~YA PRADESH "_" ',~ .: ' ,i· _" '-





(All the Census Publkations of this State "HI bear series No. 10)

PART I Census General Report including Subsidiary (in Sub-Parts) Tables PART II~A Census Tables on population PART II-B Economic Tables (in Sub-Parts) PART n·c Social and Cultural Tables (in Sub~Parts) PART IIl·A Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables PART IU.B Establishment Tables PART IV Housing Report and Tables PART V (in Sub-Parts) Special Tables & Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes PART VI-A Town Directory; PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on selected towns PART VI-C Survey Reports on selected villages PART VII Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel PART VIII·A Administration Report-Enumeration PART VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation PART IX Census Atlas PART IX-A Administrative Atlas


PART X-A Village and Town Directory PART X-B Village and Town Primary Census Abstracts PART X-C Analytical Report and Administrative statements & District Census TabJes

(Dis'rict Cen3U3 Handbooks are published under Part X in 3 Parts-A, B & C for each of the 43 districts in the Sltll~. Parts A. and Bare published in one volume). CONTENTS Page

_1. Preface i-ii

2. List of Abbreviations 1

3. Alphabetical List of Villages 3-17 ( i) Hatta Tahsil 3-8 ( ii) Damoh Tahsil 8-17


1. Explanatory Note 21-29

2. Village Directory (Amenities and Land-use 30-85 ( i) Halta Tahsil 30-51 ( ii) Damoh Tahsil 52-85

3. Appendix to Village Directory 86-87

4. Town Directory 88-92

( i) Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 88 ( ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 88 ( iii ) Civic Finace 89 ( iv) Civic and other Amenities 89 ( v) Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 90 ( vi) Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 90 ( vii) Population by Riligion and Scheduled Castel Scheduled Tribes in Towns 91

5. Appendix to town Directory 92


1. Explanatory Note ·95-96

2. Figures at a Glance 97

3. Primary Census Abstract 98-165 District Abstract 98-101 Hatta Tahs il 102-125 (Rural) 102-123 (Urban) 124-125

Damoh Tahsil 126-165 (Rural) 126-159 (Urban) 158-165


Prior to the 1951 Census, there was no regular separate publication at the district level regarding the data collected, although the seeds of the District Census Handbooks can be traced to the 'Village Lists brought out for every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistics' of every district published in 1911 and 1941. No. definite answer is forthcoming as to why such publications, giving village-wise information of occupied houses, break-up of population into males/females and literates, were not brought out in 1921 and 1931 The reaSOn could be transfer from 1921 of certain charges on Census pre"iously met from the provincia. revenueS to the Central revenues and the Government of India may not have considered it necessary to publish statistics up to the village level. 'Village Statistics' in 1941 were brought out by the & Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-wise publications at the cost of the State Govern­ ment has tince been continuing.

2. The scope of the district-wise publications, now called the District Census Handbooks, has been under­ going change with each successive Census from 1951. In 1951; the District Census Handbooks only contained the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. In view of the usefulness of separa·te publication for each district, improvements were made at the time of the 1961 Census by including non-Census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, education, etc. An 'Introductory Note' was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately, the desire to make district-wise Census publications very col;Dprehensive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore, this time the District Census Handbooks have been divided into three parts in order to release maximum data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of about seven to eight years ofinter-Censal decennium. Part A will contain Primarily non-Census statistics, Part B the Primary Census Abstract and Part C various administrative statistics with a chapter titled "Introducing the district". It may be mentioned here that subsequently a decision has been taken to merge Parts A and B in one volume on grounds of eCOnOD'ly.

3. Much of the delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks after the 1961 Census was due to delay in collection of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory Note in the head office. Separation of administrative statistics as Part C of the District Census Handbook and the kind Co­ operation of the State Government, permitting Collectors of the 1961-71 decade to write the chapter on "Introducing the District," is likely to go a long way in early publication of all the parts of the District Census Handbooks. Another favourable factor this time is the early decision of the State Government to permit printing in private presses as and when the work-load on the State Government Presses is heavy and likely to result in delay in the bringing out of the District Census Handbook of any district. It would not be out of place to point out here that the work-load in connection with the District Census Handbooks is very much more this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the decision to bring out the District Census Handbooks in Hindi as well as English. In all, there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which 2 will be in hindi and 2 in english. Advance action was taken this time to collect the non-Census data and it is hoped that the combined volume of Parts A and B of all the 43 districts would be out by the end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This would bc a definite improvement on the 1961 performance when printing of the District Census Handbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.

4. In his Preface to the 1961 District Census Handbooks, my predecessor, Shri G. Jagathpathi, had observed thus, "It was not possible at this Census to base all Census statistics on the development b10ck as the unit mainly because in 1961 therewere many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.". It has not been possible to adopt the development block as the basic unit for operation and presentation in this Census for more than one reason. Firstly, the office of the Block Development Officer \'vas abolished in December, 1965; its resurrection in the form of office of the Block Development Assistant from 2-10-69 had not taken firm roots up to the time field arrangements for the 1971 Census were finalised. Secondly, the tahsil as a unit of field arrangements has many more advantages, the most significant being the ready availability of that legendary functionary-the patwari-without whose active co-operation it would be a formidable task to determine Whether a habited structure in a cultivated field is part of village X or Y .. Even, otherwise, since village­ wise figures are available, it should not be difficult for those in need of data for intermediate units between the village and the tahsil. like the development block or patwari halka, to compile it by adding figures of concerned villages. The tahsil has for long been a fixed unit of administration and, to my mind, should be retained in preference to the development block whose jurisdiction may undergo a change in accordance with the pace of future development. 5. In conclusion, I would like to place on record my grateful thanks to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having so kindly agreed to undertake the publication of the Handbooks in hindi as well as english to the various government and semi-government offices for un-hesitatingly making available the non-Census statistics, and to the Controller, Government Press, and his staff for armnging early printing in the Govern­ ment and private Presses.

BHOPAL : A. K. PANDYA 15 tn .August, 1972.


I Civic A.dministration 32 Hospital H 33 1 Corporation C T. B. Clinic TBC 2 Municipality M 34 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MCW 3 Notified Area Committee NAC 35 Ayurvedic Dispensary AD 4 Cantonment Board CB 36 Nursing Home NH 5 Non-Municipal; Non-Town NM 37 Family Planning Centre Fe Committee; Non-Panchayat 38 Veterinary Hospital VH 6 Gram Panchayat GP V Electricity II Other Amenities (Sewerage & DniDage) 39 Electricity E 7 Open Surface Drains OSD 40 Electricity for Irrigation BI 8 Box Surface Drains BSD 41 Electricity for Industry BIN 9 Sewerage S 10 Bead Loads HL VI DrJnkiDg Water Supply 11 Wheel Barrow WB 42 Tap Water T 12 Bullock Cart Be 43 River Water R 13 Tractor/Truck TR/T 44 Nala Water NW 14 Septic Tank Latrines ST 45 Tubewell Water TW 46 Well Water W III Educational 47 Tank Water TK 15 Primary School PR 48 Fountain Water F 16 Middle School Mid. S 49 Canal C 17 Secondary High School 50 18 Higher Secondary School Sec.S Over Head Tank OHT 51 19 Arts College A Service Reservoir SR 52 Pressure Tank 20 Science College S PT 21 Commerce College C VJI Communications 22 Arts, Science and Commerce College ASC 53 Putca Road 23 Basic Primary School BPR PR 54 KutchaRoad 24 Basic Women Sewing Centre BWSC KR 55 Railway 25 Shorthand and Typing Training Sh.Type R Institute 26 Vocational Training Institute V vm Post and Telearaph 27 University U 56 Post Office PO 28 Bome Science College BM 57 Telegraph Omce TO 58 Telephone Phone IV MedieaI 29 Primary Health Centre PHC IX Othen 30 Health Centre HC 59 Information not available NA Dispensary 31 D 60 Others 0


ALPHABE'DCAL LISl' OF VILLAGES DISTRICI' DAMOR .--- "_ ... _. ------__ .. _-" S.No. Namc of ViBalc Location S.No. Name of VilJage Location Code No. Code No. -__. ------_----- ... _--_._------_.__ --._-- -_--__.. 1 2 3 2 3 ------Datta Tahsil . 31/1 Hatta Tahsil-contd. A 46 Barkhera Keshav 217 1 Abda 361 47 Barkhera Nahar 241 2 Achalpur 25 48 Bar.khcra Narayan 478 3 Achalpura 32S 49 Barkhera Pathak 493 4 Adanwara 352 50 Barkhe.. a Ramnagar 135 5 Agara 163 51 Barkhera Singhi 209 6 Ahrora 222 52 Barkhera Thowan 460 7 ' Alampur 191 53 Barkheri Patera 502 -8 Amjhir 42 54 Barkuwain 170 9 Amoni Kalan 125 55 Barnoo l12 10 Amoni Khurd 112 56 Baroda Kalan ' lOS 11 Angori 130 57 Baroda Madiya 233 12 Anjni IS1 58 Barret 515 S9 Barrlai 84 B 60 Basan 349 13 Bachhama 34 61 Basiya 173 14 90 62 Batiagarh 178 15 Badhaiya Kheda 529 63 Bela Patera 457 16 Bagha 42S 64 Bela Purwa 148 17 BalPura 247 65 Beli 146 18 Bagsari 546 66 Beohari 308 19 Baharampura 332 67 156 20 Bakayan 244 68 Bbadkura 41 21 Baleh 363 69 Bhaisa ' 365 22 Bamanpura 462 70 Bharo,a 107 23 ' Bbat 219 71 Bhartala 44(i 24 Bambori Kudai 271 72 Bhatera 242 25 Bamhori Lidai 20S 73 Bhatdeva 327 26 Bambori Udesha 412 74 Bhatiya 263 27 Bamni 534 75 Bhidari 394 28 Bamuriya Hatta 267 76 Bbiloni 81 29 Bamuriya Patera 428 77 Bhiyana 221 30 Bandha ISS 78 Bhonda 504 31 Bandha 381 79 Bhunguwan 358 32 Bansaon 268 80 Bbunguwan Patera 467 33 Bangehi 243 81 Bichhiya 50S 34 Banjari 305 82 Bichhuwa Chhakka 347 35 Bankhiriya 172 83 Bichhuwa Shika!pura 433 36 Bannai 179 84 Bijori Naval 102 37 BanoH 30 85 Bijori Pathak 264 38 Bardha 48 86 Bijwar 380 39 BariHatta 402 87 BilaKalan 38. 40 Bari Kanod 129 88 BilaKhurd 476 41 Bari Madiyadoh 127 89 DilSllwan -511 42 Patera 45S 90 Bilkbirwa 399 43 Barkhera Dais 427 91 Binti -307 44 . Barkhera Chain 400 92 Borda - 21 45 Barkhera Kalar 330 93 Bori Kalan 129 .. ALPF,lABETICAL LIST. OF VIL4GES


S.No., Name of Village Location S.No.;, Name of Village Location· Code No. Code No. _----- 2 3 2 3

------~- Hatts, Tahsil-contd. Hatta Tahsil""""contd. 94 BoriKburd ,·293 139 DharaIDPura Ranch 378 95 Brijpani 46 140 Dholiya Kheda ·.300 96 Budera .115 141 Dhoraj 216 97 Budi Kalan '123 142 Dhouriya 27 98 Budi Khurd 15 143 Dhula 9 99 Budwar 354 144 Dhuma 76 145 Dighi 50 C 146 Doli 70 100 Chandra 144 . .47 Donda 509 101 Chainpura 236 148 Dongarpura 12 102 Cbainpura 283 149 Dulauna Malgujari 188 103 Chain1)ura Patera 461 150 Dulauna Raiyatwari 190 104 Chakarda Mafi 78 lSI Dungrupura 82 105 Chandena 60 F 106 Chaupra Halla 413 152 Falehpur 122 107 Chaupra Madiyadob 128 153 Fatehpur Patera 487 108 Cbaupra Patera 465 154 Fulwari 194 109 Cl-auraiya 36 155 Furtal Raiyat 131 110 Chhapri 297 156 Futera Kalan 250 111 Chhevla Bhagiratb 298 157 Futera Khurd 89 112 Chhevla Gangaram 295 G 113 Chhewla Dube 411 158 Gadaghat 549 114 ChUghat 508 159 Gadhola Balju 226 115 Chuna Segoni 13 160 Gadhola Khande 182 161 Gaisabad 350 D 162 Gajna 225 116 Dadpur 334 163 Ganj Barkheda 152 117 Dagenya 290 164 Garreh 353 U8 Daba 24 165 Garruwa 26 119 Dalpatpura 20 166 Gata 424 120 Dalpatpura 304 167 Gala 542 121 Damotipura 10 168 Geedan 159 122 Dandi 317 169 GhllllShyampura 162 123.: Datiya 453 170 Gboghara 40 124 124 171 Ghogra 532 125 DeoDongra 444 172 . Ghora Khuri 160 126 Deoe,aon 96 173 Ghughas 142 127 Deolai 67 174 Ghugri 528 128 Deopura 468 175 Ghugri Bhagwan 315 129 Deoragarhi 326 176 Gbugri Misar 286 130 Deora Jamsha 362 177 Ghurata 166 131 Deori Chhoti 531 178 Ghur Kheda 44 132 Deori Choudhari 302 179 Ghur Kheda Hatta 321, 133 Deori Fatehpur 71 180 Ghutariya 312 134 D~ri Mi~ar ,282 181 Guda 85 135. Deori Patera 438 182 Gudri 537 136 Deod Ratan 540 183 Gugara Kalan 196 137 Dhanguwan 54!! 184 Gugri Tiwari Asli .'207 138 Dhanguwan Patti 3 185 Gugri Tiwari Dakhali 208 5


.... "_ ... _... _ .-"-- ... ------__ ._------.-~ --- _ ---_--_._------S.No, Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location CodcNo. CodcNo. 2 3 1 2 3

Hatta Tahsil-contd. Hatta Tahsil-contd. H K 186 Barat 101 232 Kabirpur 257 187 Barduagluat 479 233 Kachnari 356 188 Hardua Ghutariya 311 234 Kachuriya 445 189 Hardua Jamsa 114 235 KaiKhcda 69 190 Baroua Kburd 87 236 Kaithora 192 191 Bardua Pahadi 497 237 KajraMafi 522 192. Bardua Pancham 314 238 Kakra 398 193 Bardua Umarav 336 239 Kala Kot S44 194 Harduwsni Kamla 368 240 Kalkuwa 39 195 Barpalpura 440 241 Kalla Kachhar 374 196 Bathibhar 503 242 Kamta 331 197 ,Hathidol 187 243 Kanakpura 55 198 Hingwani 232 244 Kanaktala 309 199 Hinmat Patti Cbampat 74 245 Kanjra 266 200 Hinmat Patti Ranch 371 246 Konoda Kalan Raiyatwari 18 201 Binota Kalan 359 247 Kanoda Ramnagar 141 202 Binota Malwari 223 248 Kanti 316 203 Binoti 510 249 Karaiya 449 204 Binoti Ranch 379 250 Karaiya Joshi 391 205 Hinoti Udesha 104 251 Karibara 45 206 Rusens 364 252 Kariya Dhakan 245 I 253 Kariya Pipar 259 207 lmaliya Patera 520 254 Karkoi 43 208 Imaliya Rawat 404 255 Karondi 539 209 Imaliya Sonrai 197 256 Kaudiya 423 210 Imaliya Udcsha 436 257 . Kaushalpur 384 211 Itwa Chakka 342 258 KauwaKhoh 518 212 Itwa Hiralal 272 259 Kcrbana 202 213 ItwaMagola 151 260 Khadcri 195 214 Itwa Santosh 422 261 Khadpurs 53 215 ItwaThowan 459 262 Kbakra 551 .J 263 Khalsa (Khejra) 299 216 Jalna 199 264 Kbamargour 340 217 Jamata 483 265 Khamariya Kalar 329 218 Jamuniya 22 266 Kbamriya 80 219 Jamunlya 281 267 Khamriya 550 220 Jamuniya Kumhari 523 268 Khamriya Patera 430 221 Jamuniya Tank 470 269 Khamriya Raneh 376 222 Jangupura 16 270 Khapar Kbedi 482 223 Jer 519 271 Khejra Balju 118 224 Jeronda 373 272 Kbejra Kabirpur 258 225 Jhagri 184 273 Kbajcakhurd 301 226 Jhagri Kabir 147 274 Khejra Muhamda 229 227 Jhamar Fatehpur 77 275 Khejra Nayak 367 228 ]hamar Pande 393 276 Khera 339 229 Jharyar 37 277 Kheri Balgovind 418 230 Jhira 251 278 Kheri Damodar 338 231 Jogidabar 525 279 Kheri Harikishan 284 6


S.No. Nante of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 2 3

Ha~ta Tahsil-contd. IHatta Tahsil-contd. 280 Kheri Ramdas 117 327 Madiya Puran 452 281 Kheri Shahman 91 328 Madiya Tiket 514 282 Kherkheri Pathak 415 329 Magolpur 435 283 Kherpura 238 330 Magola 154 284 Khiriya AsU 174 331 Magra 500 285 Khiriya Dakhli 183 332 Magrai 533 286 Khutyani RaiYatwari 19 333 Magron 111 287 Kirola 203 334 Maheba 405 288 Kota 498 335 Maheguwan Patera 517 289 Kudai 434 336 Mahun'l 463 290 Kuluwa 535 337 Mahuwa Darho 501 291 Kuluwa Kalan 392 338 Mabuwa Kheda 79 292 Kuluwa Khurd 275 339 Mahuwa Kheda 403 293 Kuluwa Patera 473 340 Mahuwa Kheda Khurd 348 294 Kumarwar 181 341 Mabuwa Kheda (Menwar) 254 295 Kumeriya 237 342 Mahuwat 164 296 Kumhari 536 343 Majguwan Khurd 524 297 Kumbi 288 344 Majguhwan Kheda 499 298 486 345 Majhguwan Aman 370 299 Kunwarpura 33 346 Majhguwan Hansraj 552 300 Kunwarpur Hatta 395 347 Majhguwan Patol 419 301 Kunwarpura Patera 477 348 538 302 Kusmi 555 349 Malara 167 303 Kutri 260 350 Malwara Madiyadoh 57 304 Kuwa Kheda Baji 416 351 Malwara Siri 335 305 Kuwa Kbeda Mahdela 269 352 Malwari 171 L 353 Manakpura 32 306 Lakhanpura 391 354 Manpura 303 307 Lakhanpura Jhari 319 355 Menwar 248 308 Larbar Khurd 109 356 Mihguwan Mafi 68 309 Larwar Kalan 113 357 Mohas 541 310 Lidhora 516 358 Motha 235 311 Ludhai 83 359 Muari 494 312 Ludhora 86 360 Muda 492 313 LuharBand 396 361 MudiDongri 456 314 Luhari 279 362 Muhali Batiyagarh 211 315 Luharra 277 363 Muhanna 341 316 Lukayan 224 364 Muhari Madiyadoh 59 M 365 Mubli Patera 4()7 317 Madanpura 28 366 Muhmada Xhejra 239 318 Madargarh 72 367 Muhra 382 319 Maddebi 265 368 Muhrai Hatta 343 320 Madho 61 369 Murachh 328 321 Madbo 526 N 322 Madiya Baroda 234 370 Nadia 439 323 Madiya Bujurg 252 371 Nagmadi 448 324 Madiya Devisingh 408 372 Naipar 4 325 Madiyadoh 62 373 Narayanpura Asli 92 326 Madiya Khurd 256 374 Narayanpura AsIi 176 7

ALPHABETICAL UST OF VILLAGES DlSTRICf DAMOH ----- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. .... -._._ .. _--_---_ 1 2 3 1 2 3 _------_.--- _------.. __ ...... _------Hatta Tahsil-contd. Hatta Tahsil-contd. 375 Narayanpura Dakbli 95 422 Pipar Kbiriya 429 376 Narayanpura Dhakli 175 423 Pipariya Chand 214 377 Narayanpura Madiyadoh 8 424 Pipariya Ghanshyam 121 378 Nargi 58 425 Pipariya Misar 261 379 Nayagaon Fatehpur 119 426 Pipariya Shikarpur 276 380 Nayagaon Hatta 390 427 Pipariya Mal 506 381 Nayagaon Kota 496 428 Pipriya Dhyandas 346 382 Neemi 88 429 Pipriya Kirau 366 383 Neem Kheda Devisingh 409 430 Pipriya Raneh 372 384 Neem Kheda Fatehpur 138 431 Pipriya Sahni 464 385 Neem Kheda Tikri 168 432 Pipriya Shahoai 253 386 Neem Kheda Upadhyay 513 433 Piprodha 230 387 Neguwan 521 434 Pithariya Patera 472 388 Nibara Kalan 213 435 Pondi Fatehpur 120 389 Nibora Ramnagar 140 436 Pondi Madiyadoh 47 390 Nimar Munda 320 437 Prempura 289 391 Nimar Munda Mafi 443 438 Purana Kheda 63 392 NiwaiMafi 360 439 Purena Bakshi 292 393 Niwas 49 440 Purena Kanti 318 441 Purena Raneh 387 p 442 PurwaBela 149 394 Padajhir 94 443 Purwa Patera 481 395 Padri Bhagunt 323 R 396 Padri~Dllbe 262 444 Raja Bandi 466 397 Padri Kumbari 548 445 Raja Kbedi 116 398 Padri Sahajpur 474 446 Rajpura 2 399 Padri Udebhan 273 447 Ramgarha 489 400 PalaArjuni 488 448 Ramkhiriya 227 401 PaIi 54 449 Ramoagar 126 402 Pamu 218 450 Rampur 189 403 Panaho 14 451 Rampura 485 404 Paoari 11 452 Rampura Hatta 377 405 Paocham Nagar 201 453 Ram Ta]aiya 355 406 Panji 306 454 Raneh 386 407 Patan 38 455 Ranji 97 408 Patar Khurd 432 456 Rasilpur 414 409 Patera 469 457 Rasota 420 410 Pateriya 553 458 Rasuiya 543 411 Pateriya Patera 437 459 Reojhaghat 491 412 Patha 51 460 Revnj ha Kalan 270 413 Pathariya 23 461 Rewjhai 66 414 Pathariya 186 462 Rewjha Madho 431 415 Patmohna 447 463 Riyana 220 416 Patna 287 464 Ronda 285 417 Patna Kumhari 547 465 Ronsara 98 418 Patti Kuluwa 507 466 Rusalli 417 419 Patti Pali 52 467 Rusando 150 420 Patriya 294 468 Rusni Mali 73 421 Perwara 103 469 Rutguwan 351 8


.~.-- .-----.. ~-.------.-.---- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No . Code No. _---_... _ . - ._-_ .._------2 3 2 3 --_------_._------"'- Hatta Tahsil-contd, Hatta Tahsil-concld. S 517 Simri Udesha 108 518 Singhpur 134 132 470 Sadpur 519 Singpura Patera 490 554 471 Sagoni 520 Singpur R.aneh 385 472 Sagoni Batiagarh 231 521 Sirl 337 473 Sagoni Chhoti 93 522 Sirsiya 240 158 474 Sagoni Fatehpur 523 Sirsod 153 475 Sagoni Kalyan 475 524 Sojna 426 476 SagoniMadho 100 525 Sonrai Imaliya 198 512 477 Sagoni Upadhyay 526 Sujanpuradan 278 110 478 Sagron 527 Sujanpura Khurd 310 344 479 Saj 528 Sujan Talaiya 333 480 Sakour 322 529 Sukatpur 228 481 Sakri 137 530 Summer 246 482 Salaiya 530 531 Sunaira Jarkharid 7 495 483 Sanda 532 Sunwaha 143 Sanga 484 484 533 Surajpura 31 Sankuiya 313 485 534 Surajpura Harat 139 486 Sarangpura 458 535 Surkhi 527 487 Sariya 169 536 Swarai 210 488 Satariya 454 537 Syamar Singi 29 489 Sayra 296 T 490 Sedara 180 538 Tahanga 255 491 SeDlar IC.achhar 200 539 Tll1&aon 106 492 8emarkhedi 280 540 Talgaon Hatta 369 493 Semra Guman 206 541 Tevraiya 357 494 Semra Patti Malgujari 6 542 Tidni Chhod 389 495 Semra Patti Ra:iyatwari 5 543 Tidni Kachnari 345 496 Semra Ramnagar 145 544 Tigra 451 497 Semra Santosh 410 545 Tiara Fatehpur 65 498 Shabj adpura 161 546 Tikariya 99 547 499 Sbahpura Raiyat 133 Tikri Neem Kheda 165 548 500 Shahpura 383 TikriRaneh 375 549 Tindani 501 Sbahpura 441 450 550 Tindni Madiyadob 502 Shahpura Khurd 17 56 551 Tindwa 503 Sbahpura Malgujary 136 185 552 Tirgarh 504 Shahpura Memar 421 471 505 Sheikpura 553 Tirmuda 215 177 U 506 Shikarpura 274 554 Udaypura 35 507 Shivpur 64 555 Udaypura 324 508 Shymar Patti 442 Damob Tahsil 31/2 509 Sison 204 A 510 Sigrampura 401 1 Abhana 354 511 193 2 Aboo Khedi 99 512 SUapani 1 3 Achalpur 670 513 Simari Devisingh 406 4 Adtbrota 349 514 Simri Chinta 249 5 Abrara Jujhar 259 515 Simri FatchpUT 7S 6 Ajeetpur 703 516 Simri Shukla 480 7 AJapur 29 9


S.No. NalDC of VUlagc Location S.No. Name ofVilIaao Location Code No. Code No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

Damoh Tahsil-contd. Damoh Tahsil-contd. 8 Aloni 512 55 Bambori Panii 710 9 Amata 340 56 Bardhori Ryt. 775 10 Amdar 472 57 Bamhori SiOBOr 553 11 Amghat 458 58 Bamnooa 801 12 Amjhir Mal. 520 59 Bamura 143 13 Amkheda. 216 60 Samuriy. 163 14 Amkhera 363 61 Bamuriya CItakeri 114 15 Amkhiriya 362 62 Bamuriya Cboubisa 378 16 Amoda 182 63 BaDdakpur 269 17 Amtara 616 64 BaDdakpur &amgarh 735 18 AmwahiMai. 824 65 Bandarkola 437 19 Amwahi Ryt. 823 66 Bandar Kola Si 555 20 Ankh Khera 148 67 Bandi 240 21 ADOO 218 68 Dando Pahar Mal. 681 22 AnWari 211 69 Bando Pahar Raiyat 682- 23 AoriyaMal. 717 70 Baniya 476 71 Bansakalan 27 24 AoriyaRyt. 718 72 Bansapura 667 25 Arora 278 73 Bansa Tarkhcda 317 26 Arthkheda 625 74 Bansholi 16 27 Arthkheda Khamriya 608 75 BaDli 757 28 AsIana llO 76 Bansipur 569 ·29 Athai 296 77 Bansni 321 B 78 Banwar 395 30 Badagaon 136 79 Baraghat 586 31 Badaiya Kbora 250 80 Bara~ 618 32 Badera 483 81 Bardhari 66 33 Badguwan 426 82 lIardgati 732- 34 Badipura 825 83 Bari 181 35 Badyan 348 84 Barkhera 212 36 Bagalwara 407 85 Barkhcra 252 37 Bagdari 699 86 Bark.hera Bhat 351 38 Bahera 331 87 Bark.hera Durgacias 116 39 Bahcriya 421 88 Barkhera J aisiash 39 40 Baheriya Mal. 830 89 Barkhera Kunwar 83 41 Baheriya (Ryt.) No.1 829 90 Barkhera SinJar 580 42 Baheriya (Ryt.) No.2 828 91 Barpati Abhana 357 43 42 92 Barvata 627 44 Baijupura 161 93 Barvata Taradehi 776 45 Bairagarb 677 94 Barwansa 312 46 Baiyarpur 189 95 Batali 712 47 Bakeni 97 96 Batka 634 48 Balakot 330 97 BcrKhari 61 49 Balarpur 251 98 Be1khcdi Oubra 720 SO Bamhori Choudhari 100 99 Belwara 713 51 Bamhnri Gunji. 267 100 Bcrdhaoa Ryt. 695 52 Bamhori Jodha 84 101 Berthana MaJ. 693 53 Bambori Mal. 774 102 BhadauJi 217 54 BamhoriMan 455 103 Bbaderi 499 1'0


- - - .... _------S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No . .. _-_._- -_._---_ .. 1 . 2 3 2 3 ---- Damoh Tahsil-contd. Damoh Tahsil-contd. 104 Bhagada 660 150 Changuwan Chakk 809 105 Bhaguwa 147 151 Charaipani 230 106 Bhaisa Narsinghgarh 48 152 Chor Khamariya 791 107 Bhaisa Sarra 752 153 Chatuwa 408 108 Bhaisa Singorgarh 509 154 Chhaparwaha 417 109 Bhaiskbar 619 155 Chhaprat 82 110 Bhajiya 374 156 Chhapri Karanju 210 111 Bhajiya 477 157 Chhapri Thakur 167 112 Bhat Khamriya 578 158 Chhapri Sadak 92 113 Bhatpura 109 159 Chhevla 154 114 Bhilampura 327 160 Chhirka 57 115 Bhimpura 322 161 Chhirkona 579 116 Bhindariya 160 162 Chhitra 253 117 Bhineni 560 163 Chikhali 758 118 Bhodal Khedi 185 164- Chilod 447 119 Bhodi Mal. 832 165 Chirai 643 120 Bhojpur 101 166 Chirola 108 121 Bhojpur 507 167 Chirwahi 540 122 Bhondi (Ryt.) 836 168 Chopra Choubisa 449 123 Bhonrasa 88 169 Chopra Khurd 290 124 Bhopatha Mal. 812 170 Chopra Ryt. 291 125 Bhopatha Ryt. 813 171 Chourai 329 126 BhorKheda 225 172 Chourai 834 127 Bhuri 342 173 Chourai I amuniya 516 128 Bija Dongri 617 174 Choutha 91 129 Bijora 604 175 Chunguwan 409 130 Bijori 140 176 Churyari 558 131 Bijori 341 D 132 Bilai 153 177 Daba 645 133 Bilani 37 178 Dalpatpur 702 134 Biltara Pondi 802 179 Damoh 301 135 Biltara Sadak 266 180 Dangour Kalan 826 136 BisnaKheri 356 181 Daroli 805 137 Bisna Kheri 729 182 Darcuwa 270 138 Bobai 47 183 Daruwa 441 139 Boodi 152 184 Dasonda 622 140 Boria 748 185 Dasondi Mal. 594 141 Botrai 8 186 Dasondi Ryt. 593 142 Budagubra 508 187 Datla 369 143 Budhela 708 188 Oclan Kheda 572 189 Deolai 142 C 190 Deoran 86 191 Deori Kishundas 314 144 Chainpura 171 192 Deotara Singor 556 145 Chakerighat 115 193 Devdongra 650 146 Chandna 785 194 Devri lamadar 632 147 Chandora Rajapati 180 195 Devri lugraj 605 148 Chandpura 399 196 Devri Kachhyai 701 149 Cbanguwan Abadi 808 197 Devri Khari 778 1-1


. .. - .----_.. -- . _. _--- _._----_. ---'-~" ---- _---_. __ S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location CadeNa. Code No...... ------_. . --_.. _----" 2 3 2 3 - _-_ --_.-.. _-_-.- ---. .-. _-----._----_ ... --_. -----.------__ ._-_- Damoh Tahsil-contd. Damoh Tallsil_;';'oontd. 44& 198 Devri Liladhar 599 244 Ghana Maili 496 199 DevriNizam 707 245 Ghana Mnngarh 200 Devri Raiyat 517 246 Ghat Bamhori 394 201 Devri Sadak: 436 247 Ghatcra 397 202 Devri Shankar 746 248 Ghat Pipariya 235 203 Devtara Mangarh 469 249 Ghogri Gulal 32 204 Dhakarwaha Ryt. 761 250 Ghutaria 698 393 205 Dhamara 630 251 Ghutguwan 571 206 725 252 Gidra Malgujari 570 207 Dhaneta Mal. 722 253 Gidra Ryt. 491 208 Dbaneta Ryt. 723 254 Gihalpura 238 209 DhanetaSi 502 255 Gijai 671- 210 Dbangor 325 256 Gohanchi 405 211 Dhangri 430 257 GolaPati 460 212 Dhanowa 219 258 Gorkha 665 213 Dhansara 385 259 Gorkha 214 Dharampur 843 260 Guari 294 215 Dharampura 165 261 Gubra Kalan 498 697 216 DhariMal. 539 262 Gubra Kalan 615 217 DhariRyt. 532 263 GudaJarua 218 Dhiksar 186 264 Guda Pipar Khiriya 40 219 Dhonda 587 265 Gunji 227 220 Dhulga 482 266 Gupalpura 368 221 Dinari 596 267 Gupalpur Tarad.:hi 803 222 Douni 532 H 223 Dudhiya Ryt. No.1 741 268 Halgag 260 224 DudhiJ,.a Ryt. No.2 742 269 Halgajiya 248 225 Dugari 561 270 Hanmat Kheda 168 226 Dubave 41 271 Hanmat Wago 781 227 Duhli 658 272 Harat 544 228 Dukarsata 668 273 Hardua Chungal 272 229 Dulhara 537 274 Hardua Hathighat 675 230 Dumar 443 275 Hardua Hatri 352 231 Dumar Dalakot 69 276 Harduwa Gancsh 562 232 Dunaw 612 277 Harduwa Gubra 724 233 Dunda 278 Harduwa Khurd 5S2 646 234 Dupariya 335 279 HarduwaKhurd 280 Harduwa Khurd 692 F 281 Harduwa Mangarh 401 235 Foolar 751 282 Harduwa Memar 493 G 283 Harduwani Kburd 239 236 Gadaghat 431 284 Harduwani Narayan 121 237 Gadaghat 582 285 Harduwa Sadak 439 38 Gadaghat Si 546 286 Harduwa Singargarh 463 239 Gadarya 255 287 Harduwa Summer Singh 450 240 Gadiya 384 288 Khari Deori 786 241 Gadiya 398 289 Harrai Panji 711 242 Gambhira 623 290 Harrai Singor 592 243 Ganeshpura 647 291 Hathidol 818 12


------_._ .. _.- S.No. Name of Villap Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 1 2 3 _------.. - Damob Tahsil--contd. Damoh Tahsil-contd. 292 Bathna 313 339 Jamuniya SuItansingb 444 293 Hathni Plpariya 287 340 Jarua Guda 621 294 BatnaBansa 25 341 Jaruwa 258 295 Hatri 350 342 Jaruwa Imalidol 819 296 Herdua Muder 283 343 Jarka 673 297 Hindoriya 229 344 141 298 Binoai Umari 198 345 Jatsunjora 70 299 Hinota 254 346 Javera 549 300 Binotagbat 117 347 Jeratb 44 301 Hinota Narsingbgarb 85 348 Jbala Mangarb 479 302 Rinoti 265 349 Jbagar Balakot 68 303 Rinoti 651 350 Jhagri 205 304 Rinoti Khetsinsh 440 351 Jhagri Kindarbo 51 305 Rinoti Tbengapati 379 352 Jhalon 672 306 Binouti 522 353 Jhamra 768 307 Hinoti 299 354 Jhanna 355 308 HinotiAjam 423 355 Jhapan 661 835 309 Rinoti Sarra 686. 356 Jharoli 388 310 Hirdepur 332 357 Jbarouli I 358 Jhira 128 311 ImIiaghat 636 359 Jhiri 129 312 Imalidol 822 360 JogiKbeda 557 95 313 Imalijog 127 361 Jortala Kalan 314 Imaliya 323 362 Jortala Kburd 343 264 315 Imaliya 415 363 Jujhar 316 (maHya GhoDa 28 364 JujharGhat 620 317 Imaliya Mayak 345 K 318 Imlai 308 365 Kacbhar Dangor 811 319 Itwa 336 366 Kacbbar Dangor Chakk 810 320 ItwaBujurg 56 367 Kacbhauwa 339 J 368 Kadipura 172 321 Jagthar 12 369 J{ajretbi 45 322 Jaitprb Mal. 796 370 Kakra 122 323 Jaitprh Ryt. 794 371 Kakretha 565 324 JaJhari 573 372 ICalapam 639 325 Jalhari Si 513 373 Kalbara Kbeda 576 326 Jamnera 403 374 Kaiumar 514 327 Jamua Hatri 663 375 Katyanpura 125 328 Jamun Jhiri 739 376 Kanari 50 329 Jamun Kbeda 714 377 Kanepur 372 330 JamUl) Taradebi 182 318 Kaniyagbatpati 359 331 Jamunia 640 379 KaDjai Mangarh 465 332 Jamuniya 155 380 Kankar 638 333 Jamuniy. 216 381 Xankarda 13 334 Jamuniya 326 382 Kanti 563 335 Jamuniya Malgujari 23 383 Karaiya Ankh 149 336 Jamun.ia Man 418 384 Karaiya Hajari 2IS 337 J amumya Raiyatwari 24 385 Karaiya Lakhroni 36 338 JamUDiyaSi 519 386 Karaiya Rakb 2011 13


._-----_.... _.... _--_.. _- .._.- .... __ .. __ ._-.------S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 2 3 2 3

Damoh Tahsil-contd . Damoh Tahsil-contd. 387 Karanpura 548 436 KheriMangarh 480 388 Karijog 135 437 Kheri Singor 550 389 Kari Kheri 30 438 Kherua 162 390 Kariya Kheda 494 439 Kheruwa Damoh 191 391 Karondi 300 440 Khiriya 200 392 Karondi Kalan 679 441 Khiriya Chhakka 62 393 Karondi Khurd 680 442 Khiriya Lakhroni 9 394 Karondi Mangarh 467 443 Khiriya Shankar 53 395 Karondi Mangarh 581 444 Khitarpur 131 396 Karondi Singargarh 547 445 Khoja Khedi 96 397 Karriya 81 446 Killai 337 398 Kasaiya Manpur 209 447 Kindarho 33 399 609 448 Kishunganj 112 400 Kathai 412 449 Koda\ 804 401 273 450 Kodar Madi 5 402 Keolari Pathariya 6 451 KondaKalan 464 403 Kevlari 683 452 Konda Khurd 468 404 Kevlari Taradehi 734 453 Konpa Deori 764 405. Kewlari Upadhya 428 454 Korta 541 406 Khadera 241 455 Kot Khamaria 584 407 Khagar 648 456 Kot Kheda Mal 799 408 Khajra Lakhroni 49 457 Kot Kheda Ryt. 800 409 Khajri 38 458 Kotra 52 410 Khajri Damoh 192 459 Kotatala Ryt. 295 411 Khakariya Kalan 817 460 Kosbanda 788 412 Khakariya Khurd 815 461 Kounrasa 311 413 Khakariya Ryt. 816 462 Kudpura 743 414 Khamariya Ajeetpur 706 463 Kulpura 249 415 Khamariya Mauj i 603 464 Kulua (Marutal) 292 416 Khamariya Shiv 763 465 Kuluwa 377 417 Khamariya Si 518 466 Kuluwa 598 418 Khamena Chakk 319 467 Kumeriya 71 419 Khamena Mal 318 468 Kunda Kundan 282 420 _ Kham kheda 176 469 Kundam 457 421 Kham kheda Singorgarh 700 470 Kunjpura 344 422 Kham khera 277 471 Kunwarpur 309 423 Khamariya Man. 391 472 Kusmi Mangarh 495 424 Khamtara Mal 767 473 Kusmi Sarra 760 425 Khamtara Ryt. 766 474 Kuwa Kheda 175 426 Khancharipati 361 475 Kuwa Kheda Narsinghgarh 102 427 Khari Devri 777 476 Kuwa Kheri Mal. 727 428 Khapa 738 477 Kuwa Kheri Ryt. 728 429 Khedar 404 478 Kuwa Mangarh 500 430 Khejra 75 479 Kuwatan Khedi 174 431 Khejra Kalan 126 L 432 Khejra Mahesh 123 480 Ladan Bag 333 433 Khejra Modi 150 481 Lagra Ryt. 759 434 Khera 159 482 Lakhanpur 286 435 Kheri 257 483 Lakhna Khedi 347 14


l)IS'I'lUCI' l)AMO~ .------_ .. _---- S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

1 2 3 2 3

Damoh Tahsil-c"OIatd. Damoh Tabsi]-contd. 484 Lakhni 422 531 Majguwan Kirat 438 485 Lakhroni 20 532 Majguwan Mal 689 486 LakIaka 659 533 Majguwan Sarra 754 487 Lallupura 383 534 Majguwan Lalpura 490 424 488 Lalpura 492 535 Majguwan Mangarh 453 489 Lamtara 497 536 Mala Mangarh 490 Lamti Malgujary 537 Mamarkha 98 656 157 491 Lamti Raiyatwari 538 Mandea 655 197 492 Lanji 539 Kbiriya 324 454 493 Larguwan Mangarh 540 Mangarb 396 418 494 Lidhora 541 Manguwan 213 400 495 Lubarra Bardhari 542 Manguwan Man. 89 644 496 Luhrra 543 Manka 222 145 497 Lukam 653 544 Mankora 545 Manpura 715 M 546 Mara 58 498 Madan Kbera 585 547 Mara 194 499 Madiya 80 548 Mehguwan Khurd 526 500 Madiya 220 549 MebguWaD Umrao 545 501 Madiya 226 550 Melighana 574 502 Madiya Kamal 179 551 Mihalwara 14 503 Madiya Khurd 242 552 Mihguwan Kalumar 521 504 Madiya Lakhroni 11 553 Mirjapur 17 50S Madiya Narsinghgarh 134 554 Mobad 666 506 Madiya Pangarh 310 555 MohanPur 60 507 Madiya Semra 365 556 Mohra Majguwan 678 508 Madiya Sitanagar 144 557 Mousipura 382 509 MadhoSarra 750 558 MudaKhera 234 510 Madkola 138 5S9 Mudari 262 511 Madia Dhiksar 187 S60 Mudari 652 512 Magardba 19 561 Mudari Tejgarb 614 513 Magardha Gubra 696 562 Muderi Si. 564 514 Magdupura 719 563 Muderpati 298 515 Magrai 442 564 Mudiya 184 516 Mahandpur 204 565 Muhli Jujhar 243 124 517 Mahandpur Bardhari 72 566 Mubli Narsinghgarh 518 Mabguwan Chakk 534 567 Mulra 756 S19 Mahguwan Kalan S3S 568 Muwar 389 520 Mahka 773 N 674 521 MahuaKheda 637 569 Nadia Gubra S22 Mahua Kheda Bujurg 177 570 Nadrai 26 367 523 Mahuna 113 571 NakatKheri 530 524 Mahuwaghat 607 572 Nandpura 52S Mahuwa Jbala 164 573 Narguwan Mal. 838 Mahuwa Kheda 574 Narguwan (Ryt.) 837 526 456 \ 527 Mahuwa Khera 202 575 Narsingllgarh 118 528 Naili Riyana 280 576 Nauwapatti Mal 232 529 Majguwan 503 577 Nauwa patti R.yt. 231 530 Majguwan Chakk 568 578 Neemkhera 236 15

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES DISTRICT DAMOR -.---- S.No. Nam~ of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

Damoh Tahsil-contd. Damoh Tahsil-contd. 579 Neguwan 7 626 PatnaDurg 613 580 NiboraRyt. 70S 627 PatnaKhurd 364 581 Nimuwa Pati 358 628 PatnaKuwa 488 582 Nonpani 228 629 PatnaMan 392 583 Nohta 433 630 Patouha 151 584 Nohti 434 631 Payra 195 585 Noru 59 632 Persoriya 305 0 633 Pidrai Kopadeori 762 586 OUya 130 634 Pidrai Panji 709 P 635 Pidrai Taradehi 821 587 Padajhir 840 636 PipariaTugraj 577 588 Padariya Thoban 567 637 Piparia Sunat 591 589 Padariya Singor 583 638 Pipariya 79 590 Padrai 410 639 Pipariya 288 591 Padrai Damoh 183 640 Pipariya Chhakka 65 592 PadraiRyt. 765 641 Pipariya Digamber 334 593 Padriya 315 642 Pipariya Nandlal 435 594 Pahadipura 461 643 Piparia Naval 419 595 Palar Singhi 190 644 Pipariya Nayak 338 596 Palwa 179 645 Pipariya Sahni 275 597 Panch Mahla 166 646 Pipariya Singor 542 598 Panda 231 647 Pipariya Tikaram 595 599 Panji 691 648 Piparkhiriya Jaruwa 256 600 Parasai 73 649 Piparkhiriya Pathariya 35 601 Parasai 188 650 Pipra 769 602 Parasai Mal 610 651 Pipriya 246 603 Parasai Raiyat 611 652 Pipriya Champat 120 604 Paraswaha 416 653 Pipriya Kalan 169 605 Parna 543 654 Pipriya Khurd 170 606 Parsoriya Nahar 76 655 Pipariya Luhar 34 607 Patcriya Chakk 601 656 Pipriya Sahasna 462 608 Pateriya Mal 600 657 Piprodha Chhakka 104 609 PathadoSi 533 658 Pondi 654 610 Pathado Taradehi 795 659 Pondi Maharaj Singh 451 611 Pathari 274 660 Pondi Mangarh 474 612 Pathariya Khurd 297 661 Pondi Taradehi 783 613 Pati Bhajiya 387 662 Pura 101 614 Pati Bhat khamriya 575 663 Puraina 106 615 Pati Dhangri 429 664 Purakarondl 669 616 Pati Liladha" 597 665 Purakhari Deori 787 617 Pati Maharaj Singh 445 666 Purena Bardhari 90 618 Pati Mangarh 473 667 Putrighat Mal. 684 619 Pati Nandlal 402 668 Putrighat Ryt. 685 620 Pati Sheespur 284 R 621 Pati Singor 568 669 Ragenda 633 622 Patloni 589 670 Raipur 206 623 Patmohna 74 671 Raja Khedi 105 624 Patna 158 672 Rajalwari 87 625 Patna BujurS 353 673 Raj ghat Pipriya 201 16

ALPHABETICAL UST OF VILLAGES DISTRICT DAMOH _._-_._- .... -_. S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. ------_._-_._--- -_'_'-- -_-_.,-- 1 2 3 2 3 --_. ---_ .. _. - -_----. Damoh Tahsil-contd . Damoh Tahsil-contd. 674 Rajnagar Khurd 289 722 Salaiya Choubisa 380 675 Rajwans 21 723 Salaiya Hatri 629 676 Ramadehi 831 724 Salaiya Raiyat 523 677 Ramgarh 657 725 SalaiyaSi 524 678 Rampur 46 726 Samanna 214 679, Rampur 137 727 Samanna Ryt. 302 680 Rampura 360 728 Samdai 688 681 Rampura 414 729 Samnapur Mal 807 682 Rampura Ryt. 772 730 Sanga 690 683 Ram Salaiya 501 731 Santa 448 684 Rangir 133 732 Saras Bagli Mal 770 685 Ranjra 281 733 Saras Basli Ryt. 771 686 Rastoriya 307 734 Sarakhadi 78 687 Richhai 413 735 Sarra 753 688 Richhiya 554 736 Sarra Tuda 797 689 Richh Kudi 531 737 SarselaMal 747 690 Riyan 263 738 Sarsela Ryt. 749 691 Roda 156 739 Sarwa Kuhi g39 692 RohniBatri 626 740 Sasa 2 693 Rohni Tejgarh 606 741 SasnaKalan 726 694 Rond 420 742 Sasna Khurd 730 695 Ronsra 525 743 Satpara 10 S 744 Sataperi Ryt. 755 696 Sadguwan 93 745 Satouwa 64 697 Sadiya 221 746 Sawara 511 698 Safa Bar Kheda 111 747 Sehri Dhaneta 721 699 Sagodi Kalan 475 748 Semar Chakka 103 700 Sagooi 427 749 Semarpati 178 701 Sagoni Bhat 459 750 Semra Bujurg 94 702 Sagoni Kalan 54 751 Semra Lakhroni 4 703 Sagoni Kalan 624 752 SemraLodhi 31 704 Sagoni Khurd 55 753 Semra Madiya 366 705 Sagoni Khurd 466 754 Setuwa 306 706 Sagoni Khurd 628 755 Sihora 316 707 Sagoriya 635 756 SHgi 820 708 Sagra 411 757 Silpura 529 709 Sahajpur 841 758 Simaria 676 710 Sahsana 504 759 Simrai 207 711 Sailwaha Mal. 527 760 Simri Jalam Singh 425 712 Sailwaha Raiyat. 528 761 Simri Khurd 452 713 Saipura 536 762 Simri Kirat 304- 714 Sajpani 784 763 .' Simri Rajaram 199. 715 Salcha 373 764 Simri Sitanagar 146 716 SalclaChalck 789 765' Singhpur Bandi . 244 717 SaklaMal 790 766 Singhpur Damoh 203 l 718 Salaiya 279 767 Singpur Choubisa 370 719 Salaiya 406 768 Singpur Man 487 720 Salaiya 780 769 Singpur Taradehi 827 721 Salaiya Badi 4$6 770 Singpur 704 i 17


S.No. Name of Village Location S.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. _- .. _"-_ .. -._----_._------_._--- 2 3 1 2 3

Damoh Tahsil-contd. Damoh Tahsil-concld . 771 50S 807 Ted Mihguwan Ryt. 731 772 Sirsiya 132 808 Tejgarh Khas 602 773 SitaNagar 139 809 Tejgarh Khurd 328 774' Shahpur 63 810 TenduKheda 833 775 Shahpura 271 811 Tidouni 303 776 Shahpura Salaiya 386 812 Tikri 346 777 Sheespur 285 813 Tikri Buj urg 245 778 Som kheda Kalan 641 814 Tikrighat 233 779 Som kheda Khurd 642 815 Tikri Khoh 247 780 Sooradehi 662 816 Tikri Santosh 119 781 Suhave 43 817 Tila 18 782 Suhela 649 818 Tilguwan S06 783 Sujanpur 261 819 Tindni 390 784 Sujnipur 3 820 Tindi Man 481 785 Sukha 15 821 Tindni Ramgarh 740 786 Sukhi pipariya 193 822 Tipni 716 787 Samnapur Ryt. 806 823 ThangaPati 371 788 Sunda 432 824 Tharrka Aliaa Nayagaon 375 789 Sunkatt 489 825 Tori 631 790 Sunpura 268 826 Turkai 77 791 Sunvahi Umaria 590 U 733 792 Sunwarah 485 827 Ubhasili 664 793 Surai 551 828 Ukarpar 588 794 Surajpur 484 829 Umarghat 22 795 Surekha Mangarh 471 830 Umarho 196 796 Surguwan 814 831 Umari Umaria Panji 694 797 Surkhi 223 832 224 798 Surkhuwa 376 833 Umariya 834 Umariya 381 744 T 835 Umariya Ryt. 836 Umariya Sarra 745 799 Tala 515 837 Unharikheda Mal. 736 800 Tan Khedi 173 838 Unharikheda Ryt. 737 801 Tauvari 566 V 802 Taradehi Chak h 792 839 Varpati 293 803 Taradehi Mal 793 840 Vijay Sagar 559 804 Tara veli 67 841 Vikrampur 798 805 Tar Khera 320 842 Vikrampur 842 806 Tawra 510 843 Voda Mangarh 470 MADHYA PRADESH DISTRICT DAMOH

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. History: population by religion and Scheduled Castes and Prior to 1951 there were no separate Census Scheduled Tribes. The abbreviations used in the publications for every district. But at the time or Directory have been explained separately. preparatory arrangements for the first Census of (b) Part B contains for each village and town, .Independent India, it was felt that Census statistics the primary Census data incorporating area, occupied should be made available for smaller territorial units residential houses, number of households, total basic to the needs of an administration wedded to population and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Caste welfare of the masses. Accordingly, the scheme of and Scheduled Tribe population, literate population District Census Handbooks was conceived and imple­ and working population by nine broad categories. mented. In view of the usefulness of separate publi­ (c) Part C will mainly incorporate th~ adminis­ cations for each district, further improvement was trative statistics pertaining to the district in all the made at the time of 1961 Census by including non­ fields of development. The other Census tables Census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, pertaining to the district regarding language, religion, industry, banking, education, health, etc. An intro­ migration, etc., will also be reproduced. There will ductory nc:tte was also added to highlight the more be a write-up indicating the changes in the socio­ striking features. Unfortunately the desire to make economic and demographic characteristics of the districtwise Census publication very comprehensive district in the last decade. resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Village Directory : Therefore, the organisers of the 1971 Centenary This is in the form of one statement. Important Census decided in favour of splitting the District statistics for each village have been given under the Census Handbooks into three parts and thereby main head -Amenities and Land Use data. Other release maximum data, as and when available, so that information regarding nearest town with distance, the publication may have a useful life of seven to market, staple food and places of religious, historical eight years of inter-censal decennium. or archaeological interest have also been given in Scope : separate columns. The information regarding "Ame­ (a) Part A of the book is the Town and Village nities" cover items like educational and medical Directory. The Village Directory contains for institutions, power supply, drinking water, commUll­ each village particulars of amenities available ications and post and telegraph. Under "Land in the field or education, medicine, power supply, Use", the break-up of the total area of the village drinldng water supply, Post and Telegraph facilities has been indicated under sub-heads forest, irrigated, and communications. In addition, data relating to unirrigated, cultivable waste and area not available particulars or land use, weeldy market, places of for cultivation. religious, historical or archaeological interest in the (a) There are in all two tahsils and 1,398 villages village has also been included. The Town Directory in the district and the number of villages, tahsil-wise gives for each town in the district in the form of is as under:- suitable statements, the origin and status of the town Tahsil No. of villages administration, growth of population, functional 2 category of the town, physical aspects and location, 1 Hatta SSS latest municipal financial statements, civic and other 2 Damoh 843 amenities, medical, educational and cultural facilities, 1,398 trade, industry, commerce and banking facilities, 22

The distribution of the villages with reference to the different distance ranges from the nearest town their area in acres is shown in the inset table below: have been indicated in the inset table below:-

Number of villages having Area (in acres) No. of villages High or Higher 1 2 Total Secon- Distance from No. of Primary Midd1e dary Coll- Others nearest town villages School School School ege 50 acres or less 7 51-100 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 101-200 66 4 1 201-500 384 5 kms. or less 61 14 6-10kms. 113 40 6 501-1,000 504 11-15 kms. 183 61 12 1 1,001-2,000 301 16-25 kms. 393 123 17 5 . 2,001-5,000 99 26-50kms. 465 120 12 2 51-100 kms. 163 . 35 5 5,001 acres and above 10 101-200 kms. 14 5 201 kms. &; above .. Total 1,398 Total 1,398 398 56 9 The total number of villages in Hatta tahsil continues to be the same as in 1961 Census, In Maximum number of villages (465) lie within the Damoh tahsU village Kalan has been treated distance range of 26-50 kms. In the distance range as a town for the 1971 Census (Location Code No. 31/ of 16-25 kms., there are 393 villages. In the above III) and its revenue area is indicated in a separate two distance ranges bulk of the villages of the district appendix. The revenue area of Damoh has been in­ are located and they have the maximum number cluded in the Village Directory under Location Code of educational institutions from Primary School to No. 31/2/301, though it was not treated as a village in High or Higher Secondary Schools. The number 1961 Census. The number of villages in Danioh· of educational institutions in the villages of different tahsil has increased by 1 for the reason that Dharam­ tahsils is given below:- pura village (Location Code No. 843) has been indi­ cated as a village in 1971 Census while in 1961 Census Number of Educational Institutions oA- it was included in non-municipal urban area. Tahsil High or H~er Middle Primary Secondary hool School School Village Baheria Ryt. (Location Code No. 829) in 1 2 3 4 Damoh tahsil has the smallest area of 34 acres and is located at a distance of 60.8 lons. from the nearest Hatta 4 14 157 town, , while village (Location Code Damob 5. 43 248 No. 229) in Damoh tahsil has the largest area of 14,364 acres in the district and is located at a distance Total 9 57 405 of 16 kms. from the nearest town, Damoh. Village Abhana (Location Code No. 354) of Damoh tahsil has got two middle schools and it lies at a dis­ Maximum number ofvillages-198 in Hatta tahsil tance of 16 kms. from the nearest town, Damoh. and 306 in Damoh tahsil--come within the area range The area of this village is 4,263 acres. There are of 501-1,000 acres. The above inset table shows that two primary schools in each of the seven villages of majority of the villages 504 in the district fall within the district. Out of these seven villages, four villages the above range. are in Hatta tahsil while the remaining. three are in Damoh tahsil. It will be seen from the above data (b) Educational Amenities :-Total number of that educational amenities are on the whole evenly villages. having various educational facilities within available in both the tahsils. 23

(c) Medicalfacilities:-The distribution of medi­ All these villages lie in Damoh tahsil. Number of cal facilities per 100 sq. kms. area, tahsilwise is given villages having electric power supply tahsilwise is in the following inset table:- mentioned below against the total number of villages.

Villages having Percent of vi1la- No. of Dledical Total No. electric power ges covered by Tahsil Totall'rea institutions of any kind Tahsil of villages supply electricity (in sq. kms.) per 100 sq. kms. 2 3 4 2 3 Batta S5S 31 5.6 Damoh 843 53 6.3 Hatta 1,998.13 0.75 Damoh 3,198.00 0.85 (e) Communications:-Total number of villages and the number of villages connected by different This table will show that the villages of Damoh types of communication, falling in different distance tahsil have more medical institutions per 100 sq. kms. ranges from the nearest town, are indicated in the and the number of medical institutions, tahsilwise is inset table below:- also indicated below:- Number of villages connected by Tahsil No. of Medical Distance from Total Institutions the No. of Pucca Katcha Pucca Katcha Oth­ nearest town villages road road road road ers 2 rail rail

Hatta IS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Damoh 27 5 kms. or less 67 2S 28 Total 6-10kms. 113 31 58 1 11-15 kms. 183 41 109 4 (d) Power Supply:- The number of villages with 16-25 kms. 393 58 200 '3\ electric power supply within various ranges of distance 26-50 kms. 465 103 236 5 from the nearest town is indicated in the inset table 51-100 kma. 163 59 88 101-200 kms. 14 1 13 below:- 201 kms. & above

No. of villages Total 1,398 318 732 5 9 Distance from the Total No. of with electric nearest town villages power supply "Pucca road"is existing in quite a good number of 2 3 villages in all the distance ranges. Out of 1,398 villa­ ges in the district, 1,064 villages are served by either 5 kms. or less 67 15 "Pucca" or "Katcha" roads. The number of Vilillges 6-10kms. 113 15 served by "Pucca." roads tahsil wise and the total 11-15 kms. 183 15 16-25 kms. 393 28 !lumber of villages are as under:- 26-50kms. 465 11 51-100kms. 163 Total No. of No. of villages having Tahsil villages "Pucca" roads 101-200 kms. 14 201 kms. and above 1 2 3

Total 1,398 84 Batta SSS 137 Damoh 843 186

Maximum number of villages (28) enjoying this Total 1,398 323 facility come in the distance range of 16-25 kms., but in the distance ranges 51-100 kms. and 101-200 It will be seen from this that about one-fourth kms., no village has got this facility although the villages of the district have the facility of "Pucca" total number of villages in these ranges come to 177. roads. 24

(I) Post and Telegraph. - Total number of (h) Land Use Pattem.- (i) According to the villages in the tahsils of the district having Post Offices village papers about thirteen percent of the area in is given below:- the district is under forest. The percentage of forest ---- area tahsil-wise is indicated below:- Name of Total No. of No. of villages having Tahsil villages post office Name of Percentage of area Tahsil under forest I --2 3 2 Hatta 555 32 Damob 843 57 Hatta 9 Total 1,398 89 -- Damoh 15

There is no village having telegraph office or The villages of Damoh tahsil have comparatively telephone facility. The number of post affices per more forest area. 100 sq. kIn. area in each tahsil is indicated in the (ii) The net cropped area during the period following inset table:- 1960-61 to 1968-69 increased by 16.9 percent. The percentage of area under irrigation to area under Name of Total area No. of post office Tahsil (in sq. km.) per 100 sq. km. crop during the years 1960--61 and 1968-69 comes to 4.2 and 2.7 , respectively, and the area under 1 2 3 irrigation decreased by 25.2 percent. This decrease lIatta 1,998.13 1.60 Damoh 3,198.00 1.78 is reported to be due to drought suffered by the district during the relevant period. On further (g) Staple food .-Wheat and "Jowar" are the probe it was found that the area under irrigation staple food in quite a good number of villages while increased from 25,225 acres in 1960-61 to 31,282 .. ice as staple food is limited to very few villages. acres in 1969-70 and to 34,931 acres in 1970-71.

