ineers say 6no* to hatchery vote reversed the regional district's additional mariculture on the Coast is a very by Fran Burnside water requirements. The regional bright one. If a hatchery is After studying the report of con­ district would most likely be put to established, it will be there for a sulting engineers Dayton and the cost pf increasing its mountain very long time." • Knight on the proposed private fish storage of water to ensure minimal Gibsons alderman John Burn­ •jhatchery on lower Chapman flows during dry seasons in order side stressed that, "The provision' Creek, the Sunshine Coast to get its water licence increased, of adequate water supplies for Regional Board last week voted and its .mountain storage re­ Sunshine Coast residents is one of unanimously to "register its quirements would have to cover the most serious responsibilities we strongest opposition to the gran­ the amount of. water used by the have. While this creek of ting of a water licence to Linda and hatchery as well as by the district. many, it is still our only major ac­ Thomas May", of Cockburn Bay The study also noted that the cessible water supply, and we must -Sea Farms, Nelson Island. water requirements of a hatchery protect it." The motion further requested a below the district's intakes "may Directors had previously re­ meeting with water rights officials make it costly and quested that a clean-up bond be as soon as possible to ''resolve the construct new intake works and posted by the hatchery to protect •incompatibility "of this application connections". Board chairman Jim the regional district's parkland, on (May) or.ariy other applications for Gurney pointed out that the which the hatchery is seeking'a. the water pn Chapman Creek and district could be liable.for damages lease, and directors further: movecf the regional district's interests". should any result to the hatchery that the secretary-treasurer wr'te to , Chapman Greek has been iden­ during construction of district the Ministry of Lands, Parks and tified as the only major accessible? works-in the creek. Housing and ask who should hold source of domestic water on the Gurney also noted that, while in­ the $5,000 bond in the event that a]' Sunshine Coast, and the regional creased water needs on Chapman licence is granted to the hatchery board's current water licence, ade­ Creek were not a part of the ten- over the regional board's objec­ quate for the needs of up to 15,000 year water plan, "The future of tions. people, will eventually have to be increased. June Hope shows the people touring-Tidal Rush Marine Farms on Nelson Island a thing or two about Engineers estimate that, accor­ ding to the applications made by feeding the coho salmon, housed in floating nets attached to wooden walkways. -sand> t:mcr.»n Ph.,io the fish hatchery, the hatchery •would draw from the creek water FfomB.£^ class corresponding to the needs of ap­ joins Expo '86 proximately 40,000 people, arid would eventually have to apply for A motion to amalgamate the Expo '86 meeting held at Bella a water licence for this quantity. newly formed Sunshine Coast Beach Motel last week. According to Dayton and Tourist Association and the Expo. Fish farms get visit Knight, once this licence was '86 Committee received alrhost • The' tourist association lsM*£d'rii-' posed of motel and resort owners, Besides managing the fish farm, There are plenty of markets for jranted it would have priority over unanimous support at a regular by Sandy Emerson members of chambers of com­ Mr. Hope is the president of B.C. cultivated salmon, said Mr. May, Aid sought merce; and interested business peo­ The first fish farming course at Mariculture [Association; is a who is now flooded with orders in ple, and is intended to form one the campus of Capilano member of the Salmon Farmers his second year of operation. He Association; and serves on the ad­ voice to promote the Sunshine College is the first of its kind in told the touring class that the local Coast elsewhere, its work will be . Over 30 people visory council for the Science B.C. market demands more Council of . Mrs. Hope is ongoing, even after Expo '86 is attended the first course while salmon than they can get locally, Receipts lost over. certified, in diagnosing diseases of another 20 are on a waiting list. . which is one reason does The honesty and co-pperatipn of and forth over any floating sales Expo '86 committee vice- Oddvin Vedo, Economic fish;: which site does from. her such a good business here. laboratory; \ ; members of our community could receipts so that they were chairman Richard Tomkies and Development Cpmmissioner fpr Participants in'the course found spare local Shell distributor Ralph destroyed. Tourism Association president Ed the Sunshine C^past, put the course Tom and Lirida May also plan the tours really enhanced what they Harding the loss of over $8,000 in The only other existing record of Traff had worked out a merhoran-. tog^iherM arid local experts two locations, their present opera­ learned in the classroom. Away credit card sales receipts, the result those sales is the customers' copies, dum agreement for incorporation ^vV^pre^nted.'inforniatipn.; Bob Bapr tion on Nelson "Island and-a pro-: from the glitter of prombt'onal _of a robbery at this premises.last and Mr. Harding is appealing to of the two groups. Through it, the fiste, in charge of the Porpoise Bay posed hatchery Pri Chapman films, they got a very realistic con­ .Monday night. everyone who is a credit card Expo '86 committee would become - cept of what the; en- hatchery, v spoke about salmon Creek. / .\ \.:. •/; / Thieves broke into Harding's 'Of- customer of either of the Shell sta­ an arm of the new society, fiscally enhancement! Eldon Stone, What is .exceptional at their- .' tailed. M " X'XX-Kx,'^., tions to please bjfing uj t^eijr^ppjes, and physically jcyriedUto 4t. but.ifi-. cj farmf-. is .jhg^.fresh':'.watersupply .^MlinMcial^ , ^C^,;acjrpss^ : * Reac-TMnip&ef^ "of any credit sales at Seamount Gar dependent in decision-making. The '••'.'• chery andC.,a fish, culturist;;spoikV , from t^ '•'Xdifficulfyfish''farmers "encounter, a r""reprpof safe. They also stole a Wash from May 2 to 6 inclusive, society would adopt and endorse . _. about reproduction, feeding, nutri- one turbine which generates elec- , because this sort of enterprise is "so boat moored nearby. . and at Charlie's Shell from May 2 the workings of the committee. •' tricity for th£ entire farm. .'. new, banks are leary of investing in" M tion and diseases; Carten Hagen; ; Once on the water, they broke to 4 inclusive, so that they may be Members • moved that the owner bf the smoked'••• The Mays are. experimenting it. Mn Vedo told the: class that open the safe, took between $300 recorded. memorandum agreement be used cessing plant in Sechelt, spoke, \vkh spawners to develop only ' federal funding and business con- and $400 in cash' then dumped The copies may be brought to as a guideline in forming the new about the technical equipment female smolts, with the purpose of . selling; through SCEDS, may help overbbard the safe and the re­ Seamount any day from 6 a.m. to society, and that an eight-man needed. Brad Hope, a fish farmer eliminating the i problem of them through the first couple of mainder of its contents, company midnight, to Gibsons Shell from 8 board of directors be formed, com­ /on^Nelson' Island, spoke about the premature jockirig lin males. This years of fish farming. MM ledgers and over $8,000 in credit a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, or may be posed of four people from each marketing and managing of the has been one difficulty for the The Combx air and sea rescue card sales receipts from both Sea­ dropped off at R. Harding and merging group. The board will also business., Mays due to the rapid and large had to aid stranded passengers mount Car Wash and Shell Service Son's office, across from Molly's consider hiring a full-time person, growth of their fish. Once the enrbute to Nelson Island, when station and Charlie Mandelkau's Reach. to oversee the operations of the en- \ On the last day of the course, the males mature, they^ drop weight their water taxi ran out Pf gas. Mr. group travelled to Nelson Island Gibsons Shell Service station. With such honesty, and co­ tire society and its sub-committees.M and changes in their scales fetch Vedo, the Coast News; and other operation from individuals in our and toured Brad Hope's and Tom only half of the pric^ females sell The thieves, both juveniles who Once formed the new group will ;' passengers were transferred to were subsequently captured in community,' Mr. Harding's losses apply for incorporation as a nono-M May's fish farm operations. for on the market place. another boat. The Hope's seven-year old farm Squamish. then ran the boat back might yet be minimized. profit society. X: is quite large, operating on two sites, one near their home, where 2,4-D used by Forestry June Hope supervises and the other in Hotham Sound, by their son Ken. Peace meeting . They are raising coho and The Sunshine Peace Committee meets tonight, Monday, May 14, chinook salmon, rainbow trout, Locals protest spray at 7:30 p.m. in the library at Roberts Creek elementary school, not black cod, oysters, and sea Potential contamination of shed from which 35 lots draw their were people in the spraying vicini­ at the Creekhouse as previously reported. cucumbers. Mrs. • Hope is ex­ drinking water with one chemical drinking water. (Agent Orange ty. On the agenda will be deciding how to proceed with the issue of perimenting with, sea cucumbers ingredient cPntained iri Agent sprayed in Vitenam caused "I informed the lease holders to the nuclear free zone sign which was taken down last week by. the and black cod. At Hotham Sound,.. •Orange provoked two local women deformed offspring of soldiers who be aware there is spraying in the department of highways. they have half a million fish, which to protest against its use. ; ingested it.) area", said Ms Gehring, "because they plan to harvest at a new pro­ Dianne Flynn of Redrooffs there will be logging in back of our cessing plant at the location. At Road received one of the 34 letters The letter requests a signed" pro­ lots where there will be additional Radio sought their Nelson Island location, they this week sent by Christel Gehring test be sent to Victoria and further spraying in future and this will The application (840215800) by Mountain FM Radio Ltd., P.O. have 500,000 fish, a laboratory and and Jalien Chandlier. The letter appeals to stop spraying be directly effect our water supply." Box 1989, Squamish, British Columbia VON 3G0, for a licence to a processing plant. Mrs. Hope said . claimed that a chemical 2,4-D was directed to MLA Don Lockstead. Even though Ray Geza, district carry on an English-language FM radio broadcasting, transmitting last year they processed 70,000 being sprayed in the Earle Creek Christel Gehring said the pur­ manager of Sechelt Forest District, undertaking at Gibsons/Sechelt, operating on a frequency of 107.1 pounds of fish between November area, which could possibly con­ pose of sending put letters was to assured her the spraying would be MHz (Channel 296A) with an effective radiated power of 32 watts, and February. taminate the Emerson Creek water let the government know there done on a no-wind day, within a to broadcast the programmes of CISQ-FM Squamish, may be ex­ restricted area, and it was far amined at the municipal halls in Gibsons and Sechelt, and at the enough away from their lots, not Pender Harbour Community Hall. - : to contaminate water or human life. Ms Gehring remains concern­ ed the chemical will find its way in­ Food Bank news to the water supply. Mr. Geza also told her the 2,4-D Sechelt Food Bank recipient numbers have dropped from 80 to disappears in a few days because it 40 this month, compared to March. There are still about five new burns off the leaves on registrations each time. undergrowth. She questioned what Baked goods donated from the community will be offered for effect spraying had on birds and sale during Timber Days, arid babysitting for $1 per child will earn salmon.berries eaten by bears. money for the food bank's reserves; needed during crisis periods.. Mr. Geza informed the Coast Call Allison at 885-5993 or Marie at 885-5532 to have your baked News that the chemical 2,4-D goodies picked up. , (Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid known as 2,4-D Ester) which is us­ ed to decrease weeds and free up Nicaragua report young conifers from brush species has a low toxicity. He said he is not Ken Dalgleish and Donna Shugar will be putting on a slide a chemist, but facts about this show and narration at the United Church in Gibsons on Thurs­ chemical, which is widely used as day, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. recommended in agriculture, has After a month of cotton picking and communicating with the shown no toxicity to population farm workers of Nicaragua and the people of Managua, Ken and nearby. Donna are reporting back to the people who so generously sup­ The 20 hectares spray area in ported their goodwill effort. They will be happy to answer ques­ question is 5.5 kilometers southeast tions. of Egmont, which Mr. Geza reported to be at least two miles from the nearest water shed. More road blocks "It is extremely unlikely for the The Provincial Traffic Safety Programme which began April 20, chemical to carry through the soil reports that during 53 man hours, 1,300 vehicles have been checked to that distance. We are spraying by our local Gibsons RCMP detachment. As a result of these road 20 hectares with 80 kilograms of checks, 88 charges have been laid to date, 23 of these were seat belt 2,4-D Ester in a massive land area, charges, five were 24-hour Motor Vehicle Act driving suspensions which is dense and absorbs the and three were impaired driving charges. &_t___3_«_Mr'^*^*»*>A *$i **' ,> chemical like a sponge. The The Gibsons RCMP detachment and the highway patrol will be Nick and Jesse race to the rescue of a man and his daughter who narrowly escaped from a burning fish likelihood of chemicals running off continuing the Traffic Safety Programme until May 21. boat. Fortunately the disaster was an episode of "The Beachcombers", being shot off Keats Island. into t> - creek is small," said Geza. * Olympic reflections The withdrawal of the and several supportive countries from the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles is regrettable but scarcely surprising. Ever since President Carter refused to allow Americans to participate in the 1980 Olympics in Moscow there has been the V likelihood or at.least the chance that the Russians would reciprocate this. year. . It is somewhat hypocritical of the organizers of the Olympic Games to decry .'political considerations' affecting the purity of the Games. Since the Second World War the Olympic Games have been a vehicle for chauvinistic propaganda by vir­ V tually all competing countries. There hasn't been a time when the international contests weren't fraught with political im­ plications. The concern being presently expressed by the Soviet Union is at leasta year old. It began, last year when the Soviet Olym­ pic spokesman was confronted by hostile demonstrations dur­ ing a visit to the . The hostility has been given wide coverage in the media since the United States government has moved belatedly with assurances of safety.' , . In any case, it seems almost fitting that the matter should arise at the present time when relations between the so-called"* super powers have rarely if ever been worse. It is a truer reflec­ tion of the international situation that exists. This is a world armed to the teeth and glaring on the edge of disaster. It is best that we remember that. The strange sense of normalcy which prevails despite the danger may be the greatest trap in history. If the second consecutive failure to hold full Olympic games tells Us something about the real situation so ; much the better.

5 YEARS AGO: <;•-'•/ 20 YEARS AGO was a chance that they might be swept overboard; We had a fair siz­ • Harmony:Hall"1ri; Gibsons . (The final episode in the saga of the 1914 fishing trip to Bristol Bay in . Variety Night'64, the an- ed steel tank on deck that contained our fresh water supply. The tank was crowded pyXfae\l over ' nual showcase for our the Bering Sea aboard the fully-rigged old wooden sailing, ship, the 100 members' ofXihe Sun­ ;• talented young people was W.B. Flint, as told by 90-year-old Bill Billeter of Smithers, B.C., was bolted to the deck with two heavy iron bars. There came a real shine Coast's three 'Lions', , successfully staged by Mrs. who served as one of the seamen on that trip.) strong gust of wind and it snapped those bars like ribbons, and swept Clubs and their vyiy^s as the ' ' .Hazel Evans at Elphinstone the tank overboard. That sure settled the thought of crawling into it. , .president-elect of'"hector.-. ; ; high school. The pianists "I have forgotten the date of our leaving Bristol Bay - loaded to the lifeboats. We were steadily sinking lower and by the fifth day Mnationai/ Lions) .ClubM ' and accordionists all gave capacity. We were still in the Bering when a terrible storm arose that part of our deck was under water and you had to take care not to be Organization, Lloyd, Morgan v •polished performances. Gor- gave us a real beating and we began to leak badly. We pumped fran­ swept overboard. Then the storm died as quickly as it had startetl, •>« of New Zealand gave, local , ydon Hauka's contrasting and not a bit too soon, for I am sure that had it lasted a bit longer we •to , Lions an inspirational"act!*' vocal solos were received tically round the clock but couldn't keep up. By th£ next day our vdreiss. '.'You are,not a small.'•. v With enthusiastic applause sleep quarters were flooded and we were forced to find what shelter would have just slid under. Now that was just a bit too close for club;'^ Morgan tojdtfte.local 'and the Elphinstone Glee we could on deck. As the wafer rose inside the ship, she settled lower comfort. There followed a stretch of beautiful weather but it took ,LiorisV.And jn conclusion, , V. . Club under the direction of and lower. We were not getting much sleep. We had'a number of some time to get the ship pumped out and our. sleeping quarters dried ">You are ^rt of a focca. that * ; Mrs. R. Vernon gave great , : ! , out a bit. We made it back to Seattle in 33 days. All in all it was an r^wifl. Mstarid :/.up'*'.\-an'd/i*be *' i '".--pleasure'-'With' their fresh canvas covered lifeboats scattered, round the deck and were tempted counted..i !M^opeM^e}*&* !' Myoung voices. to crawl into them but we were a ;bit learybecause .we thought there interesting trip, even though it came so near to being a disaster. ^ v v ; &&. together/ help tOv!b *4i^!haKM 'XXX Hackett Park was under- •&' .xripny itoX\fte pebpie- ©j toe, ->.v tak©R~as- Sechelt's provin­ wo'rid." cial centennial project and Terry Raines and his from then on the village Musings fishing partner caught seven council has been improving beauties last Friday morn­ the park year by year. Coun­ ing before going to work. cillor Sam Dawe has said . The heaviest weights 19 that more than $4,000 has John Burnside pounds. been spent on the park Had something important I way she presented herself, en­ tain of belongings, including a sew­ up. We kept the windows open all 10 YEARS AGIO since thehl thought I had to think about, but thusiasm for fatherhood .was ing machine, piled precariously on round to assure movement of dust A grant of $6,600 has you know how sometimes you just beyond, me. "' MV,-/'M M ;•; ±X top. In a strong head wind on the and visiblity. We put a wet clojh been announced under the 25 YEARS AGO get blown away. Something hap­ She flourished rapidly: She was prairies we;ran oiit of gas miles over Diane's face and called her Opportunity for Youth With the help of Gibsons pens that completely changes your the possessor of an > insatiable ap­ before we should have in the mid­ Chiquita Bandita. • \ federal program to Peter Board of Trade, Gibsons immediate intentions. , petite blessecl "with; a ./couple of dle of absolutely nothing. Hor­ Then there were the diapers! Percheson with Allan and local of the United I just heard today that my overly conscientious first time rified at prairie water we spent days What she did in the confines of John Duffy as collaborators Fishermens' Union is mak­ daughter, Diane, has given birth to' parents who felt it must be a crime searching for hydro stations where that car to those diapers. Aftfr to construct a motorcycle ing available to the public a twin girls. to deny the tiny creature anything ,we had learned you could get grinding another 300 miles of dirt track, parking lot and showing of the fishery film, My daughter Diane is my eldest at all. At the age of two months she distilled water. gravel highway behind us we'd facilities in the Gibsons "The Sensitive Sockeye". child. She was born in April in was a beaming little Buddha of a it. was,' of course, the Alaska wash diapers at campfires. taking area. Quick thinking on the part . I was a teacher by day child who sat cheerfully in the Highway that was our sternest test. forever to get the water to boil and Close to 200 students are of 11-year-old Sharon Silvey and a student by night. Diane comfortable midst of rolls of fat on It was a dry summer and the Ri|ey going to sleep too tired- to eajL busy signing up their saved the life of her baby chose to announce her imminent arms, legs and neck. had a rotten floor. It sucked up When we got to Whitehorse one of pledges for the Elphinstone sister when fire destroyed arrival the night, before' I sat .my . We didn't leave her sitting there dust through the floor all the way the first things 1 noticed in a super-, Walk-a-Thon. the five-room home of Stan final exam for my degree. I was up too long. She was just two months market was the fact that disposable 15 YEARS AGO Silvey. This was the second all night. _old when we set off from Montreal diapers had been invented. Charlie, the mannequin time in a week that a fire . I spent more than half of the across Canada to the West Coast, Now she phones and says she's from Marine Men's Wear in destroyed a home in the next day woodenly trying to read Gibsons in fact, and then north to back home after successfully pro­ Gibsons is going on a two Pender Harbour area. college textbooks in a room in the Dawson City in the where 1 ducing what.appear to be identical week vacation to Sechelt 30 YEARS AGO hospital. } was to work. twin girls, Jasmine Nicole ant! where he will be modelling Starting about the end of In the middle of the afternoon The car was small.- a Riley One Chrystal Storm, weighing four anip an authentic Eskimo outfit June the Black Ball Ferry she arrived. She was a long thin Point Five. Diane was fitted out a half and four pounds each at the Sunshine Coast Arts Company will be starting a baby who looked like she'd gone a . with a Chiquita banana box as a .^ respectively, sumamed Villa. .] Council Gallery shop. The ferry service connecting fast few rounds with someone with car bed. There wasn't room for her Congratulations Nick and Eskimo art display is loaned Powell River to the. Sechelt a good left hook just before her ar­ pram top. Diane. You made my day. • to the gallery by Mr. and Peninsula. The new service rival. We struggled across Canada in Grandad Mrs. Ross Gibson who spent operating from Madeira In the state that I was in and the the crowded little car with, a moun­ seven and one-half years in Park to Saltry Bay will be of the eastern Arctic while on a temporary nature until duty with the RCMP. opening of the Agememnon Maryanne's viewpoint Mrs. M. Douglas and Bay Road. Rocky Grey, retiring 35 YEARS AGO employees of the B.C. Ferry Sechelt Building Sup­ Authority will be honored at plies, owned by Tom and Superintendents' appeal for schools a dinner, for their long ser­ Dave Walker, has opened for vice and having reached the business in the village of out change, shows stress and the responsibility and freedom to funding and budget categories age of retirement. Sechelt. by. Maryanne West pressures on teachers being deliver effective educational. pro­ must be used for broad district "Whatever the level of restraint detrimental to good practice, and grammes to their communities. allocation purposes only. School necessary, British Columbia can ill examines those changes in policy 4. Local school districts must have •' districts must have wide discreti^- afford to reduce its commitment to imposed on the system by the the option of levying taxes for the to use- funds,' ;_lthoughMM#e The Sunshine the support of public education. In government. • express;purpose of extending and recognize the right of the ministry times of rapid social transforma­ In making their concern public, enriching the basic provincial pro­ to monitor this, u . .^ tion, schools need to be involved iji the superintendents make their gramme to meet local needs. • 8. In areas/where flexibility and position clear and offer a list of 5. The minister of education must redevelopment rather than retren­ ; professional discretion afe chment. o ,"| conditions which they feel are allow • the local districts, their critical—i.e., curriculum, iestirigv CO-PUBUSHEXS "Even if humanitarian con­ essential. These are as follows:; schools and individual teachers, modes of instruction—the minister John Burnside M.M. Vaughan siderations are put aside and fiscal "1. Local school districts must be responsible choices, with local in­ should^resist pressure for excessive ADVERTISING perceived and .treated as thought EDITORIAL J. Fred Duncan PM Tripp restraint is considered purely in itiatives taking place within broad standardization. M <""' Fran Burnside Lynn Lindsay Jane McOuat cost-benefit terms, continued cuts they are- legitimate custodians of guidelines set by the province. 9. Efforts at duality improvement Sandra Emerson TYPESETTING of the current severity can only be public education in their com­ 6. The minister must provide con­ must be firmly based upon whatsis Gerry Walker Zandro Jackson - detrimental to the province'^ munities, and not as though they tingency funds to subsidize the ex­ known of the educative,process PRODUCTION are merely functionaries to imple­ Neville Conway Lynn Lindsay DISTRIBUTION Steve Carroll economy. Investment in today's ercise'of options in school districts rather than jon: thatM^ftichM|s Pat Johnson pupils is an investment in tomor­ ment the will of government.. where local resources are limited; simplistic and, anecdotal! ..' M ).| •£ row's workforce; in a real sense _. In the exercise of his stewardship and tp allocate special funds to 10. A major consfderat'on fpr The Sunshine Coast News is a co-operative, locally owned public education is the province's and acting through the legislature, • those school districts prepared to future statements andM'actiorits newspaper, published on the Sunshine Coast, B.C., every Monday by foremost resource industry." j; the minister of education must in­ undertake research ' and emanating from the. -pTovincial Glassford Press Ltd., Box 460, Gibsons, B.C. VON 1V0, Tel. 886-2622 This is taken from a brief, "A itiate a broadly based process: a) to developmental work deemed of government must be the^degree fo br 886-7817. Second Class mail Registration No. 4702. , Statement of Concern for Public ;define the purpose, scope and pro­ general value to public schools in which they assist or harrh.the abili­ Education in B.C.", written by the gramme guidelines for public Mhe province. •.•'•-.• ty of local school boards to attract;, The Sunshine Coast News is protected by copyright and reproduc­ Association of School education; b) to provide effective 7. For budgeting and accounting, retain and; Maintain, effective tion of any part of it by any means is prohibited unless permission in Superintendents in this province. levels bf baseline funding; and c) to the minister should adopt universal educators."/ •. X /writing is first secured from Glassford Press Ltd. holders of the It's a detailed and well researched ensure that educational opportuni­ processes . and procedures only Finally the.superintendents ask copyright. document, including five pages of ty is extended equitably to' all after sufficient 'consultation and for a public debate on "Whait bibliography. citizens. testing in the field. Since heeds schools are for?". M Subscription Rates: Canada: 1 year $30; 6 months $18; It describes the complexity of the, 3. Within the broad curricular vary from one district to another, It would seem to be a documeirft Foreign: 1 year $35 educational system, explains the guidelines adopted by the province, and from one year to another which should be both .• widely results of dramatic and ill-thought local school districts must possess within each district, the ministry's distributedand widely read.. Coast News, May 14,1984

"•'•- Editor: over to destroy the whole world "If the super-powers dismantled M This letter is addressed to/ those several times over. bombs at a rate of 10 per year Little Skookum Auto who have not yet joined the^peace "Only 300 modern nuclear each, in 2,850 years each super­ movement. bombs could completely wipe out power could still destroy the whole ' is really moving them out . I think I arri correct in believing the USA and the Soviet Union. world once." (Operation Disman­ —low overhead! Low rjost!

