
"sSs^SftSr^VV*-.-- -fW!«f*-;i I HAVEN'T 8KKN TIIE- WATCH ; j-et I couldn't reimlr properly. NTRATIIKArf-VT ( O..)KWK1,KK Op. I'.O.il y&mib <•"•'>* 7i!


• O voters! listen to ray prayer! TOf ORDERED TII Mi! fiffl The Opposition Bay: "Vole for Turn not from me your face! Green, the friend cf the woikin^'man!" -—who permits 60 of them i.o be sland- For. though I'm but a little man, en i behind their backs without a word I want My Proper Place. oi irote it from himself. My'Party's Pearl I'm sure I'd be At legislative lore, io' Ii aiiur i Territory of i UL!. S--H0i! '. -. i 11 clann ra for ''moral (Much Profitable Patronage . e ting Mr.Green. I see, too, for my store!) bave beon "the rotund indi- iti - it long letter, to Much Petty Perjury I haw son aid (INTO mm i beiii v. he had i omething tu say. Right here to prove to you Moral Public Prostitution ( .. aev . has ' friends on Is all my foes can do. 1 an ; hi een the r : To keep mo from the pedestal f • . •: Sun c lo p Which I would fain surmount,-— rs of tlie Christokl Colon oa Boardh Steamer Hesoiute—Mis; leirfi ' I Ilea - n My Pinnacle Particular!— I HI i •;• mind uan u , the Which really should not count. . in \i whit Mendacious Pirate Plunderers Clara Bark's Good Wort Are all that you have sent, A. long and labored effusion in last Thus far, unto Victoria ss night s it Yourselves to represent-. Su . Washington, July 7.—Secretary Lon;.- tub il Colon, ih.* fa ti ' boat of the (harbor, the flames burst forth from a They seo not in tho mystic sign ii a has just cabled Admiral Sampson or- Spanish fleet a i erythii *. dooelfire hole and caught the woodwork I I covet--"M.'P. P.'V- .. ,. •dei-ing. him. to detach iniuietliat.l, to give per a good chance to escape. I around, causing quite a serious confla- The meaning proud, so plain to one mc :.i-1, X.'giarop«iore Watson's squadron andad- it as the intention 01 17 .' i'i to make I yratiou. Thero was much commotion Ot My Pure Pedigree. . •',' v i a , irl b r. I i ,* *'' B the latter to proceed at once on • or i. fuegosi i ecun i an ; I o-1 i-mong the passengers. Many ladies ill have Thus now, hy My iVaselitmontPtaio, his hil-%»on To Spain. The vessels will visions. All the vessels i'i j v.ere taken ashore in life boats. Sir Good I trust you clearly^see be tha Iowa, Oregon, Newark am short ol coal,the Cbristobal Co .-; Oliver kept very cool and materially . ' or ". .' .: is There's no one else ou earth will B throe cruisers besides toalshlps. lng on!/ :'. Jay'a supply) which e.ss.-e- assisted in preventing a panic. The r jumb • • . pport" These letter.*—only ME! .uvii ai Sa.itinv 11 aniards ; tlames were got under control and the nd assertion '.' ••. 11 . the il.iMu.liu, IH1HII.II ...i.-iml. I then So pray give ine your confidence Brook-: steamer was towed in...... 0 that Washington, July 7.—Tho preside:!, Tobolp to rule .your land) •-:,• i as I; I-, , i ui le not ly t| -.. Ret ii- 'signed the resolution annexing ll,..- H-y consider her th ("Twill help along your credit NEliAL VTotoria, At tho corner-grocery stand!/ Hawaiian Islands at 7 p. tn. ft is th i view of the Hawaiian authorities that uue or two of the Spanish ho.'.ts to e.. What? "M.v Past Performances," Hawaii becomes a part of tbe U. S. the cape. Tha Brooklyn vis Ijit ir-time;.. you say, ; Items of Merest to the Citizens of Kaslo, Oc­ moment the president attached his sig­ "Will be enough for me'" nature to the resolution of congress. Ilu, si . .11 curring Hero and There. . govern- ".My Present I' -O'tiisos won't earn o-Ui n- The title 'M. P. IV!" *\, York, July 7.—The foi low ill Oi ' •*'. pri it ker :-i a llolisou is Kxe_u*»nfl*6_', ! oab •am v.its received today by "You're not to be caught with chaU'.'' Head the Morning News. li 7 y, in whli I Otf Jarag.ua, July ii.--Naval Con­ Stephen Barton from. Miss Clara Bar­ Oh, can sin '> Ihings be true!— - made up of i nati M- structor Richmond p. Hobson of Jhe ton "' '••' Oh, Misled l'nl>;ie, Pause! I pray, itlii '• . (Ihinamen an . Dagoes, llagsliip Now-Vork and seven seamen "Siboney, July li, via Playa del E le. Robert Jackson of the Jaikson-inir.es Ere makiii;.1 i'vi en turn blue* and u ii a bei ol tl a no vi te. who composed thc crew of the Merri; I—Barton, New Vork: We pa is iu town. ' • - Si.'i. " So i W' Ko­ mac which was sunk by Hobson and tl r's front in the n»hl lor food la, olitica are liarflly ever companions in the channel of .Santiago i and clothing for refugees who an led Mr, BatllUltC! •H MiClli.K' A. W. Koss of New Westminister is mi Sandon---l'Yid.iy, '.ily 8. Juno III last, were exchanged today. |l0| Santiago by the t. . star. in the city. ing and miked. The Snt:-, • Te goue to PoH'Antonio for to save •: CANDIDATBS. Subscribe for tl B Kaslo Morning PriHimeiM qf-tb" Cristobal doioUs bei JI \"'' ' • I, Sleo has returned from a trip News. GttantMWim, July I, 8 p. m., pur the • ir ..'•:;,,,.-, ane. .. ,. (. the lea Who Kill ALII .iuteiM're ;.i Despatch boat, Hani y Con pile i we can from both Run jm ;'.... via Kingston, Jaiiia.1 :t, July 5, fj p. m...... and pink no; (Delayed in tranM*ulBsion.)*~rhe str. i'or -rood maple lyrup with TOUT hot '" ibli I-I !'n.d 'suppHei. i ak •.-• go tin* u.ieoii. * lion. Itewiliite arrived today Wlljh 50fl pris­ Alb... ai—1 . ' .Nelil .V'. ! i- •;•: oners, inchuliiig 1:1 oiiieers, and the .. - ... ih mi • • in :.ik.in trom pur operating t.ibies I I! ore - if the Spanish 11 ulsM Cristobal M laid on tluvorass, often without Ice cream served free with all order*. ri li ... i Allan PROt l,\MATION. f'nljti. Tho disposition of the prison­ c wi . II Berd from ", to3'p in. dui'y ut LlioQuoon. * blankets,,t>r shelter from rail at sun. . lot PROVINCIAL KU'.CTOKS' ACff. ers is not yet decitkid on The number As others die the clothing is t '• U Harris #f killed and wounded of tho Colon Is Cootcr.ii , put on the imiii d I.O go) thei down to ' . i'. : ill, :. Spoliicr .