THE TEE8DALE MERCURY. .Wednesday. March 27th. 194ti Wednesday, Mai URBAN DISTRICT BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTION. STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT BARNARD CASTLE R.D.C. ELECTIONS. COUNCIL ELECTION, 1946. URBAN COUNCIL. ELECTION, COUNCIL. Monday, 1st April, 1946. ' April is!, PJJG. To the Electors of HAPPY FA "Oak 1.ymi,"Jiene Road, • "— To (lit- Bettors. \t the 11-<11 est of numerous! eleelectors. , 1 MIDDLETON PARISH. Please VOTK for i. w. COLLIER, ibus— Barnard Castle, - have accepted nomination to represent'them T MJIE.S AMI I I! \ll.\. AiUKS AMI i.KMLBIKX, COLLIER, John Walsh X j lo Ui,. Barnard Castle Klectprs. on .he above Council. I served on lln J_j 'We. the undersigned, offer oiutseives HUVIIIL; been in liquated a CailUi- L as rtiauk you ! OUIES \.Ml i.LM l.C.MlTN. Cot hers tone 1 irish Council for twenty-one tin youi favour at the forthcoinuig . lection, LINGFORDS date ui this election, I nave pleusuiv in I in- been a llousehoklei in I tin years and can therefore claim to have Hou asiim i>iu< tiia my i«ni >•> ai yoiir dispu^a!. L ig .ind alternaliye industry i these . A !N.AOD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT Town for years. I believe I appreciate some kuowledg of the wishes ol (he are th FAMOUS As a member ol tin- C .iiniv (Xtiuicit, I feel main planks in the programme and COUNCIL ELC3TI0NS, 1946. the requirements of iis people. elect i- on local affairs. I respectfully solicit Policy of the I.ah illr ciimli.iriles for the that my MitiiiJii'i>lii|> i iin I liiilll i.'llllrli Hilling the past live years ii has been my tlie support of the voters in the Cntheistone Rural Dis rid Council. lln >e and other tan be an advan a^r ... bull Ali.'liiil hits ; WOMEN SERIES I'ollin- l»a_\. |sf. pride and privilege to serve on the Council, area, and if elected 1 will endeavour to piattei IM ie ta.kle.l vigorously and in this has been tin iu.-.- inuii,,^ lit; pa i I".' 111- \\ III I AM HAM., s a in s p.m. the lasi twelve months ;i> Vice-Chairman carry llll 111', lIllllC: to their satisfaction. earues. i Middletou area, :i> eNeu here, years and Hie previous year as Chairman of the UiOl is ».\MHliAFKS have Ibe courage ARTHUR WATSON. in this -ling t-war pen.ui Ippei •stfashg.- Tlir que-1 ..,: .• I'll new Council. niusl iioi be lefi behind whilst o. ilien com n.ions. They always Milili Stl eel, Teesdiil. houses is proceeding \v 1' * ,..le siieeii. L .dauy changes* are imminent in (he a lilies take pin t in Hie nan ma I lorence s»and a- Labour Candidates. Labour's Coiner •tone .ilher lo Fuhlh lighting- It .|«,l •tliat the Regulations regarding Local liovernment and we .appeal wn'h eonlidelice oppouenis combine in unholy alliance. advance lighting by electricity III : lenis ami affairs, and it will be' necessary that during Vote for Progress. STARTFORTH R.D.C. ELECTION. to all w ho desire progress in ihis hale, in 1820-igio n>ads will be tccoinp] nil hv .lie end of the next few years your representatives Vote for Houses. place i f the stand still and waif-l'or-it the eaattng siiniiiii'i. should lie alert io guard your interests, and Vote for Security. April Ist. 1916, i vote • u Monday, April i-t for the Water Supply.- I have always? urged (hat they should lie competent to recognise Vote for Health. In Electors of I lie Pari:- h of th ire official Labour i indidaies. strong measures being ink n \\i;li a view and retain all tlitise rights which are vilul Vote LABOUR. V s .- iiicerel v. to an adci|i];iti' water ttippl lielli'' >ei ilieil. to the well-being of our community. ) HUNDERTHWAITE. Vote for the SIX. \\ \l 111! M< n; I (IN. and a rouauttiut eugiueer alreudv AI)IKS AMI l.l'.NTI.KMK.Y The financial aspect has ever been a para­ I \Ml.s II. .