ww''"S.,c JtSWvV mm'w-S4SmmW&mSSKi- i ' ' .V. v Zr WHWV ' &'' ' IPnlffl"V, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEl-PHILADELPH- IA, . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1922 31 KM . - ii nil alT.1l REAL ESTATE FOR TOB-lA- JV" " BALE REAL ESTATE FOR SA1JS REAL ESTATE EOR BALE SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE l WiiAL" .in itiT.VHIA west OEBMANTOWN CiritMANTOWN OESMANTOWN PF.NNUVf.VAM milHIBBAN rr.NNHVLTANiA wtmtraBAN IT.NNMVI.VANfA SUIll'ltBAWWl T' yv )immmmmmmmmmwmiimiiiiinKi "Germantown Realty" WESTVIEW STREET ?" Several Exceptional Properties Near Lincoln Drive; e house, Frem Our List Are detached; let 00x147! S bedrooms, 2 WYNNEFIELD Suggested Belew baths; separate garage, I AT Let Us Shew Yeu These or Others $10,500 CHELTEN AVB. enst of Wlseahlcken WKST TULPEHOCKEN BT.rje-tache- d nve, d atone residence; atone residence. English Harvey at near Wayne ave. sub- 1 rooms. 8 bathe, medern: prepttt Big Things" ROAD modern and subatantlally. built "The & GAINOR Irf condition stantial stone house, south- Three 54 excellent and conveniently In every detail, 12 roema. 8 bathai located; would be Ideal for apart- garage Convenient te western exposure, ettctrle light; .. 11 J . ments. for 2 care. "Where n anaJ mmrg lm.l ,. Tulpohocken Street Station, r. R. K. vacant. 4f levm t.... It Interested in purchasing a horn In te be realized in Philadelphia will help Real Estate Values. 4nd 5 Wynnefleld U the finest residential gee- - fy Shrubberyt. thla aectlen, you should arrange te ..- - Inspect this property. SUMMIT STREET Sesqui-Centenni- al iibj, LINCOLN DniVB aBCTION De- (1) The Exposition to be held here in 1926. jKBiuvjar en ei VYBt iuiudiJ"" " Lawn tached atone Colonial residence In 2 Baths sr ... mu,. thla PerV and overerooK. beautiful nnd convenient section; . In Chestnut Hill: detached residence (2) The Consummation of the Delaware River Bridge Project at the same oilner Read, a boulevard In width, is It. meiOK, bed chambera, 3 baths; strictly med- 213 E. MT. PLEASANT AVE. with about half acre of ground. And ern: 60xlBO. 125,-OO- Barege; let Price, d atone realdenee In ex- time, completing ... . a great highway from ocean to ocean. r Deauuiu houses, In nverv'l cellent conditien: 12 roema, 2 baths! h.ndanmn substantial modern; let .15x212. Convenient te 129W. MT. AIRY AVE. (3) The be attended to en -- i- Purchase of Heme should Ined eimei :.i..j - 4i. mnjm -- .. Sedgwick Station, r. k R. R. Attrac- a in the Suburbs This fdeUll.nndeWPi)lav ,in1lit0rl tnrl.v..awithin minv hunrlrArTj DEStRAnLR BUILDINO LOTS tive price. Convenient te Allen Lane etatlen, NOW, that you may Enjoy the first two projects' effect on Real Estate. West aid Wayne Avenue, north of renna. Read: attractive heuif ' ' Carpenter (adjacent Fair-mou- ThdeoWsefihelr Prfcer" Street te with 4 bedroema and bath en second Examine this List of Hemes. We knew we will satisfy your particular houses will appeal particularly te these "j nark). Most reasonably priced WERT DUVAL ST. il u. Ik These ground In thla desirable aectlen: lets resldence; 10 roema, 2 baths: large fleer. requirements if you will avail yourself of our service. who are satisnea eniy wun we desi. 58x125 or larger. Reatrleted te de- let: room for garage: convenient te ? Four are at mis price. tached houses. We are exclusive Wayne ave. car line and Tulpeheckt.l leit agents. Station. P. n. R. Price, $14,600. CHESTNUT HILL