-' (i-iiiny, v,-n: NOTICK OF I'Ol.MN'd I'LACIM. very small. Tho cuinircd Spaniards Noi Walla SilKiney teu nillaa 0V« i Ibi iu imi :• . it lay and rotiirtied this Soutl Rid 7 0 •.. dlie Slocan Riding of Wesl Kootonay I'lue- were remarkably toh*orful. The offi­ toral District, lowif: Koote * army wagons. Mrs. Gardnei my sol I i locnlng*. Public notici i- hereby given In tin* cers claim they ha'd had nothing to oat Noi ' : ... I I • Electors of tlie ,'i" in Hiding of west and the whole working force ol ih. • Re, >- . dlio Kootonay Electoral District that a poll for'J I hours before the destruction of I'o. Martin has become necessary at un election Red Cross at tho front are In h led, at the Mause. by Rev. A.D SI,'.. ' ';, fit the lloet a.id they hud groat difficulty now pending for tho .-mine and thnt. * , such polling will be open from 8 a. ui. • ' i ••• .1 ,. ' '• . at t) p. in.. In getting the men to iln'ilr posts, and range-of the Bhat**y I ooti Tl het*< until 4 p.m. on Saturday the ninth, .) . Anderson to airs. Dora Gear., (!*th).i»]rof Jul...... D., i.si)8, at th« .t , nrusAMng splendid ..-.;:. ... UcC! or..M ei linie Nuuaiiuo. North- Bryileu Ettllier following places:- \ • therefore large amount!of liquor.vere rhejiicii are as brave as lions, jhafte ; Kaslo. Polling • • • .' '' Dcputv Returning Nanalmo, South A'aikein Smith Place*. ' Officers, uiven out.. Many of the captured sail­ l» acting wisely und humanely, doir.;;' New \.' mii tor Bi iderson .Brown jlty offices, Kasio.. . William J, Twiss ors still showed the effects of drink all he can. Wo return to thc front I . i. Martin returned frSm Victoria Victoria City* Tarner rtelyea government building. Ainsworth l [elmcken Gregory ias. W."Smith when put on board the Resolute. ' soon. (.Signed) CI.AKA BABTOJS ' lost night, having sucoesuf'illy passed H-'.ll Stewart ll* Boy. Walter A. Morkley • *<- tiio o'luuiiiation required for admis- ''ol'iiilitps IJeaven locau Groataffs. Robert A. -Bradshaw . Tho Spanish officers say tho ordor to Victoria, North—Booth Patterson iobsoo vP. R. C. Beer -1» sail was gken by the Minister of Ma­ sio.i as barretter after having spent Vancouver-—C-ai den Martin "Jeer Pauk.-.. * H. K. Livingstone Sir sJUKvr- Muwnt Prevents a Panic ' a roll Cotton ' locau City lohn L. White rine, and they decided to'm4ke an at- his six month's probation io the prov­ McDonald... Macphorson V.u-MUe Inweph Gibbs, M- !->• • • • Kingston, Out., July 7.—Sin .-Olive r Dowser Tisdal.' il verton J. A. McKinnon tempt, to escape on, Saturday night, but ince. Westminster - |>c ow Denvur Henri R. Jorand Mowat had a startling experience last hree Forks r'rnast.Harrop it was postponed until Sunday morning Chilliwaek Tumor Munroe Delta -Benson Forster andon S. A. Mighton for the reason that quarters inspection night on tho steamer Jubilee, which sid-vander will give a gold Whitewater J. A.W. Bell DeWdnoy—M.-i'ride Whet ham fgenta ..... ,7F. W. Pettit would be held at that time and the was bringing himself and man;,-' other i*in ' ••.''•» to auy one who can Richmond- McQueen Kidd lbiiee Point W. H. Sinclair Yale, Wi st McKaj Semlin Americans would nyt be at their guns.' passengers back from attend;',, the prodno. a watch that he oftnnttt put in Given under*', kuand ut Kaslo, B.C., Yale, Noi i'i M: i tin Beane is twenty-fifth'da.- of June, A. D-, None of the Spaniards expected to bo ! McDowell Centennial Celebration at perfect order. He o*B be found at thc Yale, Kast—Ellison ;.. .Graham SW. 17. .-. ANDREWS, , I • '** |f turn ing Officer, SViioau Riding, West alive at noon on Sunday. Most'Of their Fredrieklmrg. When opposite Clark's Kaslo Drug store. Call and see Kootenay. _.*•••'.• valuables were put on bcerd the'Chris- mill house near the entrance to the him. * Advortlbo iu the News. It pays. mining dlatricts, pauteg through the custom .MK. KETAUACK'S ACCEPTANCE house nt Kimlo to foreign smelter* for tha live recorded months of 1H95, till of lSOfl »nill8»7: Cross Weight tiros" Value of PUBLISHED EVBRY MORNING KXCEPT To the Electors of the Slocan Riding of Year. of Ore In Lbs. Ore In Dollars .MONDAY AT KASLO. li. C. West Kootenay Klectoral District: 1895 (5 months) '.!,'.*0_,R«) t 114,541 Ho, Fishermen. 1890 (12 months).... 28,8*4,624 1,114,110 Gentlemen—At tho request of a large 1H97 (12 months).... 78^90,890 8,099,6. •J proportion of the community represent­ Totals. MM 43,804 14,828,4!) Subscription. $1 per month-Advertis­ ing every section of the Hiding, I beg Will supply ycni ing rates made knov-n on application. to announce myself as a candidate for your suffrages iu the coming elections. STOCK QUOTATIONS. with Evertlimg JULY, 1895.., Following ia a table of the lending mocked In respectfully soliciting your votes mining companies oi the81ocanand Alnswortli Needful at Low and support, 1 declare myself a sup­ mining divisions: porter and follower of • the Hon. .1. II. ft S |2rIjT|\V;T| F! S ft , . , No. oi I Par | Market prices, Steel rods, Turner as tho loader of the only party Companies. BharM rvalue I Vuluo in this Province with a defined policy 1 * i rSf I'ayne l.OOO'ioo (2.6.1 •Jointed or Tele­ and coherent existence. Slocnn Stnr l.lW.IHM. .501 92.00 •>-$> ' ft Kuth 1211,000. Jtl I1 During my eight yoars' residence in liceo 1,11110,000 ifl.Oll i this district 1 have been a consistent, Noble Kive... l-,_09J008 I.OOI 1.60 scoped; Hooks. Washington l.lHKI.OOO l.oo, .18 r 4 3\ 4\ 5 HJ_ WJjft supporter of his party in recognition of Hiiiiibler-Cniiboo.... l,nuu,iK«j 1.001 .25 Baits and Flies; Silk lines, enamelled and waterproof;I their attitude in meeting, and In cases Surprise 225,000 1.001 i anticipating the requirements nud ex­ Charleston 1.71,000' 1.001 t Landing Nets, Reels and alt Kinds of Repairs. . 