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The human rights of people: addressing harmful practices and rhetoric of change

Morgan Carpenter

To cite this article: Morgan Carpenter (2016) The human rights of intersex people: addressing harmful practices and rhetoric of change, Reproductive Health Matters, 24:47, 74-84, DOI: 10.1016/ j.rhm.2016.06.003 To link to this article:

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Published online: 12 Jul 2016.

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Morgan Carpenter

Founder, Intersex Day Project; Co-chair, Organisation Intersex International Australia Limited Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Intersex people and bodies have been considered incapable of integration into society. Medical interventions on often healthy bodies remain the norm, addressing perceived familial and cultural demands, despite concerns about necessity, outcomes, conduct and consent. A global and decentralised intersex movement pursues simple core goals: the rights to bodily autonomy and self-determination, and an end to stigmatisation. The international human rights system is responding with an array of new policy statements from human rights institutions and a handful of national governments recognising the rights of intersex people. However, major challenges remain to implement those statements. Human rights violations of intersex individuals persist, deeply embedded in a deliberate history of silencing. Rhetoric of change to clinical practices remain unsubstantiated. Policy disjunctions arise in a framing of intersex issues as matters of sexual orientation and gender identity, rather than innate sex characteristics; this has led to a rhetoric of inclusion that is not matched by the reality.This paper provides an overview of harmful practices on intersex bodies, human rights developments, and rhetorics of change and inclusion. © 2016 Reproductive Health Matters. Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.

Keywords: intersex, human rights, harmful practices, hermeneutical injustice, disorders of sex development

Introduction In a repeated historical pattern,8 terms have chan- Intersex people are born with sex characteristics ged over the last century as clinical decision-makers that do not meet medical and social norms for have determined pre-existing language to be impre- female or male bodies.1 People with intersex var- cise or pejorative: that affected persons are iations are heterogeneous, with varied bodies, not , not pseudo-hermaphrodites, sexes, and sexual and gender identities. Intersex not intersex, but disordered children whose bodies fi 9 10 traits comprise “at least 40 different entities of need nishing or disambiguating. which most are genetically determined”.2 Dis- Human rights violations take various forms. In closed by a doctor to a parent or an individual, places without accessible medical systems, aban- an “exact diagnosis is lacking in 10 to 80% of donment, infanticide, mutilation, and stigmatisa- ” 2 ’ tion of children and their mothers may occur if an the cases , including the author sownmedical 11 papers which include the terms hypogonadism, intersex trait is obvious. Recent cases include gynaecomastia and indeterminate sex. mutilation and murder of an adolescent in 12 Between 0.5 and 1.7% of people may have Kenya, and abandonment of an infant in 13 intersex traits.1 Numbers are vague, not only due Shandong, China. In places with accessible med- to diagnostic challenges and the growing impact of ical systems, human rights violations take place in genetic selection,3 but also stigma. The conse- medical settings, intended to make intersex quences of being born with intersex characteristics bodies conform to narrow social norms for are profound. Historicised as hermaphrodites, females or males.7 Lack of necessity, autonomy gods and monsters,4 visiblyintersexpeoplehave and valid consent mean that such “normalising” been subjects of infanticide and freak shows.5,6 interventions violate “rights to health and physi- Dan Ghattas remarks that, everywhere in the cal integrity, to be free from torture and ill- world, people with intersex bodies have been treatment, and to equality and non- deemed incapable of integration into society.7 discrimination”.1,14

