Inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity in the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

D. Michael Pehlke, … , Edward W. Holmes, William N. Kelley

J Clin Invest. 1972;51(6):1398-1404.

Research Article

Inosinic acid dehydrogenase was evaluated in normal subjects and in patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. A significant difference in activity was found between erythrocytes derived from normal controls (1.21±0.47 pmoles/hr per mg protein) and from 15 patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (6.72±6.23 pmoles/hr per mg protein). However, no difference in activity was demonstrable in muscle or leukocytes derived from normal and Lesch-Nyhan patients. The increased activity of inosinic acid dehydrogenase in erythrocytes from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is due to stabilization of the in vivo as well as the absence of an inhibitor which is present in erythrocytes from normal subjects.

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D. MICHAEL PEHLKE, JOHN A. MCDONALD, EDWARD W. HOLMES, and WILLIAM N. KELLEY From the Division of Rheumatic and Genetic Diseases, Departments of Medicine and , Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710

A B S T R A C T Inosinic acid dehydrogenase was evalu- normalities have been consistently described in patients ated in normal subjects and in patients with the Lesch- with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. These include an Nyhan syndrome. A significant difference in activity accelerated rate of (2), increased in- was found between erythrocytes derived from normal tracellular levels of PP--P in both erythrocytes controls (1.21±0.47 pmoles/hr per mg protein) and (3) and cultured skin fibroblasts (4), and increased from 15 patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (6.72 activity of the enzyme phosphoribosyltransfer- ±6.23 pmoles/hr per mg protein). However, no differ- ase in erythrocytes (1, 5). All of these effects may be ence in activity was demonstrable in muscle or leuko- interpreted as secondary manifestations of the de- cytes derived from normal and Lesch-Nyhan patients. ficiency of - phosphoribosyltrans- The increased activity of inosinic acid dehydrogenase ferase (5). in erythrocytes from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan In this paper we describe a significant and con- syndrome is due to stabilization of the enzyme in vivo sistent elevation of activity of the enzyme inosinic acid as well as the absence of an inhibitor which is present (lehydrogenase in erythrocyte lysates from patients with in erythrocytes from normal subjects. the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Inosinic acid dehydrogenase (IMP: NAD' oxidoreductase, E.C. catalyzes the nicotine adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) -dependent INTRODUCTION conversion of IMP to -5'-monophosphate Individuals with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome exhibit a (XMP) and represents the first reaction unique to the functional deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phos- synthesis de novo of GMP from IMP. This enzyme, phoribosyltransferase (HGPRT)' which is necessary which had not previously been assayed in human tis- for the phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PP-ribose-P)-de- sues, should play a critical role in the Lesch-Nyhan pendent formation of -5'-monophosphate (IMP) syndrome. In the absence of hypoxanthine-guanine and -5'-monophosphate (GMP) from the pu- phosphoribosyltransferase activity, the pathway initiated rine bases hypoxanthine and guanine, respectively (1). by IMP dehydrogenase represents the only known Clinically, the defect is manifested by hyperuricemia mechanism for the production of guanine . and hyperuricaciduria, self-mutilation, choreoathetosis, Several different factors appear to be responsible for spasticity, and mental retardation (2). the observed increase in enzyme activity. In addition to a deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, several other biochemical ab- METHODS Hypoxanthine-8-'4C (4.2, 52.0, and 60.1 mCi/mmole) was Received for publication 21 October 1971 and in revised obtained from New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass., form 5 January 1972. Schwarz Bio Research Inc., Orangeburg, N. Y., and Amer- 1 Abbreviations used in this paper: GMP, guanosine-5'- sham/Searle Corp., Arlington Heights, Ill., respectively. monophosphate; HGPRT, hypoxanthine-guanine phospho- Nicotine adenine dinucleotide (NAD1) was purchased