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/■^ C.M.Bassa President -SATTBoard.


Frank A.van der Horst Vice President - SACOS & Presidnet WP Council Secretary - SA Hockey Board M.N.PATHER

SzcAeXiVujil RzporU. Wi.VK&iidznt, LcuUu i GerMemen,

Today we beyin ouA. jjoo'ttfi te^m - much AtaongeA. than eueA fae^o/te. Ovea the yeau, ipoAt6mcn and women, committed to the aemovat o^ fiaciAm -in ipoAt jo-ined the naitk and iiZe oi out aU -itiatei. I t -is paai6ewoAXhy to aecoAd that the -incJveaJted membejuhip has g-iuen added -incentive to the oaganlieu 0(J ou/t coded and atdo to the ipoKt oAgan-iiotiom cateA-ing ioa the pA-imoAy and denioA dchootd. The itaength oi the PAov-inciat CouncUd have atdo incA.eaded -in the p(Ut two yeoAd and a^teA the ioAmation the i-iAdt oi the Counc-iCd that -id the UedteAn pAov-ince, TAondvaal, Natal and EadteAn PAov-ince iotlowed. Subdeguently, inauguAat-ion took place -in Eodt London, KimbeAley and in the Boland oAea. Hove id aioot to launch onotheA in the South UedteAn VldtAietd Regiun oi the Cape PAovince.

Thene id widedpAead activity in athleticd, bodybuitxiing, cycling, cAicket, doAtd, goli, hockey - men and women- dwimung, lawn and table tennid and weightliiting - on a national badid. Although devenal attemptd weAe made to communicate with the SA BiUiaAdd t SnookeA BooAd oi ContAol, theAe wad no Aedponde. PegAetiuUy the membeAdhip oi the SA SocceA FedeAotion and itd PAoieddional League wad Aeluctantly teAminated aitcA the FedeAotion iailed to iuliil itd obligationd to the Council, but itd application ioA Aeindtatement id encouAoging.

OveAdead inteAedt in o u A aetivitied had been incAeaded. VuAing the padt 24 monthd AepAedentatived oi GoveAnmentd, oAganidationd and newd mediad, iAom obAoad, called on both the PAedident and mydeli to odceAtain tt^ pAo- gAedd made in thid countAy towoAdd non-Aacialidm. The two Cotmiddiond oi InquiAy AetuAned oAmed with iaetd that weAe both iactual and authoAotive.

The AetuAn oi the pAedent South AiAican GoveAmnent to oHice with a loAgeA maJoAity elected on a depoAote development ticket, id an indication that the voteAd widh to Aetain Aocidm and that the 4,000,000 whited have no dediAe to change a dydtem dedigned to keep South AiAica'd 4/5 black pop­ ulation in dubjection. Theae id no law which pAohibitd the playing oi mixed dpoAt. But the GAoup AAead Act, No. 36 o i 1966 and PAoclasnation R26 oi 1965 and Pitt oi 19 73, the RedeveAation oi SepoAote Amentitied Act No. 49 oi J953, the Bantu Lawd Amend- mentd Act No. 76 oi 1963 and the Native LaWd Amendmentd A ct No. 36 o< 1957 pAohibit mixing oi the voAioud Aoced. Hence it id not poddible to play oAganided dpoAt at all leveld and at any OA all venued.

But the thAeat to completely idolate South AiAica id gaining momentum and the South AiAican GoveAnment, in an exeAcide oi iutility id puAduing itd Uultc- National dpoAtd plan. I have collated ad much inioAmation ad poddible iAom ouA aiiiliated and Coun- cild, togetheA with AepoAtd on South AiAica'd poAticipation locally and abAoad with dpondoAdhip iAom otheA countAied - which 1 am dune will be oi inteAedt to thid meeting:


South Africa is a member of the International Aeronautic Federation (FAI) which caters for Hang-gliding, gliding and parachuting.

The 1977 hang-gliding championships scheduled for were cancelled because several countries refus'ed to participate. South Africa took part in the World Gliding Championships at Chateauroux, , in October 1978.

South Africa has been barred from the International Hang-gliding and Parachuting championships from competing in France during August of this year. The French Government put pressure on the organisers. Federation Aeronaituque Internationale to exclude South Africans.

The Evening Post - 4/7/79 reported that the eight-man team Trek, won the six-jump sequential event at the South African National Skydiving championships at King Williamstown to becoine the Springbok team to travel to France la ter this year.

There is no National Non-racial organisation catering for th is sport.


South Africa is a suspended member of the Club International de Peche Sportive (CIPS). There are various angling and “V ^ fishing organisations which allow South Africa to Participate. The former Minister of Sport and Recreation announced in Parliament on 4 April 1978 that the following Angling and Fishing organisations are members of International Associations:-

SA Target Casting Association: SA Light Tackle Boat Anglers Association: SA Rock & Surf Angling Association: SA Ski Boat Angling Association: Game Fish Associatio’n of SA: SA Fresh Water Anglers Union: and SA Casting Association.

Three Springbok Anglers, Brain Peterson and Ray Preen of Natal, and Piet Roodt of , took part in the World ski-boat angling championships at Caracas, Venezuela.

A Sprinabok Fresh water Angling team le ft South Africa during August 1979 to part- icipate^in international fixtures in and Austria. They will also participate in the World Fresh water-Angling championships to be held in . At the same time Mr.Johan Fourie, Chairman of the South African Freshwater - Angling Association announced that a Swiss team would tour South Africa during . Their itin erary includes two internationals against a "white" South African side.

In May 1978 during a club competition of the M ulti-racial Western Angling Union held at Betty.'s Bay, Cape, a beach reserved for "white bathers" only, members of the "coloured"tean were questioned about th eir presence on the beach by the police. The presence of the police was prompted by a complaint received from a resident of Betty's Bay (a elite holiday resort for "whites") who spotted the "coloured" Anglers of the Vikings club on the rocks through his binoculars. No action was taken against the Anglers as it was subsequently found that no regulations. Municipal or Provincial, prevented Anglers from angling on any beach unless sign posts re s tric t­ ing angling to particular "racial groups" were posted on the beach.

Springbok Anglers, Andre Booysen, Ian Reid and Mike Schultz and captain Dick de V illie r s , took part in the P acific championships at Kailua Kona, Hawaii from July 23 to 27, 1979.

Following our la st Biennial General Meeting attempts were made to communicate with o ffic ia ls of Angling Associations to form a National Non-racial Association and the South African Angling Federation is expected to do so. The provincial unit is affiliated to the Western Province Council of Sport.


F The South African National Archery Assoication in its application F A to the World Body stated that it s membership was open to a ll and that i t does not practise discrimination. Notwithstanding our representations at the FITA meeting the South African National Archery Association was admitted as a member when 26 countries voted in its favour and 20 against.

Mr.Samba Ramsamy attended the meeting at B erlin , on the 16 Ju ly, 1979 at which the several countries supporting Mr.Ramsamy opposed the admission of South A frica.

The USSR, China, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania and Mongolia, Ireland,. India, Finland, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Morocca and Mexico, among others, not only opposed South A frica's entry but withdrew from participating in the current annual event.

Our request for a l i s t of it s c«ubs brought no response from the South African Nat­ ional Archery Assoication.

We do not have a national non-racial organisation.


South Africa,expelled from the International Amateur Athletic Fed­ eration (AAF) on 22 Ju ly, 1976 at it s Congress in , Canada, made another bid to a f f ilia t e to the World Body but it s application was rejected.

Professor Nieuwoudt, the President of the SA Athletic Union commenting on the lAAF's decision said that it was really a politic meeting and not an athletic one. He also added that far more time is spent discussing p o litics than the matter of a th le tics.

We would like to ask the Professor ju st how much time he spends on non-racial athletics in this country? There was no comment from the same l^rofessor when six black run­ ners, participating in a so-called "mixed sports event" were banned from competing at the Randfontein's Verwoerd Stadium on 31/5/1978.

Another Black, Methews Batswadi, who was given the Springbok Colours was assaulted at the Currie Cup Final between Orange Free State and Nothern Transvaal at the OFS Stadium on September 30, 1978 - a ll because he used a TOILET for whites ! 35 The Krugersdorp Town Council stated that i t had received a d irective from the Depart­ ment of Sport and Recreation to segregate the seating and facilities of spectators and athletes. It used a rope to separate the black spectators from the white. Sunday Express - 12/11/1978.

The non-racial Vice President of the Amateur Athletic Association of Natal, Mr.Dhanpal Naidoo timeously c riticise d Mr.Norman Hosken, chief of the rival body when Mr.Naidoo discounted the statements made by Mr.Hosken to the effect that ath letics were conducted on a non-racial basis.

