''^^SicleH^^-l^ll ^ ^ R A ga /■^ C.M.Bassa President -SATTBoard. .<? f « t f I ' l ii Reggie Feldman N.RathInsainy President - Tvl.Council Former SASA Executive Frank A.van der Horst Vice President - SACOS & Presidnet WP Council Secretary - SA Hockey Board M.N.PATHER SzcAeXiVujil RzporU. Wi.VK&iidznt, LcuUu i GerMemen, Today we beyin ouA. jjoo'ttfi te^m - much AtaongeA. than eueA fae^o/te. Ovea the yeau, ipoAt6mcn and women, committed to the aemovat o^ fiaciAm -in ipoAt jo-ined the naitk and iiZe oi out aU -itiatei. I t -is paai6ewoAXhy to aecoAd that the -incJveaJted membejuhip has g-iuen added -incentive to the oaganlieu 0(J ou/t coded and atdo to the ipoKt oAgan-iiotiom cateA-ing ioa the pA-imoAy and denioA dchootd. The itaength oi the PAov-inciat CouncUd have atdo incA.eaded -in the p(Ut two yeoAd and a^teA the ioAmation the i-iAdt oi the Counc-iCd that -id the UedteAn pAov-ince, TAondvaal, Natal and EadteAn PAov-ince iotlowed. Subdeguently, inauguAat-ion took place -in Eodt London, KimbeAley and in the Boland oAea. Hove id aioot to launch onotheA in the South UedteAn VldtAietd Regiun oi the Cape PAovince. Thene id widedpAead activity in athleticd, bodybuitxiing, cycling, cAicket, doAtd, goli, hockey - men and women- dwimung, lawn and table tennid and weightliiting - on a national badid. Although devenal attemptd weAe made to communicate with the SA BiUiaAdd t SnookeA BooAd oi ContAol, theAe wad no Aedponde. PegAetiuUy the membeAdhip oi the SA SocceA FedeAotion and itd PAoieddional League wad Aeluctantly teAminated aitcA the FedeAotion iailed to iuliil itd obligationd to the Council, but itd application ioA Aeindtatement id encouAoging. OveAdead inteAedt in o u A aetivitied had been incAeaded. VuAing the padt 24 monthd AepAedentatived oi GoveAnmentd, oAganidationd and newd mediad, iAom obAoad, called on both the PAedident and mydeli to odceAtain tt^ pAo- gAedd made in thid countAy towoAdd non-Aacialidm. The two Cotmiddiond oi InquiAy AetuAned oAmed with iaetd that weAe both iactual and authoAotive. The AetuAn oi the pAedent South AiAican GoveAmnent to oHice with a loAgeA maJoAity elected on a depoAote development ticket, id an indication that the voteAd widh to Aetain Aocidm and that the 4,000,000 whited have no dediAe to change a dydtem dedigned to keep South AiAica'd 4/5 black pop­ ulation in dubjection. Theae id no law which pAohibitd the playing oi mixed dpoAt. But the GAoup AAead Act, No. 36 o i 1966 and PAoclasnation R26 oi 1965 and Pitt oi 19 73, the RedeveAation oi SepoAote Amentitied Act No. 49 oi J953, the Bantu Lawd Amend- mentd Act No. 76 oi 1963 and the Native LaWd Amendmentd A ct No. 36 o< 1957 pAohibit mixing oi the voAioud Aoced. Hence it id not poddible to play oAganided dpoAt at all leveld and at any OA all venued. But the thAeat to completely idolate South AiAica id gaining momentum and the South AiAican GoveAnment, in an exeAcide oi iutility id puAduing itd Uultc- National dpoAtd plan. I have collated ad much inioAmation ad poddible iAom ouA aiiiliated and Coun- cild, togetheA with AepoAtd on South AiAica'd poAticipation locally and abAoad with dpondoAdhip iAom otheA countAied - which 1 am dune will be oi inteAedt to thid meeting: Now Aead on. AERONAUTICS South Africa is a member of the International Aeronautic Federation (FAI) which caters for Hang-gliding, gliding and parachuting. The 1977 hang-gliding championships scheduled for South Africa were cancelled because several countries refus'ed to participate. South Africa took part in the World Gliding Championships at Chateauroux, France, in October 1978. South Africa has been barred from the International Hang-gliding and Parachuting championships from competing in France during August of this year. The French Government put pressure on the organisers. Federation Aeronaituque Internationale to exclude South Africans. The Evening Post - 4/7/79 reported that the eight-man team Trek, won the six-jump sequential event at the South African National Skydiving championships at King Williamstown to becoine the Springbok team to travel to France la ter this year. There is no National Non-racial organisation catering for th is sport. ANGLING & FISHING South Africa is a suspended member of the Club International de Peche Sportive (CIPS). There are various angling and “V ^ fishing organisations which allow South Africa to Participate. The former Minister of Sport and Recreation announced in Parliament on 4 April 1978 that the following Angling and Fishing organisations are members of International Associations:- SA Target Casting Association: SA Light Tackle Boat Anglers Association: SA Rock & Surf Angling Association: SA Ski Boat Angling Association: Game Fish Associatio’n of SA: SA Fresh Water Anglers Union: and SA Casting Association. Three Springbok