Deus Lo Vult—God Wills It MMXV1 3rd Quarter



Lieutenancy of Queensland Interim Newsletter This Issue Calendar Page 1 Queensland Lieutenancy Meetings and Events 2016 Calendar Northern Section Annual Retreat  First Sundays of every month for Mass at St Patrick’s Church, Fortitude Page 2 Francis on terrorism Valley and Nourishment afterwards (Except January). New Queensland Lieutenant  Order Information Day 11th August 2016 Page 3  Installation of new Lieutenant Saturday 11:30am Mass at the Cathedral Australian Lieutenant’s Meeting - Sydney on the 17th September New Website of the Grand Magisterium

Page 4 Establishing an EOHSJ Presence in Tasmania Northern Section Annual Retreat Page 5 Northern Section Annual Retreat , resignation June 24, 2016 Page 6 From the New Website of the Grand Magisterium: Our commitment in the Holy Land Page 7 Chaplaincy Reflection Page 8 Featured website - Sacred Places We remember our deceased members: Lucas & Nic’s excellent idea for the Homeless Other Lieutenancy Dates Page 9 King of Jordan to fund restoration of Holy Sepul- chre Australian Lieutenants Lieutenancy of Aust. Qld New Council Members

A successful annual retreat was held again in Townsville see page 4 for a report by Vince Crowley KHS President Townsville Section Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Editor: Nick de Weger KCHS Mob 0413 239 717 phone 07 3715 6625

Email: [email protected]

1 : presence?' The guest of stone! To welcome Him, there is no need for many things, but rather just one thing Pope Francis: terrorism rooted in idolatry of money only: to listen to Him, the Word, to listen to Him, show Him a fraternal attitude, so that He feels that He is () Pope Francis returned to decry terrorism as among family, and not in temporary lodging." an inhuman evil on Sunday evening, even as he once again insisted that the real root cause of terrorism is the idolatry "Understood in this way, hospitality, which is one of of wealth, and not true religion. the works of mercy, can be seen to be truly a human Speaking to reporters during his in-flight press conference and Christian virtue, a virtue that in today’s world, on return from Krakow, where he had traveled on Wednes- risks being set aside. Indeed, there is a growing num- day of last week to lead World Youth Day celebrations, the ber of guest houses and accommodations, but in these Holy Father said, “Terrorism grows when there is no other places, one does not always find true hospitality. option, and to the extent the world economy has at its cen- Many institutions are established to assist in many ter the god of money and not the person.” forms of illness, loneliness, marginalisation, but the “This,” the Pope stressed, “is fundamental terrorism, it is likelihood diminishes that a foreigner or a marginal- against all humanity.” ised, excluded person can find someone willing to lis- ten to him … to his sorrowful story. Even in one’s own Discussing his own experience with interreligious dialogue, home, among one’s own family, it is easier to find ser- the Holy Father said that Muslims seek “peace and encoun- vice and care of various types rather than listening ter,” adding, “If I speak of Islamic violence, I should speak of and acceptance"… Catholic violence. Not all Muslims are violent, not all Catho- (Angelus: 17 July 2016, Vatican City) lics are violent.”

Pope Francis went on to say, “It is not right and it is not just New Queensland Lieutenant to say that Islam is terroristic,” before denying the repre- sentative character of the so-called Islamic State, which he dismissed as a small fundamentalist group.

“There are violent persons of this religion – this is true: I believe that in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. Fundamentalists! We have them. When fundamentalism comes to kill, it can kill with the language [it deploys],” Pope Francis said. The pope’s remarks came in response to a question from a

