••••••••••••••••• For Cleveland's Future • Kid's Corner Vote For •••••••••••••••••Nia Const&DCe Glin, who is Frank Jackson 5even weeks old, was born 011 Seplember 2. 200! at 3:!55 un. IIlii sbe weigbed Ia On Tuesday, November 8 at 6 pounds and 7 ounces and she was 18.75 inches long. Nia's pueats are ''I love this city and I will de­ C.D., Jr. IDd Jacqueline. Nia's pandpar'­ mand that we be a city that is ents ate C.O., Sr. aod E'YCrlene GilD. Nia's second to none." favorite food is ber boUle...... _"""w::~-..11


Based on his solid prin­ ciples, character and integrity, Cuyahoga County Auditor Frank Russo recently gave Frank Jack­ son a hearty and rousing endorse­ ment for him to be the next mayor for the city of Cleveland. Russo endorsed Jackson at his campaign headquarters and he brought a throng of supporters with him to pledge their support to Jackson and to campaign for Jack­ son throughout the city to ensure him to be elected mayor on Tues­ day, November 8. Robert J. Triozzi, who was a mayoral candidate and a former Municipal Court judge, also en­ dorsed Jackson for mayor. Triozzi received 10 percent of the votes in the primary election (5,248 votes). With his endorse of Jack­ son, Triozzi said that the people of In a rousing endorsement recently for Frank Jackson at his campaign headquarters, Cuyahoga County Mayoral Candidate Frank Jackson recently received the support of rival Cleveland are ready for new lead­ Auditor Frank Russo endorsed Jackson to be the next mayor for the city of Cleveland. Russo brought with him 'his ership. /Vf"""""' Candidate Robert Triozzifor his election for mayor on Tuesday, November supporters to support Jackson as well. Russo supporters packed Jacksons' campaign headquarters to let him know Triozzi's votes in the pri­ Triozzi felt that Jackson is the only candidate for mayor to lead the city. · their him. mary election came from the West Treasurer Jim Ro.kakis. hoga County Commissioner Peter L. Union is the endorsement that will Prior to the primary elec­ dorsed by the following Side and if those votes can be trans­ Rokakis also pledged to Jones. ensure Jackson the election. tion, 11 District Congresswoman councilperson: Patricia Britt, Dona ferred to Jackson it will be a big campaign for Jackson through out Another major endorse~nt Aside from endorsing Stephanie Tubbs Jones, had en­ Brady, Joe Cimperman, Roosevelt boost to him winning the general the city. for Jackson came from the Service fackson, DavlaRagan, who is the· dorsed Jackson and campaigned for Coats, Kevin Conwell, Fannie election. Jackson was also en­ Employees International Union president of the union, said that him. Her support has helped Jack- Lewis, Saber Pierce Scott, Martin Jackson also received the dorsed by Cuyahoga County Pros­ (SEIU) with 7,500 members living in its members will volunteer to son. J. Sweeney, Emily L. Holan, and Jay ecutor Bill Mason as well as Cuya- Cleveland. The support the SEIU work for Jackson's campaign. Westbrook.

F.rank Jackson support During a luncheon recently held at Play­ Wests(de voters during his visit at Dina s Pizza house Theatre with a large group of Cleveland min­ Shop at Memphis Avenue. Jackson was greeted pastor ofMt. Olive isters, Rev. E. Theophilus Caviness, who is the minis­ 5701 While campaigning recently in the Glenville area, Missionary Baptist Church, recently gave Mayoral ter of Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church, gave a rous­ and welcomed to .the pizza shop by Chrissy Mayoral Candidate Frank Jackson visited Save-A-Lot at E. Candidate Frank Jackson a hearty welcome and sup­ ing endorsement for Mayoral Candidatt Frank Jack­ McFeeture, who is the manager ofthe shop. Photo l 125th and St. Clair Avenue to meet with residents. Store port for his campaign to become mayor. Rev. Ha"is son to be the next mayor for the city of Cleveland. tor Charles Giunta, wlw a westside campaign worker manager Jamal Muhammad gave Jackson a hearty welcome let his congregation know that the need to support While addressing the ministers Rev. Caviness gave Jackson and his daughter, Emily Giunta, were and resident Beatrice Rose let Jackson know that she is sup­ Jackson to ensure his election on Tuesday, Novem­ the ministers the charge to spread the word among also at the pizza slwp with Jackson. The patrons at him. ber B. their congregation to vote for "Frank Jackson. " the were enthusd about Jacksons visit. Open house held for new A.J. Rickoff School

ByGEORGEGOIDMAN the school. ents, students and the community to completed so far under the '"The community wanted a Jackson, Councilman Zack Reed, Although the school see the new state-of-the-art school. District's Capital Program. unique design that would serve as a State Representative Michael Open H ouse for the new won' t be open to students until According to school offi­ Two other new schools landmark in the neighborhood." DeBose and 11th District Congress­ Andrew J. Rickoff School (3500 East Monday, October 31st, the open cials, it was necessary for students -Memorial and Riverside, the first Flesher said. Joined by CEO Bar­ woman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, as 147th Street) was recently held at house was an opportunity for par- and staffto move from the building on new schools buildings con­ bara Byrd Bennett were MayorJane well as students, parents and com­ the original site when melting snow structed in the District in 25 years Campbell, Council President Frank munity leaders. rGasoline.prices in area drop~ caused the roof to collapse the week·. - opened earlier this fall. end of January 12, 1996. Paul Flesher, the Northeast Ohio gas One faCtor contributing Students and staff moved to district's Chief of Facility Ser­ prices dropped 21 cents per gallon to this week's price deadline is re­ a "temporary site", the old Mt. Pleas­ vices, pointed out that those two this week to $2.45 ~or self-serve duced gasoline demand. regular, according to today's AAA ant School, where they have remained. schools are of more traditional Data from the Energy In­ Fuel Gauge Survey. The new A.J. Rickoff is ap­ design, while AJ. Rickoff features formation Administration shows Last week the price aver­ proximately 93,00) square feet, the larg­ curved walls and significant use aged $2.66. Prices were 48 cents that recent high gas prices may est of the three new school buildings of glass. lower a year ago averaging $1.97 .have changed Americans' driving per gallon. behavior. The national average also Last week's -report fell this week, dropping 13 cents showed gasoline demand down 2.6 from last week's average of $2.82 percent for the preceding four to $2.69 per gallon. weeks compared to the same pe­ That's 24 cents above riod last year. The price of crude oil Northeast Ohio's average. Ohio's also dropped this week, sliding statewide average is 8 cents above Northeast Ohio at $2.53 per gallon. below $60 per barrel. AAA Fuel Gauge Gasoline Price Survey Northeast Ohio Average for Self-Service Gasoline Regular Mid-Grade Premium Today (10-21-05) $2.45 $2.58 $2.69 During the open house ofthe new A.J. RickoffSchool at E.147th and Last Week (10-14-05) $2.66 $2.77 $2.88 Kinsmand Avenue, Rick Hickman, who is the executive director of the Ohio David Dickerson (right) of Hayes Large Architects, who aes,rgm1a Last Year (10-22-04) $1.97 $2.07 $2.19 School Facilities Commission, presents Barbara Byrd-Bennett with a $11 million new A.J. Rickoff School at E. ]47th and Kinsman Avenue, presents the official dollar the school district. key to Brandon Cooper who is a student leader at the school. Page2 EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Thesday, October 18, 2005-Friday, October 21,2005

Martha Stewart creates world record· Keeping your mi~dfit ~ith mental exercises By Dr. RYliTA KAWASHIMA erc1se your bram regularly, also have benefits for adults headquarters. and active church member eat healthily and sleep well. with the following symp­ Valuable gifts and of St. Roberts Temple (NAPS)-Go fig- You have to exer- toms: increasing forgetful­ memorabilia were provided Church Of God In Christ at · ure. Performing math prob- cise your brain just as you ness and difficulty remem­ immediately with other items 3165 East 116th Street. lems regularly may help al- would any other part of bering people's names, to be delivered to the homes Martha Stewart is I · t f th · ev1a e some o e symp- your body if you were try- spelling words and express­ of all guest "Martha married to Cleveland Police toms of dementia. ing thoughts. Stewarts." Captain Donald Stewart and ing to stay fit. The idea is that just Research con- "I was representing they have two children, Based on this re­ as regular exercise is ducted in Japan has led me Cleveland, and I was so very Mishika and Donald, Jr. search, my lab created a proud to be featured in one C I e v e I a n d ' s known to help slow the de- to believe that doing simple program to help Japan's ag­ of Martha Stewart's espe­ "Martha" is promoting and terioration of muscles, the math calculations quickly ing population maintain op­ cially created film clips organizing for the first an- same is true for the brain. and reading out loud can timal brain functioning as it wflich were linked to create nual reunion of "Martha In order to maintain benefit adults who wish to grows older. a vignette of "Martha Stewart Stewarts." your physical health, you work on the following: The brain health Hotel Experience." This will certainly have to exercise regularly, creativity, memory skills, · exercises in this program "I am certainly keep her busy as she is fe- eat healthily and sleep well. commUnication skills, help increase the delivery of Guiness World Record of 165 "Martha Stewarts• was pleased with my decision to recently created when the audience of"The Martha Stewart Living" verishly beginning to make In like manner, in and slowing the mental ef- oxygen, blood and various attend this event," said live television broadcast. Photo I to r: are Martha Stewart, Cleveland, the necessary contacts al- ordertomaintainyourmen- fects of aging. amino acids to large regions and T.V. show host Martha Stewart. York. Martha. "We were treated ready! tal health, you need to ex- These exercises of the brain. The benefits as away as royally by Martha Stewart seem to come from activat­ Cleveland, recently spent the Africa and Anchorage and her entire staff and film African Americans looking for culturally relevant vacations ing the largest sections of weekend with Martha Alaska. Moreover, "There crew." The growing Afri­ package, the tide may be turn­ lounge. the prefrontal cortex. Stewart of , were four sets of mother/ Cleveland's Martha can-American travel market is ing for a new cruise audience. "Today's African­ The result is more "The Martha Stewart Living daughter "Martha's." Stewart has been teaching looking for vacations that Royal Caribbean In­ American traveler wants to get neurons and neural connec­ Television Show" host en- During the two days for the Cleveland Municipal combine culture, adventure ternational is leading the way more out of their experience tions, which are character­ tertained for two days a full itinerary activities, Martha School District for 30 years. and a chance to step out and in making it possible for Afri­ than the standard sun and sea istic of a healthy brain. Dr. audience of 165 "Martha sponsored a New York City She has provided do some shopping, according can-American cruisers to va­ vacation of years past," said Ryuta Kawashima has spent 15 years researching Stewart's from all across the sightseeing tour which cul- instruction at Lincoln West to a survey by the Travel In­ cation their way - whether that Patricia Yarbrough, president the brain. A country. minated with a personal ap- High School; South High; dustry Association of means hopping from island of Blue Wor~d Travel Corp. prominent neurologist in J a­ The youngest 11 pearance luncheon with and currently she teaches at America (TIA). excursion to island excursion, "And, with minority travel With a cruise vaca­ pan, Kawashima's dream is years old and several senior "Martha" at the Martha East Technical High School. sampling native foods or per­ surging, cruise tins are begin­ tions offering all that in one forming in the ship's karaoke to make brain maintenance attendees in their late 90s. Stewart OmniMedia Studio Martha is a loyal ning to take notice." a