

Josonu Munloctt, Llniaersity of California, Los ,lngeles- 'I'he rare hureaulite was first discoveredabout 1825 by Al- Iuaudr on a few small specimensfrom Hureaux in the Department of Haute Vienne, France. The material was describedby Dufr6noy2 and analyzed.by him2" and by Vauquelin,s the former making also a rough determinationof the prism angle.Des cloizeuxafound more material in a specimenof heterositefrom La Vilate, near Chanteloube,in the same district, with crystals well enough developedto measure some of the forms with fair accuracy, and others by approximation' Hureaulite is also reported as probably occurring in Silesia. In the United States, hureaulitehas beenfound at three localitiesonly: Branchville5and Port- land, Conn.,6and Pala, Calif.TThe Branchville material was fairly well crystallized,and measurementson it were much better than those of Des Cloizeaux,although according to the authors, not very accurate becauseof the multiple habit of the crystals. From these crystals the ordinarily acceptedelements of crystallization were calculated.

OccunnBNcn The writer, in collectingrecently at the Stewart mine, Pala, California, found a specimenof dark coloredphosphates showing crystalline hureau- Iite on one of the fractured surfaces.The mineral in this crust is coloriess to pale or deep amber, with none of the violet-roseor deep orange-red shown at other localities.The crystalsare practically iron free, as shown by a microchemicaltest for iron, and confirmedby spectroscopicanalysis (0.17o Fe).'Ihe limited amount of material did not permit a complete analysis,but qualitative tests showedMn, P, and HzO. Ilardness,as de-

I Alluaud, Notices sur l'H6t6rosite, I'Hureaulite (fer et mangandse phosphat6) et sur quelques autres mineraux du Department de la Haute Vienne: Ann. ile Sci- Not', 8r 334- 3s4(1826). 2 Dufr6noy, Annales des Mines,2d ser.,7, p. 137. 2'Dufr6noy, Sur deux nouveaux de mangandse et de fer: Ann. iJe Chemie et ile Physique,2d ser. 41, 338 (1829). 3 Vauquelin, Analyse de l,Hureaulite, mineral trouv6 dans la commune d'Hureaux: Ann. de Chemieet ile Physique,2d ser.,30, 302 (1825). a Des Cloizeaux, Determination des formes cristallines et des propri6t6s optiques de l'Hureaulite: Ann. d.eChem. et d.ePhysique, ser. 3, 53, 293 (1858). 5 Paper: Brush, G. J., and Dana, E. S., On the mineral locality of Branchville conn. Sth Am. Jour. Sca.,3dser.,39, 207 (1890). 6Shairer, Conn':Am' J. F., and other rare phosphates from Portland Mineral., rl, 101-104 (1926). 7 Schaller, W. T., New phosphates from the gem tourmaline field of southern California : J onr. W ash. A cad. Sei., 2, 143-145 (19 12). 19 20 JOSEPH MURDOCII

termined carefully on crystals, was between 3 and 4, a value in agreement with that of Alluaud, but not with that of Des Cloizeaux,.whosevalue of 5 has beenaccepted by Dana and Hintze. Hureaulite occursas one of the near-endmembers of a seriesof alterations from someearlier mineral, perhapslithiophilite, although none of this was observedon the hureau-


The crust of hureaulite was in part made up of excellent crystals, so that it has beenpossible to make rather accuratemeasurements on them. calculations from these measurementshas led to a sright modification of the lengths of the a- and c-axes,and of the value of B, with a doubling of the length of the c-axis.

8 Mason, Brian, of the Varutriisk pegmatite, XXIII: Some iron manganese minerals: Geol. Fiir. Fbrh., 63, rri-r-7s- (1941). (Abstr. Am. Mineral., 26,682, 1941). e Loc. cit., p. 296. L'R|'ST A LLOGRAPTI Y OF HU REAU LII-E 2l

