LOll rIDE 6-26-ei HIGH TIDE 2.0 CIt 0'112 5-25-69 1.6 CIt lU. 4 3 at 0;08 4 3 at .1306 / ttOURGlASS

Saturday, May 24, 1969 VOL 9, No 8405_, ______~KW~A:JAL~E~I~N~,--MAR~~S~HA~L~L~I~SL~AND~:S~ ______~~~----~::~~~~~------

HILO, HAWAII (UPI)-- K~lauea Volcano, Kidnap Victim Ast--ronauts Home After on the island of Hawaii, erupted before dawn today, spewing lava 200 feet into Identifies Abductors Moon Mission Completing Everything th;/i~oward Powers, sClentLst 1n charge In Courtroom SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI)-- Apollo 10's Astronauts, delighted wlth the pros- of the U S Geologlcal Survey's volcano d d observatory, sald 1 t was the 14 th erup- pects of belng greeted by danc~ng glrls in Amer~can Samoa, spe home late to ay tion at Kilauea SlnCb 1960 DECATUR, GA (UPI) --Heiress Barbara from a hlghly successful Moon ~ssion that produced "everything we went out af- f Jane MackIe nervously identified Gary Today's eruption broke out north 0 Steven Krist and Ruth Eisemann-Schier hi i th Id that could us any serious problems now',' Alae Crater and lava was cascading back te~",I can t see a t ng n e wor g~ve ~nto the crater, Powers reported Saturday as the couple that kidnapped d A 11 P Di t Lt Gen Samuel C Phlilips as the three Astronauts sal po 0 rogram rec or A line of fountalns, 150 feet off the her from a motel last December and Thomas P Stafford, Eugene A Cernan and John W Young rocketed back toward Chain of Craters Road, was shooting lava put her "in the ground" where she Earth 11 d id d as high as 200 feet lnto the a~r stayed for more than 80 hours buried They were following a trajectory so accurate that ground contro ers ec e alive, until she was ransomed for half to cancel an early ~dcourse maneuver - -- a million dollars "You're lying right in the middle of "West," favors "Look around the room and see if the fairway there so we are gOlng to T oday's News you see the man who kidnapped you," skip mldcourse 5," ground control Sufficient Militar, force District Attorney Richard Bell told sald PERU -- Amer1.can md.1.tary the winsome daughter of Mlaml Mill~on­ "Roger, that Just sounds beautiful," To Deter Potentia' Attackers CiC1Vi:sers asked to LJ1. thdzoaw -­ aire land-developer, Robert MackIe said Stafford RockefEUsr ehangss plans and "Yes, Slr, I do Between those two At this point the spacecraft was NORTHFIELD. VT. (UPI)-- General Wil­ 1.8 not to V1.S1.t too cC.m­ men sltting there," she said, pointlng about 211,000 miles in space, travel­ liam C. Westmoreland warned Saturday try. to Krist lng at 3,286 miles per hour and gain­ that the United States must maintain Kr~st stared back from between his a military sufficient to deter attack steadily as Earth's pull sPACE CENTER -- Astronauts two court-apPolnted attorneys w~th a by "potential enemies" until force be­ con/dent eou'Ld B'LtIe deadpan expression, his chin cupped comes archaic in international rela- then troubZe at th78 p01.nt. in hlS hands tions Miss MackIe's testimony came as the He added that the nation has been ~ -- GU1.ded m1.ss1.Ze des­ prosecutlon wound up ltS case against offered no viable alternatives by troyer has l.n roan. the bushy-bearded Krlst, on tr1al for anti-military protestors Sh1.p heads for Sub1.C vay. hlS 11fe in the kidnapping Addressing a special military convo­ Bell then called M1SS Eisemann- cation marking the l50th anniversary GEORGIA -- Barbara Jean Maa­ Schier to the door of the courtroom of Norwich University. the Armv Chief He her kuinappers and asked "Have you ever seen that of Staff said. "Because our nation l.n COUl't. girl before?" must have sufficient power at its dis­ Miss Elsemann-Schier, who is to be posal to dissuade the use of power a­ WESTMORELAND -- Army Chuf of tr~ed later in the summer for the kld­ gainst us by another nation. we must btaff addresses speouu m1.Z1.­ napping, smiled sllghtly as M1SS measure our military needs by the mi­ tary convoeat1.on. MackIe sald, "Yes, slr, I have She's litary capabilities of potential en­ the glrl I talked to that n~ght " endes. " Bl£o. HAWAII -- K1.Zauea erupt- A crowded courtroom sat hushed The Un~ted States must have a mili­ 1.719'. durlng M1SS MackIe's 30 minutes of tary establishment which can deter war testlmony, during wh~ch she told of "until the time when force and vio­ DISSIDENTS -- Corteges aZZ the horrifYlng 82 hours she spent ln lence no longer dominate international over the countrll eont1.nue to a ventilated coffin-like box in a relations." haw probZli11Is. wooded area north of Atlanta He said protestors against our de- EARTH FROM 26,000 MILES OUT -- lS the fense effort 'weaken ratner than subject of thlS photo transmltted back strengthen our nation." by the Apollo 10 Astronauts In fore­ "Change f or change's aake is their ground 1S part of the Lunar Module , thing' ". Westmoreland told the uni­ Safeguard ABM System Scheduled 11nked to the spacecraft versity's 1.100 cadets and their At 5 28 pm EDT, the spaceship cros­ guests. ses the "great divide," the point 206, For Congressional Discussion Soon WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Late next month the showdown on the SAFEGUARD ~ssile De­ 454 miles out where the spacesh~p es­ Guardsmen Keep Ready capes the dominance of Moon's gravita­ fense System likely will get underway in Congress where some opponents now re­ tional pull and falls fully into the luctantly consider the poss~bility the controversial project will be approved grip of Earth For Renewal of Violence ~n some form A humorous exchange between ground No erOSlon has been detected ~n the slim Senate majority wh~ch opposes Pres- control and the pilots occurred dur­ At No. Carolina A & 1 ldent Nlxon's proposal, but ln the House there is a solid majorlty approval ~ng the afternoon when the pilots were ThlS could mean the lssue would be settled, or seemingly so, in a conference (UPI) A portl0n of the Nat~onal told a special welcome was planned for cOIllIIl1ttee Guard force was withdrawn from Greens­ them on the island of Tutuila ~n Pago "The sltuatlon lS that Nixon can have the ABM un~t 1n one way or another, but boro, } C , Saturday but remalned in Pago, 400 miles east of their splash­ it wll1 cost him," one veteran legis­ down area the city to avert any renewal of vinl­ Flash Fire on Destroyer lator said Controllers told the Astronauts that ence at troubled North Caro11na A & T What happens lf the Senate elimln­ Gov Owen Aspinwall would personally Univers1ty, one of the latest targets Kills Four Crewmen ates the system from its authorlzation supervise the welcome, and Stafford of nationwide campus unrest for defense spending and the House 1n­ SAIGON (UPI)-- The U S guided mlS­ replied that the Governor doesn't In Berkeley, Calif , Chancellor Roger eludes it in the lower chambers' ver­ have to go tp any special trouble " Heyns of the University of Cal~fornia s~le destroyer King, serving as a con­ sion of Pentagon operat~ons is subject Jack Lousma, ground communicator had overwhel~ng support from the fac­ trol pOlnt for naval rescue aircraft ln to all types of conjecture came back with "I didn't read the ulty for hlS peace-making move ln the the Tonkin Gulf, was hit by a flash The odds are lt would be lncluded ln last sentence Here it says maybe "people's park" controversy fire 1n an eng~ne room last night which a conference committee report Slnce there will be dancing girls there But In Boulder, Colo , the Universlty of killed four crewmen, milltary spokesmen the conference members would be drawn now you know " Colorado chapter of Students for a demo­ said today from Armed Servlces cornm~ttees of both Young then interrupted with cratic society (SDS) is looking for a It was not announced how many persons chambers where the system has some of "Oh, well, if he wants to go to the new home The universlty Board of Re­ were injured in the blaze WhlCh raged its strongest support special effort " gents voted 5 - 1 for disaffil~ation of for 80 minutes before being put out Such would mean a second vote in the the SDS This means that the ~litant Defense Department offlcials in Wash­ "Yeah," replied Lousma, "I thought Senate--an attempt to Wln approval of you would change your mind " leftist organization must give up its ington sald the K~ng was involved ln the committee report The apollo 10 pilots were sweeping office space in the Student Center, can "routine search and rescue operatl0ns " Today, Senate Democratic Leader Mike behind the Moon on their 31st orbit not hold campus meetings, and is barred at the t~me of the lncident They said Mansfield said the ABM had a ' 50 -50" when they fired the rocket that sent from publicizing lts act~vities un the another ship, not ident1fled by the Na­ chance of passage He was referring them streaking toward home at 6 26 am, campus vy, will take over the King's dutles to the original vote on the leg~sla- EDT A Navy spokesman sald there "was no tl0n, however lessening of naval capabilities" be- "The Ad~nistration could win by one Diplomats Cancel cause of the flre aboard the King of two or three votes but that's what Spokesmen here sald the King is com- they