public priority. Forum on disparities in health care and health outcome The line also offers He developed the 9320 Woodland Avenue 0FAcE&PLANT unique land-tour vacations in ''Train Your Brain" program The School of Medi­ Population Health and Health CLEVELAND,0Hto44104 (216) 231-6115 to help Japan's aging popu­ Building, 2103 Cornell Road on FAX: 231-6117 Alaska, Canada and Europe cine at Case Western Reserve the Case campus in Cleveland. Disparities. Her talk is called through its cruisetour division. lation. His book, "Train Your "Health Care Disparities: A Brain: 60 Days to a Better University has created a new "(Not) Making It in ;-f-.... PAINT & VARNISH CO. For additional infor­ forum to raise awareness of America: Poverty, Health and Case of Local Politics. • It will Brain" (Kumon Publishing i lO MANUFACTURERS OF mation about the cruise line, critical issues in health policy. Children's Prospects" is the title be on Nov. 10 at 6 p.m., pre­ RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL North America, Inc.; Initiated by Ralph I. of the first seminar presented ceded by a reception at 5:15 & INDUSTRIAL COATINGS visit the company's Web site $12.95), is based on that pro­ p.m. at www.royalcaribbean.com/ Horwitz, M.D., dean of the by Christina Paxson, Ph.D., Open To The Public gram. The book is available Case School of Medicine, and professor of economics and The Autumn 2005 se- gopack or call (877) 5GO­ both online and in book­ Monday thru Friday-9:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Jerome P. Kassiter, M.D., ad­ public affairs and director of the ries is capped by a three-day PACK. stores. junct professor of medicine Center for Health and symposium from Nov., 30 and bioethics at Case and Wellbeing at Princeton Univer­ through Dec. 2. The Original former editor-in-chief of the sity. The keynote address New England Journal of Medi­ The program is on on Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. will be de­ ~it CHill.OlE cine, the Case Health Policy Nov. 3 at 6 p.m., preceded by a livered by Sir Michael Marmat, (j~ ' Forum will bring prominent reception beginning at 5: 15 Ph.D., the director of the Inter­ ...- Chinese Restaurant national Institute for Society ~~ FLOWERS health policy authorities to p.m. (Only One Location) Cleveland throughout the Paxson's current re- and Health and a professor of GIFf&FRUIT epidemiology and public , academic year. search focuses on economic Phone: 991-2222 CHEESE & WINE health at the University Col­ This fall in its inau­ status and health outcomes Carry Out Menu gural series, the forum will ex­ over the life course in both de­ lege London. DELIVERED ANYWHERE DAILY amine disparities in health care veloped and developing na- The title of his ad­ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK and health outcomes. tions. dress is "Understanding In­ 11708 Buck~ye Road- Cleveland, Ohio 721-1500 equalities in Health." The fall session in­ In a recent study, she 11520 Buckeye Road cludes two seminars and a concluded that protecting · Marmot has been at three-day symposium. children's health also calls for the forefront of research into D #1 ALL HAND CAR WASH health inequalities for the past All events will be a broader set of policies target­ 10200 Woodland Ave. - Cleveland, Ohio free and open to the public. ing parents' health-related be­ 20 years. ABRAHAM'S MOVING The seminars and all havior. The three-day sym­ (216) 721-9616 events in the three-day sym­ The second seminar posium also will feature other · & Storage Co. posium except one will be held features Nicole Lurie, M.D., di­ several prominent speakers in *Help Wanted* in the Wolstein Research rector of the RAND Center for the field of health disparities and will include a session at 20% Off AU Services With This Ad * Free Estimates Easy Side Publishing Co., Inc. the Union Club, 1211 Euclid We Wash Everything! Ave., in downtown Cleveland Motorcycles - Cars -Wheel Chair Vans *Packing with local hospital and civic Church Vans - Small Buses * Highly Trained Movers EAST SIDE NEWS leaders. *"Call Us, You'll Like The Way For more details on Wash - Hand Dry - Tire Shine - Hot Wax 11400 Woodland Avenue- Cleveland, Ohio 44104 the programs and speakers Steam Clean Engines and Much Much More! ~~· We Do Things." (216) 721-1674 comprising the three-day sym­ We Also Specialize In Detail Jobs Call For An Appointment posium, for more information Publisher-Ulysses Glen Low Low Cost on Marmot, Lurie and Paxson, Open 7 :pays A Week News Editor: and to make reservations for Monday -Thursday Sam - 7 pm (216) 633-6124 OR '(216) 883-3125 Serving Greater Cleveland Since July 10, 1980 the all of the programss call Friday & Saturday Sam - 9pm - Sunday 8am - 6pm 24 Hour Service (216) 368-5515.

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From the grandson of food is associated with good he tipped the scales at 400 ated his own brand of healthy from other cookbooks be­ It does not mean that lectable recipes, including Harlem's queen of soul food, taste it's also known to lead pounds, he knew he had to soul food cooking, which he cause William is a witness to you stop eating your favorite Grandma's Roasted Turkey, Sylvia Woods, "Neo Soul" is to extra pounds and question­ make some drastic changes. serves today through his wildly what he discusses in his book. foods-being the grandson of Lenzo's Trout Stuffed with the first book to bring readers able nutrition. So he completely successful event planning and He knows what it is one of the world-famous soul­ Collard Greens, Okra Gumbo, soul food with a healthy twist Lindsey Williams changed his lifestyle and his catering business, Neo Soul like to weigh over 400 pounds, food pioneers, William kenw Neo Sweet Potato Pie, and - old favorites as well as new knows all about this first diet, loss more than half his Events and Catering. and through extreme lifestyle this would not happen. Blueberry Buckle. recipes that improve upon old hand. He grew up in the weight, and eventually ere- "Neo Soul" differs changes, he was able to lose It is about eating These mouth-water­ family classics- Collard greens, kitchen of his grandmother's the weight. those favorite foods in a ing recipes are so good, you'll macaroni & cheese, com bread legendary restaurant, where A This is not only a healthy way and this is what never miss the fat! - just the thought of these he learned the art of authentic cookbook,butatestimonyto "Neo Soul" is all about. For those who love foods makes our mouths wa­ soul food cooking. TO what healthy eating can do "Neo Soul" features soul food, who were hesitant ter. But he was also al­ z 4135 LEE RD, CLEVELAND. OHIO 44128 when done correctly. more than 100 of Willaims' de- to eat il because of the fat and However, while soul ways overweight, and when (216) 751-5652 calorils or those who just en­ Jud-Lee Plaza Shopping Center (Corner ofLee Road and Judson) Restaurant offers reminders joy cooking tasty, healthy • Wigs • Private Room • Body Oils foods, this is the book you'll • Hair Pieces • Designer Wigs • Ear Piercing Many health experts said. love and turn to again and • Hair for Braiding • Jewelry • Leather Handbags agree that one of the best All 593 Bob Evans again. .,. ~~~~=~c~.:~· • Weaving Hair • Jewelry Repair • Watches and Rings ways to prevent illness and Restaurants and Owens Res­ · Readers can indulge Concealed Firearms Classes • Chemo Wigs • Watch Battery Replace taurants across 20 states will ~rry protect health is by using their soul-food appetite with Hours: Monday- Thursday- 10:00 a.m.-7:00p.m. also display the hand washing NRA Certified Instructor proper hand washing tech- healthy dishes that taste just Saturday - 10:00 a.m. • 8:00p.m. clings on their rest room mir­ niques. like they came from Grandma's Appraisals - Trades - Consignment We Enjoy Giving Good Service rors for a year. "We expect to Angela & Zachary Bob Evans Farms is kitchen. Cleaning By Appointment Only hoping to reinforce this idea reach hundreds of thousands of our customers in our own Williams is the owner 15321 Broadway Ave. (216) 475-1340 by offering free hand wash­ Sales - Service - Parts restaurants with this important ofNeoSoulEvents and Cater­ ing reminders to schools, Maple Hts., Ohio 44137 CeU: (216) 322-1456 Open Mon.-Sat. 8:00a.m.-6:00p.m. safety message as well," Myers ing, a complete event planning daycare centers, fitness cen­ said. and catering company. ters and other organizations and businesses. Thomas E. Shaughnessy Reginald A. Sizemore Beginning during Attorney at Law High School Senoir Portraits Technician/Electrician National Food Safety Educa­ Weddings • Passports • Family Portraits Dryers • Washers • Refrigerators tion Month, Bob Evans will CRIMINAL LAW- PERSONAL INJURY Ranges • Freezers • Etcetera distribute vinyl hand washing "clings" that adhere to * Notary Available * Commercial & Product TWO LOCATIONS: restroom mirrors and remind 11510 Buckeye Rd. (440) 542-0159 3319 E. 93rd Street Ware House & Outlet Store Call For An Appointment the public of the need to wash Cleveland, Ohio 44104 Fax (216) 721-5261 Oeveland, Obio 44104 9520 Woodland Avenue hands with warm, soapy wa­ (216) 721-7700 (216) 795-4529 (216) 441·1466 Cleveland, Ohio 44104 ter for 20 seconds to remove (216) 421-1570 Pat&ThmHajdu 12806 Larchmere Blvd. bacteria. "We Deliver Anywhere In Cuyahoga County" The clings display a KING KENNEDY RESTAURANT Cleveland, Ohio 44120 ttMAKE US FEEL GOOD, Telll's You Saw Our • verse of the children's classic 6124 Woodland Avenue-Oeveland, Ohio FREE-FREE-FREE Ad In EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS!" song "Old MacDonald had a Farm" along with a reminder (216) 431-7171 Battery Installation & to sing the song while wash­ FISH- CIDCKEN-BAR-Q System Testing ing hands in order to wash for *Best Soul Food In Town* Complete line Of New Batteries the proper length of time. • The clings are avail­ Hours: Mon.-Thur.: 7:00p.m. ALL BATTERIES GUARANTEED able free of charge by visiting Fri. 7:00a.m. - 9:00p.m.-Sat. 7:00a.m. -7:00p.m. Delco Factory Seconds Reconditioned the "our company" section of Executive Chefs - NfikeRowaU-BobReed $29.95 and Up $19.95 and Up the Bob Evans Web site at www.bobevans.com, or by Supervisor Mitch Thompson ·~~..~ 2935 Detroit Road calling (800) 272-7675, ext. ~ (Just Across Detroit - Superior Bridge) 2550. '" (216) 861-6001 "Our hope is to EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS We Pay Cash For Scrap Batteries reach children with the impor­ 11400 Woodland Ave. - Cleveland, OH 44104 tant message about hand To Place Your Advertisement • GA1.VAN17.ED ALUMINUM&. washing, and to offer parents AETNA A-I VlNYL COLORS Call (216) 721-1674 • ORNAMENTAL IRON a reminder to set a good ex­ AUTO WRECKING • ALL TYJ>f..'i OF WOQO FENCINC ample and to teach their chil­ • SWIMMING POOl. & TENNIS FENC£ dren about proper hygiene," Quality In Used Car Parts 2005 RESIDENTIAUCOMMERCfAL . said Bob Evans Farms Direc­ ~""\1101'.'1 Vl:.~\1"1'.'1 M 11>1\C" .a.l>RI\. Complete Line of • REPAIRS OUR • . tor of Corporate Communica­ ~ ~ ~ W Tf$ ~M~W1F~ S~~ WJ ,. $ M T WJ ~S tions Tammy Roberts Myers. · Foreign And Domestic Parts SPECIALTY , ~o~~ The company distributed 2751 E. 55 ST. ~~ j more than 30,000 of the clings Used & Rebuilt - by request last year, and Auto Parts For Sale ~ ~~~ 432·1918 Maio~. hopes to surpass that num­ ber this year. "We have given 14312 Miles Road the cling a more contempo­ Cleveland, Ohio 44128 (216) 271- 3000 t rary look with brighter colors h, ksgiving and a new eye-catching de­ Looking For Quality Shoe sign, which will effectively Repair And Maintenance? l 770. deliver the message," Myers Pernel Jones & Sons Funeral Home Look No Further. .. 7120 Cedar Avenue- Oeveland, Ohio 44103 Teleflora's WlLLIAMSBURGfJ ... (216)921··206! 16 Years In the Lee-Harvard Area Celebration Bouquet (216) 431-9205 1\) "Cleveland's Leading Funeral Home For lnspir£td by 1 tureen tn the Cl'!oni,ll ReasoiUJble Prices" Townes Shoe Repair & Wi;!iatnsburg Collections, this stunning ce•'V~rptP~oe w1ll cn1 ich the whole w Luggage Shop Thanksgiving <>>

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Page4 EASI'SIDEDAILYNEWS Thesday, October 11, 2005 -Friday, October 14, 2005 [ Islam In The Community l Ethics of disagreement------