(iii) The following inset table shows the average percentage of cultivable waste per village in the different distance ranges from the nearest town:-

Pelcentage of average cultivable waste per village Distance from Average culti. Average cuhi· to average 'mlti- the nearest No. of Total cultivated vated land Total vable waste vated land per town villages land per village cultivable waste per village village 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~---- ~5 lans. 67 38,246 570.84 7,497 111.89 19.60 6-10 kms. 113 85,104 753.13 14,235 12S.97 16.73 II-IS kms. 183 123,'774 676.36 20,734 113.30 16.75 ]6-25 kms. 393 236,795 602.53 48,974 124.62 20.68 26-50 kms. 465 161,147 346.55 81,784 175.88 50.75 5]-100 kIDS. 163 47.698 292.63 23,562 144.55 49.40 101-200 kIDS. 14 3,101 221.50 1,802 128.71 58.11 201 kIDS. and above

Tota) 1,398 695,865 Its,SS8

It will be seen from this table that the nearer a towns are located in Madhya Pradesh. In the whole village is to an urban area, the lesser is the proportion district 198,588 acres of land has been classified as of cultivable waste. There is, however, some devia~ cultivable waste which constitutes 15 percent of the tion in the distance range 0-5 in this district. The total area of the villages in the district. 19 percent nearest towns considered for the above distance of land in Hatta tahsil is cultivable waste while ranges are Hatta, Damoh. Patharia Kalan, Banda. in Damoh tahsil the percentage of cultivable waste . Katangi, ]abalpur and Patan. All these comes to 14. TGWD Directory: (a) This is in the form of seven Statements. But before discussing the information collected in the seven statements, it would be better to first under­ (1) It should have a core town of a minimum pop stand certain concepts which determines urban areas. lation size of 50,000. (2) The contiguous areas made up or other urbs (i) Definition of town. -A 'town' in the 1961 as weU"as rural administrative units should ha, Census was either (i) a Municipality, Cantonment or close socio-economic links with the core town,ar Municipal Corporation; or (ii) a habitation with a (3) The probabilities are that this entire area will gc population of at least 5,000 with at least three-fourths of fully urbanised in a period of tf' to thre the adult male population engaged in non-agricultural decades. This concept has been developed t, pursuits. Accordingly, there were 219 towns in the provide comparable data for a definite area 0 State. However, seven towns did not satisfy either the urbanisation continuously for three decade minimum population criterion or the one relating to which would give a meaningful picture. ratio of non-agricultural adult males being 75 % or (b) The Seven Statements.-Very useful dan more. But the list already finalised was not changed regarding the towns have been given in the state· subsequently; the reason for not disturbing the ori­ ments and they have been collected and compiled ginallist of towns was that as many as 14 habitations from various agencies and official publications. The which did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria source and period of the information has been laid down earlier managed to get included in the list of indicated below each Statement.It would not be out town.s as Municipalities and inclusion of seven more ... of place to mention here that analysis of data such towns was not supposed to introduce greater , collected from diverse sources has its own limitations, demographic distortion than what was already present. mostly due to sketchy and incomplete informa.tion. In the 1971 Census there was no material change in All the same, the data compiled and presented the concept of town and a list of 247 towns was pre throws sufficient light on the present stage progress pared originally. Three more towns were added in­ or in each town. the list due to the fact that two places were declared as municipal and the third fulfilled the necessary (i) Statement No. I. - This statement presents criterion to qualify a place as urban and ultimately the basic data relating to population of the towns for 250 towns were recognised in lhe State. All areas each decennium from 1901 to 1971 and the civic which are not towns have been included in the list administration status in 1970. The civic administra­ of villages. tion status of the town indicates the authority incharge of its admiriistration. Thus a town could have a Municipal Corporation, a Municipality, a Cantonment (ii) Urban Agglomeration. - The concept of Board, a Gram Panchayat, a Notified Area Committee, Urban Agglomeration has been adopted for the 1971 etc. Census with the intention to present the population (ii) Statement No. 1/.- This statement contains data in the District Census Handbook in respect of information regarding location (latitude/longitude). urban areas in such a manner that "de-facto urban annual rainfall, temperature, distance from the agglomeration" is a recognisable entity, data pertain­ nearest city with population or 1 lac or more and ing to which will be the sum of the data of not only State, District and Tahsil headquarters. Distances the de:iure(within Municipal/other statutory limits) from Railway Station and Bus route have also urban area but also of its outgrowths in different been indicated. directions which are obviously urban in character and form a continuous urban spread. This has (iii) Statement No. III. - This statement contains been considered necessary so that future comparisons information regarding receipt and expenditure or or studies of the particular urban agglomeration is local bodies under different main heads indicating the factual and not vitiated by the time differential which indebtedness and general financial position and exists between the delineation of municipal boundaries expenditure on public utility works. The information and the actual growth of the urban areas. has been fllrni"hp,\ r.... ,. t1._ ..~~-~ ,nLn rn .,•.,A __ 1970-71 n order to have an idea whether the concern­ been recognised as a Standard Urban Area with the ed urban body is improving financially or not. following components :- Standard Urban Area (iv) Statement No. IV . -This statement contains Name of Constituent town/villages L.C.No. information regarding amenities, e. g., road length, SUA 1971 sewerage system, types of latrines, water supply, fire-fighting service, etc. in the different towns. 2 3 Damoh Urban Components (v) Statement No. V.- This statement contains (i) I>amoh 31/11 information regarding various important facilities (ii) Hirdepur'" 31/2/332 available in the town viz., medical, educational, (iii) Chopra Ryt. 31/2/291 recreational and cultural. Rural Componellts (i) Hirdepur'" 31/2/332 (vi) Statement No. VI.- This statement throws ( ii) I>harampura 31/2/165 (iii) Singhpur D3.IIloh 31/2/203 light on the business and credit facilities commanded (iv) Rajnagar Khurd 31/2/289 by the towns and contains information regarding trade, (v) Chopra Khurd 31/2/290 commerce, industry and banking. (vi) Chopra Ryt. 31/2/291 (vii) Rastoriya. 31/2/307 (vii) Statement No. VII.-This statement contains (viii) Imlai 31/2/308 data regarding population by religion and Scheduled (ix) Kunwarpur 31/2/309 Castes/Scheduled Tribes with male/female break-up ( x) Madiya Pangarh 31/2/310 (xi) for the year 1971. This is the only statement based Ladan Bag 31/2/333 (xii) Pipariya Nayak 31/2/338 on 1971' Census figures. '" Partly. (c) Damoh, Patharia Kalan and Hatta are the Statement 1.- (a) Damoh and Hatta towns three towns in . Patharia Kalan has been have Municipalities while Patharia Kalan has recognised as a town for the first time in 1971 while a Gram Panchayat. The population of Damoh has Hatta was recognised in 1951. No town has been shown constant increase in every decade from 1901, declassified. Damoh is the district headquarter except for a decrease of 1,746 in 1921 after the Census while Hatta is the headquarter of tahsil Hatta. of 1911. This loss in population was largely due to Damoh and Hatta are the only two tahsils in the the fatal influenza epidemic which began in September, district. 1918, but extended well into the next year. The (d) Hatta and Patharia Kalan do not have urban decrease in population was common to both rural outgrowths. The Damoh urban agglomeration consists and urban area though in rural area it was slightly of the Municipal area of Damoh town and parts of more pronounced. The following passage taken from two villages as under :- the Census Report of 1921t indicates the severity of the disaster:-

Urban L. C. of "A fulminating epidemic such as this one is altogether Tahsil Agglomeration Components Components without parallel in the records of the Province. 2 3 4 It appeared in two waves, the first of which occurred in July and was so mild that it does Damoh Damoh not appear to have penetrated into some of the ( i) Damoh (M) 31/11 districts at all ...•...... The second wave, however, which started late in September struck (ii) Chopra (Ryt.) 31/2/291 the Province with lightning suddenness and

(iii) Hirdepur 31/2/332 violence, spreading rapidly, and leaving behind it a melancholy wake of decimated. villages and destitute orphans." The population of Damoh core town in 1971 is more than 50,000 (it is 59,489) and, therefore, it has t Census ofIndia, 1921, C. P. &Berar, Part! Report pase 5. 27

"The history of vital statistics is somewhat similar 40 per cent of the workers, two predominant chara­ (i.e. to that of ) but there was an cteristics together claiming a percentage of 60 or actual excess of deaths in 1916, and in the in­ above were taken to represent the town. If these two fluenza year there was a recOrded death rate of failed to account for 60 percent of the total workers, 159 per mile as against 133 in Saugor, while the the first three characteristics were taken to represent low birth rate persisted for the two subsequent the town. years instead of one. The population, therefore, fell by 45,921 or 13.8 per cent, which is one of Statement II :-The physical and locational aspects the largest·· decrease recorded in the British as in 1969 have been covered. Hatt~ receives more territory. " annual rainfall (1213.8 m.m.)than Damoh (1173 m.m.). Damoh and Patharia Kalan are railway stations on the The population has increased from 13,355 in Central Railway while Hatta is connected by bus 1901 to 59,489 in 1971(+46,134). The population of route with Damoh and the distance is 38 Kms. All Hatta town has increased.from 6,667 in 1951 .(year the three towns are connected by bus route with the of recognition) to 12,101 in 1971 <+5,434). Patharia State headquarters, Bhopal, and their distances arc Kala.n is the smallest town of the district with a popuJa­ Damoh 292 kIDS., Patharia Kalan 272 kms. and Hatta tion of 6,893 in 1971. Damoh and Hatta were classified 330 kms. The nearest city, Sagar, lies at a distance of as industrial towns in 1961 as will be evident from the 68 kms. from Damoh. Maximum and minimum tem­ entries in column 14 of the Statement. perature data of these towns could not be made avail­ The method adopted for the functional classifica­ able (temperature is like that of Sagar). There is tion is elucidated below. no observatory at Damoh for recording temperature. The maximum and minimum temperature of Sagar (b) The nine industrial categories were grouped is 43.60 and 6.3 0 C. respectively. into the following five functional characteristics:- Statement III:-The three towns of the district have ) Primary Activities (Comprising Categories 1- been categorised under classes II, IV and V on the Cultivation, II- Agricultural Labourer and basis of population as below:- III-Mining and Quarrying, Fishing, Live Stock, Hunting, etc.). Town Class

(li) Industrial (Comprising Categories IV-House­ 1 2 hold Industry, V-Manufacturing other than Household Industry and VI-Construction). (i) Damoh II ( ii) HaUa IV (iii) Commercial (Comprising Catagory VII-Trade (iii) Patharia Kalan V and Commerce). (iv) Transport (Comprising Category VITI-Trans­ The statement would show that the two Munici- port, Storage and Communications). . palities at Damoh and Hatta have constantly been improving their annual receipts since 1968-69. The (v) Services (Comprising Caetgory IX- Other services) . expenditure of Damoh Municipality was within the receipts during 1969·70 and 1970-71 while in 1968-69 The percentage of total workers under the above the expenditure was more than the receipts by five functional characteristics were calculated for Rs. 213,800. each town and the predominant function(s) of each The expenditure of Hatta Municipality is more than town was/were determined. If one functional chara­ the receipts by Rs. 2,900 during 1970-71 while in the cteristic of a town absorbed more than 40 per cent e:f previous two years it was within the receipts. The the total workers the town was designated by that expenditure of Patharia Kalan Gram Panchayat is well Cunction. In case no single ch8racteristic claimed within its receipts. The per capita receipt and 28 expenditure under broad heads is indicated in the inset table below:-

Per capita (in Rupees) Receipt Expenditure Class of town No. of r- towns Expenditure '"'" Receipt Receipt from on Public Expenditure Expenditure Total through all other Total Health on Public on all other receipt taxes, etc. sources expenditure conveniences Institutions aspects 1 2 (2a) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Class II 50..000-99,999 1968-69 27.69 14.91 12.78 31.28 15.64 2.82 12.82 1969-70 29.66 14.37 15.29 29.28 7.58 2.88 18.82 1910---71 35.88 18.07 17.81 34.29 8.68 2.73 22.88 C1as~ IV 10,000-19.999 1968-69 8.89 1.66 7.23 8.88 6.48 0.65 1.75 1969-70 13.42 2.21 11.21 12.96 10.35 0.53 2.08 1970---71 14.00 2.19 11.81 14.24 1l.35 0.58 2.31 Class V 5.000....;.9.999 1968--69 4.66 2.09 2.57 4.03 1.26 2.77 1')69-70 N.A. 1970---71 N.A.

The above table would show that in the two Muni­ town only while street lights are available in all the cipalities per capita receipt has increased from year towns. There is, however, no fire brigade in any of to year since 1968-69 and like-wise per capita expendi­ the towns. ture has also increac;ed except that the per capita ex­ penditure of Damoh Municipality in 1969-70 was less by Rs. 2 as compared to the previous year. There is Statement V-(i) Medical facilities:- There no abnormal difference between total per capita receipt are two hospitals and a Family Planning clinic at and expenditure. Per capita expenditure of Damoh Damob while there is only one Primary Health centre Municipality under"Public Health and Conveniences" at Hatta. There is, however, neither a hospital nor during 1968-69 is Rs. 15.64 which is comparatively a Primary Health centre at Patharia Kalan. The high and significant and column 12 of the Statement number of beds per 1,000 population comes to 1.04 III would show that under this head, Rs. 930,400 were as shown in the following inset table:- spent during the year. The resources of Damoh and Hatta Municipalities during these three years have been supplemented substantially by Government Total No. of beds No. of beds in medical institutions per 1.000 population grants and loans. 2

82 1.04 The expenditure of Damoh Municipality shown in colunm 15 under head "Other" ranges from 11.00 percent to 41.7 percent of the total expenditure in (ii) Educational facilities :- There are three different years. On a further probe it was found that colleges and 8 Higher Secondary/High Schools in the expenditure shown in this column includes some Damoh town. The other two towns do not have a items of expenditure which are not covered under College but both have two Higher Secondary/High heads mentioned in columns 10 to 14. Schools. The number of Higher Secondary tHigh Schools, Middle Schools and Junior Secondary or Primary Schools per thousand population is shown Statement IV:-All the towns have electricity and in the following inset table. For a more realistic electric connections have also been given for indus­ appreciation, the population in the agegroup 0-14 tria) purposes. There is water tap facility in Damoh has been considered for Primary and Middle Schools 29 while population in the agegroup 15-19 has been society. Non agricultural credit societies are avail­ considered for Higher Secondary/High Schools. ablp., only in Damoh. Cloth, kerosene oil, cement and rice are the main items of import while bidi, wheat, Number per 1;000 population earthen pots, ground nut, bamboo artkles and Name of the Higher Secondary Middle Junior secon- town or High School School dary/primary bronze utensils are the important items of export. Bidi, earthen pots, bronze utensils, bamboo articles, 2 3 4 leather shoes and brass utensils are locally manu­ factured in the towns. Damoh 1.35 0.34 0.91 Hatta 1.79 0.72 Statement VII :-About 4/5th of the population Patharia kalan 3.05 0.33 0.65 of the three towns follow Hindu religion while Islam religion is followed by about l/lOth population of (iii) Recreational and cultural facilities;- There Damoh and Hatta towns. Patharia Kalan has hardly are three Cinema Houses and two play-grounds in 2 percent Muslim population. Jain religion is fol­ Damoh while these facilities are not avilable in the lowed by about 11 percent, 6 percent and 3 percent other two towns. Library facility is available in all persons of Pathal ia Kalan, Damoh and Hatta the three towns. towns, respectively. Scheduled Castes constitute about 1/5th of the population of Hatta and Damoh Statement VI ;-There are three banks in Damoh towns while their percentage in Patharia Kalan is while the other two towns have one bank each. about 14. There is no tribal population in any Damoh and Hatta have also an agricultural credit town. 30 VILLAGE Amenities HATrA Amenities available within the villages Total r-- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

~---.-... ------._--_._-_.-_--_ ... _"_"-_ __._ .. --- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .------_" _.. __------_ .. _--- -.------1 Silapari 1,0447.00 W, R PR 2 Rajpura 1,559.00 D (1) W PR 3 Dhanguwan Patti 158.00 PR 4 Naipar 236.00 PR S Semra Patti Ryt. 602.00 W PR 6 Semra Patti Mal. 113.00 W PR 7 Sunaira Jarkharid 417.00 W PR 8 Narayanpura Madiyadoh 1,930.00 W PR 9 DhuJa 1,772.00 W PR 10 Damotipura 643.00 PR (1) VH (1) W PR 11 Panari 507.00 NW PR 12 Dongarpura 1,977.00 PR 13 Chuna Segoni 110.00 W K.R 14 Panaho 411.00 PR 15 BUdiKhurd 692.00 PR 16 Jangupura 930.00 W PR 17 Shahpura Khurd 794.00 W KR 18 Kanoda Kalan Raiyatwari 3,053.00 W K.R 19 Khutyani Ryt. 1,019.00 PR 20 Dalpatpura 731.00 W KR 21 Borda 812.00 NW PR 22 Jamlllliya 559.00 W KR 23 Pathariya 544.00 K.R 24 Daha 746.00 NW KR 25 Achalpur 420.00 KR 26 Garruwa 923.00 W KR 27 Dhouriya 1,511.00 W PR 28 Madanpura 474.00 NW KR 29 Syamar Singi 1,207.00 30 Banoli 719.00 W,NW 31 Surajpura 782.00 32 Manakpura 579.00 PR 33 Kunwarpura 654.00 34 Bachhama 2,676.00 PR (1) W,NW 35 Udaypura 1,587.00 W,NW PR 36 Chauraiya 466.00 PR (1) W,R PR 37 Jharyar 269.00 38 Patan • 458.00 W,R 39 Kalkuwa 1,215.00 F PR 40 Ghoghara 2,583.00 F PR 41 Bhadkura 319.00 F 42 Amjhir 1,122.00 W PR 43 Karkoi 760.00 PR (1) W 44 Ghurkheda 791.00 PR (I) F 45 Karibara 1,619.00 W 46 Brijpani 201.00 W 47 Pondi-Madiyadoh 688.00 W,NW PR 48 Bardha 9,205.00 PR (1) W,NW PR PO 49 Niwas 785.00 W pa: 50 Dighi 1,171.00 PRo (1) R PR 51 Patha 2,001.00 PR (1) W PR 52 Patti-Pali 89.00 PR 31 DIRECTORY and Land Use TAHSIL Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks __..___ weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion KIDs. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Jowar, Kodo 715.00 50.00 605.00 77.00 Hatta 43.2 1 Wheat, Jowar 444.00 298.00 799.00 18.00 Hatta 35.2 Tuesday 2 36.00 121.00 1.00 Hatta 35.2 3 235.00 1.00 Hatta 36.8 4 Jowar, Kodo 111.00 35.00 435.00 21.00 Hatta 33.6 5 Jowar,·Kodo 54.00 52.00 7.00 Hatta 33.6 6 Jowar, Kodo 86.00 326.00 5.00 Hatta 35.2 7 Jowar, Kodo 993.00 168.00 739.00 30.00 Hatta 40.0 8 Jowar, Kodo 1.266.00 32.00 466.00 8.00 Hatta 44.8 9 Jowar, Kodo 192.00 127.00 293.00 31.00 Hatta 35.2 10 Wheat, Kodo 27.00 172.00 281.00 27.00 Hatta 36.8 11 1.531.00 39.00 359.00 48.00 Hatta 38.4 12 Maize, Kodo 61.00 27.00 22.00 Hatta 44.8 13 112.00 296.00 3.00 Hatta 28.8 14 116.00 29.00 339.00 208.00 Hatta 32.0 15 Wheat, Jowar 25.00 235.00 485.00 185.00 Hatta 27.2 16 Kodo, Wheat 228.00 113.00 397.00 56.00 Hatta 27.2 17 Kodo, Wheat 7,00 17.00 1,514.00 1,515.00 Hatta 25.6 18 128.00 611.00 280.00 Hatta 22.4 19 Maize, Kodo 160.00 552.00 19.00 Hatta 25.6 20 Jowar, Wheat 158.00 59.00 587.00 8.00 Hatta 27.2 21 Maize, Kodo 198.00 12.00 338.00 11.00 Hatta 27.2 22 201.00 333.00 10.00 Hatta 27.2 23 Maize, Kodo 232.00 51.00 427.00 36.00 Hatta 20.0 24 55.00 365.00 Hatta 27.2 25 Iowar, Kodo 317.00 62.00 542.00 2.00 Hatta 28.8 26 Wheat, Kodo 832.00 70.00 479.00 130.00 Hatta 33.6 27 Wheat, Jowar 232.00 27.00 213.00 2.00 Hatta 35.2 28 410.00 42.00 593.00 162.00 Hatta 36.8 29 Kodo. Maize 704.00 15.00 Batta 38.4 30 250.00 198.00 334.00 Hatta 43.2 31 64.00 96.00 408.00 11.00 Batta 41.6 32 485.00 164.00 5.00 Hatta 41.6 33 Wheat, Jowar 1,480.00 142.00 1,032.00 22.00 Hatta 35.2 34 Wheat, Iowar 803.00 228.00 542.00 14.00 Hatta 30.4 .. 35 Jowar, Kodo 24.00 228.00 150.00 64.00 Batta 38.4 36 46.00 1.00 57.00 135.00 30.00 Hatta 38.4 37 Kodo, Jowar 163.00 26.00 84.00 130.00 55.00 Batta 32.0 38 Kodo, Maize 262.00 72.00 555.00 326.00 Hatta 30.4 39 Wheat, Jowar 1,600.00 193.00 762.00 28.00 Hatta 28.8 40 Jowar 45.00 116.00 ISS.00 Hatta 27.2 41 Iowar, Kodo 16.00 161.00 605.00 340.00 Hatta 28.8 42 Wheat, Iowar 130.00 446.00 184.00 Hatta 30.4 43 Iowar, Kodo 266.00 53.00 459.00 13.00 Hatta 30.4 44 Jowar, Kodo 1,086.00 72.00 411.00 50.00 Hatta 30.4 45 Jowar, Kodo 207.00 Hatta 41.6 46 Wheat, Rice 527.00 92.00 69.00 Hatta 40.0 47 Wheat, Rice 4,255.00 5.00 2,521.00 2,038.00 386.00 Hatta 38.4 Sunday 48 Jowar, Kodo 110.00 372.00 265.00 38.00 Hatta 30.4 49 Jowar, Wheat 103.00 1.00 744.00 175.00 148.00 Hatta 30.4 50 Jowar, Wheat 449.00 907.00 599.00 46.00 Hatta 28.8 51 57.00 30.00 2.00 Hatta 28.8 52 32

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities available within the villages Total ---.A- ---.. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

..... _-_. ------_ .... ---,.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------_._- .-- _"_--'_' --_.__ ._.- 53 Kbadpura 757.00 NW PR 54 PaIi 2,317.00 PR (I) R,W PR 55 Kanakpura 1,142.00 W 56 Tindni Madiyadoh 1,988.00 PR (I) W 57 Malwara Madiyadoh 880.00 W 58 Nargi 538.00 W 59 Muhari Madiyadoh 830.00 R 60 Chandena 747.00 PR (l) W, R PR 61 Madho 660.00 W,NW PR 62 Madiyadoh 4,091.00 PR{I), Mid. S.{l), Sec.S.(1) .. E, EI,EIN W,R PR PO 63 Purana Kheda 1,112.00 W,NW PR 64 Shivpur 856.00 W KR 65 Tigra Fatehpur 1,225.00 66 Rewjhai 462.00 67 Dcolai 352.00 R 68 Mihguwan Mafi 267.00 R 69 Kai Kheda 569.00 PR (1) W KR 70 Doli 1,244.00 PR (I) W KR 71 Deori Fatehpur 962.00 PR (1) W 72 Madar Garh 274.00 W 73 Rusni Mali 468.00 74 Diumat Patti Champat 466.00 W 75 Simri Fatehpur 211.00 NW 76 J)huma 472.00 W 77 Jhamar Fatehpur 557.00 W 78 Chakarda Mafi 682.00 PR (1) W 79 Mahuwa Kheda 704.00 W KR 80 Khamriya 643.00 PR (1) W KR PO 81 Bhiloni 3,474.00 PR (1) W KR PO 82 Dungrupura 416.00 W KR 83 Ludhni 908.00 W 84 Bartlai 613.00 W 85 Guda 469.00 W 86 Ludhora 1,110.00 PRo (1) W 87 Bardua Khurd 238.00 88 Necmi 794.00 PR (1) W 89 Putera Khurd 372.00 90 Badagaon 739.00 W PR 91 Kheri Shahman 255.00 92 Narayanpura AsH 142.00 93 Sagoni Chhoti 294.00 94 Padajhir 914.00 PR (1) W 95 Narayanpura Dakhali 42.00 96 Deogaon 817.00 97 Ranji 309.00 R P 98 Ronsara 649.00 PR (1) R 99 Tikariya 761.00 W 100 Sagoni Madho 420.00 W 101 Harat 1,796.00 W,R. PRo 102 Bijori Naval 468.00 W,R PR 103 Perwata 320.00 W,R 104 Hinoti Udesha 741.00 W PR 33


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ____.A- weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of reli~ous, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated lrrigated pasture for distance held historIcal No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 lowar, Wheat 18.00 1.00 502.00 149.00 87.00 Hatta 30.4 53 lowar, Kodo 1,139.00 617.00 413.00 148.00 Hatta 21.2 54 lowar, Kodo 620.00 301.00 156.00 65.00 Hatta 25.6 55 lowar, Kodo 863.00 676.00 350.00 99.00 Hatta 24.0 56 lowar, Kodo 127.00 6.00 511.00 168.00 68.00 Hatta 22.4 57 lowar, Kodo 3.00 413.00 83.00 39.00 Hatta 22.4 58 lowar, Kodo 5.00 662.00 71.00 92.00 Hatta 22.4 59 lowar, Rice 4.00 600.00 49.00 94.00 Hatta 24.0 60 lowar, Kodo 15.00 6.00 495.00 102.00 42.00 Hatta 22.4 61 lowar, Kodo 1,925.00 140.00 1,515.00 267.00 244.00 Hatta 19.2 Tuesday 62 Jowar, Kodo 621.00 425.00 66.00 Hatta 19.2 63 lowar, Kodo 3.00 518.00 1.04.00 131.00 Hatta 16.0 64 Jowar, Kodo 552.00 244.00 429.00 Hatta 17.6 65 318.00 114.00 30.00 Hatta 8.00 66 J owar, Wheat 167.00 132.00 53.00 Hatta 12.8 67 Jowar, Kodo 3.00 38.00 191.00 35.00 Hatta 11.2 68 .lowar, Kodo 7.00 432.00 88 .. 00 42.00 Hatta 14.4 69 Jowar, Kodo 2.00 794.00 353.00 95.00 Hatta 14.4 70 Wheat, Jowar 82.00 705.00 103.00 72.00 Hatta 9.6 Wednesday 71 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 193.00 40.00 29.00 Hatta 11.2 72 21.00 224.00 108.00 115.00 Hatta 9.6 73 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 378.00 28.00 58.00 Hatta 8.0 74 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 186.00 5.00 17.00 Batta 8.0 75 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 376.00 53.00 40.00 Batta 6.4 76 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 511.00 24.00 19.00 Batta 8.0 77 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 525.00 122.00 34.00 Batta 9.6 78 Wheat, Jowar 520.00 157.00 27.00 Batta 14.4 79 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 580.00 20.00 35.00 Batta 12.8 80 Jowar, Wheat 22.00 2,866.00 338.00 248.00 Batta 12.8 81 Jowar, Wheat 325.00 61.00 30.00 Batta 11.2 82 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 780.00 92.00 33.00 Hatta 9.6 83 Wheat, JONar 4.00 525.00 105.00 39.00 Batta 8.0 84 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 387.00 50.00 27.00 Hatta 8.0 85 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 970.00 99.00 39.00 Batta 8.0 86 194.00 30.00 14.00 Hatta 11.2 87 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 685.00 74.00 33.00 Batta 9.6 88 325.00 38.00 9.00 Batta 12.8 89 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 694.00 20.00 24.00 Hatta 6.4 90 230.00 18.00 7.00 Hatta 4.8 91 134.00 5.00 3.00 Hatta 4.8 92 278.00 3.00 13.00 Hatta 4.8 93 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 809.00 41.00 61.00 Hatta 4.8 94 40.00 2.00 Hatta 4.8 95 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 631.00 116.00 64.00 Hatta 3.2 96 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 221.00 49.00 36.00 Batta 1.6 97 Wheat, lowar 7.00 493,00 96.00 53.00 Hatta 1.6 98 Wheat 624.00 116.00 21.00 Hatta 3.2 99 Wheat, J owar 278.00 81.00 61.00 Hatta 4.8 100 Jowar, Kodo 22.00 1,285.00 210.00 279.00 Hatta 4.8 101 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 321.00 104.00 37.00 Batta 6.4 102 lowar, Kodo 15.00 222.00 45.00 38.00 Hatta 9.6 103 Jowar, Wheat 599.00 85.00 57.00 Hatta 8.0 104 :J4

VtLLAGE nrRECTORY Amenities available within the villages Total ,--- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

.------.-.---~.---- ..... ----.----.-.- .. __ -__.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -_..... _.... 105 Baroda Kalan 1,418.00 PR (1) W PR PO 106 Talgaon 677.00 W PR 107 Bharota 442.00 W PR 108 Simri Udesha 766.00 W,R PRo 109 Larbar Khurd 317.00 110 Sagron 546.00 PR (1) W PR 111 Magron 1,652.00 PR (2), Mid. S. (1) W PR PO 112 Amoni Khurd 369.00 PR 113 Larwar Kalan 599.00 114 Hardua Jamsa 464.00 PR (1) W PR 115 Budera 257.00 116 Raja Khedi 114.00 117 Kheri Ramdas 503.00 W 118 Khejra Walju 499.00 W 119 Nayagaon Fatehpur 371.00 W PR 120 Pondi Fatehpuf 649.00 W PR 121 Pipariya Ghanshyam 951.00 PR (1) W PR 122 Fatehpur 1,915.00 PR (2) Mid.S.(1) H (1) W PR PO 123 BudiKalan 593.00 W 124 Deodara 357.00 W 125 Amoni Kalan 930.00 126 Ram Nagar 1,139.00 127 Bari Madiyadoh 1,202.00 W PR 128 Chaupra Madiyadoh 1,901.00 W PR 129 Bari Kanoda 1,551.00 PR (1) W PR 130 Angori 570.00 KR 131 Furtal Ryt. 817.00 PR 132 Sadpur 1,979.00 PR (1) R PR 133 Shahpura Ryt. 342.00 KR 134 Singhpur 5,589.00 NW 135 Barkhera Ram Nagar 1,060.00 PR 136 Shahpura Mal 1,358.00 137 Sakri 1,006.00 138 Neem Kheda Fatehpur 568.00 NW 139 Surajpura Harat 1,705.00 W KR 140 Nibora Ramnagar 262.00 W KR. 141 Kanoda Ramnagar 881.00 W KR 142 Ghughas 2,218.00 PR (1) W KR 143 Sunwaha 1,001.00 PR (1) W KR 144 Chadra 155.00 W KR 145 Semra Ramnagar 745.00 W KR 146 Beli 624.00 W 147 Jhagri Kabir 580.00 W 148 Belapurwa 569.00 PR (1) R 149 Purwa Bela 559.00 R 150 Rusando 596.00 PR (1) W 151 Itwa Magola 704.00 W 152 Ganj Barkheda 1,743.00 PR (1) R 153 Sirsod 143.00 R 154 Magola 749.00 PR (1) W PO 155 Bandha 163.00 PR (1) R,W 156 Berkhedi 1,394.00 W KR 35


Lund usc (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks .-- ...... _------, weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Km~. village archaealogi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat 3.00 1,107.00 214.00 94.00 Hatta 8.0 lOS Wheat, Jowar 655.00 8.00 14.00 Halta 6.4 106 Wheat, Jawar 386.00 36.00 20.00 Hatta 6.4 107 Wheat, Jowar 629.00 98.00 39.00 Hatta 8.0 108 315.00 1.00 1.00 Hatta 15.0 109 Wheat, Jowar 526.00 3.00 17.00 Hatta 14.4 110 Wheat, Jawar 9.00 1,509.00 ~.oo 112.00 Hatta 14.4 Saturday 111 332.00 1 .00 22.00 Hatta 16.0 112 582.00 3.00 14.00 Hatta 15.0 113 Wheat, Jawar 414.00 8.00 42.00 Hatta 16.0 114 243.00 3.00 11.00 Hafta 14.4 115 170.00 1.00 3.00 HaUa 14.4 116 Jowae, Wheat 24.00 467.00 5.00 7.00 Hatta 14.4 117 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 467.00 11.00 16.00 Hatta 14.4 118 Jowar, Wheat 216.00 1.00 154.00 Hatta 16.0 119 Jowar, Wheat 357.00 5.00 287.00 Hatta 16.0 120 Iowae, Wheat 22.00 453.00 22.00 454.00 Hatta 16.0 121 Iowar, Wheat 6.00 i,305.oo 23.00 581.00 Hatta 14.4 Thursday 122 Jowar, Wheat 265.00 30.00 298.00 Hatta 14.4 123 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 217.00 9.00 128.00 Hatta 14.4 124 380'00 25.00 525.00 Hatta 17.6 125 Jowar, Wheat 125.00 36.00 978.00 Hatta 19.2 126 Wheat, Iowar 202.00 140.00 836.00 24.00 Hatta 20.8 127 Maize, Iowar 456.00 112.00 1,072.00 261.00 Hatta 20.8 128 Wheat, Iowar 186.00 1,070.00 295.00 Hatta 20.8 129 50.00 330.00 190.00 Hatta 22.4 130 232.00 1.00 459.00 125.00 Hatta 22.4 131 Wheat, Iowar 623.00 1,301.00 55.00 Hatta 30.4 Monday 132 117.00 113.00 112.00 Hatta 32.0 133 Iowar, Kodo 4,567.00 842.00 180.00 Hatta 33.6 134 463.00 201.00 396.00 Hatta 16.0 135 240.00 3.00 1,083.00 32.00 Hatta 33.6 136 3OB.00 589.00 109.00 Hatta 35.2 137 Wheat, Kutki 94.00 470.00 4.00 Hatta 40.0 138 Iowar, Wheat 1.00 465.00 369.00 870.00 Hatta 17.6 139 Jowar, Wbeat 13.00 215.00 17.00 17.00 Hatta 16.0 140 Iowar, Wheat 17.00 724.00 84.00 56.00 Hatta 19.2 141 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 1,921.00 181.00 IOB.oo Hatta 19.2 142 Wheat, Iowar 4.00 967.00 30.00 Hatta 14.4 143 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 148.00 1.00 5.00 Hatta 11.2 144 Wheat, Jowar 697.00 8.00 40.00 Hatta 12.8 145 Wheat, Jowar 560.00 28.00 36.00 Hatta 9.0 146 Wheat, Jowar 542.00 2.00 36.00 Hatta 9.6 147 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 420.00 90.00 51.00 Hatta 9.6 148 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 457.00 66.00 35.00 Hatta 9.6 149 Wheat, Jowar 560.00 13.00 23.00 Hatta 16.0 150 J owar, Wheat 653.00 28.00 23.00 Hatta 17.6 151 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,468.00 164.00 100.00 Hatta 19.2 152 132.00 11.00 Hatta 19.2 153 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 708.00 1.00 37.00 Hatta 17.6 Sunday 154 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 700.00 33.00 29.00 Hatta 27.2 155 Jowar, Wheat 20.00 1,110.00 113.00 91.00 Hatta 24.0 156 36


Amenities available within the villages Total ------, L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nlea- and village water tion Trle- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

157 Anjni 4,122.00 PR 0) W KR 158 Sagoni Fatehpur 1,045.00 NW KR 159 Geedan 1,164.00 NW KR 160 Ghorakhuri 446.00 NW KR 161 Shahjad Pura 2,456.00 PR (1) W KR 162 Ghanshyampura 2,015.00 R KR 163 Agara 2,025.00 PR (1) W 164 Mahuwat 712.00 W 165 Tikri Neem Kheda 387.00 W 166 Ghurata 800.00 PR (1) W 167 Malara 300.00 R 168 Neem Kheda Tikri 430.00 W,R KR 169 Sariya 1,130.00 PR (1) E W KR 170 Barkuwain 773.00 W KR 171 Malwari 344.00 W 172 Bankhiriya 158.00 173 Basiya 600.00 W 174 Khiriya AsH 388.00 PR (1) W 175 Narayanpura Dakhli 46.00 176 Narayanpura Asli 163.00 W 177 Sheikpura 209.00 W KR 178 Batiagarh 2,969.00 PR(I), Mid.S. (1), PHC(1), W KR PO Sec.S; (1) MCW(I) 179 Bannai 111.00 180 Sedara 617.00 PR (1) W 181 KUlIlarwar 766.00 W KR 182 Gadhola Khande 441.00 PR (1) W 183 Khiriya: Dakhli 166.00 184 Jhagri 302.00 185 Tindwa 853.00 PR (1) W PO 186 Pathariya 1,507.00 PR (1) W 187 Hathidol 210.00 188 Dulauna Mal 220.00 189 Rampur 53.00 190 Dulauna Ryt. 370.00 191 Alampur 1,287.00 PR (1) W KR 192 Kaithora 1,546.00 PR (1), Mid.s. (1) W 193 Sihora 610.00 PR (1) 194 Fulwari 425.00 195 Khaderi 1,826.00 PR (l),Mid.S. (1) AD (1) W KR PO 196 Gugara Kalan 6,744.00 PR (l) W KR 197 Imaliya Sonrai 807.00 198 Sonrai Imaliya 821.00 PR (I) W 199 Jalna 480.00 NW 200 Semar Kachhar 1,779.00 R 201 Pancham Nagar 228.00 202 K.erbana 5,637.00 PR (l),Mid.S. (1) R KR PO 203 Kirola 341.00 204 Sigon 619.00 R 205 Bamhori Lidai 1.122.00 PR (1) R 206 SemraGuman 782.00 207 Ougd Tiwari Asli 120.00 37


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ---"-- ---. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village arcbaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat 6.00 1,495.00 249.00 2,372.00 Hatta 24.0 Wednesday 157 10.00 1,026.00 9.00 Hatta 32.0 158 Jowar, Wheat 71.00 102.00 500.00 491.00 Hatta 33.6 159 407.00 35.00 4.00 Hatta 38.4 160 Jowar, Kodo 1.00 510.00 163.00 1,782.00 Hatta 22.4 161 Jowar, Kodo 1,344.00 8.00 366.00 135.00 162.00 Hatta 28.8 162 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1.519.00 364.00 141.00 Hatta 24.0 Monday 163 Kodo, lowar 1.00 413.00 248.00 50.00 Hatta 24.0 164 Wheat, Jowar 25.00 266.00 49.00 47.00 HaUa 25.6 165 Wheat, Jowar 717.00 42.00 41.00 Hatta 24.0 166 Wheat, Jowar 231.00 38.00 31.00 Hatta 24.0 167 Rice 374.00 21.00 35.00 Hatta 27.2 168 Wheat, Rice 2.00 1,062.00 22.00 44.00 Hatta 25.6 169 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 730.00 6.00 35.00 Damoh 27.2 170 Wheat, Jowar 332.00 3.00 9.00 Hatta 30.4 171 143.00 1.00 14.00 Hatta 30.4 172 Jowar, Kodo 4.00 541.00 28.00 27.00 Hatta 30.4 Wednesday 173 Jowar, Kodo 2.00 339.00 9.00 38,00 Hatta 30.4 174 16.00 15.00 15.00 Hatta 30.4 175 Jowar, Kodo 2.00 150.00 5.00 6.00 Hatta 30.4 176 Jowar, Kodo 157.00 35.00 17.00 HaUa 33.6 177 Jowar, Kodo 15.00 1,966.00 188.00 800.00 HaUa 28.8 Sunday 178

84.00 27.00 Hatta 33.6 179 Wheat, Jow-ar 41.00 7.00 492.00 19.00 58.00 Hatta 38.4 Saturday 180 Wheat, Jowar 86.00 590.00 36.00 54.00 HaUa 38.4 181 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 406.00 14.00 20.00 Hatta 38.4 182 163.00 2.00 1.00 Hatta 38.4 183 1.00 286.00 7.00 8.00 Hatta 40.0 184 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 770.00 35.00 46.00 Hatta 38.4 Monday 185 Wheat, lowar 774.00 1.00 654.00 46.00 32.00 Hatta 38.0 186 124.00 85.00 1.00 Patharia Kalan 29.6 187 37.00 37.00 133.00 13.00 Patharia Kalan 27.2 188 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 39.00 2.00 Path aria Kalan 32.0 189 47.00 309.00 14.00 Patharia Kalan 25.6 190 Jowar, Wheat 21.00 844.00 33.00 389.00 Patharia Kalan 20.8 191 J owar, Wheat 40.00 10.00 1,275.00 149.00 72.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 Wednesday 192 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 552.00 20.00 36.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 193 1.00 384.00 22.00 18.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 194 Wheat, Jowar 21.00 1,261.00 390.00 154.00 Path aria Kalan 19.2 Thursday 195 Wheat, Jowar 319.00 4.00 1,760.00 804.00 3,797.00 Patharia Kalan 17.6 196 616.00 9.00 121.00 61.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 197 Jowar, Wheat 300.00 109.00 206.00 206.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 198 Wheat, JowaI 220.00 66.00 125.00 69.00 Patharia Kalan 20.8 199 lowar, Wheat 1,281.00 125.00 225.00 148.00 Banda 25.6 200 131.00 91.00 Banda 21.2 201 Wbeat, Jowar 2,116.00 3.00 2,695.00 488.00 335.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 Wednesday 202 331.00 5.00 5.00 Path aria Kalan 11.6 203 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 502.00 69.00 47.00 Path aria Kalan 14.4 204 Wheat, .lowar 4.00 869.00 159.00 90.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 205 2.00 735.00 20.00 25.00 Patharia Kalan 17.6 206 HZ.OO 4.00 4.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 207 ,38


Amenities available within the villages Total r- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

208 Gugri Tiwari Dakhali 46.00 209 Barkhera Singhi 340.00 210 Swarai 623.00 211 Muhali Batiyagarh 305.00 W 212 Barnoo 560.00 213 Nibora Kalan 865.00 PR (1) H (I) R 214 Pipariya Chand 397.00 R 215 1irmuda 570.00 R 216 Dhoraj 1,316.00 217 Barkhera Keshav 350.00 R 218 Pemu Khedi 391.00 W 219 Bambori Bbat 1,352.00 W 220 Riyana 554.00 PR (1) W 221 Bhiyana 638.00 W 222 Ahrora 1.061.00 PR (1) W 223 Hinota Malwari 537.00 W KR 224 Lukayan 231.00 PR (1) W KR 225 Gajna 464.00 W KR 226 Gadhola Balju 247.00 W KR 227 Ramkhiriya 72.00 228 Sukatpur 843.00 PR (1) W 229 Khejra Muhamda 42.00 W KR 230 Piprodba 813.00 PR (1) W 231 SagoniBatiagarh 265.00 R 232 Hingwani 1,091.00 R,W 233 Baroda Madiya 456.00 R 234 Madiya Baroda 439.00 R 235 Motha 146.00 W KR 236 Chainpura 629.00 R KR 237 Kumeriya 513.00 R KR 238 Kherpura 121.00 R KR 239 Muhmada Khejra 96.00 R KR 240 Sirsiya 305.00 W KR 241 Barkhera Nahar 1,036.00 PR (1) E WR 242 Bhatera 544.00 W 243 :Bangchi 196.00 NW KR 244 Bakayan 626.00 PR (1) AD (1) W KR PO 245 Kariya Dhakan 212.00 E NW 246 Summer 371.00 E W 247 Bagpura 268.00 R 248 Menwar 1,056.00 PR 0) E W 249 Simri Chinta 549.00 E W KR 250 Fulcra Kalan 2,962.00 l:'R (2), Mid.S. (1) E,EI,EIN W KR PO 251 Jhira 164.00 R 252 Mudiya Bujurg 418.00 R 253 Pipariya Shahnai 780.00 PR (1) R 254 Mahuwa Kheda Menwar 208.00 NW 255 Tahanga 503.00 R 256 Madiya Khurd 286.00 R 257 Kabirpur 798.00 PR (1) W 2SS Kh ~jra Kabirpur 567.00 R 259 Kariya Pipar 422.00 R 39


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r-- w~ekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Klns. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

". 38.00 5.00 3.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 208 317.00 10.00 13.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 209 580.00 21.00 16.00 Patharia Kalan 17.6 210 Wreat, Jowar 238.00 59.00 8.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 211 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 436.00 74.00 45.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 212 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 695.00 102.00 65.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 Tuesday 213 Jawar, Wheat 8.00 346.00 15.00 28.00 Patharia Kalan 20.8 214 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 I 481.00 34.00 36.00 Patharia Kalan 20.8 215 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,244.00 17.00 51.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 216 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 302.00 33.00 9.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 211 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 350.00 1.00 36.00 Patharia Kalan 20.8 218 Wheat, Jowar 10,00 1,301.00 14.00 27.00 PathaIia Kalan 22.4 219 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 523.00 15.00 13.00 Pathal'ia Kalan 22.4 220 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 551.00 34.00 51.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 221 Wheat, JowaI 998.00 13.00 50.00 Darnoh 32.0 222 Wheat, Jowar 514.00 2.00 21.00 Damoh 28.8 223 Wheat, Jowar 196.00 16.00 19.00 Darnoh 21.2 224 Wheat, Jowar 434,00 22.00 8.00 Damoh 27.2 225 Wheat, Jowar 223.00 14.00 10.00 Darnoh 28.8 226 68.00 1.00 3.00 Darnoh 30.4 221 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 800.00 13.00 29.00 Darnoh 32.0 228 40.00 2.00 Darnoh 28.8 229 Wheat, Jowar 153.00 22.00 38.00 Darnoh 28.8 230 243.00 13.00 9.00 Darnoh 21.2 231 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 967.00 24.00 96.00 Darnoh 25.6 232 Wheat, J owar 6.00 384.00 22.00 44.00 Darnoh 24.0 233 Wheat, Jowar 318.00 60.00 61.00 Darnoh 24.0 234 Wheat, Jowar 134.00 1.00 11.00 Damoh 24.0 235 53.00 434.00 142.00 Damoh 22.4 236 242.00 211.00 60.00 Darnoh 22.4 237 U5.00 4.00 2.00 Damoh 25.6 238 92.00 3.00 1.00 Damoh 25.6 239 . Wheat: iowar 287.00 2.00 16.00 Damoh 24.0 240 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 549.00 319.00 107.00 Darnoh 25.6 241 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 481.00 19.00 31.00 Damoh 25.6 242 188.00 5.00 3.00 Darnoh 25.6 243 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 558.00 27.00 37.00 Darnoh 25.6 Thusday 244 11.00 187.00 9.00 5.00 Damoh 28.8 245 Jowar, Wheat 312.00 41.00 18.00 Darnoh 27.2 246 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 109.00 131.00 27.00 Darnoh 27.2 247 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 724.00 247.00 84.00 Darnoh 30.4 248 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 526.00 2.00 19.00 Hatta 24.0 249 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 2,172.00 15.00 155.00 Hatta 22.4 Friday 250 Wheat, Jowar 102.00 39.00 23.00 Hatta 19.2 251 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 289.00 95.00 32.00 Hatta 20.8 252 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 555.00 145.00 14.00 Hatta 24.0 253 Wheat, Jowar 181.00 16.00 11.00 Hatta 25.6 254 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 327.00 99.00 66.00 Hatta 22.4 255 Wheat, Jowar. 2.00 212.00 33.00 39.00 Hatta 19.2 256 Wheat, Jowar 14.00 395.00 191.00 198.00 Halta 19.2 257 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 426.00 58.00 78.00 Hatta 14.4 258 Jowar, Wheat 9.00 165.00 181.00 67.00 Hatta 16.0 259 40

ViLLAGE DIRECTORY -_------Amenities available within the villages Total ,- .""'\ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica· and "ilJage water tion Telc- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

260 Kutri 1,513.00 PR (1) 261 Pipariya Misar 655.00 R 262 PadriDube 783.00 KR 263 Bhatiya 1,952.00 PR (1) W KR 264 Bijori Pathak 984.00 PR (1) W KR 265 Maddehi 528.00 W PR 266 Kanjl'a 2,350.00 PR (1) W PR 267 Bamuriya Hatta 445.00 R KR 268 Bangaon 3,107.00 PR (1) E,BI,EIN W PR PO 269 Kuwa Kheda Mahdela 694.00 E W KR. 270 Rewnjha Kalan 1,484.00 PR (1) W KR 271 Bamhori Kudai 752.00 W KR 272 ltwa Hiralal 931.00 PR (1) W KR 273 Padri Udebhan 559.00 W KR 274 Shikarpura 788.00 W KR 275 Kuluwa Khurd 141.00 276 Pipariya Shikarpur 490.00 PR (1) W KR 277 Luharra 1,243.00 W KR 278 Sujanpura Dan 731.00 W KR 279 Luhari 4,676.00 PR (l),Mid.S.(I) AD (1) E,EIN w PR PO 280 SemarKhedi 655.00 W PR 281 Jamuniya 710.00 W KR 282 DeoriMisar 385.00 W KR 283 Chainpura 278.00 W KR 284 Kheri Harikishan 449.00 PR (1) W 285 Ronda 1,772.00 PR 0) W 286 Ghugri Misar 452.00 287 Patna 628.00 KR 288 Kumhi 730.00 R,W 289 Prempura 259.00 W PR 290 Dagenya 451.00 W PR 291 Bori Kalan 1,077.00 PR (I) E,EI,EIN W PR 292 Purena Bakshi 382.00 W PR 293 Bori Khurd 398.00 E W PR 294 Patriya 354.00 295 Chhevla Gangaram 702.00 W KR 296 Sayra 463.00 W KR 297 Chhapri 318.00 W KR 298 Chhevla Bhagirath 321.00 E W KR 299 Khalsa (Khejra) 247.00 W KR 300 I>holiya Kheda 403.00 W KR 301 Khejra Khurd 225.00 PR. (1) W KR 302 I>;:ori Choudhari 592.00 W KR 303 Manpura 316.00 W KR 304 I>alpatpura 337.00 W KR 305 Banjari 416.00 E W PR 306 Panji 957.00 PR (1) R KR 301 Binti 1,443.00 PR (I) E W PR PO 308 Beot.ari 457.00 W PR 309 Kanaktala 637.00 PR 0) W PR 310 Suj anpura Khurd 316.00 PR. 311 Hardua Ghutariya 851.00 E,EIN W PR 41


Land 1:JSe (i.e. area underdifferent types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks --"------. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C.· Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and culdva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

~O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 1,226.00 158.00 129.00 Hatta 14.4 260 Wheat 63.00 389.00 124.00 79.00 Hatta 14.4 261 Wheat 580.00 55.00 148.00 Hatta 14.4 262 Wheat 1,617.00 291.00 44.00 Hatta 12.8 263 Wheat 748.00 152.00 84.00 Hatta 17.6 264 Wheat 370.00 130.00 28.00 Hatta 17.6 265 Wheat 1,935.00 301.00 114.00 Hatta 17.6 266 Wheat 5.00 359.00 58.00 23.00 Hatta 19.2 267 Wheat 13.00 2,318.00 609.00 167.00 Hatta 17.6 Wednesday 268 Wheat 618.00 43.00 33.00 Hatta 20.8 269 Wheat 1,256.00 184.00 44.00 Hatta 22.4 270 Wheat 708.00 5.00 39.00 Hatta 24.0 271 Wheat 882.00 20.00 29.00 Hatta 19.2 272 Wheat 486.00 58.00 15.00 Hatta 20.8 273 Wheat 3.00 717.00 32.00 36.00 Hatta 20.8 214 Wheat 120.00 10.00 11.00 Hatta 22.4 275 Wheat 2.00 463.00 6.00 19.00 Hatta 20.8 216 Wheat 1,070.00 124.00 49.00 Hatta 14.4 277 Wheat 602.00 103.00 26.00 Hatta 14.4 278 Wheat 4.00 3,932.00 514.00 226.00 Hatta 8.0 Thursday 279 Wheat 612.00 28.00 15.00 Hatta 4.8 280 Wheat 2.00 531.00 143.00 34.00 Hatta 4.8 281 Wheat 153.00 206.00 26.00 Hatta 3.2 282 Wheat 262.00 7.00 9.00 Hatta 4.8 283 Wheat 370.00 56.00 23.00 Hatta 4.8 284 Wheat 3.00 1,457.00 209.00 103.00 Hatta 8.6 285 Wheat 328.00 88.00 36.00 Hatta 11.6 286 Wheat 2.00 442.00 143.00 41.00 Hatta 6.4 287 Wheat 2.00 482.00 169.00 77.00 Hatta 4.8 288 Wheat 198.00 50.00 11.00 Hatta 4.8 289 Wheat 3.00 384.00 45.00 19.00 Hatta 4.8 290 Wheat 24.00 814.00 195.00 44.00 Hatta 3.2 291 Wheat 4.00 296.00 76.00 6.00 Hatta 1.6 292 Wheat 22.00 310.00 46.00 20.00 Hatta 1.6 293 1.00 42.00 270.00 41.00 Hatta 1.6 294 Wheat 611.00 75.00 16.00 Hatta 3.2 295 Wheat 2.00 393.00 65.00 3.00 Hatta 1.6 296 Wheat 223.00 88.00 7.00 Hatta 3.2 297 Wheat 1.00 246.00 69.00 11.00 Hatta 1.6 298 Wheat 1.00 62.00 178.00 6.00 Hatta 1.6 299 3.00 340.00 60.00 Hatta 1.6 300 Wheat 122.00 86.00 17.00 Hatta 4.8 301 Wheat 457.00 91.00 44.00 Hatta 4.8 302 Wheat 155.00 143.00 18.00 Hatta 4.8 303 Wheat 211.00 119.00 7.00 Batta 4.8 304 Wheat 152.00 246.00 18.00 Halta 3.2 305 Wheat 619.00 247.00 91.00 Batta 6.4 306 Wheat 3.00 1,284.00 116.00 40.00 Hatta 4.8 307 Wheat, Kodo 6.00 376.00 50.00 25.00 Hatta 6.4 308 Wheat, Rice 478.00 105.00 54.00 Batta 6.0 309 276.00 35.00 5.00 Batta 8.0 310 Wheat, Rice 1.00 652.00 159.00 39.00 Hatta 9.0 311 42


Amenities available within the villages Total ,.- --, L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village watcr tion Tele- (in acres) grapb

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

312 Glmtariya 1,067.00 PR (1) W PR 313 Sankuiya 971.00 PR (1) W PR 314 Hardua Panch am 1,172.00 R PR 315 Ghughri Bhagwan 320.00 PR 316 Kanti 2,264.00 PR (1) EI,EIN R PR 317 Dandi 376.00 R PR 318 Pur~na Kanti 1,065.00 W 319 Lakhanpura Jhari 179.00 320 Nimarmunda 1,178.00 PR (1) W 321 Ghurkheda Hatta 742.00 W 322 Sakour 1,447.00 PR (1) PHC (1) E W PR 323 Padri Bhagunt 875.00 W 324 Udaypura 1,100.00 PR (1) R 325 Achalpura 1,075.00 NW, F 326 Deoragarhi 1,413.00 PR (1) R 327 Bhatd.wa 537.00 R 328 Murachh 2,248.00 PR (1) R PR PO 329 Khamari:ra Kalar 558.00 W PR 330 Barkhera Kalar 1,201.00 PR (1) W PR 331 Kamta 507.00 PR (1) W PR 332 Baharampura 281.00 R 333 Sujan Talaiya 618.00 W 334 Dadpur 1,520.00 PR (1) R 335 Malwara Siri 545.00 336 Hardua Umarav 378.00 W 337 Siri 825.00 W 338 Kheri Damodar 514.00 W 339 Khera 527.00 R 340 Khamargour 2,833.00 PR 0) W 341 Muhanna 940.00 W 342 Itwa Chhakka 641,00 R 343 Muhrai Hatta 1,990.00 PR (1) W PO 344 Saj 193.00 345 Tidni Kachnari 782.00 PR (1) W 346 Pipriya Dhyandas 621.00 W 347 Bichhuwa Chhakka 301.00 NW 348 Mahuwa Kheda Khurd 425.00 W 349 Basan 419.00 R 350 Gaisabad 2,407.00 PR (1) PHC (1) W,R PR PO 351 Rutguwan 261.00 352 Adanwara 1,064.00 R,W PR 353 Garreh 1,352.00 PR (1) W PR 354 Budwar 677.00 W PR 355 Ram Talaiya 229.00 W 356 Kachnari 2,026.00 W PR 357 Tevraiya 1,334.00 PR (1) W KR 358 Bhunguwan 554.00 W KR 359 Hinota Kalan 3,593.00 PR O),Mid.S.(1) AD (1) E,EI,BIN W PR PO 360 Niwai Mali 584.00 W 361 Abda 994.00 E W 362 Deora Jamsha 483.00 PR (1) W 363 Baleh 1,049.00 W 43


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r- weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if a.1Y, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigat~ Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Rice 4.00 879.00 150.00 34.00 Hatta 11.2' 312 Wheat, Rice 1.00 855.00 55.00 60.00 Hatta 9.0 313 Wheat, Rice 1.00 904.00 134.00 133.00 Hatta 9.6 314 Wheat, Jowar 285.00 3.00 32.00 Hatta 8.0 315 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 1,913.00 156.00 182.00 Hatta 12.8 Wednesday 316 Wheat, Jowar 239.00 23.00 114.00 Hatta 12.8 317 Wheat, Jowar 674.00 328.00 63.00 Hatta 12.8 318 163.00 11.00 5.00 Hatta 12.8 319 Wheat, Rice 853.00 286.00 39.00 Ratta 11.2 320 Wheat, Rice 1.00 480.00 249.00 12.00 Hatta 14.4 321 Wheat, Rice 2.00 1,259.00 140.00 46.00 Hatta 16.0 322 Wheat, JowaI 599.00 233.00 43.00 Hatta 19.2 323 Wheat, Jowar 742.00 275.00 83.00 Hatta 22.4 324 Wheat, Jowar 698.00 317.00 60.00 Hatta 20.4 325 Jowar, Wheat 1,164.00 176.00 73.00 Hatta 24.0 326 Jowar, Wheat 441.00 44.00 52,00 Hatta 25.6 327 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 1,962.00 113.00 171.00 Hatta 24.0 328 Jowar, Wheat 1,00 472.00 69.00 16.00 Hatta 22.4 329 Wheat, Jowar 1,006.00 149.00 46.00 Hatta 19.2 330 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 417.00 73.00 16.00 Hatta 24.0 331 Jowar, Wheat 145.00 99.00 37.00 Hatta 27.2 332 Jowar, Wheat 521.00 73.00 24.00 Hatta 27.2 333 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 1,206.00 160.00 153.00 Hatta 27.2 334 351.00 183.00 11.00 Hatta 28.8 335 Wheat, Jowar 117.00 247.00 14.00 Hatta 28.8 336 559.00 195.00 71.00 Hatta 30.4 337 Wheat, Jowar 446.00 31.00 37.00 Hatta 30.4 338 Wheat, Jowar 344.00 130.00 53.00 Ratta 32.0 339 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,729.00 858.00 243.00 Ratta 35.2 340 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 498.00 361.00 79.00 Hatta 35.2 341 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 446.00 111.00 78.00 Ratta 27.2 342 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,643.00 258.00 87.00 Hatta 27.2 343 180.00 13.00 Ratta 25.6 344 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 533.00 233.00 14.00 Hatta 24.0 345 Wheat, Jowar 475.00 130.00 16.00 Hatla 24.0 346 Wheat, Jowar 201.00 90.00 10.00 Halta 25.6 347 Wheat, Jowar 205.00 207.00 13.00 Hatta 25.6 348 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 260.00 119.00 31.00 Hatta 27.2 349 Wheat, J owar 2.00 1,625.00 529.00 251.00 Ratta 28.8 Tuesday 350 4.00 159.00 55.00 43.00 Ratla 35.2 351 Wheat, Gram 7.00 844.00 114.00 99.00 Ratta 33.6 352 Wheat, Rice 90.00 713.00 505.00 44.00 Hatta 25.6 353 Wheat, Jowar 342.00 293.00 42.00 Ratta 20.8 354 Wheat, Iowar 167.00 43.00 19.00 Ratta 22.4 355 Wheat, Jowar 1,642.00 331.00 53.00 Ratta 20.8 356 Wheat, Jowar 1,128.00 134.00 72.00 Ratta 24.0 357 Wheat, J owar 365.00 169.00 20.00 Ratta 19.2 358 Wheat, Rice 11.00 2,775.00 578.00 229.00 Ratta 16.0 Wednesday 359 Wheat, Rice 5.00 524.00 24.00 31.00 Ratta 19.2 360 Wheat, Rice 953.00 13.00 28.00 Ratta 19.2 361 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 446.00 11.00 24.00 Ratta 19.2 362 Wheat, J owar 929.00 64.00 56.00 Ratta 30.4 363 4.4


Amenities available within the villages Total ,.- .A- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

364 Husena 994.00 W 365 Bhaisa 4,260.00 PR (1) W KR PO ]66 Pipriya Kiratl 1,163.00 W PR 367 Khejra Nayak 98.00 368 Harduwani KamIa 893.00 W PR 369 Talgaon HaUa 899.00 W PR 370 Majhguwan Aman 950.00 PR (1) W 371 Hinmatpatti Raneh 952.00 W 372 Pipriya Raneh 700.00 W 373 Jeronda 1,009.00 W 374 Kalla Kachhar 122.00 375 Tikri Raneh 128.00 376 Khamriya Raneh 62.00 377 Rampura Hatta 1,245.00 W 378 Dharampura Raneh 599.00 W 379 Hinoti Ranch 467.00 W 380 Bijwar 1,640.00 PR (1) W,R 381 Bandha 1,227.00 PR (1) W,R 382 Muhra 901.00 W 383 Shahpura 103.00 384 Kaushalpur 680.00 PR (1) W 385 Singpur Raneh 275.00 386 Raneh 4,243.00 PR (1), Sec. S. (1) W PR PO 387 Purena Raneh 334.00 W 388 Bila Kalan 1,133.00 W 389 Tidni Chhoti 616.00 W .. 390 Nayagaon Hatta 1,058.00 E W PR 391 Karaiya Joshi 437.00 PR (1) W PR 392 Kuluwa Kalan 832.00 W 393 Jhamar Pande 596.00 W KR 394 Bhidari 1,386.00 PR (1) W KR 395 Kunwarpur HaUa 1,770.00 PR (1) W KR 396 LuharBand 514.00 W KR 397 Lakhanpura 96.00 398 Kakra 1,789.00 W KR 399 Bilkhirwa 274.00 W KR 400 Barkhera Chain 1,005.00 PR (1) W KR 401 Sigrampura 343.00 W KR 402 Bari Hana 405.00 403 Mahuwa Kheda 817.00 PR (1) W 404 Imaliya Rawat 1,220.00 PR (1) R KR 405 Maheba 600.00 W 406 Simari Devi Singh 1,242.00 W KR 407 Muhli Patera 317.00 408 Madiya Devi Singh 839.00 PR 0) W 409 Neem Kheda Devi Singh 329.00 410 Semra Santosh 314.00 W 411 Chhewla Dube 1,917.00 PR (1) MCW (1) W PO 412 Bamhori Udesha 618.00 W KR 413 Chaupra HaUa 564.00 W 414 Rasilpura 2,981.00 PR (2). Mid. S. (1) W PO 415 Kherkheri Pathak 301.00 KR 4S

BAtTA TAHSn.. Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ---'--- weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated p~.sture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village arehaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