1 full ^}ToTi77'i3 l-iTo 16^ pansion of this great mining region. iloo.leiunigli MHI.IWO l.OOi .'16 : r i; cat. Western NIII.OIK) .80 .30 line of Hammocks and all kinds of Sporting Goods. 1 am in favor of the following re­ .liieksoiKNonh'nllell 1,000,000 l.oo! .25 \77777dB20 Jl22 2:d'd American Hoy 1,000.01X1 I.OOJ .15 forms: Kaslo-Montezuma... 1,850,000 l.oo! .25 I. The abolition of tho tax upon Dardanelles 1,000,000 l.OO' .09 working miners. t.ib.son I'„7I,I1U0J 1.00' .17'. In tbo Grocery Dopartment, a line line of Fancy Groceries will soon \\ underfill 1,IHH),™, 1.00' .on"; arrive. Try our Klondike Deviled Crabs, now here. i •2. The abolition of the Mortgage Si. Keverne 1,000,000 1.00' .04 Tax. Idler ..: l.lll III ,IHKl' .15 In the Clothing Department, try onr celebrated lighter weights of London nm..: ... . l.oo; 3. The distribution of seats in the f,0li.lill0| .25 Health Underwear for warmer weather. A GOVERNMENT VICTORY .11 IS T Legislature in direct proportion to pop­ illnek Diamond 1,2ttl.0IKi .50 Dellie 750,000 1.00 .11 ulation. Ellen . -07« AH RAD. McLeod 1,000,000 1.00 -I. I do not approve of the policy of Twin 1,000,000 1.00] the late Legislative Assembly in using l.lKKI.IKKI l.oo! their Influence to exclude toreign rail­ $No sUH'k on the market roads, such as the proposed railroad to Boundary Creek. There are the very strongest Indica­ i .">. I favor certain revisions ln the (JIIANOKS IN MINING LAWS. H.Giegerich tions observable Hint when tomorrow's Mineral and Lund Acts, particularly some easy plan by which the holders of The following changes in the British sun shall set, the government party of claims can advertise out their default­ t'oliinihia mining laws should bo care­ Kaslo, Sandon, Ainsworth j ing co-owners. •*i .,..„ _. .- _ -.. hoth Slocan riding and the I'rovince in I ii. In filling all government appoint­ fully studied by those interested in ments I am in favor of appointing bona mining in t|iis Province; general will bo found lo he returned to fide residents of the district iii ail cases llrst of thoso rifi'i'.* to ihc location power, The swing of victory is already where such can be found competent to of fractious, in all fractions surveyed act,. jpor the Jobbing | r#4e 1 in the air and the Opposition, recog­ j 7. I believe that the Provincial from now on, v.liothor staked correctly Legislature should bring all the aid or not, the surveyor muy adopt the .fust Received, a Large Invoice of Ogars, Including KKV nizing it, are cabling about in desper­ and intluenco at its command to the as­ boundary lines of the surrounding WEST, SYLVIA. OLYMPIA, 1'OlU'NA. DKLIil.V. ES* ation to avoid a landslide at every poll­ sistance -of «tho lead mining;, in­ claims, provided no side exceeds 1500 dustry, especially In tho direction of PANOLA, TRIUMPO, MONOPOLK AND SWELL I feet in length. Ui Other words, tlie lo­ ing place in thc riding. obtaining stronger recognition from the Federal Government at Ottawa oi cator is entitled to tho vacant ground TThis is in addition to my already well ci-tablished GROCERY A careful survey of tho field and its tho Importance of this industry and the that ho claims, even if he does not ™ L.A.1UCKEUS. disadvantages under which it nowstak e it in such a manner as to include l r mls,ril l , SU), 11. O. These are tha leading motive* thai extent of*100. InciiBO anybody should adverse ah hnve decided the great majority of tb« MIR IK G RECORDS. applioatiou for a certificate of improve­ J. Turner & Co., OOTENAV STEAM LAUNDRY voters in favor of r&turfillig Mr. Ri tal ment nnd crown grant, the contestant must have bin claim surveyed imme­ Postofflce Box 29. K , MKTAI. lll.'DTATIONS. lack tomorrow. And their minds ill diately and tile a plan made and signed Wholesale dealers in Hay, by an authorized provincial land sur White Labor. so fully made up and thi Opppsitloi '.. ,v York, July 7.-Sliver. .">S'\- Oats, Bran, Chop & Pruits. veyor with the writ. Agont for Marshall's Teas. Improved Machinery. l.oml --Strong; b'OMtl' price, 1S.sn. exchange To obtain a crown grant in 1890 It -know it so well that tbey are now Importers of Cigars and To­ M.0.'.C#l.07'f was necessary to do assusHineut worlcto bacco. Mail orders prompt-' The Bost Work at merely keeping the Held tn maintain tho amount of $500 and to havo thc ly filled Oltl-'.Slfil'.MKNTS. claim surveyed, which •meant another Reasonable Price.*. appearances and let themselves down $luo. In 1897 the act was amended so Front st., near News Office, Kaslo, B.0 Kaslo, B. C. from Jim. 1, isos, to d*t*3 tns lending mines us to provide that up to May 1, lSiis.the gently to political oblivion. oi the sioeiin region bave snlppefl over ths cost of such survey should count an *• i.i.,3 _.-...-. Kailo A Slooan Railway for wator tranipo^a- work done on the claim, not to exceed mm limn K'nsln, ns lollows: ,. iHUO. Iu plain English, it oonntotl its nn assessment and its work toward the EMTORIAL-OUTCROPriNOS MillK. toil*. Minn. Tons. crown grunt. A survey generally costs 1'iiVlie '-'i, I ';••:.. 42 •Mtn*. The last legislature extends the '•..'Ill ll'sU fi'll It I time in May I. I889i •viiltcwalcr 17 '.1! A paragraph In last afo^ng'a son, Ueeo 1.11 ll'.reafler, in ri ,i i 0 proceedings lu Mian. Slur' :- lai I ml -I- eiitii iio: with the liilc to mineral merits contradiction, A d.-rMi .• [lb i ll.onhler-CHiiiN.i, •oil IH claims, in-fore any ciiuii, each party to l.n.'k; Jim '.mi Ms.,,1 .• -Hills, MB Subscribe For the l,ll»t Cliioioe. 880 i hiirli-siuii ibe proceedings snail give affirmative is uttered against tbe hwiabors of tiie, di noiigh .•ii Antolne n . viilciici: of title. 1 In etoloro tho burd­ i., i - us I'lirdnnelles ri en oi proof was on the contestant. city c.iiiincil of IS"'.