called in Roman days a Pyrrh~c Rockefeller's Peru Visit manded by Cmdr John D Scull of San v~ctory," Mansfield said Diego, Calif , and is carrying a crew LIMA (UPI)-- U S diplomats today His reference to a vlctory at too of 396 men great a cost follows closely the canceled plans for New York Gov Nel­ The King was able to steam from the son A Rockefeller's visit to Peru thoughts on other ABM foes Tonkin Gulf, off the Nor~h V~etnameqe The Senate vote has the Dossibil - and made preparations to comply with Coast, toward the Subic Naval Base ln Peruvian demands for the withdrawal of ities of opening a Pandora's bn.... of the Philippines "for damage assessment future oppos1tion to Pentagon /eapons American m~litary advisers and repairs," the spokesman said Prime Minister Ernesto Montagne said requests and the alienation of the The destroyer, equipped wlth an anti­ Ad~nistration from a large bloc of sus~ensio~ of U S arms sales does not aircraft missile system, lS based at Republican Senators affect Peru's security San Diego, Calif The names of th0se "There are other countries where we Faced with these realities, ABM foes killed were wlthheld unt1l relat~ves can buy military equipment," Montagne --particularly in Republlcan ranks can be notified hope to use what leverage they have to sald The King, prlmarily designed to des­ "We are a rich country and can coun­ put the Nixon Administration on the troy air targets. was completed Novem - road toward Arms Control talks with ter any foreign pressure II ber 17, 1960, at a cost of about ~5l Rockefeller had been qcheduled to the Soviet Union million The destroyer, of the Coontz visit Peru May 30 as part of his fact­ Opposition to the ABM would begin to Class, has a displacement of 4,700 tons fade, some believe, if Nixon would finding mission in Latin America for and is powered by two turbines combin­ President Nixon Peru told the United BERKLEY BOUNCE Policemen face alter- propose a definite date for the begin­ ing 85,000 horsepower ning of such negotiations Secretary States today it did not want him to nately on cam~\lS and toward the street of State William P Rogers Dr~dicted come and said the U S military mis­ across Suther G~te entrance to the Uni­ recently the talks would begin 1n sion was no longer needed here vers~ty of Cdlifornia at Berkeley af­ Support the K waJ Carmval It was not known exactly when the ter clearing 300 picketers to allow "late Spring or early Summer " U S mission would be recalled class-at~ending pupils to enter I Page 2 HOURGLASS Saturaay, May 24, 1969 AFRS SCHEDULE-Eff ctiv May 25 Sunday (Cont'd) Saturday 6 00 Sign-on 9 00 Golden Days of Radio (Variety) 6'05 Sounds of Saturday 9 30 Adventures of M1Chael Shane (Mystery) AFRS Off rs New Program Sch dule 6 30 News and Sports 10 00 News and Sports 10 20 Purple Grotto ~ 35 Sounds of Saturday We have come to tM end of anotMr broadcast qual'ter and 11 00 News i 00 News Roundup the progrCD1'll7J'l'ng scene ~ been altered a Int. SOl'1'1j to 1 15 Sounrs of Saturday 11 05 Just Music report that ""'nsmoke" and Escape" have been relf7Ol1ed from 12 00 Sip;n-Ot'f ~ 00 ~tory-Book Time (children) the a1-r for the COm1-n? three months. 9-00 N"ws Start1-na nezt tJee k, tJe r,n, II on ly be broadoastmg "lwe" Monday-Fnday 9 05 Ruta Lee Show games on the bJeek-end, 't.nstead of per1-Od't.eaZly 10 00 News and Sports 6 00 Sign-On the bJeek. 6 05 Music to Wake Up By We have some brand new programs l.n the offmg, hor.>ever. 10 20 ~usical Interlude '0 30 Tex Davis 6 30 News Capsule One of these 't.s "The Adventures of "f1-chapl Shane" N­ 6 35 Paul Savercool placnng "Gunsmoke". Th1-S rouqh, tough love 'em leave 11 00 News ~d 11 05 Johnny Grant (2 hours) 7 00 News Roundup 'em story of a hard-boded pr1.Vate detect1.Ve stars the 1 00 News 7 15 Paul Savercool late Jef~ Chandler 1 05 A:rmy Hour 8 00 The Huddle (Sports Vignette) "Ho1"t.zcms West" l.S another new procram. It tells of 8 05 Paul Saver cool 1 30 ~ission Music the exc't.tement, danqer and thr't.Zl of d't.scovery ezpel'1.enced -, 1)0 News 9 00 News and Sports b", the group led by Capta1-n '-1el'l'1.wether Ler,n,s and W-z..lluzm 9 10 Ira Cook Clark 2 05 Sounds of Saturday {, no News and Sport s 9 30 Monday-Tex Williams "'~81.C 'T't.ll 81.:&", wh't.Ze not n8lJ t.n.ll have a sZ?.ghtZy Tuesday-Sounds of the 60's ~ 20 Andy Russell d'!"f~erent format. AZong r,n,th a m't.~VllUm of taZk the Wednesday-Jeannie Seely show mlt feature I7'U81.C from some of the bette/ Broad­ T'()O News 7 05 Polka Party Thursday-Play It Like It Is way 71IU81.caZs. Friday-Pete Smith We have received so many requests for a clasS1.caZ I71.t81.C 'I 00 News p 05 world in Music 10 00 News program that tJe m'tt feature Carmen Draqon. a well-k.noIun 10 05 Roger Carroll ccmductor and composer~ Sun~J8~ from 12'05-1 00 pm. 9 00 News 9 05 Town and Country 11 00 News POl' !ometh1-ng out of the ord't.rIary, luten to "Casey' s 11 05 Joe Allison Cavern. Thu oft-beat show features 71IU81.C from the 10 00 News ',lrapup 10 20 Tasin Street 11 58 Stock Closin~s so-catted '''Underground'' rad'l-O stahons tack home. It'tt 11 00 News 12 00 News and Sports be on the a1.r at 7 35 on 7lruiay n't.ghts, l'1.ght after 12'20 MUS1Cal Interlude the neUJs. 11 05 Bobby Troup's Jazz Time 12 01) Sign-Off 12 30 Jazz Unllmited That's our new program schedule for the up-com1.nq 1 00 News months. We hope you r,n,Zl enJoy Z't.sten1-ng to AFRS Sunday 1 05 The Young Sound "The VO't.oe of the Marshall Islands." , 2 00 News 9 00 Sign-On 2 05 Jim Denny --PauZ Savercool-- 9 05 Sund8¥ Serenade 3 00 News 10 00 News and sports 3.05 J1m Denny 10 20 Sunday Serenade 4 00 News 11':QO News 4 05 Jim Denny 11 05 Salt Lake Tabernacle Cholr 5 00 Music 'Tlll Six 11 30 Protestant Hour 6 00 News and Sports 12 00 News and Sports 6 15 Evening Weather Report 12 05 Carmen Dragon (ClasS1Cal Music) 6 16 Sports 1 00 News 6 20 Musical Interlude 1 05 Bolero Time 6 30 John Doremus 2 00 News 7 15 Music of the Islands 2 05 Bill Stewart Program (Part I) 7 35 Monday tbru Thursday 3 00 News Teen Beat with Rich Green 3 05 Bill Stewart (Part II) Friday 4 00 News Casey's Cavern 4 05 Sund8¥ Serenade 8'30 News 6100 Nevs and sports 8 35 Night Flight with Rich Green 6 20 Musical Interlude 10 00 News and Sports 6 30 Hawaii Calls 10 20 ~sica1 Interlude T 00 News 10 30 Tonight Show 7 05 Finch Bandwagon 11 00 News Final 8 00 Horizon's West (Drama) 11 05 Just Music B 30 Sap;ebrush Theatre (Drama) 12 00 Slgn-Off Using the manual alphabet, Annie Sullivan (Karen Hof­ man) attempts to teach her pupil Helen Keller (Theo Clip & Save Daglis) about language THE MIRACLE WORKER will be presented by the K H S Speech Class Monday and Tuesday, May 26th and 27th at Capt and Mrs Gary Hults have added a boy to their family' Christopher 8 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room of the new school Mark was born on May 21st at 6 09 am There is no admission charge for any of the perfor- Capt Hults is in the Air Force and stationed here on Kwajalein They mances reside at Qtrs 42l-B Post OHice Information Patrons are reminded that Post Office window service will be closed Memorial Day, Friday, May 30 Mail ar­ MECK ISLAND FLIGHT SCHEDULE riving on NWA flight will be worked and all letter mail will be sorted to boxes EFFECTIVE MONDAY, General Delivery window will be open from 5 30 - MAY 26th Fllght Depart Arrlve Depart Arrive 6 30 pm for the delivery of letter mail to general de­ Number KWA Meck Meck KWA livery box holders Friday, May 30 The pick-up from mail collection boxes and the mail GA-lM Sec A 0620 0635 0635 0650 closing out time at the Post Office will remain the Sec B 0620 0635 0635 0650 same as that posted for a regular Friday DAILY GA-2M Sec A 0650 0705 0705 0720 Mail requiring window service, and expecting to de­ SecB 0650 0705 0705 0720 part here on NWA flight Saturday, May 31, must be in GA-3M Sec A 0720 0735 0800 0815 the Post Office by 5 pm Thursday, May 29 MONDAY Sec B 0720 0735 0800 0815 GA-4M 0915 0930 1100 1115 GA-5M 1315 1330 1445 1500 THRU GA-6M Sec A 1450 1505 1530 1545 Sec B 1505 1520 1530 1545 GA-7M Sec A 1545 1600 1600 1615 SA'IURDAY Sec B 1545 1600 1600 1615 GA-8M Sec A 1615 1630 1630 1645 Sec B 1615 1630 1630 1645 GA-9M 2200 2215 2215 2230 GA-lOM 2250 2305 2400 0015 CARNIVAL MONEY GOES ON SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY - - -- An advance sale of plastlc Carnlval money--the only legal tender to be accepted at the Carnlval booths and conceSSlons -- wlll be held on Macy's GA-lM 0650 0705 0800 0815 porch Monday and Tuesday evenlngs. The hours are SUNDAY GA-2M 1450 1505 1600 1615 GA-3M 2250 2305 2400 0015 Monday---4 45 to 7 00 p.m. Tuesday--4 45 to 6 00 p.m~ The money wlll be bagged and sold In $5 and $10 lots, each havlng a TIllX of 10¢, 25¢, and 50¢ NOTE ThlS new schedule indicates DEPARTU~E tlme pleces Money wlll also be sold at the Cashler & Personnel maklng advance f1lght reservation Tlcket Offlce durlng Carnlvaltlme. However, buy In must check-ln 5 mlnutes prior to depart tlme advance and you'll avold the llnes on openlng day. Saturday, May 24, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 3

