![Ast--Ronauts Speede.Ng Home After HILO, HAWAII (UPI)-- K~Lauea](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
LOll rIDE 6-26-ei HIGH TIDE 2.0 CIt 0'112 5-25-69 1.6 CIt lU. 4 3 at 0;08 4 3 at .1306 / ttOURGlASS Saturday, May 24, 1969 VOL 9, No 8405_, _______________________________________ ~KW~A:JAL~E~I~N~,--MAR~~S~HA~L~L~I~SL~AND~:S~ __________________________~~~----~::~~~~~--------- HILO, HAWAII (UPI)-- K~lauea Volcano, Kidnap Victim Ast--ronauts Speede.ng Home After on the island of Hawaii, erupted before dawn today, spewing lava 200 feet into Identifies Abductors Moon Mission Completing Everything th;/i~oward Powers, sClentLst 1n charge In Courtroom SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI)-- Apollo 10's Astronauts, delighted wlth the pros- of the U S Geologlcal Survey's volcano d d observatory, sald 1 t was the 14 th erup- pects of belng greeted by danc~ng glrls in Amer~can Samoa, spe home late to ay tion at Kilauea SlnCb 1960 DECATUR, GA (UPI) --Heiress Barbara from a hlghly successful Moon ~ssion that produced "everything we went out af- f Jane MackIe nervously identified Gary Today's eruption broke out north 0 Steven Krist and Ruth Eisemann-Schier hi i th Id that could us any serious problems now',' Alae Crater and lava was cascading back te~",I can t see a t ng n e wor g~ve ~nto the crater, Powers reported Saturday as the couple that kidnapped d A 11 P Di t Lt Gen Samuel C Phlilips as the three Astronauts sal po 0 rogram rec or A line of fountalns, 150 feet off the her from a motel last December and Thomas P Stafford, Eugene A Cernan and John W Young rocketed back toward Chain of Craters Road, was shooting lava put her "in the ground" where she Earth 11 d id d as high as 200 feet lnto the a~r stayed for more than 80 hours buried They were following a trajectory so accurate that ground contro ers ec e alive, until she was ransomed for half to cancel an early ~dcourse maneuver - -- a million dollars "You're lying right in the middle of "West," favors "Look around the room and see if the fairway there so we are gOlng to T oday's News you see the man who kidnapped you," skip mldcourse 5," ground control Sufficient Militar, force District Attorney Richard Bell told sald PERU -- Amer1.can md.1.tary the winsome daughter of Mlaml Mill~on­ "Roger, that Just sounds beautiful," To Deter Potentia' Attackers CiC1Vi:sers asked to LJ1. thdzoaw -­ aire land-developer, Robert MackIe said Stafford RockefEUsr ehangss plans and "Yes, Slr, I do Between those two At this point the spacecraft was NORTHFIELD. VT. (UPI)-- General Wil­ 1.8 not g01.ng to V1.S1.t too cC.m­ men sltting there," she said, pointlng about 211,000 miles in space, travel­ liam C. Westmoreland warned Saturday try. to Krist lng at 3,286 miles per hour and gain­ that the United States must maintain Kr~st stared back from between his a military sufficient to deter attack steadily as Earth's pull sPACE CENTER -- Astronauts two court-apPolnted attorneys w~th a by "potential enemies" until force be­ con/dent noth1.ng eou'Ld B'LtIe deadpan expression, his chin cupped comes archaic in international rela- then troubZe at th78 p01.nt. in hlS hands tions Miss MackIe's testimony came as the He added that the nation has been ~ -- GU1.ded m1.ss1.Ze des­ prosecutlon wound up ltS case against offered no viable alternatives by troyer has f1.re l.n eng1.ne roan. the bushy-bearded Krlst, on tr1al for anti-military protestors Sh1.p heads for Sub1.C vay. hlS 11fe in the kidnapping Addressing a special military convo­ Bell then called M1SS Eisemann- cation marking the l50th anniversary GEORGIA -- Barbara Jean Maa­ Schier to the door of the courtroom of Norwich University. the Armv Chief He uient1.f1.es her kuinappers and asked "Have you ever seen that of Staff said. "Because our nation l.n COUl't. girl before?" must have sufficient power at its dis­ Miss Elsemann-Schier, who is to be posal to dissuade the use of power a­ WESTMORELAND -- Army Chuf of tr~ed later in the summer for the kld­ gainst us by another nation. we must btaff addresses speouu m1.Z1.­ napping, smiled sllghtly as M1SS measure our military needs by the mi­ tary convoeat1.on. MackIe sald, "Yes, slr, I have She's litary capabilities of potential en­ the glrl I talked to that n~ght " endes. " Bl£o. HAWAII -- K1.Zauea erupt- A crowded courtroom sat hushed The Un~ted States must have a mili­ 1.719'. durlng M1SS MackIe's 30 minutes of tary establishment which can deter war testlmony, during wh~ch she told of "until the time when force and vio­ DISSIDENTS -- Corteges aZZ the horrifYlng 82 hours she spent ln lence no longer dominate international over the countrll eont1.nue to a ventilated coffin-like box in a relations." haw probZli11Is. wooded area north of Atlanta He said protestors against our de- EARTH FROM 26,000 MILES OUT -- lS the fense effort 'weaken ratner than subject of thlS photo transmltted back strengthen our nation." by the Apollo 10 Astronauts In fore­ "Change f or change's aake is their ground 1S