-II \\\ engaged i > pi epan the scheme. Ifon'i think 1 am devoid ui iiiteresl »r In ihe Electors >>f mo uni consideration to me. and you ma\ L ROBERT THOMl'Si i\. Street I'avemein (in my |nn|H.sal, a resi assured, lhat whatever may he Hie un initiative because I have not canvassed the BARi'lARD CASTLE UitBAN DISTRICT. PARISH OF STAINDROP. rive years' pian for Ihe reiiista'ement o! all aV >;*t ilile cosi of the necessary servic j district. I wish in he judged s ih Iv upon slreel pari mi III. i- in beiug, ami Hie WOI I, my achievements during ine sholl liine 1 r ADii-.s AND hl.VI I.I.MI.N. shall always (emember thai ii is youf Elections to Vk ill eiiiiiineu. e a- .-null as material and money thai is being spent and that you iia\ e have acted a"s your Parish Clculi. Viinnig lia\ ing bee II nominated a? i • id idate BARNARD CASTLE labonr is a\ JLi iin undoubted right to receive the highest oilier things I advocated and succeeded in ai he I'm lie oiuing eleciion. 1 be to ask RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL Rates.—The present increase is absolutely possible value getting was ;i market-day bus service, also mi your vole. postage facilities a! liuiiderlliWJiih'. In and unavoidable for very obvious reasons, bin May 1 respectfully desire you to give me l Iiavf had eleven years' expel iein addition I acted as Head Air Hp id Wardeh STAINDROP PARISH COUNCIL, I will always seen lliat the Ratepayer get • • as a an effective vote as one whom you know Dis MCt Councillor, iind. if elected shall allthrough the war. 11, Iherefo're. yon con­ n MONDAY. APRIL Isl. I946. :ii value for his iiionev. and thai ihe Adminis­ and can trust. If you don't know me -I am ser\ c die interests d the Itaruard Castle sider my endeavours worthy of recountioh, STAINDROP MIXED SCHOOL Florence Nightingale, famous English tration is concluded oil efficient lines willing to become acquainted. 1 therefore s dieil your support at the i'oll la.c pa\ers to Die besi or my ability Iu-rliujis' you will favour me bv placing a from Id a.m. to 8 p.m. I have the holiour to be, Nurse, was born in Florence, but her Yours faithfully, \ouis faithfully, cross againstt mmy name on polling day Please Vote for \our faithful servant, Every day is| C. T. SIMiElt. Yours sincerely, early life was spent in Derbyshire ALICE M. RUTTER. EDMUND C. ROBINSON. JAS. E. YOUNG. J. W. BROUMLEY. every hour Mis Edmund C. Robinson desires it to he B lieves in a Progressive Policy, BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT As "The Lady of the Lamp" she will URBAN COUNCIL ELECTION, understood that she is not a Candidate at STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT R efuses to be tied to Parly or Clas: illlere-ts ture. At COUNCIL ELECTION. Is! April, 1'JIG. the loiihcoining election COUNCIL ELECTION. 0 ji'i Is to Wasteful expenditure, always be remembered as the heroine play, each To .'lie l-'.iector>. U derstailds the needs of Ihe Parish. BARNARD CASTLE Makes Housing No 1 Priority. of the Crimea, for, by her work there, fun. o Till: ELECTORS — T -.1)11.> \.\u I.I..\ I 1 T.MI.V 1st April, 1946. Looks after the interests of all. in pUMUtiim pfself as a eaiididale XJ Having Wen luminal,u as a Candi­ URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTION. To the Electors of MICKLETON. T Experienced in Council Affairs. with 37 other nurses, she reduced tor lie. t lban D.s r.i-i ..oiiiu :I, I (eel thai as da.c lor Ine above elicioii, and Standing ADIES AMI iiLNTLEMEN, Your Tried Representative. a new. oiner who has not yet had the oppof- ai.ate. i >nall not in- aiile io seiitl out April ist, IU1G. Ai the request of numerous electors I -tram L Be Sure to Vote, Vote Early, and Vote for enormously the death rate among the tuni \ of becoinnig well-known in 11 if an,noses to ail resme.. s owiny to tue To the Electors oi liaruaid Casile. have pleasure in ottering myself as a candi­ BROUMLEY town, you will wain' to Know mure about Auii..- AAU lil-..\ll.f.Jll'..