World C uncil f Church s Critical Phases of Apollo 10 Hat's Sugg sti ns About Space Center, Houston (UPI)--Two more crltlcal phases of the Apollo 10 mlSS10n stand between the Astronauts and thelr receptlon next Monday on the deck of the recovery car­ Racism and Oppr ssion rler Those two phases - blastlng out of Moon orbit and the blazlng trlp when the com­ London (UPI)--The world's churches should mand ShlP re-enters the atmosphere - have both been performed before purge themselves of raclst practIces and The most dangerous period of the mlSSlon ended yesterday when the lunar lander and begIn economIC sanctIons agaInst corpora­ the mother ShIP docked after a wl1d rIde In the bug-shaped craft the Astronauts call tIons and lnstltutlons WhICh encourage bla­ "Snoopy" Navlgatlon tests occupied the men's tIme l.n Moon orbIt WIld gyratIons on tant raCIsm, a World CounCIl of Churches, Thursday startled Astronauts Thomas P Stafford and Eugene A Cernan as they jettIsoned WCC, consultatIon on raCIsm recommended to­ the descent stage of the lunar lander and blasted out of theIr 50,000 foot orbItal ap­ day proach to the Moon But the Astronauts The consultatIon also saId churches should made It safely back to the mother ShIP and Czech Comm unist Party gIve reparatIons to the raCIally oppressed blasted the empty ascent stage Into perma­ and support VIolence If It IS "the last re­ nent orblt around the sun early today Secretary to Visit Poland maInIng means to elImInate polItIcal and The gyratIons occurred when a procedure Prague (UPI)--Gustav Husak, Czechoslovak economIC tyranny " was left out of the pIlot's checklist CommunIst party fIrst secretary, left today Such actIons would be unprecedented on an The pIlots left a SWItch In the wrong po­ for a VISlt to Poland, the news agency CTK InternatIonal church level, the consulta­ SItIon and the spacecraft was not orIented saId tIon saId properly for the maneuver But IS was The CTK report dId not say how long Husak The conSUltation called upon "AmerIcan thIngs lIke thIS Apollo 10 was meant to would stay but saId It would be a "short, and other member churches to make a serIOUS uncover comradely V1S1t" at the lnvltatlon of the and negotlated response to the demand of The naVIgatIon tests today were also an POlISh CommunIst Party Central CommIttee reaparatlon" made by the NatIonal Black Important part of the mISSIon Space The POlIsh news agency PAP saId Husak EconomIC Conference In DetrOIt last month SCIentIsts need thIS InformatIon to help was greeted at the Warsaw aIrport by Commu­ The recommendatIons of the SIx-day consul-. predIct the effects IrregularItIes in the nIst party leader Wladyslaw Gomulka and tatlon WIll be sent to the WCC's rullng Moon's gravltatlonal fIeld will have on other top POlISh party members Central CommIttee for approval WhICh would future spacecraft RepresentatIves of the fIve CommunIst make them offICIal but non-bIndIng POlICY The flrlng of the bIg serVIce module natIons that Invaded CzechoslovakIa last for the fellowshIP'S 235 member churches rocket engu,o to kICk the spacecraft out Aug 21 conferred today In an effort to Im­ Churchmen, black power advocates, SOCIO­ of ~oon orbIt and start It on the quarter­ prove relatIons between theIr countrIes logIsts and conservatIve thInkers from SIX mIllIon mIle journey back to Earth WIll be and the Prague government contInents comprIse the consultatIve body performed behInd the Moon and the world Edward Glerek, leader of the KatOWIce charged WIth suggestIng actIon for com­ wlll have to walt untll the spaceshIp RegIonal Party CommIttee, saId the POlISh battIng raCIsm for the WCC comes around the edge of the satellIte to people hoped "all the unpleasant thIngs" TheIr recommendatIons Included fInd out If It worked But the rocket whIch dIVIded the two countrIes could be The church must purge Itself of Its Iden­ engIne already has been tested several forgotten tIfIcatIon WIth raCIsm and "move from con­ tImes on thIS flIght WIth no trouble re­ sultatIon to Implementatlon In combattIng ported Kuala Lifts Magazine Ban lt " Perhaps the most dramatIC event remaIn­ Kuala Lumpur (UPI)--The government today Churches must confess theIr "Involvement Ing to those on Earth IS the re-entry lIfted the ban on the latest lssues of two In the perpetuatIon of raCIsm and make Stafford, Cernan and John W Young are AmerIcan weekly news magaZInes after dlS­ open and publIC dIsclosures of thelr as­ requIred to hIt an ImagInary "hoop" 30 trlbutors tore out and burned pages con­ sets, Income, Investment, landholdlngs and mIles WIde and 40,000 feet hIgh southwest talnlng reports on the recent ChInese-Malay fInanCIal Involvements " of the FIJI Islands, east of AustralIa rIots In MalaYSIa Churches' fInanCIal practlces should be If they come Into the atmosphere too AuthorItIes today reported the offICIal analyzed to see how they "contrlbute to the sharply, the heat bUIldIng up from the death toll In the raCIal VIolence had rea­ support of raCIally oppressIve government, frIctIon of the aIr WIll burn the space­ ched 167 and saId more than 150 other dIscrImInatory IndustrIes and Inhuman craft If they mlSS the "hoop" and hIt MalaYSIans stIll are mISSIng workIng condItIons These facts must be the aIr at too shallow an angle, the The InformatIon control center saId the exposed ChrIstIans should develop stra­ spacecraft, lIke a stone skIppIng on a Inc~ease ln the offICIal death count was tegIes aImed at the dIsengagement of the pond, would bounce off Into a long, loop­ due to the recovery of more bodIes church from the support of raCIal op- Ing orbIt around the Earth that would ex­ DIstrIbutIon of the news magaZInes, TIme preSSIon " haust the lIfe support systems aboard and Newsweek, was held up by the government RelIgIOUS Instltutl0ns are urged to "dl­ Just prIor to meetlng the fIrst edges because reports on the rIots were found to vest themselves of theIr exceSSIve materIal on the atmosphere, Stafford, Cernan and be "prejudIcIal to the natIonal Interests wealth by ImmedIately allocatIng a SIgnI­ Young WIll JettIson their bIg rocket en­ of MalaYSIa," according to the permanent fIcant portIon of thelr total resources, gIne and burn ItS fuel to hurl It Into secretary to home aff~lrs mInIster SheIkh WIthout emplOYIng any mechanIsms of con­ the alr, slowlng lt behlnd them Abdullah trol, to organlzatl0ns of the raclally Twenty-sIx seconds after the spaceshIp He saId, "we told the dIstrIbutor that oppressed " hItS the aIr, a cloud of electrIcally we are not agaInst all these magaZInes and "The World CounCIl of Churches and ItS charged gas coolIng off the charrIng heat papers We only object to reports WhICh member churches should begIn applYlng eco­ shIeld blankets the command ShIP and cuts are preJudICIal to the natIonal Interest " nomIC sanctIons agaInst corporatIons and off communIcatIon WIth Earth The heat "We told them If they would remove any­ InstItutIons WhIch practIce blatant rac­ mIght reach about 4,000 to 5,000 degrees thIng found to be agaInst the natIonal Ism " durIng thIS perIod Four seconds later Interest we WIll release them " The WCC and member churches should "sup­ the Astronauts feel half theIr weight "Today the dIstrIbutor of the magaZInes port and encourage the prInCIpal of re­ return saId they were WIllIng to remove and des­ paratl0ns to explOIted peoples and coun­ SIxty-four seconds later they weIgh al­ troy the two pages on the rIots we found trIes recognIZIng the churches' own In­ most 6 1/2 tImes theIr normal ground preJudICIal to our Interest," he saId volvement " weIght RadIO communIcatIons return after three mInutes of SIlence and seven mInutes later the two 36 5 foot drogue parachutes Cong Negotiator Heads for Hanoi are fIred out of the spacecraft by mor­ tars These fIrst parachutes slow It ParIS (UPI)--North Viet Nam's chief negotIator at the VIet Nam peace talks left to­ from 300 mIles an hour to 175 mIles an day by plane for HanOI, VIa Moscow and PekIng, for urgent consultatIons WIth PreSIdent hour and orIent It properly Ho ChI MInh He warned no progress can be made here unless the current SaIgon govern­ The drogues are cut loose and the pIlot ment IS replaced by a "peace cabInet" It was the fIrst tIme Xuan Thuy had left ParIS parachutes are fIred out by mortar They SInce the expanded peace talks began May 13, 1968 The announcement of hIS trIp to pull the three 83 5 foot maIn parachutes HanOI was a surprIse SInce he was SCheduled from the spacecraft about 9 1/2 mInutes to speak at a pro-North VIetnamese rdlly 10-polnt NLF program calls for an uncondI­ after the fIrst contact WIth aIr and here tomorrow tIonal U S mIlItary WIthdrawal The essen­ slow It to the 22 ml1es per hour It WIll Observers saId hIS talks In HanOI could tIal and fundamental dIfferences between be travelIng when It hItS the water brIng a change In the CommunIst bargalnlng the NLF's 10-polnt plan and the NIxon plan Splashdown comes about fIve mInutes later POSItIon here IS that the UnIted States must pullout almost 400 mIles east of Pago Pago In Thuy told newsmen at the aIrport, "I ItS troops WIthout condItIons," he saId AmerIcan Samoa WIll return very soon" But he gave no He saId the "NIxon plan puts the agres­ IndIcatIon of any relaxatIon In the Commu­ sor and VIctIm on the same footIng and In­ nIst posltl0n at the peace talks SIStS on mutual troop wltpdrawal "No progress can be achIeved here WIth The second maJor dIfference between the the present bellIcose, dIctatorIal and cor­ two plans, Thuy saId, was "NIxon's deSIre rupt government In SaIgon It IS absolu­ to maIntaIn the present SaIgon regIme" of tely necessary to change thlS government," PreSIdent Nguyen Van Thleu Thuy saId Throughout hIS conversatIon WIth newsmen "If thIS cabInet remaIns In power It WIll Thuy IndIcated that HanoI's and the NLF' s prevent any SolutIon of the Vletnamese maIn thrust now was to achIeve a rhange problem and create dIffIcultIes for the In the government In SaIgon AmerIcans themselves," he saId Thuy's call for a new cabInet In South The veteran North VIetnamese dIplomatIC VIet Nam appeared to be dIrected at NIxon's troubleshooter narrowed down dIfferences meetIng June 8 WIth Presldent Thleu on between PreSIdent NIxon's peace plan and the PaCIfIC ls1and of MIdway the NatIonal LIberatIon Fron~, NLF, pack­ Thuy was seen of at the aIrfIeld by the ,,,.... 