ATO Buildup SALT Talks to Resume in Geneva
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Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 85813 Lowg tide.ll:O0pm Lowl tid--. 6 :07am Partly cloudy. U Thunderstorms. Sunh et--. :2 7pm 3 Winds S 8-12. Hu~egh --8 Bayconditions Low---- 72 eNzv)&ovy h'e-badtd y24ft Vl32No90U.S. Naval Base, GuantanamoBaCb Wedneaday, My 11, 1977 Returns from summit meeting Carter calls for long-range NAATO buildup WASHINGTON (UPI)--Pres. Carter The President called for a long- thing to me has beengetting to arrived back in Washington from range NATO buildup to counter the know the leaders of the very strong Europe last night following his Communist strength. Carter said and important visitors." He said first overseas trip as President. mutual troop reductions would be the meetings had restrengthened the World News Digest Carter delivered the keynote prefereable but NATO strength must commitment to basic human freedoms speech to a summit meeting of NATO be fostered to match the Soviet and democratic governments. leaders in London before flying WASHINGTON (AP)--Senate and House position. In his intitial venture home. abroad as conferees are to meet again today President, Carter won plaudits from He told NATO that the Soviet in an attempt to wrap up an agree- the Western European leaders attend- ment on a Union has just about drawn even budget target for the fis- ing the London summit conference, cal year that begins Oct. 1. The with the West in strategic nuclear got praise from Syrian Pres. Assad one stumbling block to a compromise forces and he added that the conven- for inspiring an atmosphere of faith bill is defense spending. The mil- tional forces of the Warsaw Pact in in the Middle East situation, and itary budget comprises Europe have taken an offensive about one pos- managed to ease the strain in rela- ture. Carter quarter of the entire spending plan. said, "These forces tions between the U.S. and West are much stronger than needed for Germany and France. WASHINGTON (AP)--Former Pres. any defense purpose." However, he did have one major Aichard Nixon has his second broad- disappointment, his failure to im- cast interview on his administra- Committee votes to allow prove relations with Turkey as the tion tomorrow. News of the show result of the arms embargo slapped has begun to leak out. Sources say sales of medicine and on that country because of the Nixon sizes up Soviet leader Leonid Cyprus issue. Brezhnev as a steady and firm part- farm equipment to Cuba Carter told Turkish Prime Minister ner in creating detente. The sour- Suleyman Demirel that he thinks ces say Nixon credits Brezhnev as Congress will increase military aid being less volatile and less of a WASHINGTON (UPI)--Cuba could be to Turkey but the prime minister risk than Nikita Khruschev. Nixon in line for some American medical was unsmiling as he left the meeting. also is said to stress that he, and and farming supplies. Carter also met with Greek Prime not Henry Kissinger, was responsi- The Senate Foreign Relations Com- Minister Constantine Karamanlis to ble for most foreign policy initia- mittee yesterday voted to allow hear his views on Cyprus. tives during the Nixon years. medicine and agricultural equipment But despite the NATO speech, As he prepared for his eight-hour to be sold to Havana, further evi- Carter was optimistic. Shortly flight back to Washington, Carter OTTAWA (UPI)--Researchers in Can- dence that relations between the before leaving London, Carter said told reporters, "I think even though ada say they've isolated an impur- two countries are warming up. The the six days of summit talks have we have temporary disappointments ity in saccharin that caused lab full Senate now must consider the given him complete faith in the and hardships to bear, the realiza- test mutations in bacteria, muta- motion to partially lift the trade future. tion of our sure future is very im- tions which might cause cancer. embargo placed on Cuba in 1961. He said, "The most important portant to us all." The researchers emphasize that The Carter administration is of- they're not sure the impurity causes ficially neutral on the issue. But cancer. But the Canadian government the State Department has let it be Young says policy will stress development and food says it will ban the artificial known that sugar and citrus trade sweetener anyway. The United States with Cuba should be left alone for is taking ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP)--U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young says the Carter similar action. now, and used as a bargaining chip administration's new African policy will stress development and food and in future talks with Fidel Castro. not warfare and destruction. CHICAGO (UPI)--Chicago and New York City authorities have joined