\, > date at the forthcoming eleciion. sick and wounded soldiers. As a result expense. If elected. in\ endeavour at all on both Ballot Papers. me. i have lived in i;u;iia.d t'.ustle lor the "iinis would be IJ see 'nut more was dune L iii oiiiiiug myseh as a caudidaie at The importance of Local Covernineiit can past \ ear and n.y work here is in the ill of Laniard Casile as well as tut' forU.coinnig ejection, i tile lavoui be readily understood when one realises BARNARD CASTLE RURAL DISTRICT of her pioneer work the nursing capacity ol Services and Welfare Oftirei at ihe o.d people, and to serve Uie mieresis oi your votes as one WHO wit aj His besi the magnitude of ihe questions which an' COUNCIL ELECTION. profession was raised to one of dignity Uie Mew Penicillin factory, tllaxo Labora­ of all to the best oi my ability. io serve you vviuiout Party ties JI any kind. before the Council at the present time— tories L.d. I have had a uumber of years' Yours faiuifujly, 1 believe it is the duty of a Councillor tu namely Housing, Sanitation, Sewerage Monday, 1st April. 1946. experien. e in industrial welfare and have and honour. JOHN EVANS. promote Uie well-being of the (own in ever} and water Schemes, and the requisition of To the Electors of the also worked in an ohVial capacity for the way ne can, though lie must constantly Council offices. is. The Bank, Buttei knowle Ward in the Parish of Ministry of Labour and Assistance Board. Barnard Castle. guard against unwise spending of public In Mickleton we have the special local Tliis has, of course, entailed a considerable money. problems of Sanitation. I Sewerage (parti­ Lynesack and Softlcy. LINCFORDS Whos For a amount of social work which slwuld be URBAN COUNCIL ELECTION, I iiiiak 1 can offer special knowledge oi cularly as it affects the East End), the ADIES AND liEXTI.EMEN, very helpful to any Candidate for election APRIL 1st, 1946. educational matters and wouiu wish to tor- desired extention of the supply of electric­ L During the past eight years it has been FAMOUS "Score'of on "your Council. ward tne interests of the town in Uns parti­ ity. Street Lighting, and a Speed Limit my honour and privilege to be one of your "LJA VE you a KarswoM I have always had the conviction thai To the Electors of Barnard Castle. cular direction, through the village. representatives on the Rural District Cohli- ' ' lH4ri " " writ's MrJ service lo the community in local govern Shotild you (Jo me Ihe lipnour to elect me fell, and I desire to offer myself for Be- BAKING POWDER ford. " Mv put. ADii.S A.\D iiC.M l.l„ub.\, ii you uo mo Ihe honour jf electing me I am getting 9 to ment is best achieved without party labels, as one of' your representatives on April 1st election, XJ \\ have been approached by a on April 1st, 1 wilj try to bring an indepeiid JO birds. These Dam and it is as an Independent thai I offer my­ number ol local residents to allow "our eut juUgmeiit u. near on tne mauv piobiems I will give these and othir matters careful My attendance at the Council meetings 1861 -134-0 Spice trom three weeq self for election. > forward as in the and ucveiopmenls certain lo coniroiu us 111 thought and attention and would press the has been very nearly Inn per cent., and lo Mr. C.G. bas recelv names to go loiward as candidates in Chart to keep his | Mv programme is based upon my experi­ lortnconiiny C.1J.C. elections. We have "ie eery near luiure. Local Council to lend their support to (he best of my ability l have endeavoured Jam ous in the Homes of England e«rgs Maybe you. I ence in welfare work and is embraced in agreed lo mis, but we do not wish the "lours launiuiiy, achieve some of these reforms to serve your interests, increase your of these handy carol enable you to kecpad the following points : Yours faithfully amenities, and ai the same time see thar for more than 80years people ol Barnard Castle to be under any 11. E. BtttKUECK. ur 12 months If so. s It Anion behind the housing project. mirappreliensions to die tact that we are School House, J. KELSALL, public money, which is after all -y° together with a Id. ;j] Improved educational facilities in iioi standing as official Labour candidates ; BARNAUL) CASTLE. Mickleton. money, was being spent carefully and JOSEPH IINGFORO V SON LTD. BISHOP AUCKLAND. envelope addressed:' judiciously. E Griffiths Hughes I itaruard Casile. that is, as nieiiibers of the local Labour OTHtK LINOrORO PRODUCTS iff!) .