*•*:- that everyone wants peace. These two countries presently tle). • Editor: Therefore, the question; why is 20 possess over 50,000 such bombs. "Many late model Three years ago my husband units in * stock—fresh per. cent of the population (here ' "The world spends $600 billion The peace movement is saying: brought home a puppy - since and elsewhere) against bilateral a year on arms when it would take 1) stop the further production of named Jack. As our family ex­ trades arriving daily." disarraament (according to only. $25 or $30 billion a year to nuclear bombs now, $nd 2) panded to three children, ages six,X municipal disarmament referen- feed, clothe, Educate, house, and dismantle the excess arms until we three and one, Jack became aV> dums, November 1982 and 1983).?, give medical care to all the world's can exterminate each other once beloved member growing with our I suggest that the 20 per cent needy people (up to basic sub­ only. '•...> children. He is known and loved by > 1977 HONDA CIVIC against bilateral disarmament have sistence levels). M Here's hoping you 20 per cent our neighbours as well as the local 4 spe^d'manual, economy 4 cyl., either overlooked or don' t unders­ "One billion dollars spent on will reconsider your position. merchants. very clean body. Finished in Fer­ tand the term "bilateral". education creates 187,299 jobs—in Carol McGillivray My husband has commuted for rari red with radial tires. Just for clarification, it means the military, 75,710 jobs. Roberts Creek k4he past four years and we have DEAL WRITER both, sides, together,^pne for one. ..'-supported and contributed "to the Both sides must agree-before either SPECIAL $3,295 */T, . community in every respect. side takes the firstfstep toward > Society grateful •We have been-repeatedly harass­ dismantling the excess arsenal, and ed by employees of this municipali­ both sides must agree to verifica­ Editor, _ We want you all to know that we ty concerning our dog who has 1977 CAPRICE tion—for political and psycho­ . The Sunshine Coast Community greatly appreciate your support- '.been picked up several times out- M logical reasons—even though Services Society would like to ex­ and that we shall continue to pro­ side the door of his house. CLASSIC "either side could throw away 50 press appreciation for the dona- vide the most effective and effi­ •••.' We readily admit the dog is 4 DOOR CHEVROLET per cent or even 80 percent of its • tions'feceived during the past year cient services possible. The com­ without his lead but as our children 'ONE OWNER' nuclear bombs today, unilaterally,, • and . hope .this letter reaches the bination of local donations, private sometimes play outside the yard, without the other side doing the M :anonymous , donors who made and public grants and a marvelous the dog keeps the children gathered LOW MILEAGE same, and still have enough left.; * generous contributions. Air cond., power drivers', seat, tilt, groupof volunteers support over a .T .and safe. dozen social services.and program­ On Tuesday, we were told to pay cruise,, power locks, power win­ mes serving the people of the Sun­ ] - within 72 hours - $96 to the town dows, AM/FM tape, tp name a shine Coast. of Gibsons or our dog would hence few. ,•'•' The Community Services Society ! be sent to UBC. Three weeks prior TOWN DE GIBSONS is the legal and administrative body !to this $55 was, paid. M DEAL WRITER SPECIAL $4,495 through which' the following ser­ Since we are all suffering from vices and programmes serve the this unrelenting recession, one Trades Walcom* Bank Plnanclng'on Approved Credit Sunshine Coast: Adult Day Care, would think this M sum is NOTICE Alternate-Education, The Ex-, outrageous. . /.M *"'•*; '. " " M change Network, Food Bank, This is how our loyalty as tax- Skookum Auto Homemaker. Service, -Meals-on- paying members of this community Dealer 7381 Hwy. 101, Sechelt HOTLINE 885-7512 SPRINKLING Wheels, Minibus, Rainbow has been repaid. •. • Preschool, Special Services* to Susan Busnarda ' Children, Transition. House, Volunteer Action Centre,' RESTRICTIONS Volunteer Grandparents, Volunteer for Seniors, Volunteer- IBmdleyHunt Drivers, 'kwakiutl Artist '. It is through the support of the presents Raven the transformer, Effective immediately, sprinkling people on the Sunshine Coast that 1 restrictions are imposed on all users these services exist. More.and more the third print in the 'Raven series we. have tp - look to. ourselves to from the municipal water system as help each other and we welcome your continued support. Limited Silkscreen.Edition Printed on Arches Rag Paper follows: • •'"'• Nancy Denham, President of 200 prints 2 Colour Design — Red& Black SCCSS '20 Artist Rroo'fs Design Size —12*" x 18" l.\ ODD NUMBER properties on Highway 101, froril 1 Printer's Proof Print Size — 15" x 22". Henry Road to BalsLane, Wyrigaert Road, Mar­ 2 Museum Proofs Issue Date — .March 15, 1984 tin Road, North. Fletcher, Fairmont, - Hillcrest,' • School Road, ,0'Shea, Abbs Road, may sprinkle .' ' ' . Signed and numbered,-,,•/, . ,' .-, ' • ' on: '... •' , • .,-',.:, •,,/.'• • •, " .v. .x . . •' by the Artist ... , . Odd calendar dates from M ,. , ... 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m...... Price - $45.00 plus 7% sales tax, ,,,,, ,

Also, ALL propertied on North Road, Poplar J. Bradley Hunt Lane, Shaw, Davis arid Henry Roads may R.R. #4 - Grandview Road Gibsons, B. C. VON 1V0 sprinkle on: ' • ' ' ' < • • '['/,[ M Odd'calendar dates from Telephone: 886-7637 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. f^^X^y^XX^XXXX/XX — .. . • g. Sivaiif'ITOlinlilll* Highway 101, t

FROM MAY 15 - OCTOBER 31, 1984 OPEN Step No. 1 An application form obtainable.from: Roberts Creek Post Office • Regional District Office FOR TIMBER DAYS!! Any Volunteer Fireman ••"". (W_ HOPE) Application will be filled out and deposited in letter slot of side door of Roberts Creek-Fire Fresh Doughnuts & Croissants Hall. baked on the premises Step No. 2 . Every Thursday, or as required, a duly appointed Fire Prevention Officer will take these apr plication forms and personally inspect the proposed burning site, if approved, upon receiv­ —• ASSOBTED FILLINGS — ing the sum of $5.00. may issue a burning permit, good for 30 days. Serving ffirtrtrirg \ Teas & Coffees No permit is required for a screen covered incinerator. YE OLDE ENGLISH No permit is required for beach fires (small) below high tide line ®MJ DOUGHNUT SHOPPE and maintaining ten feet from any flammable debris. COWRIE ST., SECHELT (Next to Kitchen Carnival) Denis Mulligan, Fire Qhief 4. CoastNews,May14,1984

1 by Gwen Robertson, 886-3780 roller skates should try to help WSaWKkWSmm3 straggler clowns—perhaps help Come-on you clowns, wherever them onto the truck. 1 you are! Get out your v^gs,'.polish A special: invitation is hereby up your noses, put on your"clown issued to former Gibsonites Al and suits and represent Gibsons in the Dave Karmazyn and Chris Carrow, Just for Participating in Our Portrait Promotion. Timber Days Parade! M without whom no parade would be I A "Town ofsClowns'? truck has complete. been reserved from jQi'bsons Of course, our own Joan ••••i: Building Supplies. Loofcfor it in Thompson, whose idea this all is^ i 8 •i the parade marshalling area in must lead us. Let us have a jolly Sechelt. Everyone dressed, in a parade! Let. us show them what a i I > "clown suit gets a balloon so bring bunch of clowns we really are! 8 I your ''Claribel"- horns, cowbells Don't forget Gibsons' own I and whatever clown trappings you Parade of Clowns the day before, I can ro\mfr.\jp.:Xfy'-XXXXXX Saturday, May 19, beginning at 10 J I There should be jo&mXon''-the a.m. in Dougal Park. M I Bingo! There were games and prizes and entertainment galore at truck for all small downsbut if •HELP!!/' :••.. I there are too many,; perhaps there : We need a vehicle with a CB or I I the Roberts Creek Parents' Fun Faire last week. M-FranB.msidephoio could be a couple'Of volunteer PA to play clown music. Please call trucks standing by. Clowps on Gwen at 886-3780. \ I I •a I M Roberts Creek I art sHow I I M *. • I An exhibition of paintings by the 1 unti!3 p.m. Refreshments will be I Party for the hall « members of 4he Gibsons and- served. I 4 I Sechelt Adult Day Care groups will On June 1 the exhibition of i I I by Jeanie-Parker, 886-3973 VANDALISM PROBLEM be on display at Hunter Gallery, I Vandalism has become a-real almost 70 paintings will move to . ***** The Roberts Creek Community Gibsons, from.May 16 to 31. the Shadow Baux Gallery, Sechelt, I "y* I ! problem in Roberts Creek. Over The public is cordially invited to where it may be viewed until June 4 Hall is 50 years old this year and a I the past few months, the fire hall meet the artists at a reception at the 9. Tea and coffee will be served all I V % birthday party is being planned for has been broken into three times, X] '•» gallery on Tuesday, May 22, from during opening day, June 1. • • I .P I "•» May 26 to celebrate. There'll be a the Community Hall once, posts, at '•i dinner for invited guests, followed the post office uprooted, lights at I Our Bonus Plush Toy is a high quality soft-stuffed animal made ofI 'i by a dance open to everybody. the Legion broken, and sighs and the finest piusti fiber - just tfte right size for your little one: . I Everyone who has worked with other objects spray-painted. I > the Community Association in the Most of the damage is attributed I 8X10 I 4 past or present is invited. A list of to two gangs cf kids. They're out Public Meetin I people was compiled from .various on the road past midnight, even on COLOUR PORTRAIT sources in the community but so­ school nights, and turn up Sponsored by the I meone may have been missed. If everywhere they shouldn't be, like you were on the association ex­ bad pennies. Hospital Employees Union I ONLY ecutive or otherwise involved with Some of them have been banned I UMlf - ONE SPECIAL PER SUBJECT the hall and have not been con­ from the school grounds and the No additional chargurgaa for group* . AdcMfcmal portrait* and tpacWatlartapartfattuw, I ,• MMay avalUMa * my to purctoMd at iMsonabfiiptoMk- _^___-M.' tacted please phone Sue Shepherd police are keeping an eye out for Friday, May 25th, 7:30 pirn. *»oaaa our aatortbnSatflactfo•taction. SaWfactlon auarantaaguanrifcad ortfapoaK ch*«*«^^y itfundady Plush animal avaKabto In varioua dattanaoiourchote at 885-2972 or Debbie Osier at them. The parents have been con­ I UMTT- ONEWUSH ANIMALPER CUSTOMER 886-3994. tacted but don't seem to be con­ Roberts Creek Hall I May 24th, 25th •26th The dance is to raise money for a cerned. . 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Thurs. * Sat 10 a.m. • 8 p.m., Fri. MM' new floor for the hall and will Guest Speaker Mercedes, international I Other, people are, however, and PHARMASAVE feature "Used Guys" (formerly they're discussing ways of dealing Director of Fet Salud I v- Richard and Friends). They proved with the problem. One suggestion SUNNYCREST MALL, V ..' (Nicaraguan Health Care Workers Union) • V" very popular at the Legion on is a curfew to keep them off the I GIBSONS, B.C. Easter weekend and tickets are streets at night. But will thatjpre- Refreshments will be served xxx-X limited so get yours soon. They're L %' vent a kid from taking a shotgun to $2'each at. SeaviewMMarket. No | school and threatening his teacher? S minors.. •rX'"".-: . , 'M '' V- BIG WINNER * As usual, : th^ Roberts Creek Parents Auxifiarys' JFtin ^ire^IasV Friday Seemed' to .be Xttf .su^ess/. The gym wa?;:a veritable hive o£ae-\, Welcome to tiyity'ahdv^eiybody/looked sp&nt out/by the. end off;the'evehing'.. •, (especially the porkers).- •' 'XXHXX* I thought I tvas lucky to draw my own name for the load of wood in .: the service raffle but'the big winner was Margaret CfawfordMShe won three prizes including a massage :'and a fishing trip, both v*ithjyoung X good-looking guys. Some people n. have all the luck! > SHOW FRIDAY X Entertainment at the Roberts Creek Legion will be provided by "The Gee Gee's" this Friday, May 18. Ken Gustafson, Dave Evanson, Floyd Crane, and Nikki Weber will put on a couple of floor shows and provide taped music for dancing in between. . v The "older crowd" is particular­ ly urged to come down for Mhe evening., It promises to be something different arid entertain­ ment co-ordinator Marlene Longman wants to know what ap­ peals to people. LADIES STRONG We Offer The Roberts Creek Legion Ladies' softball team is alive and and enjoy the Goast one stop shopping well and a third of the way into the season.- Having played all the and for all your teams in the league once, the team all the good things that has won four and lost two games. One of the biggest wins was a re­ go with it... fair weather needs, sounding defeat of Gramma's Pub on May 6. The Creek and Gram­ conveniently located on ma's have always vied for top spot in the league but after folding last Highway 101, Gibsons year and coming back with a new line-up this year, Roberts Creek was an unknown quantity. (open till 9 p.m. The Creek ladies are proving to be good competition and should do on Fridays). well this year. Unfortunately their home games can't be in Roberts Creek because of the condition of the school field but they'll be play­ ing in the Wakefield tournament this Saturday and • Sunday so do take in one bf their games if you're in Sechelt for this Timber Day's v weekend. ""•:• -.• ;. ' v SECOND CHANCE %n . X Those who. passedM up the bargains at the second hand fashion show at the Community Hall a couple of weeks ago have a second chance. There'll be a yard sale of "vintage clothes" this Sun­ day, May 20, behind the studio in downtown Roberts Creek. The "studio" or old "Gdon Saloon", for those who don't know, is the building on the corner across from the post office. There'll be lots of colour and ac­ tivity so you shouldn't miss it. Sale starts at 10 and goes to 1.

"A little bit Country, a little bit City...the best of both right here in Gibsons?"

WANTED Goddard's Fashion Centre Dee's Fine Cleaning Used Furniture Village Greenhouse , Players' Arcade and What Have You Royal Bank off Canada ALSUSED Trail Bay Sports K.. Richard's Men's Wear FUMII1UK Pippy*S We buy Beer Bottles Todd** Children's Wear Don's Shoes 886-2812 Coast News, May 14,1984 I Prices tive: [TUBS. May 15 to . May 19

5u'hti.ycrest Mair, Gibsons M Is iiltr Prbntisre •%E..RES_RVE.T-H'E'ftlGtHT.;'T:OXfMlT0UANtitli& 100% Locally Owned & Operated ~M ;: These Cedar Grove students raised $1,070.85 in a Volleyball Serv- x o-Thon, organized by teacher Ian Jacobs, and for their efforts got I five free volleyballs for their school from the Canadian Volleyball t Association worth $45. each. They also received awards, posters, .,.: decals, crests, keychains, and socks, depending on how much they UAL.ITY MEATS! ; raised, and tops in the school was grade five student Tisha Koch, ' who raised $205,20 and also received a T-shirt and a gym bag. Partly Skinned - Ready to Serve - Bone In - Shank Portion *' / Frsn Burnside photo hams kg 2.18 lb. Timber Days Update Regular ; Timber Days official program- work number so please don't call " mes are now available from most during the noon rush) or at home .kg lb. -<• merchants in Sechelt, Pender Har- at 885-2682.. Judy and her helpers ground beef 2.18 ;*bour and Gibsons. The free pro­ are setting the rules and routes so gramme contains the official that all beds will have an equal 'schedule of events. * chance and the safety of team Bulk - Regular -TIMBER TEENS members ensured. One of the teens, Jessie August, Judy says you must register to be 'has had a change of sponsor. included and applications must be wieners kg 1.96 ib .89 '.' Jessie's, new sponsor is the Big received by 12 noon, Saturday, wS am, am ,"""""""""""""" •• ma ~^_^- at ^amw. m • • • • .Scoop. May 19. ' The basketball tournament is Two challenges have been issued Fresh - Frying now over. The results are: so far; the Gibsons RCMP have Wakefield Inn first; Driftwood Inn challenged, the Gibsons 'second; St. Mary's Hospital third; Homemakers and the Big Scoop chicken halves kg _Li04 ib. I •_£%! Mand the Big Scoop fourth. have challenged B.C. Telephone. Thank you to all those who at- Are there any more? - tended the teens' car wash at the PARADE ^Gulf Station on.Saturday and to all The parade is on Sunday, May ". of your who have bought or will be 20 at II a.m. Lee Zenin (885-9361) Grade f~l Beef - Boneless '^buying 50/50 tickets. The teens will be registering entrants at 9 "•next activities.will be at Hackett a.m. at the marshalling area in ; Park during the festivities. front of the Sechelt Indian Band chuck blade BOOTHS AND FLEA MARKET Hall. He asks that you be there ear­ ..>., Jerry Lou says,that the part of ly as the judging begins at 10 a.m. .kg the block house containing the grill Hey, kids! Did you know that steaks is still available. If your organiza­ there is a trophy and ribbons for tion could use some extra funds, the. best costume in the parade? how about setting up a food booth You don't need a float—just dress here? up and walk along the . parade Spaces are available for Mon­ route. You and mom worked so day's Flea Market. Get out your hard on your fantasy Hallowe'en OVEN FRESH BAKERY crafts and white elephants and 'costume, so why not dig it out and . make yourself some vacation show it off again? Weston's Oven-Fresh Crusty or Soft money. Merchants are welcome Don't forget the bicycle too, you know. Call Jerry Lou at decorating contest either. country harvest dinner 885-9750 or Bob (Lions) at BEATER RACE 1 885-9581. This newest event will go on brOad...... ;.. 675 gm I 50/50 TICKETS Monday, May 21 at 10:30 a.m. The rolls doz. 1.29 50/50 tickets are available from location is the area near the SecheltX the Timber Teens and local mer­ Band office". Complete ltifbrrria-M #*'.£< M^feMVMI Oven-Fresh chants. Tickets will also be tion is elsewhere in this paper. We available at Hackett Park. A big wish all the beater drivers good hamburger or thank you to the kids at the Sunny luck. cinnamon Day Care for decorating the draw SUNDAY, MAY 20 hot dog buns „z box for the ticket stubs. Be sure • The Navy league was successful buns pack of 6 1.79 you come to the committee both in arranging to bring to Sechelt not ^^^^ ^a^m aa aa ~^^~ •••••••••••! and admire th children's han­ only the Abbottsford precision diwork. You can buy a pinata raf­ Marching Group but the Discovery fle ticket there, too. Corp Band as well. They, along , TIMBER DAYS CANCE with our own Legion Pipe Band, ' Dance co-ordinator Bob Young will be performing at the park after is working hard to ensure that this the parade. will be the best Timber Days dance Also on Sunday at the park: the yet. The band is Tuxedo Funktion; Cactus Whiskey Dancers along Cfl California Golden there are some terrific prizes to be with Kenny Shaw's logging given away and maybe an enter­ humour, the West Coast Timber corn on tainment surprise too. Doors open Show, and children's events. mini carrots 340gm .09 at 8:30, dancing at 9 at the Sechelt MONDAY, MAY 21 Legion Hall. Tickets are on sale at After the Beater Race, come to California the cob the Family Mart. the giant flea market. The Festival B.C. BED RACING Dancers will be performing follow­ Judy and John Karpenko have ed by the Sechelt's own MX, a green onions *0 . on undertaken this fun event. Judy heavy metal band. Tracy Joe is co­ bunch will have rules and applications ordinating a show of body radishes 3/ -o™ .each available at the Big Scoop. She can building, weight lifting, marshall California «f *__r% spinach be reached at 885-3628 (this is her Please turn to page 6 Hawaiian At Harmony Hall lemons ...... kg .1.30 papayas * Ib.iwO mangos each brate their fiftieth wedding an­ by Gladys Coates niversary. A little bird tells me Spring - where are you? Can there will be a "money tree",. summer be just around the corner? Our Harmony Hall singers have Things are winding up at Har­ been entertaining at the Kiwanis mony Hall in anticipation of get­ and Shorncliffe care homes, and ting out in the sun. have provided some gay times for The carpet bowlers finished up. the people there. They tell me more on May 2 with a good turnout at singers are welcome, especially the Chinese dinner, with prizes for more male voices. They meet on the top bowlers. It is so enjoyable Wednesday evenings at 7:30 at the playing the game that we hall. sometimes forget that it is a com­ Our regular May meeting was petition. When we resume in Oc­ • well attended, and on June 4 at 2 tober we hope more people will p.m. Gloria Lifton of the become involved; we have room, Homemakers' Service will be on for more. hand to explain the program and Carpet bowling is followed by a eligibility, with slides and a ques­ tion period. This will be followed % dart competition which is very competitive and a good pastime. by the final regular meeting for the Thanks.go to Ed and Molly Con­ season. nor and Norm and Mary Lambert Maurice Trumpour has cut the who organize the games. grass around the hall for the first Public bingo is over also, and time this year, and everything will commence again in November. looks neat and tidy. We still have Friday Fun Nights There are a lot of small details to until the end of May, also social attend in keeping up a hall that is bingo every Monday afternoon this used so much and thanks- go to month at 2 p.m. those who so willingly give of their Dick and Eva Oliver would like time. Thanks, also to the all their friends to come to Har­ Pathfinder girls who, for their use mony Hall on Saturday, May 19 of the hall, give it a general clean­ from 1:30 to 4 p.m. to help cele- up each week. Keep up the good work girls! I attended a birthday party at the Drop in and Browse Kiwanis Care Home this week, and noted again what a lovely place it at the Friendly is. It does one's heart good to see Bookstore those fine old folks so contented and well cared for. HBP The Kiwanis members are to be Bookstore commended for the part they play in maintaining such a fine place. § GZO», 886-7744 God bless you all. R Coast News, May 14,1984