French journalist, who was asking the Holy Father to ex- pand upon comments he made on the topic of the French The Governor General has appointed a new Lieuten- priest, 84 Year-old Fr. Jacques Hamel, who was slain by two ant for the Queensland Lieutenancy. devotees of the so-called Islamic State last week, as he cele- After consulting the Presidency of the Grand Magiste- brated Mass. rium, the Cardinal Grand Master Edwin Pope Francis: The Ability to Listen is The Route O’Brien has appointed Dr Monica Thomson DCHS as to Peace the next Lieutenant of the Australia Queensland Lieu- tenancy. The Decree of Appointment takes effect on In busying herself, Martha runs the risk of forgetting – and 27 June 2016. this is the problem – the presence of her guest, Who in this The Lieutenant of Honour Mr. Peter Carroll KC*HS case is Jesus. A guest does not need to be merely served, said it has been an honour to serve you as Lieutenant fed, and cared for. ... Above all it is necessary that he is lis- for the past four years and I am delighted at the tened to. The guest must be welcomed as a person. The Grand Master’s choice of Monica Thomson as my answer Jesus gives Martha – when He tells her that only successor. one thing is necessary – finds its full meaning with refer- ence to the Word of Jesus Himself, the Word which enlight- Installation of new Lieutenant will be held on Saturday ens and sustains all that we are and all that we do. 17th September during the 11:30am Mass at the Cathedral with a luncheon to follow. "For example," continued the Pope, "if we go to pray before a crucifix, and we talk and talk, and then leave, we do not listen to Jesus. We do not allow Him to speak to our hearts. Listening is the key word. Do not forget. … Just as we should not forget that in the house of Martha and Mary, Jesus – before being Lord and Teacher – is a pilgrim and a guest. Therefore, His answer has this first and more immediate significance: 'Martha, Martha, why do you worry so much over the guest that you come to the point of forgetting His

2 Australian Lieutenant’s Meeting- Sydney

(Taken from the West Australian Lieutenancy June Newsletter)

Your Lieutenant travelled to Sydney in June for a conference and at the same time attended the installation Mass for the new Lieutenant NSW, H.E. Justice Francois Kunc, which was held in the under-croft of St Mary’s Cathedral. The Mass was sung in Latin by the Special Services Choir of St Mary’s Cathedral and was concelebrated by Most Rev. Peter Comensoli DD KC*HS, Rev Dr Thomas Carroll KCHS – Director Office of the Permanent Diaconite, Rev Fr John Knight KCHS – Chaplain Catholic Mission and Rev Fr Donald Richardson KC*HS - Director Liturgical Commission NSW

Most Rev. Peter Comensoli of Broken Bay with left to right, Philip Donato, Lieutenant elect (SA), H.E. Peter Carroll (Qld) , H.E Francois Kunc (NSW), H.E Paul Bartley – Member of the Grand Magisterium, H.E. Will Kinemonth (Vic), H.E.Jack Gardner (WA) The Conference covered development of new Lieutenancies in New Zealand and Tasmania also Asia-Pacific, legal structure for charitable status, brochures and web pages, Pilgrimages, spirituality development and Annales among other matters.

New Website of the Grand Magisterium

Alfredo Bastianelli, Having recently assumed the role as Chancellor, including responsibility for communi- cations, advises that the new website of the Grand Magisterium is now online at:

The website, managed by our Communication Ser- vice in coordination with the Secretariat for Communications, is available in five languages. We hope that it will grow thanks to the participation of your Lieutenancy, especially with regard to local news that we would be most happy to share.

The website will certainly contribute to increased awareness of the vocation of the Knights and Dames as well as our projects in the Holy Land. It will also allow us to intensify our regular exchange of information between representatives of the Order on the five continents at the service of communion among us all.

May I take this opportunity to assure you that the Communications Office and I are at your service and hope to carry on building bridges between Lieutenancies so that the grace of the Risen Christ continues to be spread throughout the world today.

Members are invited subscribe to the newsletter so that they can receive it directly via email.

Meeting of Lieutenants from Asia and Oceania (October 17-18, 2015)

This photo appears on the new website of the Grand Magisterium. You may recognize some of your Councillors.

