Small Groundcovers

Common Rasp Fern Austral Storks Bill Milky Beauty Heads Running Postman Doodia media ssp. australis Pelargonium australe lacteus Kennedia prostrata

DESCRIPTION A fern with bright green fronds Soft, hairy herb with rounded, bright green Sprawling groundcover with dense, silvery Trailing groundcover with foliage of three that have an attractive, red blush leaves held on slender stalks. As the foliage and trailing stems. Chalky white, ball- rounded, hairy, wavy-edged leaflets. The plant when young. The edges of the matures, trailing stems with smaller leaves shaped flowers are produced above the foliage in will rapidly cover several square metres in ideal leaflets are finely saw-toothed. sprawl for up to one metre. Clusters of slender spring. The seed heads are long-lasting, fading conditions. In spring, clusters of scarlet pea May spread by underground pink flowers, finely striped with red are to grey over a period of several months and may flowers with yellow centres are produced over stems to form a groundcover in produced in early summer. As leaves die they still be present when the next flowers emerge. several weeks. These are followed by narrow, ideal conditions. may develop vivid pink, purple and red colours. hairy pods that pop open on hot summer days.

SIZE 30 cm high. 40 cm high. 20 cm high and up to 1 m across. 5 cm high, may cover more than 1 m across.

GARDEN USES Grows best in damp soil with Grows best in moist, well-drained soil with Prefers boggy soil and full sun. Will tolerate Favours dry soils and sunny conditions though high humidity, light to heavy some light shading. some light shading and summer drought. It it will tolerate light shading. Drought tolerant. shade and sheltered conditions. This species grows particularly well amongst can be grown beside pools and in bog gardens. The plant works particularly well on the edges of It will grow under trees and rockeries and retaining walls. It tolerates The flowers attract nectar-feeding insects such retaining walls, amongst rockeries and dry slopes. shrubs where these conditions summer drought though it may die back and as butterflies. It creates good daytime and The hard seeds are extremely long lived and may exist. It will survive periods of reshoot in autumn. The leaves provide an summer-time shelter for frogs near ponds. germinate decades after the parent plant has died. summer drought, dying back and interesting contrast to other foliage types Pea Blue Butterflies eat the seeds within the pods. re-sprouting when rain returns. and are pleasantly scented. Common Blue butterflies eat the leaves. Plant in damp areas, in green- houses and beside pools or drains where humidity is high.


Climbing Saltbush Ruby Saltbush Small-leafed Clematis Purple Coral Pea Einadia nutans Enchylaena tomentosa Clematis microphylla Hardenbergia violacea

DESCRIPTION Groundcover with small, silvery- A succulent groundcover with small blue- A light, vigorous scrambling creeper with A light scrambling creeper. The wiry stems green arrowhead shaped leaves, green leaves covered in fine velvety hairs. finely divided, light green leaves. The plant carry tough, dark green leaves. In spring there held on tangled, scrambling Small brilliant red or yellow berries are may scramble several metres up trees and is dramatic floral display of sprays of deep violet stems. Tiny bunches of red produced through much of the year. over fences or boulders. Flowering is in late pea flowers. The garden cultivar called ‘Happy berries are produced in summer. winter. Male plants produce abundant showy Wanderer’ is a much more rampant plant. Stems often die back for a short cream coloured blossom. Female plants have period in winter, re-sprouting drooping, greenish flowers followed by seeds vigorously soon after. with silvery hairy ‘tails’.

SIZE 20 cm high, 2 m across. 20 cm high, 1 m across. Climbs several metres when supported. Climbs to 2 m high.