from ribosyltransferase; IMP, inosine-5'-monophosphate; NAD+, Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo. The dimagnesium nicotine adenine dinucleotide; PP-ribose-P, phosphoribosyl- of PP-ribose-P and the tetra sodium salt of PP-ribose-P ; XMP, xanthosine-5'-monophosphate. were obtained from P-L Biochemicals, Inc., Milwaukee, 1398 The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 51 1972 Wis., and Sigma, respectively. All other reagents were of thawing twice. The hemolysates were then dialyzed in 0.05 the highest purity commercially available. M sodium , pH 7.4, for 2 hr and assayed. Five patients (E. S., J. K., W. E., D. C., and D. G.) with Inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity was determined by the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome were admitted to the Clinical Re- quantitating the production of search Center at Duke Hospital where they were maintained (XMP)-'4C utilizing modifications of the assays developed on a diet essentially free of containing 1800 k-cal by Salser and Balis (8) and Saccocia and Miech (9). The and 70 g protein. The only medications were and assay was optimized with regard to substrate concentration diazepam which were found to have no effect on inosinic and cation requirement and contained 0.01 Amoles IMP-14C, acid dehydrogenase levels. Hemolysates were also obtained 0.1 Amoles NAD', 10 gmoles KCl, 4 Amoles sodium phos- from 10 other patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. phate buffer, pH 7.4, and the specified amount of the enzyme These samples were stored at - 20'C for varying periods preparation to be assayed in a total volume of 100 pl. The of time before assay. reaction was initiated by placing the tubes containing the Blood obtained by venipuncture was twice washed with reaction mixture in a water bath at 370C. After incubation normal saline and centrifuged at 1200 g for 10 min. The for 2 hr at 370C the reaction was stopped by the addition washed, packed erythrocytes were frozen at - 200C, thawed, of 100 1l of cold 95% . Protein was removed by and the resulting hemolysate dialysed against 0.05 M sodium centrifugation at 1200 g for 15 min. 50 pl of the supernate phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 2 hr at 40C. All hemolysates was spotted on Whatman DE-81 paper with 0.1 umoles of obtained from normal volunteers were prepared in a similar carrier XMP and developed in an ascending system for 4 manner and assayed within 2 wk unless otherwise specified. hr in 0.2 M ammonium formate buffer, pH 5.0 (R,: XMP, Muscle tissue from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syn- 0.32; IMP, 0.72). After development, the spot containing drome was obtained by biopsy while muscle tissue from XMP was detected with an ultraviolet light source, cut subjects with normal HGPRT activity was obtained either out, and counted at 63% efficiency in a Packard Tri-Carb by biopsy or at autopsy. Enzyme activity was comparable liquid scintillation counter (Packard Instrument Co., Inc., in muscle obtained by either technique. Muscle tissue was Downers Grove, Ill.). (GMP) homogenized in 10 vol of 0.05 M sodium phosphate buffer, was separated from IMP and XMP by high voltage electro- pH 7.4. The homogenate was centrifuged at 13,000 g for phoresis in 0.05 M sodium citrate buffer, pH 3.53. Identity 30 min and the supernate dialyzed in 0.05 M sodium phos- of XMP was confirmed by ascending chromatography in phate buffer for 4 hr at 4°C. ethanol: 1.0 M ammonium acetate, pH 5.0 70: 30; (Rr: 0.11) Leukocytes were prepared by a modification of the method and high voltage electrophoresis on Whatman 3MM paper of Chodirker, Bock, and Vaughn (6). Venous blood (25 ml) in both 0.05 M sodium borate, pH 8.8, and 0.05 M sodium was drawn and immediately mixed with 475 ml of 0.85% citrate, pH 3.53. XMP production, under these assay condi- NaCl with 0.1% bovine serum albumin. After centrifuga- tions, was linear with respect to incubation time from 15 tion at 800 g for 30 min, the supernate was discarded and min to 3 hr and protein concentration from 1.25 to 12.5 the pellet mixed with 100 ml of 0.2% NaCl for 20 sec and mg/0.10 ml using crude hemolysate. then restored to isotonicity by the addition of 100 ml of Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and HGPRT activity 1.61%o NaCl. The cells were centrifuged at 400 g for 10 min were assayed by the method of Kelley, Rosenbloom, Hender- and the lysis procedure was repeated once. The cells ob- son, and Seegmiller (10). tained from this procedure were washed twice in cold iso- IMP-8-14C of sufficient purity and specific radioactivity tonic saline. After the final wash the white cell pellet was for this study was not commercially available. Therefore, dissolved in 0.01 M Tris buffer pH 7.4 (80 mg wet weight IMP-8-14C was enzymatically synthesized from hypoxanthine- per ml). The cells were lysed by freezing and thawing 8-14C using a partially purified preparation of HGPRT twice in a dry ice and acetone bath. All leukocyte prepara- prepared as described below. The reaction mixture contained tions were assayed for inosinic acid dehydrogenase within 1.0 Amoles of hypoxanthine-8-'4C, 2.0 Amoles of PP-ribose-P, 24 hr of venipuncture. 