ga- - i Finest home In thla aectlen of Phila- Old apaclnua Colonial atone house An e detached house and $0800 delphia. Only 4 minute from within 0 minutes of Merlen Station. rage In one most desirable X MONTHS for modern house, 2 - of the DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOMES FOR RENT FOR TIIH SUMMER bathi. light; "en etene semi- Iirge living room. Lincoln Drl electric let 25x138. North bread ched. 12 , pantry, kitchen nnd rl (it ef s $15,000 (EL rooms, fl IVlerien laundry en the first fl. Lincoln Drive c ' " B. B. LISTER SON rooms, It baths Ths n0(Jg0 cnn be Large lUIng Rtachti y meter net 2 OERMANTOWN AVE. TELEPHONB OTN. 6801-0- 2 Oireei Large c e d n r remodeled te retain Fotrmevnt . room through Het-wat- LYNDON PRffiSTMAXI cleiK-t- Modern all of Its former with I Garage Park V P. A. A. te er lEIJMHIWiMMra .throughout. Oarage for 2 care. style and beauty, with nil modern sectionQ,' nreplace: wide Wirniefisld Ave. " G Let 32x05. Possession Immediate. conveniences, an acre of ground perch: B bed-loo- m.. en Heating E R M A N T W nnd a old enurte Enclosed tretfMi tertt Jr jMiiffl 0 Large closets, fixtures Interior! and deten trees for Modern In , VN, Ne. 70 en B2d 0. of the best: bullt-l- n refrigerator. $30,000. Plana are nt our oflUe and 2 baths. Perches 'III Oafner aeaaF Attic .".007 Oln, ave. Tel. Qtn. 0410. Phene or call for details and photos. showing the remodeling. Why net every particular. Cerner let; 1 fere. IN GERMANTOWN Member Thlla. Real Estate neard leek at them? surroundings; near train, Sample Individual-styl- e home of 0 II' distinctive Furnished An e trolley and school, Trice reasonable. rooms. 3 bedrooms, bath. I.nrge detached heue Lighting Open Daily Single Heuse, $4500 Detached Dwelling, $13,000 Mortem located In the most deelrnble sec- Fixtures Heuse storeroom. IT MMMIIIIIM In eery respect. tion of rynwNd. ' A roema Near Allen Lane Station. . bedrooms, 45th avenua City Hah and Sunday Let 40'xl53 Centalna and Railroad; 0 rooms, 3 bathe; het-wat- sru.A?ip 10 ncrce or beautl . rooms, 7 Street between Chester 20 Minutes te w bath: het-a- ir heat, gea. Priced low for hardwood CvnWVO 3 baths: large clenet anil Baltimore aenue. hpposlte open quick heat, una and electricity, yyuYv,yn ,pnc(., heUR( , sale. floors; open fireplace. A geed buy. "" state of cultivation. Th? square: fl mas- Oarage for 2 care. located in 22 acres of 3 E. FOX, Agent wonderfully c u I t West ter chambers. CLARENCE Three-Stor- Queen Lane Maner Fine lawn. Shrubbery and old bathe, billiard y Twin, $5800 Moderately priced. ground wlt old ehade nnd room, On the Premise! or Attractive single dwelling, let 50x150 ft.: shade. ahrnbberv nnd with that IndMrt-uailt- y servants' Let 24'0"xl50' room for garage; Ideal eurreundlnga, convenient te train Qswwn) of whlc'.i Philadelphia room A- -l con- with location ghei te Avenue lf 40th. and Lancaster heat, gas and electricity. and trolley; net n large home, but com- On Roberts Read; one-ha- mile the purchaser the satisfaction nf dition. Early pact and cexy: modern In every detu... from Lincoln Highway nnd about ownership and seclusion. Can be possession, Easily financed. Bargain. Priced at only $17,500. rTZ 10 minutes' walk divided te suit purchaser. assures the pur- from t'.ie station Near chaser of an ab- there H a stone- - Eight minutes walk from the eta-- n A store detached house, 2 blocks Bungalow Type, $9000 Built solute guarantee Kosement tlen