GARDEN USES A hardy plant for dry areas that A hardy groundcover, surviving the harshest Favours moist, well-drained soil. It will cope Favours dry, well-drained soils in full sun. It can also cope with short periods drought conditions, in full sun or lightly with summer drought and short periods of also does well in light shade. of waterlogging. Thrives in sun shaded below native trees. Some yellow- waterlogging in winter. Plant where the stems Looks good in rockeries, tumbling over or full shade. Works well spilling berried forms grow in soil that is waterlogged can grow into the sun. the edge of retaining walls and scrambling over retaining walls and in rockeries. for short periods in winter. This plant can be grown over a wire fence, over through low fences and shrubs. It may be It adds interest to leaf litter Looks good in retaining walls and rockeries. boulders, low paling fences or through a sturdy used as a potted specimen. below established trees. May be planted en masse as an attractive mature shrub. The seeds of the plant are eaten by caterpillars The berries are eaten by finches groundcover in harsh conditions. Can The dense, tangled stems create excellent of native moths, butterflies and beetles. and pigeons. Ground-hunting create a weed-resistant dense mat cover. nesting for wrens, scrub-wrens and finches. birds can find insects in the moist Occasional patches may die off but new Seeds provide nest lining. soil amongst groundcovers when growth usually repairs these. summer sun has driven other The berries are popular with small birds, insect life below ground. parrots and pigeons.


Large-leaf Bush-pea Rock Correa Twiggy Daisy Bush Small-leafed Pultenaea daphnoides Correa glabra Olearia ramulosa Eutaxia microphylla

DESCRIPTION A slender, erect, lightly Densely branched, low growing shrub. Foliage Upright shrub, densely covered in small Small shrub with slender branches covered with branched shrub. It has a is dark green and shiny above, paler and duller narrow green leaves. In spring the shrub regularly arranged, tiny blue-green leaves. In small canopy of dark green, below. In autumn and winter, lime-green produces a showy display of white daisy spring the plant is liberally covered with small blunt-ended leaves. A short tubular flowers are produced profusely flowers along the branchlets. yellow pea flowers. The closely related Eutaxia but spectacular floral display amongst the foliage. microphylla has a prostrate, groundcover habit. in spring features bunches of gold and brown pea flowers.

SIZE 3 m high. 1.5 m high, 3m across. 2 m high and 1.5 m across. 1 m high and 50 cm across.

GARDEN USES Prefers moist, well-drained soil, in Grows vigorously in moist, well-drained soil Thrives in moist, well-drained soil but is tolerant Tolerant of dry soils and full sun. It will grow full sun or light shade of native and light shade but tolerant of dry soil and full of dry areas. It prefers full sun or light shade. slowly in the dry shade of mature native trees. trees, tolerant of summer drought. sun to deep shade. This is a rapidly growing shrub that will form a Very attractive in a rockery, retaining wall or Most attractive planted in small This plant makes an excellent understorey to low, quick-growing screen. Light pruning dry sloping bank. groups about one metre apart. large trees. It can be planted as a hedge and will help maintain bushiness. The plant is The plant creates excellent shelter for small It can form a quick growing will respond to light trimming with increased short-lived in most conditions, requiring skinks. Native bees are attracted to the flowers. screen. It is generally short lived foliage density. replacement after several years. and may require replacing after It is a very strong attractor of Honey-eaters in The blossoms are particularly attractive to several years. winter, especially the Eastern Spinebill and native nectar-feeding insects. Various insects feed on the leaves, New Holland Honey-eater. nectar and seeds of this plant.


Hop Goodenia Rosemary Grevillea Austral Indigo Tree Violet Goodenia ovata Grevillea rosmarinifolia Indigofera australis Hymenanthera dentata

DESCRIPTION Small, rounded shrub with fresh Small prickly shrub with dense, dark green A slender, sprawling small shrub with an open Variable in form. It will be dense, leafy and green, aromatic foliage. Yellow needle leaves clothing the branches. Pink, habit. The stems hold sparse, blue-green feathery supple in shady moist areas. In dry, exposed flowers appear amongst the spidery flowers are produced amongst the foliage. In spring, sprays of pink pea flowers are sites it is smaller with rigid, spiny branches and foliage for much of the year. foliage throughout winter. Plants from the arrayed on the ends of the branches, followed sparse foliage. Tiny, creamy-coloured, perfumed local area are smaller and less rampant than by bunches of narrow brown pods. flowers cluster along branches in mid-winter. most garden cultivars of this species. Purplish berries are produced in summer.

SIZE 1 m high and across. 1 m high and 1.5 m across. 1.5 m high. up to 3 m high and across.