*. An attempt [a ,-er Bell 02 Hi iiolli-k .. The foe for recording assns-uncnl MORNING NEWS, ' iiili'i'lllr.lli-;,. .".:: made to discredit Mr. Uctallack's can* work hus been reduced from 8^.70 to The following Is i) partial stalcmeiil of ore tfJGO, Heretofore tne feo fur recording diducy hocause ho was a member of assessments has been 2i> cents higher •lilptner.ts over Ilie c. I. It. Irom Slocan unci than other foes, that council, lt is, in effect, charged I.tirdenti points since January 1st, not included Anybody who pulls down illegal post lu the foregoing: , i-i'di-d to murk a boundary or location that this couneil illegally expended ol a mineiiil claim, or any writing by Mine. Toiii. Mine Ton-. Be Enterprising:. tho revenue on hand from licenses by \inn ..liver... 4n Slhi-rCup 410 law required to be thereon, is liable to 'Slot-nit Star R20!wavoiluy\ 00 imprisonment for six months or a Una paying city debts with it. They actod I'liyne 2100 Idaho 1000 of $200, or btjth. This is supposed to Kiitc-prlso Hi ijiii-i'n llc-w (MO by directed particularly toward pre­ Advertise in under compete.,t legal advice in so dj (Concentrates! venting tbe use of.old posts by people T__ t .." ' ' irig, and also acted for the hest inter­ OI the foregoing, the following have^ paid div­ w)tti restates a claim and sometimes de­ idends as follows: stroy evidences oi a prior location. ests of the city. Thc members of that WS Payne. :.fl.lsAI.OOOiNoBIe Five.'.. "' 40,000 council were John Keen, Mayor and J. Sloinii Star.... 4l>0,0iXlili)O(leni)UKh... 82,,">IXI Ruth 800.IMI Washington... 20,000 STEAMER HALYS. Ileco 287,710 Jackson...... 20,000 , And Increase Your business. L. Retallack, Hamilton Byers, Alex­ I'.amblcr-C'ari.. 40,0011 Surprise 20,000 CAPTAIN W.W. WEST. Does Jobbing Tr.*de ou Kootonay Lake. ander Cameron, Josiah Fletcher and Besides thc foregoing, other mines, unstock. O. T. Stone. These men are still rec­ ed, have paid dividends at follows: Leave orders with Oeorge' Huber, -Intoma- ognized as good citizens and have .not Iilaho. | 240,000 Last Chance... 87,000 tionul Wharf, Kanlo. Whitewater... 194,000 Antolne 35.IXX) yet been landed In jail where the auth- Sloean Boy.... 25,000 Monitor 15.QU0 QIVETtAfRIAL : If you're after the news—red " or of that paragraph might be if he had hot from tbe wires—read the his deserts. - • Following In a comparative statement of ore shipped from parts ol the Sloean and Almworth NEWS, : * : : : IT WILL PAY YOU. =c Did You PROCLAMATIONS. EVER ! See Such a nie,' line of Fishing Tack!.- as we are showing this month? Just [L.S.] THOS. R. McINNES. Tako a look at it and t be convinced that it is' CANADA. the best in town. It don't oost auy thing to look, LL.S.] THOS. R. MCINNES. PROVINCE of BRITISH COLUMBIA and if you buy, you will find prices lowest of the CANADA. VICTORIA, BY THE GRACE OFGOD, OFTHE low. UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN PUOVINCKof BRITISH COLUMBIA Arrived AND IRELAND, QUEEN, DEFENDER OF A Seasonable Line of ftFine Watch Repairing. THE FAITH, A:c., Ac, Ac. r VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of To alt to whom these j resents shall come,— ('IKEF;TINO. the United Kingdom of Great Brit- AMONT & YOUNG, A l'KOCLAMATION. Bin and Ireland, QUEEN, Defender . Fine Groceries . _i.,FRONTST , - K..SI.0,11.C. HEREAS of the Faith, ike, &c, &,c. 11 M FHFHTS )"r)C7" WEARE i. ',•;„'..;...... rii I W desirous and (3 Including Such Delicacies as Drting Goods a Specialty. Aiinrne)-Ccnernl.5 Y » solved, as soon •«! To all to whom these Presents shall muy be, to meet Our people of Our Province of ' Smyrna Dried Figs. Preserved New Of loans Figs. come—GREETING. Hritish Columbia, and to have llieir advice In Ram Lal Tea. Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. •wmmmsmmae. I Mir legislature, We do make known Oui- Royal .'.'ill und pleasure to call n new Legislative,Aa** And all Noted Brands of Coffee-, Mecca, Mocha a:ir! Java. A PROCLAMATION. -s.-inliiv of Our suid Province; und do further Cross & Hlackwell's Pickles. • declare that, by the advice of our Executive Patterson's Chutney Pickles. French mustard. Official Directory. D. M. EBERTS, Attorney-General. Council of British Columbia, Wc huve this day DOMINION IJIKI-.l TOUY. given orders for Issuing Our Writs in due form-, Sliced Smoked Beef and the Noted Beef Extract, Bovril. ilovernot-Ciniu-riil Earl of Aberdeen For culling ii new Legislative Assembly for Our I'rerniei- .... Sir Wilfrid Luurlor HKUEAS it is advisable to es­ suid Province, which Writs ure to bear date on Wo call furnish almost any thing desired in the ML.inperlloiiKi'oI Communis, Dominion PAflia- tablish tho following polling ilie seventh day of .lime. Instant, und lo bere- Grocery Line." But that is not all. ment, lor Went Kootenny Hewitt Bostock W places in the several and re­ uininlile on or before the thirty-first duy. of Annus! next. ".;• PROVINCIAL DIRKCTORY. spective l'.lectoral Districts hereinafter l.ieut,-&s»venior Hon. T. II. Jlollines named. IN TESTIMONY WH1CKFOI- We hnve caused Our Men's Furnishing Goods. l'ruinwfi •••• iimi I- II. Tinner NOW KNOW YE that, by virtue of these Our Letters lo be mado Patent, nnd AltoBnfflT-OeniTHl lion. D. U. Eberts ihe Public Seal of the s«i.l I'rovince te be Continue to comprise tho Largest and Finest Assortment in the city. Call tlie authority contained in tho "'Pro­ Com, oTsVaniis nii.l Work* Hon. it. ]). Martin hereunto affixed: WITNESS, the Hon- and seo them. Minishir^llues nml Eilm-mion . Hon.Jas.Baker vincial Elections Act," the Lieutenant- ourabloTsHOMAS R. McINNES, LleuteH- PriiBrilont Execntlve Council . HoikC.E.Poolej! Governor in Council ileoliires that the tint-Governor of Our snid province of l'rovin6ial Mineralogist British Columbln.in Our city oi Victoria, Members Legislative A*-, mbly for West Koot­ following polling places shall bo, and in l.livr snid Province, Oils-sevenrhduy of enay—North Riding .... J..M. Kellie they are hereby, established for the .Inue, In the year of our i.ni.'