there is stucco tacheil from t'.ie station, ft rooms first A charming detached Colonial home, with efpntn 'M con- of quallt "" of 18 roema; 0 heune nine 7 floer: 4 rooms and Plaster east ever brick, splendidly delightful southern exposure; garage; 8 I Ideally 7 3 room. oenn . bath en second structed and altuated; rooms, rooms, 2 baths, modern heat and light, THE BEAUTIFUL bathe: Vint'1 het-wat- linen nnrt r bath; heat, gaa, electricity, hardwood fleer, white finish, stone e. larire closets, heat: Uak Lane " fr", Lansdowne hardwood finish. MODERN HOMES garage with mnn's roem: mod- garage, let ..I8.-,- en fleer, white Excellent Convenient te Lincoln Drive and plot dlsplajlmr n won- prop- home. Henry Schoel. Price $28,500. at Limekiln Plke and Haines st. ern throughout, A fine fleer. This (West of land KUrreunds this house with derful arlety of erty modern ln Oak Lane Section)" old shade and beautiful shrubbery. shrubbery. The location Is In one respect and located en a let Street 100 Feet Wide nf eerv SMITH, DALGLIESH & RUSS Full-Siz- e In general rtie whole property Is one the met desirable aeetlnna of 1OOc20n with tine old shnde and Three Bed- nnd In rooms,He Uuaual Closet Space which gltes te the owner a fcellns Oik Lane the house consid- ,hrulibery. can b rented aa a sum- 5601 OERMANTOWN AVE. PHONE OERMANTOWN 0640 of nnd satisfaction, ered very desirable and reasonably home June 1 te proe the Parquetry Floers comfort priced. mer from Tiled Buthroem. Uullt-l- n Tub, desirability of this location as a MiaiiinmMiM Basement Laundry A fine brick Colonial house; 7 rooms Near Swarthmore Cellege: future home. Let It be TOUR Het-Wat- en fleer; 4 separate with 2H Heating System first room' wlt'.t acres; atone house, modernized with HOME. and are Artistically hatha en aecend diamond - pnned Finished Throughout --. fleer, with eerv- - en windows, open -- (JverbrenK nnts" nuartera "replaces, hoi- - A heuee: 4 bedrooms and A "Cottage Type" Home tnlrd fl00r ttvli, bwarthmere bath: in a most desirable location. Lets are feet deep rate from the . water heat. 14 DIRECTLY I 100 with large moms, 3 baths Heuse la stone and OPPOSITE FERNHILL PARK main house; f2 tiled), stucco; en a let tnrrroem, playroom, room. marble cen-ica- ci IN DELIGHTFUL OVERBROOK Trsaj- - linen shower, sleeplr.p perch, Hill ah PRIVATE GARAGE Thla property will interest these large vcnlenc" thrnuuh- - ileMrlnj: nnd conveniences. perrtiee, stone nrnge for 2 cars A WIDE DRIVEWAY AT REAR comfort with 3 stalls, chauf- e u t. Possession I Only a Few Remain SAFE PLACE FOR Hardwood floors throughout. Heated hmleft and within 00 davs. plant. Oarage 2 feur's roem: stone sprlngheuse. .THE CHILDREN TO PLAY from central for containing hlll'nrd room; famous Oarage of stucco finish for one car. cars: alue rtinuffeur'a quarters "Lenape pprlng"; We certainly recommend a request $6500 Three-quarte- of acre ground brook and smnll an of century-ol- d ou te see this property. $6850 with shrubbery. pond, trees, tea house, from WITH private; niDinra flne old shade and ren garden, many shr'ihs. hedges, Priced at $13,000. Columbia Ave. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN FOR gerden, "r. poet's home," prac- Read Sample Dundra e ar but Wynmd Furnished Heuse Open INSPECTION An detached heuee with ticable. Seen by appointment. BERKLEY AND MORRIS STREETS Take route 40 car. get off at garage, 0 rooms en first fleer; Stene house of 7 Haines street and walk one square 4 bedroema, In th famous country rooms, 4 bedrooms and 2 biths (1 With Central Plant Heat Beautifully finished. Every modern feature. 