When the Forresters, met, they lumber and built a shack on Nelson cent of effort into the marriage. Their neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. were both working for the Flying Island. They stayed one winter and These two were friends from the Laidiaw took the anniversary cou­ Core for Britain, he. a Canadian, in the spring, they put their shack start; • -'-'•' ple for dinner at the Legion hall. born in Victoria, B.C. and on a floater and moved it to Mirabelle from . Thomas Pender Harbour, where they settl­ was a pilot and she drove trucks ed in for the next 30 years farming and taught, other women, how to oysters. It'salthappening drive. M'M--' ' In 1959, they retired from oyster May pay weekend. When Armistice Day was farming and moved to Sechelt declared, ending the First World where they Have lived since, except NORM JONES, War, they, both decided to leave the for four months every .winter, service-and-get married, After when they went to California.-Two MAY 18th & 19th, 9 frm. • i a.m. several years, they flew back to ye"ars agQ,| Mtliey : travelled', to Restaurant open for dinner every evening from May 18th on. B.C. where Thomas took up work with friends.. Mirabelle is on logging boats; .. M ; ^ 91 and Thomas is 89. Pub opens at 11 :OTa.m. from May 18th on. Mirabelle and Thomas Forrester celebrated their 65th Wedding ALL AT THE Anniversary on May tth and 55 years living on the Sunshine Finding themselves both out of secret to their healthy Coast. • Sandy Kmtrxon phnl«> work during the. dirty thirties; they longevity and good marriage has had to..'find a place to live'Mvhere beerr a positive • attitude, with Rentier People ' rT Places there was no rent to pay; so they Mirabelle working harder. She scraped up enough money to buy May Day timetable believes a woman must put 65 per Edith Daly, Ada Priest, Flora Sim, by Jane McOuat, 883-9342 Dot Abbott, Jane Gilmer and a MAY DAY 12-tin sbckeye pack by Sheila Mc- Here's a timetable: Cann. ~ ' • X .... 8-11 a.m.: Lion's Pancake, Grocery hampers were donated Breakfast by Shop Easy, IGA, Taylor's, Oak 10 a.m.: Parade participants Tree Market and the play school OUR $270,000 assemble at the legion (we welcome and a big thank you'to these people entries from Sechelt Timber Days) for their help. ~ 10:30 a.m.: Judging of entries The main raffle prize winners 11:00 a.m.: PARADE froin legion were: Rose Cole - $50; Henry Hunt through Madeira Park - rod and reel, Jose Vazquez of Ab­ 12:00 noon: Ceremonies - Crown­ botsford ••- littie Chief Smoker; ing of the May Queen and May Yvonne Peers - 12-tin pack of Pole Dance; Concession opens sockeye. (legion ladies auxiliary) A barbie doll with a lovely war­ 1:00 p.m.: Games, face painting, drobe went to a very happy little bake sale, bingo, wine contest (en­ Lisa O'Neil and Sally McVean won tries to be in the community hall by the decorated wall plates. noon) Many thanks to everyone who 1:30 p.m.: Children's races helped to make the bazaar a suc­ 2:00 p.m.: Variety show cess. M...••..-.-• 3:00 p.m. Circle boat ride of There*is a considerable supply of Madeira marina sewing items left over and these 6:00 p.m.: Children's dance (all may. be purchased any time children up to 12 are welcome) through the year if a gift item is 9:00 p.m.: Adults dance—Yahoo! needed." Contact Muriel Cameron, The Roosendal farm -has won 883-2609. the Royal Bank (remember them?) Anyone who purchased potted best commercial trophy in the plants in the large containers, parade so many times now thai it is . please save the pots which may be filled up with their name. It will be left at the Bargain Barn or com­ replaced this year by a brand new munity hall. trophy donated by, yes, Roosendal PENDER WiLDLIFE farms. - The wildrlifers have their next Roosendals will not enter this meeting this Tuesday, May 15, at year for a couple of reasons. One is 7:30 p.m. in the elementary school that it might spur more businesses - at* Madeira Park. Their guest to enter a float and the other is that speaker will be. Eric . Brooks on . they don't want to win their own "Appreciation of our ' Plant trophy, "at least the first year", World". Frank says. New members are always LOST BRACELET welcome. . • Gail Girard has lost her 14kt WATER MEETING gold bracelet. Of course she's upset The South Pender Waterworks but maybe someone has foundJt, ,, District will soon.he holding their . and doesn't know who it belongs annual general meeting. They will to. Phone Gail at 883-9197 if you need some new "people to serve as can help. She thinks she lost it at trustees. If you're, interested or the spring bazaar. know of someone who might be, Switch to our Daily Interest Chequing Account- "It's time to call in Uncle contact Mickey Carlton, . George Haddock," I told her. nominating chairman or the office t^ BAZAAR •' ... at 883-2511. The annual bazaar gets bigger SIDEWALK SALE or a Commerce Daily Interest Savings Account and better every year. After a rainy The Bargain Barn will hold a morning, the sun came out and sidewalk sale on Saturday, May and win with daily interest ydii can count on. with it, a record crowd who soon 19—Jeans $1 a pair. Step right up*. When you switch to a Commerce Daily interest Account, you're automatically depleted the home baking and the BENEFIT plant booths. , I write this column before Satur­ a winner. That's because both halves of our "Daily Double" have the features you're Bargains were quickly bought up day's benefit dance for the looking for to meet your everydaybankirig needs. on the sewing table, a delightful Browns, but I'm sure it will have afternoon tea was served, and four •been a great success as there's been Our Commerce Combination Our Commerce Daily Interest prizes were drawn on the tea such good energy surrounding Account helps you win with three impor- Savings Account delivers high daily tickets. them lately. Phyllis said she would tant benefits—daily interest paid monthly, interest from the day of deposit—paid Winners: ceramic dish - Nancy write something for next week, but Brown; one dozen petit fours to say she has been deeply moved no charge chequing on a minimum monthly, instead of once every six -Marie Malcolm; serviette doll by all the help extended to them monthly balance of $300 and a choice^ months. And bonus features for senior holder - Elspeth Logan; Avon soap would easily be an understatement. - Ruth Norman. Next instalment: watching how of three record-keeping options. Plus customers. No wonder more Canadians Grocery hampers were won by fast the new house goes up! bonus features for senior customers. are counting on the Commerce. Timber Days update

Continued from page 5 Monday from Trail Bay Center; Switch during our "Daily Double" Sweepstakes arts and what-have-you to com­ pony rides Sunday and Monday at plete the day's events. Tracy hasn't the park; the Arts Centre Craft $270,000 in prizes! given out the final line-up yet but it Fair and Exhibit of Young. sounds interesting. Peoples' Art, Sunday ai the Arts Well be having six exciting draws in to a draw and you get ten chances to win MX is still in need of a sponsor Centre; the Shriners* Tug-Of-War, to assist them in renting some Monday at the park; the Press' all—one every two weeks. And in each of in that draw. There's more! For every $50 equipment needed for their perfor­ window decorating contest,-, and them, well be giving away one $ 15,000,vv deposited to your new or existing Daily mance, is there anyone who can - appearances by the Gibsons' Town car, two $5,000 dream vacations, one ; Interest Account, you'll get one more come to the kids' aid? Even if you of Clowns. can't afford the whole $125 they INFORMATION AND $5,000 cash prize, five $ 1,000 cash prizes chance to win in the draw following your need, perhaps you could help out VOLUNTEERS and a total of twenty $500 cash awards. deposit. For instance, a $200 deposit with $10 or $20. Call Peggy Con­ Attend a meeting; write to Box Make sure you're eligible for each provides you instantly with four more nor at 885-9347, please. 1887, Sechelt; or' call Dal at FUN, FUN, FUN 885-3808, Gail at 886-3783 or Carol draw. Just open a Daily Interest Account chances to win. The more you deposit, Last, but certainly not least, we at 885-5036 or 885-3201. during any of the two week periods prior the better your chances of winning. . have the Lions' Reno Nights, NEXT MEETING Saturday and Sunday in the tennis The next meeting will be 7:30, courts; Lions' and Airspan Wednesday, May 16 at the village The contest runs from April 16 right through to July 6,1984. And well be Helicopter Rides, Sunday and hall. picking lucky winners every two weeks. So don't put it off. Enter now. Look for Egmorit News complete contest details at your nearest Commerce branchf And remember. You could cash in/. .just for counting on the Commerce. Thrift store tea by Ann Cook, 883-9167 welcome for the tea table. THRIFT DOWNSTAIRS TEA & EVERYTHING The thrift store goods have been Wednesday, May 16 at 1 p.m., moved downstairs for .the summer Karlene is having a "Tea and months, thanks to Karlene and the Everything" day. It- will be work party she organized last whatever you bring—plants, bak­ week. There's lots of room to ing, or your own wares to sell. move around to check over the Sandwiches and goodies are always clothing and goods. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE GOUNf-CiW^ FOR DASLYIWTEHESI • TOOL & EQUIPMENT RENTALS • STIHL & H0MELITE CHAINSAWS' •Available at participating branches only. Contestants must correctly answer a skill-testing question. A list of winners may he examined AND ACCESSORIES at any participating branch within .'*() days after July:'(). 1984. • SMALL ENGINE SPECIALISTS . • RADIATOR SHOP Pender Harbour 883-9114 Coast News, May 14,1984 Halfmoon Bciy Hoppeririiqs

The little girls were most concerned t by Ruth Forrester, 885-2418 as to what would become of their IllROWNIE MAGIC dear old friend* but were quite * i A group of little Halfmoon Bay happy to be assured that it would ^grownies had a very exciting event Ije kept and given to some new ^recently, when they were recipients p^ck which ,may start up ?qf a gift. It was a very special, somewhere oh the peninsula. bfeautifui toadstool. This was a really nice gesture by ', * As most of you know, the theMCBCy which is probably ap­ [toadstool and the owl are impor- preciated more than they will ever AND HER DOCTOR "tant in the Brownie ceremony. •Jcnow * ' | It all came about when one of AUXILIARY TEA ||e Brownie leaders attended an President Bertie Hull of the fapen house at the CBC in Van- Halfmoon Bay Hospital Auxiliary ffmver. While there she spotted was delighted to welcome 29 ||is lovely toadstool ampng tbe members and about 15 guests to 'J*«ops. \'\X•; 'XX.:; their May meeting and tea at £i|udy Gill; BrownMOWI of the Welcome Beach Hall on Monday. rfSlfmoon Bay pack, decided to A short business meeting was u||te the CBC to ask jf they would held and Bertie outlined some of consider selling it. You can imagine the projects accomplished by the her delight and surprise when she auxiliary. received a reply stating that the Queenie Burrows, one of the precious toadstool was being ship­ members of the original hospital ped to the Beachcombers' studio in auxiliary, gave an interesting, little Gibsons as a gift to the pack! talk on the early days of activities. At last week's Brownie meeting, Some of the beautiful handicraft the lovely brand new toadstool was items made by members for sale at made welcome while a rather sad the fall bazaar were on display. farewell was said to the old one The next meeting will be on which has served well since the Monday, June 4, and will be a lun- Halfmoon Bay pack was formed. Please tum lb page IS SECHELT SCENARIO Schools debate fessor Jan de Bruyn, held in the by Peggy Connor, 885-9347 Bookstore lounge, ended on- IMPORTANT DISCUSSION Wednesday with John Milton's AT CHATELECH . • ."Paradise Lost". A very important public forum The series proved a great success will be held at Chatelech Secondary and another ;one is planned for School in Sechelt on Tuesday, May next October, with an interesting 15, starting at 7:30 p.m. ., list of authors that may be picked <' The ministry of education's up at the Bookstore. '•-'-"• White Paper on - graduation re­ BRAND NEW CONCERT quirements is the topic of discus­ The Halfmoon Hams will hold sion. Your opinion is desired, their new show at the Senior parents, and those interested in the Citizens Hall in Sechelt on Satur- education of our children are urged day, May 26, in aid of the Cana­ The incredible photograph above by THEY'RE to attend. dian Cancer Fund. MM \ TIMBER DAYS PARADE M The isame; popular performers, \ Dr. Rainer Jonas shows what a healthy, Sunday, May 20, the Timber led byNikki Weber and with a few active intrauterine child looks like at FORGETTING Days parade starts off the additions, will provide a fun night. . festivities for the Timber Days There are still tickets available, 79 weeks. events, at ll a;m. but they're moving fast. Pick yours SOMEONE Hats off to the committee who Vlip at Books and Stuff in Sechelt, •.' stuck in there and got things rolling or phone 885-2418; so the people of Sechelt and sur­ KINDERGARTEN AT FOR MORE INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL: rounding areas could have their LIBRARY day of celebration. Teacher, .Maureen Moorby CHRISTIANS FOR LIFE SUNSHINE COAST PRO-LIFE SOCIETY PAINTINGS BY DAY CARE visited the Sechelt Public Library BOX 1576 P.O. BOX 551 Volunteer Pauline Lawson has with her pupils .from the organized a painting display, the kindergarten at Halfmoon Bay SECHELT, B.C. VON 3A0 SECHELT, B.C. VON 3A0 work of people who attend Adult School. ^88517488 885-9364 Day Care in, Gibsons and Sechelt. The children took, a great in­ There are 75!- pictures, some by ar­ terest in looking over the books MA (COALITION OF EVANGELICAL • AN INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP tists who have hever before tried and picking but one to take home PROTESTANT CHURCHES NON-SECTARIAN EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY their hand at this medium, and the to read. Now with the library ex­ results are amazing! pansion there is room for children Hunter Gallery is the place to to sit and read or look at the many We, 'the, undersigned, can't forget these little ones. We believe that each human life view them, starting May 16-31, books in their section. - should be protected from conception until natural death. We are convinced with a tea to meet the artists on Thanks to the donation of a Tuesday, May 22. large table by Ross Armstrong, a that human problems must be solved by loving and. helping, not by killing. Linda Molloy of Shadow Baux . person can now research in com­ Gallery in Sechelt also volunteers fort from the many educational (THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAVE VOLUNTARILY OFFERED THEIR NAMES FOR PUBLICATION AND THEIR DONATIONS time and place to give lesons to books available. HAVE PAID THE COST OF PUBLICATION. THEY HAVE WISHED TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR LIFE.) Adult Day Care participants, and It was with regret that the library will feature, the same show at her board accepted the resignation of Anderson, Steve Gibsons Duzic, Joseph ;•' Gibsons Lynn, Hugh Langdale Richter, Moira Roberts Creek Anderson, Cathy / Gibsons Duteau, Mr. Bart Gibsons . Lynn, Betty Langdale Robinson, Jeanette Gibsons gallery, June 1-9, serving coffee Fred McLean. Fred and Jean are Andreef, Anabelle Gibsons Duteau, Mrs. Bart Gibsons Lynn, Sophie Sechelt Robson, Nancy Gibsons and tea to those who drop in. moving to Qualicum shortly. Andrews, Eleanor Gibsons Easterbrook, Cathy Sechelt McCaughtrie, Shirley Sechelt Rogan.John Halfmoon Bay Apchkrum, June Gibsons Edgar, Margaret Roberts Creek McCaul, Beatrice ' Halfmoon Bay Rogers, Mrs. Agatha Sechelt Fred can take credit for oversee-. Augustini, Eckehart Gibsons Edgecombe, Detty Gibsons McCaul, Donna Langdale Rogers, Dennis M.D. Sechelt GREAT WRITERS ing and working to bring the new Bader, Mr. William Gibsons Edgecombe, Gerry Gibsons MacDonald, Leonard Gibsons Rollman, Joey Davis Bay Bader, Mrs. William - Gibsons' . Edgecombe, Irene Gibsons MacKay, Mary V. Sechelt Rollman, Joseph Davis Bay LECTURES END expansion of the library to comple­ MacKenzie, Agatha The great; writers lectures and tion. He put in a lot of time and ef­ Baldwin, Joanna' Gibsons Edgecombe, Yvonne Gibsons Gibsons Rose, Audrey Garden Bay Balfour, Louise Gibsons Emerson, Lloyd - Sechelt McLean, Melody Gibsons Rowan, Brad Gibsons discussion programme with Pro­ fort, and it is greatly appreciated. -Barnum, Ernie Gibsons Enns, Mrs. Barbara Gibsons McLean, Pearl Gibsons Rowan, Marjorie Gibsons Barnum, Kathy Gibsons Estey, Ronald, M.D. Sechelt MacLeod, Florence Halfmoon Bay Rose, Audrey Madeira Park McPhalen, Candace Beckmyer, Jeff Gibsons Fong, Jenny ' Gibsons Gibsons Roxborough, Helen Madeira Park Marsden, Kenneth Beckmyer, Heather Gibsons Fox, Ivan (Pastor) Roberts Creek Gibsons' Ruck, Dave Gibsons Marteddu, Brlgitte Beecham, Lynda Sechelt Fox, Hiroko RobertsCreek Gibsons Ruck, Trudy Gibsons Fraser, J. Cameron (Pastor) Davis Bay Marteddu, Esperanza Gibsons Sadler, Sarah „ . Sechelt Beland, Mr. Joseph Sechelt Mavin, Linda Beland, Mrs. Joseph Sechelt ' Fraser, Margaret Davis Bay Garden Bay Sangster, John Gibsons Fromager, Diane Gibsons Meinechenko, Don Sechelt Seward, David West Sechelt. making it a very pleasant day, and Benson, Debbie Gibsons Melnechenko, Mary by Len Herder Beyser, Gunter Gibsons Frose; Walter Gibsons Sechelt •Seward, Kathy , Gibsons for once R. Bert was speechless. Frose, Margaret • Gibsons Middieton.Jim Gibsons Seward, Matt Gibsons Beyser, Lina . Gibsons Middleton, Elaine Gardiner, Mrs. Holmes Sechelt Gibsons Sheldon, Paulette Gibsons On Monday, May 7, in the Good luck, Bob, and many more! Billy, Theresa Wilson Creek Millar, Janet Gill, Mary Gibsons Gibsons Sheldon, Tom Gibsons seniors' hall, Robert Foxall was Remember, if you are buying the Bob, Annette Gibsons Mackinnon, Moya ' Bob, Margaret Gibsons Girard, Nicky Gibsons Gibsons Shinn, Monty Sechelt surrounded by family and many seniors' lottery tickets that were Mills, Shirley Shlnness, Alynn Gibsons Boguslawski, Danuta Gibsons Girard, Paul Gibsons Mousseau, Jean Roberts Creek friends, all celebrating his becom­ mailed to your home, please turn Boodle, Ted (Pastor) Gibsons Gleeson, Francis Sechelt Sechelt Shinness, Rev. David A. Gibsons Mullen, James M. Stephen, Helen Sechelt Boodle, Chris Gibsons Gory, Lois Sechelt Munson, Esther Gibsons ing an octogenarian. the stubs and.your money in (no Southin, Carole Sechelt Boothroyd, Karen Gibsons Qray, Jim West Sechelt Murphy, Patrick . Sechelt . cheques) to Branch 69 and we will Simkins, Kerry Davis Bay All were capably entertained by Borowskl, Richard J. Gibsons Gray, Laurie West Sechelt Myers, Mary Jane Halfmoon Bay the seniors' singers (The *69ers) forward mem, saving you the Boser, Allen . Langdale Green, Carl Gibsons Needham, Mavis Sechelt Simkins. Marian Davis Bay Boser, Brian Gibsons Hansen, KJeld Sechelt Neufeld, Margaret Gibsons Simpson, Arlene Gibsons postage. The lottery people are Simpson, Barry Gibsons paying us for this service. Boser, Julie Gibsons Hanson, Linda-Marie Gibsons Newlahd, Dave Gibsons Brackett, Hon ' Gibsons Hanson, Marie E. Gibsons Newtand, Judith Halfmoon Bay Simpson, Grant Secfielt The carpet bowling under Jim Brackett, Dianna Gibsons Ha'rdlng, Concha Gibsons Newman, Debbie Halfmoon Bay Soames, Jorie Gibsons Derby (885-2403) will cdntihue into Brackett, Oave Gibsons Harper, Barry Garden Bay Newman, Margaret Sechelt Soames, Tom. Gibsons Braun, Myrtle . Sechelt Harper, Lynda Garden Bay Nichterurtz, Klaus Sechelt Slack, Ron Sechelt the summer if attendance warrants Bremner, Chaddie Gibsons Hatcher, Kay Madeira Park Norris, Effie. Sechelt Slack, Vi Sechelt it. Please come out and enjoy, Breu, Berta Gibsons Hemstreet, Alan Sechelt Norstrom, Cindy Gibsons Steed, Susan Sechelt yourselves: Bridge, William M.D. Sechelt Hemstreet, Evelyn Sechelt Nygren, Bill Gibsons Stewart. Annette R. Sechelt Brossard, Mike Sechelt Higglns, Lorna Halfmoon Bay Nygren, Clara Gibsons Stewart, Bud Gibsons The raffles at the plant sale were Bulger, Clement Gibsons Hilsted.Stan Gibsons Nygren, Joan Gibsons Stewart, Doug Gibsons won by Mr. Hartman for. the Bulger, Mae Gibsons Hitchcock, Robt. F. Gibsons Nygren, Florella . Gibsons Stewart, Jean R.N. Gibsons donkey and cart planter, Mrs; Bunbury, BlancaR.N. . Sechelt Hoene, Pauline Sechelt Nygren, Wally Gibsons Stewart, Norman Gibsons Burnett, William A. . Gibsons Honeybunn, Douglas Gibsons O'Keefe, Brendon Gibsons Stewart, Paula Gibsons Herder for the lovely plant which Butcher, Janet Gibsons Honeybunn, Lillian Gibsons O'Keefe, Helen Secheit Stewart, Ruth Gibsons she has donated to Shorncliffe. •. Campbell, Mel Gibsons Hopkins, Mary Hopkins Landing Olson, Emily J. Sechelt Stewart, Ryan S. Sechelt Casey, Florence- . Sechelt Hostland.Moe Gibsons .Olson, Harold F. Gibsons Sweeney, Jean Halfmoon Bay Cattanach, Peanna Gibsons Huffman, Kenneth Sechelt Orr, Fern Gibsons Szentesi, Mary Sechelt Chailler, Gordon - Gibsons Huffman, Diana Sechelt Ostendorf, John Halfmoon Bay Szabados, Zolton Madeira Park Ostendorf, Nelly Challler, Mary . Gibsons Johnson, Brian M.' Gibsons Sechelt Thome, Muriel Gibsons Oszust, Larry Chambers, Lawronpe Halfmoon Bay Johnson, Dave Halfmoon Bay Sechelt Todd, Bruce M.D. Sechelt Owen, Audrey Chambers, Mary '- ' Halfmoon Bay Johnson, Debbie Halfmoon Bay Sechelt Todd. Meridy R.N. Sechelt Paetkau, Eric M.D. Charlebols, Gloria Gibsons Johnson, Natane Sechelt Gibsons Tourlgny, Gloria ' Gibsons Paetkau, Rev. John Chlasson, Barbara Gibsons Johnson, Oscar Gibsons Sechelt Toynbee, Helen R.N. Sechelt Jones, Peter Gibsons Paetkau, Trudy Halfmoon Bay Tobiason, Elizabeth '• • Roberts Creek Chiasson, Cheryl Gibsons Pankratz, Darlane Cliff, David D. Gibsons Kelly, Roberta Halfmoon Bay Halfmoon Bay Trudeau. Sister Lucienne Sechelt Kirk, Tim Gibsons Pankratz, Tom Sechelt Vucerevich, Valerie '•' Sechelt Cliff, Sherron M. Gibsons Paul, Daphne Cofb, Rosemary Garden Bay Kirk, Georgia Gibsons Sechelt Walker, Diane' RobertsCreek Pain Medication Klatt, David Sechelt Paul, Margy Sechelt Walker, Pat RobertsCreek Conklln, Hazel M. Gibsons Pawliuk, Rebecca Klatt, Nicole Sechelt Gibsons Warn, Kathryn Halfmoon Bay Cooney.Joan' Gibsons Pawliuk, Reg. For the next several weeks we will look at medication used to Koch, Hilda Garden Bay Gibsons Warn, Nicol Halfmoon bay Coonev. Marvin Gibsons Pearl, Lowell :Koessler, Werner Davis Bay Gibsons Watts, Denise Sechelt kill pain and reduce a fever. Cooper, Mary ' Sechelt Pearl, Loraine Korgen.Joan Sechelt Selma Park Watts, Ron Sechelt This class of drug can be.very, useful but can also bo, very Cotter, Robert Gibsons Petersen, Hans MiCroljj, Sheila- Gibsons . Labonte* Agnes Gibsons, Selma Park Weatherlll, Billie Secheit . Petersen, Mrs. Hans Weatherill, Steve Sechelt dangerous;; The majorfconcern wit It these drugs id the masking of ,'•. 'Crostiy, John ' . Davis Bay Lawson, Paulino Gibsons Petersen, Eric N. Sechelt Webber, Brian Granthams symptoms that may indicate a serious problem. It is more impor- Crosby, Winona Davis Bay Lee, Laurence Gibsons Petersen, Jessica Sechelt Webber, Sharon Gibsons ' Crucll.Pat Sechelt Lehman, Siegfried .Secheit Petzold, Jim M.D. Sechelt tant tofindthe cause^ric" deal with it' ' ^•< Weber, Gary Secholt •8 Chapcott, Rev. Tim Madeira Park Lehman, Holly Sechelt Phillips, Ray Sechelt M. The most commonly used drugs are A.S.A. and acetaminophen Chapcott, Donna Madeira Park Lemky, Mark Gibsons Phillips, Doris Roberts Creek Wells, Cheryl Wilson Creek (Tylenol® ). Both are to be used for the temporary relief of self- deKleor, David Sechelt Lemky, Tim Gibsons Phillips, Ron Madeira Park Wellwood, Margaret Gibsons O Lemky, Marlene Gibsons Madeira Park Whyte, Elmeda Sechelt , limiting problems, ones that eventually cure themselves. There deKleer, Angela Sechelt Phillips, Wendy DePompa, Angelo (Father) Sechelt Lemieux, Bob Secholt Pike, Alfred J. Madeira Park Wickland, Barbara Sechelt are many other uses for these drugs (arthritis), but a doctor must Devlin, Art Sechelt Lequlme, Kathleen Selma Park Pike, Kathleen M. Madeira Park Wilkinson, Bea Sechelt make the diagnosis and recommend the appropriate dosage .Devlin, Befnlce Sechelt Leslie, Roberta Jane . Sechelt Pike, Shawn Gibsons Wilkinson, Jim Sechelt Devlin, Dan Gibsons Llguorl, Phil • Sechelt Pike, Deborah D. Gibsons Wilkinson, Lola Sechelt schedules; .MM ''":>••:'"' 1 Wilson, Joan Madeira Park Dickenson, Ed. N. ; Gibsons , Llquori, Pat Sechelt Pike, Maria K-. Gibsons M it has been recommended that if spmepne experiences persis­ Dickenson, Diane •'•• Gibsons Llmky, Abe Gibsons Plourde, Darlene Gibsons Wilson, Martyn Madeira Park tent pain fpr 5 days,.then he should see a dopfor. ' Dloni Sistef Marie Rose Sechelt • Ling, Jim Ping-Ching Gibsons Pollock, Gudrun Gibsons Wilson,Mavis Gibsons - Dooley, Mabei. M '. Sschelt Ling, Wynne Gibsons Pratt, Euretta May Gibsons Wright, Maureen RobertsCreek Next time we will discuss the drugs that are used. Dorst, Jim . Gibsons Uzeo.Mr.Rob Selma Park Pybus, Barbara Sechelt Wyngaert, Francis Gibsons Doret, Phyllis v M Gibsons Lizee, Mrs. Rob Selma Park Sschelt Yates, Heather Sechelt Drummond, Perry' Roberts Creek Luxton, Lottl Sechelt Wilson Creek Yates, Yvonne Sechelt Drummond; Linda Roberts Creek us Coast News, May 14,1984

