Gil H. Renberg Department of Classics and Religious Studies • University of Nebraska-Lincoln 331H Louise Pound Hall • P.O. Box 880337 • Lincoln, NE 68588-0337 E-mail: [email protected]

Teaching and Research Interests

 Teaching interests: Roman and Greek History; Ancient Religion (esp. Magic and Divination); Post-Augustan Greek and Latin Literature; Latin and Greek  Research interests: Roman and Greek Social History; Ancient Religion; Latin and Greek Epigraphy; Material Culture; Greco-Roman


Duke University, Ph.D. in Classical Studies (May, 2003) Dissertation, “Commanded by the Gods”: An Epigraphical Study of Dreams and Visions in Greek and Roman Religious Life (Advisor: Prof. Kent J. Rigsby)

University of Pennsylvania, Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies (1995-1996)

University of Michigan, B.A. in Greco-Roman Religion (individualized major) and History (1988-1992)

Current Position

Lecturer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Classics and Religious Studies (2017-)

Teaching Experience

2016-17 Hillsdale College, Lecturer, Classics Department

2015-16 Harvard University, Lecturer, Department of the Classics

2013-14 Iowa State University, Lecturer, Department of World Languages & Cultures

2010-11 University of Arizona, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics

2007-08 Washington University in St. Louis, Lecturer, Department of Classics

2006-07 Case Western Reserve University, Lecturer, Department of Classics

2005-06 Johns Hopkins University, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics

2003-05 Ohio State University, Senior Lecturer, Department of Greek & Latin

Spring, 2003 University of Kansas-Lawrence, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Classics

Fall, 1999-Fall, 2002 Duke University, Graduate Instructor, Department of Classical Studies Courses Taught

 Undergraduate Latin: First-year Latin (2000-01, 2004-05, Fall 2007, 2013-14, 2016-17, 2017-18); Cicero and Cornelius Nepos (Summer 2000); Literature of the Republic: Cicero and Catullus (Fall 2006); Livy (Spring 2016); Martial’s Epigrams (Spring 2018); Pliny and Martial (Spring 2003, Spring 2017); Pliny’s Letters (Fall 2006, Fall 2017); Terence’s Phormio (Winter 2005); Vergil’s Aeneid (Winter 2004, Fall 2016)  Undergraduate Greek: First-year Greek (Fall 2001, 2005-06); Intermediate Greek (Fall 2010); Lucian’s A True Story (Fall 2017)  Civilization Courses: Greek Civilization (Fall 1999, Summer 2001, Fall 2002, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Fall 2016); Roman Civilization (Winter 2000, Summer 2001, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2007); Roman Culture and Civilization (Spring 2016); Ancient World (Fall 2006); Athenian Democracy at War (Winter 2004); Christianity in the Roman Empire (Spring 2014); Magic in the Ancient World/Magicians, Healers and Holy Men/Magicians, Healing Gods, and Holy Men (Summer 1999 (2x), Summer 2000, Summer 2001, Winter 2005, Spring 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2011, Fall 2015, Spring 2018); Women & Men in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Fall 2013, Spring 2014)  Literature Courses: Greek Literature (Spring 2004, Fall 2010); Latin Literature (Spring 2005, Spring 2011); Greek and Roman Epic (Fall 2003); Ancient Novel (Fall 2007); Classical Mythology (Fall 2010, Spring 2018); Greek Mythology (Fall 2007, Spring 2008); Heroes of Greece, , and Today (Fall 2013); Ancient Religion Across the Literary Genres (Spring 2017)  Graduate Seminars: Worlds of Lucian (Spring 2003); Petronius’s Satyricon (Fall 2004); Greek & Latin Epigraphy (Fall 2005); Epigraphy and Religion (Spring 2006, Fall 2015); Magic & Divination in the Ancient World (Spring 2011)  Other Courses: Latin & Greek in Current English (Spring 2007)

Other Teaching Experience

 Undergraduate Independent Studies Overseen: Two senior research papers on erotic magic and mystical revelations, respectively (Ohio State)  Undergraduate Senior Theses Refereed: Senior theses on the operations of gold mines in the Roman world and religious disuse of land among Greeks and Jews (Harvard)  Graduate Exams Directed: Greek History (Johns Hopkins); Attic Epigraphy (Johns Hopkins)  3rd-year Special Topic Directed: Greek Epigraphy (Eliza Gettel, Harvard)  Masters Theses Refereed: “Veluti tabes : Plague, Civil Discord and Greed in Ancient Historiography” (Drew Stimson, Arizona); “Cultural Reception of Numa Pompilius and Evolving Attitudes toward Roman Religion” (Jared Copeland, Arizona)  Guest Lecturer: International Summer Course in Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies, Ohio State University (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009)