,yheat, Jowar 1.00 719.00 200.00 74.00 Hatta 27.0 364 Wheat, Rice 2.00 3,S20.00 483.00 255.00 Hatta 22.4 365 Wheat, Kodo 1,047.00 57.00 59.00 Hatta 19.2 366 91.00 5.00 2.00 Hatta 14.4 367 Wheat, Kodo 6.00 751.00 108.00 28.00 Hatta 14.4 368 Wheat, Kodo 1.00 773.00 84.00 41.00 Hatta 14.4 369 Wheat, Kodo 9.00 686.00 221.00 34.00 Hatta 16.0 370 Wheat, Kodo 5.00 716.00 183.00 .48.00 Hatta 19.2 371 Wheat, Jowar 494.00 180.00 26.00 Hatta 19.2 372 Wheat, Jowar 701.00 235.00 73.00 Hatta 20.0 373 Wheat, JOW81 109.00 5.00 8.00 Hatta 16.0 374 113.00 12.00 3.00 Hatta 17.6 375 59.00 3.00 Hatta 17.6 376 Wheat 5.00 1,075.00 121.00 44.00 Hatta 16.0 377 Wheat, Rice 3.00 525.00 46.00 25.00 Hatta 16.0 378 Wheat, Rice 2.00 409.00 47.00 9.00 Hatta 20.8 379 Wheat, Rice 3.00 1,297.00 194.00 146.00 Hatta 24.0 380 Wh~t, Rice 2.00 1,051.00 95.00 79.00 Hatta 22.4 381 Wheat, Rice 2.00 602.00 241.00 55.00 Hatta 20.8 382 27.00 67.00 9.00 Hatta 17.6 383 Wheat, Rice 562.00 67.00 51.00 Hatta 17.6 384 154.00 108.00 13.00 Hatta 16.0 385 Wheat, Rice 3.00 3,322.00 559.00 359.00 Hatta 14.4 Monday 386 Wheat, Kodo 207.00 113.00 14.00 Hatta 12.8 387 Wheat, Kodo 977.00 110.00 46.00 Hatta 11.2 388 Wheat, Kodo 472.00 118.00 26.00 Hatta 9.6 389 Wheat 933.00 80.00 45.00 Hatta 8.6 390 Wheat 3.00 394.00 32.00 8.00 Hatta 6.4 391 Wheat, Kodo 691.00 112.00 29.00 Hatta 8.0 392 Wheat 1.00 557.00 23.00 15.00 Hatta 6.4 393 Wheat 1.00 1,000.00 331.00 54.00 Hatta 6.4 394 Wheat 1.00 1,597.00 113.00 59.00 Hatta 8.0 395 Wheat 437.00 49.00 . 28.00 Hatta 12.S 396 89.00 3.00 4.00 Hatta 12.S 397 Wheat 1,572.00 126.00 91.00 Hatta 14.4 ... 398 Wheat 230.00 26.00 18.00 Hatta 12.8 399 Wheat 824.00 121.00 60.00 Hatta 11.2 400 Wheat 287.00 38.00 18.00 Hatta 12.8 401 351.00 45.00 9.00 Hatta 19.2 402 Wheat 589.00 166.00 62.00 Hatta 19.2 403 Wheat 2.00 763.00 338.00 117.00 Hatta 24.0 404 Wheat 464.00 91.00 45.00 Hatta 19.2 405 Wheat 986.00 188.00 68.00 Hatta 19.2 406 263.00 39.00 15.00 Hatta 17.6 407 Wheat, Jowar 711.00 69.00 59.00 Hatta 16.0 408 284.00 31.00 14.00 Hatta 17.0 409 Wheat, Jowar 243.00 SO.OO 21.00 Hatta 16.0 410 Wheat, Jowar 1,59S.00 208.00 111.00 Hatta 16.0 411 Wheat 534.00 68.00 16.00 Hatta 11.2 412 Wheat 490.00 52.00 22.00 Hatta 11.2 413 Wheat 2.00 2,654.00 21S.00 107.00 Hatta 8.0 Wednesday 414 Wheat '287.00 3.00 11.00 Hatta 4.S 415 46

VILLAGE DIRECTORY ------~- .. .. _--._._------_--- -.------.- - .. --- -_------_-_- - ._------Amenities available within the villages Total r-- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- C\lmmu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) grapb

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

416 Kuwa Kheda Baji 1,498.00 PR (1) W KIt 417 Rusalli 1,946.00 PR (1) W KR 418 Kheri Bajgovind 959.00 W KR 419 Majhguwan Patol 1,991.00 PR (1) W KR 420 Rasota 1,211.CO PR (1) W KR 421 Shahpura Memar 192.00 422 Itwa Santosh 431.00 W KR 423 Kaudiya 804.00 W KR 424 Gata 826.00 W KR 425 Bagha 810.00 PR (1) W KR 426 Sojna 2,504.00 PR (1) W KR PO 427 Barkhera Dais 1,222.00 PR (1) W KR 428 Bamuriya Patera 906.00 PR (1) W PR 429 Pipar Khiriya 199.00 KR 430 Khamriya Patera 942.00 W KR 431 Rewj ha Madho 725.00 W,NW KR 432 Patar Khurd 202.00 KR 433 Bichhuwa Shikarpura 219.00 W KR 434 Kudai 1,884.00 PR (1) W KR 435 Magolpur 776.00 PR (1) W KR 436 Imaliya Udesha 81S.00 W 437 Pateriya Patera 437.00 W 438 Deori Patera 396.00 W 439 Nadia 384.00 W 440 Harpalpura 549.00 W KR 441 Shahpura 109.00 W PR 442 Shymar Patti 214.00 443 Nimar Munda Mali 666.00 PR (1) W KR 444 Deo Dongra 1,468.00 PR (1) W PR 445 Kachuriya 713.00 W PR 446 Bhartala 1,179.00 PR (1) W PR 447 Patmohna 396.00 448 Nagmadi 570.00 E W PR 449 Karaiya 502.00 W 450 Tindani 895.00 E W KR 451 Tigra 125.00 W 452 Madiyapuran 1,169.00 W KR 453 Datiya 839.00 E W KR 454 Satariya 1,387.00 PR (1) E,BIN W KR 455 Bar Kheri Patera 666.00 W KR 456 MudiDongri 282.00 B W KR 457 BeJa Patera 167.00 W KR 458 Sarangpura 1,008.00 W KR 459 Itwa Thowan 290.00 W KR. 460 Barkhera Thowan 211.00 KR 461 Chainpura Patera 337.00 W KR 462 Bamanpura 1,295.00 PR (1) B W PR 463 Mahuna 305.00 W PR 464 Pipriya Sahni 544.00 W PR 465 Chaupra Patera 361.00 W PR 466 Raja Baadi 416.00 PR (1) W PR PR 467 Bhunguwan Patera 482.00 47


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ~ weekly including Culturable Area not Neare~t Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated lrrigated pasture for distance beld historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal intere~t

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat 2~00 1,322.00 104.00 70.00 Hatta 6.4 416 Wheat 2.00 1,746.00 133.00 65.00 Hatta 8.0 417 Wheat 2.00 803.00 92.00 62.00 Halta 9.6 418 Wheat 1.00 1,641.00 259.00 90.00 Hatta 8.0 419 Wheat 4.00 1,007.00 149.00 51.00 Hatta 9.6 420 136.00 47.00 9.00 Hatta 11.2 421 Wheat 349.00 57.00 25.00 Hatta 9.6 422 Wheat 1.00 611.00 134.00 58.00 Hatta 14.4 423 Wheat 700.00 88.00 38.00 Hatta 14.4 424 Wheat 1.00 747.00 33.00 29.00 Hatta 14.4 425 Wheat 8.00 2,210.00 198.00 88.00 Hatta 16.0 Wednesday 426 Wheat 1,025.00 118.00 79.00 Hatta 16.0 427 Wheat 2.00 753.00 94.00 57.00 Hatta 14.4 428 96.00 93.00 10.00 Hatta 14.4 429 Wheat 1.00 825.00 87.00 29.00 Ratta 16.0 430 Wheat 1.00 586.00 92.00 46.00 Hatta 16.0 431 150.00 34.00 18.00 Halta 16.0 432 Wheat 1.00 186.00 15.00 17.00 . Hatta 17.6 433 Wheat, Rice 18.00 1,490.00 261.00 115.00 Hatta 16.0 434 Wheat, Rice 664.00 72.00 40.00 Hatta 17.6 435 Wheat, ,Rice 493.00 282.00 40.00 Hatta 20.8 436 Wheat, Rice 375.00 45.00 17.00 Hatta 19.2 437 Wheat, Rice 1.00 314.00 68.00 13.00 Hatta 24.0 438 Wheat, Rice 354.00 18.00 12.00 Hatta 22.4 439 Wheat, Rice 3.00 493.00 17.00 36.00 Hatta 25.0 440 Wheat, Rice 2.00 98.00 5.00 4.00 Hatta 24.0 441 205.00 2.00 7.00 Halta 30.0 442 Wheat, Rice 1.00 620.00 15.00 30.00 Damoh 24.0 443 Wheat, Rice 1,319.00 56.00 93.00 Damoh 24.0 444 Wheat, Rice 652.00 38.00 23.00 Damoh 24.0 445 Wheat, Rice 278.00 582.00 225.00 94.00 Damoh 22.4 446 223.00 119.00 54.00 Damoh 22.4 447 Wheat, Rice 112.00 309.00 116.00 33.00 Damoh 20.8 448 Wheat, Rice 2.00 257.00 183.00 60.00 Damoh 12.4 449 Wheat, Rice 83.00 338.00 224.00 196.00 54·.00 Damoh 19.2 450 Wheat, Rice 42.00 13.00 26.00 39.00 5.00 Damoh 24.0 451 Wheat, Rice 43.00 15.00 697.00 219.00 195.00 Damoh 25.6 452 Wheat, Rice 33.00 7.00 366.00 94.00 339.00 Damoh 27.2 453 Wheat, Rice 56.00 535.00 31.00 765.00 Damoh 27.2 454 Wheat, Rice 63.00 4.00 271.00 53.00 275.00 Halta 25.6 455 Wheat, Rice 6.00 208.00 36.00 32.00 Damoh 25.6 456 Wheat, Rice 150.00 10.00 7.00 Damoh 25.6 457 Wheat, Rice 4.00 383.00 392.00 229.00 Hatta 24.0 458 Rice, Kodo 58.00 151.00 39.00 42.00 Hatta 22.4 459 Rice, Kodo 99.00 80.00 18.00 74.00 Hatta 20.8 460 Rice, Kodo 8.00 269.00 18.00 42.00 Hatta 19.2 461 Wheat 8.00 1,215.00 12.00 60.00 Hatta 22.4 462 Wheat, Rice 4.00 279.00 16.00 6.00 Hatta 17.6 463 Wheat, Rice 8.00 471.00 37.00 28.00 Hatta 19.2 464 Wheat, Rice 1.00 327.00 21.00 12.00 Hatta 17.6 465 Wheat, Rice 357.00 76.00 43.00 Hatta 17.6 466 452.00 19.00 Il.OO HaUa 17.0 467 48

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities available within the villages Total ----. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the 'Supply ing nica- and village water tion T~le- (in acros) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

468 Deopura 54.00 .. 469 Patera 5,482.00 PR(I), Mid.S.(I), Sec.S.(I) AD(l),FC(I) E,EI,EIN w PR PO 470 lamuniya Tank 1,158.00 E W 471 Tirgarh 1,348.00 W PR 472 Pithariya Patera 327.00 W 473 Kuluwa Patera 264.00 W 474 Padri Sahajpur 693.00 PR (1) W 475 Sagoni Kalyan 292.00 W 476 Bila Khurd 398.00 PR (1) W 477 Kunwa-pura Patera 687.00 W 478 Barkhera Narayan 531.00 479 Harduaghat 410.00 R 480 Simri Shukla 276.00 R 481 Purwa Patera 171.00 W 482 Khapar Kbedi 177.00 483 Jamata 559.00 W 484 Sanga 260.00 W 485 Rampura 177.00 W PR 486 Kundalpur 1,093.00 PR (1) E W PR 487 Fatehpur Patera 473.00 .. W KR 488 PalaArjuni 671.00 W PR 489 Ramgarha 515.00 W PR 490 Sinapura Patera 311.00 W 491 ReojbaGhat 819.00 R 492 Muda 548.00 W 493 Barkhera Pathak 101.00 494 Muari 1,100.00 PR (1) W 495 Sanda 391.00 W KR 496 Nayagaon KOla 994.00 W KR 497 Hardua Pahadi 497.00 W KR 498 Kota 958.00 PR (1) W,R KR PO 499 Majhguwan Kheda 174.00 R KR 500 Magra 487.00 NW KR 501 Mahuwa Darho 214.00 W KR 502 Barkheri Patera 1.322.00 PR (1) W KR 503 Hathibhar 864.00 W KR 504 Bhonda 393.00 .. W 505 Bichhiya 477.00 R 506 Piparia Mal. 1,431.00 W PR 507 Patti Kuluwa 446.00 PR 508 Chilghat 889.00 W PR 509 Donda 116.00 W 510 Hinoti 2,135.00 PR (1) W PR 511 Bilguwan 973.00 PR (1) W PR 512 Sagoni Upadhyay 436.00 PR 513 Neemkheda Upadhyay 308.00 PR 514 Madia Tiket 325.00 R PR SIS Barret 946.00 W PR 516 Lidhora 182.00 517 Maheguwan Patera 553.00 W 518 Kauwa Khoh 581.00 R 519 Jer 657.00 W 49


Lund use (i.e. area under. different.A.______types of land use) in acres...... Day or Remarks weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste {i.e. available town & if any, ofreligious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

49.00 5.00 Hatta 19.2 468 Wheat, Rice 311.00 1.00 2,306.00 1,501.00 1,363.00 Hatta 19.2 Monday 469 Wheat, Rice 112.00 1.00 509.00 233.00 303.00 Hatta 20.8 470 Wheat, Rice 18.00 442.00 429.00 459.00 Hatta 27.2 471 3.00 286.00 27.00 11.00 Hatta 16.0 472 Wheat, Rice 252.00 3.00 9.00 HaUa 16.0 473 Whel\t, Rice 628.00 35.00 30.00 Hatta 16.0 474 Wheat, Rice 234.00 25.00 33.00 HaUa 16.0 475 Wheat, Rice 331.00 34.00 33.00 HaUa 14.4 476 Wheat, Rice 13.00 493.00 123,CO 58.00 HaUa 17.6 477 219.00 253.00 59.00 Hatta 16.0 478 Wheat, Gram 1.00 302.00 72.00 35.00 Hatta 17.6 479 Wheat, Rice 2.00 148.00 81.00 45.00 Hatta 17.6 ·480 Wheat, Rice 2.00 166.00 3.00 Hatta 17.6 481 170.00 3.00 4.00 Hatta 17.0 482 Wheat, Rice 320.00 208.00 31.00 Hatta 16.0 483 Wheat, Rice 212.00 35.00 13.00 Hatta 17.6 484 Wheat, Rice 160.00 8.00 9.00 Hatta 20.8 485 Wheat, Rice 33.00 'i22.oo 94.00 244.00 Hatta 22.4 486 Wheat, Gram 26.00 212.00 29.00 206.00 Hatta 24.0 487 Wheat, Rice 1.00 511.00 56.00 103.00 Hatta 25.6 488 Wheat, Rice 467.00 18.00 30.00 Hatta 25.6 489 Wheat, Rice 9.00 252.00 16.00 34.00 Hatta 22.4 490 Wheat, Rice 1.00 635.00 118.00 65.00 Hatta 22.4 491 Wheat, Rice 2.00 508.00 16.00 22.00 Hatta 17.6 492 84.00 11.00 6.00 Hatta 17.6 493 Wheat, Rice 3.00 663.00 252.00 182.00 Hatta 17.6 494 Wheat, Rice 18.00 336.00 11.00 26.00 Hatta 17.6 495 Wheat, Rice 3.00 21.00 203.00 101.00 666.00 Hatta 25.6 496 Wheat, Rice 109.00 24S.oo 91.00 S2.00 Hatta 30.4 497 Wheat, Rice 43.00 8.00 616.00 101.00 190.00 Hatta 25;6 Friday 498 . Wheat, Rice 43.00 2.00 44.00 9.00 76.00 Hatta 28.8 499 Wheat, Rice 124.00 172.00 110.00 81.00 Hatta 32.0 500 Wheat, Rice 12.00 87.00 111.00 4.00 Hatta 28.8 501 Wheat, Rice 514.00 7S.00 ·733.00 Hatta 30.4 502 Rice, Kodo 11.00 200.00 168.00 48S.00 Hatta 30.4 503 Jowar, Kodo 40.00 236.00 79.00 38.00 Hatta 30.6 504 Jowar, Kodo 67.00 107.00 303.00 HaUa 28.8 50S Wheat, Rice 20.00 465.00 260.00 686.00 Hatta 32.0 506 116.00 76.00 142.00 112.00 Hatta 36.8 501 Wheat, Rice 41.00 495.00 186.00 167.00 Hatta 38.4 508 Rice, Kodo 11.00 10S.00 Hatta 35.2 509 Wheat, Rice 709.00 496.00 335.00 59S.00 Hatta 32.0 510 Wheat, Rice 44.00 212.00 296.00 116.00 245.00 Hatta 25.6 511 Wheat, Rice 316.00 81.00 39.00 Hatta 28.8 512 Wheat, Rice 157.00 47.00 104.00 Hatta 17.6 513 Wheat, Rice 270.00 12.00 43.00 Hatta 30.4 514 Wheat, Rice 70.00 229.00 526.00 121.00 Hatta 30.4 515 111.00 71.00 Hatta 33.6 516 Wheat, Jowar 159.00 158.00 236.00 Hatta 33.6 517 Wheat, J owar 15.00 87.00 299.00 180.00 Hatta 32.0 518 Wheat. Rice 421.00 205.00 31.00 Hatta 32.0 S19 50


A!mnities available within the villages Total -----"------"\ L.C. area of B,jucational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name or village the. Supply ing niea- Village and water tion T~e- (in acres) graph

"---_---- _"_ ------_-- ~--. . - __ - -- _-- -- .. ------.-_- -- _--_-_----_-_"._-- __ .. - ---" ---_"_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . ------_------_._-- 520 ImaIiya patera 337.00 A 521 Neguwan 737.00 522 Kajra Mali. 305.00 A 523 Jamuniya Kumhari 327.00 R 524 Majguwan Khurd 608.00 R 525 JogiDabar 1,058.00 R 526 Madho 1,039.00 R 527 Surkhi 88.00 528 Ghugri 961.00 NW 529 Badhajya Kheda 163.00 530 Salaiya 1,004.00 PR (1) W KR PO 531 Deori Chhoti 979.00 W 532 . Gbogra 2,576.00 W 533 Magrai 1,834.00 W KR 534 Banmi 154.00 W KR 535 Kuluwa 3,108.00 PR (1) W PR 536 Kumhari 1,803.00 Mid. S. (1) AD (1) W PA PO 537 Gudri 1,444.00 PR 538 Majholi 1,502.00 W PR 539 Karondi 749.00 W PR 540 Deori Ratan 625.00 PA (1) W PA 541 Mohas 933.00 W PR 542 Gata 397.00 W KR 543 Rasuiya 980.00 544 KalaKot 631.00 W KR 545 Dhanguwan 336.00 W PA 546 Bag Sari 810.00 W 547 Patna Kumhari 1,500.00 PA 0) W PR 548 Padri Kumbari 706.00 W PA 549 Gadaghat 1,467.00 PR (1) W R 550 Khamriya 1,510.00 PR (1) W PR 551 Khakra 737.00 W R 552 Majhguwan Hansraj 4,875.00 P A (1), Mid. S. (1) W PR PO 553 Pateriya 2,000.00 PR (1) W R PO 554 Sagoni 4,051.00 PR (1) W 555 Kusmi 2,541.00 PR (1) W

TOTAL 493,746.00 PR (157) D (9) 31 W (365) PR (137) PO (32) Mid.s. (14) H (2) 0 (89) K R (147) Sec. S. (4) 0 (4)

SOllrce:-Columns 1 to S & 7 to 18 : Tabsildar, Hatta. Column 6: Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur 51


Land use (i.e. area under-.A- differ~nt______types of land use). ___ in acres, Day or Remarks weekly induding Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village arcbaeologi- land etc.) cal interest ~------.------_- ---_ ---_.. _----_------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Rice 2.00 186.00 85.00 64.00 Hatta 32.0 520 106.00 166.00 465.00 Hatta 28.8 521 Wheat, Jowar 89.00 168.00 48.00 Hatta 35.2 522 Wheat, Rice 229.00 22.00 76.00 Hatta 32.0 523 Wheat, Rice 3.00 130.00 167.00 308.00 Hatta 33.6 524 Wheat, Rice 218.00 376.00 332.00 132.00 Hatta 32.0 525 Wheat, Rice 92.00 247.00 700.00 Hatta 33.6 526 18.00 64.00 6.00 Hatta 36.0 527 Wheat, Rice 10.00 398.00 553.00 Hatta 33.6 528 2.00 28.00 58.00 13.00 62.00 Hatta 40.0 529 Rice, Wheat 2.00 480.00 300.00 123.00 99.00 Damoh 40.0 530 Wheat, Rice 47.00 209.00 166.00 212.00 345.00 Damoh 41.6 531 Wheat, Rice 1,989.00 151.00 389.00 47.00 Damoh 30.4 532 Rice, Wheat 1,611.00 155.00 54.00 14.00 Damoh 43.2 533 Wheat, Rice 274.00 130.00 269.00 81.00 Damoh 41.2 534 Wheat, Rice 2.00 136.00 668.00 394.00 1,908.00 Hatta 36.8 535 Wheat, Rice 499.00 357.00 195.00 752.00 Hatta 38.4 Wednesday 536 147.00 187.00 623.00 487.00 Hatta 40.0 537 Wheat, Rice 7.00 53.00 349.00 371.00 722.00 Hatta 41.6 538 Wheat, Rice 9.00 105.00 136.00 80.00 419.00 Hatta 41.6 539 Wheat, Rice 328.00 187.00 57.00 53.00 Hatta 41.6 540 Wheat, Rice 240.00 268.00 169.00 256.00 Hatta 40.0 541 Wheat, Rice 147.00 147.00 62.00 41.00 Hatta 40.0 542 Wheat, Rice 309.00 290.00 381.00 Hatta 44.8 543 Wheat, Rice 213.00 185.00 27.00 206.00 Batta 46.4 544 Wheat, Rice 182.00 98.00 25.00 31.00 Hatta 48.0 545 Wheat, Rice 369.00 183.00 258.00 Hatta 48.0- 546 Wheat, Rice 133.00 365.00 296.00 706.00 Hatta 43.2 547 Wheat, Rice 307.00 133.00 266.00 Batta 41.6 548 Wheat, Rice 8.00 336.00 187.00 936.00 Damoh 43.2 549 Wheat, Rice 423.00 418.00 247.00 422.00 Damoh 46.2 550 Wheat, Rice 1.00 315.00 98.00 323.00 Damoh 44.8 551 Wheat, Rice 7.00 238.00 755.00 68.00 ·3,807.00 Damoh 44.8 Thursday 552 Wheat, Rice 2.00 282.00 251.00 474.00 991.00 Damoh 41.6 Tuesday 553 Wheat, Rice 1.00 28.00 879.00 1,051.00 2,092.00 Damoh 44.8 554 Wheat, Rice 364.00 746.00 1,431.00 Damoh 48.0 555

45,631.00 5,791.00 280,501.00 91,702.00 70,121.00 52

VILLAGE DIRECfORY Amenities available within the villages Total ---"-- ...... L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -__._ ._--_. __ -_. -- .. _.- .. _ --._.-- ---_._. 1 Dunda 1,513.00 W KR 2 Sasa 1,191.00 PR (1) W W KR 3 SujnipuI 1,575.00 PR (1) W KR 4 Semra Lakhroni 800.00 PR (1) R KR 5 KodarMadi 785.00 W KR 6 Kealari Pathariya 2,308.00 PR·(I), Mid.S.(I) w KR PO 7 Neguwan 1,725.00 PR (1) R KR 8 Botrai 4,920.00 PR (1) B,EI W KR PO 9 Khiriya Lakhroni 489.00 Mid.S (1) R KR 10 Satpara 4,814.00 PR (l), Mid.S.(1) w KR PO 11 Maaiya Lakhroni 392.00 R KR 12 Jagthar 2,016.00 PR (1) R KR 13 K.ankarda 1,147.00 PR (1) R KR 14 Mihalwara 1,249.00 R KR 15 Sukha 2,222.00 PR (1) VI KR PO 16 Bansholi 892.00 W KR 17 Mirjapur 1,199-.00 PR (1) W KR 18 Tila 1,094.00 W KR 19 Magardha 949.00 W KR. 20 Lakhroni 3,608.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(1) EI,BIN W PR 21 Rajwans 929.00 PR(l) HI W PR,R PO 22 Umarbo 1,229.00 PR (1) W KR 23 Jamuniya Mal. 705.00 PR (1) W KR 24 Jamuniya Ryt. 252.00 W KR 25 HatnaBansa 928.00 26 Nadrai 3,571.00 Mid.S.(1) B,EI,BIN W KR PO 27 .Bansa Kalan 6,144.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(1), Sec.S.(I) •. E,m,BIN W PR PO 28 lmaJiya Ghona 1,197.00 PR 0) R KR 29 Alapur 699.00 W KR 30 Kari Kheri 358.00 R KR 31 Semra Lodhi 857.00 PR (1) E,EI W KR 32 Ghogri Gulal . 524.00 W KR 33 K.indarho 2,248.00 PR (1), Mid.s. (1) MCW (1) EI,BlN W KR PO 34 Pipariya Luhar 274.00 EI,BIN R KR 35 Pipar Khiriya Pathariya 1,555.00 R KR 36 Kacaiya Lakhroni 1,269.00 W KR 37 Bilani 1,042.00 Mid.S. (1) W K.& PO 38 Khajri 1,080.00 W KR 39 Darkhera Jaisingh 585.00 PR (1) W,R KR 40 Guda Pipar Khiriya 764.00 R KR 41 Duhav.:: 453.00 W KR 42 Daihar 201.00 43 Suhave 1,170.00 PR (1) W KR 44 Jerath 2,676.00 Mid.S.(l) R KR PO 45 Kajrethi 803.00 R KR 46 Rampur 281.00 HI R K.R 47 Bobai 782.00 PR (1) HI R KR 48 Bhaisa Narsinghgarh 985.00 W KR 49 Khajra Lakhroni 615.00 PR (1) W KR 50 K.anari 960.00 W KR 51 Jhasri Kindarho 629.00 W KR 52 Kotra 650.00 R KR 53


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r--- weekly including Culturable Area---- not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town&. jf any, of reli,:tious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Jowar 364.00 716.00 377.00 56.00 Patharia Kalan 12,8 1 Wheat, Jowar 73.00 55.00 819.00 178.00 66.00 Patharia Kalan 14.4 2 Wheai, Jowar 121.00 3.00 977.00 449.00 25.00 Patharia Kalan 11.2 3 Wheat, Jowar 57.00 535.00 149.00 59.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 4 Jowar 247.00 308.00 230.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 5 JowaI, Wheat 62.00 1,334.00 786.00 126.00 Patharia Kalan 14.4 Tuesday 6 Wheat, Jowar 22.00 1,102.00 549.00 52.00 Path aria Kalan 14.4 7 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 3,624.00 1,004.00 282.00 Patharia Kalan 8.0 8 Wheat 416.00 43.00 30.00 Path aria Kalan 11.2 9 Wheat 7.00 4,017.00 465.00 325.00 Patharia Kalan 11.2 10 Wheat, lowar 52.00 252.00 50.00 38.00 Path aria Kalan 14.4 11 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,705.00 205.00 105.00 Path aria Kalan 14.4 12 Wheat, Jowar 889.00 100.00 158.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 13 Wheat, Jowar 1,146.00 49.00 54.00 Path aria Kalan 12.8 14 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 1,980.00 160.00 75.00 Patharia Kalan 9.6 15 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 791.00 81.00 12.00 Patharia Kalan 8.0 16 Wheat, Jowar 957.00 202.00 40.00 Patharia Kalan 4.8 17 Wheat, Jowar 157.00 9.00 725.00 133.00 70.00 Patharia Kalan 6.4 18 Wheat, lowar 2.00 857.00 58.00 32.00 Patharia Kalan 6.4 19 Wheat; Jowar 368.00 43.00 2,267.00 708.00 222.00 Patharia Kalan 3.2 20 Wheat, lowar 27.00 712.00 150.00 40.00 Patharia Kalan. 1.6 21 Wkeat, Jowar 16.00 481.00 477.00 255.00 Patharia Kalan 8.0 22 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 487.00 173.00 44.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 23 Wheat. Jowar 85.00 147.00 20.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 24 928.00 Patharia Kalan 6.4 25 Wheat, Jowar 45.00 1,791.00 588.00 1,147.00 Patharia Kalan 8.0 Wednesday 26 Wheat, Jowar 136.00 4,622.00 1,139.00 247.00 Patharia Kalan 4.8 27 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 959.00 180.00 57.00 Patharia Kalan 8.0 28 Wheat, lowar 1.00 502.00 168.00 28.00 Patharia Kalan 4.8 29 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 210.00 88.00 59.00 Patharia Kalan 6.4 30 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 794.00 34.00 28.00 Patharia Kalan 8.0 31 Wheat, Jowar 435.00 69.00 20.00 Patharia Kalan 5.6 32 Wheat, Jowar 31.00 1,907.00 246.00 64.00 Patharia Kalan 6.4 Thrusday 33 Wheat, Jowar 42.00 160.00 33.00 39.00 Patharia Kalan 4.8 34 Wheat, lowar 1,313.00 122.00 120.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 35 Wheat, 4.00 1,16(00 59.00 42.00 Patbaria Kalan 14.4 36 Wheat, 5.00 956.00 45.00 36.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 37 Wheat, 1.00 1,013.00 42.00 24.00 Patharia Kalan 12·8 38 Wheat, Jowar 489.00 46.00 50.00 Patharia Kalan 20.8 39 Wheat, Jowar 528.00 116.00 120.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 40 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 400.00 39.00 12.00 Patharia Kalan 17.6 41 Wheat, Jowar 194.00 1.00 6.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 42 Wheat, Jowar 983.00 13B.OO 49.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 43 Wheat, 2.00 2,416.00 109.00 149.00 PatJ:oaria Kalan 19.2 44 Wheat, 2.00 700.00 29.00 72.00 Patharia Kalan 22.4 45 Wheat, lowar 3.00 208.00 30.00 40.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 46 Wheat 11.00 620.00 6S.OO 86.00 Patharia Kalan 14.4 47 Wheat 2.00 940.00 10.00 33.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 48 Wheat 5.00 573.00 20.00 17.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 49 Wheat 1.00 877.00 60.00 22.00 Patharia Kalan 9.6 50 Wheat 600.00 21.00 8.00 Patharia Kalan 9.6 51 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 554.00 49.00 44.00 Pa tharia Kalan 11.2 52 54


Amenities available within the villages Total r- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- COmInu. Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica· and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 Khiriya Shankar 697.00 PR (1) W,R KR 54 Sagoni Kalan 1,311.00 R KR 55 sagoni Khurd 568.00 R KR 56 ItwaBujurg 1,214.00 R KR 57 Chhirka 717.00 W KR 58 Mara 838.00 PR (1) W KR 59 Noru 675.00 W KR 60 Mohanpuf 1,511.00 PR(1) BI,EIN W KR. 61 Berlchari 1,094.00 PR (1) R KR 62 Khiriya Chhakka 743.00 W,N,W KR 63 ShahpuI 2,102.00 Mid.S.(l) R KR 64 Satouwa 1,661.00 R K'R 65 Pipariya Chhakka 1,226.00 PR (1) W KR 66 Bardhari 2,832.00 PR (1) W KR PO 67 Taraveli 799.00 W KR 68 Jhagar Balakot 3,186.00 PR (1) W KR 69 Dumar Balakot 562.00 W KR 70 JatguQjola 237.00 W KR 71 Kumeriya 941.00 PR (1) W PR Po 72 Mahanpur Bardhari 900.00 PR (1) W KR 73 Parasari 564.00 HI R KR 74 Patmohna 329.00 W KR 75 Khejra 724.00 W KR. 76 Parsoriya Nahar 1,025.00 PR (1) W KR 77 Turkai 1,077 .00 PR (1) .. W KR. 78 Sarkhadi 1,537.00 Mid.S.(l) MCW (1) E,EI W PRo PO 79 Pipariya 1,053.00 PR (1) W,R KR 80 Madiya 378.00 W KR 81 Karriya 269.00 KR 82 Chhaprat 590.00 PR (1) W KR 83 Barkhera Kunwar 403.00 KR 84 Bamhori Jodha 422.00 W KR 85 Hinota Narsingarh 1,271.00 PR (1) EI W KR 86 Deoran 1,035.00 PR (1) W KR 87 Rajalwari 797.00 W KR 88 Bhonrasa 1,444.00 PR (1) W KR, R 89 Luharra Bardhari 1,556.00 PR (1) W KR 90 Purena Bardhari 635.00 KR 91 Choutha 360.00 KR 92 Chhapri Sadak 1,116.00 W KR,R 93 Sadguwan 1,559.00 Mid.S.(I) D(I) w KR,R PO 94 Semra Bujurg 1,622.00 FR (1) W KR.,R 95 Jortala Kalan 2,597.00 PR (1) W KR 96 KhojaKhedi 2,100.00 PR (1) W,R KR. PO 97 Bakeni 2,099.00 PR. (1) W KR 98 Mamarkha 664.00 W KR 99 AbooKhedi 1,145.00 PR (1) W KR 100 Bamhori Choudhari 734.00 W KR. 101 Bhojpur 598.00 R. KR. 102 Kuwakbeda Narsingbgarh 702.00 EI W KR' 103 Semar Chhalcka 675.00 W KR 104 Piprodha Chhakka 1.540.00 PR (1) W 'PR 55


Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day or Remarks weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if a.:l.y, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion KIDs. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 1& 1

Wheat, Jowar 1.00 649.00 18.00 29.00 Patbaria Kalan 11.2 53 Wheat, Jowar 17.00 1,201.00 28.00 65.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 54 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 516.00 9.00 42.00 Patharia Kalan 11.2 55 Wheat 1.00 997.00 128.00 88.00 Patharia Kalan 11.2 56 Wheat 636.00 18.00 63.00 Patharia Kalan 14.2 57 Wheat 720.00 82.00 36.00 Patbaria Kalan 14.4 58 Wheat 2.00 598.00 18.00 57.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 59 Wheat 2.00 1,335.00 81.00 93.00 Patharia Kalan 19.2 60 Wheat, Jowar 721.00 207.00 166.00 Patharia Kalan 9.6 61 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 700.00 15.00 27.00 Patharia Kalan 11.2 62 Wheat, Jriwar 1,757.00 243.00 102.00 Patharia Kalan 9.6 63 Wheat, Jowar 1,261.00 334.00 66.00 Patharia Kalan 9.6 64 Wheat 1,123.00 60.00 43.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 65 Wheat 2,655.00 65.00 112.00 Patharia Kalan 12.8 66 Wheat 755.00 22.00 22.00 Patharia Kalan 14.4 67 Wheat, Jowar 3,014.00 58.00 108.00 Patharia Kalan 16.0 68 Wheat, Jowar 519.00 9.00 34.00 Garbakota 9.6 69 Wheat, Jowar 224.00 7.00 6.00 Garhakota 14.4 70 Wheat, Jowar 841.00 35.00 47.00 Garhakota 16.0 71 Wheat 4.00 837.00 20.00 39.00 Garhakota 14.4 72 Whiat 3.00 402.00 110.00 49.00 Garhakota 16·0 73 Wheat 1.00 267.00 11.00 50.00 Gvhakota 14.4 74 Wheat 623.00 26.00 75.00 Garhakota 14.4 75 Wheat 2.00 954.00 23.00 46.00 Garhakota 11.2 76 Wheat 1.00 1,013.00 31.00 32.00 Damoh 17.6 77 Wheat 28.00 1,425.00 25.00 59.00 Damoh 14.4 78 Wheat 6.00 967.00 25.00 55.00 Damoh 17.6 79 Wheat 330.00 2S .00 23.00 Damoh 14.4 80 Wheat 2.00 238.00 9.00 20.00 Damoh 16.0 81 Wheat, Jowar 535.00 26.00 29.00 Damoh 12.8 82 Wheat, Jowar 378.00 4.00 21.00 Damoh. 12.8 83 Wheat, Jowar 371.00 17.00 34.00 Damon 12.8 84 Wheat, Jowar 1,124.00 87.00 60.00 Damoh 14.4 85 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 888.00 87.00 53.00 Damoh 14.4 86 Wheat 1.00 705.00 59.00 32.00 Damoh 14.4 87 Wheat 1.00 1,294.00 100.00 49.00 Damoh 19.2 88 Wheat 1.00 1,424.00 67.00 64.00 Damob 19.2 89 Wheat 613.00 13.00 9.00 Damob 19.2 90 Wheat 306.00 48.00 6.00 Damoh 12.8 91 Wheat 1.00 1,045.00 41.00 29.00 Damoh 12.8 92 Wheat 6.00 1,388.00 60.00 105.00 Damoh 12.8 93 Wheat 1.00 1,490.00 41.00 90.00 Damoh 11.2 94 Wheat 4.00 2,317.00 112.00 164.00 Damoh 11.2 95 Wheat 16.00 1,752.00 124.00 2OS.00 Damoh 8.0 96 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,903.00 123.00 71.00 Damoh 16.0 97 Wheat, Jowar 634.00 14.00 16.00 Damoh 16.0 98 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,058.00 55.00 31.00 Damoh 16.0 99 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 672.00 38.00 23.00 Damoh 14.4 100 Wheat, Jowar 538.00 40.00 20.00 Damoh 14.4 101 Wheat, Jowar 599.00 85.00 18.00 Damoh 14.4 102 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 591.00 59.00 20.00 Damoh 14.4 1'» Wheat, J OWIU' 6.00 1,333.00 131.00 70.00 Damoh 14.4 ~'1: .. 56

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities available within the villages Total r- .A___ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Raja Khedi 180.00 W KR 106 Puraina 487.00 W KR 107 Pura 1,741.00 PR (1) W PR 108 Chirola 2,796.00 PR (1) W KR 109 Bhatpura 500.00 W KR 110 Aslana 2,682.00 PR (1) R KR PO III Sara Barkheda 379.00 KR 112 Kishunganj 1,627.00 PR (1), Sec.s. (I) D (1) E, EIN W KR PO 113 Mahuna 954.00 EI R KR 114 Bamuriya Chokeri 221.00 KR 115 Chakelighat 215.00 R KR 116 Barkhera Durgadas 1,070.00 PR (1) R KR 117 Hinotaghat 1,304.00 R KR 118 Narsinghgarh 2,140.00 PR (1) R PR 119 Tikli Santosh 505.00 PR 120 Pipriya Champat 607.00 PR (1) W PR 121 Harduwani Narayan 921.00 W KR 122 Kakra 521.00 R PR 123 Khejra Mahesh 376.00 W KR 124 Muhli Narsinghgarh 558.00 W PR 125 1,687.00 W KR 126 Khejra Kalan 1,373.00 W KR 127 lmali Jog 673.00 PR (1)" Mid.S. (1) EI W KR 128 Jhira 809.00 W KR 129 Jhiri 554.00 W KR 130 Oliya 392.00 W KR 131 Khitarpur 363.00 KR 132 Sirsiya 609.00 KR 133 Rangir 1,137.00 W KR 134 Madiya Narsinghgarh 492.00 W KR 135 Karijog 512.00 W KR 136 Badagaon 1,153.00 EI W KR PO 137 Rampur 702.00 R KR 138 Madkola 463.00 R KR 139 Sita Nagar 2,443.00 PR (1), Mid. S. (I) D (1) WR KR PO 140 Bijori 547.00 W KR 141 Jatara 379.00 W KR 142 Deolai 1,408.00 R KR 143 Bamura 279.00 R KR 144 Madiya Sita Nagar 1,182.00 PR (1) W KR 145 MlIllkora 1,564.00 W KR 146 Simri Sita Nagar 632.00 W KR 147 Bhaguwa 700.00 W KR 148 AnkhKhera 2,405.00 PR (1) HI WR KR 149 Karaiya Ankh 832.00 W KR 150 KhejraModi 351.00 151 Patouha 1,439.00 PR (1) W KR 152 Boodi 551.00 153 Bilai 3,197.00 PR (1), Mid.S. (1) 'W KR pO .154 Chhevla 586.00 W KR Jamuniya 905.00 W KR ~t Roda 552.00 W KR 57

DAMOn TAHSIL ..... _. __ .- ... _.__ ------Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ----. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food· Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cllltiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.} cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 132.00 39.00 9.00 Damoh 14.4 105 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 387.00 61.00 37.00 Damoh 14.4 106 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,383.00 281.00 75.00 Damoh 14.4 107 Wheat 2,495.00 214.00 87.00 Damoh 16.0 108 Wheat 414.00 55.00 31.00 Damoh 17.6 109 Wheat 3.00 2,005.00 516.00 158.00 Damoh 19.2 Friday 110 Wheat, Jowar 153.00 188.00 38.00 Damoh 20.8 III Wheat, J owar 1,180.00 157.00 290.00 Damoh 19.2 Wednesday 112 Wheat 29.00 366.00 233.00 326.00 Damoh 19.2 113 Wheat, J owar 8.00 174.00 6.00 33.00 Damoh 22.4 114 Wheat, Jowar 131.00 48.00 36.00 Damoh 22.4 115 Wheat, J owar 4.00 933.00 47.00 86.00 Damoh 22.4 116 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,093.00 118.00 92.00 Damoh 22.4 117 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 1,086.00 758.00 286.00 Damoh 19.2 118 Wheat, Jowar 433.00 55.00 11.00 Damoh 16.0 119 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 558.00 17.00 31.00 Damnh 14.4 120 Wheat, Jowar 118.00 106.00 37.00 Damoh 14.4 121 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 412.00 59.00 48.00 Damoh 12.8 122 Wheat, JowaI 349.00 15.00 12.00 Damoh 13.6 123 Wheat, J owar 231.00 264.00 51.00 Damoh 14.4 124 Wheat, Jowar 1,042.00 105.00 540.00 Dlmoh 19.2 125 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,26l.00 60.00 5l.00 Damoh 24.0 126 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 583.00 55.00 31.00 Damoh 24.0 121 Wheat, Jowar 772.00 13.00 24.00 Damoh 16.0 128 Wheat, Jowar 455.00 69.00 30.00 Damoh 16.0 129 Wheat, Jowar 35l.00 23.00 18.00 Damoh 16.0 130 Wheat 336.00 21.00 Damoh 20.8 131 Wheat 594.00 15.00 Damoh 20.8 132 Wheat 68l.00 1.00 455.00 Damoh 20.8 133 Wheat 1.00 485.00 6.00 Damoh 20.8 134 Wheat 1.00 453.00 1.00 57.00 Damoh 20.8 135 Wheat 2.00 1,083.00 68.00 Damoh 20.8 136 Wheat 4.00 608.00 90.00 Damoh 20.8 131 Wheat 3.00 251.00 166.00 43.00 Hatta 14.4 138 Wheat 6.00 1,953.00 66.(10 418.00 Halta 14.4 Thurs .. Mon. 139 Wheat 1.00 293.00 82.00 111.00 Hatta 16.0 140 Wheat 355.00 24.00 RaUa 16.0 141 Wheat 1,269.00 39.00 100.00 Hatta 14.4 142 Wheat 199.00 12.00 68.00 Hatta 14.4 143 Wheat 893.00 214.00 75.00 Damoh 22.4 144 Wheat 1,354.00 92.00 118.00 Damoh 22.4 145 Wheat 465.00 52.00 115.00 Dlmoh 22.4 146 Wheat 506.00 23.00 11.00 Damoh 22.4 147 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 2,179.00 221.00 Hatta 20.8 148 Wheat, Jcwar 731.00 12.00 89.00 Ratta 19.2 149 Wheat, J owar 324.00 21.00 Hatta 19.2 150 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,369.00 2.00 67.00 Hatla 16.0 151 Wheat, .lowar 534.00 3.00 14.00 Hatta 16.0 152 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 3,014.00 26.00 148.00 HaUa 19.2 Tuesday 153 Wheat, Rice 491.00 47.00 48.00 Damoh 20.8 154 Wheat, Jowar 852.00 1.00 52.00 Hatta 19.2 155 Wheat, Jowar 18.00 500.00 8.00 26.00 Damoh 24.0 156 58


Amenities available within the villages Total r- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power l>rink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and viliage water don Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

151 Mandfa 61.00 KR. 158 Patna 223.00 W KR 159 Khera 74.00 W KR 160 Bhindariya 94.00 161 Baijupura 516.00 162 Kberua 272.00 W 163 Bamuriya 232.00 164 Mabuwa Jhala 66.00 165 Dharampura 246.00 166 Panchmahla 140.00 W KR 167 Chhapri Thakur 591.00 PR (1) W KR· 168 Hanmat Kheda 551.00 W KR 169 Pipriya Kalan 183.00 W KR 170 Pipriya Khurd 213.00 W KR 171 Chainpura 614.00 W KR 172 Kadipura 1,565.00 PR (1) W KR 173 Tan Kbedi 312.00 W KR 174 Kuwatan Khedi 136.00 W KR 175 Kuwa Kbeda 1,175.00 PR (1) W KR 176 Kh8lll Kheda 704.00 W KR Mahua Kheda Bujurg 776.00 177 PR (1) .'. W KR 178 Semarpati 741.00 W KR 179 Madiya Kamal 563.00 W KR 180 Chandora Rajapati 914.00 W KR 181 Bari 938.00 PR (1) H,m R KR. 182 Amoda 439.00 KR 183 padrai Damoh 414.00 BI R KR 184 Mudiya 1,886.00 PR (1) E, EI W PR PO 185 Bbodal Khedi 799.00 W PR 186 Dhiksar 1,956.00 PR (I), Mid.S. (1) W KR 187 M!ldla Dhiksar 419.00 W,R KR 188 Parasai 897.00 R PR 189 Baiyarpur 694.00 W KR 190 Palar Singhi 463.00 PR (1) E,BIN W pa 191 Kberuwa Damoh 720.00 W PR 192 Khajri Damoh 3,626.00 PR (1) 'B,BIN W PR 193 Sukbi Pipariya 580.00 W PR 194 Mara 366.00 W PR 195 Payra 1,040.00 PRo (1) W,R KR 196 Umari 778.00 PRo (1) W PR. 197 Mandla Khiriya 616.00 PR (1) W, R PR 198 Hinnai Umari 492.00 W PR 199 Simri R.ajaram 617.00 W PR 200 Khiriya 1,182.00 PR (1) W PR 201 Rajgbat Pipriya 660.00 W,R KR 202 Mahuwa Khera 398.00 W PR 203 Singhpur Damoh 1,362.00 PR (1) W PR 204 Mabandpur 1,300.00 HI W PR 205 Jhagd 524.00 W KR 206 Raipur 538.00 W KR 207 Simrai 232.00 R KR 208 Karaiya Rakh 1,167.00 W KR 59


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks --"- -. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C· Staple F.ood Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva. in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interC'>t 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat 61.00 Damoh 20.8 157 Wheat 13.00 200.00 1.00 9.00 Danloh 24.0 158 Wheat 72.00 2.00 Damoh 19.2 159 Wheat 94.00 Damoh 20.8 160 Wheat, Rice 145.00 353.00 18.00 Damoh 20.8 161 Wheat, Rice 1.00 264.00 7.00 Damoh· 20.8 162 Wheat, Rice 224.00 8.00 Damoh 20.8 163 Wheat 65.00 1.00 Damoh 22.4 164 Wbeat, lowar 242.00 4.00 Damoh 25.6 165 Wheat, lowar 137.00 3.00 Damoh 20.8 166 Wheat, Rice 534.00 6.00 51.00 Damoh 19.2 167 Wheat, lowar 532.00 19.00 Damoh 19.2 168 Wheat, lowar 169.00 14.00 Damo}! 19.2 169 Wheat, Jowllr 202.00 11.00 Damoh 19.2 170 Wheat, Rice 558.00 6.00 50.00 Damoh 16.0 171 Wheat, Jowar 1,496.00 4.00 65.00 Damoh 19.2 172 Wheat, Jowar 283.00 6.00 23.00 Damoh 17.6 173 Wheat, Jowar 127.00 1.00 8.00 Damoh 19.2 174 Whe,1t, Jowar 1.00 1,088.00 34.00 52.00 Damoh 19.2 175 Wheat, lowar 2.00 667.00 1.00 34.00 Damoh 19.2 176 Wheat, Jowar 677.00 50.00 49.00 Damoh 20.8 177 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 710.00 4.00 25.00 Damoh 19.2 178 Wheat, Jowar 546.00 2.00 15.00 Damoh 17.6 179 Wheat, Jowar 731.00 154.00 29.00 Damoh 17.6 180 Wheat 769.00 98.00 71.00 Damoh 16.0 181 Wheat 303.00 87.00 49.00 Damoh 16.0 182 Wheat 313.00 73.00 28.00 Damoh 17.6 183 Wheat 1.00 1,656.00 95.00 134.00 Dlmoh 14.4 184 Wheat 669.00 106.00 24.00 Damoh 11.2 185 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,605.00 253.00 94.00 Damoh 14.4 Friday 186 Wheat, lowar 325.00 81.00 13.00 Damon 14.4 187 Wheat, Jowar 572.00 262.00 63.00 Damoh 12.8 188 Wheat, JaW'll! 579.00 92.00 23.00 Damoh 12.8 189 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 407.00 33.00 19.00 Damoh 11.2 190 Wheat, lowar 2.00 639.00 60.00 19.00 Damoh 11.2 191 Wheat, Rice 12.00 3,171.00 303.00 140.00 Damoh 8.8 192 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 404.00 137.00 37.00 Damoh 11.2 193 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 326.00 13.00 19.00 Damoh 9.6 194 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 917.00 81.00 33.00 Damoh 9.6 195 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 636.00 97.00 42.00 Damoh 7.2 196 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 551.00 13.00 45.00 Damoh 8.0 197 Wheat, lowar 5.00 446.00 22.00 19.00 Damoh 6.4 198 Wheat, Rice 540.00 52.00 25.00 Damoh 4.8 199 Wheat, Rice 9.00 1,034.00 74.00 65.00 Damoh 6.4 200 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 548.00 74.00 28.00 Damoh 6.4 201 Wheat, Rice 353.00 19.00 26.00 Damoh 3.2 202 Wheat, Rice 81.00 1,067.00 134.00 80.00 Damoh 2.4 203 Wheat, lowar 2.00 1,154.00 110.00 34.00 Damoh 8.0 204 Wheat, Jowar 454.00 51.00 19.00 Damoh 8.0 205 Wheat, lowar 515.00 11.00 12.00 Damoh 6.4 206 Wheat, Jowar 203.00 24.00 5.00 Damoh 6.4 207 Wheat, lowar 1,054.00 76.00 37.00 Damoh 8.0 208 60

Vll..LAGE ~IRECTORY Amenities available within the vilJages Total r- ---"-- ...., L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing . nica· and vIllage water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

209 Kasaiya Manpur 689.00 W PR 210 C)lhapri Karanju 539.00 W KR 211 Anwari 639.00 PR (1) W KR 212 Barkhera 407.00 W KR 213 Lidhora 685.00 W KR 214 Samanna 1,345.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 215 Karaiya Hajari 1,095.00 W PR.R 216 Amkheda 1,034.00 PR (1) Mid.S. (1) W,NW PR PO 217 Bhadauli 1,497.00 E,EI,EIN W PR 218 Anoo 1,206.00 PR (I) E,E!N W PR 219 Dhanowa 1,577.00 W PR 220 Madiya 376.00 W KR 221 Sadiya 324.00 W PR 222 Luhrra 814.00 PR (I) W KR PO 223 Surkhi 433.00 EI W KR 224 Umariya 485.00 EI W KR 225 Bhorkhedll 308.00 W KR 226 Madiya 400.00 W KR 227 Gunji 1,831.00 PR (1) B,EI,EIN W PR PO 228 Nonpani 1,493.00 PR (I) W KR 229 Hindoriya 14,364.00 PR (I),Mid. S. (1), PRC(l), E,EI,BIN W,TK PR PO Sec.S.O) MCW(l), FCCl) 230 Charaipani 987.00 TK KR 231 Nauwapatti Ryt. 220.00 KR 232 Nauwapa!ti Mal. 293.00 R,NW KR 233 Tikrighat 333.00 W KR 234 Muda Khera 200.00 KR 235 Ghat Pipariya 584.00 PR (I) W,R KR 236 NeemKhera 307.00 W KR 237 Panda 976.00 W KR 238 Gijai 192.00 KR 239 Harduwani Khurd 403.00 W KK 240 Bandi 481.00 KR 241 Khadera 569.00 W,R KR 242 Madiya Khurd 329.00 KR 243 MuhH Jujhllr 264.00 R KR,R 244 Singhpur Bandi 410.00 W KR 245 Tikri Bujurg 719.00 PR (1) W KR 246 Pipriya 1,091.00 W KR PO 247 Tikri Khoh 1,204.00 W KR 248 HaJ Gajiya 266.00 W KR 249 Kulpura 394.00 250 Badaiya Khera 261. 00 W KR 251 Balarpur 1,222.00 PR (I) W KR 252 Barkhera 699.00 R KR 253 Chhitra 654.00 254 Hinota 272.00 W KR 255 Gadarya 275.00 256 Pi par Khiriya Jaruwa 199.00 257 Kheri 208.00 R KR 258 Jaruwa 225.00 R KR 259 Ahrara Jujhar 387.00 R KR. 61


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day or Remarks ----...A------.. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, ofreligious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 589.00 61.00 39.00 Damoh 3.2 209 Wheat 512.00 11.00 16.00 Damoh 11.2 210 Wheat 598.00 10.00 31.00 Damoh 6.4 211 Wheat 389.00 4.00 14.00 Damoh 6.4 212 Wheat 629.00 31.00 25.00 Damoh 4.8 213 Wheat, Rice 7.00 1,021.00 219.00 98.00 Damoh 4.8 214 Rice 306.00 2.00 423.00 280.00 84.00 Damoh 8.0 215 Wheat, Rice 3.00 910.00 92.00 _ 29.00 Damoh 11.2 216 Wheat, Rice 94.00 64.00 816.00 127.00 396.00 Damoh 12.8 217 Wheat, Rice 33.00 929.00 92.00 152.00 Damoh 14.4 218 Wheat, Rice 839.00 9.00 519.00 143.00 67.00 Dautoh 14.4 219 Wheat, Rice 182.00 12I.00 73.00 Damoh 16.0 220 Wheat, Rice 204.00 73.00 47.00 Damoh 17.6 221 'Wheat, JOViar . 758.00 35.00 21.00 Damoh 11.2 222 Wheat, Rice 1.00 354.00 57.00 21.00 Dautoh 12.8 223 Wheat, Rice 1.00 399.00 69.00 16.00 Damoh 12.8 224 Wheat, Jowar 284.00 13.00 11.00 Damoh 9.6 225 Wheat, Jowar 385.00 6.00 9.00 Damoh 11.2 226 Wheat, Rice 84.00 8.00 1,363.00 249.00 127.00 Damoh 14.4 Thursday 227 Wheat, Rice 132.00 386.00 110.00 865.00 Damoh 17.6 228 Wheat, Rice 8,776.00 445.00 4,852.00 2.00 289.00 Damoh 16.0 Saturday 229

Wheat, Rice 422.00 16.00 549.00 Damoh 20.8 23C Kodo, Rice 173.00 31.00 16.00 Damoh 33.6 231 Kodo, Rice 264.00 8.00 21.00 Damoh 35.2 232 Jowar, Rice 28.00 253.00 24.00 28.00 Dautoh 32.0 233 Kodo, Rice 169.00 21.00 10.00 Damoh 32.0 234 Kodo, Rice 12.00 2.00 433.00 68.00 69.00 Damoh 32.0 235 Kodo, Rice 187.00 107.00 13.00 Damoh 32.0 236 Kodo, Maize 92.00 268.00 430.00 186.00 Damoh 36.8 237 Kodo, Rice 18.00 67.00 1.00 100.00 Damoh 17.6 238 Kodo 89.00 199.00 67.00 48.00 Damoh 19.2 239 Kodo, Jowar 97.00 80.00 182.00 122.00 Damoh 19.2 240 Rice, Jowar 3.00 2.00 453.00 7.00 104.00 Damoh 27.2 241 Rice, Jowar 99.00 184.00 2.00 44.00 Damoh 27.2 242 Jowar, Maize 3.00 229.00 6.00 26.00 Damoh 28.8 243 Wheat, Rice 5.00 236.00 40.00 129.00 Damoh ?8.8 244 Wheat, Rice 1.00 462.00 19.00 237.00 Damoh 28.8 245 Wheat, Rice 3.00 985.00 45.00 58.00 Damoh 28.8 246 Wheat, Rice 431.00 51.00 722.00 Damoh 28.8 247 Wheat, Rice 244'00 9.00 13.00 Damoh 28,8 248 11.00 285.00 36.00 62.00 Damoh 25.6 249 Wheat, Rice 59.00 191.00 8.00 3.00 Damoh 25.6 250 Wheat, Rice 112.00 7.00 752.00 146.00 205.00 Damoh 25.6 Thursday 251 Wheat, Rice 108.00 1.00 411.00 33.00 146.00 Damoh 25.6 252 264.00 76.00 314.00 Damoh 25.6 253 Wheat, Rice 240.00 14.00 18.00 Damoh 24.0 254 233'00 33.00 9.00 Damoh 24.0 255 37.00 2.00 122.00 24.00 14.00 Damoh 24.0 256 Wheat, Rice 75.00 5.00 94.00 14.00 20.00 Damoh 25.6 257 Wheat, Rice 14.00 186.00 17.00 8.00 Damoh 25.6 258 Wheat, Rice 140.00 16.00 177.00 5.00 49.00 Damoh 25.6 259 62

VILLAGE DIREcrORY Amenities a\'ailable within the villages Total ,..------"------___.., L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Telc- (in acres) graph

--_-__ .. _-- ... _.----- .. _---_---_.- --- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------.-----.------______._. ____ •• ______• _____ .J 260 Halgag 1,361.00 PR (1) W KR 161 Sujanpur 135.00 162 Mudari 1,020.00 PR (1) 263 Riyan 846.00 PR (1) 264 Jujhar 1,036.00 PR (1) R PO 265 Hinoti 231.00 W PR,R 266 Biltara Sadak 781.00 W PR,R 267 Bamhori Gunji 890.00 PRo (1) W PR.,R. PO 268 Sunpura 417.00 W PR 269 Bandakpur 1,260.00 PR.(2)Mid.S.(I),sec.S.(I) DO) E,ET,BIN W PR PO 270 Darrowa 438.00 271 Shahpura 125.00 272 Hardua Chungal 890.00 W KR 273 Keolari 1,155.00 W KR 274 Pathari 854.00 PR (1) W KR 275 Pipariya Sahni 630.00 PR (1) W,R KR 276 Jamuniya 970.00 W KR 277 Kham Khera 1,296.00 PR (1) W,R KR 278 Arora 877.00 W KR 279 Salaiya 1,904.00 PR (1) W KR 280 Maili Riyana 1,233.00 W KR. 281 Ranjra 822.00 W KR 282 Kunda Kudan 519.00 W KR. 283 Herdua Muder 1,455.00 PR (1) W KR 284 Pati Sheespur 1,421.00 W KR 285 Sheespur 930.00 W KR 286 Lakhanpur 710.00 W,NW KR 287 Hathni Pipariya 174.00 W PR 288 Pipariya 549.00 PR (1) W PR 289 Raj Nagar Khurd 514.00 EIN W,TK KR 290 Chopra Khurd 520.00 EI W PR 291 ChopraRyt. 223.00 W PR 292 Kulua Marutal 1,098.00 Mid. S. (1) E,BI W,TK PR 293 Varpati 1,026.00 W,TK KR 294 Guari 1,014.00 PR (1) W,NW KR 295 Kotatala Ryt. 504.00 W,TK PR 296 Athai 593.00 PR (1) W KR 297 Pathariya Khurd 533.00 W KR. 298 MuderPati 304.00 R,NW KR. 299 Hinoti 1,068.00 PR (1) W,NW,W KR 300 Karondi 584.00 W,R PR 301 Damoh 3,225.00 ,i02 Samanna Ryt. 348.00 EI W PR 103 Tidouni 663.00 W KR J04 Simri Kirat 285.00 W KR 105 Persoriya 992.00 W KR 106 Setuwa 300.00 W KR 307 Rastoriya 95.00 W KR 308 Imlai 1,412.00 PR (1) W KR PO 309 Kunwarpur 606.00 W KR 310 Madiya Pangarh 264.00 W PR 311 Kounrasa 825.00 EI W PR 63


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks weekly including Culturable Area not NearC!