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Day by Day Item by Item We do more for you in providing Variety, Quality, & Friendly Service. Mexican WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT<3UANTITIES (kg.55)lb. Gower Point RdL, Gibsons Chiquita 886-2257

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HOLIDAY ":';V«;.; Catelli Long SPECIAL Cereal .500 grit .95 Alpha-Bits 45o Gourmet Baker's Fabric Softener Ivory Liquid berry .3litre 4.79 ; : hand Powdered Detergent HOLIDAY cups " ^ -'•-• W SPECIAL • ^amaw ^aa^am aaaaw ^aaaw a • • • • • . . • • • *^ ^^ _. soap .X..500 ml 1.99 Oscarson's Farmer's . .6 litre 4.99 Refill whole Nalley's -~ •' Cashmere HOLIDAY XjmL 1M chili con SPECIAL carne .425 gm 1.19 ,8 roll pack 2.78 The PoP Shoppe Kraft Salad Dressing Bick's miracle dill 24-300 ml Any Flavour 12-850 fill Any Flavour $6.49 + Deposit $6.99 + Deposit 1 litre 2.69 1 litre 1.98 i HOWtt* Strawberry Cream 1. Mix gelatin, sugar and salt in saucepan. Place frozen 1 envelope unflavoured gelatin strawberries in^measuring cup and add cold water to Samson felt when faced with Delilah. However, there V4 cup sugar cover; Add to gfelatin. Stir In egg yolks. was no one standing behind me saying, "Thou shalt 1/8 teaspoon salt 2. Place oh low heat. Stir constantly until gelatin dissolves not"—so I gave in and wallowed in it. There's something 2 eggs, separated and strawberries mush tip—-probably 5-8 minutes. rather satisfying about giving in to temptation! And just In i cup frozen strawberries Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and chopped case you think I've been up to no good I'd better tell you 1 cup fresh strawberries, chopped coarsely fresh strawberries. that my temptation came in the form of some glistening 1 teaspoon fresh lemon Juice 3; Chill in refrigerator, not freezer, until mixture is partially California strawberries. I justified my cholesterol-laden 1 cup whipping cream set. Stir occasionally. dessert by telling myself that Mother's Day only comes once strawberries for garnish 4. Whip egg whites until stiff. Whip whipping cream, Fold In­ a year so why not pig out] slices of kiwi fruit to gelatin mi)rture. Place in serving bowl or mould: Chill until-s^M/^;^^ X.X;X'fx 5. Garnish layishlj/ wrth 'sffiiwberry halves and kiwi fruit.

Have one of your minions* serve you a large bowlful and, Me back and enjoy! 'MM Nest Lewis

Flowed "REAL WIN" BDP BoaKslore ALL SPORTS & Gifts Cl- 886-7744 Kitchen or When wordt | * TM Fill Out & Clip M Corner ol School ft ••; jutf dwTt < #:^** Gower Point Ruds 2. Attach Your Sales Slip'- bathroom faucets • ^sWim iS^ Oar Retiring .adequate| ^ Prime Minister not working? Fly fishing flow?r$ ^e^' , ^ 3. Return to Ken's Lucky Dpifar • Photo jokes starring Callus. 'Jsiy j Rods 8. it III! Draw to be made 5 p.m, every Sunday. PET Medical Clinic, by Charles Lynch Serving the Name. Tel. No.. $4.95 Sunshine Coast Hwy 101 Mon.'Frl., 9:30-6:00 Seaside Plumbing Ltd. 886-23161 TOP OF THE WHARF - 886*9303 Postal Address. Sat^i 10-5% Sun* 11-5 8867017 ; $50 Cjrofcery Braty Entry Coupon Coast News May 14,1984

'_ i^r*»i.»i *4^ ir ~j »*t PRICES INFECTIVE

Sun. May 20 r«E; 'W>..- **^,, '(SS?|W«. 9m&-?&zHt&

Shop with confidence. Our prices are very competitive. Canada Grade Beef Fresh-Utility A We will not be undersold (;- SIRLOIN TIP on these advertised items. FRYING CHICKEN We fully guarantee everything we sell STEAKS ROASTS to be satisfactory I-"' i.r or money cheerfully refunded.

Whole ...ib. 1*07 ^...... ^ ...... -f^s *..*io Bulk Beef Burgers or f€OE> ;.db. 1 .48 • ••>•** "The beiter burger" if. • a • • ...... Iffy «*P.ZO MEDIUM GROUND Drumsticks or Aunt Jemima ^ BEEF.... .(kg 3.51) lb. 1 •OSl ••-»—* • • • ... .lb. I •' Waff leS ...'.283 am I -.1 9 4.39 1 Fletcher's Regular Bulk Breasts or ..Skin on lb. .99 Minute Maid vCX* P -£-£)9 .kg 2.18" *••••••• 5.71 or Bulk -Medium lemonade limeade 355ml .85 or ••••» •*•' J EC ... ./ib. I iVw CH w, m mi • * • .lb...... : Jeff 3.06 2.99 *• • •• • • * > • • • • •:.•;• •••••• kg 6.59 I

HOLIDAY Catelli Ready Cut SPECIAL Kraft Liquid LADIES GARDEN >« ... macaroni .500 gm .95 250 ml 1.09 GLOVES ' *jV« by Sunflower •*v' ; J Powdered Detergent ^^ f • C Baker's Semi Sweet Cool, washable, comfortable.

•**!' i InhnnnUlA am .'.fJfi" f-3-'/i' M fl?" Z.:..,.MMln re^ Regular price $1.79. • --M PURCHASE QQ 8 .350 gm 2.19 Fabric Softener PRICE mW . Si- Better Buy Bounce 40s 3.29 M &* t*\. • HOLIDAY WOVEN MATS bBUflS with SPECIAL Paper Towels HOLIDAY These multi-coloured mats are great for SPECIAL kitchens, bathrooms and entrance ways. 23" x 34*. Regular price $3.49. Sii^S".'.'i&rS . MM #OI*;M!;:..;M 398 ml .59 .2 roll pack 1.18 ;•''•• SPECIAL j** ^^ PURCHASE S J; gg Hershey's Tang PRICE -:T .- • T HOLIDAY chocolate SPECIAL *r .284 ml .99 drinks 1 litre MXtRACTAWA VvSSUpholster^ y •v. if Disinfectant Deodorant Squirrel Mi 'S peanut Cleaner4 hrs. -$15.00 plus cleaning solution v^ 350gm 2.69 butter .500 gm 1.98 Phone 886-2257 to reserve it. "i'-i M becoming increasingly popular, and with its populari­ simple way to test for ripeness Is to Insert a tooth pick In the fruit at the stem end. If It flows freely In and out tyt is now quite economical for use in salads, or,as an appetizer. Vegetarians use it as a meat replacer for It is of the fruit, It is ripe, ready to eat. They say you should by BUI Edney protein rich, and a very good source of Vitamin C * never cut an avocado until It Is ripe. When ripened they i nay be refrigerated. '•fl- This brings me to the real purpose of this

;""** • Avocados In Salads » *> article,—how to shop for avocados. Yes, you may test MM I'ifi no cook, believe me.—but I can make a delicious for ripeness by feel,—but the steady volume of sales In salad, and when I make a salad 1 use everything but the these days means that you seldom see ripe or over-ripe kitchen sfnkl .* avocados on the counter any more. If you love iff. avocados as I do, and use them regularly, then you X.. My favourite Is a salad that contains as well as let­ would be advised to always have avocados on hand In tuce;, cutvup bits of green pepper; celery, cucumber, various stages of ripeness. iH. mushrooms,, radishes, green onion, tomatoes, avocado and sliced green grapes. With pepper added, I I have frequently overheard the dissappolnf ing com­ ments of those who, having searched through the bin, k wouldn't care If I added any other salad dressings or 4 hot. If I do, my favourite Is a spot of blue cheese dress­ could not find one ripe enough to use that day. So do ing.. ; • plan ahead and have one or two on hand for use as Avocados, as most people will know, are best for needed. Diced, they enrich your salad, and are good fcl But this discussion was intended to centre around for youl; Buy three for $ 1.00. the avocado. This fruit, for that is Its classification, is eatih^yhen they yield to light pressure on the rind. A "REAL WIN" If- irism _ Girl & Guys MARRE1 * Variety i Uttani • Lunch Special T Deli and Health Relax and ] ,v*".' K.L.D. Winner Flsh& 886-9021 enjoy the j Jfoobs #195 Chips view from -Wednesday—. :*&*?- the picture Join us for a delightful Eva Awrey $3.50 fresh on rice with window in deli sandwich, pastry from Noon—3:00 p.m. PrawnS saladbar. our newly and beverage in our Langdale renovated Open 7 days, a week $6.25 drying area. smoke free eating area. 9-6 Fridays - 9-7 . Fried eggs, toast &. coffee i86-7888j $1.99 AU WEEK IONG 886-2936 $5Q Grocery Draw ¥Viiiiii|r 10. Coast News, May 14,1984 MMmp P.S Thursday, May 17, 7 p.m. will answer- various questions of 1. Elphinstone Grade 8 Drama cbn<;ern.' If you have any ideas or On location in Elphi's gym last questions please call MAngela at Tuesday, Coast 10 students Eike 886-8565. Hagen, Kevin Henry, and Joel by Sandra Emerson MacKown taped the drama presen­ ARIES (March 20-April 18) working late hours. Guard your tations. This week we feature the * Your financial picture looks pro- health- and get extra rest. grade eight performances. X. v_ _. ;_, stable early in the week. Creative Favourable earth time of Mercury- 2. Crib Deaths (XM?' $air in career matters all week pays brings practical financial oppor­ Former Community Broad­ dff. Romantic outing at weekend tunities requiring travel or long casting student Ann Watt produc­ Bistro Night Riarks a new cycle favouringsocial distance', calls-this week. ed this documentary on crib interaction. LIBRA (Sept. 22-Ocl. 22) deaths. Taped at BCIT as part of>- M Every Sunday TAURUS (April 19-May 19) Financial matters continue to de­ her final requirements for gradua­ tion from their television produc­ | Past, personal conflicts with mand your time. Romantic invita-~ tion course. Ann is presently on family and partner are'now passing tion this week may see you dining her final practicum at BCTV where LightMeals . a]> this week marks a renewed cycle at an exotic distant place. Family she is working with Tony Parsons fpr earnings and securing your relationships may be upsetting. and the iNews Hour. & Live Music Holdings. Be alert for money op­ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 23) portunities. Size up your future Relationship matters become . Pleast note? Coast 10 volunteer goals Wednesday to Friday while more harmonious and partner con­ Angela Kroning is producing a television documentary for Chan­ influenced by fortunate vibrations. tributes to income this week. Pro-- ROBERT'S CREEK B.C; GEMINI (May 20-June 19) • perty and taxes become a priority nel 10 about the water export pro­ j; Unexpected legal matter or for-" ' after the weekend. ' posal for Hotham Sound. The pro­ 885-9321 tunate offer comes your way later SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 24-Dec. 20) gramme will show the isuses and this week. An opposing energy mid New zip in outlook has you \yeek is best handled silently. Your shopping for new threads energy gets a boost starting Sun­ midweek. Advise you be realistic day, followed by the urge to and sensible rather than adven­ change your appearance. turous. Romantic invitations tempt CANCER (June 20-JuIy 21) you at weekend which marks a new An active social cycle lately is trend. Television Star Bruno Gerussi -notched up another year while slowing down. This week you feel, a CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) filming off Keats Island with "The Beachcombers" last Monday.

need to withdraw for quieter ac­ Communicative Mercury and •i. Inm Burnside photo tivities. If your moods are swinging harmonious Venus continue to Sigh and low, temper it by playing favour your creative expression jSassical music non-stop. Also seek producing a sense of weir being. ;|«ut cheerful people and activities. • Changes ,in work "^natf erSdraw ti~ut Trower on the ro&& j|_0 (July 22-Aug. 22) your best quality, patience. I** Recent boosts to your status quo Romantic romps surprise you this ;e now highlighted by groujxcon- "week.-' :•,•'.-'•.-. ,:•/.- :•, ' .-MM M jrns.On weekend your ownMinifM MAQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) v le creativity surprises you. Work * ^C;ftorne creative :\# frerests continue to grow this expression this .week. Hjurribny by PetCT TrowjBif51 Getting a grip on ourselves k and favour you financially prevails ho matter what you do, we commence the mandatory RGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 21) and you are in the mood for- love, • : The next, destination we have< circuit Short trips near and far, carrying particularly at weekend. A finan­ pickedi put, for ourselves is purely move from viewpoint to viewpoint Ssages to and from others cial opportunity through real esTdtev MgratuitousMand.has nothing what- photographing each other hlight this week. Some new could keep you busy early in the '^oeyer to^^o with Holy Herb against guard rails on dizzy (reer developments may see you week Wiifs6B.Jbrany of his cronies. We fingers of stone rr-'-ajU^ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ask the museum director about the with all the wind temples and Drop off your Arrangements for a long term Grand Canyon and adjacent ac­ COAST NEWS wild castles project evident early in week. comodation. He tells us that the of torn Arizona It's happening at the pub... l. • -- at Business fluctuations unsettling, places.close to the Canyon are lifting put of that great - Book* # muff but good news follows. Friends usually booked up months aheadH ^ gujl[behind. Mon.-Wed. qntll noon Saturday continue to brighten your days. Leaving pleasant - if add. You may pair up for weekend -Kingman,, we head east. again in At almost the final lookout Ken travel. the refurbished station wagon. with the cliff-top tourist-trap Atkinson Very shortly, the road begins to village - Show climb and we leave, the parched the giddy mule trail below it desert country behind us. As we tilting across the precipice - Thurs., Fri., Sat. t gain altitute, the terrain begins to the whole tree-capped river-carved Cuervo i alter radically. These, are very chasm i pleasing landscapes that grow snaking away to the . Brothers greener as we progress. There are Painted Desert- v - farmhouses now -cattle, sheep and" all reduced[to onebreathing Sloii won't believe this show. horses graze among rolling emerald postcard vistas. It is a welcome change from whose only borders . Baron of Beef & Oyster Ba r the drylands. sy are the limits of eyesight and mind, • With these prices you can't afford to eat at home. MMv The', road winds higher. Now we the car blows its water hose .• ^ • Always featuring "something special'. are among alpine meadows and rand leaves us maropried^pn ^ ,..., —TAKE OUT SERVICE AVAILABLE— MPohifers, Mroiiritry so similar to ^~ the brink: "'•'; •" " }<\ -V-? ~M'-- British Columbia it makes us a bit "M "'• . r.j- '.' homesick. It is noticeably colder After some realistic assessment now. At the edge of nightfall ;,' you hitchhike into the village : again, we reach the town of leaving me to guard our Williams, very close to the Grand • stranded chariot Canyon turnoff. We decide to lest there be thieves in., wonderland • spend the night here and head for Time trickles away the Canyon first thing in the morn­ into that mile-deep trench ing. I pace between the dead car The motel clerk, paradoxically and the dangerous allure of enough, turns out to be from the drop North Vancouver. He, Yvonne and A chopper dragonflies over the The Fabutlous I chat briefly' about distant, buttes : familiar places. Then we head for a Shadows etch the North Wall cafe he has recommended. An anxious hour passes and Thomas Kros. September 16, 1982. It is Grand another , Mon.-Sat., 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. . Canyon time. We hit the road You don't return. almost as early as we have threatened to, head for the turnoff The call of the Canyon fades to a Mon. ^Sat. "Early Bird Spwtolj" and'drive north. The road crosses a whisper high alphine plateau. The trees in the clamor of mounting anxiety -ii a.m. • 12 noon —Deals on Everything— now have become small and It builds with orchestral insistence stunted. The plateau is over 6,000 What if by some perverse turn of •/ EV68. SHOOt0fS Sm 6 Days a Week feet above sea level. It is hardly the luck \ Exotic Dancers - 5 Shows Daily sort of location that Yvonne and I you hitched a ride with a psycho? imagined the Canyon to be in. We Hopelessly helplessly Thurs., Copy Kat DBZe Just like tha Legion had always associated it with desert I realize how much you mean to me Fri-, if you'va got tha time, we've got tha... country. and curse myself for not having The way to the Canyon is punc­ gone Sat. —Super Specials— tuated by several small, plastic as apprehension ticks into alarm. r-Eutra SMMA0 In Mia Lornf Fri. A Sat, 10 p.m. .•» a.m. towns that appear to have sprung up almost overnight like garish Then just as I prepare mushrooms. They evidently exist, to abandon the expendable car on the Canyon's overflow trade. and set out in desperate pursuit, *•>• Motels offer cut rates and souvenir the most welcome tow-truck yx shops/abound. There is even a I ever saw in my life FlintStone'y , comes wheeling like magic around seemingly set up there to lure kids the bend. -, away from the natural wonders ahead^ - ' - -XXX-: "They close the garage for lunch'' The plateau's pieplate flatness you say and a growing profusion of scrub Xgiving> me that smile' trees, prevent us from, seeing the that could light up a neon sign canyon until we are practically' and at that infinitely-thankful driving over the brink. Yvonne^ moment I kpow . I burst upon it suddenly, wide-eyed you.. are more singular and and .without warning. It does not marvellous to me disappoint u£: > M ' /• than -all the wonder of all the

.^v"' Grand Canyon * When wj$ fits* stand ^^ ^ yawning huge and inconsequential onihejidf^pf"that impdssibif' Amder the sun. X} ditch*X.-V M M M To be-continued all we can do is hopelessly laugh at thesfeer unalloyed ridiculous enodnny pfit- , God yriustl have worn out a CLASSIFIEDS fewlshovels M B & J Store whenM dug this one; X '-•• ?.

