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' . ' BC Players prepared for 'The Homecoming' By LA,RRY DUNN for bringing such a low woman into lhc aclion being worked OtJt berorc . Staff Writer his house; Ma)(, along wit ti his sons, him. Thr Homecoming is coming to .'Lenny and Joey, and his brother· : . · BCI This Harold Pinter play will be · Sam·, begins making passes at her in . · Webb stresses that t.his pJay mlMI presented this. weekend an~ .next · .. Teddy's presence. · · · . be considered ADUL T'thcarre. It ii · · wee k. en d : Fe b . u,.c.. 7 , an d 13 , .·14 ,· ·m not for.those whose notlon5 of faffli.. the BC Theatre. Admission is free 10 . The very familiar-!lul at the · ly relationships are confintd to tJw ASB cardholders; $2 to others.. . same lime outrageous"'7behav,or of Jcvd of ihe Walton clan. The · · · demands. on the v. iewer"".""'as well .. '~. .The. following cast. is featur .. d· .·. thed. familyd' members · · h is the key to on the ·actor-are greater than ln ·. Bill Adams· as M"w. ·, Ea· rl. Corn"l.1 as un erstan 1ng t e playwright's . "" ~ many other productions, but. the Sam. ·,. M'1ch-ael Hew,'tt as L,.n·ny·,. ,· meth<;>d,· according1· h -- lo- Hank--- Webb, rc\11ards. .ar·e also greater;. Webb. Michael Clark as Joey·,· Steven . director.• ''T e dark; unmentior1ed d · · h b ·d · · . re. els. "It isn't often that BakersrJCld.. · Thomas.as.·Teddy·, ·Jan"ice Banducc·,· es1res· t at .we ury as eep as we · has the· chance. to see th~ work of as Ruth. Assistant director is Eric can are brought out irito !he light by Har~ld Pinier." he comments .. : • Sodergren. Pmler', Naturally, this can be a little disturbing. But that's wh.at theatre Further plans for the current . Action of the play centers on the is for!" He notes, however, that the semester include presentations of . : ·power struggle among the members greatest value ofihe play is as enter-. Under ·. Miik wood, by . Dyt:an . :. of a· family. · Max, the father, a . tainment: th.ough it could be see.n as· Thomas, .directed by Dr. Ro~rt · · retired butcher; .. is an -abusive an intellectual · puzzle on many · . Chapman. and Ten Linfe Indians; .·· patriarch. who .· rules . .in an at- · levels, the overall. reaction .of the by Agalha · Christie, directed by •. mosphere of muiualsuspicicm. The . viewer should be that of pleasure at Webb. · artful/ cutting dialogu'e often. 'is · more import.ant as a rri~ihod ~f at- . tac~. than as a meaningful exchange ·B· l .. ··k: ~LJ_·· . (·. ·· .·. . · ~A-~ ' f.;.z. · . -or~i'deas:-Tnsul~owever:"'are ex- -· •·.. .·. -... -a.. c.~···. ·. .·.· ':__fi,.... j~ -o·r1, ·}. -J. y~ vn --. ·f.·.l .. ~. changed in plenty,' as well as afew . • J . physical thrusts. . . . . • . • • . ,· . . . .• In :a~o~e.w.fi~i seeoy_old.house in .. • act1v1 ties. p anned,• '. .. . i~ .· -.'! · London li~e' Max and his happy all- . _ : ' 11 ,\J;;,, ' . male family: The oldest son, Teddy, --,. A' . ... ·. . sh· ..· 11 ...... 1c···' _ .. · ~..v.;\\,i::k . relurning after six years of teaching ·.1·.',Y .1.. e·.··a.··.·.· __ .:. - · · · • · · · · · · · ·· : philosophy in· the· United States, ~a.Y-.··... o ... ·., ... ·.· :,· ·.· .· .. e .···... ,.···_o .. ·.... s.'./:-'~n.·. •: ~lll~HS-NOT a wm~ling 111aft'h.' U's'a !!Cf~ from Harold Pinter's p·t.;, "jhe'Homec.on11ng;1f,prese~ted by ih~ BC brings his wife° Ruth home to in·· .. d~ama ~epar,lmenl, slarlln~ Friday ill 8 p,11'1, Int.he: ,11_door Theater; Standing (lert fo right) are E:arl Cornell as Sam, · troduce her to his family. After ca{ . F~bmary is 81.ick. History Month, and the Black Student Union and · ·. HiU Adams II!, Max, Michael Hewlll as Lenny,~nd Stephen Tliomas as Teddy. On the rug areJanlce Banducci as Rulh ing her :a fart, and abusing· Teddy. • Black Culturitf ce'nter' of Bakerst'ietd ·College have a wide variety of· and Mike C:lark as Joey. (Photo: Scoll Rice) · · · · · · · · · ac-: ·.· ti vi.ties plarin~d .to celebrate ihe occa~ion. The_ executi~e council of the BSU: . i~vites e~eryone tci 6articipate .in the following activities: . . . . ·: ·' ..· Starting 'today, there will he 'a Sw~e»siakesTicket Sale; at 'one dollar per .. ·. ticket. Winning tickets will bedrawri by. the Black History Queen at a ban~ . quet to be held in the BC ~afc;teria oil February28, 9·11 :30 p.m: Firstpri~ wil_l bea his/her Islander bicycle. Second prize is a $25J.Jnited States Sa~­ ings ~ond, The thi.rd prizewinner wiJJ receiv~:_a McDcm'ald's gift certificate •.· For next week's Black Hisiory. W~ek observance, activities schedul~ begin tvfonday F'ebruaiy 9,':. at 11· :a.·m.; .when BC dean of students' Dr• . Richard Wr'ighl and Bakersfield Mayor Maiy K': Shell spealdn the Fir~idi . .'Roo·ni; followed .bY the .film;. To Be Young, Gifted and BlaC"k at 12:30 •p.m. From 10 a:rn. to ·3 p.m.,. the rock~n-roJI group "Blue Sky Band" will pe(~ ·. form in ihe €am pus (enter. . .• ...... AI. d :n· ec· o'm·,·e ·s· . KC c D: CT'A. .-·h· '. /e.-.··.· a··..·:d• .·. • .: s,!~;~~~~,::~r~;[i\!o;h6tw~2;~0,i;li~:s~dem:J!%:B/ock History~Losl, . R·- ~ · · . · . · .- . _ · · · · ' .··. · ·. · · . · W~drie~day;- .Feb'r.uar{_ 1_i_, a·t l0:30 a.m· .•. sp~cial. gue~t ~peaker John : :: · . . · · · · · · · ' · Austin wrll be m the F1res1de Room, and will speak agam .in the Indoor , '1 .,Charge} ~gatlls; t. :OiSttict· •··· P. eri ding ·• ·. ·· · ·· ~!~f.~:::~fig~~~~:~:l~~~J.~~¥·~::£:::s ~~:s~ •··.·. :'· · · -- . -,· .·. · . . . . ·· · . · · . . - - · : · · · · ·. · · · . Cl• . Thursday, February 12, is -Lincoln's Bi~thday. By .. WALTER· STORMONT. CTA attorneys . in· Burlingfime, pfactice. charge \Viii be .withdrawn: .of the ter~iriatect medicai assisting .. · · · .. Edi1or-in-Chie(: . . • Calif: . · . Let theif be good fai(h:;~ ·. • . ' . program ii the instructor'.s- salary. . . . . - ()n January.i2, Reid ;addresse4 Alsh: add-ressing .the Board was · .. · · · · · - 0 < Accordinf-16 John Reid,.· r,resi:. . !he KCCD Board.:or'Trustees·, prais- . BC _French instr~ctor R-ichard' Aisd, he wondercd, .. How' cart the · -dent . of: Othe',Jocal ,chapter of the -. in(fo.rmer piesid~~t Close. '••1·w<1n,!) .Duax, :one of th~ eignt .faculty .. Board _justjfy • 1· d di. F' . b . . The recipient . for the service . represe_ntative each won $100. Willy Darlene Moore, Jackie Joseph and Shirlene Williams. The Black History -.::IF··. 1· 1ng. ea l·Ile e- . 12 .award was Bob Giroux, f.:ill ASB Cunningham and Sherrill ·Nixon . King candidates are Anthony Maiden, Darrell Walker and Timocby · president. Chief Justice Randall· each w'on $50. Maynard. Gray and Publk Relations Di{ector ------· Yvonne W "1illiken, Associate order ICI allow adequate lime .to Frank Mesa earned the leadership Service . awards were given to ': ~an of S1uder.t Services, an­ compute the grade point average, f.1ward and development award, Alice Pinkerton, college business Radio stations to play :_: ~unc~ that the dudli~ date for perform the certification, and respectively. Giroux and Secretary manager and Bob Day, bookstore :~ '. ftling apr,li,:at•o;-., f0r 1981-82 Cal return the form back to the st'udent Kelli Johmon tied for the most in­ manager. ·· Grant~ 4.. B. and C ;, Februarv I 2. ro, ma:ling. S.1th the SAAC and the spira1ional a"'ard Rol'lin Haqrngs, Guesl <~aker for the e,·ening was in volleyball game · 1981. Cal Grants a,e 0ffered "" :he SL:;-;-,1emen1 m:.iq be po~! marked no dirC"c'.,)' 0f ac'. .·•1e, .,.,th a. 4.0 Dr. John Collins, BC president, as rr:an Februan 11. 19~1 10 GP.\. .. ·]~ · ~e a"' ar.: f,)~ h,Fhe<.t Slec.e of Californra. !O qual:fie.: rate, he gave a very in,piraliona.l talk on Rid10 \t.aff~ of ~at,ons KBCC "both t~~ h.an very lo¥ety I 31 I recei,e com1dera11on GP-'< The hi@hliii:ht of the ~cn,ng "'inner i,. students planning t ran<.fer [() four. defining '"hara al'\d Jo.'. K XX w,ll compett 10 a :har we 'll&nted'to let pmy." \1illiker. '.J'!Ze-< ai, !'amkr, ni , : -: year ,chools and a.ho to ,t udents .ol~ll ~ Wedncw1.a, ar • The l&mc IS D0t tJx nr. d'falt .• g. ,·enrolled ,n .::ommun1t~ ;:ollct~ >tu.knr, 11,'ic ... dl enter four,,ear p m ,n ttlC 9C nm Ttckru are on 1un1or\ p.-omore the lt.abOD mil ,... ,-. .~ ;_. ~bllity for Cal Grants r. base(j s.chools ~ to appl, for Cal \..Ill~ ,n 1~ BC uclcet offia at SI for h,d11< 5tlfl0fl sporlllOrtd - A ,,,,,. .; ! ~ ftnancial ~ and 1nd1, 1dual Grant A .... a.n a"'.ird thar par, ldults and 30 emu for children 12 ,..._y aad "KBC'C 0.," lirrlt'. ·:,:·p&Qt nq•iremcnts. Applicant, ru,tion and f~ ar four.vea• and under. ~hoots ln addH1on. man, other Vftl esur. ta &Jr fwl:a c .._ 9 S · '"c'ti.-t.file a Studt'flt 4.Kl Appl,cat,on Dr. Martin Luther 1'nc ~ IS the bnJndb)d Of h<)l)es -·to - ...... ~ ~ t El ' • _;.:' ftf Cahfom,a (SAAC1 arul a Cil ~luMnts on .:-amr,u< ... !'\,) are ~r~u­ Rid\ard 9roWTJ. Jr.. promotioo ....., ., iq 1,oc.anonal DfOframs ma, ~ VO,.'-N!"'4yblll~ to _... Pi • I ..fll": ~,, · Orut Su~t The suppkmcnr director o< KBCC. A.:coidi,. 10 ehSJ~ to 1pPl, for a Cal Grant C. t~. . ) • \'.: ·i~a ~fntion oft~ apph­ King Remembered: 9rO'Wff, tJle PU1l)(* of the 1W 15 -.,btdl ~ funds for books and ' ::~t '• potat avuaac P,04D(lCJt tlW •ltioa. ..W. rr••~ ,uppties. to •o•• t:• 1'e.ifore.. dlM portioe of the ap- lie rana c:011t.:ted llXX Uld .­ Furt~ 1nformatl0f'l n availab~ Stt poee 6 ,,>;P rm - be sllbmined 10 the P...... nil die .... o( /_:.. M Md OfflCJt • Bu:enfield ( l'OC'D the Financial Ald Office. St• • 1 t rtrct I ._ ...... _ dent Sen,i,cu Bwldiq. , a , - - ' .. .._..._,.w,lm ._ • t 0 P • c I f 7 ,, .

..._, ,-,...... • . \ ·C

'' RENEGADE RPP MONDA\', j.'f.ftRUARY 2, 1981 PAG£3 RENEGADE RIP Dear Jon. Equal time for homosexuals·

about my parents? Do you think a .lime when homosexua_ls wer~:l,ess they are afraid of something? Have known about and thus less acce(!>ted any hirits to give me?. making what was unknown '··11n· Thank you ·for your help and wanted, time, I really like your column: As far as your parents told you, I Female Annonymous. won't say to abandon. your-.gay Dear Female A,nnonymous, ·. friends, but. maybe . give· Your From your de'sc,ript1on, I would heferosexual friends equal time: 1,:.m say that your parents are afraid of · not saying to be sneaky arid. Jo something happening to you by be· things behind your parents' b11cks, ing close friends with gays. H's a . but don't give them any reasoil~to naturai ihing for parents to worry worry. 1· think the best"backinf for a~d want ~he best non-hazardous little worry is the fact -that you have situation for their children, and nol been associating with them for a wanting you to .be around gay peo• long lime and nothing has llappen- . pie is just part of their coricern for ed. · · you. . . Jon It shows all open mind on your bear Jon· part t6 accept people for their good clo Renegade Rip·. · aspects and to overlook .their less CC I desirable traits. But don't think of .. 1801 Panorama Dr. your parents as closed-minded peo­ Bakersfield; CA '' . pie, because ihev were raised durin~ 93305 .... ' ' New ASB officers' take charge . '' Weekly _Calendar :•

Monday,·February 2 •

. 7:;,(), a.m.- FJn,ii~~e Co~-~fue-e 1 E,c:tturlvt:eo~r:d ·R00ni_ -· 11:30 1.m. AcU..-111f'! s·oard,' E1e(u.llve•Ji{Jt·t\1:Rodm'.;.:\/1.. ·i: 4:00 p.in. · llan Pol Ass0

.· Tu-esdaYt· February J ' '

' lly PATRICIA PATTERSON . · ll)~ke them proficient in a ~areet' of · 8:30.a:m; · -E:OPs·,.E,i_ttutlve- ·»oard·R.oOm· 1_1;30·a.'n1; -~Pre-:i_iiW Soclely, E1eclliltre BOard Room . Staff Writer . . their choice. . .. 11::JO a.m. · Choptl Club; Flrtsld• Room C• • _·Keit1J Trombetta,~ blind\i';,dcnt> .· ••( am''cl'l1otio11all~. _a_nepai,iment, ~ool stud icd'. mobility- ;le-orieniaiion · B-110 -. _<;_ash le/· (Truck· Siop) ~~ri 8-4 p._m; T,W-,TH:2-B p.m,,.SJ.~ p~r hr .. .. 6:30 p.in. · Ski 'Clo_b, flrnld.• Room· . brailling an,J typing, Soinestudenl; ' Trombella feels the·. support .he P1r1~t1me "pti'miln·,_nt j;iOsJUon. _ · . . 7iJ0 p.tn. ·11:as-kttb~1fG1me~BC \'s Vall~y~ Valley .. HS,tl.l Mtdlral Assistant . have Icarried l)r,iil_ling a5 . has .. - received froni _fam,ly and', friends ~-_f·4~ hr_S;.,.,k=; 53!50 pt_r hr~- Must ha\lc e11;- . ·- . . p·erfence._ Position In De1a·no: . . . Trt_,inint_n1_ i>OSt- ._. ·. 7!30_1).m. -· BUkeib:all-Bt--.s··Ei_Camln~, a·c·. ·: · · ,.- · · '. _, . . ___ . . _. ... , .· . . . . . _. ._ · fi~ult ·to. gather enough interest_· to .• p~r,ons become blind. and_ <:>r foin- · desire fo exceH and do well will ca,;y • . _ tiO_n.: ·- . ~ . . - _ ... -. ·.. _ -.. -.-7:JO_p-.m~ ·. Wre!Uinjt.sci1e· M~1 •C Rio Hondo'~ -Rfo ucjn·~fo -' ' By TONY LACAVA . more classics. determine how bad it _act11ally is. .· dicapped afrcr growih, development. .·him' on)o further his education at · FS•.ll.l Cook - - Kerr.u·cky Fritd ,Chlc~en, 10601 M"-ln S1;~ La- , · !l:00 p,m;· . ·p,rlotfflin~e of "Tht:HorD_t'Co_mlng,''.. SAM ThNl.ief. ·.. ' ' ' ' . · Spprls' Editor · . There'· were the usual ·11111ltitudes · of Johnsop, · . The. plot of the film is interesting and the_ formative learning. yea·rs, . Fresno Slate. or San jose State,' . __ l"Oont,- CA. Appllcallo11s· now bt·111g·_1ak'en. _ Registration is a funny game, and there's no better Jacksons, and Joneses, but the Gonialeses, to mfsur·. _ enough. Certain people are born . . \. 1hertby nccctii1g ~. re":oricntati~~ ··wtiatever is besi ror me,'' ·2Q~~5 ___ hijf"'.k eirn(.ig; rOtallng day! ·off,. Salurday ;. Ftbi:ul'Y ·7 · pa"rt-rrm·e :- P!~rllan¢~··-. PDsltJons. :, NO ti!;• : way · to state. it. !Javing-:worxed·relentlessly-:--anhe'--- · pri~e. gave the old favoriiesa~\in for the money. • .. ' • with a ~trong mental. abiUty which -',/, ~ 1,.~ , (. u~ ,,, l>lt, N'lfll . · .· ·;;it: . loward1he learning sk.ills that wili · Trombeitas~ys.' ,', ,. p-erlenc·,.-ntft!.Sa')'. . $3._35_- Per.- hr_. 7:3-0·a.m. · Pl_1ri, Jlefrts~.t-r_.Cli~lclRObin D-i~ids_o~;-roi-um W~t I . 1 i:esistration (handing OUl~ards) for agood 17 v, hours. i:here were black~ople, white people, Mexican peo. c enables them to control th"emi11ds oi ' . ' ' .' ' ' ' . . ' ·. ' . . ', ,,... ; ...... 8:00 p.-m. · P_e'rto"!Tianct Or "The HomK"omln_g,'' SAM Thttltt· . • : 1!3n honestly say' I learned the 'ins and outs of a lrnly pie, Chinese, Japanese, COY/boys ail?d scanner is portrayed by column w!II Include ihe purposes death ofrhe famed John Lennon; C . . -- . ~es-and th.e rude ones would always lelthe worker.~· · killed himself, giving the thousand or· so onlookers a · . Stephen Lack. He is ~ell named, for' ind funcl_lons of the various gov~tn- · brought before the board ii request ty? I · know just how smooth_ thefrprocess was going, "Whad- heart attack at' the same time:· . · . . he lacks ·all acting ability.- Lack . -· Ing bodies on this campus. The Rip to pain\ a temporary mural of Len- · If Yf:S is the answer to any of these qu·estions you want EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION •. dya mean you don't have a card for me!?'' screa·med a . What killed me was that a' good number of students r~ites all· of his lines in deadpan slaff would appreciate any views non. He gave a superb presentation . to see Judy G!!rret!, BC's speech therapist, . . _ . • 'tlt'Omal) wh_o was too b!g for me to talk back 10. "No never even showed up to register. They had others do it · manner, whet'1er the script calls for and/or: responses concerning· lhls of facts and staiistics, ·including·· This service is free to BC students. Call 395-4334 or . HAS. . ALWAYS. . .·BEEN IMPORTANT• wonder," slie mumbled as she.stormed away. "This is for them. Either that or they were just plain ashamed to · it or not. All aspiring actors and ac- col11m11 or ariy ASB acllvlly- . comments from' his conversations · Man learned at a very early age that good ideas have to be : ... froni .,.;ritirig term papers and doing oral presentations, 395-4366 or drop by her office in Lib. 109 for an ap­ " UC." And ler me give you some awice, coach ·admit who they were. ·"My brother's gone skiing," said tresses should see Lack's per for- Board of Represel)tatives meeJing: with BC Presldent Dr. John Collins heard to be effective. So he devised his own method of to communl~iatilig with friends, parents and parsons of . · pointment. getting those ideas across. Today, on _the job, .. or iri authority, And whether you're looking for an interns)1ip or . ) . ~lis ... _· if you ever crQss paths with this hunk, sign one unfortunate stand-in, <>I just thought I'd register mance so they know what mistakes 1/27/81 - 12:JO p.m. · and Assistant Dean of Student Af, school, communicaliori're'mains a vital part of our world'. a (ulHinie job, we've got Ipads of in(o to help Yl>U get there.· ti;!r up. She's a mean one. And to thin~ people like her for him>• - · · · · to avoid making. · Newly elected. ASB ·President fairs David J. Rosales. The board Which is exactly what we'll b'e talking about in the upcom· With tips on how to write a persuasive resume, handle-an getting a free education. . "Gadzooks," J thought, "we should all have ''Scanners'.' is nor scary. The only Randall. Gray · welcomed board unanimously' approved ihe request ing issue of "Insider".,- the free supplement to your col· interview gracefully, use the telephone effectively, and , ·: -· are . lege newspaper from Ford. much more. /'. : ~isitors' ages ranged from high school students (sign. brothers like that." Uhh, no offense Gino. . suspense you feel is when you. members to the new ,semester and and the mural will be displayed in 'V . . • -•• - ._ . . . • . We'll tail you how to improve your communication'skills Check out the next issue of "lnside"r," and while You're look· '.-' illf up for night classts) to a jolly, yet stooping, 90-year- · Besides watching aU the confusion, there are other ad- wonder if you'll get your money encouraged everyone to work close- the campus center as . soon as ing, be sure to check out Ford's great new lineup for-198f, · ·o14 white-bearded fellow. The elderly man was looking vantages in working at registration. And the way I back from the theater. At times ly together. Lapiarre completes it. All materials Including Escort, the new wo[ld car that's built in America · r;t his weekly square dance class in the midst of all the figure it, with tHe 40 br so dollar~ f earned in my new- there are scenes which arc gory, but ASB Vice-President Kelli· are to be donated. to take on the world. fltistration confusion in the cafeteria, and he even gave found profession (yes those generou, officials even their only purpose is to wake up the Johnson mentioned ·"Rene-Faire,"' · The board approved the appoint- ;:' iq:a good old time foot-stomping demonstration. payed us) J can pu_t a down_ payment on a book for one remaining members of the audience 'formerly the BC Open House,as the ment of Kurt Beerline as temporafy UNLESS YOU ·· FORD , . :i'nd tlle nJ1mes in my file box!!! Twinkle, Friday, of my new classes·. · who haven't already walked out. If "main event of the spring." Rene- Associate Justice to the student PRINT YOUR '· ~. Grau. Grubb<. Baker, Barker, Batisti, Oh well, registration was somewhat of a hassle, but you like an entertaining film, don't. Faire is planned for May 15-16. court by the pr=dure set forth iri. FORD DIVlSION ~ !( ...ista. Cle -1he} were beautiful' l'nfortunately, I on· truly an experience ... One i'II probably remember for bother with "Scanners." I only Frank Mesa, Freshman Class Article II, 56:tJon 4, Clause I of OWN ••• ~. ~handltd lc1ters "-·Kand P1'0bab!, m11sed OJ: oc a ,,, a Jong, long 1ime. recommend "Scanners" 10 anyone President slated the three· main your ASB Constitution s, · who has trouble f,111,ng a.sle,:p goals of tbc·freshm.i.n class council:· Nolt: Bec:a- 1lw Studfft CoGrt 1) A spring concert, 2) Proposed •oved IIJ -ti•& ti- to 11:30 By RJCK GIBSON and JOHN MOTZ s'-'ap m«t to ge~ate fund, for the •·•· Tlianclays, Ml lafOf'alliM . .t ~,;--;-5 ~--d ?J S"'"-...:::r,, r r-.e,· (,j,':'l?"j up""··:, e-.,:..,.~"I r{l"~;lo cc-·,e:t A.SB. ~d 3) A chdd ,:.are facil1t; for WM 1•aa.biol to t.M Rip 1t preu -.,:;-_.:,.)11:,,~,~ cr,j r.;'"' er:,- t1 ,~, (•,':( !,) ; .. s, t"l;.r ~""·.::;-·1-;,.~r s,:,.. ,:.'-:c;1- p, f.~c r-..:.,s~ -~,j '",:., r:.c· •, i:"~ ~·:.-·, p.:·,s S'.-00 o r,.:-·"'1l:1e-,~~-: ..... p·.s,:1:v -- t·:-:• ~s-..;.c·J~;:>t~ -.,.~.-~ ~-:-J1e "":,··, "-J .:.,... y:-.. 1 :;~·~ ·; ''! c·~,) w:.<', ··J 1.:,.: l ,· ----"-X.."-' ....., _ __, cc':"',-ss-:·. :·. 1"~ ,._r (vc~ ,.. .. '° ~,·:.:·.-.-. c·~ c,::.-:--,;,;.,:· ·,, ~-;·J 11 e,.-·~r ·~·:· -~ -: 'r · ·:-'. ;.· -...... o oll"·· • -~ w:.-"',:I y,:_,J'71'"-1(:".:~·~-:. ~;.-:··.·_ •, ,i,-:: .. -·.·.1;.:,,;l:,.r•.::~·-;c·10 _.. ·.;~r~·:·.1···_.>,:•·.~·Jl~,:,·_-·;;:,,··1 ··~~-\f'"Y"' J3r,·,:"'.-~- ,:-, ;:-, o l • ,.,(fl! o ·, I 1 .• -.,.. ;:---, f/!l • ,e,• ¥' <;.~. • "! ·,,."' 'j ~. ( !, · ';"~ (. I -~ ~· "'> 1(/'.lc ··.\.4,,0,,-JT\. ;.:.",:·,n"i;::-s 1·,1W-"!("•;r•c":IC~I(- :>~.:-o ,Ir F•-·co -~ :• 'o ''C'J ii C:: St;C~ r"v'! :":"",:-; l.o~~ 'J 1tr:;( 1·J ,-.;-..!! r··_r f··.···':"'>.-.--.,...... ~1···''"'~.:-: e,-d~ Y.::•J.\C::!-:.:·.~o• .. v·-,;.., • -1(~',j ,:I··;:,-..-., . .. f Conta.:1· AerL";Sp2ce ~ruaies ('al:f~c~ a''"' l'· .,·,.:-·. Fre,--' : : : _AJ.i 11· O..HII ,._IMcz ~,.. EN1 WICI T-, I ,a ..... 7 • ... ,. , a ,on ...... re ,,,______.::,- '.':'f'-O't •,:i O .1'".-0' -o-,, -:l' •• _____., .. __ ~ ._a•- "1 , 7