GARDEN USES Most vigorous in moist soils in semi- Prefers dry soils in full sun, will tolerate light Prefers moist, well drained soils in a semi-shad- Tolerant of a wide range of conditions from shade but also tolerant of drought, shade below native trees and windswept areas ed position. Will tolerate dry soils, summer full sun to full shade and dry to wet soils. waterlogging, dense shade and full near roadways. drought and full sun. Especially valuable as an understorey shrub sun. Occasional severe pruning Responds well to regular pruning to maintain a The plant is naturally open and responds well to below trees. Provides an effective barrier or can rejuvenate a straggly plant. bushy appearance or to create a hedged effect. frequent light pruning to promote bushiness. hedge. May be pruned lightly to promote Looks good in a mass planting, The flowers are a particular favourite of It is short lived and may require replacing after bushiness or heavily to rejuvenate a plant. adds interest to shady corners Honey-eaters. The non-flowering period is several years. In ideal conditions new plants Valuable shelter for small birds. The berries attract and will quickly give a new bush important for maintaining bird diversity will germinate readily from seed nearby. Silvereyes and other fruit-eating birds in summer. garden an established feel. (some garden cultivars flower year-round, Makes a greater impact when grown in groups. It is host to a wide range of insects resulting in aggressive honey-eaters setting up Is especially attractive grown amongst rocks and provides excellent food and a permanent territory). The prickly foliage and below trees. shelter for small insect-eating birds. shelters small birds such as wrens. The seeds in the pods are eaten by caterpillars of butterflies and moths.


Turkey Bush Gold-dust Wattle River Bottlebrush Sweet Bursaria deserti acinacea Callistemon sieberi Bursaria spinosa var macrophylla

DESCRIPTION Very robust small rounded shrub Erect, small to medium shrub. Attractive An erect shrub that tends to be dense and An erect shrub whose spiny branches are with dense, glossy, bright green bright green foliage consisting of small round- bushy in cultivation. Light green, narrow covered sparsely with small green leaves. foliage. In summer, tiny delicate ed leaves is regularly arranged along the stems. leaves are clustered densely at the end of the In summer, bunches of tiny, white, sweetly white flowers hang below the Some plants tend to sucker, producing a small branches, fresh growth is often pink-tinged. scented flowers are produced profusely. stems. These are followed by thicket of small plants. In spring, bright, golden Chalky white bark clothes the trunk and Flowers are rapidly followed by persistent creamy coloured fruits. blossom covers the branches. branches. A scattering of pale cream, bottle- brown pods. Bark on the trunk soon develops brush flowers are produced in summer. a corky, aged appearance.

SIZE 1 m high and across. 2 m high and across. 5 m high and 3 m across. up to 6 m high and 1.5 m across.

GARDEN USES Likes dry soil and full sun. Favours dry soil and full sun, will tolerate light Favours moist or waterlogged soils in full sun. Favours dry soils and full sun, will tolerate Tolerant of the light shade shading and moist, well-drained soil. Wind Will tolerate semi-shade and the light shade of moist soils, shade and drought. below native trees. Very tolerant and copes with summer drought. native trees. Tolerates summer drought. Makes A good feature ‘tree’ in a small garden since its drought and wind tolerant Pruning established shrubs to the ground can a quick-growing screen. Can be severely pruned narrow, sparse canopy permits under-planting. once established. The foliage encourage fresh stems and suckering. to encourage bushiness or strategically pruned to The trunk is an attractive feature and strategic retains a fresh green appear- Looks good as a planting below established display trunk and branches. pruning can highlight this. Alternatively, plant ance throughout summer. trees, on dry exposed slopes. Flowers attract nectar-feeding birds and insects, in groups and prune to promote bushiness for Makes an excellent groundcover Blossom and seedpods attract a large variety of the dense foliage and flaky bark make good a hedge or screen. below native trees and can be native insects and the animals that feed upon hunting grounds for insect-eating birds. The flowers attract butterflies and beetles. grown as a low hedge. Light them. trimming promotes bushiness. Fruits are eaten by birds.


