
and Intranet Developing an Intranet for a Small Unit Capt. Dan Stormont U.S. Air Force

The Theater Air Command and Control Simulation Facility (TACCSF) is a fairly small unit that works closely with contractors to develop simulation and scenarios. The small size of the unit and the inter- action with contractors prompted us to develop efficient ways to share data and documentation. This article discusses the approaches the TACCSF has taken to set up an Intranet using limited resources. It addresses the use of shared memory devices and the problems associated with that approach as well as the efforts undertaken to develop a browser-based (Intranet) paradigm. The lessons learned from these attempts are presented, as are our current efforts and future plans to develop the most cost-effective solution that will satisfy our needs.

OW DO YOU SHARE information and one operated by Lockheed Mar- The Intranet also needs to limit in your office? Pin pages on a tin—that are used to share project in- access to sensitive information and be Hbulletin board? Send E-mail formation but must limit access to accessible to everyone who has a right out to everyone you think would be competition-sensitive or government- to the information contained in it. This interested? Attach a routing slip to only information. requires the use of password protection something and drop it in someone’s in- Another constraint is that Intranet and possibly secure HyperText Markup box, never to be seen again? Write im- site development and maintenance is Language (HTML) to protect the sensi- portant meetings on a centrally located only an additional duty for the people tive information. calendar? Although there is a need at working on it, and funding for equip- Finally, the Intranet needs to be easy times for formal routing of correspon- ment and software is usually based on to maintain. The best Intranet site in dence and face-to-face coordination of the amount of customer funds we re- the world is useless if it takes too long meetings, much of the information ceive in a year. We have a small unit to update or demands that all changes passed around in the typical office with part-time Intranet employees go through a single choke point. would best be disseminated by having it operating with limited funds. Does this readily available on everyone’s desktop sound like your organization? Using a Shared Memory computer. Recognizing these issues at Approach the TACCSF motivated us to develop Why an Intranet? When we first tried to share informa- an efficient, usable Intranet for our Why did we want to develop an tion at TACCSF, we used what I call a organization. This article discusses the Intranet? We wanted to make as much “shared memory” approach. This meant trials, tribulations, and lessons learned information as possible available to that people who wanted to share infor- from these efforts. people in the organization: information mation, i.e., a document or a briefing, such as conference room schedules, would place it in a shared memory area About TACCSF important dates for the organization on the local area network (LAN) server The TACCSF is an Air Combat Com- (Commander’s Calls, etc.), and project and advertise its availability to people mand-operated advanced distributed information (schedules, funding charts, who might want to view the data. simulation facility. We are physically test plans, etc.). Most people are famil- There are a number of shortcomings separated from our parent units: the iar and comfortable with using a Web with this approach. The biggest chal- 505th Command and Control Evalua- browser, so an Intranet seemed to be a lenge can be to find the desired data. It tion Group (CCEG) and the Air and natural medium to share information. does not take long for directories to Space Command and Control Agency. proliferate in the shared area, which The TACCSF team is uniquely Implementation Goals makes files extremely difficult to find composed of military members of De- What should an Intranet offer to be unless you know the exact file path. tachment 4, 505th CCEG, develop- useful to a small unit like TACCSF? Also, unless you have a file plan for ment contractors working for Lockheed Most important, it needs to be easy to your shared memory, you start to get Martin Corporation, and support con- use. “Ease of use” is a phrase that tends several variations in organization and tractors working for Scientific Research to be ill-defined and overused; I define labeling of directories and files. Corporation. The team works in the it as the ability to find the desired infor- The shared memory approach is also same building and must work closely mation (if it is available) with a mini- a burden on the LAN administrator on development projects for external mal number of page changes. To make who must determine appropriate per- customers interested in using our simu- an Intranet easy to use requires a great missions on a directory-by-directory or lation facility. We have two PC net- deal of design and planning to logically often a file-by-file basis. The LAN ad- works—one operated by Detachment 4 organize and present the available data. ministrator also has to juggle server

