THE TEE8DALE MERCURY. .Wednesday. March 27th. 194ti Wednesday, Mai BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTION. STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT BARNARD CASTLE R.D.C. ELECTIONS. COUNCIL ELECTION, 1946. URBAN COUNCIL. ELECTION, COUNCIL. Monday, 1st April, 1946. ' April is!, PJJG. To the Electors of HAPPY FA "Oak 1.ymi,"Jiene Road, • "— To (lit- Bettors. \t the 11-<11 est of numerous! electorsele. , 1 MIDDLETON PARISH. Please VOTK for i. w. COLLIER, ibus— Barnard Castle, - have accepted nomination to represent'them T MJIE.S AMI I I! \ll.\. AiUKS AMI i.KMLBIKX, COLLIER, John Walsh X j lo Ui,. Barnard Castle Klectprs. on .he above Council. I served on lln J_j 'We. the undersigned, offer oiutseives HUVIIIL; been in liquated a CailUi- L as rtiauk you ! OUIES \.Ml i.LM l.C.MlTN. Cot hers tone 1 irish Council for twenty-one tin youi favour at the forthcoinuig . lection, LINGFORDS date ui this election, I nave pleusuiv in I in- been a llousehoklei in I tin years and can therefore claim to have Hou asiim i>iu< tiia my i«ni >•> ai yoiir dispu^a!. L ig .ind alternaliye industry i these . A !N.AOD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT Town for years. I believe I appreciate some kuowledg of the wishes ol (he are th FAMOUS As a member ol tin- C .iiniv (Xtiuicit, I feel main planks in the programme and COUNCIL ELC3TI0NS, 1946. the requirements of iis people. elect i- on local affairs. I respectfully solicit Policy of the I.ah illr ciimli.iriles for the that my MitiiiJii'i>lii|> i iin I liiilll i.'llllrli Hilling the past live years ii has been my tlie support of the voters in the Cntheistone Rural Dis rid Council. lln >e and other tan be an advan a^r ... bull Ali.'liiil hits ; WOMEN SERIES I'ollin- l»a_\. |sf. pride and privilege to serve on the Council, area, and if elected 1 will endeavour to piattei IM ie ta.kle.l vigorously and in this has been tin iu.-.- inuii,,^ lit; pa i I".' 111- \\ III I AM HAM., s a in s p.m. the lasi twelve months ;i> Vice-Chairman carry llll 111', lIllllC: to their satisfaction. earues. i Middletou area, :i> eNeu here, years and Hie previous year as Chairman of the UiOl is ».\MHliAFKS have Ibe courage ARTHUR WATSON. in this -ling t-war pen.ui Ippei •stfashg.- Tlir que-1 ..,: .• I'll new Council. niusl iioi be lefi behind whilst o. ilien com n.ions. They always Milili Stl eel, Teesdiil. houses is proceeding \v 1' * ,..le siieeii. L .dauy changes* are imminent in (he a lilies take pin t in Hie nan ma I lorence s»and a- Labour Candidates. Labour's Coiner •tone .ilher lo Fuhlh lighting- It .|«,l •tliat the Regulations regarding Local liovernment and we .appeal wn'h eonlidelice oppouenis combine in unholy alliance. advance lighting by electricity III : lenis ami affairs, and it will be' necessary that during Vote for Progress. STARTFORTH R.D.C. ELECTION. to all w ho desire progress in ihis hale, in 1820-igio n>ads will be tccoinp] nil hv .lie end of the next few years your representatives Vote for Houses. place i f the stand still and waif-l'or-it the eaattng siiniiiii'i. should lie alert io guard your interests, and Vote for Security. April Ist. 1916, i vote • u Monday, April i-t for the Water Supply.- I have always? urged (hat they should lie competent to recognise Vote for Health. In Electors of I lie Pari:- h of th ire official Labour i indidaies. strong measures being ink n \\i;li a view and retain all tlitise rights which are vilul Vote LABOUR. V s .- iiicerel v. to an adci|i];iti' water ttippl lielli'' >ei ilieil. to the well-being of our community. ) HUNDERTHWAITE. Vote for the SIX. \\ \l 111! M< n; I (IN. and a rouauttiut eugiueer alreudv AI)IKS AMI l.l'.NTI.KMK.Y The financial aspect has ever been a para­ I \Ml.s II. .-II \\\ engaged i > pi epan the scheme. Ifon'i think 1 am devoid ui iiiteresl »r In ihe Electors >>f mo uni consideration to me. and you ma\ L ROBERT THOMl'Si i\. Street I'avemein (in my |nn|H.sal, a resi assured, lhat whatever may he Hie un initiative because I have not canvassed the BARi'lARD CASTLE UitBAN DISTRICT. PARISH OF STAINDROP. rive years' pian for Ihe reiiista'ement o! all aV >;*t ilile cosi of the necessary servic j district. I wish in he judged s ih Iv upon slreel pari mi III. i- in beiug, ami Hie WOI I, my achievements during ine sholl liine 1 r ADii-.s AND hl.VI I.I.MI.N. shall always (emember thai ii is youf Elections to Vk ill eiiiiiineu. e a- .