\deLpbi. Salfofl .1 Provision for day nurseries. Party s panel. Our views have in no way Vote for PROGRESS and EJt'ElClENCY From being an absolute apprentice in Lingfords Strawberry Custard. Lingfords Pudding Mixtures. (4) More recreational facilities for ihe uneied since the County Council Election, STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT with ECONOMY, and mark your Ballot Local Government matters, it is reasonable young folk and Mr s. Layers, M.P., and the Labour Paper thus to expect I have learned much, and the COUNCIL ELbC f IONS, 194b. experience lias been both interesting and If elected, I give my pledge lo always for. Government still have, and will continue to ! KELSALL I X educating. I have had the confidence of my , ward the interests of the working man and^ . ii loyally and support, oul uuquall Ud fellow-members to the extent that for a by encouraging HuvvWt|. To the Electors of STARTFORTH R.D.C. his family particularly by encouraging Howevel. „willg to a iertuin lundainental harmony with . period I was Chairman of the Finance Com­ industrial developments in harmony with,.e e uf opinion with the local party COTHERs tONE AND BALDERSDALE. tbe character and traditions of Barnard mittee, later Chairman of the Works Com­ we have felt compelled to resign Horn it. \i)li-..^ t.l.M I.EMEN, WARD. mittee, and by virtue of the Council's Castle. Our sole desire in standing is to have an HILDA DOWSE. L recommendation. I am now one of the How to remain happily married—to. 4 opportunity oi serving die best interests lla> ing men nominated lor the above, ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Governors of the Grammar School at and welfare of liarnaiu Casile and its iu- i place my services io me erectors ot Coi'hci- L iiaving been invited by njy friends in Bishop Auckland. BARNARD CASTLE U.D.C. ELECTION. Stone and .liiiidersdale. i Have been on this stand for habitants. We can assure the people of Council for hi years, so Uiat 1 am well con- t'.otherstone and Baldersdale to A brief survey of our Ward will show accepted. Baruard Castle that if we are returned, versed with the requirements oi ihe ollice the Startforth R.D.C.,. I gladly that notwithstanding ibe prevailing war- To the Electors of Barnard Castle. such argent Kicai problems as housing, siwuid you •tea me I shall endeavour to and 1 feel sure that having asked me, you lime conditions, many improvements have euueation, water, street lighting, etc., will earn out yjur wishes io tiie best ol my will give me the support of your votes on been carried out, and there are ^igns of As a . an lidate for election to the Urban he 'be given cur attention, and we will press ability. Monday, April 'st. 1 would aftso ask you even better things to come. The financial Uistiict Council, in\ services are respectfully vigorously, and continue to press vigorous- REUBEN SAYER. to vote "for Mr It. Sayer. position of the Council was never more pla.-ed at your disposal. ly, for a satisfactory solution of these and Yours faithfully, STAKi FORTH RURAL DISTRICT sound and secure, one of the old burden­ Despite my 36 years of age. Ij of these ali other local problems. The local rates NORMAN FIELD. COUNCIL ELECTION. some loans have been cleared out, for to-day have been speui in Public Life in the City have recently been increased and we will money can be obtained cheaply and the of litaagow and six years as a volunteer in make it our business to see that the public time is opportune for many innovations. To the Electors of BARNARD CASTLE R.D. COUNCIL H.M. Forces. gej value lor their money. Th" old Council is well ahead with its care- BOWES AND GILMONBY PARISHES. My service ill ihe Army Educational iu vjL,w 0f the tact that we are standing ELECTION, 1946. iully thought out post-war plans, the future Corps kept me informed about and practised without the linancial backing ol anv parly ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, programme covers all the essentials, Indus­ in Hie husihes.