5 Amoles of Mg", 10 gmoles of Cl-, 0.08 Amoles of Tris Erythrocytes were fractionated according to their density HCl, pH 7.4, and 1.6 mg of partially purified human after the method of Danon and Marikovsky (7). These HGPRT with a specific activity of 9000 nmoles/mg per hr workers have demonstrated a linear relation between red in a final volume of 0.650 ml. The reaction mixture was cell density and age in vivo. Additionally, their findings incubated for 90 min at 37'C, and the reaction was stopped with 'Fe-labeling in vivo suggest very little cross-contami- by the addition of 500 Al of 95%o ethanol and 25 /Ll of 0.1 M nation of old with young cells using this procedure. Methyl Na2 EDTA. Protein was removed by heating for 90 sec in phthalate and di-n-butyl phthalate were mixed in different a boiling water bath and centrifugation for 30 min at proportions to yield fluids with specific gravities of 1.090, 10,000 rpm. The IMP thus formed was stored at - 20'C 1.086, and 1.094. Freshly drawn, heparinized blood was and used within 2 wk. The radioactive product formed was placed in a Nalgene centrifuge tube (Nalge Co., Rochester, 97%o IMP and 3% inosine. Identity of the major product N. Y.) and 2 ml of the phthalate mixture of specific gravity as inosinic acid was confirmed by co-chromatography with 1.090 was layered on top of the whole blood. This was then authentic IMP in two ascending chromatography systems centrifuged at 12,000 g for 90 min at 15°C effecting the (1.0 M ammonium acetate, pH 5.0: 95%o ethyl , primary separation. After removal of the plasma and buffy 70: 30 on Whatman 3 MM [R.: 0.241; and 0.2 M am- coat, the top and bottom layers were transferred to two monium formate pH 5.0 on Whatman DE81, [Rt: 0.72]); separate centrifuge tubes. To the tube containing the top and by high voltage electrophoresis in 0.05 M sodium borate layer, 1 ml of the phthalate mixture of specific gravity 1.086 pH 8.8. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the IMP-'4C was added; 1 ml of phthalate of specific gravity 1.094 was synthesized in this manner was identical to that of a com- added to the tube containing the bottom layer. These were mercial sample of IMP in H20 adjusted to pH 1.0 by again centrifuged at 12,000 g for 90 min at 15°C. The four addition of HCl. The final concentration of IMP produced layers which resulted from this procedure were washed three was calculated using the molar extinction coefficient. Addi- times with normal saline and the cells lysed by freezing and tionally, the concentration of IMP-14C was calculated from Inosinic Acid Dehydrogenase 1399 the specific radioactivity assuming no change from that of TABLE I I the hypoxanthine-8-14C used as substrate. Both methods gave Comparison of Inosinic Acid Dehydrogenase Activity in comparable values. in Inosinic acid dehydrogenase and HGPRT were partially Leukocytes and Muscle Normal Subjects and purified from human erythrocytes as follows. Crude hemoly- Patients with the Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome sate (300 ml) was absorbed to 72 g of DEAE-cellulose at pH 7.0 after the method of Hennessey, Waltersdorph, Striated muscle Leukocytes Heunnekens, and Gabrio (11). The DEAE-cellulose was pmoles/hr per mg protein AdSD washed twice with 1500 ml of 0.003 M sodium phosphate Normal 3244224 buffer, pH 7.0, followed by two washes with 100 ml of 0.05 (4)* 7474243 (10) M sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.4 which removed the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 268443 (4) 5984322 (2) hemoglobin. The DEAE-cellulose with remaining adsorbed protein was poured into a 10 X 40 cm column, and eluted * Number of subjects indicated in parentheses. with a 2000 ml linear gradient of 0-0.3 M KC1 in 0.05 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Fractions (10 ml) were with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome are compared in