6 room uest. . Ing room and 2 there Is a beautifully situated build- tiled); modern all-til- e jedCTWlck baths en second ing and bath with shower; Incl. ba'.d twla flte. comprising 3'4 ln every re- - vurviirn. tivu. nnpn nreDinrn. DANIEL CRAWFORD, ncrce of ground, ripe Wayne 12 mm, Jr. nnd bnth en third D for improvement. Lincoln Drive Many Exclusive Features Usually Found Only June. from Heading Ter. fl e eVOn This ftToTleo: 110 tralna dally, or car Ne. 53 en 18th BUILDER e r: hardwood land but K mile from - Price been floers: modern throughout. Very lo- ' has "Built-te-Orde- wayne the station la se very In- r" i. te Ave. ft Berkley at. grounds. prep-e- made in Hemes vvbik west two niecaa. ettractlve Cerner cated that ti manv teresting for a quick sale. Pee thla Must be seen te be ceneniences of both country and home today and seu will own EAST TERMS town life are ever present. tomorrow. it $8800 - $9200 - $12,000 FRANK A. MOLTER, en premises I MARTIN McWILLIAMS A. MALONEY llMSsiejBssBex- -l m . . mmm 10 years J. sbm J The next will be the greatest in the history of Phila- 539 SOUTH 52D STREET BUILDER delphia. An Investment in Real Estate will prove profitable. REDUCED The are an important IIIIIMmaMMilBI TO $4800 Suburbs part of our City. Buy new ONLY A FEW LEFT in the Suburbs before values increase. See us for Investments. 'WBKWTJHi!! llWM!MBIIIIHlJlilliiiiiNajBfiiiiU OUT OF 121 HOUSES HAMPTON'S HOMES In a Pleasant section surrounded by pub- lic squares nnd parks, theie terraced, perch-fro- homes contain roema and W. batb. heat, electricity, hard- H. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. at Chew Upsal wood floors, large basement laundry and , and Sts. all modern appeintments: little cash be- WM. He rooms, all built-i- n ing required thr, financing cen- WILSON '0 tile bath with tub: refrigerator roem: closet and and CO. unusual veyancing la done nt charge. apace; basement laundry: hardwood floors,, het-wat- open free 8 heat, fireplace, electric Take cars 24, AS or OS, I SOUTH 40TH transfer west STREET light. Barrett Reefing, Haines, Jenes & Cadbury Plumbing. ever Oiney ave. te sample house Ne. 5703. 1617 WaliMt tereet Leta are 100 feet deep, with private garagea, IB feet driveway. Woodstock street ffeL Phene, Locust 7380 OFFER THE FOLLpWING, SUBJECT TO COME PREPARED TO BUY. FOR YOU PRIOR SALE WILL BE SUIli: TO I.IKE THEM $3500 Price $6500 te $9250 $9500 tp $15,500 $16,000 Up WILLIAM USSLER and TERMS TO SUIT B03S Chew at. fttaitttea? 8106 g2g rarcp Mt. Vernen 4426 Pine St. AGENT ON PREMISES DAY AND EVENING, OR Agents en Premises scasfrcraiag 449 S. 49th (cer.) 605 N. 34th. 6040 Kingsessing 409 S. 42d immniimirefrmmiiniimiimnimimimimiiirmnenimrmnninHKiniiinHiiiitnmriiinriif 4517 Osage (Cerner) .ii. iiiitiwi'm,iii,iw,HM.HM,iiimiiiBimiii)twill'luHKI4im)IMIlimill4l'Jlg 4224 Pine $0000 Heme with garage, 8 rooms; 4078 Sp. 4649 MAX M. ARNOLD Garden Walnut 2027 Stenton ave. Apply te W. H, 4225 Pine I.lebrlch. builder, en new operation, BROOKLINE 911 Farragut 4053 Baring (Cor.) 629 REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG. Opal J Adth ave. and at,, east of Lime- OOTH ft MARKET 4634 Larchwood OERMANTOWN 0048 WALNUT 5810 RACE 1868 kiln pike, 3 squares north of Cheltjn ONE FARE rnrr 5803 Larchwood 617 S. 42d St. ne. 3 