74 Contents online: Doi: 10.1016/j.rhm.2016.06.003 M Carpenter. Reproductive Health Matters 2016;24:74–84

Medicalisation discovered to have intersex traits during routine tes- Intersex bodies became medicalised from the end of tosterone testing. They were subjected to “partial cli- the 19th century, alongside the medicalisation of toridectomies” and sterilisation under duress, to women’s bodies and of homosexuality. From the enable their return to competition.22 1950s, a new belief in the malleability of infants’ gen- Vaginal construction necessitates regular post- der identities brought an “optimal gender model” surgical dilation by the insertion of an instrument; into being: intersex children identified at or close to this may in some cases be experienced as rape.8 birth could be “normalised” by aligning their bodies, Follow-up examinations may include sensitivity test- gender roles and sex of rearing. Surgical limitations ing on minors,17 such as with a cotton bud or vibrator. meant that most affected intersex infants were Surgeries for hypospadias are typically underta- assigned female. “Successful” cases were heterosex- ken in infancy, despite evidence that outcomes are uals, who identified with their assigned gender.15 not determinable until adulthood.23 Construction of infants diagnosed at birth is and maintenance of a urinary tube may involve now typically based on visual inspection, genetic multiple surgeries with significant impact on and hormonal testing. While there are some sensitivity, high complication rates and particu- common rules, based on chromosomes and sensi- larly poor long-term outcomes, and even genital 8,23 tivity and exposure to androgens,16 social attitudes “resurfacing”. Evidence of the necessity of early 24 favouring male children can influence assign- intervention is lacking. ments in some regions.17 Risks of gonadal cancer have been overstated Sex “normalising” interventions, to reinforce a or poorly evidenced, resulting in sterilisations.32 sex assignment, include feminising and masculinis- During a 2013 Australian Senate inquiry into the ing surgical and hormonal interventions, and gona- involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex dectomies, often during infancy, childhood and people, it was revealed that routine sterilisations adolescence,18 before the recipient can consent ofwomenwithcompleteandrogeninsensitivity and without firm evidence of necessity or good sur- syndrome no longer take place because of over- gical outcomes. However, initial sex assignment stated risks. There has been no attempt at repara- need not be reinforced, permanent, or irreversible. tions for individuals who consequently need a In some cases, other interventions may be neces- lifetime of hormone replacement. sary for physical health, notably for endocrine issues “ ” 19 Solid data on the prevalence of normalising in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Surgical inter- interventions are scarce but, despite media reports ventions may sometimes be necessary to tackle ele- 25,26 16,36 stating the contrary, interventions remain rou- vated gonadal cancer risks or urinary issues. tine and central to the management of intersex These surgical interventions should not be conten- traits.27 For example, although FGM is prohibited tious, but firm supporting data are lacking. Moreover, in the UK, Creighton et al note an increasing num- clinical decisions on these interventions entwine ber of clitoral surgeries on under-14s in the UK; “it is therapeutic with “normalising” non-therapeutic 32 not clear if this is secondary to an increase in the rationales. detection or incidence” of intersex traits.28 Accord- Feminising interventions include clitoral sur- ing to a 2015 neonatal handbook by the govern- geries (such as “clitoridectomies”), construction of ment of Victoria, Australia, an intersex birth event a vagina, and related genital surgeries, for exam- remains “distressing” for all in the delivery room; ple, in infants and children with larger clitorises “[c]orrective surgery is usually undertaken within or ambiguous genitalia. Masculinising interven- the first year of life”,18 despite contrary earlier ethi- tionsincludesurgeriesfor“hypospadias”,diag- cal guidance by the same government.29 nosed in boys when the urethra opens between the glans of the phallus and the perineum. Clitoral cutting is considered female genital muti- Rationales and outcomes of medical lation, an abhorrent and harmful practice,20 and a intervention form of gender-based violence prohibited in many Current medical protocols on the paediatric man- countries, yet exemptions may apply to intersex agement of intersex traits were set out in the girls.20,21 Adults are also vulnerable: a medical Chicago “consensus” statement in 2006.16 It journal reported in 2013 that four elite women ath- framed intersex as “disorders of sex development”, letes from low- and middle-income countries were recommending interventions to “minimise family