Wedge-leaf Hop Bush Kangaroo Apple Slender Pomaderris Woolly Tea-tree Dodonea viscosa Solanum laciniatum Pomaderris racemosa Leptospermum lanigerum

DESCRIPTION Dense rounded shrub with A very fast growing shrub with dense, dark Erect slender shrub. The foliage is dark green A large sprawling shrub. The dense foliage is a glossy, mid-green foliage. Older green, glossy foliage. The large leaves may have and undersurfaces of the leaves are pale and silvery blue colour. White flowers festoon the shrubs develop sparse crowns up to four pointed lobes. Attractive violet flowers felted. Heads of tiny, cream-coloured flowers outer branches in summer, followed by woolly and the twisted trunk covered in are produced over several months in spring and are produced in spring. coated, woody fruits. fissured grey bark becomes obvious. summer. Egg-shaped fruit follow, maturing Tiny greenish flowers are followed from green to yellow to orange. by papery red or purple pods.

SIZE 4 m high and across. 3 m high and across. 3 m high and 2 m across. 3 m high and 4 m across.

GARDEN USES Favours dry soils, full sun and Favours moist, well-drained soils and dappled Prefers moist, well-drained soil and full sun or Favours moist soil in full sun. Can cope with exposed conditions. Tolerant of light. May tolerate summer drought and full light shade, will tolerate summer drought and medium to full shade and occasional soil moist, well-drained soils and sun to full shade. full shade. dryness. May die in severe summer drought. light to medium shade. Older plants tend to sprawl and will smother This species makes a fine screening plant. It can This species is useful for run-off areas, boggy A useful, fast growing shrub, smaller plants or weeds below them. Can make an be lightly pruned to promote bushiness or sites or sides of ditches. Light pruning may be especially in the shade of native attractive feature plant though it is usually short- strategically pruned to reveal the fine grey bark used to promote bushiness. trees or on dry exposed slopes. lived and will require replacing after several years. of the trunk. The dense canopy is excellent shelter and foraging Can form a dense screen or The fruits are eaten by possums and by native The flowers attract nectar-feeding insects, the site for small insect-eating birds. Insects are hedge. May be lightly pruned to and introduced birds. dense canopy is the right height for Ringtail attracted to the nectar of the flowers. promote bushiness. Possums to nest within. Makes an excellent shelter for small birds such as wrens.


Silver Banksia Blackwood Golden Spray Lightwood Banksia marginata Acacia melanoxylon Viminaria juncea Acacia implexa

DESCRIPTION A shrub or small tree with rigid, A large shrub or small tree. The dense, dark A small tree whose leaves are dispensed with at A small, narrowly erect tree with graceful upright branches. The leaves are green canopy casts a deep shade. In late winter, an early age, the role of photosynthesis being drooping foliage. The canopy is open and a dark green above, silver below and pale lemon blossoms are displayed over the taken over by bright green rush-like branchlets. fresh green. Rugged grey bark soon develops. create a dense canopy. In winter outer foliage. Long pods follow, splitting to Shrubs are initially erect but later develop a Pale creamy blossoms in summer are followed the shrub produces egg-sized, reveal shiny black seeds embedded amid coiled weeping habit. In spring, small golden pea by coiling pods that persist for a year. lemon coloured spikes of flowers. orange stalks. flowers cluster thickly along the tips of the Some of these will develop into branchlets. Small brown pods follow. woody cones. Very wide variety of forms across Victoria; the local form has a narrow canopy.

SIZE 6 m high, 3 m across. 10 m high and 6 m across. up to 5 m high and 3 m across. up to 15 m high, but will usually remain smaller.

