WEEKLY E-MAGAZINE 44/1-6/2/2021 Carlo Voice Chief Editors- Bro. Ephrem Kunnappally and Bro. John Kanayankal Contributing Editors Very Rev.Joychen Paranjattu, Vicar General- Diocese of Rajkot Rev.Fr. Shanthi Puthusherry, PIME Rev. Fr. Sunny Kuttikkattu CMI Rev. Bro. Philip Kunnumpurath Spiritual Patrons His Holiness Pope Francis HB Ibrahim Isaac Sedrak Coptic Catholic Patriarch HB Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-RahiMarionite Patriarch HB Ignace Joseph III Younan Syriac Catholic Patriarch HB Joseph AbsiMelkite Catholic Patriarch HB Louis Raphaël I Cardinal Sako Chaldean Patriarch HB Gregoire Pierre XX Ghabroyan of Cilicia Armenian Catholic Patriarch HB Mar George Alencherry- Major ArchBishop of Syro-Malabar Church HE Moran Mor Cardinal Cleemis Mar Baselius Catholicos HB Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa Jeruslem Catholic Patriarch HE Cardinal Oswald Gracias, CBCI- Chairman and Archbishop of Bombay HG Joshua Mar Ignatius, Vice Chairman CBCI- Mavelikara Metropolitan Bishop HG Domenico Sorrentino, Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino HE Philiopose Mar Stephanose, Syro- Malankara Bishop of Canada HE Mar George Madathikandathil Bishop of Kothamagalam HE Mar Prince Antony Panengadan Bishop of Adilabad HE Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Poone Dr.Nicola Ghori, Postulator Cause of Carlo Acutis Madam Antonia Salzano, Madre de Carlo Acutis Design and Layout : Carlo Brothers Published on the Behalf of Association of Amici di Carlo Acutis Editorial Office: Carlo Voice Upputhara PO Idukki, Kerala, India PIN - 6855505, Mob :7879788105, 9497386004 Manuscripts for Publication, reviews should be addressed to Email
[email protected] Website:carlovoice.com illegal copying and reproduction by any means is punishable under the Copyright Laws Homily of His Beatitude Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Today’s Gospel passage (Mark 1:21-28) outlines in Mark’s characteristic short and concise style the first steps of Jesus’ ministry with his first disciples.