75 M Carpenter. Reproductive Health Matters 2016;24:74–84 concern and distress”, facilitate parental bonding decades, at least since 1995,34 without evidence. and “mitigate the risks of stigmatisation”.16 The Lloyd et al in 2005 noted that evidence of benefit statement recommended caution on surgical from early surgical interventions “is conspicuous treatment, but nevertheless facilitates such inter- by its absence”.37 A 2013 submission by the Royal ventions. A 2016 follow-up statement does the Children’s Hospital Melbourne to the Australian Sen- same.30 The authoritativeness and “consensus” in ate inquiry acknowledged that “outcomes related to the Chicago statement lies not in comprehensive current [surgical] practices remain to be estab- clinician input or meaningful community input, lished”.35 However, there is evidence of harm but in its utility to justify any and all forms of from early surgical practices: a submission by the clinical intervention. Clinical practices have not Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group identified been impacted by the statement; they have been “particular concern regarding sexual function and validated. sensation” as a consequence of recommended sur- Local ethical guidelines, such as in Victoria, geries.36 In the UK, Creighton et al remark that “a Australia, extend that framework, suggesting that schism has developed between clinicians working medical interventions address cultural risks includ- in paediatric and in adolescent/adult services” ing “reduced opportunities for marriage”.29 A clin- due to lack of evidence of benefits from early sur- ician submission to the Australian Senate inquiry geries.28 Clinical claims about improved surgical recommended surgeries justified as therapeutic techniques are used to justify surgeries early in for “functional reasons such as to allow a male life,28 but surgical improvements over time should individual to urinate while standing, and for psy- mean that surgeries on infants be deferred, so chosocial reasons such as to allow the child to that consenting adults can later benefitfromthose develop without the psychosocial stigma or distress improvements if they choose. which is associated with having genitalia incongru- According to Lloyd et al, clinical decision- ous with the sex of rearing”. These rationales making on the necessity of genital surgeries can express cultural norms, in much the same way as be “entirely subjective”.37 The 2013 Australian rationales for female genital mutilation. Senate inquiry found “no medical consensus In a clinician submission to the Australian around the conduct of normalising surgery” on Senate committee inquiry, rationales for sterilisa- intersex children.32 As noted by Liao et al, par- tion included “sex of rearing, estimated capacity of ents “may not realise that they are de the gonad to produce hormones in accordance with facto opting for experimental surgery on their or opposite to sex of rearing and/or (developing) children” and so they are unable to provide valid gender identity, likelihood of gender dysphoria”.31 consent; “parental regret can be high” for inter- The committee was disturbed by this entanglement ventions aimed at tackling parental and social of different justifications.32 issues.38 The Australian Senate inquiry found in 2013 In addition to issues of sensation and sexual that psychosocial and cultural rationales for surgi- function, and the possibility of incorrect sex cal interventions are a “circular argument that assignment, surgeries create physical differences avoids the central issues”.32 A 2012 Swiss national that inhibit intimacy.39 Iain Morland, for example, bioethics report concluded that interventions describes being anatomically “both glaringly unu- addressing stigma, familial and social integration sual and yet brutally normalised”.40 Aclinical “run counter to the child’s welfare”.33 study of 439 intersex adults, children and parents Thereareonlyafewlargequantitativedata of intersex children in Germany undertaken sources on outcomes, due in part to limited between 2005 and 2007 showed that 81% of adults follow-up, a lack of comparative data on indivi- and children with intersex traits had undergone duals who have avoided early intervention, and surgeries related to those traits; two-thirds of the low frequency of many intersex traits. These adults linked sexual problems to those surgeries.41 mean that there is little evidence to support either A recent Australian survey of 272 adults born medical intervention or non-intervention.43 A dec- with atypical sex characteristics found “strong ade after the Chicago Consensus statement, there evidence” of “institutionalised shaming and coer- are no credible alternative clinical pathways that cive treatment”.42 Of the study population, 60% avoid early surgical intervention.38 reported receiving medical interventions related A rhetoric of improved surgical techniques and to their intersex traits, and a majority experienced outcomes has been evident for more than two negative consequences, not simply medical or