A Trl«iM«l!y f»o.-.M>!«' »'f"

-REWARD- A reward of'$500. will be paid for.information, leading, to ar­ rest and conviction bfthe person or persons responsible for breaking and entering ihe'^XfarmhouseMJhf corner of Highway 101 and Neilsen Roaifin^bertG

In an application to the Cana­ almost as: severe as was the in­ Road in Sechelt, and at numerous Approaches Ltd. Letters must be dian Radio-Television & Telecom­ terference created when the CBC other locations in Sechelt and Gib­ received by May 30, 1984, and a munications Commission (GRTQ tested its use of channel 10 Vic­ sons. copy must be sent to the applicant filed last month by CKVU - televi­ toria, back in early 1979. Those Preferably, subscribers or in­ -CKVU-TV, at 180 West 2nd sion in Vancouver, that station has tests resulted in the total loss of terested members of the public at Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y requested that it be permitted to channels 9 and 11 to Coast Cable large should write an individual let­ 3T9. use channel 10 in place of its ex­ Vision subscribers. ter to the-CRTC in Ottawa, K1A Should you need further infor­ iting channel 21 to serve .••„ If channel 10 goes on the air as ON2, protesting the likely, loss of mation prior to writing your letter, southwestern B.C. .proposed, the only way that chan­ channels 9 and 11 on the Sunshine you can contact Mr. Carl Bobardt, If licenced as proposed, Sun­ nels 9 and 11 could be saved would Coast. Your letter must reference district manager for Coast Cable shine Coast cable subscribers will be to import them by microwave at. application #840374300 by Western Vision at 885-3733. M likely lose channel 9, the' public a cost of at least $2 per month per ,fft£Seefrett teaming"Cenif^MW tiMUrf^ ^broadcasting services from the cable subscriber. • <:* ^pe4 this Vummer, 12:30 to4;30 p.m^f; University of , and The PBS affiliate from Detroit, channel 11,"an independent televi­ Michigan, and. CHCH-TV Young people show % MoMay to Friday; Tuesday, May 22 to % sion , service operating from Hamilton* , could be Monday, August 6, inclusive. Call or visit for •') Tacoina, Washington. Community substituted for the loss of channels *-' % course Information or library service^;; channel 10 would be re-assigned to 9 and 11, respectively, but .they at Arts Centre either channel 9 or Ml. would cost close to. $2 per month The Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in and to enjoy the refreshing direct­ X". The problem arises from the fact per subscriber, •Both iof these ser­ Sechelt is pleased to present its An­ ness of children's art. that the local cable company vices wouid be" delivered three nual Young Peoples' Exhibition The Annual Timber Days Craft receives these low level Seattle and hours earlier than "real .time" on from May 16 - 27. Fair at the Arts Centre will be oh Secheit Learning Centre, Tacoma stations "off air", and if the Sunshine Coast, due: to time Sunday, May 20 from 10 a.m. - 4 inlet Avenue, 885-9310 channel 10, a high level transmis­ zone differences. Organized with the co-operation p.m. The fair will be held outside sion service, comes "on air*' it will Coast Cable Vision Ltd. is en­ of all schools from Egmont to in the Arts Centre garden, and if interfere with the low level adja­ couraging its subscribers to, at the Langdale, the show is a great op­ any craftsmen wish to participate it i cent signals of channels 9 and 11. least, sign a copy of a petition portunity for the public to see what is not too late to let us know. This interference would be available at its offices on Wharf., arts is being done in the schools Phone the Arts Centre at 885-5412. Artists in B.C. festival 9 e-WORKWEN? Seventeen works of art and nine ' Secheit area artists will travel to Penticton in May as part of the GREAT /_VW©RLD Choose from B.C. Festival of the Arts. several design*- • The Festival of the Arts, which will take place May 15 to May 19, MAY 17 THRU MAY 26 is a lottery sponsored showcase bf amateur art involving provincial level competition in music, dance, drama and fine art. Along with competitions, . the festival will feature master classes, demonstra- \ 1st QUALITY ,<««•»•"••* tions and entertainment. BASEBALL STYLE The art winners are from the re­ cent Sunshine Coast Arts "Festival. Juried Art Show. Art works from i*mip* this and 16 other juried shows, sponsored by the Assembly pf B.C. BEER Arts Councils, will go on display in FIRST Penticton. -:-.:\ , .,•••;.-';...'•. QUALITY Artists involved are: *Vivian Chamberliri - watercolour; MEN'S SHIRTS. •Marilyn Rutledge - crayon draw­ STRAIGHT LEG • TWO-TONE 3/4 SLEEVE ing; ""Carmen Gehring; - acrylic; • COTTON/POLYESTER BLEND • Slim lean fit • SIZES S,M,L *Sue Clarke - watercolour; * Eve • Designer pocket la»*fi& • EASY CARE MACHINE WASH Smart - oil; *Axel Stenzel - metal • Banana stitch sculpture; * Jo Small - hand- # painted silk scarf; Trudy Small - two mixed-media paintings; *C.J. Armstrong - two marble sculptures; Lindy LeBlanc • - jewelry; Ron Pattison - pottery; • 100% PREW ASHED COTTON • RIVETS AT STRESS POINTS EACH Christel Fuoss - two sculptures • YOUR CHOICE OF STRAIGHT LEG OR ATHLETIC FIT (bronze and wood and plexiglass); • WAISTS 28-38, LEG 36 • QUALITY CANADIAN MADE Patrick Korch - watercolour and OUR ATHLETIC FIT PRICE airbrush; Joan Bist -batik.... e. • More thigh roorrf T Artists indicated with an asterisk • Classic pocket"! •f--rr;i^r4 *.S> lfs* H/!>t_ t __ 3 ( will accompany their artworks to • Orange stitch '%- the B.C. Festival ofvthe Arts. Remarkable EACH YOUR K '• ' : X'-:" ,- ''•'• -.'-:• ••?'>; OUR CHOICE Savings on Ladies' Jeans & Sweats film PRICE OF The film presentation of "Silent 1 St QUALITY LADIES' 1 st QUALITY LADIES' Enemy" at the Arts Centre in FIT Sechelt on Wednesday* May 16 is a: 2 PIECE STRETCH veJ7 special one, Jarranged by Allan Crane whose operation of the AN INCREDIBLE Kwahtahmoss Film Society in the Savings on Work Boots & Jeans VALUE! 197CTS is weil-knbwri to many Sun­ SWEAT GuiG shine Coast residents. He has pro­ 5 pocket Rivets at all vided the following outline. -stress points As a portrayal of aboriginal life, styling- SUITS Silent Enemy is every bit.*; as Double stitched • AVAILABLE IN EXCITING SOLID SHADES OF AQUA, remarkable as Nanook of the outseam--». 13% oz. prewashed • POLYESTER/COTTON STRETCH DENIM ——-—denim ROSE, MAUVE & BLUE North, while its animal • 100% SHRINK RESISTANT, • CLEAN FRONT/2 BACK POCKETS photography rivals that of Never | Double stitched J • MISSY FIT SIZES 8-20 inseam- EASY CARE ACRYLIC Cry Wolf. Yet very few people '"'.:•• • KNIT CUFFS, PLACKET have had the opportunity to. see Room in seat COLLAR OPENING I Boot cut styling- ^ and thighs •COMFORTABLE II this most remarkable film. ' & GOOD LOOKING! Based on 72 volumes written by THE ORIGINAL INCREDIBLE 1st QUALITY > • S, M, L Jesuit, missionaries . documenting Ojibway life before the white mah, OUR the film presents an impeccable PRICE reconstruction. No expense was' • A CANADIAN LEGEND SINGE 1979 spared in the making of this, mo­ • 13% OZ. PREWASHED DENIM * STRETCH DENIM tion picture, which was filmed en­ • DESIGNED TO FIT, ENGINEERED TO LAST tU The look of regular denim with form-fitting tirely on location in 1929/30 in' • WAISTS 2Br44" LEGS 30, 32, 34 wilderness Ontario, accessible at ; comfort and shape the time only by air or water. The retention. "silent enemy" of the title is hunger, and the film depicts rivalry over the leadership of the Indian band. The film died at the box-office : PAIR when it was released in 1930 OUR OUR because it was not a "talkie". SAVE 26% / ficial opening of Gibsons Building Supplies in Sechelt last Satur­ Bonnie McConnel - 277-908 Andy Stewart • 258-855 day, and the autograph he signed for Gladys Joe was one of hun­ Mickey Nagy 262-868 dreds. Looking on are manager Lee McLellan, back left, and Bob Fletcher 262-911 owner Reeves with son David. FranBumsidephoto Hazel Skytte . 243-866 Jocelyne Boyce 285-850 From the Fairway Nora Solinsky •" • • 277-970

by Ernie Hume Grant with partner Aleta Giroux Lawerance. A close 138 Vz took se­ managed a 7th low net finish. cond low team net; Andy Gray, Monday, May 7, Mixed Twilight In the qualifying round for the George Conn, Alec Warner and played an alternate ball tourna­ Milburn Trophy, 32 ladies will be Bill Grant formed the team. ment with two member teams. Low in contention on Tuesday, May 15. net for the night was Dawn CLGA pin round winners were Bayford and- Ernie Cupit with a Phyl Hendy, net 68; Kay Budd, 69; All Star 33.5. Second low net, Louise Rita Hincks, 63; Marjorie Ross, Dorey and Bob Emerson shooting 68. a 34. Low putts prize to Nan Mac- Farlane and Lyle Brock with a 16. On Wednesday, May 16 at 11 May 8 and 9 on Ladies Day,. a.m. a slide show presentation on At the last executive meeting, Tuesday and Wednesday, the win­ rules of golf will be offered"!© the final plans were drafted for the up­ ner of the two-day tournament was. lady golfers in the club house. coming hockey season all star for­ Edna Fisher with a low net 73. Men's Thursday morning mat. Runner-up was Beth Niddery scor­ seniors enjoyed a four-man team Since the teams would not be The Province of British Columbia salutes the ing a low 74. low net event with 65 members on able to travel as extensively as the artists who, have qualified for the 1984 B.C. A group of our ladies journeyed hand, low net event with 65 other Lower Mainland teams due Festival of the Arts, to Pitt Meadows Golf Club for the members on hand. First low net to our isolated situation, the all star CLGA district 2-5 and 8, two-ball with a 138 was Tom Milsted, Lyle teams will play in the house league A celebration of music,, dance, theatre and visual tournament last May 7. Dody Brock, Walt McMillen and Bill of the division above them..; arts, the B.C. Festival of the* Arts plays Penticton. Tournament hockey will be pur­ May 15 to 19, 1984. sued. Any players interested in try­ ( ing out for the all star team should •£__»•CBC AM covers the awards live, contact the following: I. Atoms «f« Saturday, May 19th. ' ;.5\i A (i r$ t__-K.KX x E !. $ -Ron. Protocky, 885-7523; 2. Pee Wees - Eric Paetkau, 885-5636; 3. ,T Bantams - Harry Story, 885-5005; Science Diet l 'CbasiVet 4. Midgets - Carl Kohuch, Pet Foods Service" 885-2340. These coaches will have dry land training programmes available for Now available for ail breeds interested players who are en­ couraged to take part in this pro­ QUALIFIED DOG GROOMER gramme. . Hon. James Chabot, Minister Responsible. Also ( It appears that the arena will be .Funded by B.C. Lotteries. cementing it's floor, allowing for a |Dog Jk Cat Boarding, Dog Obedience Training| longer hockey season coming up.

"•*-: >*v>:'. "s,1;*:•»^;'',':'.•ft.i-".1 "*>')•.r'.^>'•' 886-8568 m$&; -."I-M "; -'; • V -' ••- • ".*" * '>.v*r$v\f;v.v '•"-Trfjs'fr* 1* ~"**r!»?^V;*? 5

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Stepping into the by Sheldon Sipe Few of us would disagree with the necessity of a pilot to file a future flight plan. In the event of an acci­ dent this flight plan ensures the fK together best chance for survival. However, many of us each year go sailing, fishing, skiing and canoeing without filing a "Float Plan". The chances of surviving a cap­ sized or swamped boat decreases with the amount of time spent in the water. An average sized adult has a predicted survival time of less than three hours in water at 10 degrees centigrade. Gift your graduates with - a Three hours should enable a rescue team time to find you, but computer from only if they know where to look. To file a float plan, simply leave the following information with a responsible adult or the RCMP; your name, address, number in party, description of boat, route "We match regular listed Vancouver prices" description (including launch point and time, arrival point and time), Keyboard, disc drive and monitor from person to contact in emergency. $1,056, For further information on safe boating contact the Canadian Power Squadron, Canadian Side entrance, Bank of Montreal Bldg-, Sechelt 815*2000 Yachting Association or the Cana­ dian Red Cross. v

Fdr your special publication and brochure needs, follow the Timber Days crowd to Glassford Press Ltd. 8862622 or 886-7817 Coast News, May 14,1984 13. 1*_** There are seven ladies' softball Reserve will sponsor a tournament play in Squamish, Abbotsford and teams in the Sunshine Coast league at Hackett Park, with cash prizes. Port Coquitlam in a 36 team tour­ M this year. There are other invitations to nament in August. by Carole Southin The 1984 beater races will be ' So far, Trail Bay Sports has not held on May 21 at 10:30 a.m. on lost a game in four; Gramma's What is a Beater, and what is a the Secheit Indian Band property/ Blues has won three, lost one; .IJeater Race? A beater is an older directly across from St. Mary's^ Cedars Inn and Roberts Creek model truck, (half or three quarter Hospital. M • both have won two and lost two; ton). In appearance it is' beat-.up Trophies have been donated'hy Sunshine GM has won two, lost 'with rust, dents, etc. Beaters can be sponsor, Sechelt OK Tire. * one; and not getting a win in three seen anywhere on the Sunshine Manager Reagan ' Chilton...will games are Wakefield Inn and the Coast, chugging up and down the MARKET award these to the first place "Top Eagles. highway complete with a load of Time Eliminator", and the second Groceries Davis Bay, B.C. Open Upcoming on May 19, there are Sundries Xy/pqd, chain saw, general junk, and third place runners-up, 14 ladies' softball teams entered in 885-9721 9. *-•••- and of course, a dog. . •:';'.. Sechelt. OK Tire will also award the Timber Days Tournament, Fishing Tackle There are enough beaters to a trophy to the vehicle judged to competing for cash and trophy Tlmex Watches 9 p.m. make up an event for timber have, the best, over-all look of a prizes. 7 Pays a Week pays, and that is where the beater beater. This is the "Beastly Beater The seven team league has been race concept originated. The driver Award", and will be given on May, Catchers' mitt poised, first invited to play in Power River on M\77D£ XTABLES is called the "beater pilot", the dog 20 at the start of the Timber Days base player for the May 26 and 27, and the Wakefield Sun. May 20 a "beater buddy". Requirements parade. ~ ')' „ team will be playing out of town in I __•_ \ 1 Wed. May 16 | Fri. May 18 and equipment are as follows: All beater pilots are. encouraged Wakefields, Marilyn August, !___•_> 0000 10.2 0145 11.0 0425 11.0 Courtney, June 9 and 10. 0455 14.1 0715 11.5 spare tire.^jack, chain saw, one to enter the parade the day before gets ready to put out the bat­ On June 16 and 17, the Sechelt V \^m 0610 13.0 gallon gas can. axe (or log-splitting the race with their better buddies ter; Sandv Kmerson photo X A x% 1215 1.4 1325 2.0 1455 3.8 mawl), and jumper cables. and families.. 1940 15.4 2120 15.3 2310 14.9 There will be four checkpoints Tue. May IS Thu. May 17 Sat. May 19 Mon. May 21 that beater pilots and their beaters A prize valued at $300 has been Stables start up 0420 14.5 0050 10.7 0300 11.2 0535 10.6 and buddies must pass through. donated byd sponsor Kalana Car Sylvan Stables in Roberts Creek for horse feed and help with the 1130 1.7 0535 13.6 0650 12.3 0815 10.8 This is a time elimination event, Care, Sechelt. Manager Tom Par- is a new venture of Dorothy and maintenance. 1840 15.0 1250 1.5 1405 2.8 1555 4.8 and will require the beater to be triquin will award this prize of a Val Christie. When the Christies bought the 2020 15.4 2205 15.1 • 2350 14.7 jumped started with cables on a complete duel exhaust system by Dorothy's interest and love of property two years ago, it was a lit­ For Skookumchuk Narrows add 30 mins battery, bucking a 16" log with a way of a name draw at the end of horses is now more than a pastime.' tle run down, but time was well Reference: Point Atkinson and 1 ft. lower and chairisaw, changing the beater's the event. She and her husband, Val, opened spent clearing some land, digging Pacific Standard Time higher. •tire, and putting gas in the beater The beater board will consist of the stables in April for guided trail trails and building a few bridges. by way of the gas can. Steve, and Carole Southin, (event rides, lessons and pony treks. Their Now it's a lovely place that most Beater buddies (dogs) must re-, organizers), Reagan Chilton daughter, 11-year old Ginger, helps people would enjoy for an hour on main in the beater (truck) at'all (Sechelt OK Tire), and Tom Partri- with the business too, guiding back. times. For the animals well being, quin (Kalana Car Care, Sechelt). ponies around the ring. after the races please arrange to The board's duties will be: judging, Dorothy expects that summer take your buddy back home while time estimates, track supervision, tourists and also local people in you enjoy the balance of the day's awards and prize draw. ' search of occasional jaunts year- events. All participants are re­ For anyone wishing further in­ round, will help business. quired to enter with their dogs as formation, please call 885-7202. She loves the work arid only laid out in the rules and in keeping Registration forms and rules can be hopes for enough revenue to pay with the humour of this event. obtained from Sechelt OK Tire. Trout

A letter from Minister of the En­ vironment Anthony J. Brummett has informed Economic Develop­ ment Commissioner Oddvin Vedo that "regular stockings of cut­ throat trout fry" can be expected "in a total of 15-20 lakes on the Sunshine Coast . "Last fall the ministry of environ­ ment initiated a trout stocking pro­ gram on the Sunshine Coast. Five lakes in your area were stocked Latest technology in Diesel Marine Engines and Propellors is dramatically illustrated in this pic­ with cutthroat trout fry. ture. Both boats are standard fiberglass deep'Vs and both are powered by one Volvo Model "This year' we have plans to AQ40 diesel engine of 220 cubic inches, using Volvo Model 280 drives. The boat in the rear is 22 stock. 11 lakes in the Sechelt area. Six of these lakes presently do not foot long and is using a standard drive with a single propellor. The engine is running at 3,400 rpm contain fish and their stocking will and the boat is doing approximately 22 knots; excellent performance for a small diesel. The boat result in new sport fisheries. 3d V in front is a 31 footer just completed by local Volvo dealer, Paul Drake Ltd. It is equipped with the "For the future, we hope to con­ iXv.: , revolutionary new Volvo dual propellor. The engine is running at 3,200 rpm. Both boats are tinue stocking 10 - 15 lakes per ; making the same speed and engines are,gpyerped at 3,60Q rpm top speed. '• year;-"- -"-r XM ;M XX:;;--X- •.. qi' i WammmaaWmamamammmmaamm^^ g MlRG AN ISMIM- SWEAR ft, SALE STARTS TUES., MAY 15 9 Terms Cash - no exchange or refund Visa & Mastercard accepted I year s «* GWG Cowboy King Jeans Reg. $29.95 Q Q42 GWG Scrubbies Jeans 1 / 2 price Sports Shirts, Long & Short Sleeves 50% ft _ Dress Pants AsLowAs $4.98 i*ji 'f' :'M Casual Summer Jackets 1 / 2 Pl1C€ & ,;.iv IiM Sports Shirts; Long & Short Sleeves $4*98 $ r Jacket Sweaters 1/2 PflC6 Terry Beach Tops $9.98 Sports Jackets Large Sizes to Size 50 Reg. $150.00 $29.95 Stanfield's Hooded Sweat Shirts.1/2 Price Leather Jackets SmallSizes Reg. $225.00 $49.98 Stanfield's Jogging Pants 1 / 2 Price 3oy's Shirts, Long & Short Sleeves 1/2 Price

$ Swim Wear 1/2 Price Boy's Jogging Pants 1/2 Price Shorts %l% Price Boy's Summer Jackets 1/2 Price 14. Coast News, May 14,1984 After 37 years BC FERRIES After 37 years' leading the night over the bakery, on September 15, all my years!" exclaimed Henry. life of a journeyman baker" Henry 1963. "They cduld work ,.so well VICTORIA DAY 1984 Hinz of Henry's Bakery has hung The bakery was located in the together, and totally organized and up his apron. end apartment of the building just scheduled everything themselves. The career which started in Stut­ tp the left of what is now Seaview 1*hey • were happy, efficient, and .J' tgart, , brought him to Gardens.. really worked for me. Boy, that Canada on a work contract with "That first day, Tuesday, I took was a staff!" Oil P..-. Canada Bread in 1950. He decided in $23 all day," recalls Henry. "It And .then there's Henry's long- PL to stay in this country, and after a did not Ipok good. But by Satur­ • time friend; Ann Robertson, who •J'4 very brief stint as a labourer in a day, people were lined * up four while not employed by Henry, for Sailings y bush camp in Labrador - "I had deep all the way to thepther end of many years has helped do his cash the highest rate of breaking saw the building!" and books, and is often seen serv­ blades, and the cold was just not And it was uphill from then on. ing customers when the place is Effective Friday, May 18; Saturday, May my bag of tea!" - he became a •The next year Henry kept his store busy.' 19 and Monday, May 21,1984 only: >r.. pastry baker in Montreal. in the lower village, but moved the With the flour and bread pans . His job was often to make home bakery into Sunnycrest Mall, his behind hinvHenry is now, taking deliveries after baking, and soon present location, where there was off for his first-ever vacation m VANCOUVER-SECHELT PENINSULA his boss had him doing more and more room, higher ceilings and summer. Driving to Texas _nd> HORSESHOE BAY-LANGDALE more of the deliveries as, not able better ventilation. He also bought through the southern states,'he'll to speak or write either French or the Village Bakery in Sechelt, and travel up the eastern U.S. coast Lv Horseshoe Bay Lv Langdale English, Henry couldn't write bills hired another bread baker, a full- and sail .from New York to 7:30 am 3:30 pm 6:25 am 2:30 pm for customers but had to collect time bread slicer and a driver for England* then take the hovercraft 9:30 5:30 8:30 4:30 cash. "I was the best collector they wholesale deliveries. to continental . After a had!" Henry laughs. By the early 70's, Henry 11:30 7:30 10:30 6:30 leisurely holiday he plans to drive 1:20 pm 9:15 pm 12:30 pm 8:25 pm Henry's baking skills next took employed 13 full-time people, and back across Canada and be home . him to Sudbury, Ontario, and was advertising as far away as Win­ in Gibsons to take up new pursuits several years later to Calgary, nipeg to get bakers. When Trail around the end of September, "but JERVISINLET where by the end of 10 years with Bay Centre opened he had a space there's no fixed date!" EARLS COVE -SALTERY BAY Piccardy's Canada Food Products booked for his bakery but It'" he was in charge of all their couldn't hire enough help to run it, Meanwhile, Henry's Bakery will Lv Earls Cove Lv Saltery Bay . bakeries, including those in so had to close his Sechelt opera­ now be in the capable hands of Jim 6:00 am 3:30 pm g Safeways and Loblaws. tion and then worked.only out of and. Lorairie Rollerson, who come 7:15 am 4:30 pm Gibsons. Henry Hinz has his bags pack­ 10:30 6:30 8:30 5:30 By this time Henry had married from North Vancouver where Jim 12:20 pm 8:30 11;25 7:30 . Henry recalls fondly the many ed and is heading'off on holi­ Audrey Broughton, whose parents, has been a bread baker for several 2:30 10:25 pm 1:30 pm 9:30 pm Grace and Burt Broughton had people who worked for him for a day after 21 years as a baker in years. With- them are their considerable period of time: Pearle children, Megan, two years and retired and moved to a little west GibSOnS. >r»n Burnside pholo coast town with a population of Trethewuy, Grace Broughton, Leo' Ryan, three months. Si 850, Gibsons, B.C. Lucas, Main Robertson, Edna four women /who worked together Also on staff is Robert Shilte, a REGULAR SPRING SCHEDULE IN EFFECT ON ALL OTHER DAYS. While visiting her parents, -Naylor, Penny Verdahl, Diane with him in. the. mid!70's; - Inez French pastry chef ••with 25 years Audrey wrote to Henry about a lit­ Eberle, Mary Cruicej Judith Maerz, Sandy. Storvbld, Joan experience, who will be in charge CUR I AND j tle bakery for sale in the town. Baldwin, Jan de Reus and Carol Crego and Joanne Postlethwaite. Of afll cakes and pastries. And re­ 4296 SAVPj- ••5* 1 Two weeks after talking to the. Boyce. "That was a combination of maining behind the counter, will be **" owner, Stan Allibon, Henry took ' . And he has special memories of staff I've -never seer^anywhere in the smiling face of Carol Boyce. I AUTOMOTIVE MISC. SERVICES Need this space? Peninsula Transport Ltd. I Call the COAST NEWS 24 HOUR LOW BED SERVICE 886-2622 or 886-7817 Lowest Rates on the Peninsula EXCAVATING Ole's Plumbing 886-2284 886-8240 Repairs, alterations ECOnomy RUTO PBRTS litd. Residential oil repairs It slicks-We lix. i New Installations, hot water heal : Automobile. Industrial and Tight access skldsteer Rich Black Delia Loam Body Shop Supplies OleOlsen MM-.'-'- loader.' (Bobcat). %Free estimates 885:7413 RbtS. Ck, 20 yds. del. 450.00 M12 yds. del. 330.00 _ Secheit Small dumptruck. ALSO Red Fir Bark Mulch 88S-SIBI K. Brown 886-3949 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 574-7242 Evc». 30 yds. del. 375.00" UT ^ SiSC*i COAST a W* Sp*clallx* In r RAY HANSEN TRUCKING Rebuilt or Exchange ' ' . : v MM,; TRACTOR & Equipment Kd. Starters. Alternators. Generators & Regulators • • & CONTRACTING LTD. For Industrial and Forestry Equipment Trouble Shooting & Rewiring Industrial. Domestic & Marine 886-7359 Gravel, Clearing & Excavating!; .. ::y..^ '-v.',._'. M'5erving1he:SunshineCoast -\ We Carry C & B Batteries' Payn* Rd., 886-9963, Qlb»on« Conversion Windows, Glass,. Septic Systenis,,AII types pt GraVej; |! | ] Archie Morris&ri-•- Bits. 524-0101 Res, 939-4230 ••—« WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELLI ——' Auto & Marine Glass, Aluminum Windows I Box 218 Madeira Pirk VON 2H0 883-9222 j '&• Screens, MM '"'M '._M"-- -M; MirrtirsX: EXCAVATING UK AUTOMOTIVE N REPAIRS TO All MAKES * "The- Rad Shop" Wlipie Ross COM.ISIQN REPAIRS 886^7919 SALES & SERVICE Excavating Ltd. KELLY'S LAWNMOWER & •' B.CA:A.".'-A'p|>rc>v«'d • Hwy 101, Gibsons- ; For all your Backhoe Needs '•:'. " "•• ' CHAINSAW LTD. V HWY. 101 & PRATT RD. 886-2912 J NEED TIRES? Come in to Roberts Creek ;'Ev4i:J88 5-5617 CbASfAL TIRES ^Dl B EXCAVATING t* V TIRE A SUSPENSION CENTRE SUNSHINE KITCHENi ROAD BUILDING Need this space' X -CABINETS- 886-2700 886-8167 LAND CLEARING SEPTIC, Hwy. 101 just West of Gibsons SEWER, WATER SYSTEMS^f Mt] Call the COAST NEWS ART DEW BOB BJORNSON ^^ ; >• M 886-2622 or 886-7817 Showroom: Pratt Rd. A Hwy. 101 885-7016 886-7037 CLEANING SERVICES Open: Sat. 10-4 or anytime by app'U i Z.J

