Ilev. J. J. 25 Years in the Priesthood the Annual Meeting El the Alexandria Curling Cluh Wel Known Missionary Hearil at Cathedra
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THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1931 VOL. XXXIX— No. 21. $2.00 A YEAR ilev. J. J. The Annual Meeting el the Wel known Missionary Pass Credllalile Gets His Progoseil To Close The Bowlers Orgeol- 25 Years in the Priesthood Alexandria Curling Cluh Hearil at Cathedral Cadet Inspecllon Aller Fierce Struggle College Is Protested zation Tor 1931 Rev. J. Fraser, the first English Under ideal weather conditions ar.d (Weeklv British Columbian) A meeting of those interested in Following the Curling Club meeting EæV. J. J. Maedonell, Pastor of St. On Thursday of last weeüt the mem- bers of the Alexandria Curling Club priest from North America, to proceed in the presence of many spectators, VANCOUVER, . May 5.—After a the Presbyterian College in Montreal on Thursday, May 14th the Bowling Alexander Church, Lochiel, celebrated the annual inspection of the Cadets of strenuous struggle in front of the Van- will be held in Knox Crescent Presby the twentj-fifth anniversary of ^ his held their annual meeting in the mïu- to China as a Missionary, some thirty Club re-organized for the current sea- sonic Hall here which was well attended' years ago, occupied the pulpit in Sc. the Alexandria High School, Tuesdny couver police station on Cordova terian Church on May 28 at 8 p.m., for son. The election campaign and vari- ordination to the priesthood with a afternoon, on the school grounds, won street. Chief Norman McDonald, Port the purpose of formulating a protest •Solemn High Mass of thanksgiving, at by the active members. The Treasurer’s Finnan’s Cathedral at the morning ser- ous other features practically ruined ' Report disclosed the fact that the vices and gave a most interesting and -en favorable -comments. Haney, overpowered and arrested Char- against the proposal of the Board of the Bowling season for 1930 and those Lochiel, on Wednesday morning. May lightening talik on Missionary work in The Inspecting Officer was Capt. M. les Syttanne, also of Port Haney who Administration to close the college for 20th. with the Bev. C. A. McRae, Lan- mortgage on the Curling Rink had been interested have made up their minds reduced to $500 and that the only other China. In graphic language he describ- Isbester, F.P.C.L.I., District Cadet Of- is charged with running amok with a a period. The Board has put forward that the current year 1931 will be the caster, deacon, the Rev. E. J. Macdon- ficer, who after the general salute pro- rifle near his home on Saturday night. the proposal “on account of present ald, Alexandria, sub-deacon and the debt against the Club was approxi- ed the vast fiélds containing 500,000- most successful in th annals of the mately $125. partly 'covered by out- 000 souls and the great work being ceeded ^th the inspection. Then fol- Syttanne -disappeared from Fort financial conditions,” and the matter Club. A strong executive committee Rev. A. L. Cameron, Moose Greek, mas- lowed the march past, company drill, Haney, according to police, after he is on the agenda of the forthcoming ter of ceremonies; Revs. R. A. Mac- standing membehsrip fees. The re- carried on in their evangelization. ’ has therefore been appointed and the port of the match committee brought The Rev. Father, after many years platoon drill and physical training, in had fired twelve shots from a rifle General Assembly. fees have been reduced to the popular donald, Cornwall, C. P. Gauthier, , all of which the lads, under their of- through the doorway of a house. Ho At a meeting of the Board of Man- •Greenfield, W. J. Smith, Alexandria out the fact that Dr. H. L. Cheney had effective work, entailing much labor price of $5, for the season. It is carried off the lion’s share of the and privation, is at the moment soli- ficers, demonstrated their thorough was disarmed by citizens. agement -of the college held on May 7, there-fore expected that the member- and Jas. Wylie, Lancaster, present in training which reflected credit upin Chief McDonald set out in search of unanimous opposition to the proposal the sanctuary. honors during the past season winning citing aid from Catholic congregations ship will be larger than ever and that the Challenge Cup and the Founder’s to enable him to carry on this noble Mr. J. T. Smith, their instructor. the man and today followed his trail was expressed and it was moved by an impetus will be given to this sport His parishioners joined with him in Trophy skipping the team that did so work which, not only calls for the en- At the conclusion of the inspection