. one Thous­ Soutb Riding ...... 1. F. Ilniiie several Electoral "Districts, the names and Eight Hundred und Ninety-Kigiit, and in tlio sixty-first yearoj Our RetgD, KASl.O OFFICIAL DIRKCTORY. of wliich are sot opposite 8uch polling By Coiiimund. 4eJJ* Mayor I Ino.W. Mi-Ann EEN BRO places, respectively, that is to say:— B. II. TYUVi nn," DRAKE, Alderman--A.W,Oooilt'iiough1 , l.K Anlmr.J. D Registrar of thc Supreme Court. Corner A Avenue and Third Street, Kaslo. B. C Mnoistiti . Hartin. D. XV Men,., i,e,i. IVhltesWe. Kaslo, Ainsworth, Pilot Bay, Aro-en- City Clerk .... K. !•:. Cliipmiui I'nlice Msglstrnte . Alex Ulcus in, Sandon, Now Denver, Silvorionfl City Maxtluil M. V. Adsimi Slocan City, Robson, .Titmice Point' Assists*!* IV. A .Millie fl on her lake; White w ate rSt at inn, Three AmlUor CD. McKenzib Forks, Deer Park, Slocan Junction of Treasurer s. H. Green Assessor S. l: Tuck O. & K. R}'. Water Cuimmls'li.iier . . . R. A. Cockle IN TESTIMONY WnyK'soi* Wo .have Health OPcer . Dr. J. 1'. B. Rogers Citjr council meets evor\ Weilnesday 4 p. in.nt caused these bur ly-ttors to bo ylmlV,.4thht., between Kronl *t. and A ave. • made Patent and the Great Seal of British Columbia to be hereunto lUSiu.N'TEKR FIRE DEPARTMENT. [I..S.], THOS. R. MOINNES. affixed: WITXKSS, the Honourable :;iiieIi_>T .... Hugh P.Fletcher VICTORIA, BY TUKGKACI. OF QOD.OFTHE First .pujiity rliicl . Goo. Reld THOS. R. MCINNES, Lieu ten ant- UNITED KINGDOM ul-'KREAT BRITAIN Scconn'rwimty Chief. . JohiiGJllls Govornor.of Our said I'rovince of Third Deputy Chief . . Geo. Whiteside AND IRELAND, QUEEN, DEFENDER OJ Wholesale Dealers in British Columbia, in Our City ol Secretary Archie .Moni.- THE FAITH, Ac..,'.,' .Ac. Treasurer Bus Admin- Victoria,' in Our snidProvineo,thts flftoenrti day of June, in the year of ' I DISTRICT ll,. ' rORY. Our Lord one thousand eight hun­ Mining Reconler-Assevsor TI.M Col. . Jno.Keen To ihc Returning Officer ol the N.-l-on Riding FRESH FRUITS Collector nf Customs J.F MeJntosli dred and ninety-eight, and ln the School Trustees -Ann i-l ' iarnoy J. D. Mm,re. sixty-first year of Our Reign. ol West Kootenay 'Kleetornl District: G. 0. Blirhanan. Principal -Prof. Jus. Hislop. By Command. HEREAS HIS HONOl'R THE LIEU- :';-.' KASl.O P08TOFI ICE. tenant-Covci'iior of British Cohnnbla and VEGETABLES Uone»(U delivery open daily ISu'ndhysexcept* A. CAMPELL REDDIE, W hns, by u Proeitiiiin'ion bearing date ed) fromS a. in. until T p. in. I.oliliy open from Deputy Provincial Secretary. llic 7ih dny of ."lune, ISDs, 1,,'en pleased to dis­ Also Hay. Feed and Produce. 7a. m:!ws.:iOp. m. Mini* Ior.des_ftkB,c.lo.5e.«Xi. solve tlie' Legislutlve Assembly of the said ery evwung except Saturday and Sunday, nt ti Province; ninl whereus ii i> neoessary to hold. p. in. Jifa'ls arrive from t'nitrd States and lake Elections throughout tlie snid Province to fill polntrtlallv exeept Sunday, at U.3D p. in. From tlie vacancies caused by sneh dissolution, We c. P. R.'tmd Sloean points, arrive dally, oicepl command you that,notice ofthe time nnd place Sunday, att p. ro. Registration ollice opon.S.SO of Election being duly glvin, you d-icnuseElec. We ship diroct from California and are prepared to quote a. m., 6.80 p. m. Money order office nnd Post- tlon to be made, according to law, of One o'llee Savijigs Bank open 9a, in. to 5 p. in. Member to serve in ilie Legislative Assembh- the lowest market prices on all kinds of fruits in sea-on. of the Province of British Columbia for the '. -.3 S. II. UKr'.KS. I'oMinaster. Slocnn ltiding.of West Kootenay Electoral Dis­ trict, nnd thnt you do cause the nomination of •jjfctATERXAL Olti.ANI'.ATniNS Candidates at such Eleotlon.to bo held on the / HASi iNil Casio Lodge N... 'l\ A. V, A '.-.ill day of June, 1888, und do cause the name A. M., meets lirst Sandfly In'every of such M.eml)er, when -o eleete.I. whether lie BAK-ER ST., NELSON, B. C. month at Masonic liall '.ver Green be present or absent, i" be certified :u Our Su- ,%Bros'. store. Visitim; hrothera in* [US.] THOS.R.Mc'INNEsS. nr,-ne. Conn, ui He-rit;. of Victoria, on or be­ . vile.l to attend. H. Byers, W. M, fore the :11st duy of August next, the Eleetiou E. K. Chipman, Secretary. so made, distinctly and openly under Our Seat MASoirK_CHAPTER- Ksiotena; Chapter R.A. CANADA. dlllv indorsed n[ ,rj ti i-. Our writ. M., hotdl regular convocations on llic second IN TEST1.MONV WHKIIKOF. 'AV linve caused Tuuschtfof each mouth In Mi «"i|i holl.Kaslo ! •[*.-.>VINCF of BRITISH COLUMBIA these Olu*Lclters lo lv mSdtt Patent un­ Visitlni emu 1-iiiuuisR n. e conlially Invited: der the Great Kea! ol OUT *.iid Province of- Chas. Triunbull.SrrTlje K. E R. ChlpIftatV, Z. iBritish ColmtAiin: WITNElja, the llun- ACCABEES slueau Tent No, ti, Ku ..•:.- ol VICTORIA, BY THE OUACJE OF GOD, Ol-'THl-:. ••.uiul.le T1IOM \- t: MelNNES; at Our ihc.-faopabees, moots second nnd f. nrth Mini Goverumcm lli.-ise, at Victoria, tliiss,.-, days ul each luouiii ui .ivi igslon's hall,Kaslo UNITED KINODOMOF OREAT BRITAIN euth dny of Juno, ni ilie year of Our Lord Vlsittug Kuliflits cordially invited AND 111 KUAN 11. qi'KE.V, DEFENDER OF due Thousand Eight Hniidn-d nnd Xinis. *i'. J* IV. A. Davies, Cofcinanner. THE FAITH, A-c, Aid *c. " ly Eight. ELECTION REGl LATIOIV ACT. Dnlph JoWlson, Keeper ol Records. Bv Command. FORESJTWRS- court Kailo No. 31*7, Independ­ To Our Faithful the Members elected to serve II. H. TYRWHITT I'R IKE, ent QMW of Foresters. Meets 'Ith Friday ol in the Legislative Assembly of Our Prov­ Beglstrar oi the Bupreme Court. each month in Viotorla house Visiting brethren are cordlallv In*, ill ince of British Columbia,mis! to all whom W. B. Strathern Chief Ranger. il may concern,—GREETING. NOTICE OFTOLL BEING GRANTED AND CANDIDATES NOMINATED W. 3. Hall, Recording Becretury. CHURCH DIREl .'DRY. A rKOCLA.MATIOX. METHODISTCIICKCil Cor, C mid fill: st, Di- Slocan Riding of West Kootenay Electoral District. vin«rt*yices every Sunday n a. in. arid 7.80 p. D M EBERTS ' "VA7*"irEREAS WE HAVE m. Sundav school'Jl.'