Awards and Fellowships

 Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit, Society for Classical Studies, for Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2018)  Research scholarship, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Historisches Institut (Abt. Alte Geschichte), University of Cologne (Oct. 2012-May 2013)  Member, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies (Sept. 2011-Aug. 2012)  Margo Tytus Fellowship, University of Cincinnati (Spring, 2010)  Fellowship, National Endowment for the Humanities (Jan.-Dec., 2009; held while a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan, Department of Classical Studies)  Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society (Summer, 2006; for research in Greece)  Research Fellowship, Fondation Hardt (July, 2006)  Fellow, Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies, Ohio State University (July, 2004) Publications and Forthcoming Works

Book: Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World , 2 vols. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 184; Leiden & Boston, 2017) [] Reviews: H. von Ehrenheim, Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 10 (2017), 193- 195 (; I. Petrovic, Greece & Rome 65.1 (2018), 143-144 (; M.J. Geller, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42.5 (2018), 214 (; J. Lamont, Classical Review (published online 10/15/2018, appearing in print 2019;; M. Nutzman, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (1/23/2019;

Article: “Dedicatory Paintings in Greek Religion: An Initial Assessment,” in J. Tae Jensen, G. Hinge, P. Schultz & B. Wickkiser (eds.), Aspects of Ancient Greek Cult II: Sacred Architecture - Sacred Space - Sacred Objects; An International Colloquium in Honor of Erik Hansen (Monographs of the Danish Institute for Mediterranean Studies 1; Copenhagen, forthcoming)

Article: “Dreams and Other Divine Communications from the Isiac Gods in the Greek and Latin Epigraphical Record,” in V. Gasparini & R. Veymiers (eds.), Individuals and Materials in the Greco-Roman Cults of Isis: Agents, Images, and Practices; Proceedings of the VIth International Conference of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6-8, 2013 – Liège, September 23-24, 2013) (RGRW 187; Leiden & Boston), 649-671

Article: “Homeric Verses and the Prevention of Plague? A New Inscription from Roman Termessos and its Religious Context,” in K.M. Coleman (ed.), Albert’s Anthology (Cambridge, Mass., 2017), 165-171

Article: “Prosopographical Problems Associated with the Establishment of Asklepios’s Cult at Pergamon,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 201 (2017), 155-159

Article: “ I.GrÉgLouvre 11 and the Lychnaption : A Topographical Problem at Saqqâra,” ZPE 200 (2016), 215-218

Article: “The Role of Dream-Interpreters in Greek and Roman Religion,” in G. Weber (ed.), Artemidor von Daldis und die antike Traumdeutung: Texte – Kontexte – Lektüren (Colloquia Augustana 33; Berlin, 2015), 233-262

Article: “Unexplored Aspects of the Lycian ‘Twelve Gods Reliefs’,” Epigraphica Anatolica 47 (2014), 107-132

Article: “ Tabella Picta : Sources for Private Dedicatory Paintings at Greco-Roman Cult Sites,” in W. Eck & P. Funke (with M. Dohnicht, K. Hallof, M. Heil & M.G. Schmidt) (eds.), ÖFFENTLICHKEIT – MONUMENT – TEXT: XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae 27.–31. Augusti MMXII: Akten (CIL Auctarium , 9th ser., vol. 4; Berlin, 2014), 629-631

Article: “The Greek and Demotic Sources for the Career of Eirenaios, son of Nikias ( Pros.Ptol. VI 14912/15262),” ZPE 188 (2014), 199-214

Article: “The Athenodoros Dipinto Reconsidered ( I.Deir el-Bahari 208),” ZPE 184 (2013), 103-115

Article: “The Epistolary Rhetoric of Zoilos of Aspendos and the Early Cult of Sarapis: Re-Reading P.Cair.Zen. I 59034,” ZPE 177 (2011), 169-200 (co-authored with William Bubelis, Washington University in St. Louis)

Article: “‘I celebrated a fine day’: An Overlooked Egyptian Phrase in a Bilingual Letter Preserving a Dream Narrative,” ZPE 175 (2010), 49-71 (co-authored with Franziska Naether, Universität Leipzig, Ägyptologisches Institut) Publications and Forthcoming Works (cont.)

