest conditions on the runs, breakdowns of equip- stores serving New Jersey, rail's North Jersey Coast side the Newark store for the and were to open again next ture and suits.