3 Establishing an EOHSJ Presence in Tasmania

From the Victorian Lieutenancy News Letter:

The initiative to establish a presence of the Order in Tasmania, foreshadowed at the April AGM, is pro- ceeding. I have spoken to and exchanged correspondence with Michael McKenna KCGHS, who is resident in Hobart and Liturgical Master of Ceremonies to the of Hobart. Our Grand , Archbishop Denis Hart DD KCGHS, has approved the establishing of a Section of the Australia Victoria Lieutenancy in Tasmania if it has the agreement of Archbishop Julian Porteous. A letter seeking agreement has been sent to Archbishop Porteous.

Subject to the agreement of Archbishop Porteous, it is tentatively proposed that representatives of our Lieutenancy will travel to Hobart on Saturday 19 November 2016 and hold an information session with potential candidates. On Sunday 20 November our Knights and Dames will participate in a Procession for the Feast of Christ the King that is tradi- tionally held in a local Parish Church. Any members who are able to travel to Hobart for the weekend of 19-20 November and give their support will be welcome.

Northern Section Annual Retreat

On Saturday 18th June, 11 Knights to gather at the House of Prayer in Townsville for their annual re- treat. Our Facilitator Fr Kerry Crowley from Tully who asked all members to bring a bible. His theme was the Year of Mercy and he used verses from the bible for each session.

Of particular interest was concentrating on the Year of Mercy logo.

The logo and the motto together provide a fitting summary of what the Jubilee Year is all about. The motto Merciful Like the Father (taken from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36) serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure (cfr. Lk 6:37-38). The logo – the work of Jesuit Father Marko I. Rupnik – presents a small summa theologiae of the theme of mercy. In fact, it represents an image quite important to the early Church: that of the Son having taken upon his shoulders the lost soul demonstrating that it is the love of Christ that brings to completion the mystery of his incarnation culminating in redemption. The logo has been designed in such a way so as to express the profound way in which the Good Shepherd touches the flesh of humanity and does so with a love with the power to change one’s life. One particular feature worthy of note is that while the Good Shepherd, in his great mercy, takes humanity upon himself, his eyes are merged with those of man. Christ sees with the eyes of Adam, and Adam with the eyes of Christ. Every person discovers in Christ, the new Adam, one’s own human- ity and the future that lies ahead, contemplating, in his gaze, the love of the Father.

The scene is captured within the so called mandorla (the shape of an almond), a figure quite important in early and medieval iconography, for it calls to mind the two natures of Christ, divine and human. The three concentric ovals, with colors progres- sively lighter as we move outward, suggest the movement of Christ who carries humanity out of the night of sin and death. Conversely, the depth of the darker color suggests the impenetrability of the love of the Father who forgives all. We were fortunate that Fr Crowley was able to join us for mass at the Cathedral and dinner at the North Queensland Club. The Guest Speak was The Hon. Ted Lindsay RFD KC*HS whose speech was entitled “North Queensland Section EOHSJ - Disci- ples of Our Lady of Palestine in North Queensland”. It was very good reflection on the history of the North Queensland Sec- tion. At one stage we had 100 percent of members attending the Mass but unfortunately, due to medical conditions, we had a couple of late withdrawals. It has been resolved that, in future years, our Retreat, Mass and Dinner will be on the second last Saturday in June.

4 Patriarch Fouad Twal, resignation June 24, 2016

Patriarch Twal: “I arrived at the end of my mission as Patriarch” INTERVIEW – After Pope Francis accepted his resignation June 24, 2016, Patriarch Fouad Twal, who, last October, reached the age limit of 75 years, is about to retire, looks back on his years of mission as shepherd of the Church of the Holy Land, and the legacy that he now leaves in the hands of the new Apostolic Administrator, Father .

You have arrived at the end of your mission, as you look back how would you assess your mandate? I’ve reached the end of my mission as Patriarch, however my mission as a priest, friend and citizen continues… When I look back on my past life, I see it as a feature-length film. So many things have happened, come and gone, intertwined, some happy and encouraging, others more difficult and complicated: A great journey that started here in Jerusalem, yet to finish here in Jerusalem. I also see in the film of my life, several weak points, but I think more and more I see the presence of God’s hand, a hand saving us, sustaining us, and another hand indicating the right path to continue along the already start- ed road … I have often felt alone before a decision, alone making a decision despite the presence of a crowd of people around me… sometimes we find that we have fewer friends than previously thought, where moving from the main actor role to that of a spectator who looks at events without being able to create or make history. Perhaps that will be my role, now that I retire.