Article: “Hadrian and the Oracles of Antinous (SHA, Hadr. 14.7); with an appendix on the so-called Antinoeion at Hadrian’s Villa and Rome’s Monte Pincio Obelisk,” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 55 (2010) [2011], 159-198

Article: “Dream-Narratives and Unnarrated Dreams in Greek and Latin Dedicatory Inscriptions,” in E. Scioli & C. Walde (eds.), Sub imagine somni : Nighttime Phenomena in the Greco-Roman World (Pisa, 2010), 33-61

Article: “Incubation at Saqqâra,” in T. Gagos (ed.), Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Papyrology (Ann Arbor, 2010), 649-662

Article: “Public and Private Places of Worship in the Cult of Asclepius at Rome,” MAAR 51/52 (2006-07), 87-172

Article: “Was Incubation Practiced in the Latin West?”, Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 8 (2006), 105-147

Survey: Contributor, L. Bricault & R. Veymiers (eds.), “Chronique bibliographique,” in Bibliotheca Isiaca IV (forthcoming)  Laurent Bricault, “Isis, Sarapis, Cyrus and John: Between Healing Gods and Thaumaturgical Saints,” in L.A. Guichard, J.L. García Alonso & M.-P. de Hoz (eds.), The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (IRIS 28; Bern & Berlin, 2014), 97-114  Leonardo Fuduli, “The Serapieion and the Church of St. Pancratius in Taormina: The Building from Antiquity to the Middle Age,” in P.M. Militello & H. Öniz (eds.), Soma 2011: Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, held at the University of Catania 3-5 March 2011 (BAR-IS 2695; Oxford, 2015), II:945-957  Vincent Rondot, Derniers visages des dieux d’Égypte: iconographies, panthéons et cultes dans le Fayoum hellénisé des II e-III e siècles de notre ère (Paris, 2013)  Richard Veymiers, “ Ἵλεως τῷ φοροῦντι : Sérapis sur les gemmes et les bijoux antiques; Supplément II,” in L. Bricault & R. Veymiers (eds.), Bibliotheca Isiaca III (Bordeaux, 2014), 207-244  Andrew T. Wilburn, “A Wall Painting at Karanis used for Architectural Protection: The Curious Case of Harpocrates and Toutou in Granary C65,” in C. Arlt & M.A. Stadler (eds.), Das Fayyûm in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike (Wiesbaden, 2013), 181-193

Translation from French: Laurent Bricault, Isis Pelagia: Images, Names and Cults of a Goddess of the Seas, 3 rd cent. BCE – 6th Cent. CE (revised and expanded edition of Isis, Dame des Flots ; forthcoming)

Survey: Contributor, “Epigraphical Corpora and Religion: A Survey,” in A. Bendlin (ed.), “Forschungsbericht Römische Religion (2009-2011),” ARG 14 (2012) [2013], 323-328 (Second installment forthcoming; third in preparation)

Review: Hasan Malay & Georg Petzl, New Religious Texts from Lydia (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften 497; Vienna, 2017), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (; 12/7/18)

Review: Inscriptiones Graecae II/III 3 4, 2: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores , 3rd edn.; Pars IV, Dedicationes et tituli sacri , fasc. 2, Dedicationes privatae , ed. J. Curbera (Berlin & Boston, 2017), in Classical Journal -Online ( Curbera.pdf; 12/4/18)

Review: Alison E. Cooley, The Cambridge Manual of Latin Epigraphy (Cambridge, 2012), in Mnemosyne 67 (2014), 1051-1054

Publications and Forthcoming Works (cont.)

Review: Eric Moormann, Divine Interiors: Mural Paintings in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 16; Amsterdam, 2011), in Bulletin antieke Beschaving 89 (2014), 263-264

Review: Richard Veymiers, Ἵλεως τῷ φοροῦντι : Sérapis sur les gemmes et les bijoux antiques (Académie royale de Belgique, Publication de la Classe des Lettres, Collection in-4o, 3 e série, vol. 1, No. 2061; Brussels, 2009), in BABesch 88 (2013), 282-283

Review: Laurent Bricault & Richard Veymiers (eds.), Bibliotheca Isiaca II (Bordeaux, 2011), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (; 1/23/13)

Review: François Bérard et al. , Guide de l’épigraphiste: Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales (4th edn.; Paris, 2010), in Classical Journal -Online ( files/2012.08.10%20Renberg%20on%20Epigraphy.pdf; 8/10/12)