to Vancouver. He found no trace of D. M. Rowa^, secretary, seconded I y which will result in the bringing home his royal act of gratitude to the well in the Jubilee Trophy competi- larging of their Seminary at Scarboro Capt. Isbester gave an admirable talk him. however, until 9.30 a.m. The chief W. J. Morrice and unanimously car- of valuable trophies and will at the Father in heaven for the blessings of tion and finally winning the first prize Bluffs, Ont., where young men are be- on training generally and compliment- had just parked his ear in front of pol- ried that the Board use every available same time bring our leading citizens his priesthood and his life and marked in the vice-ptesident’s competition ing educated for the mission field in ed all concerned on the very credu- ice headquarters when he saw Syt; means to frustrate any attempt to dose together in a spirit of good fellowship the solemn ceremony by approaching the played every Thursday night during ever increasing numbers, but for ti e able manner they had carried on, and tanne on the other side of the street the college. which will mean much for the future Holy Table in large numbers, the season. maintenance and support they must re- before concluding made the happy sug- and went to apprehend him For that purpose a committee was of the town. Mr. R. H. Cowan was re- After Mass the appended address The Rink which won the Founder’! ceive owing to the general poverty ex- gestion that this historic county of A fierce struggle followed, but the composed of Rev. Dr. Malcolm A. elected as President, Mr. T. J. Gorm- from the parishioners was read by Mr. Trophy .the principal competition of isting in that foreign country. Glengarry might soon see this Cadet officer succeeded in overpowering the Campbell, Alexander Bissett, Rev. ley as vice-president and Dr. H. L. J. W. McRae and the presentation of the Curlmg season consisted of Harold Corps wearing the kilt. Mayor Laurin man and returned with him to Port Principal F. Scott, MacKenzie, Rev. Cheney who has done so mneli for tho a purse made by Mr. David Theoret. Stimson, Hubert S. Macdonald. J. A. and Rev. D. M. Macleod, upon invita- Haney. Dr. I. A. Montgomery, and D. M. Ro- Club since it was first organized was In responding the pastor thanked Laurin and H. L. Cheney, skip. The $18.500.000 COST IN tion, also delivered short addresses. wat. It is- ifnder the auspices of this once more given the responsible office his parishioners, particularly for their winners of the vice-president’s prizes ONTARIO’S RELIEF The Corps officers were. Company Chief Norman McDonald, referred to committee that the meeting will be of secretary-treasurer. Various com- Holy Communions and prayers. Their were Dr. H. L. Cheney, 1st, James Cadet Captain — Clajrence MePhee; above, is a son of Mr. Alex. Boy Mc- held on May 28. mittees were made to take charge of address was a proof of their vStrong Kerr, 2nd J. T. Smith, 3rd, and George (Toronto Globe) Platoon No. 1—Lieut. Doouglas Mc- i^nald, Baltic’s Corners and in 1914 Since the college was allocated to the different activities of the Club faith and loyalty when there is sc Simon, 4th. Unemployment relief expenditures Donald; Platoon No. —Lieut. Billie married Miss Flossie MacMaster, the Church after the disruption of and the membership committee will much discord and discontent in the The election of officers resulted as in Ontario up to the end of this month Deaii. daughter of Mr.* D. E. McMaster, 1925, it has suffered from financial soon begin its work. It is expected world. What a spectacle to see men follows:—- President: Donald A. Mac- will, according to estimates supplied A pleasing feature was the presenta- Laggan.—Ed. News. stringency, according {o a pamphlet that our citizens principally will res- and women united in an ardent faith, donald; Vice-President, R, J. MieCal- Monday by Premier George S. Henry, tion of a prize to Cadet Joseph Mac- issued* by the Board of Management pond to the invitation to jain this a fervent charity—^working for the donell as the smartest Cadet, uniform and a movement has been initiated for lum; Secretary-Treasurer, 0. Luck- approximate $18,500,000. CALL TO REV. A.M. LITTLE club and we expect a most suiccessfni honor and glory of God. hardt. The amount appropriated to date for and movements, on parade. the purpose of raising the sum of season is before them. Father Macdonell also spoke The same directors and auditors unemployment relief works is $11,835,- 0 ^ SUSTAINED BY PRESBYTERY $500,000 - as additional endowments. —; 0 French thanking his parishoiners, for were re-elected for another year and 480—a sum in which 206 municipali- The treasurer of the .college is F.