Wbeat, Rice 18 •.0.0 6.05 •.0.0 111..0.0 627.00 Damoh 19.2 260 Wheat, Rice 133.00 2 •.0.0 Damob 17.6 261 Wheat, Rice 772 •.0.0 36 •.0.0 212.00 Damob 19.2 262 Wheat, Rice 473 •.0.0 28 • .0.0 345 . .0.0 Damoh 19.2 263 Wheat, Rice 8 •.0.0 7.09.00 35 •.0.0 284 . .0.0 Damoh 2.0.8 264 Wheat, Rice 25 •.0.0 187 •.0.0 1..0.0 18 . .0.0 Damoh 17.6 265 Wheat, Kodo 42 •.0.0 5.05 •.0.0 61.00 173 . .0.0 Damob 16 •.0 266 Wheat, Kodo 7 • .0.0 779.00 2 •.0.0 1.02 . .0.0 Damoh 16 . .0 267 Wheat, Rice 2 •.0.0 38.0 . .0.0 13 . .0.0 22 . .0.0 Damoh 17.6 268 Wheat, Rice 16.00 789.00 133 . .0.0 322.00 Damoh 16'.0 Wednesday 269 2 . .0.0 313 . .0.0 27.00 96 . .0.0 Damoh 17.6 27.0 111.00 1.0 . .0.0 4.00 Damoh 17.6 271 Wheat, Rice 1.0.00 49.00 443 . .0.0 64.00 324.00 Damob 19.2 272 Wheat, Rice 204 . .0.0 323.00 111.00 517.00 Damoh 2.0.8 273 Wheat, Rice 400 . .0.0 24 . .0.0 43.0.00 Damoh 19.2 274 Wheat, Rice 351.00 18.00 261.00 Damoh 12.8 275 Wheat, Ric;: 684 . .0.0 98 . .0.0 188 . .0.0 Damoh 12.8 276 Wheat, Rice 605.00 1.00 654.00 14.00 22.00 Damoh 9.6 277 Wheat, Rice 562.00 87 . .0.0 228.00 Hatta 9.6 278 Wheat, Rice 956.00 2 . .0.0 793 . .0.0 55.00 98.00 Damoh 16 •.0 279 Wheat, Rice 564.00 227 •.0.0 442.00 Damoh 25.6 28.0 Wheat, Rice 21..0.0 2 •.0.0 455 . .0.0 22.0.00 124.00 Damoh 22.4 281 Rice 4 . .0.0 379 . .0.0 53.00 83 •.0.0 Damoh 2.0.8 282 Wheat, Rice 3.00 238.00 422 . .0.0 153 •.0.0 639 • .0.0 Damoh 19.2 283 Rice 3 . .0.0 336 •.0.0 145.00 937.00 Damoh 16 •.0 284 Rice 255 •.0.0 316 . .0.0 359 . .0.0 Damoh 19.2 285 Rice 12.00 153 . .0.0 477.00 68 . .0.0 Damoh 14.4 286 Wheat, Rice 31..0.0 98.00 39 • .0.0 6 . .0.0 Damoh 9.6 287 Wheat, Rice 229 •.0.0 299 •.0.0 21..0.0 Hatta 11.2 288 Maize, Rice 137 •.0.0 6 •.0.0 371..0.0 Hatta 8 •.0 289 Maize, Rice 372 •.0.0 128 •.0.0 2.0 . .0.0 Damoh .0 •.0 29.0 Maize, Rice 163 . .0.0 23 . .0.0 37 •.0.0 Damoh .0 •.0 291 Wheat, Maize 474 •.0.0 421 •.0.0 2.03.00 Damoh 6.4 292 Wheat, Rice 82 •.0.0 329 •.0.0 615.00 Damoh 8 • .0 293 Wheat, Rice 14 •.0.0 845.00 125 •.0.0 3.0 . .0.0 Damoh 8.8 294 Wheat, Rice 325.00 134 . .0.0 45 •.0.0 Dalnoh 8,.0 295 Wheat, Rice 132.00 11..0.0 314 . .0.0 51.00 85 •.0.0 Damoh 11.2 296 Wheat, Rice 178 •.0.0 289 •.0.0 43 . .0.0 23 . .0.0 Damoh 1.0.4 297 Wheat, Rice 1..0.0 229 •.0.0 61..0.0 13 . .0.0 Damon 11.2 298 Wheat, Rice 2.08 •.0.0 584 . .0.0 229 •.0.0 47 . .0.0 Damoh 12.8 299 Wheat, Rice 485 •.0.0 74 •.0.0 25 . .0.0 Damoh 12.8 300 Wheat, Rice 158.00 2,811..0.0 256.00 Damoh 1.5 3.01 Wheat 4 •.0.0 215 . .0.0 1.02.00 27 •.0.0 Damoh 3.2 3.02 Wheat, Jowar 1..0.0 493.00 13.0.00 39 . .0.0 Damoh 4.8 3.03 Wheat, Jowar 195.00 43.00 47 •.0.0 Damoh 4.8 '304 Wheat, Jowar 5 •.0.0 87.0 . .0.0 51.00 66 . .0.0 Damoh 3.2 3.05 Wheat, Jowar 274 . .0.0 13 •.0.0 13 . .0.0 Damoh 1.6 3.06 Wheat, Jowar 5 •.0.0 59 . .0.0 29 •.0.0 2 • .0.0 Damoh 2.4 3.07 Wheat, Rice 19 •.0.0 1,2.06 . .0.0 132 •.0.0 55 . .0.0 Damoh 1.6 3.08 Wheat 15.00 522.00 34 •.0.0 35 •.0.0 Damoh 2.4 3.09 Wheat 78 . .0.0 165.00 9 •.0.0 12 . .0.0 Damoh 3.2 31.0 Wheat 753 •.0.0 40 . .0.0 32 • .0.0 Damoh 6.4 311 64

VILLAGE DIRECTORY ------Amenities available within the villages Total ~ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply. ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

312 Barwansa 1,360.00 PR (1) W PR 313 Matima 1.242.00 PR (1) EI W KR 314 Deori Kishundas 642.00 W KR 315 Padriya 535.00 W KR 316 Sihora 1,363.00 PR (1) E,EI,EIN W PR 317 Bansa Tar Kheda 1,469.00 PR (1) E,EIN R PR PO 318 Khamena Mal. 323.00 R PR 319 Khamena Chakk 152.00 R PR 320 Tar Kbera 912.00 ElN R PR 321 Bansni 269.00 W KR 322 Bhimpura 355.00 W KR 323 Imaliya 2,308.00 PR (1) R,W KR 324 Lanii 578.00 W,R KR 325 Dhangor 731.00 PR (1) W KR 326 Jamuniya 489.00 PR (1) W KR 327 Bhilampura 689.00 PR (1) W KR 328 Tejgarh Khurd 1,323.00 PR (1) W KR 329 Chourai 643:00 W,NW KR 330 Bala l{ot 3,626.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(I) 1>(1) W,NW KR PO 331 Babera 287.00 W,NW KR .. ~ 332 Hirdepur 599.00 Mid.S.(l) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 333 LadanBag 975.00 PR (1) W PR 334 Pipariya Digambar 723.00 W KR 335 Dupadya 327.00 W KR 336 Itwa 156.00 W KR 337 Killai 884.00 W PR 338 Pipariya Nayak 257.00 EI W KR 339 Kachhauwa 672.00 EI W KR 340 Amata 1,365.00 W KR 341 Bijori 972.00 PR (1) W KR 342 Bhuri 4,721.00 PR (1) D(I) W rCR 343 Jortala Khurd 493.00 PR (1) W PR 344 Kunjpura 947.00 NW PR 345 ImaIiya Nayak 728.00 PR (1) W KR 346 Tikri 265.00 PR (1) W KR 347 Lakhna Khedi 596.00 PR (1) W KR 348 Badyan 768.00 PR (1) W KR 349 Adhrota 1,871.00 PR (1) W KR 350 Hatti 1,256.00 R KR 351 Barkhera Bhat 261.00 R KR 352 Hardua Hatri 1,958.00 R T<.R 353 Patna Bujurg 3,508.00 PR (1) R KR 354 Abhana 4,263.00 PR (2), Mid.S.(2) D(1) E,EI,EIN W PR PO 355 Jhanna 530.00 W KR 356 BisnaKheri 674.00 PR (1) W KR 357 Barpati Abhana 92.00 W KR 358 NimuwaPati 227.00 R KR 359 Kaniya ghatpati 397.00 W KR 360 Rampura 1,147.00 R KR 361 Khancharipati 1,389.00 W KR 362 Amkhiriya 755.00 R KR 363 Amkhera 368.00 W l{R 65


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r--- weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, ofreligious, L.C. Staple Food, Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion KIns. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat 3.00 1,123.00 186.00 48.00 Damoh 7.2 312 Wheat 25.00 1,051.00 124.00 42.00 Darnoh 8.0 313 Wheat 517.00 99.00 26.00 Damoh 8.0 314 Whcat, Jowar 2.00 446.00 54.00 33.00 Damoh 8.0 315 Wheat 12.00 1,109.00 137.00 105.00 Damoh 8.0 316 Wheat 73.00 23.00 877.00 431.00 65.00 Damoh 11.2 Wednesday 317 Wheat 6.00 180.00 123.00 14.00 D:lmoh 9.6 318 Wheat 14.00 113.00 24.00 1.00 Damoh 11.2 319 Wheat, Rice 735.00 137.00 40.00 Damoh 12.8 320 Wheat, Rice 156.00 102.00 11.00 Damoh 14.4 321 Jowar, Rice 173.00 141.00 37.00 4.00 Damoh 14.4 322 Wheat, Rice 332.00 1,452.00 414.00 110.00 Damoh 16.0 323 Wheat, Rice 34.00 11.00 379.00 103.00 51.00 Damoh 17.6 324 Wheat, Rice 9.00 650.00 11.00 61.00 Damoh 19.2 325 Wheat, Rice 67.00 367.00 24.00 31.00 Damoh 11.2 326 Wheat, Rice , 231.00 342.00 16.00 100.00 Damoh 16.0 327 Wheat, Rice 120.00 475.00 146.00 582.00 Damoh 16.0 328 Wheat, Rice 80.00 2.00 287.00 24.00 250.00 Darnoh 16.0 329 Wheat, Rice 1,761.00 1,212.00 325.00 328.00 Damoh 20.8 330 Wheat, Rice 9.00 188.00 7.00 83.00 Damoh 22.4 331 Wheat, Rice 12.00 467.00 65.00 55.00 Darnoh 1.6 332 Wheat, Rice 2.00 521.00 387,00 65,00 Pamoh 3.2 333 Wheat, Rice 71.00 519.00 108.00 25.00 Damoh 9.6 334 Wheat, Rice 312.00 4.00 11.00 Damoh 14.8 335 Wheat, Rice 143.00 4.00 9.00 Damoh 4.8 336 Wheat, RIce 443.00 373.00 46.00 22.00 Damoh 4.8 337 Wheat, Rice 6.00 229.00 16.00 6.00 Damoh 4.8 338 Wheat, Rice 11.00 12.00 494.00 128.00 27.00 parnoh 9.6 339 Wheat, Rice 539.00 470.00 342.00 14.00 Damoh 9.6 340 Wheat, R!ce 64.00 2.00 713.00 129.00 64.00 pamoh 9.6 341 Wheat, Rice 461.00 2.00 1,452.00 352.00 2,454.00 Damoh 14.4 342 Wheat, Rice 3.00 1.00 383.00 19.00 87.00 Darnoh 14.4 343 Wheat, Rice 39.00 119.00 212.00 577.00 Damoh 14.4 344 Wheat, Rice 390.00 17.00 321.00 pamoh 17.6 354 Wheat, Rice 148.00 7.00 110.00 Damoh 17.6 346 Wheat, Rice 216.00 53.00 327.00 Damoh 17.6 347 Wheat, Rice 30.00 231.00 42.00 465.00 Darnoh 33.6 348 Wheat, Rice 24.00 609.00 132.00 1,106.00 Damoh 33.6 349 Wheat, Rice 8.00 4.00 711.00 428.00 105.00 Damoh 33.6 350 Wheat, Rice 12.00 2.00 179.00 44.00 24.00 Damoh 33.6 351 Wheat, Rice 6.00 468.00 210.00 1,274.00 Damoh 33.6 352 Wheat, Rice 7.00 1,044.00 231.00 2,226.00 Damoh 33.6 353 Wheat, Rice 114.00 64.00 1,729.00 383.00 1,973.00 Damoh 16.0 Saturday 354 Wheat, Rice 385.00 79.00 66.00 Damoh 19.2 355 Wheat, Rice 555.00 52.00 67.00 Damoh 17.6 356 Wheat, Rice 74.00 16.00 2.00 Damoh 17.6 357 Wheat, Rice 4.00 160.00 34.00 29.00 pamoh 22.4 358 Wheat, Rice 2.00 330.00 18.00 47.00 Darnoh 19.2 359 Wheat. Rice 110.00 2.00 381.00 474.00 180.00 Damoh 22.4 360 Wheat, Rice 331.00 132.00 926.00 Damoh 24.0 361 Wheat, Rice 22.00 2.00 491.00 153.00 87.00 Darnoh 20.8 362 Wheat. Rice 14.00 307.00 16.00 31.00 Damoh 20.8 363 66 ViLLAGE DlRECt'OkV

Amenities available within the villages Total --"-- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of viJIage the Supply ing nica- and village water lion Tel eo (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

364 Patna Khurd 923.00 W KR 365 Madiya Semra 547.00 W KR 366 Semra Madiya 673.00 PR (1) W KR 367 NakatKheri 223.00 W KR 368 Gupalpura 316.00 R KR 369 DatIa 980.00 PR (1) R KR 370 Singhpur Choubisa 195.00 n. KR: 371 Thanga Pati 40.00 R KR 372 Kanepur 1,135.00 R KR 373 Sakha 803.00 PR (1) W KR PO 374 Bhajiya 909.00 W KR 375 Tharrka Alias Nayagaon 848.00 PR 0) W KR 376 Surkhuwa 534.00 W KR 377 Kuluwa 976.00 W KR 378 Bamuriya Choubisa 393.00 R KR 379 Binoti Thengapati 675.00 W KR 380 Salaiya Choubisa 405.00 W KR 381 Umariya 362.00 W KR 382 Mousipura 436.00 PR (1) W KR 383 Lallupura 556.00 P R (1) W KR 384 Gadiya 81.00 P R (1) W KR 385 Dhansara 667.00 P R (1) W KR 386 Shahpura Salaiya 379.00 W KR 387 Pati Bhajiya 472.00 P R (1) W KR 388 JharouIi 1,340.00 P R (1) W KR 389 Muwar 353.00 PR (1) W KR 390 Tindni 959.00 W KR 391 Khamriya Man. 794.00 P R (1) W KR 392 Patna Man. 1,084.00 P R (1) W KR 393 Ghutguwan 590.00 W KR 394 Ghat Bamhori 851.00 W 395 Banwar 2,373.00 PR (1),Mid.S.(l) D (1) W KR PO 396 Larguwan Mangarh 950.00 W KR 397 Ghatera 1,328.00 PR (1) R PO 398 Gadiya 2,330.00 R KR 399 Chandpura 1,232.00 R KR 400 Manguwan Man. 1,569.00 W KR 401 Harduwa Mangarh 1,818.00 PR (1) W KR 402 Pati Nandlal 591.00 W KR 403 Jamnera 1,118.00 W,TK KR 404 Kbedar 3,723.00 W KR 405 GolaPati 2,535.00 PR (1) W KR 406 Salaiya 2,420.00 W KR 407 Bagalwara 1,218.00 W KR 408 Chatuwa 1,843.00 409 Chunguwan 501.00 410 Padai 2,916.00 KR 411 Sagea 1,478.00 PR (1) W KR 412 Kathai 443.00 W KR 413 Richhai 1,498.00 W,TK KR 414 Rampura 809.00 W KR 415 Imaliya 708.00 PR (1) W KR 67


Lund use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks .A. weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion KIDs. village archaeologi. land etc.} cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Rice 5.00 3.00 334.00 176.00 405.00 Damoh 20.8 364 Wheat, Rice 3.00 58.00 165.00 189.00 132.00 Damoh 20.8 365 Wheat, R.ice 1.00 584.00 61.00 27.00 Damoh 20.8 366 Wheat, R.ice 152.00 3.00 68.00 Damoh 20.8 367 Wheat, Ri~ 26.00 1.00 \48.00 110.00 31.00 Damoh 20.8 368 Wheat, Rice 10.00 666.00 197.00 107.00 Damoh 20.8 369 Wheat, Rice 1.00 141.00 44.00 9.00 Damoh 33.6 370 Wheat, Rice 39.00 1.00 Damoh 33.6 371 Wheat, Rice 15.00 10.00 567.00 308.00 235.00 Damoh 27.2 372 Wheat, Rice 257.00 419.00 98.00 29.00 Damoh 32.0 373 Wheat, Rice 280.00 523.00 94.00 12.00 Damoh 32.0 374 Wheat, Rice 397.00 247.00 144.00 60.00 Damoh 35.2 375 Wheat, Rice 163.00 301.00 61.00 9.00 Damoh 33.6 376 Wheat, Rice 627.00 318.00 21.00 10.00 Damoh 33.6 377 Wheat, Rice 81.00 2.00 23\.00 46.00 33.00 Damoh 38.4 378 Wheat, Rice 1.00 516.00 89.00 69.00 Damoh 38.4 379 Wheat, Rice 337.00 14.00 54.00 Damoh 38.4 380 Wheat, Rice 176.00 24.00 162.00 Damoh 38.4 381 Wheat, Rice 354.00 6.00 76.00 Damoh 38.4 382 Wheat, Rice 5.00 356.00 139.00 56.00 Damoh 38.4 383 Wheat, Rice 13.00 1.00 42.00 25.00 Damoh 38.4 384 Wheat, Rice 352.00 84.00 231.00 Damoh 38.4 385 Wheat, Rice 10.00 155.00 118.00 96.00 Damoh 38.4 386 Wheat, Rice 274.00 44.00 154.00 Damoh 38.4 387 Wheat, Rice 63.00 35.00 890.00 69.00 283.00 Damoh 48.4 388 Wheat, Rice 216.00 26.00 111.00 Damoh 48.0 389 Wheat, Rice 211.00 54.00 457.00 86.00 151.00 Damoh 48.0 390 Wheat, Rice 176.00 240.00 24.00 354.00 Damoh 48.0 391 Wheat, Rice 249.00 211.00 404.00 166.00 54.00 Damoh 48.0 392 Wheat, Rice 47.00 289.00 33.00 221.00 Damoh 28.0 3<)3 Wheat, Rice 6.00 1.00 489.00 109.00 246.00 Damoh 28.0 394 Wheat, Rice 191.00 1,292.00 135.00 755.00 Damoh 32.0 Friday 395 Wheat, Rice 296.00 227.00 58.00 369.00 Damoh 33.6 396 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 493.00 140.00 692.00 Damoh 25.6 397 Jowar, Kodo 1,715.00 468.00 51.00 96.00 Damoh 28.8 398 Jowar, Kodo 164.00 163.00 905.00 Damoh 27.2 399 Wheat, 986.00 421.00 28.00 134.00 Damoh 30.4 400 Wheat, 6.00 515.00 68.00 1,229.00 Damoh 32.0 401 Wheat, Rice 60.00 252.00 53.00 226.00 Damoh 33.6 402 Wheat, Rice 106.00 29.00 983.00 Damoh 35.2 403 Wheat, Rice 687.00 717.00 148.00 2,171.00 Damoh 49.6 404 Wheat, Rice 376.00 282.00 1,877.00 Damoh 48.0 405 Wheat, Rice 795.00 265.00 606.00 754.00 Damoh 52.8 406 Wheat, Rice 190.00 240.00 848.00 Damoh 54.4 407 .. 1,843.00 Damoh 41.4 408 501.00 Damoh 46.4 409 Wheat, Rice 34.00 46.00 150.00 2,686.00 Damoh 49.6 410 Wheat, Rice 644.00 389.00 257.00 97.00 91.00 Damoh 44.8 411 Wheat, Rice 212.00 143.00 60.00 28.00 Damoh 44.8 412 Wheat, Rice 51.00 151.00 271.00 115.00 910.00 "Damoh 44.8 413 Wheat, Rice 128.00 294.00 76.00 311.00 Damoh 44.8 414 Wheat, Rice 146.00 203.00 170.00 189.00 Damoh 44.8 415 68


Amenities available within the villages Total L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- " ('ommu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

416 Paraswaha 916.00 PR (1) W KR 417 Chh~parwaha 663.00 PR (1) W,R KR 418 Manguwan 367.00 W,R KR 419 Pipariya +"laval 513.00 W,R KR· 420 Rond 1,651.00 Mid.S.(I) D (1) R KR 421 Baht:riya 966.00 PR (1) W KR· 422 Lakhni 1,207.00 PR (1) W KR 423 Hinoti Ajam 752.00 W KR 424 Majhguwan Mangarh 586.00 PR (I) W KR 425 Simri JaJllIl!singh 1,060.00 PR (I) W KR 426 Badguwan 2,504.00 PR (I) EI W ·KR 427 Sagoni 365.00 W KR 428 Kewlari Upadhya 739.00 R 429 Pati Dhangri 91.00 W 430 Dhangri 1.-871.00 PR (I) W 431 Gadaghat 1,135.00 W 432 Sunda 517.00 W 433 Nohta 2,019.00 Mid.S.{l) D (I) E,EI,EIN W,R PR PO 434 Nohtl 310.00 R KR 435 Pipariya Nandlal 783.00 W KR 436 Devri Sadak 902.00 W KR 437 Bandar Kola 725.00 W KR 438 Majguwan Kirat 837.00 PR (1) W KR 439 Harduwa Sadak 1,441.00 PR (1), Mid.s.(1) W PR PO 440 Hinoti Khet Singh 622.00 PR (1) W KR 441 DalUwa 663.00 W KR 442 Magrai 772.00 W KR 443 Dumar 766.00 PR (1) W PR 444 Jamuniya Sultan Singh 1,029.00 W PR 445 Pati Maharaj Singh 1,532.00 W PR 446 Ghana Maili 3,257.00 Mid.S.(1) W PR 447 Chilod 1,290.00 PR(1) W KR 448 Santa 217.00 W KR 449 Chopra Choubisa 691.00 Mid.S.(I) D (1) W KR PO 450 Harduwa Summer Singh 2,432.00 PR (1) W KR 451 Pondi Maharaj Singh 3,522.00 PR (1) W KR 452 Simri Khurd 855.00 W KR 453 Mala Mangarh 1,832.00 PR (1). W PR 454 Mangarh 5,037.00 W PR 455 Bamhori Man 2,353.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(I) w PR 456 Mahuwa Kheda 1,585.00 PR (1) W KR 457 Kundam 5,193.00 W KR 458 Amghat 3,604.00 W KR 459 Sagoni Bhat 2,730.00 W KR 460 Gorkha 627.00 W KR 461 Pahadipura 354.00 W KR 462 Pipriya Sahasna 407.00 W KR 463 Harduwa Singargarh 610.00 W KIt 464 KondaKalan 1,227.00 PR (1) W KR 465 Kanjai Mangarh 1,374.00 W KR 466 Sagoni Khurd 1,321.00 W KR 467 Karodi Mangarh 950.00 W KR 69


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,.... --A. ---.. weekly including CuJturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un. waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.CO Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva· in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) calin terest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

Wheat, Rice 452.00 94.00. 34.00 336.00 Damoh 46.4 Tuesday 416 Wheat, Rice 1 35.00 403.00 186.00 38.00 Damoh 44.8 417 Wheat, Rice 1.00 305.00 27.00 34.00 Damoh 44.8 418 Wheat, Rice 4.00 424.00 58.00 21.00 Damoh 43.2 419 Wheat, Rire 825.00 354.00 193.00 279.00 Damoh 41.6 Saturday 420 Wheat, 'Riee 476.00 96.00 309.00 34.00 51.00 Damoh 35.2 421 Wheat, Rice 437.00 162.00 377.0.0 47.00 184.00 Damoh 35.2 422 Wheat, Rice 192.00 435.00 72.00 53.00 Damoh 38.4 423 Wheat, Rice 192.00 236.00 121.00 37.00 Damoh 36.8 424 Wheat, Rice 9.00 663.00 94.00 294.00 Damoh 36.8 425 Wheat, Rice 2.00 518.00 360.00 1,624.00 Damoh 35.2 426 Wheat, Rice 157.00 98.00 84.00 26.00 Damoh 20.8 427 Wheat, Rice 217.00 122.00 216.00 135.00 49.00 Damoh 20.8 428 Wheat, Rice , 34.00 19.00 25.00 13.00 Damoh 20.8 429 Wheat, Rice 711.00 237.00 368.00 83.00 472.00 Damoh 17.6 430 Wheat, Rice 546.00 1.00 195.00 63.00 330.00 Damoh 24.0 431 Wheat, Rice 10.00 58.00 65.00 95.00 289.00 Damoh 20.8 432 Wheat, Rice 526.00 223.00 755.00 271.00 244.00 Damoh 22.4 Thursday 433 Wheat, Rice 1.00 250.00 35.00 24.00 Damoh 22.4 434 Wheat, Rice 7.00 7.00 322.00 66.00 381.00 Damoh 28.8 435 Wheat, Rice 540.00 12.00 293.00 25.00 32.00 Damoh 28.8 436 Wheat, Rice 297.00 54.00 374.00 Damoh 32.0 437 Wheat, Rice 4.00 5.00 327.00 66.00 435.00 Damoh 30.4 Friday 438 Wheat, Rice 16.00 96.00 477.00 24.00 828.00 Damoh 28.8 Friday 439 Wheat, Rice 3.00 452.00 39.00 128.00 Damoh 22.0 440 Wheat, Rice 4.00 295.00 132.00 232.00 Damoh 33.6 441 Wheat, Rice 378.00 82.00 312.00 Damoh 32.0 442 Wheat, Rice 40.00. 369.00 66.00 291.00 Damoh 56.0 443 Wh:at, Rice 569.00 1.00 365.00 75.00 19.0.0 Damoh 57.6 444 Wheat, Rice 779.00 455.00 289.00 9.00 Damoh 64.0 Wednesday 445 Wheat, Rice 194.00 559.00 356.00 2,148.00 Damoh 57.6 446 Wheat, Rice 705.00 243.00 235.00 107.00 Damoh 38.4 447 Wheat, Rice 201.00 2.00 14.00 Damoh 38.4 448 Whear, Rice 517.00 27.00 147.00 Damoh 38.4 449 Wheat, Rice 701.00 233.00 1,498.00 Damoh 40.0 450 Wheat, Rice 8.00 559.00 84.00 2,871.00 Damob 40.0 451 Wheat, Rice 4.00 351.00 261.00 164.00 15.00 Damoh 67.2 452 Wheat, Rice 701.00 104.00 448.00 204.00 375.00 Damoh 67.2 453 Wheat, Rice 1,242.00 3.00 18.00 3,714.00 Damoh 43.0 454 Wheat, Rice 852.00 544.00 491.00 354.00 112.00 Damoh 43.0 455 Wheat, Rice 82.00 480.00 107,00 916'00 Damoh 45.0 456 Wheat, Rice 5,144.00 49.00 Damoh 45.0 457 Wheat, Rice 2,926.00 357.00. 307.00 14.00 Katangi 25.6 458 Wheat, Rice 170.00 2,560.00 Katangi 25.6 459 519.00 10.6.00. 2.00 Katangi 25.6 460 1.00 344.00 9.0.0. Katangi 17.6 461 320.00 49.00. 38.00 Katangi 17.6 462 229.00 2 293.00 71.00 15.0.0. Katangi 17.6 463 285.00 16 657.00 150.00 119.00 Katangi 19.2 464 Wheat, Rice 309.00 155.00 910.00 Katangi 24.0 465 Wheat, Rice 542.00 154.00. 624.0.0 Katangi 24.0 466 Wheat, Rice 24.00 310.00 260.00 356.00 Katangi 20.8 467 70


Amenities available within the villages Total r- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and village water . tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

468 KondaKhurd 1,045.00 W KR 469 Devtara Mangarh 1,242.00 W KR 470 Voda Mangarh 727.00 W KR 471 Surekha Mangarh 1,125.00 W KR 472 Amdar 1,092.00 .. W KR 473 Pati Mangarh 1,098.00 W KR 474 Pondi Mangarh 1,425.00 PR (1) W KR 475 Sagodi Kalan 2,764.00 W KR 476 Baniya 1,384.00 W KR 477 Bhajiya 2,917.00 PR (1) W KR 478 Jamuniya Man 1,070.00 PR (1) W KR 479 Jhala Mangarh 1,921.00 W KR 480 Kheri Mangarh 200.00 W KR 481 Tindi Man 425.00 W KR 482 Dhulga 1,074.00 W KR 483 Badera 1,795.00 W KR 484 Surajpura 457.00 W KR 485 Sunwarah 2,788.00 PR (1) W KR 486 Salaiya Badi 2,468.00 PR (1) W KR, 487 Singpur Man 1,289.00 Mid. S. (1) D (1) W PR PO 488 PatnaKuwa 706.00 PR (1) W KR 489 Sunkatt 843.00 W KR 490 Majhguwan Lalpura 336.00 W KR 491 Gihalpura 276.00 W KR 492 Lalpura 331.00 W KR 493 Harduwa Memar 305.00 W KR 494 Kariya Kheda 553.00 W PR 495 Kusmi Mangarh 925.00 PR (1) D (1) W PR 496 Ghana Mangarh 551.00 W PR 497 Lamtata 604.00 W KR 498 Gubra Kalan 1,237.00 PR (1) W KR 499 Bhaderi 633.00 W KR 500 Kuwa Mangarh 567.00 W KR 501 Ram Salaiya 573.00 W KR 502 Dhancta Si. 629.00 W KR 503 Majguwan 279.00 W PR 504 Sahsana 568.00 PR (1) W PR 50S Singrampur 1,141.00 Mid. S. (1) W PR 506 Tilguwan 522.00 W PR PO 501 Bhojpur 712.00 W KR 508 Budagubra 608.00 W PR 509 Bhaisa Singorgarh 1,804.00 W PR 510 Tawra 387.00 W KR 511 Sawara 1,810.00 W KR 512 Atoni 1,999.00 W KR 513 Jalhari Si. 2,398.00 W KR 514 Kalumar 1,954.00 W KR 515 Tala 541.00 W KR 516 Chourai Jamuniya 2,433.00 PR (1) W KR PO 511 Devd Raiyat 339.00 W KR 518 Khamariya Si. 1,800.00 W KR 519 Jamuniya Si. 1,935.00 W KR 71


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks

~ weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if a.1Y, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historic:al No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Rice 23.00 115.00 552.00 355.00 Katangi 24.0 468 Wbeat, Rice 1,054.00 89.00 95.00 4.00 Katangi 28.8 469 Wheat, Rice 117.00 50.00 30.00 530.00 Katangi 33.6 470 Wheat, Rice 19.00 23.00 312.00 771.00 Katangi 24.0 471 Wheat, Rice 155.00 284.00 437.00 216.00 Katangi 28.8 472 Wheat, Rice 485.00 203.00 387.00 23.00 Katangi 30.4 473 Wheat, Rice 506.00 891.00 28.00 Katangi 22.4 474 497.00 1,266.00 1,001.00 Katangi 24.0 475 Wheat, Rice 70.00 339.00 318.00 657.00 Katangi 27.2 476 Wheat, Rice 11.00 641.00 1,037.00 1,228.00 Katangi 28.8 477 Wheat, Rice 905.00 4.00 160.00 1.00 Katangi 28.8 478 Wheat, Rice 1,472.00 95.00 268.00 86.00 Katangi 30.4 479 39.00 3.00 148.00 to. 00 Katangi 24.0 480 413.00 11.00 1.00 Katangi 28.8 481 Wheat, Rice 338.00 45.00 381.00 310.00 Katangi 30.4 482 Wheat, Rice 895.00 348.00 523.00 29.00 Katangi 25.6 483 Wheat, Rice 249.00 190.00 18.00 Katangi 24.0 484 Wheat, Rice 1,205.00 795.00 697.00 91.00 Katangi 25.6 485 Wheat, Rice 871.00 4.00 866.00 666.00 61.00 Katangi 20.8 486 Wheat, Rice 340.00 1.00 656.00 67.00 225.00 Katangi 19.2 Wednesday 487 Wheat, Rice 304.00 228.00 153.00 21.00 Katangi 16.0 488 Wheat, Rice 80.00 568.00 170.00 25.00 Katangi 20.8 489 Wheat, Rice 250.00 73.00 13.00 Katangi 16.0 490 Wheat, Rice 220.00 55.00 1.00 Katangi 17.6 491 Wheat, Rice 110.00 111.00 96.00 14.00 Katangi 17.6 492 Wheat, Rice 221.00 63.00 21.00 Katangi 11.2 493 Wheat, Rice 3.00 233.00 284.00 33.00 Katangi 11.2 494 Wheat, Rice 155.00 534.00 183.00 53.00 Katangi 11.2 495 Wheat, Rice 98.00 428.00 21.00 4.00 Katangi 11.2 496 Wheat, Rice 450.00 129.00 25.00 Katangi 11.2 491 Wheat, Rice 474.00 1.00 598.00 110.00 54.00 Katangi 11.2 498 Wheat, Rice 116.00 351.00 145.00 21.00 Katangi 11.2 499 Wheat, Rice 130.00 321.00 101.00 15.00 Katangi 14.4 500 Wheat, Rice 238.00 164.00 171.00 Katangi 14.4 501 Wheat, Rice 35.00 400.00 148.00 46.00 Katangi 14.4 502 Wheat, Rice 190.00 68.00 21.00 Katangi 14.4 503 Wheat, Rice 397.00 134.00 37.00 Katangi 14.4 504 Wheat, Rice 26.00 1.00 385.00 613.00 116.00 Katangi 14.4 Sunday 505 Wheat, Rice 172.00 317.00 33.00 Katangi 16.0 506 Wheat, Rice 348.00 134.00 201.00 29.00 Katangi 14.4 507 Wheat, Rice 239.00 53.00 275.00 41.00 Katangi 12.8 508 Wheat, Rice 1,505.00 21.00 238.00 40.00 Katangi 12.8 509 Wheat, Kodo 156.00 25.00 188.00 18.00 Katangi 14.4 510 Rice, Kodo 1,126.00 24.00 305.00 355.00 Katangi 14.4 !ill Rice, Kodo 1,402.00 201.00 336.00 60.00 Katangi 17.6 512 Rice, Kodo 1,376.00 509.00 513.00 Katangi 16.0 513 Rice, Kodo 263.00 185.00 451.00 1,055.00 Katangi 14.4 514 Rice, Kodo 297.00 75.00 169.00 Katangi 9.6 515 Rice, Kodo 876.00 379.00 228.00 950.00 Katangi 9.6 516 Rice, Kodo 75.00 153.00 87.00 24.00 Katangi 8.0 517 Rice, Kodo 1,403.00 89.00 246.00 62.00 Katangi 8.0 518 Rice, Kodo 1,446.00 104.00 144.00 241.00 Katangi 6.4 519 72


Amenities available within the villages Total r- ----. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

520 Auijhir Mal. 391.00 W KR 521 Mihguwan Kalumar 341.00 NW KR 522 Hinouti 1,237.00 W KR 523 Salaiya Raiyat 405.00 W KR 524 Salaiya Si. 685.00 W KR 525 R.onsra 534.00 W 526 Mehguwan Khurd 451.00 PR (1) W 527 Sailwaha Mal. 3,288.00 PR (1) W 528 Sailwaha Raiyat 513.00 W 529 Silpura 755.00 W 530 Nandpura 1,244.00 W 531 R.ichhkudi 2,113.00 W 532 Douni 2,109.00 PR (1) W 533 Patbado Si. 919.00 PR (1) W 534 Mabguwan Chakk 166.00 W 535 Mabguwan Kalan 955.00 W 536 Saipura 400.00 W 537 Dulhara 558.00 W 538 Dhari Raiyat 171.00 W 539 DhariMal. 771.00 W 540 Chirwahi 509.00 W 541 Korta 853.00 PR (1) W 542 Pipariya Singor 953.00 R 543 Pama 1,441.00 W 544 Harat 426.00 W 545 Mehguwan UroJ:ao 302.00 W 546 Gadaghat Si. 283.00 W 547 Karondi Singorgarh 952.00 W 548 Karanpura 821.00 PR (1) W 549 Javera 820.00 Sec. S. (1) H (1) E,EI,ElN W PR PO 550 Kheri Singor 315.00 W PR 551 Surai 1,070.00 PR (1) PR 552 Harduwa Khurd 507.00 KR 553 Bamhori Sing~r 356.00 PR 554 Bicbhiya 670.00 KR 555 Bandar Kola Si. 509.00 NW PR 556 Oeotara Singor 856.00 TK PR 557 JogiKheda 906.00 W KR 558 Churyari 788.00 w 559 Vijay Sagar 1,391.00 W KR 560 Bhineni 955.00 W KR 561 DUgari 271.00 PR (1) w KR 562 Harduwa Ganesh 972.00 W KR 563 Kanti 559.00 W KR 564 MuderiSi. 506.00 NW KR 565 Kakretha 535.00 W KR 566 Tanvari 799.00 KR 567 Padariya Thoban 436.00 KR 568 Pati Singor 343.00 W KR 569 Bansipur 1,812.00 PR (1) R KR 570 Gidra Ryt. 255.00 NW KR· 571 Delankheda 935.00 W KR '13

DAMOHTAHSIL Land use (i.e. area unde.- different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ~ weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cu]tiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeoJogi- land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Rice, Kodo 330.00 1.00 52.00 8.00 Katangt 6.4 520 Rice, Kodo 167.00 4.00 158.00 12.00 Katangi 6.4 521 Rice, Kodo 83.00 237.00 897.00 20.00 Jabalpur 5.6 522 Rice, Kodo 8.00 381.0Q 16.00 Jabalpur 5.6 523 Rice. Kodo 272.00 405.00 8.00 Jabalpur 56.0 524 Rice, Kodo 13.00 201.00 306.00 14.00 Jabalpur 56.0 525 Rice;. Kodo 138.00 289.00 24.00 Jabalpur 56.0 526 Rice, Kodo 44.00 702.00 2,286.00 256.00 Jabalpur 56.0 527 Rice, Kodo 55.00 430.00 28.00 Jabalpur 56.0 528 Rice, Kodo 199.00 60.00 469.00 27.00 Jabalpur 56.0 529 Rice, Kodo 1,000.00 126.00 96.00 22.00 Jabalpur 56.0 530 Rice, Kodo 842.00 475.00 220.00 576.00 Patan 28.8 531 Rice, Kodo 693.00 521.00 836.00 59.00 Patan 25.6 532 Rice, Kodo 581.00 300.00 38.00 Patan 25.6 533 Rice, Kodo 98.00 67.00 1.00 Patan 28.8 534 Rice, Kodo 112.00 327.00 167.00 349.00 Patan '28.8 535 Rice, Kodo 157.00 232.00 11.00 Patan 22.4 536 Rice, Kodo 205.00 348.00 5.00 Patan 25.6 537 Rice, Kodo 21.00 146.00 4.00 Patan 25.6 538 Rice, Kodo 346.00 176.00 249.00 Patan 25.6 539 Rice, Kodo 292.00 21.00 183.00 13.00 Patan 25.6 540 Rice, Kodo 2.00 451.00 323.00 77.00 Damoh 44.8 541 Rice, Kodo 535.00 359.00 43.00 16.00 Damoh 46.4 542 Rice, Kodo 434.00 639.00 296.00 72.00 Damoh 5l.2 543 Rice, Kodo 52.00 148.00 192.00 34.00 DamOh 48.0 544 Rice, Kodo 215.00 73.00 14.00 Damoh 46.4 545 138.00 131.00 14.00 Damoh 44.8 546 Rice, Kodo 192.00 427.00 188.00 145.00 Damoh 44.8 547 Rice, Kodo 246.00 2.00 301.00 191. 00 81.00 Damoh 44.8 548 Wheat, Rice 109.00 438.00 170.00 103.00 Damoh 41.6 Tuesday 549 Wheat, Rice 3.00 267.00 28.00 17.00 Damoh 44.8 .. 550 Wheat, Rice 69.00 165.00 30l.00 397.00 138.00 Damoh 44.8 .. 551 Wheat, Rice 43.00 104.00 193.00 144.00 23.00 Damoh' 44.8 552 Wheat, Rice 107.00 104.00 80.00 65.00 Damoh 43.2 553 Wheat, Rice 300.00 194.00 134.00 42.00 Damoh 43.2 554 Wheat, Rice 29.00 237.00 36.00 207.00 Damoh 46.0 .. 555 Wheat, Rice 434.00 270.00 85.00 67.00 Damoh 46.4 556 Wheat, Rice 788.00 44.00 32.00 42.00 Damoh 46.4 557 Wheat, Rice 640.00 95.00 53.00 Katangi 46.4 558 Wheat, Rice 138.00 518.00 684.00 51.00 Katangi 32.0 559 Wheat, Rice 197.00 568.00 149.00 41.00 Katangi 30.4 560 Wheat, Rice 200.00 52.00 19.00 Katangi 28.8 561 39.00 92.00 451.00 390.00 Katangi 30.4 562 Rice 1.00 346.00 165.00 47.00 Katangi 28.8 563 Wheat, Rice 1.00 358.00 112.00 35.00 Katangi 27.2 5G4 Wheat, Rice 55.00 313.00 134.00 33.00 Katangi 28.8 565 Wheat, Rice 26.00 8.00 217.00 219.00 329.00 Katangi 32.0 566 Wheat, Rice 6.00 229.00 159.00 42.00 Katangi 32.0 567 Wheat, Rice 3.00 190.00 119.00 31.00 Katangi 30.4 568 Wheat, Rice 8.00 8.00 796.00 91.00 909.00 Damoh 33.6 569 Wheat, Rice 24.00 97.00 131.00 3.00 Damoh 36.8 570 Wheat, Rice 392.00 61.00 482.00 Damoh 36.6 571 74

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities available within the villages Total ,- "'"\ L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No~ Name of village the Supply ins niea- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

572 Gidra Malgujari 1,215.00 NW KR 573 lalhari 1,681.00 PR (1) W PR 574 Melighana 481.00 NW PR .. 575 Pad Dhat Khamriya 228.00 W PR 576 Kalhara Kheda 1,243.00 PR (1) W PR PO 5n Piparia Jugraj 1,482.00 PR (I) W KR 578 Bhat Khamriya 2,737.00 PR(1) W PR 579 Chhirkona 694.00 R KR 580 Barkheda Sing~r 560.00 W,R KR 581 Karondi Mangarh 437.00 W PR 582 Gadaghat 366.00 W KR 583 Padaria Singor 751.00 PR (1) W PR 584 Kot Khamaria 574.00 W KR 585 Madan Khera 1,094.00 PR (1) W KR PO 586 Baraghat 254.00 R KR 587 Dhonda 1,070.00 W KR 588 Umarghat 50.00 W PR 589 Patloni IU5.00 PR (1) D (1) W PR 590 Sunvahi Umaria 709.00 PR (1) W PR 591 Pipaira Sunar 325.00 W PR 592 Harrai Sing~r 966.00 PR (1) W PR 593 Dasondi Raiyat 100.00 W KR 594 Dasondi Mal. 301.00 W KR 595 Pipariya Tikaram 1,037.00 W KR 596 Dinari 1,346.00 PR (1) D (1) W, R KR 597 Pati Liladhar 321.00 Mid~ S. (1) D (1) W KR PO 598 Kuluwa 395.00 W KR 599 Devri Liladhar 810.00 PR (1) W KR 600 Pateriya Mal 1,042.00 W,R KR 601 Pateriya Chakk 211.00 W KR 602 Tejgarh Khas 737.00 Mid. S. (1) R PR PO 603 Khamariya Mouji 1,721.00 PR (I), Mid. S. (I) W KR 604 Bijora 818.00 R KR 605 Dem Jugraj 253.00 R KR 606 Rohni Tej garh 576.00 R KR 607 Mahuwaghat 437.00 R KR 608 Arth Kheda Khamaria 695.00 W PR 609 Katangi 1,280.00 W PR 610 Parasai Mal. 959.00 PR (1) R PR 611 Parasai Raiyat 158.00 E, EI R PR 612 Dunaw 483.00 R KR. 613 PatnaDurg 531.00 W KR 614 Mudari Tejgarh 729.00 W KR 615 GudaJarua 485.00 PR (1) R KR 616 Amtara 622.00 R KR 617 BijaDongri 1,032.00 PR (1) W KR 618 Bara Khas 650.00 R KR 619 Bhaiskhar 1,424.00 W KR 620 Jujharghat 408.00 R KR 621 JaruaGuda 745.00 R KR 622 Dasonda 532.00 PR (1) R KR 623 Gambhira 204.00 R KR 75


Land use (i.e. area under'different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks w;:ekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & jf any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food . Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal inteMSt

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Rice 539.00 223.00 423.00 30.00 Damoto 36.8 572 Wheat, Rice 2.00 734.00 180.00 765.00 Damoh 48.0 573 Wheat, Rice 24.00 374.00 54.00 29.00 Damoh 52.8 574 Wheat, Rice 2.00 183.00 28.00 15.00 Damoh 60.8 575 Wheat, Rice 3.00 499.00 182.00 559.00 Damoh 54.4 576 Wheat, Rice 3.00 416.00 51.00 992.00 Damob 51.2 577 Wheat, Rice 166.00 776.00 321.00 1,474.00 Damoh 56.0 578 Wheat, Rice 12.00 3.00 530.00 89.00 60.00 Damoh 33.6 579 Wheat, Rice 9.00 1.00 467.00 51.00 - 32.00 Damoh 30.4 580 Wheat, Rice 36.00 105.00 245.00 5.00 46.00 Damoh 32.0 581 Wheat, Rice 74.00 243.00 33.00 16.00 Damoh 33.6 582 Wheat, Rice 134.00 467.00 95.00 55.00 Oamoh 32.0 583 Wheat, Rice 127.00 277.00 43.00 127.00 Damoh 37.6 584 Wheat, Rice 244.00 600.00 46.00 204.00 Damoh 35.2 Saturday 585 3.00 55.00 158.00 25.00 13.00 Oamoh 33.6 586 Wheat, Rice 275.00 112,00 283.00 54.00 346.00 Damoh 35.2 587 Wheat, Rice 42.00 3.00 5.00 Damoh 32.0 588 Wheat, Rice 122.00 253.00 27.00 413.00 Damoh 35.2 589 Wheat, Rice 169.00 403.00 95.00 42.00 Damoh 41.6 590 Wheat, Rice 58.00 230.00 27.00 10.00 Damoh 36.8 591 Wheat, Rice 106.00 490.00 80.00 290.00 Damoh 36.8 592 90.00 10.00 Damoh 64.0 593 4.00 186.00 13.00 98.00 Damoh 64.0 594 Wheat, Rice 28.00 443.00 25.00 541.00 Damoh 64.0 595 Wheat, Rice 5.00 869.00 55.00 417.00 Damoh 38.4 596 Wheat, Rice 4.00 193.00 1.00 123.00 Damoh 38.4 597 Wheat, Rice 251.00 4.00 140.00 Damoh 38.4 598 Wheat, Rice 522.00 7.00 281.00 Damob 38.4 599 Wheat, Rice 185.00 745.00 61.00 51.00 Damoh 38.4 600 Wheat, Rice 16.00 166.00 21.00 8.00 Damoh 38.4 601 Wheat, Rice 175.00 107.00 123.00 332.00 Damoh 38.4 Monday 602 Wheat, Rice 313.00 1.00 1,065.00 170.00 172.00 Damoh 17.6 603 Wheat, Rice 130.00 448.00 46.00 194,00 Damoh 24.0 Wednesday 604 Wheat, Rice 236.00 9.00 8.00 Damoh 25.6 605 Wheat, Rice 29.00 2.00 470.00 17.00 58.00 Damoh 27.2 606 Wheat, Rice 19.00 6.00 380.00 11.00 21.00 Damoh 27.2 607 Wheat, Rice 198.00 429.00 28.00 40.00 Damoh 24.0 60S Wheat, Rice 586.00 30.00 664.00 Damoh 25.6 609 Wheat, Rice 275.00 3.00 572.00 52.00 57.00 Damoh 27.2 Tuesday 610 Wheat, Rice 152.00 6.00 Damoh 28.8 611 Wheat, Rice 62.00 5.00 172.00 178.00 66.00 Damoh 21.8 612 Wheat, Rice 187.00 300.00 25.00 19.00 Damoh 28.8 613 Wheat, Rice 390.00 144.00 195.00 Domoh 28.8 614 Wheat, Rice 18.00 7.00 376.00 21.00 63.00 Damoh 28.8 615 Wheat, Rice 16.00 6.00 400.00 78.00 122.00 Damoh 28'8 616 Wheat, Rice 1.00 492.00 188.00 351.00 Damoh 28.8 617 Wheat, Rice 227.00 2.00 267.00 80.00 74.00 Damoh 2S.8 618 Wheat, Rice 612'00 3.00 70S. 00 92.00 9.00 Damoh 28.8 619 Wheat, Rice 186.00 177.00 45.00 Damoh 25.6 620 Kodo, Jowar 7S.00 4.00 337.00 48.00 278.00 Damoh 28.8 621 Wheat, Rice 10.00 1.00 379.00 91.00 51.00 Damoh 30.4 622 Wheat, Rice 3.00 163.00 25.00 13.00 Damoh 28.8 623 76


Amenities available within the villages Total r-- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) (lraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

624 Sagoni Kalan 3,548.00 W KR 625 ArthKheda 427.00 PR (1) W KR 626 Rohni Hatri 470.00 R KR 627 Barvata 1,027.00 R KR 628 Sagoni Khurd 190.00 R KR 629 Salaiya Hatri 3,598.00 R KR 630 Dhamara 524.00 R KR 631 Tori 775.00 Mid. S. (l) W KR 632 Devri Jamadar 672.00 PR (1) W KR 633 Ragenda 695.00 W KR 634 Batka 314.00 W KR - 635 Sagoriya 923.00 W,R KR 636 Imliaghat 1,392.00 PR (I) NW KR 637 MahuaKheda 499.00 PR (1) W KR 638 Kankar 424.00 PR (1) W KR 639 Katapani 2,939.00 NW KR 640 Jamunia 543.00 NW KR 641 Somkheda Kalan 1,088.00 W KR 642 Somkheda Khurd 214.00 KR 643 Chirai 499.00 R KR 644 Mall.ka 1,07'1.00 PR (1) D (1) W,NW KR PO 645 Daba 201.00 W,NW KR 646 Harduwa Khurd 1,499.00 W,NW KR 647 Ganeshpura 392.00 KR 648 Khagar 422.00 NA KR 649 Suhela 749.00 PR (1) W,NW KR 650 Devdongra 840.00 NA xR. 651 Hinoti 1,478.00 NA KR. 652 Mudari 1,031.00 W,NW KR 653 Lukam 237.00 KR 654 Pondi 142.00 NA KR 655 Lamti Raiyatwari 217.00 KR 656 Lamti Mal. 301.00 W KR 657 Ramgarh 620.00 R KR 658 Duhli 965.00 W KR 659 Laldaka 4,114.00 R KR 660 Bhagada 382.00 R 661 Jhapan 686.00 W KR 662 Sooradehi 331.00 W KR 663 Jamun Hatri 228.00 R KR 664 Ukarpar 1,987.00 R KR 665 Gorkha 264.00 NW KR 666 Mohad 1,088.00 PR (1) W,NW KR 667 Bansapura 586.00 W KR 668 Dukarsata 518.00 W KR 669 Pura Karondi 1,322.00 Mid. S. (1) W PR PO 670 Achalpura 426.00 W KR 671 Gohanchi 692.00 W PR 672 Jhalon 683.00 PR(1) W PR 673 Jarka 469.00 KR 674 Nadiya Gubra 292.00 KR 675 Hardua Hathighat 1,730.00 PR (1) .. W KR 77


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ---, weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of reli~ious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held histollcal No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. viIlage archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest ------.------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Rice 1.00 579.00 214.00 2,754.00 Damoh 28.8 624 Wheat, Rice 5.00 389.00 9.00 24.00 Damoh 25.6 625 Wheat, Rice 378.00 75.00 17.00 Damoh 25.6 626 Wheat, Rice 1.00 412.00 138.00 476.00 Damoh 24.0 627 Wheat, Rice 157.00 19.00 14.00 Damoh 27.2 628 Wheat, Rice 9.00 860.00 325.00 2,404.00 Damoh 32.0 629 Wheat, Rice 4.00 369.00 68.00 83.00 Darnoh 27.2 630 Wheat, Rice 19.00 663.00 39.00 54.00 Damoh 27.2 631 Wheat, Rice 2.00 343.00 1.00 3iO.00 Damoh 28.8 632 Wheat, Rice 7.00 354.00 263.00 71.00 Damoh 3{).4 633 Wheat, Rice 1.00 241.00 23.00 49.00 Damoh 28.8 634 Wheat, Rice 14.00 360.00 157.00 392.00 Damoh 30.4 635 Wheat, Rice 4.00 3.00 415.00 149.00 821.00 Damoh 32.0 636 Wheat, Rice 232.00 39.00 228.00 Damoh 32.0 637 Kodo, Rice 246.00 14.00 164.00 Damoh 32.0 638 Kodo, Rice 53.00 78.00 154.00 2,654.00 Damoh 32.0 639 Kodo, Rice 9.00 303.00 48'00 183.00 Damoh 32.0 640 Wheat, Rice 457.00 264.00 367.00 Damoh 35.2 641 Wheat, Rice 6.00 69.00 10.00 129.00 Damoh 36,8 642 Wheat, Rice 11.00 241.00 125.00 122.00 Darnoh 51.2 643 Wheal, Rice 40.00 3.00 757.00 115.00 162.00 Damoh 40.0 Monday 644 Wheat, Rice 3.00 145.00 12.00 41.00 Darnoh 56.0 645 Wheat, Rice 49.00 230.00 54.00 1,166.00 Damoh 51.2 646 Wheat, Rice 185.00 88.00 95.00 24.00 Damoh 46.4 647 Wheat, Rice 8.00 1.00 256.00 68.00 89.00 Damoh 49.4 648 Wheat, Rice 3.00 1.00 410.00 51.00 284.00 Darnoh 44.8 649 Wheat, Rice 88.00 119.00 20.00 613.00 Darnoh 54.4 650 Wheat, Rice 701.00 504.00 238.00 35.00 Damoh 48.0 651 Wheat, Rice 478.00 427.00 62.00 64.00 Damoh 43.2 652 Wheat, Rice 9.00 113.00 83.00 32.00 Darnoh 48.0 653 Wheat, Rice 3.00 76.00 35.00 28.00 Damoh 48.0 654 Wheat, Riee 4.00 8.00 53.00 152.00 Damoh 51.2 (i5S Wheat, Rice 22.00 187.00 52.00 40.00 Damoh 48.0 656 Wheat, Rice 228.00 90.00 302.00 Damoh 48.0 657 Wheat, Rice 44.00 289.00 56.00 576.00 Damoh 48.0 658 Wheat, Rice 2,649.00 7.00 853.00 540.00 65.00 Damoh 48.0 659 159.00 176.00 47.00 Damoh 48.0 660 Wheat,' Rice 190.00 150.00 53.00 293'00 Darnoh 51.2 661 Wheat, Rice 235.00 37.00 59.00 Damoh 49.6 662 Wheat, Rice 2.00 64.00 63.00 99.00 Damoh 52.8 663 Wheat, Rice 1,507.00 69.00 262.00 149.00 Darnoh 52.8 664 Jowar, Rice 17.00 168.00 48.00 31.00 !>.amoh 51.2 665 Jowar, Rice 201.00 664.00 132.00 91.00 Damon 51.2 666 Jowar, Rice 261.00 136.00 166.00 23.00 Damoh 51.2 667 Jowar, Rice 79.00 236.00 182.00 21.00 Darnoh 72.0 668 Jowar, Rice 484.00 3.00 421.00 325.00 89.00 Damoh 72.0 Thursday 669 Jowar, Rice 162.00 1.00 104.00 96.00 63.00 Damoh 70.4 670 Wheat, Rice 415.00 136.00 141.00 Darnoh 70.4 671 Wheat, Rice 242.00 324.00 69.00 48.00 Darnoh 72.0 Wednesday 672 Wheat, Rice 155.00 233.00 76.00 5.00 Darnoh 73.6 673 Wheat, Rice 145.00 136.00 11.00 Darnoh 73.6 674 Wheat, Rice 6.00 2.00 1,144.00 401.00 177.00 Damoh 64.0 675 78

VILLAGE DIRECTORY ----_.. _------_.. -.--.---- Amenities available within the villages Total ,---- L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) grapb

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

676 Simaria 1,220.00 W KR 677 Bairagarh 811.00 H (1) W PR 678 Mobea Majguwan 1,872.00 PR (1) W KR 679 Karondi Kalan 680.00 PR (I) W KR 680 Karondi Khurd 221.00 W KR 681 Bando Pahar Mal. 466.00 W PR 682 Bando Pahar Ryt. 62.00 NW PR 683 Kevlari 1,291.00 PR(l) W PR 684 Putrighat Mal. 274.00 W PR 685 putrighat Ryl. 339.00 NW PR 686 Hinoti Sarra 971.00 PR (1) H (1) W PR PO 687 Majguwan Chakk 147.00 PR (1) W PR 688 Samdai 2,467.00 W PR 689 Majgu\'lan Mal. 872.00 W PR 690 Sanga 2,273.00 PR (1) W PR PO 691 Panji 890.00 W PR 692 Harduwa Khurd 976.00 PR (1) W PR 693 Berdhana Mal. 221.00 W PR 694 Umaria Panji 256.00 W PR 69S Berdhana Ryt. 181.00 PR 696 Magardha Gubra 2,872.00 W PR 697 Gubra Kalan 2,872.00 W 698 Ghutaria 262.00 W 699 . Bagdari 547.00 W PR 700 Kham Kheda Singorgarh 977.00 W PR 701 Devrl Kachhyai 309.00 W PR 702 DaIpatpur 1,012.00 W KR. 703 Ajeetpur 210.00 W KR 104 Singpur 831.00 W KR 705 Nibora Ryt. S13.00 W KR 706 Khamariya Ajeetpur 1,156.00 PRo (1) W KR 707 DevriNizam 717.00 PR (1) W KR 708 Budhela 757.00 PR (1) W KR 709 Pidrai Panji 2, 13S.00 PR (1) W PR 710 Bambori panji 90S. 00 PR (1) W PR 711 Harrai Panji 557.00 W PR 712 BataIi 357.00 W PR 713 Belwara 1,143.00 W PR 714 lamunKheda 862.00 PRO) W PR 715 Manpura 473.00 W PR 716 Tipni 2,703.00 NW PRo 717 Aoriya Mal. 490.00 W PR 718 AoriyaRyt. 257.00 W PR 719 MagduPura 693.00 PR(1) W PR 720 Belkhedi Oubra 445.00 NW PR 721 Sehri Dhaneta 1,054.00 PRo (1) W PR 722 Dhaneta Mal. 739.00 PRo (1) W PR 723 Dhaneta Ryt. 343.00 PR 724 Harduwa Gubra 905.00 W KR 725 Dhana 514.00 KR 726 SasnaKalan 363.00 PR (1) W KR 727 Kuwa Kheri Mal. 260.00 KR 79


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market. any place . Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any. of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held' historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Rice 534.00 2.00 547.00 89.00 48.00 Damoh 65.6 676 Wheat, Rice 315.00 103.00 453.00 Damoh 72.0 677 Wheat, Rice 25.00 982.00 106.00 759.00 Damoh 65.6 678 Wheat, Rice 457.00 199.00 24.00 Damoh 64.0 679 Wheat, Rice 15.00 121.00 22.00 63.00 Damoh 65.6 680 Wheat, Rice 6.00 292.00 8.00 160.00 Damoh 43.2 681 Wheat, Rice 39.00 18.00 5.00 Damoh 41.6 682 Wheat, Rice 660.00 44.00 587.00 Damoh 40.0 683 Wheat, Rice 259.00 2.00 13.00 Damob 43.2 684 Wheat, Rice 301.00 7.00 31.00 Damoh 41.6 685 Wheat, Rice 6.00 812.00 28.00 125.00 Damoh 44.8 Friday 686 Wheat, Rice 128.00 7.00 .12.00 Damoh 44.8 687 Wheat. Rice 1.00 1,085.00 129.00 1,252.00 Damoh 35.2 688 Wheat, Rice 577.00 25.00 270.00 Damoh 44.8 689 Wheat, Rice 623.00 375.00 1,275.00 Patan 32.0 690 Wheat, Rice 320.00 222.00 145.00 203.00 Patan 28.8 691 . Wheat, Rice 31.00 462.00 369.00 114.00 Patan 28.8 692 Wheat, Rice 71.00 140.00 10.00 Patan 28.8 693 Wheat, Rice 52.00 66.00 130.00 8.00 Patan 28.8 694 Wheat, Rice 149.00 27.00 5.00 Patan 28.8 695 Wheat, Rice 2,391.00 251.00 170.00 60.00 Patan 28.8 696 Wp.eat, Rice 2,391.00 251.00 170.00 60.00 Patan 28.8 697 Wheat, Rice 49.00 144.00 60.00 9.00 Patan 28.8 698 129.00 157.00 235.00 26.00 Patan 28.8 699 Wheat, Rice 559.00 204.00 160.00 54.00 Patan 28.8 700 Wheat, Rice 141.00 131.00 37.00 Patan 28.8 701 Wheat, Rice 79.00 129.00 804.00 Patan 54.4 702 Wheat, Rice 106.00 90.00 14.00 Patan 54.4 703 Wheat, Rice 14.00 168.00 99.00 550.00 Patan 54.4 704 Wheat, Rice 115.00 232.00 166.00 Patan 54.4 705 Wheat, Rice 558.00 459.00 139.00 Patan 54.4 706 Wheat, Rice 92.00 285.00 215.00 125.00 Patan 54.4 707

Wheat, Rice 202.00 289.00 266.00 Patan 54.4 ".. 708 Rice 1,005.00 759.00 142.00 229.00 Patan 27.2 709 Rice 308.00 107.00 490.00 Patan 24.0 710 Rice 371.00 58.00 128.00 Patan 22.4 711 Rice 187.00 144.00 26.00 Jabalpur 24.0 712 Rice 690.00 410.00 43.00 JabaJpur 24.0 713 Rice 8.00 659.00 144.00 51.00 Patan 24.0 714 330.00 118.00 25.00 Patan 25.6 715 Rice 353.00 265.00 2,085.00 Damoh 67.2 716 Rice 379.00 55.00 56.00 Darnoh 59.2 717 Wheat, Rice 245.00 8.00 4.00 Damoh 62.4 718 Wheat, Rice 5.00 347.00 21.00 320.00 Damoh 59.2 719 Wheat, Rice 316.00 16.00 113.00 Damoh 59.2 720 Wheat, Rice 827.00 61.00 166.00 Damoh 60.8 721 Wheat, Rice 550.00 81.00 108.00 Daliloh 62.4 722 Wheat, Rice 93.00 223.00 27.00 Damoh 60.0 723 Wheat, Rice 661.00 165.00 67.00 12.00 Damoh 80.0 724 Wheat, Rice 87.00 349.00 52.00 26.00 Damoh 81.6 725 Wheat, Rice 273.00 61.00 29.00 Damoh 80.0 Tuesday 726 Wheat, Rice 64.00 145.00 50.00 1.00 Damoh 80.0 727 80


Amenities available within the villages Total ~ -----... L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tl'le- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

728 Kuwa Kheri Ryt. 318.00 KR 729 BisnaKheri 1,020.00 W KR 730 SasnaKhurd 307.00 W,NW KR 731 Ted Mihgawan Ryt. 466.00 KR 732 Bardgati 919.00 PR (1) W PR 733 Ubhasili 222.00 KR 734 Kevlari Taradehi 538.00 W PIt. 735 Bandakpur Ramgarh 71.00 R KR 736 Unhari Kheda Mal. 158.00 R KR 737 Unhari Kheda Ryt. 352.00 R KR 738 Khapa 225.00 KR 739 JamunJhiri 352.00 KR 740 Tindni Ramgarh 226.00 PR (1) R,W KR 741 Dudhiya Ryt. No.1 330.00 PR (1) R,W KR 742 Dudhiya Ryt. No.2 380.00 R,W KR 743 Kudpura 726.00 PR (1) W KR 744 Umariya Ryt. 1,158.00 W KR 745 Umariya Sarra 270.00 W KR 746 Devri Shankar 347.00 W KR 747 Sarsela Mal. 241. CO W KR 748 Boria 448.00 PR (1) W KR 749 Sarsela Ryt. 325.00 W, R KR 750 Madho Sarra 725.00 W,R KR 751 Foolar 781.00 W,R KR 752 Bbaisa Sarra 997.00 W,R KR 753 Sarra 830.00 Mid. S. (1) W KR PO 754 Maj guwan Sarra 437.00 W,NW KR 755 Sata peri Ryt. 1,844.00 R KR 756 Mulra 1,128.00 R KR. 757 Bansi 1,980.00 R KR 758 Chikhali 269.00 759 Lagra Ryt. 389.00 760 Kusmi Sarra 665.00 761 Dhakarwaha Ryt. 174.00 762 Pidrai Kopadeori 380.00 W 763 Khamariya Shiv 497.00 PR (1) 764 Konpadeori 404.00 765 Padrai Ryt. 741. 00 W 766 Khamtara Ryt. 498.00 PR (1) KR '. 767 Khamtara Mal. 469.00 KR 768 Jhamra 355.00 W KR 769 Pipra 293.00 KR 770 Saras Bagli Mal. 493.00 PR (1) W KR 771 Saras Bagli Ryt. 235.00 PR (1) KR 772 Rampura Ryt. 1,236.00 W KR 773 Mahka 251.00 W KR 774 Bamhori Mal. 831. 00 PR (1) KR 775 Bamhori Ryt. 684.00 W KR 776 Barvata Taradehi 166.00 W KR 777 Khari Vevri 225.00 W KR 778 Vevri Khad 269.00 W KR 779 Palwa 379.00 W KR 81


Land use (i .e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day or Remarks --"- weekly including Culturable Area not Neare~t Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food· Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi- land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

