Cities to Benefit from Avon Interchange
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Don’t Forget To Turn Kid’s Corner Dominion offers $100,000 in grants SPORTS MENU TIPS Back Your Clock Dominion East Ohio is ready to spotlight local revi- talization projects that have made differences in the communities Daveon Allen Brown, who served Dominion with a total of $100,000 in unrestricted grants Cavs In China Lunchbox Fun, Flavor is five years old, is the son of Dwight for winning projects. It recognizes cities, community organiza- Playing Magic And Nutrition Brown and Ebony Walters. Daveon is tions that have made major contributions toward the economic in kindergarten and he attends Cleve- and social revitalization of communities located in Dominion’s service area in Ohio. The entry deadline is Nov. 26. On the land Lighthouse Community School. One Hour On Wednesday summary, include a contact name, title, phone number, e-mail His favorite food is chicken and his See Page 6 See Page 7 Sunday, October 28, 2007 October 31, 2007 address and complete mailing adress. Submit to: Community At 2:00 a.m. favorite toys are cars. Brown Impact Awards, Dominion, 1201 E. 55th St. Cleve., OH 44103. EVOL.ASTSID 28 No. 36 Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - Friday, October 19, 2007E NEWDaily S ISSUED FRIDAY FREE FREE SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, READ ON - WRITE ON WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON - WRITE ON “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” 4 arrested in Demesha Sharp stabbing By GEORGE GOLDMAN utility vehicle appeared and tried to run them down. Some of the Cleveland police re- occupants jumped out of the ve- cently arrested four people in hicle, including the 17 year old the stabbing death of Demesha girl accused of stabbing Demesha Sharp, 15 years old, who wit- and Christian Hardick, 16. nesses said was attacked by a Hardick, who was also group armed with stun guns and struck by the vehicle, was listed knives on Friday, October 19th in stable condition at Rainbow at E. 140th St. and Darley Ave. Babies & Children’s Hospital According to police with stabb wounds to his back. spokesman, Lt. Thomas Stacco, Witnesses said that oth- the suspects were a 17 year old ers at the scene tried to help but girl, her 38 year old mother and were held back by the attackers, 52 year old grandmother and a whom witnesses said were armed 19 year old male relative. The with stun guns, bats, bricks, pep- suspects turned themselves into per spray and guns. police about 1:00 p.m. on Sun- Sharp According to Shalinda, day, October 21st. School wanted to be a cheerleader the family had moved out of the Stacco said that the 17 and had been bullied by the sus- South Collinwood neighborhood year old girl was arrested on pect. and Demesha had returned to visit murder charges while the oth- Neither Wagner nor friends. Those who knew her said Joe Williams (left) talks with a Cleveland police officer to find out the details of his brother Keith Williams who ers were being held on feloni- Demesha’s grandmother, Cheryl that she did not cause trouble and was the driver of a 1997 Infinite involved in an accident with a police car at E. 116th St. and Shaker Blvd. (east). According ous assault. Their names were Wagner, knew why the girl was that she did not start the fight. Joe Williams his brother was traveling east on Shaker Blvd and the police care was traveling south on E. 116th St. when the not available, and police had targeted. While gathering in front two cars collided. According to Joe Williams his brother was taken to University Hospital for treatment as well as police officers involved. not established a motive in the Demesha was stabbed of a memorial of stuff animals stabbing. when she, her siblings and friends and flowers in front of Deme- According to Deme- were attacked as they headed to a sha’s eastside home, her relatives sha’s mother, Shalinda Wag- bus stop in the E.140th St. area. shouted in joy and pain when they Empowerment workshop to be held ner, her daughter a high school According to witnesses learned that suspects had been ar- The city of Warrensville sponsoring a DST Homeownership at the city of Warrensville Heights freshman at Glenville High the group was walking and a sports rested for her death. Heights in conjunction with the Initiative entitled, “Our Wealth, Senior and Civic Center, 4567 Green Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chap- Our Community” - Empowering Road, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Ourselves through Financial Forti- There will be a variety of fi- Incorporated with participation tude. nancial seminars including - Buyer’s from the office of Congresswom- The conference will be Bonanza: The Homeownership Pro- an Stephanie Tubbs Jones will be held on Saturday, November 10, cess, An Insider’s Look at Credit, Predatory Lending Update, Show Me the Money, Looking for Cash Flow, Taxes made Easy, Long-Term Care, Fun Budgeting, Buying Foreclosures and Apartment Living. Local lenders, real estate professionals, and representatives from various non-profit organiza- tions will be available to provide pri- vate counseling and valuable buying advice. The Greater Cleveland’s Regional Transit Authority trolley’s circulating throughout Downtown Attendees can receive a free Cleveland promoting the Cleveland Indians in their bid in the American League Championship Series copy of their credit report. For info., playoffs against the Boston Red Sox. The marquee on the buses says “Go Tribe Beat The Sox” - that’s the call (216) 581-1230. Boston Red Sox. (ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir). Cities to benefit from Avon Interchange In what can be described claimed that it would drain years, unless the property was re- ter project and, specifically, the as a giant step toward regional co- jobs and business away from filled with another business. first 500 jobs at that center. Black Contractors Group, Inc. continue their protesting demonstra- operation, Cleveland Mayor Frank the region’s older communi- The overall economic The Clinic has stated tion at the Plain Dealer at E. 18th St. and Superior Ave. to protest the newspa- G. Jackson, Cuyahoga County ties and would hasten urban development agreement would that building this facility is not pers negative reporting of the black community and the newspapers one dime- Commissioners President Tim sprawl. be in effect for the next 30 years. contingent on the interchange nional reporting of news. The group is encouraging subscribers to cancel their Hagan, Jimmy Dimora and Peter The agreement ad- Avon further agreed to and that the facility represents subscriptions to the newspaper. Lawson Jones, Avon Mayor Jim dressed those concerns by place limits on its use of tax in- an expansion of service and not Smith, and Bay Village Mayor proposing an income tax shar- centives to lure existing regional relocation. The proposal also Gasoline prices in area drop Deborah Sutherland, President of ing plan in which Avon would businesses to locate in the in- calls on all parties to advocate Gas prices in North- prices could begin reacting soon. the Cuyahoga County Mayors and return a portion of the income terchange zone. Real estate tax for future state or federal fund- east Ohio decreased 2.9 cents Retail gasoline prices Managers Association, announced taxes collected from business abatement would not exceed 75% ing for roadway improvements this week. A gallon of regular, have hovered around $2.80 a gal- last Friday a Joint Economic Devel- that move into a designated and for no more than 10 years, in the neighboring communities unleaded, self-serve gasoline is lon over the past couple of months opment (“JEDZ”) Zone agreement zone around the new inter- and income tax abatements would of Bay Village and Westlake, as currently averaging $2.74 at the through the typical seasonal slow- on the Avon I-90 interchange pro- change from other communi- be prohibited. well as in any other communities pump. down in road travel, even as the posal at the meeting of the North- ties along the I-90 corridor. The Avon economic de- whose roads are affected by the According to the AAA cost of crude oil has surged over east Ohio Areawide Coordinating Communities that may velopment zone covers nearly new interchange. At the NOACA Fuel Gauge, all eyes are on the $88 per barrel today. Agency (NOACA). choose to participate in this 800 acres of land in an area that meeting, the agency’s governing price of oil this week as it moves Factors behind the high The agreement ends economic development agree- stretches from the Cuyahoga board voted to approve the Avon closer and closer to the lofty cost of oil include: An unexpected months of sometimes contentious ment include Cleveland, Lake- County border on the east to a - height of $90 per barrel. Prices at drop in oil inventories this fall; interchange subject to confirma line approximately 500 feet each the pump remain steady as the oil OPEC holding the line on cur- debate over whether to build the wood, Rocky River, Fairview tion of all terms by Avon’s City of Jaycox Road on the west, and prices continue to climb. rent production; labor problems in interchange at Nagel Road and I- Park, North Olmsted, Westlake Council within 30 days. The nationwide average oil-rich Nigeria; expansion of the 90 in the city of Avon, about two and Bay Village in Cuyahoga from the border of Avon Lake on Councils in the desig- is $2.79 per gallon, up less than U.S.