11"lIn I lOll", Irk lralklnl,-Infu rur AJluilo II IllnC\lnJ;" age to two "essentIal dIvergencIes The delegatIon's speCIal adVIsor Le Duc Tho So Page 4 Maior League Round-up Womens' Volle,ball Yesterday's Results NATIONAL LEAGUE All women's volleyball games have been PIttsburgh PIrates 3 o cancelled as of today untIl after the St LOUIS CardInals 1 Los Angeles Dodgers o CarnIval These games WIll be resched­ 6 San DIego Padres o uled at a later date New York Mets 7 o Sunday, May 25 Yesterday's Results CIncInnatI Reds 4 3 11 00 Have Falth v HIgh fehool II Ebeye over Kolohes PhIladelphIa Phlllles 6 2 15-7 15-9 AMERICAN LEAGUE (Bolllan & ~auten) Kelehuas over Happy 6gers DetroIt TIgers 6 CalIfornIa Angels 3 12 00 Meck Island ,s ~ool Kats (Tokuda & IherK) 15-9 14-15 15-11 Boston Red Sox 4 ChIcago WhIte Sox 2 New York Yankees 3 MInnesota TwIns 1 1 30 Sandbaggers vs MountaIneers * * * * * * (Mlerk & ChIng) Kansas CIty Royals 4 WashIngton Senators 3 Paddleball Schedul Cleveland IndIans 7 Seattle PIlots 1 3 00 Kolohe Lounge vs COE Monday, May 26 Court #1 BaltImore OrIoles 4 Oakland AthletIcs 3 (Akana & Gou'~la) 5 pm Dellapelle-Uda vs Wong-DeLong The DetroIt TIgers slIpped the CalIfornIa Angels a COup­ Monday, May 26 6 pm Gould-Thomas vs Mau-Alna le of "Mlckeys" last nIght MIckey LollCh set a DetroIt 5 15 Palm Terrace vs rOE (BollIaI' & Lynn \ Court #2 record by strlklng out 16 CalIfornIa batters and Mlckey 5 pm Pacheaco-Derbawka vs C Karp­ Stanley smashed a homer as the TIgers handed Yesterday's Pesults The Kool Kats dpfeated Iron Gate, 6-2, Specker the Angels t~elr eIghth straIght defeat, 6-3 at Brandon FIeld vesterday The score 6 pm Kalahlkl-Baker vs RubIO-RubIO The New York Yankees ran theIr wlnnlng streak to eIght, was tIed up at 1-1 untIl Arcangel hIt The champIonshIp and runner-up tro­ downlng the ~hnnesota TwIns, 3-1, as Mel Stottlemyre won a two- homer In the flfth In~lng for phIes of the recent SIngles paddleball hle seventh game the Kool Kats Iron Gate struck back In and doubles handball tournament WIll be Boston's Ray Culp also became a seven-game WInner as the SIxth for one run to cap theIr scor­ awarded at a dlnner on Tuesday, May 27 the Red Sox topped the Chlcago Whlte Sox, 4-2, wIth the Ing Thp WInners added a safety margIn at the Banyan Room of the Yokwe Yuk Club help of Tony ConIglIaro's homer of three runs In the bottom of the All those that partICIpated In the tour­ Dave Johnson's double drove In the wInnIng run as the SIxth to pIck up theIr nInth Wln naments and theIr guests are cordIally BaltImore Orloles edged the Oakland Athletlcs, 4-3 Mawae led Iron Gate WIth three hItS, lnvlted Coctall hour starts at 6 30 pm BaltImore slugger Frank Roblnson left the game wIth a four teammates contrIbuted one hIt and dInner WIll be served at 7 30 pm knee InJury But the InJury IS not belIeved serIOUS apIece Abraham had three hItS for the A speclal feature, follOWIng the pre­ The Kansas CIty Royals shaded Washlngton, 4-3, scorIng Kool Kats, Sukuo dnd Arcangel had two sentatIon of awards, WIll be a sports I t~e wlnnlng run on a WIld pItch by the Senator's DennIs hItS and Arcangel drove In four runs mOVIe of one of the NatIonal Handball HIggIns In the nInth Tournaments featurIng JIm Jacobs, Na­ And the Cleveland IndIans beat the Seattle PIlots, 7-1, * * * * * * Today's Baseball Results. tIonal AAU Handball champ Anyone In­ be~lnd the four-hIt pltchlng of DICk Ellsworth terested In attendIng must contact BIll In the Natlonal League The Houston Astros extended Al Kallne drove In three runs wlth two Lelepall at 82120 no later than Monday, theIr wlnnlng strlng to SIX, blankIng the New York ~~ets, homers and Jlm Northrup homered over the May 26 7-0, as Tom GrIffIn pItched a fIve-hItter, struck out 13 440-foot fence In center fIeld today, * * * ¥ * * and drove In three runs powerIng the DetrOIt TIgers to a 4-2 Driving Range N tic Phlladelphla's Grant Jackson was also a hIttIng pItcher, vIctory over the CalIfornIa Angels slammIng a three-run, tIe-breakIng homer - hIS fIrst In Earl WIlson r~celved credIt for hIS CooperatIon IS needed from the users I the major leagues - as the Phlllles defeated the Atlanta thIrd WIn of t~e season although he of the SpeCIal Servlces Golf Range Braves, 6-2 needed help from relIevers John HIJler The~e would be more than an adequate The CInCInnatI Reds handed Montreal ItS eIghth straIght and Pat Dobson when the Angels scored number of balls avaIlable at the range setback, edgIng the Expos, 4-3, on Tommy Helms' two-run a run In the eIghth on SIngles by Lou If those persons USIng them for prlvate sIngle In the eIghth Johnson, Sandy Alomar and Bubba Morton use would return them Steve Carlton's fIve-hIt pItchIng and Curt Flood's run­ It was the nInth straIght loss for The golf balls should not be collec­ scorIng sIngle enabled the St LOUIS CardInals to squeeze the Angels ted and placed In your car or truck - past the Los Angeles Dodgers, 1-0 JIm Kaat pItched a fIve-hItter and they should not be taken from the San FrancIsco rookIe RICh Robertson pItched a fIve-hIt­ Leo Cardenas and Tony OlIva drove In range Anyone who has balls or clubs ter and PIttsburgh fIrst baseman Al OJlver commItted a one run each as the MInnesota TwIns de­ IS asked to return them lmmedlately to record-tYIng three errors In one InnIng as the GIants feated New York, 2-1, and snapped the the range defeated the PIrates, 3-0 Yankees' eIght-game wInnIng streak * * * * * * And DICk Selma hurled a two-hItter and ErnIe Banks Kaat dId not allow more than one hIt In Golf Lessons knocked In three runs, leadIng the ChIcago Cubs to a 6-0 any InnIng as hp walked two and struck All Chuck Bauman's golf classes ne4t vIctory over the San DIego Padres out four week WIll meet at 6 pm on Tuesday at The TwIns scored one run In the second the clubhouse at the Golf Course WIth Culp Wins With Palm Ball Inning on SIngles by Harmon KIllebrew, the exceptIon of the IntermedIate clas­ In one way, Ray Culp of the Boston Red Sox has the CraIg Nettles and Leo Cardenas and ano­ AmerIcan League hItters eatIng out of the palm of hIS ther In the thIrd when Rod Carew walked ses They WIll meet at 7 pm, Monday at the DrIVIng Range hand WIth two out, stole second and rode home Ray has been pItchIng wInnIng ball for the Red Sox thIS on OlIva's SIngle * * * * • sprIng, a welcome follow-up, so far as Boston IS concer­ BIll Melton's grand slam homer was the Today's Maior Leagu R suits ned, to hIS fIne showIng last year The Red Sox got hIm bIg glow of a fIve-run thIrd InnIng WhIch In a trade wIth the Cubs Ray won 16 and lost SIX last enabled the ChIcago WhIte Sox to score ErnIe Banks' grand slam homer In a year and gIves the credIt to a new pItch he pIcked up a 9-3 vIctory WhIch ended the Boston fIve-run fIfth InnIng and a two-run the palm ball Red Sox' four-game wInnIng streak Ton homer by Ron Santo enabled the ChIcago Culp was taught the palm ball by Roger CraIg a couple ConIglIaro homered for the Red Sox Cubs to defeat the San DIego Padres, of years ago But he dId not try It In a ball game untIl Gary Peters pItched a fIve-hItter to 7-5 The grand slam was the 12th of the 1968 season was more than two months old He had post hIS fourth WIn agalnst fIve losses hIS career tYIng the 38-year-old Cub SplIt hIS fIrst eIght decIsIons But he was stIll USIng for the WhIte Sox veteran for second place on the all- all the conventIonal pItches, the fast ball and the curve, Tommy Harper drove In two runs and tIme NatIonal League lISt two Y2hInd and a change-up stole home for the fIrst tIme thIS sea- GIl Hodges He had been experImentIng WIth the palm ball In practIce son to Increase hlS stoJen base total Banks' grand slam In the fIfth came and decIded to try It In the gaMe For the rest of the to 22 and pace the Seattle PIlots over after the Cubs fIlled the bases on season he had a record of 12 WIns and two losses the Cleveland IndIans 8-2 Harper SIngles by