MINUTES' RIDE 4242 Spruce Only $1000 cash required te 4326 Rene 6100 Hazel IfDI feQ4n ": lin- 3909 inn: 47tJUpur,.h,llc .j lurite ATTRACTIVE 4843 Walnut ing stnne open fireplace, d mng SUBURBAN HOMES Haverford 1238 S. 61st. TACONY TACOXY roem: 3 large LOGAN room, breakfast roem: k'tchen. S. E. cer. 47th ALONG THE PENNA. BALA-CYNWY- 6517 Larchwood 4316 Walnut and bedrooms, tile bath and shower, MAIN LINE AND D Larchwood jfflMllllinMM heat, electric light: basemint laun- 6913 Locust 4902 Walnut dry. MERION i WVMNrpwnnn 3928 Locust 1 C Small amount cash te fWVl resi- 6614 6034 Springfield TACONY elngle Colonial Stucco All-sto- Christian 3928 Spruce ORR'S HOMES Guaranteed Homes fleer, residence, convenient te sta- Colonial residence contain- 6 dence: let 50x125; first '"jlesed tion, inclesed perch, room, ing 0 bedrooms and 3 baths, S. 43d. 22-f- t. roem: stone !llns 6718 Willows N. AVE. WEST OF perch: IMng 1st fir. Heuse Is modern E. Cor. 45th & PRINCETON TORRESDALE AVE. Place: large dining room and Kitchen: dining room. etc.. en 1st fir : 4 bed- and 5027 Chester Ave. 3 large bedrooms and tile nf construction. Southern 912 Baltimore Sml-detache- d, perch 7 roema HARACTER second fleer. rooms. 2 baths (1 with shower) en exposure Large St. Bernard front. and modern bath. All Improvements bullt-l- n shower; third fleer let. 219 S. . bath, tub and , 46th 324 S'. Garage prlvlleg-e- ONVENIENCE unfinished: large storereom: shades nnd 21 fir bodroem. bath and nursery en 825 S. 43d Large let. 58th 6238 Parkside 3412 Spring Garden ONSTRUCTION k Khen linoleum Included In price. 3d, thoroughly modern, attractive let MARSDEN ST. SAME C with old shade, garage. HAVERFORD OPERATION 16 SOLD Member Philadelphia Sleeping perches, garages. Inclesed DREXEL HILL Colonial residence, de-- Real Estate Beard Semi-detache- centcr hall I perch front Gtvrage privilege. Let 25x80. $5500. front perches en level with the living sign; 4 bedrooms. 2 baths en 2d tlr. rooms, 4 doera between: ARDMORE thoroughly n in , Exceptional value. French brick $6500 rea?den8hle!40x?M: and modern throughout; "'"''wawiiwtuiwiaiBBitiJuiiuiiinanuiiiiiigTBHiii fireplaces attention de- garage, very and careful te Ing room, &dining room, kitchen. 3 large a desirable house tail which add te the sum total of a Beautiful stone reuidence, tiled ter a small fumlly. Price MKMamimmiitiM beautiful home. bedrooms a W". reef lio.neo. HARRY E. THOMSON. Agent, 2521 Frankford Ave. JR well situated en desirable let (WTH AND MARKET STS. cernr OVERBROOK SECTION Phene for appointment. Kensington 0600. 10th below Wyoming Ave. OPPOSITE THE TERMINAL Heuse contain l.'l rooms. Imludlnrf ST. DAVIDS These modern homes offer the One fare by trolley. Keuten 3, 4 and 5. Transfer at Margaretta te Phenes SherwoeJ n.'.Os Lansdowne 1280. d chambers nnd 2 St ABOVE Saturday afternoon and Sunday. .Modern residence-convenien- t HADFIELD ST. maximum in value. Reute Ne 58 te 7100 North en Torresdale Ave. By meter en Roosevelt JUST BOULEVARD Open baths en the uppir floors, every med- - detached shingle 1200 Atwood rd., atone Tyson te station and in geed front! Boulevard te St.. then East te Terrtsdale Ave. AND HUNTINO PARK ern convenience, evcellent condition neighborhood 0 twin perch: arae. T0OO bedroema and 5400 BLOCK 0918 Lebanon ave.. Inclesed perch, WE CAN riNANCE YOU ON AS LOW JlllCliill'Ii garage. Price $25,000. condition, let UOxllO Price garage: extra lighting fixtures; ailtMMMpiMlfflliraiHM iiiraiDiiraimmiiiaiiiiminmnM AS $500 CASH EASY PAYMEMTS K?'