The National non-racial SA Amateur Athletic Board continues with its annual events in the different provinces at venues hardly the type for national events. Two of it s strongest units are the Western Province and the Boland Amateur Athletic Associations. The Western Province Council of Sport on facilities for events in the Cape said:

" Hundreds of thousands of citizens: athletes, oyciists and spectators are compelled annually to use hopelessly inadequate and completely inferior facilities as a substitute for an athletics and cycling track. The Athlone Stadium is not an athletics track but the slow, hollowed, worn-out, sandy- patohod, gTEiBS perimeter is used as a make-shift track. It is in fact a rugby or soccer stadium with heavy, thick humpy grass that creates a dangerous surface for athletics especially when the grass surface is wet, muddy and slippery. The playing area is hopelessly overcrowded and dangerous with no enclostires for throwing events or suitable facilities for high-jump, long jump, shot put, discviB :md javelin. Under these conditions it is impossible to stage events such as hammer-throw, triple-jump, pole-vault, steepleoheise and hurdles«

Dressing rooms, showers & changing rooms are totally inadequate. Toilet facilities, cafes and exits become congestion points which are dangerous or health hazards and can lead to chaos in the case of riots or public distur­ bance - a situation not unlikely today beoa\ise of social tensions and politi- ceil disagreements.


Tha Athlone Stadium is much in demand because it boasts a covered stand, the •best* facility in the ghettos for the disenfranchised. Thus there is a great demand for its use by numerous athletics clubs (8off) the primary schools (174 schools catering for 162 000 pupils), senior & training schools (54 schools catering for 50 000 students), the three colleges (l 600 students), the various unions (e.g. 13 primary school unions), inter-school sectional championships & the champion of champions (7) as well as amateur and professional soccer, club and union rugby, other codes of sport and other social bookings and the stadium is heavily over-used and consequently deteriorates markedly.


A disgraceful and shocking state of affairs exists where there are no athletics and cycling facilities for noi>-racial sportsmen and spectators in . These atrocious and discriminatory conditions are allowed to continue to exist by the City Council for its disenfranchised black citizens. Although we pay rates and taxes, we are not allowed to elect or be elected to the City Council and therefore our voice is unlikely to be heard in their chambers.


The Western Province Senior Schools* Sports Union, the W.P. Schools* Sports Board, the W.P, Amateur Athletics Union, the if.P. Training Colleges Sports Ihiion and W.P, Cycling Union all reject the racial permit. They refuse to humliate and degrade themselves to apply for a racial permit to use a venue like the Oreen Point Stadium that is situated in a so-called "white" group " area. ALL AFRICAN GAMES

During May of th is year an invitation was received from the Organ­ ising Committee of the All African Games inviting our President, Mr.Hassan Howa.as it s guest. Regrettablylas our President has been deprived of a travel document,he was unable to respond to the invitation.

A le tte r explaining Mr.Howa's indisposition and extending goodwishes to the Games was sent to the Organising Committee. AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON AFRICA

On the occassion of it s 25th anniversary several sports administrators and codes of sport sent goodwishes and congratulations to the American Committee on Africa for it s service to the unrecognised lo t of mankind in South A frica. During the past quarter of a century the Committee with it s headquarters in New York campaigned vigorously against racism demanding equality for a ll.

We have been encouraged by th eir stand and in the exchange in correspondence we have been assured of the Committee’s total support by Mr.Raphael Gould of Special Projects. ACCESS

The American Co-ordinating Committee for Equality in Sport and Society is chaired by Dr.Richard E.Lapchick and several prominent persons in the USA and organisations found­ ed to remove racial b ias, constitute ACCESS.

At a meeting held recently - 29 June 1979 - it included on the Agenda ways to mobilize coalition members more effectively, local participation, future campaigns and inter­ national solidarity with other sports anti- apartheid groups. It also included on the Agenda the production of ACCESS lite ra tu re for distribution.

Mr.Samba Ramsamy, the Chairman of the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee,attend­ ed th is meeting and was available for consultations. Both SAN-ROC and ACCESS have contributed largely to the ostracising of ra c ist South Africa from world sport.

ACCESS also joined the OAU and the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid in dissemin­ ating information on apartheid and the sports structure as employed in SA. It also works in close collaboration with the coalition for UN Rights in SA, the NAACP and the Urban League coordinating a massive support against countries contravening the many UN and OAU Resolutions. ACCESS aims for a total USA sports boycott and has issued invit­ ations to all those opposed to sport apartheid and the dignity of man to write to the’ USA organisations and to the President of the USA, Jimmy Carter,drawing their attention to apartheid in South Africa.

^out mid-June of this year ACCESS started a campaign to prevent Sydney Maree, the South African runner, from competing in athletic events while he represents the SA government. The pressure was so great that Maree voluntarily withdrew.

ACCESS which is largely responsible for massing opposition against v isitin g SA sports­ men to the USA began a powerful campaign against the la s t USA - SA Davis Cup tie . So great was the campaign that the Professor became the victim of an unwarranted attack by persons who could only be friends of ra c ist South Africa and the supporters of apart* heid. This did not weaken ACCESS and on the contrary increased its strength.

An account of the incident and allied matters - and the interference in the United States of America by persons supporting racial discrimination in th is country was included in an a rtic le published in the Journal - Southern Africa - headed Running Interference in the US - reproduced .here - now read on...... 37 Running interference in the U$

W hen Eschel Rhoodic made his revela­ influence-buying in the United States, it is tions on British television in M arch, he ad­ worth recounting in greater detail what m itted that his agents had frequently tried l o o k s t o Southern Africa to be an attem pt to disrupt anti-apartheid activities in by the South African government :o dc* E n g l a n d . stroy at least one aspect of the burgeoning “ if certain organizations, for example, anti-apartheid m ovem ent in this country. were our to arrange an anti-South African On February 14, 1978, Lapchick returned rally,” Rhoodie said, “ or were trying to get to his hom e in Virginia Beach from Nash­ com panies to vvithdraw investm ent in South ville where he had been helping orgai\ize A frica, we would perhaps send out notices dem onstrations against South Africa. He and documents canceling the meeting so had every reason to feel pleased with the that the other party w ouldn’t know what is cam paign’s progress. Thanks to the efforts going one.” of ACCESS and other groups working on Thai tactic was used in the US as well. the cam paign, NLT Corporation, the finan­ But it seems likely that, in order to achieve cial backer of the Davis Cup, had an­ its ends in this country, the “ M inistry of nounced that it was withdrawing its sup­ Richard Lapchick M isinform ation” also engaged in far more p o r t . taken on an outing by a neighbor, during violent activities than the mailing of false Trying to catch up on his teaching load, the two and a half hours that he and his n o t i c e s . Lapchick worked late that evening in his of­ wife feared their son had been kidnapped. W hat happened to Richatd l.apchick, Lapchick called the police. The call was fice at Virginia W esleyan College. Then long-time campaigner against all sports returned two weeks later! m asked intruders burst into his office. Call­ links with South Africa, appeared to be a Lapchick's friends say that it was this ing him “ nigger lover” and saying he “ had case in point. event that finally convinced the family that no business in South Africa,” they as­ Early in 1978 Lapchick was deeply in­ they could no longer live in Virginia. saulted him with a m etal statuette and carv­ volved in a campaign to prevent South ed a misspelled ‘niger” on his abdomen Still the harassment did not hah. The A frica’s participation in the M arch 1978 with a pair of office scissors. threats followed Lapchick to New York, Davis Cup tennis tournam ent, scheduled to As a result of the attack. Lapchick suf­ where he moved to take up a consultancy be played in Nashville. Tennessee. fered kidney and liver damage, a hernia, with the Center on Apartheid at the United Lapchick, then national chairperson of and a concussion. N ations. The day before he was to be joined the American Coordinating Comm ittee for W hile there was widespread horror at this by his family, an anonym ous caller warned Equality in Sport and Society (ACCESS), assault, it apparently struck a sym pathetic him: “ It is a mistake for your family to was working with other groups such as chord in some quarters where racism is a move here tom orrow .” NAACP to have the tournam ent canceled, continuing custom . Local Virginia Beach The following week he was scheduled to and, if that failed, to m ount a massive police, who began to leak information speak at the University of Rhode Island. dem onstration outside the Nashville tennis casting doubts on the attack, asked Lap­ Shortly before he was due to leave New courts. By m id-February the cam paign was chick to take a polygraph test. A local state York, he received a call saying that the lec­ progressing extremely well, causing the medical examiner called the press to say ture had been canceled. Suspicious of the South African regime a considerable that the wounds were definitely “self- “commonwealth-related” accent of 'he headache, and it looked as if the Davis Cup inflicted,” despite clear evidence to the con­ caller, he checked with the university and m atches in the US might well be canceled. trary, backed up by all three doctors who found that he was still e.xpcctcd. It turned Then Lapchick was brutally assaulted in attended him in the hospitaL out that a South African .Ministry of Infor­ his office by two m asked men. The local press— and even CBS— implied mation official, named Vorster, had also Many prominent leaders immediately that Lapchick was guilty because he refused been invited to speak at the university, and blam ed South Africa for instigating the at- tiu-k. — - the lie detector test. In fact, he had refused an announcem ent of Lapchick’s impending because he had no intention of being cast in visit had been m ade in his presence—just former US Ambassador to Ghana now the role of.dcfendant when he was the vic­ one hour before the cancellation call was president of the Phelps-Stokes Fund, and tim . H e later changed his m ind. w hen, back m a d e . leader of the Committee for Justice in in Nashville to continue the cam paign, he Friends of the activist have told Southern South A frica. W illiams stated categorically found that he was becoming the issue at Africa that even now, more than a year (hat “ South Africa was responsible” for stake and not apartheid and the South later, he continues to receive threats. He the attack. African regime. He submitted himself to has avoided discussing these with the press. But it was not only supporters of AC­ the lie detector test and to an exam ination Besides wishing to protect his family, he is CESS that m ade the link. Apparent confir­ by a prom inent forensic pathologist. V. hile particularly concerned that the press should m ation came from a surprising source: the these confirm ed his innocence, his accusers focus on the issues that are central and not M inistry of Inform ation itself. W hen the did not back down. on the case of one individual. Kanda^ surrounding ministry operations The Davis Cup matches were ultimately Anii-apariheid organizers are convinced was beginning to break in South Africa, a played at Nashville, although successful that the South African government was m inistry official spoke at a meeting in l^ew dem onstrations kept all but a handful of directly involved in the threats and see this York and was pressed to justify the depart­ spectators away. But the end of the tourna­ campaign of intimidation as part of m ent’s continued existence. In response he ment did not bring an end to the harass­ Rhoodie’s sanctioned activities in the stated that its work had met with several re­ ment.' The Lapchick family received alm ost United States. Sam Ramsamy, the exiled cent successes. Asked to elaborate by a cor­ daily death threats on the telephone. Their Chairperson of the South African Non- respondent for a South African newspaper, car was broken into three times and the Racial Olympic Committee, with which the official cited a few instances. “ The engine tam pered with once. His office was Lapchick and ACCESS worked closely, li destruction of Richard Lapchick” was burglarized and all his South African insistent that this is the case. “ There is no amortg thenv materials removed. When he received doubt in my m ind that Lapchick’s case was In fact the attempts to “destroy” the threatening calls about his children a few part of the ministry’s operations in the leader of ACCESS were decidedly unsuc­ weeks later, he called hom e to find that his U S,” Ram sam y said. “ The only question is cessful, and Lapchick continues to be an ac­ five-year-old son was not there. A lthough it when and if all the details will be re­ tive opponent .of apartheid. In light of the was discovered later that the child had been v e a l e d . ’ SOUTHERN AFRICA S .U .t J recent revelafk>ns about South Africa’s BADMINTON