What words would you, or have you addressed to Fr. Pizzaballa appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Jeru- salem? What will you see as the biggest challenges of his mandate? Among the assets that the new Administrator can count is the fact that he served for 12 years as Custos of the Holy Land and was the Vicar of the Latin Patriarch for the Hebrew speaking Catholic community: He knows very well the challenges and problems of the Church in the Holy Land, which I have often referred to as the Church of Calvary. To these assets, nevertheless, are the added problems of the language, the Eastern mentality and all pastoral activi- ty. So I understand his concern, that of our priests and even some … We are all full of good will to help in this task… It will be definitely be easier to remedy the weaknesses of the administration than to manage the pastoral care of the Arab faithful. But it is also true that foreign faithful of the Latin now outnumber the local Arab Christians. The strength of the new Administrator would be to totally win the confidence of the priests, begin the reform with convic- tion and without hesitation, while remembering that the administrator’s job does not always mean popularity. He will also have to ensure keeping this delicate balance of relations with the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian authorities.

How can we face the future with hope despite the situation in the Holy Land and the region? What message would you leave? Before looking at the future, I look at the present and it fills me with sadness! The world’s attention has been focused on the war and massacres in Syria and Iraq, more than on the Holy Land. And lately, when violence hit Europe, the West began to think of Christians in the Middle East, of our refugees, and to open some embassy doors to grant visas. But all those who were killed, massacred, or who only had a ‘visa’ to return to the Eternal Father, nobody talks about! To the new Administra- tor, I would say that he must continually have the courage to speak, to tell the truth, nothing more or less… There are many who prefer our silence, because our speech is bothersome… It is necessary to speak with caution and respect, but speak, raise awareness and nurture these relationships we have built internationally throughout this course. Not forgetting of course our most important relationships: our relationship with the Lord, our brothers, and our religious communities, these are our greatest assets…

You will be able to begin to relax now, what are your plans for this new stage? Until the arrival of the new director, I continue to solve difficult issues, and today I definitely do need rest, but I also need to take a different pace of work and relationships. I put myself at the disposal of our and our priests to help them as much as possible in their pastoral work … I want to still be with the families and the faithful. I certainly will do less travel abroad where I used to participate in numerous conferences… In a word, it will now be a lifestyle that is more consistent with my age… I am also preparing a book retracing almost all of my life (if possible!) and I want to leave it as a final mes- sage. I will be happy and also freer to receive friends.

Interview by Myriam Ambroselli

5 From the New Website of the Grand Magisterium:

Holy See clarification on Equestrian orders Source: Vatican Information Service (16 October 2012)

Vatican City, 16 October 2012 (VIS) – In response to frequent requests for information concern- ing the recognition by the Holy See of Equestrian Orders dedicated to the saints or to holy plac- es, the Secretariat of State considers it opportune to reiterate what has already been published, namely that, other than its own Equestrian Orders (the Supreme Order of Christ, the Order of the Golden Spur, the Pian Order, the Order of Saint Gregory the Great, and the Order of Pope Saint Sylvester), the Holy See recognises and supports only the Sovereign Military Order of Malta – also known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta – and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The Holy See fore- sees no additions or innovations in this regard. All other orders, whether of recent origin or mediaeval foundation, are not recognised by the Holy See. Furthermore, the Holy See does not guarantee their historical or juridical legitimacy, their ends or organisational structures. To avoid any possible doubts, even owing to illicit issuing of documents or the inappropriate use of sacred places, and to prevent the continuation of abuses which may result in harm to people of good faith, the Holy See confirms that it attrib- utes absolutely no value whatsoever to certificates of membership or insignia issued by these groups, and it considers inappropriate the use of churches or chapels for their so-called “ceremonies of investiture”.