-null as material and money thai is being spent and that you iia\ e have acted a"s your Parish Clculi. Viinnig lia\ ing bee II nominated a? i • id idate BARNARD CASTLE labonr is a\ JLi iin undoubted right to receive the highest oilier things I advocated and succeeded in ai he I'm lie oiuing eleciion. 1 be to ask RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL Rates.—The present increase is absolutely possible value getting was ;i market-day bus service, also mi your vole. postage facilities a! liuiiderlliWJiih'. In and unavoidable for very obvious reasons, bin May 1 respectfully desire you to give me l Iiavf had eleven years' expel iein addition I acted as Head Air Hp id Wardeh STAINDROP PARISH COUNCIL, I will always seen lliat the Ratepayer get • • as a an effective vote as one whom you know Dis MCt Councillor, iind. if elected shall allthrough the war. 11, Iherefo're. yon con­ n MONDAY. APRIL Isl. I946. :ii value for his iiionev. and thai ihe Adminis­ and can trust. If you don't know me -I am ser\ c die interests d the Itaruard Castle sider my endeavours worthy of recountioh, STAINDROP MIXED SCHOOL Florence Nightingale, famous English tration is concluded oil efficient lines willing to become acquainted. 1 therefore s dieil your support at the i'oll la.c pa\ers to Die besi or my ability Iu-rliujis' you will favour me bv placing a from Id a.m. to 8 p.m. I have the holiour to be, Nurse, was born in Florence, but her Yours faithfully, \ouis faithfully, cross againstt mmy name on polling day Please Vote for \our faithful servant, Every day is| C. T. SIMiElt. Yours sincerely, early life was spent in Derbyshire ALICE M. RUTTER. EDMUND C. ROBINSON. JAS. E. YOUNG. J. W. BROUMLEY. every hour Mis Edmund C. Robinson desires it to he B lieves in a Progressive Policy, BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT As "The Lady of the Lamp" she will URBAN COUNCIL ELECTION, understood that she is not a Candidate at STARTFORTH RURAL DISTRICT R efuses to be tied to Parly or Clas: illlere-ts ture. At COUNCIL ELECTION. Is! April, 1'JIG. the loiihcoining election COUNCIL ELECTION. 0 ji'i Is to Wasteful expenditure, always be remembered as the heroine play, each To .'lie l-'.iector>. U derstailds the needs of Ihe Parish. BARNARD CASTLE Makes Housing No 1 Priority. of the Crimea, for, by her work there, fun. o Till: ELECTORS — T -.1)11.> \.\u I.I..\ I 1 T.MI.V 1st April, 1946. Looks after the interests of all. in pUMUtiim pfself as a eaiididale XJ Having Wen luminal,u as a Candi­ URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTION. To the Electors of MICKLETON. T Experienced in Council Affairs. with 37 other nurses, she reduced tor lie. t lban D.s r.i-i ..oiiiu :I, I (eel thai as da.c lor Ine above elicioii, and Standing ADIES AMI iiLNTLEMEN, Your Tried Representative. a new. oiner who has not yet had the oppof- ai.ate. i >nall not in- aiile io seiitl out April ist, IU1G. Ai the request of numerous electors I -tram L Be Sure to Vote, Vote Early, and Vote for enormously the death rate among the tuni \ of becoinnig well-known in 11 if an,noses to ail resme.. s owiny to tue To the Electors oi liaruaid Casile. have pleasure in ottering myself as a candi­ BROUMLEY town, you will wain' to Know mure about Auii..- AAU lil-..\ll.f.Jll'..\, > date at the forthcoming eleciion. sick and wounded soldiers. As a result expense. If elected. in\ endeavour at all on both Ballot Papers. me. i have lived in i;u;iia.d t'.ustle lor the "iinis would be IJ see 'nut more was dune L iii oiiiiiug myseh as a caudidaie at The importance of Local Covernineiit can past \ ear and n.y work here is in the ill of Laniard Casile as well as tut' forU.coinnig ejection, i tile lavoui be readily understood when one realises BARNARD CASTLE RURAL DISTRICT of her pioneer work the nursing capacity ol Services and Welfare Oftirei at ihe o.d people, and to serve Uie mieresis oi your votes as one WHO wit aj His besi the magnitude of ihe questions which an' COUNCIL ELECTION. profession was raised to one of dignity Uie Mew Penicillin factory, tllaxo Labora­ of all to the best oi my ability. io serve you vviuiout Party ties JI any kind. before the Council at the present time— tories L.d. I have had a uumber of years' Yours faiuifujly, 1 believe it is the duty of a Councillor tu namely Housing, Sanitation, Sewerage Monday, 1st April.
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