Frc. I 'I'.rsr,D 1. FonMsUsno rl Calcut,trtoN or Axtis

No. Form read- rngs

c 001 3 'm.ll0 30 B a 2Ol 6 6 112 10 B e 111 7 B

(1s 48 lS-average of all good signals) frequently represented.by a vicinal face of a quality about equal to the true one, sometimesalone, sometimesoccurring with the latter, Sothat it is not always possibleto distinguish one from the other' Accordingly, the calculations have been weighted in favor of the other forms. The lengths of the axes derived from these calculations agree fairly well with those of Brush and Dana,r0if their length of c is doubled, and also with those of 10Loc. cit., p.208. 22 JOSEPHMURDOCH

De schultenll on pure synthetic crystals. rn both these cases,however, the available material was not particularly good, although better than Des cloizeaux's,and it has seemedjustifiable to the writer to ofier his own values as more nearly the correct onesfor this mineral. The comoara- tive valuesare shown below:

Terrr 2. Axrll Re:rros ab cg Brush and Dana 1.9192 1 ;(1.0490) 95o59' De Schulten 1.9048 1 ;(1.0378) e6 28 Murdoch 1.9307 1 r.0470 96 40

Dana's choice of axial lengths results in rather complex indices,and accordingly Goldschmidt, in the winheltabellen,chosea reversed orienta-

more nearly horizontal, as it should be according to convention. The' transformationformulae for the different settingsare as follows: Danato Murdoch 100/010/002 GoldschmidttoMurdoch 10T/010/001

The space group, from rotation photographs,is probably C27,a,the unit cell carries four molecules, and the carculated specific gravity is 3'23' This value checksvery closelywith the determined values which range from 3.198 to 3.149.The small amount of material available did not allow direct determination of specificgravity for the pala crystals. Nrw Fonus on the measured crystals the following recognizedforms were ob- served:a., rn, c, k, a, 6, c, q, and in adclitiona number of new forms. These

11 De Schulten, A., Production artificielle de hureauliteetdelahureaulitedecadmium: Min. soc.Jranc., Butl.,27, 123 (1904). CRYSTIILLOGRAPIII'OF HUREAULITE 23

TasLs 3. Neiv Fonus

No. Form Quality Measured Calculated times

6 p op z 580 B 18"20', 90'00' 18003' 90'00' h 760 B 31 18 90 00 31 19 90 00 g 111 D 32 13 5001 32 20 51 06 E 38 35 5140 s 311 56 55 63 44 59 11 63 5.5+ t stl A 67 +9 7214 69 48+ 71 4s ? 611 D 69 50 7500 72 51 74 16 ? 12.1.1 D 79 2r 8130 81 05 8r 34+ ? 232 D 23 28 5725 22 53 59 36 -70 r olJ E -70 14 48 15 29+ 46 16

The full angle table for hureaulite, with the revised values, is given in Table 4'

Tesr,B 4

aib:c:1.9307:1:1 0470 g:96'40' po:O.5423 go:1.0400 ro: I p:83"20', rz:0 .9615 pz:0.5215 Qz: I ro/:0.1169 Po':O.5460 qo':1.047O

Form $z PZ:B C A c 001 90'00' 6040' 83"20' 90'00' 0'00' 83"20', o 100 90 00 9000 000 90 00 8320 000 b 010 000 9000 000 000 90 00 90 00 ,? 580 18 03 9000 000 1803 8755 7r 57 m. rr0 2732+ 9000 000 2732+ 86ss 6227+ h 760 31 19 9000 000 31 19 8631; s841 a 201 -90 00 4+ t7 134 17 90 00 50 57 13417 p 5o2 -90 00 51 18 14118 90 00 5758 14118 g 111 32 20 51 06 56 31+ 48 53 47 46+ 65 24 . 111 -22 17 48 32 11313' 46 06 51 20 10630 6 lr2 36n+ 33 08 68 42 64 00 29 36 7057 p rr3 40 34+ 2440+ 732r+ 713r 2056 74.14+ s 311 59 11 6355+ 2940+ 62 36 58 15 3931 z 3rr -55 27+ 613s+ 14640+ 60os+ 67 10 13625 , 511 69 48+ 7r45 192r 7052 65 30+ 26 57+ k 5r2 -67 t4i 53 32 14118 lt Jz 59 43 r37 52 q 534 -35 46 44 03+ rr9 29+ 5539 48 t2 11359 r 42r -M Lsi 7t t6 r5417 47 44+ 760r rsr 49i