f, .,,_-. -· MONl>A \'. t"FHRllAR\' 2, 1981 · , . . ,. R[NEGAD[ RIP MONDA\', fEJIIIUAR\' l, IMI • 1{Nursing program does 'health' o a job \ Mission Impossible? for - NOt BC~ ... . ~, . ' - f1 . By J . L . s toop.s section may. he an amusing and frivolous 1ask·, the same th crap· y. These_ grads are nol exclusive to health care, ha la lion specialists. arc bµt a few·. The Medlcai'Assistant. _ . · By TONY LACA y A Center Brady Wilburn lofted in our best pl11C. We played with a lot average finished with ,... ! st> \ .. '. ·. Sfaff \Vritcr call of nalur~ in 1hc gerialrics warlfnan eat'ned every one Carloe, Harper, ·one of 1hree ponents 37-18 in that Clllcpl)';· ,: · ., ; Ins their employers_? These. queslions arc possibly 111001 . Wirh the passi'1g years, nurses arc being delegated . medical field, a~cording to Burdick. ' · herenl 10 present health facilities: In· a small' office, this .! · Renegade cagers· scored a of his season-high 18 points on. sophomores on lhe Spirit roster, led 'Gade forward Eric Mui• ias« )'. l·: J,o~cver, as1ud.en1 pt1rsuing a degree in llealth c~rec" with more and more of 1he duties 1ha1 were formerly the _ . . exp~rtise may be mingled with occasional nurse duties. ; humiliating 102-62 disaster over the smooth turn-around jumpers. He Missi1>n with 16 points. Teammate a game-high 11 boards and ntlrhd ( can lpok forward to enjoying lhcsc privilege,. sole province of.the doctor and, with the:added-rest,on-. Ad\lilional ~arcer opp'oflunities offered al BC include A one-year course of study ls_requir~dfpr th[s training .. f L.A .. Mission-Ftee~Splrirsr)a:sr-also-·grabbed seven rebounds and Nelton Robenson;-wh·o eqtercifthe with JO pointa: Wednesday in the BC gym.· ny-swalled lwo Mission shots .. · \ Thire are· apprQximat'cly 350 separate spc~iali~ed sibilily, comes advanced and more complex educalion, Emergency tech I (amb~Jancc allendanl) or the 4dvanc- . . . I. contest sportina a healthy I 7::flOlnl . carctrs In the heallh care area. N\1rscs in particular arc Burdick explains. Many of lhe· studenl n.urscs lean ect'kvd Paramedic. Th'e latter requires one semester of Burdick regrets there are no local educatiorial The loss was rlo surprise 10 Mis, . · Scoll Smith; llC's mosl prolific· In.short supply and currently in grca1 demand, observe, lowar RODRIGUEZ: i'l lhink > ·:·· • The tal(and groJr, discussion is '. Mike Quarry is ~tit again! .. . mm~)as well. Quarry had al\Yays _..,,, mov;e.down the road. · . lhev should have been released· : Corisid.ered to be one of the top ,- . collsidered F~sJer-t~b~th~t · Ge'iiing. ~ack to Mike;".-ac"ft-er-.-.•- ·eariier; ·. il11t 1. undersra~d- Why ·_- .• aimed ~f ahd 'fcir anyorte \vlfri"i?ini ,· l~re.sJe'f irt;fearning ,how 1.o balaii"ce • : b9xers to ever setfoot in a boxing . fig. h\e. ~ Qf a11 _._11111e: with the poss1b__ 1.e .. mcctj~g .t~e ntari, _on.: e carin?t :help·-·.·· \'. \ · lhey i-'•re: not, ,aflcI c,;nsiderinR 0 . ' . . . ~' ...... - .;. : -/ .. {ririg; Quarry has dedded to enler excet>hon qf A.rcht~ Moore. Now he ~111 wish h,m luck ,n Austrabii. Any . J : ~, . ... . --·. .. ·.· · '. : lhc·c,mdilioils.•·· .. and-•mlin!ai11· a: b'usYsched ule>J-:!al ! ...... - . - .. . '. the boxing•·wars ha}dcf . that saw ·him fight onlf twice since lhe 1>erson i.1t .the ring, . ·.. · .· being born'ir1 the same era as Foster. ·• 'Vit~oui i6}~fcrairt·J1°w much o,·· Skills 70 :· . . Music appreciation of:f e,red ...... · Also addmit to lhe p~essure was Jfot Quarry more than luck time does.,a.person devble 10 school' .. . . _ .·· .· , • . . . . . ·.. ___ · • .. : . : .. , . . ·. . . ., : 1977 has on . . Quarry i~ scheduled to fight the pre,fight hype , ~y ;J:loward . his side this time; having di~coveted .· (e~ponsibillties/a. paienHng, : • II) coiHi~uoi1.s fighl ,to brihg ·. . is geared to new music studcills wh(i' •...· jo~. no. w. ·.·.· o.·. f. f.e. t,. ed.:_.. · ·.. ·. ' . : : ;,'I'~ . Alistralja;n light'heavy-weighl <;:osen,_ Cose•i. had drsd_amed t~~ · the love, of qod in. his lif~; Upon friendships, .·ho.bb_ies,. services, mus[c°to'ihe,hearis.or13cs1udeniS: are jn(eresled in increasing !heir . ~- ... chal]IP\£n Bunny Jolirts,;in Feb. usual·lttle Pf. <;Jreat White H~pe . boarding the, plane en-route to · • O'C (ch~r~h. PTA, etf,), and, hoiv. much.. ·. · ',;· · Dr. James ·Mason is co11duc1ing ih~ , kno'wledge of Prop,' rock and IUp . '. ''1iri\e nee'd a person 'deyoie? .· . ·. • .. : ·. Learning-Skills",70 is a ff~e:sectioii . newly icviseU M1L,ic Appre[iacion .· classical ritusie: No: lext 1s requfred . Sydne~; A11stralia; and.if everything for the fight '"- fav~r _of · The. ., QU!lff)"was seen wilh his \'ERNON_.GRt;t:N: .''Why did.· goes as the 8akersfield iad hopes, · Quarry brothers ver~ the s0:ul -- .· brother Robert:by his side and a .. · they wait until h1__augralio11 day to .•. Acccirdin& fo;{Ha!I :; it'.Ju depends : . dass'ia,1gh"i in ·1.,ib)'f 19 {Lca611ng . cl,;,( Th~ ihrce .unit cla',1:s ,,Yill be . for the clas_s.' . . ' . th~.IJohrison fight wili he a stepping brothers,''. referringt9 Mike and his Bible nnder ·hi~· arm giving· . . r_elease · lhe. hfisl_age.s?' .. :.. o_n :a\' perso~rs 'J)Jioril ies . and . Cenlcri:,- T~,.:0· d;i\s scheclu,lc'? are held each Monday. Wednesday anq .- ... : • 0:rgaHlzalion.of ifrrie, She suggests a available:.. Monday and \Vednesd3y .. ·.· r:dday al 10•_30 anJ i l: 30' a ,ni. The slone to bigger at)d better things, . · brothef Jerry bcith fighting on the · · · testimonY io his faith i~ the All . . ·. namely the elusive _lig~t. . same card agai~st Foster and Mighty. · ;: :·: . W?Y a p~rson''cao.' find. out ivhal . >at · 8:JO a_;,,. and 'Tuesdai·. and -course ·_: is . aimed at . giving" lhe .. ... ·. lt~vyweight. ·championship .of the . _· anothei'black box~r by the n~?1e of·_ · J'he fight .this · week against. i~ •. ftis/her . priorili~s· ·-·arc by . ''very. · .· Thursday ~i' i 2:30\i.tJ]: Tire d~ss. stu<,lcntSa 'view of 1hc general aspc'ct. . Ai"itLINE JOBS . . 1.: * h,0nesily listing' all the·, lhiilgs you· covers lime managemc'ni,' note lak<. of m1lsic. · ...... ' -- . . . ._ . - . . ' ...... wo.rld.:.. ·. · · · · · · . Muha_!Jlmed ·- Ah· _The '·_ s_oul · Johnson won't be a cakewalk for· ;-.' . . · l'or· lnrorrriallon-'-WiUe . AIRLJNEj : ·Quarry.is a man who, at 79 years -· br(lthers .. came .ou.t 0~ top 1>n this · Quarry, however, as Johnson hap-· ~- ... '· ·. need to do.choose todo; and want .... ing, texlbook reading,/~sl lakingj. Maso~ emph~si;CQ that lhe class . l'UBLISHING. CO., 1516. E. ;.~ . .\ f': . to do.'.' From \,here she will give . and mfmory. Th, prerequisite ·ror ,RO PICA NA 7A-iiO, , . of age;· has. orobably passed lhe warm summer evemngm La.s Vegas, pens to claiin the same God .. i:: :._, ideas 'and loo_{ for ways to share the.class i.\ a grade _of 64 or above on Ni-:VADA 89109, l~rlude ,i S limi(for his fights, aitd no serious i-..· ... For ni"orc informal ion Contact !he Call\395"4433. for Jun her ,.infQr- --remlnded 1!1 veriry'.tbeJr Spring ...... keep !heir inonev and assel~ wi)ile ... Women's Cent~r ilf 395'.4586. · ni~tion: ·: ·.·. boxer·• compiling an impressive believed ti that -.Y~Y, but not. ~b problem ellisted in pre11aring fo._r this ...·-_::-;, . -. i981 classes immediately wjl_h .. For Sale - -.. k~eping Iranian~ out of our coun­ reco~d iri the:process. Surely an ex- Fo.ster. Fos!er credited Quarry with fight, eit~er. No.ne Tharis, except a· ..... , tlie Vei~rans AHai~ qffi_ce: .·. j . .:·. : tri, unlil lhe)· lower lhe. price of ceptional accomplishment · for: a · bcmg . rhe toughest fi~hter he had little re-torung .of· the ol' pnysri,u_~ · .:. :> ·- 1 Bring lh!_readout··l_\'~ich con, " · FORMER 1()1' RANKED BOXER. Mlle Qnrry or a.kenfldd defflOllltrales JIOme Of Ille ...... UN .... t .,. , , . Oil.'' 1918 Riviera. Berkely jet, like. whiie kid who never reaily wanted · ever been matched against. ·, . . ·. "They used to say I ~d II big cnes( firms yotir c_lass schedule, :· · _- Assessment_ teSt~;,.pianned · new 464 T~ndem axle trailer · io fight in' the first.place, But that··· After the Foster fight, the mottva- but it's all behmd me now " said ptopel him towards the top In the llght-llavywelght division tight yean ago. Quarry, 29, ls.CllrttRtly la A•iiiCllfl'lllh! if no( rehjrnin!( in . the preparing ror a comebackJ1.oul with Australian champion B_unny Johnson .. chrome fenders hedders. 1977 wasn't where it elided. After his ii, tional drive had seemed to dissolve Quarry in the gentle tone ;f voice Students planning 10. enrollal Bakersfield Collefe during Summer sp'rlng for more tlian 6 unil_s, · BradltY GT·T-Top new VW .· i11strioµs amaieur ~areer; Quarry ·· in 9uar~y': alld his_ next 49 fights_. that has helped make him a favoii1,· session or Fali'seinester of 19~1 may lake asscssmeiit tests according to call_ 395'.4414' and notify the the following schedule. Results are used i"o · help counselors advis_c · engine & upholstery quad , ~igncd a contract to fight _his first · substantiated the poi,nt. Quar1?' lost of the bolting world. · · VA office Jo avoid automalic · students in selection of classes. Parlicipants should dress casually and · AM/FM S·track 30 M.P.G. pro fight on ·his iiith birthday in · io of those fights whtle struggling to o"ver-payment. BC vs major leaguers Sunday bring a snack. . ·. . . . . 872-0575 :1969 against James Dicks. · · a draw in five others, sllctching his JIMMY SANCHEZ: ''I th Ink lhe -' - ' A1sessment' inc.ludes English; ·Malhematics, ah? .Reading. Optional ·. Quarry had little !rouble in pro ~~ord !O. 69-11 •5· way rhe siluarion Was handled at · Advanced English Placemen! Essay· may be completed on any testing !llsposing of Dicks, and he was on . As for brotl,'er, Jerry, • !ht lime was good. Now _Iha! Ihey · day by those who have previously taken the objective English assc~s- · well ... Jerry's doing fine, thank . . his way. · · f rf · · 7 h d · ' Gade ·9 t6 get a sh,ot at the pros ilrt hack, lhe u .s. shn1iJd lrll !lie .. menl. . . Soldiers start college. ; Quarry's biggest moment in tlox- you. A ler su ermg a . t roun j!O u I · By TONY LACAVA· couple.of Bakersfield products in According to Lango, therewiribe . Iranians In lo helL The E,;ay will be given·at the beginning of the tesling period. 011 ' · · · riche~ - (rig came on the evening of June 26, T.K.0 .. at the hands of Ali in Vegas, of ihe Oakland A's, Charlie J lhl' Sa111rdav 1110,ninR sessio11s only, ' 1972. Ail his life he had wailed for Jerry retired from the ring shortly Sports Edilor . . . Doug Rad.ar (Boston Red Sox cat· a marked improvement in lhe pilch the Essay may be written by those Hough ... another ex-Dodger but l ... I If they can beat !hese guys, they cher) an~ Steve Onliveros (ex-Giant, ing · wilh sophomore hurlers Rob laking lhe ~bjective English 1es1 at 1he same session. Allow an addi­ [ up to $20,100 richer) ' ihat . magical moment when he therea.ftcr and is in the process of currenl Texas Ranger, Pete Laeoct can beat anybody. Aclualiy, 'it's not ex-Cub, and now a player in _Japanj, Emerson and Dennis Smith forming· tional hour for lhe Essay, and bring a ball-point pen. I I ~ould fighl for the championship. wriling a book about his life as a of the Kansas City Royals ud Dolic Bob Fosler was Quarry's oppo. heavyweight boxer. ff the book goes that serious a matler, but the BC Ex-California Angels manager a one-two punch on the mound. ' TESTING SCHEDULE: ' Loman, a Bakersfield Hieb ~ .. I baseball team will cerlainly get a ·_ Bobby Winkles will manage the J;lingo also· .has· eyes for freshm.en Sa1urday, March 21, 1981 - 8_:00 a.m. lo 12:00 Noon t who's currently performina in tbe good workoul when lhcy face a pros. fRay Ortega (Delano High) and Mike Salurday, April 25, 1981 - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon I BC basketball stats, stondinos and scores Brewen' farm sy,rem. r team full of pro and ex-pro baseball BC, who won 1he contest 2-1 last : Duncan (Arvin). Sawrday, May 9, 1981 - 8.:00 a:m. 10 12:00 Noon Metro Conftrtn<:e !!Coring leaden The game is slated for I p.m. SY. GRINSlt:All: "I reel we stars in a seven-inning benefit ex· year, is going into the '81 season Other members of the pro ·,earn 1.t:f: Wednesday, tylay 13, 1981 - 7:00 p.m.10 11:00 p.m. I I II(: HOOP I IPIJATt; day. Tickets are a~ailable for Sl • ·. should han done something ·C.A"lt: .caw. s.:•ry1 ..Ii. .m Ol:.!l hibilion game al Sa_m Lynn Ball with_ a much stronger outfit than last include Rick Rhoden (ex-Dodger Thursday, May 28, 1981 - 7:00 p.m. lo 11:00 p.m. I No. rim ~·riih) f.n •• hra.cll' 2J -471 21.-4 Floyd'< .stores. the batti.n, ..-.e soon~r. ,. I \'1lki Park this Sunday. · . ye"-r's 9-27 team, al least according and current Pittsburgli .Pirate pitch ' . ·, Testing Location: Forum East. I. kX-l lo ~11011, ~-4--0 Mikt, _, 18 351 19.5 ne,t to Sam L,-nn. or from u,y BC I S<-011 ., ... ;1h 81kr~r1orld lG J.87 19.5 The Dodgers' Dusty lo coach Pele Lango. "This year we er), Dave ~cKa, and Jeff '.ewman I l. ""'fl-II 0\ff StqllHI .... ~J-Y} pla)Cf I . J. "'-'1 In r,ri !1-70 ~. R•"""*l Pt,,adf'nt 22 .fl01, 18.5 Baker, Dave Lopes and lac have plai·er,," sas-< Lango almosl 4. l,n,.t fr.~"'' H,11, '"4-~J - "...... '"'"'"' ll .In· 11.5 Ferguson will he.id a :cam thal will an,,cce good qualily t 0 \ ,,,,., In...- 8",,rh lJ J27 14.l I · S. Wn. O"'f'f P'nr1f""~ ,u,,. .,_,.AA field such pla,ef> as \1il"'aJ>ee r,laye,, 1·•, no re~ec,1on on last OLYMPIC 1.,-~ H09~1 ... HIO , Nike, Tiger, Puma, 6. ,,....., !rt T1f1 .1:-: I ~J ( ..... II lJ.3. '13.2 I Brt'lt"er shor1,1op R,1~::-; 'roL:-.' ~i:aF·, ~la-.e,r,;_ bu! 1,1,·e u(' d1dr.'t Softball clinic Saturday ;' 1 'IAoe o... f1' J,.,.....IW"I u.....·~ ao, ROWf'1i , ••~ It 137 ll,l !he A,rr.y can he 1p y,,•-1 s.ave a '<,t (. f rt,.o,~ for c~ Californ,a ",ngel Bc,i~.-- ·, Brooks, Adidas I D ,... 17~ I l.~ R,,, .,J,.e err. Sporting Gallery Er, -51 for two ytJ1s ar.d vou C-'1,, .Y.(1.JT.u1a'.I'!" up ro ,13' +:<> I t .. M ""' ~ ,,w1~ iMr _..:. - .I a.- l2 l41 11., R1.:k Dem~) of iS,alt1mn-re. an~ ~ \lary ltbehe1 (cat~ ad Pwty. ~·Ir.en J'O'.J er,' "-t for 11-,r~ er fc,,1r Vl"¥"i_ yc•J rte~~ ~ t~ ' ..... •",.., ( 1"1•"-"'"' ...... "6, c­ ~ BC •01nC11 ', 1thleoc depar1. I $20. l[ll 18 I~ It I hoe ( p&a,). , . I it leil, te WffN4 -....c I men 1 11 hostJ DI! 11 , fi r1J aJIJl uaJ ,ofI · ·~ •com oatfidd .. Tr-~ s,a:ings. Sl.J~ v,:-..-,-. YW l!f",to1 if'I tt-.-e Ve-:.,,.....:, This week 1n sports < 11 _., 16 ,~. ·~ .IOS[ ~""CHfl. "lht l , 5466 California Ave I Ec'•Jc.at,c,r..!J! AU:s·-,r,:.t'! Pr~,am lVE..AP, r~ ,ty- .. 1 t;r-1ie, '."'.".•· I ti.II dwc Satilrdrl y. Feb 7 on 1he l '*M:Dlff wi1J b Uilj ' It'~ VfAP. ti"# ArrT',y ,· ·~,:-r.t.. ,;t'!'., ...... , 11,,,:_a~ , • ., ..,.....,. ::.o::.e 11 .... ,..... J ...... JM-"1 C onftn'ltN ,_· - t.W tllot , ....i ... lk, ,..,,.14 .... '4,tro •t•adillf' motivwuon llld ...,.. ' dJ'~r y.:.,u s..1·1e fc, c<.APq,1! 1, B,Skf.TB,tl _,,,, C.ade, 8C IOnbail diamond ~i Specialists in Athletic Equipment I t) ..... ~ ( 1\411M ( t'l'lla l~-"' :he BC fron,r tlo• MO...,-. to ti.r- IJIOVld. ~1:.?,.. I r. . . ".('~'."?.., Ar,CI r.:,N, yuu r.,1Jy ~ ~ •0 ,...,..,~.'·,I'~· 416,f_.~ ...... -fl" • ff"No ...... ~ ,. .. f~ ... i111ra,cl to San Ftrnandn ',l,ed"<"'­ Tla:m-c-n "ill tra-.el to R:10 Hondo ., - . . .,. 1•..... Visif:inl illsttucton .-ill iDdude ,. If l1lfft k I rtt1t~. It", Im· 1r.(~·!,"'\ c,f $9··1··· ~·2_((J ,..,.~.j,,,.(, •'.. .-. ..-9f1'1 ef · ,, :'~<-.:. . Sporting Goods, Footwear I t:S ...... (... ~<1 -...__. .. '-, et'-str.~.-·_ I •11t•• ...... " .. • ~c• .. l da, fOf lhr.r -..:cor><:1 con<<"Cut·., ·or 1 ~ b,ir.g, Th., S111e \lttt ~ Jadi a. m1totu.11 cc.c11 • ca, In M I rw!NI ...... -" ....,....,.....,,. 1: ~ ,on••• YC-'Jf lc,,:al .:. - · ·--:- -~·.- . .,...... ;..-...- ...-.J "' ~ O!r.H ) ( .. ,...... 1• •II ~,na •nh tht L " \1·,s:.,o F•ee ·c.ad<:'i ~om~ ,a ,h<, state ~ ~ P.llstoot} wl ~ .. I a "'1 1ei1 ,,._,, •.· ,.. ~ ~ •. ..., ( , • ,_ z...... 111.,.,, I ...... I"!".: 111 ",. ... Sp,nts. Tiie BC~ ..,11 ,~n h,:><, ,ud!1(1t,j la.si "'ed al lhe 'lorlh ...... { ...... "S-4~ • ri9lr (1' I C-0! J ). .. .1 l , • -f~-.0 322-2004 I t ,. ... - •• • .. th<:' powerful EJ c~,no .... arr,,v . Central \\ res:hna r~ tt Soen'II ... .. -.. ,. l J •• ..., .. Friday nq!M II 7:)0 EJ Cam,no ha, 'Cielk tiplet [)a. - col~ ' JJJ ll Ilea·., • I ...... ,, ·-·...... I • - 11 ~ J..\J .. n1< 1,4artin be a favorite at Ille ~ 1,).5"1 • ...... ,. , 0 - I~ com pi lied u, ,=rd ..,;n Joel IN S p Ir I l'N je,.- .. ,.,.,..,. ta ..... - • • •wnonw 11-" •• $3.00 off NIKE shoes with this ad D. 1- 10 D C-t- U.>t I I 11 Ml 1Rd ClltTffltl), ctan11, nm pt~ P'O­ I -...,.. :i-.. • A.~ r ..., :xii .a.,_ I D...__Y..,J- • -- -:tatr .-. i.tina 1 ~ ~- )JL.__ - - ,...... ,..,.- ...... prny i1t tllr Ma ropoli1aii Con. -d ilVo t1'c: ~- rc,ea.oe. •

