Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 85813 Lowg tide.ll:O0pm Lowl tid--. 6 :07am Partly cloudy. U Thunderstorms. Sunh et--. :2 7pm 3 Winds S 8-12. Hu~egh --8 Bayconditions Low---- 72 eNzv)&ovy h'e-badtd y24ft Vl32No90U.S. Naval Base, GuantanamoBaCb Wedneaday, My 11, 1977 Returns from summit meeting Carter calls for long-range NAATO buildup WASHINGTON (UPI)--Pres. Carter The President called for a long- thing to me has beengetting to arrived back in Washington from range NATO buildup to counter the know the leaders of the very strong Europe last night following his Communist strength. Carter said and important visitors." He said first overseas trip as President. mutual troop reductions would be the meetings had restrengthened the World News Digest Carter delivered the keynote prefereable but NATO strength must commitment to basic human freedoms speech to a summit meeting of NATO be fostered to match the Soviet and democratic governments. leaders in London before flying WASHINGTON (AP)--Senate and House position. In his intitial venture home. abroad as conferees are to meet again today President, Carter won plaudits from He told NATO that the Soviet in an attempt to wrap up an agree- the Western European leaders attend- ment on a Union has just about drawn even budget target for the fis- ing the London summit conference, cal year that begins Oct. 1. The with the West in strategic nuclear got praise from Syrian Pres. Assad one stumbling block to a compromise forces and he added that the conven- for inspiring an atmosphere of faith bill is defense spending. The mil- tional forces of the Warsaw Pact in in the Middle East situation, and itary budget comprises Europe have taken an offensive about one pos- managed to ease the strain in rela- ture. Carter quarter of the entire spending plan. said, "These forces tions between the U.S. and West are much stronger than needed for Germany and France. WASHINGTON (AP)--Former Pres. any defense purpose." However, he did have one major Aichard Nixon has his second broad- disappointment, his failure to im- cast interview on his administra- Committee votes to allow prove relations with Turkey as the tion tomorrow. News of the show result of the arms embargo slapped has begun to leak out. Sources say sales of medicine and on that country because of the Nixon sizes up Soviet leader Leonid Cyprus issue. Brezhnev as a steady and firm part- farm equipment to Cuba Carter told Turkish Prime Minister ner in creating detente. The sour- Suleyman Demirel that he thinks ces say Nixon credits Brezhnev as Congress will increase military aid being less volatile and less of a WASHINGTON (UPI)--Cuba could be to Turkey but the prime minister risk than Nikita Khruschev. Nixon in line for some American medical was unsmiling as he left the meeting. also is said to stress that he, and and farming supplies. Carter also met with Greek Prime not Henry Kissinger, was responsi- The Senate Foreign Relations Com- Minister Constantine Karamanlis to ble for most foreign policy initia- mittee yesterday voted to allow hear his views on Cyprus. tives during the Nixon years. medicine and agricultural equipment But despite the NATO speech, As he prepared for his eight-hour to be sold to Havana, further evi- Carter was optimistic. Shortly flight back to Washington, Carter OTTAWA (UPI)--Researchers in Can- dence that relations between the before leaving London, Carter said told reporters, "I think even though ada say they've isolated an impur- two countries are warming up. The the six days of summit talks have we have temporary disappointments ity in saccharin that caused lab full Senate now must consider the given him complete faith in the and hardships to bear, the realiza- test mutations in bacteria, muta- motion to partially lift the trade future. tion of our sure future is very im- tions which might cause cancer. embargo placed on Cuba in 1961. He said, "The most important portant to us all." The researchers emphasize that The Carter administration is of- they're not sure the impurity causes ficially neutral on the issue. But cancer. But the Canadian government the State Department has let it be Young says policy will stress development and food says it will ban the artificial known that sugar and citrus trade sweetener anyway. The United States with Cuba should be left alone for is taking ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP)--U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young says the Carter similar action. now, and used as a bargaining chip administration's new African policy will stress development and food and in future talks with Fidel Castro. not warfare and destruction. CHICAGO (UPI)--Chicago and authorities have joined Agreement on peace plan forces in an effort to break up a Chinese gang believed responsible State Department declines comment for several armed robberies. Police sources indicate the gang, known as the "Ghost Shadows", preys on work- WASHINGTON (UPI)--The State De- Brown said that after the Vance- ing Chinese businessmen in Mafia- partment yesterday declined to Owen meeting it had been agreed to style organized crime. Their rac- comment on reports that the United issue a statement, to be made pub- kets are said to be extortion, rob- States and Great Britain had rea- lic before the end of this week, bery and armed