Table collected and assayed for IMP dehydrogenase and HGPRT I. Hemolysates from 23 normal subjects had a mean activity. Fractions containing approximately 75%o of the inosinic acid total enzyme activity were pooled and concentrated above dehydrogenase activity of 1.21±0.47 (SD) an Amicon ultrafilter (Amicon Corp., Lexington, Mass., pmoles/hr per mg protein. Hemolysates from patients UMO). - with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome yielded a mean ac- Protein was estimated by the method of Lowry, Rosen- tivity of 6.72±6.23 (SD). This difference was signifi- brough, Farr, and Randall (12). cant at the 0.001 level Multivariate analysis of variance was performed on the (Student's two-tailed t test). Xerox Sigma 5 Computer after the method of Starmer and In 14 of the 15 Lesch-Nyhan patients, the values ob- Grizzle (13). served were greater than 2 standard deviations above the mean RESULTS of the normal values even though some of these samples had been stored for more than 2 yr. Inosinic acid dehydrogenase and HGPRT activities in Activity of those Lesch-Nyhan hemolysates assayed hemolysates from normal subjects and from patients soon after phlebotomy (E. S., and J. K., and D. C.) compare well with those that had been stored in the TABLE I frozen state for long periods. Reassay of these hemo- Specific Activity of Inosinic Acid Dehydrogenase in Dialyzed lysates after periods of storage at - 20'C up to 2 Erythrocyte Lysates from Patients Deficient in Hypo- months gave results consistent with the -Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase initial assay. Normal hemolysate reassayed after 6 months of storage Duration of at - 200 showed 73% of initial activity. No increase in storage enzyme activity was noted with storage of hemolysate (-200C) of from normal or dialyzed Inosinic acid Lesch-Nyhan subjects. Subjects hemolysate HGPRT dehydrogenase Inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity was determined in muscle and in leukocytes in both normal and Lesch- days nmoles/hr per pmoles/hr Per mg Protein mg Protein Nyhan subjects. Results are detailed in Table II. The Normal 0-14 98±14 (SD)* 1.21i0.47 (SD)t mean value in muscle obtained from four Lesch-Nyhan (range 0.31-2.08) patients was 268 pmoles/hr per mg protein, whereas the Lesch-Nyhan (15) 6.724±6.23 (SD) mean value for four normal subjects was 324 pmoles/ E. S. 12 0.05 4.40 hr per mg protein. Evaluation of enzyme activity in J. K. 4 <0.001 2.57 leukocytes revealed a mean value of W. E. 747 pmoles/hr per 96 <0.001 7.64 mg in 10 normal T. H. 21 <0.001 6.40 protein subjects. Two Lesch-Nyhan R. C. 118 <0.001 4.63 subjects exhibited a mean value of 598 pmoles/hr per Ma. I. 112 <0.001 4.12 mg protein. There was no statistically significant dif- Mi. I. 112 <0.001 1.30 ference in inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity in leu- T. S. 118 <0.001 5.10 kocytes or muscle tissue between the two groups. M. W. >2 yr <0.001 2.78 The possible mechanisms underlying the difference M. J. <0.001 7.21 in inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity of erythrocytes S. M. >2 yr <0.001 9.80 from normal and Lesch-Nyhan individuals were in- D. C. 4 <0.001 10.40 vestigated. In all J. S. >2 assays, radiolabeled IMP remaining yr <0.001 3.30 at the T. S. >2 yr <0.001 3.14 completion of the incubation was counted to D. G. 40 0.004 28.0 determine the extent of substrate utilization by alternate pathways and no difference was noted in hemolysates * 119 subjects. from normal and Lesch-Nyhan subjects. To evaluate t 23 subjects. the possibility that the product, XMP, was being con- 1400 D. M. Pehlke, J. A. McDonald, E. W. Holmes, and W. N. Kelley 40 The overall difference between 30 *Lesch-Nyhon Erythrocytes(N=5) the curves was signifi- 20 *Normal Erythrocytes(N-14) cant at the 0.0001 level. These results suggest that inosinic acid dehydrogenase is stabilized in vivo in vs210.0 a 8.II erythrocytes from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan 7.0 wl-~~ a;3.48 syn- 9'.S 5.0' Oa 1.33 drome. Alternatively, these findings could be explained w& 3.0 by accumulation of an "inhibitor" in the normal eryth- ar3.84 a . rocytes with age. E2.0 Pz 0.072 P 0.002 Further evidence for stabilization of inosinic acid dehydrogenase in from a 0.88 a 079 erythrocytes subjects with the P 0.001 P'0.0002 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome was obtained from a study of 03 the heat stability of the enzyme in vitro. Enzyme ac- 0.2 P (Overoll) 0001 tivity present after heating at 60°C for 4 min was 0.1 compared with the