South Africa is s t i l l a member of the International Badminton Fed­ / eration (IBF) but it has been debarred from participating in World events. During late 1977, several third world countries - d issa tis­ fied with the administration of the IBF - withdrew from that body and formed the World Badminton Federation in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. The Republic of South Africa is not a member of the World Badminton Federation.

South Africans, Ann and Kenny Parsons,took part in the Dutch Open Championships at Beverwijk, Holland during January 1978.

SA Badminton Union's Vice President, Mr.Roy Smith,speaking in East London during April of this year said that a team fo six - three men and three women - international bad­ minton players will tour South Africa during 1980.

Mr.Stellan Mohlin, President of the IBg after visiting this country stated that he was satisfied that the sport was fully integrated and South Africa may again take part in International events - Citizen - February 1979.

Bryan Purser of New Zealand visited SA during June and July 1979 and participated in various provincial tournaments and SA championships.

During 1978 a representative SA team was secretly selected and left South Africa in secret. Black members of the Union were d issa tisfie d at the manner in which the team was selected since no trials were held and the team consisted entirely of “white" players. They played as individuals in the Dutch and B ritish championships.

During 1978 a total of 368 permits were applied for from the relevant government depart­ ments for the playing of multi-national club fixtures.

The SA Badminton Union clubs still practise racialism and there is w national non- racial badminton unit in this country.


South Africa is a member of the International Amateur Baseball Fed­ eration but i t is in default as it has not paid it s subscription. There is no national non-racial baseball unit in this country and the SA Baseball Federation is an all-white one.


South Africa was expelled from the International Basketball Fed­ eration (FIBA) in 1978, but it has not been banned from negotiat­ ing b ilateral exchanges.

There is no non-racial national basketball unit in this country.


South Africa is a full member of the International Modern Pentathlon & Biathlon Union, but i t does not take oart in biathlon events. 39 BILLIARDS AND SNOOKER

Sri Lanka has told South Africa that i t cannot take part in the World B illia rd s championships to be held in Colombo in November. A statement to this effect was issued by a spokesman for the Sri Lanka B illia rd s Association. Countries expected to take part are Australia, Canada, Britain, India, Malta, New Zealand, Sudan and Sri Lanka.

At the request of the B ritish Embassy, when the former Labour Government of Britain was in power, we advised the Embassy in of the two organisations in this country catering for B illard s and Snooker. One is a white organisation and the other the SA B illard s and Snooker Control Board. Although the la tte r applied and obtained membership to our Council, to th is date i t has not replied to nor acknow­ ledged our correspondence. It has not paid it s a ffilia tio n fees or subscriptions.

Pierre Mans participated in a snooker game against Alex Higgins of Ireland in Eng­ land during January of this year. Ray Reardon of Wales played A ustralia's Eddie Charlton at Germiston, South Africa where a competition was held.

$raham Miles of England is b illed to play SA's Pierre Mans at Durban next month.


South Afpca is not a member of the International Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Federation. (FIBT) As this is essentially a winter sport there is no non-racial organisation in this country.


South Africa is a full member of the International Body Build­ ing Federation (IBBF). I t was barred by the Mexican Govern­ ment from participating in the 1978 Mr.World Contest.

In this country we have more than three Body Building Assoc­ iations. One caters for whites and the others for racially orientated bodies with a ffilia tio n s to the white Body Build­ ing Association.

The South African Amateur Body Building Federation, a national non-racial organisa­ tion was founded over 25 years ago and is presently led by Mr.Earnest Clark. The 29th Annual Championships is being held at Port Elizabeth during September of this year - at a place where Body Building was founded.

South Africa w ill host the f ir s t Mr.Junior Universe Contest towards the end of this year possibly in said Mr.Ben Weider, Chairman of the IBBF.


We applied to the South African Bridge Federation for information on its constitution and,although in its letter dd 28 July, 1977 it stated that the matter will be placed before its Executive at it s next semi-annual meeting, no further news has been received to date. We do not have a national non-racial Bridge unit. 40 BOWLS

According to a newspaper report, Transkei, has gained International f recognition. At a meeting in Edmonton, Canada, during August of W la st year, a unanimous vote elected Transkei to the International » Bowling Board. The so-called Transkei's Prime Minister Chief Kaiser Matanzima, described the decision as a "breakthrough". Transkei has been invited to participate in the World Bowling Championship in A ustralia, in January, 1980. Its application to the World Body was sponsored by the SA Bowling Association. (Mercury 15/9/1978)

According to the Rand Daily Mail - 29/5/1978 the Coloured Bowls team, Westlea, la st night withdrew in disgust from the Transvaal Women's Pairs Championships starting in Pretoria today, over the refusal by the exclusive Afrikaans Club, Vriendekring, to allow them to use th eir grounds.

Asked to comment on the withdrawal of the Women's team, the President of the white SA Women's Bowling Association, Mrs.Brenda Southwood, said from Durban, "Qh, they make me sic k , I have no comment to make at a ll" .

There are several clubs participating in this code but we do not have a national non-racial organisation.


South Africa was expelled from the International Amateur Boxing Association (lABA) in 1968.

According to the Post (Transvaal 28/11/78 ) the SA Amateur Boxing Council was desirous to. affiliate to SACOS but to date we have not received its app- -icatio n. According to news reports, Sunday Times - 19/11/78, the SA Boxing Coun­ c il is not a ffilia te d to the SA Amateur Boxing Federation, the umbrella body which is recognised by the SA Olympic & National’ Games Association, the Sports Federation and the Department of Sport.

Mr. G ilch rist Khumalo, the secretary of both the Soweto & D istric t Amateur Boxino Association and the Transvaal Amateur Boxing Association said " we have potential in our young fighters but it is absolutely impossible to produce a world champion because of the shortage of proper training f a c ilit ie s " . . But we do not know where is his a ffin ity . Mr.Jack Bryant, chairman of the white Natal Amateur Boxipg Assoc­ iation in an interview with the Daily News - 20/6/79 said his association had taken definite steps to speed up integration at club level and the second black vs white tournament would be held at Hlobane (near Vryheid, Natal) next Saturday night when a black Northern Natal and Kwa Zulu senior team meets a white Natal senior in v ita t­ ion side. He also said that during 1980 the black South African Boxing Union and the white South African Boxing Association would amalgamate to form the South African Amateur Federation.

Professional boxing is very loosly organised around two bodies, v iz., the World Box­ ing Council (WBC) and the World Boxing Association (WBA). The 1978 WBA Congress was scheduled to take place in South A frica, in October, but was moved to Venezuela at the la st minute. The SA National Boxing Board of Control is the statutory body under the ju risd ictio n of the Government's Department of Sport & Recreation.

MUHANWED ALT'S VISIT TO SOITIH AFRICA: During our General Meeting held in Durban on the 10 March 1979 I informed the meet­ ing of the efforts made by SACOS, SAN-ROC, the Supreme Council for Sport in A frica, H E KALLIE KNOETZE USA BOUT: More publicity was given to this fight than any other in Boxing history - a ll because Knoetze is a member of the apartheid system, a former policemen who shot and wounded the seventeen year old Pretoria High School student,Stanley Ndlovu,of A tterid g eville, during the 1977 Student demonstrations in the township.

