Vol. VI Satu[~ay , Number 15 . Officlal Publication of The Unltecl States (bess fede rati on April 5, 1952 NAJDORF TIES RESHEVSKY Gligoric Places Third at Ha vana, KRAMER TOPS CLUB Evans and Eliskases Tie for Fourth George Kramer, Iormer New In a nip-and-t uck battle for first place, Miguel Najdorl and Samuel York State Champion, won the Reshevsky finally Cinisht-'d in a tic for first place with 18'12-3 'h: each. eventful Manhattan Club This photo-finish should make the coming match between the two. a Champion~hip with 12%·1"1h, edg­ matter of great interest to all. Reshevsky lost one game to Artunto ing out Donald Byme who held the i'ornar iJut was otherwise unbeaten. early tead, finishing wi th 11 %·2% lor second place. Third place went SVCt07.iU" Gligoric in third place with 17-5 confirmed bis reputation to Arnold S. Denker, former U.S :is a p layer to be reckoned with in the f utu~'e , while .J<..:liska!;cs in a ~ie Champion, while former New York for fourth with IfHi demonstrated once agam the skill that made hIm Statc Champion was one of the most promising players of the last decade. fourth. Particularly gratifying to Americans wus the showing of U.S. Champ­ How strong the event and how ion LiJrry Evans in his tie for fourth with 16-6. The youthful U.S. master, exciting the struggle is shown by playing in his first great tournament, began budly with losses to Rcs­ the fact that such consistent stal­ hevsky in UIC ]st round and Gilgorie in the 5th, but rallied therealter warts of the club as S. Bernstein, to pre:;s closely on the heeL~ of the l e"",d"~",,. ______Dr . .T. Platz, A. S. Pinkus and Jack Nicholas R.Qssolimo fuHilled cx- - Soudakoff were outside the charm­ peclalions in placing sixth with CAPABLANCA MEM OR IAL cd circle of prize-winners. 14lh -7ih, including a fourth round TOU RNAM EN T victory over Najdorf. But Ameri­ , 1952 MANHAITANCHESS CLUB can players can both be gratified 1. N. Najdorf ._ ...... _. I8 ~- 3 ~ CHAMPIONSH IP and surprised by the placing of Dr. 2. S. Re sh cv~ky ._. I II! · 3~ Juan Gonzalcs in 7th place with J. S. Gligoric ...... 17 _ :; New York, 1952 4. K Elisk"scs ...... 16 _ 6 L G. Kramer ...... 12 ~ . 1 ~ 13"1h·8lh as the top Cuban playcr­ 5. L . Evans ...... 16 _ 6 2.. D. Byrne ...... lii · 1~ (i. N. n ..,ssoli,"o ...... I~ ~. 7 ~ gratificd because Dr. Gonzalcs per­ 3. A . S. Denker ...... _._ ..... I O~· 3 & 7. Ur ../ . G Ol1z"les ...... i3 ~_ 8~ 4. M . Pavey ...... __ ... 9 ~ _ 4 ~ fectcd his chess in New York clubs II. I. A. Uo rowi b; ...... 12 ~. 9 ~ 5. J. Moskow llz 8~_ 5! while si.tul)'ing in the Unitcd 9. A. Pu",;or 12 ~- 9 .\ 6 . II. Sussman 8 _ 6 J(). If. ·I "