part of the Lunar Module , thing' ". Westmoreland told the uni­ Safeguard ABM System Scheduled 11nked to the spacecraft versity's 1.100 cadets and their At 5 28 pm EDT, the spaceship cros­ guests. ses the "great divide," the point 206, For Congressional Discussion Soon WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Late next month the showdown on the SAFEGUARD ~ssile De­ 454 miles out where the spacesh~p es­ Guardsmen Keep Ready capes the dominance of Moon's gravita­ fense System likely will get underway in Congress where some opponents now re­ tional pull and falls fully into the luctantly consider the poss~bility the controversial project will be approved grip of Earth For Renewal of Violence ~n some form A humorous exchange between ground No erOSlon has been detected ~n the slim Senate majority wh~ch opposes Pres- control and the pilots occurred dur­ At No. Carolina A & 1 ldent Nlxon's proposal, but ln the House there is a solid majorlty approval ~ng the afternoon when the pilots were ThlS could mean the lssue would be settled, or seemingly so, in a conference (UPI) A portl0n of the Nat~onal told a special welcome was planned for cOIllIIl1ttee Guard force was withdrawn from Greens­ them on the island of Tutuila ~n Pago "The sltuatlon lS that Nixon can have the ABM un~t 1n one way or another, but boro, } C , Saturday but remalned in Pago, 400 miles east of their splash­ it wll1 cost him," one veteran legis­ down area the city to avert any renewal of vinl­ Flash Fire on Destroyer lator said Controllers told the Astronauts that ence at troubled North Caro11na A & T What happens lf the Senate elimln­ Gov Owen Aspinwall would personally Univers1ty, one of the latest targets Kills Four Crewmen ates the system from its authorlzation supervise the welcome, and Stafford of nationwide campus unrest for defense spending and the House 1n­ SAIGON (UPI)-- The U S guided mlS­ replied that the Governor doesn't In Berkeley, Calif , Chancellor Roger eludes it in the lower chambers' ver­ have to go tp any special trouble " Heyns of the University of Cal~fornia s~le destroyer King, serving as a con­ sion of Pentagon operat~ons is subject Jack Lousma, ground communicator had overwhel~ng support from the fac­ trol pOlnt for naval rescue aircraft ln to all types of conjecture came back with "I didn't read the ulty for hlS peace-making move ln the the Tonkin Gulf, was hit by a flash The odds are lt would be lncluded ln last sentence Here it says maybe "people's park" controversy fire 1n an eng~ne room last night which a conference committee report Slnce there will be dancing girls there But In Boulder, Colo , the Universlty of killed four crewmen, milltary spokesmen the conference members would be drawn now you know " Colorado chapter of Students for a demo­ said today from Armed Servlces cornm~ttees of both Young then interrupted with cratic society (SDS) is looking for a It was not announced how many persons chambers where the system has some of "Oh, well, if he wants to go to the new home The universlty Board of Re­ were injured in the blaze WhlCh raged its strongest support special effort " gents voted 5 - 1 for disaffil~ation of for 80 minutes before being put out Such would mean a second vote in the the SDS This means that the ~litant Defense Department offlcials in Wash­ "Yeah," replied Lousma, "I thought Senate--an attempt to Wln approval of you would change your mind " leftist organization must give up its ington sald the K~ng was involved ln the committee report The apollo 10 pilots were sweeping office space in the Student Center, can "routine search and rescue operatl0ns " Today, Senate Democratic Leader Mike behind the Moon on their 31st orbit not hold campus meetings, and is barred at the t~me of the lncident They said Mansfield said the ABM had a ' 50 -50" when they fired the rocket that sent from publicizing lts act~vities un the another ship, not ident1fled by the Na­ chance of passage He was referring them streaking toward home at 6 26 am, campus vy, will take over the King's dutles to the original vote on the leg~sla- EDT A Navy spokesman sald there "was no tl0n, however lessening of naval capabilities" be- "The Ad~nistration could win by one Diplomats Cancel cause of the flre aboard the King of two or three votes but that's what Spokesmen here sald the King is com- they called in Roman days a Pyrrh~c Rockefeller's Peru Visit manded by Cmdr John D Scull of San v~ctory," Mansfield said Diego, Calif , and is carrying a crew LIMA (UPI)-- U S diplomats today His reference to a vlctory at too of 396 men great a cost follows closely the canceled plans for New York Gov Nel­ The King was able to steam from the son A Rockefeller's visit to Peru thoughts on other ABM foes Tonkin Gulf, off the Nor~h V~etnameqe The Senate vote has the Dossibil - and made preparations to comply with Coast, toward the Subic Naval Base ln Peruvian demands for the withdrawal of ities of opening a Pandora's bn...
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