,, ' ~...... :,.. : . ' ,., MONDA\', fEBRt:AR\' 2. 19111 RENF.CADE RIP t Collins proposes new fees., .•. sheOappears todayt .. : ByWALTERSTORMONT. ·.. · ,·. . no\beaffcctedby;heproposal;saysC~llins.Through ·. ·· · to launch observance Editor-in-Chief the .plan, revenue from health fees would increase to · Recently, Dr .. John. J. Col.lins, president of BC, pro- abou1~100,ooo, as oppose. d lo lh.e cu.rrent amom1t. of .. f· a· , . k .H. t . IA-, k' ,posedthrecmandatoryfecsforthel981-82schoolyeaL $40,000...... 0 . '. ac IS ory ,-,-ee The fees, which Collins proposed "in further re~ponse \ . Collins also proposed a parking fee of $IO per . to ..our lack of adequate fiscal support," include an in- semester, for students and staff.who wish to park on ttie structiooal materials fee, a health fee and a parking fee. mairi campus or at the Downtown:Cen[er. Hi.s plan in- Activities planned for Black. currently the· Director or tht , The instructional materials fee would be one of $5 per dudes. faculty, administration a.nd classified staff, as Histo,ry Weck (Feb. 9-13) at American · Institute. For Streu student per semester, with no·exceptions. It would be re- well ·as students. He estimates that such· a fee would, Bakersfield College will Include Manage111ent, fo11nder of "'- quired of all day, evening and outreach students.accord, raise $100,()()(l to S 150,000 per year, whi~h can be used" movies, music,. food sales, and Image" a personal .development · ing to. Coli_1ns. The fee-would be imposed early during' only for maintaining and securing the parking lots. speakers, according to Frank self-esteem program, and o("OO." registration, and'reJunds wou.ld be provided before the · . An outline_ of the proposed fees was sent to the LawrenceOprcsident of BC's Black the life skills program for youth .. firstday of instruction and during the.first two weeks of Academic Senate, the Board of Representatives and the Student Union. A· teacher, a;dminlstrator, CII('. · the semester .. ·Collins ·s.ay~ the fee would be able to Administrative Council. At last Monday's meeling, the . Bakersfield) first lady m~yor will · . riculum coordinator and trainer fot generaie' about $150,000, arid would• abate about half .. Administrative Council discussed the proposal and ap- . ·speak. at 11 a,m. today . in the ·· .bus)ness, industry,. health care and the dislrict's expenditures for_· such items as paper, proved the concept of the fees, according to Dr. David Fireside Room along with i:>cari cif · correctional institut.ions, Alston hat ch,;,aiicals, slides, wood, physical education supplies a·nd .Scolt, secretary. The Board of ~epresentatives and the Students Dr, Richard Wright.There gained· the attention of the n.edia art. materials. . . . . Academic Senate will brirg up the topic at !heir next ses' wili be a question an.d ·answer pe'riod · · and lie has. received positive"respe,ct A health fee of$5 per se1J1ester is proposed for.all day. sions, . . . before Shell and Wrlglifspeaic:: · from hiJ~onstituerits. Presentln11 ill- .. students and night students· enrolled.on _the main cam- Commented Collins, "My view is that we _have held . . Shell is very entlmsiastic. about. . formation in an entcrtainina· and pus. Such a program would provide emergency service off on· fees as long as we can. i also feel tha! !he the students in Bakersfield and she meaningful way · · ,· · to serve peo:- during evening hours and would extend. accident in- - proposed fees are reasonable; juslifiable and that we adds thatsheJs interested in any in·· ·_pie,.; ,ls _his ·.life's work, says surance to ni~ht student's. Off earn pus students would . can administer them." . pui the siudents have 10 contribute.' . ·.Alston, who. demonstatcs .. a warm . . The film, ''To_·~ ,Y6(mg, Oified · . sense of humor and encrJY. which 10 0 1 m•l:',('!'?~f-"",,...P,' .','-{,"~""" ' ,.--..-....,' r' • ;- ~.: v •: ',> ~ <(. J ., ,~.· :s-l '~; 'fi.: !f )j.• );"'.'1_)::<;~-1 '_ .-._:· :7 . '-• '\'{J,.)l,~~~i~tfi~~,,,i,.. -. fl C.l .. h• S · 1ove for and belief iii ·1&~. · ·' ', ., ·"~;;.Dzil.foo;.;.'!r.'{'i.;;1i'.£1,:il,".,:&;,µ~·~,'.>1~~:.1t,i~.J.1,.i:lJ.:i.~,\11".ili,-li /j:i!iih·~·· . .. ,.. ,I· \ w :i;,. ~ • and . Black" ,will• be. shown in· the · · re e s 1 · · . . . , - · .. 1__ \.: . Fireside Room foUowing the guest,. what he's doing. . . . . · \J ,,.;_;,.,, ,. · . ,.,i · · Thursday isl.incoln's birthdai,: ______BA 10·:HSFI Ell> ('01 J ,F( ;J·'. '. '.j . · ,d~}li!~!,; >li speakers, ...... • n..!ri . . .•. H A . -~(''~.', <):i;: · ----~,~--'~ -J\-- .c._B_-_lr.:rs_.·~·yn_u~-c:!·.. 1_jJ;ertp::~:~n~n~~e Dr~arn,':d:~~~te0,~:Q~t::iin_t~t_~~ . ·~! r~ ·, . { 1.;i t, 1 ,:i;;~,::;,~rt~\ f,£<.·:,n;:,,:::~.,t,\ '('_f_{}·t.'.)!.(-'f1\· /' ·_.. _.:,.;-,! (... j /i_:>_'',},i\ r::,~,-r.. ,{)il Campus Center area. . . ' ·. J(ing,. Jr,. wiU·.qe: 'shown Jn J~ .· ;il'i~l ~·f 'i'1! (~:1 l:',,o t-'~-{ ''!:] (',\,;cz:,,'i'x1l •' I· ,)•;;, . · ,,,~ · ·. · · ·· ·. F' · 'de Room at 12•30 p 111 · ·· 'r,''.· ., ,i{' .::;,/!-;,,. ~~J \,~,?-~" ,·,:,?; 'i{{,~, • . · . '4\ {~~ · · Tuesday,, the· movie, ''Black · ires,. . ..·· . · · · ·:;; ~ .·,~l , .V·f:,:·~ 1·.,-, "';,.-.., ,., ,, .. ,. .,.~J>-· ,r.01 . .,,. ',;,,,' ..H.t's'to. ry._-.·.. Los· t,·. s· tolen_, o·r _.Str·a·y,_".. , In the. Campous Ceiit~ • a Bar-o- , - 11'.'i:J ,/.." --~{B .':rl , ... ~tJ·t.~.:>": ·~riP . ~ ' ;<; \. I .· . ' . ' • • ' - • •• I · :, ·· · · · · which deals with history of' Black Q will be.held II a,m>l:30 p.m.,,' ., Americans will be shown: Mr. . and live disco niusic will be. pei, , Magic wiil be.performing niagicai formed.by the group, Sweet Sinokl:.' i a~fr.alsQ: . . . . . ' ·...... ASB President Randall Gray will ' f Wednesday, Feb. lli at I0:3o' speak oiithe !)and,stand.. . .. :; . :1 ·.a:m,;_ sp~cial gue,it speaker }ohn · Gospel singing will be performed } · Alston will be in the·Fireside Room,' . bfthe Bakersfield College Sirig~r~;: _. •i and wm speak again in t,he Indoor.· ' ' All !(ing ,and' Queer\ candidat.es . , I Marching Corps plans ·London tt'ip. · · · ·· · · · · ·· sh()uld contact· Photographer Bill · · Theatr~ at S p.rn, At I l,:OO a.m: P~rk_er i_n duplicaitng. services, ,· Assistant Dean of Student Affairs : By ROBB WALTERS sandwicli, aiul seUslices. .· > David R6sales \Viii speak in the . Library 11, for . publicit)' . Feature Editor ·.· "This is a heck of a pipe· dream;" · Fireside Room at II a.m .. · . phoiographs. . ' According to. Pr. Charles Wood, . \Vo'od said, adding "at lirst i was · . The Planit Earth Rockers will . director ;or !he'. .bands, U1e .BC ~kcpticaL'' .But Wood slided .ifter perforrt1·:from io:3 in the Campus . The' BSU is. a.lso selling, ; Marching. Ccfrps. iS the only ~oni- ,. he (t!.J,qfned . from watching-Jas{ . Cente.r area;·~ " -,;'•_: . ~~ ·.. -- -- ..:: sweepstakes' tickels-';'ith pri~ to in-: . munity cciUege ·11a·nd iri America t~ year's competitioir, h,is students had Alston isa professional consul- • elude afive:speed bicycle, a $25 sav~ C be invited 10 the M,frching Bands of ' to go, "It's a , once in a lifetime tant, counselor.arid trainer as well as . ings liQnd; and a gift certificaie . America 'compeiition tQ be held in musical ~xp~rience,'' · . an edu¢ator; researcher and _lee- . from McD.Q!:1;.id•s: Winnlng_t!cJcm. l;ondori, ,Dec.' 26,Jan. ), .1982. In ·TO go, Wood said, ''it wilLtake turer .. He has presenied.over 400 · will be drawn by'ihe Black History ' · . ·prerara1ioh for. the trip, the. band tremendous studerii, faculty, carti- senifoarsand workshops foryoung ..· .. Week ciue.en at a ~aiu:juet Feb. 28.: ·1' has sctiectuled s'ev~rJ11 fumlraisi ns pus, and com°'u·nity effort..'.' ' people, . service · employees, .·· Movies, rnusic, arid food sales arc activlti~s 5lich as painting curbs, Mike fi·t~ce". ·h · •· tiort_,.·culture_; or allied field}\ ; i\,bulk iir 1he nioney is expected ...... e inanc,w u as · h "Three thousand bands are going . .. . · .· .. ·. . •. · · Application deadline is Marc , · 10 bC: illade at a benefit golf tourna­ · ·1 b. · · .d. d...... received. ·apphca110n ·forms._and/or . . , ment, 10; be . held. sometime this . ·• an d a 1 are emg JU ge equa 11 Y• . ·r. • · d' . ' · t · of' 30. · · · · . ' \.,. h.· . : ·d, ..d 1 . f .... · . ' .· ·m ormauon regar mg a yane Y Inform· ·at1'on ,·s a1· so· ·availa.ble:' ' spring._ f:ive hundred dollars was . ~ 11 our m 1v1 ua per ormance we · ·.. h ·1 ... h. · · f · ·hi.· h · ·· Be· 8 ; I ·. . . . · .· · . . . . . · . ; ; . sc o ars ,ps . or_. w. c . some · - · · k' c· _made 4 'for: five. 'minut~s of ·work" shou .d do as well as anyone there,. . . . d · .t . 111_.· ·. _b·. ._1, 'bl . Th regarding the Vtc I arr, w.hen the band played t~e opening at . said Ginnelli. stu. e~ s : ay ·. e e ig, e. ·. · ese Scholarship Foundation. :; ·A1·s·o·_··,·.·a'c ..co_rd'1n_g· 10 a·,._n·n·_.e.111', t.he .· orgamzauons are not a part of our ·h F' 'al Aid-Offi · an Alcoholics Anonymous conven- · · · · · · · · · BC Scholarships Program and the Contact t e manc1 tee lion recently. Also, the band hopes. BAN.D DIRECTOR Charles Wood (center) confers with assistant Mike . · competitio.n ,;,111 ·. air throughout. fdrms must lie filed by the student about these scholarships and many' Gl_nnem a~d ban_ll member_ Cathy Bitler Ho~hln about_ fund-raising pf ans · On Ill any occasions th'roughoui i 956 the Mbntgo~ery. •. 10 construct the ·world's largest · England ahd Canada on the BBC;· · ·directly to_ the orgariiiation, They· others offered through our regular: · .. , ____ f9r next year's trip to London'. boycott l)lade heavy demands ori King\ self-rest~ainl ...... • : fociudei . . . . · . BC Scholarship Program. and his capacity to ·restrain others. He was arresl~d for ..-,.\~-'·~~--~·--::...... ,,=~,~·--~-·~~ ....~-~-Pf~=·~·-·-~,...l,;-.,,.,.,:u.~ ..... -.-~,.-,>QQ,lm" 1·.·The NatlOnaJ Sodety O(Pt;rbJic- lhe first timeo_n J.anuary 26, 1956, on the ch.ar'ge of drio/: . Accountants: Applicants must ing thirty miles.an hour in.a twenty'-five,mile'.zone.The ·CTA. files. labor suit be ae<:' s.:holarships. I Appli=ts must be BC AA cw ------i and the extremely active B'akersfield chapter of the· Southern ' . ~ I California Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. AS Degree majors in busi!lffl, ' "Sign-singing is such ah expressive art form, everyone can enjoy it. drafting, or ecru.in IJ'e&S of In­ ; ~ • It is not necessary to know sign language,'' urges Sprout dustrial t~hnoloSY. Filina ' ,. ~ -; deadline is Feb 16. ,. .... _. I• ~:" ,; ·~ BAIEISIIEID EXTIIISIOII Tick~ts (S4 adult, S2.50 child) are available at Pyrenees Bakery, 717 a·;_, ' I ' ' . S • Occi*aw Fq,I, 11a • i E. 21st St., and al these ltxations on the BC campus: Ticket Oflitc, COUISES FOi 1981 i.u[J'Ung Center, ln!erpreting Services'(FA 51), and Handicap Ser­ P1 :j eoon Ct : 1, A4)- plicuts ml&SI be ~ta or ~ vices Center !Adm 6). Kem COWlty Rish Si b c,ia -~ ..,bo major 111 peuolc: 9 2 Perlonnen Sharon Solow and Gary Sanderson. "'ho make up The Pilinc 1 1·w THE LIFE OF CHRIST El~ric Sign Compa.n;, ~a,e ~n pcr'.orm,ng :hroughou! rl'>t Cmtcd main i••· P£NTATEUCM ~ lllO( beal detcnai-1: States sinct 19'"4. Both the hearing ,,oldre11 of deaf .,.,enl!, they con­ ~ o Id T eatament - 12~ NEM Testamer,t . 196 s,dn ,i,n 1.u,ruq,, tlrir nat,,e lan;:uaae With nuffl<"Too, r~on 6 ~c, ,, ,-00.,,...•• lnsiructo,· Phillip Rotht>eq;; 1n1tructOI' Frank B oado ·~to thctr cred1!. rh~ are ~latlni!\11 a tour of un,,en,1y and .,.,._. _., a_.. , I T~ Thurtday 7-10 p m Tome TuNday 7-fO p.m roll~ ampu=-tnth t~r prerr.,c·e appnrar>ee at B(' Cl'lld,ts• 3 - Tran,fen-ao 1e ,' Credits: 3 - Transferratle .... ,-.po --­ ~ Calf· $135.00 Cost $135 00 Of d ct -, °' x- c , Contemponry '°"II W\11 be pred1 , :J ml · &1111 iansuqe, ,ance. and m1 mt:. ~ IK"' ~ IS pro, tioa 1 ..... , ... 10.. t.1•L}R111n1 feuioaal!y duet414b1d, and promt.a • fiM ~fll of cnt,:rtain­ For regl•ration ,nfor~ion. <:4111 or write: «."I' Al. .. z:ca, I • fff T. a ... n s 1• a.., .. r lDl!II(. ,.,,.,. 11R p,od!" ~ Sproul end\~fy "Very, ' ~J• lutHln BAKERSFIELD : ...... µ 1 - .. 7 . S.SaNIP••• C f ... Fil'fl &utllbly of God Vt:r"f px,d ! .. Cs Johll SnMor., .. , 834-2773 Soutriern c.lifomla Courie Extenaion Id•,.._ 22. fw f 2 Z • 111C 7 ... CfA a • 1 • • •- "'t ...... ;; 0 I • -, Ctlltomil Ave. ~ SJ 1 .. 2 b1a11,-.4mr cl, Aal I It 2 swll .. DIIM -llof:71 JI ,a.r -.29.(1'11, .. , ... 1 WARNER C\81..ES a.. 11111d, ea. ••• CI051 :t:z7 11..s P111•1 J a• .

.. , I I I ..

,.._ .. •; ..., .- . .. ' ' . • '• .. ; .., . ·'" -~··.

RENEGADE RIP RENEGADr RIP MONDA\' FEBRLAR', 9, 1981 PAGEl ,,,,.IJ!I.Mll!l~-1,, How do you· fee/ .. about the District's· recent an11ouncement to . . ' cut programs at BC ?

