ROTA NEWS July 25 Th , 2013
ROTA NEWS July 25 th , 2013 Rotary Club of Barbados, Barbados Chartered March 07, 1962 District 7030 Club Officers President Ronald Davis President Elect Ron Davis Vice President Elvin Sealy Secretary Paul Ashby Treasurer Brian Cole Club Service Director R.I Theme 2013-2014 H. Waldo Clarke Vocational Service Director Officers District Officers Jedder Robinson District Governor President Community Service Director Herve Honoré Shawn Franklin Ron Burton District Governor Elect International Service Director President Elect Elwin Atmodimedjo Lisa Cummins Gary C.K. Huang Youth Service Director District Governor Nominee Warren Mottley Milton Inniss Immediate Past President Assistant Governor (Barbados) Anthony Williams Katrina Sam-Prescod Sergeant-At-Arms Alexander McDonald District Grants PDG David Edwards, Chair District Disaster Relief PDG Tony Watkins, Chair The Four Way Test Weekly meetings on Thursdays at Hilton Barbados Of the things we think, say or do Needham’s Point, Aquatic Gap, 1. Is it the TRUTH? St. Michael at 12 noon 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER P.O. Box 148B, Brittons Hill, FRIENDSHIPS ? St. Michael, Barbados 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Biography Burton has received the RI Service Above Self Award and the Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Ron D. Burton Service, Distinguished Service Award, and International Service Award for a Polio-Free World. Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA, He and his wife, Jetta, are Paul Harris Fellows, President, Rotary International, 2013-14 Benefactors, Major Donors, and members of the Paul Harris, Bequest, and Arch C. Klumph Societies.
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