violence. ched agreement on a peace plan for which outlines the next steps to Rhodesia which allegedly includes be taken by the two countries on the resignation of Premier Ian the Rhodesian problem. Smith's white minority government "Until then, I won't address by mid 1978. this issue," Brown said. Water Safety Instructor "I certainly will not confirm According to the reports, Vance anything like that, I have no and Owen had allegedly agreed on a knowledge of anything like that," plan which calls for the resigna- said State Department spokesman tion of the Smith regime by the Young spoke to reporters as he Frederick Z. Brown in response to summer of 1978. Prior to that, arrived here for a meeting of U.N. course planned questions. the reports said, the United Na- ambassadors. He said, "The very The reports said the plan was tions would cancel its embargo positive but restrained approach agreed on by Secy. of State Cyrus on Rh1odesia and a cease-fire be- that we took in Zaire, along with A Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Vance and British Foreign Secy. tween black nationalists and Rho- the repeal of the amendment which course has been planned to begin David Owen during their talks last desian security forcesawould be allowed the United States to import May 24 at the Windjammer Pool com- week in London. imposed. Rhodesian chrome, and the initiative mencing at 6 p.m. and continuing that the five Western members of each evening for approximately six Private talks today the Security Council have taken on days. Namibia, with all this, I think we Additional or make-up sessions have begun a policy that will pro- are being considered for mornings SALT talks to resume in Geneva tect both U.S. interest and African on the same days. Wesley McKenzie, interests." assistant director of safety pro- GENEVA (UPI)--The SALT talks are As Young was arriving in Africa, grams, American Red Cross, Wash- resuming in Geneva with the Soviet diplomatic sources in Washington ington, D. C., will conduct the Union still saying no to the latest said the U.S. and Britain will make course. Persons enrolling must be American proposals. a new joint proposal on Rhodesia. a minimum of 17 years of age and Vladimir Semenov, chief Soviet They say the plan, to be unveiled have a current advance life sav- negotiator at the Strategic Arms today, will try to transforr the ing certificate. Limitation Talks, arrived in this former British colony into an inde- A current WSI rating qualifies a Swiss city yesterday and again re- pendent black-ruled state by Septem- person in numerous capacities such jected Pres. Carter's call for ber 1978. as water front director for camps, sweeping cuts in U.S. and Soviet supervising professional swimming nuclear arsenals. Gazette answering instructions and opens doors to Semenov insisted that any treaty many varied aquatic-oriented vo- must be based on the agreement in service develops cations and avocations. It is a principle between former Pres. Ford thorough course and very beneficial and Communist leader Brezhnev at for persons working with such or- Vladivostok in 1974. They agreed In Wasnngton, U.S. negotiator mechanical problem ganizations as scouting or assist- to work toward a treaty limiting Paul Warnke said Soviet officials Due to a mechanical problem, all ing with the Gitmo summer swim each side to 2,400 nuclear missiles have said Russia might be willing classified ads called in to the program. and bombers. Thirteen-hundred-and- to cut 10 per cent off the Gazette answering service yesterday Being under the sponsorship of 20 could be missiles equipped with Vladivostok ceilings. were not recorded. Therefore, all Special Services, a $10 admini- multiple, independently targeted Warnke and Semenov plan a private ads which appeared in yesterday's strative fee is necessary. Pre- warheads. meeting today. Tomorrow, the full paper have been reprinted on page register at the Special Services Semenov said the Vlaivostok SALT delegations go back into ses- four today. All persons who called receptionist desk weekdays from agreement must remain the basis for sion for the first time since Sep- yesterday are asked to resubmit 8 until 11:30 a.m. and 1 until 4 negotiations. tember. their ads. p.m. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Wednesday, May 11, 1977 Tomorrow's -meetings Today's meetings

NOW AL-ANON MEETS at 7:30 p.m. in the, TOPS/AA Hut behind the Arts and Crafts Assn. Workshop. GITMO COIN CLUB meets in quonset hut 1817 behind the old elementary school Community at 7:30 p.m. For more information call Lou Prosser at 90172 or Carl Harvey at 952243. C Bulletin BINGO will be played at the Statt NCO Club beginning at 7:30 p.m. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet at WATER STATUS 7:30 p.m. For more information call Board 85697 or 90269. YESTERDAY'S FIGURES GITMO SELF DEFENSE CLUB will Vqet at Marblehead Hall from 6-8 p.m. TARGET CONSUMPTIONP 1,350,000 CHURCH OF CHRIST BIBLE CLASS will ACTUAL CONSUMPTION: 1,347,000 meet at 7 p.m. For more information .n nm A #ANmnnp " TOTAL IN STORAGE:I 15,065,000 AT. A.-- call 90108 or 97191 uOmmunity announcem7ents 9i Z4 I- -