LISA CRESWELL . -. "I ., · don'! think that the students' education ls Che place they should cut.'·

By JOHN MOTZ honoring all the aspe<:ts of its agrcementi'with Irani In 'Editorial Editor . legal terms, an agreement signed under duress Is not •:.· . : The kidnapping, torture; arid holding of 52 innocent · binding.· Holdin·g . and threatening the lives of S2 li';i \ people are criminal acfs which should be puni~hed. The . Americans constitutes duress. \ · ·. Jranlan milit11nts, with the full approval of their govern- . . .. · Bl;fore any action is taken against Iran, the charges · if .: !)lent, arc guiliy of these crin;ies. Jhere. was little the : . against them should be carefully analyzed. A full Senate i, ..:· U.S. could do Jo bring justice against the hanians while· · investigation is needed. The U.S. should handle all 'i : our people were held hostage. Now that .the hostages ·aspects of the procedure since Iran's.attack was direct, ' VICKf BUMER.TS - "ll's . ~ . . . . \ ·: liavc t,«n freed that is no longer so. . · : . ly aimed ·against the U.S. The United Nations should . ridiculous, We n'eed_ Chese pro- PAULA ENNS - "I'd ramer l},.. : ; . Iran should bepunished because justice must be car- not be·. involved because. their uselessness was clearly . : MARDlEASTRil>GE, (center), o~e.~ .her. wetkly fa'shlo11 skelchlng cJassj which wlil be dlsc9ntlnucd n{;XC · grams, -because niost people,· · see aii ·art class or crafts class out. Nobody should get away with breaking inter- ·demonstrated durhig the hos't~ge crisis. . _ ·. . cul than a career-minded class, ~· · : ried ' ' c~n·t afford Ca.I State or.other . I':·, : ~jltional. l~w or ··wfih abusing American 'citiienf. There are several ways the U.S. can punish Iran. The :.-.· .•.. ~e~r.(Photo:.Rl.ck·J·one.sJ~~-.. -. ·. "> ·. ·.-··.·. -~.·. ·. · .....·. ·· ..• -..· ·.·. · .. :_-. •.-' tin.lversltles,.,. such as Medical Assisting.". ~;,. ;' i'unishini Iran would act as a deterrent to any potential · · .U.$. _cou,ld place economic and tracje_restraints_ against · . ' ' ' .. --·· .Le-tter- to.· --'--~~RAl'iK M~A--;'-<'.I tlilnk,lial_.·._-. ---·-·.. -'-"-'-....'..cAmcricair m'emy roTeenl ~cni fromrej)eatmg Tran's~ltem-;-Americlrn milillfry aclfon1tgainst Iran coulcl also ' . COrneetn·:_, .. V<;J··ice,~·.eve-r. e-uf-s·- ,...... the people, when vollng In ·act Ions. · .· _ . . be effective.. Destroying. part of their oil fields, which _) : : ·• Iran cominitteci an act.of war against the U.S,and the · would also hurt their economy; would ser\'.e as a strong Proposition 13, wanted a tax ·· IJ.s. should respond. ~n embassy located in another . reminder for them not to-commit aggr~s~ive acts against· the. Editor c11t, but now don't want lo pay : country -is ·officially the property of tlie country it America. - . · . - . ._ . . . · Che fees that are a result of that · ~ teptesents. When the Iranians. attacked.the U,s.: em- Iran could also b.e punished in a. way whic·h wciuld .CJ$i· Pt9QrCl~~,:q~J@t1Qe<;f ...... cul.-11 . ," · • .· .. ·.. -c.;-i.'' .-: ·.. ",< - · . . ·. . . ·· .· -·: Batb';ira Stevens/,if11Jil~c!iate- :p_ast'Jire~dent_ of the · : bassy they attacked Am.erican sol_l. The Iranians are also·. directly benefit us ; American military forces could .. To The Ediior: . . ' . . : rcsron.sibJe. for the deaths of Americans·. The embassy seize a section of the Iranian's oil fields for 444clays a·nd · Wouldn't it bl! wonderflfl if we 'By Dlo(MA SP,~f1I~ANIC >'' .· ,: ·. ''· .... '' Aisodatiqri o'f M~di~.;f A/si~tants' o( Californi~. 'feels' could all think like the 'administra; . . ..· _- -..... Staff \Yr~t$~ · • ·.· >. . • .:> : · (he Medipl ,~ssisting pr<>grarn \s just gainingJd.eiltity · ' : takrover in Iran triggered similar attacks on U.S. em- pump some of the oil out to be ,sold to American oi) .- r • • • • C9ordinalors o~ the Fashion Mer~hand1s1ng, ~nd · ·. > arid. ccinimunity· iecognitiqn, She likes to_ think of- ~Jte:\-;,, . ·· bassies In other pans oft he \'!Otld. Some servicemen companies. ·This would help the U.S. economY,, · ·. -'.. tlon ·of Bakersfield· C:ollege? Of course, if we were all oil taxpayers•' ' Med.ical Assisting. programs .. ~tBC expressed cor1cerr1 · . MedkalAssistaiit as the counterpart hi the physician's .. · were ki!led ·while defending these ~~assies frorriailgry · How would.the other' nations of the. world responi:I t<> - over ,budget reductions by the Boarfof cTr~tees Of Jhe o,ffice to the ree,istered nurse in the hosiiital. ·. , money we could. artcl tiin~ wasted ' ·. mobs. Because the mi)iiariis h~ld our people hostage ou·r actions? They would respond by reaiizing that thf . - · Kern. C_ol!lmunity · Coll_ege pistric~ .(KCCl)J, .· w,hH.,h .·. ·:St~vens remarll,wttj~t the'C'ETA-funded Medical oc, Wouldn't rifatter One bit You 1d be ·. _eight-servicemen were killed while trying to free them. If · .· U.S. rio longer tolerates terrorism: The non,foleration ._ eliminated these pr of fasliiim Merc~ancljsirig; s~ici the ptogiam; · L.!======~~======~~ ,,. CoHeges ,.· Student cfovernment -with this idea must ea rea \\11.nner. 'to stud.eats doing_ their io.bs effectively, she feelsstrong- • . has t?•dasses which serve s(itdents:in'ter'esteo in seeking' _.President· Rand\)11 Gray reports . Assodatiori, C:alifornia Community . Yes, . I can understa'ryd the ·;as', maintenance. costs· increase.· ' ·- IY. that neither the business education department nor' ' eniployment in the fashion\ind apparel'. indus_try: Most '' . . . . . - . . - .: . :.. ~ ..... ·_ .. - '.-: . .: __. . . ·--. -.. '.:~h: •.': -·- .' :. ·-. -_ -_-., that he has designed a rnanagem'ent .and 'Junior' CoHege. Association, ·'. bookstore is.worried about rip-Offs, ' . ·. By FRANK LA WRE,NCE ' ditional burden on the cusfodial.s(~ffwhen. they h,ave_ to scale .which._ he feels. wiU · h~lp. tiie . · Unhe.d States Student Asso¢iaiiQni •.. but we do ha~e. mode~n security othercompetent e'xisting Mecl1calAss1stant. ~s prog~ams faO< •.adequately .. . . · .. ·.. educate : _. a ..••. .. students_aspects of take displar, Of\e. year..design oLJO and untts,promotion. in~olidng ·~lasses jiar(oils "1.re · - .·.· :_···.··.. ·_.:.e ... _·. •·n··.. ··.e.·_· ·.·· r·..-.··.·_g· _ ..y··· .. · c...... o· ..··.·r. •·•n· . e. r...• . . , . · Staff Writer . . . .'. .· ' rerfur local legisl1J.!QH, !(~le . . systems iiow-a-daY;s. Yt,s;,)_)i~.d~r~ .· · · ·: · · · , · · . , · , · . · ·cusiod,al slaff 1s then m an ambiguous s1tuat1on, they . ·- . p)ains t~it this c~!l{Jor··each:~om- . : che'i will be reporting to the ASB. all · - .stand. these secunty systems .. cost LeUersofs~eeo.!!,from current and former Medical . sitnilat to actual work, atid proximity t,o owntown...... ·· . _, .· . .· ' · . - •. - , · . It 1s unfortunate acts of vandalism are d1sf1gurmg o~r -: · ·• . •... · · . · .. :.· · > •. · . h ·; · < ·· ' d f ·,: 1 · Assisiing students, as· \Yen as Jiom m~mbers o~ 'Jhe _ sfo_re_s .aU9ws betiei 'student ac~es.sf or project , .. ·:., '\ •• lb.; ifine.has.come.to. baianceihC:...·- ~ssent,al .-·itia,~ everyone~· become •. liVe weeks ago,~and it is·provin~ to· . : T . campus. A club b~lleiin board Iodated in th~ fox~i- was~ receive CO)nplamts., becau.se_ Lt!_n_o~rtla " u I.es arc. mittee •JO• report to a s11icifk exa . ,, p~rtio.enL)nforrnatfon~concernJng . 0 J)lO!ley. J. d_o_peJ1eve~~C01!ld g~tNlJ)_ - the latest.' mishap._ Wlieii'ever public property· is neglected. · .• ecutive hl ·a.··poo[ of students' :10.·..rm '. . . ·.,.f·f·· i'' .•. _. · 1:...... d.... lh. '; -.·· '·.. -·.t· ·.. ;t ; in,g_'t_oinstill this. on the B_ c.c_ampus. ·. saying _that applications rot tH~ • losses through increased maintenance costs' and the ' Paitngreri adds, the Man~ Ooffice i~ hire to provide -. . Vice-Presiden't Kdii Jobisori' ·'rourii\y;' ' . . suc_h ·_.as. BrazHia:n. 'Embr<>icJerr · ·.. · b I" ·· h · · t · · • · · . ·.· ,,· ... · .. · . ··· , , · .. · - · .. ··sta . compete . _ 1s · proJec ,; • . . · ·. · . . . · . . . . -· reports· · ·· t.·h. at'·· ·-10 .· a,m.-· · "2' p.rn:.···s a ·1······ ur- · . · . -- (3.615,s.o).,. .. .t.. w.. o.. -'c .. las.·.ses,· .. 1.n B..o nsa.. 1 . 'Ass(s.. ting prog. ram,' · e. 1eves ·,t e.. · prog.ram cos. s. are.. .· them_. S.he sa,.d_ ,. I_ h_ a.. ve rece.. 1ved. no.1ustifi.ca.1.. 1on. f.o.r.the.. ._ ...• -- ·. · .. · .... --·bl.. t.-h.· t '·'E·.. N.ER. 0· Y'' ·. ·. · · · . · . loans pertaining•to the.· retr.ofit -.of·_ · . high CO~t ofmaterials.- . , ...... - ... f1rst Class service tothe'facilities fqifhe studentsQnd · ·n··· l 'd. 0·v·e·r'ed'by·th·e·A·v·erag·eDa'tly'.Atten··dance ·. ·f·h··· .. b'· d .. · ~·· , .. 1. ·· ·. becamemev,ta ea...... fopast-issuesofthis.paper'Ime.n- th.·. - - ·dth -·.k. ·,·t ._ AiiI da~ses · yoµ know ihis !isl goes _gn. ·. According 'to Sylvia Porter;.'' e 1ca .· ss1st1ng is t e :. c.·.ynth,.a .. Ancler~on.•. f.orm.e.r .Fash1on .. Mer_ch·a.ncl1smg .' : · .. · ·.. · · · near future. This will be conipletefy 'director of maintenance and.operations, va~dalisJll anci situaticin in a posi\iv~ fa)hion, ihrough; unity we will. . fastest·- growing. health field. o.f the:.. 1980'.. .. s, " ·' ·R .· eep. · siudent currently employed by The· Broadway as a .: During_ihe· .. · 1980-8ly~ar;the' ··-. - ._ . siaff· . tant dean of special services,. e. x. - government funded. ' excessive graffiti 'is increasing . .A.ccordirig-to Palmgren, begin to eliminate the problem by working toge.I her. . for first place, $40 .for second, and ·· $31 :9i for film used for ASB ca.rds. arid on. The bookstore is the one $30 for ,thircL The conip~titl911 ~ill ' Vicki', l'urnjp_seed; .• ASB, ~ecrefary, ' place all of us musi go,iand t hope · remarked. '.'To cancel a vocational program that is P.ro- · cosmetic clernonstrator, .feels tliat E~stfidge's coininuni: founiJ.:c..1ate in ihe 'faU--'-that they · ·. plains the pool cover was in.stalled -_David Pyne - the total number of man hours and moneY. spent for - Palmgren also adds that a majority of indi#duals have ·. -viding a needed commurijty service is shortsighted of the . ty participation has kept her pi-ograin up-to-claie; as is · wou Ici : spc rid approx a tel y include most partidpajjoniind most ·.' announced that the deadlinefo.have -_' ' ihe' inventor: or'-that idea kno.ws: fin ;: rep'airs in the first twp months ,of this year su;passes the . voiced concerns aboul a problem thatis being generated Board of.Trustees.'' ' ' ' '·. ' ' ' . ,, . ' essential 10 effectiOeJy p'repafe stud,ints for eniJ1oy~ent $700.000for eneigyduri~g this cur: . (otalspentin 1~80,''It;sashamethatpeopleresoitio. byafew.. .·.. . ·.·.· .. · - .•.. garbage collected. Alsoi she says to an item on the eoarct as~nc.h, is .. where he can go. _ Linda Hanietls, for.met M~.dical As~isting: stude.~tat.· . ·.•: ·.iff tlie· rapid_.. 1y· changingfash_ io. and a. ppare. 1. industr.y. · ·. .· · ·· - ·. · · ... ··. · · be on theiook-out for theup¢oming. - 12:00 noon the Friday•· preceding The canceli'ng of t-1edical . ~ ' . these acts because.in some cases; where excessiv~graffiti. - ., Why do individuals increasingly resort to these acts? . · . BCw.hoisnc:iwemployedas·aMedic.al.As.s1.stant,agree· · - · · - · · d ' A_nd.:ers.o·n.stat.ed,· ·.'.'It's ro.olish of the.. college. toe_ve.n ·.. rent·. '· year;, · Due·· · .to-. the· unforseen.: · ·h' ·-rate· :. · · · $100 'winner,Take-AII Tug-a;War ..· the Board meeiing. The Board . Assisting was another good ~xainple. - · · · · · · · · · · · "Ph · · ··'increases· likely .fo_occu'( m t e near .· . is involved, entire surfaces have to be repainted. The Probably because no d.istini:tion 'is. made between the as to the community's nee have. compiefte deiaits ·. · meets every T11esday at 12:30 p,m. -. bf . good administrative thinking, - 'cians need a' source from which 'to hi.re well,trained per- • cominun.it.. y: ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' -·. . . ' ' ' 'd ,· ·. the painting and beautification of classrooms and 'other mitied on BC's campus, in c.ontrasl to the res_ults!hat soon. Also, she· mentioned a .leiter · <;;ray· distributed copies of a letter That' program would pr6vide people · .. son,s,· to· run ·.their · · offices,"· !-!amens· · · sa1'd , , ·.....· · - · _· :· .·· . · Eastridge· sJJggcsted· ·- ·thaCfewer -· classes· · might b.e of, · c. ompa_n. Y. told th.e C()l.legc.· to bu g.· et . ,' from Dr. John Collins, President of ' from Dr:- Collins which proposes a with a job skjU.)wonder how, many ( · ,. areas of student interest,". Palmgren says. --~ay be·incurred if committed in the general public. Meiierasserted that her program meets the needs.of _fered iii Fashion Merchandising, and oi)ly parl'iinie'jri- C$997)JOO for the 1981-82 y~ar.This BC; encouraging participation from $10 parking fee, a $5 instructional of you will earn a living froni B?1:15ai. The Way to Say ... There are many complaints about'1he campus center. Vandalism is an.infraction fegardless of where it takes - 'reentr{women students. ''I feel. badly that there:wasn'J .. ' siructors be used to reduce but not eliminate' the pr0-. is.so, despite the fact th.at BC willbe in facilities, the Fireside Room and the area surrounding place. We sh·oufd not tolerate the slow destruction of the· all ASB menibers in this spring's materials fee, and an increase the. Culture. "ti prepared to res- , '· · ' · - set a'career unde~ their beHs." . - ·_ can't give them an answer;•: . · ·· - · · energy_ costs, it ,,ill be abs9Jutel~; ,. ~uh-: Giroux; is filling .the posjtion of . ·pond to, this issue Tuesday. All in, ,_ _._,.... ______-. , ? _·:As coa·l-f ired,pl.ant thr~atened~ · ASB Business Managefbeca~se, of .. teresied persons are encouraged to the recent . ·resign~tion of Kel!y ·. aH~nd to express their views on iri1s OVERSEAS JOBS ·:.... Sum- 1~J~{t/JW 4 q)Cl}f . Bo9zer, In 'reporiing the b~dget, serious matter.· · mer/year round. Europe, S. Job Opportv1Jities Extension· cou'rse offered·", . A UCLA Extensidn course for Course enrollment fee is 575 and . rlledia coverage lacked .~ne.rgy Bob says the ASB carci sales for •Do you know your ASB Con- . .' Amer.; Australla, Asia. · AU HS-ii Lab Tech. .. on ~~~-pUs_job. tO h.:S/-wll~ S,).Js ptr ho,ir~ · _·. spring generated a iota! of $1224, - stitution? Do you know your rights . . nelds. $500-$1200 monthly. No e·iiperlenre required .. vocational teachers ;ho :wisti io may:be paid by check, money ~rden, •. "5. : - By LARRY DUNN HS·23 l.,IYt~ln (hl_ldc:ire . -si1 & Sunday,_ 2 ·nlghls/,,.-k. ·schtdules iieeded data on the proposed siie, and the matte'r. was ASB Huddle sales totaled $2590, ap, . as a- student? Want to find out? . Sightseeing. Free ·tnfo. Write · quaiify ro'rthelrteachingcredentials ·0 r Bank Americard, Master Card, Staff Writer proximately. $9!)() · s~ort · of the Come in -lo the Student Affairs of- IJC Bo~ S2-CA3 Corona Del •, C~ange, orli)' one child. _ . _ , . · . ! . dropped...... • CL,23 . Scalf Cltrk. t 40 hn_/~_k, M:F, 54.38 pt~ hour. Musi have 1 . · will be ~ffe_r.ed at.Bakersfield Col:_ or VISA•: In addition, an insfruc­ Southern ·California Edison has rejected Bakersfield I have been informed by a non-expert tiut very .keen 1980-8! proposed budget. · fice'and ask i~ see a copy! Mar, CA 92625. , -.· .yr. C!Xperlence len,kiy, lype .50 wpm, prtfer . J,;,,gJ __.b':grnnmg Friday, Feb. U; 7 'tional materials 'fee of $5 inay b_e ,, . Freshman Class President Frank ' . -. .. a.i !I possible site for the coal-fired electricity generating . observer. that a· coal-fired plant is an extremely dir'ty colT1puler knowledge _fillng; opc_n ,nd sort p.m.. '' . '. '' ' .. -r_. j paidby check; __ ,- ';:=· . .. ' Ta~gh.t by BC ulstructor · Earl·· · - ·, plant (called. "California C:oal") to b,e constructed· operation ... certainly something· of concern to att. Of Mesa reports. enthusiasm for the mall, Full-lime permanent position.'. )., somewhere in Southern California. It's nice to know course it. never got beyond the planning stage. So far. proposed child care'center for even- CL-23 o·ocum-enl Handler 40 hrs/wk, M~F, SJ.9? per hour. T)·pt 50 Haynes, "Techniques of Teaching"· Registration iind fee payment for Je....iry 1rlargo:I - wpm, rlllng, phone·.,., an" open & so'rt mall. a 6()-hour course in teaching. the course will lake place at the first f.' · that. I learned it from the August 28, 1980 issue of The· According to The Desert News, _the Bakersfield 'site is ' ing students that is being con­ is ·· to sllow d1tai. 1 , ... B·U9 ln,·enlory Cltrk : IS hn/wl<, nexlbt, SJ.50. Prder Bu,. methods, materials, and evaluation ·:class meeti'ng in the BC Trades and f' Mojaw!'Desert News. I don't recall' reading it in the "dead." Perhaps that is the finafword. "Dead" is a iemplated by the Freshman .Class Ed/Mktg mojor, i)plng htlplul. Part.Jim, Jt &ktnf'~ld Californian. good final word; it sounds final; it has a good solid Council. He stresses there is· much 1ptrml'ncnt po-,111011. · ' for part-time vocational education lndustr:; Building, Room· 201, teachers. Haynes said. l,i~, : .: Everyone seemed to agree the plant must be built sollnd. ''Dead.'' • - · work to be done. · . . T-23 Drar1sm1¥1 (Mech.) lO - hr,/wk, M:r, flexib1t, salary optn •. Diamond f;: .. siomtw~. but no one wanted it in his own back yard. " · The lloard has approved Sherry · · Au1om11lc well tt!ltr, draw1n1s 1-enerator l;.'.,:. The Boron site for the plant was opposed by the military ,' Starr and Larry Vinegar for· th·e an-d el«lric components draft;ri dlm_taslons. -:,: . But st.ill I worry. The choice of a sjtc was front-page Walter Stormont positions of Board _of Publications Part,tlme ptrmlntnl p01illon. .·Pendants ';:; cia the. srouru:ls t~t it would reduce visibility for the news for a full year in Boron. Granted, not much hap­ Edltor-1•-Chltf Drart.smJn· (Arch.) - Da)·t •nd hourt ~1ry, l ctnlJ sq .. ~r Job. - 1.(,/; 'operations at Edwards Air Force ~. Wonder why the pens in Boron-a sprained a~kle has been known to reprcsentatii'es:·· These positions ' Meuurc flOuse-s afld dr&'!l'(n1 •. ~. Buenrteld site fat Kern Like. south of Bakersfield) convulse' the entire region in anxious spasms-but it . monitor and communicate wit~ the Do11 Hiii N en Edit or With 14k Serpentine Chain Dt1nlt f(ogan, sludtnl placement ltchnlclan, 1, a•illablt (o lalk wllh UNLESS YOU itu rejected' Accordin, to the ~ser/ News, the sttms that a little greater coverage might have been war-. student publications on this cam­ Jo~11 Motz Editorial Editor pus. Bill Hatcher has been ap- .sludtnts al -,he hours llsled btlow: .· California EnffJY CommlS!ion was unable to develop -ranted, even here in the great city of Bakersfield. • To11y Lacl•a Sporta Editor PRINT YOUR .. Root, Waltm Fn!IIT'e Edttor Maln Campus M,T,TH,f 8:30·11:3-0 a.m. and 11:30-4:00~.;,.m.; OWN .•. · $59.50 s.J Portitto Pholo Editor · . WU:30-4:00 p.m. By RICK GIBSON and JOHN MOTZ Botl• Dfflo• ActYitof Your ChQice - Down!o"'n Ct-nlrr W 8:0Q.11:00 a.m.

