वर्गीय आव�यकताएँ सं.:टीईसी/जीआर/एसडब쥍यू/पीबीए啍स-001/02/अ啍टूबर-17 (सं.:टीईसी/जीआर/एसडब쥍यू/पीबीए啍स-सीपीए/01/फरवरी-09 को अधिक्रधित करता है) GENERIC REQUIREMENTS No. : TEC/GR/SW/PBX-001/02/OCT-17 (Supersedes No. TEC/GR/SW/PBX-CPA/01/FEB-09) प्राइवेट ऑटोिैटटक 녍ांच ए啍सचᴂज PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE © टीईसी, 2017 © TEC, 2017 इस सवााधिकार सुरधित प्रकार्शन का कोई िी धहसा, दूरसंचार अधियांधिकी कᴂद्र, नई दद쥍ली की धलधखत ,र्गﴂवीकृधत के धबना, दकसी िी 셂प िᴂ या दकसी िी प्रकार से जैसे -इले啍रॉधनक, िैकेधनकल,फोटोकॉपी, टरकॉ셍ड कैननंर्ग आदद 셂प िᴂ प्रेधित, संग्रहीत या पुन셁配पाददत न दकया जाए । All rights reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form and by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, without written permission from the Telecommunication Engineering Centre, New Delhi. दूरसंचार अधियांधिकी कᴂद्र खुर्शीदलाल िवन, जनपथ, नई दद쥍ली–110001, िारत TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING CENTRE KHURSHIDLAL BHAWAN, JANPATH, NEW DELHI–110001, INDIA www.tec.gov.in Release 04: OCT, 2017 Price: 800/- FOREWORD GR No. TEC/GR/SW/PBX-001/02/OCT-17 2 Telecommunication Engineering Centre(TEC) functions under Department of Telecommunications (DOT), Government of India. Its activities include: Issue of Generic Requirements (GR), Interface Requirements (IR), Service Requirements (SR) and Standards for Telecom Products and Services Field evaluation of products and Systems National Fundamental Plans Support to DOT on technology issues Testing & Certification of Telecom products For the purpose of testing, four Regional Telecom Engineering Centers (RTECs) have been established which are located at New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, and Kolkata.
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