76 M Carpenter. Reproductive Health Matters 2016;24:74–84 sexual: early school leaving (by 18% of respondents policy-makers, and demonstrations,51 and insti- compared to a national average of 2%) was gates legal action. Its core human rights goals are coincident with puberty and pubertal medical simple: the rights to bodily autonomy and self- interventions. determination, and an end to stigmatisation. Key ethical and human rights concerns with current medical practices are often portrayed as matters of surgical timing, degree of physical dif- Human rights developments 36 18 ference from sex norms, and sex assignment. Clinical practices have been scrutinised in a few The intersex movement poses more fundamental countries. A 2012 national Swiss bioethics inquiry concerns of valid consent, self-determination and 43 recommended substantive changes to clinical bodily autonomy. practice, to defer non-urgent treatments and recognise human rights norms,33 as did the 2013 Australian Senate inquiry.32 Neither has been The intersex movement implemented. In 2008, Christiane Völling won Intersex advocates have been active since the legal action following involuntary medical treat- 1990s. The early establishment of Australian and ment at age 18 in Germany.52 Michela Raab won UK Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support a similar case in Germany in 2015.53 In the US, Groups was followed by the Intersex Society the case of a child, MC, has been pursued since of North America (ISNA), a Latin American 2013 with no conclusion to date.54 Bauer and Truf- consortium, national groups and international fer note that there have been no successful legal networks. actions by intersex persons subjected to interven- In just a few years, ISNA moved from demon- tions during infancy or childhood, due in part to stratingoutsideapaediatricconferencein1996 statutes of limitations,55 and claims of clinical to delivering a plenary address at the same confer- consensus. ence.44 Medical authority was subsequently National legislation has begun to act on discri- reasserted in the Chicago statement of 2006: an mination and bodily autonomy. South Africa first invite-only group led by US clinicians, with periph- added intersex to the attribute of “sex” in discrimi- eral involvement by ISNA, changed clinical language nation law in 2005, through work by intersex and from intersex to “disorders of sex development” anti-apartheid activist Sally Gross.56 Australians (DSD).45 ISNA hoped this would open doors for secured an independent attribute of “intersex closer collaboration with clinicians, and improved status” in discrimination law in 2013.57 In 2015, medical practices46 but instead it has led to greater Malta became the first country to legally recognise biomedicalisation.27 the right of all individuals to “bodily integrity and The shift to DSD never received widespread physical autonomy”, adding a more encompassing acceptance by intersex individuals, advocates and attribute of “sex characteristics” to discrimination organisations; the term is regarded as pathologis- law, and prohibiting social, cultural and other ing and poorly translatable.47 A decade later, a unnecessary interventions on the sex characteris- survey of Australians born with atypical sex charac- tics of minors.58,59 teristics shows low acceptance of the term. Only A series of International Intersex Forums took 3% of respondents use DSD by choice, while 60% place between 2011 and 2013. Out of these came use terms including the word intersex.42 Interest- a landmark statement in Malta in 2013.60 This was ingly, 21% use DSD when accessing healthcare, followed in 2014 by a first submission to the World indicating a perceived need to use disordering lan- Health Organization, by advocates from six conti- guage to obtain appropriate care. nents outlining concerns with the International The intersex movement of the mid-2000s divided Classification of Diseases (ICD).8 acrimoniously between those accommodating to Advances in international human rights forums clinical leadership and those favouring human have been made as a result of purposeful advocacy. rights approaches. ISNA folded in 2008.48 Voices In 2013, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture first accommodating of clinical leadership have found acknowledged the existence and harmful conse- themselves co-opted49 and disappointed.50 quences of irreversible, involuntary medical treat- The movement engages ment to “fix” intersex children.61 In 2015, the with international and national human rights ’s Human Rights Commissioner and ethics institutions, engages in discussions with first recognised the right of intersex people not to

