TENDER ENQUIRIES CAPTURED BY SAFCEC 2011-08-19 - 2011-08-19 The information is copyrighted by SAFCEC 2010 and is transmitted only to subscribed SAFCEC members. Please do not forward this bulletin to any non-subscribers. For any tender enquiries or more information please contact
[email protected] 31/08/2011/GAU/ROL 20110819-T54350 METRORAIL PRETORIA: UPGRADING OF STOCK OFFICES, PARKING AREA, PAVING AND STORAGE Upgrading of stock offices, parking area, paving and storage. CIDB: DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE:Ms Yvonne Moetsela, (From 22.08.2011 - Documents Available: 2011-08-22 29.08.2011),2nd Floor, Tender Metrorail, Room212, Metrorail Station Building, cnr Inspection Date: 2011-08-31 Paul Kruger and Scheiding Streets, Pretoria, Gauteng. Tendeer documents will Inspection Compulsory: Yes not be available at the brifing meeting. Deposit Required: R150 DEPOSIT: Must be deposited into the Metrorail bank account. Banking details: Deposit Refundable: No Account Holder: Metrorail trading as PRASA, Bank: Standard Bank, Branch: Closing Date: 2011-09-14 Braamfontein, Branch Code: 004805, Account Number: 200348523.Clearly Contact Person: YVONNE MOETSELA, 012 743 0066 indicate the Tender Number on the deposit slip as reference. No cash or Province: None cheques will be accepted. SITE INSPECTION: Meet at 13h00 at Metrorail Station Building, cnr Paul Kruger and Scheiding Streets, Pretoria. LG. SCM/BID03/2011/12 20110819-T54349 MALUTI-A-PHOFUNG MUNICIPALITY PHUTHADITJHABA: NEW INDOOR SPORT & RECREATIONAL HALL New indoor sport and recreation hall in Phuthaditjhaba. CIDB: 7GB CIDB:7GB/6GB PE. Documents Available: 2011-08-19 DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE:The Cashiers' Point, Puthaditjhaba Offices. Inspection Date: 2011-08-26 ENQURIES: Supply Chain Management Unit, 058 718 3869/1130.