275.00 36.00 7.00 Damoh 80.0 728 579.00 356.00 56.00 29.00 Damoh 81.6 729 36.00 84.00 170.00 17.00 Damoh 81. 6 730 122.00 312.00 32.00 Damoh 81. 6 731 304.00- 119.00 496.00 Damoh 102.4 732 12.00 136.00 67.00 7.00 Damoh 99.2 733 Wheat, Rice 2.00 122.00 377.00 22.00 15.00 Damoh 99.2 734 Wheat, Rice 31.00 40.00 Damoh 96.0 735 Wheat, Rice 130.00 26.00 2.00 Damoh 86.0 736 Wheat, Rice 292.00 51.00 -9.00 Damoh 88.0 737 Wheat, Rice 101.00 69.00 32.00 23.00 Damoh 88.0 738 Rice 143.00 150.00 16.00 43.00 Damoh 116.8 739 Rice 175.00 36.00 15.00 Damoh. 120.0 740 Rice 190.00 107.00 33.00 Damoh 115.2 741 Rice 20.00 217.00 64.00 79.00 Damoh 115.2 742 Rice, Wheat 345.00 340.00 41.00 Damoh 112.0 Tuesday 743 Rice, Wheat 27.00 430.00 627.00 74.00 Damoh 86.4 744 Rice, Wheat 183.00 75.00 12.00 Damoh 107.2 745 Rice, Wheat 312.00 23.00 12.00 Damoh 108.8 746 Rice, Maize 193.00 29.00 19.00 Damoh 107.2 747 Wheat, Rice 61.00 303.00 71.00 13.00 Damoh 104.0 748 Kodo, Rice 267.00 41.00 17.00 Damoh 102.4 749 Kodo, Rice 412.00 198.00 74.00 41.00 Damoh 102.4 750 Kodo, Rice 40.00 412.00 329.00 Damoh 64.0 751 Kodo, Rice 339.00 553.00 35.00 70.00 Damoh 67.2 752 Kodo, Rice 267.00 1.00 430.00 1.00 131.00 Damoh 72.0 753 56.00 192.00 3.00 186.00 Damoh 88.0 754 Kodo, Rice 17.00 592.00 1,044.00 191.00 Damoh 84.8 755 Kodo, Rice 273.00 6.00 849.00 Damoh 88.0 756 Kodo, Rice 744.00 729.00 507.00 Damoh 84.8 757 Kodo, Rice 192.00 77.00 Damoh 86.4 758 106.00 274.00 9.00 Damoh 84.8 759 Kodo, Rice 432.00 99.00 2.00 132.00 Damoh 96.0 760 Kodo, Rice 122.00 52.00 Damoh 91,2 761 Kodo, Rice 336.00 35.00 9.00 Damoh 81. 6 762 Kodo, Rice 2.00 273.00 149.00 73.00 Damoh 81.6 763 Kodo, Rice 245.00 95.00 64.00 Damoh 81. 6 764 Kodo, Rice 431.00 291.00 19.00 Damon 81.6 765 Wheat, Rice 277.00 185.00 36.00 Damoh 81. 6 766 Wheat, Rice 300.00 145.00 24.00 Damoh 81. 6 767 Wheat, Rice 4.00 164.00 158.00 29.00 Damoh 81. 6 768 Wheat, Rice 113.00 36.00 135.00 9.00 Damoh 81. 6 769 Wheat, Rice 339.00 116.00 38.00 Damoh 81. 6 770 Wheat, Rice 159.00 56.00 20.00 Damoh 81. 6 771 Wheat, Rice 208.00 646.00 382.00 Damoh 100.8 772 Wheat, Rice 56.00 161.00 34.00 Damoh 108.8 773 Kodo, Rice 755.00 38.00 38.00 Damoh 80.0 774 Kodo, Rice 2.00 448.00 94.00 140.00 Damoh 80.0 775 Kodo, Rice 54.00 14.00 98.00 Damoh 88.0 776 Kodo, Rice 1.00 130.00 91.00 3.00 Damoh 96.0 777 Kado, Rice 194.00 65.00 10.00 Damon 96.0 778 Kodo. Rice 298.00 65.00 16.00 Damon 96.0 779 82

VILLAGt DlRECTORY -----~-~-.. - Amenities available within the villages Total L.C. area of Bducational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

._--_._--- -.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ._-_.. _------_

780 Salaiya 92.00 W KR 781 Hanmat Wago 616.00 W KR 782 Jamun Taradehi 268.00 W KR 783 Pondi Taradelli 635.00 W KR 784 Sajpani 271.00 W KR PR (1) 785 Cbandna 450.00 W KR 786 Harrai Khari Deod 2,049.00 W KR 787 Pura Khari Deori 1,190.00 W KR 75.00 W KR 788 Kosllanda 231.00 R PR 789 Sakla Chalk 330.00 R PR 790 Sakla Mal 714.00 W FR 791 Chor Kbamariya 203.00 W FR 792 Taradehi Chakk 537.00 PR (1) Mid. S. (1) D (1) R FR PO 793 Taradehi Mal 648.00 W PR 794 Jaitgarh Ryt. 163.00 W PR 795 Pathado Taradehi 780.00 W PR 796 Jaitgarh Mal W PR 797 SarraTuda ~.OO 460.00 R PR 798 Vikrampur 562.00 PR (1) R PR 799 Kot Kheda Mal 107.00 W PR 800 Kat Kheda Ryt. 833.00 W PR 801 Bamnoda 646.00 PR (1) W PR 802 Biltara Pondi 663.00 NW PR 803 Gupalpur Taradehi 788.00 W PR 804 KOOal W PR 805 Daroli 731.00 W PR 806 Samnapur Ryt. 291.00 PR (1) W PR 807 Samnapur Mal. 906.00 W PR 808 Changuwan Abadi 88.00 W PR 809 Cbanguwan Chakk 117.00 PR 81() Kachhar Dhongar Cbakk 99.00 W W PR 811 Kaehar Dhangor 490.00 NW PR 812 Bhopatba Mal. 457.00 PR 813 Bh.opatha Ryt. 73.0() NW W KR 814 Surguwan 243.00 KR 815 Khakariya Khurd 2,266.00 W W KR 816 Khakariya Ryt, 88.00 817 Khakariya Kalan 548.00 W KR KR 818 Hathi Dol 258.00 PR (1) .. NW W 819 Jaruwa Imalidol 3,045.00 KR KR 820 Silgi 1,814.00 NW 821 Pidrai Taradehi 544.00 NW KR KR 822 lmalidol 10,946.00 PR(I) W 823 Amwahi R,y]. 182.00 KR 824 Amwahi Mal. 256.00 W KR 825 Badipura 539.00 PR (I) W KR 826 Dhangour Kalan 599.00 Mid.S.Cl) W PR 827 Singpur Taradebi 162.00 PR 828 Baheriya Ryt. No.2 79.00 PR 829 Baheriya Ryt. No.1 34.00 PR 830 Baheriya Mal. 191.00 PR (I) KR 831 Ramadehi 711.00 FR' 83


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ., weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food ' Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi. land etc.) cal interest 10 11 12 ' 13 14 15 16 11 18 1

Kodo, Rice 51.00 35.00 6.00 Damoh 16.8 180 Kodo, Rice 433.00 179.00 49.00 15.00 Damoh 80.0 781 Kodo, Rice 13.00 207.00 24.00 24.00 Damoh 80.0 182 Kodo, Rice 580.00 30.00 25.00 Damoh 80.0 783 Wheat, Rice 79.00 181.00 5.00 Damoh 80.0 784 Wheat, Rice 231.00 28.00 156.00 25.00 10.00 Damoh 88.0 785 Wheat, ' Rice 1,765.00 259.00 6.00 19.00 Damoh 88.0 786 Wheat, Rice 1,159.00 2.00 29.00 Damoh 96.0 787 Wheat, Rice 4.00 61.00 10.00 Damoh 88.0 788 Wheat, Rice 1.00 202.00 11.00 11.00 Dam')h 80.0 789 Wheat, Rice. 6.00 143.00 147.00 34.00 Damoh 80,0 790 Wheat, Rice 290.00 341.00 47.00 36.00 Damoh 80.0 791 Wheat, Rice 200.00 3.00 Damoh 80.0 792 Wheat, Rice 5.00 361. 00 121.00 50.00 Damoh 80.0 Sunday 793 Wheat, Rice, 116.00 452.00 80.00 Damoh 80.0 794 Wheat, Rice 86.00 27.00 50.00 Damoh 80.0 795 Wheat, Rice 8.00 483.00 248.00 41.00 Damoh 80.0 796 Wheat, Rice 3.00 337.00 55.00 13.00 Damoh 84.8 797 Wheat, Rice 64.00 243.00 59.00 94.00 Damoh 80.0 798 Wheat, Rice 50.00 311.00 76.00 125.00 Damoh 88.0 799 Wheat, Rice 97.00 10.00 Damoh 84.0 800 Wheat, Rice 128.00 433.00 17.00 255.00 Damoh 76.8 801 802 Wheat, Rice 163.00 434.00 5.00 44.00 Damoh 18.4 803 Wheat, Rice 27.00 25.00 464.00 82.00 65.00 Damoh 75.2 804 Wheat, Rice 6.00 169.00 547.00 20.00 46.00 Damoh 73.6 Wheat, Rice 58.00 523.00 15.00 135.00 Damoh 70.4 805 Wheat, Rice 4.00 220.00 40.00 27.00 Damoh 72.0 806 Wheat, Rice 336.00 483.00 24.00 63.00 Damoh 73.6 807 Wheat, Rice 45.00 38.00 2.00 3.00 Damoh 73.6 808 Wheat, Rice 34.00 75.00 6.00 2.00 Damoh 64.0 809 Wheat, Rice 1.00 39.00 51.00 8.00 Damoh 57.6 810 Wheat, Rice 4.00 197.00 257.00 32.00 Damoh 57.6 811 Wheat, Rice 1.00 217.00 134.00 45.00 Damoh 60.8 812 Wheat, Rice 47.00 25.00 1.00 Damoh 60.8 813 Wheat, Rice 154.00 80.00 9.00 Damoh 57.6 814 Wheat, Rice 1,649.00 179.00 257.00 181. 00 Damoh 64.0 815 Wheat, Rice 7.00 39.00 35.00 7.00 Damoh 64.0 816 Wheat, Rice 4.00 288.00 181.00 75.00 Damoh 57.6 817 Wheat, Rice 141.00 112.00 5.00 Damoh 64.0 818 Wheat, Rice 2,103.00 135.00 190.00 11.00 Damoh 64.0 819 Wheat, Rice 1,713.00 18.00 45.00 38.00 Damoh 64.0 820 Wheat, Rice 344.00 52.00 74.00 74.00 Damoh 70.4 821 Wheat, Rice 5,528.00 647.00 606.00 4,165.00 Damoh 64.0 822 Wheat, Rice 25.00 52.00 96.00 9.00 Damoh 32.2 823 Wheat, Rice 21.00 139.00 84.00 12.00 Patau 43.2 824 261.00 60.00 139.00 45.00 34.00 Patan 43.2 825 Wheat, Rice 174.00 162.00 111.00 61.00 91.00 Palan 38.4 825 Wheat, Rice 78.00 41.00 32.00 5.00 Jabalpur 60.8 827 3.00 46.00 28.00 2.00 JabawuT 60.8 823 25.00 9.00 .j J abalpur 60. 8 829 Rice 8.00 114.00 60.00 9.00 Jabalpur 54.4 83'.) Kodo, Rice 29.00 606.00 39.00 37.00 Damoh 56.0 831 84

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities available within the villages Total -----A-- --. L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and village water tion Tele- (in acres) graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1132 Bhodi Mal. 386.00 W PR 833 2,151.00 PR (l), Mid. S. (I) H(I) W,NW PR PO 834 Chourai 1,390.00 PR (I) W,NW PR 835 Jharoli 1,708.00 W PR 836 Bhondi Ryt. 283.00 W PR 837 Narguwan Ryt. 169.00 TK PR 838 Narguwan Mal. 638.00 PR (1) W, TK PR 839 Sarwa Kuhi 843.00 W PR 840 Padajhir 4,178.00 W PR 841 Sahajpur 960.00 PR (1) W,TK PR 842 Vikrampur 391.00 PR 843 Dharampura 863.00 Mid.S. (1) E W PR

TOTAL 790,137.00 PR(148) D (19) 53 W (626) PR(116) PO (57) Mid.S. (43) H (4) KR(590) Scc.s. (5) 0(4) 0(142)

Source :-Columns 1 to 5 & 7 to 18: Tahsildar, Damoh. Column 6 : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur. 85


Land use (i.e. area under d,ifferent types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks -"-- weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tign Kms. village archaeologi­ land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

309.00 43.00 43.00 Damoh 56.0 832 7.00 1,103.00 136.00 905.00 Damoh 54.4 Tuesday 833 Wheat, Rice 381.00 898.00 46.00 65.00 Pamoh 72.0 834 Rice, Wh~t. 9.00 486.00 251.00 . 962.00 Pamoh 57.6 835 Kodo, Fice 4.00 224.00 42.00 13.00 Damoh 56.0 836 Kodo, Rice 143.00 4.00 22.00 Damoh 59.2 837 Kodo, , Rice 383.00 210.00 45.00 Damoh 59.2 838 Kodo, Rice 141.00 692.00 10.00 Damoh 46.4 839 Kodo, Rice 1,145.00 135.00 857.00 2,041.00 Patan 27.2 840 Kodo, Riu: 507.00 443.00 10.00 Patan 27.2 841 391.00 Patan 88.0 842 Wheat, Rice 1.00 665.00 58.00 139.00 Damoh 0.0 843

116,299.00 13,245.00 396,328.00 106,886.00 157,479.00

------_._------86 APPEN Tabsilwise Abstract of Edueatiooal,

, NATURE___,._ Educational Medical ---,- ,J.. ,------"-Primary Middle Higher Seeon- School School dary School College Others Dispensary Hospital Others , __.A. __-, ,----"'-_-, ,--"-_____ ,---A----. ,---"-_____ ,-----"--_---. ,--A._____ ,----"---.. SI. Name of ;; ., .. '" .;:... d No. Tahsil 0 '" . c: '"0 ." ~.g ., '" "'0 ~ ~g v "'c: ... .9 IIJ ~ '';:; ., tID,.t:i ~~ 1:1 ~ ~-fl :a "'''' ~ ';g ",.~ .'l:: ~ ~rIl .§ SC"-l"u "'Cl :::;rIl~~ jg i aU) .:s =e,. =", :! .~ i s ~ Q.o ... .!l :i tt:~ ~iB .5 >5r.:= .~ >'3 1:1 ... '0 >~ .. ... rn >~ 8 Q ... ·a ~ ~ ::~0._ 0:9 CC; ...... t '" ... eo. eo. ~ 'Ojg 0;., ...00 - 0 Os g 0 c.a.~ Os 'C5 ~ -0 .. ~ u ... ..Q ... ~Q.o ~.!} .. ~ '" ~:x:~ b o.~ °... .c~ .co .8~ .co tID .8~ .8 .8 .c ... ::) .8 .8- .8:; .8 .8 a.- 80 a] 8.S ~ 85 g 8·51·<;:: 8 ~.~ a·5 a ::I.e a·-::I> ='u ::11;., C U ~.~ :s=1ii ::I 1 ::I~ ~::I ~ =' Z2 Z~ zJl! ZrIl z-,='Q z~ zJl! Z Z.e.5 Z zJl! Z Z..d Z Z :z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Hatta 153 157 14 14 4 4 9 9 2 2 4 4 2 Damoh 245 248 42 43 5 5 19 19 4 4 4 4

Total 398 405 56 57 9 9 18 18 6 6 8 8 87

DIX Medical and other ameDities

OF AMENITY ---. Power Supply Drinking Wat« Communications ,-_____Postal &--A. Telegraph______Others ,- ----. ,-__.-I,..----.... ,- Number of Villages Number of Villages Number of Villages Post Telegraph where power supply is having having Office Office ,----~------~ r----"-,-----.. ,-----A.___ ----. ,-____..______,---A----., ,-_--A._____.._ ~ SI. No. ~ 01 -a IS -=rJrJu ~§ 0 IIOIE! G. '"u ... ~ 00 8'" :6 .. :!o ..!! 3 '0 :::0 ~ 15 '0 os >-:;; £ ~ 0 ._ ....>-a 01 ...... ~ 01 .... 0 0 0 ... 0 OIl .~ 0 ~ ::11. OliO ... :0 =: 01· ~ ...... 01100 °u u -< .cc .t) .8~ .8a._8 .c .t) Co =u ~ s·_ § e § ~ '0 01 :;, :;,1; §~ ::I -< z Eo< ~ ~ II. ! z-= Z Z.S Z5 Z Z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

31 524 365 84 137 147 32 32 53 190 626 142 186 590 57 57 2 .__ ._.- 84 1,314 991 226 323 737 89 89 88

-;cn"iii" ~.!l ~ !l ~:§~ .9 ~ 5 € .. f p,- e '!;~o "'" ",'iill!: ::!: r;S~ - 'g'" '"'"r:: r}ll:e.~ IX. ~ ...... _, ! .. ] .. - C '":' .., D«lol~ .~ ~ f~ '" a 00 ~t:: ...... "" ""! '" ';;:"'1$...... "'".C\ ..; ~Q",""o IS '" ~ z-~-.:,.."'" ~ 2 O:l ... Ie .... Q .<:! 0;:: d N ::: sl 0 0 .. '" '" t: 1'!!~ p:: E,..., ~ ~'" vi'" 0: .g 01 N .. '4' .. ... tile ~~e ~ :;I &2- 'S 0, U' .. :g ~! ~ ... ~ '. .,., 0; "C CI :::l a ... <1'. '0 .r= .... .,c'" .. = :. =: .... 0 0 0 '0 ~ ...... 0 ..:"" 8" 9 ...... E'i=' g, ~ ~ ~a ",0 ~ N '0 .;. 0 Q .... ~ CI "",::t:: ... ~e d~ :3 'S 5 oj 1: t ~ 00 ~ ... .. 1:i ...... "l 8 1""1 01 c .. 0 .... g .C 13 ~ 1i .c oS '" C "'- rA ..: .r: , 1'4 1=1 t>. ~j::' ~.g1 'cO' so;;' 'S Q ~ ~s .. <'I ;01 ill > ·!ltd " ...... A ...... a.!:t .c~e ~ a § \0 -. ~ JI Q '" Q. --;'0 • la ...... ~ co "!'" .0 ...... ~ ...- Q I ::1,1:1 '" ] "3 ...'" ::; >-< I €l;8 Ell Q. - II ';j .".'" !; ""' 0 ';0 Po ,...., .. t: f--< .. . 0.'-- ON zez I:Q £ i~0", - N ... Z DO 0"" ,1:1'" .;;.. .;. ~ ~ ]~ ~ S IJJ .d'" .d", I:Q~ .- «1.- eI ! ;: l- q ...e:: '"0 rJl~ ~~ ~ ...... , Q ~ .... 1: ~ ~ I ~.s~.s ... 0 ~ 'Cl...... d'- f-< "CI 1_ CI Z ~ 0 -( ... ]:::::!1~ tI.l -= ...... , e I !13,s.g;li .. .;: .S:" -< 'ot.:)-g0 ~.~ ~.5 +- +- +- .i ~ ';;:.9.2.,12 i... ] -I- -I- t;" ~eji .... ~ :::!1 ~ ." ().~ ~-"''''_Stil- J:.. III r~~ r.i \C ": ~ g'8 ij ~ ~ ~ ~ -< ~ ...... ~ fIl~OO .a .n ~'" e~~r~ ,; -~ ~ -_ 'tl is! ... ,.!l .. ",,- ~ ••rHI3··..... 1;,) 8. ~ <.,0( o:atr.~ ~'"'- ::s ,,8sa 8 a.l ..... -I- +- O..5lCl..9llte 0_ F< a ::I +- - .r: .d '0 +-- 0\ 'r3SaS~o Q:;; 0 0 ;::. E C; t= ~ II> 0 o s.c ..... ~'" 8 tl 0 Q .., t:g 2 '" OI~ ~ .. .. 5l- 1-e .., 8"'::::-0::>-Q ., ... en z ~ II: Q -< l~ '" ~1l::SfJ~ +- ~Ci.~~ !dO ~ C; ... '" =-t; ~ ] - '"' ~ '=! 0.:0 c tl ~ I g:;; 8 .., .., .... e o~·~ ... ;:e g:S e ...... 0\ ._·iO·t+:-i .908 .; ...... ~ t'I Cl~+-Q:!-Q «'I - In ,,(f-e, '" ~8Z -:::;- ::. == d --;;:: - .0 .... .3 a "=' '" '" .."..g c:: ""Q , , ~ - .. ... a '0'" JA;! - QO on "'<'1 ..

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- ----.. __ ._-_._-----,-_.. -_"---_------._-,,--- Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use in acres) r- __A. s. Name of L.C. Name of Total area Forest Irrigated Un-irri- Culturable Area not No. Town No. Tahsil of gated waste (i.e. available Town pastUre apd for culti- grazing laild vation and area under miscellaneous trees and groves but does not in- clude oIchards) 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 13

Patharia KaJan 311III ))amoh 4,753.44 1.01 185.58 3,188.23 1,378.62 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT



I. General . ..:LIn Part A, the picture of the district m. Literacy.- (1) The percentage of literacy as revealed by non-Census data has been discussed. in the district comes to about 24 as against the In this note, the progress made by the district in the State literacy percentage of about 22. In 1961 also, 1961-71 decade would be dealt with on the basis the literacy percentage of the district (18.5) was higher of information collected in the individual slip that than the State percentage of 17.13. The district has was canvassed in the 1971 Census. Broadly speaking, made some progress to increase the rate of literacy the changes that hrve come about in the matter of during the decade 1961-71. total population, its growth~rate and density, sex- . ratio, literacy, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, (2) The literacy percentage among the males in working population, occupied residential houses and the district (34.50) is higher than the State percentage number of households would be discussed. of about 33. Among females also, the literacy per­ centage in the district (12.04) is higher than the State percentage of about 11. n. Population. - The population of Damoh district is 573,263, while the population of Madhya (3) Among the tahsils, Damoh tahsil has the Pradesh is 4],654,119. The population of Damoh highest literacy percentage of about 25, while Hatta district thus comes to about 1.38 percent of the State tahsil has the lowest percentage of about 21. population. The rural population is about 86 percent of the district population whereas the urban popu­ (4) The same pattern is seen in male and female lation is only 13.78 percent as against the State per­ literacy in the tahsils. Among males, Damoh tahsil centage of 16.29. In other words, the district is rural is at the top (about 36 percent), while Hatta tahsil in character. Highest percentage of the district with about 31 percent comes last. Among females population is found in Damoh tahsil and one of the also, Dwoh tahsil leads in literacy (about 13 reasons for this is that the population of Damoh and percent), while Hatta tahsil with 9.98 percent comes Patharia Kalan towns is part of Darnoh tahsil. last. Damoh district ranks 38th among the 43 districts of the State in population. During the decade 1961- IV. Workers. - In the district about 34 71, the district population growth-rate has been percent of the population com:es under the category 30.78 against the State growth-rate of 28.67. The of workers (main activity) against the State percentage area of the district is 7,301 sq. kms. agins! the State of about 37. The percentage of female workers area of 442,841 sq.k ms. In other words it has 1.65 (about 15) is appreciably less than the State percentage percent of the State area and ranks 29th in area among (about 19). In the district, comparatively more· per­ the districts of the State. The density of population per centage of workers (males and females) have been sq. km. of the district is 79 against the State density returned from Damoh tahsil. Hatta tahsil has lower of 94 and the district ranks 32nd in density in the percentage of female workers than Damoh tahsil. State. The sex-ratio, number of females per 1,000 Among the workers in the district about 45 and 31 males of the district and the State is 941 and this is an percent are cultivators and agricultural labourers, interesting coincidence. Damoh tahsil, which inclu­ respectively, against the State percentage of about des Damoh and Patharia Kalan towns also, has got 53 and 27. Less number of persons have been cate­ sex-ratio lower than the district sex-ratio, while gorised as other workers, the district percentage being the other tahsil Hatta has higher sex-ratio. 20.84 against the State percentage of 20.58. It may 96 be interesting to note that among the females, the holds and persons per occupied Census residential percentage of cultivators in the district (about 18) is house in 1961 and 1971 are indicated below:- lower than the State percentage (about 41) while for No. of resi­ No. of No. of house- No. of 'agricultural labourers the district percentage (about dential households holds per· persons 60) is significantly higher than the State percentage State/ Census oCLupied resi- per occu­ District houses dential Census pied resi- (about 49). house dentiaI Census house

V. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe . -The per­ 2 3 4 5 centage of Scheduled Caste to total population of the State 1961 6,230,854 6,615,580 1.06 5.2 district (about 21) is significantly higher than the Dislt. 1961 94,332 97,993 ' 1.04 4.65 State percentage (about 13). No Scheduled Tribe State 1971 6,822,767 7,740,289 1.13 6.1 population has been indicated in the district because Distt. 1971 103,515 112,597 1.09 5.54 it does not come within the ambit of the Scheduled It would thus be seen that the pressure on occupied Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) residential Census houses has increased during the Order, 1956. Comparatively Damoh tahsil has more decade in the district as well as in the State. Compa­ Scheduled Caste population than Hatta tahsil. ratively, Damoh tahsil has more number of occupied residential Census houses than Hatta tahsil.

VI. Occupied Residential Census Houses.- The vn. Villages and Towns. - There are in district has 103,515 occupied residential Census houses all 1,398 villages in Damoh di!itrict, which comes to against the State figure of 6,822,767 which comes to less than 2 percent of total villages in the State. The 1.52 percent. During 1961 there were 94,332 occupied percentage of inhabited villages to the total villages residential Census houses in the district against the in the district is about 83 against the State percentage State figure of 6,230,854 which comes to 1.48 %. of about 92. There are in all 250 towns in the State There has not been any material change in the per­ out of which the district claims only 3 towns. Hatta, centage during the decade. The number of house- Damoh and Patharia-Kalan. FIGURES AT A GLANCE

Particulars Madhya Pradesh Damoh District ------_._------_._---_.. _..... _. __ .. _. __ .. _.. _. __ .. _---_._--_._-_._------Population Total Persons 41,654,119 573,263 Males 21,455,334 295,325 Females 20,198,785 277,938

Rural Persons 34,869,352 494,286 Males 17,823,411 253,745 Females 17,045,941 240,541

Urban Persons 6,784,767 78,977 Males 3,631,923 41,580 Females 3,152,844 37,397 Percentage of urban population to total population 16.29 13.78 Decennial population growth rate 1961-71 28.67 30.78 Area in sq. km, 442,841 7,301 Density of population per sq. km. 94 79 Sex-ratio (No. of females per 1,000 males) 941 941 Total literate and educated persons with literacy percentage Persons 9,223,081 (22.14) 135,351 (23.61) Males 7,016,649 (32.70) 101,890 (34.50) Females 2,206,432 (10.92) 33,461 (12.04)

Total No. of workers (Main activity) with percentage Persons 15,295,663 (36.72) 196,782 (34.33) of workers to total population shown within brackets Males 11,529,092 (53.74) 155,852(52.77) Females 3,766,571 (18.65) 40,930 (14.73) Break-up of workers with percentage ( i ) Cultivators Person" 8,084,743 (52.86) 88,556 (45.00) Males 6,537,112 (56.70) 80,994 (51.97) Females 1,547,631 (41.09) 7,562 (18.48)

(ii) Agri.::u1tural Labourers Persons 4,062,338 (26.56) 61,312 (31.16) Males 2,228,064 (19.33) 36,811 (23.62) Females 1,834,274 (48.70) 24,501 (59.86)

(iii) Other workers Persons 3,148,582 (20.58) 46,914 (23.84) Males 2,763,916 (23.97) 38,047 (24.41) Females 384,666 (10.21) 8,867 (21.66) ScheduledCastes with percentage to total population Persons 5,453,690 (13.09) 117,703 (20.53) Males 2,810,175 (13.10) 60,281 (20.41) Females 2,643,515 (13.09) 57,422 (20.66)

Scheduled Tribes with percentage to total population Persons 8,387,403 (20.14) Males 4,198,509 (19.57) Females 4,188,894 (20.74) No. of occupied residential Census house 6,822,767 103,515

No. of Villages Total 77,090 1,398 Inhabited 71,059* 1,156 Uninhabited 6,031** 242 No. of Towns 250 3

*Includes 176 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban outgrowth of nearby city/town. **Includes 67 villages of which abadi areas have been merged in nearby city/town. 98

DISTRIct ABSTRACT _._. __ ._._._.__ ._------_._._---_.. -- ---_---- Total population (including institutional and Scheduled Occupied No.of houseless population) Castes I .. C. District/Tahsil Area in Residential house- -"------. ,.------A-----, No. City/Town Kmll Houses holds P M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Damoh District Total 7,301.0 103,515 112,597 573,263 295,325 277,938 60,2.81 57,422 Rural 7,278.7 88,865 97,752 494,286 253,745 240,541 53,131 SO, 859 Urban 22.3 14,650 14,845 78,977 41,580 37,397 7, ISO 6,563 Hatta TahSil Total 2,011.4 34,379 38,314 192,116 98,927 93,189 22,639 21,803 Rural 2,005.5 32,089 36,012 180,015 92,586 87,~9 21,366 20,633 Urban 5.9 2,290 2,302 12,101 6,341 5,760 1,273 1,170 Hatta (M) Urban 5.90 2,290 2,302 12,101 6,341 5,760 1,273 1,170 2 Damoh Tabsil Total 3,236.2 69,136 74,283 381,147 196,398 184.749 37,642 35,619 Rural 3,219.8 56,776 61,740 314,271 161,159 153,112 31,765 -_ 30,226 Urban 16.4 12,360 12,543 66,876 35,239 31,637 5,877 5,393 DamohU.A. Urban 16.07 11,024 11,068 59,983 31,619 28,364 5,359 4,928 (i) Damob (M.) Urban 15.51 10,917 10,961 59,489 31,353 28,136 5,333 4,905 (ii) Chopra Ryt. 1(0. G .) Urban 0.16 10 10 39 22 17 (iii) Hirdepur2 (0. G .) Urban 0.40 97 97 455 244 211 26 23 Pathario /(DIan (N.M.) Urban 0.31 1,336 1,475 6,893 3,620 3,273 518 465 99

DAMOR DISTRICT Workers , Scheduled Literate and ---.. Tribes educated persons (I-IX) I Total worker Cultivator 4 ,----_. I -----. District/Tahsil/ L.C. M F M F M F M F CitY/Town No. 11· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 1

101,890 33,461 155,852 40,930 80,994 7,562· Total Damoh District 31 75,922 18,970 137;836 37,446 79,540 7,416 Rural 25,968 14,491 18,016 3,484 1,454 146 Urban 30,736 9,301 53,240 11,850 28,430 2,090 Total Hatta Tahsil 1 26,932 7,368 50,412 11 ,495 28,080 2,067 Rural 3,804 1,933 2,828 355 350 23 Urban 3,804 1,933 2,828 355 350 23 Urban Hatta (M) 71,154 24,160 102.612 29,080 52,564 5,472 Total Damoh Tahsil 2 48,990 11,602 87,424 25,951 51,460 5,349 Rural 22,164 12,558 15,188 3,129 1,104 123 Urban 20,220 11,579 13,471 2,750 748 78 Urban DamohU.A. 20,075 11,529 13,345 2,737 746 78 Urban (0 Damoh(M.) 16 7 9 Urban (ii) Chopra Ryt. l(O.G.) 129 43 117 13 2 Urban (iii) Hirdepurll (O.G.) 1,944 919 1,711 379 356 45 Urban Patharia Kalon (N.M.) 100

DISTRlcr ABSTRACf Workers _.A...... II III IV V Manufacturing, Processing,

,.....-_Servicing __.A. ___ & Repairs----, Livestock, Foresting, (a) (b) Fishing, Hunting & Other than Agricultural Plantation, Orchards Mining and Household Household Labourers and allied activities Quarrying Industry Industry L.C. District!Tahsil! ,----J'--, ~ ,.....---J--""'I ,..---A----, ,.....---J---...., No. City/Town M F M F M F M F M F 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

31 Damob District Total 36,811 24,501 3,787 494 105 29 12,905 5,619 2,965 291 Rural 36,132 24,327 3,164 470 77 25 9,266 3,732 1,008 152 Urban 679 174 623 24 28 4 3,639 1,887 1,957 139 1 Hatta Tahsil Total 13,931 7,592 1,596 229 10 3,887 1,135 566 37 Rural 13,806 7,569 1,535 227 10 3,120 947 298 26 Urban 125 23 61 2 767 188 268 11 Hatta (M) Urban 125 23 61 2 767 188 268 11 2 Damoh Tahsil Total 22,880 16,909 2,191 265 95 29 9,018 4,484 2,399 254 Rural 22,326 16,758 1,629 243 67 25 6,146 2,785 710 126 Urban 554 151 562 22 28 4 2,872 1,699 1,689 128 DamohU.A. Urban 287 66 521 19 28 4 2,592 1,560 1,508 106 (i) Damoh (O.G.) Urban 257 64 512 19 28 4 2,580 1,553 1,500 106 (ii) Chopra Ryt. 1(0.G.) Urban (iii) Hirdepurll (O.G.) Urban 30 2 9 12 7 8 Patharia Kalan (N.M.) Urban 267 85 41 3 280 139 181 22

Note.-(l) M-Municipality. U .A.-Urban Agglomeration. O.G.-Urban Outgrowth. N.M .-Non-Municipal. (2) Urban Outgrowtb 1. Village Chopra Ryt., L.C. No. 291 of Tahsil Damoh is partly included. III. Village Hirdepur, L. C. No. 332 of Tahsil Damoh is partly included. (3) Town treated as such for the first time in 1971 is printed in Italics. (4) The total area figure given for the distrrict is provisional 'Geographical Area' as supplied by the Surveyor General of India. (5) The urban area figures are those supplied by the local bodies. (6) The rural area of the district has been derived by substracting the urban area figures supplied by local bodies from the total area figure of the district. (7) Total area figures of the tahsils are according to village papers as supplied by the Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. Tahsilwise area figures exclude 2,040.9 Km.ll (If forest area in the district since tahsilwise breakup is not available. 101


Worke~ . ____.J.... ___.._ VI VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage & Trade & Communi- Non- Construction Commerce cations Other Services workers ~..A... __~ ,.-__.A.~ r-~ ;------'--...... r---"---...... District/Tahsil/ L.C. M F :M F M F M F M F City/Town No. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 1

1,395 240 5,626 663 2.,468 94 8,796 1,437 139,473 2.37,OOS Total Damob District 31 681 86 2.,282 447 594 43 5,092 748 115,909 203,095 Rural 714 154 3,344 2.16 1,874 51 3,704 689 2.3,564 33,913 Urban 379 70 1,421 254 291 34 2,729 409 45,687 81,339 Total Hatta Tahsil 1 284 56 968 238 145 28 2,166 337 42,174 75,934 Rural 95 14 453 16 146 6 563 72 3,513 5,405 Urban 95 14 453 16 146 6 563 72 3,513 5,405 Urban Hatta (M) 1,016 170 4,205 409 2,177 60 6,067 1,028 93,786 155,669 Total Damoh Tahsil 1 397 30 1,314 209 449 15 2,926 411 73,735 127,161 Rural 619 140 2,891 200 1,728 45 3,141 617 20,051 28,508 Urban 552 140 2,674 186 1,661 45 2,900 546 18,148 25,614 Urban DamobU.A. 519 139 2,662 184 1,657 45 2,884 545 18:008 25,399 Urban (i) Damoh (M.) 1 8 13 17 Urban, (ii) Chopra Ryt .1(0.G.) 33 1 11 2 4 .. 8 1 127 198 Urban (iii) Hirdepurl (O.G.) 67 217 14 67 241 71 1,903 2,894 Urban Patharia Kalan (N.M.) 11)2



Area of OCl~a- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in pie~ House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and reSI- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of VliIlage/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses r--___A_--~ ,__.A..~ r--...A.~ r-__"'_"'~ r-_A..----""' No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F M F MF M F M F ----.------.. ------_-"------__ .- .- ---- .. ------_. ------_------_-- - . -_ ---_._. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

31/1 Hatta Tahsil (Rural) 2,005.5 36,012 92,586 21,366 26,932 50,412 32,089 180,015 87,429 20,633 7,368 11,495 1 Siiapari 1,447.00 46 46 202 109 93 8 4 1 62 24 2 Rajpura 1,559.00 ! 17 118 557 309 248 20 21 119 30 169 17 3 Dhanguwan Patti 158.00 Uninhabited 4 Naipar 236.00 Uninhabited 5 Semra Patti (Ryt. ) 602.00 14 15 65 34 31 20 20 2 20 2 6 Semra Patti (Mal.) 113.00 37 37 192 105 87 3 2 12 55 3 7 Sunaira Jarkharid 417.00 7 7 48 25 23 4 13 1 8 Narayanpura Madiyadoh 1,930.00 80 82 411 202 209 39 35 10 128 14 9 Dhula 1,772.00 19 19 105 54 51 1 30 4 10 Damotipura 643.00 39 39 1.18 97 81 5 50 5 11 Panari 507.00 37 37 173 102 71 2 9 52 3 12 Dongarpura 1,977.00 Uninhabited 13 Chuna Segoni 110.00 17 17 98 47 51 26 1 14 Panaho 411.00 Uninhabited 15 Budi Khurd 692.00 Uninhabited 16 Jangupura 930.00 29 29 128 65 63 4 7 3 43 17 Shahpura Khurd 794.00 25 25 140 77 63 1 2 47 18 Kanoda Kalan (Ryt.) 3,053.00 25 26 130 74 56 34 19 Khutyani (Ryt_) 1,019.00 2 2 20 10 10 2 5 20 Dalpat pura 731.00 59 60 273 147 126 3 80 6 21 Borda 812.00 18 18 92 52 40 31 10 22 Jamuniya 559.00 Uninhabited 23 Pathariya 544.00 Uninhabited 24 Daha 746.00 36 36 168 82 86 48 5 25 Achalpur 420.00 Uninhabi!!d 26 Garruwa 923.00 20 20 116 68 48 2 28 27 Dhouriya 1,511.00 9 10 48 22 26 12 28 Madanpura 474.00 19 20 110 61 49 3 2 34 29 Syamar Singi 1,207.00 Uninhabited 30 Banoli 719.00 5 5 24 14 10 10 31 Surajpura 782.00 .. Uninhabited 32 Manakpura 579.00 .. Uninhabited 33 Kunwarpura 654.00 Uninhabited 34 Bachhama 2,676.00 46 50 242 118 124 21 71 3 35 Udaypura 1,587.00 36 38 213 105 108 9 ~9 1 36 Chauraiya 466.00 60 66 314 171 143 36 43 45 8 107 10 37 Jharyar 269.00 .. Uninhabited 38 Patan 458.00 23 25 118 52 66 5 30 11 39 Kalkuwa 1,215.00 45 48 231 123 108 3 66 3 40 Ghoghara 2,583.00 70 72 335 171 164 10 8 2 102 10 41 Bhadkura 319.00 Uninhabited 42 Amjhir 1,122.00 57 64 293 147 146 4 4 3 78 5 43 Karkoi 760.00 26 27 152 84 68 3 7 47 44 Ghurkheda 791.00 23 30 144 77 67 3 5 7 42 45 Karibara 1,619.00 22 23 128 62 66 3 32 4 46 Brijpani 207.00 30 32 167 83 84 51 7 47 Pondi-Madiyadoh 688.00 54 61 321 170 .151 46 52 12 87 48 Bardha 9,205.00 255 300 1,596 821 775 129 119 235 28 459 6 Bardha 139 164 926 476 450 34 32 102 23 249 4 Ayan 116 136 670 345 315 95 87 133 5 200 2 103


______WORKERS~.A. , 11 III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r--A--, r---A.----, r--...... A....--.. ,----''---, r----A--., r----A--., ,----"---, ,----"-----, ,-----"---., r-.....A.-., ,----"-----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3() 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

28,080 13,806 1,535 10 3,120 298 284 968 145 2,166 42,174 31/1 2,067 7,569 227 947 26 56 238 28 337 75,934 31 5 13 16 2 2 6 4 1 3 1 47 69 1 83 6 33 10 1 5 4 43 1 140 231 2 " Uninhabited .. 3 .. Uninhabited .. 4 10 2 4 4 14 29 5 49 2 2 1 3 50 84 6 9 3 1 1 12 22 7 86 5 6 3 25 3 2 2 7 2 74 195 8 25 1 2 3 3 24 47 9 35 2 5 5 3 4 47 76 10 46 3 2 3 1 50 68 11 .. Uninhabited .. 12 19 4 3 21 50 13 .. Uninhabited .. 14 .. Uninhabited .. 15 33 8 1 22 62 16 45 1 30 63 17 15 19 40 S6 18 5 5 10 19 34 2 2 8 32 2 4 2 67 120 20 30 4 1 6 21 30 21 .. Uninhabited .. 22 .. Uninhabited .. 23 38 5 5 3 34 81 24 .. Uninhabited .. 25 25 3 40 47 26 12 10 25 ·27 32 2 27 49 28 .. Uninhabited " 29 3 2 5 4 10 30 .. Uninhabited .. 31 .. Uninhabited .. 32 .. Uninhabited .. 33 66 2 3 2 47 121 34 50 1 4 3 2 46 107 35 43 I 19 8 10 4 2 29 64 133 36 .. Uninhabited .. 37 20 4 11 6 22 S5 38 22 2 1 7 35 2 57 105 39 57 43 9 69 154 40 ., Uninhabited .. 41 33 9 4 13 2 1 19 2 69 141 42 36 6 3 1 1 37 68 43 22 11 6 2 35 67 44 23 9 4 30 62 45 12 39 7 32 77 46 33 54 83 lSI 47 226 4 155 3 30 4 1 16 2 2 22 362 769 48 61 1 134 1. 28 4 1 14 1 16 117 446 165 1 11 2 1 2 2 6 145 323 104


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pieu House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Villagel of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town!Ward! Ward in houses ,-__--A._----, ,---A.----, ,---'-----, ,.----.--A. _____ ,~ No. Urben Block Kroll PM F MF MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

49 Niwas )85.00 46 48 250 140 110 37 21 30 5 65 15 50 Dighi 1,171.00 63 75 394 203 191 13 11 65 17 102 34 51 Patha 2,001.00 110 132 725 376 349 102 98 42 2 225 86 52 Patti-Pali 89.00 Uninhabited 53 Khadpura 757.00 33 38 218 112 106 32 29 17 5 62 7 54 , Pali 2,317.00 113 134 664 333 331 47 45 35 9 '190 28 5S Kanakpura 1,142.00 65 71 369 199 170 59 47 34 1 112 3 56 Tindni Madiyadoh 1,988.00 48 61 325 177 148 24 25 53 10 94 2 57 Malwara Madiyadoh 880.00 58 69 361 191 170 97 76 25 2 106 32 58 Nargi 538.00 15 20 77 42 35 27 19 6 2 24 1 59 Muhari Madiyadoh 830.00 59 75 361 184 177 33 40 33 4 99 19 60 Chandena 747.00 101 103 492 272 220 65 52 3S 2 144 10 61 Madho 660.00 58 66 311 168 143 8 9 36 95 12 62 . Madiyadoh 4,091.00 624 675 3,248 1,686 1,562 446 420 552 233 8S2 59 63 Purana Kheda 1,112.00 22 32 186 91 95 9 11 2 48 4 64 Shivpur 856.00 33 33 175 94 81 3 6 6 3 44 6S Tigra Fatehpur 1,225.00 43 43 205 104 101 13 14 6 1 47 5 66 Rewjhai 462.00 .. Uninhabited 67 Deolai 352.00 39 40 208 100 108 37 40 19 5 56 2 68 Mibguwan Mafi 267.00 22 22 97 51 46 25 20 28 1 69 Kaikbeda 569.00 93 93 524 274 250 S6 53 62 6 142 3 70 Doli 1,244.00 133 154 696 364 332 98 101 79 20 210 40 71 Deori Fatehpur 962.00 111 130 650 344 306 108 110 128 14 182 49 72 Madar Garb 274.00 21 28 150 79 71 21 4 37 19 73 ,Rusni Mafi 468.00 .. Uninhabited 74 Hinmat Patti Champat 466.00 31 31 167 85 82 24 12 31 4 48 11 75 , Simri Fatehpur 211.00 4 4 20 10 10 10 10 8 5 2 76 Dhuma 472.00 64 67 311 162 149 36 36 52 10 86 30 77 Jhamar Fatehpur 557.00 23 26 146 78 68 40 9 34 9 78 Chakarda Mafi 682.00 99 107 512 26S 247 90 90 102 25 148 64 79 ' Mahuwa Kheda 704.00 59 69 333 171 162 5 7 31 6 84 11 80 Khamriya 643.00 151 181 958 502 456 77 63 182 55 274 20 81 Bhiloni 3,474.00 239 265 1,417 736 681 174 171 141 28 379 52 82 Dungrupura 416.00 30 34 165 84 81 29 29 15 6 42 83 ' Ludhni 908.00 63 63 352 186 166 66 55 57 14 84 7 84 Bartlai 673.00 75 77 375 193 182 51 51 44 21 106 25 85 Guda 469.00 85 87 460 248 212 55 45 84 11 134 32 86 Ludhora 1,110.00 150 162 832 428 404' 113 124 129 25 235 79 87 Hardua Khurd 238.00 ,. Uninhabited 88 Neemi 794.00 99 99 537 289 248 86 18 84 21 163 17 89 Futera Khurd 372.00 ., Uninhabited 90 Badagaon 739.00 69 72 382 195 187 56 46 64 9 118 10 91 Kheri shahman 255.00 ,. Uninhabited 92 Narayanpura AsH 142.00 .. Uninhabited 93 Sagoni Chhoti 294.00 .. Uninhabited 94 Padajhir 914.00 80 90 458 228 230 70 84 95 30 123 13 95 Narayanpura Dakhali 42.00 .. Uninhabited 96 Deopon 8\7.00 36 42 203 112 91 62 45 30 1 64 10 97 Ranji 309.00 3 6 30 15 15 2 1 2 4 6 1 98 Ronsara 649.00 93 109 638 342 296 87 69 77 10 196 26 99 Tikariya 761.00 50 53 318 165 153 53 45 54 9 85 11 100 SagoniMadhc 420.00 20 26 152 73 79 41 48 19 3 47 15 105


WORKERS ---, 1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII . IX X Non- Workers ,....._.J.._---., ,.....--oA_., r--~ ,--"'----, ,.....-"--. ,.....-"--. r-'-~ ,,-_·L~ ,--.... '-~ r-'--""\ r-.A--.. Le. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F I'd F M F No. n 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

62 2 4 1 2 9 75 95 49 71 6 25 26 3 2 3 101 157 50 164 50 85 1 3 7 151 263 51 .. Uninhabited .. 52 54 4 4 3 2 1 50 99 53 113 45 24 21 3 2 2 7 143 303 54 80 15 2 4 6 3 1 3 87 167 55 57 16 2 14 4 3 83 146 56 76 21 30 6 3 85 138 57 22 2 1 18 34 58 78 1 12 17 2 2 5 85 158 59 , 102 7 25 3 7 9 1 128 210 60 73 1 18 11 2 2 73 131 61 368 9 91 18 61 7 4 84 5 48 3 18 57 4 11 .. 110 12 834 1,503 62 19 17 2 2 9 2 1 43 91 63 28 16 50 81 64 32 5 12 57 96 65 " Uninhabited .. 66 26 27 2 2 1 44 106 67 13 1 IS 23 45 68 87 1 29 2 18 3 5 132 247 69 123 5 7I 30 1 2 2 4 3 3 6 154 292 70 87 1 58 32 4 25 15 1 1 7 162 257 71 12 2 17 16 4 4 1 42 52 72 .. Uninhabited .. 73 28 is 11 1 37 71 74 5 2 5 8 75 53 11 19 19 4 8 2 76 119 76 27 3 7 6 44 59 77 90 23 42 38 1 8 3 3 4 117 183 78 59 7 16 3 4 1 1 3 1 87 151 79 160 11 63 4 16 8 9 1 8 3 2 7 2 228 436 80 233 2 105 40 16 6 4 3 3 4 11 1 357 629 81 31 10 1 42 81 82 45 4 33 1 2 2 4 102 159 83 37 51 25 6 2 3 7 .. ~. 87 157 84 4 39 25 3 5 3 7 114 180 85 123 41 69 34 4 21 3 5 1 12 193 325 86 .. Uninhabited .. 87 103 8 51 9 3 1 5 126 231 88 .. Uninhabited .. 89 58 2 32 3 14 3 7 4 3 77 177 90 ., Uninhabited .. 91 ., Uninhabited .. 92 .. Uninhabited .. 93 52 4S 4 5 S 11 3 9 105 217 94 .. Uninhabited .. 95 33 12 2 6 13 8 48 81 96 3 3 1 9 14 97 108 3 40 20 27 12 3 3 6 146 270 98 47 2 21 10 4 8 1 1 80 142 99 25 2 9 12 6 6 1 26 64 100 106


Area of Occu- No.of Total Population Literate r------village i,n pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Townj dential less population) Castes TrIbes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-_~_-, ,---A.-....., ,---A._...... ,-_...... _---...... ,---A._-, No. Urban Block Kms PM F M FMF M F MF

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

101 Harat 1,796.00 51 67 346 191 155 72 56 33 9 106 32 102 BijoriNaval 468.00 20 20 126 58 68 5 31 2 103 Perwara 320.00 38 41 198 108 90 2 5 92 59 23 104 Hinoti Udesha 741.00 93 94 419 197 222 55 63 70 9 108 56 105 Baroda Kalan 1,418.00 151 153 877 444 433 121 113 142 39 242 56 \06 Talgaon 677.00 16 24 120 63 57 13 13 16 3 33 7 107 Bharota 442.00 29 29 148 75 73 4 2 24 6 44 8 108 Simri Udesha 766.00 34 34 180 93 87 31 39 32 10 46 11 109 Larbar Khurd 317.00 .. Uninhabited 110 Sagron 546.00 105 127 542 280 262 52 48 137 31 145 61 111 Magron 1,652.00 314 333 1,770 929 841 171 138 328 93 496 122 112 AmoniKhurd 369.00 Uninhabited 113 Larwar Kalan 599.00 .. Uninhabited 114 Hardua Jamsa 464.00 237 255 1,107 571 536 90 91 200 26 318 87 115 Budera 257.00 Uninhabited 116 Raja Khedi 174.00 Uninhabited 117 Kheri Ramdas 503.00 29 34 190 94 96 19 1 45 4 118 Khejra Walju 491).00 37 44 210 105 105 14 10 23 55 7 119 Nayagaon Fatehpur 371.00 8 8 39 20 19 7 10 2 120 Pondi Fatehpur 649.00 17 18 103 54 49 7 32 1 121 Pipariya Ghanshyam 951.00 15 20 113 53 60 12 28 2 122 Fatehpuf 1,915.00 408 442 2,2491,1541,095 323 328 413 145 555 47 123 BudiKalan 593.00 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 124 Deodara 357.00 6 6 21 12 9 7 125 Amoni Kalan 930.00 Uninhabited 126 Ram Nagar 1,139.00 5 5 23 13 10 4 6 127 Bari Madiyadoh 1,202.00 15 17 96 54 42 6 27 5 128 Chaupra Madiyadoh 1,901.00 17 23 115 58 57 6 2 2 31 11 129 Bari Kanoda 1,551.00 61 71 291 146 145 27 30 29 5 87 32 130 Angori 570.00 .. Uninhabited 131 Furtal Raiyat 817.00 3 19 10 9 1 4 7 5 132 Sadpur 1,979.00 153 166 759 416 343 107 91 120 16 248 71 133 Shahpula Raiyat, 342.00 .. Uninhabited 134 Singhpur 5,589.00 12 15 65 34 31 20 6 135 Barkhera Ra m Nagar 1,060.00 Uninhabited 136 Sahpura Mal 1,358.00 Uninhabited 137 Sakri 1,006.00 .. Uninhabited 138 N~m Kheda Fatehpur 568.00 23 25 83 47 36 25 7 139 Surajpura Harat 1,705.00 1 ] 1 1 1 140 Nibora Ramnagar 262.00 14 14 83 48 35 4 20 13 141 Kanoda Ramnagar 881.00 100 100 432 226 206 63 60 53 9 124 64 142 Ghughas 2,218.00 291 291 1,173 566 607 97 109 151 47 342 122 143 Sunwaha 1,001.00 83 113 515 258 257 54 54 68 17 137 12 144 Chadra 155.00 1 1 4 2 2 1 145 Semra Ramnagar 745,00 62 71 344 176 168 ]01 94 30 2 90 9 146 Beli 624.00 57 60 301 172 129 46 4] 44 6 92 147 Jhagri Kabir 580.00 55 58 255 133 122 39 39 20 3 71 8 !48 Belapurwa 569.00 58 68 328 160 168 38 41 42 17 92 2 149 PurwaBela 559.00 9 12 72 42 30 12 10 7 19 3 150 Rusando 596.00 82 84 431 214 217 50 50 87 23 116 46 151 Itwa Magola 704,00 13 13 56 30 26 1 1 23 6 19 2 L52 Ganj Barkheda 1,743.00 132 135 712 364 348 108 103 108 20 208 40 107


WORKERS --A.. , II III IV Veal V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- ,_.A_-...Workers ,.----A----. ,--'------, ,..----'.....__, ,-A---., ,--"---., ,--''--... ,-''--... r_"L..~ ,--;'-~ ,_L-... Le. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

47 6 51 21 7 5 85 123 101 28 1 1 I 2 27 66 102 34 4 24 19 I 49 67 103 80 16 26 40 1 1 89 166 104 132 3 94 53 3 2 3 7 202 377 105 24 8 7 1 30 50 106 26 4 18 4 31 65 107 14 30 11 1 47 76 108 .. Uninhabited ., 109 79 38 60 5 9 1 8 5 135 201 110 250 12 154 104 29 20 4 12 29 2 433 719 111 ., Uninhabited .. 112 .. Uninhabited ., 113 225 10 74 75 3 7 1 1 2 7 253 449 114 .. Uninhabited .. ., 115 .• Uninhabited .. ., 116 30 1 1 2 14 49 92 117 37 3 15 4 1 2 50 98 118 3 5 2 2 10 17 119 22 7 1 3 22 48 120 24 1 1 4 25 58 121 288 10 144 21 20 38 4 4 3 17 5 40 6 599 1,048 122 1 1 123 7 5 9 124 .. Uninhabited .. .. 125 6 7 10 126 20 4 5 2 27 37 127 29 2 II 27 46 128 42 Z 26 19 4 2 2 7 2 5 6 59 113 129 .. Uninhabited .. .. 130 7 5 3 4 131 166 15 37 55 8 5 2 29 168 272 132 .. Uninhabited .. .. 133 13 2 2 5 14 25 134 .. Uninhabited ., " .. !35 .. Uninhabited .. .". 136 .. Uninhabited .. .. 137 19 3 4 4 2 22 29 138 1 .. 139 17 2 12 1 1 28 22 140 80 1 33 42 1 4 9 3 4 6 2 102 142 141 184 37 136 80 4 6 5 12 224 485 142 101 9 31 2 5 121 245 143 1 1 2 144 68 6 21 3 86 159 145 47 40 3 80 129 146 25 I 43 7 2 62 114 147 43 1 43 1 2 4 68 166 148 13 2 6 1 23 27 149 76 3 27 36 7 6 2 2 2 98 171 150 12 1 2 1 5 11 24 151 116 65 37 3 12 2 9 156 308 152 lOS


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r--;---- village in pied House­ (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioua) and house Scheduled Scheduled educated Totar Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers' L.C. Tc,wn/Ward/ Ward in houses ,_--"-__...... ,_J...--. ,--"---. r---"--C-.., , __ J...--" No. Urban BlocI!: Kmll PM F MFMF M F MF _-_ ------. -_. _.- --... ----. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ..._---_._._------_ .. _---- 153 Sirsod 143.00 · . Uninhabited 154 Magola 749.00 127 128 695 342 353 77 101 161 46 191 64 155 Bandha 763.00 68 84 414 207 207 52 46 55 13 124 58 156 Berkhedi 1,394.00 226 228 1,147 569 578 85 107 140 41 316 107 157 Anjni 4,122.00 220 224 1,048 568 480 201 154 141 21 291 17 158 Sajoni Fatehpur 1,045.00 Uninhabited 159 Geedan 1,164.00 16 18 129 64 65 4 35 9 160 Ghorakhuri 446.00 · . Uninhabited 161 Shahjad pura 2,456.00 143 143 624 304 320 12 14 41 11 171 104 162 Ghanshyampura 2,015.00 51 54 236 125 111 22 2 76 36 163 Agara 2,025.00 173 184 921 479 442 127 119 153 Z9 271 120 164 Mahuwat 712.00 10 10 55 28 27 3 2 6 15 165 Tikri Neem Kheda 387.00 6 7 47 25 22 11 3 12 166 Ghurata 800.00 194 202 972 474 498 161 160 189 15 283 158 167 Malara 300.00 2 2 8 2 6 2 6 2 1 168 Neem Kheda Tikri 430.00 2 2 5 4 1 3 1 4 169 Sariya 1-,130.00 189 209 1,023 517 506 168 180 132 39 281 105 170 Barkuwain 773,00 29 36 171 92 79 33 29 23 2 58 16 171 Malwari 344.00 4 6 43 22 21 3 4 6 3 7 '2 172 Bankhiriya 158.00 Uninhabited 173 Basiya 600.00 146 146 683 361 322 40 51 49 2 197 9 174 Khiriya Asli 388.00 100 101 525 263 262 22 17 109 11 138 16 }75 Narayanpura Dakhli 46.00 Uninhabited 176 Narayanpura Asli 163.00 14 16 76 42 34 2 20 1 177 Sheikpura 209.00 33 34 170 88 82 3 41 3 1780 Batiagarh 2,969.00 528 539 2,4291,263 1,166 235 238 552 176 656 61 179 Bannai 111.00 · . Uninhabited 180 Sedara 617.00 184 197 936 470' 466 142 144 152 24 268 169 181 Kumarwar 766.00 24 28 135 74 61 12 10 8 43 13 182 Gadhola Khande 441.00 184 187 842 431 411 87 67 91 6 254 83 183 Khiriya Dakhli 166.00 Uninhabited 184 Jhagri 302.00 · .. Uninhabited 185 Tindwa 853.00 214 229 1,121 582 539 132 133 243 43 308 47 186 Pathariya 1,507.00 76 92 432 224 208 97 76 52 14 124 SO 187 Hathidol 210.00 .. Uninhabited 188 Dulauna (Mal.) 220.00 Uninhabited 189 Rampur 53.00 · . Uninhabited 190 Dulauna (Ryt.) 370.00 Uninhabited 191 Alampur 1,287.00 172 193 1,002 531 471 123 85 126 11 294 64 192 Kaithora 1,546.00 259 299 1,506 753 753 161 175 281 66 401 98 193 Sihora 610.00 104 117 577 297 280 63 69 88 19 163 18 194 Fulwari 425.00 · . Uninhabited 195 Khaderi 1,826.00 450 455 2,173 1,135 1,038 259 225 499 472 569 2,4 196 Gugara Kalan 6,744.00 206 263 1,192 581 611 63 80 188 61 309 147 197 Imaliya Sonrai 807.00 · . Uninhabited 198 Sonrai Imaliya 821.00 29 39 189 99 90 18 11 6 61 5 199 lalna 480.00 19 21 122 66 56 10 10 32 1 200 Semar Kachhar 1,779.00 11 12 56 34 22 16 1 201 Pancham Nagar 228.00 · . Uninhabited 202- Kabana 5,637.00 336 347 1,689 838 851 204 189 330 133 453 229 203 Kirula 341.00 · . Uninhabited 204 Sigon 619.00 79 91 462 243 219 54 53 54 2 130 34 109


WORKERS ---"- -. II lJI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,..--A.---., ,.----'----., ,.--.....JI-.-..., ,..--A-...., ,..-_.)'--. ,.-~ ,..-~ ,.-~--. ,.--''---. ,.--"--, ,.-_.A.--., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

" Uninhabited .. 153 111 21 36 37 4 24 3 6 9 3 151 289 154 60 14 47 30 3 3 6 2 8 8 1 83 149 155 218 11 76 96 2 10 3 7 253 471 156 203 11 52 5 5 15 1 4 2 10 277 463 157 .. Uninhabited .. .. 158 20 4 13 S 1 29 56 IS9 .. Uninhabited .. 160 68 2 86 102 10 4 1 2 133 216 161 30 38 36 6 1 1 49 7S 162 166 56 91 S9 4 2 5 5 3 208 322 163 14 1 13 27 164 12 13 22 165 186 77 79 73 13 8 3 191 340 166 1 1 5 167 4 1 168 139 11 117 93 1 14 10 236 401 169 26 1 29 IS 1 2 34 63 170 3 3 2 1 15 19 171 .. Uninhabited .. 172 17-5 8 11 1 6 5 164 313 173 94 5 22 6 6 13 3 2 1 125 246 174 ., Uninhabited .. 175 18 2 22 33 176 IS 22 3 4 47 79 177 213 6 154 31 20 .. 108 18 3 6 47 3 .. 102 6 607 1,105 178 .. Uninhabited .. ., 179 131 59 99 98 10 3 13 7 1 5 9 202 297 180 31 6 10 7 2 31 48 181 189 24 32 37 24 17 3 2 5 4 177 328 182 .. Uninhabited .. 183 .. Uninhabited ., 184 158 8 115 34 3 14 1 1 4 3 12 274 492 185 82 9 23 19 17 21 2 100 158 186 .. Uninhabited .. .. 187 .. Uninhabited .. .. 188 .. Uninhabited .. 189 .. Uninhabited .. .. 190 174 18 97 46 2 10 3 1 7 237 407 191 230 24 118 49 4 29 23 1 5 14 352 655 192 105 5 44 13 2 J 4 1 4 134 262 193 .. Uninhabited .. .. 194 280 9 192 7 4 35 1 1 25 6 31 1 5661,014 195 149 7 134 136 7 9 2 3 6 2 272 464 196 .. Uninhabited .. .. 197 24 36 5 38 85 198 24 4 3 34 55 199 12 4· 18 21 200

.. Uninhabited .. " 201 159 10 198 190 10 41 19 1 1 3 13 4 27 5 385 622 202

.. Uninhabited .. " 203 74 3 41 26 11 5 3 113 185 204 110


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and bouse- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons - Workers L.C. Town/V!ard/ Ward in houses ,-----"--______. ,-~ r-----"'------, r-~___._-______. r----"----, No. Urban Block Kmll PM F MFMF M F MF