Review: Jürgen W. Riethmüller, Asklepios: Heiligtümer und Kulte , 2 vols. (Studien zu Antiken Heiligtümern 2; Heidelberg, 2005), in BMCR (; 12/30/09)

Review: G.H.R. Horsley, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum (RECAM 5, British Institute at Ankara Monographs 34; London, 2007), in BMCR ( 12-02.html; 12/2/09)

Review: Adam Łajtar, Deir el-Bahari in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: A Study of an Egyptian Temple Based on Greek Sources (Journal of Juristic Papyrology Suppl. 4; Warsaw, 2006), in BMCR (; 1/5/08)

Review: Eran Lupu, Greek Sacred Law: A Collection of New Documents (RGRW 152; Leiden & Boston, 2005), in ARG 8 (2006), 345-346

Review: Ph. Petsas et al ., Inscriptions du sanctuaire de la Mère des Dieux Autochtone de Leukopétra (Macédoine) (Meletemata 28; Athens, 2000), in ARG 5 (2003), 384-386

Encyclopedia entry: “Epiphany (Greece and Rome),” in R.S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C.B. Champion, A. Erskine & S.R. Huebner (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden, Oxford & Chichester, 2013), V:2464-2466

Web publications: “Greek Epigraphy” and “Latin Epigraphy,” Oxford Bibliographies: Classics (with Sara Saba, Ludwig Maximilian Universität) and “Asklepios,” Oxford Bibliographies: Biblical Studies (forthcoming) (

Current Projects

Book: “Commanded by the Gods”: Dreams and Divination in the Greco-Roman Epigraphical Record (in preparation for Cambridge University Press)

Book: “And the goddess told me in a dream…”: A Catalog of Greek and Latin Inscriptions Recording Divine Communications (in preparation for Historia Einzelschriften )

Translation: Selected Epigrams of Martial (in preparation; proposal with 60 sample annotated epigrams under review)

Conference Panels Organized or Moderated

January, 2019 Organized joint session, “New Directions in Isiac Studies,” Archaeological Institute of America-Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, San Diego

January, 2016 Co-organized roundtable discussion (with Franziska Naether), “Literature in a Multicultural Society: Greek and Demotic Novels, Epics and Poetry in Graeco-,” S.C.S. Annual Meeting, San Francisco

January, 2012 Co-organized panel (with Franziska Naether), “Greco-Egyptian Religion in Light of the Demotic Sources,” American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia

January, 2011 Moderated panel, “Civil Strife and the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean” (Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions), A.P.A. Annual Meeting, San Antonio

January, 2005 Organized panel, “New Interpretive Approaches to Ancient Healing Sanctuaries,” A.I.A., Annual Meeting, Boston

January, 2001 Co-organized panel (with Celia Schultz), “Religious Authority in Italy’s Towns and Countryside,” A.P.A. Annual Meeting, San Diego

Papers and Presentations

April, 2019 “Antinous, Divinization and Dream-Divination,” Rutgers University, Department of Classics

January, 2019 “Dreams in Greek and Roman Religion: Old and New Problems,” University of California- San Diego, Center for Hellenic Studies

January, 2017 “From Philosopher to Miracle-Worker: Seeking the Roots of Apuleius’s Post-mortem Transformation,” Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, Toronto

May, 2016 “Incubation in Egyptian Literary Texts,” at the “Cult Practices in Ancient Literatures: Egyptian, Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Narratives in a Cross-Cultural Perspective” interdisciplinary workshop, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York City

January, 2016 “Puppy Magic in Roman Aquitania and the Question of Magic-Religion,” Second North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Berkeley

October, 2015 “Patterns and Problems in the Viso /Iussu -type Inscriptions of the Roman World,” at the “Roman Religions: Narrative, Innovation, and Subjectivity” workshop, Harvard University, Department of the Classics

May, 2013 “Dreams and Other Divine Communications from the Egyptian Gods in the Greek and Latin Epigraphical Record,” at the ‘The Agents of Isiac Cults: Identities, Functions and Modes of Representation’ international conference, Erfurt

March, 2013 “The Role of Dream-Interpreters in Greek and Roman Religion,” at the ‘Artemidorus of Daldis and Dream-Interpretation in Antiquity: Texts, contexts, reception’ international colloquium, Augsburg

August, 2012 “Tabella Picta : Sources for Private Dedicatory Paintings at Greco-Roman Cult Sites,” 14th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Berlin Papers and Presentations (cont.)