On the 13 August this year in an out-of-court settlement the State paid R30.000 to Stanley who lost a leg at the Kalafong Hospital. Stanley who was charged for his participation in the demonstrations was discharged by the magistrate.

Prior to the USA bout we cabled and said to Hodding Carter 111 (Department of State) "Hzavyuielght boxeA Kattce Knoetze l6 pant apanXhetd &y&tem uikich peApetnateA tmpoitng at mJUL 6epoAatene66 oven. votceZe&6, voteZeM, SolM A^ntcan SpontAmen. Knoetzesboxing Aecognition uxiM enhance the iyitem then.eby giving cAexlibility and nespectabitity to apantheid ipont. The USA id committed to the Kedoiutiond adopted by United Hationd and we neipect^iMy oik youn Government to honour your commit­ ment to the United Natiom and not to have any iport iinkd untii raciai did crimination id removed ^rom South African Sport".

The Editor of the Natal Mercury - 11/1/1979 in an editorial apparently enraged over the turn of events had this to say:

"ltd hard not to conclude that Uladhington, having pauded to tedt public re­ action to itd decidion to allow Knoetze into the country, finally bowed to the preddured o^ dmall cliqued and cotenied o^ political extremidtd, in­ cluding our'own little bunch o^ pot-dtirreu in the SA Cpuncil on Sport who have made no boned about their intentiond to ude dport ad a political weapon whenever poddible."

On the 30/1/1979 I pointed out to him :

"It will be cowardly i^ not criminal, to glodd over the fourth paragraph o^ your editorial "POLITICAL HATCHET {Mercury January 11, 1979] It mudt have been written at a time when you lodt your dende 0 (j readon and dought refuge in the political apartheid dydtem to tamidh the name of, the South African Council on Sport/whode only interedt id the removal o^ racidm ^rom dport. The "name calling" id underdtandable ; a^ter all, you are a part o^ the dame dydtem...... Ole redent your reference to ud ad "dmall cliqued and cotenied political extremidtd - bunch o^ pot-dtirrerd"and adk you to apologide to the v.bteledd, voiceledd people who are willing to promote non- racial dport in the name o^ South Africa."

My le tte r was published in the Natal Mercury on the 13/2/1979.

The Kartie Knoetze USA Bout with B ill Sharkey, scheduled for Madison Square Gardens was fin a lly fought after a court injunction at Miami.

THE KALLIE KNOETZE - BOPHUIHATSWANA BOUT: -Kallie Knoetze who went down to Tate in Bophuthatswana was to have fought Tate in Johannesburg. But a ll things were not equal for promoter Bob Arum at that time. To South Africa the event was more important than the money it would have, brought to the country.

THE GERRIE CDETZE- BOOT IN MCKIE CARLO; Prince Rainier of Monaco came ------to the rescue of the promoter, Bob Arum,and the efforts by the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee (SAN-ROC) in association with several organisations opposed to the fight suffered a setback. the Chairman of the United Nations Special Committe Against Apartheid in South A frica, M r.Leslie Harriman, ACCESS in the USA, the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement and certain of the Arab countries a ll of whom persuaded Ali not to v is it this count­ ry. The campaign was 100!8 successful, notwithstanding requests made to Ali from various quarters, in this country, including the Islamic Ccfuncil of South Africa.

Farook Khan, working for the Argus Group Post (Natal) and who visited A1i^published A li's schedule of v is it to SA and these made banner headlines in not only the "Post" but other newspapers as w ell. According to a news report, representatives from the Islamic Council visited New York in an attempt to persuade the Nigerian Chairman of the United Nations Special Commitee Against Apartheid, but Mr. Leslie Harriman, a very righteous man, refused to budge. On the contrary, Muhammed A li, respecting the wishes of Mr. Harriman refused to visit South Africa.

Soon after the Durban meeting Farook Khan telephoned our President, Mr.' Hassan Howa, the Secretary of the SA Amateur Weightlifting Federation - Mr. Abe Adams and myself to ascertain what was said at the Durban meeting. In the next edition of the Post some very discrediting remarks appeared. Post - Natal - 14-18 March, 1979 stated "Jait to pat the >veeo/uii itMUght, Poit dUd not iend FoAook Khan oveAseas to make oveAtuAes to hJLL. He went as Alt’s guest. Ho a m o s Post tmiolved tn any wouy tn itnanaing Alt's tAtp to South A^Acca".

But Post - Transvaal - 22/10/1978 printed this story :

"The Muhammed Alt Committee tn South A^Atea made up o^ the Jslamie Counctl oi South A^Atca and a Natal newspapeA has been negotiating with the ckam- pton to vtstt the Republtc...... VuAban JouAnaltst PoAook Khan a membeA o^ the Committee and a ^Aiend oi Alt m o t e ^Aom Neui OAleans that the champion accepted the invitation a^teA endoASing to U/iban Foundation pAojects - a High School tn Dube and a Cltntc tn Malagazy tn Natal."

And Post Natal - September 13 -17, )978 printed th is story:

"1 extended the oAigtnal invitation to visit South A^Atca on behali the Committee to Alt uhen I i m s with him tn Las Vegas ^oA the ^tASt itght with Spinks."

MrrGoolam-Hoosen .Moatshe, Chairman of the Soweto Muslim Council (SMC) commenting on Ali's visit to’South Africa said:

"We stAongly pAotest Muhammed Alt's coming to this countAy because this move would only seAve to dent hts image in SA and the Aest o^ the A^Aican continent. Alt is known inteuiattonally as a spontsman and not as a spiAttual leadeA, and so hts visit henc would cause tAAepoAoble damage to an image built oveA many yeoAS."

Wasa, which represents black writers in this country said that A li's proposed v isit, would be seen more as a "p o litical presence" than a religious one. " If he accepts the invitation he would be giving respectability to the vicious system of apartheid'/' Rand Daily Mail 23/1/1979.

The refusal by Muhammed Ali highlighted the apartheid system and the racial discrimin­ ation in South A frica. News of the refusal was printed in nearly a ll the papers of the principal c it ie s of the world and even in the smaller towns in a ll continents. Tributes were paid to Ali for having taken the stand he did.

In addition to the personal appeal made by us to Ali the Irish Anti-Apartheid Move­ ment one of the many that took up the cudgels drew his attention to some of his own countrymen's experience in South A frica. A le tte r to A li read:- IRISH ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT €) 20 Beechpark Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Tel. 895035 ist October 1978

Mr Muhammed A ll lj.il Winding Drive • PO N SO M Cherry H ill, New Jersey Sister Benvenuta O.P. Professor Geoffrey Bewley Frank Cluskey T.D Dear Brother Ali Sheila Conroy As Chairman of this Movement and as a South Or. Conor Cruise O'Brien African I am writing to you in connection with the reports Barry Desmond T.D. Professor Jam as Dooge in the South African and international press that you intend to visit South Africa in December of this year.As you know, Lord Dunieath the racists in South Africa are particularly concerned about Owen Dudley Edwards their "image" at a time when the oppressed blacks are winning Hilton Edwards Brian Farrell great victories not only in our attempts to isolate apartheid Dr. Garret FitiGorald T.D. South Africa in the area of sport but also in their basic struggle for the pverthrow of this evil system. SeAn French T.D. Professor David Greene Brendan Halligan Your visit to South Africa w ill be seized by the Noel Harris upholders of racism to give credibility to apartheid as an example of "normality" of this society which has rightly been Seamus Heaney Jo h n Hum e treated as an outcast. You w ill recollect that two of fellow Senator Justin Keating countrymen - Arthur Ashe and Andrew Young - who made visits to Neville Keery South Africa with similar desires as you have, were shunned by Senator Fintan Kennedy the thousands o f youngsters o f Soweto, Guguletu, Durfran and Port P. C. Kilroy Elizabeth. They do not want clinics and schools or even tennis Dr. Donal Lament O.Carm. courts from visiting sportsmen, however wellmeaning. They have Denis Larkin repeatedly asked for one thing: they want their country back. Professor Patrick Lynch SOAn MacBride S.C. After the murders of Soweto, there is a new Professor Roger McHugh spirit abroad in South Africa. Blacks recognise that their Setn Mac RAamoinn liberation w ill come only through their liberation movement Michael Mullen and they look to people like you for support. You w ill not be Donal Nevln a b le to meet them in South A fr ic a . They are either in prison Peadar O'Donnell without trial, or have been murdered, or have gone abroad to join Prof. Martin O'Donoghue T.D . the lib e r a t io n movement. A ft e r your v i s i t , l i f e fo r them and S e in 0 F a o liin their faunilies living under the most oppressive system since Senator Mary Robinson the Nazis, w ill continue as usual. The Eari of Rosse Senator Eoin Ryan S.C. Unlike Ashe and Young, who are timeservers and Richie Ryan T.D, opTX>rtunists, you are an extraordinary symbol for a ll those Patrick Scott fighting against racism and in a sense you belong to the forces Emeat Wood S.C. of change in South Africa. If you go to that evil country, it would be a betrayal not only of blacks in South Africa, but pfitaiD iirr Austin Flannery O.P. a ll those forces in Africa, Latin Americ.a and Asia who liave made so many sacrifices for the liberation of South Africa. It would be no sacrifice for you not to go to South Africa. It would, on the other hand, be one of the great acts of statesmanship to cap VICI-CMAlfISiAN L G. KUgalien an i llu s t r i o u s c a r e e r . H isto ry demands that you should not go.