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

205 Bambori Lidai 1,122.00 167 200 948 479 469 92 87 138 21 290 -21 206 SemraGuman 782.00 .. Uninbabited 207 Gurgi Tiwari AsH 120.00 · . U ninbabited 208 Gugri Tiwari Dakhli 46.00 .. Uninbabited 209 Barkhera Singhi 340.00 Uninbabited 210 Swarai 623.00 .. Unnihabited 211 Mubali Batiya 305.00 60 63 318 160 158 19 1 88 50 212 Barnoo 560.00 41 45 204 108 96 13 1 61 15 213 Nibora Kalan 865.00 156 158 760 384 376 88 97 164 31 226 138 214 Pipariya Chand 397.00 43 46 229 110 119 24 31 30 I 60 53 215 Tirmuda 570.00 67 67 33S 187 148 52 40 64 4' 90 62 216 Dhoraj J ,316.00 127 127 620 309 311 75 69 91 15 166 76 217 Barkbera Keshav 350.00 19 19 84 41 43 9 11 3 2 27 3 218 Pernu Khedi 391.00 21' 22 96 47 49 13 11 11 27 3 219 Bamhori Bhat 1,352.00 91 93 508 257 2S1 53 57 87 2S 141 10 220 Riyana 554.00 75 78 349 174 175 46 48 50 11 93 9 221 Bhiyana 638.00 SO 53 292 144 148 59 S6 32 12 77 8 222 Ahrora 1,061.00 84 84 442 221 221 47 SS 75 19 124 29 223 Hinota Malwari 537.00 40 40 199 98 101 39 37 26 2 53 9 224 Lukayan 231.00 109 109 559 290 269 64 S9 111 46 162 44 225 Gajna 464.00 2 2 39 21 18 8 1 14 11 226 Gadola Balju 247.00 32 32 173 91 82 76 71 6 50 29 227 Ramkhiriya 72.00 · . Uninhabited 228 Sukatpur 843.00 70 70 360 167 193 31 28 37 8 95 8 229 Kbejra Muhamda 42.00 U ninbabited 230 Piprodha 813.00 87 118 446 229 217 41 41 68 13 140 17 231 Sagoni Batiagarh 265.00 · . Uninhabited 232 Hingwani 1,091.00 132 136 673 328 345 62 58 94 6 183 107 233 Baroda Madiya 456,00 1 1 1 1 234 Madiya Baroda 439.00 23 33 132 73 59 28 21 34 15 43 3 235 Motha 146.00 71 82 339 164 175 11 16 66 21 90 33 236 Cbainpura 629.00 .. Uninhabited 237 Kumeriya 513.00 .. Uninhabited 238 Kberpura 121.00 • . Uninhabited 239 Mubmada Khejra 96.00 Uninhabited 240 Sirsiya 305.00 12 16 75 42 33 12 7 19 14 17 2 241 Barkhera Nahar 1,036.00 72. 75 417 204 213 40 46 64 12 115 20 242 Bhatera 544.00 28 29 156 84 72 8 4 31 6 46 15 243 Bangchi 196.00 Uninhabited 244 Bakayan 626.00 139 152 746 396 350 128 121 196 55 208 44 245 Kariya Dhakar 212.00 · . Uninhabited 246 Summer 371.00 35 35 161 86 75 45 37 22 10 39 11 247 Bagpura 268.00 .. Uninhabited 248 Menwar 1,056.00 96 99 435 230 205 57 64 73 14 143 61 249 Simri Chinta 549.00 10 10 48 26 22 12 12 250 Futera Kalan 2,962.00 651 703 3,3721,7461,626 499 472 644 336 926 126 251 Jhira 164.00 Uninhabited 252 Madiya Bujurg 418.00 20 20 86 39 47 39 27 3 2S) Pipriya Shahnai 780.00 83 85 406 194 212 85 91 27 4 114 6 254 Mahuwa Kheda Menwar 208.00 5 5 25 13 12 9 6 4 7 2S5 Tahanga 503.00 2 2 11 6 5 4 256 Madiya Khurd 286.00 Uninhabited 111


WORKERS I II HI IV Veal V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,.---'-___" ,.---'-___" ,.--~ ,.-~ ,.-~ ,.-~ ,.---A---., ,.-,.-'---., ,.-~ ,.---"--, ,__..____" L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

159 9 93 9 5 ]7 3 .. 11 " 189 448 205 " Uninhabited " .. 206 " Uninhabited " 207 " Uninhabited ,. 208 ., Uninhabited ., 209 ., Uninhabited .. 210 47 10 38 37 3 3 72 108 211 21 36 10 1 2 2 1 1 2 47 8. 212 89 24 86 88 9 3 22 15 2 5 2 15 3 158 238 213 28 3 22 43 2 8 3 1 2 SO 66 214 55 21 59 2 1 1 5 1 97 86 215 102 28 57 46 1 2 4 1 143 235 216 8 1 19 2 14 40 217 14 2 9 1 3 1 20 46 218 91 3 34 7 2 8 1 5 116 241 219 4S 4 32 4 S 1 10 81 166 220 27 36 2 6 3 3 3 1 4 67 140 221 67 4 52 25 3 2 97 192 222 37 2 15 7 1 45 92 223 76 S 68 37 4 2 3 2 S 128 225 224 14 11 7 7 225 10 40 29 41 53 226 " Uninhabited ,. .. 227 48 2 43 6 2 1 72 185 228 .. Uninhabited .. .. 229 62 5 46 8 8 8 1 2 4 3 7 3 89 200 230 .. Uninhabited .. .. 231 100 4 72 103 3 3 4 145 238 232 1 233 32 1 6 2 3 2 30 56 234 4S 1 33 20 1 3 7 12 74 142 235 .. Uninhabited .. .. 236 .. Uninhabited .. .. 237 .. Uninhabited .. " 238 ., Uninhabited .. 239 8 7 2 ] ] 25 31 240 48 2 45 11 8 4 2 5 4 5 89 193 241 24 14 15 2 4 2 38 57 242 ., Uninhabited .. .. 243 64 7 14 29 14 22 1 2 2 13 2 16 3 188 306 244 .. Uninhabited .. .. 245 9 3 2S 5 1 3 2 47 64 246 .. Uninhabited .. .. 247 67 7 67 53 6 1 1 1 87 144 248 10 11 1 1 1 14 10 249 352 19 321 92 6 .. 143 11 18 4 49 1 3 30 3 8201,500 250 .. Uninhabited .. .. 251 16 3 11 12 44 252 79 5 33 2 80 206 253 4 3 6 12 254 4 2 5 25S " Uninhabited •• " 2~ 112


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX? Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Towo/ dentiat less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,_---'-_--, ,....--"-_--., ,-J-.--,. ,_---'-_,_--., r----A.---., No. Urban BlOCK Kml P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

257 Kabirpur 798.00 92 94 489 247 242 27 29 76 9 1'43 49 258 Khej ra Kabirpur 567.00 31 31 162 82 80 25 24 6 1 39 4 259 Kariya Pipar 422.00 19 19 111 58 53 9 33 260 Kutri 1,513.00 134 139 719 357 362 89 97 88 27 221 63 261 Pipariya Misar 655.00 48 48 244 130 114 20 1 76 2 262 Padri Dube 783.00 28 34 146 83 63 36 28 29 3 53 2 263 Bhatiya 1,952.00 267 285 1,373 693 680 146 174 302 44 389 236 264 Bijori Pathak 984.00 112 113 553 290 263 52 47 50 6 165 38 265 Maddehi 5211.00 11 12 65 31 34 1 14 2 12 7 266 K.anjra 2,350.00 131 137 780 398 382 96 92 133 33 219 132 267 Bamuriya Hatta 445.00 28 31 146 18 68 43 37 17 1 39 19 268 Bangaon 3,107.00 213 236 1,104 558 546 181 181 210 76 299 111 269 Kuwa Kheda Mahdeta 694.00 48 67 327 159 168 34 31 32 4 94 59 270 Rewnjha Kalan 1,484.00 80 90 423 219 204 61 81 76 20 128 85 271 Bamhori Kudai 752.00 38 42 227 116 111 33 37 10 65 41 272 ltwa Hiralal 931.00 108 108 567 285 282 5S 48 93 I 18 140 83 213 Padri Udebhan 559.00 31 43 218 117 101 36 28 24 3 65 10 274 Shikarpura 788.00 69 83 419 202 217 29 32 54 11 111 41 275 Kuluwa Khurd 141.00 .. Uninhabited 276 Pipariya Shikarpur 490.00 80 84 404 191 213 32 33 63 7 94 41 277 Luharra 1,243.00 91 103 548 293 255 61 81 139 44 142 32 278 Sujanpura Dan 731.00 42 53 240 114 126 35 56 36 7 61 26 279 Luhari 4,676.00 377 404 2,0581,0551,003 162 169 447 123 563 81 280 Setnar Khedi 655.00 5 5 74 41 33 6 5 2 2 31 281 Jatnuniya 710.00 30 30 173 88 85 19 15 21 3 57 2 282 Deori Misar 385.00 .. Uninhabited 283 Chainpura 278.00 29 29 171 92 79 20 1 54 2 284 Kheri Harikishan 449.00 53 71 369 194 175 92 80 33 14 102 32 285 Ronda 1,772.00 124 127 596 306 290 98 98 63 20 174 54 286 Ghugri Misar 452.00 .. Uninhabited 287 Patna 628.00 31 47 267 146 121 49 42 47 12 71 18 288 Kumhi 730.00 45 45 223 101 122 53 58 10 66 16 289 Prempura 259.00 17 19 134 69 65 18 17 16 I 39 10 290 Dagenya 451.00 3 3 12 5 7 1 2 2 2 291 Bori Kalan 1,077.00 119 124 566 293 273 121 110 78 19 145 91 292 Purena Baksbi 382.00 21 28 135 66 69 4 3 25 5 34 10 293 Bori Khurd 398.00 35 47 262 133 129 10 5 11 7 75 62 294 Patriya 354.00 .. Uninhabited 295 Chhevla Gangaram 702.00 17 28 117 63 54 32 20 16 15 37 12 296 Sayra 46~.00 2 3 14 9 5 1 1 1 5 3 297 Chhapri 318.00 3 3 15 9 6 3 3 2 8 2 298 Chhevla Bhagirath 327.00 4 4 15 9 6 4 2 1 6 4 299 Khalsa (Khejra) 247.00 .. Uninhabited 300 Dholiya Kheda 403.00 5 7 33 21 12 3 2 1 11 5 301 Khejra Khurd 225.00 25 25 159 82 77 13 11 17 2 41 3 302 Deori Choudhari 592.00 17 17 81 44 37 4 26 5 303 Manpura 316.00 29 29 154 82 72 13 42 4 304 Dalpatpura 337.00 .. Uninhabited 305 Banjari 416.00 3 4 20 9 11 5 4 2 7 1 306 Panji 957.00 97 107 628 323 305 52 55 59 7 174 20 307 Bind 1,443.00 80 80 437 226 211 91 83 58 14 116 17 308 Beohari 451.00 12 15 100 54 46 24 16 30 113


WORKERS ..._ -, .1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--"-----., ,--"-----., ,--"--, ,-"--I ,-''--, r---"----, r---"--, ~--,,-~ r---''--, ,--:'-~ ,_..A._-.., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

54 2 41 38 37 4 9 4 2 104 193 257 20 9 3 7 2 I 1 43 76 258 29 4 25 53 259 105 13 51 30 16 42 17 2 2 4 136 299 260 67 1 6 1 1 1 1 54 112 261 22 1 25 1 3 2 1 30 61 262 211 67 64 81 8 5 79 81 4 11 II 304 444 263 127 13 30 25 1 5 1 1 125 225 264 8 4 3 3 1 19 27 265 94 7 74 103 21 13 14 4 6 2 4 6 3 179 250 266 29 9 8 10 2 39 49 267 122 9 108 89 6 20 11 12 10 2 19 259 435 268 70 42 21 17 1 2 65 109 269 80 41 30 40 4 8 4 5 91 119 270 36 26 20 18 4 5 3 51 64 271 93 48 19 21 4 18 14 2 4 145 199 272 40 20 9 2 3 1 52 91 273 56 1 31 28 14 6 2 2 91 116 274

.. Uninhabited .. " 275 64 10 20 27 2 5 3 2 97 172 276 80 1 35 17 1 21 12 4 151 223 277 46 2 8 15 7 9 53 100 278 337 22 106 31 12 2 39 7 3 4 19 2 7 36 10 492 922 279 8 16 7 10 33 280 40 16 31 83 281 .. Uninhabited ,. .. 282 47 2 6 38 77 283 41 3 32 7 2 22 21 4 92 143 284 85 4 46 39 2 32 8 2 7 132 236 285 .. Uninhabited ., .. 286 50 2 12 5 8 11 75 103 287 53 11 14 1 2 35 106 288 24 2 13 8 1 30 55 289 1 2 1 3 5 290 106 38 25 43 4 2 6 8 2 2 148 182 291 28 6 4 4 1 1 32 59 292 56 46 19 16 58 61 293 .. Uninhabited .. .. 294 23 5 12 7 26 42 295 4 2 1 1 4 2 296 8 2 1 4 29i 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 298 .. Uninhabited .. ., 299 5 2 4 3 2 10 7 300 35 1 11 2 3S 74 301 19 7 5 18 32 302 28 14 3 40 68 303 .. Uninhabited .. ., 304 1 5 1 1 2 10 305 92 38 2 9 28 16 3 4 2 149 285 396 66 4 42 13 I 2 3 llO 194 307 19 10 1 24 46 308 114


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate viIlagein pied House- (including ins titu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled '-educated Total Name of Villagej of Townj dential less population) Castes Tribes personS' Workers L.C. Town/Wardj Ward in houses ,----'----, ,---"----, ,~ r----"-----, ,----"'----, No. Urban BlocK KmB P M F M F M F M f M F 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

309 Kanaktala 637.00 42 42 251 143 108 48 41 58 21 78 310 Sujanpura Khurd 316.00 .. Uninhabited 311 Bardua Ghutariya 851.00 48 57 296 158 138 47 38 37 8 82 7 311 Ghutariya 1,067.00 50 66 396 195 201 25 27 .. 60 18 110 7 313 Sankuiya 971.00 88 118 617 313 304 65 59 116 2~ 188 23 314 Hardua Pancham 1,172.00 34 42 231 115 116 38 36 2~ 1 68 11 315 Ghughri Bhagwan 320.00 Uninhabited 316 Kanti 2,264.00 164 181 986 489 497 185 185 227 48 295 55 317 Dandi 376.00 33 33 177 92 85 17 8 28 2 50 3 318 Purena Kanti 1,065.00 45 46 254 125 129 22 28 18 2 72 319 Lakhanpura Jhari 179.00 .. Uninhabited 320 Nimarmunda 1,178.00 122 132 688 352 336 90 105 142 23 183 10 321 Ghurkbeda Hatta 742.00 2 5 22 14 8 6 322 Sakour t ,441.00 137 153 705 340 365 113 114 92 39 179 34 323 Padri Bbagunt 875.00 23 25 129 62 67 12 11 21 10 29 4 324 Udaypura 1,~OO.OO 63 85 459 239 220 95 94 84 18 131 31 325 Achalpura 1,075.00 39 60 265 142 123 59 52 39 11 75 1 326 Deoragarhi 1,413.00 74 86 463 244 219 71 74 69 14 128 13 327 Bhatdeva 537.00 14 23 153 82 71 21 1 42 328 Murachb 2,248.00 157 180 855 431 424 143 141 116 26 239 140 329 Khamariya KaJar 558.00 45 55 275 151 124 58 55 52 21 86 29 330 Barkhera Kalar 1,201.00 99 135 612 _ J09 303 79 8.3 115 30 170 66 331 Kamta 507.00 31 36 177 91 86 7 1 22 11 52 9 332 Baharampura 281.00 .. Uninhabited 333 Suj an Talaiya 618.00 37 40 201 110 91 12 13 39 54 2 334 Dadpur 1,520.00 100 142 721 370 351 131 133 125 16 197 8 335 Malwara Siri 545.00 .. Uninhabited 336 Hardua Umarav 378.00 27 27 127 6S 62 14 16 4 34 337 Siri 825.00 .. Uninhabited 338 Kheri Damodar 514.00 29 29 179 98 81 9 52 339 Khera 527.00 23 29 149 78 71 2 3 6 46 1 340 Khamargour 2,833.00 216 259 1,296 695 601 167 159 184 16 369 88 341 Muhanna 940.00 22 33 211 114 97 31 34 39 66 11 342 Itwa Chhakka 641.00 28 36 219 116 103 32 31 26 63 3 343 Muhrai Hatta 1,990.00 134 187 1,028 519 509 204 204 IS7 28 278 28 344 Saj 193.00 .. Uninhabited 345 Tidni Kachnari 782.00 33 48 256 137 119 94 81 16 5 69 9 346 Pipriya Dhyandas 621.00 1 2 7 4 3 1 3 347 Bichhuwa Chhakka 30i.00 25 25 116 64 52 40 34 45 1 32 4 348 Mahuwa Kheda Khurd 425.00 8 8 26 13 13 13 13 1 11 1 349 Basan 419.00 17 22 93 55 38 43 26 2 39 5 350 Gaisabad 2,407.00 323 338 1,834 936 898 148 140 345 123 528 136 351 Rutguwan 261.00 Uninhabited 352 Adanwara 1,064.00 70 80 433 203 230 36 31 49 14 112 19 353 Garreh 1,352.00 41 70 332 172 160 24 32 49 6 101 28 354 Budwar 677.00 20 27 145 75 70 25 S 38 1 355 Ram Talaiya 229.00 17 19 111 53 58 19 4 2S 2 356 Kachnari 2,026.00 92 117 682 349 333 86 83 80 14 179 4 357 Tevraiya 1,334.00 134 157 727 377 350 69 63 138 30 240 72 358 Bhunguwan 554.00 28 36 154 78 76 2 2 27 4 36 10 359 Hinota Kalan 3,593.00 307 336 1,654 858 796 265 245 404 150 473 107 360 Niwai Mafi 584.00 67 78 352 184 168 71 68 51 13 98 6 115


WORKERS ~ II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---"-~ ,--"----. ,-~ ,~ ,-A.-.-.., ,....A-..-., ,-"-, ,~ ,--"--, r--'---. ,---"----. L.C. M F M F .M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

63 10 2 1 2 65 108 309 .. Uninhabited ., .. 310 31 38 4 3 6 3 1 3 76 131 311 88 5 12 1 2 4 1 3 85 194 312 124 18 35 3 7 7 5 2 8 125 281 313 40 7 13 2 5 7 2 .. 1 47 105 314 .. Uninhabited " ., 315 111 3 91 45 23 46 5 1 7 4 11 194 442 316 39 3 10 1 42 82 317 49 14 4 .. 1 53 129 318 .. Uninhabited .. ., 319 ll8 .5 39 3 II 3 9 .5 169 326 320 6 8 8 321 98 8 62 23 2 11 1 5 3 161 331 322 19 5 4 2 1 1 1 33 63 323 77 .5 28 19 14 8 5 3 108 189 324 46 1 21 2 6 67 122 325 84 31 13 8 1 4 116 206 326 39 3 40 71 327 147, ~2 80 117 " 4 4 192 284 328 64 2 21 27 1 65 95 329 92 5 70 60 2 1 2 4 139 237 330 • 41 2 8 7 2 " .. 1 39 77 331 .. Uninhabited .. ., 332 39 2 15 56 89 333 104 1 43 3 19 5 4 23 2 173 343 334 .. Uninhabited .. .. 335 21 ]0 2 1 31 61 336 ., Uninhabited .. .. 337 46 3 2 1 46 81 338 45 1 1 32 70 339 253 9 72 71 7 10 6 6 3 18 2 326 513 340 44 1 21 10 1 48 86 341 56 3 5 1 53 100 342 172 9 67 13 9 17 6 12 241 481 343 .. Uninhabited .. .. 344 29 33 9 2 1 4 68 110 345 2 1 1 3 346 26 2 5 2 32 48 347 10 1 1 2 12 348 24 1 15 4 16 33 349 189 5 39 3 98 55 56 30 6 21 2 55 21 2 62 20 408 762 350 .. Uninhabited .. .. 351 70 4 41 15 .. 1 91 211 352 52 1 15 32 27 1 71 132 353 32 2 1 2 2 37 69 354 16 1 9 1 28 56 3.55 110 1 35 1 14 14 2 4 2 170 329 3.56 121 8 92 63 9 9 1 7 137 278 357 27 4 7 6 1 1 42 66 358 241 8 106 87 4 35 2 7 6 29 8 6 39 385 689 359 72 22 6 3 1 86 162 360 116


Aroeaof Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX? Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled C(ducated Tota Name of Villagej of Townj dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward I Ward in houses r---__.A..-~ r-___.\,..,~ ,-___,A..~ r"--A..-~ r-"'__..A..~ No. Urban Bloclt Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

361 Abda 994.00 21 38 186 90 96 41 47 27 8 56 23 362 Deora Jamsha 483.00 66 80 396 188 208 62 69 61 24 109 33 363 Baleh t ,049.00 102 142 538 290 248 77 75 73 10 181 62 364 Husena 994.00 22 22 125 63 62 9 5 10 3 31 14 365 Bhaisa 4,260.00 401 468 1,998 1,054 944 195 190 379 104 621 213 366 Pipriya Kirau 1,163.00 18 116 538 277 261 81 77 78 12 159 69 367 Khejra Nayak 98.00 .. Uninhabited 368 Harduwani Kamla 893.00 64 71 347 184 163 62 62 43 85 109 18 369 Talgaon Hatta 899.00 50 56 254 139 115 . 64 52 28 7 68 21 370 Majhguwan Aman 950.00 64 75 334 .158 116 15 15 51 27 88 9 371 Hinmatpatti Raneh 952.00 67 69 376 197 179 77 82 62 15 109 31 372 Pipaliya Raneh 700.00 15 19 94 48 46 16 15 15 1 28 8 373 Jeronda 1,009.00 16 18 132 62 10 22 21 7 3 38 12 314 Kalla Kachhar 122.00 .. Uninhabited 315 Tikri Raneh 128.00 .. Uninhabited 376 Khamriya Raneh 62.00 .. Uninhabited 377 Rampura Hatta 1,245.00 51 65 350 169 181 42 45 55 16 94 16 378 Dharampura Raneh 599.00 11 22 91 44 47 3 1 12 1 26 5 319 Hinoti Raneh 467.00 18 26 153 75 78 35 37 6 1 46 12 380 Bijwar 1,640.00 165 170 850 448 402 77 15 132 32 237 29 381 Bandha 1,227.00 115 128 673 327 346 97 98 68 28 183 12 382 Muhra 901.00 24 30 141 76 65 40 33 2 1 49 20 383 Shahpura 103.00 .\ Uninhabited 384 Kaus~alpur 680.00 40 50 229 117 112 40 40 43 13 63 17 385 Singpur Raneh 275.00 .. Uninhabited 386 Raneh 4,243.00 630 662 3.478 1,8101,668 485 464 711 224 974 161 387 Purena Raneh 334.00 Uninhabited 388 Bila Kalan 1,133.00 62 62 316 163 153 47 46 51 13 97 3 389 Tidni Chhoti 616.00 10 11 65 42 23 7 2 15 1 16 390 N ayagaon Hatta 1,058.00 61 10 385 196 189 33 32 51 15 109 11 391 Karaiya Joshi 1\37.00 31 33 157 80 71 31 34 31 10 37 3 392 Kuluwa Kalan 832.00 64 70 333 173 160 42 41 52 6 99 3 393 Jhamar Pande 596.00 22 38 150 71 'i3 19 1 42 27 394 Bhidari 1,386.00 109 121 574 281 287 93 86 85 39 143 71 395 Kunwarpur Hatla 1,770.00 114 130 617 319 298 91 98 123 28 113 68 396 LuharBand 514.00 5 9 55 24 31 12 16 11 3 12 397 Lakhanpura 96.00 Uninhabited 398 Kakra 1,789.00 39 57 308 170 138 33 31 40 13 92 14 399 Bilkhirwa 274.00 1 2 7 2 5 1 2 400 Barkhera Chain 1,005.00 87 130 611 305 306 69 71 130 24 169 51 401 Sigrampura 343.00 13 18 87 43 44 12 12 8 3 21 2 402 Bari Hatta 405.00 Uninhabited 403 Mahuwa Kt-eda 817.00 61 64 387 216 171 23 20 41 19 109 7 404 Imaliya Rawat 1,220.00 61 66 365 192 173 33 25 47 11 121 14 405 Mahe-ba 600.00 62 62 332 171 161 53 51 30 4 91 6 406 Simari Devisingh 1,242.00 55 56 300 151 149 43 52 28 88 6 407 Muhli Patera 311.00 Uninhabited 408 Madiya Devisingh 839.00 95 97 416 214 202 53 53 56 15 113 11 409 Neem Kheda Devisingh 329.00 Uninhabited 410 Semra Santosh 314.00 13 14 51 26 25 16 4 12 3 411 Chhewla Dube J,917.00 133 141 636 319 317 143 147 118 25 173 16 412 Bamhori Udesha 618.00 23 34 231 122 109 63 51 50 4 67 8 117


WORKERS ----, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,...JL.-, ,-_A---, L.C. .-~ ,----.J....~ ,--A--., ,...A..-., ,...J'--, ,----"--, ,...A..-., ,--''--, ,----"----. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

, 15 1 40 22 .. 1 34 73 361 71 6 30 26 2 6 79 175 362 94 1 42 61 4 41 109 186 363 19 11 14 1 32 48 364 266 11 248 191 16 23 5 8 57 5 433 731 365 63 3 83 65 1 4 1 7 1 118 192 366 .. Uninhabited .. 367 65 4 39 14 1 3 75 145 368 40 2 26 19 2 71 94 369 67 6 20 3 1 70 167 370 67 2 25 23 11 4 3 2 2 88 148 371 19 7 8 2 20 38 372 21 14 12 2 1 24 58 373 .. Uninhabited .. 374 .. .. Uninhabited .. 375 .. Uninhabited .. 376 57 32 16 4 1 75 165 377 19 3 4 2 2 18 42 378 23 19 12 1 2 1 29 66 379 120 . 9 84 19 2 12 1 5 14 211 373 380 88 4 87 8 5 2 144 334 381 21 20 19 7 1 27 45 382 .. Uninhabited 383 37 21 16 2 3 54 95 384 " Uninhabited .. 385 421 23 178 51 44 5 .. 211 56 5 4 3 65 13 7 1 40 8 836 1,507 386 .. Uninhabited 387 69 2 22 4 2 66 150 388 13 3 26 23 389 60 2 46 9 3 87 178 390 27 2 9 1 1 43 74 391 74 3 23 1 74 157 392 18 3 24 24 35 46 393 59 8 73 61 1 3 1 6 1 144 216 394 100 11 55 47 7 5 7 6 2 146 230 395 2 9 1 12 31 396 .. Uninhabited .. .. 397 37 49 14 2 2 1 78 124 398 1 1 5 399 65 89 49 5 3 6 2 136 255 400 15 5 2 1 22 42 401 ., Uninhabited .. .. 402 44 2 42 9 2 12 5 107 164 403 50 1 35 10 19 2 6 9 2 71 159 404 53 1 27 5 5 2 4 SO 155 405 47 22 6 3 15 63 143 406 ., Uninhabited .. .. 407 63 4 45 6 3 1 2 101 191 408 .. Uninhabited .. 409 12 3 14 22 410 95 5 65 9 5 8 2 146 301 411 24 33 S 9 3 1 S5 101 412 118


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,.---_ village in pied Houo;e- (including in9titu- and (I-IXI Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes ·persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in hOllses ,-_ ____.A. __, ,-----'-....;...... , ,---"-----, ,--_--"-_._, ,-_--A-_... No. Urban BlocK Kmll PM F MFMF M F MP

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

413 Chaupra Hatta %4.00 2 4 22 12 10 5 3 1 3 1 414 Rasilpura 2,981.00 306 336 1,681 874 807 314 303 313 238 448 45 415 Kherkheri Pathak 301.00 .. Uninhabited 416 Kuwa Kheda Haji 1,498.00 117 122 604 329 275 103 93 108 23 160 43 417 Rusalli 1.946.00 118 119 685 346 339 164 162 87 23 181 13 418 Kheri Balgovind 959.00 74 86 524 273 251 93 76 68 17 145 41 419 Majhguwan Patol 1,991.00 108 127 784 399 385 101 123 111 28 222 81 420 Rasota 1,211.00 103 103 843 456 387 93 96 104 18 246 40 421 Shahpura Memar 192.00 .. Uninhabited 422 Itwa Santosh 431.00 24 2.8 161 79 82 29 33 10 46 11 423 Kaudiya 804.00 49 57 288 155 133 50 .40 44 5 80 2 424 Gata 826.00 45 49 392 201 191 42 48 29 5 102 32 425 Bagha 810.00 77 132 617 325 292 95 89 64 ).9 171 75 426 Sojna 2,504.00 228 263 1,259 645 614 163 135 210 36 355 94 427 Barkhera Bais 1,222.00 128 158 837 436 401 79 66 139 23 240 102 428 Bamuriya Patera 906.00 67 85 489 254 235 46 50 66 14 133 54 429 Pipar Khiriya 199.00 ., Uninhabited 430 Khamariya Patera 942.00 4 9 56 25 31 5 13 8 431 Rewjha Madho 725.00 26 38 174 92 82 43 32 23 9 50 6 432 Patar Khurd 202.00 .. Uninhabited 433 Bichhuwa Shikarpura 219.00 34 38 181 101 80 11 12 22 63 57 2 434 Kudai 1,884.00 209 251 1,258 615 643 151 127 236 69 324 145 435 Magolpur 776.00 41 59 407 214 193 37 32 64 11 120 61 436 Imaliya U desha 815.00 22 31 176 90 86 9 7 16 45 12 437 Pateri,ya Patera 437.00 16 19 116 60 56 33 32 4 3 28 4 438 Deod Patera 396.00 13 18 104 41 63 15 26 8 3 2S 2 439 Nadia 384.00 21 26 128 64 64 22 20 22 5 37 4 440 Harpalpura 549.00 72 87 406 198 208 72 77 59 '12 109 10 441 Shahpura 109.00 1 1 9 4 5 2 3 442 Shyroar Patti 214.00 Uninhabited 443 Nimar Munda Mafi 666.00 63 68 422 204 218 37 37 86 24 i02 24 444 Deo Dongra 1,468.00 179 203 1,076 560 516 140 163 238 52 293 41 445 Kachuriya 713.00 37 48 213 122 91 16 9 40 1 74 44 446 Bhartala 1,179.00 170 218 981 520 461 109 101 150 30 279 58 447 Patmohana 396.00 Uninhabited 448 Naymadi 570.00 76 87 386 195 191 50 47 52 15 101 2 449 Karaiya 502.00 14 14 70 37 33 9 8 8 22 17 450 Tindani 895.00 44 48 228 117 II J 41 13 70 26 451 Tigra 125.00 Uninhabited 452 Madiyapuran 1,169.00 24 32 133 68 65 20 1 33 12 453 Datiya 839.00 42 44 212 100 112 14 4 59 29 454 . SatariYa 1,387.00 178 221 1,029 506 523 116 102 92 7 293 99 455 Ber Kheri Patera 666.00 15 25 116 68 48 1 13 1 35 456 MudiDongri 282.00 17 18 ltO 60 50 27 3 21 1 457 Bela Patera 167.00 22 24 124 67 57 6 32 4 458 Sarangpura 1,008.00 42 42 217 IC5 112 24 62 4 459 !twa Thowan 290.00 Uninhabited 460 Barkhera thowan 271.00 Uninhabited 461 Chainpur Patera 337.00 1 2 14 7 7 5 3 1 4 462 Bamanpura 1,295.00 117 160 804 406 398 70 81 128 35 220 28 463 Mabuna 305.00 28 37 194 109 85 35 27 20 1 57 27 464 Pipriya Sahni 544.00 15 20 105 57 48 13 16 14 3 34 14 119


______. _____ WORKERS---A...... I II 1II IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,..---A.__. ,--A.-., ,-~ ,..-~ ,..-~ ,-''''______,-''---, ,..--''---, ~_.I"-~ ~--'\.-~ ,--"-----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F NO'. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

2 1 1 9 9 413 219 3 129 24 12 2 54 10 5 2 8 2 18 3 426 762 414 .. Uninhabited .. .. 415 75 10 73 32 6 4 2 169 232 416 139 2 35 4 5 7 2 165 326 417 49 6 62 24 2 28 II I 2 128 210 418 96 5 90 68 2 19 5 3 12 3 177 304 419

85 5 138 34 4 " 11 1 3 5 210 347 420 .. Uninhabited .. 421 12 1 33 10 1 33 71 422 31 1 45 1 1 2 1 75 131 423 27 3 64 29 5 4 2 99 159 424 38 2 99 66 2 3 22 5 4 I 4 154 217 425 155 10 120 48 19 2 40 30 3 1 3 13 4 290 520 426 lZ9 8 66 79 13 21 9 11 5 196 299 427 62 1 57 50 5 4 1 5 2 121 181 428 .. Uninhabited .. .. 429 8 5 8 12 23 430 27 19 6 2 2 42 76 431 .. Uninhabited .. .. 432 43 14 2 44 78 433 129 2 64 88 43 5 55 28 2 2 14 9 14 13 291 498 434 39 4 73 57 5 3 94 132 435 32 7 11 5 1 1 45 74 436 16 1 12 3 32 52 437 17 6 1 2 16 61 438 20 1 15 3 1 I 27 60 439 62 5 26 5 3 10 8 89 198 440 3 1 5 441 .. Uninhabited .. .. 442 60 1 29 22 7 6 102 194 443 207 10 51 29 18 2 4 12 267 475 444 47 7 27 37 48 47 445 144 10 84 26 12 27 22 3 2 6 241 403 446 .. Uninhabited .. .. 447 62 37 2 1 94 189 448 14 2 8 15 15 16 449 39 30 26 47 85 450 .. Uninhabited .. .. 451 33 Ii 1 35 53 452 52 10 7 19 41 83 453 218 33 47 24 2 10 16 5 17 5 14 213 424 454 22 12 1 33 48 455 21 1 39 49 456 27 2 5 2 35 53 457 50 I 11 3 43 108 458 .. Uninhabited .. .. 459 .. Uninhabited .. .. 460 4 3 7 461 113 6 90 19 7 2 2 6 186 370 462 31 4 25 23 1 52 58 463 14 16 14 3 23 34 464 120


Artaof Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied House- (including institu~ and (I-IX, Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes ~rsons Workers L.C. Town/V!ardl Ward in houses .-_---A. , . \ r---'----""\ ,-.... ___,.,_, .. ~ ,-____A... ______No. Urban Bloclt Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

465 Chaupra Patera 361.00 26 26 140 73 67 18 7 45 10 466 Raja Bandi 476.00 84 113 531 278 253 81 77 88 13 147 >62 467 Bhunguwan Patera 482.00 .. Uninhabited 468 Deopura 54.00 Uninhabited 469 Patera 5,482.00 688 770 4,0132,0301,983 450 444 921 538 1,005 198 470 Jamuniya Tank 1,158.00 32 41 247 124 123 20 10 27 1 68 12 471 Tirgarh 1,348.00 37 39 241 124 117 19 57 12 472 Pathariya Patera 327.00 32 32 173 85 88 24 22 12 3 50 4 473 Kuluwa Patera 264.00 8 9 45 23 22 3 13 2 474 Padri Sahajpur 693.00 81 99 500 265 235 93 81 58 10 120 24 475 Sagoni Kalyan 292.00 4 5 33 19 14 3 1 8 476 Bita Khurd 398.00 83 102 507 273 234 87 76 76 24 163 36 477 Kunwarpura Patera 687.00 47 56 318 167 151 71 66 27 5 101 37 478 Barkhera Narayan 531.00 .. Uninhabited 479 Harduaghat 410.00 16 16 101 57 44 11 12 31 4 480 Simri Shukla 276.00 16 17 81 45 36 8 2 18 2 481 Purwa Patera 171.00 4 4 25 14 11 5 1 7 482 Khapar Khedi 177.00 .. Uninhabited 483 Jamata 559.00 31 35 163 86 77 15 12 1 44 1 484 Sanga 260.00 31 31 152 78 74 29 26 10 4 45. 2 485 Rampura 177.00 11 11 76 43 33 20 2 18 486 Kundalpur 1,093.00 105 119 557 279 278 40 34 59 17 152 50 487 Fatehpur Patera 473.00 16 20 119 60 59 4 6 10 1 31 2 488 Pala Arjuni 671.00 63 68 433 215 218 46 48 14 2 117 37 489 Ranigarha 515.00 42 68 397 222 175 10 5 4 125 15 490 Singpur Patera 311.00 53 54 289 150 139 31 35 41 7 89 18 491 Reojha Ghat 819.00 22 35 193 95 98 24 58 492 Muda 548.00 70 93 432 237 195 55 41 52 10 143 22 493 Barkhera Pathak 101.00 .. Uninhabited 494 Muari 1,100.00 72 95 496 261 235 85 85 76 9 154 8 495 Sanda 391.00 17 17 106 56 50 56 50 2 2 32 1 496 Nayagaon Kota 994.00 73 102 449 225 224 67 59 19 4 124 7 497 Hardua Pahadi 497.00 14 14 85 46 39 27 1 498 Kota 958.00 210 259 1,116 578 538 166 152 184 32 309 40 499 Majbguwan Kheda 174.00 4 6 17 7 10 6 SOO Magea 487.00 21 21 127 62 65 8 9 3 37 2 501 Mahuwa Darho 214.00 4 4 11 6 5 4 5 502 Barkheri Patera 1,322.00 52 68 372 190 182 39 41 19 4 100 9 503 Hathibhar 864.00 24 31 192 103 89 17 12 17 57 4 504 Bhonda 393.00 22 26 156 77 79 54 1 505 Bichhiya 477.00 3 5 42 20 22 11 1 506 Piparia Mal. 1,431.00 39 51 279 138 141 49 49 8 2 76 11 507 Patti Kuluwa 446.00 .. Uninl1abited 508 Chilghat 889.00 30 48 290 137 153 49 74 2 509 Donda 116.00 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 510 Hinoti 2,135.00 66 70 374 199 175 25 27 25 5 III 5 511 Bilguwan 973.00 56 60 365 182 183 37 49 36 7 103 21 512 Sagoni Upadhyay 436.00 27 32 185 104 81 35 26 5 1 50 12 513 Neem Kheda Upadhyay 308.00 .. Uninhabited 514 Madiya Tiket 325.00 56 59 339 193 146 20 23 19 7S 6 S15 Barret 946.00 33 4S 198 96 102 20 26 14 52 4 516 Lidhora 182.00 1 1 7 3 4 1 1 121


WORK.ERS II III N V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X ----- Non- Workers ,.-----A-----, ,-....,..-A-----, ,--....A-..-., ,-....A-..-., ,-...... __, ,---"---, r-....A-..-., ,-...... __, r-""""__' ,-....A-..-., r-....,..-A----., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

26 17 9 1 1 28 57 465 81 4 47 57 3 10 .. 6 131 191 466 .. Uninhabited .. .. 467 .. Uninhabited .. .. 468 275 9 86 8 20 1 .. 264 46 38 3 13 .. 121 62 1 .. 187 691,025 1,785 469 44 1 23 9 1 1 1 56 111 470 42 15 12 67 105 471 39 6 2 5 2 35 84 472 4 9 ,2 10 20 473 69 2 42 21 4 .. 3 2 145 211 474 8 11 14 475 66 6 55 24 20 2 10 3 4 7 110 198 476 49 30 30 10 6 8 1 1 3 66 114 477 .. Uninhabited .. .. 478 20 4 4 6 26 40 479 15 3 2 27 34 480 6 1 7 11 481 .. Uninhabited .. .. 482 26 15 2 1 42 76 483 25 2 16 1 3 33 72 484 16' 2 25 33 485 70 7 34 32 3 17 8 7 7 14 2 127 228 486 22 3 1 1 3 1 2 29 57 487 70 15 36 17 4 2 7 3 98 181 488 95 5 27 10 3 97 160 489 51 1 26 17 8 4 61 121 490 42 14 2 37 98 491 64 36 12 22 3 14 4 2 5 94 173 492 .. Uninhabited .. .. 493 65 1 55 6 12 14 1 7 107 227 494 26 2 1 4 24 49 495 87 4 18 3 1 16 2 101 217 496 22 5 1 19 38 497 160 8 17 44 4 58 22 5 10 14 6 26~ 498 498 5 1 1 10 499 29 4 2 4 25 63 500 4 5 2 .. 501 94 4 8 1 90 173 502 53 3 4 1 46 85 503 37 9 1 8 23 78 504 8 1 3 9 21 505 56 4 17 6 3 62 130 506 .. Uninhabited .. .. 507 58 2 16 63 151 508 1 1 1 1 509 54 2 35 3 11 5 6 88 170 510 66 4 19 11 3 13 4 2 79 162 511 43 5 5 6 1 54 69 512 .. Uninhabited .. .. 513 46 3 25 2 4 1 118 140 514 45 3 4 1 2 44 98 515 1 2 4 516 12i


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,..------village in pied House- (including institu- and (1-1X) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Workers Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Town/Wardj Ward in houses ,-_ __A._---.. r----"----.. ,----"----.. ,..-----"-----., ,-----"-.--.. L.C. Km! PM F MFMF M F MF No. Urban BlocK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

553.00 25 34 143 74 69 6 4 2 39 7 517 Mehguwan Patera 351.00 10 12 59 29 30 6 20 518 KauwaKhoh 657.00 16 20 115 61 54 2 32 11 519 Jer 337.00 26 27 187 98 89 41 33 55 11 520 lroaliya Patera 737.00 Uninhabited 521 Neguwan .. 305.00 26 26 138 7I 67 . 41 22 522 Kajra Mafi 327.00 21 22 131 70 61 17 13 6 34 4 523 Jamuniya Kumhari 608.00 13 14 93 46 47 27 26 1 23 524 Maj guwan Khurd 1,058.00 46 66 330 163 167 10 7 11 97 10 525 Jogi Dabar 1,039.00 7 7 35 20 15 5 11 2 526 Madho 88.00 Uninhabited 527 Surkhi .. 961.00 7 8 50 22 28 2 11 3 528 Ghugri 163.00 Uninhabited 529 Badhaiya Kheda 1,004.00 181 181 825 440 385 107 113 110 15 264 93 530 Salaiya 979.00 79 79 367 172 195 20 93 46 531 Deori Chhoti 2,576.00 24 26 156 83 73 3 38 1 532 Ghogra 1,834.00 4 4 23 13 10 4 1 7 2 533 Magrai 5 754.00 50 53 296 148 148 17 12 17 79 30 534 Baroni 3,108.00 150 182 937 467 470 158 145 152 46 265 129 535 Kuluwa 1,803.00 417 426 1,975 994 981 256 274 351 98 539 161 536 Kurohari 1,444.00 11 11 58 31 27 3 13 3 537 Gudri 1,502.00 63 86 405 222 183 50 3 124 20 538 Majholi 26 23 749.00 23 31 164 77 87 1 38 7 43 10 539 Karondi 8 625.00 92 129 660 326 114 24 155 18 540 Deori Ratan 334 134 138 933.00 31 35 193 102 31 2 62 2 541 Mohas 91 397.00 34 35 211 12 1 58 30 542 Gata 105 106 980.00 34 46 291 !51 26 6 69 24 543 Rasuiya 140 41 43 42 54 63 8 544 Kala Kot 631.00 249 126 123 20 19 8 336.00 69 95 46 139 9 545 phanguwan 468 247 221 27 25 65 29 546 Bag Sari 810.00 34 44 251 123 128 27 3 104 141 19 547 Patna Kumhari 1,500.00 126 542 265 277 66 69 57 12 1 548 Padri Kurnhari 706.00 18 22 116 57 59 14 10 21 1 31 80 138 19 549 Gadaghat i ,467.00 93 503 213 230 47 38 88 20 140 1 550 Khamriya 1,510.00 95 107 466 244 222 46 32 6 551 Khakra 737.00 41 51 235 120 115 7 2 70 552 Majhguwan Hansraj 4,875.00 186 211 1,012 507 505 78 84 197 46 280 43 49 553 Pateriya 2,000.00 216 219 930 483 447 66 67 232 83 262 554 Sagoni 4,051.00 140 160 757 381 376 76 75 126 33 211 56 SS5 Kusmi 2,541.00 69 89 424 206 218 12 11 35 6 127 43 123

BATrA TAHSIL ---__ .-_---- WORKERS __.I..------, I U III ]V V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII ]X X Non- Workers ,-_.A.._, ,-__.A..----, ,----"----, ,-~ ,--"-----. r--"-----. ,---A..-, ,-,-'---, ,--"-----. ,--"-----. ,----'------.. L_C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

35 5 2 2 2 35 62 517 15 " 5 9 30 518 25 7 10 29 43 519 40 ]3 4 7 43 78 520 " Uninhabited " 521 8 3 30 22 30 45 522 30 4 4 36 57 523 19 3 23 47 524 75 7 21 3 66 157 525 9 2 1 9 13 526 Uninhabited " 527 9 2 2 11 25 528 __ Uninhabited .. 529 133 10 117 83 1 2 I 2 6 176 292 530 80 11 7 35 2 2 1 79 149 531 34 4 1 45 72 532 5 2 2 6 8 533 57 1 20 27 2 2 69 118 534 187 12 68 117 2 5 3 202 341 535 297 29 99 92 10 57 18 5 6 11 7 2 52 13 455 820 536 11 2 3 18 24 537 91 5 27 12 2 2 3 98 163 538 22 4 15 6 4 1 34 77 539 106 9 46 9 1 2 171 316 540 57 2 3 2 40 89 541 42 11 16 19 47 76 542 53 3 13 18 3 3 82 116 543 49 2 6 6 3 5 63 115 544 103 3 22 6 2 4 2 2 4 108 212 545 45 6 20 23 58 99 546 125 15 10 3 2 3 124 258 547 25 4 1 2 26 58 548 76 7 30 11 4 19 3 5 135 211 549 110 17 1 6 6 104 221 550 69 1 50 11S 551 178 6 50 29 2 20 2 18 5 3 7 227 462 552 106 5 56 41 10 1 4 20 21 25 19 2 221 398 553 155 1 52 55 2 2 6 164 320 554 102 4 13 36 9 3 2 79 175 555 124


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IXI Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled \ educated Tota Name of Villagel of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes . persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-_--.A- ,-~ ,----"-----, ,----"-_----, ,_--A.----, No. Urban Block Kmll P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


31/1 Hatta (M) 5.90 2,302 6,341 1,273 ' 3,804 2,828 2,290 12,101 5,760 1,170 1,933 355 3/1//1 &da Haifa Ward No 1 205 206 1,156 590 566 112 106 407 242 250 48 Block No 1 104 105 593 313 280 105 95 197 105 144 40 Block No2 101 101 563 277 286 7 11 210 137 106 8 31/1/2 Banjari Ward No 2 262 262 1,266 655 611 278 263 315 171 319 75 Block No 3 121 121 609 318 291 15 16 218 132 152 13 Block No 4 141 141 657 331 320 263 247 97 39 167 62 31/1/3 Katra Ward No 3 216 216 1,190 631 559 122 113 340 129 299 22 Block No 5 106 106 624 330 294 117 105 191 - 67 155 11 Block No 6 110 110 566 301 265 5 8 143 62 144 11 31/1/4 Hajari Ward No 4 210 213 1,226 60S 621 34 41 441 318 243 17 Block No 7 109 112 574 269 305 34 41 184 144 116 11 Block No 8 101 101 652 336 316 257 174 127 -6 31/1/5 Balaji Ward No 5 218 218 1,126 619 507 463 284 258 16 Block No 9 103 103 506 281 225 203 117 i21 13 Block No 10 115 115 620 338 282 260 167 137 3 31/1/6 Shankar Ward No 6 338 339 1,652 853 799 282 251 498 198 387 80 Block No 11 109 109 553 267 286 64 66 153 82 119 16 Block No 12 119 119 584 302 282 79 73 176 68 143 39 Block No 13 110 111 515 284 231 139 112 16~ 48 125 25 31/1/7 Madar Chhalla Ward No 7 215 215 1,185 622 563 62 63 354 123 286 58 Block No!4 109 109 597 310 287 57 59 189 70 147 15 Block No 15 106 106 588 312 276 5 4 165 53 139 43 31/1/8 /(achQhari Ward No 8 208 211 1,242 647 595 56 41 443 253 274 7 Block No 16 102 102 603 307 296 24 17 236 157 133 3 Block No 17 106 109 639 340 299 32 24 207 96 141 4 31/1/9 Bajrang Ward No 9 181 181 869 468 401 188 182 198 57 226 16 Block No 18 80 80 430 241 189 80 74 106 11 122 4 Block No 19 101 101 439 227 212 108 108 92 46 104 12 31/1/10 Bajrang Ward No 10 237 241 1,189 651 538 139 110 345 158 286 16 Block No 20 104 108 467 258 209 15 10 184 98 113 14 Block No 21 133 133 722 393 329 124 100 161 60 173 2 125


WORKERS ~ ----, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX Non- Workers" ,-_A.---. ,-_A.--. ...----A--., ,---A--., ..----A--., ,-___)'---... ,-__jL~ r---'L~ r-_L~ c--L~ ,_.A._-, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


350 125 61 767 268 95 453 146 5Ci3 3,513 23 23 '}. 188 I1 14 16 6 72 5,405 31/1 11 5 11 8 8 70 31 25 2 55 7 51 4 340 51831/1/1 17 3 9 5 5 54 30 7 1 16 3 32 2 169 240 1 4 2 2 3 3 16 1 18 1 39 4 19 2 171 278 2 .33 2 16 8 1 83 44 58 5 44 10 28 2 9 1 40 10 336 53631/1/2 22 1 1 2 40 2 23 6 26 1 8 1 24 8 166 278 3 11 1 15 6 43 42 35 5 38 10 2 1 1 16 2 170 258 4 . 23 1 2 11 72 8 39 1 5 83 2 11 53 10 332 53731/1/3 . 6 1 8 59 6 11 4 39 2 2 25 3 175 283 5 17 1 1 3 13 2 28 1 1 44 9 28 7 157 254 6 30 6 1 5 56 23 2 2 56 2 68 9 362 60431fI/4 14 4 1 3 26 11 2 1 22 1 37 5 153 294 7 16 2 2 30 12 1 34 1 31 4 209 310 8 26 1 4 8 52 2 19 1 65 1 5 78 12 361 49131/1/5 13 1 3 5 33 2 1 1 28 1 1 36, 9 160 212 9 13 1 3 19 18 37 4 42 3 201 279 10 10 26 8 2 .. 154 53 36 1 16 1 43 3 26 5 74 9 466 71931/1/6 4 17 8 2 38 5 7 4 11 1 8 28 2 148 270 11 5 9 .. 53 31 13 7 17 2 6 33 5 159 243 12 1 63 17 16 1 5 15 12 5 13 2 159 206 13 23 3 1 3 85 39 37 1 6 3 52 7 42 37 5 336 50531/1/7 17 2 1 39 9 21 1 1 29 2 16 23 1 163 272 14 6 1 1 2 46 30 16 5 2 23 5 26 14 4 173 233 15 19 2 6 1 99 5 21 3 36 32 56 1 373 58831/1/8 7 2 2 55 2 8 2 17 16 24 1 174 293 16 12 4 44 3 13 1 19 16 32 199 295 17 72 2 37 6 6 65 5 4 2 1 34 8 242 38531/1/9 37 23 3 4 46 1 2 2 1 6 1 119 185 18 35 2 14 . 3 2 19 4 2 28 7 123 200 19 93 3 25 1 4 31 6 ·5 1 12 33 1 11 72 ., 365 52231/J/I0 6 3 1 1 1 25 4 1 1 1 26 1 5 47 4 145 195 20 87 24 3 6 2 4 11 7 6 25 220 327 21 126


Areaoe Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pieu House- (including institu- and (l-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes 'persons Workets L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses ._---...A. ______• ...... A.-----, .----A.----, ._.-.A------, r----A.~ No. Urban Block Km2 PM F MFMF M fI MF

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 16

!I/l Damoh Tabsil (Rural) 3,219.8 56,776 314,271 153,112 30,226 11 ;602 25,951 61,740 161,159 31,765 48,990 87,424, i Dunda 1,513.00 45 51 227 108 119 59 50 13 6 61 38 2 Sasa 1,191.00 192 196 1,104 583 521 175 169 122 24 278 45 3 Sujnipur 1,575.00 79 89 457 245 212 61 63 66 5 135 60 Semra Lakhroni 800.00 97 97 578 309 269 77 62 94 27 158 28 5" Kadar Madi 785'00 6 6 25 15 10 15 10 9 6 Keolari Pathariya 2,308.00 250 295 1,539 835 704 211 170 394 66 451 60 7 Neguwan 1,725.00 112 113 603 310 293 78 80 85 31 171 82 II Botrai 4,920.00 512 527 2,678 1,407 1,271 428 432 624 105 794 1.43 , Khiriya Lakhroni 489.00 29 32 200 101 99 30 34 29 6 56 49 10 Sat!)ara 4,814.00 411 434 1,933 1,002 931 253 238 299 354 575 172 11 Madiya Lakhroni 392.00 30 30 134 70 64 5 3 14 7 45 39 12 lagthar 2,016.10 137 137 ",64 393 371 162 144 61 8 221 39 13 Kankarda 1,147.00 47 47 260 129 131 44 51 30 7 66 34 14 Mihalwara 1,249.00 104 104 555 303 252 119 123 70 10 149 58 15 Sukha 2,222.00 236 247 1,209 612 597 185 196 225 36 365 115 16 Bansholi -892.00 53 55 313 161 152 46 42 55 7 87 26 17 Mirjapur 1,199.00 87 95 461 231 230 36 33 103 24 121 18 18 TiIa 1,094.00 34 35 197 109 88 3 4 31 7 65 9 19 Magar dba 949'00 73 74 387 201 186 85 72 24 5 120 105 20 Lakhroni 3,608.00 318 326 1,699 877 822 178 179 354 106 449 91 21 Rajwaus 929.00 89 89 454 236 218 73 67 79 21 113 85 22 Umerho 1,229.00 68 .68 316 159 157 43 3 82 14 23 Jamuniya Mal. 705.00 123 123 657 340 317 31 28 50 1 183 92 24 Jainuniya Ryt. 252.00 · . Uninhabited 25 HatnaBansa 928.00 · . Uninhabited 26 Nadrai 3,571.00 552 555 2,6741,3621,312 172 164 353 53 711 263 27 Bansa Kalan 6,144.00 545 566 3,4271,8061,621 415 360 693 222 943 265 28 Imatiya Ghona 1,197.00 105 108 609 298 311 65 73 72 4 169 42 29 Alapur; 699.00 41 43 208 105 103 23 22 34 11 59 39 30 Kari Kheri 358.00 20 22 248 129 119 6 8 28 5 69 41 31 Semra Lodhi 857.00 96 119 650 326 324 108 105 70 15 168 28 32 Ghogri Gula] 524.00 20 27 156 77 79 1 1 30 4 40 1 33 Kindarbo 2,248.00 350 386 1,921 1,014 907 197 J63 323 53 568 146 34 Pipriya Luhar , 274.00 12 13 77 41 36 12 3 20 35 Pipar Khiriya Pathariya 1,555.00 55 55 274 141 133 84 79 16 1 76 41 36 Karaiya Lakhroni 1,269.00 91 91 419 222 197 88 79 45 1 128 42 37 Bilani 1,042.00 166 171 837 426 411 64 76 119 36 240 70 38 Khajri 1,080.00 89 99 548 287 261 57 46 83 9 155 49 39 Barkhera Jaisingh 585'00 93 93 485 234 251 77 72 73 13 118 58 40 Guda Pipar Khiriya 764.00 57 57 396 191 205 31 35 43 4 105 23 41 Duhave 453.00 36 36 211 109 102 14 13 41 1 53 6 42 Baihar 201.00 · . Uninhabited 43 Suhave 1,170.00 168 193 947 489 458 115 88 174 27 295 88 44 Jerath 2,676.00 360 366 1,900 931 969 151 178 278 53 475 107 4S Kajrethi 803.00 20 22 93 52 41 17 15 7 29 46 Rampur 281'00 9 12 65 34 31 2 2 10 2 20 47 Bobai 782.00 44 49 321 J72 149 48 41 43 4 87 9 48 Bhainsa Narsinghgash 985.00 62 66 327 177 150 70 62 51 16 95 12 49 Khajra Lakhroni 615.00 60 76 446 212 234 42 34 101 27 111 15 50 kanari 960.00 60 73 350 177 173 53 53 48 111 85 24 127



51.460 lZ,3Z6 1,629 67 6,146 710 397 1,314 449 2,926 73,735 31/Z 5,349 16,758 Z43 25 Z.785 126 30 209 15 411 127,161 50 5 10 33 1 47 81 1 122 11· 137 34 2 4 13 305 476 2 107 18 22 42 3 1 110 152 3 77 2 69 26 1 11 151 241 4 5 4 6 10 5 263 13 109 43 10 34 3 1 1 33 384 644 6 58 63 65 9 6 26 7 2 4 1 8 2 139 211 7 458 57 180 122 4 98 58 2 11 1 7 34 5 613 1,028 8 52 48 3 1 1 45 50 9 307 40 149 84 27 17 36 24 1 1 2 8 5 2 43 427 759 10 12 10 32 29. 1 25 25 11 104 12 97 21 1 16 6 1 2 172 332 12 28 22 21 7 4 13 5 63 97 13 57 1 69 56 12 1 1 1 9 154 194 14 176 2 110 83 1 58 27 1 2 5 12 2 247 482 15 48 3 28 12 7 11 1 3 74 126 16 60 48 14 1 10 4 1 110 212 17 31 19 5 10 4 4 1 44 79 18 72 58 37 40 9 7 2 81 81 19 223 20 111 46 16 62 21 14 2 3 20 2 428 731 20 70 ·49 24 29 8 7 4 1 6 123 133 21 54 1 18 13 9 77 143 22 67 4 46 47 66 41 4 157 225 23 .. Uninhabited .. 24 .. Uninhabited .. 25 495 125 160 125 4 25 9 5 6 2 14 4 651 1,049 26 373 30 347 156 52 4 95 67 20 1 21 2 1 33 5 863 1,356 27 96 5 31 12 10 1 23 19 8 5 129 269 28 33 2 24 36 1 1 1 46 64 29 40 5 26 36 1 60 78 30 99 7 35 5 31 16 3 158 296 31 35 1 1 3 1 37 78 .32 242 18 249 99 1 51 27 4 9 11 2 446 761 33 17 3 21 36 34 39 5 25 22 1 10 14 1 65 92 35 67 8 42 24 16 10 1 2 94 155 36 135 20 4S ;20 13 3 25 21 1 1 4 15 6 186 341 37 79 6 32 13· 3 19 20 3 1 1 17 10 132 212 38 48 42 57 13 1 2 2 3 3 5 116 193 39 40 2 55 20 2 3 1 5 86 182 40 29 1 14 5 2 1 7 S6 96 41 .. Uninhabited .. 42 147 10 99 58 1 14 4 13 10 4 17 6 194 370 43 294 11 149 93 2 14 1 1 1 13 2 456 862 44 5 24 23 41 4S 8 12 14 31 46 53 1 29 8 1 4 85 140 47 48 2 35 10 1 5 6 82 138 48 71 8 29 7 3 4 3 101 219 49 48 3 33 21 1 1 .. 2 92 149 50 128


Area of Occu- No.of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Towri/WardJ Ward in houses ,-_--"-__...... ,. ,-__.A.---, ,... ___.A.---, ,-_--A._--,. ,-___.A.._...... , No. Urban Block :Km2 PM F M FMF M F MF

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 1'3 14 15 16

51 Jhagri :Kindat'ho 629'00 53 55 302 148 154 26 28 17 79 11 52 Kotra 650'00 54 54 294 156 138 36 36 41 6 91 44 53 Kbiriya Shankar 697.00 47 47 278 147 131 51 37 38 5 76 24 54 Sagoni Kalan 1,311.00 72 72 528 268 260 54 60 ". 51 3 136 57 55 Sagoni Kburd 568.00 50 50 286 140 146 26 23 25 1 80 21 56 Itwa Bujurg 1,214.00 37 48 369 178 191 45 42 60 28 94 3 57 Chhirka 717.00 53 72 306 150 156 15 15 45 13 91 3 58 Mara 838.00 98 110 589 290 299 75 84 107 36 154 12 59 Noru 675.00 55 55 337 161 176 55 70 60 94 100 13 60 Mohanpur 1,511.00 91 116 672 337 335 101 97 244 16 190 84 61 Berkhari 1,094,00 120 136 619 303 316 54 52 68 13 180 95 62 Khiriya Chhakka 743.00 60 75 406 207 199 58 57 38 10 98 8 63 Shahpur 2,102.00 96 118 631 330 301 66 61 106 32 174 8 64 Satouwa 1,661.00 64 76 412 215 197 215 197 28 '6 128 26 65 Pipariya Chhakka 1,226.00 142 173 929 455 474 45 42 151 27 272 117 66 Bardhari 2,832.00 260 311 1,353 690 663 148 137 266. 71 396 154 67 Taraveli 799.00 73 91 501 255 246 62 53 46 5 154 104 68 Jhagar Balakot 3,180.00 148 151 854 450 404 132 108 117 33 237 48 69 Dumar Balakot 562.00 36 36 170 82 88 39 5 46 15 70 Jatgunjora Z37.OO ., Uninhabited 71 Kumariya 941.00 97 102 620 307 313 59 62 112 34 174 39 72 Mabanpur Bardhari 900.00 96 101 462 231 231 38 43 100 40 119 53 73 Parasari 564.00 Uninhabited 74 Patmobna 329.00 43 44 219 114 105 17 21 42 7 60 5 75 Khejra 724.00 50 50 249 130 119 57 41 28 1 73 47 76 Parsoriya Nahar 1,025.00 82 87 447 249 198 45 38 58 14 119 8 77 Turkai 1,077.00 66 66 430 214 216 73 75 69 17 115 34 78 Sarkhadi 1,537.00 194 194 865 440 425 86 89 214 68 262 39 79 Pipariya 1,053.00 64 64 388 216 172 44 37 78 21 116 41 80 Madiya 378.00 21 24 146 82 64 3 1 32 5 39 I 81 Karriya 269.00 ., Uninhabited 82 Chbaprat 590.00 93 93 516 254 262 113 110 103 30 139 116 83 Barkhera Kunwar 403.00 .. Uninhabited 84 Bamhori Jodha 422.00 85 85 573 298 275 90 66 48 7 162 38 85 Hinota Narsingarh 1,271.00 144 144 832 416 416 97 103 128 33 223 91 86 Deoran 1,035.00 184 184 1,003 517 486 152 131 181 37 281 118 87 Rejalwari 797.00 53 53 361 185 176 38 39 49 16 102 30 88 Bhonrasa 1,444.00 164 164 1,003 515 488 129 139 189 52 301 99 89 Luharra Bardhari 1,556.00 126 126 733 371 362 130 136 79 12 203 14 90 Purena Bardhari 635.00 1 17 8 9 6 1 4 91 Choutha 360.00 ., Uninhabited 92 Chhapri Sadak 1,116.00 16 16 106 51 55 12 19 15 2 33 15 93 Sadguwan 1,559.00 192 192 939 510 429 98 96 223 59 260 58 94 Semra Bujurg 1,622.00 149 149 843 426 417 111 119 15S 16 229 31 95 lortalo Kalan 2,597.00 182 221 1,163 603 560 207 199 205 37 331 98 96 Khoja Khedi 2,100.00 181 209 1,425 738 687 82 76 267 55 408 137 97 Bakeni 2,099,0(' 172 174 908 453 455 .i60 143 148 13 257 120 98 Mamarkha 664.00 65 65 586 293 293 149 145 58 7 172 95 99 Aboo Khedi 1,145.00 90 90 588 283 305 65 67 71 14 152 87 100 Bamhori Choudbari 734.00 53 53 297 147 150 88 82 14 1 91 65 101 Bhojpur 598.00 16 21 167 83 84 17 14 8 3 52 43 101 Kuwakheda Narsinghgarh 702.00 33 43 237 135 102 8 2 32 5 68 9 129