- of conducing the afrairs of group, we shall be unable to bear the or L U the request ol numerous elei tors, 1 I To the Electors of j trial Development. New Houses, Improved SOW tiie community. expense of sending out an election address. and Extended Sewerage and Water Systems, have accepted noiiiinaiion as a candidate MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. Ol'TDC An active a I public spirited resident of We llope the pJople of Barnard Castle will and Highway Schemes. 11 also includes our lo represent you at the forthcoming ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, liar:.aid Castle, 1 have gamed greal know , this letter as a formal statement of Election 1 special No. 1 priority—Electricity. This aL1 L pl respectfully . solicit youi up- I beg t< ilfer myself a- a Caiidi- Parsnip I ledge of thhe towtownn and become ku.iwii to L Should prove a boon to the little industry our policy and intentions. port. Having lived all my liie ifi the date I or election. During my period of mat • of its people, lave, an inducement for more to come, Finney's Sel^ Yours faithfully, district, excepting for nearly two j ears, servici I have c iliscieutiously endeavoured we AI! voters must In aware of the general l.nrly P W. O. RANSOM. spent on the baltle helds oi Erance, i claim lo do my duty in the interests of all rate- and what is equally important a blessing desii auiongs. IOW1I • people lor new Irpre J. E. P1CKEN. to know something of the needs of the payers. If, therefore, my efforts have met io everyone of us in bestowing brightness Finney's No Mutation being procured on .'be Council E. W. RANSOM. parish men possessed of courage, determiuafio::. with your approval, 1 trust you,will renew and cheer in our homes. A schedule has i • uuce', If elected, it will be my aim to advance your cotilidenee in me by recording one of been prepared of private streets and foot- energy, and resource, so that it is on these' In ihe Elt your interest to the best of my ability. Finney's Cl gromid • hat I solicit your vote. ctors oi your votes m my favour on April 1st. paths which are in urgent need of repair BAa.MARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT T. COOPER. (we rave some deplorable examples) Lettuce I In times ..> make i ! miist - ieaar> JOSEPH WILLIAM DENT. Lady Myres, Bowes. against the tgue when the appropriate- Finney's ing services or rates would be ansolu'eh Greathain House, grants are forthcoming. Grants have been rash, hut I do nuaran-tee to .io my duty to i VDll.s AND GENTLEMEN, STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT Cabbagt] Middleton-in-Teesdale. j and still are being made for the re-condi­ Uie townspeople and wiil at all tun s make JLi Having been nominated for ihe forih- COUNCIL ELECTIONS. tioning of existing properties and lor privy Finney's • fear ii] fav .ir. • 'omiiig election, I intend lo stand as an my decisions .wtiioi BARNARD CASTLE RURAL DISTRICT conversions. Council Houses are actually old be in h. interest L .'pendent candidate and I hope to lie BUY VOi TfcMC decision W< Ki\eii an opportunism of extending >uine T< the Electors of COUNCIL ELECTION. being built In our village, a thing unheard of the .'own a.