~EV RL,J ~rwr Ju DE;µdo RI p Sta ff T6 &11 'Dir 1t s~>:-7.s ~ • e o s•_.,:- ~ t r ,:, "'' ,.:.--- .;.,; 1. p .,.. ':'I e-·c-,;~ "I ~v t::f :..:i ( c·, ::< • s.:~_v;,l er~~,S".':S G"·:l r.;·,e c·t· •g •o;i c·,;r 1V ;ii...s1 .-,;:,Oy. HelN llufletd. Wllty c.. --alMw. Ja, Douro, urry TocW x c~~1.u1T,. 0.••. 11 y,:.,j·re c • e c.r :· ,:;.se ~":"V;.·~ ... • -0 r-,:.i ro s~·J tv) r- ·.;,:,"'! s' .<. f t -:- ~ • • • ltldJ htf IUdi S~UI) "'"9, r---~STUDENrs,----1 E-,:r,· -~ !•:~-:-~ r-,:.--~·,. re,,1 c·. J._r f-:::·~" i:-otC G"o;"'S O f.:·. 1 . r-r~ vf faott, Glli1n•, C-tua. J-. frsak My S(i utNCa. ~11·:>)e<:' s,::-,::-:·,:- p ~v ;·::.s~ ..,.•.:i ,:,:1 <; 1.·: ·, r~e ~·~-"'! ~-:,; .s.00 o W• • •ct• of s~g SC ,:, Lawaeace, Rn lee. Get 1 I Lo,e1 .. Pab'ld:9 P•n.tr1a1, 0..W ,,._, :,:..·'"": •·, ~1;~-,'c'S -"".,s c: ·- · ;,·,_ t.:-:.- c-:.s"; c·,j '<.) f:"':"S y.,'"· .. ,:-.;r; .. :.-·,··JC-'"'.):. ,'.-;,;-~"=.)" ,·o?c·~,:i ... ·~·-·J .:;· ... :·jo .-. ~IIS,...... , • Smtt ltk,e, D I s. t • Al s.-. Joa !IIHJ • n I I I Co.uld you·use an extra I (.·-:--.,.,.:-. ,._ ,"': ).. i:-:.,~~ :~;.,- ~-:,:.-~·-··, c·,j c.:.·-- ;,s,.-:--·,J ~1- ... · .~ .. .. ·1 >J I p.· ·-:,r C-:··.~ (.. "(, (; ·.~ o ~: .- • Y ,:, ,,...,. .- ., .- .,._,,, -..... : ·".,] ., ...... JohW-... :-.. )t .,... clrlR.e IC ,.-ct Y,;.,~ ' • • ,:.:': ~· -:~. 1~ ;··.. ,:. . "f U ,~....-_. ·.j ·~,) :,.1 :.: ·,· ';. C. j I"' '• --~·,r~•'. ··-- ..,•,::-)·,,.,,.:···::,.···~ i· ... ~:.r,:·e ,!.3c·. ._ ... c.,..,: • s, !l!i ._ .. -IIIEIOJSf -·~.1.rf·.·:.-i 1 • ·,·.-,.-·,:.,·~·!·! .-·,·_·;1,1r, ...,ai_,~·-:·,(··.,,.-.,..-s: : $85 a month?: l(··• ··· ,,;;.-·· ;..···.:-,· :.s •:· ... - '!!1:•jr_.. ·'·tc,l\•~·:·.·.7"...... " .1. c.,-1~~ ,,-,.,(' •.o c'·; I(~,:,:·.~ ..- "A-;",,Q_(:(: .. :/':. .,-,~·,~,·,.· ..... , . : • . ~ -: : - ~ • · .... ·~ . : . ·, ~ • (,/ ~;.,: ·,: ··I • ,.· c·, ~r .:i 'If'"-: ': • ~ I You·could spend approximately : ..-,-.; (' ·:.~·,- ..... --- C0r.:a.:1- 4.~--·~i)a(( S: h~i~ f . 4 hours weekly donating plasma I Cai:~:rr-.a '!:ate,,_,~~;!\.. f~('I;:-_,· :: : ,... ..-,: ~- I and helping others. t •

!5~L_:: ~2~~~ ____ ~ ~ :_S~R:_E~: .....______., ·~ •,o.:::, ~.o· -...0,. ~, •• _____.... __ ,

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MONDAY, Ii RUAIIY,, ltll . I' PAGl!:4 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1981 · . Ri,;NEGADE RIP I . . I i Lango likes what he sees on diamond .,, ' ,Ingels describes· rise from ' personal crisis By TONY LACA YA good players.'' . I h I f • ' ~ Keyes are vyiq for die 1181 er J s JC . I ; ' Sports Editor Th . , n a w i e or 111,' continued the Hennlnp, Todd and Chuck with a .335 batting av~qe las1 year 1 al -,,nd. "8odl - ..,. ill .. By WALTEk STORMONT . n-··baU ·-·on hasn't even begun i e pd1tchmg, the fielding, the hit- 'Gade mentor. "We're. better now Martin along with soul paws Ray includins 20 hi1s in his first 29 at · Editor-in-Chief . time to think about how he could start putting his life 7. The series of Yoplait yogurt commercials, In whicll runner-up for this spot was Suzanne Somers, for tier , -;,e:1: BC-.and coach Pete L•n•n Ing aln t c depth arc all there to compared to iut year, because Montlon and Jeff Garland. batl. field and both can turn die d1A1· . . Not everyone may have heard of Marty Ingels, but if back to'gether. It occurred to Ingels that almost all the various well-known people, such as Dodger m~nl!&CT Ace h;udware ads. . , ~ .,., comp ement ·the · experience. The Dennis Smith and Rob Em.erson Th hit · will babl be play," uid Lanao. . must already lie convinced that this 'Gades· lineup will field just three e . hrtms . pro Y Ortqa; a Delano High ifad, will h I , f people .he knew complained about the difficulty of •et- Tommy Lasorda and Jack. Klugman speak impeccable 7.. The Bounty paper to.wcl commercials with Nancy Al 1borUtop, Vu~ ...... t e name sn t amlliar, the voice most probably is. This · h · " Ye..ar r.s team is better than the la~t. f (BC's mound aces) are far ahead of strong t ou1hout the lineup. "I probably bat cleanup for BC and be , tmg t rough to other people. )t_-was this common prob, French. · · Walker, which Ingels. bell.eves are way behln.d. the times. • rcshmen: thi.rd baseman R. ay he e they I t ~•r R b ·and thl k I k hl i hi lliaht .,ormer actor and comedian, whose vocal cords cause a. l · Jlo·r starters, Lan•o was ble•sed · W . r were u y...,., 0 n we oo stron1cr It ns t s surrounded by Duncan, sopbQmore edit ova 501•, ·• IA* ,. · · em which later became the basis of his celebrity 6. The "Japanese bath" commercial for Citicorp . 6. The B.iz dete•gent. co.mmcrclal ... this •ot .th. e . h . ,. · ' · Ortega and outfielders .Mike Dun- Dennis-really throw•well, and th_at's . year," ·said Lanao,. "We have kids Van Thurman, Maples, Mike Van Home and Eddie . I I ( · ,,.spr In·. his speech .. remin. isceilt· · of a blender o. n b rokerage firm. Travelers Checks.· · . "nails'on the blacki.oard''' aw. ard for the most annoving·" )Vil an exl;'Cncnce,urret will bolJter the ail t I ft ;t e recent Beller Bu.siriess Bureau annual banq·uel al forming such. chores as getting his mall. Soon, he re- Welles, ,.vhich Ingels considers an ingenious match· of a here." · · "I'm anxious to see th.em play ··,Lango says, adding, ·"all of a sud, they're good pitchers." , hi I duties. Freshman Mark Wyact ,,.._ · ,:Maltia's Basque Restaurant, is still involved in produc- · · this year'" said Lango, "I like our d h years top tier, Rob Amb e. Am- aame.1. :ipg commerdais...'..probably more than mosl · ce1ved an Invitation to attend an art auctlon:at'the home · s!ar ,!nd. a slogan (''We will sell no wine before its Numbers four and three were accidently skipped,. or en we ave two freshmen swinging Besides relying on Smith and ble a ·sophomore opted to o to Theodore will rc1um 10 first base Nortli Hiah will be the d )3• SS t .'.·J?!:ople-but this time, nqt as an actor. . . of .Michael Landon, Heforce.d himself to drive to the lime ) .... · ...... · . . . .·. Ingels didn't have the heart to mention 'them. chances. We're looking 10 have a the bal for u,." · Emerson for mound duties, Lango Ha~aii and polish his akllb o! the while Randy Radcliffe and Kevin hitt~. outfielders indude LI+& ; ,.. 1 1 . . - · even I, and it was .there that he.firsts.aw Shirley JoneS,-:. ._ 3. T.he musical Dr. Pep.per .commercials :.~."Pure- · -. -2.-Th·e Ty.· -D-Bo.wl co.mmercl·'s, 1'n whlch·a ma· n '1n a Cory Pearson, Maples, Morallll llld ·· ,·· nge s, whoseh spou. se happens, to ·be. actress Shirley · wh o was also present at the BBB banquet.clngeis mar: . enthus1a. sm.; a s_uccess.ful !-)Se.. of mus.. ic." · uniform.putters around various"' to'1let tanks 1'n h1's trusty· tg:ood:::y:ea=r=t=h:is=y~e~ar~bec~~a~u~se~w~e~ha~,~e~~····T•h•e•p•i•tc•h•in~g•1~'s•1~he~be~s~1~it~'s~b~e~e~n.. ~w~il~J•ab~o;.;cal;l~o~n~f~re;s~h~m~e~n.;K;e;n ... d;i;am:;o;nd:;.,~a;ft;e~r~lea::d;in:g:.:BC;;...... ~ . ,..:·, ~! • e a ded, l'People forget,she won an Academy pany, u . b.. e.ca.use. mo. st advert.1.se. rs are af.ra1d to. use the_ . •_ight-. year. -old kid. 5· ar. es. upposcd to do." He· continued, ·Team nick-names ~"" 1pvotved. TV w11t. ,a campaign, a charity situaiionior · a , . Ay,ar · d (b est supporting actre.ss, for Elmer Gantry in comed'y' ap. proach that .•h.e. .o.a. rn_ er a.nd.. H,a,·.rtle. y s. pots ''.',T.h. ose. fl.ire.·breathirigmanlacs .will sell us anything.I· h·ey . , ::ra d10 or · . comm. ercial, and f~el it ca. n be enhanced. 'by.· · t9=) h · k .·. .,,, •. :·. 1. ey. thihk. she's 'Mrs. Partridge."' .. . la. e.. They•. ook a. chance. a11d 1t-wo.rked, he said. can for. a profit." .. · . . · . ::a celebrity, call Ingels, Incorporated in Holiywood (He . A f · · F 11 ' • 1 h ffi . . ·. n. un ortun. ate episod.e • in '-the. iriarri.age o.f. ih.e · ma Y,. _the Coca,Cola cl)mmercia. I featuring foot-· i\c;ordirig. to Ingels.,· the "real cancer o.f o~r nation"· · !tell tall. tales • · :.:a .so as o ices m New.York, Chicago, London,Ka.nsas.. J I h bl' h' · b JI' ·M ·· J d ' . ,,City and Tampa, Florida)." . n11e ses was I e Pl! JS mg of an article about them in .. ,,a .\~~a~ ~e o. reeri.?n the ~id: '.o Ingels, ~his is a isthat we are'°repressihg all .the garbage/• and not tak, .. ,·. . . . . ·. . . · the'Na/iona/Enquirer, in ~ovember, 1979, which.Jrigels · mm1-'.°oy1e. He particularly hkes II bec.ause 11 ''sells · ing action to get rid ofit. . .· By TONY, LACAVA -.-. -... ..SpOFts-Editor-·~. . Dodgers .were...Brooklyn~property, ~; Si,ryears'ag<,.lng~tswasanh·e·tow poin'i of h1S caree~ -el aims-was extremely-fitticimrs and-defammg.Tntislie humamty as wen as -the1Jroducr.'.'-c;~~ . · , · · , was.ment10neil tmore tharlngels was at onehme a u ThiJ Boiter111akers, the Tar Heels, they used to. have to "dodge" the · · ::as a professional .coinedian.C.:persorial ·.tensions· were IS suing the ta'b_loid .for $20 million. ''.The stfessional comedian. Indeed he was, 'es he proved at the Terrapins, the 'Jazz, the Ducks, trolley cars to get somewhere or ;:building up .. "It all ended on one day,; he recalled. . ari alrocitythat we said; 'we have to fight this thing,'"· runry1~g "'ay ?vet11me) 1\st of wha~ he considers the very the'banqutt,ugti some ofthe'gags he.used are not . the Beavers;. -:-and. the list goes · another. Thereisacollegeteamthat. :'.That was.ihe'day he made a guest app~arance on the ln!(els explained.•. · · · · · · · · . ·. · worst m televised adverl1smg. See 1fyou remember these ·. printable,'they kep(th~ audlence'in stitches. on. · · · uses .the name Lakers, and if you · ?'Tonight Show," staning Johnny Carson. Ingels did . He is literaUy ai war against the Enquirer; and ini- ·. ones, folks: . . . .· ...·. • ...... ·... •. . . At,<'me point dutirifhis performance, Ingels mention- Team -nick-names.· are an in- don'.t .know the school don't be ::his stand-up routine, chatt~d with Johnny, and, as the plied that they have desetved'the type of harsh legal ac- . 10. The H1Us Broth.ers c_offee cotnmercial, with the_ ed that h~ )Vas very 'naive. "I once check~ into a hotel · teresting and intriguing yet'often by alarmed, it's Grand Valley State • . ::next guest came on, moved on down ihe sofa, as is the . . tion .he is takins.againstih~m for a long tiine. "Nobody ':bean ~uye~ ·'' In.gels :said thfa is an ill¢gitimate adver- · · in Hollywood that had a mir~ot oil the ceiting;" he sid .. · . passed asl)CCI of sports. Jntriguiging .. . And w.ho are those Notre 'Dame . ::custom. As the host was interviewing another g\Jesti .• sues. them,'' .ht~om_ment4;..d; ·<:la_iming, "That's why : 1,s_eroen.1, bccau;; l~e bea.n buyer ·does n.ot work for · ·. "For the firslthree mornings, I shaved on the bee!." He meaning that lnost NBA.fans will go · folks to take racial siandpoint; the · :iomething,began 'to take over Ingels' body'. His right -- therrecthe ·biggest -paper· 1!1:-:fl1ll.erica today." Ingels . Hills B\°.th_ers. ,, He.s an u~employed ~~!o,r/'-cji)il).led · · said his naivete was an inherited t~ait: quipping,. "my.• a on saying "The Cellfcs are playing · Fighting Irish? Maybe al('the Mex, ::wrist · started .to _tremble .. :. theh · ii, began in . hi! . ackn<;t\1/ledges that lhe battle'\will be tough. (tl)e case · Ingels, ~d~mg'., 1:1.e h~}. no more to.(lo..w1tli'•beans than ..· mother t~inks ihat 'innu~nd.o'. is the Spanish word for : the Knicks tonight on TV." And ican s shol)ld get together aftd cali . :elbow·:· . then his:s.houlder. l ;";'.:te~ see~. J11gels s~\Cf other unbelievable spok-esper-. ·. group, "ihey love filth." . . . . . ·. . . . a m the.studio. When he got to the curtain hc·turned and . Journalism l:iackon track agam." . . . · ·...... sons· .• •are+ Robert Young ·.. {Sanka} · Lauren Bacall Actually, if was not otirdirty ininds t~at triggered our with a pair of dictionary transla, . A.nd a t:ew.of my favorite teanlf . · l:xciaim~d, ''I have to use Johnny's bathrooin.'i'(his .·· 1.n recent years, Ingels has received much media alien-· (Chrvsler) and Sammy Davis, Jr. {Manieshewitz}.. . · laughter, but appreciation for a welHold joke and a lions. Knickerbocker· was . the (all collegiate). The Roanoke line drew l~ughter from the audience, for they didn't ·. tion. for his. Hstingsof ;yhat h.e considers the best arid · . 8. All commercial~ f<;>r Hostess Cupcakes :. ; . "Wi man who is living testimony to.the human splrit-Martv original uncut versi9n of Knick.• Maroons, the. Akron' Zi.Ps, the teaHze he was actually' in the process of.a breakdown.'.· ...• worsttelevisioncommercfals oflhe year: By pcipufar' de- . . liriow 'Yhal garbage. !hey. put in. those things!" The . Ingels. ·. And it means a. dtcenilant or' the Mississippi CoHege Chocktaws, the Dutch settlers irt New-York. And Wlichata St. Shockers, the Austin : Secon. ds ·later,. Ingels walk... ed backsia.ie.an. d. .m_ erel.Y. ·.. mand '. he presented his cho·. ices for.19.80 at. t. he.. ban.·.qu.· e't. · · · _ · . · - · . . ... - - .. - . . . ~oilapsed. As the .'.'Toniglit Show"continued without ·.. F oII owmg 1s the Ingels list of the IO best coin111ercials ·.· r ------_---- ...... ------. -- ...... - -..... _._._...... ,...... Celtic, a. sub-f~ily or' the ind~- · · t>eay Governors, ·· the Virginia, European family of languages (prob , Wesleyan Marlins, the_franklin & him; he was driven h<;,irle by~ stagehand ·and laid in with comments whe,e necessary: - • ·. . Yello ·ns t h . ·t . R. rront of. his television set, Where he remained for the Jhe Firestone Tire acfverffsement wilh. Jimmy II . . . ably Irish s)nce tliey spon a green · .· Marshall Diplomats, thi:i Purdue · w. w I er s ee In .·' p clover on . their . uniforms). But, the Transylvania. (I he1tt'nine months. Confessed Ingels, ''I felt I was going • Stewa_rl, which Ingels considers "a good marriage of Boilermakers, enough of this diciionary stuff, kid you not) Pioneers, 'the North lo d.ie on that n.oor:" . . ·.. ·. · .• ·. . . ·... . . •. . . product and talent." · · 1··_· ..·. I .9. The Winchell's Dohut_ comfuercial. .• "lhexpen- . • ·· · · · · · · · · · Most t~ams, it seems, try to pro-. Caroilna .·Tar. Heels, the. Rut,ers ject something mean or flii~ce with . $car/et Kn;ghts, the Minnesota . ~y~~jr~~~:\i~:~:!~{~t~: :a~i~~~~~~::!::J:~ ~~~ siv:.1\~:o~~~~g· c~%;:;!;is featuring Bill Cosby and . IS •. du~ to 11e.Ws ' print sh Ortage tbeir names, usuaily .the nam'e of an . . G_ophers (you. think any of .their . !I, life annuity for her kindness). He also·had pleniy of childr.e~. '. . ·. .· .~', . • .· ·. · ·· . · j ...... I . _ _ . . . • · _ . · .·.. . - · animal. The Detroit LIONS, ihe players have·.· buckteethll), the . ---- . _. . . . ---~-..~-:-----~~--~~~-~..,_--.~· ____ _....,...... "*'· ""W"! ...... ,~__...._..._., Dett'oit TIGERS and the 'Chicago .· ... Oorizaga-Zags;-!he·sretsotCH"al"le"'.i~;s,-.·-1-~~~'l..wMc,· BEARS, the ·Lions the Tigers and ·. the.Florida A & MRalllers, (we can Bears, starting to. sound like The go oil forever), ~nd the Lincoln Blue Wizard of 01. yet?. : . C . Tiger$ (Blue Tigers?) . .' l • ·. ~torrrtsbrrng·snow;'~~:?'. . Other teams; however, ~hose . something nice and gentle to repre- · · · sent themsebesC Let's put' it: th'is .· ·. \ A / . you're· really in love.. •. . . • . . k I ·. ·· . ,1.-..-10 ·1,Bi.n . ~ki fashion s~ggested...... If , . ,.•• 17 c:.o.s. • . ·- , , . . r , . , . • 1: fll, 20 RISHO •.··. ' r::;1;a1:eftf~r:ilsi;~ :r:;~f1~~ >.y J". I .·y···. ··.- . . Jock flt; 14 fOITHYILll e e .· ·. .·· .... ~ IHOLIY ·... · · : By JOHN WHITE . .· thanthe other Rossitnol competj: .. Monarch(Old Dominion Universi- - AIAl, I 'll CAMINO · · :no.thing's going to stand in your wa~ .s~over· .;..-.""JS ~-~- VALI.IY ,: .- . · .· . · : staff writer> ..:· .. · t_iori ski$. 1t aha.features a horizon. ty). How about a man-eating fer- . ·c·.. · _ ,·n·_··..•... ·a·.·.. _.·r···.·: ·.···.· ':The first r~alstorni of the 'se~s~n ta\ iicral inserr for better ~ontrill° in rop(n~·. (Maryland)., Betcha . don't .... ·.·le·. ...·· ·Valentine· •=.,g =•NACCI ...... ,·_._ \,One olthe best fjlms of the y~r." · kn9wwhat a Terrapfn is. Why ii's a. 0 0 . •'•gifL . ·.. · ...... ff" otL'CAMINO...... has brought several feei of snow io . Fall line skiing: ··. .. . .· . ·.. . MM. M *t.A.. VALLIY _ -Andrew Sarris, VILLAGE VOICE · MAI » •LONG MACH the Slirras, to the delight of many . . The Auslrian ski, Oynast~r, . I . - - . - , . turtle.o'f c. ourse. . Or may· be. some. · MondaYt· · ·rtbruary.. 9 .APt, I UIUTA APl. 7 • Pl 11(1 skiers .. And· all hough the ·closest , ;vhich is as highly ·regarded as any "One ofthe most enjoyable · deadly Ducks or P~nguins: (Oregon .Ml. 21 •PASADtNA ;GADE FORWARD Gmy Leverette, a 6-foot-4 inch and Pittsburgh).? . · ,c ·' · · · 1:30 1.m. Fl.nan« Commlictt,_ .~atl,e Board Room Dear A~n:- .. · ""· 23:--,. _:O,,tJ tOUtNfY ' .· resort using chair _lifts is' three· lo .··.· other ski iri 'its class, came otil this .. . movies ofthe year.". · ·Alhle.ticallyl'm an UI.JO.M.AY 2 -•MfTIO COH•Rra!ll1.. ,.CCIII Desert High 'gnil unleashes a powerful dunk during a . Our own lakers and Dodgers are 10:00 1:in. Barld:."Blut Skf,"-cirapa..t Ce•ttr . _. Ali­ MAY7.. ~CALS •. four hp11rs from Bakersfield; there . year "with a new addilion ··Of the ._ . . . .,.:PotComn;, GOOOMORNING AMERlcA . -S~_k,en;,p_r. 1%'.'1.JhtJM•y?r M~ K. Sl:ell; ftml,l,t Ro'om _ American. Romantically· MAT J~t6. STAH foe.mtff · are fode'ed·many. hard-core powde'r Omeglass; Major improvements of ~ent BC basketball pnctlce, (Photo: Al Stone) a· story in themselyes .. The Lqkers, · ll:OO ·a:m. I'm a nerd.I'm in love . 11 30 AcllvJU .. Board, Ext<'IU,e lloffll RO<>• ·: . . ·. . .. ·-~ .· "Richard Dreyf_!{S5.' is first rate. Amy. . who moved 10 Los· Angeles frorri ' a.m. a fox...... ~ffs anxiously awaiting . their . . this : ski were designetl -arid i111,. · Cimini,· Lai.a Eu1 ol lluenn.td Collea< Campu · with But the com­ 11 30 petition is rough. What'll I · AIRLINE .JOBS ¢1iance ·10 venture iillo. the mouli: plernenled 10·: intreiduc~ . ihe · .. · .· · ·· .... ·.. ·. Irving is equaUy good!{ . · M. innea.polis. a co~p-le. dee.· ades. ago· · 12:30' a.Iii.p.m'. Fl1114: "To Be Gift .. 111<1 llack,'' °Flfflidt Roe,I. ,Vrg,iarlao Cooklag, FACE 111.... · , . . . giv~ her forYalenti.oe'.s Day? ·. i:liins and experience the exhilaration • Omeglass IL For $275, you can pur- ·. -Chorlos Chompl;n, l()S ANGELES TIMES · Leverette a .rare.·• got their name from ihe five great .. 1:00 i,.m. .'. Nervously .Your,,. . For lnformation---WrUe : lhluno Sludlel Tncllff Mettl11, .Exe<11lhe Board Roem ·. ' .. ~f. schussing down those frozen . chase this.' lighhveighi' staioin ski, ·.· · .. "An out~and.outcrowdpleaser lakes of Michigan, which borders 4:oo p.m. · Chicken Hw,k AIRLINE PUB· .' ·.: . slopes... . ' . whit:tf·Jea(tires two· glass. torsion. Minnesota. . . . . that should captivate !JUdiences on tile Dodgers have · a • similar Taffllay, February. JO Dear Chicken\ . . I1SHING CO., 1516 E • . · · ·. ; But as soon as many skiers dig out . box~s · ,wrapped around the ouier Desert product\. .· · Don't punt: S.ind her TROPICANA 7A-110,. ,· a grand scale. In Richard Dreyfuss it :EOPS, Ellt<'lllte flowers. lt't probably the cheir otil equipm~nt, they find ihat · corechannels. The result.i.s a0i1'uieier · story.. . Legend. has that when the 8:301.m. Ikard Roell¥ a,ew, equipment. is rieeded. And to more stable and diverse ski for the ' ·_ - and Arny Irving it has the most. 11:30 a.ii. . Pre,Law, EJ:entl,e Boenl RooM ·best play you ever made. LAS VEGAS, NEV ADA ______..., __ . n,301.m. Clcapcl Clab, FJNlidt Roe• · 1nd the easics1.Ju11 go to t!iose of you· who are confused · adv~nce.d 10 expert skier. . By TONY LAC,\ VA 89109. Include a ,elf IMI· appealing ofromantic teams ... . Sports Editor ftlin: "Bl1wn as the previ~usly mentioned .. . . 12:30 p.ni •. Bap1hl St..S..! FellowilllJ, ftot1Mo1 Cffler Valentine gift.A beautiful Leverette· has. it, . and when it comes. to· traveling, bouquet tha! comes in a i;g,.in the next few iss_ues,.reports• skis, this repo~l'.wouldn't be ~om~ .exceptional. lee Re01ick is . IN BASKE'I'BALL,;-BC travels to t:oil p.m. B.S.U., BlaolOJrapl:y ror Plalnn, LA 116/c.,. jn this issue with skis, we will fol!ow :lernalional racing champions, the· "Exciting, authentic, arid a great last game, Long Beach edged BC ' :QQ p.m. doubt, rely on 1he nugic of Just 18 years of age, u:verelle has aiready spent a good here 63-SS. BC will host third-place flowers. It's the only way a · jn the upcoming issues wilh bin- RX ($250) is consiructed 'using Wtda...iay, F,b,.,ry II . chkkcn can catch a fox. deal of fun, .. an honest love portion of his lifetime in some distant places. You might Pasadena City College at 7:30 p.m. RDOH ~ings, boots, clothing, winding· up aluminum hybrids built on cores of Good,hunting. say he's. been ~ou·nd: ..- · · :With a report on some· .o( the laminated beech, thus giving a much story." Friday. The 'Gades enter the contest . 7:30 '·"'· Bible stat,,. Ftralde Roo• Born in Springfield, Massachusetts; Leverette lived ,,.,. : S,..kn: a.s.v., FA 30 .~kersfield area skiers' favorite better turning radius. ·This model -OovJ.~E with a 9-18 recC1I their season at ,.1e ,.•. -·,:III l.11Cn1--.~­ ;:dedicated to the engineering. and , s.e-ttr. ,_ A-, I-~ , At De,ert. Lt"er!1 te avera.aed IO rebounds and e1gh1 Hancock College tonight at 6:30 .. .•. '.4esignin& aspects in~olved in makes finals points per ~ a.nd helped lead t~ Scorpions to :he :=manufacturing. Al9o, many skiers p.m n..u. ...,, ,...... ,, 11 CIF quana finals where they loo to Santa Clara. fi,s &,rerer a "iffrr ski, which generally Phyllis Mallory, director of the WOM[~'S TRAC1'.-Co1chcs ... marulCf1 on tlw court and off are qui1e a contr.ut That - R--, I YI ::reatures a hiJh concentration of community developmen1 progrJ1m ~ar~ Blunt and Sandy BoWff1 ru.n-·, •r • u, Iv's i 10ft spoken penon in strec'l cl«hes and an ,n . ., . ::iireuure al the tip and tail Three at Ba~~rsfield College, is one of 70 "'lll open the women's track ,euon teruoe, n.iul!d ,ndi\'ldual m urufonn. Krafvc will test1f, ,· fmajor ski m.uufacturers will be finali