WORKERS -"-- ---. 11 III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--__;'___ ,----"------. r--"---t r---A--.., r---"--. r-~ ,-----"-----, ,-~ r-~ ,---A--.., ,----1'----. L.C. M F OM F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

40 37 11 1 ] 69 143 51 38 3 43 40 S 2 3 65 94 52 38 1 33 . 23 3 2 71 107 53 50 3 78 : 54 5 3 132 203 54 43 1 35 20 2 60 125 55 52 41 3 1 84 188 56 61 27 3 3 59 153 57 76 4 64 8 6 1 7 136 287 58 54 32 9 1 2 5 1 2 5 2 61 163 59 75 77 78 18 6 2 11 7 147 251 60 99 31 56 56 2 11 7 1 6 5 123 221 61 55 5 15 3 25 1 2 109 191 62 52 60 1 7 41 1 5 2 7 156 293 63 76 3 30 15 3 8 19 87 171 64 98 3 156 112 4 2 5 7 2 183 351 65 144 12 191 110 3 1 42 22 7 3 3 5 5 294 509 66 71 50 65 48 6 7 2 5 4 101 142 67 113 5 123 43 1 213 356 68 ° 39 10 5 5 2 36 73 69

.. Uninhabited . 0 70 81 2 91 31 2 133 274 71 61 8 52 '45 1 4 112 ]78 72

.. Uninhabited 0 0 73 43 15 5 2 54 100 74 22 2 50 44 1 1 57 72 75 10 4 45 3 1 3 130 190 76 66 1 44 32 1 1 4 99 182 71 135 7 71 18 10 2 29 9 7 10 3 178 386 78 55 6 55 35 3 3 100 131 79 29 4 1 2 3 43 63 80

.. 00 Uninhabited 0 ~ 81 61 10 47 23 23 79 2 2 4 3 115 146 82

o 0 Uninhabited o. 83 84 4 48 27 9 15 5 1 5 2 136 237 84 104 6 99 80 6 4 4 2 8 1 193 325 85 115 15 163 103 1 2 236 368 86 54 46 30 1 1 83 146 87 151 127 99 12 1 10 214 389 88 112 4 69 1 8 2 1 9 3 168 348 89 4 4 '} 90 .. Uninhabited .. 91 7 23 15 1 2 18 40 92 130 9 93 48 2 4 1 5 11 14 1 250 371 93 139 2 81 27 1 5 1 3 1 197 386 94 173 17 133 68 1 20 13 1 2 1 272 462 95 207 12 162 120 12 3 2 10 3 3 9 1 330 550 96 120 103 104 5 5 2 5 14 1 8 10 196 335 97 82 16 85 76 1 2 1 3 121 198 98

70 2 68 84 .0' 7 1 3 4 131 218 99 42 4 46 60 1 3 56 85 100 12 1 35 42 3 2 31 41 101 46 19 8 1 2 67 93 102 13,0


Area of Occa- No. of Total Population Literate ,.------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village} of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses ,...._--A._---, ,-.-J---., ,....--A---.. ,....--"-----.. ,-----"--~ No. Urban Blocl( Kmll P M F M F. M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16

103 Semar Chhakka 675.00 23 33 198 90 108 . 34 9 49 8 104 Piprodha Chhakka 1,540,00 173 210 1,067 548 519 160 160 IS5 27 302 168 105 Raja Khedi 180.00 · . Uninhabited 106 Puraina 487.00 25 32 209 106 103 21 26 30 4 52 13 107 pura 1,741.00 95 105 630 347 283 93 57 98 21 202 79 108 Chirola 2,796.00 232 243 1,317 723 654 171.2 189 237 52 390 144 109 Bhatpura 500.00 4 4 28 20 8 10 1 11 5 110 Aslana 2,682.00 116 128 698 351 341 98 87 98 44 218 167 111 Safa Barkheda 379.00 Uninbabited 112 Kishun~anj 1,627.00 496 510 2,5261,310 1,216 161 156 506 173 657 220 113 Mahuna 954.00 4S 45 196 103 93 22 20 16 4 60 11 114 Bamuriya Chokeri 221.60 .. Uninhabited 115 Chakerigbat 215.00 2 3 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 116 Barkhera Purgadas 1,070.00 SO 51 4(}3 218 185 73 59 40 12 121 70 117 Hinotagilat 1,304.00 70 74 281 147 134 65 63 27 4 83 36 118 Narsinghgarh 2,140.06 62 68 338 182 156 63 62 69 19 100 28 119 Tikri Santosh 505.00 · . Uninhabited 120 Pipriya Champat 607.00 82 96 Sal 255 246 37 49 128 38 129 59 121 Harduwani Narayan 921.00 68 71 377 189 188 65 66 57 10 98 20 122 Kakra 521.00 57 89 413 219 194 44 41 51 2 138 93 123 Khejra Mahesh 376.00 15 17 91 47 44 10 11 30 13 29 4 124 Muhli Narsinghgarh 558.00 22 28 128 75 53 8 16 19 3 41 17 125 Kalyanpura 1.687.00 11 16 84 47 37 9 10 18 23 126 Khejra Kalan 1,373.00 130 140 751 385 366 77 79 86 11 202 14 127 ImaliJog 673.00 62 80 402 195 207 67 63 54 14 101 25 128 Jhira 809.00 48 66 444 220 224 33 36 63 5 121 28 129 Jhiri 554.00 · . Uninhabited 130 Oliya 392.00 · . Uninhabited 131 Khitarpur 363.00 Uninhabited 132 Sirsiya 609.00 · . Uninhabited 133 Rangir 1,137.00 39 48 244 118 126 29 30 33 .16 58 19 134 Madiya Narsinghgarh 492.00 40 40 239 121 118 55 53 21 4 67 8 135 Karijog 512.00 15 24 127 62 65 5 7 30 5 36 8 136 Badagaon 1,153.00 96 119 621 311 310 109 106 96 22 178 69 137 Rampur 702.00 21 21 160 81 79 16 15 15 7 49 15 138 Madkola 463.00 3 3 17 9 8 1 1 6 4 1 139 Sita Nagar 2,443.00 328 412 2,145 1,101 1,044 295 295 427 160 583 99 140 Bijori 547.00 7 9 49 26 23 5 10 141 Jatara 379.00 · . Uninhabited :42 Deolai 1,408.00 70 85 387 200 181 60 63 26 1 121 15 143 Bamura 279.00 2 2 21 12 9 6 144 Madiya Sita Nagar 1,182.00 68 78 408 202 206 119 116 66 13 113 26 145 Mankora 1,564.00 78 82 434 222 212 64 59 54 14 126 10 146 Simri Sita Nagar 632.00 39 48 253 131 122 44 48 42 12 71 14 147 Bhaguwa 700.00 41 46 227 110 117 SO 51 23 7 61 9 148 Ankh Khera 2,405.00 181 228 1,095 559 536 145 136 167 41 316 134 149 Karaiya Ankh 832.00 24 27 135 63 72 14 13 22 2 34 10 ~SO Khejra Modi 351.00 · . Uninhabited 151 Patouha 1,439.00 74 96 522 278 244 52 58 71 7 180 11 152 Boodi 551.00 Uninhabited 153 Bilai 3,197.00 327 428 2,2531,173 1,080 297 286 362 83 623 194 154 Chhevla 586.00 20 30 309 163 146 25 25 46 9 91 131


WORKERS ___.___ -, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,----.A---., ,.--A.--., ,.--"---, .-~ ,.--"---. ,.--'L..-.., .---"---. ,.--'L..-.., ,---"---, ,---'L..-.., ,---A-_--. L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

44 3 4 5 1 41 100 103 169 82 82 74 33 12 1 16 246 351 104 ., Uninhabited ., .. 105 31 18 12 2 1 54 90 106 72 2 109 73 14 4 7 145 204 107 163 17 180 120 18 7 2 7 18 333 510 108 5 6 5 9 3 109 77 10 138 157 133 180 110 .. Uninhabited ., .. 111 240 45 223 141 35 6 33 13 13 1 43 25 4 3 41 10 653 996 112 45 3 15 14 43 76 113 .. Uninhabited .. .. 114 1 1 1 1 115 35 2 78 68 2 1 5 97 115 116 42 3 34 26 2 7 3 1 1 64 98 117 40 7 18 8 12 8 5 13 7 2 7 82 128 118 .. Uninhabited .. 119 79 10 37 47 6 1 2 S 126 187 120 60 1 32 15 2 2 3 2 91 168 121 32 3 98 89 3 3 81 101 122 20 5 4 2 1 1 18 40 123 4 24 14 2 4 2 S 34 36 124 13 10 24 37 125 147 9 41 5 1 6 7 183 352 126 57 14 29 9 7 2 3 4 94 182 127 86 11 35 17 99 196 128 •. Uninhabited .. .. 129 .. Uninhabited .. .. 130 " Uninhabited .. .. 131 ., Uninhabited .. 132 33 3 24 16 1 60 107 133 37 18 7 11 1 S4 110 134 30 6 4 2 1 1 26 57 135 92 8 48 41 9 2 19 9 7 9 3 133 241 136 28 20 15 1 32 64 137 3 1 1 5 7 138 268 17 187 63 8 55 14 20 2 42 4 518 945 139 10 16 23 140 .. Uninhabited .. .. .41 59 5 41 10 2 19 79 172 142 6 6 9 143 66 8 25 16 17 2 1 3 89 180 144 80 29 5 16 5 1 96 202 145 44 20 14 2 1 3 60 lOS 146 19 1 38 8 2 2 49 108 147 97 4 140 102 11 3 48 17 3 5 5 12 3 243 402 148 23 8 8 2 1 1 1 29 62 149 .. Uninhabited .. .. 150 103 68 11 5 .2 2 98 233 151 .. Uninhabited .. .. 152 324 32 213 111 8 7 45 42 5 11 2 16 550 886 153 47 31 1 7 5 72 146 154 132


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and house Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of VillallC/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward, Ward in houses , ,-----"----, r--"-_____ ,-_--A-___., ,-..... _____, No. Urban Bloc KmS P M F M F M F ,M F M F --_.. __ ._--_._---:------_'-_. - __ "_---'__ '_--" _, ------_ .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -----_"-----_ ------._--_. --_- ....._---- .. ------'-._--- .- 155 Jamuniya 905.00 21 31 153 82 71 20 23 16 2 42 2 156 Roda 552.00 50 51 302 151 151 10 14 6 2 68 2 157 Mandfa 61.00 Uninhabited 158 Patna 223.00 40 42 189 97 92 32 29 11 50 29 159 Khera 74.00 Uninhabited 160 Bhindariya 94.00 Uninhabited 161 Baijupura 516.00 1 1 7 4 3 3 162 Kherua 272.00 25 32 190 89 101 40 41 35 3 47 23 163 Bamuriya 232.00 " Uninhabited 164 Mahuwa Jhala 66.00 .. Uninhabited 165 Dharampura 246.00 .. Uninhabited 166 Panchmahla 140.00 Uninhabited 167 Chhapri Thakur 591.00 84 114 567 269 298 21 22 54 5 146 63 168 Hanmat Kbeda 551.00 1 2 1 1 1 1 169 Pipriya Kalan 183.00 75 75 371 201 170 36 29 54 5 88 34 170 Pipriya Khurd 2.13.00 3 3 13 10 3 1 6 171 Chainpura 614.00 26 26 140 73 67 20 18 14 1 31 3 172 Kadipura 1,565.00 90 107 576 298 278 131 127 89 8 116 122 173 Tan Khedi 312.00 30 30 160 81 79 30 35 34 2 33 6 174 Kuwatan Khedi 136.00 1 2 9 5 4 3 2 1 175 KuwaKheda 1,175.00 106 106 530 271 259 71 65 65 9 133 33 ]76 KhamKheda 704.00 115 115 599 305 294 74 62 14 1 199 187 177 Mahua Kheda Bujurg 776.00 41 41 221 111 110 48 43 25 1 63 9 178 Semarpati 741.00 41 41 333 169 164 40 31 19 8 107 86 179 Madiya Kamal 563.00 53 53 281 152 129 27 20 22 86 27 180 Chandora Rajpati 914.00 93 93 592 308 284 99 91 56 . 5 180 47 181 Bari 938.00 66 78 355 183 172 26 38 54 5 101 53 182 Amoda 439.00 Uninhabited 183 Padrai Damoh 414.00 11 13 66 36 30 9 11 7 3 23 19 184 Mudiya 1,886.00 145 155 833 437 396 180 160 153 41 231 78 185 Bhodal Khedi 799.00 44 46 257 131 126 26 25 53 7 69 35 186 Dhik Sar 1,956.00 250 255 1,477 755 722 151 143 254 39 365 68 187 MadIa Dhiksar 419.00 38 39 191 103 88 33 33 18 1 48 8 188 Parasai 897.00 10 10 38 23 15 4 16 189 Baiyarpur 6114.00 .. Uninhabited 190 Palar Singhi 463.00 70 84 438 228 210 79 79 64 15 127 32 191 Kheruwa Damoh 720.00 43 65 .. 27 213 214 61 60 48 2 123 28 192 Khajri Damoh 3,626.00 354 379 1,853 976 877 215 215 327 58 554 146 .93 Sukhi Pipariya 580.00 51 54 278 144 134 52 40 20 4 81 30 194 Mara 366.00 19 27 152 70 82 9 12 28 3 41 13 195 Payra 1,040.00 98 107 570 287 283 79 80 66 20 147 26 196 Umari 778.00 82 82 483 241 242 56 70 107 14 125 23 197 Mandla Khiriya 616.00 46 48 251 119 132 22, 27 38 20 62 33 198 Hinnai U mari 492.00 22 22 128 63 65 17 34 4 199 Simri Rajaram 617.00 38 45 318 158 160 12 14 30 86 39 200 Khiriya 1,182.00 72 97 539 269 270 95 102 74 9 133 11 201 Rajghat Pipriya 660.00 44 48 263 141 122 63 50 17 2 79 7 202 Mahuwa Khera 398.00 .. Uninhabited 203 Sinshpur Damoh 1,362.00 80 102 583 301 282 138 131 108 18 157 55 204 Mabandpur 1,300.00 70 84 421 223 198 67 50 50 6 129 44 205 Jhagri 524.00 39 39 192 102 90 29 30 23 9 52 4 206 Rajpur 538.00 64 84 398 211 187 59 64 30 3 128 46 133


WORKERS ---., II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers .-~ ,-----"'-----,. .----"'---, r---.. .----.. .----.. r----.. .---"'---, .---"'---, ,...... A-., r---A----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

28 2 13 1 40 69 155 60 1 1 4 3 83 149 156 .. .. Uninhabited .. .. 157 25 3 15 to 3 9 7 7 47 63 158 .. Uninhabited .. .. 159 .. Uninhabited .. .. 160 3 1 3 161 3'2 8 15 14 1 42 78 162 .. Uninhabited .. .. 163 .. Uninhabited .. .. 164 .. Uninhabited .. .. 165 .. Uninhabited .. .. 166 79 11 19 13 4 39 38 2 3 123 235 167 1 1 .. 168 68 3 17 30 113 136 169 6 4 3 170 25 1 5 2 1 42 64 17i 71 21 98 97 3 4 4 122 156 172 17 1 13 5 1 1 1 48 73 173 1 1 1 .. 3 3 174 ' , 90 12 31 15 1 6 6 2 2 138 226 175 124 114 60 61 3 5 9 7 3 106 107 176 30 1 30 7 2 1 1 48 101 177 39 22 57 53 7 10 2 1 2 62 78 178 52 1 24 24 6 4 2 66 102 179 U6 6 46 37 4 9 3 1 3 1 128 237 180 40 57 53 2 2 82 119 181 .. Uninhabited .. .. 182 6 16 19 .. 1 13 11 183 115 4 87 70 13 7 4 8 206 318 184 37 26 35 4 2 62 91 185 192 6 103 S5 6 38 6 11 14 390 654 186 14 2 33 6 1 55 80 187 14 2 7 15 188 , , .. Uninhabited .. .. 189 64 2 45 27 8 3 1 2 7 101 178 190 67 3 47 21 6 3 2 1 1 90 186 191 265 18 136 80 .. 122 46 1 2 8 20 2 422 731 192 35 3 33 26 3 7 1 1 1 63 104 193 31 3 8 9 1 1 29 69 194 1'04 3 39 18 2 5 ~ 140 257 195 75 10 35 10 9 3 5 116 219 196 26 34 33 1 57 99 197 28 1 5 3 1 29 61 198 SO 2 23 26 10 11 2 72 121 199 78 2 36 9 12 5 136 259 200 39 34 6 4 2 62 115 201 .. Uninhabited .. .. 202 94 3 21 11 28 40 6 2 ,3 1 2 144 227 203 60 2 49 29 3 7 12 1 1 .. 8 94 154 204 18 24 2 4 2 1 4 SO 86 205 32 83 44 9 2 4 83 141 206 134


Area of Occu- No. of Tota] Population Literate ,...----- village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Villaje/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. TownjWard Ward in houses r---~ ,.--->----., .---A.~ ,.-___'__--.., ,...._--"'---.., No. Urban Block l{ml P M F MFMF M' F MF

1 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -.-.-- 207 Simrai 232.00 Uninhabited 208 Kalaiya Rakh 1,167.00 67 79 443 241 202 52 43 58 4 13'3 29 209 Kasaiya Manpur 689.00 66 71 350 171 179 54 46 19 3 87 71 210 Chhapri Karanju 539.00 29 37 192 98 94 7 11 38 2 58 6 211 Anwari 639.00 66 85 433 226 207 102 91 79 22 133 13 212 Barkhera 407.00 22 42 161 85 76 12 18 32 2 47 213 Lidhora 685.00 23 28 155 78 77 55 58 23 4 37 214 Samanna 1,~45'OO 136 148 755 407 348 77 62 190 39 217 16 215 Karaiya Hajari 1,095.00 59 65 348 195 153 100 84 52 9 84 216 Amkheda 1,034.00 60 67 422 224 198 29 25 96 22 109 19 2t1 Bhadauli 1,497.00 92 119 638 323 315 25 27 86 11 178 95 218 Anoo 1,206.00 190 237 1,289 700 589 130 113 190 24 388 72 219 Phanowa 1,577.00 6 6 38 19 19 4 9 2 220 Madiya 376.00 9 9 65 35 30 7 4 10 2 15 1 221 Sadiya 324.00 12 15 65 40 25 8 19 2 222 LuhrTa 814.00 66 81 427 220 207 67 60 62 18 106 56 223 Surkhi 433.00 28 31 175 99 76 12 12 45 4 48 12 224 Umariya 485.00 10 16 102 54 48 2 4 21 6 24 4 225 Bhor Kheda 308.00 24 29 174 89 85 15 20 35 1 42 15 226 Madiya 400.00 ., Uninhabited 227 Gunji 1,831.00 278 315 1.516 780 736 194 195 209 70 425 196 Z28 Nonpani 1,493.00 61 76 402 196 206 49 16 94 7 455 229 Hindoriya 14,364.00 1,478 1,498 7,935 4,086 3,849 814 766 " 2,044 748 1,881 230 Charaipani 987.00 3 4 18 7 11 1 5 231 Nauwapatti (Ryt) 220.00 ., UninhabitC'd 232 Nauwapatti Mal. 293.00 18 18 110 59 51 8 2 26 2 233 Tikripat 333.00 24 24 lOS 57 48 10 t 32 2 234 Muda Khera 200.00 ., Uninhabited 235 Ghat Pipariya 584.00 HI 111 500 255 245 104 102 87 16 137 11 236 NeemKheda 307.00 15 15 97 50 47 50 47 14 2 23 237 Panda 976.00 18 19 131 70 61 6 36 1 238 Gijai 192.00 ., Uninhabited 239 Harduwani Khurd 403.00 ., Uninhabited 240 Bandi 481.00 .. Uninhabited 241 Khadera 569.00 69 69 422 200 222 18 21 101 16 242 Madiyft Khurd 329.00 21 21 123 60 63 3 2 7 26 2 243 Muhli Jujhar 264.00 44 44 243 127 116 3 70 4 244 Singhpur Bandi 410.00 63 65 341 179 162 5 3 29 93 19 245 Tikri Blljurg 719.00 158 167 756 379 377 127 119 92 9 209 61 246 Pipriya 1,091.00 284 317 1,336 639 697 115 120 223 38 352 98 247 Tikri Khoh 1,204.00 8 11 58 22 36 6 11 3 248 Hal Gajiya 266.00 21 24 125 59 66 6 30 10 249 Kulpura 394.00 .. Uninhabiteo 250 Badaiya Khera 261.00 4 4 20 11 9 3 5 251 Balarpm 1,222.00 257 257 1,236 639 597 126 125 139 9 382 168 252 Bar Khera 699.00 40 40 171 81 90 21 21 17 4 54 32 253 Chhitra 654.00 .. Uninhabited 254 Hinota 272.00 63 63 307 155 152 49 50 19 2 85 32 255 Gadarya 275.00 .. Uninhabited 256 Pipar Khiriya Jaruwa 199.00 .. Uninhabited 257 Kheri 208.00 16 16 ~o 48 32 14 ".7 8 258 Jaruwa 225.00 1 1 7 4 3 3 135


WORKERS ---. 1. II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- v---A.. ____ Workers ... __._~ r---"'---. r---A..-.... r-~ ... --"'---. r---A..-.... ,---A....-.., r---A..-.... r--"--.. r-~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

.. Uninhabited .. .. 207 58 1 49 20 4 6 7 1 1 4 108 173 208 48 41 32 29 3 1 4 84 108 209 44 1 4 8 5 1 1 40 88 210 76 3 30 25 JO 2 93 194 211 11 9 16 9 2 38 76 212 27 8 2 41 77 213 131 37 9 8 23 2 7 10 3 190 332 214 34 16 1 .. 20 5 6 1 111 153 215 67 5 32 14 1 5 4 115 179 216 126 76 35 J8 1 1 6 1 8 1 145 220 217 286 17 76 51 4 9 4 2 6 4 3J2 517 218 9 2 10 17 219 14 1 20 29 220 19 2 21 23 221 61 7 43 49 1 114 151 222 38 3 9 9 1 51 64 223 21 3 4 30 44 224 32 2 8 13 47 70 225 .. Uninhabited .. .. 226 292 118 106 67 3 13 10 2 2 7 355 540 227 67 2 22 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 102 199 228 644 41 263 110 131 11 .. 483 216 82 10 9 3 103 36 12 .. 154 28 2,205 3,394 229 2 2 1 2 11 230 ;. Uninhabited .. .. 231 26 2 33 49 232 32 2 .. 25 46 233 .. Uninhabited .. •• .. 234 89 8 16 5 15 2 1 8 118 234 235 22 1 27 47 236 34 2 34 60 237 ., Uninhabited .. ., 238 ., Uninhabited .. 239 . , Uninhabited .. ., 240 71 2 23 14 4 1 1 99 206 241 19 2 7 ., 34 61 242 45 3 25 1 57 . 112 243 66 4 14 13 8 2 1 3 86 143 244 162 18 31 3S 2 8 7 5 170 316 245 251 30 52 54 6 13 4 13 7 4 2 10 2 287 599 246 11 2 1 11 33 247 24 2 4 7 29 S6 248

.. Uninhabited .. " 249 S 6 9 250 251 94 109 69 13 5 3 5 257 429 251 32 12 21 20 1 27 58 252 .. Uninhabited .. .. 253 59 13' 19 15 3 1 2 2 1 1 70 120 254 •. Uninhabited ., .. 255 .. Uninhabited .. .. 256 23 5 3 3 1 21 24 257 3 1 3 258 136


Arc:aof Occu· No. of Total Population Literate r---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX? Acres and resi- bolds tional and bouse- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota NlUlle of Village! of Town! dential less population) Castes Tdbes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-_ __.J.. ,---A---., ,---A.---.., ,----A._---, r----A.---, No. Urban Bloclt Km' P M F M F. M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 13 14 15 16

259 Ahrara Jujhar 381.00 22 22 127 64 63 1 38 34 260 Halgag 1,361.00 145 147 722 362 360 84 76 125 34 181 16 261 Sujanpur 135.00 ., Uninhabited 262 Mudari 1,020.00 153 155 738 362 376 66 60 118 11 207 107 263 Riyan 846.00 116 117 559 284 275 23 16 106 20 154 97 264 Jujhar 1,036.00 65 65 296 145 151 33 26 70 14 n 5 265 Hinoti 231.00 12 14 40 21 19 3 4 5 13 5 266 Biltara Sadak: 781.00 23 29 139 73 66 1R 2 36 7 267 Bamhori Gunji 890.00 157 195 839 433 406 87 83 163 40 240 92 268 Sunpura 417.00 10 12 71 36 35 5 4 13 2 19 3 269 Bandakpur l,260.00 332 391 2,047 1,054 993 184 187 53!! 238 485 68 270 Darruwa 438.00 .. Uninhabited 271 Shahpura 125.00 .. Uninhabited 272 Hardua Chungal 890.00 32 50 250 124 126 7 13 22 2 63 20 273 K.eolari 1,155.00 68 86 409 202 207 34 40 89 2! 108 52 274 Pathari 854.00 70 71 334 154 180 10 6 39 14 95 19 275 Pipariya Sahni 630.00 85 97 490 247 243 30 26 83 40 126 57 216 Jamuniya 970.00 84 110 543 284 259 83 80 65 8 144 217 KhamKhera 1,296.00 45 63 398 210 188 78 36 106 3 278 Arora 877.00 72 94 492 246 246 2 4 43 8 139_ 6 279 Salaiya 1,904.00 104 137 670 353 317 73 64 63 8 176 76 280 Maili Riyana 1,233.00 59 66 334 158 176 6 7 13 1 90 6 281 Ranjra 822.00 148 150 688 343 345 53 49 .. 73 5 184 17 .282 Kunda Kudan 519.00 11 18 114 58 56 5 28 283 Hardlla Muder 1,455.00 145 148 117 370 347 25 29 74 5 190 7 284 Pati Sheespur 1,421.00 48 57 287 lSI 136 19 15 30 2 71 9 285 Sheespur 930* 34 44 209 104 105 11 5 33 1 48 19 286 Lakhanpur 710.00 21 23 125 70 55 7 3 17 1 31 7 287 Hathni Pipariya 174.00 40 45 314 ]53 161 20 22 23 3 79 36 288 Pipariya 549.00 59 72 334 165 169 100 110 23 6 99 87 289 Raj Nagar Khurd 514.00 24 31 135 75 60 3 13 2 40 5 290 Chopra Khurd 520.00 56 65 369 204 165 5 7 53 10 84 13 291 ChopraRyt. 223.00 22 24 140 70 70 12 7 20 8 34 6 292 Kulua (Marutal) 1,098.00 181 187 8S6 462 394 7 2 173 52 245 50 293 Varpati 1,026.00 20 24 118 56 62 28 26 4 30 7 294 Guan 1,014.00 l.;7 135 741 377 364 65 59 52 9 198 102 29S Kotatala Ryt. 504.00 66 90 430 219 211 4 4 79 11 126 37 296 Athai 593.00 88 97 481 263 218 105 100 46 15 137 42 291 Pathariya Khurd 533.00 5 6 33 14 19 2 1 2 8 2 298 Muderpati 304.00 1 1 1 1 1 299 Hinoti 1,068.00 86 120 566 290 276 69 . 53 37 11 175 71 300 Karondi 584.00 1 1 8 5 3 2 1 3 301 Damoh 3,225.00 90 98 616 341 275 97 8 176 43 302 Samanna Ryt. 348.00 8 10 42 23 19 2 2 5 1 16 14 303 Tidouni 663.00 31 35 225 115 110 14 12 21 1 33 2 304 Simri Kirat 285.00 14 22 205 103 102 14 7 32 2 58 22 305 Persoriya 992.00 34 42 285 137 148 4;1 41 42 9 71 13

306 Setuwa 300.00 " Uninhabited 307 Rastoriya 95.00 3 3 22 12 10 3 5 308 Imlai 1,412.00 231 26l 1,443 771 672 332 304 2S1 37 411 81 309 Kunwarpur 606.00 42 51 293 141 152 28 32 44 10 83 42 310 Madiya Pangarh 264.00 2 2 8 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 137


WORKBRS -----. II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,__..A..---",\ ,__..A..--, ,-....A-.., ,--A-.-., ,....A-.., ,-'''---, ,-'''---, ,....A-.., ,~ ,-A-__ ,---A---, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

37 31 1 3 26 29 259 t2S 2 44 8 16 6 1 175 344 260 .. Uninhabited .. ,. 261 137 4'- 40 50 24 15 2 4 155 269 262 94 11 SS 86 2 3 130 178 263 41 3 14 2 7 5 1 9 68 146 264 2 5 11 8 14 265 15 14 7 " 7 37 59 266 123 to 77 81 34 1 193 314 267 13 5 3 1 17 32 268 212 14 1~5 40 3 28 21 40 7 4 52 6 569 925 269 .. Uninhabited ,. ,. 270 .. Uninhabited '. ,. 271 54 11 5 9 2 1 1 61 106 272 82 2S 22 25 1 2 2 94 155 273 86 14 8 4 1 1 59 161 274 69 43 56 2 8 2 121 186 275 91 SO 1 2 140 259 276 64 1 38 2 2 2 104 185 277 73 2 66 4 107 240 278 116 5 32 55 16 15 8 4 177 241 279 30 2 59 4 1 68 170 280 142 29 17 9 "- 2 159 328 281 24 4 30 56 282 175 4 8 1 2 2 1 ' 1 2 180 340 283 40 30 9 1 80 127 284 35 1 13 18 56 86 285 12 10 7 9 39 48 286 33 15 18 1 13 15 5 6 2 3 2 2 74 125 287 56 3 33 84 8 2 66 82 288 10 4 1 5 19 5 35 S5 289 56 7 4 1 16 3 1 3 1 4 1 120 152 290 10 1 5 1 1 11 1 3 2 2 1 2 36 64 291 91 5 10 3 38 14 24 7 12 14 2 9 6 39 4 5 8 4 217 344 292 11 1 17 5 1 1 1 26 55 293 129 67 58 29 9 4 2 2 179 262 294 50 S 45 17 10 14 4 7 7 3 93 174 295 99 6 15 22 21 14 2 126 176 296 , 3 1 1 1 6 17 297 1 ,. 298 129 21 32 23 12 27 2 115 205 299 3 2 3 300 103 14 26 24 20 5 4 9 4 8 165 232 301 1 2 9 5 5 7 1 7 5 302 18 1 7 S 82 108 303 2S 28 22 3 1 4S 80 304 46 2 18 9 4 3 66 135 305 " Uninhabited,. .. 306 4 I 7 10 307 205 13 73 27 2 93 39 6 I 5 1 12 14 1 360 591 308 16 4 53 36 1 2 1 1 1 2 7 1 58 110 309 1 1 2 4 310 138


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,..---- village in pied BouiIC- (including in.titu- and (I-IX? Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village! of Town! dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L,C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-_ __A. ,-----A---, ,-----A-----, 'r---"'------. ,-_----A-----, No. Urban Blocl{ Kml P M F M -F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 __ 13 14 15 16

311 Kounrasa 825.00 55 78 382 195 187 87 74 50 4 ' 99 39 312 Barwansa 1,360.00 88 104 564 265 299 93 114 65 17 146 36 313 Hathna 1,242.00 183 185 897 456 441 119 110 159 38 254 128 314 Peori Kishundas 642.00 .. Uninhabited 315 Padriya 535.00 48 58 355 191 164 68 68 49 7 108 49 316 SihOia 1,363.00 91 117 680 358 322 108 94 101 23 190 126 317 Bansa Tar Kheda 1,469.00 340 373 1,982 1,023 959 188 168 536 219 503 189 318 Khamena Mal 323.00 28 37 232 117 115 30 29 16 2 77 54 319 Khamena Chakk 152.00 .. Uninhabited 320 TarKhera 912.00 41 46 262 142 120 46 48 70 13 75 32 321 Bansni 269.00 48 69 311 150 161 16 20 29 7 92 80 322 Bhimpura 355.00 16 20 100 49 51 8 24 22 323 lmaliya 2,308.00 172 186 818 428 390 117 99 163 34 241 121 324 Lanji 578.00 20 28 114 63 51 14 13 22 4 36 9 325 Phangor 731'00 201 201 1,019 542 477 94 78 111 27 297 200 326 Jamuniya 489.00 58 63 393 209 184 38 26 16 1 131 71 327 Bhilampura 689.00 71 71 408 216 192 2 1 50 7 106 41 328 Tej garh Khurd 1,.323.00 119 127 554 263 291 64 75 70 2 165. 75 329 Chourai 643.00 78 95 448 244 204 88 75 14 1 141 6 330 Bala Kat 3,626.00 241 279 1,630 833 797 94 96 263 52 455 312 331 Bahera 287.00 29 39 206 108 98 10 14 9 69 54 332 Hirdepur 599.00 219 263 1,317 703 614 447 394 301 56 363 35 333 LadllD. Bag 975.00 27 37 190 104 86 8 4 49 19 50 2 334 Pipariya Pigambar 723.00 42 46 279 148 131 72 61 44 1 82 14 335 Pupariya 327.00 5 10 S4 30 24 14 20 336 Itwa 156.00 25 26 163 87 76 13 7 38 6 46 18 337 Ki1lai 884.00 68 84 462 253 209 86 70 27 3 115 30 338 Pipariya Nayak 257.00 27 29 155 75 80 27 31 27 6 42 18 339 Kachhauwa 672.00 19 19 115 54 61 13 1 33 340 Amata 1,365.00 27 36 177 92 85 1 6 59 4 341 Bijori 972.00 140 186 829 422 407 109 97 75 12 256 95 342 Bhuri 4,721.00 201 203 1,050 557 493 129 129 119 18 311 141 343 JorlaIa Khurd 493.00 79 118 600 288 312 49 62 62 8 189 47 344 Kunjpura 947.00 2 4 9 7 2 3 5 1 345 Imaliya Nayak 728.00 64 64 268 137 131 1 3 27 5 74 29 346 Tikri 265.00 7 9 38 18 20 18 20 14 11 347 Lakhna Khedi 596.00 25 48 249 116 133 31 5 72 22 348 Badyan 768.00 50 66 343 165 178 8 10 23 1 94 25

349 Adhrota 1,871.00 154 161 761 400 361 82 91 78 18 251 ~ 7 350 Hatri 1,256.00 68 90 452 239 213 38 34 65 17 143 45 351 Barkera Bhat 261.00 24 24 133 69 64 24 24 20 5 39 3 352 Hardua Hatri 1,958.00 58 58 285 142 143 14 4 83 2 353 Patna Blijurg 3,508.00 240 242 1,239 638 601 114 104 130 30 332 142 354 Abhana 4,263.00 547 558 2,852 1,431 1,421 229 232 551 249 772 139 355 Jhanna 530.00 40 51 268 143 125 47 35 34 7 64 6 356 Bisna Kheri 674.00 183 189 958 487 471 94 76 134 11 286 57 357 Barpati Abhana 92.00 .. Uninhabited 358 NimuwaPati 227.00 9 9 62 29 33 18 23 1 11 6 359 Kaniya Ghatpati 397.00 39 39 231 123 108 7 8 36 2- 58 13 360 Rampura 1,147.00 44 51 226 116 110 47 49 14 67 2 361 Khan Churipati 1,389.00 48 52 252 120 132 9 12 6 69 38 362 Amkhiriya 755.00 28 32 192 103 89 1l- 8 23 3 48 17 139


WORKERS ~ I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,---"----, ,-.-A----, .,----'L-., ,----"--, ,---A--, ,-__,.___" ,---"----, ,-,-L-., ,---'L-., ,---"----, ,---J-----, L.C. M P M P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

60 6 23 32 2 6 2 1 1 3 96 148 311 67 2 67 33 5 3 1 4 119 263 312 184 33 31 62 10 7 16 20 3 2 1 2 7 3 202 313 313 .. Uninhabited .. .. 314 53 45 49 8 1 83 115 315 100 15 57 87 1 21 22 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 168 196 j16 118 28 50 42 9 .. 186 102 55 4 50 1 6 25 5 520 770 317 39 2 35 49 3 3 40 61 318 .. Uninhabited .. ., 319 49 5 15 7 8 20 3 67 88 320 56 7 19 43 15 24 2 6 58 81 321 11 4 9 11 4 -: 25 29 322 126 8 88 110 2 4 8 13 3 187 269 323 19 2 15 7 2 27 42 324 149 45 83 149 16 32 3 2 14 2 245 277 325 89 38 40 33 1 1 78 113 326 48 5 55 35 1 2 1 110 151 327 100 11 36 45 3 11 17 2 2 11 1 98 216 328 73 66 6 1 1 103 198 329 245 115 168 193 13 2 2 3 21 2 378 485 330 42 34 26 20 1 39 44 331 88 1 30 4 6 53 12 23 13 4 135 13 11 340 579 332 14 24 1 2 3 4 1 2 54 84 333 66 2 11 11 3 2 66 117 334 17 3 10 24 335 24 21 18 1 41 58 336 19 36 1 2 53 24 6 138 179 337 16 25 18 1 33 62 338 33 21 61 339 43 3 16 1 33 81 340 153 13 60 67 1 31) 15 2 166 312 341 214 3 82 135 2 7 2 6 1 246 352 342 120 6 57 35 10 5 2 1 99 265 343 1 4 1 2 1 344 60 4 10 22 4 3 63 102 345 1 1 13 10 4 9 346" 57 8 12 13 1 2 44 III 347 78 3 13 19 1 3 2 71 153 348 101 1 123 4 1 20 1 3 3 149 354 349 94 2 26 38 15 5 3 5 96 168 350 29 3 4 5 4 1 30 61 351 73 1 10 1 59 141 352 220 9 79 132 1 15 1 8 9 306 459 353 35S 23 115 59 46 10 .. 107 29 17 1 2 87 4 6 37 12 659 1,282 354 51 4 8 1 2 2 1 1 79 119 355 212 30 25 18 16 4 20 3 2 2 8 2 201 414 356 .. Uninhabited ., .. 357 8 4 I 2 2 18 27 358 43 4 2 3 6 5 5 I 65 95 359 55 2 4 4 3 1 49 108 360 54 16 .15 22 51 94 361 31 1 14 15 2 55 72 362 .140


Arcaof Occu- No.of Total Population Literate r---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- SCheduled Scheduled· educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward) Ward in houses ,--____..k r--A.---, r----A.----, r---A.-----, r-.---A...-., No. Urban Block' Km· P M F MFMf M F MF

2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

363 Amkhera 368.00 49 55 327 157 170 23 29 37 5 77 42 364 PatnaKhurd 923.00 74 85 384 192 192 47 53 24 3 104 35 365 Madiya Semra 547.00 .. Uninhabited 366 Semra Madiya 673.00 119 125 611 308 303 75 82 84 23 162 28 367 Nakat Kheri 223.00 7 7 43 24 19 3 2 .. 368 Gupalpura 316.00 9 12 70 ~9 31 3 4 6 17 369 Datla 980.00 113 125 549 269 280 49 49 112 11 158 56 370 Singpur Choubisa 195.00 .. Uninhabitecl 371 Thanga Pati 40.00 .. Uninhabited 372 \ Kanepur 1,135.00 64 84 412 207 205 24 14 45 10 131 35 ~73 Sakha 803.00 94 104 469 242 227 73 65 92 4 137 58 374 Bhajiya 909.00 81 97 451 231 220 15 68 16 5 139 65 375 Tharrka Alias Nayagaon 848.00 52 59 263 136 127 68 72 39 8 76 21 376 Surkhuwa 534.00 .. Uninhabited 317 Kuluwa 976.00 76 92 517 250 267 30 28 64 12 139 17 378 Bamuriya Choubisa 393.00 21 26 113 56 57 14 15 14 35 5 379 Hinoti Thengapati - 675.00 82 92 424 223 201 44 36 80 162 116 23 380 Salaiya Choubisa 405.00 59 70 349 177 172 19 20 33 93 '14 381 Umariya 362.00 .. Uninhabited 382 Mosipura 436.00 106 116 584 312 272 54 49 66 6 163 43 383 Lallupura 556.00 28 30 216 107 109 6 9 10 58 5 384 Gadiya 81.00 ., Uninhabited 385 Dhansara 667.00 48 52 323 160 163 5 3 'i 88 25 386 Shahpura Salaiya 379.00 .. Uninhabited 387 Pati Bhajiya 472.00 24 33 163 85 78 29 1 48 9 388 Jharouli 1,340.00 lC4 150 7111 364 354 56 69 84 8 199 93 389 Muwar 353.00 69 75 516 268 248 48 58 119 17 144 42 390 Tindni 959.00 .. Uninhabited 391 Khamriya Man 794.00 5~ 83 424 207 217 76 86 52 6 108 25 392 Patna Man 1,084.00 124 172 815 417 398 U5 124 41 21 229 129 393 Ghutguwan 590.00 50 52 294 152 142 19 1 74 10 394 Ghat Bamhori 851.00 39 39 204 101 103 20 14 9 1 52 3 395 Banwar 2,373.00 375 376 1,819 943 876 268 231 391 98 486 52 396 Larguwan Mangash 950.00 63 98 540 273 267 77 79 64 5 156 14 397 Ghatera 1,328.00 166 183 803 425 378 71 64 153 39 246 83 398 Gadiya 2,330.00 60 60 338 180 158 15 101 4 399 Chandpura 1,232.00 18 18 82 48 34 5 30 1 400 Manguwan Man 1,569.00 97 97 428 224 204 49 59 40 1 124 98 401 Hudu\IIa Mangarh 1,818.00 170 170 1,023 512 511 91 88 ., 195 26 266 48 402 Pati Nandlal 591.00 106 106 554 272 282 76 74 43 154 4 403 Jamnera 1,118.00 36 36 211 109 102 8 64 1 404 Khedar 3,723.00 68 69 349 179 170 27 27 9 90 10 405 Gola Pati 2,535.00 81 95 345 194 151 5 5 62 5 109 14 406 Salaiya 2,420.00 41 47 206 102 104 5 11 3 60 11 401 Bagalwara 1,278.00 16 19 113 62 51 6 15 1 41 5 408 Chatuwa 1,843.00 1 6 2 4 2 409 Chunguwan 501.00 .. Uninhabited 410 Padrai 2,916.00 ., Uninhabited 411 Sagra 1,478.00 172 188 803 415 388 39 39 196 57 218 60 412 Kathai 443.00 40 46 214 101 113 11 12 32 12 67 46 413 Richhai 1,498.00 91 98 485 240 245 33 36 62 9 143 84 414 Rampura 809.00 66 71 336 175 161 17 3 97 53 141


WORKERS ~ -~ II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VlI VIII IX X Non- Workers ,__.___, ,---'---t. ,--A-..,. ,~ ,~ ,~ r----"---, r-~ ,~ ,.....-A-..,. ,--"----., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

63 14 11 24 3 3 80 128 363 88 3 13 21 11 3 88 157 364 ',' .. Uninhabited .. .. 365 124 8 16 19 16 2 3 146 275 366 2 22 19 367 17 22 31 368 88 4 50 49 15 3 2 3 111 224 369

.. Uninhabited .. .0 370

00 Uninhabited .. .. 371 67 6 58 29 5 1 76 170 372 80 17 20 30 25 11 9 105 169 373 97 14 21 44 13 6 5 92 155 374 50 6 23 15 1 2 60 106 375 .. Uninhabited .. .. 376 93 9 26 6 5 6 2 9 111 250 377 29 2 5 3 1 21 52 378 97 15 11 6 2 5 107 178 379 84 8 6 6 1 2 84 158 380

., Uninhabited o. .. 381 108 42 39 2 3 2 8 149 229 382 55 3 5 49 104 383

o. Uninhabited o. o. 384 80 6 24 2 72 138 385

o. Uninhabited .. .. 386 34 11 8 2 1 1 37 69 387 108 12 33 . 55 36 19 2 6 5 14 2 165 261 388 100 9 35 27 2 3 3 4 3 124 206 389 o. 390 o. Uninhabited 0 0 83 4 19 20 3 2 99 192 391 162 8 56 120 2 8 188 269 392 54 14 10 1 4 78 132 393 31 I 20 2 1 49 100 394 289 13 86 28 3 29 4 6 2 29 2 40 5 457 824 395 133 2 6 12 2 12 1 2 117 253 396 96 5 63 72 4 3 9 3 29 8 ':'7 7 2 179 295 397 101 3 1 79 154 398 26 3 1 1 18 33 399 78 32 82 8 15 6 1 100 106 400 181 9 78 37 4 1 1 2 246 463 401 121 '26 4 3 3 1 118 278 402 55 8 ] 45 101 403 56 4 29 6 3 1 89 160 404 43 5 24 9 ] 26 11 4 85 137 405 45 14 11 1 42 93 406 27 6 5 8 21 46 407 2 4 408 .. Uninhabited .. ., 409

o. Uninhabited o. 410 142 2 57 S4 2 6 3 3 8 197 328 411 30 32 46 4 34 67 412 98 1 39 83 2 3 97 161 413 82 I 9 50 6 2 78 108 414 142


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population literate ,---- village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers Name of Villar/ of Town/ ,,-__---A. L.C. Town/Ward Ward in houses ,--.A.---., ~ ,,-___.A,.-----.. ,,-_ _.A.---", No. Ueban Block Kml P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \0 11 12 13 14' 15 16 --_. --- _._- __ "_,, .. _. -_,,_ .. _-_._ ... ' .. -' .__ ... -' ....._---_ .. _-- _._--.--.---- 415 Imaliya 708.00 U8 121 674 349 325 57 41 4 188 65 416 Paraswaha 916.00 144 181 808 400 408 85 89 165 40 208 48 417 Chhaparwaha 663.00 51 67 300 135 165 20 24 47 8 79· 9 418 Manguwall 367.00 47 58 279 137 142 10 9 9 70 5 419 Pipariya Naval 513.00 56 67 402 203 199 32 35 32 2 106 5 420 Rond 1,651.00 271 271 J ,304 655 649 100 112 256 51 334 41 421 Baheriya 966.00 108 111 539 276 263 69 68 67 11 143 i3 422 Lakhni 1,207.00 102 111 565 287 278 58 56 96 27 164 90 473 Hinloti Ajam 752.00 92 101 551 274 277 41 45 85 6 136 36 424 Majguwan Manghar 586.00 63 87 394 193 201 47 45 76 19 106 20 425 Simri Jalarnsingh 1,060.00 42 46 677 345 332 67 67 71 4 186 56 426 Badguwan 2,504.00 123 149 658 318 340 74 73 118 '11 179 42 427 Sagoni 365.00 Uninhabited 428 Kewlari Upadhya 739.00 50 57 286 142 J44 66 73 19 90 5 429 Pad Dhangri 91.00 19 20 89 48 41 11 30 430 Dhangri 1,871.00 142 157 736 384 352 65 57 88 4 216 145 431 Gadaghat 1,135.00 39 42 230 109 121 7 5 27 2 61 8 432 Sunda .- 517.00 2 2 17 6 11 4 1 3 5 433 Nohta 2,019.00 397 420 1,974 998 976 190 192 420 154 513 103 434 Nohti 310.00 19 20 92 47 45 13 1 25 6 435 Piparia Nandlal 783.00 70 79 379 188 191 33 . 31 57 9 107 46 436 Devri Sadak 902.00 40 45 222 102 120 2 6 15 2 55 8 437 Bandar Kola 725.00 20 21 114 59 55 9 1 27 8 438 Majguwan Kirat 837.00 50 57 286 136 150 1 4 40 15 65 22 439 Harduwa Sadak 1,441.00 299 306 1,455 750 705 179 173 289 74 402 94 440 Hinoti Khet,ing 622.00 110 120 590 306 284 71 81 117 17 153 56 441 Darllwa 663.00 2 2 11 5 6 2 1 2 4




,_----A-~ Work.ers ,-~ ,----"--.. ,...---"--.. r---"--.. ,...---"--.. ,...---"--.. ,-....J~ ,---"---, ,--"-, ,...----"---" . M L.C. F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

107 18 17 8 2 2 27 28 2 21 3 9 9 161 260 415 162 ·39 32 9 1 7 5 192 360 416 68 5 10 2 2 1 56 156 417 61 5 8 67 137 418 90 2 13 3 2 1 97 194 419 230 16 41 19 2 33 4 2 6 2 19 321 608 420 122 . 8 14 4 3 1 1 3 133 250 421 93 1 61 88 ~ 1 6 123 188 422 90 3 30 25 14 6 2 1 138 241 423 61 5 3S 10 6 5 3 87 181 424 148 25 28 29 8 2 2 159 276 425 126 7 39 34 10 1 3 139· 298 426 " Uninhabited .. ., 427 69 3 13 1 1 6 I 52 139 428 16 12 1 18 41 429 95 4 51 130 60 9 8 2 168 .207 430 49 11 7 1 48 113 431 2 5 1 3 6 432 227 6 96 51 22 .. 116 31 19 7 48 6 37 8 425 873 433 23 4 2 2 22 39 434 44 2 34 35 2 23 9 2 81 145 435 46 2 6 6 1 47 112 436 22 1 S 7 32 47 437 55 5 7 14 1 1 3 71 128 438 330 26 43 37 2 18 29 2 6 2 348 611 439 115 10 34 45 2 1 2 153 228 440 2 .. 3 6 441 66 4 3 64 146 442 109 20 45 54 15 1 6 9 2 5 3 149 267 443 92 55 24 27 10 4 1 99 158 444 62 1 32 6 19 3 4 1 1 105 212 445 122 30 50 108 10 2 33 42 4 2 2 2 10 190 264 446 168 7 43 67 10 8 2 228 341 447 " Uninhabited .. ., 448 331 24 112 82 4 7 2 1 12 2 18 460 819 449 142 6 12 13 2 11 10 1 3 129 .232 450 6S 2 29 35 2 2 3 71 128 451 134 6 20 11 3 5 1 128 246 452 122 5 99 105 1 11 14 4 11 199 294 453 .. Uninhabited .. ., 454 266 16 77 32 7 19 4 2 14 265 602 455 109 17 13 23 2 8 7 2 107 220 456 " Uninhabited .. .. 457 41 6 18 2 3 56 103 458 " Uninhabited .. ., 459 " Uninhabited .. ., 460 3 4 2 2 461 52 2 4 69 104 462 34 1 2 2 3 50 84 463 160 9 47 17 25 5 4 215 395 464 40 3 13 2 1 53 99 465 107 4 16 4 S 102 221 466 144


Arellof Oceu· No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I.IXI Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses r--__.A.. r-~ .--A...... -_--J>.._---. r-~ No. Urban Block KIDs P M F MFMF M F MF

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

467 Karondi Mangarh 950.00 64 64 284 144 140 54 ~7 18 85 2 4~8 KondaKhurd 1,045.00 2 2 18 12 6 1 4 469 Dev'ara Mangarh 1,242.00 27 30 142 73 69 6 7 5 37 3 410 Voda Mangarh 727.00 21 30 109 58 51 3 31 2 471 Surekha Mangarh 1,125.00 Uninhabited .. 472 Amdar 1,092.00 25 29 160 84 76 38 29 8 48 4 473 Pad Mangarh 1,098.00 23 35 141 73 68 9 41 5 474 Pondi Mangarh 1,425.00 116 118 592 290 302 37 34 98 22 174 119 475 Sagodi Kalan 2,764.00 123 123 466 261 205 24 27 35 10 167 112 476 Baniya 1,384.00 29 32 180 96 84 20 20 14 51 6 477 Bhajiya 2,917.00 115 129 699 373 326 99 83 70 6 195 25 478 Jamuniya Man 1,070.00 .. Uninhabited 479 ]hala Mangarh 1,921.00 20 20 99 48 51 1 28 480 Khen Mangarh 200.00 .. Uninhabited 481 TmdiMan 425.00 22 12 10 6

482 Dhulga 1,074.00 " Uninhabited 483 Badera 1,795.00 35 44 198 90 108 15 13 6 55 6 484 Suraj Pura 457.00 37 37 175 89 86 11 11 49 4 485 Sunwarah 2,788.00 156 174 870 435 435 125 133 124 4 242 58 486 Salaiya Badi 2,468.00 53 68 366 189 177 6 5 1!1 22 102 27 487 Singpur Man 1,289.00 231 243 1,179 612 567 37 36 2'28 76 325 51 488 PatnaKuwa 706.00 61 69 361 185 li6 83 15 91 7 489 Sun Kau 843.00 7'!0 73 423 216 207 34 31 52 4 113 37 490 Majhguwan Lalpura 336.00 15 19 92 45 47 8 20 2 491 Gihalpura. 276.00 15 16 76 39 37 20 1 492 Lalpura 331.00 13 13 76 32 44 7 15 2 493 Harduwa Memar 305.00 30 31 205 ,'l12 93 32 21 22 2 53 12 494 Kariya Kheda 553.00 20 21 127 67 60 4 5 28 4 33 13 495 Kusmi Mangarh 925.00 B8 118 634 337 297 76 65 144 36 168 62 496 Ghana Mangarh 551.00 31 32 156 75 81 37 46 28 497 Lamtara 604.00 71 71 356 180 176 55 58 54 .114 56 498 GubraKalan 1,237.00 96 96 445 227 218 14 18 99 23 120 15 499 Bhaderi 633.00 36 36 178 83 95 30 36 18 1 40 2 500 Kuwa Mangarh 567.00 45 50 246 123 123 36 6 57 4 501 RamSalaiya 573.00 14 27 92 60 32 13 4 30 3 29 502 Dhaneta Si 629.00 25 30 181 92 89 20 20 28 46 3 503 Majguwan 279.00 1 1 2 2 1 2 504 Sahsana 568.00 59 59 33) 178 153 47 43 53 7 87 27 505 Singrampur 1,141.00 247 249 1,220 627 593 152 154 318 128 305 1O..J 506 Tilguwan 522.00 28 29 145 72 7·3 11 1 39 6 S07 Bhojpur 712.00 .. Uninhabited 508 Budagubra 608.00 .. Uninhabited 509 Bhaisa Singorgarh 1,804.00 7 7 25 15 10 9 10 510 ,Tawra 387.00 S 5 20 10 10 6 5 2 5 511 Sawara 1,810.00 8 11 44 21 23 12 2 512 Aloni 1,999.00 40 45 223 III 112 6 5 2 63 8 513 lalhari Si 2,398.00 Uninhabited 514 Kalumar 1,954.00 31 31 137 74 63 3 4 4 3 43 20 51S Tala 541.00 6 6 24 16 8 2 10 1 516 Chourai Jamuniya 2,433.00 54 73 397 192 205 5 2 64 18 107 36 517 Oem Raiyet 339.00 21 21 102 56 46 5 24 13 518 IC.hamaraiya Si 1,800.00 13 13 62 36 26 4 22 8 14~


WORKBRS ---"-- --, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,----'---,. ,----'-----... ,---A-., ,---"---, ,--"'-, ,-----"'----, ,-...JL-, ,-...JL-, ,-----"'----, ,---"------, ~----... L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

72 2 13 S9 138 467 4 8 6 468 28 5 2 4 36 66 469 26 4 2 1 27 49 470 .. .. Uninhabit:d .. .. 471 28 17 2 2 1 1 36 72 472 28 6 5 2 5 32 63 473 65 4 89 111 6 8 4 2 4 116 183 474 49 6 113 lOS 3 1 1 1 94 93 475 4S 2 6 2 2 45 78 476 116 4 54 18 16 2 1 7 178 301 477 .. Uninhabited .. 478 26 2 20 51 479 .. Uninhabited .. .. 480 3 2 6 10 481 .. Uninhabited .. .. 482 46 5 1 4 4 35 102 483 46 3 1 2 40 82 484 142 15 60 40 2 23 2 13 193 377 485 71 3 21 23 1 6 1 3 87 ISO 486 163 7 62 11 19 51 10 5 6 23 17 287 516 487 68 7 3 3 14 1 1 94 169 488 102 8 5 25 2 3 4 1 103 170 489 15 2 .. . 5 25 45 490 15 1 5 19 36 491 15 2 17 42 492 47 3 2 5 4 4 59 81 493 13 5 13 10 3 1 34 47 494 96 37 54 7 16 7 2 2 7 169 235 495 24 4 22 24 29 53 496 90 15 18 39 3 2 2 66 120 497 54 2 32 10 6 14 3 12 I 107 203 498 28 1 10 1 1 43 93 499 42 2 13 2 1 I 66 119 500 12 3 12 31 32 SOl 25 1 18 2 3 46 86 502 1 .. 503 48 1 23 24 1 10 2 I 4 91 126 504 104 5 88 90 27 31 2 3 2 26 3 3 21 3 322 489 505 29 5 5 2 2 1 33 67 506 .. Uninhabited .. .. 507 .. Uninhabited .. .. 508 4 4 1 5 10 509 5 5 10 510 12 2 9 21 511 36 23 8 2 48 104 512 Uninhabited .. .. 513 12 30 20 31 43 514 2 8 1 6 7 515 49 49 35 4 4 85 169 516 16 7 13 1 32 33 511 13 8 8 14 18 518 146


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,...--_ village in pied House- {including in.titu- and (I-IX? Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town! dential less population) Castes Tribes persons ' Workers ,_-A._-., L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,_-.-A-__...... ,--"----. ,---'----. ,;____;'_ __ -, No. Urban BlocK Km· PM F M F MF M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

519 Jamuniya Si 1,935.00 17 22 111 60 51 3 28 16 520 Amjhir Mal. 391.00 3 4 13 7 6 4 521 Mihguwan Kalumar 341.00 1 4 9 3 6 2 522 Rinonti 1,237.00 36 36 55 32 23 2 2 25 523 Salaiya Raiyat. 405.00 Uninhabited 524 Salaiya Si 685.00 47 47 265 141 124 17 19 7 85 10 525 Ronsea 534'.00 148 148 220 116 104 29 54 5 526 Mehguwan Khurd 451.00 50 SO 222 108 114 7 8 38 1 66 4 527 Sailwaha Mal 3,288.00 211 216 1,076 516 500 75 66 176 39 319 21 528 Sailwha Raiht 513.00 .. Uninhabited 529 Silpura 755.00 18 18 92 47 45 3 6 4 24 530 Nand Pura 1,244.00 18 18 77 37 40 5 26 531 Rich Kudi 2,113.00 50 50 282 147 135 8 9 16 1 85 2 532 Douni 2,109.00 22 23 202 108 94 17 13 ]2 2 49 4 533 Pathado Si 919.00 48 49 261 145 116 7 5 28 3 72 534 Mahguwan Chakk 166.00 .. Uninhabited 535 Mahguwan Kalan 955.00 46 47 283 152 131 26 26 8 78 5 536 Saipura 400.00 29 29 163 87 76 27 5 42 3 10. 537 Dul]1ara 558.00 9 9 44 23 21 I 3 538 Dhari Raiyat 171.00 Uninhabited 30 4 539 Dhari Mal 771.00 20 23 109 60 49 5 4 6 3 1 540 Chirwahi 509.00 3 3 8 3 5 39 234 90 541 Korta 853.00 168 169 856 434 422 85 85 165 89 28 88 24 542 Pipariya Singor 953.00 60 60 365 190 115 26 22 32 2 97 9 543 Paraa 1,441.00 76 76 381 182 199 7 8 37 8 544 Harat 426.00 29 29 128 65 63 13 7 21 3 545 Mehguwan Umrao 302.00 17 17 81 37 44 7 12 546 GadaghatSi 283.00 Uninhabited 3 4 31 2 547 Karondi Singorgarh 952.00 17 19 104 53 51 5 31 32 66 22 98 27 548 Karanpura 821.00 74 78 415 200 215 1,047 505 899 200 lavers 820.00 597 618 3,5221,871 1,651 377 319 .. 549 32 54 5 550 Kberi Singor 315.00 34 41 196 99 97 4 7 68 15 138 26 551 Surai 1,070.00 93 94 499 254 245 71 71 38 4 4 24 7 552 Harduwa Kburd 507.00 17 17 90 44 46 33 Bambori Singor 356.00 24 27 86 47 39 1 4 27 17 25 7 553 S 23 8 Bichhiya 670.00 17 17 89 44 45 13 554 2 33 8 Bandar Kola Si 509.00 22 26 106 59 47 1 18 S55 S5 34 Deotara Singor 856.00 42 43 193 104 89 5 10 19 4 556 10 S 557 Jogi Kheda 906.00 8 8 40 17 23 Churyari 788.00 Uninhabited 558 26 97 9 559 Vijay Sagar 1,391.00 56 57 312 158 154 34 7 83 19 560 Bbineni 955.00 58 61 322 164 158 3 80 14 91 60 561 Dugari 211.00 60 60 337 167 170 4 Harduawa Ganesh 912.00 .. Uninhabited 562 5 1 22 8 563 Kanti 559.00 7 10 56 33 23 506.00 39 44 247 121 126 61 70 43 8 63 36 564 Muderi Si 57 66 565 . Kakretha 535.00 43 44 227 101 126 9 ~O 12 799.00 19 19 118 66 52 2 5 22 1 38 28 566 Tanvari 1 S5 29 Padariya Thoban 436.00 17 19 167 87 80 16 567 16 42 40 Pati Singor 343.00 31 31 157 75 82 48 54 568 122 13 203 57 569 Bansii;lur 1,812.00 141 143 750 394 356 68 64 570 Gidra (Ryt) 255.00 .. Uninhabited 147


WORKERS -.., : I, II III IV V(a) V(b). VI VII \TIll IX X Non- ,..-...;.,..... ___ ,--.A..___ Workers ,--...A--., ,-...A--., ,---A..-.... ,---"---. ,....A--., ,-,-'--, ,---"---. ,---"---. ,---A.---., L.C. M. F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