NON. S IC IIIT A R V B ill M eek Yours sincerely NON.TRIASUIIIII Dermot O'Connor NON. ■ XlCUnvi MCRKTAIIV Kader Asmal Louise Asmal Chairman

44 for froodom in Sduthom Africa GERRIE CQETZE:- JOHN TATE SA BOUT: Again several USA organisations spear­ headed by ACCESS in close colloboration with SAN-ROC and ourselves opposed this fight b illed to take place in the all-w hite Pretoria on October 20. Whilst opposition is mounting, Mr.Peter Venisort, the General Man­ ager of the Southern Suns Hotel Group reportedly sponsoring the fig h t, stated that the Southern Suns held a contract with Promotor*6ob Arum o f Top Rank Inc. for the fight to take place in this country.

The Minister of Sport, Mr.Punt Jansen,has not categorically assured us that the G overnment would grant permission for a no'n-racial crowd at this bouc in Pre­ to ria. And the Chairman of the Transvaal.Boxing Board, Mr.Wilf Garforth, said that the different races had to be segregated at boxing matches in South Africa. He added that the Government may consider sympatheticaHy and issue a permit in terms of the Group Areas Act. But Mr.Bob Arum in a Press interview stated that all sports venues, inclusive of Loftus Versfeld will be free of segregation and in a few months restriction s impose^ to seat sports spectators w ill be removed.

Is Arum serious or is he just making a joke?

Editorally the Cape Herald - 12/5/79 commenting on Arum's TV appearance said:

"A MA.Bob Amm uko Lt, iomeXJUng to do uUth promoting boxing, icUd on tttevtsion taxt weefe tiiat i t um a di&anjaxLe. thz way South A f^ca and , South A^ftixiani wgjiz being treated by the. SpoAti woAJtd. lilouZd th at Wt.Bofa {Johnny come tateZy] A>uim would keep hit opinioni to him&el^. ilhat hat been a ditghace it the manner, in which the majoAity o^ South Apiicant have been theated by white South Apiicm to-catted tponttmen in the patt. We know becaute w e've undengone the tneatment, not MA.AAum."

Mr.Justice H.W.O.Klopper, the Chairman Of the South African Boxing Board of Control announced the removal of the last trace of racial discrimination in South African Boxing.with the abolition of black and white t it le s . The report stated that with immediate effect there w ill be only one champion in each weight division - regardless of race and the obnoxious term supreme champion w ill disappear forever. Describing him as a man who kayoed p o litician s and those who would lik e to see South African Boxing floored for all times, the Sunday Tribune 14/1/1979 - stated that Mr.Justice Klopper was la ter presented with the Antonio Maceroni Award in recognition of his services to boxing. The award was presented by Mr.Marais Steyn, Minister of Indian Affairs ,on behalf of the World Boxing Assoication.

There is a big difference between the South African dominated World Boxing Associate ion and the.World Boxing Council. It was the World Boxing Association that present­ ed an award to the Judge, Mr.Justice Klopper.

It was the World Boxing Association (WBA) dominated by South African O fficia ls which made i t possible for both K allie Knoetze and Gerrie Coetze to climb 2nd and 5th in World Boxing Associations rankings after Mr.Mike Mortimer, a South African,became the head of the World Boxing Association Rankings Committee.

The President of the African Boxing Union, Mr.Joseph Fofe^in 'his report to the 7th General Meeting of the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa held at Rabat during la st November stated that a World Conference to fight against apartheid took place in Bangkok (Thailand) during January 1978 and at Las Vegas, USA, during February of the same year. The President said that the African Boxing Union is represented on the Executive of the-World Boxing Council and it denounced the ap«rtheid stru­ cture in South Africa. In his concluding address, Mr.Fofe appealed to Mr.Jean Claude Ganga, the Secretary General of the SCSA, to pronounce an exceptional a llo ­ cution in order to inform a ll the world of the dealings of the o ffic ia ls of the World Boxing Association and of their collaboration with South Africa. About the South African Boxing Connection ACCESS has this to say...... 45 Sports ■'las siv»ys »3eett &a iategrsd part of South Africa's overseas propaganda aachinery. It has used iate m a t i o n a L competition to attesrpt to soften vorld criticisa of apartheid. Hovever, as South Afrlta has become increasingly isolated from the sporting cofiaiunity, it has become more and more desperate to open new avenue of sports contacts. It 'is now using to put it back in the international sports spotlight.

The Committee for Fair Play in Sport, now exposed as an arm of'the scandal-ridden South African Ministry of Infoncation, spent $hC0,000 per year tsiking out ads in the ?fev York Times, Vashintca Post and Times showing 'integrated* sports competition. The same Comittee brought black South African runner Sidney .Maree to Vlllanova University as a back-door entrance to athletic events. Maree has now recognized how he has been used and has declared his firm opposition to racial sport. VTith the exposure of the Committee, the International Liason Committee on behalf of Sport in South Africa has been formed. It is simply the Committee for Fair Play under a new O to e . The game is the same: propaganda for the racists.

Professional boxing has become one of the last stages left for South Africa. Consequently, it has spent more than $1 million in the past year promoting professional boxing in the US alone. The funds have gone through the Sunshine Hotel chain, long suspected as a front for laundering govemaicnt funds.

By statute, the South African Boxing Bo^d of Control is directly under the Ministry of Sport and, therefore, the government. The link grows. The Vorld Boxing Association (VBA), under ’^c h the South Africans are fighting for the title, is largely controlled by American promoter Bob Arum and a series of South African sports officials. The head of the VBA rankings committee is Mike Mortimer, *irtio also heads up the Hatal (South Africa) Boxing Board of Control. It csme as no surprise that South Africa's two white heavyweights were suddenly racked 2nd and 5th in the world. They were totally unranked by the rival Vorld Boxing Council (W3C) which does not recognize South Africa.

Promoters in the United States were only too eager to start setting up the apartheid representa­ tives to fight in a racial showdown which has all-too-often been a promoter's dream. They tested the waters by announcing a fight between Kallie Kneetze, racked 2nd, and an unknown ^ericac named Bill Sharkey. The waters proved to be deep. Anti-apartheid groups uncovered and then publicized tha faht that tCnoetze, ^diile a policeman In South Africa, shot a l6 year old black youth who lost his leg as a result of the wound. Vhen Knoetze attempted a cover-up in court, he was convicted of "attempting to defeat the ends of Justice." The fight, originally scheduled for Xev York, was shifted to Las Vegas and finally to Miaiai. A large campaign was undertaken to have the State Department revoke iCnoetze's visa. withdrew as co-proooter. CBS insisted it would televise the fight, thus effectively becoming the promoter. The State Department revoked the visa but a Florida Judge issued an injunction and the fight went on while demonstrations were Staged at the site of the fight and at CBS headquarters in Hew York. The CBS cosaentator editor­ ialized that the government should stay out of sports. It looked like a vein of gold for South Africa, Arum and CBS.

Many fights were now being discussed for &ioetze and Gerri* Ccetzee, 5th ranked by the VBA. Sob Arum was rea^ to allow South Africa its propaganda field day in exchange for his tap on the gold aloe. Arum even vent to South Africa to mske the arrangements.

When Leon 99Miks was defeated by All, Arum callously announced that Spinks would "never fight •gain." Ho^ the ruthless promoter gave Spinks a new chance which he would never have accepted bafore - to fight Hnoetze as part of a title eliminator that would also pit John Tate against Coatzee. Sere was another tragic irony. Muhammad All, the athletic champion of Black and Third Vorld people everywhere, was relinquishing his crown permitting Arum to bring t*-^ white hopes from the whitest regime in the 20th Century into contention.

ifhilt fights seemed plentiful for the South Africans, VSC champ , who had clearly '.stated that be would never fight against a South African, could not arrange a match which the rv networks would cover. As Arum continued his aanouvers, Holmes was left with no choice. He said he would fight Knoetze and teach him t, lesson.- However, we all learned a lesson about the net­ works when It was annometd that they had quickly approved the telecast of a Holmes zatch-up '/ith- In days after the chaitp had become "depoliticized."

‘The C3S-Arum team was temporarily sidetracked when the courts ruled that the State Cecartmer.t >s rsvokatioa of Knoetze's visa was correct and that I-Cnoetze could %ot enter the US to fight again. Arum said this killed .his plans for an All title eliminator. Arum told a reliable South African oorrespondant that "I will work something out."