unheated control. In hemolysates 1.086 1.090 1.094 Density derived from four patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syn- drome, 64.5+6.1% (SD) of the original activity re- FIGURE 1 Inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity in erythro- mained after heating. Only 38.8±9.6% (SD) of the cytes fractionated by density (age). Normal, *-- 0; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, * *; P values as determined control activity was present after heating hemolysates by multivariate analysis of variance are given for the differ- from four normal subjects. ences between normal and Lesch-Nyhan subjects at each To further assess possible mechanisms responsible density, and for the curves overall. a, standard deviation at for this stabilization in vivo, protection of inosinic each point. acid dehydrogenase against thermal denaturation was stud- ied using a preparation of the enzyme partially purified verted to GMP, the formation of GMP-"C was deter- from a normal subject. The effect of substrates for mined. Under standard assay conditions, no GMP-14C the enzyme as well as PP-ribose-P in concentrations was formed in hemolysates from either normal or found in normal individuals (5 X 10' M) and in pa- Lesch-Nyhan subjects. tients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (5 X 10' M) Michaelis constants for both substrates of inosinic (3) was investigated. PP-ribose-P at concentrations acid dehydrogenase were determined for the enzyme de- exceeding those found in vivo did not stabilize the en- rived from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome zyme. IMP and NAD' provided moderate protection and for the enzyme derived from normal hemolysate. of the enzyme against heat inactivation at the concen- A partially purified preparation of the enzyme present trations used in the enzyme assay (Fig. 2). However, in erythrocytes was used in both cases with the non- it is not known if the concentration of these com- variable substrate at saturating concentrations. The pounds is altered in patients with the Lesch-Nyhan Michaelis constant was estimated from double recipro- syndrome as compared to normal subjects, or if the cal plots. For the normal enzyme the Km (IMP) was stabilization observed in vitro can be extrapolated to 5.0 X 10' M and the Km (NAD+) was 2.0 X 10-' M. the situation in vivo. Preliminary attempts to measure For the Lesch-Nyhan enzyme the Km (IMP) was 7.7 the intracellular concentration of IMP both in cultured X 10' M while the Km (NAD+) was 3.4 X 10-' M. No fibroblasts (4) as well as in circulating erythrocytes significance was attached to these differences. were not helpful since the levels of IMP in both cell Fresh erythrocytes from normal subjects and from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome were frac- tionated into four groups of increasing density (age) as described in methods. The relationship between ""ii erythrocyte age in vivo and inosinic acid dehydrogenase CZ g activity is presented in Fig. 1. Inosinic acid dehydroge- nase activity was higher in each cell fraction in patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome as compared to normal. Multivariate analysis of variance was per- formed to assess the significance of the observed dif- ' ~~IMP NAD+ KCI IMP IMP IMP ference between normal and Lesch-Nyhan patients at NAD' $CI NAD+ each point and of the curves as a whole. Differences KCI yielded significant P values for all points except for FIGURE 2 Effect of substrates for inosinic acid dehydro- the lowest fraction genase on inactivation of the partially purified enzyme at density (youngest cells) where no 70'C for 8 mmn; IMP, 1.5 X 10-i M; NAD+, 1.0 X 104 M; significant difference between the means was observed. and KC1, 1 X 104 M. Inosinic Acid Dehydrogenase 1401 types were below the level of detectability in our assay. Accordingly, the exact factors responsible for the sta- bilization in vivo and in vitro remain unclear. Another mechanism for the difference in inosinic acid dehydrogenase, activity in erythrocytes between normal and Lesch-Nyhan subjects was suggested when it was noted that during purification of the normal enzyme, substantially more total activity was recovered in the purified form than had been assayable in the hemolysate dialyzed for 2 hr. This phenomenon ap- peared much less striking when the enzyme from Lesch- Nyhan hemolysate was treated in a similar fashion. For example, enzyme activity from normal erythrocytes was accentuated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography whereas the