Glenn Beckert and BIlly Ray says he gets a lot of spIn on the palm ball and It stole home In a two-run second InnIng Wllllams and a walk to Santo Randy usually results In the ball staYIng on the ground If It's and capped a three-run rally In the Hundley SIngled, went on second on a hIt That helps In a double-play sItuatIon fIfth wlth a bases-fIlled slngle Fred wlld pltch and scored on a SIngle by Although Culp has been pItchIng well thIS year he IS not Talbot shut out the IndIans for the rellever Ted Abernathy to complete the too happy wIth the shrunken strIke zone and the lowered last fIve Innlngs In rellef of Steve rally pltcher's mound Barber to WIn hIS fIrst game of the Wes Parker's bases-fllled SIngle In Says Ray "That pIece of legIslatIon hurt the pItchers year the seventh InnIng keyed a three-run mien you're workIng from a lower level, It'S ImpossIble Pat Felly SIngled home Mlke Flore rally which sent the Los Angeles Dod- to get as much on the ball It's harder on your arm and from second base WIth one out III the gers on to a 5-0 triumph over the St also on your endurance " 10th InnIng to gIve the Kansas CIty LOUIS CardInals Don Sutton allowed Ray belIeves that he IS only about 90 per cent effectIve Royals a 5-4 deClSlon over the Washlng- nIne hits but scored hIS fIfth WIn as he was last year However, It WIll be no surprise If ton Senators The Senators had tIed of the year agaInst four losses Blll he WIns more than the 16 games he dId In 1968 the game at 4-4 In the nlnth on Frank Sudakls homered for the Dodgers Howard's double and homers by Brant Home runs by and Wlllle To Heavy For Middleweight Alyea and MIke Efsteln ~1cCovey accounted for three runs to- As fIghters grow older they tend to get heavIer That * * * * * day and paced the San franCISCO GIants IS one of the reasons NIno BenvenutI, mIddleweIght cham­ Jun;or Soccer Results to a 5-2 VIctory over the PIttsburgh pIon of the world, IS movIng Into the lIght-heavyweIght Plrates behInd the seven-hIt pltchlng Ebeye I dropped the SaInts last nIght dIvIsIon of Mlke McCormIck 4-2 The Ebeye team was leadIng 1-0 at NIno has hIt the 160-pound maxImum rl~ht on the button Bonds led off the flrst Innlng WIth the half Ebeye's goals were scored by for each of hIS last three mIddleweIght tItle bouts, two hlS homer off Bob Veale and McCovey JImmy Bolkelm, Malal Neton and Edward of WhICh he won and one that he lost It has been a boosted the Giants' lead to a 3-0 Alee Bolkelm had two goals to lead struggle to get down to that poundage and NIno would lIke margIn when he homered after a walk all scorers The Salnt's Randy Backus the luxury of not worryIng about hIS weIght to Wlllle Mays In the flfth It was and BIll Radlsch had a ~oal apIece There IS, of course, another reason There IS more McCovey's 11th homer of the season DespI~e Ebeye's four goals, SaInt's money to be made In the Ilght-heavywelght dIvISIon rIght Wlllle Stargell hlt a two-run homer goalIe George Gregg made a sparkllng now than In the mIddleweIght class In the SIxth InnIng but the GIants debut In the nets Ebeye's defense was That seldom IS the case For years and years, the clInched the VIctory WIth two runs spearheaded by fullback Alto Balos mIddleweIghts have had far more glamor and many more bIg off rellef pItcher Chuck Hartensteln Next Week's Schedu~e fIghts than the lIght-heavIes In the seventh Both runs came WIth Mon , May 26 lL ~vb.rd Irs DolphIns But the mIddleweIght dIvISIon IS wearIng thIn for some two out on a walk to McCovey, a Tues , May 27 " ' Vu SprInts unknown reason The only really good challenger for double by Ken Henderson and a slngle Wed , May 28 L • ~ 1S vs Santos Benuvenutl's tItle IS the former champ EmIle GrIffIth by Jack HIatt Thurs , May 29 i:: "l.1 Tj~ S \ s lJ!ataJors NIno and EmIle have fought three tImes, NIno wlnnlng Montreal was at Clnclnnatl, PhIla­ Frl May 30 ~i0 ,n~ rs ~beye II two and Grlfflth one They may well flght agaln some day delphIa at Atlanta and New York at Sat , M~y 31 W'l"u vs Erey~ I GrIffIth certaInly hopes so Houston In nIght games * * ~ * * * * * * * * * Saturda.v Mav 24 1969 HOURGLA.BS Mon 26 Tues 27 Wea 28 Thur 29 Fn 30 Sat 31 Sun 1 Church BulJetm BOWLING ALLEY 0930-2330 °93°-233° °930- 233° , 0930-2310 I) I I ~iJv-2J30 CHURCH OF CHRIST Serv~ces w~ll be held th~s Lord's Day OCPENDENTS POOL 0930-183° 093°-183° 0930- 183° 093( -18<,' I 0930-1830 at 20 am ~n Tr 664 For further ~n 1900-:'100· 1900-2100· 1900-2100· 1900-21 )( 1')00-2100 fo~at~on call 82327 or 82531 BACHELORS POOL 0600-2300 0600-2300 0600-2300 0600-23°0 ObOO-2300 LATTER DAY SAINTS ~R I NA 120C'-1900 1200-1900 1200-1900 1200-1900 1200-1900 °73°-190° °73°-1900 Serv~ces are held ~n the F~ne Arts Bu~ld~ng ~esthood meet~ng ~s at HOBBY SHOP 123-J - I 73° 1230-ll30 1230 - I H..l 123°-173° 123°-173° 1230-1730 8 30 am Sunday School and Sacrament 183°-213° 1830- 21 3° 183°-213° 1810-213° 1830-213~ 183°-213° meet~ne ~s at 9 45 am LIBRARY 0900-2200 0900-2200 °900-<,200 0900-2200 0900-2200 1300 2200 EDISCOPAL SERVICES Even~ng prayer and sermon ~s held GEAR LOCKER 083°-173° 0830-1730 083°-173° 083°-173° 083°-1 no 083°-1730 0830- J 130 every Sunday even~ng ~n the Chapel 1200-1 43° beg~nn~ng at 6 pm Everyone ~s PHOTO LAB 1800-2100 1800-2100 1800-2100 1800-L100 1200- 1900 1200-1900 cord~ally ~nv~ted to attend these serv~ces TENNIS COURTS 063°-233° 063°-233° 063°-233° 063°-233° 0630-233° 063°-233° 063°-233° CATdOLIC GOlF SHACK 163°-193° 163°-1930 163°-193° 163°-193° 163°-193° )(3< ,Q30 °73°-193° 7 am and 9 15 am ~n the Memor~al Chapel and at 11 20 on Ro~ Namur EMON BEACH LI FE 153°-183° 153°-1830 153°-183° 153°-183° 1~30-1[l30 C930-1830 093°-183° Da~ly Mass at 4 45 pm ~n the Blessed GUARD ON DUTY Sacrament Chapel Monday through Saturday Confess~ons before week­ TEEN CLUB 153°-1800 153°-1800 153°-1800 153°-1800 1530-1800 1300-1 63° day Masses and Saturday from 4 to 190°-213° 190(' '100 2030-2330 4 45 pm and from 7 30 to 8 30 pm PISTOl RANGE ----,..---- 1700-1800 ------I ------tl90o-qoo EVANGELISTIC HOUR ~!=~=~~=L=~=A=~=E=IMM==I=NG~(=1=4=Y=E=:=~~=-=:=:=~-=~=)V~E'R~)-=-=--=-=-~-~-=-=====1=7=0=0-=1=8o==0==~=--=-=-=-=--=-=-==~=-=-=--=-==-=--~_==~I~-=-=-=--=-=-~--~-1~1=13=00==-=15=0=0==~1 An ~nformal worsh~p serv~ce ~s held each Sunday even~ng ~n the Memor~al Chapel beg'wn~ng at 7 pm There * nxi W.6L~ w~ll be a song and test~mony ser­ v~ce, clos~ng w&th a sermon RICHARDSON HORSE IN dIGH ODEIPUS NO MOVIE NO MOVIE NO MOVIE NO MOVIE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL THEATER FLANNEL SUIT COMMI&SIONER fHE KING CARNIVAL CARNIVAL CARNIVAL CARNIVAL Young people up to the age of 20 7 30 7 30 7 30 years are &nv~ted to attend the Clir&s t&an Sc~ence Sunday Schoo l whoch meets every Sunday at 9 am OCEAN VIEW 3LACK ALICE B HICH CARRY ON HORSE IN SWORD OF ODEIPUS &n the Scout Hut THEATER SPURS TOKLAS COMMISSIONER TEACHER FLANNEL SUIT THE EMPIRE THE KING 7 30 & 12 30 7'30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 PROTESTANT Worsh~p Serv~ces w~lZ be held at 8 10 and 11 am at the Island YOKWE YUK HIGH CARRY ON SWORD OF HORSE IN BLACK ODEIPUS ALICE B Memonal Chapel Rev Elden M Buck THEATER COMMISSIONER TEACHER THE EMPIRE FLANNEL SUIT SPURS THE KING TOKLAS ur~ll preach the sermon ent~tled 7&9 7&9 7 & 9 7 & 9 7 & 9 7 & 9 7 & 9 "BoI'Y' of the Sp~nt" based on Acts 2 28-47 IVEY HALL ALICE B ODEIPUS CARRi ON HIGH SWORD OF HORSE IN BLACK SPURS A nursery &S prov~ded ~n the Island THEATER TOKLAS THE KING TEACHER COMMISSIONER THE EMPIRE FLANNEL SUIT Day Nursepy for the Sunday School 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 and 11 am serv~ce - 9 15 to 12 45pm 6 30 & 8 30 Sunday School classes for all ages are he Id at the George Se~tz TRADEWINDS SWORD OF HORSE IN BLACK ODEIPUS ALICE B HIGH CARRY ON School on Ro& Namup LS at 9 am ~n THEATER THE EMPIRE FLANNEL SUIT SPURS THE KING TOKLAS COMMISSIONER TEACHER the Commun~ty Bu~ld~ng 8 8 8 8 The Worsh&p Serv~ce on Ro~ Namur 8 8 8 w,ll be held at 7 pm &n the Com­ mun~t~ Bu&Zd&ng and w&ll be led by MECK ISLAND ASSIGNMENT IT TAl< ES ALL CASTLE OF JOURNEY TO HATE FOR LILITH RA.CHEL Rev Buak ass~sted by the Chapel THEATER TO KILL KINDS LIVING DEAD CENTER EARTH HATE RA.CHEL Youth Fe Uowshop 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 and graduatIng from Honolulu Baptlst I ODEIPUS THE KING AT Chopel Notes Academy, WIll attend Leeward CommunIty YJ. Q)/J ~/,n W. I Chr~stopher Plummer, Orson Welles, College, Oahu, to study government ,-tc Jh. tl6k L~lli Palmer, R~chard Johnson YOUTH GROUP TO ATTEND SERVICE ON ~OI and bus1nesb l' ,~ ____ ------1 Drama-Tragedy 104 Ml.n Color Twenty members of the sen10r hlgh The three new scholarshIp recIplents AT The second Plummer-Palmer mov~e of the Sunday School class of the Protestant from Truk are glrls I LOVE YOU, ALICE B TOKLAS week Th~s classic Gleek tragedy has congregatIon and theIr teacher, Mr AntlnIsl ArItos and Ruth Moses, Comedy 100 MIn Color been brought to the screen ~n f~ne Peter Sellers, Jo Van Fleet, Le~gh Arthur Perez, WIll accompany Rev both graduat1ng from Mlzpah HIgh School cinematic style It ~s not a filmed Taylor Young Elden Buck on hIS regular trIp to ROI In June, WIll