June 1998 CROSSTALK The Journal of Defense Software Engineering 3 Internet and Intranet memory management since some users tures of the editor were somewhat lack- database connectivity, interactive forms, post more shared files than others. ing, and a lot of custom page adjust- and on-line scheduling of conference ments were required. rooms and test-bed resources. Other First Attempt Another problem with this imple- possibilities for growth are collaborative Difficulties with the shared memory mentation was the lack of user involve- design and reviews with off-site cus- approach led to our first Intranet at- ment and requirements input, which tomers and password-protected Internet tempt—the TACCSF Intranet Software meant that the system was never access to the Intranet. Engineering Environment (ISEE). The widely used. Our preference is to host future intent of ISEE was to share information The second attempt took about 40 versions of the Intranet on its own concerning TACCSF projects. The site hours to create and was also hosted on server that runs Windows NT Intranet was organized by project and would the Compaq server running Novell Information Server. contain information such as on-line NetWare. documentation, project management Selecting Tools data (schedules, financial reports), and Current Efforts The quality and affordability of briefings. We currently are experimenting with an Intranet tools has improved consider- The biggest challenge with ISEE Intranet implementation that will en- ably since we first started experiment- was the lack of good Web development compass the entire range of our daily ing with an Intranet site. The text- tools at the time. Most of the HTML operations and incorporate most of the oriented Web page editors in common pages for ISEE were developed by hand elements that were present in previous use then have been replaced by graphi- using HTML editors that require the attempts. This Intranet is intended to cal tools; network operating systems author to work directly with the be more than a mere copy of the Web now routinely bundle Intranet capabili- HTML source code and refer to an page or a source of project information. ties as part of the package, and highly HTML reference guide. This made One of the more important objec- capable browsers are freely available. page development tedious and time- tives of our current implementation is The current range and quality of consuming. to increase usage of the Intranet. To Web development tools is impressive. There were, however, some good accomplish this, it is essential to keep Most of the popular office suites have ideas that came from the ISEE experi- the data referenced in the Intranet the capability to save documents in ence. We discovered that the best way pages current and to make the system HTML format, and the appearance of to minimize page changes was to nest easy to use and update. Fortunately, these documents has improved greatly. lists of data from the most general to improvements in Web authoring tools Of course, to develop a comprehensive the most specific. (This may seem obvi- and network support site and not just an HTML page requires ous, but there are many examples on for Intranets, along with increasing a Web development environment. There the Web where this principle is not comfort levels with the Web browsing are a large number of Web development followed.) The other good idea was paradigm, make this objective easier to tools available at a reasonable price, linking related data in documents. For accomplish. either stand-alone (’s example, this allowed us to create a The organization of the current FrontPage) or as part of a browser pack- hyperlink requirements traceability and Intranet is being improved by designing age (’s Communicator). One verification matrix. the site map in advance (similar to tool that is worth consideration is One person created the ISEE in doing a file plan for paper records) and AOLPress, which is a free package avail- about 80 hours using a freeware assigning an “owner” for each of the able at http://www.aolpress.com. There HTML editor. It was hosted on our sections of the Intranet site. is also a free server package that comple- LAN server, which, at the time, was a The latest Intranet sites were ments AOLPress. There are better tools Compaq Proliant 1000 running Novell authored by one person at a time, with available; however, until you have more NetWare 3.1.2. each iteration taking between eight and experience with Intranet development 16 hours. This illustrates how much and can better determine your develop- Next Implementation authoring tools have improved since ment environment needs, AOLPress can The next attempt at implementing an our first Intranet attempts. The latest help you get your Intranet project Intranet site started with the format (at iterations were created with AOLPress started. that time) of the TACCSF Web page or Microsoft FrontPage and are hosted and extended it to provide project infor- on a pair of Dell PowerEdge 2100s Lessons Learned mation, information of general interest, running Windows NT 4.0. The most important Intranet develop- and on-line administrative information. ment lesson learned is that your Intranet This attempt also used a “what you Future Plans must be easy to use. This requires taking see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) Once the current Intranet efforts are time to lay out the site in advance to graphical editor ( complete, we plan to start work on ensure that the format and organization Gold); however, the WYSIWYG fea- more interactive content, such as Java is logical and aesthetically pleasing.

