
Name______Period______Date______The History Channel Documentary Viewing Guide

Word Bank abolishes American arrested Assembly Austria Bastille cake classes death debt Deficit Enlightenment equality estates flour French Revolution guillotine heir hungry Incorruptible killed Marat phimosis press power Razor reason Republic revolt Robespierre Seven Years shortages taxes Tennis Court Oath think Third Estate Versailles Women’s

Part 1 – Complete this section to the best of your ability. If you miss a question, move on to the next one.

1. The Palace of ______was the most magnificent palace in . 2. Louis Capet (also known as Louis XVI) was only fifteen when he married a fourteen year old girl named ______from Austria. 3. For years, Louis XVI and Marie failed to produce an ______, which sparked many rumors. 4. ’s population grew from 20 million to 26 million in the 18th century and more and more people were going ______. 5. Louis XV died unpopular with the people after losing the ______War. He left France in ______. 6. The Age of ______was underway in Paris as Louis XVI and Marie began their marriage. 7. Maximilien ______was a young law student when Louis and Marie visited Paris, and he delivered a welcome address in Latin to the monarchs as a teenager. Years later, he ______Louis. 8. Since the Middle Ages, there were three distinct ______, dictated by birth. They separated the rich from the poor. 9. The Enlightenment encouraged people to ______for themselves. 10. Voltaire and Rosseau championed ideas of ______and ______. 11. Louis committed his army to support the ______Revolution against England. 12. Marie was obsessed with fashion and dedicated hours to pomp and ceremony each day. She earned the nickname Madame ______.


13. Louis is diagnosed with ______and had to undergo surgery in order to produce an heir with Marie. 14. By summer of 1778, a political crisis developed due to food ______and high ______. 15. ______was essential to life in France. Most people ate two pounds of bread a day. The cost of a loaf of bread spiked due to Louis’s financial policies. 16. France was organized into three ______: the clergy, the nobility, everyone else. The first two comprised 3% of the population. 17. In 1789, Robespierre fought for the voice of the people in the ______before the Estates General. 18. Robespierre demanded that the clergy and nobility pay taxes. When Louis resisted, the ______resulted, and the people demand a new Constitution. This created the National ______. 19. In the center of Paris, there is a large prison called the ______. It is famous for torture and injustice. 20. On July 14, 1789, the people ______and stormed the Bastille, which advanced the ______. 21. The Declaration of the Rights of Man ______the class system, and declared total equality. 22. Robespierre demanded increased freedom of the ______and Jean-Paul ______published the popular newspaper “The Friend of the People” to stir people to action against the monarchy. 23. The ______March on Versailles was led by brawny, fearless women who traded fish at the market. 24. It is a myth that Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat ______.” She actually did not give much thought to the poor people in her country. 25. King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette were forced by the people to move to ______. They never returned to Versailles. 26. ______shifted to the people. 27. Robespierre earned the nickname “The ______” and he spoke often at the Club. 28. Louis and Marie attempted to escape, but they are ______. The people considered them to be traitors.


29. Robespierre wanted to slavery and the ______penalty, choosing to move on from execution techniques. 30. A new beheading machine is created called the ______. Marat supported the device and promoted it in the newspaper. It was called the National ______. 31. The National Assembly declared war on ______because they feared the extended royal family living outside of France. 32. Louis was stripped of his title and the French ______is established.

YOUR REFLECTION (2 points per question)

A. Imagine that you became king or queen at 14 years old. What would like about that? What would you not like about that?

B. How did Enlightenment ideas about power and government influence Robespierre and others during the French Revolution? (Use your green Enlightenment graphic organizer.)

C. What about the French Revolution do you agree with? What do you disagree with?


Word Bank

800 Charlotte Committee of Public Safety Danton dechristianization disagree executed incest martyr overcrowded peace Supreme suicide treason trial uncertainty Virtue

Part 2 – Complete this section to the best of your ability. If you miss a question, move on to the next one.

33. In 1792, Georges ______became the Minister of Justice and encouraged people to join the war on the frontier. 34. The prisons became so ______that Marat encouraged the people to storm them and kill the prisoners. 35. The Revolution was seen by foreign critics as barbaric. Robespierre believes the people have gone too far and he decided they needed guidance, so he puts the king on ______. 36. Louis was found guilty of ______and sentenced to death by guillotine. 37. People outside of Paris were furious at the violence of the revolution. ______Corday decided to kill Marat in 1793 for his bloodthirsty role in the revolution. She thought this would bring ______. 38. Marat became a ______, and people see him as an almost religious figure. 39. Marie Antoinette was put on trial for treason, draining the nation’s treasure, and ______. She was sentenced to death by guillotine. 40. By 1793, France is being torn apart by war and violence. Robespierre and Danton begin a new period of reform called the ______to stamp out any opposition to the revolution. 41. A new group of twelve men called the ______was established to lead the new executions. 42. A new effort called ______was established to topple the power of the church. 43. A commander named ______Bonaparte gained fame on the frontlines of the war. 44. Robespierre imagined a new type of society called the Republic of ______. It called for terror with virtue. 45. Danton and others disagreed with the Republic of Virtue and were ______by guillotine for treason. 46. By the end of the Reign of Terror, there were an estimated ______executions per month.


47. Robespierre established a new holiday for the Cult of the ______Being. This caused people to believe he has lost his mind. 48. Robespierre was declared an outlaw and attempted ______. He ultimately was executed in 1794 by the guillotine. 49. France entered a new period of ______, wondering if it will become a democracy or a monarchy. Its next leader was Napoleon. 50. Historians ______about when the revolution ended.

YOUR REFLECTION (2 points per question)

A. Do people have the right to overthrow an unjust system? Why or why not?

B. How much violence is justified in revolution?

C. In what ways did Robespierre use his power responsibly? In what ways did he abuse power? What does this make you think about how power impacts people?