GARDEN USES Favours dry, well drained soils Most vigorous in moist, well drained soils and full Favours damp soils and full sun. It will tolerate Prefers dry soils in full sun but will grow in and full sun, though tolerant of sun but will grow well in a range of soils and light waterlogging and summer drought. moist, well-drained soils and light shade. light shading and moist soils. conditions. It is moderately drought tolerant. It has a dramatic appearance and looks good in Damage to the roots may cause suckering. Banksias tend to resent soil This tree forms a dense, fast-growing screen or a bog garden or beside a pool. It may be planted The tree grows rapidly and is long lived. The disturbance near their roots wind-break. Can be used as a specimen tree or in a group to provide a light screen. open canopy allows for under-planting and the and excess fertilisers. in groups to create a grove. The tree creates homes for insects, especially the erect form is useful in narrow spaces. Makes a good specimen tree in The dense foliage provides excellent foraging fissured bark that develops on the trunk which is This tree is attractive to insect-eating birds that small gardens. and shelter for insect-eating birds and is a a popular foraging area for insect-eating birds. hunt bark crevices and the dense tangles of The flowers attract Honey-eaters, favoured place for Ring-tailed Possums’ nests. pods. Caterpillars of the Double-spotted Line- Lorikeets and nectar-feeding Blue Butterflies eat the flowers. insects throughout winter.


Drooping Sheoak Golden Wattle Yellow Box Yellow Gum Allocasuarina verticillata Acacia pycnantha melliodora Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp connata

DESCRIPTION A small to medium, rounded A large shrub to small tree. It tends to be slender A large spreading tree with small green or Medium to large tree that generally develops a tree. A dense canopy of fine and upright in harsh sites, spreading and dense in bluish-green leaves arrayed in a light canopy. light canopy. Smooth white bark is streaked dark green branchlets develops open sites with moist, fertile soils. The foliage is The trunk has flaky bark in warm grey and with cream and yellow tones. Abundant in mature trees. Male trees bright green, glossy and broad. In late winter yellow tones. Young branches are smooth and cream-coloured blossoms are produced in produce tiny flowers along the golden blossom is prominently displayed. white. Honey-perfumed, creamy-blossom is winter, followed by persistent gum-nuts. This tips of the branchlets. Female produced spring or summer. is the local subspecies; there are six subspecies trees have flowers on older in Victoria. branches that develop into spiky wooden cones.

SIZE 10 m high and 8 m across. 4 m high. 30 m high and 15 m across. 30 m high and 15m across.

GARDEN USES Grows in dry, well-drained soil in Requires dry, well-drained soil in full sun or Favours dry soils and open conditions. Will Grows well in dry soil in full sun. Needs good full sun. It favours windy and light shade, very intolerant of impeded grow in moist, well-drained soils. drainage. This is eventually a large tree so is rocky sites. drainage or waterlogged soil. It looks good This is a large tree, so is unsuited to small gardens. unsuitable for small gardens (dwarf cultivars of It is very graceful as a young tree grown in groups with several planted less than It may spend several years as a rounded shrub this species originate in coastal South Australia). and will develops its dense crown one metre apart. Can be short lived, requiring before developing a distinct trunk. These trees are amongst the most attractive to from about six years old. Female replacement after about ten years. The tree is valuable to wildlife, fostering a large lorikeets and honey-eating birds. Older trees trees next to pathways shed The leaves have a gland that secretes sweet number of native insects. These occasionally will develop bark and leaf litter below, round cones that can be a hazard liquid, attracting native ants and honey-eaters. defoliate the tree, slowing its growth. Older important shelter for insects and spiders, to pedestrians. Aging trees may host many native moth and trees provide nectar and nesting sites, leaf litter, and the birds and skinks that hunt for them. Small birds search the foliage, beetle larvae. bark and ultimately hollows. fissured bark and dense leaf-litter for spiders, moth cocoons and other insects.