FLAGSHIP MESS CCPO Clubs and Organizations PwOC FAMILY PICNIC The Protestant Women of the Cha- The primary purpose of the En- Training Branch, CCPO, is offer- CARIBBEAN NAVAL LODGE pel will host a family picnic listed Dining Facility is to sub- ing practical and theoretical in honor of Reverand and sist unaccompanied personnel. In training in key punch operations There will be a special communi- Saturday order to provide the best possible in the near future. This oppor- cation at Caribbean Naval Lodge Mrs. Turnbull, missionaries from service to these patrons, the ev- tunity is being made available to A.F. and A.M. held in Masonic A- the Baptist Mission in Haiti. ening meal hours at the Flagship high school seniors and adults. partment building #800 today at This picnic is open to everyone, Mess will be adjusted as follows Ability to type at a minimum rate 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of in- for the opportunity to visit per- beginning Monday: 3:30 to 3:40 - of 15 words per minute is a pre- stallation of lodge officer for the sonally with the Turabulls and watch standers, 4 to 4:45 - un- requisite. Five trainees will be current year and conduct work in fellowship with others. Wives of accomoanied personnel only, 4:45 selected from aligil le applicants the first degree. All Masons are accompanied personnel are asked to to 5:30 - unrestricted. on a first come, first served cordially and fraternally invited bring a casserole and salad or a basis. For additional information, to attend. casserole and dessert. Please contact Mr. Greenan, Head Training bring your own tableware and drink. LIVE FIRING Branch, CCPO, 35822. Tableservices will be available TOASTMASTERS for unaccompanied personnel. The Live firing will be conducted CAR MANAGERS AT NEX picnic will be held in the large tomorrow and Friday from 9 a.m. Toastmasters will meet today cabana at WindrIill Beach beginning until 4 p.m. The Conde and Hica- The Chrysler, Ford and American from 11:20 until 1 p.m. at the at 3 p.m. Dinner will be served cal Beach areas between Saint Ni- iotors maaaf ers will be in tie COMO Club. The April 27 program at 4 p.m. A cordial welcome is colas and Caracrles Points and all lain exchange during normal Lx- which was cancelled will be pre- extended to all. of tLe upper bay north of Caraco- cisnge iour today through May sented at this meeting. Principal les and Granadillo Points will be 2 Tie factories will stop ac- speakers will be Roy Malone and GITMO SWINGERS off limits. For further informa- cepting orders for cars lay 2), Marie Anderson. tion, contact the Special Services so tBis is your last chance to The Gitmo Swingers Square Dance Marina, Comavdase duty officer, take advantage of factory special Club will have a pot luck dinner or base police. order programs and discounts. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS and graduation Saturday on the patio at the club hall. The din- The American Red Cross Office of ner will start at 6:30 p.m., grad- DEER PARK ZOO DANCE Volunteers is planning to hold uation will follow. For more in- Sports their annual recognition and formation, call Richard at 96236. Don't forget Friday is the date awards ceremony today at the for the Deer Park Zoo dance at base chapel. The program will be- Special notices McCalla Hanger from 9 p.m. until BOXING SMOKER gin at 7 p.m. in the chapel sanc- 1 a.m. Casual dress, door prizes, All military personnel interested tuary. Following the recognition FENCE LINE TOUR cash bar, and entertainment by of guests, new volunteers and vol- Aries. Donations are $2.30 per in participating in the upcoming boxing smoker to be held at Marine unteers at large, there will be a There will be a fence line tour person in advance or $3 at the Barracks May 14 are asked to contact brief but interesting film shown Saturday, Passengers will meet in door. All proceeds from this dan- Marine Barracks Special Services entitled "A Sense of Direction." the parking lot across from the ce will go for the feeding and care 9 p.m. Monday, The group will then retreat to the telephone exchange. To make reser- of the animals at the zoo. All from 8 a.m. until Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday before patio for refreshments. A nursery vations call 95472 AT. base teenagers are invited to the is being considered if the need dance and the day care center will May 13. For more information call 951237. indicates. Husbands and older PROTESTANT CHOIR be open that night. To make your children are invited and especial- reservations at the center for your ly any adults interested in becom- Sunday, the Protestant Choir will little ones, call 95405. ing a Red Cross volunteer. A. present an upbeat, contemporary folk musical entitled "Tell It lengthy program is not anticipated, OWC LUNCHEON therefore it is hoped that there Like It Is". The performance be- will be a large response from our gins at 6:30 p.m. aad all !base re- Would you like to learn about community. Uniforms are not re- sidents are welcome. Gitmo's travel packages offered by TODAY'S quired, but would be nice. Special Services? Lt. Tom Hardin TV-8 from Special Services will be the GITMO BAY OFFICIALS' NEX JOB OPENINGS guest speaker at the Officer's Wives Luncheon May 19 at toe COMO The monthly meeting of the Gitmo The Navy Exchange has the following Club. Cocktails at 11:30 with MOVIES Bay Officals' Association will be job openings: lunch at 12 p.m. Hostesses are held today at 6!30 p.m. in the NAS Officer's wives. All officer's Full-time General Offico (lerk to TV-8 SCHEDULE