Automated Deployment … of Debian & Ubuntu Michael Prokop About Me Debian Developer Project lead of ounder of #nvolved in A#$ initramf"-tools$ etc. Member in Debian orensic Team Author of &ook $$Open Source Projektmanagement) #T *on"ultant Disclaimer" Deployment focuses on Linux (everal tools mentioned$ but there exist even more :. We'll cover some sections in more detail than others %here's no one-size-fits-all solution – identify what works for you Sy"tems Management Provisioning 4 Documentation &oot"trapping #nfrastructure 'rche"tration 4 Development Dev'ps Automation 6isualization/Trends *onfiguration 4Metric" + Logs Management Monitoring + *loud Service Updates Deployment Systems Management Remote Acce"" ipmi, HP i+'$ IBM RSA,... irm3are Management 9Vendor Tools Provisioning / Bootstrapping :ully) A(utomatic) I(n"tallation) Debian, Ubuntu$ Cent'( + Scientific +inu, ;uju Ubuntu <Charms= grml-debootstrap netscript=" http-44grml.org4 d-i preseeding auto url>\ "queeze/example-preseed.txt Kickstart Cobbler Foreman AutoYa(%$ openQRM, (pace3alk,... Orche"tration / Automation Fabric (Python) % cat from fabric.api import run def host_type(): run('uname -s') % fab -H host1, host2,host3 host_type Capistrano (Ruby) % cat Capfile role :hosts, "host1", "host2", "host3" task :host_type, :roles => :hosts do run "uname -s" end % cap host_type 7undeck apt-dater % cat .config/apt-dater/hosts.conf []
[email protected];mika@;... *ontrolTier, Func$ MCollective$... *luster((8$ dsh, TakTuk,... *obbler$ Foreman$ openQRM, Spacewalk,... *onfiguration Management Puppet Environment" :production4"taging/development.