Editor's Note: The and trying to discover the se­ 1. Sincerity: Do not Remember also just someone, it is not necessary What approach can/ having a contest between writer of this article is an cret to their overwhelming suc­ disagree just for the sake of how patient Allah is with us. to insult or to bombard a per- should be use with the person. them on who could do Wudu Imam ofa Masjid in Orlando, cess, but we often tend to for­ disagreeing. He did not just de­ son. Every one responds in the best way and ask him to :norida. get the real reason behind it Don't argue just be­ stroy all of humanity when­ Be tolerant and mer­ in different ways. be their judge. By IMAM M. MASRI all. cause you don't happen to like ever we did something awfully ciful for you cannot force For some, a gentle The man agreed and The Sahaba were someone or something. wrong. someone to agree with you. word is enough while with oth­ so both of them proceeded to Looking through any great people, yes, but they Whenever you ar­ No! He sent us Remember that in the ers, a more aggressive ap­ do Wudu exactly in the same, Hadith or history book. we were not superhuman beings. gue, make sure that you are Rasool after Rasool (Messen­ Qur'an, Allah told Rasoolallah proach is necessary. correct way. come to the fact that the They were real, as sincere in your intentions and ger), time after time, to guide (s) to say to the Qureish, "If I However, regardless The old man, realized Sahaba (Companions of the real as you or I and they all that your intentions is not to us to bring us back to Him. am wrong in what I believe and of the method, remember that his mistake and said, "You Prophet(s) themselves had had their individual strengths cause problems but to help Look in the Qur'an am sinning, then you are free your Naseehah must never be both are correct." many disagreements and dif­ and weaknesses. your brother and sister in Is­ and see that when talking from blame." given in such a way as to hurt AlHamdulillah, so much chil­ ferences in opinions. What made them so lam. about Pharoah, Allah tells Basically, let me do anyone. dren can teach us if we only Each of them would successful was the fact that 2. Patience: We Moses(r) to "Speak to what I want, and you do what­ For example, Hasan let them. have valid points based on the Qur'an for them was not must be very patient with all Pharoah a soft word," when ever you want. and Hussein (r), grandchildren If we follow these their own individual interpre­ simply a book to browse of our brothers and our sis­ this human actually had the He never said, "Be ofRasoolallah (s), once saw an points while at the same time tations, which, naturally, through occasionally when ters. audacity of saying, "I am your Muslim or die." old man doing Wudu incor­ keeping Islamic Adab (man­ tended to vary from person to one had time. Do not argue over lord, most high" ! If Allah can Now if he could be rectly. ners or conduct) in mind, es­ person. No, to them it was a silly or trivial issues and have be so patient with an indi­ tolerant about this extreiPely Though very young, pecially in terms of being re­ Thus, from this and "How To" manual on life, or enough patience without los­ vidual as awful as Pharoah, important issue, shouldn't we they were very perturbed and spectful to your elders when life itself, we can definitely the written instructions on ing temper. surely our brothers and sisters be tolerant about issues much talked between themselves on disagreeing, etc., lnsha'allah surmise that disagreements are how to fight a Jihad against Stay calm and sin­ in Islam deserve at least a frac­ less vital? how best to correct the elderly with Allah's help we should, a very natural thing and that the self. cere, remember that people lis­ tion of our patience. Respect other opin­ man without any disrespect. at least in this area, be just as differences of opinion are not Their attitude thus ten much more willingly when 3. Tolerance and ions and points of views and So, they decided to faithful and as successful as some anomally or a deviation was akin to a soldier's to their they are not being yelled at. Mercy: If you disagree with remember that just because tell the old man that they were the Sahaba. from the norm. general in the midst of war: someone does not agree with However, even "We hear and we obey." you, does not mean that he is though the Sahaba would They felt that it was Wanted wrong. Beatrice Academy have disagreements, they incumbent upon them to carry 4. Wisdom: Prioritize would never, Allahu-A'lam, out every instruction that they Cleveland Buckeyes Baseball Team issues. ofBeau.ty succumb to the pettiness of read and it is for this reason Baseball Collectibles Ask. 10500 Cedar Avenue belittling each other, of being that so many of them would Items From Other Cleveland Teams That "Is this argument re­ sarcastic, of hurling insults, or only memorize ten ayahs of the Played In The Professional Negro League ally worth it?" anything else for that matter Qur'an at a time. 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Dave Pope - Dave Hoskins a) Be sure of your information or what you are EXECUTIVE TICKETS Paying Top Dollar going to say. 11 Specializing In Hard To Get Tickets 11 Call (330) 856-7047 or (216) 721-1674 Verify it. Don't just assume that the person is CAVS ·INDIANS· BROWNS- CONCERTS wrong, but make sure that you ALLPLAYHOUSESQUAREEVENTS know about all the different ALLEVENTSNATIONVnDE valid ways and possibilities of SoutlWindependence looking at an issue and that 6001 Rockside Rd. (Holiday Inn) (216) 524-7277 the person is wrong and in Independence, Ohio . i ~. need if sincere Naseehah. For questions or more information on ISLAM contact: Phoenlx l· b) Strategy: Think HASIDM ABDUL-KHALIQ about what is the best way to (216)721-1146 change the actions of that per- e-mail: [email protected] SIGNS.!!J;c.. ___ son? Evening of literacy 'C> E. S I <3 :N' The Cleveland Teachers Union, working with Miles _Landing More Than 25 Years Of Experience local churches and community 7903 Central Avenue groups is encouraging parents of Warrensville Heights, Ohio of children ages 3 to 6 to at­ Cleveland, Ohio tend a 90-minute course on lit­ (216) 426-8275 eracy and school readiness on Oct. 25 from 6 p.m. -7:30p.m. Promotional Signs For Beauty Salons & Shops The workshop will be Vinyl Banners Window Signs held at Antioch Baptist Church, 8869 Cedar Avenue, Neon Signs Garage Sale Signs and Harvard Community Cen­ Aluminum Signs Magnetic Signs ter, 18240 Harvard Avenue and Pilgrim Congregational United Paperback Book Available For Purchase At $9.95 "We Make and Design Any Personal Sign" Church of Christ 2592 W. 14th St. To Order: Send Check Or Money Order To Vintes Pender Publishing Co. (~~ P.O. 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(216) 663-3600 And Regular Service (Ready On Monday) P.O. Box 200369 - Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 Order From Web Site: [email protected] Fax - (216) 663-1546 Everyday Special: 10% Off All Pre-Paid (216) 283-1305 Tuesday, October 18, 2005-Friday, October 21,2005 EASI'SIDEDAB..YNEWS PageS You And The Law Reform Ohio's judicial selection system II II Editor'sNote: Tho­ any of the actual parties, includ­ voting, decided an election Under the system mas J, Moyer is the Chief ing the Ohio Consumer Coun­ contest case that determined that I have proposed, justices Justice ofthe Supreme Court sel. who would be Attorney Gen­ would be appointed by the Bankruptcy law to change soon ofOhio. Campaign contribu­ eral of Ohio. The Court ap­ governor, who would choose Q: I bear the bank­ * Generally, before still have to pay more to file for Recent news stories tions will play no role in this plied the law and declared the from among three candidates ruptcy law is changing in Octo­ your bankruptcy case can be filed, bankruptcy than before. and commentary have wrong­ case or any other case before Democrat to b the winner. proposed by a diverse, inde­ ber. Will the change be drastic? you will need to get a certificate The increased require­ fully suggested that the jus­ this court. Three justices of 'the Court pendent, and nonpartisan se­ A: The federal Bank­ from an approved credit counsel­ ments, including the calculating of tices of the Supreme Court of In fact, I have no idea were Republicans. lection panel, a majority of ruptcy Reform Act that becomes ingagency. the means test, the need for more Ohio are influenced by cam­ of the total amount contributed More recently, The whom would be nonlawyers. This certificate sho~s precision and more documenta­ effective on October 17, 2005 will paign contributions. to our campaigns by First En­ Plain Dealer and The Colum­ The justices would impose many new requirements the courts that you have made an tion will increase attorney fees, This is a damaging ergy and their associates be­ bus Dispatch endorsed the then stand for election after on consumers who file bank­ effort to avoid bankruptcy. and court costs for Chapter 7 serving one or two years and, ruptcy. Also, some people will *You will have to com­ bankruptcies also are expected to assertion that is not sup­ cause I have neither the incli­ election or re-election of most find their bankruptcy choices plete an approved credit and bud­ rise. ported by the facts and un­ nation nor do I take the time to of the five justices whose par­ ifretained, would complete the more limited under this law. geting course before your filed Q: When should I con­ dermines the foundation of pour through the lists of sev­ ticipation in the First Energy balance of a fixed term of 10 or Q: Wbattypesofbank­ bankruptcy case is completed. sult an attorney about bank­ our judicial system, which is eral thousand contributions to case has been questioned. 12 years. ruptcy can I file now? * Greater burden will ruptcy? built on the principle that my four election campaigns These justices likely Interestingly, the A: Currently, if you are be placed on your attorney, who A: You should consult judges are impartial and inde­ and tally amounts contributed will seek the endorsement of Missouri Plan wllild have the person seeking bankruptcy will need to investigate your situ­ with an attorney experienced in pendent. by any group or individual. those and other newspapers been called the Oliio Plan had relief, you can choose to file bank­ ation, verify your information, bankruptcy issues when consid­ Though the percep­ Had the interest if they seek re-election. it not been defeated on the ruptcy under either Chapter 7 or and certify that your filing is well­ ering bankruptcy. Depending tion that campaign contribu­ group taken the time to provide The endorsement of statewide ballot here in 1938 grounded in fact and warranted by upon your particular situation, Chapter 13 of the bankruptcy tions influence judicial deci­ comprehensive information to a major newspaper in a state­ and again in 1987. code. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is existing law. your attorney can help you de­ sions is false, it nonetheless the news media, they would wide campaign far exceeds the The current system also known as "straight liquida­ Q: I've heard I won't cide if it would be to your advan­ persists, and that is why I be­ have found that at the proceed­ value of the purported contri­ requires candidates for elec­ tion." In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, be able to choose the type ofbank­ tage to file bankruptcy before the the examiner appointed to the ruptcy I want to file unless I can law changes in October, when re­ lieve we must change our sys­ ings at the Public Utilities Com­ butions that have been made tion to the Supreme Court to case (the ''trustee") may sell your prove I don't make much money. quirements and costs will in­ tem. mission that produced the case an issue by the interest group participate in raising substan­ non-exempt assets (such as a car) Is that true? crease-or if you should delay fil­ I am calling on all before us, a number of entities and some newspapers in the tial funds to be be elected, and to pay off some of your debts. A: Generally, yes. Be­ ing, or avoid filing at all. Ohioans to support reforms, opposed to First Energy's ap­ First Energy case. then they are subjected to criti­ Your remaining debts fore you can file for bankruptcy, Law You Can Use is a including a constitutional plication appeared, and many In two public cism or urged to remove them­ are "discharged" Qegally forgiven) you will be required to take a weekly consumer legal informaion amendment to create an ap­ of them were represented by records cases, one filed by selves from hearing cases in­ in bankruptcy. "means" test that shows how column provided by the Ohio pointive-elective system for lawyers or law firms that I un­ The Cleveland Plain Dealer, volving contributors. In a Chapter 13 bank­ much you earn compared to the State Bar Association (OSBA). selecting our justices. derstand have contributed to the other by The Columbus Short of a constitu­ median family income level for This article was prepared by ruptcy (also known as a "repay­ Ohio is one of only my four campaigns for election Dispatch, a unanimous court tional amendment, we have ment plan bankruptcy") you your state. With certain excep­ Lloyd D. Cohen, a sole practitio­ 20 states that elect all their to the Supreme Court. applied the plain words of the made progress and there is would keep your property while tions, you may have no choice but ner in Columbus. For informa­ judges at every level from the I have no idea what Ohio open records statute that more we can do. repaying a potion of your debls to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy if tion about a variety of legal top­ over time. Your repayment you earn more than the median ics, visit the OSBA's Web site at trial courts to the Supreme the total amount of those con- produced a result in both The Supreme Court amount is based on what the court income. www.ohiobar.org. Articles ap­ Court. tributions is, but I am reason­ cases th~t was unfavorable to of Ohio has taken steps to re­ finds to be reasonable. Q: Will the bankruptcy pearing in this column are in­ Calls to change this ably certain that they total at the newspapers. duce or eliminate the effect of Q: If I file for bank­ lawchangesaffectmeifieamless tended to provide broad, general system have ebbed and least as much as the contribu­ No party to the campaign contributions, ruptcy after October 17, 2005, than my state's median income? information about the law. Be­ flowed through the years, aris­ tions for First Engery. cases sought our recusal. adopting strict contribution what changes can I expect? A: Even ifyour income fore applying this information to ing on newspaper editorial That fact brings to All of these points limits and reporting require­ A: Many changes will level is low enough that you can a specific legal problem, readers pages after particularly nasty mind the adage, "Some of my are offered to dismantle the ments for judicial candidates. go into effect, including the fol­ choose between a Chapter 7 and are urged to seek the advice of a court races or high profile friends are for it; some of my false perception that this Judicial candidates a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will licensed attorney. lowing: cases, and then subsiding. friends are against it. I will vote Court is anything but impar­ must also complete course The latest coverage for my friends." tial. work in campaign practices, fi­ Volunteers needed·for school suggesting that the court is The justices of the All that being said, nances and ethics. influenced byu big contribu­ court are frequently required to the critics are right about one Other proposals are Classroom volun­ around Cuyahoga County. servessome9,000infants,chil- tors was generated by a se­ apply the law in a manner that thing: Campaign contribu­ now pending before the Gen­ teers urgently needed week­ Call (216) 736-Z7?2for dren and adults. ries of news releases by a spe­ requires them to vote against tions to judges are bad. eral Assembly that would re­ days to assist with toddlers a volunteer application or Most recognizable cial interest group. those who have supported They are bad not be­ duce the need for costly cam­ and preschoolers, school­ more information. are its three schools, five early The grouP de- them. cause they influence our de­ paigns by lengthening the term aged children and adults with The Cuyahoga manded that five justices of Here are just a few ex- cisions but because they lead of most judicial positio~s. developmental disabilities County Board of MR/DD childhood centers, eight adult the Supreme Court not partici- amples: people to believe that they do. But more needs to be centers and 58 group homes. pate in a case that will deter- In my 1992campaign That is why Ohio done if we are to eliminate the Its annual operating budget is mine whether to affirm an or- for re-election, I received con­ should join the other states misguided perception that TUITION FREE TAX COURSE more than $172 million. der ofthe Public Utilities Com- tributions from PIE insurance that select judges of their high­ judges decisions are influ­ ~ ·~: Small Fee For Books Only Major funding for mission approving a rate interests. In 1993 and 1994, est court in a manner that enced by the need to raise cam­ eliminates, or at least substan­ paign contributions. the Board ofMR/DD's $l72 structure submitted by First withnooneseekingmyrecusal, Take The Liberty Tax Service Tax Shool.And Learn Energy. I voted in two cases against the tially diminishes, the percep­ There is a new glim­ million annual budget comes The special interest interest of PIE. In one of them, How To Prepare Individual Income Tax Returns. tion of influence created by mer of hope. Some legislative from a five-year 3.9-mill prop- group was not even a party I authored the opinion. costly political campaigns. leaders and others who have Potential Job Opportunities. erty tax approved by voters in to the case, and no motion for In 1991, a unanimous I have urged for not favored removing judges Classes Begin Last Week Of October, 2005 November2000. disqualification was filed by SupremeCourtwithsixjustices years that Ohio amend its from political elections are now In The Lee-Harvard Area Claudette Woodard secures funds for mental health facility Constitution to select judges reassessing their positions on Call now for more information: 330-467-2124 in an appointive-elective sys­ the issue. Representative for CFC's Mental Health Currently, CFC's pro­ tem. We must remove the Claudette Woodard (D-Cleve­ Community Outreach Pro­ grams and services are based There are a number money from the selection of John 5. Plathko. Jr. land Heights) recently an­ grams. at ten different locations of options available, but some justices of our highest court if nounced the release of CFC is a compre­ throughout the county. variation of what is often we are to remove the percep­ $200,000.00 from the state to hensive human service "Finding a good home called the "Missouri Plan" tion that campaign contribu­ the Center for Families and agency that provides a wide for the mental health programs should be considered. tions influence judicial deci­ Children. range of services to more than Pbone:216. 791~303 in Cuyahoga County is so im­ sions 216. 791-4742 The State of Ohio 20,000 children, families and portant. The new building will 126l41..un.:Juneno Boulevard 216.791-4831 Controlling Board approved individuals throughout Cuya­ DR. G. WOJAI Cleveland, ()hl() 44120 Fa>~. : 216. 791-7111 provide consistency for those the money for the purchase hoga County each year. The World's Greatest Numerologist people in need of comprehen­ I Wedding Invitations I and renovation of a building The $200,000 from YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS ·------·25% Off sive mental health programs," the state enables CFC to com- Wanted Experienced plete its estimated $5.2 million Rep. Woodard said. ''The suc­ ~--!""------·---··--··--- 1~------~ FREE BUSINFSS CARDS I 236 364 876 574 579 422 I 250 for $22.00 - Receive 250 FREE I Journalist project to consolidate Cuya- cesses of the programs housed L..(Black ink, white stock. free cards same as original orderl.. Call (216) 721-1674 hoga County mental health inside will ultimately lift up te services under one roof. entire community." 3296 2490 1324 3276 4469 3560 ..I ------~Raftle Tickets • Cabaret Tickets I SubscribeTo I 15% Off Regular Price I EASTSIDE Boo at the Metropark Zoo is fun Expires 12-31-05 (Must Present Coupon) • Boo at the Zoo, All tickets are $6.00; .. LUCKY FIVE DAILY NEWS Cleveland's premiere event for kids under age two are free. Tick­ Call (216) 721-1674 ------family-friendly Halloween fun, ets are available on the Zoo's web­ 77 12 25 67 11 Fight Films For Sale takes place October 27-30 from site: clemetzoo.com or at the Zoo Newspaper For Sale 5:30p.m.- 8:30p.m. Extensive Collection of World Box Office every day between Ideal For Person Boo visitors roam the 10:00 a.m. and 3:30p.m. Boo at LUCKY SIX Zoo at night to discover live ani- Champion Boxing Films On VCR Tape Who Wants To Be the Zoo is fun rain or shine and mal shows, magic and puppet 26 14 16 23 17 81 everyone is encouraged to wear fun Ali-Frazier-Foreman-Sugar Ray Robinson Involved In Total shows, costumed characters and Jimmy Bivins - Joey Maxim Cleveland Area! treat stations that offer official (but not frightening costumes.) (Cleveland Hall of Famers) Call (216) 721-1674 Boo at the Zoo treat bags filled · with goodies for the kids. Steve Brown's Pest Control Many More World Boxing Champs In Compi~Bouts Cleveland Arena Boxing Send a S.A.S.E. 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------~--=-'-- Page6 EASrSIDEDAILYNEWS Andre McClain host preshow at circus Your escape from the their meandering- and mot­ Picasso of Pachyderms. rodeo competitor and master of about the circus! Being one­ everyday begins with the ley - marching band! *Jig and jive in a countless cowboy arts, ably on-one with the people, bring­ Ringling Bros. and Barnum & *Stretch with our warm-up for the jubilant jam­ rounds up Children Of All Ages ing smiles to kids' faces, see­ Bailey All-Access Preshow. svelte dancers and sashay boree of a Ringling Bros. per­ and enthusiastically gets every­ ing that they're having a great If you've ever to some of their steps. formance to follow. Feel the one involved in the happenings time- that gives me more en­ dreamed of joining the circus, *Assay astound­ energy pump, and JUMP! taking place simultaneously in all ergy than anything!" then our All-Access Preshow ing and ancient circus arts *And much, much . three rings. For additional infor­ is your chance - and don't with acclaimed acrobats more! Andre loves his role in mation on Ringling Bros. and even have to run away! from Inner Mongolia. Preshow host Andre the All-Ass Preshow and it Barnum & Bailey, please visit Step into our three *Fit yourself out in McClain, an accomplished shows: "It's my favorite thing www.feldinc.com. rings one hour before every circus finery and see if se­ performanceofthe 135thEdi­ quins should be part of your New book and movie take readers into the coal mines tion of Ringling Bros. and meet wardrobe. (Pennsylvania) We create a powerful piece of histori­ leaves his job, but he doesn't our awesomely athletic circus *Consider, right look back on the 1920s and cal fiction with "Miner Injustice, want to get involved with the stars - both two - and four­ up-close, the cool confi­ see flapper skirts and well­ The Ragman's War." union fight. legged - free to every ticket dence of human cannonball groomed men in white tuxedo The miners in this book Ragman is drawn in, holder! Sensational and edu­ Brian Miser as he attempts a jackets, deeming the period as go on strike and embark on a true and he and his fellow ac.tiv­ cational, this year's All-Ac­ heart-stopping high dive! a happy, Roaring-era, but in fight for what is right. ists embark on an intense path cess Preshow features more *Meet some of reality, it was a time of depres­ Their struggle parallels towards revenge and self-dis­ super circus heroes and hero­ Karin Houcke's menagerie of sion for many immigrants and that of the character Charlize covery. ines than ever before. marvelous mammals, parley blue collar workers. Theron will play in North Coun­ When Sukle discov­ Mix and mingle with with "Professor" Sacha Author R.S. Sukle try, a new film account of the first ered that the 1927 strike was an amazing amalgam of acro­ Houke- our eminent eques­ became fascinated discover­ major successful sexual harass­ censored into obscurity in bats, aerialists and animals, trian educator - and be ing the dark secrets of this ment cast, Jenson vs. Eveleth 1928 by the industrialist con­ find out what it takes for them amused by the antics of the age, hidden in the memories Mines. This 1984 