77 M Carpenter. Reproductive Health Matters 2016;24:74–84 undergo sex assignment treatment.62 The same well-formed policy because it does not possess year, the Council of Europe, the European Union a coherent understanding of the population Agency for Fundamental Rights,63 and the Inter- affected. A similar bifurcation between DSD and American Commission for Human Rights64 called intersex is evident in US medical schools.75 Distinc- for the reassessment of medical classifications that tions between rhetoric and reality are evident pathologise intersex traits. in Victoria, Australia, where 2013 ethical guide- UN Treaty Bodies are now responding to these lines on the care of children with intersex traits29 developments. The Committee against Torture has are ignored and contradicted by the same commented on early unnecessary and irreversible government’s current neonatal handbook materi- sex determining surgeries, consent and long-term als on ambiguous genitalia and hypospadias.76 impact in Switzerland,65 in China66 and in Hong Revisions to those ethical guidelines are in hand, Kong.67 The Committee on the Rights of the Child and these are likely to remove marriageability as has commented on non-discrimination, right to a rationale for medical intervention, but the ethi- identity and harmful practices in Chile,68 and cal guidelines are irrelevant to actual clinical harmful practices in France69 and Ireland.70 The practice. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabil- Policy disjunctions extend to public resourcing. ities has commented on protecting the integrity Australian genetic research on intersex traits is fi “ ” 77 of the person in Germany.71 As a result of com- partially justi ed by psychological trauma , ments on Chile, in late 2015 the Chilean Health yet, no health services offer psychological support Ministry issued instructions suspending early med- for adults. While peer and advocacy groups 72 support intersex populations, they lack sufficient ical interventions. 78 Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner funding. for Human Rights, opened an intersex expert Disjunctions are also evident in media report- meeting in September 2015 stating: ing. Reporters continue to contrast intersex per- spectives with medical perspectives, typically “All human beings are born equal in dignity and those of paediatric endocrinologists or geneti- rights… regardless of our sex characteristics.”73 cists.79 Media reports frequently and uncritically present an unsubstantiated narrative of fewer sur- gical interventions, and improved medical prac- 26,28,80 Policy disjunctions tices. Reports that frame intersex within LGBTI contexts frequently, and incorrectly,42 often Despite human rights advances, many challenges assume that intersex people are all gay, or remain, not least in implementation of reforms transgender.81,82 to ensure that clinical practices meet human rights From an intersex perspective, the LGBT move- norms. Disjunctions are evident between social ment appears preoccupied with identity and rela- and medical policy and, in both domains, between tionship recognition, without recognition of bodily rhetoric and reality. This disjunction differentiates autonomy, and deeper challenges posed by sex between the medical treatment of “individuals and gender norms. Discussions within LGBT spaces with DSDs” and social policy advances for the may suggest that intersex groups do not want intersex or broader LGBTI communities. Funda- inclusion; some intersex-led organisations seek it, mentally, addressing DSD and intersex popula- while others simply fear becoming overwhelmed tions as separate is deeply flawed, and may even and instrumentalised. Many “LGBTI” organisations permit medical policy to disregard the intersex treat intersex inclusion as an inconsequential goal, human rights movement. rather than a deliberate strategic process, result- For example, in 2014 an Australian territory ing in a reality that fails to match the rhetoric introduced three additional birth sex classifica- of inclusivity.83 Regardless, aggregation of our tions,74 in part considered suitable for intersex issues is progressing, including in health,84 foreign children. Communications between the author policy,85 and human rights.1,64 If “LGBTI” is to and the Territory’s chief/health minister on that work, it has to work for all constituent popula- policy and on the medical treatment of children tions. Dan Ghattas suggests that LGBT organisa- elicited divergent, unrelated responses, drafted tions seeking to become inclusive should adopt by different policy teams with different policy the statement of the Third International Intersex goals. The government was not able to create a Forum60 as a key first step.86