.IO. Strangers welcome. To WIT: Kev. .1. A. Wood, Pastor. nnd consent of Our Executive Council of our PRESBVTERIAN I Ilt'lti'll Cor. 4th si. and B Province uf British Columbia, to dissolve Ilie ave. Services every Bunday ll a. in. und T.iiti present Legislative Assembly of Our s,iid Prov­ PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral Dis­ .m. Bnnday school and Bible i lass, 2.110 p.m. ince, which stands prorogued until summoned Tbe Government of the trict aforesaid, that, a Poll has become necessary at the Election now pending rayeimectlng Wedneailay evening * o'clock. for dispatch ol business. PFree seats. Strangers heartily welcome. fpr the same, arid that I have granted such Poll: and further, that the persons 55 ' Kev. A. D Menzies. Minister-. NOW KNOW YF. Hint We do, for Ibis end, PROVINCE of BRITISH COLUMBIA duly nominated as candidates at the said Election, and for whom only votes wili CHURCH OF ENGLAND Southwest cor. ol C publish ihisour Royal Proclamation, and do be roceivod, are: ave. andMh st. Services every Sundaj at ll a. hereby dissolve the Legislative Assembly ne m. and 7.80 p. in. Allan- eotdiftlly invitft.L cordingly, and the members thereof Hi-e'dis- Re/. David Richards, MIssioner in Charge' •hiirgcd from further altendiincc on same, Klectoral District, West Kootenay, tATHOLrC'CHI'RCH-l'orii.'r C avenue and Slocan Riding: . . RANK.PBOFESSION OB mh st. No regular pastor at present. One** IN TESTIMONY WIlKltFOF We have caused gUUNAMK. OTHER NAMES, OCCUPATION. ional services by speoial anuounqooiett', these Our Letters to be unido Patent, and To Wit. the Croat Seal of British Columbia lo lnc Public notice in hereby triven to the hereunto affixed: WITNESS, the Honour­ 'HOTELS AND Rl..-r.M',:.\NT.-! able THOMAS R. JileTN.NES, LleutctianV electors of tho Slooan Riding, district Green Robert Francis Merchant Covornor of Our snid Province of British (if West Kootenay, that in obedience Columbia, in Our City oi Victoria, in Our to Her Majesty's writ to mc directed, said Province, this seventh dav of June, Retallack John Ley Miner. Central Hotel, in the yenr of Our Lord One Thousand and bearing .date the seventh day of Eight Hundred aiid Ninety-Eight, nnd In •lune, In tho year of our Lord one FRONT ST.', KAsl.(\,Il.C. the sixty-first year of Our Reign. thousand eight hundred Rtul ninety- llv Command. Of which ALL, persons are hereby required to take notice and to govorn eight, 1 require th« presence of the said themselves accordingly. New Bultdtpg.—Newly Furnished Throughout. B. H. TYRWHITT DRAKE, electors at tho Government olllce on tlie y Registrar of the Eilprcme Court. • Given under my hand at Kaslo, B. C, this twenty-lifth day of June, In twenty-lifth day of .lune at 12 o'clock the yoar 1898. FLKTOHBR 8. Wimi-us. noon, for tho purpose of electing one Be8t._B.ooms in thc City. Returning Offloar. A r»«FSCLA8H BAR IN i n.NNKi HON porson to represent them in the Legis­ . . HKCTIilt A CO. lature of this province, ^_M_M_fc_fcW«__WWW-i---..WIIIIII si . . •*-»»••*. -!•.» __si*1 The mode of nomination of eamlidate shall be as follows-: Adams House, The candidate shall he nominated in . . ' KASl.O, 11. C wrtting! the writing shall be subscrib­ ed by two registered voters of the dis­ RATES, fl I'KIt DAY AND I'l'WAUDS. trict as proposer and seconder, and by throe other registered voters of the Adams Bros., Props. Bald district, ns asseitting to the nomi­ Sole agents lor PAB3T IIKKIt. Milwaukee V Is Mb .lune, lWiis. nation, and shall be delivered to tho I t IS HONOUR THE l.IKI'TENANT-COVER- returning officer at any time between II nor has been pleased reappoint i-T.Ki'ru- the date of the proclamation and one ::U S. ANDREWS, Esquire, to be Returning Of- NOTICE. Nelson House,. iicer for the Slocnn Riding of West Kootenay p. m. of tho duy of nomination, and in KASl.O, B. C. I !• < toral District; nud tho event of a poll being necessary His Honour the Liculeiinnt-Covuruor hns such poll will be open on the ninth day been pleased to appoint nud declare the Gov­ ; NRI-SON A BOSTRUM, PBOPRIEfoftS, ernment Office, Kaslo, to be the'place for the of July, 181)8, at the following places: The following persons have been appointed Election Agents -Tiring th nomination of ciiudiiriite* for selection to the continuance ofthe preseut election: Nicely Inmlshed rooms. Harwell slocked. Spo­ Legislative Assembly In tho Slocan Riding oi Polling Places. Klectoral District. kane Hear on Druiigllt by Schooner or quart A'est Kootenay Electoral District. Best Irealuoeh In the city. Kaslo \ Ainsworth NAMS OP CANDIDATE. NAME Ol'' AGENT. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Pilot Hay Silver King Hotel Argenta Sandon i Green, Robert Francis Geo. Stott, Merchant, Kaslo, 17 C. OTTO AUGU8TINE, PROPRIETOR. RJ.F.B. ROGERS, New Denver '. West PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. D Silverton < Kootenay'- Retallack, John Ley O.T.Stone, General Agent, Kaslu, B.( Bar and Billiard Room * - -...-• SlocanCity j Slocan Graduate Trinity University, Toronto, Ont IN CONNECTION. Robson Riding. Member of College ol Physlciaus and Surgeons- Jubilee Point, HouserLk Dated at Kaslo, I). C, 2.5th .Tune, 1808. FLETCHEIt S. ANDREW1.