FOR WEDNESDAY officals' hut. wives on the base are welcome. to work in the warehouse. Hours For reservations, call Una Cleve- 1:00 - General Hospital are from 7:3,) a.m. to 4:30 p.m., land at 95319 or Ursala Hughlett 1 35 Wednesday 'atinee: "Ride Monday through Fr'day. Six months at 99162 by 6 p.m. May 17. NAVAL STATION WIVES' the High Wind" general office experience is re- Talk About Pictures quired. This position pays $2.59 The Naval Station Wives' Club will ENCYCLOPEDIA REPRESENTATIVE 3:3'0 - Sesame Street have a coffee at the COMO Club Friday aer lour. sales clerk to work 4: 34 - Untouchab les at 9:30 a.m. Please make reserva Part-time The Encyclopedia Britanfca rep- Scene 5: 30 - Newswatcih tions today. Call 95538 or 952275. in the Retail Store, Sound resentative will be in the Main Hours 6 :30 - Name Toat Tune and or furniture Store. Exchange now through lay 21. are varied but will consist of a 7:19 - Little House on the Prairie 20 hour work week. 7:55 - Notes of Interest A OF JULY MEETING GUANTANAMO BY 3:0B - Wednesday Night at the Full-time clerk typist to work BASEU.S. NAVAL CB movies: "Fools Parade" There will be a meeting of the in the Laundry. Six months office 9:55 - Newswatch 4 of July committee tomorrow at and or accounting experience is Police Woman 1 30 p.m. in the Marine Barracks required. Hours are from 7:30 Defenders conference room. a.m. to 4:39 p.m., Monday through Friday. This position pays $2.78 11: 44 - Sign Off per hour. REEF RAIDERS to work Thur- Capt. John H. McConnell Capt. David W.DeCook LYCEUIS Part-time studEnt Naval Base Naval Station sday nights and weekends in the Comander Commnding Officer - it Again Sam, PC The Reef Raider's monthly meet- Retail Store. Downtown Play ing will be a farewell party and icCalla - One Flew Over the Cuck- Part-time sales clerk I to work LCdr. Mchael Cherry. .Public Affairs Officer dive to be held Suncdy at Windmill oo's Nest, R in Servlart. The hours are var- JO2 Diane Taylor,. Reporter/Production Asst. R Beach in the large cabana begin- ied. This Dosition pays $2.37 SN Agie Brow.Reporter/Production Asst. Aarine - Rollerball, 1 ning at 3 p.m. The club will fur- per hour. Leeward Point - Lepke, . according to the nish grilled chicken and sodas. These positions close Friday at TheG tnam Gatl isPublished The accompanied members are asked rules and regu l an orspanad sation newsapr CLUB MOVIES 4:30 p.m. For further informa- as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction officer.Printed to bring a covered dish, single tion please call 85348. fiveof the times Naval Base public a , weekly at government expense on government COMO - Gordon's War, r members are asked to bring snacks Part-time bartenders are needed equipment at the Navy Publications and Printing ServicBBranchIOffice, Atheopinions or statements in CPO - Terror in the Wax Museums, PG such as nuts, pretzels, chips, etc. at the Windjammer. For more in- newsfitems that appear hereinarevnot to beconstrued asoffcialorsreflectin e te Bis of co avBase Staff NCO - Tie Last Hard Men, R For more information, you may call formation contact Ace Riviera at or the Department of the Navy. - Golden War, R Brenda Clark at 90186 AT. the Windjammer after 6 p.m. Windjammer Wednesday, May 11, 1977 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 NAVY Former actress Joan) Crawford dies at age 69 NEWSLINE NEW YORK (UPI)--Joan Crawford, Born Lucille Lesueur, Miss Craw- and Lilyan Tashman. She who died ford was one yesterday, was married went to Hollywood from Broad- of the chorus girls. (CHINFO Newsgram)--The Petty Offi- four times, to Douglas Fairbanks, way musical shows. She had gotten It was the Roaring 20s, a high- cer Quality Control Review Board re- Jr., Franchot Tone, her start as a night-club Phillip Terry dancer living era of short skirts, hip cently reported to the chief of and Alfred Steele. Steele, and while waiting who for her chance flasks, marked by the excesses Naval Personnel that all Navy died in 1959, was board before the cameras of CPOs chairman she won a num- the so-called "flaming youth." (E-7, E-8 and E-9) are performing of Pepsi Cola and his ber of prizes as a Charleston widow became dan- No one epitomized the decade more up to standards with the exception a director of the firm after his cer. than Joan Crawford. of 363 individuals, only one per death. Of late she had been in- Her first movie, in 1926, was She starred in Our Dancing Dau- cent of this community. active. She was 69. Pretty Ladies, starring Zasu Pitts ghters, Our Blushing Brides, Un- As a result of the review, the tamed, Modern Maidens, and Laugh- board recommended five administra- ing Sinners. Their very titles tive discharges, 21 reductions in mirrored the age. rate, and that 33 individuals be Proposal gains narrow passage In private life, she was reali- asked to transfer to the Fleet Re- stic, down to serve. earth. But around her was an aura of glamor and sen- Warning letters citing below stan- The new agency would cost tax- timent. Her swirling dard performance were issued to 141 payers some $32 million over the chiffon next skirts exposed shapely CPOs. Seventy-one of those letters two years and has been vol- legs to the movie camera. contained reenlistment restrictions leyed about tile congressional bat- Her luxuriant, bob- bed hair was her halo. requiring specific approval from