^Serving the Sunshine Coast J.F.W. EKCAUflTine LTD. JANDE EXCAVATING Dlv. of Kowa Enterprises Ltd. Harbour ' Cgy**jj^ • septic Fields • Excavations • Clearing • 450 Loader Land Clearing Need this space? R.R. 2. Leek Road, DumP Truck Joe & Edna Heed ltd. 886-8071 (iihsuns Call the COAST NEWS Chimney Cleaning Gibsons. B.C. VON IVO 886-9453 Bellerive THE CLEANING OF OIL & 886-2622 or 886-7817 WOOD HEATING UNITS 883-1112 Hi -i


SUNSHINE COAST rtUMhMMMMdUHMMMMtW NHiHta*Nj_' DISPOSAL SERVICES SPRING 84 Port Mellon to Ole's Cove Complete landscaping & Fall/Winter/Spring: Effective Monday, Commercial Containers Available garden maintenance service Bango 885-9973 886-2938^ September 19, 1983, to Wednesday, ^ Schedule June 20,1984 inclusive. Fencing of all kinds 885-5033 J CONTRACTING VANCOUVER-SECHELT PENINSULA JERVIS INLET HORSESHOE BAY-LANGDALE EARLS COVE-SALTERY BAY PUCHALSKI Leaves Horseshoe Bay: Leaves Langdale: Leaves Earl's Cove: Leaves Saltery Bay: es 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:25 a.m. 2:30 p.m. - 7:15 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. AHH,!8 CONSTRUCTION 9:30 7:25 8:30 4:30 10:30 8:30* 8:30 5:30 12:30 p.m. 9:15 1t:30 6:30 12:20 p.m. 10:25 11:25 7:30 Additions 885-9208 3:30 8:20 4:30 9:30 Renovations (Free Estimates)] MINI BUS SCHEDULE ' Monday Tuesday' Wednesday Thursday Friday TREE TOPPING 7 VIEW DEVELOPMENTS LTD. • Leaves Sechelt 8:40 a.m. • 8:40 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 8:40 a.m. Bonniebrook Industries Ltd. Clean up your wooded areas: - •10:00 a.m. *l000a.m. *l0:00a.m. *10:00a.m. 10:00 a.m. Concrete Septic Tanks • D Boxes • Precast Trailer Pads for Gibsons Remove lower limbs for VIEW. •1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. . 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. • Well Casing • Patio Slabs • Steps The Dock, Cowrie Street Top tail trees adjacacent to building. * 3:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m. * 3:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. • Crane Service • Highlift 886-7850 Marv Volen 886-9597 J Specialty Orders 886-7064 Call Anytime Leaves Gibsons 9:15 a.m. • 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. .9:15 a.m. tor Sechelt ; •*10:45.a.m. 11:45a.m. *l0:45a.m. 11:45 am.' 10:45 a.m. Lower Gibsons, next to firehall * 1:35 p.m. 1:50 p.m. * 1:35 p.m. - * 1:35 p.m.' Gibsons Service SPANI DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 4:00 p.m.. . " 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. * 4:00 p.m. . 4:00 p.m. * > LOWER ROAD" route - via Flume Road. Beach Avenue & Lower Road Telephone Mm, cSKSSL 885-3165 only k NOTE: Friday run Irom Sechelt to Gibsons al 1 00 p m and return trip aM 30 p m have Oeen cancelled Answering Is our Kfiv^ft Custom Homes 886-8226 \i\-r-X - Service £* NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM OF M f for information call 886-7311 business * BRITISH COLUMBIA Reglitertd Builder Member can: Swanson's ^ FLOOR COVERING HEATING GIBSONS TAX SERVICE For: Ready Mix Concrete Sand & Grave!I ( KEN DE VHIES & SON A.JACK K-^~ Dun^P Truck Rental | JOHN HIND-SMITH AVERAGE COST FOR BASIC TAX ,i, l • *' Formed Concrete Products I FLOOR COVERINGS LTD. REFRIGERATION & MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE' PREPARATION $ I 2 .00 Carpets - Tiles - Linoleums - Drapes ' Port Mellon toPender Harbour 1767 MARTIN RP. 886-7272 Jhpne 885-9666 — 885-5333/ Wallcoverings - Custom Window Shades Steam Cleaning Res. 886-9949 ELECTRICAL V Hwy 101. Gibsons RENTALS

r MORRISON ELECTRIC /"l7 Years Experiencp Commercial And Residential LIQUID GAS LTD ^

Tom Morrison Residential &' Gordon Qurrio Hwj(, 101 Sechelt between St: Mary's ^ CANADIAN 1 TOOL Commercial M; Hospital and Forest Ranger's Hut. - L__J_iB_

Vancouver: Assurance that the although, through it, the govern- will start the momentum and the proposed framework legislation in federal government is ready to /ment is endorsing the main thrust constitutional process will follow the House of Commons on May move quickly on legislation to of the House of Commons Special through." 15. enable the development of Indian Committee on Indian Self- Responding to concerns that the . As soon as this is done, Chief self-government has been the cor­ Government, whose report (the legislation would allow provinces Stanley E. Joe Dixon, band nerstone of Indian and Northern Penner Report) was tabled' last to continue holding back on con­ solicitor Gordon Anderson and Affairs Minister John Munro's November 3. The government stitutional entrenchment of self- financial advisor Graham Allan cross-country meetings with native agrees that self-government' is government, Munro said it will be will travel to Ottawa to lobby the leaders. necessary to establish a new "rela­ made-public that such legislation New Democratic and Conservative "We have never been this close tionship with Indian First Nations.' will in no way undermine the con­ caucuses to make certain the to a legislated recognition of First Munro referred to the First' stitutional process. speedy passage of the bill. Nation governments," he said, ad­ Minister's Conference on "When the provinces see the "The Sechelt Indian Band is op­ ding that the legislation should be Aboriginal Rights, held recently in First Nations assuming recogni­ timistic about three party approval passed before the end of the'cur­ Ottawa, and said that, although tion, it will be such a reality that of new legislation for Indian First rent government's lifespan, around only three provinces agreed to the they will have to accept entrench­ .Nations who wish the option of the end of June. concept of entrenching self-. ment." self-government," declared a band "It's a challenge to politicians," government in the constitution, "We are now well on the road to press release. he said. "All three parties have to there is little ground for pessimism. building momentum." The band is aware that time is of set aside partisan instincts to get ' "In the federal sphere we are The Sechelt Indian Band told the the essence if the legislation is to be this through." However, said ready for Indian self-government, Coast News that Munro has in place before parliament ad­ Munro, if Indian leaders don't including the nature, jurisdiction assured them he will be tabling the journs for the summer. support it, it won't come to pass. and powers, as well as the financial arrangements relating to those Details of the proposed legisla­ powers. V tion are still being drafted "The work at the federal level From Halfmoon Bay For Sale By Tender One 1976 G.M.C. Cab and Chasis on an "as is, where is" basis. Continued from page 7 meeting at which financial and The vehicle may be inspected at the Regional District Office cheon to which all members are in­ committee reports will be given as, (Wharf & Teredo Streets) in Sechelt during regular business vited to attend. There will be more well as election of officers for the hours. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to details later. coming year. 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23,1984 and shall be opened at that WELCOME BEACH MEETING Many residents enjoy the social time. The highest or any tender will not be necessarily be ac­ A date to mark on your calendar activities at the hall and it is hoped cepted. Payment shall be by cash or certified cheque. Jo Small of the Hunter Gallery reminds Coastal bozos to clown is the Tuesday evening of June 5 at that all these people will turn out to 7:30 at Welcome Beach Hall. This around Gibsons on Saturday. * • i.>nn Lindsay Phoi<> this meeting and will offer to lend a is the date of the annual general hand for next season. A reminder L. Jardine too that memberships are now due. Secretary-Treasurer and that you will be able to renew yours at this meeting. SCRD on land CLOWNS COMING The parade of clowns scheduled for Gibsons and Sechelt seems to All tenders for the construction refusal or the reasons for it have bury the water pipe on that site, be catching on, and if you are of the Roberts Creek Water Reser­ yet been received. costing approximately $60,000. / looking for clown makeup or wigs, voir have been rejected, as the pro­ In a letter to regional board Dixon stated that a half acre of etc., you can get these locally now vincial government has verbally works superintendent Gordon Dix­ private property with an ideal slope from Nikki Weber's little store LONG DISTANCE MOVING turned down the regional board's on, consulting engineers Dayton might be available, and such would called "Strings 'n'Things", located application for a lease of the crown and Knight noted that even the low eliminate the expensive excavation at Rainbow Collections on Cowrie We can land site on which the reservoir was Mender of $217,600 exceeded their costs as the pipe would then heed Street. Musical and theatrical sup­ to be built. estimate for the contract by about to be buried only to a depth of one plies are also available there. move $35,000, a result of the extensive . metre, at an approximate cost of It is a real sellout for Nikki's new The province is also unwilling to excavations required on the Crown $5,000. Halfmoon Bay Variety Show on you sell a half acre of the five acre site. Regional board directors passed May 26. As of this weekend there Crown parcel, and the purchase Dixon noted that, because of the a motion that the secretary- are only a very few tickets available price of the full five acres has been slope, and terrain, digging to a treasurer be authorized to at Books 'n Stuff in the mall. Pro­ ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD set at $46,000. depth of approximately six metres negotiate the purchase of a half ceeds are to. the Cancer Society. No formal notification of the would be necessary in order to acre of appropriate private proper­ SCHOOL MEETING Member of ty for the reservoir site, and recom­ Don't forget the important mended that tender's be recalled meeting tonight (Monday, May 14) ALLIED. subject to obtaining such a site. at Halfmoon Bay school. DAYS The Careful Movers United Church news LEN WRAY'S TRANSFER LTD. MReverend^ Alex Jfcejd ^d the of- where he served congregations in Custom Packing, Storage, Local & Long Distance Moving '• •—•^"fiaaffrof "the *XJni^M'Churci^con- ••:JpBpyer Plains, Elmira, Franklin gregatidhs in Davis Bay and Gib­ M^_Vid Mfddletown: His final HifOoi.OHISOIIS * 886-2664' COUNTDOWN sons have invited the Reverend XX pastorate jn the Masterf Park Bap- Meredith H. -Dallman of Sandy M tistvCfiurch of Buffalo, New. York The 1986 World Exhibition, May 2-Oct. 16,1986, Vancouver, B.C. Hook to be their special giiest ^continued for 21 years until his preacher on Sunday, May 20, in •'• retirement in 1970. M .f, order to celebrate with him the six­ As soon as his studies were com­ tieth anniversary pf his first ser- pleted in 1926 this young preacher Church * SUNSHINE COAST . mon, delivered in northern Saskat­ decided he could take time to get chewan on May 20, 1924. Birch married, and for the next 58 years PEST CONTROL & HEALTH SERVICES LTD. Hills is north of Prince Albert and Marianne Dallman has remained Services in the l?20's it was part of a five his constant support and help­ point Mission M Field of the mate. For Control of Carpenter Ants, Rodents and Other Pests | Presbyterian Church. Thirteen years ago the Dallmans THE UNITED CHURCH That sermon was well polished arrived on the Sunshine Coast OF CANADA GLAD TIDINGS I OUR SPECIALTY: Pre-Treatment of Houses Under Contruction | after the young student minister where they built their retirement Sunday -Worship Services TABERNACLE had covered all five congregations, home, nestled among the trees on a • ST. JOHN'S x For Confidential Gower Point Road but his theological training at hillside overlooking Sechelt Inlet. Davis Bay - 9:30 a.m. Phone 886-2660 . Advice and \ :* McMaster University in Hamilton, Here Meredith was. able to give full GIBSONS Worship Service - ' 10:00 a.m. Estimate Call Ontario had not prepared him for vent to his avocation of wood­ Glassford Rd. - 11:15 a.m. Evening Fellowship - 6:00 p.m. 883-2531 the breadth of this experience. working, as he completed the in­ Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday School - 7:00 p.m. Pender Harbour When Meredith Dallman terior finish of the new home and Rev. Alex G. Reid Pastor Dave Shinness graduated as a fully qualified fashioned most of the furniture. Church Telephone LOCA^ .GOyXWSPECTED minister, he was called to the Bap­ In 1971 Meredith Dallman began 886-2333. C*X**'CvIvC*!yX*.*.y»y.v.*"*»^v.*.v»y»*«*.v«'»v.*»*«v.*.v.*^ CALVARY '-•-•-•-*-*-v'-'-'-'-'-'-'--'--VIYIHVii ,Yi• a11• • •>• 111• n111iAj^ammtim i r •••••••••*•• •>-i tist Church in New York state to feel so at home in the little United Church at Davis Bay that BAPTIST CHURCH he and his wife joined St. John's as, SUNSHINE COAST GOSPEL Park Road, Gibsons •full members. For eight months in CHURCH 886-2611 1978 and 1979 he and the late Corner of Davis Bay Rd. Family Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Reverend Ted Dinsley acted as in-, & Laurel Rd. Sunday Worship' Services .terim ministers while the charge Inter-Denominational 11 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. was waiting for a new minister. Family Worship Prayer,& Bible Study The United Church has been . . Sunday-11 a.m. Thursday - 7:30 p.m. fortunate to number this dedicated Sunday School ^ Weekly Home Fellowship "Groups minister among its members. He For All Ages Rev. Dale D. Peterson has never refused any assignment, Sunday - 9:45 "a.m. and his messages from the pulpit "We Extend A Welcome And SEVENTH-DAY have always been reflective of a An Invitation To Come.And ADVENTIST CHURCH buoyant and ardent Christian. Worship The Lord With Us" Sabbath School - Sat. 9:30 aim, Alex Reid will conduct both ser­ Pastor Arie de Vos Hogr of Worship - Sat. 11a.m. vices oh May 20, 9:30 at Davis Bay Browning Rd. & Hwy 101 and 11:15 at Gibsons, and each GIBSONS PENTECOSTAL Everyone Welcome congregation will be privileged to CHURCH For information- phone , 885-9750 or 883-2736 hear the sermon which the New Church building on Reverend Meredith Dallman School Rd. ->opp. RCMP preaches on this unique occasion. Senior Pastor Ted Boodle George Marshall GRACE REFORMED " Visitation Minister COMMUNITY CHURCH Scouting Sunday School - -9:30a.m. St. Hilda's Anglican Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Church Building award Evening Fellowship - 7:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Home Bible Study 885-5635 "The Chief Scout is pleased to- - Phone 886-9482 or award Dave Hartman with the 886-7107 Medal of Merit for especially good Affiliated with the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY service to scouting." Pentecostal Assemblies SERVICES With these words, John Adams, '.' of Canada the provincial commissioner, an­ Sunday Service & Gee, that wheely nounced the award to Dave for his Sunday School - 11:30 a.m. service starting in 1963 and in­ Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.. cluding three years as the District In United Church Building ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S & Davis Bay look bent out of Commissioner on the Sunshine ST. AIDAN'S Coast. 885-2506 or 886-7882 Not to worry. Wally can straighten you out. The Medal of Merit which arriv­ ANGLICAN CHURCHES ed posthumously for Rev. 'Ted' Parish Family Eucharist PENDER HARBOUR Dinsley in recognition of this Combined service at He's got experience. Walven Auto Don't hesitate. Take your car to Wally St. Bartholomew's, Gibsons PENTECOSTAL CHURCH :• »;•?:• outstanding service since 1944 was Btidyv has the skills and the equip­ for a fast, free estimate, complete 10:00 a.m. Lagoon Rd., Madeira Park 1 also presented to Ted's grandson Pastor Tim Shapcotte ment to repair anything on wheels. repairs and quality workmanship. by the Honourable R.G. Rogers, Rev. J.E. Robinson, 886-8436 St. Aidan's. Roberts Creek 883-2374 Lieutenant Governor, of B.C. and Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Provincial Patron, at the seventy- Evensong 6:30 p.m. 1st Sunday Every Month Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. second annual awards luncheon of Prayer & Bible Study the B.C. and Yukon Provincial Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. MmWm mm &w Council of the Boy Scouts of H^ioi;tebsc-is M6 7B3 Canada in Vancouver on May 5. IX i«':