.-- . trlppd. loieo tt meit homes te be 1158 rd.. meat attractive WEST rHlLADELTHLV 0AK I.ANE OPEN DAILY EVENINOS BY BRYN MAWR found anywhere, selling home In beautiful block. $7780 I KV COUNTRY SEAT CYNWYD at amiiiiimraiiiiraiiiiiimiiraiiiraaiKeiiimintiiiiais!'), rjjiirainniraiJiffini.uiimMa'isiiS'.TjraimmmiiFnaEEimframjai u N. 64th at., 4 bedrma., APPOINTMENT Stne-and-st- i residence contain-In- ? euthern exposure, living room. entran h.i living room, dining residence en 1020. idoje ACRES STONE room. pnntr uitcnen and servants Planted let 50x IMI; garage well. WYNNEFIELD S. C. ABERNETHY 13 en 1st fleer 7 bedrooms 2 very '.tail and In geed condition Interior - FRANCIS LAMBERT OAK LANE h.iths en ur.ner floors, heat. ii na nh- J. 1328 CHESTMUT ST. 482 N. 10TH - ihi! inwniiei mahogany. 5 bed. 403 N. BERKS ST. HOMES ST. GARAGE gas nnd electric :hwi- rellnlnhed runiiis iMtn ana storeroom. $5950 3d at. nelment 87TT RESIDENCE Deep v Uh old Garage. (15TH let shade. heating and lighting. Price $18,500? t) B4TH TO ST. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION 8 rooms A garage. The heuso Is well built, con- New med. homes. BROAD stable suit. Sample house open. ST. AND 66TH AVE. 4 lavatory. Intleitd heated perch, hardwood Term" te 5000 N. 11th St., cer. Mll'ett built. tains 14 rooms. bithx and floors, 69TH Pass north ever C2d St.. car 70. te 5031 their fine ST. SECTION Fair-mou- N. 12th St. Let 35xS4. grounds are noted for heat. or drive through nt NEW MODERN COLONIAL The S&mtuiel C. Berks St.. HOMES . Wag'ner, 5025 N. 12lh St. 3 sty excellent eend. 8 Large Bedrooms. 'Park te 04th St. and Wynee-fiel- d old shade trees, shrubbery, etc. Half It. 0 ROOMS. 2 4010 MarMne 2 st , poss. June 1, Ave. and south three blocks. BATHS. CENTER HALL by or meter l'hlla , City COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN $500 CASH 5004 Marvlne 8 rms. & b.; imm. poss, hour train OARAOE; OPEN FOR Comae 3 sty , 10 rms,, golf club 2 Blocks Seuth SAMUEL T. HALL INSPECTION 4018 l bath Hall. Near station trellejs, LOCUST 2871 from 4 BEDROOMS price te 624 at. and Baltimore ave. W. D. CHAMBERS 4033 N. and geed schools. Moderate fl, W. COR. 17TH ft SANSOlf STS. BROAD ST. settle estate. ?rTom,hTy1DnhpYl,BfVe, ruTc1 Spruce 0071 HERBERT HOPE J. HARKER CHADWICK mortgage. Und 6004 N. BROAD ST. WYO. 4337 PENNSYLVANIA STJBCRllAN STETSON Till. Bldg. Spruc. eSOT HERKNESS & tiurm.'iranrfnnumiunMiTOuim.Hmiiimrtmij'ii'ifminiiPHitniuinisiiiii.nnu '.hhl OVEULOOKINO MaKfBnBiiiiunuiiiiimjiiiiniiraHutfflinniirrnnuTiMtiMiinHwmtMiun WittierAWCfckhu Ulllli:!ll!!lll!llllin!illll1JIII!illlllll3IIIIIIIHII!lllllillllll!lllillll!llli;imillli:ill!lllltl!!i:i LAND TITLE BLDO. HUNTINGDON VALLEY 70lh and Market Lansdowne 2004 una! COUNTRY ESTATE Modern diMMIinir r.inni..i.. gjUallliMUlM NARBERTH, PA. b...h. all ibnynlenic. garaVe Superior Values illill t. min,.,V.'UnJ?.7J OVERBROOK Near Coatesville, overleok-in- p earn, few SFrTinw OAK LANE $5,250 SIt roeme nnd hath, corner from .i.in. r.,.Av" 020 S. ')4TH ST. A rare oppor- property; near station. MilJllM the famous Chester Val- HERKNESS ft STETSON tunity main St., 13 rms.: perfect NEW MODERN HOMES 0,000 Six rooms and bath; old ley, surrounded by homes Land Title W Rusk's New Homes condition, bound te appeal te meat U rooms. 