THE RICE PAPER A newsletter of the Twin Cities Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League e-mail
[email protected] website: | August 2020 Newsletter Staff: President’s Remarks Sylvia Farrells Greetings!
[email protected] Tim Dagoberg I hope you are safe and well. The Twin Cities JACL Board members have been
[email protected] meeting remotely via Zoom since March 2020. This year has been very different from previous years and we are learning to adapt to new processes. Chris Noonan
[email protected] But first of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Vini Taguchi, who over the past TC JACL Board of weekend, received a JACL National Scholarship! He received the Kenji Directors: Kajiwara scholarship from the staff of the Pacific Citizen newspaper. Vini was also married recently, so this summer has been a great one for him. Amy Dickerson: 612-338-8405,
[email protected] Many of our planned events for the year have been cancelled until 2021. There are a few TC JACL events we have planned. Most are virtual meetings on Zoom. Matthew Farrells: 612-272-8772,
[email protected] Below is an internet guide for first time Zoom users and some do’s and don’t tips. Gloria Kumagai: 763-377-5602,
[email protected] Joining a meeting using an invite link Karen Tanaka Lucas: 952-270-3278, 2020
[email protected] Step 1: Open your browser and log into your email account. Phil Nomura: 612-724-9360, Step 2: Find and open the email from your meeting host that contains the invite link.