- a win le and would M \ •. r hi POTATO! lj, l ai 1<>i|o business experience in BOWES AND GILMONBY. of in the past; we have direct scavenging, T nag your husband when intluerced by any | irlv or section ol the '" ' ut being tied tu a party label. Parish of MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. which is undoubtedly an improvement people. banking With ADIES ANO GENTLEMEN, Ihe general cost of living has risen At the expressed wish of many in­ To the Electors of the above Parish. over the old method, and a sewerage he comes in tired Whel.sei as an elector you are man or L enormously over the war years and we are habitants of this area, 1 respectfully oiler ADIES AND GENTLEMEN,* }! system second to none. woman, wage earner oi business man. let I'ulikely ever to see it fall to its previous myself as a Candidate at the above election, After having served on. the above Yet, most important of all, your Rates m. as ore you that my know led;, r ol life L level. Expenditure by local authorities will My whole life has been speut in Bowes, Council some 15 years, I j have• again con- have not been unduly high. This point can and living conditions is sufficient i.> allow be heavier correspondingly. My aim would and 1 have the welfare of the district at sented to he nominated as a' Candidate for probable be more fully realised when 1 say DO giVe him a cup oj lea ; but me lo nive von lull and judicii repre- be lo examine carefully each and every heart, and if elected will do my utmost u (he forthcoming Election to be held on ttiat the number of people who are in sentaiion. schema and project put forward to ensuie serve your interests to the best of my April 1st, 1916. During that 15 j|ears 1 have arrears with their rates and the amount of be sure it is Eur.'..11more, •( \ u aie interested in the always put forward the claims of my native money involved is the lowest in the history : ilia all possible economy had been con­ ability. welfare and future of chi dreti. or if you sidered. There ate improvements, of Parish of Middleton-in-Tetisdale of the Council. NE WC happen to In e ol the y mthful voters of Yours faithfully, i nir-e. in certain directions locally both Housing.—I claim to be almost wholly That, briefly, is my report, and 1 hope at AN J SUNI the town. I do. as a younger man wbu can W. J. PICKERSGILL. ucees-iary ami possible, and these would responsible for the erection of the i6 houses least 1 have stimulated your interest. Whilst help Youth in a practical way. earnestly have my strong support. tjuieorn farm, Bowes. at Jubilee Place. I have not agreed with all things that have reipies your vote on Monday. i>i \pril. 1 'anno: make any fancy promises, hut 1 STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT Post-War Housing (first two jj years pro­ transpired in the Council Chamber, I feel This will be my only form ol ad.ln>- to gramme). I was greatly dissafiSlied to 1 iiid will do my inmost to see thai the ratepayers' COUNCIL ELECTION. my time has been well spent and definite H0RNIMANS you, and as a well-wisher of the town. I money is spent for the ratepayers' benefit, (hat (here was only some'; 57 houses progress has been made. ask. you. regardless of what you think or scheduled for the whole Rural District and while not forgetting the extremely heavy lsl April, J946. Can I have the honour to maintain that how vmi feel, to come out and V 'te. linancial burdens most of us are bearing none tor Middleton. The Chairman of the progress ? Ladies and Gentlemen, you have Voting is the privilege of all over -I year- to-day. \D1ES AND GENTLEMEN* Post-War Planning Committee, the Clerk, two vote—1 leave it in your hands. of age. I'se this vote of yours and luiish Having been one ol your Iteprcseuta- and myself, were sent to Newcastle to inter —The 'BIG DIVIDE ISO* Tea 1 hope all electors will record their votes' Finally, a word to the young people—oui the ji »ssip and criticism about local affairs. meb lor 18 years and being the first P.owes and 1 shah lie grateful for your support at view the Regional Officer for Town and wolid to-day is yours to-morrow. Please Make the poll a strong one. so that tin Councillor to Hornimans Dividend Tea sells at lid. per l the polling station. be elected chairman of the country planning, with the result that we make every effort to register your vote on decision of ihe town will be postliv lh; District, 1 take this opportunity of thankin got the number of houses for the district enable the new Council to take office eon Yours fai'hfiilly. April 1st quarter lb.