78 M Carpenter. Reproductive Health Matters 2016;24:74–84

In Australia, a shift from LGBT to LGBTI occurred Hermeneutical injustice early, but with little deliberate attention to Underlying these policy disjunctions and miscon- its implications. The few institutions that have ceptions is a broader issue, described by philoso- “ ” responded to intersex status in law have typically pher Miranda Fricker as “hermeneutical injustice”; fi focused on the same issues of honori cs, pronouns a form of injustice in knowing that prevents a and toilets that they address in responding to discri- 87 person from making sense of their own lived experi- mination based on gender identity. This is ence due to a lacuna in social understanding.92 This troubling. Not only does this approach obscure issues arises due to the “relative powerlessness” of the of medicalisation and bodily autonomy, it treats subject’s social group. For intersex people, this intersex as no more than a gender identity issue. hermeneutical injustice arises in two distinct ways: In practice, intersex as identity is polymorphic, through clinical secrecy and terminology, and but asserts the dignity of stigmatised embodi- through societal discourse on identity. ment. The gender identities of intersex people Clinical secrecy was most profound from the may match sexes assigned at birth, or may not. 1950s: a deliberate culture of secrecy withheld As with transgender persons, intersex persons diagnoses to “enable the child have a ‘normal’ can suffer “misgendering”,afailuretoacknow- physical and psychosexual development”.93 That ledge the validity of individuals’ gender identities. Uniquely, intersex people also face failures to silence gave people with intersex traits no words acknowledge the validity of sexes assigned at to describe our sutures, scars and lack of sensation, birth.88,89 and no words to understand commonalities shared Misconceptions often frame intersex as a third across the diversity of lives and histories. This sex.87 For example, in 2015, an Australian State culture changed with the introduction of DSD, agency saw no contradiction in proposals simulta- but clinical language still prevents parental under- neously calling for a third sex classification and standing of a child in positive, non-pathological promoting intersex human rights via a poster ways, and the individualisation of each condition stating “sex is a spectrum”. A Chilean LGBT group separates people from intersex communities. proposed a third sex for intersex infants in 2016, Morgan Holmes states that the shift to DSD, “ with similar proposals elsewhere.90 reinstitutionalises clinical power to delineate … Identities are frequently informed by bodily and silence those marked by the diagnosis; this silencing is precisely the point of the new characteristics, but while some intersex people 94 use intersex or non-binary as gender labels, most terminology”. intersex adults are female or male.42 Suppositions Identity-focused language mischaracterises inter- that sex characteristics dictate gender identity not sex human rights issues as matters of sexual orienta- only deny the existence of trans people, they tion and gender identity. It prioritises issues of deny agency to intersex people to autonomously performativity and identity over deeper, more determine sex and gender. Third sex classifications intractable issues of bodily autonomy. These act as pose added difficulties for infants: parents may feel barriers to familial and self-understanding, and to increased pressure to avoid stigma, disclosure and the social connectedness that can help individuals social incomprehension through physical interven- overcome stigma. tions, ensuring an unequivocal, familiar sex assign- ment. As Mauro Cabral comments, it is necessary to challenge and expand narrow definitions but also Conclusions the reduction of intersex issues to matters of gender International human rights institutions have begun identity.91 to address intersex human rights issues, acting The statement of the Third International Intersex on testimonies from a growing and decentralised Forum calls for initial male or female assignment, global movement. While this progress is welcome, recognising physical integrity, with openness to effective implementation of policy and change in changes in sex assignments, and non-binary and clinical practice remain a priority. This means chal- multiple options for people able to consent.60 The lenging an unsubstantiated rhetoric of changing statement also calls for the removal of sex and clinical practice on one hand, and an inconsequen- gender, like race and religion, from official docu- tial rhetoric of inclusion on the other. mentation as a more universal, long-term policy Structural change is needed to end the patholo- goal. gisation and stigmatisation of healthy intersex