go to the Un~vers1ty of stage play It moves br~skly, and Peler Sellers 1S search~ng fJr ident­ Namur tomorrow evenIng to attend Chapel Guam to study home economICS soars often w~th power The cast ~s ~ty In terms of an ord1nary man suf­ serVIce and present a spec1al song JulIe Iasawa, soon to be graduated marvelous Chr~stopher Plummer is out­ focat~ng w~th~n hIS everyday rout~ne The group WIll meet at K"aJaleln" from Be th anla Sem1nary, Palau, wl1l standing in the title role Orson The cast plays stereotype roles, termInal dt 5 pm and return shortly attend Northwest Chrlstlan College, Welles is effective as Tires~as, the after 8 pm naturally com~L 1n themselves, but the Eugene, Ore , to study Chrlstlan educa- bl~nd prophet of doom LIllI Palmer between-the-l~nes drama 15 more pot­ h.CW COFFEE t Ion and Richard Johnson lend support in ent Jo Van Fleet 15 Sellers' mother, KwaJaleln Cathollc Women WIll meet Two scholarshlp reclplents are from other roles Many students w~ll be for a coffee Monday evenlng, 8 pm at Ponape Joyce Van Patton as the over-3D g~rl ~nterested ~n this f~lm because of the fr1end trY1ng to get Peter to the I the home of Reglna SLIver, 478-D ! Sene~lle Ph1l1P, w1ll soon be well-known, psychological interpreta­ altar, Lelgh Taylor Young IS the p~x1e, REV SAMSON TO PREACH TOMORROW EVENING graduated from hlgh school In SLIver t~ons of the play ~ot smoklng Hlpple, and Herbert Edel­ I Rev Jude Samson, mInIster of the Spr ~ngs, Md She WIll study ChrIstIan (ReI 1968) 1beye Protestant Church, WIll preach eaucatlon at Northwest ChrIstIan man ~s Sellers' close frlend "I LOVE YOU ALICE B TOKLAS" IS a very fun­ 1 at the EvangelIstIc Hour tomorrow, 7 pm College, Eugene, Ore THE HORSE IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT ny movl~, and the brownl~s are groovy I I In the Chapel Stenson Solomon w~ll graduate next ATC Color (ReI 1968) Comedy 97 Mln CLA.SSES ENDING month from hIgh school In New Hampshlre Dean Jones, Diane Baker Father Boyle announces that June 1 Th S h I e c 01arsh1p Comnuttee 1S avaltlng An advertising execut~ve Dean Jones THE HIGH COMMISSIONER A WIll be the last day that pre-school ,word from hIm as to hlS fleld of faces two problems ~n this Disney Drama 100 Min Color chIldren wlll meet for Sunday mornlng istudy and chosen school comedy How to buy h~9 teenage daughter Rod Taylor, Chr~stopher Plummer classes at the CommunIty Center The I The seven current reclp1ents who the horse she longs for and how to Rod Taylor, an Austral~an detectlve program WIll start agaln In the fall wlll contInue thelr college work wlth promote a pompous client's antac~d pre­ sergeant, decorous brawler and all­ PROTESTANT CHAPEL SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS i the asslstance of the Chapel are paratIon, Aspercel The actual champ­ around good "egg," IS sent to London NIne new names have been added to the Yosaka Esa (Truk) and Chrlsdlana ~onsh~p performances at the Washington Ilst of students awarded college Perez (Ponape), who wlll enter theIr to drrest Austral~an H~gh Comm~ss~oner International Horse Show exhibIts some ChrIstopher Plummer on a charge of hav- scholarshlps by the Protestant Chapel, fourth and thlrd years respectlve~y of of the world's finest jumpers ~n ac­ ing murdered hIS flrst w~fe Upon ar­ JOInIng the seven current reCIpIents, study In ChrIstIan educatl0n at tion Special honors go to the f~lm's whose scholarshIp support WIll be con- Northwest rhrlstlan College, Eugene, riVIng ~n London Taylor f~nds the hero, the splendid dappled grey, H C in the mIdst of an international tlnued Ore Aspercel l trade-pact, and the object of a sniper From the Marshall Islands, four Henry WIlson (Ponape), In hIS thlrd (ReI 1968) young men have been aWdrded scholar- year, and RIchard Tolenoa (Kusale) In Lilll Palmer 15 Plummer's second wife and beaut~ful Dallah Lav~ IS the ShIPS to begIn thIS fall hIS second year at Malua TheologIcal SWORD OF THE EMPIRE ATC seducer and mysterIOUS foreign agent AustIn Jelke, raIsed on Ebeye and a College, ApIa, Western Samoa Roman Epic 97 M~n B&W graduate of Ebeye ChrIstIan Elementary Mlnoru LOUIse (Ponape) who WIll be (ReI 1968) Lang Jefflers School, IS a member of the fIrst gradua completIng hIS work at the UnIverSIty A black and wh~te Italian fIlm set tlng class of MIZpah HIgh School He of Guam In bUslness educatIon CARRY ON, TEACHER ATC in Rome 190 A D under the reign of WIll go to Raymond College, UnIverSIty Rufus DaVId and Renslper Jack, both Comedy 97 M~n B&W Emperor Commodus of the PaCIfIC, Stockton, CalIf ~to of Ponape, who WIll enter thelr thlrd Kenneth Connol, Charles Hawtrey, (ReI 1966) study pre-medICIne year at Rarongo Theologlcal College, LeslIe Ph~ll~ps, Joan SIms ------EdIson KOJJo, born on Ebon, IS also ~erauet, Rabaul, Terrltory of Papua That venerable ~nst~tution, the IVEY HALL MATINEE graduatIng from MIzpah HIgh School I VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CCD CLASSES Br~tish publlC school, ~s the settlng next month He WIll study agrIculture I Volunteer teachers, both men and Lesl~e Ph~ll~ps arrIves as an inspect­ "Batman is the Matinee at the Ivey at Vudal AgrIculture School, New iwomen, are needed for CCD relIgIOUS lng psychIatr~st, and finds romantic Hall for Saturday and Sunday starring GU1nea appeal ln shapely gym Instructress, Instru~tIon classes to begIn In Septem- Adam West and Bruce Ward Runn~ng JulIan R~klon, born In KwaJaleln ber for students 1n f1rst through Joan ~~ms Love IS also blooming Time 90 minutes Atoll, WIll graduate next month after twelfth grades among the other Instructors And the studenls havL Just declared war One NASA FILMS four years of hIgh school at Honolulu If you can help the Catpolic commurl+Y RESEARCH PROJECT BaptIst Academy He WIll go to In thIS program, call the Chaplalns' of the ('c mad-cap of the "CARRY ON" SPACE NAVIGATION Callfornla BaptIst College, R1verslde, Off1ce, 83505 eries Mon Guegeegue Ennylabegan CalIf, to study for the IDln1stry (Rcl lqJ2) Tue Ennylabegan Guegeegue LaJl Taft, also born 1n th1S Atoll (ContInued on Page 8) Wed Meck HospItal ~------L______r ______~ ______Thr Hosp~tal Meck ~ Page 6 HOURGLASS Saturday, May r 1909 ICROSSWORD Vienna's Famed State Opera House HORIZONTAL 47 ~ emble VERTICAL 11 German 1 Pierce 51 Fluid rock 1 Mast nver 5 Network 52 Son m law 2 Roman 19 Artificial 8 News ofMo garment language initials hammed 3 Freehold 21 Chop Now Tuning Up for Its Centennial 12 Sport 54 Itahan estate 23 -­ 13 Scottish nver 4 Humphrey Bernhardt By SANDO BOLOGNA explorer 55 Portent 25 A tWItching 14 Arthurlan 56 Limb 5 Contended 26 Political Cenlral Press AS50Cl"tWH lady 57 Felmes 6 Auditory group Corre~ ponr/c Ht 15 Excited 58 Hospital organ 27 Mountam VIENN A Au'>tna Descnbed 16 Before section 7 Insects gap as a city s'lturelted m history 17 Famlhar 59 8 Oil 29 Model and the most musical of all French Stanley 9 Agam 30 Born cilles Vlennol IS now sWlrlmg name 60 Couples 10 Prong 31 Measure to the JOY of a special event­ 18 Detection (abbr) the 100th 'mmversary of 110 systems Answer to yesterday s puzzle 32 SWIne s pen grandIOse shnne to opera 20 Rainfall 37 MIssion 22 Decays EGGS.OPSISLAW 38 Fishing The Vlenn'l State Ope) a 24 Elevated ANATOMIC PINE equipment HOllse uedlc'lted by Emperor railway RUMINA.~ RETE 39 Edit FI anz Jcseph May 25 1869 IS 25 Diplomacy _C UR NE ED E D 42 Toward one of the mOot ImpOl tant bUild 28 Birds PIC K S)J.STO Am 43 Sluggish mgs to nea1ly two million Vlen 33 Interna I R I S.S WIN DIL E 44 Mother ne:;e tlOnal 45 Affirm ConstructIOn of the colonnad language GOT.SPI NS.IDA 46 Dr Jonas I NG.GRAS ed opera house took eight years 34 Epoch gtT Prof Eduard van der Null one 35 Consume RI NG.TRAMP 48 Sketch HARVARD PRESIDENT Nathan of the two architects who won 36 Office need TO!WARD.E RA ••• 49 Comb TE M Pusey 15 5ho\\ n In Wash the competItion to draw the 39 Depend AWE D. L A MI NA form mgton :It a House subcom 40 Note in LEN E. ED MO NT ON Wlthln plans for the bulldmg commit scale END SO Y. YA M5 50 Betsy mlttec rlt'al°lng on college ted SUICide 13 months before It S. \I 41 Detest <"'> 'lId hen' he pleaded \llth was dedicated 43 Stings A...... 11 ... 01 ooh.lloo 22 aalJaaw 53 Garland the 11\1 11l1kers not to penal He was reportedly depressed Ize fcdCI lily aided colleges over the severe cntlclsm made \\ larked b, student unrest by some Viennese of the bUild mg s archltectu) e HIS partner To do so \\ ould serve ,he Prof August Slccardsburg died c,Use of radIcals \\hose only a natural death two months ltn] 1'- dc,tltlctlOn hc ' \\111 d!led 'V[oz'Irt '­ 1945 The stage aUdltonum and broad boule\ald that enCircles Don GIO\annl on)l,1 \\ 26 other areas were destloyed the the mnel city of the Hapsburg In Vlenne,,' It nth long WITH"lN 10 years and at a lastlc 0\ el opera as Amencans 19th anmnl VJ(,nr I Festl\ tl cost of $10 mIllion the opera are of b'lseball They are par Weeks , house \\ as reopened Nov 5 twl to the operatic and classical I A "peclal c"hlbltlOn of Vlen 1955 at an Austnan corona mU51C of the composers \lho nese oppratlC memol iblll I \I III tlcn event Dr Kary Boehm lI\ed m Vienna lmong them I be held fOI fl\ e montho tn COil conducted Beethoven s Fide Hay dn 1\1 oz 'I r t Beetho\ en I nectlOn \I Ith tlw centenm iI ob lIo \\ hlch IS a denunCIatIOn of Gluck S c It u b e r t Johann servance Recol eled \ Olee, uf tyranny and a hymn for llberty Str'lu'>s RIc h a r d Strauss great smget 5 \\ ho pertOlmed m It IS reported that some 50 000 BI ahms BI uckner Mahler Vienna will be heard b\ \lSIU,r, PRESSURED-Elected premier people sought seats for that Schuenberg Leha! and Weber The '1udltonum \\ III be fliled ORYPI'OQUIPS of Northern Ireland JameS perfcrmance Abo 11 t 30000 for perform'lnce, of opel 'Is h cro\\ ded the streets around the VerdI \\ "Igner 'lo7'11 t InCl Chtche~ter Cl'lrk IS facmg THE con tmen ta I fesll vltles ELWP IGF ARCSMVEMW ZRCMGP opera hou~e and heard FldellO o the 1 compo'1E'I::::. 