case brought trolled Republican administra­ to stay in phenomenal Anastasini's popular pound of older men, who worked in justice to a woman who endured tion after a Senate investiga­ CircusFit condition and at­ puppies. Andre McClain will be performing in the Ringling mines in Pennsylvania and a range of abuse as a working tion that led to the first draftof tempt awe-inspiring activities *Learn from our Bros. circus at Quicken Leans Arena and will be the hostfor the surrounding area. miner. the National Industrial Recov­ in a circus-sensational experi­ animal experts how training the preshow for the circus. ence that makes The Greatest your personal pet isn't far off Inspired by her coal Rewind about 60 years ery Act, she knew that the Show On Earth come alive! from how we educate our ex­ mining father's stories of his to the setting for this book-- it is struggle these people faced *Rumba to the traordinary elephants. life as an organizer for the 1927 amongst the coal fields north had to be told. rhythm with the world's most *Sign up for a United Mine Workers to his of Pittsburgh during a strike lead " ... A comparison madcap merrymakers, the chance to win a "mammoth secret life as a member of the by John L. Lewis. comes immediately to mind: Ringling Bros.' clowns, and masterpiece" painted by the Communist park, Sukle has As 150,000 miners refuse The Grapes of Wrath of the to work, the corrupt Coal and Iron coal mines .. .'' Free diabetes risk assessment available Police step in to seize property To schedule an inter­ and evict miners from their homes view or receive more informa­ cations can be delayed or are broken down into glucose I in 16 people has it. while committing beatings, rapes tion, please contact Marika Are you overweight prevented with early detec- (sugar), which then enters the and murders. Flatt, PR by the Book, (512) or inactive? tion. bloodstream. World War I hero 560-6787 , Are you a person of DAGC conducts The pancreas turned mine mechanic, Ragman, Marika @prbythebook.com. color? free diabetes risk assess- senses the rise in glucose af­ Do you have high ments every Tuesday from ter eating and releases a hor­ blood pressure, cholesterol, or 9:30a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at its mone called insulin into the heart disease? office in Beachwood. bloodstream. Insulin helps to VOTE FOR Are you over 45 To schedule an ap- move the glucose from the years of age? pointment, please call (216) bloodstream into the cells. PERNEL If you answered 591-0800. Out of the 18.2mil­ Diabetes occurs "yes" to any ot these ques- lion Americans who have when the body cannot prop­ tions, you could be the 1 in 16 diabetes, 5.2 million remain erly move the glucose in the JONES, JR. people with diabetes in north- undiagnosed. Symptoms of bloodstream into the cells of CLEVELAND COUNCilMAN east Ohio. diabetes include increased the body. WARD~ November is Diabe­ thirst, frequent urination, fa­ Diabetes can in­ tes Awareness Month and the tigue, blurry vision, and un­ crease chances of having high Diabetes Association of explained weight loss. cholesterol and/or high blood Why Pernel Jones, Jr. for GreaterQeveland (DAGC) en­ Diabetes affects pressure which can lead to Councilman of Ward 5? courages you to have a free the way the body uses the many serious complications Pernel Jones, Jr. is Qualified: diabetes risk assessment. foods that are eaten. such as cardiovascular and Devastating compli- Some of the foods kidney disease as well as * Licensed Funethl Director many eye problems such as * Board Member, Empowerment Zone Washers & Dryers ~ cataracts, glaucoma, and dia­ * Attended Giddings Elementary School, Graduate, betic retinopathy, which may University of Marlyand, School of Business Repaired In Your Home1!J eventually lead to blindness. (B.S. Degree) Same Day Service Although diabetes Pernel Jones, Jr. is Hardworking: Free Service Charge With Service is more prevalent among older We Service All Makes And Models. Americans, more than 13,000 * Member, Ward 5 Democratic Club We Carry Parts ForAll Washers & Dryers children in the United States * Member, E.73rd Street Block Club For Service Call are diagnosed with type 1 dia­ * Member, Fairfax Business Association betes each year. * Steering Committee Member- Weed and Seed (216) 271-7315- Pager (216) 590-8082 Type 2 diabetes is Initiative becoming an increasing prob­ Greater Cleveland Auto Auction lem in adolescents as well, Pernel Jones, Jr. will be Accountable: especially in the age group of * Ward Club meetings throughout the entire Ward '801 Engle Rd.- Brook Park, Ohio 44142 12-16 years, partly because of WLll respond immediately to Ward 5 Constituents 216-433-7777 or 1-800-929-4222 * poor nutrition and lack of * Will work with everyone to improve the quality of Fn OCT 21 • 7 JOPr_. I Sat I Sun 1-71 and Snow Road physical activity. life in Ward 5 OPENING NrGHT OCT. 22 OCt 23 200+ nhlcles every Diabetes Associa­ 1130AM To Volunteer Call (216) 431-5504 TICKETS$101 3:30PM tOO Pt.4 week tion of Greater Cleveland is a 1.-c:oe..~-"""nW-.No--1 7:30 PM 5:00 Pt.4 Sales every Friday @ local and independent non­ Tuc I OCT ;>6 & 27 • 7 30 PM I Fn I S;ct I Sun !O:OOA.M. profit organization that has On Thesday OCT. 25 SPECIAL WEEKNIGHT PRICES OCT. 21 OCT. 28 OCT. 30 c.n ror more detalll TICKETI$101 11:30 AM been dedicated to serving IS,.cot!Wt~IIIIMO!ItfloiJ,Pofll~ktt 3:30PM 1:00PM northeast Ohio as an advo­ November 8, 2005 7:30 PM ....,':':.~~~=~ ~~ :1~J.. .1 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 5:00 PM cate in the management, pre­ For the fastest and easiest way to order tickets, go to vention, and cure of diabetes VOTE For www.Ringling.com Public Sole Buy Fee since 1954. tidcctnwt!r Ticket Centers. Quicken Loans Arana Box Office or call Greater Clt\ldanctA"to AII.Citon For further informa­ (216) 241-5555 or (330) 945-9400 Limit 1 per customer tion about DAGC and diabe­ Pernel Jones, Jr. Groups calll216l420·21S3 l«XW2.9""1222or WWW.ocNICABS.COM tes, please call (216) 591-0800 TICKET PRICES: $15 1 $20 or visit www.dagc.org. Councilman for Ward 5 U111ttd nu1111tr of YIP, frolllllow, ..d Clrc~~a Celebrity Mill mlla~lt. Call lor delllla. ISeMCI chargual'd handlirlt '"' mty apl*f; no urvice ch11g11t Arln1 801 Ollie e) Paid for by Pemel Jones, Jr. for Councilman Ward 5, Tammy Jones, Treasurer MMt lh• clowuud anlmla et Ill• Free All Access Prtahow - Peabo 2168 E. 73rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 One Bryson Jeffrey Osborne Allen Theatre November 4 Friday, 8 PM • S40, $35 & $25 Page7 EASI'SIDEDAILYNEWS Thesday, October 18, 2005 -Friday, October 21, 2005 Jazz benefit concert to be held Grass Cutting ' Cuyahoga Valley and progression of a uniquely is New Orleans. ball with the Kansas City the jazz studies program at National Park (CVNP) and American music art form-jazz. In musical New Or­ Chiefs. University of New Orleans and 0 Cuyahoga Valley National Concert admission: leans, Bruce "Sunpie" Barnes "But even then I was has been a park guide with the Starting At $20° Park Association (CVNPA) on $12 adults and $5 children 3- stands out as the best blues going out and playing in clubs. National Park Service at New Call (216) 491-0475 ·Cell: (216) 214-9984 Saturday, October 29 will host 12. General seating. Advance harmonicist in town. His in­ I preferred the world of music; Orleans National Historical a special benefit concert as ticket sales are available only novative and energetic style there's good money in foot­ Park since 2000. Displaced by part of the Cuyahoga Valley by calling (330) 657-2909. draws equally from late greats ball, but it's a dog-eat-dog Hurricane Katrina, Matt is The Yard Man Heritage Series. Happy Days Visitor Center, 8 like Sonny Boy Williamson world. If you're playing mu­ temporarily stationed at CVNP. Proceeds for this p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. and modernists Lee Oskar and sic, though, most people need Happy Days Visitor Complete Landscaping Service event will benefit New Orleans The New Orleans Carey Bell. Sunpie has further a day job," Sunpie said. Center is located at 500 West Jazz National Historical Park Jazz benefit concert will feature distinguished himself as a Beginning with his Streetsboro in Peninsula, 1 mile "No One Does It For Less" in the wake of Hurricane New Orleans musicians and zydeco accordionist and pow­ background in marine biology, west of State Route 8, is a re­ Katrina and Rita. Park Rangers Bruce Barnes erful singer. Bruce has been working for stored Civilian Conservation Hedges New Orleans Jazz and Matt Hampsey. Although it was Dad the National Park Service for Corps structure that provides National Historical Park, one From jazz, zydeco, who taught young "Sunpie" twenty years. At the same a rustic ambiance for folk and Are What We Do r of 388 National Park sites, Afro-Carribean, and blues, (a family nickname) to play time, he is lead performer of traditional concerts, theater, Grass Cutting- Hedges Cut i Trim works toward instilling a pub­ Bruce and Matt mesh history harmonica, he insisted that his Sunpie & the Sun­ lectures, and ranger-led pro­ Flower Planting -Replants lic appreciation of the origins, and musical talent to present son get a good education, too. spots who have five COs to grams. Sod Laid -Grass Planted early history, development, a gumbo of musical styles that After attending their credit. Guitarist Matt For more information Yard Clean-up- Snow Plowing Henderson State University Hampsey, originally from Penn­ visit www.nps.gov/cuva or Woodland Automotive on a football scholarship, sylvania, has lived in New Or­ www.dayinthevalley.com or supplemented by gigs on the leans for fifteen years. call(216)524-1497 or(800)445- 24 Hours Service - 7 Days A Week 9300 Woodland Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44104 side, Sunpie played pro foot- He graduated from 9f:i)7. (216) 229-1957 Free Estimates Hours: Mon.- Sat. -7:30a.m.- 5:00p.m. Preparing your dog for the Dog Park (NAPSM)-Active tionality for the 10 million ar­ with stairs or gradually slop­ Oil Change Special play for dogs is more than just thritic dogs. ing access. fun and games - it's key to Parks are increas­ Lighting to keep maintaining healthy body ingly offering these older and watch on dogs at all hours. $19.95 weight and promoting strong arthritic dogs special equip­ With so many off­ GoodWithAd joints. ment, sectioned play areas and leash dogs at the nation's 700 Free Fluid Inspection The recent growth in water therapy ponds to make dog parks, veterinarians warn Offering A Full Line Of the number of dog parks in the their experience even better. dog owners to keep vaccina­ Sales And Services, country has made it easier for Special exercise tions and parasite preventives Woodland Detail Hand Car Wash many dogs to participate in equipment and soft footing up to date and keep in mind Viruses, Installs, Tech-Support .. 9.520 Woodland Ave.- Cleveland, Ohio active play because these can make a difference for a dog important safety and health Wifi, Networking, Printerxs parks offer them the only op­ with arthritis. tips: (216) 401-1961 or (216) 832-2242 portunity to run freely with­ Whether a dog has Practice commands at WebSite Design, New & Used PC's .: *Help Wanted* out the restraint of a leash. arthritis or is healthy, experts home with the dog and estab­ New & Used Parts To encourage play say the best dop parks hve lish commands again upon ar- And Laptops Too! We Wash Everything! and exercise for all dogs, es­ amenities such as: riving. Buy, Sell, Trade Your Old Computer Motorcycles- Cars-Wheel Chair Vans pecially those with osteoar­ Separate fenced ar­ To prevent fighting, Church Vans - Small Buses - Semis thritis, Novartis Animal Health eas for large, active dogs and don't bring toys or food inside Working Or Not. Wash-Band Dry-Tire Shine-Hot Wax US, Inc. and the country's top small or arthritic dogs. the park. *Special* dog parks are working to­ Water fountains for Keep senior and ar­ Everyday Special $100.00 Every Day Is Ladies Day -$8.00 For Any Vehicle! gether as part of the Play More dogs. thritic dogs separated from *Special* initiative. Novartis Animal Agility courses and more active dogs. Internet Ready Computer System w/Monitor, Bring 1 Car Second Car Half om Health US, Inc. is awarding exercise equipment that main­ Ask a veterinarian Keyboard And Mouse We Also Specialize In Detail Jobs grants to the country's top 10 tain freedom of movement for about getting senior or ar­ ***Hurry Quantities Limited*** Call For An Appoinhnent dog parks to help improve older dogs. thritic dogs ready for dog FREE Computer Diagnostics On Carry Ins Open 7 Days A Week their accessibility and func- Swimming ponds parks. Monday - Thursday lOam - 9 pm Registration Deadline nears for ACT Test When medication is Friday-Saturday -10 Until Midnight (Sunday 10-9pm) College-bound high school students can take the recommended, the nonsteroi­ (2 1 6) 2 5 1-2 4 2 4 ACT college admission and dal anti-inflammatory drug placement exam on December Deramaxx (deracoxib) is avail­ 4682W130m P.dne Tine '1\.Hd) 10, the next national test date. able for dogs by prescription LocATED AT THE CoRNER OF W. 130Tu AND BENNINGTON The deadline for through a veterinarian. PARKING IN REAR ' J ~ ~ .