ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR THE PROPOSED NATIONAL ROAD 3 : KEEVERSFONTEIN TO WARDEN (De Beer’s Pass Section) EIA Ref No: 12/12/20/1992 WRITTEN COMMENTS ON DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT (EIR) Submitted by: PAUL STEYN BOERDERY (PTY) LTD (Registration number 1999/023304/07) (hereinafter referred to as “PSB”) Contact address and particulars: The farm Vaalbank, Warden, district Harrismith P.O. Box 286, Warden, 9880 Tel. 082 770 1977 (G Steyn) or 082 413 4526 (Office) Kindly direct all communication to
[email protected] and CC to
[email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR THE PROPOSED NATIONAL ROAD 3 : KEEVERSFONTEIN TO WARDEN (De Beer’s Pass Section) EIA Ref No: 12/12/20/1992 WRITTEN COMMENTS ON DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT (EIR) Submitted by: PAUL STEYN BOERDERY (PTY) LTD (Registration number 1999/023304/07) (hereinafter referred to as “PSB”) Contact address and particulars: The farm Vaalbank, Warden, district Harrismith P.O. Box 286, Warden, 9880 Tel. 082 770 1977 (G Steyn) or 082 413 4526 (Office) Kindly direct all communication to
[email protected] and CC to
[email protected] 1. INTEREST OF PARTY MAKING THIS SUBMISSION PSB is farming on a number of farms East of Warden and the new planned De Beer’s Pass Section road (hereinafter referred to as “the Road”) will cross over PSB’s farming land in the most sensitive area possible, namely through PSB’s irrigation operations, which form the economical nucleus of the total farming enterprise. The farms are inter alia Leeupoort, Leeukop, Brakwal and Vaalbank, district Harrismith.