& I ' -~ .- .;_ ...... ___ _ . '.- ' ...... ~- ... -- . - .-·-· ····---··

• ,• •• $ 5 instructional fee,

I health fee increase· I voted for by Reps s . . .. By DON HILL of Students David Rosale!. Rosales News Editor assured the Board the maner haa ' • With only one sludenl al large not been discussed al the Ad- A VS disbanded prcSeQt last week, lhe BC Board of · minislrative Council m«tin,s, bul -Representatives· voled to accept. a added; "There has ~n a council proposal made by college president set up to probe the possibility of Dr. John. Collins to install a $5 in- adding a parking fee." , ? s.tructional materials fee 10 cover the Business Manager Oiroux. added . ··',~-- . ASB cannoJ'l pi lfered •• cost of paper, xerox machines, and credibility lo his staiemenl by $11yiq ,l . J other items students us~ while - the toll gates cost $6,000. He •d•• ~ I . . .. · auending BC. The Board also voted he learned of the order from a top . ' u ·-_ .-1 ".•:' By LARRY. DUNN had. disbanded and· formed· a new ler to Rowe advising him of a Board Rowe's attorney. -to ra.ise lhe health fee frpm $4 10 $5 administrator al BC, whose· munc club off campus .. The KVA - ruling that all assets of a deflincl s. . _.Staff Writer And. there the matter rests. As,this beginning in the fall semester of wai not revealed. The ASB'Spirll Cannon has been representative indicaied they intend- • clu.b are to remain on campus. On issue· goes to press,- the Student · 1981, · After listening to Giroux's stale· spirited away!._ - _-. - cd 10 continue io fire the cannon ror receiving the leller, Rowe came in to Court is investigating the question · Also on the agenda for the regular. ment on the parking fee, the Bo~d. F A feature of campus lite al BC the ASB at BC' home games, as the . talk lo Phil Feldman, director of of ownership of the c~nnon; which . meeting Qf the Board was a pro~ voted io table the discussion until since 1964, the I\S.B .cannon is no A VS had done for many" years. student. activities. Rowe clo;ed tlie - . was mad_e -. for ttie. veterans of posed,$10 per-semesler-parkihg fee. Wednesday, _allowing time to lon~er in tti•: . rustoilv of thr. At the request of the Board or discussion by instructing Feldman Bakersfield College by a local foun, _Former :/\SB President and current research the matler in fulL \ . ··;"'·. 'A"odalctf - V.l•lcrtin Students Representatives, Rosal.es sent a let- to r_efer any_ further discussion_ to _dry_in.il64. · , · Ousines~ Ma'nager - Bob Giroux The. instructional ma1erials (ee ' '. (AVSJ,.accordirig 10 tiavid-Roi'afeS: - .• argued fierceiy against the ·parking and the health fee increase must . assistiint dean of student ar'rairs. He _ frc. - . be . accepted • by the . Board of '. says the AVS, under:tlie leader'shlp · Giroux feels 1fthere is another ad- 1.rust:ees6efore enactment, but tne ·-. [ -- ~-:-< ol · then ·. president Don Rowe - rtiinistrative ree levied' on_ the ·Freshman Class President; Frapk - . - . . - . . ! disbanded their dub early in the students, the students would nQI pay Mesa,' expressed his thoughts on ' spring semester, claiming they could the $4 aclivily fee. being set by tile h_ow the Trustees can be expected lo . . rind greater support off. campus. ASB. · ·. vole on the matter. "! speculaie that. They then voted to donate .all assets . Giroux added the-:adminisiration ... the Board of Trustees will approve -- of A vs, including the cannon, to a has already, in, fact, placeil an order of the. proposed -fees" because of. i new .veteran's_ organization called ror ihe. parking toll gale, which in Governor Brown's slatemenfreveal, .i K°ern Veterans' Association (KVA). · essence would make the Board's ing·he will nofset a budget for Corn, · .. Rosales maintains that the I> . vote on the matter meanin'gless. - munity 'colleges until. the coJleg~ '' ~.'- ' - meeting at which AVS was disband- - _ Gjroux's staternenl raised a few I start chariing the stu'dents the maxc ' . I·,. easis, has generated at least $150Q -. . tibri, abciu(85-90 percent, .With this - the off-campus KVA, which is head- · · · · _-- this_ spring, according- __ to .David kind of participation, the. fu~d can . ed by Don Rowe, former president THE AS!3 CANNON, ilJimgtline mahistafof B - oojbali gaines, Is shown here In Its greatest '/Rosilei, assist;ml deal\ of stud.en! · _ then provide 'such things as enier- of A VS. A. representative of KVA ino111en(sc...-dellghUng the crowd__a few years back. a -a game wherl! the Renegades were pitted '. · aff,a_irs_:· H___ e_b_e.lie__ v_e_$ the_ uriexpec_ \ed_. -.tainmerit, _' lect. ure.s__ an_ d_·.- conce~~---. _calle.d :Rosales to notify him- they ,- - · · ·· - against Pasadena City College; Fans al the 'Gades games are in danger o(belng deprived of hear, , , . · - - · - .. · IY high•parli.cipation was because of "All .. such activities 11eed -- the · , _Ing_ the. canno_._n blow ils loa. d at future__ oa_ m~s·_due 10 .the see_ ming m.. lspl_afe_lllent o.f t.h_ e .Re neg. ade_ ·__ - · · - - · · · · - q - - . the campus debate on the idea ofan . - ri:sQlir~ .biise. guar~tee(f. by wide ...... a . . . trademorl<; . ' ;. . ; ._ -. - . i.. ' • - C, ,• :- ' '. ' I •- . •• ·: •• :· .. ·-· . ' - . ·. . . -_ ·- .. ·. - . ' . ' . activity fee'; tiul he lamen,tfiiiai'ilie'" parilcipation,;' he Stresses: . ·-

--- ln .Memorial stadiurn c ' arn9un(s invblveil'aie just not Rosales commends 'the• ASB ' . S_-~_C_)CCCl"g.···• CJ(_fl d~JQ_ f'-~c.1ttlr_e_ ,"_~l_.. f e.cs .. ·::;~J~;~.:;;;;;t;.;:;tl ·· .~~~1[~:~~~:4~~i . - . - . , - . fi11~nce ASB activities. ()rdjn~rily ,' wouid like to s~e s\uclentsovern- By JOHN \Vf-!iTE. A.nieric.a"ri - Soccer -- -League . _·- art__er the·__ K,f-!SD's '$_3 mill.ion _p._r_i2e , · · ' - - ,. ' - •.. · -- · - · • in i_he -Fa11:'semester,· - about· 1,· 100 _ 'ment b.ecome an even more effective . ' . ' - . . . . - - - - . ,or the Renegade .foolball gaines - · · - · · · -(N·A· s·L ) 'w·· h'1c--h ··,s ·;,-he· N- F- L. -·f ·c·'ut· · ·A-nd · 'f · t-h · · .·- · ... · · · -- ... · · · · . A-_··s·n· ·c·ar-ds a.re s·-.old ·at· $_1·0·__ e·a·c· h-. -Thi'' . - _·orga_rii.zation_, w.i.th th_e ability to pro· • · Staff \Vriler - , , , , , , . · i _ - . 0 -, - __ •.. · .. 0 I_-- . e - program IS .m- i wil_J nof.be recognized, 'Jines urges. , '!. . Saturday; March 14, will be a big. . soccer,. i'he game's' .;,ain objective .•. troduced, it CQuld very well fniiigale . all BC patronsand others "to par~ .. -·- generates revenue of about$) 1,000. . vide jobs, shori-ierm emergency SIU· day (or soccer enthusi.asls as the Los : will be to raise $120,000 needed to - college scholarships wliicn would · tlcipalc in this worihwhile-evenl... lit orde~ to have ;ri effe~live pro- - dent hians, ancl that kind of_ thing. 'i . • A11geies Azlecs meet the California --begin-~ fuil soccer 'program for all •. pursuade many,)lesitani students t; ror more information regarding. · gram, Rcisales ind,cates ASB needs In order to do this, we are.looking . ·r l Photos, Layout - Sur( in an exhibition -gam_e at nine of lhe Kern· High" School continuetheired~caifon lines points· this'fund-raiser, contact: Dari lines - to bring in $30,0()0-$4(),000 per - for a resource base. And for that, ;' _. Memorial. ·stadium:, · All proceeds . _Djstrlc_ts schools, induding. Ga'rces, - out. First· Federal Savings • and ·. Loa~ semester _for a ·student body this. we -have lo make the activity fee ·1 · . 7 . . by •. SaJ. Portillo _ from the game will go to Supporters· ac~ord.ing' '{o· Dan •.,Jm~s.· i:ers nf The Renexade ~tnrmont re-ce-r.. e-d a ,;er-tif1c.a1(' of toward the sub-ltancc of the ,ollectl\·e cultural and American histor., ",;lusted off." and paraded about to proud ... S.UICS a""Vd-wi II s.o., ~ whiu &ca. 51onnont ·, entr;,· fo,- ~ do differau from the bulk of ITW1Utre.im .\m.enca the collect,,e 1ngenu1ry of :he ma~ses of Black gres, ... and .. ..,.,,,c commitment" to the promi,cd land rr.u~1c in ··We're l'K'J( OU1 to .-in •••• .... · Pe ..- of Afnan d,es.;en1 an.! e.pec-i.ally "~ctn th1nke,-1. 1<:holars. and freedom :,ghte,s, ~ro H111ory A...mmcan~ must take pnont,,. ove:- an · 'd::e ;,s: i)f great m0<1 of 1h01e years." f•lu~ [llin()IS. a mu~1.: .:!,:-e-.:tor ar Shafter cere"'1ony re<:ently. :,..,..,, s,o--.. concerned rt.., multi of 11'1 ni« to know ,-. -*. (F. Pi a " were clUICCI as a r~ 1JRable ro subofdm.at< Weck""' m11~red on a s,:nous platform "1~1ngs. n­ "iqroes .. ., ~id ,n a ie11er to the• board and H,gh School. chairmar. nf :he 5011!" Ke~r. P--:~( Ci, .. ·0;..~:-:al.\m 1!le 'iolC'lecoming el<, Black communi­ tlw! Black Communl!y LS •1th1n ,11<, "!\ands" and clestin\ chaJic,n1~ the mammoth g.ap ber...-e,,n the rhe1or.;; of pnvilqe or having wo,ked u:i one of and d-ean of 1n..,tru(~;on at Taf~ Col-· e,d r0 ~·.Jj(":-.·~ J.:--..: r'"(\f~,~•ona;,, ,ronsorcd male ~le. Th<: ~R-.lan"'- . I. 5 _. die ro.ecter of Cohunbia lJ~t,', graduate ty. TIW' 1ntent,on ,,.as nO( to 1n1t1.al~ o~ Wttk 's dud~· o~ of Black people Th1< is no(hm1 surprum1 nor ri,,.~u­ A.men.can U\.fflt1(i,; stud~ of Bta.:k peopk ahruc and/or racuJ ,roup" the primary mpons1bihty of rtruqi,e. dcttrmH\al1on an.:l crcat"11y Th1.1 OO-· ed Fa.h<~ "''d that ~ plan, ·,­ hooorat'ilt :7ie:--,::oo •~T :o R,r 'iitaf'. Stoops . ...,= of the tint ~ ,( lh1die _ _,,_ - " .t ,.,,._ A icw &lld people of A fri,;an throust,ovt '.he vcar Over the year,, lliqro Hlllor, of ~ rupecr,~ const1tueoit~ of each ,roup Whitt •= mllS1 bt a tcstunony 10 t~ Bla.::k pionttO who fahsbendn ba., beef, ID public spt11d t ~ s«-Ond II.al f of hu IPOI'~: n, memt...n D<,r. H:il. \l. all er Stor­ pl.a.,ut a.-arded (Of es Pc$ti,n tbat tlu lhdcat .... fie .. ~ worid: "Tiit dailn that Ulert ,. 'il.ttt ha.I unaeraonce a reddi rut1on of tCl"IIIJTIOk,c To­ cthnia (and patticularty Jew,) rruitt tlla f~ .iruc,led to affirm 1ht hunun1ty of Afnan people ud education ro, 1 1ouJ of '.lO rean md ,ears -.-,rh ms wtft .. the,r fam,J, mont John Sr .:x,p< me to recaptUTt ~ on11nal lep,;y o( Black ia1~ maic, cou..tor. Hill rec.,,'Cd • fin! place plaque for on a,,.. tant director of all,leti,c ia­ rt,'- •~•••• s, .... ~ eduation - '.... . ,, die Q(lffl - dir-ec,or of director of lus story ,c>11ccr111aa Willy 7 t , Dr. C.. Ood•hl reflection o! politic.i pOWU, too Oti to "'""ion . f •felt, Blad: r»D S* f,'j ' Mondi. -=btia. 8UllitJ :QC C a - - rw. format;o., Oil""Y o~ • I ' • ,.... ~· ' ,.. -~ .,,. .. _ • ' ' ,_ •