4 CROSSTALK The Journal of Defense Software Engineering June 1998 Developing an Intranet for a Small Unit

You must also ensure that the evaluate why you want to establish an the B-1B Conventional Mission Upgrade Intranet users feel they have a voice in Intranet and how your organization Program at Wright-Patterson Air Force its development and use. If people feel expects to benefit from it. Then you Base, Ohio. He has an associate’s degree the Intranet is being forced on them can determine if the expected benefits in electronics engineering technology and are not given an opportunity to will outweigh the effort required to from the Community College of the Air express their opinions about its design, implement your Intranet site. Force, a bachelor’s degree in computer they are not likely to use it. If you follow these recommenda- engineering from the University of Ari- On a similar note, it is important to tions, you should be able to set up a zona, and is pursuing a master’s degree in identify “owners” for the sections of the successful Intranet site for your organi- computer engineering at the University of New Mexico. He is an active member of site. We approached this by assigning a zation, big or small. u portion of the site to each of the direc- the Association for Computing Machin- ery and the Institute of Electrical and torates in the organization, and the About the Author Electronics Engineers Computer Society. directors assigned a person to maintain Capt. Dan Stormont is their section of the Intranet. the chief of project Det 4, 505 CCEG/ENP engineering at TACCSF 1655 First Street S.E. Once the site is established, mainte- Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5617 nance is much simpler; however, it is at Kirtland Air Force Voice: 505-846-0539 DSN 246-0539 important to realize that developing an Base, N.M. Prior to Fax: DSN 246-1486 Intranet is a resource-intensive under- TACCSF, he was the E-mail: [email protected] taking. You need to take the time to computer engineer for Coming Events Software Quality Through Robust Sponsor: Quality Assurance Institute 15th International Conference on Testing Contact: Voice: 407-363-1111; Fax: Testing Computer Software Dates: May 21, 1998 407-363-1112; Internet: http:// Dates: June 8-12, 1998 Location: Eatontown, N.J. www.qaiusa.com Location: Washington, D.C. Subject: Year 2000 fixes, reduce test- Subject: “Testing Under Pressure,” ing time and cost, improve cover- 5th International Conference on with emphasis on management age, and find defects early. Software Reuse strategies. Contact: Madhav Phadke, Voice: 732- Dates: June 2-5, 1998 Sponsor: U.S. Professional Develop- 577-2878; Fax: 732-577-2879; Location: Victoria, British Columbia ment Institute E-mail: Madhav_Phadke@ Sponsor: IEEE Computer Society in Contact: Voice: 301-270-1033; Fax: .com cooperation with Association for 301-270-1040; E-mail: Computing Machinery [email protected]; Internet: http:// 7th IEEE North Atlantic Test Contact: Jeffrey S. Poulin, program co- www.uspdi.org Workshop chairman; Voice: 607-751-6899; Fax: Dates: May 28-29, 1998 607-751-6025; E-mail: Jeffrey.Poulin 4th Joint Avionics, Weapons, and Location: West Greenwich, R.I. @lmco.com Systems; Support, Software, and Subject: Issues for the 21st Century: Simulation (JAWS S3) Symposium higher quality, more economical, Second Workshop on Software and Exhibition and more efficient testing method- Architectures in Product Line Dates: June 15-19, 1998 ologies and designs. Acquisitions Location: Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Sponsor: IEEE Computer Society, Dates: June 8-10, 1998 Nev. Test Technology Technical Commit- Location: Hawthorne Hotel, Salem, Mass. Subject: “Meeting the Technology tee, University of Rhode Island Subject: Applying software architecture Needs of the War Fighter in the Contact: Jim Monzel, Voice: 802-769- technology to the acquisition of soft- Year 2000 and Beyond” 6428; Fax: 802-769-7509, E-mail: ware-intensive product lines. Based Sponsors: Director, Test, Systems jmonzel@vnet..com on experiences, working groups will Engineering and Evaluation, make recommendations to move to Office of the Undersecretary of Effective Methods of Defect an architecture-based product line Defense; U.S. Navy, Avionics Detection and Defect Prevention acquisition approach. Department; U.S. Air Force, Dates: June 2-4, 1998 Contact: Lt. Col. Gene Glasser, E-mail: Embedded Computer Resources Location: Seattle [email protected] Support Improvement Program; Subject: Software quality decomposed JAWS S3 Working Group into defect detection and defect Contact: http://jawswg.org prevention.

June 1998 CROSSTALK The Journal of Defense Software Engineering 5