• postmark or online registration Coming Soon Wedding Dresses! v i s i Moo-Sat Noon-9:00p.m. is November 4. 5147 Warrensville Center Road - Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 playmoremagazine.com to Sundays And House Calls By Appointment Only! The late registration learn more. (216) 581-6876 deadline lis November 17 (an We Accept Most Competitors Coupons additional $18 fee is required for late registation). Students can get RON'S GRILL Wedding Thxedo Rental registration materials from Homestyle Cooking With A Flare Of Island Cuisine their high school counselor or 7 Or More In Wedding Party-Groom's Thx FREE! they can register online on ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACT's student website •• Bring This Ad And Receive 10% Discount •• $49.00 Special Thxedo Rental • • (www.actstudent.org). Stu­ • Must Be Redeemed By September 15, 2005 • dents can also find the testing • • Latest Designer Thxedos * Variety Of Colors & Styles location closest to them on ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Authorized Ameri -Tux Store this website. Located At Some colleges re­ 4550 Wa"ensville Center Road (At Emery RandalL Plaza) quire or recommend a writing (216) 662-2840 ~ .. score, but many do not. To find out if a writ­ ing score is required by par­ BREAKFAST SERVED ALLDAY ticular colleges, studens may New Schedule (Effective 8/1105) Monday- Friday 7:00a.m.- 6:00p.m. Lucy's Sweet Surrender®ri) visit ACT's website for a ~ Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Closed Sunday searchable list, or they may check with the colleges di­ "Pastries Too Good To Resist!" (0 BBQ Pork Sandwiches* Jamaican Jerk Chicken* Oxtails* Curried Goat* Ribs* Wings* rectly. Jamaican Beef Patties* Fresh Salads and Seafood* Homemade Desserts and more 12516 Buckeye Road The basic exam takes Cleveland, Ohio 44120 three hours to complete, plus - Dine In - Carryout - Private Parties - an additional 30 minutes for (216) 752-0828 those who opt to take the writ­ ing test. Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7:00a.m.- 4:00p.m. The basic registra­ tion fee for the ACf is $29. Birthday Cakes - Pastry Trays An additional $14 Custom European Tortes - Wedding Cakes fee is required for students who choose to take the ACT GUD IPEHDIG Writing Test, bringing the to­ tal registration fee to $43 for


• Ex-boxer Mike Chase appointed to OAC Thesday, October 18, 2005-Friday, October 21, 2005 ·Page 8 'Ted' Bonda dies; he was 88 years old Mike Chase, who is a former amateur boxer in the Cleveland area, was Alva "Ted" Bonda, who came up through the ranks during the De­ recently appointed to the Ohio Athletic Commission by Governor Bob Taft to pression-era poverty to become a leader in business education and sports, died complete the three year term of David Troutman, who resigned for personal recently at the Arden Courts Residency in Bainbridge Township. reasons. The term for Chase ends in September of 2006. Bonda was a tenacious business man and passionate in civic services The OAC is a commission that oversees professional boxing and wres­ as he championed the positive causes of Oeveland. Aside from being part tling in Ohio as well as other professional martial arts. Chase attended his first SPORTS owner of the Cleveland Indians and fighting to keep the team in the city, Bonda OAC meeting with Chairman Gene Weiss and Commissioners Tom Jelepis, John served as president of the Oeveland School Board and was the chairman of the Konstantinos and Dr. Harry Stiggers. Chase was welcomed to the Commission The White Sox lead the World Series Champion­ Ohio Board of Regions. by Executive Director Bernie Profato. ship with two wins against the Astros. In game one Chi­ Bonda, 88, was born in Cleveland and graduated from Glenville High Chase, 40, is a lawyer and competed in amateur boxing for 12 years off cago beat Houston 5-3; in game two Chicago beat Houston 7-6. Game School. Services for Bonda will be at noon on Monday, October 24, at Fairmount and on. three will be played in Houston on Thesday, October 25. Temple in Beachwood. Ohio State stay in the thick of big 10 race To move ahead Browns need to beat Lions ByKARLBRYANT there's not a wing (blocker) there, we have By KARL BRYANT who I feel gives us the best chance fast guys, and when we saw that happen­ to win the game." Ohio State is still in the thick ing, I was just praying they would get the The Browns have resigned Crennel said that he of the big 10 race thanks to their come­ snap off in time." themselves to forgetting about their thinks it'll still be Harrington. back 35-24 win Saturday over Michigan Tressel also indicated that visit to Chesapeake Bay, licking their Meanwhile, knowing State. maybe his team learned something from wounds, and getting ready to be Garcia, they probably have to in­ The Spartans seemed to have playing poorly early on and then making thrown to the Lions. stitute leash laws on him, he's so the game in hand with a 17-7lead until breaks and rising up to take control of the Fortunately, it's the Detroit anxious to show what he can still seconds were left in the 1st half, but, as game. Lions, who have been suffering from do against the Browns. they say, football is a 60 minute game He said, "Maybe inciting boos even worse "adversity" at the QB and you have to play all60. they have character and they kept play­ RB Reuben Droughns, position tha the Browns have had. Fortunately for the Buckeyes, ing. They believe in each other and ... that still expected to carry the Browns' By the way, isn't it funny MSU's coaching staff had brain lock as (character) was revealed." That character rushing load, which Crennel said how teams refer to "facing adversity" they were in the Red Zone with the clock will have to come through in the remaining is to be increased against Detroit. when they play bad or lose. running and haphazardly on and off the five games as, once again, OSU is in charge ''They' re the type of team Real adversity is having the field, you could just taste that some­ of its own destiny. that's dangerous to anyone. They roof blow off your stadium and play­ thing was going to happen. With Michigan dropping Penn never stop fighting. If you take one 10 ing a "Home Game" in New Jersey, With only men lined up for State from the ranks of the unbeaten, Ohio small break, they'll be on top of the kick, another one at the sideline, and like the N.O. Saints had to endure. State is one of the five Big 10 teams with you,"Crennel said. still another leisurely jogging off-still a Coach Romeo Crennel had only one conference loss and and a chance Braylon Edwards, who few yards inbounds, the Spartans previously hinted on some adjust­ at the league title and a Bowl Champion­ Members of Ohio State University football team are elated with apparently has had a miraculous re­ snapped the ball, three Buckeyes, seem­ ments on the offensive side after the ship Series berth. their win over Michigan State, 35-24. (ESDN photo by Bill Moore) covery from the infection hehad the ingly unblocked, rushed in, the kick was 16-3loss to . last few weeks, practiced on Although some might blocked, and 72 yards later, Ashton think Wednesday and has been up­ Youboty had brought Ohio State to that Crennel saying, 'There are go­ Cleveland produced many sports stars graded to "Doubtful" for Sunday. within 3 at Halftime. ing to be no personnel changes at By JIM AMATO to lead the league and also had nicipal Stadium. Rocky was traded ·Previously, there were re­ That TD gave the Buckeyes this time,"might be interpreted as one 111 RBI's. The back to the Tribe. He responded ports that many, including hs fam­ momentum and changed the course of of those infamous "votes of confi­ The great sports city of fans loved Colavito. well. He batted a neat .287 and hit ily, thought he might be out for an the game. dence" that comes just before some­ Cleveland, has produced players of In 1959 Harvey Kuenn, 26dingers. extended period. In the 2nd half, OSU Defense one in sports is canned, it appears he· legendary status. an outstanding contact hitter with He also led the American He joked, "My dad is stepped it up, gradually taking control has softened his disapproval. From homegrown boxing h~ the Detroit Tigers had paced the League with 108 RBI's. what you call a dramatist. He likes with five minutes left, while setting a He has mentioned that roes like Jimmy Bivins and Joey Maxim American League in batting at a He was also walked 93 to dramatize everything so that he team record in the game with 12 sacks. some of the local scribes were "over­ to players who were brought in to per­ .353clip. times to lead the league. Gee it was gives you a good story." MSU, the No. 2 Offense in zealous" in interpreting his earlier form for the city's franchise teams. Frank Lane who was the good to be back home again. Edwards admitted he the country, won most of the battle of comments. So it appears the Browns Even today Jim Brown is con­ Indians General Manager at the Although I doubt ifRocky would have liked to play against the statistics, outgaining Ohio State 456 are back to the same old grind. sidered by many as the greatest foot­ time saw justification for swap­ will ever get inducted into the Base­ Detroit, so his "buds" from Michi­ yards to 386, running 87 plays to the He gave some exoneration ball player ever. ping the league's home run leader ball Hall of Fame, for a decade he gan could come and see him play, Buckeyes' 41, while keeping the ball for some miscues by kick returner Today in basketball the for the league's bating leader and was one of the premier long ball hit­ but said, "I'm no doctor. It's up to nearly41 minutes to OSU's 19. Josh Cribbs, of whom he thinks a lot, Cleveland Cavaliers have a budding just like that Rocky was off to D~ ters in the game. Even their defense forced four saying, "It wasn't minor contact, it them." Rightfully focused on the turnovers (on fumbles) while they com­ superstar in LeBron James. troit. During his career Rocky was major contact. Ifhe is wide open long run, he said, "I'm trying to mitted none ..Fortunately, the scoreboard Baseball's Cleveland Indians The fans were stunned was considered a dependable running with the ball and drops it have ten, nine games left to play at holds the numbers that count the most have many players that have achieved to say the least. "Trader" Lane fielder with a rifle for an arm. that's one thing. When you get killed · full speed instead of one at half Because the Buckeyes scored the highest level of popularity with had made a deal that in the eyes His arm was so strong he and drop the ball that's another (speed) and get hurt." quickly and usually from long distance, the fans. of many cursed the Tribe for 35 was even called in to pitch a few thing." Besides their Offense, Tune of Possession and number of Plays Mel Harder, Lou Boudreau years! In 1960 with the Tigers, innings during his career. When we were on an earlier which has not delivered as ex­ were deceiving stats. and Bob Feller come to mind. Rocky was still belting them out. "Don't Knock The Rock" conference call with Lion's Coach pected this year, Detroit's Defense Glenville's Ted Ginn, Jr. One that truly stands out for He launched 35 of them was a book written by Gordon Steve Mariucci,when pressed about is in the middle of the pack in NFC scored on a 57 Yd. ID pass from former me and I'm sure to many Tribe fans of to be exact. With the Tribe Cobbledick about Colavito. whether he would start last year's rankings, so the Browns won't Tarblooder teammate Troy Smith. my generation is simply known as Harvey Kuenn who was a good Rocky was immortalized in Browns' castoff Jeff Garcia over em­ have a lot of excuses for this one. Santonio Holmes made up for a couple 'The Rock." ballplayer hit only nine home runs. Terry Pluto's excellent book ''The battled QB Joey Harrington, he was They both sport 2-3 of fumbled punt returns (which OSU Rocky Colavito had a terrific He did bat a very re­ Curse Of Rocky Colavito. still noncommittal, saying, "You take records, so this is the time to prove recovered), turning boos from over career. His home run swing kept the spectable .303 but he was soon He's a hero and a legend. a lot of things into consideration, but if the Browns are on the way up or 105,000 people into cheers, by scoring fans on the edge of their seats. gone. He was sent to the San In Cleveland he's just ''The Rock." the bottom line is that it's a matter of an also-ran. on ID passes of 51 and 46 yards. He broke in with the Tribe in Francisco Giants in a deal that Youboty had blocked another 1955, one year after the Indians were brought the Tribe Willie Kirkland. MSU FG attempt with a little over seven upset in the World Series by the New Willie had hit 43 homers minutes left in the game, setting up Yorlc Giants. in the two combined seasons of Holmes 2nd TD, which put the Buck- Rock only played in five 1959and 1960. Hehadthemak­ Boxing Nostalgia . eyes ahead for good. games but he latched on for good in ings of a solid ballplayer. ByJIMAMATO Smith, who completed 10 of 1956 belting 21 home runs and driving The following season, 15 for 3 TDs, with no INTs or sacks, across 65. 