iBurleigh Smith: - KERO's solid' anchor- , ' \ By WALTER STORMONT becaus~ something has kept him from relocating. lion and operated from the El Tejon Hotel. Smiih alone explains he was forced to_- _anchor the oew,cut in:! , -Editor-in-Chief . "I've had opportunities to leave," reflects Smith, the prepared and delivered the station's daily fi\'.e-mlnute place. - - : , ~kersfield ls a city often complime'nted for the anchorman of KERO-TV- News. His reason for no! newscasts, and also, "I did my own commercials." The Smith prefers local broa~tlng to the more • .al1ber of Its ·people. Although in the eyes of some it following up on those opprotunities? -,,I just like the program was sponsored by the Golden Crust 'Bread petitive TV market ,of the big city. thoqh, Uld lie may' not_ be a glamorous place in which tci live the . town." Actually, he has become an important part of Company, which has since baked its last loaf. possibly owes his health to the fact he chose not to con­ general warmth and hos~ltality of Its inhabitants i; one what Bakersfield stands for, which is hard work and tinue working in Los -Angeles. Observes Smith, "Molt of tb~ maiR rtllions many· people choose )o slay here. _ friendli_ness. , ______KERO technolo.gy in -those early days· was rather-_ of the guys I work~ _with -down there have passed Burl~lgh Smith fits both parts of this A Texas native, Smith settled in the Golde~ Empire In primitive compared tp modern times, when the station away." Crime threatens-our freedom; description .. , • he is one of the most respected people 1954, when he went to work for KERO Radio as an an­ has such.luxury necessities as a fleet of vans and a com­ Ip his current role as Channel 23 anchorman, Smith _in 11akersfieid, and he has· lived_ here for 27 years - nouncer. The next year, KERO becaue a·televjsion sla- plex -security system. Comments smith, "We have a handles such c~ores as soing through wire service copy . ....,.. ... ' much bigger staff on news today." He adds that the from the ·News Program Service (NPS), and _rcwritiria time ~as come to fight back . lead-ins for stories to be_ read. A recent exami,le of . original newscasts were not as visually _oriented as they Smith's creative ability was a _lead he invented for • , - . story about the rising cost of flowers: "Roses _are red, · ,- By JOHN MOTZ -' Crime exists on all levels. Organized crime has in- are currently, recallh'lg, "There was no film ._, : . only violets are blue .•. I can't afford thein, how about t, Editorial Editor - filtrated Jegitimate industries. They have vast financial - on rare occasions." Smith adds that still.pictures, which you?" J: ___ Los <',naeles: a 6S year old'woman is raped by a 16_ resources- and political clo_ut. Their direct po(ltical In­ • were bussed regularly from 'Los Angeles, were used toil­ volvement has resulted In inadequate laws which make lustrate some stories. . . ·-: . '· I f: ·1yu.r old rnale. Atlanta: 18 black children are murdered Anyone who is a regular viewer. of the Channel !• · : ln_the last 19 months, New York: John Lennon is shot the punishments for clminals lenient and resirict law en­ 1' - 2r · ''This is my third go at Channel 23," says Smith, wh~ News (and most Bakersfieldians arc) know_s Illa! Smilhj : t: •:"to,d~th in the streets. Nationwide: the crime rate has forcement agencies from doing -their job •. Tii~ , __ : · •druucally risen upward. · ' members of organized crime are immune from criminal -has worked at all 'three local stations, such as Channel· -seqsc of.cheer can sometimes flare up in the form of.11 17 from 1960-63. In _the early '70's, he made a return 1 · giggle as he is reading the n'ews. He ~ys tha,t th* sucf- ''.': ..'. No matter how rl~h, how old, or what socialcondi­ -prosccu_tion becaus,e people are afraid to testify against . ,,,_. ; _ 0 them. , _ radio, broadcasting on KAFY. den snickerings are usually triggerell'by ln,studlo Joke;, r·( - 'tlon.·· you. . live. under,. ' .no American- Is safe. - from. - .cdme. . _ __ _ , _ _ , . : which take place off the air. Smith admits, though, t~t !'.' 'The average citizen lives in fear, double-locks his doors, .:,- !he news businessli~f~(un~r~dictable, and Smi\h is · a laughin~ at tac~ ls ~tarted, it; isn't 111"."ays ~Y (celi-like) bars across his wihdows, arid ls afraid to _ o~~ W 0 -- -- 'iw ~--··-~· ~~.a. \ieteran _of_pelng.,:-suddeoly ,swep~into:challengins--.- sllfle,.-.He::._philosopb1zes, "l'm-hk~ ~ttle ki!I~ 1 -_--C- -A- :•~· 'c-----"'\Vlllk1he sireets ~tilighhin'rlie-supposed wl!Ve ln a _ ~:~:~-~~!i:~:1~~111~~;~1~_ti{=.:rf::~%~~-, ·-r-' ·m-·~---f'-__-/-u' e·n··-· ·e·-- ·s···:i_s· ·r-_--·-re·- ·s· u·-- -,--~ts_--- - assignments_:: :Jn - 1959; -for e'xan:iple, one of Kern - 'sch_ool .. , . J?U start gfggHng~ when you kliO"'. yo\J'ff , . land ·of freedom? mcnt ofl!cials who hear of t)le rise_ In cri!lle with __ · ·~- ___ , - _ _ _ , _ : _ • - _-- - _ - _ - -- . : -~-,-,. suspiciously deaf ears musi be voted 0111 of office. - · - · - · · Couniy's greatest disasters occurred i_n ih'e form of, a - -supposed to be qulet." · ------train wreck: the San' Francisco Chief ran into an ojl - - The justice system is not adequate. In California Through our petitions and voics we must demand that ,, :s . By i.L. STOOPS • - - -According to Sn,ith, his most satisf;ing feeling in· bo­ 'criminal complaints are filed for only 7S percent of the the justice system is 1101 balanced in favor of t!ie . - ly ihe btiie of an eslJlbliih.ed artist, is riow ihe criminal_. Tough, j)rison sentences must be given to - --- - Staff Writer - ·------norrn ..• indeed, _the co_vetcd role. If you are condi- -tanker, resulting in death and injury; Smith, KERO's - ing a newscaster comes "if eirerythin'g comes off 115 ·-" .errests madt: S7 percent oL those arrested individuals "cr'1m1'n· al· '1,.;or-c1er' to_d,eter other• from- co_mm1'tt_ing t- he' r_- The results_ are in-and they are surprising. A recent - - - one-l]lari news depa-rtment,:wentinto action and made a '' • 1 'analysis of the Scholasiic Achievement Test (SAT) pro,, • tioried into going to the fridge or bathroom during com. planned.-" Whentechnical problems occur, though, ht 'llte 'con,victed. And only live percent of these convicted ~ rilmed report of ihe incident At this thrte, he re_ceived - c:rlrninals arc sent to,prison. _ crimes. There has to be prison reform, Those in prison 1 - - mercia!s, you are very probably missing the cream ·o_f)he just takes them_in stride, reminding, "You see it on the m·ust ,be--.~ontroll•-' an·d r•habll1'ta-te·d so_·th·a_-t after'th-e'1r gram cone u_des_that students Who spend the·most time - - national exposure when his coverage was used on NBC's -- _big stations; too." ____ - - -_ · · __ - - -- ' • 0 ' th' ·11 · -- - h'I· - --d - -- - clirrerittelevisiori farebecausetherestofitistedious, ' . · retc·as'e th- ey- are' n't_ ba-ck-·on the ·stre· et -co·mm'1ttlng.-t-h• wa c -mg e ev1S1on score t e owes\ gra _es on this test. ------· - - - - HuntleysBrinkley Report. - - - · ' • T 1 • -. h - · ------_trite, F_ idiculou_s o_ ri'u_st _'P-lain bo_rin_ g,_ But a glimmer of -; • _ApPrehended criminals are sent to prisons which are. ------_ e ev1S1on, t e_ med1um that was heralded in its topcep- · -- · • _ No matter how smoothly itruns, Smith, now60,is s~t .i. ,- - t d . " . . b -Th b 1· h' h , . h same crime. - , ------. tive__ and fo_ rm· at'1ve· '"ear·s-as ·a_b-_oon- to' edu-·ca_t'1on,- has· a· p-_ , hope appears on the horizontal arid vertical hold. ,!'o .: omg t.,e1r JO • c .ruta Uy w 1c exists mt ese _ c • · - h' · d I I be - h ,, · - -- - - · - - Chet Huntley h~d figur~d in anOthet' p;rtion of _to ~eep on a11chorin.g The News f~r another five year,, - I - k h . . - 1 - - nme einsts onJ 1s unrestrame eve cause we _t e _- _parent__ l_y-_-_fal_ le_ ii_-_ s_ ho_rl __ of its p·_urp'_o_rted noble intent. O_r, ·- One !)_f th_ enetw_ o~lcs is possibly_ tak,i_ng steps to res_ tore -_ :P ns ~n y ma_ es t e_- ·cnm_ aria more .ling_ry. It' is an _ '1 t ,- t ·1 w·- · "'h · h · - th- · Smith's career in tele'vision, when !he latter, spen! seven until he reaches rehrme.nt age. His plans?. "I hayen'.t .anaer he will take out on society once he is released. the peop e -oh era ebl' •- . ffie are,,· 1 e ones · ftiw -o ·run -- e --govern-d per_ ha-·ps ·th·e-re· ,-;,_-, s\ ·a·r· e_n't_-e·no·ugh- -qu· est1'0-ns ·on--the- SAT-- - - the e_ ducational_q_uality, to __ its programming: a footb· __ all years as a_ station announcer "'.ith ABC News in Los _ -, in real!~ mi\de any plans/' he confesses. However; he· doe.s - · -rl , ------mint. T e pu 1c O 1c1Ii s are o tee to serve us an _tes· 15- p· e· rta'in'an·g- -10-- be- e- r- ,- -d-e'te-_r-ge'n__ t a-_ -n- -d J.e-ans. -__ _ game:w_ as· recen_tly· _te_ I_ evised_ i_n an aim. ost,eerie_silen'c_e, - .' - _JI sons'act as schools whe_ re criminals teach each other - -- , ------r , - - - they got there through our votes. We inust deman!jl tha_t -- c · · 1· - - · - -d - -d- -h - - - -- · \vithoul comineritafors. We've long bee_ n accu-st_ omed _to Angeles. According lo Smith, Huntl~y wasa soinehwat have a pretty good idea of whaihe ;.,ould like to do. sa1- intthods of i:rime.:Prison gangs recruit n\einbe(s who ------__ ommercaa _1zallon eman s __ aye· inex'_Ofably - introverted man .who always kept busy. "He was sort of ing, "I'd thought o'rretiring back where my kids arc, in' 'are used once they are released. - - they help reduce crime before more of us f!lll vi£tim to -- detoured TV f'rom becoming the educationalinstrument not Hstenirig to this particular network and, according - - a loner," he recalls. At thattime,' the nightly. newscast - Arkansas." _ - - - -_ - - - - . · '• __ it. • - -- it shoilld ~; and _have diverte!i talent and money to the Nielsen ratings, we wer~ not exclusive. Suffice it - Hs was only fifteen minutes long. -- - __ _ Orte thing is definite, If Burleigh Smith signs off to ,, , •• toward developing commercials into an art form, And: -to repeat, there were n? blabbering commentators, no One night, Huntley was suddenly taken)ll,and Sniilh Bakefsl1\'ld, this town will miss him, - _- e·c·-_ h __ -· - · b'- - h-- -·-- - - _- · 1 - '• f--- -- ___ -_ -ifthevtewers'tasteinaitisjusta'coupleofnotchesthis cacophonousremiiid,ersthattheplayersinthismean- -, ------·a· _:s__ - _- •,- ·rt ---c-_o··-_ n· ·t· r-·o· •n·-- -- _- -- -'sideofaRh~susmonkey's,th~yhaveiucceeded.Ahost _ lpgless, ·erid-of-the:season-contest were playing far i, •. __ ·--- __ - .. - - --• - _ - ___ -_ · -- - ___ -- _--_ --_- -· ... • -_ ,_, - _ _oftalentedperformersincluciingOrsonWelles,J~n,es- - ''pride;''Itwaslefttothcviewcrtoerroneouslycol\- 0 - ;.: ; ------_ -_ , - -- - • · Stewart, Robert Young,GlennFord, Sainmy-Davis arid elude that the athietes were playing because they had Copel in to conduct ,~ , __ - · -- - -- : ------De___ a_n_ Martin no.- -longer ·appe~( __ in _th_e p-rogram_ p'r_o_o' signed-~- contract to play, th~t they wanted a Job ric:xt - ~-·. By ROB WA_ LT_ ERS Tri.le, preventing , . i ' C< ~Q!i.iiu~s iJsseries on.new ski'.e~wp;""c iultiitlate irio mitl.ti,dirci:ilon~I ~l~e; -'..- -been high\~ ai:c'ia1!rid:~iuse.bfit_s --- . obsoletr_ T~ese bra.kes 'si_?1Pl)I; are - ·Mary'; c'oiie'ijn, -_ .f one.promise .Garter,foHow~d ·- percent during the Carter administration: Interest rates - ·~ • __ through on; that was to keep the U.S, out of war .. ,_ _ -, _- . ·-, :- -. •------_ -_ ------~ -- -- _ -, the $ki, varyjng With' the size Of the· - - .aH bindings'. be se_t at a skier's own _- -piece,,like many other heel pieces, - In our next Issue, be looking- for a Black-- American-·-Art-­ _studeni's personal medical history. Assume uihe pill" only put indi,viduals on the right iraclc. They can't do - 0 _- f C --- , ---- . - _- - 1 th . fl r - - went ,rom nme to 20 percent even though Carter pro- boOt. The-larger tlik boot,-the f~r- • -particular skiing abHit}'soihe boots· utilizes ihe easy siep in ·feature - rundown ofthis years new lirie 'of _ was freely handed 0111, and also assu_ri\e the worse for a the'passing, accelerating, or ihe braking fo_r peop_le who _- - ne_ O - arter_ S promises was to ower e m a ion mised to stabilize them, - ther apart.the pieces are _mounted. - - will eject atth~ po\nt'of pressure ex: which - releases - while-__ Pl!ftiilg -- - k~ee;high 'boots : from , Nordica, · - _ . . - ______. _ k th- . d . 0 _ th- - - _ . -ra_ te from five percent to less than (our percent. When -y- -Ca--rt - d-'d --_ 1 t· th- C - --D · 'd talk- b 1- -. second: "the pill" works ne~atively and causes blood . see ear a vice: nee on c trli,i:~, individuals are on h - ffi- · - .. -fl , - -- - - , _ _ es, _ er 1 comp c • e amp av1 s, u Most bindings are engineered so the __ erted in a tumbling fall.· • _------_ - pressure on it with the tip of the ski _ - Dolomite, l!lld Hanson. Until then, f eatured in-gCJllery- _ _ th._ d h- - . h- _ _ _ . e l_eft o ace them _ahon rate was at__ 20 percent. h --1 b-l .:. th - . th Mid Eas-t? 11-_- -_ Clots ·- A -doctor 1's·only- - ava1'labJe·10- be '1n·- th-c ce· nt·e- r -s'1x - H e_ 1r_I hown, - an t ey can- e1t_ er t_ake· th_e__ d1'rec·- t'1on·s the Another_-,_ promise-. Carter- made- - was-- to -balance the _ ow -..s a•- _ e 1s-- -e peace- m . e · •_ , - -was - a _ skier may simplyJjliplhe front end -- - The American binding, Marker, pole. , ------.keep praying for snow! -- .;: -. , hours. a week, and if an emergency should· arise while ea t_ Center gives; or they can be responsible for any , __ b, d - -H d'd- d · - . ,ti-- b'II' d - -b t .- - : --susp1c1ous fact that the Iranians let the hostages go free of the j)oot i_nto ffle toe piece while -__ is -.cQ11sidered a, pioneer __ bind ins - Painiirigs - by _Var.nette - is dignity, pride, humanity, an~ - - - · · 'd itht - ·1 h - __ uge.1 e 1_ rOJ)\.IV_e._iiC>n1 °.ars11 _uawasno1 1 - -on.theda___ the'1r.man·teftoffice'.- { the doctor is out (or on weekends) the results could be ace, ens a tnay occur a ong t e way. - - - - _, balanced. Unemployment was· at eight percent when _ . Y . - _ - . :Honeyw~ will lie on display at the spirituality there.". : the hee, lacks- into th'e rear· piece, - because of its reputation as one of -_B--_--S-_-_U--__ ,-•_-_ n·_-t- - -e- r_-_-_, -P--_/·a· ·n-- - ·c-_-a-- r··n·- - -. disastrous. - - - ·c · ter- began-his term and he prom' d - - • h - , - Thal is.proof that we elected a peanut as a pres1dept thus securing the boot tiehtly onto - - the oldestbindings around. - ·c·_-e_ --,·_-va··J_ B.CArt Gallery Wednesday through The exhibit will feature an awa,rd, ar _ . _ 1se 1_o sp 1I1 t at b k , - March 20. __ · -winning filin aboilt Honeywood and_ -- I -- ,. acan.1976 · Marker incorporates a patented_ · -- · - - - - Honeywood's colorful painting her work. The film, "Vamette's -- the ski. It is easy· io s_ee why the four-pivot system, Built into the toe, __ _ Bsu ·_and the Black Cultural Center will sponsor a _carnival 10 generally focus oil · two speciti~ , Worlds; A study __ of a·. YOUlli binding is an important part ofski- piece, Jhe upper two pivots measur.i a.m.-3 p.m. daily this week on the BC campus. The carnivalis part of ·areas:'the religious Ufc and affairs '' Artist," will -be, sl)own __ opening - -ing. In this issue of The Rip; we will iateral forces exerted by the foot of . the Black History MontJlceJebration. · - __ _ _ _ - Flash: cotn ic s-,t.tip to celluloid- . of Black American's> - night, Wednesday, _Feb. 2S, at 8 , [Th~atre(er)contrc,versy , . -, . . take a look at Tyrolia; Marker and -- uie skier while skiing. These provide -''There wili be ihree_ 'sports booths. basketball, football and dart_ " - She says of her art: "I'm altfmpt, . p.m.; and Thursday morning at . ~ . . '' '. -· ...... - peze bindings. · re..:entering action- ,tjiat prevents throw. and prizes will be given," says aciing'-President Eric Barnes. • -~· ---,1 • is on hls way to battle Ming the Mer, All in all, Flash Gordon is a - ing to present a positive and lioncst_ 10:30 a.m. - , By SHERRY KEEL cjless, (Max Von -Sydow). the _ - movie that borders - on ex~iting pr~-release. The rear·P.air _carry the ''.There also "!iU be a portrait _booth which will be attended by artist _ ·' - -. visual imag~ of Black peopie in my · · Honeywood's work _has been - 0 Staff Writer - -- ID this way on the building, those writing about il are· Emperor of Mongo, who is out to -action which-makes up, in part; for , .Marketed by the American-sport­ 'boot sole securely up to the release Tirilolhy Maynor," continues Barnes .. "In the way of goodies ther(• _ By LARRY DUNN The movie, Plash Gordon, is a 'work. All the little,everyday_ events, widely exhibited - throughout forced to ada~. Obviously, newspaper that repQrts.ori destroy the Earth. the poor job of acting t11rned in by ing goods company AMF, the - _ point ·and automatically release the will be a· food booth. where cotton candy; candy apples and cookies- Califoini11, as weU as at the Asahi : Staff Writer a courageous altempt -to revive the which when taken a second look at.- . . a play must mention the theatre-and the damage is _ · The_ audience - is _disillusioned Jones in his first starring role, -- Tyrolia binding is one which is 'boot without friction. Marker bind' will be sold, Everyone.is encouraged to come," says B_arnes. - Unbeknownst to everyone, I have recently suffered classic comic strip by utilizing the are very significant, and vital. TbCTe _ Gallery iri Tokyo, 'Japan, and the - donel In order_ to be consistent, they must then follow when they find out that Flash _is - Notwith~tanding its trajectory, highly respected •the world over; ings B{e used by American skiing Studio Museum in Harlem, N. Y\ an attKlc of schizophrenia. Let me fell you all about it.. innocence of childhood fantasy, through-with that spelling, Those who donate money io -. merely a pro-foo)ball player for tl:ae _ the movie presents a highly accep- :- _When I inrervi.:wed Hank Webb while doing a story while conforming -to the unsatia_ble build theaters are buying a change iii the American -New York Jets and not the super table plot, which will be enjoyed by Counseling still available_ ;, on the BC Theatre, I mentioned one of my pet peeves: appetite of the adull audience. The hero they e,pccted_ the young at hean : \: the use or the spelling "theatre"-for "theater." How. language for the same money: Money talks-oops I Pah- Campus sci-fi club - . - , d911-mcl Money speaks! - elaborate costumes and cosmic - Clinical Psychology services_ are being dropped after this semester. __ , . caa we jwtify chanaJng the spelling of "theater" when scenery -seem to be ~ refreshing JMore generally, however, our tendency to change Come in now and work.on your pet personal problems: with parents, 1' _ we have IJ)elJed it ''th(ater" for so Ions with no pro: -­ change from the melodramas of the - ": ;-spOuse, children. All services are confidential, ,- - DOUlk:ed ill effects? words' in this way seems to reflect-a continuing pelief in -organizing Frida¥---- (-~. '80s, but combined with the tacky How are· your interpersonal relations? How well do you com­ word-magic, If we change the sound or spelling of a -; -- Ahal Tbt key to an answer, according to Webb, is in SC· .. . - ~ :.1-~:~p .. _,, ROGERS dialogue and bailly- _directed . .. ,- ~uni~te your feelings and_e_miiffons? What do you do with your anx­ word, or apply the word to something else, the thing -. ' - dud word "pronounced." If a penon has a tendency to qucnces, they begin to lose their . - By PATRICIA PAITERSON trips __ to science fiction conventions .-_ iety, your hurt, your anger, or your sadness? Do you go blank on pc ~ the word as the-A Y4er, he can be cured by named can chans~ tool When yol! come rlsht out and ·-tens? - - · say it that way, it sounds pretty ridiculous. l}ut we act as flavor.- Slot11101t --lillllllliiliii--ill.. :;- ·' Staff Writer in the Los Angeli area," says 111111 die w«d spdJcd "theatre. " Sam Jones is Flash, a red-blooded _ JEWELERS .. ------WalterEditor-11-Cblef- President _Gary Ch 1', - Are you growing and developing in your personal life as well in- - _ if we believed it. All this is beside the moral questions ~ Some BC stµdents under _ the odes: as -Tldl npl•Mtioa quieted me for a while. It seemed to American athlete and Dale Ardev is people •);!irection of Bob Daverin and Gaiy "KBBC will be broadcasting the tellectuaHy? _ - - - lillte -· But here's another theory I worked out: invol'IC(I 1n putting pres.sure on to change the • Melody Anderson, a travel agent. Don HUl N <"n E41 t0t' tOlodes arc re-activating the Federa- public service announceihents for D6yo~ o~erdrink, oversmoke, overeat, or oversleep? You can learn • W1la ..oow llldUJ are made to build thew es, very Like­ way they talk or spuk to tit somebody else's stand&rds. By accident, they arc swept into a Jo11. !'ltou Edl torisl UIIOr jlipn Coullcil of Bakersfield College. the club. The current membership self-hypnosis to control habit problems and learn how to deal with test NOW HIRING i, die doaol' e,q:JecU lhe ContiDelllal (and therefore As for me. from now on I'm going to talk regular old - , - lJnited States. Wonder if anyone will notice. space ship built by Dr. Zarcob, who Toey laoYa Sports EditOt' tihe Council. is a science fact and tic­ goal is a -minimum of IS persons anxiety. _Hp rt ) lpdJina to be IIJKI. When~ word is welled RolHI W al1ffl · Featlll't EMtor :,ion club originally started in March before the half-way point in the Contact Wes Sanderson, Ph.D., at Student Services 42, Call Manager Trainee s.J Portillo Pltoto Utt« ~f '79. . serncster," says Daverin. '395-442· or drop by for an appointment. Available 8:40 a.m.-1:40 Applicants must be well drarsed asser­ Bou Dillotl AdYIM>f ~ "The first informational meeting "If you v,ish to be a member the p.m Tuesdays-Frida,~ !or the balance of this =ester. },ill be held al l :3-0 p.m_ Friday, in joining fee is S3 and the monlhly tive young men available immediately ~ Fuesi~ Room," u~ club vicc­ due,s are St,'' continues Ch odes. 1'ft.~·SI~ ~ :f"e:siden1 Bcl, Davenn Any ~son interest((! in obtairung starting full time at 40 hrs. Hem lutleW, Wiii, Cu I thM, Jay Doato, L..rT, Dlu. TN>d "f s"°"~t,rr~ ... •. ..!lrtivttiel beinJ planned for the more information may leave a note STUDENTS! • u. IUd. Jen eta•. ltid. ,-. led, Benefits Include: ce1u. c s• ., r...,. ~duo include t~ laraest tnva coott1t 10 the club bo, ,r. CC-4. Student Af· Lac e, Ila .., Cntrt 7 l1J r. Patllela r.tleli ••~ n..wi ,.,._~ '..to be held here oo campus and field fan! orr,o. Could you use an extra SSS a • Profit Sharing !laoct Ille., D 5 , Al !Item, ,Illa S4oo,a. C ; • ..... ,...... month? You could spend approx­ •Hosplt•Undon , ...... nit I P aft II C I a P I ft .... 11 "' • t4 117 121t IC J-· imately 4 hours weekly donating • Paid V aeatlollS _.,_ dla-.. ,., • "' T-, ... P na n a -, 1 • s .. Apply •• pel'IOII oaly at IIIMn..•n.,, • n. .... 19 I 2T C I _.. .. et .. s.n c- plasma and helping others. v..,.,._ ••Ilft c r a n • a, • ., Ti , ._ .. , s • , ,- location. .. _ ...... 'p ...... '119 IP•11,11tlt - II • llf .. C ;- I .. C,11 325-5834 Ask for Rom Willllllll - • J • n4 $ ' r nan • s a ...... , n ,,. : 111.,cc__ .._ 2014 L Sta eet 1JCF5 Ml 1t P•A tl•n.s p a J'.* m .. m -.en FFCS5,-P ..... ,, SIC-CA•

• ' .. ~·,, .