enzyme from Lesch-Nyhan hemolysate exhibited no activation (Table III). Similar results were observed with hemolysate from other normal and FIGURE 3 Effect of prolonged dialysis in 0.05 M sodium Lesch-Nyhan subjects. phosphate, pH 7.4, on inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity. Prolonged dialysis against 0.05 M sodium phosphate Activity is compared to initial sample dialyzed for 2 hr. Normal, * *; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, * *. buffer pH 7.4 was found to be another method of Samples were dialyzed in the same bath which was changed "activating" the enzyme present in normal hemolysate. every 24 hr. Fig. 3 demonstrates the results of dialyzing hemolysates at 4VC from normal and from Lesch-Nyhan subjects presence of partially purified HGPRT did not suppress in the same bath for periods up to 72 hr. While the enzyme activity. Accordingly, the lower inosinic acid normal enzyme is activated to the same extent as was dehydrogenase activity in erythrocytes from normal observed during partial purification, the Lesch-Nyhan- individuals could not be attributed to inhibition by derived enzyme exhibited only minimally increased HGPRT which is defective in individuals with the activity. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. These results suggested that an "inhibitor" of ino- Hemolysate from three normal patients and one sinic acid dehydrogenase activity is present in normal Lesch-Nyhan patient was incubated for 30 min at 4°C hemolysate but not in hemolysate from patients with in 0.05 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, which con- the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. To further test this hy- tained either 2 X 10' M reduced glutathione (GSH), pothesis, normal and Lesch-Nyhan hemolysates were 1 X 10-3 M dithiothreitol (DTT), or no sulfhydryl re- dialyzed for 2 hr against 0.05 M sodium phosphate ducing agent. The activity of inosinic acid dehydroge- buffer, pH 7.4, in the same bath, and then assayed, nase in the hemolysates from normal and Lesch-Nyhan alone and in combination. Activity observed in the patients was not altered by the sulfhydryl reducing mixture of the two enzyme preparations was 44% of agents. This suggests that the difference in inosinic that expected when the two were assayed independently. acid dehydrogenase activity cannot be attributed to a Assay of inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity in the difference in the state of oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups of the enzyme in these two groups of subjects. TABLE II I DISCUSSION Comparison of DEAE-Cellulose Chromatography on Inosinic Acid Dehydrogenase Activity in Erythrocytes from Inosinic acid dehydrogenase catalyzes the NAD+-de- Normal Subjects and Patients with the pendent conversion of IMP to XMP and represents the Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome first reaction unique to the synthesis of GMP de novo from IMP (14). The enzyme derived from nonhuman DEAE- Per cent sources has been shown to be subject to feedback inhibi- cellulose of chroma- initial tion by GMP (15) and can be repressed in bacterial sys- Hemolysate tography activity tems (16). However, no previous studies have been per- formed on the human enzyme. In the present study we Normal 579* 1,960 338 have described a radiochemical assay for inosinic acid Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 10,600 7,080 67 dehydrogenase which for the first time has permitted direct assay of this enzyme in human tissue. In addi- * Activity expressed as total recovery in picomoles per hour. tion, we have demonstrated that individuals with the 1402 D. M. Pehlke, J. A. McDonald, E. W. Holmes, and W. N. Kelley Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and a functional deficiency of De Novo HGPRT have significantly elevated levels of inosinic Synthesis Nucleic dehydrogenase in circulating erythrocytes. Acids.Q ___ Acids At least two mechanisms are apparently responsible for this observed elevation of inosinic acid dehydroge- Guanylic Acid) (j)Inosinic Acid Adenylic Acid Gua/iic \,Xant / "Adenylosuccinic ? nase activity. One mechanism contributing to the in- Guanosine \AciX/ Inosine Acid creased inosinic acid dehydrogenase activity in the \;2 O t 2 ~t '"_AdenosineUric Acid It can be removed by anion exchange chromatography FIGURE 4 Interconversion of purine nucleotides. 