Coast News, May 1451984

1, Homes 8. Pn^csty 1?. f&rSate 2. ***«*» V ' ' \ "I*. *««»*'*' ; $. Oblnwule* i ' 'ft* t, ttUR$m*yJJ r '%&. Miurtne *, jM ,„ , 4. In Mefftortan f Learn to Fly , 2j Coleman wall oil or gas furnace. 5. IlMW*st«w, it., MunNte t~ome» /« 4 In Sechelt d Down draught, good for cottage 6. *. Fomwt „ t4* hvrWmm'^'yx away May 12th, 1984 aged 67 R Air Aipa, Sq«a«»ieh R 3t»» iwwp wNIIMMl * ** yrs. Survived by his loving wife ft. brd., Duchess dresser, vaiet 10. 9m* *.«U*««0«* B 112-898-9016 g wardrobe w/draw. commode J *, Mwslc 26. W«*W*M*d ,-,• Vivian, son Alan, daughter Ver- na, son-in-law Bert, grand­ •Logs or Standing Timber! cab. $1400 OBO. Ant. solid oak i*. tf*v«i <*<£?;,.CMfc<_*g: "-", POWELL RIVER AREA Alcoholics Anonymous 883^9903 children Wayne and Becky, sister Top prices paid for dng. ste. draw leaf tbl. 4 chairs, 19. Wanted 29. S*«toeM -''*''. Approx. 5 acre lots from 885-2896,886-7272: TFN $32,450. Gentle slopes. Lily and brothers Wally,& Carl. Fir and Hemlock buffet w/carv. Gallery back & 14. free •« r<^ ' with wells. 1-5 acre lot with Memorial service will be held & oak washstand $150, 4 Royal l«. tartar ft. fr*** '.>• 3 bdrm. house, barn & Saturday, May 19th at 2 p.m. at ^JALCAN; 886-8384 Doulton figures $150 ea., 1920's shop. Price $61,900 886-B721 KERN'S elec. brass chandellier $300. Devlin Funeral Home, Gibsons. Log Services Ltd. 8868226 885-3165 No flowers by request. Donation HOME Early Cdn. pine chest, ndS; refin. $100; 2 pee. stain, glass $30; Coast News Classifieds to Cancer Clinic would be ap­ 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, new or FURNISHINGS 1104 sq. ft. log home scribe- $200 reward for return of white pr. inlaid walnut coal box preciated. #20 used suitable for decking float, fitted, hand peeled fir, in con­ Cockatoo. No questions asked. 886-8886 w/brass trim $1.25, Electrolux struction stage, so there's still cheap. 886-2567. #20 Sheridan, William Kenneth, pass­ 886-9885. #20 rug/floor cleaner w/acc. $250. ' time for your own input. Moved to ed away May 10th, 1984, in this Resp. couple with 10 & 12 year Our foam shop now custom cuts- Must sell. Offers on lot. your site, all for reas.-price. right on the premises. See us for 886-3875. #22 62nd year. Survived by his Ladies 14 kt. gold bracelet at old children wish to rent 3 or 4 886-8496. > #20 all your foam supplies. Ask about parents William & Laura Sheridan Madeira Pk. Community Hall bdrm. house. Rbts. Ck. pref. 2 our off cut . specials. W.W. Men's Raleigh Superb 3 speed Claydon Rd. Garden Bay. Lot 16, of Surrey, 2 brothers Mike and gentle fleafess cats. 886-3768. bazaar May 5/84. Reward. Call Upholstery, 886-7310.TFN bike.'Excellent condition $125 his wife Linda of Washington, -^ #20 IR 2 bdrm. cottage, FP. $27,000: Gail 883-9197. #22 OBO. 885-3400. #20 On the Ph. 461-9063. #22 USA, Walter and his wife June of FREE SAWDUST Selma Park, B.C., one son Kent The CBC "Beachcombers" are Loaded at our mill.. Contact Copac '83 Dodge Aries ex.. cond.. Sunshine Coast By owner, Roberts Creek Rd., and his wife Liseof Gibsons, B.C. looking for additional RVs 24" Industries Ltd. after 6 p.m. 18,000 km $8,995; 12' al. boat 92' frontage, paved rd., servic­ Three daughters Linda and hus­ and over to be used as portable 886-9973. TFN new never in water $900 used First in Convenience & ed, near school & beach. 2 bd. band Mick Kyle of Wilson Creek, dressing rooms this season. white sink, toilet, tub $50. dble. wide, 24x36, fr., St., car­ B.C. Laureleagh and husband These vehicles will be rented at a First in Service 4 KW ONAN ELECTRIC PLANT 886-9693. ; ;#22 port, Ig. treed property. % acre. Ken Gretton, Haifa, Israel and Kel­ rate of $75 per day. For additional Gas. power, Mow time service, $49,500,886-8375. #21 ly Sheridan of Selma Park,'B.C. Orange tomcat w/white flea col­ information phone Nick Orchard mounted on frame. Includes: fuel 19' Travel Aire trailer with' all Drop off many grandchildren. Memorial lar. 886-9389. #20 at 886-7811 or 886-7911. #21 appl. $1500, also '80 Yamaha. tank & stand, spare electronic ; GIBSONS service will be held Tuesday, May control board, 2 remote controls, 886-9450. #22 Woman to share large furnished your Classifieds Veterans Rd. & Carole Place. 15th at 1 p.m. at Surrey Funeral 10* hour meter, tech. Log, operating house $225 per mo, and % 200 gal. furnace, oil tank $100. Brand new 3 bdrm. & den, Home. Interment #20 & service manuals. View at Gib­ Ifel* a, hydro. 886-2430. #22 885-2013. #20 at any one of our over 1500 sq. ft. living area mm sons Motors 886-7611. #21 26" Electrohome solid state col­ plus finished & insulated M ,*$»,'**M IN GIBSONS- bsmt. and sundeck. $85;000. IN HALFMOON BAY •-"• • l gifts, souvenirs and cards. - FOR 12-14 YARDS Franklin FP 17' of chimney. Adventure Call 885-3147. #20 time of need. Deep appreciation 2 adorable 6 wk. kittens M/F' B & J Store ' - TFN DELIVERED $150. 886-2883 aft. 6. #22 Electronics to Allan, Dan and Rev. Alex Reid. available immediately 885-7692. 686-2430 885-9435 3 bdrm. spectacular view home & Diane Tyler and Troy, Jack & #20 Machliw work available Black & Decker electric lawn IN SECHELT Radio /hack Registered St. Bernard puppies, workshop/ Lower village close to Marjorie Gibb & family. '- #20 72 Yamaha XS650 rebuilt mofor mower. 886-7160. #20 880-7215 4 females, 3 males, 9 weeks old. all amenities: Newly renovated 3 cords of mill off-cuts, 10 yds. of $1,200. Also queen size waterb­ throughout. Large private 885-5058 after 4. #21 sawdust, pay delivery, also cedar 18' triple pleated sheer curtain, ed $100. Phone 886-7752. #21 772' high. 36*' Kirsh rods, beautifully landscaped fenced lot. R.i^' red chicks $1.50. Pekin slabs, good for retaining walls, t^mmmimmtmmmmmmm Wedding Rings'custom made for dozens of healthy house plants. $65,500,886-7280. . ,#21 ducks $5. Goats avail! 886-2659. raised beds, etc. Ph. 886-8404. you by local jeweller. Irene, Blueth 886-2658. #20 i' ,M#2i; #20 Lot 8ii'Creekside. Fully serviced.. 885-2687. #21 Free dead .car,removal. Cedar $14,000firm! Phone 886-29456r; Bevel siding:' 10"' tight. khoX v% slabs,, You pay for trucking. 886-9478. • ' . ,'.,./$?; ______it *i_j_3_ j Beautiful chestnut gelding. 15.2. ; H. 8 yrs; old, trained Eng. _ Garry's Crane Service. rough 2 sides. $500/M. Clement- Gibsons industrial lot. Swap for West.- & jumps. $950 OBO. 886-7028. TFtf Sawing Service 886-8218. #21 good view lot or as dn. pmt. on?? 885-3382 eves. #22 Your complete upholstery centre. l 72 Ford van camperized. PS, 980-2154., #22. Ride to WI needed daily for 6:20 Fabrics & vinyl specials, foam PB, V8; windows all around. ferry. Will contribute'for gas. Ph'. and misc. We cater to the do-it- Will trade Saltspring Island $800 OBO .886-7174. #20 waterfront home w/basement for 886-8530. ; #20 yourselfer or we'll do it for you. W.W. Upholstery, 886-7310. TFM same or sea-view in Langdale to. •F™ ™ MWMPW^|W • If someone in your family has,a 72 Ford truck & camper good R.C. area" (value $160,000), Box drinking problem you can see Orysuit: Brooks diving suit with 133 c/o Coast News, Box 460, cond. $2,000 firm. 886-2680. what it's doing to them. Can you rubber soles, relief zip, knife . #21 Gibsons, B.C. #20 see what it's doing to you? Al PIANO pocket, hood.' inflater, knee By owner, quaint 2 br. house, Anon can help. Phone 886-9037 pads, gear bag, no leaks, good % ton Dodge PU, 72, PS/PB, condition, to fit 5'10", 145-160 ocean view, fenced yard & land­ or 886-8228, , • TFN auto. $900 after 5 p.m. TUNING lbs. Replacement cost $985. scaped. $56,500. Open for view­ Garage sale. All ladies clothing. 886-2046. #21, To assist with the recovery of Ken Dalgleish $500 firm. 886-8344. #20 ing Sat. 1-4. 886-9251, 1727 Sun. May 20, 10-1. Jet. Lower 77 Suburban, low mileage; new $8,000 in credit card sales Martin Rd. #20 886-2843 Rd., S, Hall Rd. #20 Aluminum work shed w/floor auto trans., new tires. $1800 receipt stolen from R. Harding & 10'x10" $300; Franklin FP/stove OBO. 886-9316. . #21 Son, would all credit card w/17' of chimney $200; washer- customers of Seamount Car Wash Alynne Shinness, ARCT. Private piano lessons, classical training spin dry. $30. 886-2883 after 6. 1980 Pontiac Lemans: Power & Shell Service and of Charlie and gospel stylings. To register #20 steering, power brakes, air con Mandelkau's Gibsons Shell phone 886-2409. #20 ditioning. Phone 886-8244 after please return to those businesses Hay $3.50 ; 5. TFN their copies of credit card sales 3 snow tires, 1 road wheel Straw $3.50 885-9357 dated.May 2-6 inclusive at Sea-' 750-16, 1 pair show chains Mulch $2.50* 71 BMW 2002, broken susp. for mount and May 2-4 inclusive at 750-16, new 5-sp. bike. TFN parts $550. Other new parts for 886-7166. #22 Gibsons Shell. Thank yoirfor your l sale. 886-9025. #21 help and co-operation. #22 -\M^^ M- Multicycle Inglis auto washer New Jacuzzi type fibreglass • $295. Guaranteed & delivered. "82 VW camperized Vanagon, ex­ Escape the rain' bathtub, 5 ft. deep $150. 883-2648. TFN tras, low mileage. $16,000 firm. 886-3798. #20 Vazatlan • May 26. 886-7449. #21 June 9 & June 23 Fire pump w/400' hose, rebuilt FURNITURE—•" "1979 Ford Bronco XLT PS/PB, From $499 elect. & gas mowers, alum, •Sale on single, double, cap's, seats, AM/FM cassette, Hawaii • May 19 & May 26 queen-size box springs and screen door. 886-9590. #20 _P^_IB__*_i_._k_i__k_t_l_M_ft___L _s_h_ri___afl_ HD trailer hitch. HD roof rack. Minimum M** par 3 lin* Insertion. From $529 - 8 nights mattresses, good used tJHp|3tiJWi£fii mnm 00 $599 -15 nights $8000 OBO..Phone 886-7216. Each additional line '1 . Use our economical last sofas, TVs, appliances, Boy's MX style bicycle, good aa^a^rajaa^a^^aaa s^p wMkJnt rat*. Pre-pay your ad for 2 weeks & get #21 8j£ss__ltj__l_*N_Ptttftt^h Includai air & dotal chest of drawers, reciiners cond. $60. 886-8504. #20 the third week FREEi Meat ara par paraen a^^^a^^f^^afaa^aa^Mwaff dbl*. occupancy and chrome kitchen sets. 1973 TOYOTA CELICA THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS ARE FREE 71 GMC% ton van $1,000, utili­ The Sunshine Coast News Good cond., auto. $1,500 OBO. reserves the right to classify Birth Announcements, Lost and Found. • Open stock on 5-piece ty trailer $125, baby buggy $60. 885-7310. #20 advertisements under ap­ r> honey-pine bedroom suite. 886-9282. #20 No billing or telephone orders are accepted except propriate headings and Reg. $1,699. Sale $1,399. 1980 Pontiac, Phoenix 2 dr., from customers who have accounts with us. Cedar Grove elerhMschool mmmmm determine page location. in tho Cedar Plaza 29,600 km,- new cond., auto. Western Days Spring Fair. Fri­ • Good new ft used hide-a- The Sunshine Coast News 886-3381 or 886-2522 885-2871. #20 Cash, cheques or money orders day, May 25 5-8 p.m. Everyone beds and one as new 48" nug I also reserves the right to rollawaycot. revise or reject any advertis­ must accompany all classified advertising. welcome. . #21 ing which in the opinion of • Enquire about our no down Down | BINGO. Gibsons Lions TV bingo payment plan. First payment the Publisher is In ques­ game number 2 starting soon. tionable taste. In the event In 90 days on approved Quilts) NOON SATURDAY Cards $1 at local stores soon. credit & also enquire about croircrro that any advertisement is re­ #20 rlatching covers and| jected the sum paid for the our interior design service. j sheets also available-. Pmm1Um.Gmm advertisement will be 10 bed gov. lie. home in the com: WILL BUY • No charge • No obligation KERN'S EXCHANGE S REBUILT 'refunded. munity of Powell River has vacan­ ALTERNATORS & STARTERS S'anding Timber, any HOME TROUBLESHOOTING & cy for a couple or two individual, amount, or arrange to Claholm Furniture REWIRING INDUSTRIALS . |nW **• 885 3713 FURNISHINGS d* handicapped adults. Please con- trade land clearing, DOMESTIC VEHICLES Please mail to fact Mr. or Mrs. Bloomquist i I KIIJI ii rvi<• f 11> nt & MARINE 886-9963 excavation, etc. S.i.i.iii'ir H.I'VI Uli" !'• 886 8886 i , . COAST NEWS Classified. Box 460. Gibsons. B.C. VON 1V0 483-9112 or 485-5568. #22 Louis Lepage 886-9872 I ririiii/inM 1600 mtr. & trans, for Datsun After 6:00 p.m. Or bring in person to one of bur TUTOR PU, ,1200 mtr, & trans', for Dat­ Elementary grades. Locally made aesthetic souvenirs sun PU, MGB mtr., needs I Friendly People Places listed above! can be funky but must have aft. M Call 886-9498 lebuild. Offers on all? 883-9342. • Minimum *4 par 3 Una Insertion. Will buy large quantities. Market $**';. X' #21; 112-800-972-3395 TFN under pur label "Lucy BELOW 1/2 PRICE I Jewelry repairs. Prompt reliable Lemonade". For appt. to show SATELLITE K&C Auto Wrecking I service, affordable prices. prototypes please call 886-8317. Pionoer t-Tabios 69.96! RECEIVER Stewart Rd. off North Rd. Winter 885-2687. ' #21 • #2i Sansui Receiver R-30129.95! SPECIAL hours: Mon.-Sat. 8:30-4 p.m. "WILL BUY*"" Akai Speakers SW-157II .Ph.886-2617. TFN Elphinstone secondary school ARUNTA STEREO Standing Timber, any M grade 12 Parent Meeting, May 9, l00Wl2 3Way 129.00! ea. RECEIVER rag. $2495 $1895 amount, or arrange to Marantz T-Table 2000 139.95! Near new 74 Chev highlop I 7:30 p.m. #20 S1 700 RECEIVER ' trade land clearing, Cassette RD-10 Sanyo 79.95! camper van fully equipped. Low I —- Self-serve gas patrons: Ladies & excavation, eic. Reg. $795 $695 mis., ex. value, $4,700 or best .. men, learn to do the 11 vital PlusWO'sci LUXOR EXTERNAL pass. van. 885-9535: . #20 I jIALLANj B86-83B4. REMOTE Reg. $139 $99 i checks that should be done when more specials. 888 9721 76 Chevette, runs well. Rust. 1*l you buy gas. Doesn't take long & iLogSTvlc^Ltd. " Satellite Dishes from $150 not messy but essential. 15 — Vary tllghtly damagad — $400.886-2194. #20 f *8L Wanted: Cars & trucks for wreck­ minutes of your time plus $6.80 Ultra Sound Green dnlon ing. Ph. K&C Auto Wrecking Ltd. and you will never be in doubt Cedar Plaza, Gibsons 79 Camaro Berlirietta, lady • CLASSIFBCATION: e.g. For Sale. For Rent. etc. 886-2617.. TFN Earth Station 1 again. Be self dependent. Call Cedar Plaza driven, exc cond., all power. Of­ Elliott Auto at 886-2313. Don't fer over $5,000. 886-9527 or , I — Wanted-small log tongs suitable 886-7414 L delay do it today. #21 for crane truck. 886-7064. TFN 886-9277.' #21 Coast News, May 14,1984 '5*