—and <\icli lb. brin^'» VICTOR CARTER. you lor past confidences. If younger per increased from 57 to over 200. The alloca­ Yours faithfully, nd -ut that they kirtw 'he desires and Miu a cash di*. idend of 84. sons had sought nomination at the coming jjon tor Middleton was 34 houses, which I opinion of their electorate. Personally I ROY KELLETT. BARNARD 3ASTLE URBAN DISTRICT election, 1 would have been inclined to hope will be commenced with shortly, When your dividend card is am coulident that much can be done by retire with mv two colleagues. But I again post-War Industries.—1 have never failed 10'- •• llarnev '• to improve ihe conditions nudir COUNCIL ELECTION, 1946. full vour dealer wiil exchange offe-r myself for re-election, feeling that my to put forward the claim for Light Industries which its citizens live and work. This can , experience \p;t.S AND GENTI.I'MEN. lertence will be of benefit to you ali. for Middleton district. it for 10/- in cash. Any dealer «ui serve you. IK dine in a night but can only come about Water, Sanitation, and Housing Scheme I had the honour to be elected Chairman bv effoit and drive mi the part of all. Thus At the request of several ratepayers | and having bad in year-' experience as a are. in band that require close attention of the Council 1945/46. and have just com­ to be supported by good leadership lm and the keenest support of your Local pleted my term of office with 100 per cent, When your Ford personal example from those in place ol Councillor. I beg to offer myself as a candi­ WARM AWAY Councillors. attendance. W. n. A 1. .1. HOKN1MAN v CO^ LTD., M.I it will more that authority. date at fie election on April Ist, I94ti. You can vote for One, Two, or Three Ladies and Gentlemen, 1 ask for your sup­ you for the time Think well and rec >rd your cross, con­ Born in Barnard Castle, where I have large business Laudidales, and 1 would respectfully ask port and confidence, and ir returned 1 will wait. Always FOl fident that your vote is given with a full resided all THE PAIN and perhaps the largest that, whilst having to choose new members, endeavour to serve you lo the best of my value — eons taut iii sense of lesponsibility. connections you lon't forget to give One Vote to ability. OF BRONCHITIS Despite oversea* | Yours faithfullv, property owner and ratepayer in the town my interesis aie definitely yours, and ever;, Yours faithfullv, I remain, yours sincerely, Son Throat, Chest Colds orders cam be A. M. HARVEY. effort will be made b\ me if elected to J. W. ALDERSON. ROBERT JOICEY SMITH. not come in and | a L 65, Galgate, Barnard Castle. ensure that every penny of public momy J'°JllI1g ,V_; ' 1st April. 1946. better tbink at BARNARD CASTLE RURAL DISTRICT disappointment i9fh March, 1946. is spent to the best advantage. Place : Bowes Grammar School. Knowing as 1 do the shortcomings of the 13 Noon to S p.m. COUNCIL. Mee town. 1 will :;i all times do my utmost to ***** doi'n*y out? can to BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT LOUlS remedy this, and will Use my influence lo To the Electors of COUNCIL ELECTION. COUNCIL. further the amenities and" increase the FOREST AND FRITH. "The Warmth that Htals" MOTOR. EMJ industrial side of Barnard Casile. rnrrease product/on, Sett a»e To the Electors of AIilliij AND GENTLEMEN,- Monday, 1st April, 1940. In regard to housing, l will endeavour to Thermogene Medicated BARNARD MICKLETON. J for the past 16 years I have had the TJ the Electors. -Ve llinr .in ample supply of new houses Ihonour of being your Representative on the Wadding, applied to the anv available through the North-Eastern VOIES AND GENTLEMEN, District Council, and I now offer myself Chest or Throat as directed, ADIES AND i.l.N I I.I MEN Housing \s- iciniiou. 