Message of the Grand Master: - Our commitment in the Holy Land

Members of the Order pray for Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, has welcomed the appointment of Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa as the Apostolic Administrator of the vacant see of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and his elevation to the rank of Archbishop. Cardinal O'Brien assures the accompaniment in prayer of members of the Grand Magisterium, and of all the Knights and Dames of the world, entrusting his mission to the inter- cession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine.

Pope Francis accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, presented by His Beatitude Fouad Twal, in accordance with can. 401 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law and appointed Apostolic Administra- tor of the vacant see Rev. Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, O.F.M., elevating him to the dignity of archbishop, assigning him the titular see of Verbe.

Rev. Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, O.F.M. was born in Cologno al Serio, in the diocese and province of Bergamo, on April 21, 1965. After being accepted into the minor seminary of the Franciscan Province of Christ the King, Bologna, in September 1976, on September 5, 1984, he began his novitiate in the monastery of La Verna. He made his temporary profession in La Verna on September 7, 1985 and his perpetual profession in Bologna on October 14, 1989. After the first cycle of philosophical and theological studies, he obtained a Degree in Theology at the Pontifical Athe- naeum in Rome. On January 27, 1990 he was ordained deacon and on September 15, 1990 he was or- dained to the priesthood in Bologna Cathedral by H.E. Cardinal .

He arrived in the on October 7, 1990 and completed his postgraduate studies at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem in 1993. He later served as a professor of Biblical Hebrew at the Franciscan Faculty of Biblical and Archaeological Sciences in Jerusalem. He began his service in the Custody on July 2, 1999. On May 9, 2001, he was appointed Guardian of the convent of Saints Simeon and Anna in Jerusalem. He was involved in the pas- toral care of the Catholic faithful of Hebrew expression and was appointed Patriarchal Vicar in 2005 until 2008. The General Definitory elected him Custodian of the Holy Land and Guardian of Mount Zion in May 2004. On 22 March 2010 he was re-elected. In 2013 his term was postulated for another three years. His term ended in April 2016. (Communiqué of the June 24, 2016, [original text italian])

6 Chaplaincy Reflection: from harrumphing to honesty

By Reverend Peter Devenish-Meares ------

Have you ever seen someone harrumphing? Maybe it was Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh. It’s probably best described as a disbelieving or incredulous 'I’m not accepting what you say' kind of thing. The urban dic- tionary defines it in this way: 'Harrumph – an interjection; an expression of disdain, disbelief, protest, or dismissal; a huff, grunt, or snort. The old, mustachioed person uttered a 'harrumph' when he lost a debate to his rival'.

Chances are that if I express distain or reject a person or idea out of hand before informing myself, then I may miss a chance to learn, to change and to grow! I may well even miss the opportunity to build a pro- ject, strengthen a team or to serve others well. One could even go so far to say that harrumphing is on the opposite end of the scale to openness, clarity and honesty. Harrumphing can reveal that we think we don’t have to listen to or honour what another is saying or be open to new information or possibilities.

A “harrumph” may leave us ill-informed and closed off to hearing all there is to hear. Harrumphing can be subtle and be almost inaudible. A quiet '…I am not going to participate or believe this…' to what is being said by another person. If we are live a life of courage, compassion and respect there is no room for harrumphing.

We are called to be more mindful when we don’t agree with or don’t like what is being said! Harrumph- ing words that come to mind include:

 “I stand by my previous statements and don’t want to continue this conversation.”  “I’m not interested in that perspective or idea - I will just refuse to go along.”  “I think they are wrong and they don’t have all the facts according to me.”

St John’s gospel has an account of a time when Jesus was being pushed and rushed to condemn someone by a crowd of harsh, accusing, protesting, unhappy and very angry people. They were harrumphing and more besides; (yet)

Jesus didn’t harrumph, nor did he rush to judgment. He paused, listened, took time and didn’t get caught into accusation and argument. He loved the person despite their sin. Then He showed love and mercy. A challenge or temptation to disbelieve others and to judge yourself as right might make you want to harrumph.