JliM)NDAY, iiMtJARY 23, 1911 RENEGADE IUP • ., • '1 . , I . ' . RENEGADE RIP 'IONDAY. tWUAft U. t'91 ' Freshman Class President ' . r -~ Smoke bomb to uses excitemen.t A resident of Prator Hall, Gary was out, went to report the Incident the hose is mwin,: from th~ : fire Weekly Calendar ••• '" Chodes, reports that a smoke bomb to Laurie Rich, resident advisor on~ hose box up the corridor from his . · room, Chodea clalms he has been .Mesa finds peace in the 'chaos' • was thrown through the open win- duty. He and Rkh returned to his told the equipment was stolen last ·.::1r·•.t :· -- ~ .... '#; - i'~ ·~ : 1 ol ••u ...... Mllkwoo4," SAM Dtaltr ticipating; ::, man, King Cola World Corporas . . such places as McDonald's, ~' El Salvado,r to~n .· y civi .war: rnas:~i?·;~!~~sse::d:~tin~:::~~6 A lication forms are availabk i_n;. . : --.- ''·.::-::.;>~: ·-r .- · Kinney's Shoes, and various super­ We6ootdoy, Fdlrulll')' 2S , .,N.oveinber ·. l4. Mesa. admits, tnarkets, Mesa's goal in Irfe is to b.e f . \ · · · · •' · .various parts of the world..,..:mostly . . i however,.that there was no sudde'n­ 7:30 t.m, Bibi< Sll,it,_arulhe ·-· ,a . "'+---'-l"___J:INh.m .··cs9 Caftkrta ..··. · - . . ~··--~ ~Job.·.•·.Oppor-t.u.m-t-i~~-~... )'~n"ess'ahuurnts ttans1tiolft••-lutlo•al Bl~lt SCINl7, f'traWe ; ing committee. was completely · people have considered that univer-: }~\\ · a- f "No War__:_Stop the [>raft" said tions,which he. claimed were going . . weapons. being used by the leftists, National Board of the YMCAs Of B-117 · Worohou,./0.llv,,j tl-4 or l·S Afttrnoon,, 10 lln/llulblt, SJ.5-0 "I tl:30 p.m. CSB Slide 8110,r nd t1lorm1tlol, E:ienllTo ._,. ._ } . the badges on the ·table top. Th.e along'with the U.S. in backing .the . the U.S.A. have established the por hour, tJ yn plu•, valid drlvrr'1 llcon,., '.i against the fact th.at they cancelled . sHy too far-reaching a goal. He is· '})}\' 1:30 p.m. CSB Slide Sllow Hd loformatloo, Eoentlff .... ·- , f. man behind the .. desk selling these · goverilmeiti in .El Salvador; . he· does not understand how the left· ·. King Cola Fu rid io reUeve selected · Must be olir. to.drive ,1and1rd tnon,mwton .. : our downtown parade," he insists. . . under t~e philosophy, though, ihat :'!/\-'; . 2:30 p.m. Sopho ...... aw Co1ilcll, ExenU,e ...... ·- ''I had contacted a lot of people.... . whatever a person wants in life, he 4:00 p.m. Hoa Pal A.. odalloo, Gym lt2 · · and other items was Ricardo . L b t - . · · k t · · · th·· ists c~nclaint that they ardnot lean·- s. tudents of som.e of th. e.. expense. . Port-tlm• potltlon. . .o \f.(>'\·: f,. . · . . . · · . · . .· · o a o IS QUIC o pomt out. e · · d. h ·d· I · ·Th h B-117 Ca,hlor 20 hnhrk, tYOaln1 .6-9:30, & weekud1 · . , · 4:30 p.m. CS8 ~rolkr, .C1feterl1 . f • Lobato, a representive of the .''similarities'.' .between the war in · ing towar t. at .. I e<;> ogy. us e ' Because. being a YMCA World 9:30-6,is; SJ.JS per boui. PorMlme perma· can achieve if he is persistent. ''.We · ~,'\/f.·._.· 111tidltl1 .lllt•dtd DTC • ')3ut that is in ,the past, and ~esa . 6:00 p.in. th Foau,, 1'tc:a. " "Freilte . Democratico Revolu~ Vietnam and our growing invo!v'e-. · feelc5that there is. a. realth.reat to .the Ambassador is·a. significant learning .. . . nent posluon .. · ...... all have that one· place ive want to . · ~;f)t .. · :_ ,·,30 p:m. Gold Protpeontlve lloonl ROOIII.· by ho~ much work ihere is .... I eri­ ·, America, · it ·is .. surrounded .. · by. He emphasized '.'the leftist groups · backed actions ar.otind the. worl?; ac Art Gallery, from March 25 to ·· ···•· · < ' loan documen~, · · 11il0 ·,;rri, . Batte~_ WOmt1, Wo•et1'i Cell(tr .: joyjl. It's just part of n,1yjob.'' together for ''about a year.": He is ,l~liiJ:;JC;,;.,, 11:30 o.m. · fmhml!Clll!, Fl~Room ' Guatemala; • Ho'n ci'iiras .. 1111 d are not . Marxist-Leninist. as Inskeep and niany others:think it is May I. Entries in_.ail mediums are T-211 laborer ~UITlffltr fni:Te ...BC, BC . : power appears to be the closest yet James Inskeep, :Of.the BC social ,·i • · .. ·. ·.•··.·•··. • .. When.· ..... · ·: : invi... . ViOU. ·.tea ~,.1 ... ·...... • , Bakersfield. Born iil Delano, he was earned. tliat right .here at BC. ' . . · a.m.-12:Jop.m., Wednesday in the.· Affirmative Action wiifalso have a . · 2:4S p.m; Han l'•IAuoA . . 7j: about Cuban and S;gv1et Union sup- ·. 89109. Include a self ad- · ' .. L. fi:port oft.he lefti.st group is an excus~ dressed stamped > ; ,1):for mor~ V,S, 1.nvolvement. · : en,-elo~. .,.: ~~: .. He feels "the U:S. mjlitary aid, i::economic suppo,rt, politica,l .and -- - ' f :moral backing o( the present .. INVESTOR JS t f ;government win only .prolong and . . . Jl iincrease the bloodshed in the coun- · FORUM· ,_ i liq." His group would like to see the -offers up to- t· .. 300Jo • return (not guaranttfd) . .. TSAs '

RICH : : .I and • IRAs ' .

A Graphic Art Show, featuring • . By controlling your own . • the works of Michael Willis, and / .. . ht¥eslment portfolio, you . • Darlene Boyce, · is currently .. • c:an plact rapidly ap­ .• displayed in the Women's Center, .• • H·I t. The colorful show will run 9 predatlng hard ~ts in • . . .. a 111....!:JO p.m. daily until March S . yoar ux-sltelterNI rttlrt­ • .. . . . CPhotos: S.:011 Ri.:e) -•t account. If yo11 art .. aeffltll I '7, , IO"• , or 12 'It '"111'111 1t your ba.11, or Ill Jftr TS.4, yo.r redre­ Just l'.QW hrl. ._, ,._. Is bet.. elUn You long fOT a godde9s ar1C1 you'!'! left With C,odziDa . ~ t.flatlo•. Yo• tuttot C'mon. Get it~.er. rdfre wttlt •klieb If Sooth wt miured ~oome cooking ar1CI guilt ,..·~ bnr:rtell dol 1~ ~ tall, ~ ot milk. ~ s a wdcome co.1 ip.11 oos, to any t ft•. From bMlquets l•fl•llo•-,roof your to b.rbn:, ies Potbrl• to pbua. Even whffl lwtun NW. you'!'! aiti.t~ your 1-1 out.

INVEST'Oll'S FORt:M tlaere5 1'°'= like so.1.edting LD m .lllf.- Q) •MiJk. n. ... .,... '..4 _ CAIL •At:G IJPfOllD ...... o1 ...... ,...... q Jll l&H ~

t 1.

- _, ... t ,.. ..• :,... .f,"' : .•.


1 ; ··1on of . thinks world jello people a good idea BC .bows to .Mt. SAC t.1N11eb· a I .... , I l.w.. .._.s; IED41 By TONY t;ACAVA seemod rather content with BC's 32.8. ' J. i., 1eTe11U.• , i , ff)n, JOII, l!fms tompltmrnitd one ,nothtr couldn't take my eyes off this pin of be l1u1hin1. "Oh whal a fun wyrld pear Su~hinc Jello,· lauahlng Jello. Wlaallna, squlrmln&, Sports Editor season openin1 perfonnance anci Scales was lhe only double winner ,.... ··' ' '·, Aa I tlllffed ,_ lhb will be wllh Jello-People." So ...... ,. w .. .,,...... ,. 7J.4I nif~eria lhe euepl fur the Jello. My mind Jello. There was a suver Mhlnd thb . laughlng Jello. As I recrlnd my por· Thlllks for the kind word. We from now on I shall vle'!f the world T!ic BC womcn'.s swim team were relished a few. u·nexpected for." the 'Gades with first· place M ~ fer tilt IIOO•lhnt -•I I wondered: "What 11 Jello doina in sllv" pan of wlgly, flit red Jello. should all quit being so serious for a t. - It Tift ....JI lion or Jello I net-. ~dffl for a lable, defeated in · their ~ason opener achievements. "l was. pretty pleased ~onors in the ,0 and 100 free style at ..ltcd ...,..... lltat I woultl like this Mexlctn lypt' meal?'' ''Could He was dr~ In white, 1nd as he · I lhoughl, "GEE-Wtt;IZ, lhls Jello u a big container for Jello-People. little while now and then. 7. WN - - ...,.,. Tuesday but. Jim Turner, In his In; with the girls today," commented 26.9 and 57.7. She also anchored the f,WN-rwlw. ,.,. ' o IMl'f •••• 1"' rt11hn. The me1I .this be 11n omen lo me ?" I picked stooped a dipper of Jello from l_he could be the pt'Ople ,or lhe world." lhb world wlll be sup~me as all Jon . people wlll go through their Hves itiation as the women's coach (after Turner, ''I knew Mt. SAC had a 200 medley. relay to victory in .the. · 9,WN-CI I..,, ,, Of lllel_4NY •11 lio1 vewe11blit soup, up my 111y and proceeded down Che pan lo the tn1y or the persol) he was "0 yeah," I yelled out In glee! I was ••• tee, ...., .... 'JIMJ 27 years with the BC men), . was good team; but we're going 10 be first eve)ll of the day. ,., I rel'• 111141, tlllll Colorado, ser11ln11 Une lakin11 Che differrnl servln11, 1he jeU0°seemed allve. I wu l1ughln1, and lnsplrlns •ii olhen 10 Dear Jon · · II. tNa to 4t' •• ,.._.. now lalklng lo· myself and saying, blessed with a few pleasant sur'. . really tough. 'They (the BC team) Cfutchfield added ·a firsl place··· ,. • pl•lo bnu, Mexl~n llems off~'red hul kteplng. m; eyes • do lhe same. Thin\ "about ihll, Jon, . . c/o Renegade Rip a"·ed by all this •. As I approached "We have so many d,lrferent ~opltll prises. Namely, the 'Gade swimmers have to realize we're coming along finish in SO breast and notched se- ll. 1oo1 ,. s-. -· ....11 on1, N111S••I ritt, "11n1na trt1m on the slrawberry Jello al the end of this whlle knlghl with lhe slh;er strv· • world full of happy J>t'Oplf. Now, 1$01 Panorama Dr. CCI 13. '"1 fo'C- <:.- a.ti or the world." And as lhe Jello· gave a respectable team a run for the slow. Toni Crutchfield and Mary cond. in the 100 breast. BC's Kim u.w... ,,.,_.,... If, llot toffee or ..Ilk ind Jello. lhe servin1t llne. I watched as olher ln11 scoop, II came tome. "The Jelio, people go through this world; wiggl· this Is something lo write 1boul. Bakersfield; CA . • Laughingly yours, ' money. ~ales did an cxcenent Job," praised . Miller .was victorious i(I the 50 Oy to 15. loll te G,1 _. ,._. e IMtll ,..,..red 1dequ1te ind all students received their Jello. I It's laughing?" How. unique, Ing and squlrlJ!lng lhry wlll actually 93J!)S 1,. o, .. Se I e IWI _Sunshine.Jello. Mt. San },iitonio College, who Turner, "and Debbie Nugent is go, giv·e the 'Gades five first-place· · w.. dropped BC 79-60, had already ing 16 be areal gooil swimmer." finishes in 15 races. 17, loot I•·~ I I -.11 . Nugent, freshman, ,,as directly · . II. hnt lo C- """7 11otchi:d. first ·and secohd·place · a The ,Mounties received a spark­ 19. Iott 10 Pierce ,._74 · finishes in· the Soul~ Coast Con, respon~iblt for most of lhe unex­ llng performance by Kim Palmer lt. Loll to P t IIJ4, ference .and. Santa Monica Relays ~led. The Wasco High grad n.01 and Debbie Young who compiled 21. Loll to 1-._. u.'5 before divil)g into the BC tank. But only shattered a school record with .three. wins iipiete .. · . ll. Loll to E Ce be ».M coach Sue Lacombe and· the Mt. a 30.9 finish in lhe backstroke leg of. Dana Beck, Diane Martinez, Deb- 23. WOtf on, V..., Sl-49 · the medley relay · but · recorded 24. WOI onr M- IIJ.Q SAC swimmers actually trailed BC . . bie Foster alorig with Nugent all had . 2$, loot to M-. 61-63 • I another BC mi!rk by finishing the .second place finishes for BC. for the first nine. events until Kathy ~- loot to \'..., - , Baker scored a commanding I :06.4 .100 .back in 1:10.1. Sylvia ·Duran. 'Gade diver Debbie Foster was 21. loot to tl Cn I 51-3' • win in the 100 butterfly at putting held lhe old JOO back stroke mark of edged 14-0,25-131.10 in ihe diving 2', loot to .._ - 11.Q the Mounties ahead for good. . 1:10.95 since .1979,. while Uie competition by Kelly Pearl. A pearl 2', loot to P '1447 JO. Pina ... .,,. a.lat Despite t,he setback, Turner previous medley relay leg record was diver?·

~~------~~~~- - (V-:;· -····-~ .---+ ~ -.., "'- . -\ -. ~poris ~ew team gets new field at BC '. ' ) By J.L. STOOPS . StaffWriler .. . $15,100 I ' . -·cl I\· new facHity and a ·new com• ,,:peiitor in the MetropoHtan ·c:oiF ferenc~~th~ women'.s . softball ···~--· - ---~---.---~- '. 3 '. ~. team.c...were . . . christened , .· simultaneously last Thursday'. .. ··· .·. · •. ·· .. · Soon y9u'.!1 have you'rass~i;t~'s degr~e. • · .· .. · · .. • ·. It's stricdy a savi~gsprogram, and ·.. . Located mid~ay between the · gymnasium and the. baseball field, And if you'rethinkjngof continuing your education, · the moneyis aU yqurs for sd:iool. · ·.. -·•· ·· ·.. · work is slill in progress lowanfcom­ •. ·you know just how expensive that will be.· · · .. ·· .< . . . ·... · ·. •.· ·. VEAP is'surprisingly simple. Ifyou ·. ,· pietion oftlje nev,, diainond. Future ·. •.·. •. · . J3u~ con'skl~r the Arrny:Jn the Anny, if ybu save bet\Veen$25 and$l00 eacb 'tnonthwhile . contemplated.·· adaitions . irtclude '-. . ,. .. , :· . participate in the Veterans' Educationa!Assistahce you're in'the ArlJly,the goVern_fuerit.,vill match · ·. covers ·for the dugouts;. bleachers, ··. tights 'and 'forf development ..Com-· .Program (VEAP), you can a~d1fu1.rlate $15.200 for vo,ur savings twcffqr~one'. And, o!" top of that, you · munlty funding will be forthcoming ' • . colJege in just two years.< ·. : .· .. ·.. ··· · ··· •· •·.. . · might ~ven guc1lrfy for the exdustve Army . . . . for lhis work. acc9rding IQ Sandy ' ··•· · ... ··. .. > That's significant for two reasons: Obvi- educational bonus of $8,000. • • ..•.· . · · · •· . Bowers; women's athletic d!rector. . ' , -· . ;2··:austy,th~({~lot:ofrnoriey: Butwl:iafyot.i' 6 ,.. · .·. And remember, in'just . "'\ . : Subsequently: th~ field .w:ill 0 be . .. ·,~·-~ M "IMUMVW KNFIIS may not havc:!'realized is that two years two years, :you'll be back in school. . · .. ,;_~···;:,;·_';.i.,sr: : made available for use bythe city is the shortestmilita.ry enlistment aV'ail- . . .. P., Mo. z Yn. ' Serve· your countri as you · · recreaiion · department ..· An eiec~ . ·

--~~·~·c:.c.' ~~-~---'-'-'-a ble"'Only-the..:ArmY:c-an offer-you both;--- ~Youfave,-·--$ t00~-$2,400*- -c:-serve-yourself:'Gall-86&41-1-441··"-. ~~'-----~~-'---~~~ --~ ~·~. ~~~.1roni1r.";-Scoreboard,~partlally~-en "-'c­ dowed by Pepsi, wiU be ready by . ' . : ·.. ·... · YEAP is agreatway to make it I ?:r;tdd, ,: $200 S4,800 In CaHfornia, calJ'800~2s2~oor L ·.· :-:··. ':--: ., 11ext jpring(in the . interim,; Pepsi :·.. ·:·~,t·-~- <·,r,.. ·:-:-t··--:~_ .. >.: Y.OUl'OWr\. 1 $300 $7,ZOO ... . ori Since,it':; tlot'aloan\ y6u ,,, . o~il'. ·, Aiaska ancl.H~w'aii;80().:423-ii:q.4:. . ·' .• ... ,- . wit.I provide atemporary scoreboard .wori't need a co-~igner or collateral.And ilocationS\>nti.,, . $8,ooo · Better yet,lool(irii:he Yellow Pages . Bowers advises. .. • . . you'll never have to worry about ~aking Tota.I Beriefics, $15,200** -under "Recruiting." . . .· ., •• Th~ addition ofs~ftball brings to . pa)'ments after graduatl()n ·M..,dmumindivld_ualrorii;nbutioninthcprogram . .. . .·.. .. ,...... ··•. . .. -...;, ~· seven ihe number of athletic· BC· · ·- ~C.emin'4-yeatienl~tscanw you at much a, S24.!t\'.' . THE BC SOFTBALL Ol~MOND Is lotattd just east of the bueball field oli the south·wesl end or.. ihe . tivilies avaih1ble to B¢ women as . •• . . campus, ·'fhe 'Gades· lost a 10·5; 8·1 double-header detlslonlo Sequoiu Thursday In their first game. ,BC pitcher Ro .· · · · (Photo: J.L, Sloops) .. · . · •· ..· ·: . · ·. " . . . . · · , . · .· · · . ... · · · • . . coin pated io riine provii:ledfo'r the ·. men. Although wrestling and foot'. ball. are. not . ori . the immediate Big leaguers ·score ·· . · horizon · for the ladies' progra111, · Bowers sees the imminent addition of soc~er to thedistaff curriculum, Rookie: :: ~ • . ' • • • ' ' I . • ' writer,tfindS• '' - • ' .· • ' . I . ' • : ' • • . • • a. • ' particularly because of the general big hit ··with Emerson popularity the !alter sport is gaining iri local high schools, . By R()B WALTERS . - . . . ;wild:world of sports Bui, as·BQwers laments, womeli.'.s . Feaiure Editor . . atlitetic)nstruclion and experiise is· •. Robin Yount strolled to ilie' plate. Robiri Emers; '. ¥eah, fe!IO~S and gals, kere we are at the las( basket- in the ~Ollom of the riinth, followed that with a grand . head snappe,;I 1:>ackas he watched the bail drift beyond the outfield fen« bail ·gaine of the season. Leastwise, here I am .. Where slam and a full house, parlayed a double dribble into a ·SWI.MMING-This week promises for a first inriing honie run. " ar~ all of you? .This i.s really something, 'those bare legs · .birdie; and then hammered away with his 5:iron till the . to be. a lelliJJg time as the men and : "T~~t," said BC pitcher Rob Emerson, "was one of the most e;,;citing flashing, goal posts twinkling and' all...... opposing learn just:went home in a huff. What a gam'e! . women swimmers have rneet mat- times Id had. The home run got the- crowd going ... , · . . : Too bad I goi iny ·glasseS-broken coming into the (Wish I had seen ii!)· · ches against· worthy opponents; Then Emerson himself got going as he pitched the side out when the game. Sure was a.pack of people t~ying to get through· . . Oh, thea~Ck 1t to 'em. boy fl · .\nd listen to that crowd' Ano

l'Mal MONDAY. l'DRtlAR\' lJ, 1911 RENEGADE RJP :, Dying Chrysler still moves in local meet Oildale's Young .will never grow I old as .auto bvff ... \

By TONY LACAVA . · Sports Editor · .. . The insurance salesmen laugh at him, the police dread · hlin, his' friends look lip to him, he's_gotten 41 traffic tickets, and he LOVES Chryslers. . · · He ilolonger owns adriver's 1iceitse 1 as one i:nay have . already guessed, and he's studying ·computer science here at BC. He's Colin. Young, a 24-yea·r-old ex-drag arid. "street" racer who' lives in OUdale, And despite his ' age, Young, as his last. na'111e Suggests,• .will ~ways be young-and never bored, not with·eightstreet rods (In·. which he's happily invested s20;000) to 'fiddl~ .with; •.. -Young is, well, 'just plain.gutsy arid thfives on e'xcite~ . ment ... He·. can .. babble. mod~stly .. for ho11rs, !\bout. · . numerous chase scenes with the authorities, both in . . Bakersfield and in Wa~hington; where he grew lip. And . ·. . . ~ ,...... : ' . to think. he ~as only caught once. · · · .· ·' · .·. •. : ''it was a highway patrol in 'one. of those new Z28 ·. · · ,. ; : a ~mall po.rOon of .his ·$20,000 Investment. .. Camaros/' says Young,. who. W~S on Roberts Larie at . • !· . the time. ''He looked tike he wanted to mess ·with me, . . " . . . . . : . . . . '. . . .. -~ ...... ,• . . . : ...... - . . . ·. · and_ he,mad~ fll,effort_to keep up with me,,, 'loung • · · said, expl~n_irig he didn'.t kno~ it was a hig~way J:i!ltrol • car at night time.After reaching 120 mph in amere four •. seconds, the fed lights fl¥ed in the rear vie~ mirror and :Young knew he was, the victim of a "moving" violation/ ·. · · · .· un_e came tip to ~e and had enough :nerve to say/': .· . . Yo11itg laughs in a baritone lmpei:sonation of a CHIP :officer, "'Well, I was keep'n u1{with you."' · . ·. ·.. ··· .. ·.

~ -~- -.- .... ,. . N()w Ucenseless:'(al~hou,h he 'still drives Hf 'school­ ~ . - ~·-'{'. ··. once a week), Young gets the bpporturiity to work on and improve his vehicles, '.'and :ncountry's t'11ks arid j'eep·s : : . they bailed out' the ·government." He·says relieved)y," .. ; Chrysler wa~ the · only car to,show an increase iri sales last year;'' . ''I'd say I've spent between s2.300 a year on tickets,·" admits Young, who was born in St. Louis. ''I looked at ·.. ·_. . -~· copy of my driving record ;wd I had 27 tkke• but . • . that _was three years ago!'· . · · .• . · · .·. . ·. -~- ·. 13esides the 'Bird; Yqung's other cars are also collcc~ · tor's items. He owns two ')9~0 Plymouth AAR 'Cudas ·.. JOE MACHADO'S 1970 Daytona Charge~-is a l'ej)Uca of Bo~by.Al_llson's ... (\'t'hich have raced in the Trans· Am ~ircuit) witll 340 Coca-Cola Daytona. ; .. 6-pacTA motors underneath. Those, along with a '71.' . I .. Dodge Cllallenger RT with a 440 six-pa,c RB motor, and · a 'Chrysler new Yorker and 3000 with 413 Max Wedge · ;, engines. He drives a Sun Beam. Tiger for ru·n. · . "I _don't take the 'Bird out often;" said Young; "but' · when I take it' out; I have fun." ·

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