tlefield for more than eight years In 1945, the 20s ChNavPers prior to executing any now. long behind her, Joan Crawford agreement to extend or reenlist. The legislation cleared both displayed her versa- tility in the movie The remaining 70 individuals were houses in the last session of Mildred Pierce, a serious dramatic film informed that their records would Congress, but never went to Pres. with none of the wild overtones automatically be reviewed by next Ford because he vowed to veto it. of her ear- lier movies. Her selection year's board. Seventy-four individ- was as popular as any ever made. She uals were referred to the Alcohol was genuinely well-liked both Review Board, 91 were referred on and to United celebrates off the set. the Obesity Board for failing to Miss Crawford remained active comply with established Navy weight in WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Consumer television long after she left standards and two were referred to Protection Agency Bill cleared 1st year in Gitmo Hollywood. the Equal Opportunity Board. the House Government Operations The records of those persons who Committee yesterday, but just Grocery heiress received a "heads up" from last barely. United Services Corp. hosted a year's board were reviewed and 41 It took some last minute lobby- combination employe and Mother's robbed and were issued letters noting their im- ing by Pres. Carter and Vice Pres. Day breakfast Sunday morning on slain proved performance and advising them Mondale to give the proposal the Admin Hill. INDIANAPrLIS (UPI)--Police said that the previous letter was consid- necessary push to gain passage by The breakfast was to commemorate yesterday two men were arrested in ered withdrawn. Eight members had a 22-21 vote. United Service's first year in the robbery-slaying of grocery failed to heed the warning and re- The bill would create an indep- Guantanamo Bay and to recognize heiress Marjorie V. Jackson who ceived more stringent action. endent agency empowered to inter- each employe for his or her contri- hid millions of dollars in her A similar board will be convened vene on behalf cf consumers in butions during the past year. Also weed-filled estate. in June to review the performance of federal proceedings, and to file included was the observance of There "are other suspects" in first and second class petty offi- suit to block or overturn agency Mother's Day. the case, said Sheriff's Lt. Rob- cers. rulings considered harmful to United Services officials say they ert Kirkman. A woman who lived consumer interests. hope it will become an annual near one of the suspects was ques- event. tioned and then released, he said. The breakfast (CHINFO Newsgram)--Navy line and was served under Arrested separately Monday night the shade staff officers now may attend grad- trees of Quarters "C", were John Williams, 38, and Man- Consumer spending dips and overlooking uel uate school fulltime while drawing Guantanamo Bay. Robinson, 29, both of India- The meal was prepared by Jack napolis. Robinson was charged full pay and allowances under a new WASHINGTON (UPI)--According to Griffin and Charlie Sams, "The USC with first degree murder and program announced by the chief of the Commerce Department, consumer Wil- Chefs." liams with being an accessory Naval Education and Training. spending dipped in April when af- The wives and children appeared ter the fact of murder. Under the new Advanced Degree Pro- Press. Carter withdrew backing for very happy with the change from the Sheriff's gram, officers, 0-2 through 0-5 may tle $50 tax rebate and auto manu- Maj. Don Okey said normal beach party atmosphere to more than $1 study for up to one year toward a facturers ended sales promotions. million in $190 bills the surrounding greenery and seren- was recovered with graduate degree consistent with Retail sales posted gains in the the arrest of ity of the location. Mary Jensen, Robinson and Williams. their designator, subspecialty or two previous Aprils since the re- At least project manager, was pleased with future assignments. cession ended. $2 million was believed missing. the pleasant surroundings and com- The body of Officers will pay for tuition and When Carter began discussions of Mrs. Jackson, 62, munity spirit. He said he was was found other expenses with their pay and a rebate following the November Saturday in her burning "down right proud to join with the GI Bill benefits. election, consumer spending rose Northside home where investigators employes and to wish one and all a recovered $5 million The new program may be used follow- strongly in December. The new cash from very rewarding contract year." He various hiding places. ing enrollment in other education administration's economic advisers, She had also indicated that United Services been shot once in the stomach. programs as long as the total time led by Charles Schultze, said it Corp. dedicates its service to the in school does not exceed two years. was evidence consumers were "spend- community and he hopes to provide Details are in CNETINST 1520.7A. ing their rebate." unparalleled service in family Nixon willing housing maintenance in the coming year. United Services is under contract to cooperate First Lady to begin talks abroad by the U.S. Naval Base to provide maintenance and upkeep for all family housing located in the area.