19 5 12 -4 4 32 35 519 :2 2 3 6 520 1 1 5 521 24 7 22 522 .. Uninhabited .. .. 523 68 2 16 8 56 114 524 39 15 5 62 99 525 53 1 2 3 1 6 4 42 110 526 206 1 37 8 11 2 31 9 32 257 479 527 .. Uninhabited .. .. 528 22 1 23 45 529 22 1 1 3 11 39 530 70 2 11 3 62 133 531 22 4 13 10 4 59 90 532 56 13 1 73 116 533 .. 534 60 2 11 3 1 6 74 126 535 37 2 2 1 1 45 ,73 536 10 3 13 18 537 .. Uninhabited .. .. 538 14 16 4 30 45 539 1 2 1 4 540 119 8 72 ~5 5 34 27 1 2 200 332 541 66 10 20 1 9 4 2 102 151 542 83 2 13 7 1 85 190 543 23 12 8 1 1 28 55 544 17 2 2 1 1 16 41 545 .. Uninhabited .. .. 546 22 I 4 1 3 .1 22 49 54i 66 13 17 7 I 4 4 10 2 102' 188 548 242 13 133 91 35 .. 220 66 82 2 12 64 3 15 96 25 972 1,451 549 45 3 8 2 1 45 92 550 103 4 20 17 14 5 1 116 219 551 12 1 4 11 3 20 39 552 2 3 2 3 10 3 2 6 22 32 553 20 1 7 3 21 - 37 554 28 1 6 4 1 26 39 555 40 4 34 6 5 49 55 556 10 4 7 18 557 .. Uninhabited .. .. 558 47 44 9 4 1 61 145 559 77 9 4 9 I 1 1 81 139 560 57 28 3 6 2 27 23 2 1 76 110 561 .. Uninhabited .. .. 562 10 2 4 10 3 11 15 563 9 5 2 1 6 8 3 58 90 564 48 49 8 17 1 44 60 565 32 20 5 7 1 28 24 566 19 32 29 3 32 51 567 30 16 10 18 2 6 33 42 568 157 25 11 19 3 21 12 10 ' 191 299 569 .. Uninhabited .. .. 570 148


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate viUagein pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town! dential Jess population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Townf\'!ard/ Ward in houses r----A.------., ,.....---'-....;..., ,-__...___.., r------'------, r------'------. No. Urban Block: Kmll PM F MFMF M F MF

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

571 DelanKheda 935.00 39 50 163 91 72 2 2 11 1 41 8 572 Gidra Mal. i,215.00 39 48 206 104 102 7 2 7 3 41 9 573 Jalhari 1,681.00 169 176 860 429 431 49 53 138 10 239 211 574 Melighana 481.00 24 26 123 66 51 22 31 7 575 Pati Bhat Khamariya 228.00 Uninhabited 576 Kalhara Kheda 1,243.00 69 72 372 185 187 57 55 79 22 103 34 577 Pipariya Jugraj 1,482.00 141 142 686 353 333 61 62 171 27 191 48 578 Bhat Khamariya 2,731.00 250 270 1,328 618 650 138 137 222 34 392 112 579 Chhirkona 694.00 31 43 237 115 122 5 6 15 3 66 43 580 Barkhera Singor 560.00 27 32 192 96 96 15 14 33 5 45 26 581 KarondiMangarh 437.00 53 67 339 187 152 15 10 41 7 93 52 582 Gadagbat 3(i:6.00 43 52 361 190 171 54 44 29 1 106 51 583 Padariya Singor 751.00 53 70 331 166 165 39 35 57 5 94 17 584 Kot Khamariya 574.00 30 44 238 120 118 2 34 2 63 15 585 Madan Khera 1,094.00 326 327 1,477 750 727 242 235 220 25 422 135 586 Baraghat 254.00 19 26 142 76 66 12 14 13 48 11 587 Dhonda 1,070.00 33 44 216 102 114 13 14 6 1 64 31 588 Umarghat 50.00 Uninhabited 589 Patloni 815.00 305 313 1,691 870 821 132 103 219 37 471 125 590 Sunvahi Umaria 709.00 168 201 814 431 383 141 119 159 29 243 65 591 Piparia Sunar 325.00 70 83 299 148 151 65 61 32 3 88 8 592 Harrai Singor 966.00 233 245 1,261 660 601 84 6S 225 87 335 156 593 pasondi Raiyat 100.00 Uninhabited 594 Dasondi Mal. 301.00 17 17 112 56 56 13 1 31 14 595 Pipariya Tikaram 1,037.00 27 27 127 70 57 8 6 16 35 7 596 Dinari 1,346.00 118 152 740 380 360 120 110 108 25 225 73 597 Pati Liladhar 321.00 7 7 30 16 14 6 3 6 3 598 Kuluwa 395.00 92 122 649 312 337 48 44 94 9 183 80 599 Devri Liladhar 810.00 102 116 625 310 315 78 77 97 12 193 59 600 Pateria Mal. 1,042.00 66 68 299 144 155 16 11 17 1 85 49 601 Pateria Chakk 211.00 12 12 51 27 24 4 2 7 16 2 602 Tejgarh Khas 737.00 235 245 1,206 620 586 148 144 358 167 320 52 603 Khamariya Mouji t ,721.00 222 222 1,134 570 564 91 95 293 86 299 113 604 Bijora 818.00 129 136 703 349 354 91 84 144 48 189 130 605 Devri Jugraj 253.00 .. Uninhabited 606 Rohni Tejgarh 576.00 47 47 268 147 121 36 29 50 9 71 33 607 Mahuwaghat 437.00 47 48 252 122 130 14 15 32 74 25 608 Arth Kheda Khamaria 695.00 37 38 169 83 86 10 11 16 44 13 609 Katangi 1,280.00 119 119 634 325 309 68 58 71 10 148 19 610 Parasai Mal. 959.00 145 146 711 368 343 59 54 76 10 210 131 611 Parasai Raiyat 158.00 Uninhabited 612 Dunaw 483.00 2 2 4 1 3 1 2 613 Patna Durg 531.00 56 57 225 111 114 8 10 20 3 62 41 614 Mudari Tejgarh 729.00 76 79 384 195 189 79 74 28 101 79 615 Guda Jarua 485.00 100 100 483 229 254 93 81 64 7 127 33 616 Amtera 622.00 63 63 321 155 166 29 31 24 97 41 617 Bija Dongri 1,032.00 142 146 686 341 345 87 88 141 22 195 114 618 Bara Khas 650.00 39 40 223 106 117 37 4i 14 1 58 10 619 Bhais Khar 1,424.00 71 71 333 172 161 61 58 24 101 18 620 Jujhar Ghat 408.00 8 9 47 26 21 3 1 10 16 4 621 Jarua Guda 745.00 9 16 63 36 27 3 1 4 19 12 622 Dasonda 532.00 76 97 499 254 245 77 68 87 14 136 27 14'


WORKERS ~ II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers , .-~---.. r---A...... , r---"---. r---"---. r--A--.., r---"---.. r--A--.., r---"---. r-....A-., r-~---" L.C • M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 2J. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

40 8 1 50 64 571 42 2 2 1 2 7 57 93 572 118 78 28 45 13 2 66 82 2 1 10 4 190 220 573 25 11 7 1 29 50 574 .. Uninhabited •. .. 575 32 3 33 24 1 31 7 2 2 82 153 576 121 1 29 15 3 37 32 7 156 285 577 216 5 69 58 8 74 45 4 21 2 286 538 578 62 2 2 40 2 1 49 79 57!) 34 1 11 23 2 51 70 580 76 37 12 14 3 1 1 94 100 581 79 29 26 22 1 84 120 582 66 19 14 2 3 3 3 72 148 583 54 10 9 5 57 103 584 263 12 81 102 5 52 17 9 3 2 9 2 328 592 585 35 3 12 8 1 28 55 586 41 8 11 22 12 1 38 83 587 .. Uninhabited .. .. 588 325 26 144 99 1 399 696 589 173 40 49 19 i 6 4 3 5 188 318 590 68 6 18 1 1 1 1 60 143 591 180 17 77 133 5 33 5 15 2 23 325 445 592 .. .. Uninhabited 593 12 1 7 17 6 25 42 594 28 2 4 5 1 2 35 50 595 140 11 69 56 2 6 4 1 5 155 287 596 1 2 2 2 10 n 597 104 1 72 79 1 2 1 3 129 257 598 93 4 55 48 2 32 7 5 6 117 256 599 70 23 14 25 1 59 106 600 11 5 2 11 22 601 97 1 32 12 21 2 2 70 18 4 2 2 50 11 4 38 5 300 534 602 185 29 61 70 7 14 8 3 3 9 1 19 3 271 451 603 123 56 34 70 5 20 2 2 5 160 224 604 .. Uninhabited .. .. 60S 58 15 13 16 2 76 88 606 67 3 5 22 1 48 105 607 38 1 4 11 2 39· 73 608 122 8 19 11 2 1 4 177 290 609 116 9 63 114 11 12 6 2 6 1 158 212 610 .. Uninhabited .. .. 611 1 2 1 612 35 15 24 23 3 2 49 73 613 63 46 34 33 2. 2 94 110 614 82 1 30 29 2 9 3 102 221 61S 42 54 41 1 58 125 616 IS3 72 31 40 2 2 1 7 146 231 617 37 3 14 6 7 1 48 107 618 67 2 25 J5 7 1 71 143 619 9 7 4 10 17 620 6 4 11 7 1 17 15 621 94 8 22 19 14 4 118 218 622 150


Arcaof Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r----- village in pied Hou'le- (including institu- and (I-IX? Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Tribes ". pc:rsons Workers Name of Village! of TOVln! dential ,,less__ population).-A- Castes .L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,....--"------. r-~ ,....___"'_---"", ,---"---, No. Urban BlocK Kml P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15 16

623 Gambhira 204.00 29 29 169 77 92 3 13 41 10 624', Sagoni Kalan 3,548.00 84 104 538 281 257 52 42 42 2 143 , 8 625 Arth Kheda 427.00 9R 128 651 344 307 44 49 82 10 212 '87 626 Rohni Hatri 470.00 Uninhabited 627 Barvata 1,027.00 31 44 207 101 106 39 46 11 58 to 628 Sagoni Khurd 190.00 28 37 187 95 92 32 31 19 5· 57 4 .. 629 Salaiya Hatri 3,598.00 74 98 415 202 2.13 41 29 23 9 115 46 630 Dhamara 524.00 49 49 257 140 117 4 2 34 79 20 631 Tori 775.00 166 192 885 .448 437 151 1S1 161 30 246 163 632 Devri Jamadar 672.00 195 197 902 468 434 140 122 130 30 277 54 633 Ragenda 695.00 .. Uninhabited 634 Batka 314.00 .. Uninhabited 635 Sagoriya 923.00 75 100 552 271 281 33 34 49 4 154 81 636 ImaJiaghat 1,392.00 106 106 584 294 290 53 S4 58 . 3 177 21 637 Mahua Kheda 499.00 16 16 97 52 45 1 1 19 21 2 638 Kankar 424.00 68 68. 341 184 157 13 IS 28 15 122 102 639 Kalapani 2,9}9.oo 18 20 90 50 40 2 1 2 32 12 67 640 lamunia 543.00 67 73 343 175 168 21 18 3 114 641 Somkheda Kalan 1,088.00 111 124 668 330 338 68 73 114 26 188 84 642 Somkheda Khurd . 214.00 .. Uninhabited 643 Chirai 499.00 26 26 141 71 70 ·.16 43 9 644 Manka 1.077.00 224 236 1.118 578 540 121 130 84 13 3S5 71 10 645 Daba 20l.oo 41 41 181 89 92 13 14 75 62 36 646 Hardua Khurd 1,499.00 53 53 257 133 124 29 28 29 2 70 8 647 Ganeshpura 392.00 14 14 45 25 20 7 2 1 '12 68 44 648 Khagar 422.00 41 48 215 119 96 10 6 17 79 649 Suhela 749.00 91 113 590 302 288 61 47 57 4 156 650 Dcvdongra 840.00 32 32 165 81 84 3 44 3 651 Hinoti 1.478.00 . 104 112 587 293 294 49 47 44 161 13 652 Mudari 1.031.00 104 104 469 251 218 44 57 49 7 142 653 Lukam 237.00 Uninhabited 31 654 Pondi 142.00 20 20 77 44 33 655 Lamt; Ryt. 217.00 Uninhabited 55 5 656 Lamti Mal. 301.00 33 33 165 97 (;8 21 15 144 26 657 Ramgarb 620.00 93 103 469 250 219 81 67 73 15 1 68 6 658 Duhli 965.00 35 42 259 127 132 6 10 15 47 341 71 659 Laklaka 4,114.00 220 239 1.232 630 602 104 88 200 660 Bhagada 382.00 .. Uninhabited 34 1 74 3 661 Jhapan 686.00 SO 53 285 153 132 16 16 50 7 80 19 662 Sooradehi 331.00 51 51 307 155 152 23 25 35 663 lamun Hatri 228.00 17 17 130 71 59 22 1 Ukarpar 1,987.00 16 16 95 44 51 664 10 72 9 665 Gorkha 264.00 41 49 250 125 125 9 4 50 48 180 26 666 Mohad 1,088.00 106 114 613 319 294 50 49 667 Bansapura 586.00 Uninhabited 518.00 41 44 230 120 110 26 7 59 9 668 Dukarsata 43 1,322.00 231 241 1.106 574 532 107 94 196 45 305 669 Pura Karondi 1 25 5 670 Achalpura 426.00 16 16 81 39 42 30 30 85 26 135 67 671 Gohanchi 692.00 97 100 466 236 230 .82 51 164 56 216 134 672 Jhalon 683.00 142 142 659 370 289 Uninhabited 673 Jarka 469.00 Uninhabited 674 Nadia Gubra 292.00 151


WOR KERS --~ ---A. 1 ' U III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,--"--, ,----'--, r--~ r--"----. ,-~ ,---"--, ,---"---, ,-,-'----, ,---"--, ,---"---, ,--"--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 \9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

31 4 5 3 4 3 36 82 623 116 1 26 ·7 1 138 249 624 129 48 22 31 8 36 2 6 2 10 3 132 220 625 .. .. Uninhabited .. ., 6'26 53 5 5 5 43 96 627 28 27 4 ] 38 88 628 82 7 31 37 2 2 87 167 629 46 2 28 16 3 1 1 1 1 61 97 630 115 . 21 96 132 2 5 10 3 4 4 15 ] 202 274 631 179 11 74 4] 2 10 3 9 1 191 380 632 .. Uninhabited .. ., 633 " Uninhabited .. .. 634 95 23 51 58 6 2 117 200 635 137 5 20 16 1 3 16 117 269 636 18 1 5 1 4 25 43 637 101 1 21 101 62 55 638 27 3 5 9 18 28 639 83 25 29 42 2 61 101 640 138 38 19 23 9 ]3 9 4 4 14 142 254 641 .. Uninhabited .. ., 642 36 4 6 5 1 28 61 643 209 11 123 54 3 15 5 4 1 223 469 644 51 7 11 2 1 27 82 645 38 7 21 27 7 2 4 63 88 646 6 1 2 3 6 2 13 12 647 40 7 28 37 51 52 648 78 5 77 74 .. 1 146 ~9 649 41 2 1 37 84 650 110 48 3 3 132 291 651 107 34 13 1 109 205 652 .. Uninhabited •. .. 653 22 9 ., 13 33 654 ., Uninhabited .. .. 655 39 15 5 1 42 63 656 95 4 35 21 1 2 8 106 193 657 51 1 15 5 2 59 126 658 190 5 114 54 23 11 2 12 289 531 659 ., Uninhabited .. .. 660 62 1 9 2 2 79 129 661 44 3 30 16 6 75 133 662 33 2 36 59 663 18 4 1 22 SO 664 67 6 4 2 53 116 665 151 4 19 22 2 7 139 268 666 .. Uninhabited .. .. 667 46 3 7 4 6 2 61 101 668 177 12 44 18 13 2 20 7 41 9 269 489 669 16 9 S 14 37 670 79) 18 34 43 8 9 5 1 1 3 101 163 671 110 6 12 122 8 6 3 2 1 9 1 2 6 2 154 15S 672 ., Uninhabited .. .. 673 .. Uninhabited .. .. 674 152


Area of Occu- No_ of Total Population Literate ,---- village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IXI Acres and resi- hold~ tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardj Ward in houses ,----A- ,_.._____" ,--"--...... ,__.._----. ,-_.._____" No. Urban Block Kma P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

675 Hardua Hathighat 1,730.00 144 149 765 399 366 67 65 92 10 209 77 676 Simaria 1,220.00 82 106 509 262 247 51 54 50 9 150 71 671 Bairagarh 871.00 60 60 279 147 132 25 22 .... 44 10 83 9 678 Mohra Maj guwan 1,872.00 198 198 928 445 483 90 86 166 15 278 165 679 Karondi Kalan 680.00 67 67 385 197 188 6 9 52 5 98 17 680 Karondi Khurd 221.00 25 34 161 79 82 7 42 7 681 Banda Pahar Mal. 466.00 42 42 247 117 130 76 82 5 66 21 682 Banda Pahar Raiyat 62.00 .. Uninhabited 683 K.evlari 1,291.00 83 83 411 200 211 25 26 45 7 109 81 684 Putrighat Mal. 274.00 53 57 251 141 110 4 4 20 3 88 3 685 Putrighat Ryt. 339.00 4 5 22 12 10 11 6 1 686 Hinoti Sarra 971.00 171 174 1,034 519 515 133 149 186 31 317 42 687 Majguwan Chakk 147.00 29 31 173 85 88 6 4 26 8 54 12 688 Samdai 2,467.00 176 180 1,016 552 464 79 55 96 10 284 51 689 Majguwan Mal. 872.00 90 90 429 233 196 69 53 43 1 137 49 690 Sanga 2,273.00 159 159 810 421 389 176 152 133 38 241 35 691 Panji 890.00 53 65 262 130 132 38 34 24 6 78 22 692 Harduwa Khurd 976.00 93 93 462 247 215 46 43 59 12 135 47 693 Berdhana Mal. 221.00 Uninhabited 694 Umariya Panji 256.00 .. Uninhabited 695 Berdhana Ryt. 181.00 54 54 290 152 138 20 2 80 26 696 Magardha Gubra 2,872.00 .. Uninhabited 697 Gubra Kalan 2,872.00 33 33 171 85 86 7 8 13 49 11 698 Ghutaria 262.00 21 21 105 51 54 27 2 699 Bagdari 547.00 44 44 179 89 90 4 7 2 1 53 7 700 Kham Khcda Singorgarh 977.00 48 51 228 114 114 10 5 13 2 64 7 701 Devri Kachhyai 309.00 3 3 11 6 5 1 3 702 Dalpatpur 1,012.00 16 18 64 32 32 2 1 8 15 4 703 Ajcctpur 210.00 38 40 203 109 94 34 38 36 6 38 5 704 Sinspur 831.00 ., Uninhabited 70S Nibora Ryt. 513.00 13 19 99 51 48 10 1 29 2 706 Khamariya Ajcctpur 1,156.00 97 122 614 327 287 39 40 118 23 165 19 707 Devri Nizam 717.00 84 84 306 167 139 12 10 4 92 8 708 Budhela 757.00 23 32 196 90 106 12 2 50 5 709 Pidrai Panji i 2,135.00 145 145 642 340 302 37 34 122 21 187 55 710 Bamhori Panj i 905.00 124 124 632 308 324 25 20 74 4 174 45 711 Harrai Panj i 557.00 19 19 112 SO 62 14 25 1 712 Batali 357'00 16 16 88 39 49 15 1 21 1 713 Belwara 1,143.00 79 19 429 215 214 30 32 40 6 154 106 714 Jamun Kheda 862.00 111 111 563 298 265 42 35 95 5 137 11 715 Manpura 473.00 48 48 212 104 108 8 12 33 56 70 716 Tipni 2,i03.00 29 29 121 64 57 1 41 22 717 Aoriya Mal. 490.00 73 84 319 140 179 3 24 92 13 718 Aoriya Ryt. 257.00 3 3 10 6 4 3 2 719 Magdupura 693.00 121 121 615 332 283 50 38 89 9 178 52 720 Del Khedi Gubra 445.00 Uninhabited 721 Sehri Dhaneta 1,054.00 178 207 991 511 480 54 51 214 35 282 114 722 Dhaneta Mal. 739.00 t 78 180 745 361 384 72 62 118 29 204 75 723 Dhaneta Ryt. 343.00 Uninhabited 724 Harduwa Gubra 905.00 37 37 190 104 86 25 21 9 63 17 72S Dhana 514.00 45 45 258 126 132 12 14 14 1 84 37 726 Sasns Kalan 363.00 118 118 501 253 248 18 8 49 4 151 17 1 S3


WORKERS ---. IT III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VITI IX X Non- Workers ,--A.--., ,----A.--., ,--~ ,.-~ ,~ ,-~ ,-''---, ,-~ ,--,A---, ,-''---, ,---"---., LoCo M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F NO'. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

119 6 65 60 2 1 14 9 4 5 190 289 675 72 5 57 62 12 3 9 1 112 176 676 43 2 23 5 2 10 1 1 3 1 64 123 677 156 26 72 121 5 h .... 30 8 1 4 3 11 5 167 318 678 89 4 6 13 1 1 99 171 679 35 3 6 4 37 75 680 43 7 23 14 51 109 681

• 0 Uainhabited o. 682 88 62 19 18 1 91 130 683 70 3 14 2 53 107 684 6 t 6 9 685 157 4 97 21 4 33 10 2 7 1 15 7 202 473 686 37 4 14 8 2 I 31 76 687 171 9 97 40 1 9 2 1 3 268 413 688 85 18 47 31 2 2 1 96 147 68~ 191 5 20 24 11 4 2 2 4 1 10 1 180 354 690 51 7 12 13 1 11 1 3 1 52 110 691 96 16 21 27 16 3 2 1 112 168 692

o0 Uninhabited o. .0 693

o0 Uninhabited o. (;94 71 7 4 5 5 14 72 112 695

o0 Uninhabited 0 0 696 43 7 4 4 1 36 75 697 26 2 1 24 52 698 42 4 7 3 1 2 1 36 83 699 49 3 12 4 1 2 50 107 700 3 3 5 701 15 4 17 28 702 29 3 8 2 71 89 703 o. Uuinhabited .. 704 24 1 5 1 22 46 705 142 8 17 11 2 4 162 268 706 71 5 21 3 75 131 707 48 4 2 40 101 708 117 14 13 10 25 10 24 10 2 4 153 247 709 96 8 35 17 17 1 23 18 2 134 279 710 22 1 3 25 61 711 21 1 18 48 712 82 7 71 99 1 61 108 713 118 10 15 1 3 1 161 254 714 49 31 6 39 48 38 715 21 17 22 3 23 35 716 83 7 12 48 166 717 ~ 1 2 3 2 718 126 33 52 3 4 3 9 154 231 719 .. Uninltabited o. 720 169 4 95 109 1 6 I 10 229 366 721 156 32 24 18 I 13 22 3 6 157 309 722 Uninhabited o. 723 32 31 17 41 69 724 40 1 44 36 .. 42 95 725 58 1 73 14 12 2 2 6 102 231 726 154


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in piad House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled SCheduled 'educated Total dential less population) Tribes persons Workers Name of Village/ of Town/ ,-__-A. Castes L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,---"-----, r--A..-, r----"-----. ,-- --"-----. No. Urban BIocl( KID· P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .. _._----- .. _--_._--- . -----_._-- ._ --- _- -~.------__ .. _._------727 Kuwa Kheri Mal. 26:>.00 .. Uninhabited 728 Kuwa Kheri Ryt. 318.00 .. Uninhabited 729 Bisna Kheri 1,020.00 54 54 274 116 158 4 8 6 2 71 14 730 Sasna Khurd 307.00 23 28 138 65 73 I 37 24 731 Ted Mihguwan R,yt. 466.00 .. Uninhabited 732 Bardgati 919.00 67 67 228 119 109 19 21 37 4 78 38 733 Ubhasili 222.00 .. Uninhabited 'i34 Devlari Taradehi 538.00 63 63 290 144 146 5 6 31 3 96 82 735 Bandakpur Ramgarh 71.00 .. Uninhabited 15 736 Unhari Kheda Mal. 158.00 40 40 135 67 68 8 6 10 46 737 Unhari Kheda R,yt. 352.00 21 21 92 43 49 1 19 9 738 Khapa 225.00 .. Uninhabited .. 5 739 Jamun Jhiri 352.00 27 27 81 43 38 3 30 103 65 740 Tindni Ramgarh 226.00 75 75 341 178 163 62 73 30 3 95 68 23 741 Dudhiya Ryt. No.1 330.00 45 45 226 119 107 11 10 92 3 7 742 Dudhiya Ryt. No.2 ,_380.00 6 6 30 13 17 29 157 26 743 Kudpura 726.00 142 146 561 299 262 13 11 141 56 . 26 66 29 744 Umariya Ryt. 1,158.00 72 77 266 132 134 19 11 745 Umariya Sarra 270.00 .. Uninhabiteli 4 11 1 746 Devri Shankar 347.00 8 8 28 15 13 29 1 51 3 747 Sarsela Mal. 241.00 46 61 189 94 95 50 11 Baria 448.00 41 41 190 100 90 13 8 56 26 748 5 16 5 Sarsela Ryt. 325.00 9 9 46 25 21 749 3 9 9 Madho Sarra 725.00 25 27 36 18 18 750 93 71 1 Foolar 781.00 60 60 206' 112 94 751 39 2 55 1 Bhaisa Sarra 997.00 62 62 237 109 128 3 8 752 238 63 267 7 Sarra 830.00 180 181 919 473 446 40 38 753 7 33 20 Majguwan Sarra 431.00 24 24 105 52 53 754 1 16 11 Satapari Ryt. 1,844.00 12 13 68 39 29 755 10 1 756 Mulra 1,128.00 11 11 27 13 14 21 73 5 184 22 757 Bansi 1,980.00 140 141 643 342 301 17 1 1 Cbikhali 269.00 1 1 1 1 758 10 Layra Ryt. 389.00 5 5 30 14 16 759 7 24 760 Kusmi Sarra 665.00 4 4 79 45 34 Dilakarwaha Ryt. 174.00 .. Uninhabited 761 29 3 55 1 Pidrai Kopadeori 380.00 40 40 190 86 104 762 95 26 139 9 Khamariya Shiv 497.00 98 100 534 266 268 43 35 763 23 35 Konpadeori 404.00 20 20 97 53 44 764 4 765 PadraiRyt. 741.00 1 2 19 8 11 766 Khamtara Ryt. 498.00 Uninhabited 8 10 28 2 767 Khamtara Mal. 469.00 31 31 128 ,60 68 11 11 43 2 768 Jhamra 355.00 31 32 147 74 13 Pipra 293.00 Uninhabited 169 157 62 164 10 Saras Bagli Mal. 493.00 108 110 614 332 282 19 22 770 16 2 37 6 Saras Bagli Ryt. 235.00 25 31 130 69 61 14 10 771 2 22 3 1,236.00 17 94 50 44 772 Rampura (Ryt.) 15 17 1 251.00 13 14 72 35 37 773 Mabka 126 35 140 42 831.00 101 109 576 2811 288 43 43 774 Bamhori Mal. 4 2 8 3 684.00 5 5 28 15 13 775 Bamhori Ryt. 9 4 11 8 166.00 10 11 61 30 31 776 Barvata Taradehi 9 777 Khari Dcvri 225.00 10 10 34 19 15 1 4 40 6 778 Devri Khari 269.00 27 32 160 82 78 155


WORKERS ---. 1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X. Non- , Workers r--A--... ,....--"-----., ,....-.....A-., ,....--A....-., ,--'L-., ,....--A....-., ,---'L-., r---''--, r--A.-.. r---"---. ,....---"-----., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

.. Uninhabited .. 727 .. Uninhabited .. 728 40 3 31 11 45 144 729 11 1 1 3 4 21 20 28 49 730 Uninhabited .. 731 36 40 37 41 71 732 .. Uninhabited .. .. 733 51 3 40 77 1 3 2 48 64 734 .. Uninhabited .. 735 37 5 12 4 3 il S3 '736 19 2 7 •• 24 40 ;37 .. Uninhabited .. 738 28 1 2 4 13 33 739 SO 6 48 59 4 75 98 740 28 3 37 20 2 51 84 741 6 1 6 17 742 110 2 22 23 2 17 2 3 142 236 743 49 3 16 26 1 66 105 744 ., Uninhabited .. 745 11 1 4 12 746 45 3 5 1 43 92 747 32 4 16 7 2 50 79 748 10 6 5 9 16 749 8 9 9 9 750 71 1 41 93 751 53 1 1 1 54 127 752 213 3 22 3 6 19 7 206 439 753 24 6 20 2 1 19 33 754 13 3 11 23 18 755 8 2 1 3 13 756 167 11 15 11 158 279 757 1 .. 758 5 4 4 16 759 1 22 21 33 760 .. Uninhabited .. .. 761 26 29 I 31 103 762 79 3 SO 4 4 2 2 4 127 259 763 12 23 18 44 764 4 4 11 765 .. ., Uninhabited .. .. 766 24 2 1 "" 32 66 767 42 .,2 31 71 768 .. Uninhabited .. .. 769 138 7 21 2 1 4 168 272 770 25 5 2 6 4 32 55 771 20 1 3 28 41 771 10 7 1 18 36 773 115 9 19 33 2 2 2 148 246 174 7 3 1 7 10 775 13 3 8 1 .. 13 23 776 9 10 IS 777 32 7 5 42 72 778 156


Arcaof ()ccu- No. of Total Population Literate village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi· holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Townf dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. TownfWardf Ward in houses ,-_ __.A. ,-__..J..---, ,---A----., ,----'-_---, ,-_...-A-_ No. Urban Block' Kml P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .2 13 14 15 16

779 Palwa 379.00 23 24 89 44 45 3 5 2S 4 780 Salaiya 92.00 Uninhabited 781 Hanmat wago 676.00 20 20 97 50 47 11 1 31 1 782 Jamun Taradehi 268.00 54 54 218 111 107 7 2 4 1 61 8 783 Sandi Taradehi 635.00 115 117 636 331 305 22 21 233 9 159 33 784 Sajpani 271.00 4 4 21 9 12 1 5 2 785 Chandna 450.00 61 61 333 161 172 15 19 66 ' 8 87 15 786 Harrai Khari D~ori 2,049.00 57 57 295 153 142 14 9 47 1 99 11 787 Pura Khari Deori 1,190.00 Uninhabited 788 Koshanda 75.00 15 27 60 31 29 21 8 789 SakbChakk 231.00 .. Uninhabited 790 Sakla Mal 330.00 8 8 37 21 16 12 2 10 1 791 ChorkhamariYa 714.00 30 30 145 74 71 12 43 8 792 Taradehi Chakk 203.00 Uninhabited .. 793 Taradehi Mal 537.00 206 208 1,282 680 602 15 9 352 161 312 24 794 Jaitgarh Ryt. 648.00 .. Uninhabited 795 Pathado Taradebi 163.00 Uninhabited 796 Jaitgarh Mal 780.00 59 75 341 173 168 23 22 31 7 84 9 797 Sarra Tuda 408.00 29 37 129 67 62 3 31 3 798 Vikarampur 460.00 .. Uninhabited 799 Kot kheda Mal 562.00 67 87 352 171 181 4 3 50 4 99 10 800 Kotkheda Ryt. 107.00 .. Uninhabited 801 Bamnoda 833.00 130 145 415 220 195 4 6 56 4 109 15 802 Biltara Pondi 646.00 80 80 423 197 226 4 7 45 1 121 3 803 Gupalpur Taradehi 663.00 27 27 128 66 62 5 42 4 804 Kodal 788.00 108 109 527 275 252. 15 10 73 10 ISS 79 80S DaroJi 131.00 72 76 322 166 156 8 9 21 4 102 35 806 Samnapur Ryt. 291.00 Uninhabited 807 Samnapur Mal. 9G6.oo 263 263 1,345 681 664 56 53 204 48 377 92 808 Changuwan Abadi 88.00 .. Uninhabited 809 Changuwan Chakk 117.00 Uninhabited 810 Kachhar Dhangor Chakk 99.00 20 20 97 40 57 11 27 8 811 Kacbhar Dhangor 490.00 .. Uninhabited 812 Bhopatha Mal. 457.00 18 18 83 40 43 2 22 6 813 Bhopatha Ryt. 73.00 Uninhabited 814 Surguwan 243.00 13 13 70 32 38 12 5 16 7 815 Khakal'iya Khurd 2,266.00 52 52 283 149 134 3 89 3 816 Khakariya Ryt. 88.00 Uninhabited 817 Khakariya Kalan 548.00 40 40 182 90 92 11 2 54 6 818 Hathidol 258.00 34 34 167 88 79 9 1 44 1 819 Ja.llwa Imalidol 3,045.00 19 19 80 38 42 23 1 820 Silgi 1,814.00 .. Uninhabited 821 Pidrai Taradehi 544.00 25 25 112 56 56 1 30 1 822 Imalidol 10,946.00 128 128 679 349 330 19 12 61 4 211 2 823 Amwahi Ryt. 182.00 .. Uninhabited 824 AmwahiMal. 256.00 47 47 218 lOS 113 4 1 8 63 64 82~ Badipura 539.00 135 135 664 343 321 13 12 123 26 201 70 826 Dangour Kalan 599.00 263 267 1,314 676 638 91 79 257 49 359 110 827 Singpur Taradehi 162.00 .. Uninhabited 828 Baheriya Ryt. No.2 79.00 9 9 44 24 20 7 14 11 829 Baheriya Ryt No. 1 34.00 .. Uninhabited 830 Baberiya Mal 191.00 66 66 315 167 148 6 11 73 7 107 89 157


WORKERS___.___ ~ 1, II III IV V(a) V{I;J) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers r---"-...... --A----.. r--~ r-....J<....-... r-~ r--"--. ,--"--. ,-~ ,-_.I...... -, r-_L~ ._.A--, L.C . M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

21 2 3 .; 2 19 41 779 Uninhabited " 780 26 5 I 19 46 731 40 t 17 1 3 1 50 99 782 92 3 37 28 5 10 2 7 2 6 172 272 783 5 2 .. ' 4 10 784 56 .2 6 13 12 2 2 9 74 157 185 45 1 13 7 40 3 1 54 131 786 ., Uninhabited " 787 10 I 7 6 10 21 788 "- Uninhabited " 789 5 2 1 2 .'. 1 11 15 790 27 2 15 6 31 63 791 Uninhabited " 792 167 14 78 2 9 7 2 2 22 1 1 26 5 368 578 793 Uninhabited " 794 Uninhabited .. 795 72 7 2 9 1 89 IS9 796 27 2 4 36 59 797 Uninhabited " 798 81 8 11 5 12 171 799 Uninhabited .. 800 98 5 9 10 1 1 111 180 801 117 3 1 1 2 76 223 802 40 2 2 2 24 58 803 123 13 26 62 3 2 2 3 120 173 804 84 31 9 4 8 1 64 121 805 Uninhabited 806 210 23 85 50 13 44 10 2 3 15 5 8 1 304 572 807 Uninhabited .. 808 Uninhabited .. 809 26 8 13 49 810 Uninhabited .. 811 15 2 5 4 2 ,. 18 31 812 Uninhabited 813 12 3 7 16 31 814 83 3 6 60 131 815 Uninhabited .. 816 4S 2 8 4 1 36 86 817 43 1 1 44 78 818 15 41 819 23 .. .' " Uninhabited .820 27 1 2 1 26 55 821 163 2 33 2 ,. .' .. 11 2 138 328 822 Uninhabited .. 823 5S 4 7 60 1 42 49 824 7 142 251 825 123 8 52 60 1 17 2 " 239 27 70 78 14 19 5 .. .. 2 14 317 528 826 Uninhabited 827 6 7 11 ...... 10 9 828 Uninhabited .. 829 81 6 22 83 2 60 S9 830 US


Area of Qccu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----- village ill pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) AcreS and resi- hOlds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village! of Town! denlial less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Waldin houses r- r----"-~ r-A~ ,...-___..A._-----, ..--'--, No. Urban Block: Kms P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 IS 16

831 Ramadehi 711.00 35 41 234 118 116 II 12 20 2 66 7 832 Bhodi Mal 386.00 41 51 230 116 114 1 3 19 1 68 ]3 833 Tendu Kheda 2,151.00 454 464 2,3981,2621,]36 100 93 617 263 614 145 834 Cltourai 1,390.00 113 138 730 394 336 28 22 143 16 224 39 835 Iharali 1,708.00 80 ]04 484 248 236 5 ] 75 4 121 ]2 836 Bhondi Ryt. 283.00 Uninhabited 837 Narguwan Ryt. 169.00 .. Uninhabited 838 Narguwan Mal. 638.00 91 107 528 279 249 44 23 84 22 138 21 839 Narwa Kuhi 843.00 16 17 77 34 43 6 6 1 28 9 840 Padsjhir 4,]78.00 22 3] 142 69 73 2S 23 5 43 11 841 SahajpuT 960.00 59 79 379 197 182 66 48 28 6 116 6 842 Vikrampur 39).00 Uninhabited 843 Dharampur 863.00 4 4 22 14 8 3 5 3


DAMOn: (U.A.) 16.07 11,024 59,983 28,364 4,928 11,579 2,750 11,068 31,619 5,359 20,220 13,471 31/11 Damoh eM> 15.51 10,917 59,489 28,136 4,905 11,529 2,737 10,%1 31,353 5,333 .. 20,075 13,345 31//[/1 Civil Ward No. I 650 650 3,071 1,730 /,341 }04 65 .. 1,132 647 809 127 Block No. I 96 96 499 273 226 37 26 162 105 111 30 Block No. 2 96 96 640 428 212 29 9 307 106 21.5 2 Block No. 3 218 218 769 436 333 30 27 229 108 232 59 Block No. 4 133 133 623 316 307 2 231 169 126 19 Block No. 5 107 107 540 271 263 6 3 203 159 125 17 31/11/2 Civil Ward No. 2 605 605 2,7881,5291,259 38 28 .. 1,097 644 625 106 Block No. 6 142 142 710 382 328 14 15 262 IS8 157 14 Block No. 7 145 145 634 326 308 274 228 131 36 Block No. 8 162 162 783 431 352 24 13 276 129 205 53 Block No. 9 ]56 156 661 390 271 285 129 132 3 31j(l/3 Civil W(;rd No. 3 445 454 2,5981,3621,236 107 101 854 479 576 28 Block No. 10 143 143 615 344 271 81 67 183 70 170 8 Block No. 11 124 124 683 360 323 17 12 229 149 138 13 Block No. 12 62 69 624 3J3 311 225 130 126 Block No. 13 117 118 676 345 331 9 22 217 130 142 7 11/11/4 Civil Ward No. 4 468 470 2,416 1,303 1,113 85 87 900 475 577 107 Block No. 14 140 140 678 345 333 28 32 219 122 191 57 Block No. 15 119 119 (50 335 315 38 41 244 167 151 17 Block No. 16 94 94 484 278 206 1 2 192 72 115 19 Block No. 17 115 II7 604 345 259 18 12 245 114 120 14 31/11/5 Maganj Ward No. 5 400 403 2,223 1,171 1,052 88 77 858 545 448 43 Block No. 18 116 119 520 288 232 10 6 202 94 122 19 Block No. 19 89 89 567 293 274 221 162 107 6 Block No. 20 103 t03 638 325 313 6 6 255 188 120 5 Block No. 21 92 92 498 265 233 72 6.5 180 101 99 13 IS9 DAMOR TAUSn.. DAMOR (U.A.)

WORKERS ------.~------~ 11 III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X NOD­ Workers ,-~ ,.--__.A.--, ,--~--.. ,-...A-., ,.----A.-..., ,.----A.-..., ,-...A-..-., ,.----"--, ,---"--, ,.--~ ,--.-.A----.. L.C. M F M F M FM FM FM FM FM FM FM F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

61 2 3 2 2 3 52 109 831 61 5 l 2 2 1 5 1 1 48 101 832 211 18 46 29 17 1 .. 144 73 11 5 8 58 2 6 ., 112 17 648 991 833 170 ~ 15 9 1 21 9 1 16 ., 170 297 834 103 6 13 6 4 1 ., 127 224 835 Uninbabited 836 Uninhabited 837 87 9 18 3 5 3 1 3 4 2 19 5 141 228 838 22 2 6 7 6 34 839 27 2 13 9 2 1 26 62 840 87 1 18 4 6 4 81 176 841 Uninhabited 842 4 9 5 843

------_ ------_------URBAN AGGLOMERATION

748 287 521 28 2,592 l,S08 552 2,674 1,661 2,900 18,148 78 (i6 19 4 1,560 106 140 186 45 546 25,614 31fB 746 257 51l Z8 2,580 1,500 519 2,662 1,657. 2,884 18,008 78 64 19 4 1,553 106 139 184 4S S45 25,399 50 1 5 25 2 59 10 46 6 99 53 78 19 41 1 406 35 9211,21431111/1 1 4 31 8 12 2 2 24 9 14 23 7 162 196 1 39 5 616 4 5 .. 150 1 213 210 2 1 9 8 3 94 51 3 1 11 ., 103 7 204 274 3 6 7 II 20 5 1 20 1 5 56 12 190 288 3 5 3 1 5 2 27 8 6 74 8 152 246 5 16 1 5 29 13 23 51 2 46 19 58 2 83 1 323 58 904 1,153 31/11/2 5 1 5 2 16 3 22 1 14 89 11 225 314 6 5 3 4 12 6 14 1 33 54 35 195 272 7 4 1 1 8 11 22 12 30 19 11 16 .. 112 11 226 299 8 2 12 12 2 7 11 20 68 1 258 268 9 13 7 17 SO 1I 54 5 22 3 283 2 54 76 7 786 1,208 31/11/3 6 9 38 5 19 13 20 1 34 31 1 174 263 10 7 7 6 7 6 11 6 3 53 1 15 26 3 222 310 11 2 14 1 .. 106 3 187 311 12 2 3 10 4 2 .. 104 5 16 3 203 324 13 18 1 6 1 10 1 78 41 50 1 15 3 137 15 109 7 154 37 7261,00631/11/4 5 1 38 21 4 5 45 8 41 4 52 23 154 276 14 48 5 24 2 184 298 15 9 2 18 2 8 1 3 39 5 25 8 3 16 15 21 3 1 24 1 14 1 163 187 16 2 19 I 20 49 8 225 245 17 1 4 6 3 17 4 26 2 29 1 21 14 69 5 20 3 144 5 66 1 73 12 713 1,00931/11/5 12 I 4 II 9 12 2 7 26 22 28 5 166 213 18 6 1 8 5 2 21 49 5 13 3 186 268 19 5 16 18 3 46 2 17 15 2 205 308 20 3 1 3 3 18 3 10 2 23 2 22 17 2 166 220 21 160


Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r---- village in pied House­ (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons, Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,-__...:A.____ ,---A---, ~---, r----A----, ,--.A.---. No. Urbari BlocK Kml PM F MFMF M F MF

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

31/11/6 Mo,anj Ward No. 6 464 473 2,6931,4401,253 40 34 ... 1,111 762 610 46 Block: No. 22 102 109 589 330 259 262 172 151 4 Block No. 23 90 90 547 279 268 222 179 107 9 Block: No. 24 92 92 577 303 274 5 1 227 169 125 7 Block: No. 25 96. 98 537 288 249 17 13 219 134 121 22 Block: No. 26 84 84 443 240 203 18 20 181 108 100 4 31/11/7 Magan} Ward ,No. 7 504 505 2,3241,2461,078 103 87 759 427 530 92 Block No. 21 126 126 582 288 294 35 34 140 87 113 30 Block No. 28 115 115 513 287 226 19 9 195 97 119 5 Block No. 29 131 132 609 342 267 17 14 233 148 139 3 Block No. 30 132 132 620 329 291 32 30 191 95 159 54 31/0/8 Magan} Ward No. 8 379 379 1,9291,006 923 63 64 597. 267 414 68 Block No. 31 86 86 473 253 221 127 53 119 38 Block No. 32 115 115 540 281 258 13 17 214 74 93 6 Block No. 33 100 100 470 242 228 8 13 176. 119 97 18 Block No. 34 78 78 446 230 216 42 34 80 21 105 6 31/11/9 Magan} Ward No. 9 323 326 1,853 984 869 708 620 499 143 437 205 Block No. 3S 95 97 485 263 222 119 94 168 54 106 44 Block No. 36 78 79 454 243 211 243, 211 123 32 123 67 Block No. 37 11 71 493 253 240 243 229 120 31 101 38 Block No. 38 79 79 421 225 196 103 86 88 26 101 56 'l1/ll/IO Naya Bazar Ward No. 10 279 279 1,701 864 837 53 43 473 470 J84 53 Block No. 39 119 119 649 338 311 52 42 235 174 145 12 Block No. 40 80 80 570 276 294 198 149 126 18 Block No. 41 80 80 482 250 232 40 147 113 23 11/11/11 Naya BazQr Ward No. 11 347 347 2,1931,1431,050 757 487 427 40 Block: No. 42 98 98 518 264 254 204 146 91 9 Block No. 43 99 99 600 314 286 163 94 122 24 Block No. 44 77 77 549 282 267 172 93 107 4 Block No. 45 73 73 526 283 243 218 154 101 3 31/11/12 Naya Bazar Ward No. 12 422 422 2,431 1,254 1,177 627 574 585 480 540 90 , Block No. 46 110 110 600 310 290 51 48 138 90 135 10 Block No. 47 103 103 574 304 270 96 76 157 80 139 12 Block No. 48 106 106 613 309 304 284 263 108 160 130 43 Block No. 49 103 103 644 331 313 196 187 182 150 136 25 31/11/13 Naya Bazar Ward No. 13 471 471 2,221 1,159 1,062 620 597 576 229 532 157 Block No. 50 104 104 484 244 240 138 132 105 41 liS 18 Block No. 51 120 120 605 306 299 306 299 132 42 152 68 Block No. 52 113 113 544 282 262 169 160 153 60 127 23 Block No. 53 134 134 588 327 261 7 6 186 86 138 48 31/11/14 P"rll1fQ Bazar Ward No. 14 414 414 2,3551,2571,098 970 650 489 44 Block No. 54 106 106 625 327 298 274 194 126 10 Block No. 55 107 107 602 329 273 238 159 133 6 Block No. 56 103 103 583 318 265 260 174 128 12 Block No. 57 98 98 545 283 262 198 123 102 16 31/11/15 P"rana Bazar Wapd No. 15 327 327 1,9851,046 939 204 178 729 419 453 119 ,.' Block No. 58 75 75 455 234 221 41 42 179 123 90 19 Block No. 59 73 73 487 255 232 188 127 105 3 Block No. 60 102 102 501 267 234 163 136 166 48 131 91 Block No. 61 77 77 542 290 252 196 121 121 6 161


WORKERS 1 II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Workc9"S .-....._~ L.C . M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

26 1 15 26 4 83 3 J 2 265 16 70 1 121 20 8301,20731/11/6 8 2 4 1 22 77 1 4 34 2 179 255 22 7 1 1 1 12 1 53 4 19 13 4 172 259 23 1 4 6 16 1 65 4 15 18 2 178 267 24 5 4 1 2 13 2 2 45 6 16 34 11 161 227 25 5 4 8 20 2 25 1 16 22 1 140 199 26 ·19 1# 1 15 1 28 49 42 2 41 1 34 5 292 10 58 20 716 986 31/11/7 I 1 3 II 4 4 8 3 R8 8 3 7 175 264 27 7 1 2 6 7 1 7 76 1 13 2 168 221 28 1 4 1 16 9 7 88 13 3 203 264 29 10 4 9 1 22 38 16 1 21 12 1 40 29 8 170 231 30 116 19 27 10 5 1 14 19 42 2 15 1 21 9 136 1 38 6 592 855 31/11/8 50 17 16 5 1 1 9 3 2 2 1 5 27 12 ., 134 183 31 19 2 1 3 1 13 1 7 1 31 17 2 188 252 32 4 1 4 4 9 14 3 5 2 55 5 3 145 210 33 43 2 2 4 1 12 9 1 8 1 23 4 1 125 210 34 20 1 19 18 .. 124 159 15 4 7 25 4 202 15 25 4 547 664 31/1I19 3 I 23 34 4 2 2 18 2 45 5 10 ., 151 118 3S I 61 60 1 1 2 57 5 2 ., 120 144 36 2 3 6 31 3 1 4 2 1 86 4 1 1 146 202 37 15 15 16 34 34 8 3 I 14 1 12 3 1'4 140 38 14 6 1 7 69 27 40 7 2 185 9 14 47 9 480 784 31111/10 9 5 1 31 1 13 67 2 22 6 193 299 39 1 1 3 21 11 13 3 2 66 4 5 14 .' 150 216 40 4 1 3 17 15 14 4 52 5 7 11 3 137 209 41 16 2 15 52 17 66 2 i •. 138 4 71 68 15 716 1,010 31/11111 1 1 12 1 1 20 27 19 17 7 167 24S 42 3 32 15 17 1 22 2 26 21 1 192 262 43 5 15 1 12 1 40 2 21 14 175 263 44 10 4 17 1 49 5 16 1 182 240 45 19 2 1J .• 212 42 79 1 25 2 57 3 21 1 112 41 714 1,087 31111/12 8 2 '1 66 8 12 2 10 7 26 2 115 280 46 4 9 33 2 36 10 16 2 4 27 7 165 258 47 31 9 19 10 2 14 1 7 49 30 179 261 48 1 2 82 23 12 3 17 3 10 2 195 288 49 8 1 39 1 14 1 .. 141 Il2 65 3 36 3 58 7 108 63 29 627 90S 31111/13 39 1 42 14 1 2 8 1 16 8 1 129 222 50 4 58 63 16 17 3 5 44 7 2 154 231 51 I 1 41 21 8 15 18 33 10 1 155 239 52 3 12 14 41 2 2 27 6 15 38 25 189 213 53 24 14 65 15 64 1 4 .. 176 3 23 ., ]19 21 768 I,OS4 31/11/14 6 3 16 3 21 1 51 2 3 25 5 201 288 54 5 3 28 4 13 1 50 5 28 2 196 267 55 13 4 3 9 13 2 51 5 32 7 190 253 56 5 12 8 11 24 1 10 34 7 181 246 57 17 8 .. 193 94 69 3 5 2 70 12 30 61 8 593 820 31/11/15 2 5 23 11 13 11 16 20 6 144 202 58 4 18 1 28 1 32 6 17 ., 150 229 59 1 2 83 76 17 3 1 8 11 7 10 2 136 143 60 10 1 69 6 11 2 19 1 14 .• 163 246 61 162


Areaoe Occa· No. of Total Population Literate ,...._._- village in pied House· (including institu. aDd (I·IX) Acces and resi· holds tional and house. Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name of Village/ of Town/ dential le.ss population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses ,----"----.., ,----A.-----... ,---"-----, ,....---'----., ,....---'----, No. Urban Bloc Kmll PM F M F MF M F M F ------_._-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 16 31/11fl6 Asalhi Bazar Ward No. 395 395 2,1721,1331,039 898 653 462 38 Block No. 62 III III 588 297 291 237 192 137 ' 5 Block No. 63 84 84 466 254 212 211 136 98 10 Block No. 64 109 109 609 321 288 239 172 116 9 Block No. 65 91 91 509 261 248 211 153 . 111 14 31/[[/17 Asalhi Ward No. 17 329 336 1,9621,046 916 793 459 428 29 Block No. 66 78 78 465 261 204 193 129 1I0 6 Block No. 67 77 77 417 216 201 174 135 80 9 Block No. 68 94 101 561 289 272 230 73 115 10 Block No. 69 80 80 519 280 239 196 122 123 4 31/11/18 Futera Ward No. 18 399 399 2,381 1,27/ 1,110 142 129 869 523 524 144 Block No. 70 106 106 613 335 278 252 151 131 10 Block No. 71 93 93 549 301 248 2 4 219 99 128 36 Block No. 72 117 117 712 363 349 70 74 231 120 147 91 Block No. 73 83 83 507 272 235 70 51 167 153 112 7 31/Il/19 Putera Ward No. 19 400 400 2,1691,1171,052 1 4 829 567 437 14 Block No. 74 89 89 440 230 210 165 122 96 3 Block No. 7S 98 98 578 303 275 225 136 106 3 Block No. 76 89 89 510 252 258 4 183 140 109 7 Block No. 77 124 124 641 332 309 256 169 126 31/11/10 Fulera Ward No. 20 395 405 2,416 1,141 1,174 9 8 808 415 500 52 Block No. 78 97 107 715 364 351 7 8 228 130 161 29 Block No. 79 94 94 609 314 295 175 68 115 '7 Block No. 80 88 88 519 274 245 200 104 liS 5 Block No. 81 116 116 573 290 283 2 205 123 109 11 31/11/21 l'ulera Ward No. 11 359 359 1,9521,033 919 131 124 663 292 436 64 Block No. 82 126 126 661 356 305 22 22 198 74 158 30 Block No. 83 114 114 650 351 299 109 102 219 84 152 21 Block No. 84 119 119 641 326 315 246 134 126 13 31/11/22 Bazaria Ward No. 22 397 397 2,4381,2741,164 93 89 805 458 523 130 Block No. 85 81 81 500 259 241 4 6 157 84 106 10 Block No. 86 91 91 673 371 302 7 5 218 124 ISS 40 Block No. 87 121 121 681 349 332 1 1 257 158 135 46 Block No. 88 104 104 584 295 289 81 77 173 92 127 34 31/11/23 Bazaria Ward No. 23 434 434 2,4191,2121,207 315 312 791 412 564 175 Block No. 89 105 105 553 268 285 210 214 159 54 133 34 Block No. 90 128 128 676 339 337 2S 28 235 1I2 181 71 Block No. 91 117 117 665 334 331 215 153 141 32 Block No. 92 84 84 525 271 254 80 70 182 93 109 38 31fll/24 Bazaria Ward No. 24 399 399 2,0201,038 982 780 755 510 166 496 197 Block No. 93 90 90 416 227 189 194 68 122 18 III 10 Block No. 94 103 103 523 269 254 269 254 101 39 1I8 26 Block No. 9S 98 98 519 261 258 175 181 124 36 132 32 Block No. 96 108 108 562 281 281 142 152 163 73 135 69 31/11/25 Bazaria Ward No. 25 548 548 2,8231,4621,361 614 548 622 223 659 384 Block No. 97 123 123 640 355 285 247 175 133 17 160 130 Block No. 98 100 100 560 285 275 27 22 116 41 115 48 Block No. 99 101 101 491 255 236 158 147 74 26 132 91 Block No. 100 117 117 627 325 302 204 114 124 24 Block No. 101 107 107 50S 242 263 182 204 95 25 128 91 163

DAMOH (u. A.)

WORKERS -----. 1 II ------~------III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX x: Non­ Workers ,.--' , ,.---A.----, ,.--...A--., ,.--A--, ,.--A--, ,.-...A--., r-...A--., ,.--A...... ,.--A--, ,..---''----, r-_J...----, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

24 5 28 34 4 51 1 6 .. 183 7 14 .. 122 21 671 1,001 3///1/16 10 6 14 14 57 3 8 28 1 160 286 62 5 3 2 1 13 1 56 2 20 5 156 202 63 5 2 9 13 1 7 3 38 2 39 5 205 279 64 4 11 6 2 17 1 2 32 4 35 10 150 234 65 20 3 50 1 29 4 54 1 3 .. 163 2 14 1 95 17 618 887 31/11/17 3 2 2 1 24 2 45 6 26 5 151 198 66 7 2 4 15 1 8 23 2 1 21 4 136 192 67 10 1 12 7 1 16 35 3 31 6 174 262 68 32 5 I 6 60 1 3 17 2 157 ~35 69 14 9 4 26 .. 171 100 59 3 12 .. 129- 22 17 87 15 747 966 31/li/18 2 2 4 8 57 4 5 6 25 2 30 2 198 268 70 7 7 1 27 29 13 1 2 34 1 1 36 5 173 212 71 17 46 66 29 2 1 42 20 7 5 3 216 258 72 5 41 1 12 3 28 1 7 16 5 160 228 73 23 14 69 5 59 3 .. 103 1 35 .. 131 8 680 1,038 31/11/19 3 4 16 1 9 16 1 9 39 1 134 207 74 9 3 21 5 1 37 11 19 3 197 272 75 2 4 12 4 28 1 19 5 38 3 143 251 76 9 3 20 17 1 31 10 35 1 206 308 77 21 5 58 .. 153 38 57 2 4 2 70 1 37 95 9 7421,12231//1/20 14 10 40 20 35 2 2 26 12 24 4 203 322 78 5 43 22 7 5 1 11 7 21 .. 199 288 79 1 2 58 3 4 16 12 22 2 159 240 80 2 4 3 33 8 13 3 17 6 28 3 181 272 81 75 3 30 4 28 6 86 36 60 1 4 41 2 32 1 80 11 597 855 31/11/21 40 3 22 6 17 18 29 3 8 1 9 1 27 3 198 275 82 16 2 20 3 3 54 13 2 10 11 36 3 199 278 83 19 1 7 1 3 15 5 29 1 23 12 17 5 200 302 84 31 3 24 2 22 2 .. 150 99 61 4 9 89 10 48 1 89 9 751 1,03431/11/22 6 18 2 2 46 6 8 10 8 8 I 153 231 85 6 1 8 43 37 28 2 3 34 14 19 .. 216 2E2 86 6 2 4 2 25 30 18' 1 2 23 5 15 42 6 214 286 87 13 6 8 36 26 7 1 4 22 4 11 20 2 168 255 88 23 1 22 1 2 .. 158 108 72 4 20 5 58 6 58 .. 151 50 6481,0323//11/23 1 44 9 28 3 JO 2 3 7 40 20 135 251 89 9 4 77 57 14 7 3 23 4 16 31 6 158 266 90 10 17 28 24 17 3 12 1 19 35 5 193 299 91 4 2 9 18 13 20 1 16 45 19 162 216 92 11 51 21 .. 241 136 44 5 29 14 24 2 21 74 19 542 785 31/11124 1 1 68 60 10 3 14 3 4 3 10 4 116 119 93 8 1 56 21 7 2 3 9 34 3 151 228 94 2 49 21 47 8 8 3 10 5 8 3 129 226 95 1 70 47 19 9 11 10 2 4 22 9 146 212 96 33 8 13 3 29 2 26 4 188 240 91 40 48 15 49 11 31 4 151 57 803 977 3I/ll/25 19 8 2 2 3 2 6 2 76 99 8 3 26 4 2 3 7 1 11 6 195 155 97 5 1 20 2 48 33 15 2 '3 7 4 2 15 6 170 227 98 6 7 32 54 34 12 1 7 3 6 39 20 123 145 99 9 5 13 9 11 11 1 6 27 1 10 34 JJ 201 278 100 5 23 43 23 22 15 8 6 4 4 52 14 114 172 101 164


Arcaof Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r--- village in pie" House- (including institu- and (I-IXl Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled. educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in houses r-___A. r---"----.. ~ ~----.. ,-___..___, No. Urban Block Kms P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16

31/11/26 Dharampura Ward No. 26 364 364 1,9561,031 925 408 381 590 227 465 185 Block No. 102 91 91 442 233 209 43 42 142 67 106 26 Block No. 103 103 103 575 295 280 75 71 177 82 117 76 Block No. 104 88 88 501 264 237 261 234 133 37 120 74 Block No. 105 82 82 438 239 199 29 34 138 41 122 9 31J11- Urban Outgrowth 0.56 107. 107 494 166 128 26 13 145 50 126 13 Chopra Ryt. 0.16 10 10 39 22 17 16 7 9 __ Block No. 106 10 10 39 22 17 .. 16 7 9 Hirdepur 0.40 97 97 455 244 211 26 23 129 43 117 13 Block No. 107 97 97 455 244 211 26 23 129 43 117 13


31JIfi Patharia Kalan (N. M.) 0.31 1,336 1,475 6,893 3,620 3,173 518 46S " 1,944 979 1,717 _379 Block No. 1 126 126 579 306 273 30 30 160 88 150 12

Block No. 2 118 118 603 325 278 102 81 " 170 94 141 37 Block No. 3 112 122 605 320 285 114 96 144 60 163 45 Block No. 4 109 109 532 278 254 206 126 128 27 Block No. 5 95 95 501 255 246 9 8 163 85 136 14 Block No. 6 116 117 605 305 300 118 40 161 26 Block No. 7 102 103 585 310 275 119 113 84 22 ISO 42 Block No. 8 106 107 582 306 276 4 2 196 106 131 16 Block No. 9 110 III 585 303 282 5 6 218 145 120 24 BlockNo. 10 119 151 57!! 297 278 82 80 164 69 146 38 Block No. II 106 130 541 275 266 32 33 106 38 153 87 BlockNo. 12 117 186 600 340 260 21 16 215 106 138 11 165 DAMOH (0. A.) PAIHARIA KALAN (NM)

WORKERS ----'-- ---. I' II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non- Workers ,-----'---.., ,-----'---.., ,--....A--., ,-~ ,-....J\...-...., ,-....A--., ,--A..-.., ,-_.I""'__' ,-....J\...-...., ,--"--, ,---A.--.-.,., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

68 13 11 19 ., 156 146 56 5 35 9 14 5 30 65 7 566 740 31/Il/16 15 4 S 22 16 17 5 2 11 2 5 19 6 127 183 102 17 10 3 38 59 12 6 4 10 2 10 21 1 178 204 103 3 4 67 66 13 5 19 2 3 1 5 6 ., 144 163 104 33 3 4 8 29 5 14 5 1 10 19 ., 117 190 105 1 30 2 9 12 7 8 33 1 11 1 4 16 1 140 215 32/II/2 8 13 ]7 106 1 8 13 17 2 30 2 9 12 7 8 33 1 11 2 4 8 H7 198 107 2 30 2 9 12 7 8 33 1 11 2 4 8 127 198

'fOWN --__ .-__--_.-

256 45 267 85 41 3 .. 280 139 181 22 67 ,. 217 14 67 " . 241 71 1,903 1,894 31/111 27 2 12 7 18 6 13 3 1 23 36 13 1 156 261 1 14 1 11 4 3 27 16 13 14 30 1 1 28 15 184 241 2 63 22 40 22 4 43 2. 11 1 157 240 3 31 2 19 15 19 2 13 19 1 1 26 7 150. 227 4 63 3 6 2 8 2 13 3 8 1 11 3 23 4 119 232 5 83 6 19 3 I 24 12 18 5 2 2 9 3 144 274 6 45 37 9 8 46 32 4 5 5 1 160 233 7 11 1 23 4 15 19 31 1 3 28 10 175 260 8 14 3 2 4 17 10 37 2 30 2 1 19 3 183 258 9 IS 2 21 1 7 16 35 16 2 20 6 8 22 13 151 240 10 33 24 33 18 4 1 42 36 9 1 17 1 3 12 6 122 179 11 20 1 21 3 3 3 8 5 26 7 45 7 202 249 12