1..dnllled U\ pre,'woc b:. pi edommantly \\ III open on the mornrng of ove) loudspe'lkers May 25 "Ith Bernard Bernstem Austll8.n nl11'-,lC In\ L t..., l !let t' h ARGGMD DSMRV IZW CSLF Rom In Catholic Cl\ II nghts The restored elegant audItor conductmg Mlssa Solemnrs u:'U'1l1y '1 ~ell out [()[ e tI.. h ,WI dcmon~tl "tors to mtroduce l"esurday's Cryptoqulp - SMA L L PET CHIMPANZEES tum dccOll1l1lodates 2209 (1658 Th It e\ emng Dr Boehm Will forrndnce In the \ Ie nil I Opt-'t l CHARMED CH1LDREN AT ZOO SOCI,tl and political) eforms seated 551 standing I compared conduct Beethoven s Fldello House 01 expect mOl e nots

WHICH WAY IS UP IS the questIOn here \I Ith astlOnaut, Thoma~ P Stafford (left) and John Young televl'>mg hi Jmks \\ Ith 'Welg-htlessne_s on their \\ i Y to the Moon CONTRACT BRIDGE By B Jay Bee k e r (Top Record Holder '" Masten' Individual Championship Play)

South dealer clubs dlscardmg a spade from AROUND THE WORLD HITCHHIKER- Tnple amputee Charlie Both Side. vulnel able dummy and then put West on lead With a trump East III the BI 0\\ n 33 hold, up hIS ticket m San Franc"co as he NORTH $500000 TWISTER \ oluntcci \I III hu 'i In'pcct d Imelge to meantime had played the club pll°p-llh to st'lrt hitChhiking around the "orld m hl5 \\heel .10 7 Z RI\!HOnd "folll()\\" blln lnd 211lonth old ("'11 '1 seven on the ace and then the lftel tOtn' ., 10652 l hel" July 4 He lost hoth legs and an arm under a freIght 5 4 3 of clubs \I I II h. d -'"lll," \ !lIe " 1 inflICting In e'-tlm'lted $,00000 • J 1097 b tl"1ln lR H'I" '1go B,o\\n ,Iready h,s t!:""eled ~O ,t'lte, There was now only one pia) d 111llg1 btlt t Ikillg- no 11\('..., ",A West could make to defeat thE' WES'I EAST contract Actually he led a .K9'J4 • J 86 spade and South ea~lly made .,QJ 3 .,8 ten tricks • A3 • K84 West s correct return \\ as the ",10862 ,foQJ754J three of diamonds East would SOUTH have won With the kmg and re .AQ3 I turned a spade to qUickly settle .,AK9i4 I declarer s hash .Q52 Admittedly the low diamond ,fo K 9 I return IS difficult but It IS The blddmg nonetheless qUite logical West ~outh nest North East should reahze that hiS trump 1., Pass 2., Pass trick must be supplemented b\ 2NT PHS~ 3., Pass three other tricks for the con 4., tract to be defeated He already knows that SlJuth Opemng lead-t\\o of clubs started With fIVe trumps to the When YOU conSider that m an A K and the K x of clubs For "verage session you are a de the defense to garner three fender half the tIme you begm more tricks he must assume to reahze that good defense that East has either the ace of I must have a great deal to do spades or the kmg of diamonds CONVICTION NULLED-In 'I \\ Ith gettmg good results othel"\\ Ise there IS no hope un'lnlmou<; dCCI'lOn th'lt '1P Unfortunate I:, perfect defense The next step for West IS to prLJ entl) \\ { t \.;:C'n.... enfo[ ('e I~ difficult to achieve With any fmd a play that cover. both ment uf fe cler II n HCOtIC'> degree of consistency It takes these posslbliltles careful thmkmg to defend ef He reasons that If East hR" la" ~ the US SUPI eme Court fectlvel:, and anyone who plays the ace of spades no harm can 0\ el turned thc mdnJuana only by ear and IS unWilling to come from a low diamond re como" tlon of DI Tlnloth, F expend the ext r a effort re turn smce three more defen_I, ~ THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY '11\ 24 of the first telegraph me'-',gc \\ h ,t h lth God Le, 1\ Ilh,,\e) sclf P'O qUired IS bound to fall qUite tricks Wlll still be there for thr \\I0llbht" ,-ent the 411 mile, flom \\ I,hmgton to Baltimore spotllghh the" photos One cl'llmcd hll-,h P'lCst of the often takmg But If East s high card ]'-, '1 1 ephCl of the fll .... t In...,t111nlPnl n(J\\ 0\\ ned by Cornell Unlverslt\ Th(- other 1'-, Sam psychcdellc dlug cult '1nd Take thl8 deal where West IS the kmg of dIamonds onl) R led a club won m dummy With lIcl 1- B '101 'L the 1m onto! It" ge;9 He also "as a portraIt °pOIntr" COl ncll \\ 'I" formel Hal\'1ld Unl\CI'ltv low diamond return follo\\ I'd b\ the ace Declarer cashed tv- 0 n mwd 'If tel EZl 1 Cornell Mor'p, p lrtnPl l),-\cholog-"t a spade shift can chp decln high trumps and the king of er s wmgs Satyrday, May 24, 1969 HOURGLA1:-S Page 7



AN AMERICAN FAD ~Lem, to hdve t'iken hold In France wIth the pre Identl!l (,m pllgn undulA',

Mmes at Sudbury, Ontano, produce 75 percent of the "No Rand), Oui ~econd lesson m the manly art of self­ world's nickel supply '---- _ defen~e IS postponed mdefIDltely'" __ ~



l090H 6 '::IHV:>S 9 'WnHO S 'NOISIA:l13l t 'f):l1 E: '3SnOH l-UMOO 319V1 01 'l::IVH 6 ':llddV B Nnf) l 'SS3HO S '13AOHS L-SSOJ:lV SH:lMSNV M o o s e 3 "o I 3 8 E N B a o E 7 THAT1=; ~D You T 8 2 RIOICULOUG' SfiE? ~ aU---~V",R o R A FAT 7 6 8 G y- '~__ WINO? D s L 3 8 6 E F y

HERE IS a pleasant htUe game that Will gwe you a messag. every day It IS a numerical puzzle d~slgned to spell out your fortune Count the letters In your first name Ie the num ber of letters IS 6 or more subtract 4 If the number IS less tha"l 6 add 3 The result IS your key number Start at UtI' Lippe left hand corner of the rectangle and check every onp 01 youl ke' numbers left to fight Then read the me,~al:"~ th~ letters under the checked fIgure, give you 4 -12 ~------r10URGLA% Saturday, May 24, 1~69 Page 8 ------PUBLISIlliD BY GLOBAL ACSCJCIAH Af j~lr ANNOUNCEMENts MOVIES DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OJ-FICH, FOR SALE CLASSIFIED TrQre wlll be a R,ble VaCclnatlon KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL I~- Cllnlc held thls Surda:" May 25 For One set of Norltake Chlna, slIver Tomght At LANDS CONTRACT DAAG-43-67-C-CJOOl llquor pattern Complete serVlce for further lnformat lOll call 82162 or 82150 The HourGlass IS publlshed dally Mon­ 12, $30 See at 466-B or call 83671 day through Saturday RICHARDSON Materlal for publlcatlon on the Complete amateur radlo statlon, Yaesu Water Condftion "Yeflovi AROUND TOWN page must be submltted In FTDX-400 transcelver, 500 w PEP , wrltlng to the HourGlass 72 hours FL2000 Ilnear amplIfIer, matchIng WATER USED YESTERDAY 365,000 GALS John Ireland gIves prlor to deslred publlcatlon date speaker and IDlcrophone, headset, new Materlal for the AD and SPORTS pages tubes for Ilnear and transcelver, WATER IN STORAGE 7,328,000 GALS "HATE FOR HATE" In the Latest ItalIan Western must be In the HourGlass Offlce In Heath monltorscope, phone patch & foot wrltIng 24 hours prlor to deslred sWltch, 24 hour clock, 4-element cublc­ Color AT 7 30 "RESEAPCH PROJECr' WIll be sho\\'Il also publlcatlon date al quad wIth Ham-M-rotator and control POT LUCK SHOW AT THE RICHARDSON Telephoned notlces and ads wlll not unIt, homebrew 15 & 20 meter beam (6 Greed among thleves kldnapplng POT LUCK--Showtlme 9 SO Classlfled A be accepted All copy and photographs and 5 elements), WIll dellver all for and ransom A maJor fllm release wlth become the property of the HourGlass $700 Call BIll Race at 99433 or a new role for a top star Classlfled Republlcatlon of materlal contalned after 5 30 99461 on ROl Namur as A Show tlme 9 SO pm hereln IS not authorlzed wlthout prlor IVEY HALL approval of the Commandlng Offlcer, Two burner hot plate, toaster, blender Fllms that are rated as "A" are m a category whIch Includes motlon PlC­ KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range (never used), electrIC fry pan - 9", If you have not receIved your Hour­ Sunbeam lron, open sandwlch toaster, tures that, because of theIr theme, content and treatment, should be llmlt­ Jules Verne takes you to another Glass by 6 15 pm please call 83539 shoe rack, games, aIr mattress, SlIver world on between 6 15 pm and 6 45 pm and heels - square toe 8AAA never worn, ed to an adult audIence The ratIng system IS Slmply a guldelme, only "JOUR.\JEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTIf' a copy WIll be dellvered to you red flats (patent) sq toe 8 AAA, James Mason Pdt Boone DIane EDITOR Larry Corsl brown leather sandles 7 1/2 narrow, Such pIctures should not be VIewed by chIldren and young adults, unless ac­ Baker STAFF Marcla Chrlvla dresses -- Slzes 8 - 12 regular and SClence FictIor Color-WS Glnger Storme Jr Slzes, sportswear Slzes 10 - 12, companled by then parents The re­ "APOLW MISSION HIGHLIGl-ITS" WIll also Lucy Bloedel 5 bull conch shells - sell or trade sponslblilty rests WIth the parents Rudy Baldwln be shown at 0 30 & 9 10 Call 82530 or see at Surf 208 between to keep theu chIldren from these FEATURE hours of 4 30 & 5 30 weekdays moVIes FI.lmS rated "A1" are con­ SIdered sUltable for adults and teens WRITER Bob PhllllPS OCEAN VIEW CIRCULATION Peterson stroller, $10, Teetertot, "ATC" mOVle~ are of a general audl­ MANAGER Phll Pokoy wooden b~by rocker, $10, two way Baby ence type, well sUlted for the Gro-tub, $3 All above ltems In entue famIly very good condl tlon GIrl's 20" blke The Master of Terror stnkes wlth tralnlng wheels - falr condltlon, On May 26, at 1 pm, the flrst per­ formance of the play "THE MIRACLE agaln ChrIstopher Lee l~ § $5 Must sell before May 27 Call "THE CASTLE OF TIlE LIVING DEAD" 83316 WORKER" .nll be presented ln the l-'ulit­ Purpose Room at the new hIgh school Horror Black & Wlll te 7 30 GLOBAL ASSOCIATES Matlnee - May 26th - Students &12 30 One blue 24" glrl's blke -- better "LEC1i'IrY OF GEMINI" wlll also be than KwaJ condItIon, $10, or best EvenIng - May 26th - 8 pm shown OFFICIAL BULLETIN offer --- must sell by Monday evenlng EvenIng - May L7th - 8 pm Call 82513 NO ADMISSION CHARGE DATE DUTY OFFICER PHONE Be sure to attena the Cathollc Encyclopedla BrItannIca - 24 volumes YOKWE YUK 24May69 LTC J Cooper Cl2Cl3Cl Ilomen's Club meetIng Monday, May 26, and World Atlas wlth bookcase, $195, 25May69 LTC L Coyle 82882 8 pm at the home of Mrs SlIver, Akal M-8 tape recorder complete wlth 26May69 CPT T Belknap 82466 ~78-D The flnal plans wlll be made all accessorIes and packlng box, $200, 27May69 CPT G FIsher 84533 for the up and comlng Louples get RevealIng the world of dreams Garrad turntable wlth Shure dynetIc 28May69 LTC L Coyle 82838 acqualnted "Wlne 'lastIng" party and delUSIons Jean Seaberg cartrldge, $50, Braun AM/FM tuner, $50, as "LILITIf' wlth Warren Beatty Duty hours of 11 30- 12 30 Monday Call 82497 or see at 105-A and Peter Fonda through Frlday, phone 81419 for Duty Ten dIfferent group photographs of Offlcer the ~lrst Holy CommunIon Class are Drama Black &WhIte VOlt slalom skl only used once wlth Duty Offlcer IS KwaJaleIn Mlsslle ava 7 lable for lnspectlon at the Chap­ 7 & 9 25 dOhble tow rope, $35, Bell 4 pow~r Range Commandlng OffIcer's representa­ laIn's ofIlce Anyone of t~pse plC­ mlcroscope In wooden case, $10, .ooden "SPACE NAVIGATION" WIll be shown also tIve durIng other than normal duty tureb ca~ be ordered at $1 25 each aC'_ §J~ wall shelves, $5, 2 press wood bulletln ______hours boards 3 1/2' by 2' Ideal for louvred 3tvp In '3.ny wePK-day Q lrJ '1g normal bUQIneSS hoc ~ 0r ~jcne 83505 walls, $10, Japanese doll ln laquer TRADEWINDS case, new condltlon, ~25, two women's CPJlj l!.. ',ClTE3 MECK ISLAND MJVIE blkes - KwaJ condltlon, $~O & $15 Sat YELLOW CANARY Call 82497 or see at 105-A after 5 pm PROTESTJL~T C1RrLE ~~ETINGS Sun THE SERGEANT Please note the followlng correctlons SaD0 tage and blackmaIl In the Salilng yacht "Andlamo" -- Tartan 27, In scheduled Clrcle ~eetlngs SWI:>S Alps PatrIck O'Neal 27' loa, 21'5" LWL, 8'7" beam 3'2" Anna Dederer CIrcle meets Tuesday, "ASSIGNMENT 1D KILL" draft, 6875 Ibs dlsplacement In­ May 27, 9 am at the home of Debble ~tf~ tery Drama Color-WS ______~ ______L ______-+- ______terested partles contact C Lesnlak, IrIon, 478-c P~ylllS ShVIdrlk WIll 82768 (wlll be off lsland 5-28 thru speak and show s~ldes of the Torelang 6-15) Lallmo Clrcle trlp to MaJuro Charlot+e Evans CIrcle has changea Surfboard, $20 Call 83674 Its meetlng date to Tuesday, May 27,

7 30 pm at tr~ home of Edna DeFord, WANTED 439-B Mr ~nd Mrs John Wrlght wlll ~ets for catchlng flSh for aquarlum Sunday tell about the recent Chapel Youth Call 82205 after 4 30 pm FellowshIP trIp to Truk To buy Sony 250 tape deck In good Mary Ruth HanlIn CLrcle meets Tue - day, May 27, 6 30 pm at the home of Movi es condltlon -- must be reasonable prlced Call 84582 after 4 30 pm DelorIS Peterson, 219-A, for a pot­ luck dln~er Mrs Dlnah Samson, WI e of the mlnIster of the Ebeye Protestant Entertalner for chlldren's party RICHARDSON------CASTLE OF LIVING DEAD------7 30 Call 82817 evenlngs Church, wlLl tell about the Jarln Rarlk Dro1 conference to be held on OCEAN VIEW------LILITII------7 30 &12 30 YOKWE YUK------RACHEL, RACHEL------7 9 Ebeye 1 n T II e and July & To buy baby basslnette Call 82687 Torelang LaJlffio and FloreHce Sasser IVEY HALL------HATE FOR HATE------6 30 &8 30 CIrcles have held thelr Nay meetlngs, ~~TI~~E------TOPO GIGIO------l Tall table lamp In good condltlon wlth and wlll meet agaln In June TRADII~INDS------IT TAKES ALL KINDS------8 multlposltlon Ilght sWltch Please SPACE NAVIGATION RESEARCH PROJECT X-IS FATHER S~AEBELL REPORTS ON TRIP & call Ed Schlele on ext 99542 or 99411 MFCK IS~~D------THC SERGEANT------7 30 Father ~taebell of Ebeye returned Monday aboard the Loulsa from a ten Want to buy baby cnb and playpen aay trlp to Ll' lep and WotJe Father PRIEST FROM LUXEMBOURG ENTHUSIASTIC ly correspondlng WIth Blshop Kennally raIl 84690 evenlngs went up on the Mliltobl, spendlng ABOUT WORK IN MICRONESIA of the VIcarlate of the Carollnes and H1.LP WANTED two days en route on Wotje, where After s~x months In the Marshall Is­ Marshalls BIShop Kennally then met Kentron Hawall, Ltd has openlngs In the CatholIC communlty numbers two lands, Father FranCIS Xavler Zewen, Father Zewen and hls famIly In Luxem­ the followlng posltlons Secretary to Father offered Mass In an old a natlve of L~xembourg who came to bourg whlle the Blshop was ln Europe the Range Operatlons Manager Short­ Japanese communlcatlons bUlldlng MaJuro last November, reports trat he to attend the Ecumenlcal Councll hand IS requlred In thls posltlon whlch IS now the home of the school has at last adJusted to the tropIcal In addltlon to hIS work as dlocesan Secretary In the Range Control SectIon prlnclpal The Japanese bUllt alr­ C!llmatc and lS worklng toward fluency prlest In Luxembourg, Father Zewen -- shorthanc or speed wrItIng IS de­ strlps on WotJe and the lsland y;ere In the Har~l·,~llese language T'1en worked wlth the Eastern churches, and slred but not an absolute requlrement extenslvely bombed durlng the war he can add Marshallese to the other was apPolnted Ambassador from the Accountlng Clerk In the Admlnlstra­ Another day was spent at OrmlJ, ln languages he has mastered Luxe~bourgh­ Oeuvre d' OrIent In Luxembourg to the tlve/Payroll sectlon Wlth prevlous the same lagoon, where there IS a Ish, French, German, EnglIsh, LatIn Churches of the MIddle East He has experlence In payroll, cost account­ settlement of about 100 and Greek, plus some SlavonIC (Old pernusslon from Rome to offer Mass ln lng, and typlng of varlOUS statlstlcal DurIng hls week on LlkIep, Father Russlan), som~ modern RUSSIan and a the ByzantIne as well as the Latln reports Knowledge of computer In­ Staebell organlzed plans to palnt blt of Arablc RIte put IS deslred but not a necesslty and repalr the church and the two­ Father Zewen, 30, was ordalned In Father Zewen has been asslgned to Appllcants should contact the ~entron story bUlldlng whlch was once used as 1965 dOd after 3 years as curate of a Assumptlon Mlsslon, MaJuro, wlth AdIDlnlstratlve Offlce at Range Opera­ a convent Slnce hIS last V1Slt, largL parIsh In Luyembourg Clty, Father Hacker, and wlll work prlmarlly tlons BUlldlng 1009 In person or people of parlsh had repalr~d tre last year won PIS BIShop's perIDlsslon wlth CathollcS on the outer lslands, call 83446/83596 between the hours of church roof, and Father hopes to se~ to work In the r~l~ronesIan mlSSlon seldom vIslted by a prIest 9730 ana 1630 more progress when he returns In fIeld lor SlX years Pe was a vlsltor En route from hlS home, Father Zewen about 2 or 3 months on KwaJ~leln last week, on hIS way spent a week In New York, VISIted In Posltlon now open wlth Global On E~eye, boys are now returnlng back to Majuro after maklng hlS re­ Phlladelphla wlth a young man who had Assoclates for a person who enJoys a at the end of the school year at treat on Ponape and vlsltlng In Truk lIved wlth Father's famlly In Luxem­ varlety of work Coordlnate employee Ponape AgrIculture and Trade School Atoll bourg as an eXChange student, and travel reservatlons, receptlonlst as Ted Capelle's son lS one of a nUmber ~"S Inter~st In thls part of the made a stop In Los Angeles to V1Slt requlred, handle telephone contact of Ebeye boys who were In the flrst wc-rld beg::m dQ;:'lng hlS SeIDl nary days an uncle he hadn't seen for 16 years wlth employees and supervlsors plus graduatIng class Fr"day In Lm eml '. ur g, when two Belglan After a week In Honolulu deslgned to other dutles Accurate typlng re­ CHAPEL ADVISORY BOARD TO ME?:T prIests ~rowe1 the stlQents mOVles of help hlm "adJust to the cllmate," qUlred Apply Global Assoclates Per­ The Protestant Chapel AdvISOry Board theIr "~,. lJl tre ,ew ilebrldes He Father reported to Majuro November 7, sonnel Offlce, Second Floor TerIDlnal wllJ lIleet Monday, Ha.y 27, 7 30 pm In bp€,:ar +0 !'_te P~shOp _n v~rlOUS 1968 BUlldlng Room 10, G~orge Se"tz School mlSSlLIl ~l~l~ nf tne PULlflL, evertual- --Pat Cataldo------'-