Only one nation whica has come under heavy criticism for alleged Cub Scout Pack 401 human rights violations, Brazil, is on the itinerary of Carter's two-week trip through the region. presents awards Awards were presented at the budget proposals 7"~ Defense monthly meeting of Cub Scout Pack caught in stalemate 401. They are as follows: Den 1: Marc Witt - Wolf, one gold WASHINGTON (UPI)--The House and and one silver arrow point, and Senate continue to wrangle over assistant denner. J.R. Hackmaster - how much the nation should spend one gold and one silver arrow point, WASHINGTON (UPI)--First Lady next year on defense. and denner. Stanley Leaf - one gold Riosalynn Carter leaves May 30 for House and Senate negotiations and one silver arrow point. WASHINGTON (AP)--The chairman of Jamaica to begin her first for- failed to come up with a compro- Den 2: Robert Showalter - one year the House Asian and Pacific Affairs eign diplomatic mission for "sub- mise formula on the question of service star and perfect attendance. Subcommittee says he has been in- stantive" high-level political defense spending yesterday and Den 4: Harvey Howe - Bobcat. formed that former Pres. Nixon is talks with the leaders of seven decided to recess to give negoti- Richard Crowell - one year service willing to cooperate with the com- nations of Latin America and the ators from both sides "time for star. Marco Dulog - two silver ar- mittee. Caribbean, the White House an- reflection." row points. Danny Murray - Wolf and Democratic Congressman Lester nounced yesterday. The principal point of dispute, Bear badges, one gold arrow point Wolff of New York learned of Nixon's During her two-week trip, Car- whether to appropriate l120.3 and he was transferred to Webelos decision only a day after Wolff had ter will also visit Costa Rica, billion for defense spending, as Den 2. threatened to subpoena the former Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Colombia approved by the Senate, or to go Den 8: Billy Stevenson - Wolf President. The committee wants and Venezuela, in that order. Sae along with a House ruling calling badge. Jerome Towey - one silver Nixon to explain why he made an of- returns here June 12. for expenditures of $117.1 billion. arrow point. Keith Rogers - one fer of post-war aid to Vietnam. "Mrs. Carter is making this vi- So far, neither side appears to year service star. Wolff says Nixon has agreed to sit on behalf of the President to be willing to go even as far as Webelos Den 1: Danny Nolwalk - acknowledge the authenticity of a express his friendship aad good- splitting the difference between outdoorsman and denner. Mike letter in which the offer was made will and to conduct substantive those two expenditure proposals. Boland - outdoorsman, engineer and and to explain its purpose. Wolff talks with the leader of these Press. Carter has asked for assistant denner. Chris Delong - and other congressmen contend that nations on issues of bilateral, $120.1 billion in defense spend- naturalist and engineer. Brian the U.S. isn't obligated to make regional and global importance," ing, some of it to be spent in Flint - outdoorsman and scientist. good Nixon's promise since the agree- the White House said. later years. Matthew Walders - outdoorsman. ment has been breached on both sides. Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Wednesday. May 11. 1977 Bobick to face firstItop contender

Norton has a 37-4 record and will receive $500,000. The 26-year-old Bobick will earn $300,000 for his first bout against a top contender. Pro scores King and Malloy beat NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Richard and Riggs Semifinals BALTIMORE (UPI)--Women's tennis Portland 102, Los Angeles 97 star Billie Jean King and veteran (Portland leads series 3-0) pro Gardner Malloy overwhelmed transsexual Renee Richards and male NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE FINALS chauvinist Bobby Riggs last night Stanley Cup Best of Seven Series in an exhibition match here. King and Malloy won 6-1, 6-4, in Montreal 3, Boston 0 the tennis match at the Baltimore (Montreal leads series 2-0) Civic Center. The turning point in the second NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL set came in the ninth game, when Bobick King and Malloy broke their opposi- NEW YORK (UPI)-- has Pittsburgh 3, Atlanta 0 (1st) tion's service. weighed in at 222 and three-quarter