Agreement on peace plan forces in an effort to break up a Chinese gang believed responsible State Department declines comment for several armed robberies. Police sources indicate the gang, known as the "Ghost Shadows", preys on work- WASHINGTON (UPI)--The State De- Brown said that after the Vance- ing Chinese businessmen in Mafia- partment yesterday declined to Owen meeting it had been agreed to style organized crime. Their rac- comment on reports that the United issue a statement, to be made pub- kets are said to be extortion, rob- States and Great Britain had rea- lic before the end of this week, bery and armed violence. ched agreement on a peace plan for which outlines the next steps to Rhodesia which allegedly includes be taken by the two countries on the resignation of Premier Ian the Rhodesian problem. Smith's white minority government "Until then, I won't address by mid 1978. this issue," Brown said. Water Safety Instructor "I certainly will not confirm According to the reports, Vance anything like that, I have no and Owen had allegedly agreed on a knowledge of anything like that," plan which calls for the resigna- said State Department spokesman tion of the Smith regime by the Young spoke to reporters as he Frederick Z. Brown in response to summer of 1978. Prior to that, arrived here for a meeting of U.N. course planned questions. the reports said, the United Na- ambassadors. He said, "The very The reports said the plan was tions would cancel its embargo positive but restrained approach agreed on by Secy. of State Cyrus on Rh1odesia and a cease-fire be- that we took in Zaire, along with A Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Vance and British Foreign Secy. tween black nationalists and Rho- the repeal of the amendment which course has been planned to begin David Owen during their talks last desian security forcesawould be allowed the United States to import May 24 at the Windjammer Pool com- week in London. imposed. Rhodesian chrome, and the initiative mencing at 6 p.m. and continuing that the five Western members of each evening for approximately six Private talks today the Security Council have taken on days. Namibia, with all this, I think we Additional or make-up sessions have begun a policy that will pro- are being considered for mornings SALT talks to resume in Geneva tect both U.S. interest and African on the same days. Wesley McKenzie, interests." assistant director of safety pro- GENEVA (UPI)--The SALT talks are As Young was arriving in Africa, grams, American Red Cross, Wash- resuming in Geneva with the Soviet diplomatic sources in Washington ington, D. C., will conduct the Union still saying no to the latest said the U.S. and Britain will make course. Persons enrolling must be American proposals. a new joint proposal on Rhodesia. a minimum of 17 years of age and Vladimir Semenov, chief Soviet They say the plan, to be unveiled have a current advance life sav- negotiator at the Strategic Arms today, will try to transforr the ing certificate. Limitation Talks, arrived in this former British colony into an inde- A current WSI rating qualifies a Swiss city yesterday and again re- pendent black-ruled state by Septem- person in numerous capacities such jected Pres. Carter's call for ber 1978. as water front director for camps, sweeping cuts in U.S. and Soviet supervising professional swimming nuclear arsenals. Gazette answering instructions and opens doors to Semenov insisted that any treaty many varied aquatic-oriented vo- must be based on the agreement in service develops cations and avocations. It is a principle between former Pres. Ford thorough course and very beneficial and Communist leader Brezhnev at for persons working with such or- Vladivostok in 1974. They agreed In Wasnngton, U.S. negotiator mechanical problem ganizations as scouting or assist- to work toward a treaty limiting Paul Warnke said Soviet officials Due to a mechanical problem, all ing with the Gitmo summer swim each side to 2,400 nuclear missiles have said Russia might be willing classified ads called in to the program. and bombers. Thirteen-hundred-and- to cut 10 per cent off the Gazette answering service yesterday Being under the sponsorship of 20 could be missiles equipped with Vladivostok ceilings. were not recorded. Therefore, all Special Services, a $10 admini- multiple, independently targeted Warnke and Semenov plan a private ads which appeared in yesterday's strative fee is necessary. Pre- warheads. meeting today. Tomorrow, the full paper have been reprinted on page register at the Special Services Semenov said the Vlaivostok SALT delegations go back into ses- four today. All persons who called receptionist desk weekdays from agreement must remain the basis for sion for the first time since Sep- yesterday are asked to resubmit 8 until 11:30 a.m. and 1 until 4 negotiations.