2 baths: garag shade AN ATTRACTIVE of critical, SAMPLE HOUSES 0,500 Flu d dwellings, prominent men. (403 Just completed near sta- Beautiful With or Without Garage Elegant corner, in sec-tle- FAinilILL ST. ..JM ("(.,"" convenience; splen- - reatrleted 717 08TH AVB. teon: let 25x100 OAK LANE HOME country in every direction. Quick Sale Wanted entirely medern: exceptionally 7,000 Detached stucco dwelling: rV.h;S""'-2e,R:h- priced IU0OO; arrange Inspect. let Between train trnllev : very best The improvements '''tei?. at te 40x150 feet- - convenient te and dwelling. consist of Nearly Completed Financed to Suit 0000 block Ellswerth large HERBERT HOPE school location. Colonial Colonial et. and station II rooms 2 all modern mansion house with five mas-te- r Hi")ri l A-- lo- R.OOO and house m f - . . ,. ierch' "annent; story house, l order; deulrably Wye, Detached stucco dwelling conveniences; 80x140.hith. in tYn 'r 54TH ST SOUTH OF cated 304 N. Bread st. 4BJ7 0.500 Detached dwelling: open fire. let chambers, and baths, serv- nrt r.r.;7 .,.:i.v."' ' ?.'" "' greunqi una. t WILT.OWH Place, large 5 iVttic na' 5300 avh (WOO Norfolk at., fl rms, and tile let; minutes ants' quarters, etc. Elec- irc.,"7 "..0.m'' ". frM elec, lights, excellent IlOiiPlI from station. Bleck WILLOWS AVE. bath urder. ' het-wat- er iirjiimttimiiiicimmiiiflfliijnniriiTTOUMtnmHrffljns 10,000 Stucco dwelling nnd garage; r ' LEA1T0R. tricity, heat. Fine 000tOry hem Tem $6200 te lam let; open fireplace; Twe Styles and Price JOHN M. ENBURG LANE heat. Oak Lane Office epp. Station artesian well water. Large OAK 18,000 dwtlllng; Phene Oak Lane 2200 FRANCIS AOENT O.N PREMISES 5207 IIALTIMORi: AVI3. Dftaihed garage; outbuildings. The seven acres MAIN LINK j. LAMBERT OK 0807 N. Bread at., medern: In repainted and In flrst-clas- a D him j;iiiiiiiiHliiiiiiiiiii'iiMJJviiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiliHHi'ii:iiiiiiii'iiiTiTOiiiii- of Lv " lmii:iii!iiPi:iii!iiiiiiiiii!a:iiii1i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniliiiiiiim 0517 Cnmae et,. rooms, 3 baths. condition. ground contain wonderful "' ' Ihlmnnt ,,, 4700 N U a BROAD ST Detached, stone, 'tin., bnth, barg Others ranvlm; In price up te $05,000, orchards w , i i niiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiuiiiuiffiiiwiifliiiiuiiiitiMiiitiiiiiEiiin 0543 Camae St., $S800 and land under high jnnmE OTHERS ALL PRICES SECANE cultivation. RJP.E,F0RliKe7EMENr N. E. Cor. Conshohocken ALL SI7.ES J. A. CALDWELL Fer details see FftJi WYNNEWOOD Forty-Seven- HERBERT HOPE Delaware County, ,Pa. neuse ga 'nuuAbLt Ave. & th St. Opposite station Narberth 1733 rage and PROPERTY SAVE MONEY 511 04 N. Bread st. Wye. 25 Minutes Frem Dreai St. inclesed perch, living of 4837 rrmummijnRrEunHauitninmr;iiiiiti:miuTirii:auuiiriuniJirTniuirininnmiti;nuin.iri7 room, dining room. en l.ptA.,S,UTT. Excellent Plece ground, ripe laMiifflimimiMiiUiffliiwiMMiMi imiiiein' 'fifnj Beautiful Stene Dwelllnc; 20 Acres etc.. ths BUY for Improvements; 531 ft, frontage; around, Stream, vfaRWiLS0N&Cb. urn noer. a ucaroeins. 2 baths, AT $7600 be sold cheap, J1LXKV imirai'iiiii:raiii!uiiiiiiiti;!,iTi:i3,ii!lijm!i;iiiiiii!iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiii!tiiiiii!ii, slteplng tirch en the second will fleer 2 bedrooms LAND RODGERS Price will advance .June IIS WM. C. 1617 bath en the . JSS Apply today, 0407 Willows Mastbaum Bres. & FINEST CORNER LOT BENKERT WALNUT ST. iiiiiu nuur, Bprucn O207-O20- ae. Fleisher J-- r Selection of paper 1421 PHONE and fixtures 1424 SOUTH TENN SQUARE LAST CHANCE IN ELKINS PARK CHESTNUT ST. LOCUST 7380 ALSO Shertlidge, 311 S. 56th St. llllllllill An absolutely mw offer; ery On Tork read. 0er acre of ground, uniii.iiuiiiuiiiiiiiiriiJiiiiiainiMitu'nmiimiijrrmtjiittiij.nni.iiL'niiijMuiiiTJiji attractive t'nlenlul heuie, con- Sherwood 2300-- 1 . Balldlng ONLY ONE LEFT by WM. Y .iS8i2!:4ewn,;e,i.v-!'