So rather than allowing circumstances to push you to react with a harrumph, perhaps pause and receive the challenge as an opportunity to stop, test, seek clarity so as to be willing to hear more and remain open to a solution that is person-centred and forgiving. This is not easy but perhaps we can all reflect in this way: when challenged recently with something hard to remain open to…did I:

 Ask myself – do I have all the information - and pause to ask more ?  Respectfully seek clarity?  Raise concerns in a solution-focused manner?

Blessings always

Deacon Peter

7 about energy, involvement and action. We worked together on the Featured website - Sacred Places annual House Choir event and managed to get 200 boys to memo- rise and perform The 4-Chord Song with a line from about 60 songs.

Nic decided to take it one step further and make a massive stage curtain - that's still at school - with 50 metres of material. Neither of us had ever used a sewing machine before but Nic found his grand- mother's under the house and we spent an entire weekend chal- lenging ourselves to learn something new.

What I like most about Nic is that he can always have a laugh, no matter how much tough stuff's happening. We both have a good sense of when to have fun and when to be serious.

Sacred Destinations is an ecumenical guide to more than 1,250 Nic was stunned when I told him the very first person we did laun- sacred sites, holy places, pilgrimage destinations, religious archi- dry for, Jordan, had studied the same chemical engineering course tecture and sacred art in over 60 countries around the world. at the same uni as me. It was as if we were on the same life trajec- tory and here was Jordan, eight years down the track. All it had In addition to richly illustrated articles, there are photo galleries taken was two or three wrong turns. containing over 24,000 high-quality images plus detailed maps Photo: Orange Sky Laundry co-founders Lucas Patchett and Nicholas and lots of practical travel information. Marchesi (Paul Harris) We remember our deceased members:

Lucas & Nic’s excellent idea for the Homeless Mr John Bell, KHS Brisbane Mr Frank Bowling, KHS Brisbane In September 2014, Nic Marchesi and Lucas Patchett - friends Mr Cedric Hampson, KGCHS Brisbane from St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace in Brisbane - decided Rev Fr John Holyoak, KHS Townsville to build a free mobile laundry for the homeless. Orange Sky Mr Barry Kelly, KHS Brisbane now operates in 36 locations around the country. Dr Barry Knight, KHS Brisbane Mr Jon Moore, KCHS Brisbane - Good Weekend, Fairfax Media Dr Michael Moore, KCHS Brisbane NICHOLAS Dr Robert Needham, KHS Brisbane Dr John O’Duffy, KHS Brisbane Eighteen months ago, I had no idea Dr Lawrence Parker, KHS Brisbane that Lucas and I would be spending so Bishop Michael Putney, KC*HS Townsville much time together, building vans Rev Fr Brenden Rogers, KHS Brisbane and listening to people's stories while waiting for washing to dry. Dr Charles Salanitri, KHS Brisbane Judge Pat Shanahan, KHS Brisbane We first met at high school, St Joseph's College in Brisbane, and Mr Leo Williams, KCHS Brisbane. May they rest in peace. became good mates as house captains in year 12. Before that, we'd both independently volunteered at the school's early- morning city food van for homeless people. Other Lieutenancy Dates

The idea of Orange Sky Laundry came a few years after leaving Victoria Annual Program school, when we decided we wanted to continue helping the 01-08-2016, 03-10-2016, 05-12-2016 6:00pm Mass and Rosary community. I left my job as a TV news cameraman and Lucas (Executive meets at 5:00pm) took a break from uni. 10-09-2016 9 :00am Chapter meeting, Vigil and Mass Carmelite We're both very relaxed, laid-back sort of people. We'd packed Monastery a car with camping gear before rocking up to a major laundro- 11-09-2016 11:00am Investiture Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral mat company in boardies and thongs to pitch our idea. They 1:00pm Luncheon said no one had ever done this before and it was impossible. NSW Program

If no one had ever tried, it was hard to come to that conclusion, we replied. They gave us a go.