Student 18 needs work to pay for 1981 Honda Twin Star 200, with Speeiai-Castie Hotel, 750 Gran- like potatoes? You'i love Oriental women college.- Painting, gardening, -.•v$a» Vancouver, across from cookbook of 100 positively courteous correspondence with; ^windshield, 10963 km. Very labour, etc. Full time or occa­ Eatons. Rooms $28 and up, single delicious recipes. Spiral bound, Canadians for language practiced good cond. $1000, OBO. sional, ask for Ray. 886-7439:. or. double occupancy. TV, all ser­ lies fiat. Send $5 to: Millie friendship, marriage or cultural ex-! 886-7331 after 6 p.m. #20 - #21' vices. Reservations write or phone Hickson, Box 537, Chase, B.C. change. Cherry Blossoms; Box; 75 Dqdge PU. Mech. ex., tody .682-2661. #21 V0K1M0. #19 1021AD, Honokaa. Hawaii.' 79 650 Kawasaki. Full fairing, Avail. Aug. 15. 3 bdrm. rancher, fair, V8, 318, 4-speed, PS/PB. Light moving & hauling of any. 96727. #19! good touring bike, exc. cond. 3 yr. old family home. Gibsons;' Mastercraft 1979 19' inboard BuHd this insulated A-frame -$1495 OBO. 886-8269. #22 kind anywhere (almost). Norm $1200.885-7006. #22 Walking distance to stores, 3 Hovden 886-9503. #21 ^designed for waterskiing and building with 740 sq.ft. of living Business manager overall respond 1977 GMC Camper Special. Good blocks to boat launch, beach. No. parasailing. immaculate condition, space for under $2,600. For plans sibifty for me start up and opera-; 79 Suzuki GS750, in exc. cond. transportation. Offers welcome. pets, ref. requ. $500 monthly. TREE TOPPING 15 yrs. exp.; in no salt. Worth $23,000 new, in­ and material list, send $6 cheque tion of a wood re-manufacturing; 18,000 mi. $1,300 OBO. Ph. 886-7837. #22 886-9154. • #22 tree removal, limbing, falling. cludes $3,000 parasail & custom Pay TV de-scramblers. Don't be be or money order to A-Frame, plant. Duties include: staffing,! 886-8032. #22 Hydro cert., insured & lowest trailer. $15,500.112-987-9809. ripped off. Send self-addressed 22873-122 Avenue, Maple Ridge, developing plant facilities in co-; •68 Volvo, stn. wagon, Amer. 1982 Suzuki JR50, auto clutch, rates. Jeff Collins. 886-8225. ' #20 stamped envelope for free details. B.C.V2X3Y3. #19 operation with foreman, impiemen-; model, good cond. $600 CBO. great kid's bike $300, pr trade #21 Steel City Electronics, Box 887.. ting pre-determined business; 886-3966 after 6 p.m. #22 "We 30' Tahtta Ketch, 'Buttercup'. Hamilton. Ont. L8N 3P6. #22 Free 128 page career guide shows plan, market development, super-! for larger motorcycle. 886-9752. Comm. & res. framing crew avail, Mahoghany planking on oak how to train at home for 205 top vision of an eventual work force of! 1974 GMC Jimmy 4x4, auto, - #20 for renovations or new construc­ Pressure washers for sale by pay, frames. Gardner diesel, gaff rigg­ paying full and part time jobs. 15. Salary to 32,000 plus profit; 350, full time 4x4. $2,400 OBO. tion. 886-7830. #21 manufacturer, some non working ed. Ready to live-aboard, coastal Granton Institute, 265 A. Adelaide sharing and employee equity. 886-7934. #22 pressure washers taken on trade. 1980 Yamaha 400 Special or offshore cruise. $39,500. Street West, Toronto. Call Resumes: Upper Lakes Economic! you Valco Sales Ltd.. P.O. Box 2646, 30,000 kms, good cond. $900. 886-9696. #20 (416)977-3929 today. #19 Development Society, Nakusp 1956 GMC 6x6, army 302 mtr., Vancouver, 8.C. V6B 3W8. After .5,883-9334. #21 GARRY'S Outreach Box 33, Nakusp, B.C; auto, full canvas. Top cond. One-half section near Dawson (604)738-7420. #20 (Geravttol) VOG 1R0. (604)265-3318. #19 $3,800 OBO. 463-6226. #22 watch" Crane Service Creek; serviced lot in Fort St. "Will (GH3) make you healthier?" 1970 Kawasaki 500. New parts • Cash paid lor scrap Iron John; mobile home and shop in 1975 International 500C crawler 1972 Valiant Scamp, 2 dr., slant "Why?"-(GH3), Dr. Asian's Supervisor. Chid care workers. incl. 886-2898. - #21 •Top quality aod $1.15 Hudson Hope, B.C. Phone tractor w/blade and canopy. original Romanian dietary supple­ six, std., runs well. $600 OBO. An an addod bonus all of our per yard plus delivery Salary negotiable to $2,000. Staff 783-9209 Hudson Hope. #20 Machine in.good condition. Ap­ ment formula-"Are you in­ 885-4647. #20 '82 Honda Nighthawk 750,1100 apartments coma complete • Paving etonas counsel troubled children and their with free pay TV service. 1,2 & proximately weight 6Vz tons. Full terested?" Write: V.C.G., Box km, like new. $2,400. Best offer. Super Grow '84. Thousand watt parents. Required: Degree/ 3 bedroom apartments are now price $10,000. Write Art Barrett, 2388, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3W7. Rare '69 VW station wagon. 886-7013. #21 886-7028 Halide $225. Halide. HPS. diploma in child care or related available at reasonable rates, Box 454,150 Mile, B.C. #20 #19 Auto, fuel inj. sunroof, needs phone today. hydroponics, greenhouses, all on field. Minimum two years counselling experience. Resume to some mechanical work & another sale. Volume and wholesale dis­ Books! Books! Paperback fiction, WANTED ^13•MM^^i:^:'*MVj General home. repairs, renova­ Child Development Centre. 690 '69 VW to go with it for parts. counts available. Send $2 for non-fiction, technical and re­ HERBAUFE DISTRIBUTORS tions, painting (in/out) or misc. North 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake, Best offer. 885-7590. #20 W*Jrt«! to twit' brochures and price list. Western maindered books our specialty. If you have the courage to answer Tim. 885-9249 eves. #21 B.C.V2G4C4. #19 PAY TV Water Farms, 1234 Seymour Receive our catalogues. Send re­ this ad, it could make you rich. 71 411 VW, running cond., good Drywall taping, texturing: Street, Vancouver, V6B 3N9. quest to: The Bookfinder, 20458 Mr. Balfour or Mr. Miller. bush buggy $100.885-2013.#20 Logan Avenue, Langley, B.C. V3A Excellent income with fast growing 2 bdrm. furn./semi. furn. ac­ AT Repairs, renovations. Free 682-6636. #20 (604)270-2057, Box 310, White 4L9.112-530-1313. #20 health food weight loss program. com.. Jly or Aug. N/S. Ref. avail. estimates 886-7484. #22 Rock, B.C. V4B5G3. #19 Newfoundland pups, show Call Herbalife Distributor, 263-0454,886-7950. #20 Harbour Registered Newfoundland puppies 534-1070,9:30-5:30 weekdays or Responsible and efficient woman background. Registered, vaccina­ Only secondhand store in city with from championship lines. For in­ write Box 615, Fort Langley, B.C available for housework or mow­ tions. Dam Ofa certified hips clear living quarters and good lease. 3 or 4 bdrm. house in Gibsons Heights formation write Yukonnewf Ken­ V0X1J0. . #19 ing lawns. 886-9154. #22 of dysplasia, sire excellent Well established business. Main area affording privacy. Refs. nels, Box 4693. Whitehorse, preliminary x-rays. Selected highway location. Good stock. Trades foreman-carpenter. A 79 Cougar XRT, 56,000 avail. 886-3949. #22 886-9050 Yukon, or phone (403)633-5218, breeding from first rate bloodlines. Trade motorhome and cash. Phone foreman position is now available after 6 p.m. or weekends. #20 km, not miles, 302 V8 1-4O3-644-3800 Standard. #20 Williams Lake 392-2157. #19 with an expanding urban and rural moderately optioned, extra I a\4* municipality just 45 miles east pf OHM Care RED VELVET TOURS Unsatisfactory mortgage return? Famly type operations saltwater styled wheels with studded Vancouver, with a population in "am* •Mlfflfl Reno coach seven day express We purchase first,, second and marina/store campground/store. snows. Recent power train ™ ^~f-' ^vFam^max V \ fim excess of 46,000. Reporting to the (weekly) from $149. Seven day third mortgages, if possible, at no Central Vancouver Island. Phone tune lips and brake work. Teacher/certified day care mom shop superintendent, the person regular (weekly) from $169. Reno discount to you! Limited offer. Bob Al Ackerman, Block Bros. 1 br. duplex-furnished-all eiectic. will take loving care of children at ih this position will have respon- Pamper yourself with this, air weekly (three, four, seven Quinneil. 879-3511. British Silbak 754-4401. #19 No pets. $225 per mo. plus elec­ Gower Pt. & Pratt. 886-8086. #21 • sibility for the operation, co­ superb vehicle $5,500. flights) from $249 inc. medical Realty Ltd. #25 tricity. Available immediately. ordination and supervision of the 886-9519. and extra casino packages. Sunshine Coast Trailer Park. Ph. Resp. mom with 2 kids will 40 aeres/$19,400. Towering maintenance, repair, construction Destinations '84: Disneyland; cap­ SOLID BUSINESS 886-9826. TFN babysit in my home. Gibsons pines, streams, lakefront, views, and -servicing projects encompass­ tivating California; Califor­ Seeks 50% working partner. In­ area. Call 886-8245. #22 lofty peaks, excellent terms, owner ing the public works shop depar- Sml. cottage fully furn. Quiet, Help Wantertedjd nia/Nevada; California/Arizona; vestment of $50,000. Covered by held contract. Call for map and ment.. The successful candidate cozy. Man only $300 per mth. in­ Need immed. reliable pt.-tm. sit­ Utah/Grand Canyon/Arizona inventory. (604)261-7234, wmmmS photo. (206)734-8588. #20 will have diversified and extensive cl. util. 886-9336. #22. ter Lang, area for 1st ferry sail-. /Nevada; Yellowstone/Salt L. City #818-1200 West 73rd Avenue, Fuller Brush dealerships available experience as a carpenter sup­ ing. Ph. 886-8530. #20 /Reno; coast/San Fran- The Cariboo's 108 Resort offers Vancouver. V6P6G5. #19 :The CBC "Beachcombers" are Small bright duplex ste. Rosa- for self-motivated hard workers. plemented by related technical ciso/Reno; Yosemite/Reno; Port­ championship golf, riding, tennis, ; looking for additional RV's 24' mund Rd., Gibsons. $295. Call 885-9468. #22 Sunnyside two bedroom rancher training and trades qualifications; Mother will babysit in own home land rose; Pasadena; Calgary fishing, heated' pool, deluxe ; and over to be used as portable 886-8000. #21 with fenced yard providing out­ with basement beautifully A proven ability to supervise and Stampede. All tours depart Van­ rooms, licensed restaurant and •dressing rooms this season. Auto body repairman to fix cars in side play, crafts & lots of fun. remodelled, L.R. post beam provide leadership to a group of couver and Vancouver island. special golf, riding, and family i These vehicles will be rented at a Small 2 bedroom house on 5 their spare time. Cash. 886-8293. #20 vaulted.ceiling, new kitchen built- employees together with a Above prices Ex Vancouver. Van­ packages. 687-2334, 791-5211. rate bf $75 per day. For additional park-like acres in Roberts Creek 886-9752. #20 in appliances, large lot, demonstrated ability to find in­ couver 438-5322, Victoria #27 beginning Aug. 1 for 12-14 mos. greenhouse, dog runs, more. novative and cost effective solu­ information phone Nick Orchard Live in companion for elderly cou­ 384-5121. Toll Free: Fully furnished. Rent $450/mo. $69,500.531-9465. #19 tions to municipal work problems hat 886-7811 or 886-7911. #21 ple. Some help. 886-2459. #20 112-800-663-1747 (B.C. only- References required. Call Excellent family business. Cafe will be prerequisite. The 1984 jMotorhome 1982 21 ft. Vancouver) or 112-800-742-6166 convenience store, gas pumps in­ 886-8030. #21 We need a reliable. dependable salary range for this position is 'Aristocrat. Like new, roof air, (B.C. only-Victoria). Red Velvet cluding living quarters, showing Construction camp manager. perm./part-time sitter for our two 29,141-30,847 per annum plus a jasking $21,500.886-7896. #22 4 bdrm. house. Gibsons, close to Tours, 2263 Kingsway, Van­ good return for only $50,000 Canadian Forest Products, Howe girls ages 1 & 3. Occasional Marine repair shop for lease at comprehensive range of municipal all amenities $450. No pets. couver, V5N 2T6. .. TFN down. All located on two acres, 40 Sound Pulp Division, has an im­ weeknights & weekends. Prefer Pender Marina to qualified benefits. Applications must in­ 11980 9V2 ft. Vanguard camper. 886-7120. #21 miles north of Kamloops on Hwy. mediate opening for a Construction 16 yrs. or older. Pratt Rd. area. mechanic. Great opportunity to clude your resume, present and {Fully equipped. Used 3 times, 5. Owner retiring. 112-672-5656. Camp Manager for its pulp Community Hall for rent in Call Joanie 886-9384. #20 build your own business 2 bay Free 128 page career guide shows immediate salary expectations, 'cost new $10,400. • Offers. No agents please. #20 machine construction project near Roberts Creek. Phone Debbie, shop. 883-2248 #22 fhow to train at home for 205 top references and a statement of in­ 1885-258!. #22 Instructors for Continuing Educa­ Gibsons, B.C. The Camp 886-3994. 7-10 p.m. TFN |j"taying full and part time jobs. Impaired driving? Know the facts termediate and long-term objec­ tion Fall Programs: If you have an Manager's responsibilities will in­ 13' travel trailer. Very good con­ granton Institute, 265 A. Adelaide and your rights on this controver­ tives. The closing'date for this interest or skill you would like to [SO. clude managing the operation of a dition. Fridge, stove, furnace, 2 Office space for rent, 2nd floor Streel West, Toronto. Call sial subject, plead not guilty and position is May 29, 1984. Erna share, please call 885-3512 for L.200 person camp, iiaising.between_ tanks, new toilet. $1500. above Gibsons. BuildingSupplies, (416)977-3929 today. #20 beat the charge/ For complete in- Bukovtfski, Personnel.' Officer, The an interview before June 15th. aXfajafam, •the camp and the field super­ 883-9450. #20 886-8141.v ;.:. .TFN Corporation of the District of Mais- fofac send $17.50. Acceleration visors, overseeing the contract #20 VMMN Electrical estimator. We require an qui, 200-32315 South Fraser 3 bdrm. duplex. Creekside, Gib­ MoM/fisMng lodge and boat ratIh experienced electrical construction Development Ltd!, Box 121$, catering and administering the Kamloops, B.C. V2C6H3. #20 Way. Clearbrook, B.C. V2T 1W7. sons. 886-3772 or 886-2503. 'Mm.Xx> til. 12 kitchen units, two large estimator' for our Victoria office. housing of construction workers. TFN owner suites. Waterfront. Many (This is a senior position and can­ Urgently required-summer cottage Persons who are experienced in #19 camp managing with a good WorfcWented extras. Sacrifice sale. $435,000/ didates must have the ability to on. lake or sea-front from August 1,800 sq. ft. retail space, exc. knowledge of camp operations and Campbell River, 287-3343. #20 prepare both large and small com­ 1st-August 31st. Sleep 10 people. Pool hal, video arcade, kitchen. corner location. 883-9551, Steve. construction site practices are in­ New equipment. Clean, bright 15 ft. 'Sangster, 50 Merc, 4HP mercial and industrial tenders. Showers & toilet preferred. Call TFN Low cost renovations, framing, Wanted: Commercial kitchen vited to apply. Applicants should premises. Low overhead. Equip­ Merc, conv. top, sounder, trailer. Reply in writing with resume and 112-224-6637 or write: 4608 decks, fences, free est. Call Alex equipment; deep fryers (propane have good organizational abilities, ment $23,000+. Sell as ongoing FP$1950. Ph. 885-7244. #22 Comm. premises for rent immed.- references, stating salary expecta­ West 10th, Vancouver, V6R 2J5. 886-3996. M? '•.•;.. • #21 or gas). Also canopy and fans, tions, to Ricketts-Sewejl Electric good communication skills with business. $26,000 or equipment 1,000-1.800 sq. ft. Lease basis. potato peeler, S.S. workbench and #20 42 ft. steel ktch., full inv. Quality int; painting at reas. Ltd., 1450 Adanac Street, Van­ construction personnel, be a self- package, $20,000.112-537-2845 Phone 886-8138 or 886-2141. sinks, plus miscellaneous Items. $40,000 or trade coast property. rates. For free est! call Jennifer at couver, B.C. V5L 2C3 or 470 starter and be willingto live in the Saltspring. #18 TFN (604)485-2181. #20 64k Apple compatible computers 885-9992. #21 885-7232. #20 Cecelia Street, Victoria, B.C. V8T camp or the company townsite. for as low as $590. For a free Additional skills as a draughtsper- DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Granthams 1 bdrm. with view Nairn $100,000 to invest in viable 4T5. #20 34.ft. converted fishboat. New brochure phone Computer sori will be considered an asset. North Shore, Surrey, Vancouver $250/mo., heat and light incl. Carpentry & bricklaying work mail order business. Box 429, Ford diesel 60 hrs., sleeps 4, full Wanted experienced shako and Canada, 946-7302 or write: P.O. Salary and benefits are competitive area. Call Bill Marshall Comes with fridge, stove & sought by reliable tradesman. Ph. Lumby, B.C. VOE 2G0. #21 Box 328, Delta, B.C. V4K 3Y3. galley, VHF.sounder, compass, shingle block cutters. Must have and reasonable, relocation ex­ (604)112-734-1019. #18, private entrance. Ph. 886-7802 885-7286, #21 #19 penses will be provided. Interested head. $23,500 OBO. 883-2550. aft. 6. #21 One or two Herman Scissor Lifts. own saw, splitting tools and For sale, professional sound House Painting persons should forward their #20 25 feet working height. Price sub­ transportation. Top rates and pro­ system for mobile disco. Quality Attractive two bedroom suite, Interior-Exterior resume to: Industrial Relations ject to good working condition. Call duction bonus. Phone-245-4479, Portable 18 hole mini golf. 10 elec­ brand name equipment in excellent <7%''I/0'B. FB boat .trailer: near-new applicances, fireplace, Call Sam Dill 886-7619 Supervisor, Canadian Forest Pro­ Gordon Sewei! at 255-5144 (Van­ 749-3527 between 5 p.m.MO trical obstacles. Can be set up in condition. First reasonable offer Exc. cond. $5500. OBO. 6%' FB sundeck. 922-2556 or 922-7818. ducts Ltd., Howe Sound Pulp Divi­ couver). #20 p.m. #21 less than one week. Clubs and takes. For more information rcwboat &dars. $195.885-5031. #21 sion, Port Mellon, B.C. VON 2S0. balls included. Phone phone. Jeff. Winfield, B.C. #20 Attention four-wtnoiers. Heavy i - - Vancouver Island GM dealer re­ (604)498-3540. #18 766-2209! #18 2 br. duplex Gibsons area. Incl. 4 duty .05 gauge vinyl winch #19 For the best boat-top anywhere- quires an honest, aggressive new appl., ht., Igt., & cablevision. covers. $14.95 plus $1.50 shipp­ boat windshields, vinyl flooring, & used vehicle salesperson. Offer­ Avail. June 1, possibly sooner. ing & handling. Send cheque or boat seats, plexiglass. W.W. ing a good commission plan plus • $400/mo. No pets. 886-7309 afi. money' order to: Creative Upholstery & Boat Tops, excellent fringe benefits. Please 6. .#21 Upholstery Ltd., Box 639. Sooke, 886-7310. TFN Skidder & operator. Contract or write: Ed Klassen,, Box 1589, Port JULY AND AUGUST. Charming 3 by the hour. 886-2459. #20 B.C.V0S1N0. #20 Hardy. B.C. VON 2P0. #20 Gerri Patterson drum, mast, stabilizers, some br. house on 3.5 tranquil acres in "The Harlot and Tin Beast" 1984 Excellent opportunity with new nets. $27,000 (twenty seven rural Gibsons. Fully furn., 1 mi. arrives. Nuclear holocaust company selling by party plan. To­ thousand) Ph. 942-4963. #22 to beach, shops & ferry. postponed ancient prophecies day's new rage. Exclusive hand­ $400/mo. 886-2543. . #20 reveal the establishment of a world Won! 13.5' Enterprise, sails, trailer, 2 WM VAUGHAN made contemporary glassware HP Evinrude, $1500. 886-8500 One bedroom apt. in quiet CEDAR government: Send $5 for this ex­ from authentic antique molds. eves. & wknds. #22 building, neat and clean, no pets, LIMITED citing, new book about a young Vancouver, 298-6617, 9:30 mature adults only. Devries man and woman facing the horrors a.m.-4p.m. #20 P.O. Box 1333. of the new economic age. Revela­ Gasoline engine 4 cylinder Chris- Building! 886-7112 or 886-9038.' Stbsons. B.C; VON 1VO • m • Craft 132 cu in. Runs well. $500. TFN tion Publishing, Box 195, Brent­ For chair hatatyHrtg shop for sale 885-7692. #20 1. - Hand made wood Bay, B.C. VOS1A0. #20 in the Cariboo. Client files includ­ Gibsons Industrial Park. 750 sq. wood products. ed, good opportunity to take over 151/2 ftMFG over wood boat & ft. storage or work space. 2. • Hand split cedar District of Port Hardy Municipal In­ clientele. Owner moving in July. fencing. spector I. The district invites ap­ ***"«: trailer $500.886-8349. #20 $200/mo. 886-2139. #20 392-5323 or 392-4271. #20 3. •• Cedar products plications from interested persons 10 ft. FG cartop boat, motor, oars. Langdale 2 br. with finish, bsmt., for landscaping. who are qualified as a Municipal Laundromat $225,000. 20 '"*.' ^ $800.. Aluminum boat motors IV2 bath., carports, 2 FP, one 4. - Custom timber Inspector I. The applicant will washers 10 dryers: Coverall Ren­ $300,886-7484. #22 with insert. Avail. June 1. manufacturing, work with the use of bylaws to tals. Cement block building with 886-9290. #20 5. - Post & beam protect. the municipality and the two apartments. Downtown on city vj 32' Gillnetter, 6 ton A licence, construction. parking. Owners retiring. trr/Xr r .„ public primarily as Building In­ 'erf *Pr. 175 HP Ford marine gas engine Gibsons view townhse. Rec. rm., 886-8371 spector. Applications addressed 832-9518. Coin Laundry, Box 1% bathrm., 3-bdrm., W/W. (A1 shape), depth sounder, to: Box 68, Port Hardy, B.C. VON 2913, . VOE 2T0. #20 Rent neg., vacant. 886-2302, radios, etc. Wood hull (gd. . Hardwood floors resanded and 2P0 before May 25, 1984. Gerri found out that a ; #22 Visit rainbow country! Make Hope shape) gd. sea boat. Alum, finished; Work guaranteed. Free 949-6665: #20 drum, mast, stabilizers, some est. Phone 885-5072. .,. TFN and Fraser Canyon your vacation Coast News classified ad 1 bdrm. house Granthams, refs. nets. $26,000 (twenty seven Good used trucks. Cat Vancouver destination. Family fun for W.F., elec. heat, FP, gdn., no is a great way to get some thousand) Ph. 942-4963. #22 Resumes, app. letter., cbrnp. Freighfliner. Cabovers only with everyone! For information, write: pets. $300.6-7300,6-2344. #20 service.-.typed or typeset; sing, or tandem axles. 78 Frekjhtliner*400 Rainbow Guide, P.O. Box 371, extra cash for those extra multi copy. Phone 885-9664. TFN Lower Rd., Rbts. Cr., 3 bdrm. HP Detroit Diesel $28,000; 75 Hope, B.C. VOX 1L0. #19 items. Congratulations Kenworth 400 Cummins $18,500; bungalow on 1.5 acres FOR EXPLOSIVE REQUIREMENTS Circle Square Ranch. Register now. 79 Freightliner 400 Detroit Gerri! w/wrkshop. & veg. garden. Elec. Dynamite, electric or regular for summer camp. Four exciting $32,000; .79 International 400 ht. & woodstove. Sorry no dogs. caps, B line E cord aim safety camps; ranch, covered wagon, Detroit $31,000; '80 Freightliner $425/mo. Ph. 886-9472 or fuse. Contact Gwen Nimmo, family and motorcycle. For more V12 Detroit $39,500; '80 112-733-9646. #20 Cemetery Road, Gibsons. Phone information, call 2 yr. old Glenriver mobile home. 3 Freightliner 450 Commins 886-7778. Howe Sound Farmer (604)112-791-5545, 100 Mile Each week an ad is drawn at random and the winner bdrm., 2 bath. 14'x70*. $25,500 Studio suite, Gibsons, waterfront $51,000. Phone 888-1424, Institute. TFN House, B.C. receives dinner for two at Pebbles Restaurant (located OBO. 886-7424. #22 $250, utilities included. Ph. 112-800-242-2393. #20 525-1589. #20 Landscaping and garden ••: ' #20 on Trail Bay at the foot of Trail Avenue, Sechelt). maintenance, ornamentals, BuM your own hand crafted teg 135 HP truck diesel engine. Five 12x68, 3 bdrm. 10x20 patio & Waterfront 1 bdrm. furn. suite. If you have goods or services that you need to buy, shaped hedges-trimmed, fruit homo-use short logs and a proven speed O/D. Fits % to one ton. - store rm. 10x16. Sell furnished Sorry no dogs 886-7377. TFN sell or find fast, Coast News classifieds are your best trees pruned and sprayed. Phone system. Instruction package in­ Phone (604)299-1738, (Teno). or unfurn. Fenced in. Phone mor­ bet. New 3 bdrm. house Hopkins 886-9294 after 6 p.m. TFN cludes: instruction video cassette; #19 ning or eves. 886-7503. #20 illustrated construction manual, Ldg., view, access beach. Avail, and plan book. Send $79.95 che­ first 2 wks. In July $350/wk. PEERLESS TREE Rastfvatfom* now for chRdran's You're always a winner with que or money order to: Tartan In­ 12x68 Brentwood home in Bon­ 524-3572. ' #22 SERVICES LTD. • camp at Norwood Horse Centre. ternational Log and Timber niebrook. 12x12' insulated shed, Topping-Limblng-Danger Tree One week of camping at a horse Systems Ltd:, Box 3624, Posts' deck, 1 minute from beach. Good 2 bdrm. view, FP $350; 1 bdrm.; Removal. Insured, guaranteed ranch, Courtenay, Vancouver Coast News Classifieds! Station D, Edmonton, Alberta. T5L clean condition and low asking suite $250; 2 bdrm. home $425. work. Free estimates, 885-2109. Island. (604)337-8621 for details. 4J6. #19 price. Ph. 886-8663. #21 886-7204. #20 TFN #19 i 18. Coast News, May 14,1984 BB ^^itik&if&izirizitiritizirizititizi^

GIBSONS RCMP Two thefts were reported to passenger in Durisire's car was also valued at $250. In the Sechelt Inlet police on the 5th. On Glassford injured. Darlene Duncan of Gib­ area, 26 sacks of oysters valued at Road, a Norco bicycle valued at sons, received injuries to the face $400 -were stolen from the beach $100 was stolen from the carport of and hands. No injuries were sus­ area in front of the residence of the a residence and a vehicle parked in tained by the driver of the. other owner. ^ * the Royal Canadian Legion park­ vehicle. A report of break and entry was : 1 st -Anniversary Speeds ing lot was stripped of a radio A break and entry was reported received by police on the 6th from valued at $400. It is not known if on the 7th from Aldersprings. Road the owners of a cabin located on Starting May 10th force was used to gain entry into in Gibsons. Entry into the Francis Peninsula Road. The theft the car. residence was gained through a is believed to have occurred at any Enter Our A two motor vehicle accident oc­ window. A quantity of cash was Mime since last October. A few stolen. household articles at a value less curred on the 6th on Highway 101 * in front of the Gibsons Inn. A SECHELT RCMP M than $200 were taken. »**$& (Enter, with Registration, Draw June 10th) vehicle driven by Sandra Dunsire A Dairyland truck was broken ; On the 8th, Rick - Brunher QO w$ Blank of Gibsons was broadsided by an into on the night of the 4th and a reported to police a break arid en-. \*l- oncoming vehicle when Dunsire quantity of dairy products valued try into his vehicle which had been SCOTCH VHS TAPES MOVIE RENTALS was pulling out of the Inn's park­ at $116 was stolen from the.truck. left parked in the Rat Portage Hill With great rebate $3/Movie Fri.- Sun. ing lot. Dunsire, who was charged On the 7th, a Pioneer chainsaw area in Roberts Creek. Over $1,300 offers $3/First Movie, $1/Second Movie was stolen from the back of a pick­ worth of goods were taken from wjth failing to yield to traffic, was Mon. - Thurs '.. . . taken to St. Mary's Hospital for up truck' parked in the caport of a his vehicle including a stereo, some $14.95 treatment of leg injuries. A residence located in the Francis tapes, a first aid kit and a quantity * Peninsula area.* The saw was of tools. .M OPEN PUNCH our Two break and entries were \sf THE RECESSION * reported on the 9th from cabins 7 DAYS located in the Sakinaw Lake area. With our new punch Our The break and entries could have A WEEK! cards! occurred as far back asM last INCLUDING HOLIDAYS 10 Movies for $25.00 February. A small outboard motor J* aj) Town was taken from one cabin'. It has Located Behind Chevron Gas Station Hours — * not been determined yet if MON.-THURS. 11-6 p.m., * all share the common fact that the anything else was stolen from the at Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons L_*c FRI. & SAT. 11-9, SUN. 12- YOUNG PEOPLE AND main items stolen during those rob­ two cabins. ALCOHOL beries were cash or goods easily What do we consider alcohol turned into cash, and of course, abuse amongst the young? Are our alcohol. Local police records fchildren abusing alcohol by having substantiate the fact that our •a drink with .their friends on children are committing serious weekends or at parties? We did it criminal offences in order to obtain when we were kids so what harm alcohol. In a previous interview in could it possibly do? an Our Town article, a juvenile ad­ . Let's examine our situation here mitted . that the sole purpose of in Gibsons. As parents, do we real­ breaking and entering residences ly understand what that "little bit was to procure alcohol or the of alcohol" actually means. money needed to procure alcohol. Let's begin with the method us­ Maybe we should be taking a lit­ ed to obtain alcohol. The legal tle more interest in our children's drinking age being 19 years old, activities, where they go, who they alcohol cannot be purchased by the are with and what they are doing. youths themselves which would be If you have not had a serious talk an offence. The next logical step is with your son or daughter about to get an adult to buy the liquor for alcohol, maybe it's time you did. Moves Up Front "them which is also an offence. If Vandalism connected to youths "the co-operation of an adult is not and alcohol is another.grim by­ (Now located at the front of Teredo Square) available, false identification is us- product of alcohol abuse, so is ed by a youth who can pass for 19 youth, alcohol and a vehicle. 'years old. That too is an offence. Statistics show that 16-17 years old 'Are we ready to call this abuse? impaired drivers are 165 times ;Let's look a little further. Where more likely to be involved in a fatal 'does the money to buy liquor come accident than a non-impaired ;from? Knowing the cost of driver. Vlvltar 70-210 F4.5 ' v. alcohol, most children today cer­ Next week, some comments tainly do not get a big enough from young people in our town on ,j>

<;.. "

Several individuals attended the are going off the Coast for a logo >.M >> - - M* last Expo '86 Committee meeting without even inviting local people 10:00-3:00 fs ••M - and presented their concepts of to show what they can do. A com­ logos for the Sunshine Coast's petition could have generated anpaiMimwffM "ExpOasis" theme, at the same much public involvement, One of A -•-* ^ , v: - time expressing concern that the the aims of this organization, by public had not been invited to take the best resource we have, people. part in finding a logo through a "We need to generate and "Perfect for competition. galvanize interest and participation To date the committee had ask­ in Expo, and that must be done by Timber Days' ed only one person, professional involving the community every graphic artist Charlie Maiers of change we get. parade" Vancouver, to design a logo: "If we want to be believed," he Your Film "The criterion for a logo must continued, "we must believe in be excellence, in a push-pull with ourselves. Promotion, like charity, price," stated vice-chairman should begin at home." Richard Tomkies in defending this The committee accepted the approach as professional. logos presented, and will turn them %> •• - "^find it regretful," said John over to the newly formed Sunshine $179.99 Burnside, "that with the high Coast Tourist Associationboard of percentage of artists in this area we directors for the final selection. For most popular cameras wmmtm \M


"or Vivitar TEC 35 Autofoctis • Auto Focus • Auto Flash Get a FREE D Auto Everything Fuji Color Film Leave your color film for processing and we'll return your finished prints with a FREE roll of 12 exposure Fuji color print film.* *Offer applies to disc, 110,135 & 126 Guess Where sizes left for processing and is The usual prize of $5 will be awarded the first entry drawn which limited to orders returned with 8 correctly locates the above. Send your entries to reach the Coast prints or more. This offer expires News, Box 460, Gibsons, by Saturday of this week. Last week's May, 23rd 1984. No cash value. winner was Allen Breitung, Dental Centre, R.R.ll, Gibsons who correctly located the totem pole as being in front of the Smith Coupon Must Accompany Order residence on Abbs Road, Gibsons. .99 a in i ii.www^y Steam Cleaning Carpets & Upholstery *"•„» "-j -V We've been in business as a trusted friend & neighbour for over 27 years. Our reputation for quality & value, service & "Fastest Quality Film Service" integrity is the only true M measure of a guarantee. OSQUARE S J j_&ii:Et&vries & Son 88*3-_882 x: Floprepveripig txtd- rtv/y'lf)-1,...'G;ih«iri:rif."' 886-7112