79 M Carpenter. Reproductive Health Matters 2016;24:74–84 bodies. Current rhetoric of changed clinical prac- justification, and distinguishing from “normalis- tices demonstrates a focus on the appearance or ing” cultural practices. Diagnoses in the Interna- optics of those practices; unsubstantiated claims tional Classification of Diseases must change to of change must be evidenced. Harmful practices ensure that treatments meet human rights norms. in medical settings must be eliminated; the right Rhetorics of inclusion and a focus on performa- of intersex people not to undergo medical inter- tivity need to be challenged by human rights vention for social and cultural reasons must be bodies and funders. Resourcing models that recognised, ensuring the right to make autono- advance intersex-led initiatives need to be sup- mous informed choices about irreversible treat- ported and extended. Above all, bodily autonomy, ments. The development of rights-based clinical stigmatisation and medicalisation are human pathways must be prioritised. Where individuals rights issues. Intersex-led advocacy and peer sup- are unable to provide consent for necessary treat- port groups must be at the heart of efforts to man- ment, physical health issues need scrutiny, careful age and resolve them.


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Résumé Resumen Les personnes et corps intersexués ont été considérés Las personas y cuerpos intersexuales han sido comme incapables d’intégration dans la société. Les considerados incapables de integrarse a la sociedad. interventions médicales sur des corps souvent sains Las intervenciones médicas en cuerpos a menudo demeurent la norme. Elles répondent à des besoins saludables continúan siendo la norma, abordando familiaux et culturels ressentis, en dépit des exigencias familiares y culturales percibidas, a pesar inquiétudes quant à la nécessité et aux résultats, à la de las inquietudes sobre la necesidad, los resultados, réalisation et au consentement à ces interventions. Un la conducta y el consentimiento. El movimiento mouvement intersexué mondial et décentralisé intersexual mundial y descentralizado procura recherche des objectifs de base simples : les droits à lograr metas fundamentales sencillas: los derechos l’autonomie et l’autodétermination des corps, et la a la autonomía corporal y la autodeterminación, y findelastigmatisation.Lesystèmeinternationaldes el findelaestigmatización.Elsistemainternacional droits de l’homme répond avec un éventail de de derechos humanos está respondiendo con una nouvelles déclarations politiques adoptées par les variedad de nuevas declaraciones de políticas de institutions des droits de l’homme et une poignée de instituciones de derechos humanos y un puñado de gouvernements nationaux qui reconnaissent les droits gobiernos nacionales están reconociendo los des personnes intersexuées. Néanmoins, de grands derechos de las personas intersexuales. Sin obstacles demeurent à l’application de ces embargo, aún existen retos importantes para poner déclarations. Les violations des droits des personnes en práctica esas declaraciones. Persisten las intersexuées persistent, profondément enracinées violaciones de derechos humanos de las personas dans une histoire délibérée de mise sous silence. La intersexuales, arraigadas en una historia deliberada rhétorique des changements de la pratique clinique de silenciamiento. La retórica de cambios a reste non étayée. Les disjonctions politiques la práctica clínica continúa sin fundamento. Las apparaissent dans un cadre de questions disyuntivas en políticas surgen al plantear los intersexuées comme les thèmes de l’orientation asuntos intersexuales como cuestiones de sexuelle et de l’identité de genre, plutôt qu’en tant orientación sexual e identidad de género, y no que caractéristiques sexuelles innées ; cela a abouti como características sexuales innatas; esto ha à une rhétorique d’inclusion qui ne correspond pas producido una retórica de inclusión que no à la réalité. Cet article donne un aperçu des coincide con la realidad. Este artículo ofrece una pratiques nuisibles sur les corps intersexués, le visión general de las prácticas dañinas en cuerpos développement des droits de l’homme et la intersexuales, sucesos relacionados con los derechos rhétorique du changement et de l’inclusion. humanos y las retóricas de cambio e inclusión.