1. Inosinic or by prolonged dialysis of the untreated hemolysate. Al- acid dehydrogenase; 2. XMP aminase; 3. Hypoxanthine- guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT); and 4. Ade- though the mechanism of action of the inhibitor is un- nine phosphoribosyltransf erase. known, it does not appear to inhibit inosinic acid de- hydrogenase by altering the oxidation state of the sulf- neurological and behavioral abnormalities in the Lesch- hydryl groups on the enzyme. Nyhan syndrome (20). Our finding that levels of ino- A second mechanism appears to be stabilization of sinic acid dehydrogenase activity in nucleated cells such the enzyme in circulating erythrocytes. This is similar as leukocytes and muscle do not appear to be signifi- to the mechanism thought to be responsible for the cantly elevated in the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome suggests increased activity of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase that the elevated activity may be limited to the erythro- in erythrocytes from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan cyte. Though this would tend to detract from the over- syndrome (17, 18). However, stabilization does not all significance of the finding, the increased activity in appear to be due to the increased concentration of the red cell pool could still contribute substantially to PP-ribose-P which is postulated to be responsible for the synthesis of GMP in the Lesch-Nyhan patient. the increased adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity Finally, the finding of a second enzyme with in- (18). At the present time, the exact basis for enzyme creased activity in the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, which is stabilization remains unclear. presumably due in some manner to an indirect effect The observation that inosinic acid dehydrogenase of a primary deficiency of HGPRT, should instill cau- activity is elevated in erythrocytes from patients with tion in the interpretation of increased enzyme activity the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome could be potentially im- in diseases of unknown etiology. For example, in a dis- portant. Inosinic acid dehydrogenase catalyzes the first ease such as acute intermittent porphyria, great sig- of two sequential steps leading to the synthesis of nificance has been attached to the finding of increased GMP (Fig. 4). In the absence of HGPRT activity this activity of the enzyme delta-aminolevulinic acid synthe- pathway represents the only known mechanism for tase (21). Indeed, data are now being presented which GMP synthesis. Should the activity of inosinic acid suggest that the increased enzyme activity observed dehydrogenase also be increased in tissues other than in this illness is not the primary genetic aberration but erythrocytes in patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syn- more likely represents a secondary manifestation of drome, as for example in the central nervous system, the basic enzyme defect (22, 23). this could perhaps provide the Lesch-Nyhan patient with an enhanced capacity for synthesizing GMP de ACKNOWLEDGMENTS novo. This adaptation could help in overcoming a dele- We wish to acknowledge the expert technical assistance pro- terious cellular deficiency of GMP and could account vided by Mrs. Jeane Meade. Hemolysates from several pa- for the wide variability in clinical manifestations ob- tients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome were generously pro- served in patients with this syndrome (5). This inter- vided by Dr. J. E. Seegmiller and Dr. Paul Benke. This work was supported in part by a grant from the pretation would focus attention on the second enzyme Cerebral Palsy Foundation (R-247-71), U. S. Public Health in the pathway, XMP aminase, which under these Service Grant AM14362, and a grant from the General conditions could become the rate-limiting step. This Clinical Research Centers Program of the Division of would be consistent with the recent observation that Research Resources National Institutes of Health. , an essential substrate for XMP aminase, in- REFERENCES creases the conversion of adenine to GMP in fibroblasts cultured from patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 1. Seegmiller, J. E., F. M. Rosenbloom, and W. N. Kelley. 1967. An enzyme defect associated with a sex linked (19). Glutamate, which is presumably converted to human neurological disorder and excessive purine syn- glutamine, has also been reported to improve the thesis. Science (Washington). 155: 1682. Inosinic Acid Dehydrogenase 1403 2. Lesch, M., and W. L. 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1404 D. M. Pehilke, J. A. McDonald, E. W. Holmes, and W. N. Kelley