It was not long in coming. First he said Knoetze would fight Spinks in Monte Carlo and Tate would fight Coetzee in South Africa. Both places seemed unlikely sights for protests. But Ar'um 'tiev that Knoetze's crimes we?e too well publicized so he switched the fights. The Kneetze-Tate fight vas set -jp ia the "iadependeat state" of 3ophuthatr«aaa - vhich ao one recogaites except South Africa. T^e propaganda thickened as C3S-TV aecace the second to recognize Bophuthatsvana as it constantly told its vieviag audience that the fight vas taking place in the "independent African nation of Bophuthatsvana." South African correspondants have privately speculated that CBS received the rights for the fight for a song in return for the publicity. But the aoney vas not iaportant for South Africa at this event. Becognition vas the hey, vhich CBS and Arum happily turned. CBS did not report that the 5I|COO people there vere alcost all vhite and that Tate had cot objected to segregated seating. After all, politics has no place in sport at CBS. B'/en the fact that Tate von did not sees to daxpen South Africa's enthusiasm as Tate seemed to "’inderstand South Africa."

But this put all of South Africa’s remaining chips on C-errie Coetzee. Reporters told anti-apartheid groups that they could not object cov because Coetzee "vas clean," that is, he had not shot any young blacks lately. They did not bring up that he had recently been suspended by the corrupt - even by South African standards - South African boxing authorities for fighting irregularities.

Now it vas the upright white hope vs. the crazy "kaffir," Leon Spinks. Quiet protests were made to the government of Monte Carlo. The fight vas moved to a parking lot where less than 1,500 attended (1*00 paid). After Coetzee quickly destroyed Spinks, the South African spectators added to his humiliation by taunting him as a "kaffir"tthe South African equivalent word for "nigger").

Cnee again the press said Spinks was through. But two days later he was resurrected by his savior. Bob Arm. Spinks, who first wouldn't fight a South African, then wouldn't fight a South African in South Africa, agreed in principle to fight Knoetze in South Africa. The degradation seemed complete, the tragic circle of Leon Spinks closed.

But Spittks-Knoetze can only be a side-show to the main eventr vs. John Tate for the W3A heavyweight crown. A r m says he does not know where the fight vlli be held. However, he knows there is only one place where anti-apartheid groups will not be able to set 'up a large protest end demonstration with the potential to step the fight and that is ia South Africa.

A r m and Tate will ao doubt pontificate on how evil apartheid is and say they are fighting for Justice and the American way. CBS -or NBC, ABC, etc. - will tell us to keep politics out of sport. The International Liason Committee on Behalf of Sport in South Africa will tell 'is that this match­ up of a white South African vs. a Black American is but one more example of integrated sport in South Africa. If Tate wins, the Washington Post may run another story called "A Loss for Apartheid" as they did after Tate beat Knoetze. If Tate loses and we have a white South African champion, can't you already see the forces - end about $25 million - lining up to get out of retirement to smash the forces of e*n,l.

But the only emergent wi.nners from this seedy series of highly manipulated events will be the South African regime which will have gained a rose-colored spotlight to showcase mpartheid as they wsnt the/world to see it and sot as the 20 million South African Blacks are forced to live- and die- under it every day.

Abe Adams - Muslim News - 27/7/1979 - coitmenting on the John Tate a ffa ir says:

"Suppo^zAA 0 ^ tkz Tate camp oAguz that John Tatz m M zmbody th z iitzjn t aiptnattom thz \)06t block majontty tn Sooth Aintco again&t thz uihttz South A^atcan champion, GzAAiz Coztzz, who w M Hjzp>izJ>znt thz, whitz zit- abtiihmznt.

Gz m I z Coztzz, on thz otkzn. hand, ii bzing biZtzd ai a gazat whitz hopz f^oK thz Wonid Hzavywzight tittz. In ihoat thii ^ighthoi ati thz ingazdiznti o{, a majofL nocJjol coniaontation and thz aziutt, whatzvzA it w ill bz, wilt czntainty not do thz pzopiz o^ South A^/Uca any good at oLt.

No aspect o(, this, iight can bz io itoAk o6 thz Aociai a&pzct zipzcialty in FAztoAia, and Z6 pzciaZty with thz pAZAZnt izAoouA with which whitz SA i i izzking JntzAnational SpoAt cAzdibitity. Not John Tatz, noA even Muhammad A li OA anybody zti>z can claim to AzpAziznt thz oApiAotioni o^ thz blacki o{, SA - in thz linal anaZyiii wz, thz blacki w ill bz thz zxpend^lz pawm in th z gome. John Tatz holdi no bAiz^ ioA ui - hz ii, in iact, contAibuting to thz ioAcz 0^ Multi-national ipoAt which ii bzing pzApztAatzd- in thii countAy. All non-Aocial ipoAtimzn in SA'will waih ihziA handi o^ thii fight OA any othzA Multi-national fight allowzd to takz placz undzA thz abhoAAZnt pzAmit iyitzm. We will not itand idly by with no Azal intZAZit zithzA. Thz only Azal winnzAi in thii fight can only bz thz monzy-moguli - ipoAt w ill czAtainly not bz a winnzA. We ihwddzA to think of thz Aaci^ fzAoouA that w ill bz built up in thz dayi Izading to thz fight - and piz tmoutU of Aoci^ hatAzd that w ill bz gznzAotzd in that Stadium on thz rught of OctabzA 20. 47 And Bobby Naidoo, Managing Editor of AfroSport AfroSport says: OUTCRY AGAINST BOXING PLAN... * South Africa •till has an •ctiva member of the IOC — Mr NOTHING more than a media stunt is how many people in box Honey, who is over 90 aixl ing have described the tactics employed by promoter Bob Arum there is Mr McHdowie. a staurrch campaigner from SA who is of Top Rank Inc., New York, who went to Johannesburg to attending the IOC session in sign up white South Africans Gerrie Coetzee and Kallie Knoetze Montevideo, where the matter Of South Africa re emerirtg the to join his new heavyweight championship circus,, which also in K)C is, surprisingly, on the volves Leon Spinks, and John Tate. ag en d a! Both Larry, Holmes, the They have excellent satellite World Boxing Council cham­ communications witfi the pion, and , who rest of the world and the HOODWINKING was No. 1 contender, have fight could be beamed criticised the proposal and "live" to the USA dnd all three USA television net­ Europe, if television com works, who could have panics there would buy it for THE WORLD. . . bankrolled the project, have the huge sums they have THE United Nations Anti-Apartheid Committee in New stated categorically that been paying for top heavy York is a hive of activity as preparations are being they are not buying. weight championships. made for the meeting on ^ anti-apartheid convention. Said Larry Holmes, who While the government of Including sporting contact with ^uth Africa, that is successfully defended his South Africa might also due to bis agreed this year. The general principles of title In Las Vegas, when he willingly pay millions for this this convention have met with the approval of the knocked out Ossie Occasio, doubtful privilege and fur­ European Council of Ministers although the President of Puerto Rico, in the eighth ther enrich - the already of the International Olympic Committee, Lord Kilianin, round of their contest last wealthy promoter, this has expressed his reservations because of the political month, "I call it the BA Tour­ would certainly cut. him off level of the decisions as they wili affect sporting nament. It's the Bob Arum from any potential that contact with South Africa. tournament. I might just AfroSport knows he has Desperate attempts are being federations as being purely poli­ have an LH, Larry Holmes already discussed with mounted in South Africa to prove tically motivated and not interested Tournament, right here and managers and promoters in tome form of liberalisation in in the attempts of tlie white South other parts of Africa. apartheid by inviting internatiortal African sports authorities working put in who! want." •ports federations officials to see for out minor corKessions and taking US black rights leader • Since his disenchant­ themselves what the South what is euphemistically described and head of Operation ment with the WBC and its Africans ix>w describe as ''multk as "a step in the right direction". PUSH, the Rev Jesse president, Jose Sulaiman, racial" sport. The principle that They have fought a long hard battle over the Ali-Spinks return, averyone seems to have forgotten against apartheid and will not com­ Jackson, reacted strongly is thA this is a special form of sports promise until the pernicious system to the proposed series; "If which was refused WBC organisation that the South Africans is ended. Any corx:e$sions that it takes place in this authority and the promoter have developed since the pressures have been allowed, have only been country, they'll fight went to the WBA, Bob placed on them by the anti-apar­ because of this firm stand. The Arum has been searching theid movement in sport spear­ smuggle in South Africa is political across our picket lines. headed by Sanroc, the ^uth Africa and sport is the major weapon. This We will oppose the fight. around for top heavyweight Non-Racial Olympic Cornmittee, has been proved time and again. We've sent telegrams to fighters to win the prime workir>g in Europe and the U SA. Yet international officials are always Spinks and Muhammad support of the TV networks What must also be remembered visiting South Africa in the cortstant in the USA. Going to South is that any cortcessions that have scurry to prove that there is a All appealing to them to been made by the white South "liberal" regime in sport. Never disassociate themselves ARica on this was as ill con­ African sports authorities are only before have so many world sports from this. I am also ceived as it is scraping the because they have been IrKteas- organisations taken such a stand seeking a meeting with bottom of the barrel. The ingly isolated in world sport. The against South Africa and d>e latest white ex-poiiceman Kallie situation is simply that you canrvot news from that sad country should All to make an appeal, have open s(^ without equal consolidate the situation: personal and direct. Knoetze, who left South opportunities all along the lirte from • "Blacks are for the first time now There's no question we Africa on this was as ill con- the schools right on up to inter- beirtg allowed into 68 'whites onl/ will appeal to the net­ in the USA after a fight in national competition. Two sectiorts, sports clubs in South Africa as lor>g Miami at the end of last black arxi white, cannot be kept as they don't dar>ce w hen w h ites works and Las Vegas separate, with the blacks at a are present", says Reuter. The Hotels to withdraw from year, may be deported from diatirKn disadvantage because of a * report adds that the clubs have this." t()e USA before long accord­ complete lack of equal fadlKies been "granted internatiortal status N'here was also some idea ing to our sources there, even though they cortsthute the to serve drinks arxf food to all b€^use of his shootii^ to greater part of the population, ar>d ra ce s." that the promotion might still have what they call "n>erit" The white South Africa racist take place in South Africa maim a black youth while he selection, merely to prove that regime presurrrably believes that which introduced television was In the South African blacks have the opportunity of this is a major corKession granted to the country only last year. police. representir>g South Africa in inter- out of the goodness of their hearts national sport. The opponents of ar>d not as a resuft of interrrationai apartheid sport in South Africa are pressures from Sarwoc and similar presented to the internatiortal organisations. A P R I L 1 9 7 9 CANOEING

South Africa has been conditionally suspended by the International Body. South Africans may participate individually in certain competitions.