Pittsburgh 2, Atlanta 1 (2nd) King, dressed in an orange tennis pounds for his heavyweight bout Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 1 outfit, shouted, "Aw chicken feath- with unbeaten Duane Bobick tonight. Norton Montreal 4. Los Angeles 3 ers!" while Riggs, dressed in bright Bobick tipped the scales at 215 Chicago Cubs 31, Houston 5 yellow tennis clothes with the words and one-half pounds for the nation- Sports briefs 3, San Francisco 0 "Sugar Daddy" on the back of his ally televised fight at New York's San Diego vs N.Y. Mets, ppd, cold shirt threw candy at the audience . ST. LOUIS (UPI)--National League between games. Bobick is undefeated in 38 fights. president Chub Feeney says something AMERICAN LEAGUE BASEBALL Richards, a southpaw, said nothing He weighed 217 pounds for his last is going to have to give in the bat- throughout the two sets and appeared bout against Fred Houpe in October. tle between the Giants and Oakland Minnesota 7, Detroit 5 to be the only serious player on the His trainer Eddie Futch says "it's A's for San Francisco Bay area fans. Texas 3, Chicago White Sox 2 court. within half a pound" of what he Feeney predicts it will be the A's California 6, Kansas City 1 Malloy joked and at one point wanted. who will move. Toronto 9, Seattle 3 pulled a tennis ball from his pocket The 31-year-old Norton is the Cleveland 1, Milwaukee 0 (1st) and hit it across the net while an- top-ranked challenger to Muhammad SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)--Cuban Olympic Cleveland 7, Milwaukee 4 (2nd) other ball was in play. Ali's crown. He weighed 218 pounds track star Alberto Juantorena has for his last bout, the controversial been invited to compete in the loss to Ali last September at California Relays May 21. Meet 3.7 L 1 - .1 J - - r Yankee Stadium. Norton planned to director Tom Moore says the invita- weigh more against the slower, more tion was made through the State E AtfffAYJ5W F"LA6Zw (AA plodding Bobick. Department.

All ads will be run one time only. Holley 4 barrel carburetor kit" $6. 14 foot aluminum boat with trailer You must submit your ad each time Call 95417 AT. and 1976 25 HP Evinrude motor. Call Classified ad service 951144 you want it to be printed. Ads 951139 AT, may be submitted by calling American Motors is seeking a rep- 951144 Complete bedroom set, $290; Whirl. before 4 p.m. Ads which Rockwell 3/8" variable resentative for their factory prog- discriminate pool dishwasher, $140; hair speed rever". dryer, ram in the Navy Exchange. For more on the basis of race, sex, creed, $12; Colonial style couch and two sible electric drill. Two weeks information see Bob Patterson, Deer- color or national origin will not matching chairs, $190. Call 952220. old:' never used, $18. Call 90203 be accepted. The staff reserves AWH. Point BOQ, room G16. the right to rewrite any ad it 1965 Corvair; 1955 Ford, both in deems necessary. good running condition. Call 85506 1976 Honda CB 125 S, excellent DWH or 85284 AWH. condition, asking $550, Call 951221 lost AT. for sale Oriental foods; Lumpia, Lumpia Two 5,000 BTU A/Cs, good condition, Box on April Jax flight, contain- wrappers, panadas, steamed rice cake, $100 each or $175 for both. Call ing 4 dozen Magic-Flow pourers. 1967 Buick Special, V6,' AT, low stuffed shrimp. Call 99253 AWH. 96108 AT. Available May 31, mileage' new exhaust, paint, and rebuilt generator, excellent condi- 1940 Dodge sedan. Runs, good for 1969 Volvo wagon, body and motor in tion, $500; wet suit, size small, fixing up. Sound body, good engine, good condition, $1200. Call 95565 found used twice, $30, Call 951207 AT, Call 85487 DWH or 85794 AWN, DWH or 952268 AWH. Haitian style shirt on Windmill G.E. Potscrubber dishwasher, 4 cycle, 1969 Chevrolet Bel Air, V8 engine, beach. Call 952220. 6 0 1969 Ford LTD station wagon' 429 white with cutting board top, perfect AT, runs good, $ 0j 1964 Ford engine, PS" PB, A/C, Cruise-O-Matic, condition, almost new, $200. Call Fairlane 5001- good condition, best give away PW, PS, 8 track stereo, tinted glass, 951145 AWN, offer. Call 951247 DWH or 951049 AWH. 70,000 miles" available 10 June, 1964 Pontiac. Call 85506 DWN or Sears Coldspot dehumidifier, $60. 6rmonth,.old male dog, Gitmo price negotiable, Call 85154 DWE special. 