1961 wastheyearoftheMandM scored an insurance TD on a one yard He improved his numbers boys Maris and Mantle. keeper with a minute and a half left in slightly in 1957 with 25 clearing the Their pursuit of Babe the game. fence and 84 batters driven in. Ruth's home run record domi­ is a forgotten champion Afterward, Coach Jim Tressel The date is August l, The year 1958 established nated the news. It also overshad­ Donovan. outfought the champion to win enthusiastically described the turning 1975 the Tropicana Hotel in Las After he bombed Nixon, the title on a thirteenth round Rocky as a bonafide superstar. owed fine seasons by Baltimore's point in the game - the MSU FG turned Vegas, Nevada. Rossman met . TKO. He blasted 41 home runs and home run record dominated the to OSU ID to end the half, declaring, 1\vo of the top middle­ Quarry outcuted Mike to Shaky is the crown upon sent 113 men across the plate. news. '1'm sure the guys started salivating on weight prospects are meeting in a win the decision. the King's head. That was Mike He also batted a career high It also overshadowed that edge, because, you know, I don't rematch of a May 19th bout in Two fights later Rossman Rossman after he beat Galindez. .303. Although his average dipped to fine seasons by Baltimore's Jim care how fast the snap and the hold is, if Binghampton, N.Y. drew with tough Clevelander Casey He defended against a .257 in 1959 he also ripped 42 homers Gentile and Rocky's team mate On that occasion Mike Gacic. safe opponent in Aldo Marvin Walters of the Globetrotters killed Norm Cash (also an ex-Indian. Nixon, the brother-in-law of Jerry In June of 1976 Rossman Traversaro. Maris was too.) and Mike Quarry beat Mike lost a verdict to the crafty Tony Licata. Then came the rematch The Harlem Globetrotters ward fund for information leading to Maris hit 61 to break Rossman. He then halted Christy Elliot with the highly motivated are mourning the death of former the arrest of the suspect in the Ruth's record while an ailing The loss that night to in three rounds. Galindez. employee Marvin Walters. shooting.The suspect is described as Mantle pulled up with 54. Nixon was the first of Rossman's A few weeks later Rossman Mike lost the title back A manager-in-training at a a Hispanic maile, 20-27 years old, All Rooky did was hit 45 budding career. and Elliot battled to a draw. Mike then to Victor in ten rounds. Phoenix-area convenience store, standing approximately 5-11 with a out of the park while driving in He vowed to avenge embarked on his road to glory. Five months after losing muscular build and shaved head. Walters was shot and killed on Oc­ 140 runs. MVP numbers any that. The return saw nip and tuck Rossman outscored Mike to Galindez, Rossman lost on tober 16, as he struggled with a man Please contact Silent Wit­ other season. action all the way with Rossman Quarry. Then he halted Akron, stunning kayo at the hands of ness at 480-948-6377 with any infor­ allegedly attempting to rob the store. Kirkland had a decent boxing well behind an educated Ohio's long time contender Ray Ramon Ranquello. "Marvin wore many hats mation. first year with the Indians hitting left jab but Nixon came on some Anderson in four rounds. Mike put a modest win during his five years with the orga­ Walters, 38, joined the Glo­ in the middle rounds. Mike Quarry tried again but 27 homers and getting 96 RBI's. streak to put him back in conten­ Although Rossman was was stopped in six. Marcel Clay went nization," said Globetrotters CEO & betrotters in 1993 and served as Di­ In San Francisco Kuenn tion. He won deci­ Chairman, Mannie Jackson. ''This rector of Player Personnel and as a probably in front, Nixon was clos­ in one and Gary Summerhays went sions over Don Addison, AI slipped to a .265 average with only is a great tragedy for all who knew Sales Representative. ing the gap quickly. the ten round route. Bolden and apair of verdicts over five home runs. Then in the seventh Then came a bump in the rough Luke Capuano. him. Our thoughts are with his fam­ He left the team to pursue Rocky was still busting ily during this difficult time." other opportunities in 1998. round, out of nowhere a full swing road toward a title fight. His name Then in his last chance the fences in 1962 with 37 HR's Rossman right caught Nixon and was Alvaro "Yaqui" Lopez. at the big time he was paired with The Harlem Globetrotters Funeral arrangements were and 112 RBI's. Kirkland's num­ are contributing $25,000 to the re- not released. just like that the show was over. They met on March 2, 1978 the streaking Dwight Qawi. bers dipped to 21 HR's and 72 It was to this day one of at New York's Madison Square Gar­ It ended in the seventh RBI's. Willie's batting average the most decisive one punch den. Lopez proved why he was one round and in reality so did wa a paltry .200. knockouts I have ever seen. of the best fighters to never win a Rossman's career. Although his numbers I'll always remember world title. Mike would win four went down Rocky still had a solid Mike Rossman for two things. He took Rossman to school more fights and then hang them season in 1963 with 22 HR's and That memorable KO that night and battered him for a sixth up. 91 RBI's. Kirkland would slip to clout against Nixon and how he round KO. During his tenure as light 15 homers and only 47 RBI's. upset Victor Galindez in their first To Mike's credit he jumped heavyweight champion there was His days in Cleveland encounter to become the W.B.A. right back in with solid KO wins over actually talk of him meeting Mu­ were numbered. So were Rocky's Light Heavyweight champion. Lonnie Bennett and Matt Ross. hammad Ali. in Detroit. In 1964 Rocky found Mike Rossman had a Then on September 15, 1978 The "Greatest" was al­ very turbulent career. himself with the lowly Kansas Mike met Victor Galindez for the WBA ways willing to give a talented and On his way to his City Athletics. light heavyweight title in New Or­ viable white contender a shot at doubleheader with Nixon, leans. immortality. Still he continued to Rossman beat a some capable In a tremendous upset, Mike Rossman may not shine with a solid 34 homer 102 veterans. Rossman beat Galindez at his own have been the best light heavy­ RBI season. Guys like Mike Baker, game. weight of all times but he was a Then it was back hom Harold Richardson and Matt he bloodied, battered and solid and formidable professional. ''You say you will be on time and stay late." but will you work?" into the confines of Cleveland Mu- Page9 Thesday, October 18,2005 -Friday, October 21,2005

Trivia&~ EAST SIDft}til ~ NEWS rChris' Cinema Movie Match Up BY CHRIS APPLING

TRIVIA- (Horror) On The Town 1. Damien: Omenll becomes 'possessed' by an MOVIES* MUSIC* THEATER* DANCE* RESTAURANTS* NIGHT LIFE (1978) was the sequel and alien intelligence that had second installment about taken control of the school's the Antichrist, 'Damien teachers? Thorn': the Devil's own son 4. In Scream 3 as a 13-year-old teen at a (1999), the third and final in­ Bryson, Osborne team up for concert military academy, but who stallment of the scream tril­ is the black actor who ogy, who is the young, dark­ Think: "world- $40, $35 & $25, on sale at the nizes it?" played the unlucky scien­ skinned b~k actor that plays class, romantic voices". Playhouse Square Ticket Of­ Jeffrey's career actu­ tist that is killed in an eleva­ an actor in the movie and Think: "compelling stage fice; online at ally began as a drummer a tor tragedy once he discov­ once starred as 'Kenny': the presence." www. playhousesquare.com or ,"substitute" drummer back in ers that Darnien's genes are childhood friend of 'Rudy And then think: by calling 216-241-6000 or 800- his hometown of Providence, those of a jackal, not a hu­ Huxtable' (Keisha Knight­ "gold records, plus Grammy 766-6048. Rhode Island after the drum­ man? Pulliam) on the classic sit­ and Oscar winning songs" As one of the premiere mer for the R&B group L.T.D. com, The Cosby Show? and you've built the complete male vocalists in contemporary was arrested for a fist fight 2. Former dredlocked blue-eyed, 5. Actress Loretta entertaining package of music, Peabo Bryson has 25- prior to a club show. M­ Devine is best known for be­ Peabo Bryson and Jeffrey plus years of music-making and Discovering rican-American actor Gary Osborne, who'll share the more than 20 albums to his Jeffrey's great voice, the band Dourdan was known best as ing the friend of 3 other, Afri­ Playhouse Square stage for credit. promoted him to lead singer. 'Shaka Zulu': boyfriend of can-American women in a November 4, concert t the He has also expanded By 1982 Jeffrey's dis­ neohippie/activist 'Freddie' Waiting To Exhale (1995), or Allen Theatre. his creative horizons to add tinctive baritone voice became (Cree Summer) on A Differ­ as the history teacher on Bryson Tickets for Peabo "songwriter" and "actor" to his Osborne the impetus for a solo career ent World, but in what sci­ T.V.'s Boston Public, but in Bryson and Jeffrey Osborne resume. of being the first artist in mu­ classic), kicked off a long line one that produced the now­ fi horror sequel did he star what horror film did she star November 4th at Playhouse The two-time Grammy sic history to have separate of successful duets with the classic "On The Wings of opposite Sigourney as the Pam Grier inspired, Square's Allen Theatre are winner has had the distinction records topping four different likes of Celine Dion ("Beauty Love" and the hit "You Should Weaver as part of a group police cop on a college cam­ charts: "A Whole New World And The Beast"), Natalie Cole Be Mine (The Woo Woo of 'space pirates' who be­ pus being stalked by a serial (Aladdin's Theme") (a duet ("What You Won't Do For Song)." come the only line of de­ killer who murders victims (~~~M~EN~U~T~IP~S~~> with Regina Belle that won Love" and "Gimme Some The latter tune is al­ fense between Earth and a based on city myths? Oscar's Best Song in 1992 and Time"), the aforementioned ways an in-concert favorite as hostile, extraterrestrial inva- Easy recipes for a good Fiesta! earned Peabo a Gramrny for Lea Salonga, plus the "A Jeffrey wanders through the sion? ANSWERS: 1. Meshach (NAPS)-Fiestas are 4 ( 10-inch) flour tortillas "Best Pop Vocal by a Duo or Whole New World (Aladdin's aisles for an interactive "woo­ 3. Who is theR&B Taylor 2. Aliens fantastic when you break out 2 cups shredded Colby-Jack Group") topped both the Pop Theme)" duet with Regina! woo-woo" sing-along with superstar that had a cameo Ressurection (1997) 3. Usher the salsa. Everyone enjoys cheese Chi-Chi's salsa, if de­ and Adult Contemporary Belle, which had followed their audience members. Jeffrey role as an African-American (Raymond) 4. Deon Redman Mexican food. sired Chi-Chi's salsa con queso, charts a new recording of the initial pairing in '87 on "With­ adds such other hits as "I Re­ football player whose team 5. Urban Legend (1999) With these quick if desired classical The King and I (fea­ out You. " ally Don't Need No Light," and easy recipes, you can In bowl, stir together turing Peabo and Tony winner Peabo has also "Stay With Me Tonight" and iii MOVIE MATCH-UP- (Tales From Tlu Hood) turn any friendly get-together mayonnaise, minced jalapeno Lea Salonga on "We Kiss In A scored solo hits like the #1 "We're Going All The Way." or family dinner into a deli­ and seasoning mix. Shadow") topping #1 on the "Can You Stop The Rain" and Born the youngest of ACTORS: b) black, zombie politician cious Mexican-style feast! Prepare chicken ac­ Classical Crossover charts. the Grarnmy-nominated "Lost 12 children, family man l . Lamont Bentley c) gang-hanger faces guilty Con Queso Beef Enchiladas cording to package directions; "By The Time This In The Night." Osborne was less ambitious 2. Corbin Bernsen conscience 1 ( 17 -ounce) package Hormel slice thinly. Night Is Over," which featured Demonstrating his than his father, settling on four 3. Brandon Hammond d) mortician that condemns Fully Cooked Southwestern On half of each torti­ Peabo on saxophonist Kenny skills as an actor, he toured in children with his wife, Sheri. 