Tour Captain,Andre C o llin s, told the Beeld newspaper that the seven-member crew who were debarred from taking part in the 18-day Springbok canoe tour of Spain would not have won Springbok colours, but would have raced in four competitions as crew members of a Spanish Canoe Club. The Chairman of the South African Canoe Federation, Willen van Riet, said in Cape Town that the Spanish Communist Party must have heard about their plans after which came the demonstrations and the exclusion.

Surely Mr.Riet you cannot bluff a ll the people a ll the time.

Englishman Robin Belcher took part in the Wineland Berg River marathon during July of this year.

Mark Harrison writing in the Daily News - 10/8/1979 - says that the International White water and salmon series which is to take place in South Africa early next year is rapidly taking on the appearance of a 2nd world championships - this time with South Africa taking part. The Chairman Mr.Fox Ledeboer says six countries have accepted invitations to take part and the South African Canoe Federation w ill pay f,or the canoeists' fares to South Africa for the se rie s, commencing 22 March next year.


The Committee Against Racial Discrimination in Sport founded durign December 1977 did a tremendous amount of work especially when it concentrated on soccer. Subsequently having appointed a number of Trustees it prepared a Notorial.Deed of Trust and some of its objects are:

1. To achieve complete integration -at every level and in every' code of sport - without any discrimination that is based on race, colour or creed - both administratively and on the play­ ing fie ld .

2. To establish contact and maintain correspondence with organi­ sations and persons sympathetic to the cause of non-racfalism in sport.

3. To be very vig ilan t of.moves by racial sports organisations and others to maintain tlie status quo of South African sport and to take such steps as may be necessary to counter these moves.

CARDS works in close collaboration with SACOS.


The Campaign Against Racial Exploitation based in Sydney, New South Wales has been actively engaged in campaigning for support in that part of Australia against racial bias in South Africa.

Marion Jaka the Co-ordinator and our Council has been in constant touch exchanging news and views on matters affecting non-racial sportsmen and women. We are thankful to this organisation for the support it lends to our cause. CHESS

The International Chess Federation (FIDA) suspended South Africa in June 1974 but the suspension was lifte d in 1976 at the FIDA d Congress held in Isra e l, However, in July 1977 FIDA again sus­ pended South Africa until it is satisfied that, there is no racial discrimination in Chess in this country. The South Africsin Chess Federation was at the time of it's expulsion from FIDE during July 1977, the only organisation controlling Chess in South Africa. " non - white " clubs in Port Elizabeth ,Cape Town , Johannesburg and East London played under the auspices of the SACF on a multi - national inter-club basis .Individual players " of all racial groups " ^ r e allowed to play in all open championships at venues where special permission for their participation was applied for from the relevant govermental department.These tournaments and club fixtures were played in accordance with the goverments multi -national sport policy.During 1978 II permits for club fixtures three for prqvincial tournaments and one for an " international event,were granted.

On an application form for the lOth Annual Twihs Open Championships in 1978 it was openly stated that " the tournamBBt was organised by the Johannesburg Chess Club under the auspices of the Department of National Sport and Recreation and the Witwatersrand Chess Union.AN OFFICIAL MULTI-RACIAL MULTI -NATIONAL EVENT " In a circular for application to compete in the 1978 Western Province Chess league,the Western Province Chess Union requested the following information - " can you entertain teams of another race group at your venue 7 "

These acts of racialism evoked tremendous opposition and led to the immediate withdrawal of the non - racial Athlone and Bellso Cheffs clubs from the Western Province Chess Union.Mr Faried Arnold ,a chess player .wrote under the heading " Walkout by Chess Clubs " in the Cape Herald of May 6 , 1978 as follows :

A M ultiracial, multinational Johannesburg chess tournament has sparked o ff the withdrawal of the Athlone and the B ellville South Bellso chess clubs from the Western Province Chess Union (W.P.C.U.) and its national body, the South African Chess Federation (S.A.C.F.) Both clubs accuse the provincial and national chess bodies of practising racialism in chess. In a strongly worded statement released by the Athlone Chess Club at a special meeting la s t week, the club condemned the W .P.C.U. and the S .A .C .F . fo r not upholding their non-racial constitutions. 'We take the strongest exception to the fact that the W.P.C.U. has not yet raised its voice against the unprincipled racial action of its national body, the S.A.C.F. in allowing the m ultiracial multinational' Twins Open Chess Tournament, organised by the Johannesburg Chess Club, to take place. The entry forms for the Twins tournament which takes place from Wednesday to Sunday, says that it is run under the auspices of the Department of National Sport and Recreation and is an 'official multiracial multinational event'. The Athlone Chess Club say the federation and the union, by allowing the toiurnament to take p la c e , has 't a r r e d i t s e l f irre v o c a b ly w ith the r a c ia l b ru s h '. The event marks the lowest point of the S.A.C.F.'s and the W.P.C.A. regression to racism in chess and obviously goes against the strong non-racial stand of the Athlone Chess Club. But the Twins tournament was not the only factor in chess, that the Athlone club was against. They complain that; The Western Province Chess Union itself practised racialism in that the 1978 application form to play in its league the union asks the question: Can clubs accommodate other races at their venues? - implying that the union caters for clubs with racially closed venues. * The W.P.C.U. supported the S.A.C.F. in its acceptance on Government funds 'running into thousands of rands.' The S.A.C.F. sent a delegation to the congress of the international body, FIDE, in Lucerne, Switzerland, last year (to argue South Africa's case for re-entry) where they criticised the Government's racial policies yet used Government f\inds to travel there (R1 000 of the funds was used). R800 of funds from the Department of Sport was used to sponsor last year's 'multinational' Twins tournament, which would be funded similarly this year. SET-UP Mr Aubrey Haupt, chairman of the Athlone club, said that his club felt they had to withdraw because they could not be part of such a racial chess set-^p. ^ -

Athlone Chess Club, strangely enough, was the first black club to join the Western Province Chess Union in .1972. when there were strong moves towards nonracialisra in the chess fraternity. Mr William Fortuin, chairman of the Bellville South Bellso Club, said that his club decided on Saturday night to withdraw from the Western Province Chess Union for largely the same reasons as Athlone. "There's much more at stake than the game of chess.' We strive for the complete non-racialism in chess and we are not satisfied that this has been achieved at the moment. Mr F.J.N. Rodriques chaiman of the W.P.C.U. said that he was 'extremely sorry' that Athlone had chosen to withdraw but 'to some extent I agree that it was an unfortunate choice in calling the Twins tournament 'multinational and multiracial'

As a result'of the withdrawal of clubs from the Western Province Chess Union the Western Province Council of sport at the request of these various clubs cadled a meeting wh,ere a non - racial body,the Western Province Chess Association Was formed.The Afesdbiation has affiliated to it 9 clubs and the Western Province Senior Schools Sports Union (with approximately 1000 chess players. ).The Western Province Chess Association joined the Western Province Council of Sport and plays a prominent role in advocating the non-racial cause and the implementation of non - racial resolutions of the South African Council on Sport.The South African Senior School?'s Sports Association have instituted an annual inter - provincial School's Chess tournament and with the assistance of its affilaites and the various Provincial Council of Sport a National non - racial Chess Association will soon be formed.

The failure of the South African Chess Federation to obtain international team competitions for its players led to the Establishment of the Oude Meester Chess foundation.Govwrmental aid was obtained to assist the foundation to regularly lure top international players or grand masters to South Africa to participate in multi - national or "international " tournaments. The visit of 'Victor Korchnoi of Switzerland ,Anatoly Lein of the U.S.A.,Tony Miles of England and Wefgang Unzicker of West Germany during May 1979,broke the moratorium on tours to South Africa.Their playing venues were all in segregated " White " group areas or ethnic Universities under racial permit.Great political propaganda was made out of these four grandmasters including a much celebrated match against 20 Parliamentary Chess club and Press gallery players at Tuynhuis , the South African State President's Residence. .In response to a request from Mr.Jerome Bibuld -r USA Chess - who was desirious of presenting a true and a proper picture of the game and it s participants in this country, was sent a detailed Memorandum prepared by the Western Province Council of Sport. The Memorandum in it s introduction dealt with the compostition of the population that constituted South Africa and detailed the several laws that prevented the playing of the game as elsewhere in the world. It also dealt with the white South African Chess Federation and the attempt the Federation had made at World Congress hoping to present a very favourable picture of .the game in this country. The Council went into detail and quoted the several reports on Multi-national Sport that were arranged to hoodwink the outside world.