May, 2012 “Dedicatory Paintings in Greek Religion,” at ‘Aspects of Ancient Greek Cult II, Architecture – Context – Music: An International Colloquium in Honor of Erik Hansen,’ Copenhagen

January, 2012 “Secundum interpretationem somniorum : Dream-Divination in the Ancient World,” Bryn Mawr College, Classics Colloquium

April, 2010 “Egyptian Festivals and Dreams,” at the ‘Magic and Religion in Graeco-Roman Egypt’ conference of the Midwestern Consortium on Ancient Religions Meeting, Ann Arbor

January, 2010 “Isis and Healing: A Reevaluation,” A.P.A. Annual Meeting, Anaheim

November, 2009 “Hadrian and the Divinization of Antinous: A New Theory,” Universität Leipzig, Institut für Alte Geschichte & Ägyptologisches Institut

November, 2009 “Ancient Dreamers and their Gods: The Epigraphical Record,” Universität Erfurt

November, 2009 “Some Interpretive Problems in the Greek and Latin Viso /Iussu Inscriptions,” Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Munich

July, 2007 “Incubation at the Memphis Sarapeum ,” 25th Int’l Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor

March, 2006 “A. Leo Oppenheim and Greco-Roman Dreams,” for the special panel “A. Leo Oppenheim Remembered: The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East after Fifty Years,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Seattle

January, 2006 “Messages from Beyond the Grave in Greco-Roman Funerary Inscriptions,” A.P.A. Annual Meeting, Montreal

April, 2005 “Dream-Narratives and Unnarrated Dreams in Greek and Latin Dedicatory Inscriptions,” at the ‘ Sub imagine somni : Roman Dreams Conference,’ American Academy in Rome and Istituto Svizzero di Roma

January, 2005 “Therapeutic Incubation among the Greeks and Romans: An Epigraphical and Archaeological Reassessment,” A.I.A. Annual Meeting, Boston

April, 2004 “Personal Religion and Dreams among the Greeks and Romans,” at the ‘Symposium on Dreams in Ancient Cultures,’ Columbia University

March, 2004 “The Epigraphical Language of Divine Communication,” at the ‘Communication with the Divine’ conference of the Midwestern Consortium on Ancient Religions, Ann Arbor

January, 2004 “The Living Among the Dead at Pompeii’s Via Nucerina Necropolis,” A.P.A. Annual Meeting, San Francisco

April, 2003 “Dreams and Visions in Ancient Religious Life: A Reassessment of the Epigraphical Evidence,” Columbia University

January, 2003 “Satyr Children in Classical and Hellenistic Art and Society,” A.I.A. Annual Meeting, New Orleans

December, 2002 “Epigraphical Evidence for Dreams and Visions in Ancient Religious Life,” Yale University Papers and Presentations (cont.)

January, 2002 “The Capitolium Vetus and the Flavians: A New Interpretation of CIL VI 401,” A.I.A. Annual Meeting, Philadelphia

January, 2001 “Religious Authorities and Divine Authorities in Roman Italy,” A.P.A. Annual Meeting, San Diego

December, 1999 “Keeping It In the Pantheon: Divine referrals recorded in ex iussu -type dedications in Rome and Ostia,” A.P.A. Annual Meeting, Dallas


 Positions in Academic Organizations: Member-at-Large, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Jan. 2019–)  Anonymous Reviewer: Oxford University Press (proposal for epigraphical corpus; annotated bibliography for Oxford Bibliographies project); Bloomsbury Publishing (proposal for monograph on ancient religion); Greek, Roman & Byzantine Studies (two articles); Rutgers University Press (draft of conference volume)  Lectures at Home Institutions at Invitation of Students: “Dreams in Greco-Roman Religion” (University of Nebraska, Dec. 2017); “Patterns and Problems in the Viso /Iussu -type Inscriptions of the Roman World” (Harvard University, Oct. 2015)  Participation in Student Activities: Assisted in organization of and gave educational presentations at annual Homerathon (University of Arizona, 2011; University of Nebraska, 2018); attended various Classics Club formal and informal activities (University of Nebraska, 2017–); attended various formal and informal graduate and undergraduate student activities (Harvard University)  Graduate School: Departmental representative to Duke University’s Graduate and Professional Student Council (2000-2001); selected by dean for ad-hoc ethics panel investigating accusation of plagiarism in dissertation

Appearances in Popular Media

Interviewed/Quoted: Colin Barras, “This Roman ‘gate to hell’ killed its victims with a cloud of deadly carbon dioxide,” Science -online ( deadly-carbon-dioxide; 2/16/2018)


Available upon request.