--. Rooms Uem.fl per week up. Newly lurnistcd Licentiate of the B. C. Qouncil. Late of New Whitewater Station.... Returnin.;' t liBcer throughout. Electric Lights. Frond" at., next York Hospitals and Polyclinic* Office on A Three Forks OCT toTSwt Oflice, Kaslo, B. C. av. Hospital cor.Sth st. and B ave., Kaslo,B.C. Deer Park O. I*. R. Halcyon Hot Springs Excursion*. If you want the news while it j)K. A. S. MARSHALL, Slocan J4nct,C.&K.Ry. The followii.j round trip rates have Kalama Hotel, Of which every porson is hereby re­ it IS news, subscribe for the ' been arranged to Halcyon Hot Springs • KUSKONOOK. BRITISH COLUMBIA. quested to take notice and govern him­ KASI.,0 MORNING NEWS. Its and return, tickets being Rood for sic Otherwise.ArmHliong's Landing self accordingly. days: From Kaslo, $10; Rossland, $8.80: DENTIST. Given under my hand at Kaslo thc and Go*t piver Und lng. only SI per month. . . '. . Nelson, $8; Trail, $7.50. fifteonth day of June. 1898. Mrs. Wm. Middleton. Propr.. W. F. ANDERSON T. P. A. Graduate of American Cpllege.Chloago FS-ETCHEK S. ANDREWS, ffe aster eefeeieUj to tbe tmveliug public. KASLO. a c. Returning Officer. Advertise in the News. It pays. Nelson, June 24. J . 4 Ed d KASLO I S . • -af a ai Norther s!i,j, ' and quid i to I he Cot • Vlens ' . : , 1 Nelson <_? Fort Sheppard. ton. '.' in '.Vs;ii!,-i, i.... . mines Red Mountain Railways. BUSINESS CENTER Pori ,i :. Sin Franc! i,_C id'i eb A gold t es and all potuts east and south. The only all rail route without Onli . eeasl via Salt lake md Denver. OF THE change of cars between Nelson and Stcn ti ..- tickets to Ei 'ope rl other tore .e>*j*evnrtrii -. Kossland <"_''! Spokane _H_ Rossland, r O. iii.ya.Uiam ir 'oi land i \ srj Tl.MK CARD, three riaj s for .-- in 1 i ni isco. I eav< 6.20 ii. in N'cl.-on. Arrlv 6.88 p. Bl L.-'iv - SjioTiiiiic Time Schedule Leave 12.0. a. in... Kossland. /r?Arrtve 11.20 p.m ORTf .-..in FAST MAIL iVnllnVVallui d •'-1 T.,., Leave8.30 ii. in SpoSMe"! * .Arrive 3.10 p. in n,n land, San Francisco, Baker City a. ru. d.lil lllll.llllrl.il Thc train that leaves Nelson at 0:20 g.OI I.OCAl. SIATL r. iii. - iii a.-m. makes close connections at Spo- u.ii . I ••! min [ton, Oarfli i 1. Ci I ax,. p in. kan • wi li >i ains for ail . . • dally. ' . . i i Moscotv. • I Fur through tlckoti mui tu'rthor Information, apply lo JAMES W.\' GH, PACIFIC. COAST NHS, ' Agl I. N. A '1'. i'o., Kaslo, B, 0, Or ni ' i it. A N. Co.'s office ISO Riverside ave., Passenj • « for Ijfetrtlo river & Boundary pokiuii n ash. II. M. AH-' MS, Ge lei ck. cOnned at Marcus with stage daily. Or VS. U. Iii ,.i;t'l.T,<.. I'. A., I ortl im 0 ,

• • . ,. • .NTERNATION ' KASLO & SLOCAN ^V,Navimtion^Trading Co.,Ltd •- Itoamers {uleinatlonal nu J Alberta nr Koofr Trains nun « Pacific Btandard i Ime. rfho • Lake and :ti\ «• -Bummer Time Card ii el feot ll tii .'.lurch, lR'JS- Subject to ohange. •Tl MEB tNTEENATIONAL-Leaves It A.nd the gateway to the Great Slo- TIME CARD. •VrNi ;•:.-'' is iv prii.tis, itilvMEccpl Siinilnv 80 Arrive * MNorcliui.r, ' t u.45 a. m.j Boa Qoiug • Daily ' ' '• ; .-nu. in. nmlBpOknno, S.lOp. ra. ciii With Its Score or More of Leave Nelson for Knslo sud i-ray points, daily g,00a. in. i.v Kaaio Ar 3. 0 | m exeepl Sunday,6.00p.m.LeavB8pokaneAs80a.m. • 8,80 a. in. l.v South Fork ArS.lS p, m, ; I ' - [and,8.45a. in.; Northport, 1.86jp. in. 9.3tia. in. i.v Bproale's. A.r2.i5 :•• 11. Five Mile Point connection with nil passenger 9.51 B. in. l.v Whitewater Ar2.00p.m. • trntusof N. &-F. 8. Ry. to an"df rom Northport, Rossland and Bpokane, HCketssold and bag. lo.oiln. in. I.-.- —BearLake Arl.lflp.m. I sa',". chookod to all United stales noiuts. .... 10.18 a. 1:1. l.v McOulgan \r '.:: | . in : STEAMER ALBERTA -Leaves Knslo for Kus IO.IIS a. in. I v....Cody Junction....Ar t.12 p. m. • konook mii way points and llonner's Ferry,I'h.. ' lav and Saturdays at 6.00 p.m., arrlvingai Dividend lo.uoii'.'iu. Ar Bandon LT 1.00 p. at, I i:i.. Iiiiiook nt 10.80 p.m. nml Bonner's Perry ai i a.m. next day. Roturnlag lvs. nnnner'.- I Brrj U'cd., Fridays and uml 8ondaysat2p. m., arv. GEO. F. COPELAND, Supt Kuskonook s p, m„ Kaslo I a. m, following day, Also fi-sjui Muy Hh uti-iunoi- v.-ili mnkc same tii. ROUT. [BVINO, S. P. A P. A. living Kaslo every Thursday at 0 o'clock a. m. i I iloUncr's Ferry connection with BH passenger trains of G. N, Ky.. Brv. westward at BpQkane Paying 8.10 p. in., or Iv. Bonner's,Ferry fos' the cant al i (ill I'I AT i 1.1.1 p, m. .Meniaiiriil heri'u* urn included N <) It T I! I-I B N ! Pai onjera on SB. International from Nelson, KAIf.WAV I etc, ni polntaon leie sonth of Pilot Bay, will i conneel nt that point with the SB. Alberta. ingersfor Nelson via BS..Alberta, from ; point! ..outli of Pilot Buy, oau li; arrangement Tho surveyor's chain mado. it tlir I ivi 1' pur*er,_»V8itOJ>-oVor nl I'ilot liny or Alns- . Properties v or-.h.or csinnoct with Ini'.Tiintiounl nt Ka.slo. ' Shortrst Transcontinental Etouti Company's JrtM&ier. connect Kootenay Lake | aud jfocan.pQintswltb nil poind ln 0.8. aud Canada bv way of Bpokane und 1. o< u-m. y river. It is the most n i.lorn in equipment. u. Al. I:\A.\I 1 Kit, General Manager. Itlslhc heaviest raited line. P. 0. Box 122, Kaslo, B. C. 1 hasii rook-ballaatroadbed. Itorosaee ao sand deserts, it was i.iiiii without land grant <>r govt. aid. it is noted lor the courtesy of it- e aplo i Kuskonook and Bonnet Ferry. i It is only line serving meals on la oai p ti Kootenay oonneotlon at Bonner's Fcrry.Tu a* il«y,Wednemliiy,Tli!irsil-iy,.-'ai'inliii Rl I Str. Ainsworth. of TRAINS LEAVE BPOKANE. ,; Loa' K a ' y 12 >'clock noon.Monday i F.nstwnril 8.60 a, in | Westward 8 "• p.m upon .irivni uf Bteai i- ^••td..ydd ^ City Eriergy I ith ] II n i --ui Kaslo, ' Ini i , ;• nd Nelson irrlvos Bonner'.i I l-'.n- maps, tiekets and complete Information, i irry n p, m., H r I ij • ''•• li • taj andl • call on oraddre i 1.N.