85824 AWN ask for Riley. Call 951001 AWH. Call 85252 AWH. or 952270 AWH, Full-sized mattress and box springs, 13.6 foot fiberglass boat with 20 12x18 blue shag carpet with pad; $50. Call 97174 AT, HP Johnson engine and trailer with $150 G.E. Potscrubber dishwasher, 4 black kittens. Call 952294 ATI all required accessories. $750; used 3 months, $250; 3 Sears 12,000 12'x30' barrel boat, 1973 Evinrude AM/FM record, 8 track player console, BTU A/C, $75 each; box of assorted 40 electric start, 12olt light- Mediterranean stvle. $150! mobile curtainss. Call 95560 AT, Owners Manual for 1960 Jeep Univer- ing system, new steering cable, home, price negotiable, Call 85198 sal, model CJ-3B. Call 95451 DWH three gas cans, life preservers, DWH or see at trailer park #1720, 1970 Buick Electra, A/C, PS, PB, ask for Bill. extra gas hose and controls, man- AM/FM radio, new tires, new custom ual winch for afichor, other extras 5 piece living room, black Mediter- seat covers, needs minor body work and spare parts, boat and motor rian style,' $150; 12x15 red carpet, on rear fender, excellent running completely refinishe' in past two $45; black and gold living room condition, asking $1350. Call services months, excellent condition, boat drapes, $40; record cabinet"' $30, 95370 AWH, #102, can be seen at Corinaso Cove. Will babysit anytime baby bassinett with skirt, $15, for working Call 85679 DWH or 85863/952253 AWH. mothers, Call 952262. Call 96171 AWH, Man's Huffy 3 speed bicycle, $35j Sansui AU4900 integrated stereo Will do lock and safe work, also ladies Euffy 3 spedd bicycle, amplifier, $150! classical music $35; will cut keys by code for all 12x15 sculptured blue rug, $50; girl's 20" bicycle, $15; right-hand- collection' $15 each, Call 85527 10x12 avacado green shag rug, $15; ed baseball glove, like American made cars. Call John Parmer, new, $5. DWH and ask for GE, 2-speed washer, looks good, Call 98270 AWH. Experienced child care in my home runs well but leaks grease, $25; carpet! bath for working mothers, ages 3 on up. 12x15 carpet; 1Ox10 Turetone 19" B&W TV, $25, Call 16x10 foot pontoon boat with 25 HP carpet; 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass, Call 97174 AT. References available. 85496 DWH and ask for Sargent or 1975 Evinrude engine, sundeck, bath. equipped, $1500 or best offer; fully 97217 AT. room, 5 chairs, life jackets,' ladder 12"000 BTU A/C; 6,000 BTU A/C; 5,000 for scuba diving. Call 951201 AT or Will do lock and safe work, also BTU A/C, all for $300; ,Honda XL 125 Child's tricycle, 6 months old, $8, 951244 DWH. Price negotiable. will cut keys by code for all motorcycle with extra tire and helmet Call 99171 or come by 1171 Center American made cars. Call 97169 AWH in good condition, $375 or best Bargo, AT, wanted or stop by VL 1220A. offer; Lafayette home entertainment system, cassette recorder, AM/FM 12x28 foot barrel boat, motor over- Baking pans for Easy Bake Oven, Give your children a vacation while radio, FM stereo and Lafayette turn- hauled, barrels recently scraped, Call 85252 AWN. you're on a trip, safe, supervised, table, excellent condition, $300; $800 or best offer; electric skillet, playground, treehouses, Deer Park, two recliners' one for $20, one for avocado green, used only a few times, Would the woman who agreed to hold baseball, organized games, reliable $60. 20 gallon aquarium with iron $12! buttonhole attachment to fit 4 chrome and black vinyl kitchen child care. Call 97164 AT. stand and accessories, $60; glass most sewing machines; assorted attach- chairs and a dolls high chair for china top, beautiful,' $75; wooden ments for different size buttons, me until after 4 May, please call House and stove cleaning on weekends. tool shed, $25! vacuum cleaner, $10, $12; 4 hard rock Maple bar stools, me at 85252 AWN. Call Burke at 85734 or 85231 INH. dinette set with 6 chairs, $150; good condition, $150 for all 4 stools. white velvet sectional living room child's rodeo wagon with wooden sides, set with matching table, $750; single excellent condition, used very little, Power lawnmower, reasonably priced. CB radios repaired and aligned by box springs and mattress, good condi. $15; boy's 26" 3-speed bike, needs Call 98155 AT, authorized FCC radio/telephone tion' $35! 19" B&W TV with stand" minor repair to gears, otherwise license holder. For appointment, $100; trailer hitch, $15; 4x10 foot in good condition $20, Call 951142 Airline approved cat cage, Call call 85842 AT and leave name and patio table, $25, Call 97119 AT, AT, 97119 AT, number for ETI Jackson,