We discovered at school that we both have a leadership

8 King of Jordan to fund restoration of Holy Sepulchre Lieutenancy of Australia - Qld New Council King Abdullah II of Jordan has agreed to fund the restoration of Christ’s Tomb in Jerusalem's Prior Most Reverend Mark Church of the Holy Sepul- Coleridge DD KC*HS chre, a decision warmly welcomed by Jerusalem's Coadjutor Prior Most Reverend Joseph Latin Patriarch, Bishop Oudeman OFM Cap KC*HS William Shomali. Lieutenant Dr Monica Thomson DCHS Vatican Radio/Global Pulse Lieutenants of Honour Dr. Paul Bartley KGCHS "This is excellent news, news of a highly symbolic character, since the Holy Mr. Peter Carroll KC*HS Sepulchre is the most sacred place for Christians of all confessions," Bp Shomali said in a statement. Chancellor

"This decision shows the kindness of the King towards Christians and his con- Secretary Dr. Michael Greene KHS stant concern to preserve the heritage of Christianity, including his role as Master of Ceremonies Brig (Ret) Neil Weekes KCHS guarantor of the Holy Places, Christian and Muslim, in Jerusalem, according to the Wadi Araba agreement." Treasurer Dr. Edward Foley KHS

Jordan's Royal Court informed the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem of the North Qld President Mr. Vince Crowley KHS makruma (Royal Benefaction) in a letter addressed to His Beatitude Theophilos Councillor Dr. Michael Gattas KCHS III on April 10. Newsletter Editor Mr. Nick de Weger KCHS "It will therefore be a Muslim sovereign and direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad who will foot part of the bill for the restoration of the niche in the Ecclesiastical Master of Ceremonies Holy Sepulchre, the place of Jesus' burial and resurrection in Jerusalem, which has, for centuries, been the most venerated Christian shrine in the world," Very Rev Dr Adrian Farrelly reported Italian newspaper La Stampa. JCD KCHS

The Orthodox Patriarch also praised the generosity of King Abdullah, recalling how His Majesty remains the faithful guardian and custodian of Muslim and Christian Holy Places of Jerusalem.

Lieutenancies of Australia

NEW SOUTH WALES QUEENSLAND SOUTH AUSTRALIA VICTORIA LIEUTENANCY LIEUTENANCY LIEUTENANCY LIEUTENANCY LIEUTENANT: 18-06-2008 LIEUTENANT: 27 June 2016 LIEUTENANT: 18-6-2008 LIEUTENANT: 8-3-2010 H.E. Francois Kunc, KGCHS H.E. Monica Thomson, KC*HS H.E. David WONG, KC*HS Will Kininmonth KCHS NSW - Australia 11 Kentia Street. 21 Gertrude Street MOUNT GRAVATT/ BRISBANE MAGILL - SA - 5072 - Australia NZ Lieutenant Queensland - Australia 4122 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

PRIOR PRIOR PRIOR PRIOR His Eminence George Cardinal PELL H.E. the Most Rev. Mark B. Cole- H.E. the Most Rev. Philip E. WILSON H.E the Most Rev. Denis J. HART Archbishop of Sydney ridge Archbishop of Brisbane Archbishop of Adelaide Archbishop of Melbourne Level 16, Polding Centre GPO Box 5238, Brisbane, Queens- Catholic Diocesan Centre James Goold House 133 Liverpool Street land 4001 G.P.O. Box 1364 P.O. Box 146, 228 Victoria Parade

WESTERN AUSTRALIA Australian Website LIEUTENANCY LIEUTENANT: 15-5-2006 Australian Delegate to the Grand Magisterium is H.E. Dr Paul Bartley KGCHS H.E. John Gardner, KC*HS P.O. Box 733 NEDLANDS - WA 6909 - Australia Grand Magisterium Website [email protected]

[email protected]

PRIOR H.E. the Most Rev. Barry J. HICKEY Archbishop of Perth Office 25 Victoria Avenue PERTH - WA 6000 - Australia