4. Clarence Williams Ill 3 thugs to hell Shredded Beef lla, sprinkle shredded cheese. G's multi-platinum Breathless the lead role of the Tony-win­ Whether touring or 5.Tom Wright e) racist, white politician 1 (15.5-ounce)jarChi-Chi's Place sliced chicken over album, which was #1 on the ning Raisin (based on "Raisin at home, Jeffrey, an avid golfer, haunted by living, slave· salsa con queso, divided cheese. On other half of each Contemporary Jazz charts and In The Sun,), which was fol­ still begins most days at 6 am ROLES: dolls 1/4 cup sliced green onion tortilla, spread jalapeno mixture. enjoyed a three-month run as lowed by touring roles as the by running three miles a ritual a) abused boy with magi­ ANSWERS: l,c;.f,e; 3,a; 8 (6-inch) flour tortillas Fold tortilla in half. a hit single on the Hot 100 in Wizard in The Wiz: an in a since he was 19. cal, drawing power 4,d; 5,b Heat oven to 400f F. Heat quesadillas in large non­ '93. lOOth Anniversary production In bowl, shred beef.· stick skillet or on griddle 1 The South Carolina of Gershwin's Porgy and Bess. Stir in 3/4 cup salsa minute; turn. native celebrated his first pop Co-billed with Peabo Kanye West concert at Wolstein ,_.__ ___;:,;.._ ____ ...,. ,;..., .~ < •• " f . '1'.: . - breakthrough via a duet with will be Jeffrey Osborne. con queso, and green onion. Cook 2 minutes longer Granuny Award win- ~ game . 1 ~•A Divide beef mixture or until cheese is melted. Slice Roberta Flack in 1983. Although the two ner Kanye West who is argu- From the red carpet down center of each tortilla. into wedges. Serve with salsa The song, "Tonight I have appeared solo at Play­ ably one of the most impor- of the 47th Grammys-where he Roll tortilla and place seam­ or salsa con queso, if desired. Celebrate My Love" (destined house Square Center in the tant creative forces in hip-hop topped all nominees with a his- side down in greased 13x9- Serves 4. Grilled Steak and Po­ to become a wedding dance past, as well as half of the quar­ music today, and recently toric ten nods, and took home inch baking dish. tato Salad tet of vocalists for "Colors Of named to Time Magazine's list awards for Best Rap Album, Spoon remaining 113 cup chopped walnuts or pe­ Christmas," this marks the first of the 100 most influential Best Rap Song and Best R&B salsa con queso over. filled cans Just time audiences will be treated people in the world, is coming song-to the millions of albums tortillas. Bake 15 to 20 min­ 8 cloves garlic to the Bryson-Osborne pow­ to the Cleveland State sold, a sold-out stadium tour utes or until thoroughly 4 (about 1114 pounds) beef Jazz· erhouse of romance in one University's Wolsten Center with Usher, and his ubiquitous heated. Serves•4. steaks, 3/4-inch thick . evening. on Saturday, October 29, at presence on MTV, BET, CNN, 7:30. Kanye, who's new al- and radio stations nationwide, Mexican Corn 8 red new potatoes, halved ~By NANCY ANN LEE...;. Hot on the heel of the bum "Late Registration" cur- West West grew from being an art- 3 tablespoons butter 1114 cups Chi-Chi 's(r) Salsa October 6th release of his new CD, From The Soul, Jeffrey rently holds the number one his critically acclaimed-debut ist to watch to an artist you 1 ( 10-ounce) package frozen 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar Mills Brothers adds the album's familiar Six­ spot on top of Billboards Top "The College Dropout," which can experience. Tickets are all corn kernels, thawed 1 tablespoon olive oil The Mills Brothers ties, Seventies and Eighties 200 and Top R&B lists, brings sold over 3 million copies, the rese~ved seats at $41.00 and 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard vocal quartet comprised three standards (such as "For What his Touch The Sky Tour with Chicago-born 27 year old rap- can be purchased at the CSU 1 cup chopped zucchini 8 cups shredded romaine let­ brothers born in Piqua, Ohio; It's Worth," "Hey Girl," "The special guest Fantasia and per/producer/hip-hop icon Wolstein Center box office, all 2 green onions, chopped tuce Crumbled blue cheese, if Herbert Mills (born 1912, d. First Time Ever I Saw Your Keyshia Cole. has been at the top of the Ticketmaster locations, charge 1/2cupChi-Chi's(r) salsa desired 1989), Harry Mills (born 1913, Face," "People Get Ready" Since the release of charts and at the top of his by phone at (216) 241-5555. 2 tablespoons chopped fresh In blender container, d. 1982), and Donald Mills ( and "Till U Come Back To cilantro combine walnuts and garlic. born 1915). A fourth brother, Me") to his catalog of hits Zesty Pizza In large skillet over Process until smooth. Spread Jone (born 1911), played gui­ during his concert. 13104 Buckeye Road- Cleveland, Ohio 44120 medium-high heat, melt but­ walnut mixture evenly over both tar and sang bass in the group The singer-song­ OPEN OPEN ter. Add com, bell pepper, sides of steaks. Place potatoes until his death in 1935 when writer noted that on this new Sunday thm Thursday Fridaythm Saturday zucchini, and green onions. in saucepan; cover with water. his father, John Sr. (d. 1967) re­ album his secret was "to stay 11:00 a.m. -12:00 Midnight 11:00 a.m.-2:00a.m. Cook 6 minutes or Bring to boil. placed him. true to the original arrange­ (216) 561-7070 (216) 561-7008 until tender. Stir in salsa and Reduce heat to low; The quartet sang for ment, while making the songs chopped cilantro. Cook 1 simmer 20 minutes or until ten­ ZESTY'S DELICIOUS Small 9 Inch Large 12 Incll JUMBO 16 Inch vaudeville and tent shows and mine, n because, he added, •PIZZA• 4 Slice 8 Slice 16 Slice minute or until thoroughly der. Drain. Over medium-hot gained wider exposure when "What's the use in remaking a Plain-Tomatoe & Cheese heated. Serves 4. coals, grill steaks and potatoes $4.85 $7.50 $11.35 they were featured on Cincin­ great song if on one recog- Pepperoni 5.80 8.80 13.10 South-of - the - Border 10 minutes on each side or until nati radio station WLW in the Sausage 5.80 8.80 13.10 ******** Chicken Quesadillas potatoes are well browned and late 1920s. Green Peppers 5.80 8.80 13.10 l/4 cup mayonnaise steaks are medium doneness. By 1930, the Mills Onions 5.80 8.80 13.10 2 teaspoons minced Chi­ In small bowl, combine brothers were in New York per­ * * Ham 5.80 8.80 13.10 Chi'sjalapeno wheels salsa, vinegar, oil and mustard. forming and recording, making * Anchovies 5.80 8.80 13.10 2 teaspoons Chi-Chi's Arrange lettuce on 4 dinner hit singles such as "Paper Mushrooms 5.80 8.80 13.10 Deluxe (6 items) restaurante seasoning mix plates. Place steak and potatoes Doll" (1943), their'biggest suc­ * Zesty 9.80 13.80 20.60 Addidonal Items .80 1.00 1.50 2 Hormel Always Tender on lettuce. Serve with dressing. cess that sold around six mil­ ..Any Combination Available•• roast flavored chicken Sprinkle with blue cheese, if lion copies. AU dinners include • RoD • Butter • Cheese • Salad • breasts desired Serves 4 The quartet was ZESTY'S SUPER SPAGHETI'I among the earliest black en­ Spaghetti with Meat Sauce ...... $4.50 -WANTED- sembles to attract a national Spaghetti with Meat Balls ...... $6.00 Newspaper Publisher Apprentice following. Spaghetti with Sausage ...... $6.00 While they began Spaghetti with Mushrooms ...... $6.00 (Need Background In Journalism) Spaghetti with Butter & Garlic ...... $4.50 with only guitar accompani­ . For ment, in later years their Bucket of Spaghetti Feeds 4·5 persons EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS smooth, mellow three-or four­ Includes Bread and Butter and Cheese ...... $8.75 ' part harmony was backed by Extra Meatballs or Sausage ...... $ .90 Must Be A Hard Worker And Willing To Learn ZESTY'S & big bands and orchestras. * Beauty of the TASTY SUB SANDWICHES SALADS \ Call Week: is Helena Reed , * Zesty's famous Sub Sandwich • Sausage • Meatballs • Salami • Ham • .... $4.00 (216) 721-1674 The Mills brothers (Try our Regular Sub) , recorded with the orchestras * who was featured in the* Zesty's Cbeese Sandwich ...... $2.00 ROBERT G. WALTON of Don R edman, Duke * Bronze Beauty Calen-* Garlic Toast ...... $1.00 Ellington, and Benny Carter. dar. (ESDN Photo by Pop ...... $ .75 Salad ..... 1/2 Pint ...... $1.00 Pint ...... $2.00 Quart ...... $3.75 ATTORNEY AT LAW They contributed to * Howard Moorehead) * 13111 Shaker Square# 211 jazz with their occasional scat * If you would * r------,r------, singing during the 1940s. *like to be a Beauty of Cleveland, Ohio 44120 The Week, send photo, * 1 ~rs 50¢ 1 1'L~s~~,s $1.00 1 Their discography *phone number and in- Criminal Defense can be found in the book, The * formation to EAST * :'L~srt OFF : : OFF : 24-HOUR SERVICE Billboard Book of American SIDE DAILY NEWS or Singing Groups (A History *call (216) 721-1674. * I LARGE PIZZA .I I JUMBO PIZZA I (216) 283-6484 Fax: (216) 283-9927 1949-1990) by Jay Warner. ******** L------~L------~ Page 10

"Frank Jackson is a proven leader with We need new leadership in the Mayor's the boldness, courage, and vision to put Office to change Cleveland. With the Cleveland back on the map. I've difficulties our City faces, we need worked with Frank Jackson and have Frank Jackson's courage and strength seen Frank Jackson show the strength for a brighter future." and character needed to lead a diverse City, without division and partisanship. - Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs jones

Frank jackson has the support of Cleveland City Council members: Patricia Britt (Ward 6), Fannie M. Lewis (Ward 7), Sabra Pierce Scott (Ward 8), Kevin Conwell (Ward 9), Roosevelt Coats (Ward I 0), Joe Cimperman (Ward 13),Emily Lipovan Holan (Ward 15), Jay Westbrook (Ward 18), Dona Brady (Ward 19), and Martin Sweeney (Ward 20)

"Our schools should be the beacon of hope that leads our youth forward. Frank Jackson will be the Mayor that carries the torch. Frank Jackson understands, as the head of the Pastors who attended the ministerial meeting in support of Frank Jackson on Thursday, September 22, 2005 at the Cleveland Playhouse. Cleveland Municpal School District, it will be impossible to educate and prepare our

James Bannerman children for their future without the necessary resources." Rev. James Barnwell, Jr. Dr. Kenneth Chalker Rev. William F. Crockett Rev. Dr. Roland H.Crowder Rev. Jessie Davis Minister Dale Edwards Booker Evans Rev. Thomas W. Gilmore Rev. Hosea S. Harris Abdul R.A. Hassan Bishop Lincoln C. Haughton, III Pastor Jontonio Hector Rev. David L. Hunter Pastor Alvin T. Jones Rev. C. Jay Matthews Bishop F.E. Perry Rev. Jewell D. Jones, Sr. Rev. Frederick S. Knuckles Rev. Amos Lewis Rev. Adrian Lynum Zainab Malik Rev. Lorenzo Norris Rev. Mark Olds Pastor R.L. Peacock Minister Aaron Phillips Rev. Theodis Pope Rev. Raimon Prince Bro. Abdul Qahhar Ahmed 0. Saeed Rev. Carl A. Salters Rev. Willam E. Sanders Pastor Darrell Scott • Pastor Belinda Scott Rev. Herbert Smith Rev. Dale Snyder Rev. Grady L. Stevenson Bishop Douglas H. Taylor Rev. Gregory S. Thomas Rev. Albert Whitehead Pastor Lester Williams Rev. A. E. Beckham Rev. Mark Olds Rev. Jewell D. Jones Pastor Darrell Scott Min. Roland Muhammad Rev. Alvin T. Jones