Anglers, Brain Peterson and Ray Preen of Natal, and Piet Roodt of Transvaal, took part in the World ski-boat angling championships at Caracas, Venezuela. A Sprinabok Fresh water Angling team le ft South Africa during August 1979 to part- icipate^in international fixtures in Switzerland and Austria. They will also participate in the World Fresh water-Angling championships to be held in Spain. At the same time Mr.Johan Fourie, Chairman of the South African Freshwater - Angling Association announced that a Swiss team would tour South Africa during October 1979. Their itin erary includes two internationals against a "white" South African side. In May 1978 during a club competition of the M ulti-racial Western Angling Union held at Betty.'s Bay, Cape, a beach reserved for "white bathers" only, members of the "coloured"tean were questioned about th eir presence on the beach by the police. The presence of the police was prompted by a complaint received from a resident of Betty's Bay (a elite holiday resort for "whites") who spotted the "coloured" Anglers of the Vikings club on the rocks through his binoculars. No action was taken against the Anglers as it was subsequently found that no regulations. Municipal or Provincial, prevented Anglers from angling on any beach unless sign posts re s tric t­ ing angling to particular "racial groups" were posted on the beach. Springbok Anglers, Andre Booysen, Ian Reid and Mike Schultz and captain Dick de V illie r s , took part in the P acific championships at Kailua Kona, Hawaii from July 23 to 27, 1979. Following our la st Biennial General Meeting attempts were made to communicate with o ffic ia ls of Angling Associations to form a National Non-racial Association and the South African Angling Federation is expected to do so. The provincial unit is affiliated to the Western Province Council of Sport. _________ ARCHERY F The South African National Archery Assoication in its application F A to the World Body stated that it s membership was open to a ll and that i t does not practise discrimination. Notwithstanding our representations at the FITA meeting the South African National Archery Association was admitted as a member when 26 countries voted in its favour and 20 against. Mr.Samba Ramsamy attended the meeting at B erlin , Germany on the 16 Ju ly, 1979 at which the several countries supporting Mr.Ramsamy opposed the admission of South A frica. The USSR, China, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania and Mongolia, Ireland,. India, Finland, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Morocca and Mexico, among others, not only opposed South A frica's entry but withdrew from participating in the current annual event. Our request for a l i s t of it s c«ubs brought no response from the South African Nat­ ional Archery Assoication. We do not have a national non-racial organisation. ATHLETICS South Africa,expelled from the International Amateur Athletic Fed­ eration (AAF) on 22 Ju ly, 1976 at it s Congress in Montreal, Canada, made another bid to a f f ilia t e to the World Body but it s application was rejected. Professor Nieuwoudt, the President of the SA Athletic Union commenting on the lAAF's decision said that it was really a politic meeting and not an athletic one. He also added that far more time is spent discussing p o litics than the matter of a th le tics. We would like to ask the Professor ju st how much time he spends on non-racial athletics in this country? There was no comment from the same l^rofessor when six black run­ ners, participating in a so-called "mixed sports event" were banned from competing at the Randfontein's Verwoerd Stadium on 31/5/1978. Another Black, Methews Batswadi, who was given the Springbok Colours was assaulted at the Currie Cup Final between Orange Free State and Nothern Transvaal at the OFS Stadium on September 30, 1978 - a ll because he used a TOILET for whites ! 35 The Krugersdorp Town Council stated that i t had received a d irective from the Depart­ ment of Sport and Recreation to segregate the seating and facilities of spectators and athletes. It used a rope to separate the black spectators from the white. Sunday Express - 12/11/1978. The non-racial Vice President of the Amateur Athletic Association of Natal, Mr.Dhanpal Naidoo timeously c riticise d Mr.Norman Hosken, chief of the rival body when Mr.Naidoo discounted the statements made by Mr.Hosken to the effect that ath letics were conducted on a non-racial basis. The National non-racial SA Amateur Athletic Board continues with its annual events in the different provinces at venues hardly the type for national events. Two of it s strongest units are the Western Province and the Boland Amateur Athletic Associations.
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