The Memorandum further dealt with the misrepresentation and recalled FIDE Chess Chief, The Dutch President, Max Euve, who, speaking in Bulawayo, Rhodesia, recommended against the expulsion of both South Africa and Rhodesia. The Dutch President stated that he was assured by the former SA Minister of Information, Dr.P.C.Mulder, that any South African Chess team was and would be chosen on merit.

The Memorandum also dealt with in detail the question of permits and the need to apply for those documents much against one's wish. The report stated that it was embar- assing and humiliating to say the least, when human diginity was cast aside. The Memorandum delved into Chess played by scholars and the inadequacies with which the students had to contend. The v is it by overseas players was also highlighted and the connection between the SA Chess Federation and the SA Government was pinpointed.

The formation of new non-racial Chess bodies were named and the game was keenly contested in the Western Province and in the Eastern Province, stated the memorandum. The emergence of a tru ly non-racial body to accommodate non-racial Chess players was certainly a worry to the SA Chess federation who saw i t as a challenge to their own composition. It is expected that the new body would soon become major ones and would be able to foster the game at a ll levels to give rise to the much envisaged non-racial Chess organisation.

Mr.Jerome Bibuld having studied the lengthy Memorandum on Chess - from the Western Province Council of Sport - attended a Congress of Chessmen in Chicago, USA on 3rd August this year. At the Congress several queries were raised and several quest­ ions were asked - concerning Chess in South Africa.

Mr.Bibuld telephoned from Chicago requesting cla rifica tio n on some of the inform­ ation that was tabled to-the Congress. Chessmen enquired about the curfew laws in this country and how it effected the majority of South Africans. Chessmen also wanted to know at what timfe curfew began and whether the curfew laws also applied to those towns where the four Chess Grandmasters had competed.

Having obtained some of the information from the Natal Council and the Western Pro­ vince Council and also from .Mr.Abe Adams the information was relayed to Mr.Jerome Bibuld telephonically, in Chicago.

When the four Chess Grandmasters Wolfgang Unzicker, Viktor Korchnoi, Anatoney Lein and Tony Miles arrived in this country to take part in the second leg of the Dude Meester Chess Grand Prix I cabled the International Chess Federation stating:


M.N.Pa THER: g e n e r a l SECRETARY: SACOS. U MAV 1979.

The Federation Internationale Des Echecs (FIDA) on 17 May, 1979 replied 52 ^FIDE^ GENS UNA SUMUS EDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ECHECS SECRETARIAT: Passeerdersgracht 32, 1016 XH AMSTERDAM, Pays-Bas, T «, 020-257680 Adresse t6l6graphique: FIDECHECS AM STERDAM

FO/B/e 11.180 Amsterdam, May 17, 1979

Mr. M.M. Father Secretary South African Council on Sport Box 2451 DURBAN 4000 South Africa

Dear Mr. Father,

I herewith acknowledge the receipt of the telegram in which you ask me to intervene in the matter of the participation of Grandmasters Korchnoi, Lein, Miles and Unzicker in chess events in South Africa.

First of all I would like to point out that the South African Chess Federation was not expelled from FIDE, as you state. The 1977 Extraordinary General Assembly decided:

"to withdraw temporarily the South African Chess Federation from official FIDE activities until the situation has cleared in such a way that there is no discrimination in chess anymore."

According to this resolution there is nothing against either the South African Chess Federation organizing chess toumcments or chess players participating in these events.

Sincerely yours, j

F. Qlafsson FIDE Fresident

oc.: South African Chess Federation


SOUTH AFRICA'S white racist sportsmen and sports administrators, are beginning to use black collaborators increasingly to break its international isolation. They now consider it necessary to initiate BOBBY NAIDOO dialogue with Africa and other third world countries as an important Managing Editor step towards diffusing international pressure on South African Sport. Therefore South Africa is enrolling more and more black AFROSPORT collaborators to act as spokesmen for the cause of apartheid. The regime believes that it will be easier for blacks to be given a sympathetic hearing than it is for A former South Afr­ white South Africans. ican now resident To provide adequate ammunition for international in London dedicat­ dialogue South Africa is intensifying its "multirrational" or bantustan policy in sport. This is necessary in order to ed to non-racial obtain black co-operation internally before the "new-look" sport in South apartheid sports policy is marketed overseas. Africa. SEEKING CREDIBILITY This enabled South Africa to The regime is bu^ at the Interrtationally, South Africa has enlist the support of several moment boosting the image and been extensively "buyirni" its countri^ to speak on their behalf AND IN credtbHity of its black collab^ tors way into being irwited to tour at the lAAF Congress. 80 as to facilitate their canvassir>g oversees, ft made countless efforts South Africa realises fully the for support of apartheid sport. to th i French Rugby Federation to value of intematiorul participation The South African rnedia are defy its government's disapproval and this was spelt out clearly by its SAILING also co-operatir>g fully with the of a South African rugby tour to former Minister of Sport and government to erasure that there is France. The galling asp ^ of this Recreation, P. J. Koornhof, in LAUSANNE: The IOC was adequate publicity for the "good whole affair is that v^ile South parliament on 18 May 1977: able to intervene in helping ar>d sincere work" that is b^ng Africa's white sports "Let us admit here this afternoon to stop the proposed tour in done by these collaborators. administrators incite overseas that play and sport are strong France by the South The media give full coverage to sportsmen and sports enough to cause pofiticai and all racially-oriented sports events African Rugby team administrators to defy their economic relations to flourish or organised under the governnfent’s government's wishes, they in no because the French Rugby "r^icy of multirtational way criticise, let alone defy, their We are not holding on to h Federation is a member of development", while at the same own racist government. Just because we fear expulsion, the French Olympic Com­ time they provide scant or r>o With the MuWergatt but also and especially because of coverage of non-racial events mittee. This rather indirect revelations, it is believed that die value of sport on the inter- organist by black opponents of Involvement of the IOC has more than $12 million has national level." the government. been used as bribes to create a cropped up in another' favourable image for South In LorKlon SANROC (South sport. The world 506 African sport African Non-Racial Olympic PROMOTION Gary Ptayar. the South AfHcar Committee) says, "It is now imper­ yachting championships golfer, adniittad recently that he ative that we strengthen our conrv were held at Durban, South mitment to the complete inter­ is extremely important in the receivad money to promotr Africa with 12 countries South African sport Rnansbank national isolation of South African participating. Although the effective execution of the sp o rt" government's sports policy the a South African national bank revealed that Hs officials. ft is also important tney 505 tx»t is not on the list of regime promoted its former contiruie, to re-assure South events, the Minister of Sport and Recreation, together with Gary Player, acted A fr ic a 's p ro ta g o n ists o f r>on compietition was under the the shrewd P. J . Koomhof, to the as fronts for South Africa's racial spe^ that tha world wHI post of Minister of Plural Relatiorts Department of Information as not forsake their appeals for a aegis of the International (formerly Bantu Administration). part of a public relations total embargo on South Africa la Yacht Union, which is Recently the ministry was re­ e x e rc is a . the only way to effect a under the Olympic titled M inistry of Co-operation ar>d Prior to international sports maaninghil change which win umbrella. So the IOC is to Development and Mr Frederick de congresses. South Africa uses its result in the establishment of a Klerk is the Mirrister of SporL black cdiabcH-ators to engineer non-racial society. investigate those countries A t the same tin>e the regime has dialogue with overseas officials. South Africa's black sportsmen which contravened their continued persecuting and In October 1978, just prior to the and women who refuse to edict forbidding sports rela­ terrorisirrg non-racial sportsmen lAAF (International Amateur compromise on their r>on-racial tionships with South Africa artd sports officials. A white rugby Athletics Fedeation) Congress in principles have appealed to the player, who joirted a r>on-racial Puerto Rico, South African world r>ot to give audierKa to the by national Olympic com­ rugby club, has been charged athletics adnunistrators used a regime's emissaries (whether black mittees. The entries three times "for enterirtg a b l^ black athlete, Sydney Maree, to or white) as this is only providing included boats from the area." Assassination attempts persuade several top sports incrooood morale to the racists USA, Great Britain, have been ntade on two senior officials, including three vice retainir>g racism in sport. This officials of the South African presidents, of the United States' could also tend to persuade blacks Australia, France and CourKU of Sport (SACOS). A A U to attend a dinr>er in to co-operate with the system of Denmark. It will be a tricky Morgan Naidooar>dM. N. Pather. . USA. "multinatiortai development" problem for the IOC to which aims at keeping .bkKks k solve. perpetual subeervience. AFROSPORT • JULY, 1979

Collection Number: AG3403 Collection Name: Non-racial Sports History Project, Transvaal


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