& 1 Co.'s agts, K.&B. Ry. U tvo B uer's !•' II ry 2 i ui y I latin la] ,upoi ngts.orC. G, DlXON.Oen, Agt., Bpi ' I ,'"••• , r • and west. A: if - Knskom ok U p. Is Also A City of !16mes. F.i.vvHiTN':v.(i. r.A i'. A.,SI Paul, Minn tn . i uesday, Thursday mi'l Satun ay. 7. .). MATHEWS, Manager. • f.Knsst.n Beautifully Situated on kootenay Lake, With a Delightful The Canadian Pacific Ry. XltAVBLSR'B OUIDJS. * —AND Climate. It has Churches, Schools, and Public Reading Rooms Summary of Railway and Steamer Time Soo Pacific Line. Curds l-'toiii K.u iio. Well Graded streets A Good Local Telephone system. For Whitewater, Bandon, Oody, ite\ K.'&. s. Railway trains leave Kaslu dally £l 8 u. m.', re­ The cheapest, most comfortable and turning, arrive at Kn*lo nt B.80 p, m, I r Three l-'orks. New I" nvei Hosebery nnd direct route from Kaslo to all points in Ms lisp, tako K. 4 B. By. from Kaslo to Sandon, and ill .nice Nakusp A Slocun Hallway, leaving i.'anada and the United States. The Band HI dally f.t T.« a. m.i returning, urrive only line running through tourst oars dally nt snn.iiin at 4.8B p. m. Por r.vveisioite, Vancouver, Victoria and oth­ to Toronto, Montreal and Boston, am er main iio • pointson i' P. '• . bfiat fror.. Nu '• i '•::. i-.licii.il, .-;,rs I" lltvclstoke, tl'.;iii The Best of Electric Light and Power Plants, 'Daily Communication wilh through tourist carrto Sti Paul conn with i it end ' '• ind trains i .,-,i Blooan Uit). ta] e Bin Btocan u the Outer World through two Gnat Fail way and, Steamboat Companies. -: i in lake connecting with K'.A S.at Rosi oery I• : orthport.S] oki ne, I i and m 1 Gratid Large Pay Rolls from local Lumbering, On'Sampling ami Other Industrie.:. Magnificent sleepers and dining i irs I or) . take thi Btr. luterti i li I froW Kanlo un all trains. Travel hy this line and dally ut 8.li0 a. tn.-, exeunt Bui day, making con- necfi. iisni I'i,-..- Mile Point wilh the N.,'-. have baggage eheclcod bo destination. Ry,. hence to Northport. Prom North] i :•< >ol ine continue the ratlwav, known - . Sorl port as the Spokano Falls Koi I hern, ar­ Dally conned ion from 1 •': • • :• riving ni Spokane, Wash., nt 8 10 p, m. day, excepting Sunda; I ikane, take I. N. A '1. Uo '• Btr. tl -ri from K i: lo 19 Bonn Perl d.. For Kuskono ik ai • i.iii-'.,:. : I ; liu'fsdaya hl."u, d connect i inoi v with Great day, Wednesdaj 1 - • train, to Bpi I m ai . Ing at 8.10 ft] B ", i, R rl Bi 'j • . ,. dsy " M j V "i m M ^ -I Kor Argcnl i a ni •i. Fur l,*i nd an eat |>orl lo 'In Red l''ri lay at 8.15 ; --n • II .: : I'.y.. i.riiMitis.' ui '.•• landatU.20a.in, ' . Lllll " ' be rinrl I .il .XsiMUl > I . d r.'i ,: to Itohson, th ' by river •''•• im mil Informatl n - to Trail, tfi in •' ••'. ' . A M u iliild Or, I; • ii ..«- be reached •. ta i ' H id Trail ALU '-'•' bj down Arrow lakoi i • Is being expended In Public Krcighl and l'n--- '•• -i 1 ,'...- Bol ' ' fi•••: | Oil ' ',.. N Ry .'r'.i i "- : Or to W. 17 ANTtt" • • • .. s. Ihcncc hy i inge - ervatlou. IK- li Pllol Bi wn '•'.-.. I. N. -' 1 Traveling P.i- '•,.'.' Improvements This Year ! - •,. •; tt. inn rnatlonnl • i- inlo Jull; at- ;. ,i I j I i-. . . •.- . Iny, ill ll.'.M n. . LU1 liUg.tuaVI * '.'•!- in.ul.-: Paw m.-, u Agent, Van -' mai p in., arriving ni Kas! i aboul 8 Kin, in C. P. I Co.'sBlr.Kokui I Katlo dull}. Write for Klondike foi i it and Map, , (i .•;.! ,i day, al 1. 10 0 IO-, n; i.i lng at Net son in n .i. iu.; returning, leaves Kelson m t p, in., arriving nt Kaslo at7.80 p. m. ler Arjeniii nud Lardo,Blr, K kiuicc makes round trips OTer) I'uusday and i-'riilt... teavfoi Kl imii Ba! pin. For lCuskonook,Ft,Steele,etc., taku . ir. Ko. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION di'PLY TO i ii-.- Inesday . id Ki Iday nt 7 ••»,, 1 s. ,'.- i l'n.'.- Sir. Alberta Tuesday, Northern Pacific Rj. iimi ii • and Baturday at 8 p, m. thonoe by stags to Port Steele Wednesday and Baturday 11 • io] itlng li H tabic "f distances from • i |i to .surrounding business points The Fast Line. iv.M I.I North. Mllos, inn in-South. Jl le... ,. e .VMtCsVMer 17 AiuiWOTih . 11 Superior Service. Boar Lake ID Pilot Bay '.HI MoOuigan IB Iliilfour.... . '.'1 Hand rn ure. W Sun™...... -y. I'o !• 81 Nelson. 1 hours... 1'.! Throuph ticket- to all points In Um'."l i'h re.- Forks S> 1'niir I'M x.'.v Denver 88 States ai»4t)*nadu. Direct Connection Rosebery 41 Trail vvlth the Spokano Falls & Northern 1 ly.I fiilverlon.. 48 Nortbnort, 7 hours.liw I Hlo.-iinClty M ItOSHlailll, III hours. MakUsU) 70 ,m llurtouCity t)5 Martins..' AM TRAINS UBPAItT PROM SPOKANK: Lardo >...-•«.• VI • irniid Forks .lull (3 .RU No. llWest .. 8:35 p.m. I No.2 East. 7-.(XI a. Argenta '.... Tii, to Greenwood Duncan City 84 I'ln IfalryonllolHprlugt 8M Round*ry •'mi Airowhead 10(1 Tickets to apan and China via Taoosw | i ftUUie 109 Suoiiariosli hours. Tlionipsou's Laud'g.llll kuskonook . 48 G.E.MARTIN, Sec'y and Northei * Paciflc Steamship Com­ rout Lake < ity. " l.'.i i.nut Rivor . ( r. rguson.. . 180 BeilliiiKtoiifRyltert 1)77 pany. For J»tormatlon, time cards, Revelstoke 81 lir' iii Port Hill . 78 maps and tlckots, apply to agts. of the Cerium ... liU I.l..US. .... His T.:7 Penticton .'.".i-i lliinniT's Kerry, l:l 1:1-10 Spokane Falls* I*.Torthern and Its con­ Kamloops JQG1 Movie Citv .126 An'ieroft .m Swansea nections, or to F. D. GIBBS, I.yltoii ..•'.-.« Wariiner. II.C ,m.140 KASLO, B. C. Oener 1 Agent, Spoknne Wash. Vnlc .409 Criinlirook .r,;i New 3- n.luster, .MM KortSloole .i.;u Vnniouver, .'il hrs. &V2 Cunul Pints .mn Victoria W hour.-'. .Atm Windermere ..'in D. CHAKLTON, ABBt. Gen. Pa«f. Apt., (•.ctlc, 2-' hours}. '.-'sSU Donald .-.•I.' No. J46 Harrison St.. Portland. Ore. moms, uO ;.....•r» •120 Hidden :s.:o oitland.-is bonis Write for Map otEootenay Country, .s»a