'hereby saving any L With reference to my candidature, in Having been nominated as a .audi as a candidate for election. generates soothing, healing L capital administj'a.ioii ov repair costs to-the forthcoming election, 1 respectfully and dac- for -Barnard Castle District the During my period of service I have warmth which disperses the "LAXATT ratepayers as a uho'c V. . i'j new houses sin ••rely pia.-e myself at your service in the gamed much valuable experience in Local Council. I [respectfully solicit your support. ale available every effo • j|( |„, made I phere of Local Government affairs. congestion, relieves the sore­ wttk, ordersfot* As a native of Barnard Castle I have the Government, having held The office of me lo see the most deserving people g The special problems associated with ness, and eases the breathing Town'- welfare very much at heaci and Chairman and Vice-Chairtnan. Chairman of SPEEDS UI priority, which in my opii ion are Harney s his work arc many and varied, including the General Purposes Committee twice, also you can be assured 1 will do everything ex-Service men and women. \nd further, 1 those connected with Housing, Health, er Committees. At present 1 am Vice- Still at pre-war prices, 1/3, and possible for iis well-being and prosperity Will rest*! with 0U) iny power any attempt Education, I own and Country Planning, chairman of the s'outh-Wesl Durham Town k the Family Size, 3/., of S Prior to the war. m connection wiih busi­ ,s ler houses ii':-, even- deserv. Ihese, together with that long overdue country Planning Committee. 1 have ALKALINI ness. I travelled fairly extensively in this alld all chemists Srotdi Afcernetfuj ing person has a home. sewerage scheme, and the extension of conscientiously done my best in the • otiu ry and 'a I opportunities o! coming als0 Mates Most Foil Dunn- 'he next year or so the whole of water, with electricity, to all houses and interests of the community actively tnter- into contact weekly with men of wide Sbootillg Wj the properties in the town will come up lor larms, make a formidable array of business e or public inleres . I hop,., there­ 1 f Vl-'al impnrtauc. ll \ oil. WADDJNC have good digeation, 70a I fore. I may lie able to offer useful service \n\ attempt and efficiency, whilst utilising Government confidence in me by recording your vote in Alkaline Juice every day. to -ciieiaMv liKaease he ran able values of grants and keeping an eye on economics, , favour on April 1st, 1946. Fir el tj from Cart en Little Liver Pilla I t i my fellow townsmen of Barnard Castle. nv the low u w ill be met wiih abb and vigor- the problems (hat face RHEUMATISM powerful fluid that belpa M us can be success- If ,.|,,, |ed | shall be able to continue the Should you do me Hie honour of retUTBlng ; LUMBAGO eliminate your food after k I us opposition, and I ask you to heabeair This ffull„ily masteremasteredd foforr ththee benefit of all by important work at present unfinished A'.'A- me as councillor, your interests will he SCIATICA wT>en tbia Vital Alkaline Jutl in mind hex: M .ii.lay. tackling them with intelligence and vigour, water Scheme to supply fvery house and two pintt a day, moat foU feel I upheld and lookdl after to the best ol my NEURITIS In conclusion, l^adies and Gentlemen may 1 (bank you l'or plai So when yew need a laxacn ability. . ing me at the top of farm with an adequate and wholesome VFURALOIA I I' I \ o|| Lhtr Pula. They hare a (car at von can vote for IS the poll in the Parish c iimcil Election, and supplv ; Housing. Sewerage, and other BRONCHITIS I am, voui's sincerely. they alto iin 1 laai the flow I candidates. I can assure you ihai if elected on Mon- Social Services. CHEST COLDS Juice ao unpen air. tc e <»d ha ROY WATSON. I Middleman gat the real LaunM Piul »-l Voitis fa day next will further >our interests to the Yours faithfully, ;.*"u*wil T