- e' Ita surrounded beautiful homes All TREFFEISEN taining en the first fleer hall, street Improvements, Over 273 feet living ruem. pantry 1II11I114 of Yerk frontage. 139 1 Falrhlll at. at Olney ave. B00O Bleck read Owner will ELKINS PARK LINCOLN HIGHWAY, room, kitchen and laundry, K5E..AND RODGERS i- sacrifice. large bedrooms, 2 en tile - II rooms, 2 baths, all cenveniences: baths Spruce Beaitlful house, complete In every garage; COATESVILLE, PA. second fleer; 2 bedrooms, bath, 02flT.nens 5420 WOODBINE AVENUE espcut Fer further pcrtlculars apply tS large let, $13,000. atomreom and unfinished room GROUND FOR SALE JOSEPH FELDMAN 200 Lincoln en thi. third fleer well (CRAWFORD J1UII.T) Bldg HERKNESS & STETSON unHiiiiuu'i planted: let u 6?17 SPRUCR ST Ideal home. Thoreuihly modern, e gaiaxe. earl S OAK LANE OPPOSITE STATION LAND TITLE BLDO, pestataltn! txcelltnt opportunity ," per,!l clx bedrooms. bathij gamge; wiiiiiii.iiuiiiiiiiiwiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiieiniB pun oendltlon'.0' 'rent dwelling; structures; Inspections by appoint- TIOOA Call Oak Lane 2200 lu hire ment. FOR 4 AND 6 ROOM Ru slneaa Properties and Sterea BIIIUIIIMMIlin ntcimti m iiun n! uijimii mm n nun mi i mi m nui iinrmrii tanm: eiumuniaiimjimiiiptTSi COLONIAL BUNGALOW HAVERFORD Lewis 1 A brick T;C'ENKERT A. Taulane, Realtor S. W. Cor. 7th & Venango Sts Jlulldlng XmU AT MELROSE and timber house with I i"-irau- T sx. IUHrUIllB PARK unusually lurgn lett this prop- 010 WALNUT AT. houses; well located; all street Im- 115 The finest along the Reading: all erty contains, besides the usual provements madw: near car line, ft. en 17th St.; about STONE COLONIAL stone, containing 12 rooms and 8 first-flee- r rooms. 7 bedrooms, a rooms anil stores, schools and churches. baths, heat, open fireplace, baths; It Is offered M I " " l,..v. Containing 13 rooms, S het. water far sal te ."acts. """" ail cenven- - 10,000 sq. ft.: part v. bide.. baths, all OLD YORK ROAD finish: southern quica purcnaser at s 12,000; l.easl 0820 TRINITY ST, 4 bedroom $000 conveniences! 8 aerss. garage. expesure: billiard room. nerchi-- s ; station and Merlnn nrliUu ri.is; I WM. H. W, QUICK man's room and Beautiful let. s.11 Imprevements: elee, garage: CH pnnianlniil i i --.771- 1880 B. ft4th at, All modern Snne & BRO., suitable for warehouse, bath: commands better Iie"han newt J fcw.,..... "V.immw.k.nt. , iAOllR, factory magnificent view af surrounding ceua-tr- y: light; water; gas: sidewalks and priced L2JJandAvel ShlJlds at. 7 rooms, elec,,. 41311 ' convenient; at $37,000, V . INC. oenvtnleut te train or treUty; te steras, acboebj A. U..WAKNOCK .. vfr, i mi. 4 rH.mi,.,....,.i.HU ' ether business TAA . n V.k ISr' svaa ninn.1 iinui tun. W atatinn H'aiAcalWW of. purposes,, v. ..V... Wl, d.t .i..5i A... 'llii'si ,uwun. . 7!,''r t!"l 7.rdsxir-7.TJ- i mmmJs uTri'j"TJii i,T5?f7,'r tj-f-- J STETSpM'.J mfedi - HEPKNESSJc-S- 1 mms&jk wmL it lRiT".iiYf TTi FT Hi "' y JtuairT rll tiiiirilitf 'I T MmM&M m I ' "" rr iAAWfli .MxmiL BB't-asaaa- BPMMMMCBn:Mi!gVil jttvVji:.. --- '-g- betsss