NAME PAGE SIZE FLOWER FLOWER SOIL ASPECT Time Colour Dry/wet Shade/sun Austral Indigo 23 Shrub Aug – Dec mauve ORGANISATIONS Austral Storks Bill 16 Small plant Oct – Feb white Banksia, Silver 28 Tree May – Oct yellow Moreland City Council, Karin Hartog Ph 9240 1111 Beauty Heads, Milky 17 Groundcover Dec – Mar white Merri Creek Management Committee, Judy Bush Ph 9380 8199 Billy Buttons, Common 11 Small plant Sep – Mar yellow Moonee Ponds Creek Coordinating Committee, Melanie Taube Ph 9205 2382 Blackwood 28 Tree Jul – Oct yellow Bluebell, Tufted 11 Small plant Nov – Mar blue Bottlebrush, River 25 Large shrub Dec – Mar cream COMMUNITY GROUPS Box, Yellow 31 Tree Sep – Feb white Burr Daisy, Tufted 12 Small plant Oct – Mar white Friends of Merri Creek, Ray Radford Ph 9380 8199 Bursaria, Sweet 25 Large shrub Nov – Feb cream Moonee Ponds Creek Association, Kelvin Thomson Ph 9350 5777 Bush-pea, Large-leaf 20 Shrub Aug – Nov yellow, red Clematis, Small-leafed 19 Climber Jul – Dec cream Coral Pea, Purple 19 Climber Jul – Nov purple NURSERIES SELLING INDIGENOUS PLANTS Correa, Rock 20 Shrub Feb – Sep yellow-green Daisy, Basalt 12 Small plant Sep – Jan white Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Cooperative (VINC), Daisy, Cut Leaf 13 Small plant Sep – Feb lilac Yarra Bend Rd, Fairfield. Ph 9482 1710 Daisy, Woolly New Holland 13 Small plant Sep – Nov lilac Daisy-bush, Twiggy 21 Shrub Sep – May white Keelbundora Indigenous Nursery, Eutaxia, Small-leafed 21 Shrub Aug – Dec yellow, red Everlasting, Clustered 14 Small plant Sep – Jan golden Ring Rd, LaTrobe University, Bundoora. Ph 9479 2871 Everlasting, Common 14 Small plant Sep – Jan golden Everlasting, Sticky 15 Small plant Aug – Apr golden CERES Bushfood Nursery, Flax, Native 15 Small plant Sep – Nov blue Lee St, East Brunswick Ph 9387 4403 Flax Lily, Pale 8 Tussock plant Oct – Jan blue Golden Spray 29 Tree Oct – Feb yellow Goodenia, Hop 22 Shrub Aug – Feb yellow FURTHER READING Grevillea, Rosemary 22 Shrub Aug – Nov red Gum, Yellow 31 Tree May – Sep cream Moreland Open Space Strategy. Context PL., (1996). Moreland City Council. Hop Bush, Wedge-leaf 26 Large shrub Oct – Dec red Kangaroo Apple 26 Large shrub Sep – Jan purple Plants of the Merri Merri. A Home Gardener’s Guide to Using Indigenous Plants Kangaroo Grass 9 Grass Sep – Mar multi Lightwood 29 Tree Dec – Mar cream in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne. R. Wigney ed, (1994). Merri Creek Mat-rush, Spiny-headed 8 Tussock plant Aug – Dec cream Management Committee. Pomaderris, Slender 27 Large shrub Oct – Nov cream Rasp Fern, Common 16 Small plant Plants of Melbourne’s Western Plains. A Gardener’s Guide to the Original Flora. Running Postman 17 Groundcover Sep – Dec red Society for Growing Australian Plants, Keilor Plains Group (1995). Society for Growing Saltbush, Climbing 18 Groundcover Nov – Apr red-yellow Saltbush, Ruby 18 Groundcover year round red-yellow Australian Plants, Keilor Plains Group. Sheoak, Drooping 30 Tree Jun – Oct red Spear Grass, Feather 9 Grass Sep – Jan buff Flora of Melbourne. A Guide to the Indigenous Plants of the Greater Spear Grass, Slender 10 Grass Sep – Jan golden Melbourne Area. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Maroondah (rev ed 1993). Tea-tree, Woolly 27 Large shrub Sep – Dec white Hyland House. Tree Violet 23 Shrub Aug – Nov cream Turkey Bush 24 Shrub May – Oct white Tussock Grass, Silky 10 Grass Dec – Mar golden The Australian Garden. A Classic Guide to Design, Planting and Care. Wattle, Gold-dust 24 Shrub Jul – Nov yellow J. Edmanson and L. Lawrence (1992). Viking. Wattle, Golden 30 Tree Aug – Oct golden 32